#I/p war
xclowniex · 15 hours
Idk if it's just me, but it's weird that you have people who claim to be against black and brown people being killed or harmed, yet are so willing to support groups like Hezbollah and the Houthi who literally harm black and brown people.
And I know the answer is antisemitism. The enemy (hezbollah and houthi) of my enemy (jews) is my friend. The reason why I've put jews instead of Israelis is well, because hezbollah and the houthi don't want to kill just Israelis, they want to kill jews. Like literally for example part of the houthi slogan is "curse to jews". If you're supporting those groups because you hate Israel, no bestie you hate jews.
When you wave the hezbollah flag, you are supporting the killing and oppression of Syrians. When you wave the houthi flag you are supporting the killing and enslaving of africans. By wishing these groups to be powerful, you are directly wishing for the continuation of harm to black and brown people.
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stephobrien · 7 months
Is your pro-Palestine activism hurting innocent people? Here's how to avoid that.
Note: If you prefer plain text, you can read the plain text version here.
Over the last few days, I’ve had conversations with several Jewish people who told me how hurt and scared they are right now.
To my great regret, some of that pain came from a poorly-thought-out post of mine, which – while not ill-intentioned – WAS hurtful.
And a lot of it came from cruelty they’d experienced at the hands of people who claim to be advocating for Palestine, but are using the very real plight of innocent Palestinians to harm equally innocent Jewish people.
Y’all, we need to do better. (Yes, “we” definitely includes me; this is in no small part a “learn from my fail” post, and also a “making amends” post. Some of these are mistakes I’ve made in the past.)
So if you’re an advocate for Palestine who wants to make sure that your defense of one group of vulnerable people doesn’t harm another, here are some important things to do or keep in mind:
Ask yourself if you’re applying a standard to one group that you aren’t applying to another.
Would you want all white Americans or Canadians to be expelled from America or Canada?
Do you want all Jewish people to be expelled from Israel, as opposed to finding a way to live alongside Palestinian Arabs in peace?
If the answer to those two questions is different, ask yourself WHY.
Do you want to be held responsible for the actions of your nation’s army or government? No? Then don’t hold innocent Jewish people, or Israelis in general (whether Jewish or otherwise), responsible for the actions of the Israeli army and government.
On that subject, be wary of condemning all Israeli people for the actions of the IDF. Large-scale tactical decisions are made by the top brass. Service is compulsory, and very few can reasonably get out of service.
Blaming all Israelis for the military’s actions is like blaming all Vietnam vets for the horrors in Vietnam. They’re not calling the shots. They aren’t Nazis running concentration camps. They are carrying out military operations that SHOULD be criticized.
And do not compare them or ANY JEWISH PERSON to Nazis in general. It is Jewish cultural trauma and not outsiders’ to use against them.
Don’t infuse legitimate criticism with antisemitism.
By all means, spread the word about the crimes committed by the Israeli army and government, and the complicity of their allies. Criticize the people responsible for committing and enabling atrocities.
But if you imply that they’re committing those crimes because they’re Jewish, or because Jewish people have special privileges, then you’re straying into antisemitic territory.
Criticize the crime, not the group. If you believe that collective punishment is wrong, don’t do it yourself.
And do your best to use words that apply directly to the situation, rather than the historical terms for situations with similar features. For example, use “segregation,” “oppression,” or “subjugation,” not “Holocaust” or “Jim Crow.” These other historical events are not the cultural property of Jews OR Palestinians, but also have their own nuances and struggles and historical contexts.
Also, blaming other world events on Jewish people or making Jewish people associated with them (for instance, some people falsely blame Jewish people for the African slave trade) is a key feature of how antisemitism functions.
Please, by all means, be specific and detailed in your critiques. But keep them focused on the current political actors – not other peoples’ or nations’ political or cultural histories and traumas.
Be prepared to accept criticism.
You probably already know that society is infused with a wide array of bigotries, and that people growing up in that environment tend to absorb those beliefs without even realizing it. Antisemitism is no exception.
What that means is, there’s a very real chance that you will screw up, and get called out on it, as I so recently did.
If that happens, please be willing to learn and adapt. If you can educate yourself about the suffering and needs of Palestinians, you can do the same for Jewish people.
Understand that the people you hurt aren’t obligated to baby you. Give them room to be angry.
After I made a post that inadvertently hurt people, some were nice about it, and others weren’t. Some outright insulted my morals and intelligence.
And I had to accept that I’d earned that from them.
I’d hurt them, and they weren’t obligated to be more careful with my feelings than I had been with theirs.
They weren’t obligated to forgive me, trust me, or stop being mad at me right away.
