#oh and I made this with picrew Not my art
glassknee · 5 months
Coukdnf sleep until I made this. Based on post by. Catgirlpillar ?? I will remember in morning
The ome that’s Jessie we need to cook wyvernjessie ill lose my edge
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fridayyy-13th · 4 days
what the color of your hair is. i have no idea what is it from your picrew pfp, and i have been wondering it for so long
okay anon first off, i'm a little bit hurt that you assume my pfp is a picrew! i drew that myself!! how dare. (/lh)
but to actually answer your question, my hair is light brown! the specific hex code value in my pfp is #8E6C4D (on the left), but it's something more like #a16e47 (on the right) irl. not really that different, but slightly brighter. there's a bit more orange in it. and i like it more lol.
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(it also depends on the lighting, really; i looked at a handful of pictures of myself to give you the second hex code and both of these are accurate. as are plenty of other shades of light brown.)
[ask game]
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aripxllo · 8 days
Heya hon <3 It's Ari!! Mortal Demigod of Athena.
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Name: Ari
Age: 24
Appearance: Dark brown eyes, black wavy hair that goes to her shoulders. Has a light brown skin tone and a dimple in her left cheek. She has tiny little scars from getting into fights with her three younger half brothers (father's side). He has soft warm hands and a toothy grin. Tends to snort when he laughs. From an Indian/Arab household.
Sexuality: Bisexual - Demisexual
Gender Identity: Genderfluid.
MBTI: ENTP!! I love making new friends so do come say hello!!
Pronouns: Any/all. Though she understands people tend to forget. Let's people default to she/her to avoid confusion.
Fun Facts: Probably been in camp the longest. Mother figure to most of the Athena cabin and some of the other kids from other cabins. Designated medic and would perform surgery on the campers at a moments notice. Always carries around a scalpel and a mini periodic table. Has a huge crush on Lester/Apollo.
Year rounder? Not since she started University I'm afraid. Does visit regularly but want's to prioritise her PhD in pharmacology first.
Favourite Sibling: Doesn't have one. It's Annabeth and Will.
Hobbies: Does organic chemistry- oh ok. How about medicine-... reading, writing, art, theatre...
Skills: Deep understanding of the human body along with diseases, medicine and chemistry. Prefers not to get into combat but will use her throwing knives if he must. Usually never misses. The asian eye never misses.
"Why are you adopting so many kids?"
Adopted children:
Fellow care-taker
Sibling Blogs!!
David @halojones06
Rowan @existence-is-pain-ahhhhhhhh
Apollo blogs (in a relationship with):
I am lonely.
//Made this for purely self indulgent reasons. A selfship blog for Ari and Apollo. Why? Why the fuck not. I have dealt with many many death threats before. If you come up to me and tell me to kms. I will start my gameshow and ask everyone why you're a fatherless little fuck <3 //
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Under the cut contains Picrews and a moodboard so you get a better idea of what Ari looks/acts like.
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jezabatlovesbats · 10 months
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Like I said already, I graduated high school this year. So naturally, because I'm somehow both lazy and busy at the same time, I don't draw anything for the occasion like I wanted to until the literal DAY before I start college. (Yeah, I'm not joking- my first day of college is tomorrow.)
Just because I've come this far since I joined Wattpad as a 7th grader doesn't mean I know how I did it. Oh, wait- yes I do. I do know. I guess I don't know my own brain. Anyway, it's because I had, and still do, a burning desire to reach out to you and tell you about all the silly little stuff I had on my mind. I also wanted to get to know people all around the cyber world who liked the same stuff I liked. (I hope I can find someone who does in my art college.) I wanted y'all to know that Unikitty and Minecraft: Story Mode were (and still are) my two most favorite things ever. For months, I begged my parents for it, and I eventually got it for Christmas. Over the years, I've come to like more shows, games and movies. I even realized that I liked doing musical theater, too. Since I joined Wattpad, I've expanded my posting to DeviantArt, this site, YouTube, and more.  I've probably told you all of this many times before, but I say it for a reason.
As I also said already, high school was as fun of an experience as it was... interesting. I couldn't finish my freshman year, and I missed my entire sophomore year, and if you survived 2020, you probably know why. I still passed, though. I think that junior and senior year made up for that. I was in the school musical both of those years, I got to attend my first prom junior year, and I went to Thespian Fest senior year.
Maybe the real high school experience was the friends we made along the way, as I've joked. But I wanted to surround myself with people I could get together with. As SpongeBob said, "I only want to hang out with my friends." And I did, 'cause we made every day the best day ever, especially the night we graduated. (The trampoline park we went to afterwards had some killer chicken tenders!) I took one of my friends to see Elemental before she went out of state for her college. I still keep in touch with a lot of them. Still, I'm really gonna miss everyone, and I wish them luck in their future endeavors.
As soon as school let out, my family took me on a trip to celebrate the fact that I graduated, and I made a video about it. You can watch it on my channel if you'd like.
