makeastraightpath · 15 days
The Volumes of Truth - WORDS TO LIVE BY: The Restoration (Unofficial Video) ▶  https://youtube.com/shorts/34P4_7Ce7CQ?si=XdsBmnJiz-dzrf2G 📖 Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Words_To_Live_By:_Part_Two "The Restoration" Behold, The Restoration is coming, coming quickly!... All things restored as in the beginning; A garden where nothing is destroyed, And none are given to destruction; No more pain or tears, no more sickness or death... Only life is, and shall be, forever!... Says The Lord. #WordsToLiveBy #TheVolumesofTruth #Prophecy #TrueProphet #ScriptureReading #WordofGod #YAHUWAH #YahuShua #JesusChrist #Wisdom #Psalms #Proverbs #Messiah #christianity #Lake #Scenery #calm #relaxing #KingdomofGod #restoration #sickness #garden #JesusComing
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delightintheway · 15 days
*NEW Video!* The Volumes of Truth - WORDS TO LIVE BY: The Restoration (Unofficial Video) Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Words_To_Live_By:_Part_Two
The Restoration
Behold, The Restoration is coming, coming quickly!...
All things restored as in the beginning; A garden where nothing is destroyed, And none are given to destruction; No more pain or tears, no more sickness or death...
Only life is, and shall be, forever!... 
Says The Lord.
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salvationcall · 2 months
Come into my heart
Into my heartInto my heartCome into my heart, Lord JesusCome in todayCome in to stayCome into my heart, Lord Jesus
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dennis282 · 3 months
‼️DON'T SKIP MY CHILD‼️ | GOD MESSAGE | #jesuscoming #jesusiscomingsoon ...
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monteleerice · 1 year
Jesus breathes out Pentecost
Jesus breathes outWinds of PentecostFilling us with God’s love. Come Holy SpiritFrom the mouth of JesusCome on his blowing breathAnd renew us with the powerOf our Father’s love. Adapted fromRaniero Cantalamessa, Come Creator Spirit: Meditations on the Veni Creator, trans. by Denis and Marlene Barrett (Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 2003), 21-22.
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eli-kittim · 3 years
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Are We Living in the Last Days?
By Author Eli Kittim
Mt 24.6-14 (NRSV):
“And you will hear of wars and rumors of
wars; see that you are not alarmed; for this
must take place, but the end is not yet. For
nation will rise against nation [WW1], and
kingdom against kingdom [WW2], and
there will be famines and earthquakes in
various places: all this is but the beginning
of the birth pangs. … Then many
will fall away, and they will betray one
another and hate one another [hate
crimes]. And many false prophets will arise
and lead many astray. And because of the
increase of lawlessness [civil unrest], the
love of many will grow cold. But the one who
endures to the end will be saved. And this
good news of the kingdom will be
proclaimed throughout the world, as a
testimony to all the nations; and then the
end will come.”
The 20th Century Was the Most Violent in Human History
Notice that Matthew mentions that “nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places” (Mt. 24.7) as “the beginning of the birth pangs” (v. 8). And then he mentions another signpost, namely, “the increase of lawlessness” (v. 12). If we focus on these 4 prophetic markers——i.e. world wars, famines, earthquakes, and “the increase of lawlessness”——we will gain a better understanding of the specific *timeline* that Matthew has in mind. Francis P. Sempa, a prolific author and professor of political science, once wrote:
“The optimists among us who believe in the
inevitable progress of man, either forget or
ignore the fact that the twentieth century
was the bloodiest, most destructive century
in human history. The century’s two world
wars resulted in the deaths of at least 60
million people. The Russian Civil War of
1917-21 killed another 5-6 million. Between
them, the tyrannical regimes of Hitler,
Stalin, and Mao killed at least another 60
million of their own citizens. Many millions
more were killed in dozens of other, smaller
Not to mention the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that killed almost a quarter of a million (226,000) people! Author Matthew White (Historical Atlas of the Twentieth Century, 2010) has even higher estimates of the total number of victims of collective violence in the 20th Century, which indicate that over 200 million people perished due to war, oppression, famine, and disease. No other century even comes close.
The Deadliest Famines in History Occurred in the 20th Century
According to an article in Wikipedia:
“During the 20th century, an estimated 70 to
100 million people died from famines across
the world, of whom over half died in China,
with an estimated 30 million dying during
the famine of 1958–1961, up to 10 million in
the Chinese famine of 1928–1930, and over
two million in the Chinese famine of 1942–
43, and millions more lost in famines in
North and East China. The USSR lost 8
million claimed by the Soviet famine of
1932-33, over a million in both the Soviet
famine of 1946-47 and Siege of Leningrad,
the 5 million in the Russian famine of 1921–
22, and other famines.”