I’ll admit, there were moments when I got defensive. I shouldn’t have. And I encourage you to try not to, if you screw up and hurt people.
I know that’s hard, but it’s important. Getting defensive only tells people you care more about doubling down on your mistake than you do about healing the hurt it caused.
Instead, acknowledge that they have a right to be angry, apologize for the way you hurt them, and try to make amends, while understanding that they don’t owe you trust or forgiveness.
Be aware that some antisemites are using legitimate complaints to “Trojan horse” antisemitism into leftist spaces.
This is a really easy stumbling block to trip over, because most people probably don’t look at every post a creator makes before sharing the one they’re looking at right now.
I recently shared a video that called out some of the Likud and IDF’s atrocities and hypocrisy, and that also noted that many Jewish people are wonderful members of their communities.
I was later informed that, while that video in particular seemed reasonable, the creator behind it is frequently antisemitic.
I deleted the post, and blocked the creator. I encourage you to do the same if it’s brought to your attention that you’ve been ‘Trojan horse’d.
EDIT: Important note about antisemitism in leftist spaces:
While it's true that some blatant antisemites are using seemingly reasonable posts to get their foot in the door of leftist spaces, it's also true that a lot of antisemitism already exists inside those spaces.
This antisemitism is often dressed up in progressive-sounding language, but nonetheless singles Jewish people and places out in ways that aren't applied equally to other groups, or that label Jewish people in ways that portray them as acceptable targets.
If you want to see some specific examples, so you can have a better idea of what to keep an eye out for, I suggest reading this excellent reblog of this post.
Fact-check your doubts about antisemitism.
Depending on which parts of the internet you look at, you’ve probably seen people accused of antisemitism because they complained about the Likud and/or IDF’s actions. So you might be primed to be wary, or feel unsure of how to tell what counts as real antisemitism.
But that doesn’t mean antisemitism isn’t a very real, widespread, and harmful problem. And it doesn’t mean many or even most Jewish people are lying to you or being overly sensitive.
So if someone says something is antisemitic, and you aren’t sure, I encourage you to:
A. Look up the action or thing in question, including its history. Is there an antisemitic history or connotation you aren’t aware of? For best results, include “antisemitic” in your search query, in quotes.
B. Understand that some things, while not inherently antisemitic, have been used by antisemites often enough that Jewish people are understandably wary of them. Schrodinger’s antisemitism, if you will.
C. Ask Jewish people WHO HAVE OFFERED TO HELP EDUCATE YOU. Emphasis on WHO HAVE OFFERED. Random Jewish people aren’t obligated to give you their time and emotional energy, or to educate you – especially on subjects that are scary or painful for them.
@edenfenixblogs has kindly offered her inbox to those who are genuinely trying to learn and do better, and I’ve found her to be very kind, patient, reasonable, and fair-minded.
Understand that this is URGENTLY NEEDED.
In one of my conversations with a Jewish person who’d called me out, they said this was the most productive conversation they’d had with a person with a Palestinian flag in their profile.
I didn’t do anything special. All I did was listen, apologize for my mistakes, and learn.
Yes, it feels good to be acknowledged. But I feel like I’ve been praised for peeing IN the toilet, instead of beside it.
Apologizing, learning, and making amends after you hurt people shouldn’t be “the most reasonable thing I’ve heard from a person with a Palestinian flag pfp.”
It should be BASIC DECENCY.
And the fact that it’s apparently so uncommon should tell you how much unnecessary stress and fear Jewish people have been living with because of people who consider themselves defenders of human rights.
By all means, be angry at the Likud, the IDF, and the politicians, reporters, and specific media outlets who choose to enable and cover up for them.
But direct that anger toward the people who deserve it and are in a position to do something about it, not random people who simply happen to be Jewish, or who don’t want millions of people to be turned into refugees when less violent methods of achieving freedom and rights for Palestinians are available.
Stop peeing beside the toilet, people.
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genderkoolaid · 10 months
keep seeing people who clearly think meaningful pro-palestine activism is harassing anyone online who is not constantly saying the exact words they want to see. like tell me why people are harassing adam conover for "ignoring what's going on" and when he posted a video about how he literally made an entire podcast episode about it. they go "ummm but why haven't you said #FreePalestine yet :/" and getting mad he said he isn't posting clips because it's too nuanced a topic to reduce to a single snippet. which besides all that. it's one of the biggest issues in the news right now i do not think you need adam conover to be posting the same links and information that are being posted everywhere on leftist social media? he is a singular guy whose social media presence is very focused on (American) labor struggles atm. why are y'all like this
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gingerswagfreckles · 11 months
"Criticizing Israel isn't antisemitism" yeah but accusing Jews of making up hate crimes to derail the conversation around Gaza is. Claiming that the media is controlled by a secret group of all powerful Zionists is. Acting like the Holocaust is something Jews use to get out of trouble instead of an actual genocide that happened within living memory is. Telling us to go back to where we came from is.