But, I digress! There are a bunch of people here who I've just gotta show my gratitude for. You guys are part of why I keep going in life.
For @joyseer24, @agent-egg, @sundove88, and @pinkiemeowstic89, some of the earliest people I remember interacting with me.
For @erin-the-epic and @clg-artisa, who never fail to put a smile on my face.
(Also, special thanks to all the Unikitty fans here and on YouTube who called me out on my BS back in 2021.)
To @nevaehjwilliamsvaeh, a fan of Mao Mao and Six. I always love seeing you in my notifications!
@pocketlad, thank you for being my lad.
For @federthenotsogreat. It's nice to have a fellow Mario & Luigi fan to chat with.
@generalfoxy21, thanks for liking my posts and tagging me in your picrews.
To my fellow lovers of WALL-E: @cosmo-naute, @ohthewhomanity, and @defineshitposting. Computer, define friendship- the love that we shared.
For folks like @hazed-miner, @tailsofairies, and @milliemakesmistakes. Thanks to all of you cube kids for liking my Minecraft: Story Mode stuff.
To @choupiee. Anybody who likes both Unikitty and MC:SM stuff is a friend in my book.
There are also more Unikitty fans I have to thank, including @glitzycatart, @passionatepinkkittynew, @lizatheeddsworldaddict, @theunikingdom, and @doomlordsbutfunni.
@keith-neil, thank you for your Unitober challenge! I had a great time participating!
@askthechronoverse, I've got you to thank for liking my posts, reblogging them, and asking questions on the Big Bright World blog. And, thanks for keeping the Unikitty and Lego Movie fandoms alive. It's come to the point where I consider you a true friend, Fabri.
And to all my other watchers who weren't mentioned here, thank you for watching me and sticking by me. I don't know how to end this, so I'm gonna say that life is weird. 
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catherinekal · 10 months
Hello! :3
Names Catherine but Kalazar or Kala also work as well.
Pronouns: She/Her.
Age: 31
Sexuality: Pan, but with a preference towards anything and anyone feminine.
Current Profile Pic by: Myself using a random picrew I found years ago.
On HRT for 17 months
Feel free to DM me if you wish. Always happy to meet and talk to new people!
I'm a transwomen who was finally convinced to make a Tumblr. My main focus here is 1 part post any writing or photography I do, 1 part talking about mental health stuff, and 1 part talk about cool art and media.
I'm also dating the most lovely wonderful woman @fayeastria :3
I do take mental health stuff seriously and will be talking a lot about it as someone who's life has been fucked over by it more then once. My life has improved a lot since some traumatic events and I wanna help people escape shitty thoughts and suffering all the time. Add some good to the world and hopefully help people not make the same dumb mistakes I've made.
My interest:
I enjoy video games, typically more single player stuff.
Manga and anime, even if there's quite a lot of both I've not seen still.
Reading, but this is a more recent hobby I've gotten into.
Dabbled in all kinds of art, but nothing stuck yet. Maybe I'll share past work?
My musical interest range from things like Atarashii Gakko, Alt-J, Susumu Hirasawa, and Clipping. That and whatever music I find through AMV's.
In general I love media and like to seek out odd lesser known things when I can. I have a lot of weird esoteric niche media I'm into.
I'll be talking about cool media and recommending stuff often :3
Oh and feel free to ask me questions. No topic is off the table with me.
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vintagelacerosette · 6 months
Tag game Tuesday/picrew catch up!
Oh how I've missed doing these! Thank you so much to these sweetpeas who tagged me to do these tag games/picrew. Lyle @milkovetti Michelle @michellemisfit Bri @y0itsbri Evie @energievie Julia @juliakayyy Georgia @iansw0rld Kat @mybrainismelted Nosho @creepkinginc Cross @crossmydna Willow @ian-galagher Lyds @ardent-fox Vey @look-i-love-u Molly @deathclassic Jay @surviving-maybe 💕
💟Name: Myn/Shermyn
#️⃣Age: 27
🗺️Location: Sydney
🧥Do you own a robe? Describe it. Yeah a pink silky with lace trim one my older sister gifted me as my maid of honour gift 🥰
☕️Do you have a favorite mug? Describe it. Why yes! It's one of my prized possessions! My Gallacrafts mug I made art with the darling & talented Ling @lingy910y
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🧣Do you have a favorite blanket? Describe it. You know I don't think I do & that's tragic 😔
🍵Coffee or Tea? Tea
↳🔥🧊Hot or Cold? Cold it's been so damn humid & dry in Sydney rn 😓
🧦Fuzzy socks or Wool socks? Wool
🧤Gloves or Mittens? Gloves but the fingerless kind so I can scroll/read fics on my phone lol
🔥Fireplace or Campfire? Fireplace
🌞🌜Sun or Moon? Both baby! They work in tandem to give us life ☀️🌙
🍬Chocolate candy or Sugar candy? Sugar 🍭
🥐Sweet Pastry or Savory Pastry? Sweet
🎃Peppermint or Pumpkin Spice? Peppermint. I haven't had pumpkin spice before
🛏️Go to bed early or Wake up early? Wake up early but i don't sleep early to make the happen 🥲
🥣Cold cereal in milk or Hot oatmeal? Cold cereal in milk I especially love the sweet ones. American cereal certainly hit the spot with their cinnamon toast crunch or lucky charms 🤤
🍞Potatoes or Bread? 🥔
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And Finally…
🚬 Gallagher or Milkovich? It'll have to be MIlkovich even tho objectively the are more terrible ones than good. But to be fair the great stole my fucking heart 💖
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Which character from any media would you like to have as a father? 