Some of the Deadliest Earthquakes Ever Recorded in History Occurred in the 20th Century
A Significant Increase of Lawlessness in the 20th Century
Lawlessness also implies civil unrest. The civil unrest that the world has seen in the past century is unparalleled. It would be beyond the scope of this paper to furnish the reader with an exhaustive list of crime figures and statistics of the past century. One thing is certain. The 20th century ushered in, particularly with the advent of two global conflicts, an unprecedented increase of lawlessness and destruction on a scale unimaginable only a few centuries ago. There was also a significant increase in crimes against humanity in the past century, especially due to the rise of fascist and totalitarian regimes (e.g. Nazism, Stalinism, Maoism, etc.). Never before have there been war crimes, murders, massacres, genocides on such a massive scale where, for example, in the case of the Holocaust, approximately 6 million Jews were exterminated. Today, we still hear of hate crimes being perpetrated on large populations and minorities (e.g. ethnic cleansing, police brutalities, terrorism, etc.). Given that society is becoming increasingly lawless, more and more people are being armed with concealed weapons either to perpetrate crimes or to defend themselves and their loved ones.
It is worth noting that there is a prophecy in the Book of Daniel that suggests an *increase in knowledge* in the last days (which would include modern innovations, such as smartphones, computers, satellites, self-driving cars, laser surgery, the internet) as well as *transportation efficiency,* such as increased speed in sea, road, rail, and air transportation, unlike anything we had ever seen or even imagined before. Up until the 20th century people still used traditional means of transportation, such as Horse Carriages to get around. But with the twentieth century came an explosion of knowledge and innovation, from cars to high-speed trains to airplanes to jet engines to space shuttles to computers to nuclear weapons, you name it. Anticipating all that, Daniel 12.4 (ESV) reads:
“But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal
the book, until the time of the end. Many
shall run to and fro [fast travel], and
knowledge shall increase.”
There are also numerous Old Testament prophecies regarding the future restoration of Israel, which became a reality in 1948 (cf. e.g. Ezek. 36.24; 38.8)! Therefore, it cannot be denied that the 20th century offers the best explanation of the historical causes that give rise to the phenomena of the Little Apocalypse (Mt. 24), which foretells of a worldwide tribulation just prior to the coming of the Son of Man. The 20th century saw the most destructive global conflicts in human history, the Nuclear arms race, as well the highest surge in famines, earthquakes, lawlessness, and deaths on a scale unimaginable only a few centuries ago. That these global wars and disasters have been doubly intensified in the last century is borne out by the aforementioned figures. Thus, there is compelling and irrefutable evidence that we’re living in the last days!
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tunesforchrist · 3 years
Sthuthiyu Mahima Ganatha 
Original song writer and tune composer - Dr. AMSHUMATHI MARY Music composition by Mounish Babu Mixing and mastering - Brother Praisely. Photography & Video editing - Gnana Naveen Korukonda Latest Telugu Christian songs For More Songs, 
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samboca · 3 years
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If I can get more Audience from UK 🇬🇧, I can stop working 8 to 5pm Job and focus on YouTube. This Job is very beneficial not only to me, also to the People of God, Doing what you love ❤️ is a good thing. Mostly shooting YouTube videos I don’t get paid unless you book me. Only Google pays me and I’m fine with that. Because at the end ngihambisa iVangeli, and building a platform where people can get to know the Culture/ Life Jesus was preaching. I’m just scared 😱 like Paul when he was saying “If it can happen, someone come to the channel and Preach different Gospel than one the was taught by our brethren who lived before us, I’m afraid that some will be confused and take a wrong direction” I’m praying that people must be directed in the right Gospel not just Church only but the Right Gospel. There’s a secret about why God changed those people’s language who were building the tower. May God bless everyone who is following the channel. #HambaVangeli #PreachGospel #OfChrist #JesusComing #Readyness is needed to everyone no matter your race. Sometimes I used to wish I was a Jew but I’ve re-liaised that we are the same now although they were chosen before us. www.youtube.com/celumusasambo_student (at South Africa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMyMh8PFXv5/?igshid=l5b85nh6pr2z
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#twitterquestions This is a good question about being saved and why it’s important to not wait. #Time #raptureready #Jesuscoming #Prophecy #paranormal #heaven #pray #dreams #visions #realprophet #repentance #God #endtimes #Earthquakes #eclipse #Jesus #God #covid19 #Coronavirus #spiritualwarfare #Christian #apocalypse #armageddon #leftbehind #depression #proverbs31 #saved https://www.instagram.com/p/CD6ZzRyDiHa/?igshid=1foo3ex4bl0h5
