#Jimercury: Model
nic-214 · 4 years
70s Jimercury: Model
Art Credit: Darlingfreddie (Tumblr)
70s Freddie
70s Jim
70s Roger
70s Brian
Freddie thanks Peter for the ride as he arrives at the morning agency. His camera bag clangs against his jean leg, "I'll pay you for gas after work." Fred tells him.
Peter nods lighting a cigarette, "You better or it will be public transport for you.'' he jokes.
Freddie fakes offence and they laugh, "Catch you at 6 hopefully Diva isn't in today."
"He's the worse." Peter laughs shaking his head recounting the stories Fred told him of Diva Taylor.
Freddie wishes him well and heads to the building. It was a sister location of the old one he had a contract in, the original relocated further away and Fred got transferred here. He made quiet the name for himself throughout his five year career.
He enters the new building he reads the secretary nameplate, "Mary Austin". He sighs and fixes his bag, "Ms. Austin where's, Mr. Hutton's room?"
She gives him a pretty smile showing her perfect teeth, "Mr. Hutton is on the second floor room B-485." she twirls some of her blond hair with her finger she leans in some so her cleavage can be seen, "You're the photographer right?"
Freddie gives her a nod and lifts his camera bag up.
"Maybe you can take some pictures of me after hours." she says flirtatious.
Freddie shakes his head, "Sorry I'm not into blonds. Too messy." he flees up the stairs.
Mary sits there looking confused.
The young man reads over the door plates trying to find the right one. Some days he wished he read through his papers more thoroughly. Finally he finds the room and enters it. The room looked like it could belong on Pinterest by how it is decorated and set up. He assumes it's a female model he'll be working with for today, Freddie shakes his head and gets the camera and lights ready for the model. The Parsi Indian looks at his paper, "Mr. J. Hutton." was all he read before going back to fixing up the lights. He hoped Hutton will be nice to him and not be a a piece of shit. The door clicks open and Freddie turns around to greet him.
Freddie felt his face heat up he gripped the camera in his hands as the young model walks in, the model disrobes leaving him in the nude.
"Mr. H-Hutton?" Freddie stutters out face burning god this felt like the first time taking pictures of nude models.
Jim gives him a smirk, "Mr. Bulsara."
Freddie's mouth felt dry, "You look good." he let his eyes wander down.
Jim was plus side there was no denying that. His soft belly that stuck out a little how his whole body looked so soft and cushiony, "Mr. Bulsara?" Jim was sitting on the moon chair legs slightly spread.
"W-What is this for again?" Freddie asks regretting not reading the papers fully.
"For a adult magazine, love."
Freddie shudders and gets the pictures taken. He didn't want to seem perverted but Jim was like a god in body type, Freddie finishes up the photoshoot, he had to help Jim pose a few times, he was warm feeling but that could be caused by the millons of lights on in this room. Fred hated to say this but Jim looked good when he was glistening.
Freddie watches as Jim puts his robe back on, "Hey.. Bulsara.... You're that one guy." Jim finally realizes.
"One guy what?"
"You did photoshoots for that blond model."
"Which blond model?" Freddie asks.
"Taylor kid. Kinda looks like a girl acts like one too."
"Ah yeah." Freddie rubs the back of his neck how could he forget Diva Taylor?
He made Fred work for his paycheck, made him retake dozens of pictures because "I wasn't ready", "my eyes look too green", "I look too orange, "too much light", "not enough light, "too hot", "too cold", "I wasn't looking", "my lipstick is smudged, "my makeup looks wrong", "my feet look gross", "hide your face I can't look at it", "don't look at me donkey you're too ugly to see me". And the list goes on with him. What should of taken two hours and a quick send off to the editors took five hours and no lunch break. Freddie grimaced recalling the wedding photos he took of Diva Taylor and his astrophysicists husband Brian Taylor, poor guy seemed so nice and had to deal with a stuck up bitch for a husband.
"Bulsara?" Jim snapped Freddie from his thoughts again,
"Lunch? You and me, in my dressing room?"
Freddie gulps, "Uh sure. But I was just going to go home and make something. I can't afford any of the food that's in the cafeteria."