I think Johnny Rose from Schitt's Creek would be a funny dad plus loaded 🤣
If money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have?
I'd love an otter omfg they're so damn cute 😭
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What is your Chinese takeout order? 
Sweet & sour pork & spinch noodle with wild mushrooms.
What's your favorite emoji?
🥹 I'm particularly fond of this one bc it's the marvelling of beauty for me
Would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house?
I think greenhouse. I think would be so soothing & I feel like I need more plants in my life hahaha
What childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly?
Cardcaptor Sakura 🌸
What was your tumblr like when you first joined?
I joined 2012 it was so aesthetic & I wished be one of those vintage aesthetic blogs hence my tumblr name lmao. I kinda got confused & scared how to use it so i stopped for 2 years. So i missed out all the fun drama i guess lol. Then I started using it as like a scrapbook of things I liked hahah
What clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself?
50s but I feel that would be such an effort to pull off
If you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best?
Pokemon but like in the switch games. I've been playing too much instead of sleeping lmao
What is your favourite piece of art? 
Idk if I have a favourite but one that impacted me in high school was a piece called 'Atomic: full of love, full of wonder' by Nike Savvas. Funny thing is that I got to see it in person may 2 or 3 years after seeing it in a high school text book & having to do essays on it. It was by complete accident & I had no idea see was displaying her work in our national art gallery. It was magic to see a piece irl after studying it 🥰
Do you have a water bottle? what does it look like?
My bestie jusr got me this steel pink hello kitty tumblr that was a collab with a bubble tea shop! I love it I take it to work 💖
What fanfic trope is a quiet fave?
I think time travel with younger selves meeting their older selve & seeing how they fot their happy ending 🥰
Do you carry a daily bag? what does it look like? what's the weirdest thing in it?
Yeah a carry bag for work. It's this tote bag another bestie got me for my last birthday. It's really cute. It's pink & mint green with a cluster of cute things like teddy bear.
If you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be?
Respectfully no ❤️
What is a fanfic trope you didn't expect to like and then very much did?
I'd say mafia au especially bc of the amazing fic by Kay/Shamelessquestions, The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Ian Gallagher.
Do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian?
He sure could! He's our swol lil man
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Look at them guns!!
Who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house?
I kind have this tie between Fiona getting it or it being passed to Liam & Franny to keep the legacy going
Not tagging any bc I'm late but if you see this & you want to go ahead starlight 🩷
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little-peril-stories · 4 months
OC Song/Image/Quote Tag
I was tagged by @cowboybrunch in this post here. Thank you so much!
Rules: Pick an OC and post a song you relate to them, an image that represents them in some way (aesthetic, picrew, art, etc), and a quote of dialogue or narration from them. Totally feel free to expand and explain!
Very gently tagging to participate, should you feel so inclined: @clairelsonao3, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams, @i-can-even-burn-salad, @mysticstarlightduck, @keeper-of-all-the-random-things, plus an OPEN TAG if you think this looks fun!
OC: Will Wardrew, The Prince of Thieves & The Queen of Lies
Song: "Rule #4" by Fish in a Birdcage
I am a fish inside a birdcage / My brother always sings me songs / With his beak, he tries to soothe me / He makes me feel that I belong / He has a wild imagination / And tells me things that must be true/ Like there's a world where I can take flight/ Where I can freely move / So carry me from these walls, brother of mine / Show me the world outside / It has to be true / I'm counting on you/ To be my wings and my eyes
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I went with an autumnal theme for Will's lil aesthetic board (oh yeah, I cheated and made a board) - Bree often associates him with spring and with 🍃green🍃, but TPOT & TQOL take place in autumn and I do think the oranges and browns fit Will's general vibe a little better., at least in TPOT specifically. 🍁
Who better to give us a sense of who Will is at the beginning of TPOT than his big bro?
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simplepotatofarmer · 8 months
Do you have any references or art of Dream from the black dog AU??
i made a post with some picrews about his appearance!
and i started a pinterest board because i'm very very predictable when it comes to my aus. (i have not made the playlist yet but i'm sure it'll happen soon.)
