#Jill would be an amazing cat mom I think
shaperaverse-brainrot · 2 months
(Excluding Kate)
Bonus if you add why or what pets you think they'd have
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cricketnationrise · 3 years
Quarantine Reads Part 7
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6
151. The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver: one of my mom’s buddy read pick. alternating pov. accidental baby acquisition. road tripping.
152. His Majesty’s Dragon by Naomi Novik: HOW did I miss that Naomi Novik had a whole dragon series??? HOWMST??? these are seriously right up my alley: dragons can talk and are partners with their riders, some dragons only let LADIES ride them (!!!), alternate history. plus there’s like 9 OF THEM??? amaze.
153. A Conspiracy of Kings by Megan Whalen Turner: book 4 in the queen’s thief series (now complete!). political intrigue, gods are real and semi-present in people’s lives, greekish adjacent.
154. Heartstopper: Volume Two by Alice Oseman: yes i had already read these panels online, but my print copy came in so obviously it was time to reread (it’s going to be a tv show!) (also its still updating!)
155. The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration by Isabel Wilkerson: meticulously researched, interwoven personal stories, the book is HEFTY but reads pretty quick
156. The Architect’s Apprentice by Elif Shafak: really cool story set in the height of the ottoman empire, follows Jahan, the elephant keeper, and how he came to be there and him growing up
157. Longbourn by Jo Baker: a retelling of pride and prejudice from the servants’ point of view, content warning: wickham preying on like a 12 year old, witnessing a whipping, descriptions of starvation, being a soldier in the napoleonic war
158. People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks: a ridiculously old Hebrew manuscript thought to be lost is found in Sarajevo, a conservator goes to examine it and finds several clues to the provenance of the text, follows the clues through history and flashes back to the present as the conservator tries to follow up on the clues, based on the true story of the Sarajevo Haggadah; content warning: murder, Holocaust, giving birth, the Inquisition
159. Goalie Interference by Avon Gale: hockey m/m romance between a set of tandem goalies on a fictional professional hockey team, lots o sex
160. What If It’s Us by Becky Albertalli: coming of age story set in nyc the summer before college, trying to figure out who you are, missing connections, some bad communication that gives way to good communication
161. Trade Deadline by Avon Gale: a hockey player gets traded after many seasons on the same team to his hometown team that is struggling to bring in fans, he reconnects with a childhood friend (and first kiss) who helps run the local aquarium, cuteness ensues, romance (so there’s sex)
162. The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead: two slaves manage to escape Georgia on the Underground Railroad, which, in this imagining is a series of safe houses and actual trains, follows their lives after that; content warning: violence, whipping, hunting people with dogs, severe illness, murder, racism
163. Small Gods by Terry Pratchett: 13th in the discworld series, this one explores the makings of a religion and how gods that have fallen out of favor can get a resurgence, very funny, highly ridiculous
164. Are You Listening? by Tillie Walden: graphic novel, Bea is on the run, runs into Lou, they find a cat, strange and dangerous stuff starts happening to them, magical realism, towns appearing and disappearing, haunted by a group of threatening men? creatures? unclear
165. The Left-Handed Booksellers of London by Garth Nix: a fun fantasy novel, old gods still exist, demons exist, a special family of booksellers are the main ones in london trying to stop them from wreaking havoc on the mundane population, a girl discovers her father is not what her mom told her
166. Bloom by Kevin Panetta: graphic novel, ya m/m getting together and falling in love, a boy is helping out in his parents’ bakery reluctantly when he is given permission to hang a help wanted flyer and meets the boy who becomes one of his best friends and maybe more
167. The Deal of a Lifetime by Fredrik Backman: short story, follows a father and son’s relationship
168. The Secret History of Wonder Woman by Jill Lepore: non-fiction, follows the author of the original wonder woman comics and his life, he seems like an ass to me though
169. Alif the Unseen by G. Willow Wilson: a hacker and his network is targeted after sleeping with/romancing the fiance of the government official tasked with rooting out those people trying to avoid the regime, alif is forced to go on the run with the literal girl next door and manages to accidentally stumble into the world of the djinn; content warning: imprisonment, torture, starvation, riots, murder
170. The Midnight Library by Matt Haig: in the space between life and death, there is a library, full of every what if you can think of and many more that you didn’t, follows the protagonist as she explores her own life many times if she had made different decisions along the way
171. A Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers: a crew that punches wormholes through space to make travel easier is given a huge contract that would set them up financially, but will take a massively long time to get to, and when they do, all is not as it seems, changing POV throughout the crew of a couple humans, a few differing alien species, and an AI as they go to do this job,
172. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows: epistolary novel set just after WW2, juliet ashton is a writer who receives a letter from Guernsey Island in the English Channel and they spark a friendship, after learning more about his experience during the war and his relationship with books, she starts corresponding with others from the island and eventually goes there herself. this is my actual favorite book. the love story is super sweet plus the friendships are A++++
173. Unshelved by Bill Barnes: comic strip collection set in a local library, follow the librarians as they battle loud teenagers, preteens who don’t want to read, and people who think the library is for anything but finding books to read
174. Ms. Marvel, Vol 1: No Normal by G. Willow Wilson: Ms. Marvel origin story, follows a teenager in Jersey City as she accidentally and suddenly acquires superpowers while trying to still make her curfew and not disappoint her parents and get good grades
175. Feast of Famine by Naomi Novik: short story set in the Temeraire series, won’t make sense unless you’re familiar with the worldbuilding
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Heart of a lion
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Chapter 2 Getting to Know You
Shinso x Reader
Rated M for Future Mature Themes (Not Explicit)
Tags: slow burn, mutual pining, secretive quirk
Summary: You never wanted to be a hero. You come from a long family of heroes, so why not just be a normal person? That’s what you hoped, until you re-connected with your old High School friend/crush.
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 /
The first day of school always left a sour taste in every student’s mouth. Especially yours, as you were completely out of your normal elements. UA always seemed like such a prestigious school that was way above your social circle and here you were, taking classes there. Not to mention no one you knew attended UA, not that there were any notable friends you made anyway. You released a sigh and walked into the entrance of the towering building, not missing a green haired student almost tripped onto his face, only to be saved by a girl who made him float so he didn’t dive right into the pavement.
At least I’m not the only nervous one here. You thought as you searched for your class. General Department class 1-C. Your stomach churned outside of the classroom as you willed yourself to open the door. Immediately you were introduced to faces you did not recognize. You sneaked in the room and sat in the only empty desk that weren’t bombarded with students: in the back corner by the window. You sat your stuff down and looked out the window. You started to regret your choice to graduate into this school. Was UA really the best place to go?
As you mulled over your decisions, you didn’t even notice the student with indigo hair that sat directly in front of you.
“Looks like you weren’t kidding when you said you would join me.”
Surprised and caught off guard by his sultry voice, you looked ahead to see your former and current classmate and he was… smiling? Grinning? Either way, you were sure you felt your heart skipped a beat… or maybe that was your anxiety. “Y-yeah! I finally decided to test my luck. I guess they liked me enough to accept me.”
You heard him hum to himself. “Well, they would be idiots not to.”
You were about to ask him what he meant by that, but the teacher entered the classroom before you could. Idiots not to accept you into the school? Or idiots to not like you?
Either way you were glad that you had at least one person to talk to. You can’t help but smile to yourself. It might be an interesting time at UA.
  You wished you had a quirk that made you disappear because gym was the worst. Even though you were in general studies, it seemed the school took the students’ health seriously, even the students who were not heroes. The gym teacher decided to test everyone’s strength and stamina because god forbid you have an easy first day. He challenged everyone in the class to keep running and to not stop moving for one whole lap, or the whole class had to take an extra lap. You didn’t want to be the sorry sucker with the whole class pointing daggers at you, so you were about to collapse when you hit the halfway mark. Your shins were on fire at this point and you were almost ready to give up.
“Come on, I know you got more in you.” You heard that same sultry voice next to you again.
“I don’t know,” you strained to talk. “I think being on everyone’s shit list… is a better option than dying.”
Shinso let out a small laugh. “I don’t think it’s that bad.”
“What? Being on everyone’s shit list or dying?”
“Dying. I don’t think anyone’s ever died from running too much.”
“Well, you’re about to see it.”
You made idle chatter with him like this, forgetting the pain in your body until you saw the finish line. You both finished at the same time and you couldn’t stop yourself from doubling over with your hands on your knees and let out a groan of pain.
“Please god don’t make me do that again.” You cried out to no one in particular.
Shinso walked up to you with a sly grin. “It’s only the first day and you’ve already had more than you can handle?”
“More than you know.” You took a deep breath and released. “Really regret doing nothing but eating chips and cuddling cats all summer.”
Before Shinso could speak, the gym teacher walked up to you and placed a firm hand on your shoulder. “Which is why we need warmups like this! So, you can get your body into tip-top shape for the year!”
This is what you call a warmup?! You screamed in your head; very sure the rest of the class thought the same.
“Come on students! Let’s do some cool down exercises in the gym!”
The entire class groaned and followed the teacher. You stayed behind to catch your breath, noticing Shinso had not left yet. “You don’t have to wait for me you know. I need a minute.”
“I’m not going to the gym.” He simply said and walked in the opposite direction.
You looked at him with confusion. Where is he going?
He stopped and turned to you. “You want to come with?” He asked in a monotone voice.
You weighed your options. Follow a student you barely knew, or, finish dying off with the rest of class in the gym, who are also students you barely knew. You decided that you did not want to die today. You straightened yourself out and followed Shinso to the furthest fence that lead into a forest. He climbed on top of it and offers a hand. You pout and climbed it yourself and threw your leg over the fence and jumped down.
“I can do at least this.” You smugly said to him.
“Really? I thought you said you were dying.” He said as he jumped down to join you.
You followed him through the trees of the forest. “Only temporarily. It was a temporary dying.”
He snickered and you couldn’t help but grin. He has the cutest smile and laugh.
You both weaved through the forest and you started to feel your heart drop the deeper you both traveled into the forest. You didn’t know if it was because you were skipping class, or you were following Shinso into the middle of no-where, but the eerie croaking of the forest unnerved you. Not to mention Shinso could easily make you do anything and have you forget…
No. You were not like those assholes who assumed he was a bad person. Still, you couldn’t help but be on guard. You tried to make light conversation. “Man, I hope this isn’t a part of some convoluted plan to kill me in the middle of no-where.”
“Not unless you like being killed by fluffy lint balls with claws.”
You gave him a quizzical look, but quickly understood when you suddenly heard little meows from a multitude of cats. In the middle of this forest someone built a little shelter that housed two adult cats and two little kittens. You heart clenched at the sight as Shinso walked toward them slowly.
“Hello, Jack and Jill. Kitten and Mitten.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out two cans of cat food. He opened them and gently pushed it toward the family.
“Jack and Jill? Kitten and Mitten?” You questioned from a distance. You didn’t know how the parent cats would respond to you, so you kept your distance.
“I’m not that original, I know.” He responded as he scratched one of the cat’s ear.
“I think it’s cute.” You responded as you walked forward slowly to not to disturb their feeding time. “How long have they been here?”
“Since spring. I found them when I came here to put in my application. It was raining almost every day, so I managed to get my hands on this little house. Been feeding them since then.” They finished eating and immediately started to rub on Shinso leg.
“I can see they’re already used to you.” You said.
“Yeah, I come and feed them a lot, even though they can hunt for small animals.” He looked toward you. “You want to pet them?”
You give him an unsure look.
“Sorry, I just assumed you liked cats when you said you cuddled one all summer.”
He wasn’t wrong but you and felines had a very odd relationship. You looked toward the two adult cats, who were obviously on guard. You thought you might as well try.
You kneeled on your legs and leaned down gently, lowering your eyes.
Shinso observed your actions curiously.
You slowly reach out your hand toward both the adult cats and let them both sniff you a little bit to let them get familiar with your scent. Soon enough, both adults started to rub against your hand to let you pet them.
“Amazing.” Shinso said. “It took giving them shelter and food for them to even think of giving me a chance.”
“Well, me and cats have a pretty peculiar relationship. They either love me or hate me.” You said as the mom cat sat on your lap. “Although, they’re probably only accepting me because they trust you.”
“I hope so. I really like them.”
If only your middle school class could have seen him now. How could someone who so desperately wanted the approval of a bunch of kittens be a villain? You laughed a bit.
“Something funny?” He questioned.
“Nothing, just…” you wondered if it would be appropriate to bring up. “I never understood why our class automatically labeled you as a villain when I’m pretty sure you never did anything wrong.”
He observed the little kittens as they wrestled each other. “It comes with the quirk. People can’t help it, especially when its mind control. Villains give it a bad reputation.”
You felt sorry for him. He’s had to deal with this ridicule most of his life, no doubt being misunderstood simply because of his quirk. If it were irritating when they mocked him in class, you could only imagine what it must have been like his whole life.
“They just fear what they don’t know.” You said as you gently pat the cat in your lap. “And they’re idiots because they don’t know you.”
“You don’t know me either.”
“I would like to.” You didn’t know what possessed you to say something so bold. Maybe because it was a tender moment or because you wanted to tell him this for a while.
Shinso looked away with a slight blush on his face. “Not sure why you would want to but… thank you.”
You both grew silent the next few minutes. You couldn’t tell if it was an awkward or normal moment, but you enjoyed his presence none-the-less. You hoped he felt that way too.
After a few more minutes you both agreed to head back to the classroom. You said your goodbyes to the cat family and started to head back, noticing that Shinso kept glancing at you.
“Like what you see?” You smirked at him.
Shinso turned his head away looking embarrassed. “Nothing, it’s just… I don’t understand why you would want to get to know me. You’ve heard what they say.”
“I’m not one to judge a book by it’s cover.” You answered. “I would like to know someone before I can judge them.”
He said nothing else as you both got back, just in time to see that the class just ended, and students filing into the locker rooms.
“I’ll see you back in class.” You waved to him goodbye.
“Yeah.” He responded as he entered the boy’s locker room.
You walked inside and started to change into your normal school cloths. You wished this wasn’t the first or last time you got to hang out with Shinso, and you hoped he thought the same.
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Another Taggy Tag Thing
Answer these then tag 10 followers you’d like to get to know better! I was tagged by @talistheintrovert trAITOR WHOM I LOVE. (for ratting my out to P at times)
• 1. have you ever been in love? I think so. 
• 2. who is your favorite artist? I don’t think I have one.
• 3. what is your favorite music genre? I love all genres but right now, r&b soul. 
• 4. have you ever had a penpal? Yes, for some school project ages ago. 
• 5. are you single or in a relationship? I am single. 
• 6. what color are your eyes? Green/Hazel
• 7. what is your favorite word? Maybe squishy?? I’ve never really thought about it before. 
• 8. do you play any instruments? I do not. 
• 9. what is your favorite color? As a wise nonnie declared for me, it is purple. 
• 10. do you have any nicknames? Oh gosh, yes. Most commonly Jules, but also J, Jhulamando, Jatle Batle, Juju, Juju bean, etc. 
• 11. what is your favorite flower? I frankly have no clue.
• 12. what qualities do you find attractive in a person? I absolutely adore people who are honest and true to themselves. People who are lovers of he world and spread positivity and radiate light are those I’m most drawn to. 
• 13. do you have any pets? My puppers Taj and kitty Spunky!
• 14. have you ever traveled outside of your home country? Wow okay, Talis. Way to make me jealous with your answer. I’ve only been to a few countries in Central America. Guatemala is an absolute wonder. 
• 15. what language(s) do you speak? English.
• 16. who was your first crush? TALIS THAT IS SO SAD. OH MY GOSH BABE LET ME WRAP YOU IN BLANKETS AND HOLD YOU FOREVER. My first ever crush was on my third grade substitute teacher who was there for half a year. Mmmmmmmmmmmm, yes. 
• 17. do you wear glasses? Yes indeed!
• 18. what is your favorite pastry? Thank you for making me hungry, Talis. What classifies as a pastry, yikes? *quickly googles* Okay! It would be fried dough. (does that count, I have no idea)
• 19. do you prefer swimming in a pool or in the ocean? Oceaaaaaaaan. I love feeling creeped out by the seaweed :P
• 20. bright, dark, or pastel colors? Pastel
• 21. what is your favorite social media app? .....sadly this
• 22. what is your sexuality? Talis is an icon. I love her. I am pansexaul!
• 23. do you have any siblings? Two sisters.
• 24. what is your favorite scent? Cow manure, but it has to be the right ratio of feces to urine. Sometimes the farmers will mix in a little too much urine for my taste and it will be wayyyy to potent. So it’s gotta be just the right amount of both. Will I ever be ashamed of this? Probably not.
• 25. where do you want to travel to? To your bedroom.
• 26. what is your favorite film? Tommy Boy or Tremors
• 27. who do people say you look like? My mom and oldest sister!
• 28. who is your best friend? My mom, of course, as well as my precious Jill (@bellamyblakearms​) and my girl Abby (not on here).
• 29. what is your dream job? A marine biologist. 
• 30. do you know how to drive? Yes.
• 31. who is/was your favorite teacher? So cool because I was just thinking about this today! It’d be a tie between my fifth grade English/History teacher and my junior year Visual Culture teacher. The first one was just the coolest chick one could ever know. She was so personal and was actually the only person I ever opened up to that year. She immediately could tell how I was feeling without me saying anything and just wow. I loved that woman. She just retired to so lots of love for you, Mrs. Garrey! The second one didn’t even feel like a teacher. She was more like a friend. The class was by far my most favorite in all my years of school. We studied all forms of art and it was a tiny class of only four so we were all super close. She put her entire soul into that class and completely made the year for me. 
• 32. are you a feminist? For sure. 
• 33. what is your zodiac sign? Sagittarius. 