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ixhiban · 7 years
time to go home
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acaministry · 5 years
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#acaministry #cool #warm #onlyone #ColdorHot #Better #best #good #JesusComing #GodisComing #Rapture #acachurch ప్రకటన గ్రంథం 3: 15 నీ క్రియలను నేనెరుగుదును, నీవు చల్లగానైనను వెచ్చగానైనను లేవు; నీవు చల్లగానైనను వెచ్చగానైనను ఉండిన మేలు. Revelation 3: 15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. Follow Us: Facebook: @acaministry Twitter: @acaministry Instagram: @acaministry #ChristianVerses #Bibleverses #BibledailyVerses #acaministry #acachurch #dailybibleverses #bible #biblequotes #biblewords #telugubibleverses #telugubible #englishbibleverses #englishverses #dailyverses https://www.instagram.com/p/B5YRES7l3-C/?igshid=1wr8ab0du9rpo
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daniellopz7-blog · 5 years
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En medio de la oscuridad el te está buscando, Jesús te ama, El es Tu luz y tu salvación. Jehová es mi luz y mi salvación; ¿de quién temeré? Jehová es la fortaleza de mi vida; ¿de quién he de atemorizarme? Salmos 27:1 . . . . . #jesuscomic #jesuscopy #jesusilustration #art #digitalart #webcomic #comics #caricatura #dibujo #drawing #ilustration #comparteadios #provida #jesuseslavida #salvacion #ateismo #ateos #satan #dios #ingodwetrust #biblia #devocional #biblejournalingcommunity #biblejournaling #bibliaarte #diosteama #palavradedeus #pilgrimart #cartoons #draw https://www.instagram.com/p/B7qCUeKhY8u/?igshid=oktdh6vtkyww
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graceandpeacejoanne · 2 years
Revelation 1: He Comes in the Clouds
BEHOLD! He comes with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him, and they will beat their breasts with grief over Him, all the peoples of the earth. Yes! Amen! #Revelation1 #Zechariah12 #Jesuscomes
Full Introduction An Apocalypse given by and about Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His enslaved ones the things which must take place quickly, and He indicated with signs, having sent forth through His angel to His enslaved one, John, who testified the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ, to all that he saw.”Blessed is the one publicly reading this aloud, and the ones hearing…
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christianmedias · 3 years
Come into my heart - இதயத்தில் வாருமையா
Come into my heart – இதயத்தில் வாருமையா
Come into my heart – இதயத்தில் வாருமையா Lyricsஇதயத்தில் வாருமையா இயேசையாஎன் இதயத்தில் வாருமையா இயேசையாஎன் வாழ்வினை உலகம் கண்டுஇயேசுவை அறியனுமேபாவம் நீக்கி வாழ்வு தந்துசுகந்த வாசனையால் நிறைத்திடுமேஉகந்ததாய் என்னை மாற்றிடுமேஆமென் Come into my heart – JesusCome into my heartLet the world know Jesusthrough my lifeGrant me fragrancefor my stinkfill me with pleasant aromaAnd my make my life pleasing to…
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globalworship · 5 years
Matt Maher - Hope For Everyone
For Week 1 of Advent.
Hear the angels sing There's hope for everyone To announce our King There's hope for everyone What good news they bring There's hope for everyone
Anges sing There's hope for everyone
They came from afar There's hope for everyone Wise men saw the star There's hope for everyone Shepherds heard the choir There's hope for everyone From afar There's hope for everyone
We are waiting on the promise For the One who lights the darkness Bending low to be among us Bring Your glory in the highest, JesusCome let us adore There's hope for everyone On the manger floor There's hope for everyone What are you waitin' for There's hope for everyone Come adore There's hope for everyone
We are waiting on the promise For the One who lights the darkness Bending low to be among us Bring Your glory in the highest, JesusCome then, on the clouds There's hope for everyone Hear the trumpets sound There's hope for everyone (All of heaven shouts) (Heaven shout) (There's hope for everyone) (On the clouds) There's hope for everyone
We are waiting on the promise (Jesus) For the One who lights the darkness (Jesus) Bending low to be among us (Jesus) Bring Your glory in the highest, Jesus
We are waiting on the promise (For the One who lights the darkness) For the One who lights the darkness (Bending low) Bending low)to be among us (Bring Your glory in the highest) Bring Your glory in the highest, Jesus (Jesus)All of heaven shouts There's hope for everyone Heaven shouts There's hope for everyone Heaven shouts There's hope for everyone Heaven shouts There's hope for everyone
Writers: Matt Maher, Jason Ingram © 2018 Matt Maher Designee (BMI); Fellow Ships Music / So Essential Tunes (SESAC). Admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com
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aldorowk-blog · 3 years
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una notificación que no puedes rechazar 
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