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batensan · 9 months
hello!! i played magical otoge ciel and i kept thinkin "wow this art style is so familiar where have i seen it before??" so im wondering if youve ever made a Picrew?
also fantastic game btw im def gonna try buying moon observatory iris when i get the money
!!!! Thank you for playing, I’m glad you liked it!! 😭 I always say this but I cringe at MOC now since i made it when I was... in my late teens LOL dies
I have not made a Picrew before! But mad respect to those who do lol 🫡
T______T Thank you again...! I’m already low-key cringing at MOI but so far it’s the best thing I’ve made lol. My next project will be a lot better, I promise!!
Also hint hint, MOI will go on sale later this year (allegedly, don’t beat me up, Steam), ofc no pressure though!!
Oh and in the meantime maybe you’d be interested in Moon Observatory Anholly or Pizzaro Project Deep Dish! I wrote both! They’re free to play but on itch.io only at the moment :D
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skydoesthings · 10 months
So, I finally made an introduction post.
Why hello there!!!!
General Info:
I'm Sky! I post, like and reblog stuff that makes me happy, mostly mcyt, fnaf, inheritance games, satogou and riordanverse lol
My ask box is open for art requests (when I finally figure out how to digital art which is NOT now), writing requests, and regular chatting. Of course, you can dm me too! (It might take me like 5 years to respond but dw I will)
oh and also i made my profile picture on picrew don't come at me
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Proshippers (ppl who support incest, pedophilia, zoophilia etc.) DNI
Dream stans DNI
Any of the isms except autism DNI
Wilbur, dream, georgenotfound and Punz stans dni <3
Ships I make content for:
Flower Ranchers
Nature Wives
Even though these are the ships I make content for, I do support most ships! However, just because I support the ships, PLEASE don't ask me to make content for them! Also, if you don't like the ships I make content of, please don't interact with those posts! Thanks! :D
This will be regularly updated whenever I want to add some new things, but as of now this is it, so see ya!
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no-see-um-incorrect · 7 months
This is to help y’all recover from this summit 
My versions of redacted GEN 2
If you guys like the small character profiles I’ve made I will continue  also, this is my opinion based off my headcannons for the listeners 
Sorry if the formatting is a bit everywhere
Shaw pack edition (I don’t own this art(i used a picrew) I haven’t had time to make any)
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 Gabriel Shaw
“my father made this pack what it is today and I will do my very best to honor that legacy”-Gabriel Shaw
Age: 16 
Parents: David/Angel Shaw
Best friend: sparrow 
Favorite activity: when his dad takes him on a low level security job 
Favorite food: uncle Milo’s Swiss mushroom jackfruit  burger (don’t tell his dad)
Favorite color: “vampire gold~… I mean Ju-just gold I guess..I don’t know….why are you asking me?!”
He’s quiet, and at most times very formal, Takes alpha training VARY seriously (David and Angel are trying to help him ease up)
Loves writing poetry and stories in his free time, Does not have his drivers license (and is the only person in his age who isn’t allowed to get it till he’s 19)
Has his eyes on a particular vampire princess
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 another Shaw child
Ashlyn Shaw 
“What do you think?……Caelum says cookies first”-Ashlyn Shaw
Age: 9
Favorite color: Green
Favorite activity: teasing her brother 
Favorite food: daddy’s bacon mac & cheese 
She is an actual menace (takes after her parent) when she was little little and just starting her menace tendencies, David would call her “Littler snot” 
Was the youngest of her pack to fully shift.
She can see caelum
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Maria Greer jr (MJ for short)
“yeah, that’s GREER put some respect on the name”-MJ Greer
Age: 16
Has stealth abilities (but much like her dad sucks at shifting)
Best friend: Astrid Collins 
Parents: Milo/Sweetheart Greer 
Favorite food: “Law & order with a side of spite!…you can’t say that hun…Fiiine….BBQ rice bowl…”
Favorite activity: learning about history 
She wants to be a Reporter.
Loves hearing her dad tell the story of the inversion  but the way Milo tells it frames it so that she doesn’t actually know it’s him and she has made it her life‘s mission to figure out what happened that night  and the identity of the “mystery hero” her dad would tell her about 
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Sparrow Talbot
“I may or may not have ran face first into a tree….you didn’t see that”-Sparrow Talbot
Age: 17
Parents: Asher/Baabe Talbot
Best friend: Gabriel
Favorite activity: wolf Zoomiez 
Favorite food: “last meal” no one knows what that means 
When they first adopted them they were very quiet, very calm, very chill. And then Asher shifted in front of them for the first time. And they have been a rambunctious dumbASS since then (and we love them for it)
They always have snacks and drinks on them, seemingly out of nowhere because they don’t carry a bag.
Unlike their father, they actually can cook and they’re pretty freaking great at it.
