#Jewish Students a CLU
"In Our Name: ..." an article written by Jewish students at Columbia University.
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meetthetruthblogger · 2 months
July 10, 2024
Independence Day Celebration Hits Home Run
The Independence Day Parade I attended  on the 4th of July was exceptionally well done and encouraged me that all is not lost in the United States of America. The parade was very well attended with people lined up on both sides of the street. The folks in the parade were about what you would expect at America’s birthday party: there was a queen/princess riding in an open convertible, people on floats throwing treats to the children, the Shiners were there in their little cars, I saw a Girl Scout troop, a high school marching band, the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) walking and carrying their banner and, of course, politicians looking for votes. I believe I met the next governor of Missouri and shook his hand.
What I did not see warmed my heart as much as the parade, perhaps more. I did not see anyone desecrate the flag nor any protestors. I will take that as a good sign in the divisive America in which we live. 
With Independence Day behind us, we immediately go into election season. Unless you do not watch television nor listen to the radio, the endless stream of political ads has already clued you in to this. We have a presidential election this year and it should be an opportunity to unite, to come together, to get things done; there are plenty of issues that need addressing. however, I currently do not see much cooperation between the political parties.
It is easy to blame our national and state problems on the politicians; after all, they are elected to govern; to lead, to spend the tax dollars wisely, within the confines of a balanced budget. Our elected officials work for us, but it is sometimes very difficult to tell whose side they are on.
Before we start assigning blame for the apparent decay of the United States, we should look in the mirror; the person staring back at you is partly responsible. We have become lazy, complacent and narcissistic, that is, self-absorbed.
It was not that long ago when the United States was considered a moral nation. Now we kill a  million babies a year in the womb. We accept same-sex marriage as though it is the most natural thing in the world – it isn’t! It is a sin! There seems to be a store selling marijuana on every street corner! Yes, I do know that marijuana is legal now, but that does not make it right nor moral. Coming up this election season, the citizens of Missouri are going to be asked to legalize sports betting. Does anyone reading this think legalizing gambling is a step up the ladder of morality? I do not think so! How can we even think of ourselves as moral? We have rejected God! We are reaping what we have sown!-
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other” (John Adams, Founding Father, 2nd President of the United States)
It is not just the Lord we reject; we seem to be so divided and angry with our fellow citizens. It is particularly disturbing to see American college students calling for the extermination of the Jewish people, God’s chosen people; with whom we are inexorably linked in our Judeo/Christan culture.
The Meet The Truth website and blog’s primary focus is to trust God, in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ and to obey His Commandments. We have a glimpse of this in the first two chapters of the Bible; then sin entered the world and it has not been the same since. It seems so simple, love our Creator and obey Him! However, throughout Scripture, we have acted the same; we defiantly turn our back on God and then bitterly complain when life goes awry.
Please mull over this quote from Joseph de Maistre:
“Every nation gets the government it deserves.” (Quote of Joseph de Maistre (1 April 1753 – 26 February 1821) a Savoyard philosopher, writer, lawyer and diplomat who advocated social hierarchy and monarchy in the period immediately following the French revolution). Original text in French. Alternative English translation: “Every country has the government it deserves,” and “In a democracy people get the leaders they deserve.”  Original: “Every nation gets the government it deserves.”
MeetTheTruth Blog: www.MeetTheTruth.net/Blog THE END
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