#Jesus is my savior
walkswithmyfather · 2 months
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Amen! 🙏🕊️🙌
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pax-romana200 · 4 months
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My friend, my father, my teacher, and my life ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱
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childofchrist1983 · 1 year
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softshygirl · 1 day
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
John 14:27
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chase-omega · 1 month
Thinking about that new Journey to the West game about Sun Wukong made me remember that Scott Cawthon once made an RPG out of The Pilgrim's Progress. What Journey to the West was for Buddhism, The Pilgrim's Progress was for Christianity. I think with all of the experience Scott gained making all the FNAF games, he could remake his Pilgrim's Progress game into something really amazing today.
If not him, then perhaps a dedicated fan group could take a swing at it.
I can dream.
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lightman2120 · 1 month
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degenerateduck007 · 2 months
I can't stand these rainbow cakes everywhere. Think of the children!!! What if they start worshipping the Greek gods through Iris. Disgusting!!!!
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faithisthekey-23 · 1 year
Hi brothers and sisters,
Today I want to remind you that God is always with you. He never forsakes you, even when you're going through a hard time. It doesn't matter that sometimes you can't seem to find a way to feel the presence of God in your life, for He is always right by your side. Even when you can't see it, He is always present. He protects you, guards your heart, gives you peace, surrounds you with His love and hope. Sometimes it's hard to realize that we still walk with Him for the enemy tries to make us think that God left, doesn't care about us anymore. But trust me, He is with you. When you don't know where to go, He is your Guard. When you feel hopeless, He is your Hope. When you don't feel loved, He surrounds you with His Precious Love. When you are anxious, He reminds you that He is the King of Peace. When you are weary and restless, He is the One that lets you find peace in His Mighty Arms. When you are lost, He leaves every single sheep of His and goes to find you and when He finds you, His joy is way bigger than you can imagine. When you are strengthless, He is the source of your strength. He goes before you and prepares a safe way for you. He protects you and will never fail to do everything to save your soul. He is always there to listen to you and your troubles. Even before you began to have problems, He has already found a solution for them and will help you at the right time. Remember that in every hardship, there are good things to learn and we can see how our faith improves: just like we used to be further from God in the hard times, we begin to be close to Him no matter what happens in our lives and realize that our trust in Him doesn't dissapear. Even when you doubt if God actually loves you, remind yourself about all of the times when He brought you happiness, peace, understanding, showed you that He truly cares, comforted you through His words, through other people (yes, God speaks to us through other people. He gives us so much love that it overflows and gives us the desire to be kind to others and make them feel special) etc. He was always there for you, even when you couldn't see it. He even sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to us. Jesus died for our sins. He took our blame for our wrong doings and saved us from eternal punishment. God was hurt by seeing Him in so much pain. Seeing your beloved one being treated in such a brutal way is very hurtful. Why did He let Jesus suffer this way? He wanted your sins to die. Jesus wanted the same. He didn't have to be obedient to God as He has free will, but He chose to die for you. Why? His love for you was bigger than His fear of dying. He loved you so much and let me tell you something. He still loves you as much as He loved you so many years ago. He still cares about you and will never stop. He will love you for eternity and He will show you that He is with you everyday.
"²³ Certainly the faithful love of the Lord hasn’t ended; certainly God’s compassion isn’t through! ²³ They are renewed every morning. Great is your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22-23)
“'The mountains may shift, and the hills may be shaken, but my faithful love won’t shift from you, and my covenant of peace won’t be shaken,’ says the Lord, the one who pities you.” (Isaiah 54:10)
“The Lord your God is in your midst — a warrior bringing victory. He will create calm with his love; he will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17)
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wontgetfooledagain · 2 years
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seaside-writings · 1 year
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Hi, today I would love to share with you a poem that is special to me. It's called ”My Salvation”. I wrote it today (on 29th April 2023). I struggled with starting to write these days but I finally can do it again and feel the joy that's coming from it. I'm glad that I can share it with you.