(all of the scars are from eating shit in wolf form, and not wanting to hear Marie’s lectures)
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Astrid Collins 
“and so what if I replace Alexis‘s shampoo with Nair…OH COME ON IT WAS FUNNY!”-Astrid Collins 
Age: technically 16
Favorite activity: snooping around places they’re not supposed to be (urban exploration)
Empowered: ???? Vampire+???
Best friend: MJ
Favorite food: “anything papa cooks is good I don’t really need to eat though”
Loves to play pranks mostly targeted at Alexis…….OK always targeted at Alexis. 
Sam found her one day when she was little and turned her then when he brought her home and got her through the newborn stage…. she started displaying elemental abilities??? But also vampire abilities??? But she also grows up and ages like a human???? so yeah bit of a mystery 
They are pretty standoffish  they don’t talk a lot and they’re pretty rough around the edges (Darlin who?)
Very attached to Sam (as you can expect) but also extremely attached to Darlin
he built his prosthetic himself  out of an old VCR, a broken toaster, a ripped up T-shirt and scrap metal 
 And that was my next gen Shaw pack kids
Hope you enjoyed and give me suggestions on like little details for them and other characters (I really wanna do the damn crew but I need suggestions) i’m gonna say it again. These are based off of my headcannons for the listeners feel free to disagree with my opinion just don’t be mean about it (we’re just having fun here)
If you can’t tell, I was a Monster High/ever after high kid And I love writing shit like this 
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boopshoops · 5 months
Hello there!!!
I saw that you are drawing twst OCs! Your art style is amazing and I would love to see what my girl, Piper looks like in your style! The only thing I want to add because her references are picrews is that she is a size US 12-14 when it comes to body type. The first picrew you see before her bio is the one that best matches her appearance!
Also, if you can have her holding a Pooh teddy bear, that would be lovely! If not, that’s ok!
If you can’t get to her, that’s also ok!
I hope you have a wonderful day! <3
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>:D here's Piper!!! I hope I did her justice ehehe 💕 Her design is very cute!!
On another note... I made more doodles of all the TWST Yuus/MCs/OCs I was requested to draw with my Yuu fjfnfbxj they're having a nice chit chat :>
(Personal headcanon/au where ramshackle is just filled with the whole Yuuverse)
Oh! And some more Teddy as well. 💕
@stephiethewephie @yuus-sentient-teddy @freekyfangirl
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elena-illustration · 11 months
oh my god i came from your picrew and i need to immediately digest your art style and make my shit like yours. i made some of my ocs in it and they look GORGEOUS MY GOD. HOW DID YOU GET YOUR STYLE??? OR ACTUALLY WHAT ARE YOUR INSPIRATIONS?? YOU'RE MINE NOW FOR SURE
Hehe :D I'm so glad you like it!!
I answered a question about my style once before. Here are some examples from a sample of the artists I listed! :)
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(John Austen - Illustration for Hamlet)
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(Kay Nielsen - Illustration for East of the Sun and West of the Moon)
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(P.J. Lynch - Illustration for East of the Sun and West of the Moon)
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(Sargent's The Lady With the Umbrella)
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(Carravaggio's Cardsharps)
As you can see, I really like long, curving lines.
I also HIGHLY recommend Petra Nordlund's Tiger, Tiger and Clover's Headless Bliss!!
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aro-iceland · 4 months
not really a drawing request but id love to know more about your ocs??? from what you’ve posted they look amazing??
Thank you VERY much!!! i forgot how much i love to talk about them
(sorry for the old art or picrews, i am too excited to not talk about them and simultaneously not patient enough to redraw them)
All picrew links: Kit + Kevín + Lilly Annalise Piper + Cecily Mikael + Claire Princeton
here's a general overview of everything that exists:
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part 1: em groups
you should at least be vaguely familiar with my em. every single au and whatever hetalia character i feel like grabbing for that day goes in there. interesting little tidbit that somehow hasn't come up so far is that in more human AUs of mine he's part irish! ~20% of icelandic males and 60% of females actually have irish/keltic ancestry!!! ireland being his mom hc is going WILD in me. he's also very magic because that headcanon singlehandedly started the ice obsession in me. how well in tune he is with it and how exactly it looks like depends on the au . i also make him closer friends with swe and fin because i can👍
(excerpt from my em content dedicated whatsapp group with just my (non-hetalia) best friend and me: )
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le is there a lot because i love him so so much. incredibly phoenix coded man
there's also monaco, gwendolyn or gwenny to me. she's a permanent resident because i support women's rights (slaying) and wrongs (gambling addictions)
a notable not fully formed character is faroe islands! petra sometimes, emma other times. i genuinely don't know where those names come from. i heard the faroe islands and iceland being referred to as "kind of like twins" and as each othere's "best friends" *somewhere* and i am VERY normal about that too. oh SO normal
part 2: mikael's world
a fusion of 2 groups put into one world, connected by one flimsy tie. it's mostly analogous to real life but no homophobia👍
Group A: Pentagon
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Mikael started out as a swedish micronation oc but we don't talk about that. he has a chicken called omelette because of inside jokes during... my wattpad era... shudders. i project onto him a lot and lots of his design is just wish fullfillment. while i love my ocs suffering and angst, because i put so much of myself in him, ultimately, his story is one of healing. major point of difference between us though is that his parents abandoned him and mine... didn't.do.that. 💀👍
Claire and Piper both actually started out as minecraft skins i made for fun!! and then i made them kith:3
Cecily and Kit were added becaue i felt like something was missing to complete the friendgroup!