• 34. do you enjoy reading? Yes, I just have to be in the mood for it. 
• 35. do you have any hidden talents? Lol no. 
• 36. have you ever dyed your hair? No.
• 37. what is your favorite thing in your bedroom? My Freddie Mercury wall decal. 
• 38. what is your biggest fear? Car accidents. I am a horrible person to drive with.
• 39. can you whistle? Yes.
• 40. do you make your bed every day? Never.
• 41. do you have any tattoos and/or piercings? Just one tattoo. The buffalo on my wrist. But I’ll be getting another one in a few months (I think?) And my ears are pierced.
• 42. have you ever been on a roller coaster? Yes. However, I love to psyche myself out for whatever reason and went on a binge searching for footage of a bunch of roller coaster accidents. Now I’m petrified and refuse to step on one :))
• 43. surfing or skateboarding?  I’ve never been but I’ve always wanted to surf!
• 44. are you a dog or a cat person? Animal person all around.
• 45. what is your favorite animal? American bison. 
• 46. do you have a skincare routine? AHA
• 47. what time do you typically go to bed at and what time do you wake up at? I was going to bed around 11 pm, but then season five started so I fall asleep around 2 am. I get up at 6-6:30 am. 
• 48. what is your favorite memory? The day I found my Spunkers in my backyard.
• 49. how tall are you? 5′10″
• 50. what is the best gift you’ve ever received? My sister made me her own version of the Jim Halpert teacup present. It was amazing. 
• 51. do you have a garden? A small one!
• 52. do you like bugs? I wish. Sadly, I am horrified of all bugs.
• 53. what is your natural hair color? Ash blonde.
• 54. what is your favorite food and drink? Nachos and water.
• 55. do you want kids? No.
• 56. what is/was your favorite class? As mentioned above, my Visual Culture class.
• 57. what color shirt are you wearing? Red and grey.
• 58. if you could time travel, what year would you go to and why? 1813 to meet Jane Austen and talk, or 1606 to meet Shakespeare and talk, or 1926 to meet Agatha Christie and talk (also to ask her where she was when she went missing because that is a mystery that I NEED to solve). I just need to talk to my favourite dead authors you guys.
• 59. what is your skin color? Pale. Just… pale. (Talis speaks my mind)
• 60. hugs or kisses? Completely depends. Hugs over kisses but sometimes even a hug is a bit much for me. 
• 61. have you ever drank alcohol? Yes.
• 62. have you ever done drugs? No.
• 63. netflix or youtube? Netflix.
• 64. ice cream or frozen yogurt? Ice cream.
• 65. succulents or flowers? Flowers.
Yikes I don’t know whose been tagged so let’s just say everyone.
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davidcarner · 6 years
Chuck vs Truffaut Industries Ch 2, Complicated
A/N: So, most of you like it, some of you are a little irritated at Sarah (some of you all are flat mad). So, let's see what we can do about that. Backstory time. Sit back, get in your car, head up the 5 to Stanford, find your Arvil Lavigne CD (you know you had it), and put on Complicated. (you might need tissues) Ch 2, Complicated
Disclaimer: I don't own Chuck, but I'm hoping someone makes a movie soon.
Stanford, August 2002
"Are you and Jill coming to the party tonight?" Bryce asked.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Chuck replied. "I've got class, Buddy, see you later."
Bryce headed back across the quad when he was stopped by a man in a dark suit and sunglasses.
"Bryce Larkin," Langston Graham said. Bryce stopped short.
"Sir, what are you doing here?" Bryce asked.
"This is too important to trust to anyone else," Graham said. "I have an assignment for you."
"Sir, I have class," Bryce said, wanting to do his job, but knowing he couldn't get behind in his classwork. Graham smiled.
"The assignment is on campus," Graham said. "We have reason to believe that Fulcrum has infiltrated parts of the CIA and is already recruiting. We fear that one of your classmates may be an agent."
"Jill Roberts," Graham said, watching the color drain from Bryce's face.
"That's nuts, Sir," Bryce said. "All due respect," he added quickly. Graham nodded.
"Let's be sure," he said, handing him small electronic devices. "Plant these bugs in her purse, phone, residence, wherever you can. Let's be safe rather than sorry." Bryce nodded. "Bryce, above all else, keep Chuck Bartowski safe."
"Chuck, sir?" Bryce asked. "Why would he be in trouble?"
"I don't know that he is, but when we recruited you we also checked out Chuck," Graham explained. "We don't need him going through any more tragedy." Bryce nodded. "I don't want to keep you, Son, but you have to know this is the highest priority."
"I understand, Sir," Bryce said. Graham nodded and Bryce left. He watched him walk away, and pulled out a cell phone.
"Orion, it's done," Graham said. "You'll be surveilling as well? Fine, just get me my Intersect."
Three weeks later
"I can't believe it," Chuck said, taking a swig of another beer. "We got through the summer, that's what I was worried about. I mean I get it, I'm a nerd," he paused and his brows furrowed. "She's a nerd too, but a brainy nerd, you know?" he said, turning to Bryce. "I mean she's kinda outta my league, she's so smart," Chuck said, dreamily. "But to tell me she was doing half the football team, that's just harsh."
"Hypersexuality is such an unknown in the world of medicine," Bryce said, nursing his second beer. Bryce had lost count of how many Chuck had drank. The bug had found Jill was indeed a part of Fulcrum, and in an interesting twist, Graham agreed to keep Jill out of a hole if she would break up with Chuck. He said it had to be something that gave him no chance of ever wanting her back. Bryce wasn't sure her telling Chuck that she was having sex with half of the football team was necessary, but it had done the trick.
"I mean how does she even know some of those guys?" he asked, blowing air out of his cheeks.
"I have no idea, Buddy," Bryce said. He loved Chuck like a brother, but this was the third night of this, and it was enough. Bryce's phone rang. "I gotta take this man." Chuck grinned.
"AHHHH," Chuck said, grinning sloppily. "I know, is it Heather Jenkins, no, I know, Rebecca Stephens." He sat up quickly. "I know, I know, it's Suzie Pfephercorn."
"I don't know Suzie Pfephercorn, Chuck," Bryce said. Chuck thought a second, and then turned back to the bar.
"Yeah, you wouldn't," Chuck admitted. "She went to my high school. She had pretty eyes."
"Eyes, Chuck," Bryce said chuckling. "You can speak freely here," he said, as he patted Chuck's back standing up.
"Thanks, Buddy," Chuck said. "She had the greenest eyes," he said, his glossing over thinking back. "It was like looking into a field of grass in the spring after the rain." Bryce shook his head at his friend, grinning.
"Never change, Buddy, never change," he said walking outside. He called back the number. "Larkin, secure."
"Graham, secure," Graham answered.
"Please for the love of God, Sir, get me out of here," Bryce begged.
"That bad," Graham asked.
"Worse," Bryce answered.
"Hang on tonight, and I'll get my best agent there to watch him over the weekend," Graham answered. "I need you to take out that cell, Larkin, they may be targeting Bartowski."
"Understood, sir," Bryce answered. "Do I need to hand him off?"
"Negative, Bryce," Graham answered. "Leave tomorrow like planned. I have other eyes on him, but I need my best on him. She'll take care of him." Bryce was uncomfortable.
"Sir, no disrespect, but with everything Chuck's been through," Bryce began.
"Larkin, she's not going to seduce him," Graham answered. "She's good enough she doesn't have to do that."
"Thank you, sir," Bryce said. He heard a dial tone. He sighed and walked back in, and Chuck was still talking about Suzie's green eyes."
Simi Valley
Sarah stood in front of her mother's house, and just stared at it. How hard was it to walk up and ring a doorbell, or knock on a door….or better yet, hop in her Porsche and drive off? She sighed, walked up to door and rang the doorbell. The door opened.
"Sa-" Emma began. "What do I call you?"
"It's probably best to call me Sarah," she answered. Emma nodded and pulled her into a hug.
"Come in," Emma said, after they broke the hug. Sarah came in and joined her mom at the kitchen table. "So, what's your mission?"
"No, mission, Mom," Sarah answered, shaking her head. "I'm here for the football game, and to see you."
"Football?" Emma asked grinning. Sarah sighed.
"I mean I do like it, but…Harvard's not that great," she said, sighing. "I've been gone on the weekends for so many CAT Squad missions that I need to do something with the student body." She was silent for a second. "I could use the time to study," she grumbled under her breath.
"How is real school going?"
"Good, I'm going to graduate on time, maybe even early," she said grinning. Emma returned the grin, and then it left. "Mom, please don't," she said softly.
"What did he ever do for you?" Emma spit out. Sarah sighed.
"I have a deal with Graham," Sarah said. "He lets dad out on parole after five years, he clears his name after ten."
"Sweetie, your father doesn't deserve what you're doing for him," Emma said.
"He's my dad," Sarah said softly, tears in her eyes.
"I know, Sweetie, I know," she said, putting her arm around her. "I just hate this."
"I'm getting a college education, dad gets out, and you're okay," Sarah said. "I made the best with the hand I was dealt." Emma held her daughter close, and just looked up at the ceiling.
"I hate this," Emma said softly. Sarah gave a laugh.
"There's days I do too," she admitted. Her phone rang, she groaned, and rolled her eyes. "I've got to take this." Emma nodded, let her go, and Sarah walked to her room.
"Walker, secure," Sarah said.
"I need you to go to Stanford," Graham said.
"I'm going for the game Saturday," she said.
"I need you to go now," Graham said. "We have a high priority target. He's a civilian and he may be in danger, I need you to get close to him and keep him in your sight for the next several days."
"Sir," Sarah began, bile rising in her mouth.
"Sarah, I'm not suggesting what you're worried about," Graham said. "You know me better."
"I know, Sir, it just sounded…yes, Sir, I understand," Sarah said.
"I'll text you the substation address there and the code of the day, they'll have your dossier ready," Graham said. "Sarah, this is a good guy. He is a citizen that's had a terrible hand dealt to him in life, and he needs your protection, that's why I'm sending you, you're my best."
"I'll protect him, Sir," she replied. With that, the call ended. Sarah walked back into the kitchen. "I've got to go." Sarah saw her mom's face. "I'm going to go protect a civilian, it should be little danger." Emma hugged her.
"If you let him rot, no one would blame you," she said.
"I would," Sarah said softly. Emma hugged her tighter.
"You're a better daughter than he ever was a father," Emma said. Sarah laughed as she pulled away.
"Mom, that we can agree on," she said. They said their goodbyes, she climbed into her car, and off she went to Stanford.
The next morning
Chuck was sitting on a bench just looking over the campus. It was Thursday. There would be a lot of parties tonight, and tomorrow night, and Saturday after the game. His plan was to partake of all the free alcohol he could. His brain and stomach wasn't agreeing with that idea right now. He was watching the blonde walk across the quad. She had a map and she had crossed it twice already. It was possible she was lost. He was going to say something to her the next time she passed, but he hadn't seen her again, so he didn't worry about it. He gave a deep, contemplative sigh.
"I mean I passed by twice, you could have said something," the voice came behind him. "Are all you Stanford guys jerks?"
"I'm sorry," Chuck said, never turning his head. "I've been nursing this amazing hangover all morning, and I'm processing on about one quarter speed." She came around him, and plopped on the bench, she studied him for a minute. She sniffed the air, and Chuck laughed.
"Nope, no vomit, and I showered," Chuck said.
"You still smell of alcohol," she said.
"Probably three straight days of drinking," he said. She raised an eyebrow. There was silence for a moment.
"Now see, you can't do that," she said. He turned slowly towards her and lifted his sunglasses, a curious expression on his face. She grinned at him, and Chuck forgot about why he had been drinking. There sitting in front of him was a real life angel. He thought Suzie whatsherface had amazing eyes, they were nothing compared to the girl in front of him. They were blue…a stormy blue, like they would change with her mood, and the grin….he could get lost there forever.
"Chuck Bartowski," he said, offering his hand. She raised an eyebrow. "My parents were sadists." She laughed and shook his hand. Chuck was really wondering why he had been drinking. This amazing woman was laughing at his joke. He just stared at those eyes…and then he realized he might be seen as creepy. "Sorry," he said, as he quit staring into her eyes. "Hung over, not processing."
"I think that's the first time I've ever had my eyes stared at," she said, a smirk on her face. Chuck shrugged.
"What can I say, they're a gateway into the soul," he said. She studied him for a minute.
"Jenny Burton," she said. "I'm supposed to be here with a bunch of friends from Harvard to see the game, and they ditched me." Chuck looked shocked. "Vegas," she said with a grin. Chuck nodded. "So I have no idea where I'm going. Any chance you could show me around?" He looked at her in surprise. "You intrigue me, Chuck Bartowski, and you can finally tell me why you've been drinking for three days."
"My ex-girlfriend was banging half of the football team," Chuck said. Sarah didn't know how to respond. "I'm not sure why just half," he said, and glanced over at Sarah. She couldn't help herself, a fit of laughter burst out of her.
"I mean she only did half the job," Sarah said, giggling.
"Right?" Chuck replied. "She's probably not worth the drinking."
"She's not," Chuck said, nodding. Sarah stood up and offered him her arm.
"Take me to breakfast," she said. "You could probably use some food that's not liquid form." Chuck stood and took her arm.
"You're exactly right," he said.
Sarah was trying to not fall out of the chair laughing.
"So, wait," she said, trying not to snort. "You actually call him, Awesome."
"Oh, yeah, everything he does is awesome. Climbing mountains, jumping out of planes, flossing," Chuck said, as Sarah fought off another fit of giggles. "Wait until you meet him." Chuck realized he was assuming a lot. Sarah just smiled. "So what about your closet and skeletons?"
"I am relatively free," she said.
"That's good, I have so much baggage I need my own personal baggage handler," he said.
"Maybe I could be your baggage handler," she said. Sarah kept her face neutral but inside, she was losing it. What was she doing? She was part of the CAT squad, this was a just a civilian, true, a civilian that life had taken a dump on, but a civilian. He wasn't being suave, or trying to get in her pants, and she was caving from honesty? Was she cut out for the CIA life? Chuck was grinning at her.
"You would be the most attractive baggage handler I've ever seen," Chuck said.
"Thank you," she said.
"Don't let it go to your head," he said, grinning. "Have you seen some of them?" She threw a napkin at him, grinning. "Seriously, you have the perfect life?"
"My dad," she said shrugging. Chuck nodded. "I mean nothing as bad as you, your sister raised you."
"But," Chuck said. Sarah grinned, nodded, and thought why not? She'll never see him again after this weekend.
"My dad and I have problems, and it's caused problems between me and my mom," she said. Chuck looked at her. "What?"
"We both know that's not the full story, but that's okay," he said, his smile on full blast. "I've got to earn that story." She leaned forward resting her chin on the back of her hand.
"And how do you plan on doing that?" she asked.
"By showing you every guy at Stanford isn't a jerk," he said. She grinned at him, and then her smile fell. "What's wrong?"
"Well, my friends and I all had hotel rooms booked, but now…" she said, shrugging.
"You trust me?" he asked. "I know you barely know me, but my roommate is gone for the weekend, and if you can handle me being in the same room with you, you can have his bed," he said. She began to smile. "Before you do, he's a bit of a player, so maybe we should find some different sheets." She laughed out loud.
For the next two days, the two were inseparable. Sarah retrieved her bag from her beat up car provided by the CIA substation. They went to the party Thursday night, Chuck didn't drink, and he and Sarah talked all night. They dozed off in Chuck's bed, on top of the covers, fully clothed, watching a movie, Thursday night. Chuck skipped classes again Friday (he was going to have to kill himself the next few weeks making up all he had blown off) and he and Sarah hung out all day. Friday night was the big fraternity party, and Sarah constantly had someone give her a fresh drink. All the guys were so thankful that someone had pulled Chuck out of his funk. They all were calling her Chuck's girl, and she was playing along, teasing him, and loving every time she caught a blush on his cheeks. She was feeling all the effects of the alcohol, Chuck, and his friends encouraging her, that when she made her way to their room that night, she didn't have it in her to deny herself.
"Jenny, what are you doing?" Chuck asked.
"I'm going to show that idiot ex-girlfriend of yours how stupid she was for cheating on you," Sarah said, slightly swaying, trying to line up his lips for another kiss. How did this nerd kiss so well? Chuck took a deep breath.
"Jenny, you're drunk and we can't do this," Chuck said.
"Why not?" she asked. "I know how, and if you don't know I can teach you," she said, waggling her eyebrows.
"Jenny, not like this," Chuck said, hating his moral code. "Not like this."
"You're right, I've got too many clothes on," she said, grinning. Chuck blew out a breath.
"Okay, let's try this, you go over there, wait for me under the covers," Chuck said. "I'm going to go brush my teeth and I'll be right back." Sarah smiled.
"That's the spirit," she said, patting his cheek. "Hurry back," she said, stumbling into the bed. Her shirt was flying off, as Chuck sprinted out the door. He shut the door and turned and saw one of his fraternity brothers smiling at him and shaking his head.
"She's drunk, wants to, and you won't," he said. Chuck nodded. "Dude, if you ever want to date my sister, I'm cool with it." Chuck laughed softly.
"For the record, I hate myself," Chuck said. His fraternity brother laughed, patted him on the arm, and headed downstairs. Chuck wondered how long he should wait, when he heard a sound coming from his room. He grinned and opened the door, and there was Jenny Burton, snoring. She had one leg sticking out from under the covers. He stared at it, and then jerked his eyes away, refusing to follow it to its eventual end. He walked over, and managed to get the leg in bed without seeing anything. He walked over to his bed, thought about changing clothes, but decided against it, just in case. He crawled into bed, and went to sleep.
Chuck woke up, hearing Sarah tossing and turning. Sunlight was starting to pour into the window. Sarah suddenly sat up with the blanket held tightly against her.