My Salvation
He saved me from the darkness
He saved me from being brokenhearted
He saved me from constant anxiety
He saved me from the enemy
He saved me from all of my traumas
He saved me from having all painful flashbacks
He is my Savior, Way and Truth
He is the Light that never stops shining on our hearts
His Holy Arms are always opened to welcome you
For He is there to the very end of the age to lead you
To the lovely Kingdom of His Father who is Merciful
He created us with love and peace, made us feel so grateful
For He gave us His only Begotten Son to break every chain
He died on the cross in a brutal way
For us to be saved with Holy Spirit, Him and His Father
He broke the chain of the sickness
He broke the chain of the intrusive thoughts
He broke the chain of what seemed to be a never ending sadness
He took away from me all of this always judging voice
He died for us and showed us the greatest love
He was perfect, Holy, made of pure love and hope
In Him our strength, joy, peace that cannot be overcome
In Him there is a power for He is the Lord of Lords
Song I recommend you to listen:
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walkswithmyfather · 2 months
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Amen! 🙏🕊️🙌
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pax-romana200 · 4 months
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U⁠^⁠ェ⁠^⁠U☝️this is true
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childofchrist1983 · 1 year
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I accepted Jesus Christ as my LORD and Savior long ago. He said, "But whoever shall deny me in front of others, I will deny you in front of my Father which is in Heaven." (Matthew 10:33)
If you are not ashamed of Jesus Christ and His Gospel Truth, Copy and Paste and Share.
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gigglyfox · 2 years
The Artist and His Apprentice
                                       The Artist and His Apprentice                                                    
           There once was a Master artist who could make the most extravagant artworks. For many years, people would come to see and ask for just one piece of His works and loved how each one was crafted. All day long, He would work on each piece very carefully, for He could not make even the slightest mistake. Over the next few years, He realized that His work needed to be seen all across the world, but He could not do it alone. “I shall hire apprentices and they will make artwork of their own, for their pieces of art will reflect My own, and many more will wish to take and love the work I have created,” He said to Himself.
           And so, He went out and hired many apprentices. Some were painters, others were sculptors, and many were architects building great temples and monuments which reflected His own art pieces. One day, He decided to see how his apprentices were doing and headed into the villages to meet with them. As he walked from building to building, some apprentices greeted him at the door and were delighted to show him their works which pleased him greatly. Others, however, did not recognize His voice and deemed Him a stranger, and kept the door shut on Him, which disappointed Him.
           One house piqued His interest and as He knocked on the door, He heard a small whimper, which sounded like the bleating of a lamb. “Who is it? My artwork has yet to be finished, and I am very sorry that it has been taking so long.”
           “Young apprentice, it is I, your Master who bids to see you!”
           He then heard the sound of glass crashing and scrambling of feet, “Oh my Lord! Forgive me! Let me open the door for you!”
           Behind the door stood a tiny girl covered in paint and marble dust. She was huffing and puffing, trying to catch her breath, “I did not expect you, my Lord, and I apologize for not being tidy! I have been working day and night on these pieces, as well as my masterpiece, and I am not yet finished!”
           The Master laughed and kneeled to her, “I apologize for coming unannounced, but if I had warned you ahead of time, I would not have been able to see what you have made so far.”
           The young girl fidgeted with worry as she allowed the Master into her house. There were many paintings that seemed unfinished and statues with flaws and cracks. Her home seemed very messy, for there was marble dust all over the floor and paint-splattered about the walls. Her eyes filled with tears as the Master looked at each of her artworks. He noticed this and asked her why she was crying. “Oh Master! I am dreadfully ashamed! I have done what you have asked of me, but my art is no good! I have seen my brothers and sisters in art and their artworks are perfect beyond words! Yet, mine lacks in the grace and beauty that is Your artwork!” she sniffled, “I am not worthy to be called an artist, nor your apprentice!”
           The master patted her on the head and spoke, “you have still yet to show me the masterpiece with which you spoke of. Will you let me see it?”