Jim shakes his head, "That shouldn't be. You're part of our staff too. You deserve to eat here, come, come. I'm buying."
Freddie looks away as he puts his camera up and follows after Jim like a lost puppy, "Don't you want to dress?"
Jim looks over his shoulder, "I'm in my robe. I'll be fine." he pulls Freddie forward so they're walking side by side which earned them weird looks.
"I'll try and pay you back." Freddie tells him fixing his hair up into a bun.
"Don't," Jim says, "Keep your money. Buy yourself something nice."
Freddie blushes and smiles a little trying to keep his teeth hidden, "Thank you, sir.''
"Call me, Jim."
Why was Jim being so nice to him? He's just some gay immigrant scrapping the bottom of the barrel trying to make good wages and not die in a gutter.
"Call me Freddie then, Jim." Freddie says adjusting his bag strap.
Jim smiles showing his perfect teeth, "There we go."
The two step into the eatery Jim keeps a hand on Freddie's slender wrist like the boy would just run out of there giving the chance.
Jim lets Freddie order first which was just a simple bacon burger with fries, "You want a drink?'' Jim asks.
"I was just going to use the vending machine."
Jim nods and he orders his food as well. He pays for both meals which costed him a total of £87.54, he was lucky the vending machine was close by, Freddie got them both drinks to make up the high lunch bill.
Fred felt something hit the back of his head and whirls around with their drinks. He sees a corn cob laying on the floor and sees Diva Taylor a few feet ahead of him, "Roger?!" Freddie yells, "Did you throw corn at me."
Diva Taylor flips him off, "You bastard! You ruined my career!!" he throws a magazine at him. Freddie catches it and looks at it, "Yeah, you were pregnant during the photoshoot. So you're going to look chubby."
Jim sees Roger's swollen belly cramped into a much too small top and he felt awful for the unborn child, "Look, Taylor. You won't have to worry about Freddie no more. I'm making him my personal photographer." Jim starts to walk away with a stunned looking Freddie and Roger looking pissed off. He's beating on his husband's back screeching at him stomping his foot demanding Brian to buy Freddie for his own use.
Freddie shudders as the doors close behind them, "I feel so bad for him and their unborn child."
Jim nods stealing one of Fred's fries as they walk, "You know you could be a model easily." Jim tells Fred.
Freddie shakes his head, " Jim-"
"You're skinny.... Petite even. Most agencies want that."
"I'm not white." Freddie says sounding upset, "I'm not good enough for those kind of jobs because of my skin."
Jim sets their food and drinks down. He hugs Freddie tight realizing that Freddie is practically smothered in his fat chest, "And with us fatties you get to be smothered."
Freddie laughs grabbing his food, "Thanks, Jim." he clamps a hand over his mouth knowing he just showed his teeth off.
"You're beautiful." Jim says.
Freddie felt his face heat up, ''Really?"
Jim nods sipping on his coke, "I love your teeth you should show them off more."
Freddie felt a grin creeping onto his face, "Jim-"
Jim kisses him gingerly watching as a big smile spreads on Freddie's face showing off them cute teeth, "Absolutely stunning."
Freddie blushes and pulls Jim down onto his lap, "We're dating now right?"
Jim chuckles and kisses his neck, "I would hope so. I don't just throw myself onto anybody."
"Good because I want to do this." Freddie smacks Jim's ass hard and grabs it.
Jim blushes darkly, "You cheeky bastard." he kisses him roughly.
"Let's take this back to my place." Jim says seductively.
Freddie smirks and nods, " Let's go."
Jim dresses in sweats and an old t-shirt
As they got up Freddie sent a quick text to Peter saying he won't be back until late and he'll get a different ride.
Freddie follows after Jim watching as his hips sway, "You're like a god."
Jim blushes at Freddie's blurting, "Well," they were stopped at Jim's car, "If I'm a god that makes you my smoking hot goddess."
Freddie blushes again and kissed him pinning him against the car, "I-I love you, Jimbo. You make me feel pretty."
Jim grins and wraps his arms around Freddie's tiny waist, "You don't even know how much I love you."
The two share another kiss not knowing they're being photographed.