"Oh, God," she said, looking under the sheet. She turned and looked over at him. "Chuck," she said, her face frantic.
"For the record, that's the first time you uttered that phrase in this room today," Chuck said, shaking his head no. She took a second to process what he was saying, and then the giggles began. They turned into full fledge laughter from both of them.
"Funny," she said. Chuck shrugged. "About last night," she began.
"Please don't apologize," Chuck said. She looked at him. "You have pulled me out of the biggest funk in the world, and I should have watched out for you better last night, my frat brothers…they were hoping I'd…you know." She grinned at him.
"Thank you for being a gentleman," she said, grinning shyly. Chuck nodded.
"I need to take a shower…a cold one," he said.
"Was that necessary?" she asked.
"You offered to teach me last night," Chuck said. Sarah hid her face in her hand. "Jenny, it was fine, it happens, but I need to be totally honest with you, if you weren't drunk last night…" Sarah stared at him, and then she winked. "And Bob's your uncle!" he yelled shutting the door, Sarah laughed.
They had spent the day around campus, holding hands, and Sarah found herself finding ways to wrap Chuck's arm around her where she could. She was falling for him, and she knew she couldn't, she shouldn't. She was. During the game she found Chuck's arms around her from behind, and after it was over they walked to the frat house. The party was in full swing, but they ignored it and went upstairs. She shut the door, and locked it. Chuck looked at her nervously.
"Jill, was an idiot," she said, grinning.
"Yeah?" he asked. She closed the distance between them quickly and attacked his lips. This was what she wanted to do. A part of her hated herself. They had no chance at a future, and she wanted one. She wanted a life where she could meet Chuck Bartowski, date him, fall in love, marry him, and have 2.5 kids and a white house, red door, and a white picket fence. She hated her dad so much right now, and she loved this man in front of her. A little girl today had lost her balance, fallen, and spilled her drink. After Chuck made sure she was okay, and they found her parents, he had gotten her another one. She hated her dad so much.
"Chuck, I'm not drunk tonight," Sarah said.
"I'm not either," Chuck replied, grinning, she returned the grin.
It was around 4 when she heard her text go off. She unwrapped herself from Chuck and gave him a long look. What had happened last night…magical. She hated what had to happen next. She got her phone, saw that the threat had been neutralized, and she could come home. She had thought about how this would happen for a long time, and while she hated it, it had to happen. She got dressed, wrote a note, kissed Chuck softly on his head, ran her fingers through his curls, and then said the words she needed to say.
"I love you, Chuck Bartowksi," she said softly. She grabbed her bag, slipped out the door, and headed to the CIA substation.
When Chuck woke in the morning, he knew she was gone, he could feel it. Part of him ached. Ached like he never had before. He saw the note, and picked it up.
I hate leaving, but what I hate more is not letting you know how to contact me. Jill is an idiot, never forget that. Never forget that you are loved. I will always carry a piece of you with me. I know one guy at Stanford who is definitely not a jerk.
Jenny Burton
Chuck held the letter next to him. He carefully folded it and put it in his wallet.
"I love you too, Jenny," he said.
2 week later, Stanford
"Bryce, I'm in," Chuck said, happy as could be. He was going to find her.
"All right, Buddy, I knew you could do it," he said. Bryce had a feeling he knew what had happened. Some poor CIA agent came into Chuck's life, and had got turned upside down. She hadn't been prepared for the heartwarming that this nerd possessed. Chuck's fingers stopped typing. "Found her?" he asked with a smile.
"Jenny Burton doesn't exist," Chuck said dejectedly. "There is no Jenny Burton at Harvard," he said, turning to Bryce. "Why would she lie about her name?"
6 week later, Langley
"Walker, good to see you," Graham said. "Have a seat."
"I'm pregnant, sir," Sarah said.
"How did this happen?" Graham asked. Sarah was in no mood.
"Well, when a woman and a man-" she saw the look on his face and stopped. I blame Chuck for that. I wonder if his kid is messing with my mind. Part of her smiled at that thought. "My assignment at Stanford."
"Sarah, that was a great sacrifice," Graham said, struggling to keep his emotions.
"Sir, it was my choice," she said. "I want to keep this baby."
"And the father?" he asked. She shook her head.
"I don't know," she said softly.
"Why don't you give it a week and then we'll talk, but as for now, you are an analyst." She nodded and left. Graham picked up the phone and made a call. "Orion, you should know, the agent I sent to watch your son, they…she's pregnant." He listened for a minute, and his mouth fell open. "You don't know that she's like your wife! You've never met her." He sighed and blew out a breath. "I understand Orion, he'll not be told, but I better have that intersect soon, or I'll call him personally. Do you understand? Goodbye." Graham hung up his phone, sat there a second, stood up quickly, and with an arm knocked everything off his desk in a rage. He sat back down with his head in his hands. "They don't deserve this."
A week later
"Sarah, have you decided about Bartowksi?" Graham asked. She shook her head. "Sarah, he's a civilian. You didn't tell him your name, you're a CIA agent, and your family's past, do you think he'd want to be a part of that?" She shook her head, tears coming out of her eyes. "I think deep down you know." She nodded.
"I won't tell Chuck," she said. She left a few minutes later. Graham pulled out a flask.
"Of all the things I've done in this job, this feels like the worst," he said.
One year later
Sarah stormed into Graham's office.
"What the hell!?" she screamed. "He got expelled from Stanford!?"
"Sarah, calm down," Graham said.
"Calm down!? I have that man's child, who he can't know about and you want me to be calm because one of your agents got him expelled!?"
"How do you know about this anyway?" he asked his eyes narrowing. Sarah realized she was caught.
"He's my child's father, I can't not know," she said. Graham's face softened.
"Sarah," he said softly. She was near tears.
"She lives an hour from his sister's apartment," she said, crying. "I only get to see Molly a little each month, he could be there with her."
"You know it's not for the best," Graham said, sick to his stomach.
"I know," she said. "I made a deal with you, one I will honor." Graham nodded.
"He's already out," Graham said. Sarah looked up at him. "We had a deal, I honored it. Now, it's time for you to go to the Farm and finish your training.
"What about the CAT squad?" she asked.
"Without you, it wasn't the same," he said. She nodded and left.
One year later. Ice Cream shop, New York City
"I'll have a scoop of Butter Pecan," the man said.
"And two scoops of Rocky Road in a cup," Sarah said, behind him. He turned around and grinned at her. He turned back to the cashier.
"You heard my darlin'. Two scoops," he said. They went and sat. "What are you doing here?"
"Nice to see you too, Dad," Sarah said.
"It's Jack Burton today," Jack replied, winking.
"Ahh, playing the hits," she said, grinning.
"Talk," he said, watching her. She gave him a look. "What? I still know all your tells." Sarah sighed and told him about the deal she made with Graham, Chuck, and the baby.
"And, now, in two months or so, they're going to give me a red test. I have to kill someone, Dad, someone very dangerous, but someone," she said. Tears were in her eyes.
"Sarah, you're not a murderer," Jack said. "That's not you. Cons, protecting people, all the rest, is fine, but killing someone, bad guy or not, that's not you." She smiled and he laid his hand on hers. "You know this, so why come ask me?"
"Because a girl needs her dad," she said. "Even when he is a bad one." She grinned, but he looked at her seriously.
"Then why haven't you told that schnook?" Jack asked. "Because we both know he'd be a better one than I am." Sarah put her hand to her mouth. "Darlin' tell him. I don't think he's gonna care."
"But she's sixteen months old," Sarah said.
"Better late than never."
The next day, Langley
"Sarah, what can I do for you?" Graham asked, knowing what was coming.
"I can't pass the red test," Sarah said. "Too much has changed in my life."
"I know," Graham said. "And I know why you stayed on. I should have done away with our deal then."
"So, what do we do?" Sarah asked, terrified.
"Stay away from Bartowski for the next four years and your father's record is expunged." Sarah's eyes bugged out of her head. "There's still some heat on him," Graham said. "Stay away for four years, your father stays out of prison." Sarah nodded. "We'll finish all the paperwork tomorrow." Sarah got up and left. Graham picked up his phone.
"Orion, I've gotten what you wanted, but this is sick," Graham said. "You are purposely breaking up another family. Why don't you give them a chance instead of projecting your problems onto them? Fine! Just get me my damn Intersect!"
A few weeks later, Simi Valley, Christmas
"Look at you, holding your girl," Emma said to Sarah. "Sarah, your dad wouldn't want this." Sarah had tears in her eyes.
"Look, in four years I'll go see him and explain all of it," she said. "Then we'll see."
"Sarah," her mom began. Sarah shook her head.
"There's no chance of an us," she said softly. "I've already messed it up too bad."
"Is he seeing anyone?" Emma asked. Sarah shook her head. "How do you know?" Sarah wouldn't look at her, as she looked away sheepishly. "Have you wondered why?" Sarah didn't want to, but she grinned.
"He's very into his career right now," Sarah answered.
"Didn't you say he worked at the Buy More for $11 an hour?" Emma asked.
"He's working on other stuff," Sarah said. Emma shook her head.
"Dada," Molly said, pointing at the picture of Sarah and Chuck from that weekend.
"He is," Sarah said. "One day, baby, one day."
Four months later, Echo Park
She slowly opened the Morgan door. She had done this a half a dozen times the last six months. She should just tell him, and damn the consequences. She walked quietly right beside him.
"Jenny," he mumbled, a grin on his face. She felt things move in her. She softly stroked his hair, leaned down, and kissed his head.
"I love you, Chuck. Nothing's changed," she said softly and went to the window. "I'll be back in a few weeks," and with that she left.
Three months later
"And you're telling me the CIA is telling them if my granddaughter doesn't meet her father, I keep the deal?" Jack asked. Emma nodded. "Screw that."
"Gwanpa," Molly said.
"Do you want to see Dada?" Jack asked Molly.
"See Dada!" Molly yelled, and clapped.
"Jack, are you sure?" Jack reached over and put his hand on Emma's.
"Emma, I've screwed this family up enough, isn't it time I make things right?" Emma smiled at him.
"You were always a schnook, but you're my schnook," Emma said. "And I think I have just the idea."
This morning
"Ray, Emma Truffaut here. Yes, I know you're coming in, but my IT guy was looking at it, and he says it's a big deal. We're on a time crunch, and I was told about a Chuck Bartowski that is supposed to be the best, do you think there is any way you could get him? Really. Of course I need that for the building. Absolutely we can purchase that. Thanks. Oh, and Ray, don't let Chuck know we asked for him. Thanks." Emma smiled as she hung up and looked at Molly.
"It's time we straighten this mess out, sweetie."
“I guess you did know where he was all along,” Emma said.  Sarah gave her a sad smile as she brushed his hair with her hand.
“Yeah,” she admitted.  “And I know that you did this on purpose.”  Emma just grinned.
“She trusts him,” Emma said.
“Dada hurt his head?” Molly asked, coming over to brush his hair like Sarah was.
“He’s okay baby,” Sarah said.
“Dada come home?” Molly asked.  Tears were in Sarah’s eyes as she looked up at Emma.
“Perhaps I didn’t think this out,” Emma said.
“Dada wake up,” Molly said, and leaned down to kiss his cheek.  Chuck opened his eyes and looked at Molly and then Sarah. “Dada!”  Chuck looked at Sarah.
“99.2%?” he asked.  Sarah shrugged.  Chuck looked at Molly then to Sarah.
“I think we need to talk,” Sarah said.
A/N: Still mad at Sarah? Until next time.
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alwaysanotherooc · 7 years
92 Things Tag
RULES: FINISH THESE 92 STATEMENTS AND TAG 20 PEOPLE. Thanks, @justhedeepsea for tagging me.This is gonna be so much fun!
1. Drink: Water 2. Phone call: My Ma 3. Text message: Also my Ma 4. Song you listened to: Tell That Devil by Jill Andrews 5. Time you cried: Maybe a couple days ago...I’m a crybaby.
6. Dated someone twice: HahahahahaHAHAHAHA I have never dated anyone ever, so HAHAHAHAHAHAHA no. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Yup.  8. Been cheated on: See No. 6. Short answer, no. 9. Lost someone special: Not yet. 10. Been depressed: Been? More like have been since sophomore year. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Ew no, I never wanna be that drunk.
12. Azure 13. Lavender 14. Pink (All Shades)
15. Made new friends: Yeah, this fandom’s been really great for that! 16. Fallen out of love: Yeah. Not a deep love, mind you, or a reciprocated love, but yeah. 17. Laughed until you cried: Multiple times. I love when that happens. 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Oh yeah.  19. Met someone who changed you: Every person I’ve ever met has changed me a little. 20. Found out who your friends are: Yup. We’ll leave it at that. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I don’t think so...
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: None, at this point. 23. Do you have any pets: I don’t, personally, but my family has three cats and two dogs. 24. Do you want to change your name: I used to, I’m still thinking about it. 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: My best friend came up to visit me and we spent the weekend together. It was AMAZING. 26. What time did you wake up: Noon. It’s Sunday, the day of rest. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night:  Writing. ;) 28. Name something you can’t wait for: The Last Jedi, New Choices Chapters, James Ashton and Sean Gayle and Leah Myers to be loved the way they deserve, A Power Rangers sequel... 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Two months ago now. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Make myself a millionaire. Don’t tell me money doesn’t solve problems, it does. 31. What are you listening right now: Say My Name by ODESZA feat. Zyra 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I have an uncle named Tom. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: The idea that some people are lesser than others. 34. Most visited Website: Tumblr and YouTube, probably AO3 too. 35. Mole/s: None! 36. Mark/s: I have a scar on my eyebrow from this jerk I went to school with. Long story. 37. Childhood dream: Be a famous Oscar winning actress/author/director. 38. Hair color: Brown. 39. Long or short hair: Reeeeaal short. 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Not at the moment. 41. What do you like about yourself: ....my OC’s??? 42. Piercings: Ears, I would get more but I’m not sure what I want first. 43. Blood type: I have literally no idea, lol, hope that doesn’t come up. 44. Nickname: Em, Emmy, Countess (from my main blog) 45. Relationship status: Single af, and mostly ok with it. 46. Zodiac: Cancer! Born June 29. 47. Pronouns: She/Her 48. Favorite TV Show/s: Wynonna Earp, Phineas and Ferb (don’t JUDGE ME), NCIS, NCIS: LA, Still Star Crossed, the new Star Trek series looks LIT.  49. Tattoos: None yet, but I’ve got some planned. 50. Right or left hand: Right handed! 51. Surgery: I had my tonsils taken out when I was younger. 52. Hair dyed a different color: I had a pink streak in my hair in high school. 53. Sport: I used to play volleyball but I sucked at it, like, I was AWFUL. 54. Sexuality: Pansexual 55. Vacation: Scotland, London, Paris, Disney’s Castaway Cay, Mumbai, Hawaii. 56. Pair of trainers: I live in sneakers, so.
57. Eating: I’m munching on some carrots right now, so. 58. Drinking: Still drinking water. 59. I’m about to: Watch some Phineas and Ferb. (lisTEN DON’T JUDGE ME IT’S SO GOOD) 60. Fear: Heights, bugs, crashes, The Last Jedi being a mess because it probably will and I’m scared, the idea that some people are inherently better than others because of race, sexual orientation, gender, or religion...lots of things. 61. Waiting for: People to realize that they need to chill out and not be so awful to each other. 62. Want: A billion dollars and to be Queen of the world (That last part’s a bad idea, though, lol. I’d never get anything done.) 63. Get married: I always thought I would, and I’d still like to, but mostly I just want kids. 64. Career: I’m still in school, y’all. But I wanna be a financial planner. 65. Hugs or kisses: I prefer hugs, but right now I have this weird thing about being touched in any way shape or form. 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes, all the way. 67. Shorter or taller: Shorter. I’m about 5′4″ 68. Older or younger: I’m...younger?? I guess?? But I’d rather date someone who’s older than me if that’s what you mean. 69. Pastel or Neon: Pastel! 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: I could literally care less if they were a good person. 71. Sensitive or loud: I’m sensitive and I’m loud about it. I’m loud about everything, TBH. 72. Hook up or relationship: I’d prefer a relationship, but you never know. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant AF, I am a SCAREDY CAT.
74. Kissed a stranger: Nope. 75. Drank hard liquor: Not on its own. Ew. Why?? That stuff’s AWFUL. 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses:  All the freaking time, oh my GOD. 77. Turned someone down: Yep. One of those ‘nice guy’ types. 78. Sex on the first date: Never been on a date. I might, though, depends on what’s going on. 79. Broken someone’s heart: God I hope not.  80. Had your heart broken: All the time, I had so many broken hearts when I was younger, are you kidding? 81. Been arrested: Noooo, no thank you, cops are terrifying. 82. Cried when someone died: Carrie. Fischer. 83. Fallen for a friend: I...don't think so...
84. Yourself: Eh. 85. Miracles: A thousand percent yes. 86. Love at first sight: Not a deep love, but sure. 87. Santa Claus: No, but I believe there should be one, and I think Christmas is lit af. 88. Kiss on the first date: I would, yeah. 89. Religion: I do, yeah.
90. Current best friend’s name: Annie! She’s the sweetest, I love her. 91. Eye color: Green/Yellow. 92. Favorite movie: The Mummy (1999), Power Rangers (2017), The Force Awakens (2015), Rio Bravo (old John Wayne movie, it’s so GAY), McClintock (also an old John Wayne movie that has some great points about the dark side of American history buried within provincial Western town fun)
This was so much fun!! Thanks for tagging me, and anyone who wants to do this and hasn’t been tagged this is for you! I’m feeling lazy.