Group B: menace club
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Kevín and Lilly are my ACNL and ACNH side accounts...... and Annalise was some pretty trans woman i drew one day there's nothing much to this
Part 3: D&D
so.. confession: i haven't actually played d&d yet! but my friends love it a lot, i love a couple ttrpg podcasts so.. yeah i have a couple concepts!
The Leighlar Pilayden, or blueberry bitchfuck as i like to call him, Half Elf sorcerer who was abandoned as a babg and raised in a cult which, in a world with multiple deities, somehow ended up believing in the *one* that doesn't exist! he's a sorcerer but they all think his powers a blessing from their god
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TIEFLING BARD I might get to play as him soon... negative strength, the only reason he has such a high charisma stat is because everyone pitties him... he accidentally ended up in a criminal gang... he plays the pan flute and bagpipes... pathetic baby
Part 4: Miscellaneous
All the Characters that are alone in their worlds!
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(^aesthetic wise but he definitely kins larry)
Brian is the brain cell a friend and i are sharing and also the last one we have. he's a SOO overworked office worker. he has to handle EVERYTHING he's so exhausted please give him a break. he recently got a boyfriend. good for my him
Recently re-named Ailbhe used to be Avery and is a genderless, fully white skinned(as in colour not the skin colour we associate with the word. imagine porcelaine!) and neon yellow haired fallen angel/ex-demi-god!! not much lore but... lots of potential!!
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Firenze is... idk he just happened in one history lesson in 2018 and now he's here. bunny boy with lots of responsibilities around the palace!!!
and ... phew. i THINK that's it? mostly? oh my god. if. there's anyone you wanna know more about... tell ME
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lottachaos · 6 months
I have made picrews of my Blorbos I would post art but my sketchbook is in a different room and I am lazy
Veryn, the main one, who is also my persona:
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Matthew who is Veryn’s boyfwend:
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Hes really tan but I can’t always make him seem that way
anyways gonna rant now
veryn is a gremlin who is a lot like me in real life but more my my ideal version of myself. He is high energy and chaotic and loud but he can be serious when he needs to be. He has chronic RBF (Resting Bedroomeyes Face)
Matthew is chill and quiet and worries and lot and does this cute little worries gentle smile that veryn freaking falls for. He seems like he doesn’t do any chaos crap but then he goes and does some wild thing and you realize why veryn fell in love with him. He is covered in scars bc of various stuff he accidentally got involved with.
veryn lives half in the woods and half in an appartement. He has wings. Sometimes he has horns and these dark on his face and shoulders but that only appears when he’s in very stressful situations.
Matthew lives in an appartement with his sister who is named Katie and has a job or goes to college, I haven’t decided which yet
they are both in their young twenties, no more that 24.
Matthew somehow gets some sort of forestry Wiley thing like veryn has but idk how. All I know is that he gets this long whipping tail with a tuft at the end which is the thing in the back of one of the picrews of him.
Matthew is covered in scars bc veryn is in the middle of this big situation where he’s fighting against these magical eldritch entities and Matthew at one point finds him in the woods fighting them and tries to help and then gets beaten up and bitten by magical snakes and almost dies. That is where most of his scars come from (he has a scar that looks like a dinsosaur on his left side just beneath his rib cage. It’s called the dinoscar) but some various other events give him lil other scars
Veryn is much better at defending himself because he has been having to fight for much longer and so does t have as many obvious scars. He does have on long one on his neck because enemies tries to slice it at one point but he lived.
Matthew usually wears a black turtleneck and this tan cardigan looking jacket. Some of the picrews I used didn’t have that option so I had to make due.
Veryn usually wears a bright green shirt about the color of the “Draft saved!” Pop up that happens in tumblr when you take ages to write a post. Then he wears a brown jacket on top and black or brown pants and some brown boots. He basically dresses kinda like a redneck but when you see the clothes on him you cannot see anything but skinny gay forest being.
Oh yeah Veryn’s wings look like the brown variant of a tawny Eagle. Basically. Except a little more brown and a little less white and dots/stripes.
I stayed up till one am last night writing a (rather spicy) fic for them. I will share SOME of it here in a different post. I will also show some art of these two in a different post. Stay tuned, anyone who’s interested!! Eventually I will probably make some sort of book or smth about these two. Yes Ik I use tropes and it’s not super realistic in a lot of ways but I understand that and I don’t really care because I’m just making the story to be however its best to me and cringe culture is dead .