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a-froger-epic · 3 years
can you recommend several great Freddie fics of different moods (funny, sad, hot etc) to get everyone in the mindset for FMW? Thank you!
Oof, anon, I've got little time as I'm trying to get my WIPs for the event done. 🙈 But it's a sweet idea and so here we go, just off the top of my head, a very random collection of Freddie-centric fics I loved in no particular order! (And I'm missing out loads, I already know. This list could easily be three times as long! Also, I didn't go heavy on the smut because so much of the time smut isn't centred around one character but, understandably, two - or more. lol)
sleepless child (there is so little time) by @talkingismylifewrites - It was literally just posted today so it's fresh on my mind and it killed me with (step-)dad!Freddie cuteness. Platonic Froger with fem!Roger, marriage of convenience.
He Who Trusts In The Shadow by @plainxte - Platonic Froger. Freddie finds it hard being alone. Beautiful introspection and friendship.
Displacement by @quirkysubject - Freddie is awake at night on the tour bus and has to listen to Roger's, erm, activities with a groupie. Angsty introspective Freddie angst, chef's kiss!
the end of a love or a season? by @ineffableidiots99 - Jimercury. The last year of Freddie's life, wonderful balance of love and sadness. You will cry!
A Victorian Painter Named Dadd by @aboutnothingness - A sort of fairytale. Magical!
love comes for all of us by @fingersfallingupwards - The only multi-chapter I'll rec here because the chapters are very short. Perfect nuggets of literary perfection. Froger.
Even To The Edge by @lydiannode - Platonic Frian. Freddie visits Brian when Brian was very sick. Angsty and sweet!
The greatest thing by @tikiniki - Some Medieval!AU Froger smut! Freddie introduces Roger to a new kind of love-making. *eyebrow waggle* Super romantic, super hot, haha.
Let me see what Spring is like On Jupiter and Mars by @queenies-bug - Jimercury. First fight in marital bliss. Flawed characters. Very human.
Manifesto by @trixie-bobwhite - A fantastic, short poem about Freddie!
Exposed by @mysticanni (whose new blog I can't seem to tag for some reason?) - Freddie earns some extra money as a nude model for art class. Such gentle, interesting writing, a gem.
Take a Chance with Me by @yasmamamercury - Jimercury smut! Hot fluff! Fluffy hotness!
Can't Get No Relief, Lord by @bambirexwrites - fem!Freddie angst gallore, introspection, internal homophobia.
The Wonder of A Fairytale by @i-lay-my-life-before-queen - Platonic Froger, Christmas sweetness, Freddie visits Roger's family home. A/B/O
Aftercare by @bisexualroger - Freddie got mugged and is dealing with it. Platonic Froger. I will rec this little masterpiece of a ficlet until the day I die.
....aaaahhh okay literally I could go on and on??? But it's already taken me 45min putting this together, I apologise to every brilliant author I left off! I can't wait to see loads more fantastic works over the next three days will become new favourites for me! 💕
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Part 32 of Jimercury Kid series
‘Is it ready yet, Daddy?’
Jim chuckled at the excited seven-year-old who was currently fluctuating between bouncing around the kitchen and hovering around the stove to watch his father stir the large, steaming pot. ‘About five minutes, pet. Why don’t you put some of that energy to good use and help Uncle Phoebe set the table?’
Khaleel pouted slightly, the scent of his favourite dinner making his hungry belly rumble in protest. But he had learned by now that impatience was never rewarded in Garden Lodge and he scurried into the dining room to find Phoebe, leaving Jim to finish cooking in peace. Once he was certain that it was perfectly seasoned, he turned off the stove and grabbed the oven gloves from the counter nearby.
Irish stew was one of the few meals that Freddie was actually enthusiastic about eating, which was a miracle considering the man ate like a fucking bird. Jim envied him; Freddie was fifty-one and still had the figure a model would be proud of. Meanwhile, the Irishman had a small beer belly and could stand to lose a few pounds.
Perhaps a diet was in order. It would mean cutting back on meals like this, which Khaleel would undoubtedly object to; but he had managed to moderate his drinking and quit cigarettes altogether. With a bit of willpower, he’d be able to lose weight too.
He carefully lifted the pot from the stove, carrying it to the dining room where he found the rest of the family already seated, Khaleel fidgeting in anticipation.