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• A king is a thing men have made for their own sakes, for quietness sake. Just as in a family one man is appointed to buy the meat. – John Selden • A lot of children don’t have a developed aesthetic. I did. I made early choices in life, even about cloth; I liked flannel and not polyester. – Patti Smith • A lot of the films I’ve made probably could have worked just as well 50 years ago, and that’s just because I have a lot of old-fashion values. – Steven Spielberg • A man who graduated high in his class at Yale Law School and made partnership in a top law firm would be celebrated. But a woman who accomplishes this is treated with suspicion. – Barbra Streisand • A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. – Albert Einstein • A significant piece of the wealth that the NFL owners garner is a result of the enormous TV revenues they get – and those revenues are supported by a legislatively granted exemption from the antitrust laws that has been made applicable to sports leagues, primarily the NFL. – Eliot Spitzer • Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life. – Steve Jobs • All man-made religions are limited. I go my own way. – Jill Scott • All my books are made up of other books. They’re all deeply structured on other fiction, because I was a student in fiction and I didn’t have much actual living to draw on. I suspect a lot of other people’s novels are like that, too, though they might be slower to talk about it. – Zadie Smith • All my life affection has been showered upon me, and every forward step I have made has been taken in spite of it. – George Bernard Shaw • All of the films that I’ve made are about the country I live in and grew up in… And I think if you’re going to put an artist’s eye to it, you’re going to put a critical eye to it. I’ve always been interested in the gray area that exists between the black and white, or the red and blue, and that’s where complexity lies. – Robert Redford • All of the legal defense funds out there, they’re looking for people out there with court of appeals experience, because court of appeals is where policy is made. And I know, I know this is on tape and I should never say that because we don’t make law, I know. I know. – Sonia Sotomayor • All those hours exploring the great outdoors made me more resilient and confident. – David Suzuki • All your losses will be made up to you in the resurrection, provided you continue faithful. By the vision of the Almighty I have seen it. – Joseph Smith, Jr. • And now that Martina McBride knows of T.I., and T.I. knows of Martina McBride, that made me very happy, too. It’s introducing worlds to different people and bringing them together with a song. – Kid Rock • Approximately 80% of our air pollution stems from hydrocarbons released by vegetation, so let’s not go overboard in setting and enforcing tough emission standards from man-made sources. – Ronald Reagan • As a kid, my idols were Sam Raimi and Peter Jackson, and I get into crazy races with myself. Raimi was 21 when he made movies, and when I didn’t get ‘Cabin Fever’ made that fast I thought I’d failed. – Eli Roth • As someone who has spent many years marveling at the brilliant and painstaking work of the doctors, scientists and researchers at St. Jude, I can attest firsthand to the bone-deep commitment these men and women have made in their fight against disease. They are at it around the clock – every hour of the day, every day of the year. – Marlo Thomas
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Made', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shpp All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_made').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_made img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Being a mom, it feels like I did something so powerful and amazing. It’s such a gigantic blessing, and a confirmation that the Creator exists. And all of that has made me feel sexier and stronger. I call it ‘lava in my spine.’ – Jill Scott • Being an artist doesn’t mean that you’re a good artist. That was the bargain I first made with myself: I’d say, I’m an artist, but I’m not really very good. – Paul Simon • Being fired was the best luck of my life. It made me stop and reflect. It was the birth of my life as a writer. – Jose Saramago • Big government helps the people who have made it. It doesn’t help the people who are trying to make it; it crushes the people who are trying to make it. – Marco Rubio
[clickbank-storefront-bestselling] • Champions are made from something they have deep inside of them-a desire, a dream, a vison. – Mahatma Gandhi • Champions aren’t made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them-a desire, a dream, a vision. – Muhammad Ali • Coming Home had been made before and Apocalypse Now and Deer Hunter, different kinds of movies. – Oliver Stone • Conductors’ careers are made for the most part with ‘Romantic’ music. ‘Classic’ music eliminates the conductor; we do not remember him in it. – Igor Stravinsky • Dane DeHaan, certainly, is kind of the best friend I’ve made through acting, in terms of another actor. He’s fantastic. – Daniel Radcliffe • Death is something inevitable. When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace. I believe I have made that effort and that is, therefore, why I will sleep for the eternity. – Nelson Mandela • Dinner was made for eating, not for talking. – William Makepeace Thackeray • Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of. – Benjamin Franklin • Dramatic fiction – William Shakespeare made his biggest mark writing dramatic love stories. – Nicholas Sparks • Even if I’d had a really happy relationship with my father and there was no emotional hiatus for a decade and a half, I probably would still have made some of the same choices for movies that I’ve made. – Steven Spielberg • Even in India the Hindi film industry might be the best known but there are movies made in other regional languages in India, be it Tamil or Bengali. Those experiences too are different from the ones in Bombay. – Aishwarya Rai Bachchan • Every piece of entertainment is made with the idea that ‘This is going to be terrific’ and ‘This is the best thing I’ve ever done’ and then it hits the public and then the public tells you whether it’s good or bad. – William Shatner • Every record that I’ve ever made, I listen to it so much before it comes out. As soon as it comes out, I never listen to it again. It’s, like, over. – Gwen Stefani • Everything I’ve done has always been my own made up world with its own rules and its own made up stories. – Robert Rodriguez • Far better an approximate answer to the right question, which is often vague, than the exact answer to the wrong question, which can always be made precise. – John Tukey • Fashion is such stuff as dreams are made on. – Anna Dello Russo • Few professors would dare to publish research or teach a course debunking the claims made in various ethnic, gender, or other ‘studies’ courses. – Thomas Sowell • Free time keeps me going. It’s just something that’s always been a part of my life. I was originally a painter, and I made films sort of as an extension of that, and then I started to try to make dramatic films because the early films were experimental films. – Gus Van Sant • Front yards are not made to walk in, but, at most, through, and you could go in the back way. – Henry David Thoreau • Great progress was made when arbitration treaties were concluded in which the contracting powers pledge in advance to submit all conflicts to an arbitration court, treaties which not only specify the composition of the court, but also its procedure. – Ludwig Quidde • Hendrix was the first person I had come across who seemed completely free, and when you’re nine or 10, your life is entirely dominated by adults. So he represented this thing that I wanted to be. Hendrix was the first person who made me think it might be good to be a singer and a guitarist – before that I wanted to be a footballer. – Robert Smith • History is made every day. The challenge is getting everyone to pay attention to it. – Adora Svitak • Hope founded upon a human being, a man-made philosophy or any institution is always misplaced… because these things are unreliable and fleeting. – Charles Stanley • How do you know antiquity was foolish? How do you know the present is wise? Who made it foolish? Who made it wise? – Francois Rabelais • I also believe our country made a promise to veterans and their families. Veterans have kept their end of the bargain, and now, the VA is looking to pull out the rug. – Ellen Tauscher • I am a most noteworthy sinner, but I have cried out to the Lord for grace and mercy, and they have covered me completely. I have found the sweetest consolation since I made it my whole purpose to enjoy His marvellous Presence. – Christopher Columbus • I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday. – Eleanor Roosevelt • I became very famous, as a teenager, and my name and photo were splashed in all the media. They made me larger than life, so I wanted to live larger than life, and the only way to do that was to be intoxicated. – Cat Stevens • I behaved worse than anybody for 15 years, and you have to pay the price for that. I used to blame other people, then therapy made me realise I had to change. – Mickey Rourke • I believe any success in life is made by going into an area with a blind, furious optimism. – Sylvester Stallone • I believe that the purpose for which I and my fellow soldiers entered upon this war should have been so clearly stated as to have made it impossible to change them, and that, had this been done, the objects which actuated us would now be attainable by negotiation. – Siegfried Sassoon • I can tell you that too much money is corrupting American politics. Don’t blame the American public. The U.S. Supreme Court has a lot to answer for, because it has made it impossible for Congress to reduce the corrupting influence of money on American political life. – Peter Singer • I can’t get into all that physical stuff of having to have flawless skin… Sometimes you see people and it looks like someone’s got an eraser and made their face a little blurry – their traits seem to go out of focus. – Kristin Scott Thomas • I carefully evaluated every single document I disclosed to ensure that each was legitimately in the public interest. There are all sorts of documents that would have made a big impact that I didn’t turn over, because harming people isn’t my goal. Transparency is. – Edward Snowden • I come from a violent background. So I became hard. I realised that I had made myself that way to deal with a feeling of abandonment and shame. – Mickey Rourke • I couldn’t understand why my productivity went down when I had deliberately made more time available to write. Then I realized it was because I wasn’t flying as much. – Simon Sinek • I created my MySpace page in eighth grade, because that’s how all my friends talked to each other, so I made one, too. Then, all of a sudden, my friends started putting my songs on their profiles, and then their relatives, their friends in different states did. – Taylor Swift • I dated dozens of young men, had fun with all, made commitments to none. – Gene Tierney • I didn’t come from a trailer park. I grew up middle class and my dad had money and my mom made my lunch. I got a car when I was sixteen. I’m proud of that. – Kid Rock • I didn’t know Michael Hastings very well, but one thing about him was always obvious – he was born to be in the news business, he loved it, he was made for it. He wrote about Iraq and Afghanistan as places he had always been destined to visit. – Matt Taibbi • I didn’t leave home until 27. I was an only child raised in Philadelphia by my mother and grandmother. My grandmother controlled the stove. She made a lot of potato meals – mashed potato, potato souffle, potato pancakes. When we didn’t have electricity we ate romantically, by candlelight. – Jill Scott • I didn’t run off with the secretary. It made it seem like I had committed adultery and then ran off with a secretary, neither of which happened. – Randall Terry • I didn’t want to write a book. They made me do it. – Grace Slick • I don’t think any drug that can cause brain damage, failing kidneys, hardening arteries, pain, and suffering should be made available. – Layne Staley • I don’t think films about elderly people have been made very much. – Maggie Smith • I feel good because I believe I have made progress in rebuilding the people’s trust in their government. – Arnold Schwarzenegger • I felt alien my whole life but I didn’t feel alien because of my gender. Other people made me aware of my gender. – Patti Smith • I had a brother who was my savior, made my childhood bearable. – Maurice Sendak • I had a handful of records, but when I was 11 years old, I liked Puccini as much as Little Richard. They both made sense to me. – Patti Smith • I had seen movies before that that had made me laugh, but I had never seen anything even remotely close to as funny as Richard Pryor was, just standing there talking. – Joe Rogan • I hated singing. I wanted to be an actress. But I don’t think I’d have made it any other way. – Barbra Streisand • I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear. – Rosa Parks • I know that a good many champions have entertained the thought that the more they discourage youngsters, the longer they would reign. However, this theory never impressed me, and I always made it a point to give youths the benefit of my experience in bicycle racing. – Major Taylor • I know that I am one and I’ve made a living as an actor and I enjoy being an actor, but when I’m not actually doing it, I forget that I do it. – Wallace Shawn • I listened very, very carefully to the world around me to pick up the signals of when trouble was coming. Not that I could stop it. But it made me observant. That was helpful when I became a lawyer, because I knew how to read people’s signals. – Sonia Sotomayor • I look a hundred and weigh 110 – you won’t love me when you see the wreck England has made me. – Wallis Simpson • I looked up and saw the shape of a heart made by the silhouette of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon kissing. – Sarah Silverman • I love things made out of animals. It’s just so funny to think of someone saying, ‘I need a letter opener. I guess I’ll have to kill a deer. – David Sedaris • I love to fish offshore for billfish, and have fished all over for them from the Bahamas, St. Thomas, Venezuela, Panama, Costa Rica, Mexico to the Texas gulf. I haven’t made it to Australia yet, but someday I’m going. – George Strait • I made a lot of money. I earned a lot of money with CNN and satellite and cable television. And you can’t really spend large sums of money, intelligently, on buying things. So I thought the best thing I could do was put some of that money back to work – making an investment in the future of humanity. – Ted Turner • I made ‘Empire of the Sun’ in Shanghai in the 1980s and want to come back one day to make a movie in China. – Steven Spielberg • I made my fair share of mistakes. – Arnold Schwarzenegger • I made my first album, and I guess it wasn’t a fluke, because now I’m on my 16th. – Bonnie Raitt • I made my last motion picture in March 1965 for Magna Pictures. ‘Harlow,’ based on the life of actress Jean Harlow… I didn’t know at the time that ‘Harlow’ would be my last motion picture. – Ginger Rogers • I made one great mistake in my life-when I signed the letter to President Roosevelt recommending that atom bombs be made but there was some justification-the danger that the Germans would make them. – Albert Einstein • I made ‘Saving Private Ryan’ for my father. He’s the one who filled my head with war stories when I was growing up. – Steven Spielberg • I made sure no butt cheek hung out. You know, the original Daisy, Catherine Bach’s shorts were shorter than mine. – Jessica Simpson • I remember my dad came from Ireland and Scotland, and so he carried with him the fear of poverty. So when I wanted to break loose, it kind of made him very nervous. – Robert Redford • I respect and empathize with reporters and editors who must compete in today’s environment. And I know full well that when I’ve been covering campaigns, which I still do, I’ve made my mistakes and have been far from perfect. – Dan Rather • I run a lot. I do a lot of yoga. Hot yoga. Which is random and sounds lame, but it has definitely made my flexibility and balance 100 percent better on my skateboard. I do that and a lot of plyometric, biometrics, and surf. I train every other day of the week and skate for an hour everyday. – Ryan Sheckler • I sacrificed six years in L.A. I did my job out here. I made contacts and did the work I had to do. – Amanda Seyfried • I signal with an independent label, Continuum. After that I put out a totally independent record, sold fourteen thousand of them from my basement, bought a house, started raising my kid, made a decent living. – Kid Rock • I suppose what’s happened recently has confirmed suspicions I voiced in the book, and I think made clearer some of those things that I point out. For instance I have a section of the book where I talk about the possibility of torture. – Peter Singer • I tap danced for ten years before I began to understand people don’t make musicals anymore. All I wanted to do was be at MGM working for Arthur Freed or Gene Kelly or Vincent Minelli. Historical and geographical constraints made this impossible. Slowly but surely the pen became mightier than the double pick-up time step with shuffle. – Zadie Smith • I think a painting is more like the real world if it’s made out the real world. – Robert Rauschenberg • I think being on a film set for such a long time made me a technical actor without realizing it. – Daniel Radcliffe • I think Democrats made a mistake running away from liberalism. Liberalism, uh, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John and Robert Kennedy – that’s what the Democratic party ought to reach for. – Theodore C. Sorensen • I think every movie I’ve made after ‘Indiana Jones,’ I’ve tried to make every single movie as if it was made by a different director, because I’m very conscious of not wanting to impose a consistent style on subject matter that is not necessarily suited to that style. So I try to re-invent my own eye every time I tackle a new subject. – Steven Spielberg • I think God made a woman to be strong and not to be trampled under the feet of men. I’ve always felt this way because my mother was a very strong woman, without a husband. – Little Richard • I think it’s harder to forgive ourselves for mistakes that we made because we keep dwelling on it. We want to know how it affects other people, if they liked us for it, if they didn’t like us. I think we stress over it, we replay it in our mind. It becomes an old tape that years later we continue to play it in our mind. – Sherri Shepherd • I think that horror films have a very direct relationship to the time in which they’re made. The films that really strike a film with the public are very often reflecting something that everyone, consciously or unconsciously feeling – atomic age, post 9-11, post Iraq war; it’s hard to predict what people are going to be afraid of. – Eli Roth • I think the first thing you should know is that nobody in country music ‘made it’ the same way. It’s all different. There’s no blueprint for success, and sometimes you just have to work at it. – Taylor Swift • I turned down ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Spider-Man,’ two movies that I knew would be phenomenally successful, because I had already made movies like that before and they offered no challenge to me. I don’t need my ego to be reminded. – Steven Spielberg • I usually do about five cuts as a director. I haven’t ever directed a film where I haven’t made five passes through the movie, and that takes a long time. – Steven Spielberg • I wanted to make sure that the man who found the genie would not take terrible advantage of her, so he needed to be a person of integrity and honor – which is why I made the male lead an astronaut. The rest, as they say, is history. – Sidney Sheldon • I was born on the other side of the tracks, in public housing in Brooklyn, New York. My dad never made more than $20,000 a year, and I grew up in a family that lost health insurance. So I was scarred at a young age with understanding what it was like to watch my parents lose access to the American dream. – Howard Schultz • I was sitting in a chair in the patent office at Bern when all of a sudden a thought occurred to me: “If a person falls freely he will not feel his own weight.” I was startled. This simple thought made a deep impression on me. It impelled me toward a theory of gravitation. – Albert Einstein • I wasn’t trying to be an outlaw writer. I never heard of that term; somebody else made it up. But we were all outside the law: Kerouac, Miller, Burroughs, Ginsberg, Kesey; I didn’t have a gauge as to who was the worst outlaw. I just recognized allies: my people. – Hunter S. Thompson • I went to Massachusetts to make a difference. I didn’t go there to begin a political career running time and time again. I made a difference. I put in place the things I wanted to do. – Mitt Romney • I would have made a lousy stripper. I’m just not very comfortable exposing myself. – Robin Wright • I’d like to believe an accumulation of experience has made me a sort of a grown-up person, so I can have judgment and taste and whatever. – Maurice Sendak • Ideologists of all kinds find a strange sort of comfort in the madness of the crowd; it confirms them in their suspicion that history, far from being made by the great mass of individuals – as Marx averred – is rather unmade by a single massive individual, a collective Other, who stands in stark contrast to you and he. – Will Self • If I revealed all that has been made known to me, scarcely a man on this stand would stay with me.’ and ‘Brethren, if I were to tell you all I know of the kingdom of God, I do know that you would rise up and kill me. – Joseph Smith, Jr. • If some really acute observer made as much of egotism as Freud has made of sex, people would forget a good deal about sex and find the explanation for everything in egotism. – Wallace Stevens • If the audience is made to do not enough work, they resent it without knowing it. Too much and they get lost. There’s a perfect pace to be found. And a perfect place that is different for every line of the play. – Tom Stoppard • If the white man wants to live in peace with the Indian, he can live in peace. Treat all men alike. Give them all the same law. Give them all an even chance to live and grow. All men were made by the same Great Spirit Chief. They are all brothers. The Earth is the mother of all people, and all people should have equal rights upon it. Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to think and talk and act for myself, and I will obey every law, or submit to the penalty. – Chief Joseph • If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of. – Bruce Lee • If you made a record, I’d probably pick out tracks that I like and download that. That’s just how it is. – Ringo Starr • If you write a movie for Roger Corman, it’s going to get made. You saw it almost the next day. – John Sayles • If… many influential people have failed to understand, or have just forgotten, what we were up against in the Cold War and how we overcame it, they are not going to be capable of securing, let alone enlarging, the gains that liberty has made. – Margaret Thatcher • I’m a lifelong movie addict, and one of my favorite projects is making replica props and costumes. Nearly every one of these – from R2D2 to Hellboy’s revolver – ends with the paint job. And it’s not just cosmetic. The paint literally tells a story: what this thing is made of, where it’s been, what it’s been used for, and for how long. – Adam Savage • I’m strongly for a patient Bill of Rights. Decisions ought to be made by doctors, not accountants. – Charles Schumer • I’m thankful I grew up the way I did. It made me a hard worker and insightful to other people’s lives. – Rachel Roy • I’m very used to working with first time actors – you can just look back at ‘E.T.’ with Drew Barrymore, and Christian Bale from ‘Empire of the Sun,’ who’d never made a movie before. – Steven Spielberg • In all professions each affects a look and an exterior to appear what he wishes the world to believe that he is. Thus we may say that the whole world is made up of appearances. – Francois de La Rochefoucauld • In the Bible it says God has made everything good for man to eat and to wear their skins. Whenever we eat beef, we eat chicken, we have to kill to eat. But at the same time, hunting is a sport. I think it is a great sport… I would say most hunters are Christian men. – Luke Scott • In the heart of the Great Depression, millions of American workers did something they’d never done before: they joined a union. Emboldened by the passage of the Wagner Act, which made collective bargaining easier, unions organized industries across the country, remaking the economy. – James Surowiecki • In the old days, when a star left a still-thriving hit show, they’d celebrate by killing him or her off. But ‘The Office’ dispatched Michael Scott in a crueler and more final way: they made him normal. Since we’re talking about Michael Scott, ‘normal’ might be stretching it, obviously. – Rob Sheffield • It is impossible to get anything made or accomplished without stepping on some toes; enemies are inevitable when one is a doer. – Norma Shearer • It never made sense to me that someone would achieve any kind of success in show business, only to become a jerk. – Josh Radnor • It took putting one foot in front of the other every single day to get through it to the point where I made it back on the team and won a gold medal in 2008. – Hope Solo • It was God’s word that made us; is it any wonder that His word should sustain us? – Charles Spurgeon • It was Nietzsche who first made us conscious of the significance of the individual as a term in the evolutionary process-in that part of the evolutionary process which has still to take place. – Herbert Read • It was not until I had graduated from college that I made a professional commitment to it. Frankly, I didn’t think it wise. I was my own interior parental force, and it’s very difficult to justify a profession as a dancer. – Twyla Tharp • It’s a great thing when you can show that you’ve been successful and that you’ve made a lot of money and that you’ve employed a lot of people. – Donald Trump • I’ve always made music from the heart, and that’s what I do. And at the end of the day, whether it works or not, I can say I tried my best. – Kid Rock • I’ve been around the world and I’ve had bras made in different places, and each time I’m experiencing the same troubles: the painful shoulders, the underwire cutting into my flesh. – Jill Scott • I’ve been on ‘Days’ since I was 16, and being surrounded by such thin, gorgeous actresses made me so insecure and self-conscious. – Alison Sweeney • I’ve been playing against older and stronger competition my whole life. It has made me a better tennis player and able to play against this kind of level despite their strength and experience. – Maria Sharapova • I’ve been working as an actress since I was very young, and I know a lot of people who are actors who don’t have to deal with having a persona… You know, if you look up the word persona, it isn’t even real. The whole meaning of the word is that it’s made up, and it’s like I didn’t even get to make up my own. It can be annoying. – Kristen Stewart • I’ve definitely done something that’s made my mum and dad forever proud. – Tinie Tempah • I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou • I’ve made a decision and now I must face the consequences. – J. Michael Straczynski • I’ve made a lot of stupid action films. But when we made The Matrix, we saw that people wanted more than that. – Joel Silver • I’ve made films that I’ve given all I had to, that no one has seen. The bottom line is I want to work and I want someone to enjoy it. – Kiefer Sutherland • I’ve made mistakes, I’ve misspoke, I am sure I will again sometime, but that happens, that’s part of being human in my book. I’m OK with that. I’ve never done it maliciously, ever. – Curt Schilling • I’ve made sure that in any situation and with any record label, I’m allowed to write my own music. – Taylor Swift • John Boehner is the ultimate Beltway hack, a man whose unmatched and self-serving skill at political survival has made him, after two decades in Washington, the hairy blue mold on the American congressional sandwich. – Matt Taibbi • Leaders aren’t born they are made. – Vince Lombardi • Leaders aren’t born they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal. – Vince Lombardi • Linux has definitely made a lot of sense even in a purely materialistic sense. – Linus Torvalds • Literary life used to be quite different in Britain in the years I lived there, from 1971 to 1989, because money was not a factor – no one made very much except from U.S. sales and the occasional windfall. – Paul Theroux • Men’s moral principles are weak enough without their being made subordinate to selfishness; and their selfishness is quite active enough, without any such effort as Christianity makes to constitute it the mainspring of all their conduct. – Lysander Spooner • Mitt Romney has made it clear that he believes that President Obama was born in the U.S. – John Sununu • Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants. – Benjamin Franklin • Money’s really – you know, song writing, yes, there’s money to be made and things like that. But really, when you talk about the real money, you talk about touring. No question. – Kid Rock • My bed isn’t made, I’m tired, I haven’t slept well for two weeks. I haven’t been laid in a month. I don’t have a girlfriend. I have a warrant for my arrest. – Layne Staley • My dad was a bartender. My mom was a cashier, a maid and a stock clerk at K-Mart. They never made it big. They were never rich. And yet they were successful. Because just a few decades removed from hopelessness, they made possible for us all the things that had been impossible for them. – Marco Rubio • My family wasn’t terribly affluent and looked upon money very carefully as something that had to be saved, not spent. My father built the ducting that took air into the copper mines and made about 6 d a yard in the Thirties, which was good money back then. – Wilbur Smith • My father had a series of blue-collar jobs and never made more than $20,000 a year. When I was seven, he got injured on a job. That was a very important point – because of the injury, he couldn’t walk, and the company he was working for did not pay him. There was no compensation. So there was no money and no food. – Howard Schultz • My first year on ‘SNL’, I made $90,000 dollars. – Chris Rock • My mom has made it possible for me to be who I am. Our family is everything. Her greatest skill was encouraging me to find my own person and own independence. – Charlize Theron • My mom was a working woman. She made more money than my dad. Both my parents worked. And this was in the ’60s. – Rick Santorum • My sister made certain choices about the life she wanted. Those choices include a steady job, a husband and children. But balance and stability come at a cost. It is harder for her to be spontaneous. It is harder to just up and leave. – Simon Sinek • Nemeses aren’t born. They are made. – Roxane Gay • No trumpets sound when the important decisions of our life are made. Destiny is made known silently. – Agnes de Mille • Nothing made by brute force lasts. – Robert Louis Stevenson • Our revels now are ended. These our actors, As I foretold you, were all spirits and Are melted into air, into thin air: And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, The cloud-capp’d towers, the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself, Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff As dreams are made on, and our little life Is rounded with a sleep. – William Shakespeare • Parents shouldn’t assume children are made out of sugar candy and will break and collapse instantly. Kids don’t. We do. – Maurice Sendak • People are made up of flaws. – Amanda Seyfried • People who have been made to suffer by certain things cannot be reminded of them without a horror which paralyses every other pleasure, even that to be found in reading a story. – Stendhal • People will never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou • Practically and commercially speaking, a dollar is not necessarily a specific thing, made of silver, or gold, or any other single metal, or substance. It is only such a quantum of market value as exists in a given piece of silver or gold. – Lysander Spooner • Religions are such stuff as dreams are made of. – H. G. Wells • Sam Wood, the director, made most of his money as a real estate agent; there was nothing of the temperamental artist about him. – Gloria Swanson • Sculpture is made with two instruments and some supports and pretty air. – Gertrude Stein • Secure our borders first. Let us know and let us make sure the American people know that we’re taking care of the important business of dealing with the illegal immigration into this country. You cannot begin to address the concerns of the people who are already here unless and until you have made certain that no more are coming in behind them. – Michael Steele • So I still seized the power, but I felt that if I officially made myself the boss, in black and white, it would be too intimidating for the other producers and the other men who worked on the show. In other words, I had the power, but I gave them the title. – Marlo Thomas • Some people think it’s because ’24’ was jump-started by what happened on 9/11. That was never why we made the show. We started production six months prior to 9/11, and we’d already done ten episodes. – Kiefer Sutherland • Such as we are made of, such we be. – William Shakespeare • Sunset Boulevard opened in August 1950, and it was pronounced the best movie ever made about Hollywood. – Gloria Swanson • The Bible tells us that God will meet all our needs. He feeds the birds of the air and clothes the grass with the splendor of lilies. How much more, then, will He care for us, who are made in His image? Our only concern is to obey the heavenly Father and leave the consequences to Him. – Charles Stanley • The campaigns of Steve Forbes, Pat Buchanan, Ross Perot, and John McCain all outperformed expectations on their support from independent voters. They made no effort to shy away from ideology, but conveyed to voters that their policies were driven by principle, not party talking points. – John Sununu • The Cannes film festival is about big-budget films but also remarkable films made in different political regimes by film-makers with little resources. – Kristin Scott Thomas • The claim made by Team Obama that every dollar in stimulus translates into a dollar-and-a-half in growth is economic fiction. The costs of stimulus reduce future growth. No country has ever spent itself to prosperity. The price of stimulus has to be paid sometime. – Karl Rove • The decision he made with Usama bin Laden was a tactical decision. It wasn’t a strategic decision. The strategic decision was made by President Bush to go after him. What President Obama has done on his watch, the issues that have come up while he’s been president, he’s gotten it wrong strategically every single time. – Rick Santorum • The fact is that America’s weapons systems have made it impossible for anybody to confront it militarily. So, all you have is your wits and your cunning, and your ability to fight in the way the Iraqis are fighting. – Arundhati Roy • The formal education that I received made little sense to me. – Twyla Tharp • The good life is one that’s artistically made. – William Shatner • The greatest films ever made in our history were cut on film, and I’m tenaciously hanging on to the process. I just love going into an editing room and smelling the photochemistry and seeing my editor wearing mini-strands of film around his neck. – Steven Spielberg • The Japanese have perfected good manners and made them indistinguishable from rudeness. – Paul Theroux • The minute you or anybody else knows what you are you are not it, you are what you or anybody else knows you are and as everything in living is made up of finding out what you are it is extraordinarily difficult really not to know what you are and yet to be that thing. – Gertrude Stein • The mistake that straight people made was imposing the monogamous expectation on men. Men were never expected to be monogamous. – Dan Savage • The most important decision I’ve made in business? The choices of people I have around me. When I first started I brought everybody with me, my homies from the neighborhood, criminals. I just said, ‘Come on everybody, we made it.’ Then I had to realize we didn’t make it. I made it. – Snoop Dogg • The number one mistake is giving pets table scraps. I made the mistake thinking I was showing my dog love by giving her food and treats. You see a tiny 4 oz. piece of cheese, but for a Boston Terrier like mine, that’s like one and a half hamburgers. That’s unhealthy. – Alison Sweeney • The only peace that can be made with a dictator is once that must be based on deterrence. For today, the dictator may be your friend, but tomorrow he will need you as an enemy. – Natan Sharansky • The only people who benefit from lawsuits are lawyers. I think we made a couple of them rich. – Gavin Rossdale • The people made worse off by slavery were those who were enslaved. Their descendants would have been worse off today if born in Africa instead of America. Put differently, the terrible fate of their ancestors benefitted them. – Thomas Sowell • ‘The Queen Is Dead’ is not merely the Smiths’ best album, but it is one of those timeless, perfect, inexhaustible artifacts that could only have been made by a gang of sullen, sun-deprived rock & roll boys fighting off adulthood tooth and nail. – Rob Sheffield • The run I was on made Sinatra, Flynn, Jagger, Richards, all of them look like droopy-eyed armless children. – Charlie Sheen • The self is not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action. – John Dewey • The soles of Neil Armstrong’s boots on the moon made permanent impressions on our souls and in our national psyche. Ann and I watched those steps together on her parent’s sofa. Like all Americans we went to bed that night knowing we lived in the greatest country in the history of the world. God bless Neil Armstrong. – Mitt Romney • The summer of 2002 at the Wilson birthday party I met Van Dyke again and I made plans to have dinner with him. – Matthew Sweet • The true treasure lies within. It is the underlying theme of the songs we sing, the shows we watch and the books we read. It is woven into the Psalms of the Bible, the ballads of the Beatles and practically every Bollywood film ever made. What is that treasure? Love. Love is the nature of the Divine. – Radhanath Swami • The wonderful thing about rock music is even if you hate the other person, sometimes you need him more, you know. In other words if he’s the guy that made that sound, he’s the guy that made that sound, and without that guy making that sound, you don’t have a band, you know. – Bruce Springsteen • There was never yet fair woman but she made mouths in a glass. – William Shakespeare • Things do not happen. Things are made to happen. – John F. Kennedy • This idea that you can’t be an honest man and a Washington politician is a myth, a crock made up by sellouts and careerist hacks who don’t stand for anything and are impatient with people who do. It’s possible to do this job with honor and dignity. – Matt Taibbi • This is the greatest society in all of human history, the greatest country ever. Many of the decisions being made in Washington today by both parties are threatening that greatness. And if we stay on this road we’re on right now, our children are going to be the first Americans ever to inherit a diminished country. – Marco Rubio • To be honest, I’ve made a game out of trying to live through my James Dean, Janis Joplin, Freddie Prinze, Jim Morrison period, those demons that we all have that we’re either successful or not at making work for us rather than destroy us. – Patrick Swayze • Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. – Robert Frost • Unless you have made a complete surrender and are doing his will it will avail you nothing if you’ve reformed a thousand times and have your name on fifty church records. – Billy Sunday • Wal-Mart’s size and scale is so vast they literally have the ability to change the face of the entire country. If Wal-Mart were to make a decision tomorrow to refuse to sell a single product made with partially hydrogenated oils, for example, we’d probably see rates from heart disease decline a few years later. That’s how powerful Wal-Mart is. – Simon Sinek • We are not made for the mountains, for sunrises, or for the other beautiful attractions in life – those are simply intended to be moments of inspiration. We are made for the valley and the ordinary things of life and that is where we have to prove our stamina and strength. – Oswald Chambers • We are not made up, as we had always supposed, of successively enriched packets of our own parts. We are shared, rented, occupied. At the interior of our cells, driving them, providing the oxidative energy that sends us out for the improvement of each shining day, are the mitochondria, and in a strict sense they are not ours. – Lewis Thomas • We are such stuff as dreams are made on; and our little life is rounded with a sleep. – William Shakespeare • We can not continue to allow this over reliance on government to replace the cornerstone institution that has made the American experience possible. – Marco Rubio • We created a line of pet food called Nutrish that’s made to human standards, and 100 percent of the proceeds go to animal rescue. One of our top-tier donors is the ASPCA, and they help us challenge animal shelters all across the country to get more animals placed in homes. – Rachael Ray • We do not celebrate people who have made success out of serious hard work. – Iain Duncan Smith • We made a decision that monetary policy will be made by an independent European Central Bank. – Gerhard Schroder • Well mine is not gimmicky – it is the 6 food groups that God made, and exercising every day. Trying to think positively. – Richard Simmons • We’re made up of energy, so who’s to say you can’t transmit through electrical means? If you could transmit yourself wirelessly, then it’s Armageddon pretty much. – Ian Somerhalder • What I learned in jail is that I can’t change. I can’t live a different lifestyle – this is it. This is the life that they gave and this is the life that I made. – Tupac Shakur • When I did the film Generations, in which the character died, I felt like a guest for the first time. That made me very sad. – William Shatner • When I felt like an outsider, movies made me feel inside my own skill set. – Steven Spielberg • When I started CNN, I made the decision to stay out of endorsing candidates, and let the doers make up their own minds about politics, that it wasn’t going to come from me. – Ted Turner • When I was 15, I made a solo record. It made Artie very unhappy. He looked upon it as something of a betrayal. – Paul Simon • When I was a kid, there was no collaboration; it’s you with a camera bossing your friends around. But as an adult, filmmaking is all about appreciating the talents of the people you surround yourself with and knowing you could never have made any of these films by yourself.- Steven Spielberg • When I was in the Peace Corps I never made a phone call. I was in Central Africa; I didn’t make a phone call for two years. I was in Uganda for another four years and I didn’t make a phone call. So for six years I didn’t make a phone call, but I wrote letters, I wrote short stories, I wrote books. – Paul Theroux • When my children were born, I made the choice I wanted them to be raised as Jews and to have a Jewish education. – Steven Spielberg • When you campaign and have to participate in so many debates just to the win the nomination of your party, you’ve had a lot of practice. You get to figure out as you go from one debate to another where you made your mistakes. By the time you get to the big debate you’re pretty polished. – Arnold Schwarzenegger • When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. – Dalai Lama • When you’re scared, when you’re hanging on, when life is hurting you, then you’re going to see what you’re really made of. – Sylvester Stallone • Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision. – Peter Drucker • Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe. – Frederick Douglass • Who made these laws? That’s what I want to know. So that’s why I wear two crosses now. I call it double cross. I believe in God-not religion. – Ja Rule • Why do people want to know exactly who I am? Am I a poet? Am I this or that? I’ve always made people wary. First they called me a rock poet. Then I was a poet that dabbled in rock. Then I was a rock person who dabbled in art. – Patti Smith • Why haven’t I made more movies? Nobody asked me. – Elaine Stritch • With most of the songs and music that I’ve composed, irrespective of the myriad videos made, I was always careful not to overly define the experience, leaving room for people to internalize things for themselves, making their experience more integral. – Serj Tankian • Women are made to be loved, not understood. – Oscar Wilde • You are a success when you have made friends with your past, are focused on the present, and are optimistic about your future – Zig Ziglar • You can always spot a ‘television personality’, even when they aren’t actually on television, because they carry their ‘made-up’ persona in front of them, like some sort of baffler, or Ready Brek force field. Their reach for notoriety predicated on that fulsome mediocrity of talent detailed above has become frozen in their faces. – Will Self • You can’t go through life and leave things the way they are. We can all make a difference, and if I die today, I know I made a difference. – Gene Simmons • You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life. – Steve Jobs • Your sons weren’t made to like you. That’s what grandchildren are for. – Jane Smiley