           The girl begrudgingly obeyed as she led Him to a separate room. She opened the door and there stood a draped statue. When she unveiled the artwork, it was a large marble statue of the Master surrounded by His apprentices. He was in a climbing pose but was looking back and holding His hand out to them. The Master looked at the girl with a smile, “you are truly an artist, my sweet child.”
           “But Master, my other art pieces are not as well done as this one, and this one is not even close to being finished,” she whimpered.
           “I never wanted perfection, my girl. I wanted you and your fellow artists to reflect My work. You see their work as better than your own, but you have done many great works of your own. Your home is messy because of how much effort you put into your craft. How many have you given to others?”
           “Oh! So many! But I feel as if they could never capture the majesty of Your work…”
           The Master picked the girl up and sat her on the edge of her statue, “My child, when I first saw your artwork, I could see your heart in it. You did your hardest to convey what you see in Me. Your paintings capture how much love I put into My own art to spread all over the Earth. Your statues show Me how much respect you have for Me and the love I have for all of My apprentices. The others have their own ways of reflecting on My art, and I love them all the same, not because they do more or because of the certain techniques they use, but because of how much they love and respect Me. I went to many homes and saw many art pieces that filled Me with joy.”
           The girl wiped her tears as she looked at the Master. She noticed that He was saddened, “Master, did any of the works that I or my fellow apprentices disappoint You?”
           He sighed, “yes. There were many that finished one masterpiece and had nothing to show for it. Some used their art to gain profit, even though My art is freely given. And many of them refused to let me see because they refused to believe that I was their Master. I weep for them.”
           The girl fidgeted as she asked if He was disappointed in her as well. He hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead, “My dear child, I am not disappointed in you. You have done so much to show My love through your art. I am very proud and pleased with you! Tomorrow, I shall be holding a showing of all of My apprentices’ artworks, and I want you to finish and bring this piece to it!”
           Hearing this, the girl was filled with joy. She ate with the Master and saw Him off as He continued going to the other apprentices’ houses. She quickly got to work and toiled through the night to finish the masterpiece. As she chiseled through the marble, the words of her Master encouraged her and by morning, the statue was completed.
           Her neighbors helped place the statue onto a large cart and transported it to the Master’s mansion. Thousands of apprentices and viewers alike were excited to see the gallery, but the girl was very nervous to unveil her statue. The Master saw her and welcomed her, “I see you have finished the work, may I unveil it now?”
           She nodded, “yes, Master. I hope You like it.”
           He threw off the tarp and the people marveled at the statue. The girl had added intricate designs on the clothes the statue wore and inlaid gold and precious gems. The statue was painted to be more life-like and each apprentice that was carved had their own unique appearance. The Master Himself witnessed that the statue’s likeness was almost a perfect copy of His own face and body. He hugged the girl tightly, “well done, My faithful child! This truly is your masterpiece!”
           As the gallery continued through the night, the apprentices heard a pounding on the doors and voices crying out, “Master! Please let us in! We have done many artworks for You to display!”
           The Master stood up and walked to the balcony of His mansion. He looked down to see thousands of His apprentices who stood at the door, “who are you? I went to your homes yesterday and half of you refused to see Me!”
           The ones who refused to see Him sat and wept bitter tears, while the others begged again to be let in, “Master! We did not refuse You! Please let us in! We have art to show You!”
           “I have seen the fruits of your work and found them small. You sold your art instead of giving it freely. You are nothing more than thieves to me! Begone!”
           Hearing this, the apprentices outside wept aloud until the guards escorted them away into the dark city. The Master sat back down, raised His glass to his apprentices and spoke, “I thank you all for your hard work! You shall all be abundantly rewarded, for you have obeyed my directions and kept true to My works! May this night be grand to you, my humble servants!”
           The people cheered and the girl smiled at her Master, “may many more see Your love, for I have seen it firsthand.”
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chase-omega · 4 months
It just hit me that Jesus Christ literally saved all of humanity by t-posing on the devil.
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