#Jewish students at Columbia university
jewish-vigilante · 5 months
"In Our Name: ..." an article written by Jewish students at Columbia University.
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intersectionalpraxis · 5 months
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Shai Davidai needs to be FIRED and de-platformed. He's a danger to Palestinian/Arab/Muslim students and allies to Palestinian liberation. That has been proven time and again.
Here is another beautiful moment/act of solidarity I wanted to share that happened on the same campus:
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eretzyisrael · 4 months
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Hamas has once again rejected the hostage deal
I can't even remember how many they already rejected at this point.. The deal included ceasefire and a detailed aid program. They do not care about their civilians.
There are still 133 hostages held by Hamas, in addition to dozens of bodies.
I'm tired of this war, bring them home now.
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jadeseadragon · 5 months
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#Repost @jewishvoiceforpeace
UPDATE: Last night, NYPD brutally arrested at least 282 students.
History has shown that the Columbia University was wrong in its oppression of the student anti-war movement of 1968, and wrong again in its oppression of the student movement against South African apartheid in 1985.
History will show that University of Columbia, and all university administrations refusing to divest from Israeli apartheid, are yet again wrong in oppressing students demonstrating for Palestinian freedom and an end to the Israeli genocide of Palestinian families.
We call on Columbia University and CCNY to accede to the students’ demands for disclosure of and divestment from all investments supporting Israeli apartheid, and demand that they reverse all punitive measures against these brave student protesters. As the students remind us: All eyes on Gaza.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 5 months
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Yes, Babylon Bee is a satyrical site, but . . .
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secular-jew · 4 months
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iwriteaboutfeminism · 10 months
Over 40 student organizations at Columbia University from the Black Student Organization to Student Worker Solidarity to the Columbia National Lawyers Guild have joined a reinvigorated coalition aimed at urging Columbia to divest all economic and academic stakes in Israel, according to an op-ed signed by the student groups Tuesday.
The 40+ student groups were “further moved to action by the ostensibly politically-motivated” suspension of two student groups last week, Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, both of which also signed the op-ed.
Columbia University thought they could silence students calling for an end to Israel's genocide of Palestinians by suspending the campus chapters of SJP and JVP.
Instead, their discriminatory action united several dozen other student groups on campus to renew their call to demand solidarity and accountability from their university.
Read their full list of demands HERE and check out the link above for the full list of student orgs who make up the coalition.
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moderat50 · 4 months
Hamas Live Like Kings While Palestinians Suffer
Hamas suck the Palestinian people dry. They don't care about the people. Meanwhile, Benjamin Netanyahu & his right wing coalition government implement their own Holocaust on the people of Gaza; cutting off critical supplies and bombing civilians.
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cavalierzee · 5 months
Who Rules Over You?
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We now have Political Commissars.
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Erum Salam at The Guardian:
Student activists are planning a fresh wave of pro-Palestine protests at US colleges this fall, boosted by a “summer school” led by organizers over the break, ramping up coordination and strategy in the wake of police crackdowns on campuses this past spring. Despite academic suspensions, doxing attempts and the arrests of more than 3,000 students nationwide, the students who occupied their campuses’ lawns with tents last semester are gearing up for another – possibly bigger – round of demonstrations “on all fronts, by all means”, calling once again for a ceasefire in Gaza and for their colleges to divest from financial ties to Israel. The National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) organization held online education and training sessions this summer, offering unofficial courses to students who belong to specific student organizations – such as Jewish Voice for Peace, the Muslim Students Association and local SJP university chapters around the country – on the history of Palestine but also on how to organize, with the aim of creating a more unified and better prepared mass protest movement.
“The purpose of it was kind of to have all these people that are involved in SJP itself to build different workshops to be more educated on organizing and to be prepared for certain situations,” said Sereen Haddad, a Palestinian American undergraduate student at Virginia Commonwealth University, a public institution in that state’s capital, Richmond. NSJP and local SJP chapters have been accused by their opponents of sympathizing with Hamas – a claim the organization vehemently rejects – and have been suspended on some college campuses including Columbia University in New York, Brandeis University in Massachusetts and George Washington University in Washington DC, for allegedly breaking campus rules.
[...] Inspired by their peers at Columbia, students at roughly 80 other US universities scrambled to replicate the tent protests in New York City, but with much less time to prepare. Legal observers and faculty members have said the protests were overwhelmingly peaceful, but shocking videos showed many protests – at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), the University of Texas at Austin, Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, Emory University in Atlanta, and many more – were met with violent clashes with police, called onto campus by university administrators, who eventually cleared the protest camps. Columbia’s president, Minouche Shafik, resigned on Wednesday after months of intense backlash from different sides for her handling of the protests, amid accusations of both tolerating antisemitism and effectively supporting of genocide. Despite police crackdowns across the country and academic punishments, student organizers expect to come back this fall just as determined to protest, and much more coordinated. Many have been boosted by sessions with the NSJP and a coalition of other groups that advocate for a free Palestine and argue, as does the United Nation’s international court of justice (ICJ), that Israel imposes a form of apartheid on Palestinians..