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• A king is a thing men have made for their own sakes, for quietness sake. Just as in a family one man is appointed to buy the meat. – John Selden • A lot of children don’t have a developed aesthetic. I did. I made early choices in life, even about cloth; I liked flannel and not polyester. – Patti Smith • A lot of the films I’ve made probably could have worked just as well 50 years ago, and that’s just because I have a lot of old-fashion values. – Steven Spielberg • A man who graduated high in his class at Yale Law School and made partnership in a top law firm would be celebrated. But a woman who accomplishes this is treated with suspicion. – Barbra Streisand • A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. – Albert Einstein • A significant piece of the wealth that the NFL owners garner is a result of the enormous TV revenues they get – and those revenues are supported by a legislatively granted exemption from the antitrust laws that has been made applicable to sports leagues, primarily the NFL. – Eliot Spitzer • Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life. – Steve Jobs • All man-made religions are limited. I go my own way. – Jill Scott • All my books are made up of other books. They’re all deeply structured on other fiction, because I was a student in fiction and I didn’t have much actual living to draw on. I suspect a lot of other people’s novels are like that, too, though they might be slower to talk about it. – Zadie Smith • All my life affection has been showered upon me, and every forward step I have made has been taken in spite of it. – George Bernard Shaw • All of the films that I’ve made are about the country I live in and grew up in… And I think if you’re going to put an artist’s eye to it, you’re going to put a critical eye to it. I’ve always been interested in the gray area that exists between the black and white, or the red and blue, and that’s where complexity lies. – Robert Redford • All of the legal defense funds out there, they’re looking for people out there with court of appeals experience, because court of appeals is where policy is made. And I know, I know this is on tape and I should never say that because we don’t make law, I know. I know. – Sonia Sotomayor • All those hours exploring the great outdoors made me more resilient and confident. – David Suzuki • All your losses will be made up to you in the resurrection, provided you continue faithful. By the vision of the Almighty I have seen it. – Joseph Smith, Jr. • And now that Martina McBride knows of T.I., and T.I. knows of Martina McBride, that made me very happy, too. It’s introducing worlds to different people and bringing them together with a song. – Kid Rock • Approximately 80% of our air pollution stems from hydrocarbons released by vegetation, so let’s not go overboard in setting and enforcing tough emission standards from man-made sources. – Ronald Reagan • As a kid, my idols were Sam Raimi and Peter Jackson, and I get into crazy races with myself. Raimi was 21 when he made movies, and when I didn’t get ‘Cabin Fever’ made that fast I thought I’d failed. – Eli Roth • As someone who has spent many years marveling at the brilliant and painstaking work of the doctors, scientists and researchers at St. Jude, I can attest firsthand to the bone-deep commitment these men and women have made in their fight against disease. They are at it around the clock – every hour of the day, every day of the year. – Marlo Thomas
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Made', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shpp All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_made').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_made img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Being a mom, it feels like I did something so powerful and amazing. It’s such a gigantic blessing, and a confirmation that the Creator exists. And all of that has made me feel sexier and stronger. I call it ‘lava in my spine.’ – Jill Scott • Being an artist doesn’t mean that you’re a good artist. That was the bargain I first made with myself: I’d say, I’m an artist, but I’m not really very good. – Paul Simon • Being fired was the best luck of my life. It made me stop and reflect. It was the birth of my life as a writer. – Jose Saramago • Big government helps the people who have made it. It doesn’t help the people who are trying to make it; it crushes the people who are trying to make it. – Marco Rubio
[clickbank-storefront-bestselling] • Champions are made from something they have deep inside of them-a desire, a dream, a vison. – Mahatma Gandhi • Champions aren’t made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them-a desire, a dream, a vision. – Muhammad Ali • Coming Home had been made before and Apocalypse Now and Deer Hunter, different kinds of movies. – Oliver Stone • Conductors’ careers are made for the most part with ‘Romantic’ music. ‘Classic’ music eliminates the conductor; we do not remember him in it. – Igor Stravinsky • Dane DeHaan, certainly, is kind of the best friend I’ve made through acting, in terms of another actor. He’s fantastic. – Daniel Radcliffe • Death is something inevitable. When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace. I believe I have made that effort and that is, therefore, why I will sleep for the eternity. – Nelson Mandela • Dinner was made for eating, not for talking. – William Makepeace Thackeray • Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of. – Benjamin Franklin • Dramatic fiction – William Shakespeare made his biggest mark writing dramatic love stories. – Nicholas Sparks • Even if I’d had a really happy relationship with my father and there was no emotional hiatus for a decade and a half, I probably would still have made some of the same choices for movies that I’ve made. – Steven Spielberg • Even in India the Hindi film industry might be the best known but there are movies made in other regional languages in India, be it Tamil or Bengali. Those experiences too are different from the ones in Bombay. – Aishwarya Rai Bachchan • Every piece of entertainment is made with the idea that ‘This is going to be terrific’ and ‘This is the best thing I’ve ever done’ and then it hits the public and then the public tells you whether it’s good or bad. – William Shatner • Every record that I’ve ever made, I listen to it so much before it comes out. As soon as it comes out, I never listen to it again. It’s, like, over. – Gwen Stefani • Everything I’ve done has always been my own made up world with its own rules and its own made up stories. – Robert Rodriguez • Far better an approximate answer to the right question, which is often vague, than the exact answer to the wrong question, which can always be made precise. – John Tukey • Fashion is such stuff as dreams are made on. – Anna Dello Russo • Few professors would dare to publish research or teach a course debunking the claims made in various ethnic, gender, or other ‘studies’ courses. – Thomas Sowell • Free time keeps me going. It’s just something that’s always been a part of my life. I was originally a painter, and I made films sort of as an extension of that, and then I started to try to make dramatic films because the early films were experimental films. – Gus Van Sant • Front yards are not made to walk in, but, at most, through, and you could go in the back way. – Henry David Thoreau • Great progress was made when arbitration treaties were concluded in which the contracting powers pledge in advance to submit all conflicts to an arbitration court, treaties which not only specify the composition of the court, but also its procedure. – Ludwig Quidde • Hendrix was the first person I had come across who seemed completely free, and when you’re nine or 10, your life is entirely dominated by adults. So he represented this thing that I wanted to be. Hendrix was the first person who made me think it might be good to be a singer and a guitarist – before that I wanted to be a footballer. – Robert Smith • History is made every day. The challenge is getting everyone to pay attention to it. – Adora Svitak • Hope founded upon a human being, a man-made philosophy or any institution is always misplaced… because these things are unreliable and fleeting. – Charles Stanley • How do you know antiquity was foolish? How do you know the present is wise? Who made it foolish? Who made it wise? – Francois Rabelais • I also believe our country made a promise to veterans and their families. Veterans have kept their end of the bargain, and now, the VA is looking to pull out the rug. – Ellen Tauscher • I am a most noteworthy sinner, but I have cried out to the Lord for grace and mercy, and they have covered me completely. I have found the sweetest consolation since I made it my whole purpose to enjoy His marvellous Presence. – Christopher Columbus • I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday. – Eleanor Roosevelt • I became very famous, as a teenager, and my name and photo were splashed in all the media. They made me larger than life, so I wanted to live larger than life, and the only way to do that was to be intoxicated. – Cat Stevens • I behaved worse than anybody for 15 years, and you have to pay the price for that. I used to blame other people, then therapy made me realise I had to change. – Mickey Rourke • I believe any success in life is made by going into an area with a blind, furious optimism. – Sylvester Stallone • I believe that the purpose for which I and my fellow soldiers entered upon this war should have been so clearly stated as to have made it impossible to change them, and that, had this been done, the objects which actuated us would now be attainable by negotiation. – Siegfried Sassoon • I can tell you that too much money is corrupting American politics. Don’t blame the American public. The U.S. Supreme Court has a lot to answer for, because it has made it impossible for Congress to reduce the corrupting influence of money on American political life. – Peter Singer • I can’t get into all that physical stuff of having to have flawless skin… Sometimes you see people and it looks like someone’s got an eraser and made their face a little blurry – their traits seem to go out of focus. – Kristin Scott Thomas • I carefully evaluated every single document I disclosed to ensure that each was legitimately in the public interest. There are all sorts of documents that would have made a big impact that I didn’t turn over, because harming people isn’t my goal. Transparency is. – Edward Snowden • I come from a violent background. So I became hard. I realised that I had made myself that way to deal with a feeling of abandonment and shame. – Mickey Rourke • I couldn’t understand why my productivity went down when I had deliberately made more time available to write. Then I realized it was because I wasn’t flying as much. – Simon Sinek • I created my MySpace page in eighth grade, because that’s how all my friends talked to each other, so I made one, too. Then, all of a sudden, my friends started putting my songs on their profiles, and then their relatives, their friends in different states did. – Taylor Swift • I dated dozens of young men, had fun with all, made commitments to none. – Gene Tierney • I didn’t come from a trailer park. I grew up middle class and my dad had money and my mom made my lunch. I got a car when I was sixteen. I’m proud of that. – Kid Rock • I didn’t know Michael Hastings very well, but one thing about him was always obvious – he was born to be in the news business, he loved it, he was made for it. He wrote about Iraq and Afghanistan as places he had always been destined to visit. – Matt Taibbi • I didn’t leave home until 27. I was an only child raised in Philadelphia by my mother and grandmother. My grandmother controlled the stove. She made a lot of potato meals – mashed potato, potato souffle, potato pancakes. When we didn’t have electricity we ate romantically, by candlelight. – Jill Scott • I didn’t run off with the secretary. It made it seem like I had committed adultery and then ran off with a secretary, neither of which happened. – Randall Terry • I didn’t want to write a book. They made me do it. – Grace Slick • I don’t think any drug that can cause brain damage, failing kidneys, hardening arteries, pain, and suffering should be made available. – Layne Staley • I don’t think films about elderly people have been made very much. – Maggie Smith • I feel good because I believe I have made progress in rebuilding the people’s trust in their government. – Arnold Schwarzenegger • I felt alien my whole life but I didn’t feel alien because of my gender. Other people made me aware of my gender. – Patti Smith • I had a brother who was my savior, made my childhood bearable. – Maurice Sendak • I had a handful of records, but when I was 11 years old, I liked Puccini as much as Little Richard. They both made sense to me. – Patti Smith • I had seen movies before that that had made me laugh, but I had never seen anything even remotely close to as funny as Richard Pryor was, just standing there talking. – Joe Rogan • I hated singing. I wanted to be an actress. But I don’t think I’d have made it any other way. – Barbra Streisand • I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear. – Rosa Parks • I know that a good many champions have entertained the thought that the more they discourage youngsters, the longer they would reign. However, this theory never impressed me, and I always made it a point to give youths the benefit of my experience in bicycle racing. – Major Taylor • I know that I am one and I’ve made a living as an actor and I enjoy being an actor, but when I’m not actually doing it, I forget that I do it. – Wallace Shawn • I listened very, very carefully to the world around me to pick up the signals of when trouble was coming. Not that I could stop it. But it made me observant. That was helpful when I became a lawyer, because I knew how to read people’s signals. – Sonia Sotomayor • I look a hundred and weigh 110 – you won’t love me when you see the wreck England has made me. – Wallis Simpson • I looked up and saw the shape of a heart made by the silhouette of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon kissing. – Sarah Silverman • I love things made out of animals. It’s just so funny to think of someone saying, ‘I need a letter opener. I guess I’ll have to kill a deer. – David Sedaris • I love to fish offshore for billfish, and have fished all over for them from the Bahamas, St. Thomas, Venezuela, Panama, Costa Rica, Mexico to the Texas gulf. I haven’t made it to Australia yet, but someday I’m going. – George Strait • I made a lot of money. I earned a lot of money with CNN and satellite and cable television. And you can’t really spend large sums of money, intelligently, on buying things. So I thought the best thing I could do was put some of that money back to work – making an investment in the future of humanity. – Ted Turner • I made ‘Empire of the Sun’ in Shanghai in the 1980s and want to come back one day to make a movie in China. – Steven Spielberg • I made my fair share of mistakes. – Arnold Schwarzenegger • I made my first album, and I guess it wasn’t a fluke, because now I’m on my 16th. – Bonnie Raitt • I made my last motion picture in March 1965 for Magna Pictures. ‘Harlow,’ based on the life of actress Jean Harlow… I didn’t know at the time that ‘Harlow’ would be my last motion picture. – Ginger Rogers • I made one great mistake in my life-when I signed the letter to President Roosevelt recommending that atom bombs be made but there was some justification-the danger that the Germans would make them. – Albert Einstein • I made ‘Saving Private Ryan’ for my father. He’s the one who filled my head with war stories when I was growing up. – Steven Spielberg • I made sure no butt cheek hung out. You know, the original Daisy, Catherine Bach’s shorts were shorter than mine. – Jessica Simpson • I remember my dad came from Ireland and Scotland, and so he carried with him the fear of poverty. So when I wanted to break loose, it kind of made him very nervous. – Robert Redford • I respect and empathize with reporters and editors who must compete in today’s environment. And I know full well that when I’ve been covering campaigns, which I still do, I’ve made my mistakes and have been far from perfect. – Dan Rather • I run a lot. I do a lot of yoga. Hot yoga. Which is random and sounds lame, but it has definitely made my flexibility and balance 100 percent better on my skateboard. I do that and a lot of plyometric, biometrics, and surf. I train every other day of the week and skate for an hour everyday. – Ryan Sheckler • I sacrificed six years in L.A. I did my job out here. I made contacts and did the work I had to do. – Amanda Seyfried • I signal with an independent label, Continuum. After that I put out a totally independent record, sold fourteen thousand of them from my basement, bought a house, started raising my kid, made a decent living. – Kid Rock • I suppose what’s happened recently has confirmed suspicions I voiced in the book, and I think made clearer some of those things that I point out. For instance I have a section of the book where I talk about the possibility of torture. – Peter Singer • I tap danced for ten years before I began to understand people don’t make musicals anymore. All I wanted to do was be at MGM working for Arthur Freed or Gene Kelly or Vincent Minelli. Historical and geographical constraints made this impossible. Slowly but surely the pen became mightier than the double pick-up time step with shuffle. – Zadie Smith • I think a painting is more like the real world if it’s made out the real world. – Robert Rauschenberg • I think being on a film set for such a long time made me a technical actor without realizing it. – Daniel Radcliffe • I think Democrats made a mistake running away from liberalism. Liberalism, uh, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John and Robert Kennedy – that’s what the Democratic party ought to reach for. – Theodore C. Sorensen • I think every movie I’ve made after ‘Indiana Jones,’ I’ve tried to make every single movie as if it was made by a different director, because I’m very conscious of not wanting to impose a consistent style on subject matter that is not necessarily suited to that style. So I try to re-invent my own eye every time I tackle a new subject. – Steven Spielberg • I think God made a woman to be strong and not to be trampled under the feet of men. I’ve always felt this way because my mother was a very strong woman, without a husband. – Little Richard • I think it’s harder to forgive ourselves for mistakes that we made because we keep dwelling on it. We want to know how it affects other people, if they liked us for it, if they didn’t like us. I think we stress over it, we replay it in our mind. It becomes an old tape that years later we continue to play it in our mind. – Sherri Shepherd • I think that horror films have a very direct relationship to the time in which they’re made. The films that really strike a film with the public are very often reflecting something that everyone, consciously or unconsciously feeling – atomic age, post 9-11, post Iraq war; it’s hard to predict what people are going to be afraid of. – Eli Roth • I think the first thing you should know is that nobody in country music ‘made it’ the same way. It’s all different. There’s no blueprint for success, and sometimes you just have to work at it. – Taylor Swift • I turned down ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Spider-Man,’ two movies that I knew would be phenomenally successful, because I had already made movies like that before and they offered no challenge to me. I don’t need my ego to be reminded. – Steven Spielberg • I usually do about five cuts as a director. I haven’t ever directed a film where I haven’t made five passes through the movie, and that takes a long time. – Steven Spielberg • I wanted to make sure that the man who found the genie would not take terrible advantage of her, so he needed to be a person of integrity and honor – which is why I made the male lead an astronaut. The rest, as they say, is history. – Sidney Sheldon • I was born on the other side of the tracks, in public housing in Brooklyn, New York. My dad never made more than $20,000 a year, and I grew up in a family that lost health insurance. So I was scarred at a young age with understanding what it was like to watch my parents lose access to the American dream. – Howard Schultz • I was sitting in a chair in the patent office at Bern when all of a sudden a thought occurred to me: “If a person falls freely he will not feel his own weight.” I was startled. This simple thought made a deep impression on me. It impelled me toward a theory of gravitation. – Albert Einstein • I wasn’t trying to be an outlaw writer. I never heard of that term; somebody else made it up. But we were all outside the law: Kerouac, Miller, Burroughs, Ginsberg, Kesey; I didn’t have a gauge as to who was the worst outlaw. I just recognized allies: my people. – Hunter S. Thompson • I went to Massachusetts to make a difference. I didn’t go there to begin a political career running time and time again. I made a difference. I put in place the things I wanted to do. – Mitt Romney • I would have made a lousy stripper. I’m just not very comfortable exposing myself. – Robin Wright • I’d like to believe an accumulation of experience has made me a sort of a grown-up person, so I can have judgment and taste and whatever. – Maurice Sendak • Ideologists of all kinds find a strange sort of comfort in the madness of the crowd; it confirms them in their suspicion that history, far from being made by the great mass of individuals – as Marx averred – is rather unmade by a single massive individual, a collective Other, who stands in stark contrast to you and he. – Will Self • If I revealed all that has been made known to me, scarcely a man on this stand would stay with me.’ and ‘Brethren, if I were to tell you all I know of the kingdom of God, I do know that you would rise up and kill me. – Joseph Smith, Jr. • If some really acute observer made as much of egotism as Freud has made of sex, people would forget a good deal about sex and find the explanation for everything in egotism. – Wallace Stevens • If the audience is made to do not enough work, they resent it without knowing it. Too much and they get lost. There’s a perfect pace to be found. And a perfect place that is different for every line of the play. – Tom Stoppard • If the white man wants to live in peace with the Indian, he can live in peace. Treat all men alike. Give them all the same law. Give them all an even chance to live and grow. All men were made by the same Great Spirit Chief. They are all brothers. The Earth is the mother of all people, and all people should have equal rights upon it. Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to think and talk and act for myself, and I will obey every law, or submit to the penalty. – Chief Joseph • If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of. – Bruce Lee • If you made a record, I’d probably pick out tracks that I like and download that. That’s just how it is. – Ringo Starr • If you write a movie for Roger Corman, it’s going to get made. You saw it almost the next day. – John Sayles • If… many influential people have failed to understand, or have just forgotten, what we were up against in the Cold War and how we overcame it, they are not going to be capable of securing, let alone enlarging, the gains that liberty has made. – Margaret Thatcher • I’m a lifelong movie addict, and one of my favorite projects is making replica props and costumes. Nearly every one of these – from R2D2 to Hellboy’s revolver – ends with the paint job. And it’s not just cosmetic. The paint literally tells a story: what this thing is made of, where it’s been, what it’s been used for, and for how long. – Adam Savage • I’m strongly for a patient Bill of Rights. Decisions ought to be made by doctors, not accountants. – Charles Schumer • I’m thankful I grew up the way I did. It made me a hard worker and insightful to other people’s lives. – Rachel Roy • I’m very used to working with first time actors – you can just look back at ‘E.T.’ with Drew Barrymore, and Christian Bale from ‘Empire of the Sun,’ who’d never made a movie before. – Steven Spielberg • In all professions each affects a look and an exterior to appear what he wishes the world to believe that he is. Thus we may say that the whole world is made up of appearances. – Francois de La Rochefoucauld • In the Bible it says God has made everything good for man to eat and to wear their skins. Whenever we eat beef, we eat chicken, we have to kill to eat. But at the same time, hunting is a sport. I think it is a great sport… I would say most hunters are Christian men. – Luke Scott • In the heart of the Great Depression, millions of American workers did something they’d never done before: they joined a union. Emboldened by the passage of the Wagner Act, which made collective bargaining easier, unions organized industries across the country, remaking the economy. – James Surowiecki • In the old days, when a star left a still-thriving hit show, they’d celebrate by killing him or her off. But ‘The Office’ dispatched Michael Scott in a crueler and more final way: they made him normal. Since we’re talking about Michael Scott, ‘normal’ might be stretching it, obviously. – Rob Sheffield • It is impossible to get anything made or accomplished without stepping on some toes; enemies are inevitable when one is a doer. – Norma Shearer • It never made sense to me that someone would achieve any kind of success in show business, only to become a jerk. – Josh Radnor • It took putting one foot in front of the other every single day to get through it to the point where I made it back on the team and won a gold medal in 2008. – Hope Solo • It was God’s word that made us; is it any wonder that His word should sustain us? – Charles Spurgeon • It was Nietzsche who first made us conscious of the significance of the individual as a term in the evolutionary process-in that part of the evolutionary process which has still to take place. – Herbert Read • It was not until I had graduated from college that I made a professional commitment to it. Frankly, I didn’t think it wise. I was my own interior parental force, and it’s very difficult to justify a profession as a dancer. – Twyla Tharp • It’s a great thing when you can show that you’ve been successful and that you’ve made a lot of money and that you’ve employed a lot of people. – Donald Trump • I’ve always made music from the heart, and that’s what I do. And at the end of the day, whether it works or not, I can say I tried my best. – Kid Rock • I’ve been around the world and I’ve had bras made in different places, and each time I’m experiencing the same troubles: the painful shoulders, the underwire cutting into my flesh. – Jill Scott • I’ve been on ‘Days’ since I was 16, and being surrounded by such thin, gorgeous actresses made me so insecure and self-conscious. – Alison Sweeney • I’ve been playing against older and stronger competition my whole life. It has made me a better tennis player and able to play against this kind of level despite their strength and experience. – Maria Sharapova • I’ve been working as an actress since I was very young, and I know a lot of people who are actors who don’t have to deal with having a persona… You know, if you look up the word persona, it isn’t even real. The whole meaning of the word is that it’s made up, and it’s like I didn’t even get to make up my own. It can be annoying. – Kristen Stewart • I’ve definitely done something that’s made my mum and dad forever proud. – Tinie Tempah • I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou • I’ve made a decision and now I must face the consequences. – J. Michael Straczynski • I’ve made a lot of stupid action films. But when we made The Matrix, we saw that people wanted more than that. – Joel Silver • I’ve made films that I’ve given all I had to, that no one has seen. The bottom line is I want to work and I want someone to enjoy it. – Kiefer Sutherland • I’ve made mistakes, I’ve misspoke, I am sure I will again sometime, but that happens, that’s part of being human in my book. I’m OK with that. I’ve never done it maliciously, ever. – Curt Schilling • I’ve made sure that in any situation and with any record label, I’m allowed to write my own music. – Taylor Swift • John Boehner is the ultimate Beltway hack, a man whose unmatched and self-serving skill at political survival has made him, after two decades in Washington, the hairy blue mold on the American congressional sandwich. – Matt Taibbi • Leaders aren’t born they are made. – Vince Lombardi • Leaders aren’t born they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal. – Vince Lombardi • Linux has definitely made a lot of sense even in a purely materialistic sense. – Linus Torvalds • Literary life used to be quite different in Britain in the years I lived there, from 1971 to 1989, because money was not a factor – no one made very much except from U.S. sales and the occasional windfall. – Paul Theroux • Men’s moral principles are weak enough without their being made subordinate to selfishness; and their selfishness is quite active enough, without any such effort as Christianity makes to constitute it the mainspring of all their conduct. – Lysander Spooner • Mitt Romney has made it clear that he believes that President Obama was born in the U.S. – John Sununu • Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants. – Benjamin Franklin • Money’s really – you know, song writing, yes, there’s money to be made and things like that. But really, when you talk about the real money, you talk about touring. No question. – Kid Rock • My bed isn’t made, I’m tired, I haven’t slept well for two weeks. I haven’t been laid in a month. I don’t have a girlfriend. I have a warrant for my arrest. – Layne Staley • My dad was a bartender. My mom was a cashier, a maid and a stock clerk at K-Mart. They never made it big. They were never rich. And yet they were successful. Because just a few decades removed from hopelessness, they made possible for us all the things that had been impossible for them. – Marco Rubio • My family wasn’t terribly affluent and looked upon money very carefully as something that had to be saved, not spent. My father built the ducting that took air into the copper mines and made about 6 d a yard in the Thirties, which was good money back then. – Wilbur Smith • My father had a series of blue-collar jobs and never made more than $20,000 a year. When I was seven, he got injured on a job. That was a very important point – because of the injury, he couldn’t walk, and the company he was working for did not pay him. There was no compensation. So there was no money and no food. – Howard Schultz • My first year on ‘SNL’, I made $90,000 dollars. – Chris Rock • My mom has made it possible for me to be who I am. Our family is everything. Her greatest skill was encouraging me to find my own person and own independence. – Charlize Theron • My mom was a working woman. She made more money than my dad. Both my parents worked. And this was in the ’60s. – Rick Santorum • My sister made certain choices about the life she wanted. Those choices include a steady job, a husband and children. But balance and stability come at a cost. It is harder for her to be spontaneous. It is harder to just up and leave. – Simon Sinek • Nemeses aren’t born. They are made. – Roxane Gay • No trumpets sound when the important decisions of our life are made. Destiny is made known silently. – Agnes de Mille • Nothing made by brute force lasts. – Robert Louis Stevenson • Our revels now are ended. These our actors, As I foretold you, were all spirits and Are melted into air, into thin air: And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, The cloud-capp’d towers, the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself, Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff As dreams are made on, and our little life Is rounded with a sleep. – William Shakespeare • Parents shouldn’t assume children are made out of sugar candy and will break and collapse instantly. Kids don’t. We do. – Maurice Sendak • People are made up of flaws. – Amanda Seyfried • People who have been made to suffer by certain things cannot be reminded of them without a horror which paralyses every other pleasure, even that to be found in reading a story. – Stendhal • People will never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou • Practically and commercially speaking, a dollar is not necessarily a specific thing, made of silver, or gold, or any other single metal, or substance. It is only such a quantum of market value as exists in a given piece of silver or gold. – Lysander Spooner • Religions are such stuff as dreams are made of. – H. G. Wells • Sam Wood, the director, made most of his money as a real estate agent; there was nothing of the temperamental artist about him. – Gloria Swanson • Sculpture is made with two instruments and some supports and pretty air. – Gertrude Stein • Secure our borders first. Let us know and let us make sure the American people know that we’re taking care of the important business of dealing with the illegal immigration into this country. You cannot begin to address the concerns of the people who are already here unless and until you have made certain that no more are coming in behind them. – Michael Steele • So I still seized the power, but I felt that if I officially made myself the boss, in black and white, it would be too intimidating for the other producers and the other men who worked on the show. In other words, I had the power, but I gave them the title. – Marlo Thomas • Some people think it’s because ’24’ was jump-started by what happened on 9/11. That was never why we made the show. We started production six months prior to 9/11, and we’d already done ten episodes. – Kiefer Sutherland • Such as we are made of, such we be. – William Shakespeare • Sunset Boulevard opened in August 1950, and it was pronounced the best movie ever made about Hollywood. – Gloria Swanson • The Bible tells us that God will meet all our needs. He feeds the birds of the air and clothes the grass with the splendor of lilies. How much more, then, will He care for us, who are made in His image? Our only concern is to obey the heavenly Father and leave the consequences to Him. – Charles Stanley • The campaigns of Steve Forbes, Pat Buchanan, Ross Perot, and John McCain all outperformed expectations on their support from independent voters. They made no effort to shy away from ideology, but conveyed to voters that their policies were driven by principle, not party talking points. – John Sununu • The Cannes film festival is about big-budget films but also remarkable films made in different political regimes by film-makers with little resources. – Kristin Scott Thomas • The claim made by Team Obama that every dollar in stimulus translates into a dollar-and-a-half in growth is economic fiction. The costs of stimulus reduce future growth. No country has ever spent itself to prosperity. The price of stimulus has to be paid sometime. – Karl Rove • The decision he made with Usama bin Laden was a tactical decision. It wasn’t a strategic decision. The strategic decision was made by President Bush to go after him. What President Obama has done on his watch, the issues that have come up while he’s been president, he’s gotten it wrong strategically every single time. – Rick Santorum • The fact is that America’s weapons systems have made it impossible for anybody to confront it militarily. So, all you have is your wits and your cunning, and your ability to fight in the way the Iraqis are fighting. – Arundhati Roy • The formal education that I received made little sense to me. – Twyla Tharp • The good life is one that’s artistically made. – William Shatner • The greatest films ever made in our history were cut on film, and I’m tenaciously hanging on to the process. I just love going into an editing room and smelling the photochemistry and seeing my editor wearing mini-strands of film around his neck. – Steven Spielberg • The Japanese have perfected good manners and made them indistinguishable from rudeness. – Paul Theroux • The minute you or anybody else knows what you are you are not it, you are what you or anybody else knows you are and as everything in living is made up of finding out what you are it is extraordinarily difficult really not to know what you are and yet to be that thing. – Gertrude Stein • The mistake that straight people made was imposing the monogamous expectation on men. Men were never expected to be monogamous. – Dan Savage • The most important decision I’ve made in business? The choices of people I have around me. When I first started I brought everybody with me, my homies from the neighborhood, criminals. I just said, ‘Come on everybody, we made it.’ Then I had to realize we didn’t make it. I made it. – Snoop Dogg • The number one mistake is giving pets table scraps. I made the mistake thinking I was showing my dog love by giving her food and treats. You see a tiny 4 oz. piece of cheese, but for a Boston Terrier like mine, that’s like one and a half hamburgers. That’s unhealthy. – Alison Sweeney • The only peace that can be made with a dictator is once that must be based on deterrence. For today, the dictator may be your friend, but tomorrow he will need you as an enemy. – Natan Sharansky • The only people who benefit from lawsuits are lawyers. I think we made a couple of them rich. – Gavin Rossdale • The people made worse off by slavery were those who were enslaved. Their descendants would have been worse off today if born in Africa instead of America. Put differently, the terrible fate of their ancestors benefitted them. – Thomas Sowell • ‘The Queen Is Dead’ is not merely the Smiths’ best album, but it is one of those timeless, perfect, inexhaustible artifacts that could only have been made by a gang of sullen, sun-deprived rock & roll boys fighting off adulthood tooth and nail. – Rob Sheffield • The run I was on made Sinatra, Flynn, Jagger, Richards, all of them look like droopy-eyed armless children. – Charlie Sheen • The self is not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action. – John Dewey • The soles of Neil Armstrong’s boots on the moon made permanent impressions on our souls and in our national psyche. Ann and I watched those steps together on her parent’s sofa. Like all Americans we went to bed that night knowing we lived in the greatest country in the history of the world. God bless Neil Armstrong. – Mitt Romney • The summer of 2002 at the Wilson birthday party I met Van Dyke again and I made plans to have dinner with him. – Matthew Sweet • The true treasure lies within. It is the underlying theme of the songs we sing, the shows we watch and the books we read. It is woven into the Psalms of the Bible, the ballads of the Beatles and practically every Bollywood film ever made. What is that treasure? Love. Love is the nature of the Divine. – Radhanath Swami • The wonderful thing about rock music is even if you hate the other person, sometimes you need him more, you know. In other words if he’s the guy that made that sound, he’s the guy that made that sound, and without that guy making that sound, you don’t have a band, you know. – Bruce Springsteen • There was never yet fair woman but she made mouths in a glass. – William Shakespeare • Things do not happen. Things are made to happen. – John F. Kennedy • This idea that you can’t be an honest man and a Washington politician is a myth, a crock made up by sellouts and careerist hacks who don’t stand for anything and are impatient with people who do. It’s possible to do this job with honor and dignity. – Matt Taibbi • This is the greatest society in all of human history, the greatest country ever. Many of the decisions being made in Washington today by both parties are threatening that greatness. And if we stay on this road we’re on right now, our children are going to be the first Americans ever to inherit a diminished country. – Marco Rubio • To be honest, I’ve made a game out of trying to live through my James Dean, Janis Joplin, Freddie Prinze, Jim Morrison period, those demons that we all have that we’re either successful or not at making work for us rather than destroy us. – Patrick Swayze • Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. – Robert Frost • Unless you have made a complete surrender and are doing his will it will avail you nothing if you’ve reformed a thousand times and have your name on fifty church records. – Billy Sunday • Wal-Mart’s size and scale is so vast they literally have the ability to change the face of the entire country. If Wal-Mart were to make a decision tomorrow to refuse to sell a single product made with partially hydrogenated oils, for example, we’d probably see rates from heart disease decline a few years later. That’s how powerful Wal-Mart is. – Simon Sinek • We are not made for the mountains, for sunrises, or for the other beautiful attractions in life – those are simply intended to be moments of inspiration. We are made for the valley and the ordinary things of life and that is where we have to prove our stamina and strength. – Oswald Chambers • We are not made up, as we had always supposed, of successively enriched packets of our own parts. We are shared, rented, occupied. At the interior of our cells, driving them, providing the oxidative energy that sends us out for the improvement of each shining day, are the mitochondria, and in a strict sense they are not ours. – Lewis Thomas • We are such stuff as dreams are made on; and our little life is rounded with a sleep. – William Shakespeare • We can not continue to allow this over reliance on government to replace the cornerstone institution that has made the American experience possible. – Marco Rubio • We created a line of pet food called Nutrish that’s made to human standards, and 100 percent of the proceeds go to animal rescue. One of our top-tier donors is the ASPCA, and they help us challenge animal shelters all across the country to get more animals placed in homes. – Rachael Ray • We do not celebrate people who have made success out of serious hard work. – Iain Duncan Smith • We made a decision that monetary policy will be made by an independent European Central Bank. – Gerhard Schroder • Well mine is not gimmicky – it is the 6 food groups that God made, and exercising every day. Trying to think positively. – Richard Simmons • We’re made up of energy, so who’s to say you can’t transmit through electrical means? If you could transmit yourself wirelessly, then it’s Armageddon pretty much. – Ian Somerhalder • What I learned in jail is that I can’t change. I can’t live a different lifestyle – this is it. This is the life that they gave and this is the life that I made. – Tupac Shakur • When I did the film Generations, in which the character died, I felt like a guest for the first time. That made me very sad. – William Shatner • When I felt like an outsider, movies made me feel inside my own skill set. – Steven Spielberg • When I started CNN, I made the decision to stay out of endorsing candidates, and let the doers make up their own minds about politics, that it wasn’t going to come from me. – Ted Turner • When I was 15, I made a solo record. It made Artie very unhappy. He looked upon it as something of a betrayal. – Paul Simon • When I was a kid, there was no collaboration; it’s you with a camera bossing your friends around. But as an adult, filmmaking is all about appreciating the talents of the people you surround yourself with and knowing you could never have made any of these films by yourself.- Steven Spielberg • When I was in the Peace Corps I never made a phone call. I was in Central Africa; I didn’t make a phone call for two years. I was in Uganda for another four years and I didn’t make a phone call. So for six years I didn’t make a phone call, but I wrote letters, I wrote short stories, I wrote books. – Paul Theroux • When my children were born, I made the choice I wanted them to be raised as Jews and to have a Jewish education. – Steven Spielberg • When you campaign and have to participate in so many debates just to the win the nomination of your party, you’ve had a lot of practice. You get to figure out as you go from one debate to another where you made your mistakes. By the time you get to the big debate you’re pretty polished. – Arnold Schwarzenegger • When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. – Dalai Lama • When you’re scared, when you’re hanging on, when life is hurting you, then you’re going to see what you’re really made of. – Sylvester Stallone • Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision. – Peter Drucker • Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe. – Frederick Douglass • Who made these laws? That’s what I want to know. So that’s why I wear two crosses now. I call it double cross. I believe in God-not religion. – Ja Rule • Why do people want to know exactly who I am? Am I a poet? Am I this or that? I’ve always made people wary. First they called me a rock poet. Then I was a poet that dabbled in rock. Then I was a rock person who dabbled in art. – Patti Smith • Why haven’t I made more movies? Nobody asked me. – Elaine Stritch • With most of the songs and music that I’ve composed, irrespective of the myriad videos made, I was always careful not to overly define the experience, leaving room for people to internalize things for themselves, making their experience more integral. – Serj Tankian • Women are made to be loved, not understood. – Oscar Wilde • You are a success when you have made friends with your past, are focused on the present, and are optimistic about your future – Zig Ziglar • You can always spot a ‘television personality’, even when they aren’t actually on television, because they carry their ‘made-up’ persona in front of them, like some sort of baffler, or Ready Brek force field. Their reach for notoriety predicated on that fulsome mediocrity of talent detailed above has become frozen in their faces. – Will Self • You can’t go through life and leave things the way they are. We can all make a difference, and if I die today, I know I made a difference. – Gene Simmons • You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life. – Steve Jobs • Your sons weren’t made to like you. That’s what grandchildren are for. – Jane Smiley
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boxyladies · 7 years
I was SO EXCITED when The Zoe Report Box of Style reached out to me and asked if I would review a box for them and, duh! I already love Box of Style and it was a no brainer to continue to share the love with our readers! Forgive me for the picture-heavy post but there are just so many special details about this box and I wanted you to see them all!