"Criticizing Israel isn't antisemitism" yeah well a lot of you aren't being accused of antisemitism because you are criticizing Israel. You're being accused of antisemitism because you are being antisemitic and do nothing but evade and double down when it gets called out.
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"In Our Name: ..." an article written by Jewish students at Columbia University.
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nimrochan · 15 days
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Make antisemitism bad again.
Make racism bad again.
Make terrorism bad again.
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jewish-mccoy · 2 months
for the love of god if you haven’t taken even a basic class or read a book on the Middle East, sit the fuck down. You’re not an expert and you’re spreading misinformation. it’s stoking antisemitism and Islamophobia when you make blanket statements and try to paint everyone as either good or evil. it’s okay to just listen if you haven’t done your research. this has been a psa from your local very fucking tired Jew (who actually has studied middle eastern history, been to the area, and keeps up with current events and is still not a fucking expert and doesn’t pretend to be).
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ch4liz4rd-jpeg · 6 months
my biggest gripe with the pro palestinian movement is the lying. you can have empathy and feel remorse for gazans without lying and peddling every antisemetic trope in the book
you can realise that palestinian arabs did not kindly welcome jews who made aliyah before and after the shoah, they are not indigenous or the canaanites, they have been violent against israelis and jews, a lot of them do support hamas, the nakba was a war started by palestinians that they lost to israel, the palestinian national identity is reactionary to the israeli national identity, palestinians are not genetically distinct grom other arabs in the middle east, palestine is literally a colonial name given to the land by the romans to mock the jews living there to sever our connection to the land and STILL have empathy for palestinians. you can realise that they arent a perfect innocent victim and still have empathy for them. the source of their suffering isnt israel or jews, its the antisemitic and imperialistic goals of islamist leaders AND STILL. FEEL. REMORSE
if you need to distort the history of this land and its people and use antisemitic tropes in order to support palestine, you are the fucking problem!!!!! arabs are to the middle east what white people are to the west, and they are not victims just be they face oppression if they live in the west. go speak to any person from the indigenous populations of the middle east and levant and they can tell u all abt what islamism and arabs have done to them snd their families if u refuse to believe us sneaky lying je- i mean zionists. oh wait, its gonna be so hard to do that bc the arab world is doing everything in its power to kill them all
tl dr, you dont need to lie to have empathy for palestinians. you can accept the dirty past of palestinians (just as many israelis still love this country despite it flaws, less then pretty history and incompetent, corrupt government) and still empathise and believe in their self determination alongside jewish and israeli self determination. the need to lie, distort and discredit the jewish and israeli story shows your true (antisemetic) colors
(this is a rant from feb that u put on my insta story, thought it should be seen here)
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floralcavern · 9 months
Fun little game for people who are tired of antizionists
What false information about Israel-Palestine is your favorite? (By favorite, I mean favorite to stomp all over and makes you want to flip a table through the fucking wall). This can include historical takes, common sense takes, etc, etc.
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xclowniex · 3 days
So if that terror attack on Lebanon is justified for the death of those 12 Druze children (which I'm sure you wouldn't be as heartbroken about them if they were killed by the IDF instead), what should the IDF punishment be for killing thousands of Palestinians children and how many Israeli civilians are you willing to let die in order to get to those Israeli terrorists? Assuming you think Israelis should even be punished for killing children (or that the word terrorists can be used to describe someone that isn't Muslim)
I wasn't going to answer this as I know it's obviously in bad faith but I'll bite
Stop putting your US centric views onto me. Here in New Zealand, we considering March 15th a terror attack. If you don't know what happened that day, a white supremist opened fire on two mosques in Christchurch. The white supremist who did it? He is a terrorist. I consider him a terrorist. All the media here considers him a terrorist. He is a terrorist.
New Zealand has designated a few white supremist groups and individuals as terrorists
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Do you know who else is on this list?
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Do you know who is not on this list? The IDF. You can check for yourself too
To quote the Terrorism Suppression Act 2002, which is ya know, laws surrounding terrorism, the IDF currently is exempt from it.
"However, an act does not fall within subsection (2) if it occurs in a situation of armed conflict and is, at the time and in the place that it occurs, in accordance with rules of international law applicable to the conflict."