Anyways, there you have it. I’ll post more later. I’m so excited I’ve finally put info about them all in one place bc I rlly needed to do that. k bye
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social-muffin · 1 year
🔥New Khr OC Questions🔥
💞Anyone welcome to participate! 💞
People really enjoyed themselves with the last list of questions I made! So I made an even bigger one!! So much so, I don't really expect anyone to answer all these questions. Just pick and choose whatever you want to answer if it's too much lmao
‼️This is not just for OCs! If you feels you've modified one of the canon characters so much that they're a whole different person now, tell me about them as well please!‼️
I will also tag a bunch of people whomst OCs I really enjoyed and remembered from the last list of questions! There will be some repeat questions here, so you can elaborate if you wanna or just skip those lmao
Tags under the Cut cause I will also give a lil commentary on the OCs I know so far. :3
‼️Also these Questions are mostly spoiler free so don't worry! Only one question asks about something that's introduced after the Varia Arc I think. I put a 🌸 next to that one.‼️
@juudaimes-true-form Amara & Ricardo were both very fun and I like knowing about them! But l Alexandros is a very good vibe I wanna know the him uwu
@einsatzzz Kana, Kurumi & Yui are Hella intriguing! Do pls elaborate on all of them! Particularly Yui has spiked my interest! Did you finish that art of him you were working on?
@heryemily5927 Hanabi is adorable please tell me more if you feel up to it! :D
@kiralushia Nozomi & Cloud! I would like to see both of them for this! But I also wanna know more about Arashi because she gets mentioned often too :3
@acedragontrainer Ayane & Yuki may have been randomly created but they are so gawddang fun! Please give them backstories with the questions here. If you wanna of course ^^
@masterdisastre Xavier is babiest Boi, but what about Dani!? And also pls tell me of any other OC you wanna talk about!! I'll treasure each and every single one of them! :D
@cloudspark You reblogged the old Questions once wondering if you'll find the time and motivation to introduce your OC, so I will tag you here too since there are more questions here. :3
@ciaossn Amalia is best lady pls tell me more even if her true origin story has been tragically lost ;w; I wish to know her as much as possible!
The Basics:
What's their name? Their pronouns? Sexuality? Gender Identity? Their Age and Ethnicity?
What do they look like? Body type? Identifying characteristic? Art or picrew of your oc? (No AI art pls.)
Why did you create this character? Just for fun? Or is there a purpose behind them? Maybe a canon character you created them for? As a friend, love interest, sibling, child, parent, rival, nemesis?
What's the family situation of your OC? If they have family, how about a brief summary of the relationships of their family to the canon characters?
What are their other notable relationships to Canon characters? (Example: Hibari's little brother also happens to be Tsuna's childhood best friend and Gokudera's love interest) If there are none right now, are there any plans for relationships in the future?
Does your Oc have disabilities? Mental illnesses, neurodivergencies, missing limbs, chronic pains, physical limitations, some kind of food sensitivity? Anything that affects their day to day life goes!
Combat Questions:
What are your OC's flames, if they have any? And how do they use their flames? Do they ever use them outside combat?
How do they prefer to fight? Do they know how to fight in a way they dislike or hate? (Example: Hibari prefers hand-to-hand combat and dislikes firearms, but he knows how to shoot someone if he has no choice)
Do they have formal training? How many fighting styles do they know? What weapons can they wield?
What are their strengths? Their weaknesses?
🌸Do they have a flame weapon, or a box weapon/animal? How did they get these weapons? What level ring (best S>A>B>C>D>worst E) do they wield? Can they use their ring efficiently? If no, why not?🌸
Oh no! Your OC is unable to fight! (Too tired, injured, whatever) How do they deal with the enemy now? Do they flee, still try to fight, call for backup, or what do they do?
Philosophical Questions:
Answer this first before reading/thinking further! Would your OC change anything about themselves if they could?
What's their favourite colours? Their favourite season? Their favourite weather? Their favourite animal?
What are their hobbies? What are they passionate about? Is there a passion they had to give up? If so, why?
What kind of people do they dislike? Do they like who they themselves are?
What is their biggest secret? What's the biggest/worst lie they ever told? What lie do they frequently tell themselves?
What's their darkest desire? What's their biggest hope for the future? If they had the money, how would they want to change the world they live in?
If the world ended tomorrow, how would they spend their last day on earth? Who would they want to be with? Their worst fear stands between them and saving the world, would they be able to overcome that fear to save the world?
What would be their civilain dream job? If they had to kill someone innocent to save a friend, would they be able to do it? How long would their choice haunt them? Would they be able to face their friend if they decided to sacrifice them, but things ended up working out?
Your OCs biggest, wildest dreams all just came true! What do they do next? Who do they celebrate with? How do they celebrate? Loud exhilaration or quiet disbelief?