This fall, a return of pro-Palestine/anti-Gaza Genocide protests on college campuses is expected.
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questioningespecialy · 8 months
video, short article, and transcript in link
The university responded to the attack by first scolding the organizers for holding an “unsanctioned” rally, then later said it had banned the suspects from campus while police investigate. This comes after Columbia administrators banned the local chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace in November, with students describing a climate of censorship and retaliation for pro-Palestinian activism on campus. “Overall, it’s been a very clumsy handling,” Columbia professor Mahmood Mamdani says of the school’s response to student protests and campus safety. We also speak with Columbia Law School professor Katherine Franke, who says concerned faculty “have been spending an enormous amount of time protecting our students from the university itself.” —January 25, 2024
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eretzyisrael · 4 months
by Natan Sharansky
It was into this foul atmosphere that Columbia’s Jewish students wrote their letter. Five hundred of Columbia’s Jewish students declared that they won’t be cowed by the haters, that they reject the attacks against their Jewish identity, and that Zionism is a part of Jewish identity. They called out their haters for the antisemites they are, and the administration of the university for downplaying and mishandling the attacks that target Jews. They flatly rejected attempts to victim-blame the Jews for the hatred that targets them. Most remarkably, they all signed the letter with their full names, proudly and openly, shedding the self-censorship and silence of the doublethinker for the proud stance of the dissident. In the days since then, more and more Jews added their names to this list.
When I was a dissident in the USSR, my friends and I knew well that a revolution can only start when a critical mass of doublethinkers stops being afraid and crosses the line into open dissent. Only when the masses lose their fear and drop the mask of pretense, can they lead their society into a different future. It was true in the USSR, and it is true today: The ideological regime of antisemitism that has entrenched itself in America’s universities for decades will only collapse when enough Jews stop being afraid. It will only collapse if they stop unwillingly aiding it by hiding and self-censoring, and instead speak their truths openly and loudly.
When we were fighting the USSR from within, we estimated that once approximately a fifth of the population will transform from doublethinkers into dissidents, the authorities will no longer be able to contain the spread of free thought. Heartwarmingly, more than a fifth of the Jews of Columbia University have already signed the letter that marks them as dissidents to the reigning ideological regime. I hope that our estimations decades ago about the tipping point from oppression to revolution will prove right in the case of this revolution as well.
The next year will likely be as tough for Jews on campus as this one. Of course, in democratic America there are many tools that can be used to fight antisemitism: going to court, encouraging hearings in Congress, using the press to unmask the dangerous actors who finance the new antisemitic waves, and so forth. But in order to defend your rights, you have to first define and claim them. Until America’s Jewish students publicly claim their right to their Jewish and Zionist identity, they will continue to fight at a disadvantage.
However, if the Jewish students of Cornell, Stanford, Harvard, and the other campuses will join Columbia’s Jews in their public statement, they stand a chance to do more than stand up for their own truths—they stand a real chance to revolutionize the campuses, defeat the antisemitic forces that have occupied them, and win the battle for American Jewry’s future.
Dear Jewish students of America, today, you are on the front line. The future of American Jewry, and maybe even America itself, is in your hands. Be brave.
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Assaulting and Denying Jews to move freely around campus is not resistance you morons
Just like mass rape, kidnapping and murder is not resistance
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Peaceful anti war/pro Palestine protestors are being beaten and attacked by police with snipers on rooftops. Hundreds of Jewish students and faculty members being arrested.
Actual Nazis on the columbia university campus protesting.
If you’re Jewish in America this should be pretty terrifying. America protects its fascist that includes Zionists.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 6 months
by Jessica Costescu
The report, released Monday, is the task force's first attempt to provide recommendations to Columbia's leaders regarding their response to rising campus anti-Semitism. Student protesters at Columbia have advocated for terror against Israelis. During a pair of January rallies, students cheered on the Iran-backed Houthi terrorists and chanted, "From New York to Gaza, globalize the intifada," and "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be Arab."
The term "intifada" references violent Palestinian uprisings in Israel that featured terror attacks on civilians, including suicide bombings at bus stations and night clubs. Columbia's rules bar students from inciting violence "against members of our community." Still, Columbia's Task Force on Antisemitism said it would not provide guidance on whether phrases such as "Globalize the Intifada" violate those rules, instead encouraging the university's "legal team" to provide "more guidance on this issue."
"Many have heard chants at protests like 'Globalize the Intifada' and 'Death to the Zionist State' as calls for violence against them and their families," the task force wrote in its report. "The University also has said that calls for genocide, like other incitement to violence, violate the rules."
"While we agree with this principle, the application of it should be clarified," the task force continued. "Many of the chants at recent Columbia protests are viewed differently by different members of the Columbia community: some feel strongly that these are calls to genocide, while others feel strongly that they are not. … Since this ultimately is a matter of legal compliance, we do not offer a detailed analysis here."
The report comes months after debate around campus calls for "intifada" rocked the Ivy League.
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