(Sub section two refers to civilians being harmed or killed)
Fun fact about war crimes! Individuals get arrested for them and designated as war criminals, not everyone who is apart of the military. Bibi can be arrested for war crimes. Any individual IDF member who did the war crime can be arrested for war crimes. Whatever the Israeli version of John Smith is, who has never committed a war crime during his service, cannot be arrested for a war crime, and therefore cannot be labeled a terrorist.
But wouldn't Hamas and hezbollah be excempt from being a terrorist group as they're in an armed conflict? They've both committed terrorist acts outside of armed conflicts, ergo, terrorist organizations.
Also, you can read the act I was quoting if you want
So, now that we have established that the IDF has not committed a terror attack as they're currently in armed conflict with Hezbollah, the rest of what you said falls apart, but to address it.
1. I would be equally as sad if the IDF killed 12 druze children
2. I think that any IDF members who have committed war crimes + bibi should be arrested for war crimes as I've stated so many times
3. If I lived in an ideal world, all hezbollah members would simply be arrested and there would be no loss of life. But we don't live in an ideal world. Hezbollah won't allow themselves to be arrested. Hezbollah also remains an active threat. If IDF members who have committed war crimes + Bibi refuse to be arrested and are still an active threat to people (key word active threat), yeah killing them would be best. Considering the exploding pagers had a mortality rate of 0.3%, and not all of that were civilians, I would expect a mortality rate of less than 0.3% of civilians near the individual war criminal to be killed.
Oh whats that? Not the answer you expected yeah I thought so. How about instead of frothing at the mouth trying to find a gotcha you can use to dehumanize me, you actually A) read up on laws* and definitions and B) read through my blog first because I've said many times that individuals who have committed war crimes should be arrested
*I know that NZ law may differ from laws elsewhere but they're pretty similar in the US, Canada and the UK
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jewelleria · 3 months
“zionism is white supremacy” shut up and open a fucking dictionary. open an encyclopedia. open a goddamn history book.
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zionism doesn’t mean the absence of rights for everyone other than jews. zionism means establishing and continuing to defend a country that keeps jews safe, because we’ve learned from 3000+ years of being kicked out of literally everywhere else that if we don’t protect ourselves, no one will.
grow up. stop being so childish. y’all are just mad it’s harder to kill jews than it used to be.
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genderkoolaid · 7 months
i don't think the response to people downplaying aaron bushnell's autonomy via sanism is to insist that he wasnt mentally ill, because REAL crazy suicidal people are incapable of making lucid purposeful acts out of genuine political beliefs. even if his suicide had other factors, he used his death in an attempt to express the brutality of genocide & the only proper way to honor him (especially for the US government) is to support Palestinian liberation.
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gingerswagfreckles · 8 months
Multiple posts with over 25k notes stanning the Houthis. The fucking Houthis. Who brought back chattle slavery to Yemen, who are directly responsible for the Yemeni famine that has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, who redirect international food aid into their military faction, who have "a curse upon the Jews" on their flag, who rounded up and expelled the last few dozen Jews remaining in Yemen in 2021, who openly sex traffic Ethiopian women, who don't allow women to travel without a male guardian even for essential medical care, who torture and execute their political enemies, who have started to oppertunistically attack random ships that are neither coming nor going from Israel to fund their oppressive regime. Those Houthis. Those Houthis. Multiple posts with over 25k notes about how they are "coming through" for Palestine.
Are you people fucking insane? I wish I had a nicer way to say this but this website is literally filled with some of the stupidest and most hateful people I have ever had the misfortune to encounter. How many times do you people need to learn that some idiot on Twitter is not where you should be getting your news???
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whether you’re a religious jew or not, i urge all of you to turn off your phones on shabbat. i did this yesterday. i read a whole book, i spent time with my family, i gave myself a day of rest where i didn't have to open up social media and see post after post about the war by people who are not affected by it in the slightest. and i felt guilty at first, because not everyone can ignore the war by turning off their phones, but it was so nice to have a day of peace and rest
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zonatcannibalism · 4 months
Israblr/ jumblr ppl, how many degrees of separation are you from someone who was murdered/ kidnapped/ injured/ sexualy assaulted/ assaulted in some other way/ etc by hamas on October 7nth?
Not a poll so people can share their stories
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sophus-wb · 4 months
If you're not jewish, I sincerely ask you to stop using the word "Zionist" or anything that has to do anything damn with it. You don't get to take our words, and twist them into things they don't mean.
If you're a "Zionist" or a "Anti-Zionist" and you aren't jewish? No you're not. I promise you, you don't understand shit.
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