After these questions, I ask again, what would your OC change about themselves if they could? Did the answer change?
Khr Character Questions! [Or 'I am putting the OCs in ✨situations✨']
Sawada Tsunayoshi burst into flames, flew into the sky and took out a missile that was headed towards the area your Oc was in. How do they go about interacting with Tsuna after that?
Gokudera Hayato dragged your OC to an empty classroom to investigate ghosts, but it turns out it was just teenagers. Hayato seems genuinely disheartened, does your Oc want to comfort him?
Sasagawa Ryohei just pulled your Oc away from oncoming traffic! He proceeds to ask them to join the boxing club! How do they go about rejecting him, given that he just saved their life?
Bovino Lambo just send your Oc ten years into the future! What situation did your Oc end up in? What's their reaction to this future?
Yamamoto Takeshi is sitting by himself, holding a baseball and looking oddly melancholic. Your OC does not know what is going on, except that usually Takeshi is a cheerful guy. Do they approach him? What do they say?
Hibari Kyoya comes across your Oc with a bleeding wound at his side. He is most obviously unwell, but also pissed, how does your Oc approach this situation?
Chrome Dokuro knows what your Oc did and it feels like she is judging them for their dirty secrets. How does your Oc try to buy her silence?
Rokudo Mukuro wandered into the dream your Oc had last night! Does he leave with even more trauma, creepily amused, weirdly charmed or thoroughly bored?
Fuuta DeLa Stella fianlly ranked your Oc first in something! What category did he rank them first in? What is your OC's reaction?
I-pin just blew up and then landed gently in the arms of your Oc. How do they react to this literal pipe bomb baby?
Sasagawa Kyoko handed your Oc Valentine's friendship chocolates and thanked them for looking after her brother! This might be a misunderstanding, but these are also the only/first chocolates your Oc was given, so what do they tell her?
Miura Haru made your Oc their dream outfit! But something significant about it is wrong, how does your Oc give critique on that?
Kurokawa Hana just called your Oc a monkey to their face. How ready, if at all, are they to throw hands with this civilain middle/high-school girl?
Fon wants to share spicy curry with your Oc, but the spoon is glowing red hot. Does your Oc risk it?
Reborn shot someone infront of your Oc. Tsuna won't believe them. What will they do now?
Verde wants to study your Oc so he asks if they'd volunteer for science. No money is involved but they do get to hang out with Verde, do they take the offer?
Lal Mirch has taken over the CEDEF and there is a party that your OC somehow ended up invited to! Do they bring Lal a gift? If so, what kinda gift?
Colonnello got drunk from sipping some wine, he is sad, melancholic and heavily armed. How does your Oc handle the situation?
Skull thinks you're really cute and creative! He wants to know how you came up with your Oc? And your favourite scene of your Oc!
Viper just gave your OC a slice of pizza. Will they eat it? Are they aware of the risks? Are there risks?
Xanxus meets your Oc at a bar and tells them to get him a drink. What does your Oc do? If they make an order, what would they order for Xanxus?
Belphegor is staring at your OC from a distance and chuckling maniacally. What wardrobe malfunction did he notice on your OC?
Lussuria slings his feather scarf around your Oc and tells them they're a cutie. How does your Oc respond to the sudden flirting and closeness? Do they know Lussuria is powerful as well as queer?
Levi-a-Than just told your Oc that they'd be so pretty if they put a bit more effort into their look. How does your Oc react?
Superbi Squalo yells so loud it's almost bothering your Oc! How do they tell him to quiet down? How long do they last in the every-man-for-himself Varia-style brawl that comes next?
Mammon is wanting to extort your Oc for money. What blackmail material does Mammon have to do so? (What is an embarrassing thing your Oc did that Mammon could reasonably find out about?)
Fran is getting on your OC's nerves, constantly and seemingly very much on purpose. Everyone else is already using that boy as target practice, so does your Oc join in?
Dino Cavallone compares your OC to Tsuna. Is your Oc insulted by the comparison? What if it was accurate?
Dino's right hand man Romario invites your character out for a drink! What drink do they order to impress, intimidate, or endear themselves to the Cavallone Familia? Or do they reject the invite entirely?
Hibari's right hand man Kusakabe Tetsuya thinks your Oc is too noisy and tells them to shut up if they don't want to get bitten to death. Does your Oc take that as a challenge? Hibari Kyoya does not seem to be nearby in the first place... (He is watching from a nearby roof)
Something got past the safety on your OC's garbage cans and made a massive mess! Ken stands as the main, but not the only suspect. Does your Oc make that accusation? Do they worry they would offend Ken for accusing him of that, just for having more animalistic behaviours?
Chikusa's yoyo just flipped off it's string and bonked your Oc on the head. He acts apologetic, but your Oc has a feeling he did that on purpose. How does your Oc proceed?
The Last Question!!
Please gimme links as to where people can find stories or art about your OCs!
Thank you for reading and answering if you do! :D
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