#Jessie ewesmont
senviva · 1 year
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protagonists & co.
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ewingstan · 2 months
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*wakes up in a cold sweat* I haven't been shilling Twig enough
Bonus eyestrain version below the cut:
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bug4932 · 8 months
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assorted twig scribbles
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glassknee · 4 months
Yea if a fourteen year old was a wanted criminal being hunted by a bounty hunter he WOULD have his friend draw a fake little wanted sign of the bounty hunter and put it up and declare that actually the soldiers should be taking HIM into jail. Spiritual successor to trenchcoat trick.
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henghost · 13 days
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victoriadallonfan · 1 year
International Trans Day of Visibility!
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- Furcate, Jessie, Bridget, Sveta, Zed
Edited a better quality picture
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lilliankillthisman · 5 months
While we're talking about Jessie
remember how she changed her surname to the girl form of lambsbridge? i know it's because it would be odd for them to be in a relationship with the same surname but i want to believe wildbow just thinks trans women do that. like he was caught off guard by chelsea manning not changing her surname to womanning. or thought that caitlyn jenner changed her name from jonner.
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cpericardium · 1 year
drawing req if twig's ok: sy and jessie!
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theiaphage · 4 months
God I have such a deep foundational need to pluck my favorite Wildbow characters out of their stories and put them into little enclosures. Green Eyes gets a little fish tank and two hours a day of iPad time. Taylor gets put in a bug terrarium with little post-it note novels, which she finds confusingly comfortable. Jessie gets one of those little mouse log cabins in the wall. This is the ending that Wildbow was too much of a coward to give them
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ishdaj · 2 years
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Twig, Arc 15.16 and onwards
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Jessie we have to Cook wyvern Jessie i'll lose my Edge If we don't
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senviva · 2 years
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erysvoleil · 1 year
Going absolutely fucking feral over Jessie Ewesmont Twig. Just, the fucking transgender character of all time. You're telling me not only is she explicitly unreservedly and textually trans, not only is she an incredibly fleshed-out character where her transness is an integral part of the characterization, but she also manages to transition in such a way that is also independently a transition metaphor?? Oh, you're casting off the shadow of your previous self? You're relieving yourself of the burdens and expectations of being Him? You're forging yourself a new identity, a new personhood on your own terms, fuck the one foisted upon you? And you're doing this by turning dead at the camera and saying "my relationship to gender is far more complicated than simply man or woman but I am choosing to live as a woman now"???? Iconic. No one else is doing it like this.
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bug4932 · 1 year
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considering punting him (affectionate)
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glassknee · 5 months
Coukdnf sleep until I made this. Based on post by. Catgirlpillar ?? I will remember in morning
The ome that’s Jessie we need to cook wyvernjessie ill lose my edge
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henghost · 3 months
Twig Liveblog for Arc 15
great arc!!!! it all felt so french, somehow, very may '68, with feckless anarchists and student rebellions. sy even starts smoking!!!!!! that was probably my favorite part, sy nervously smoking more and more. i'm beginning to understand how everyone around him finds him so irresistibly attractive...
speaking of: jessie and sy are literally TOO CUTE!! jessie explaining how she likes trains, sy and jessie sleeping with their heads on each other, and then a little peck on the cheek 🥺 they are so perfect for each other! the interlude is probably one of my favorites so far. god that line about how she didn't know jealousy until that episode with lillian killed me. the discussion of "anchors" is so fascinating--and heartbreaking when we realize that the central anchor for all her memories is sylvester. she is cursed/blessed to recount in perfect painstaking detail every encounter, every little instance of neglect. she reroutes every new experience through the complex web of memory, and it feels so agonizing to have even this small exposure to that. every new happiness is tinged with the pain of nostalgia.
there's some kind of parallel between jessie/sy and fray/avis, i think. people who can, by virtue of being victims of fucked up biotechnology, only find solace in one another. the phantom amalgam-fray joining evette was another standout moment--the not-quite-sisters.
fray continues to be enigmatic. her motivations, plans, and pathology are all so murky. does she really have a scheme lurking in the background that she doesn't need to be there for? how will this circumvent the sore-loserdom she describes? (very excited to learn, by the way, that the infante is one of the people who gets to personally condemn whole cities.) sy's long discussion with fray wherein he details how he felt like a dog for the academy was so good.
fray is so fucking cool!! it's crazy that she gives mauer a run for his money in terms of being a badass rebel leader. dolores the octopus 😍😍😍
sad to narrowly miss the lambs :( i hope they can still meet up sometime soon! i want to know what's going on with them too, like for instance if mary and lillian have kissed yet.
final predictions!!!!! (or embarrassing myself for your amusement):
fray is probably right to be more cautious than sy wrt fighting the crown, and sy's recklessness will lead to some unspeakable catastrophe
this catastrophe will probably involve some plan to disseminate the nobles' big secret that backfires horrifically
the plague will be what ultimately does the crown in--too thematically appropriate to have eruptive, spontaneous life triumph over the crown and academy's regime of biocontrol
the duke and the lambs will unite to try and defeat the infante, but will lose
the king will be larger than the infante
sy and jessie will kiss a lot and make love and get married and find some way to have children and name them all sylvester junior or jessie junior and live happily ever after forever :)
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