Even Franklin is trying to get in on TZR Box of Style!
The Zoe Report Box of Style
Price: $99.99 quarterly
Box Type: Lifestyle & beauty, full-sized products
Why you’ll love it: Imagine getting a sleek box containing over $400 worth of products hand-selected by Rachel Zoe and The Zoe Report editors delivered right to your door—sounds too good to be true, right? Consider your stars aligned, because that’s exactly what you get when you spend just $99.99 on a Box of Style. Bringing Rachel’s unparalleled sense of glamour to the masses, this coveted subscription box ships seasonally—that’s four times annually—and is filled with an expertly styled assortment of fashion, beauty and lifestyle obsessions that’ll keep you looking and feeling chic year-round.
How to sign up: Click here! Use coupon code BOXYLSP10 to get $10 off of the Spring box or BOSSP20 for $20 off of an annual subscription!
One thing that sets Box of Style apart from the rest is the care that they take with packaging. It truly feels like a treat to unwrap, and it’s exciting to unwrap each piece. In this specific package, this month’s special extra was actually wrapped outside the box because it was bigger than usual. (More on that later.)
  I love it when a box compliments me.
Again, this is what I mean when I say each item is carefully wrapped- I never worry about anything being broken in shipping, and it’s fun to open each little package! You get a bit of that anticipation, ya know? So… let’s see what I got!
Each Box of Style is curated by The Zoe Report where Rachel Zoe is Editor-in-Chief. Subscribing to this box is probably the closest thing most of us will ever get to being styled by Rachel Zoe. I love RZ- I have a few of her books and her style is just effortless cool girl.
Each box contains an insert with information about all of the products in addition to fun facts, how-to’s and styling tips. In the Spring 2017 box, Rachel Zoe wanted to focus on highlighting female-founded brands, which I think is amazing. (Who run the world? Girls!)
So, without further ado, check out everything from the box! So many things! And right away, before investigating at all, I see so many high-end brand name products I recognize, which is always exciting. But let’s take a closer look at all of the products, shall we?
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Adornmonde Ivo Earrings ($62): Eeek!!! I love these earrings so much!!! Ear jackets have been my jam for a few years now, ever since Baublebar came into my life. So I was so fired up when I learned these would be in our boxes because we were able to choose whether we wanted gold or silver. I think that it’s so neat that a subscription box like this can personalize boxes a bit. These are just right up my alley- the bar part goes in the front, and you can even just wear those alone if you are so inclined- and the hoop part goes on the back  of the earring.
The day I took this picture, I got a spray tan so I am extra golden and glowy than I normally am. But see how cool those earrings are?! Heart eye emoji.
Butter London Patent Shine 10X Lacquer ($18): Sometimes I forget about Butter London nail polishes since I am so deep in the Julep World but Butter London polishes are GREAT. I’m normally not into colors like this, but that’s actually why I’m glad I got this – I don’t have it already! This almost looks like it will be nude on me and there’s definitely a time and a place for that. Sometimes dark polishes are hard to maintain and when you know you’re not going to have time during the week to touch up your nails, you can go in with a color like this which is much more forgiving than a dark oxblood red.
Symbology Scarf ($50): This is one of the items in the box that I am just slightly confused about. I think it’s because I’m not fashion-y, so I’m not into wearing the shorter scarves these days. But you can ask my friends, when I was in college, I was VERY into scarves like these! I would either get them from my mom’s vintage collection or find some at thrift stores. I can’t tell you how many times I dressed like a hipster mime when I was younger – so many black and white stripe shirts with red neck scarves. I just haven’t thought to wear one in well over 10 years! However, this might make me want to bring it back! Lauren Scarves 2.0.
Another idea is to tie a scarf on your handbag! The next color of purse I want is navy and I think this scarf would look so cool tied on a navy purse!
BKR Glass and Silicone Water Bottle ($35): I was SO excited to get this water bottle! I have seen these for years but never purchased one because I didn’t want to spend that kind of money on just a water bottle. But now… I have one! (And it took approximately 8 seconds for it to get cat hair on it. This is why I can’t have nice things.) I am looking forward to drinking more water out of my super pretty bottle! And I already want a bigger one!
Tatcha Polished Gentle Rice Enzyme Powder ($65): I am so excited to get this! A few years ago, I tried to buy the POPSUGAR Must Have Fall Special Edition box and…. it never came. And it had this stuff in it and Jill LOVED IT. (It must be nice to get the box you ordered, huh? Not that I am bitter. ANYWAY. I have this now! Of course, the day I get it, I get a spray tan, so I don’t want to use it and scrub off the tan I just got. BUT SOON. I will be using the heck out of this. I hear such good things AND it has amazing reviews on Sephora, so while I am excited to be tan, I’m excited to use this when I’m no longer tan.
And Tatcha really knocks it out of the park on a packaging level. It was just such a treat to open, which makes me feel like the product is super luxurious.
Tribe Alive Custom Carryall ($238): This was the big ticket item this month and I am sad to say it’s just not my fave. This is one of those times where Rachel Zoe’s aesthetic and mine just differ a little bit, as I prefer much more structured, classic type bags and this just isn’t my jam. But when I first looked at it, I was like, whoa, that looks like the bag I got in my February POPSUGAR Must Have Box, and sure enough, it was the same brand! I actually really like the clutch we got. Again, it’s not my style to carry it like a purse, but I really enjoy it for carrying my makeup brushes in my gym bag.
The brand is really cool- Tribe Alive was founded by a gal named Carly Burson to utilize her passion for fassion as a platform to help alleviate poverty among women around the world. The partnership with Box of Style, created this special exclusive bag for subscribers, employed over 150 Indian artisans in three cities!
At first, I found the price point to be a little high, but then I realized the straps are real leather, which I didn’t originally see. It also has an inner zippered pocket like a lot of purses, plus 2 of those little inside side pockets for your cell phone or whatever. It’s definitely a decent purse! It’s just not my jam specifically. But I think the story of this brand is so cool and definitely a great addition to the box. I actually have an idea of the person I am going to give this to, and I know she will love it and give it a great home!
Stella Artois Chalice, Brazil -Special Bonus! ($13): Each month, TZR editors will include a little bonus item that doesn’t go towards the full value of the box. This bonus was actually really cool and one that Matt really enjoyed! We have a pint glass collection- well, MATT has a pint glass collection. (I only helped by adding a Luby’s pint glass.) So now I am doing my part by contributing a Stella Artois pint glass! What’s really cool about the inclusion of the glass in this box is that the purchase of one chalice, provides five years of clean water for a person in the developing world through the partnership of Stella Artois and Water.org. You can learn more about the campaign at www.BuyALadyADrink.com.
Final Grade: A
Once again, The Zoe Report’s Box of Style is knocking it out of the park! I am dying over the Adornmonde earrings, Tatcha exfoliator and of course, that BKR water bottle! And I think it’s incredible that you can get almost $500 worth of products in a $100 box. While $100 might seem a little steep, I think the value and the quality of the products that are included in each box makes the cost more than worth it!
Check out TZR Box of Style on social media! Click here for their Facebook page , here for their Pinterest and here for their Insta. And obviously, click here if you want to subscribe! Don’t forget to use our promo code BOXYLSP10 for a $10 discount!
Press sample sent in exchange for an honest review Post contains affiliate links
The Zoe Report Box of Style: Spring 2017 (and PROMO CODE!) I was SO EXCITED when The Zoe Report Box of Style reached out to me and asked if I would review a box for them and, duh!
0 notes
tlcrescuepa · 7 years
New Post has been published on To Love a Canine Rescue
New Post has been published on https://tlcrescuepa.com/week-end-update-januarys-almost-a-wrap/
Week-End Update: January's Almost a Wrap
Geez, it seems like it was just yesterday that we were mourning the end of the holidays, but we’re already in the last few days of the first month of 2017 already. It was a fun week where we got to see some old friends and make some new ones.
Sweet little Addie, who came to us in a cast and healing from a broken leg, was finally ready for adoption and happily became a little sister to TLC alumnus Lola FKA Lois. She’s not the only one who celebrated a gotcha day this week, Amber, Blitzen (now Maulik), Boston, Copper, Duke, Jade & Tink, Jill, Laddie & Laurie were also adopted!
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Blitzen now Maulik
Jade and Tink
Adeline w/TLC alum Lola FKA Lois
  We have a lot of updates to share too
  Remington FKA Danny (Darby’s pup)
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Back in September, our baby was in our wedding and he was PERFECT! We also did a DNA test on him (cheek swab from Mars Vet Clinic purchased through Amazon) Turns out our little guy is half Beagle, and part American Staffordshire! Along with a small mix of other breeds from different groups. It definitely explains al of his behaviors.
  Kona FKA Nugget
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Kona is settling in very well so far. She is such a great dog, and always seems happy. I’ve also attached some pictures
  Haven (mom to Harbor, Harmony & Hope)
Doing great. Awesome dog. Fits in so well. A real lover. Loves the cats and other dog. Everyone gets along great. She plays with their son’s large puppy GSD wonderfully. Remarkable how well she fits in. She met a fox up close in the yard the other day and surprised the fox. He hasn’t been back since. She chases geese and watches the deer go thru the yard.
  Mr Darcy FKA Hummer
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Everything has been going great with Mr. Darcy (formally Hummer)! Attached are a few pictures from some of our adventures!
  MoeMoe FKA Moe
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We changed Moe’s name into Moemoe. It sounds cuter!
Moemoe is such a great boy, 8 month old and grows up to 53 lb now.
He is very smart, has learnt many tricks like sit, down, up, stand, shake hands, high five and even fake death.
He adds a lot of happiness and laughter to me and my husband. We thank your team for bringing him to our family.  
  Charlie FKA Stiles
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Charlie (fka Stiles, adopted November 2016) is the sweetest pup ever!! He has brought so much joy to my little family and is BFF’s with his big sister Bella. Thank you TLC!
  Maia FKA Dawn
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Dawn, now Maia, has adjusted beautifully! She and Raven are becoming better friends each day and Raven seems to be enjoying (or maybe just tolerating) Maia’s playful puppy behavior. We see lots of wagging tails from both of them when they interact.
  Gus FKA Mike
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Gus fits right in.
Life feels normal with him here! I almost forgot he’s so new to us. Although our day isn’t normal with the added bit of excitement and extra love/joy. Wes has made so many comments like “our dog is so mellow, aww mama I love our dog, he’s so sweet, he’s so funny, he can’t stop tickling me”, he has really taken to using commands and learning to be an alpha dog. It helps that he’s more of an alpha person than I am. And he loves having jobs.
I let Wes even hold the leash a little bit today-much earlier than I expected. But Gus really is so mellow and while he’s active he doesn’t seem to lurch.
Last night he got right into the swing-he laid by my feet while I cooked. This is good-I spend A LOT of time in the kitchen! He goes into his crate on his own. He knows where his nest is! Right now he’s asleep on the rug in the parlour while I spin yarn to knit up items for our next baby. I’m having a lovely evening with my little companion by my feet!
Here are some photos-the first one from yesterday. The rest from today. I put a handspun knit cowl on him and he posed.
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All has been going very Well! She is settling in nicely. The only think she barked at so far was the ice cream container on the counter. 🙂
Her first visit to the vet is this Saturday. She seems to know some commands and learns quickly. Thank you for allowing her into our family.
  Ziggy FKA Theodore (Jolie & Gizmo’s pup)
Ziggy FKA Theodore
Ziggy (f/k/a Theodore of the Chipmunk pups) has made such a positive impact on our lives. We take him everywhere we travel from the shore to the mountains and even New York City. He loves everyone and every pet he meets, and we are so thankful for the love that he gives us everyday. Thank you so much to the entire team at TLC Rescue for bringing us together.
I have attached a photo of Ziggy watching the Chipmunk Pups video from TLC Rescue’s YouTube page. As you can see, Ziggy is ready to jump into the television and play with his brother Alvin and sister Eleanor. It is obvious that he misses them so much. Maybe he will reunite with them at a future TLC event…
  Gidget FKA Wanda
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Gidget’s DNA test came back and we thought everyone would be interested in what she would be. According to the wisdom panel she has four primary breeds in addition to “mixed breed”.
American Staffordshire Terrier
German Shepherd
French Bulldog
Chow chow
I’ve added a screenshot of the pedigree they sent us. The Chow chow part is still blowing our minds. She is walking a lot better on leash for us. She is proficient with Sit and Down and is learning Shake
  Gunner FKA Sneezy (Avery’s pup)
Gunner FKA Sneezy
We renamed him Gunner. Gunner is doing well. He loves playing with the kids and running in the back yard. He had his first visit to the vet, everything looked good. He just needed to be dewormed again. Our vet recommended getting him neutered at 1 year of age since he is going to be a big boy. Other wise he is doing great sleeping the whole night in his crate.
    Kimo FKA Happy (Avery’s pup)
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Happy has been renamed Kimo (after our favorite Philadelphia flyers player). He is thriving and seems to be enjoying every minute of his new home. He had his first visit with his new vet on Thur 1/19. He is growing so fast, was 20lbs at his appointment. He will be going back for shots on Feb 3rd, and once more a month after that. At that last appointment for shots we will also be doing his pre-surgery check and then scheduling to have him neutered.
We are looking into 2 local puppy kindergarten classes and will be scheduling that soon since he is 10wks old now. I am confident he will do well with that, as he has been crate and potty training great and is also starting to learn to sit when told.
It’s crazy how much he has learned and changed in 2 weeks! Thank you again for such an amazing dog…he has brought so much joy and love to our family
  Keifer FKA Kefir
Keifer FKA Kefir
Kiefer (we changed the spelling), is doing awesome! He is 26 pounds and is a very mild tempered dog so far. He loves walks around the neighborhood and has met many other dogs! He sleeps through the night and goes potty outside. He is a very smart dog and is already listening (for the most part). He sits, goes potty, down, wait, come and shakes hands. The vet says he is going well. The only issue we have had so far is ticks, but we put medicine on him and things seem to be good. Oh and he loves sticks!”
    We also received a nice pictures of Lexi Rose, Bear FKA Laker & Belle FKA Lydia, and Garth (Gaby’s Shep-Hound litter from September 2015) that were posted on FB and had a visit from Dory at today’s meet & greet!
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Bear FKA Laker Belle FKA Lydia
Bear FKA Laker Belle FKA Lydia
Bear FKA Laker Belle FKA Lydia
Lexi Rose w/BFF Joplin
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