‘Stew’s up!’ Jim announced, carefully placing the pot at the centre of the table. ‘I think I overdid it with the leeks, but it should still be edible.’
‘It smells marvellous, darling.’ Freddie purred in response, passing along his bowl to be served. ‘Kenny, don’t bounce like that. You’ll give yourself hiccups.’
‘I can’t help it.’ Khaleel beamed as Jim ladled some stew into his dinosaur bowl and placed it under his nose. ‘I love Daddy’s stew.’
Jim filled his own bowl and took a seat, pouring himself a glass of wine while Khaleel blew on his stew to cool it down and Freddie shooed away Delilah who was looking for scraps. Once his glass was full, he raised it in the air. ‘Happy St. Paddy’s Day, everyone.’
Amongst the sound of clinking glass and Khaleel’s excited rambling about what he had got up to that day, Jim caught Freddie’s eye from across the table, chuckling softly as the singer cheekily blew him a kiss.
Awww our favourite family is celebrating St. Paddy's Day with Jim's Irish stew!! Also lmao thank god Freddie is out of his 'since Jim is Irish we shall feed him all kinds of potatoes' phase😂
I am imagining the scene at the dinner table in my head, with Freddie and Jim and their son, and Phoebe of course, all seated like a family and enjoying a meal, and my heart is MELTING😭 This is honestly so fucking cute😭💙
(More drabbles by writer anon)
(All the parts of this series can also be found under the tag #freddie and jim and their baby on this blog)
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bambirex · 4 years
Random fic rec, just because I'm in a very appreciative mood and would like to give a shout-out to some frankly amazing writers:
The March of The Black Queen and Killer Queen by @borealis-strange
You like Queen? You like fantasy, magic and adventure? Some beautiful friendship moments, perhaps? Then you need to read this amazing series by this extremely talented, and unfairly underappreciated writer!!!
And you ask yourself, how did I get here by Sharonglitterbombjohn who sadly deactivated on here. A very raw, heartbreaking fem!queen fic that will make you cry like a damn waterfall.
Calling All Ladies by @nightoftheland. One of the first fem!queen fics I've read, which pretty much got me into this AU. It's hard to make me blush, but this super steamy story managed.
The Millionaire's Dinner by @stars-across-space. This one's for the more kinky crowd- quite delicious, if you ask me! And it's fem!queen, too!
Solitary Fame and Rhiannon by @emmaandorlando. The first one is a gorgeous piece written for the Freddie Mercury Weekend, which admittedly became one of my favorites. The second one is a fic that I would just call "THE fem!maylor fic".
The Spoiled Brat Universe by @feedermercury. This is once again for those with a specific kink, but this cool series offers more than that; there's plenty of fluff, too!
Always On My Own by @freesiafields. A beautiful fic written for the Freddie Mercury Weekend, that broke my heart and then put it back together by the end.
Like Tops, Like Gyroscopes and Va' Tu Sei Libero by @freddieofhearts. I'm not gonna lie: reading these fics will hurt. Like, a lot. But both of these are heartbreakingly beautiful and realistic.
So tell me (why my gods look like you) by @iamnotbrianmay. This is not a fic: this feels more like a beautiful poem, something that sticks with you after reading it. An utterly gorgeous fem!queen story.
Canon fluorescent!verse by @immistermercury. It was extremely hard to pick just a few fics from this certain author, who, I believe, is one of the (if not THE) best Jimercury writers in this fandom. This beautiful, often heartbreaking but more often uplifting series of Freddie, the young ballet dancer pushing through all the hardships that life is throwing at him, while finding the love of his life and having a family, is absolutely touching. I'd recommend it to everyone.
The Words Unsaid by @queensilveryrog. This story of model!brian and photographer!john just absolutely blew my mind. It's insane how much emotion this author managed to put into such a short story!
Death On Two Legs by JessiDWalton who I believe is not on tumblr (at least I couldn't find them). This is the hot Maylor demon!AU that I didn't know I needed.
When the monster is too big to slay by @jessahmewren. You can just tell I love breaking my own heart, right? Gosh, the emotions in this! And the dialogue is simply gorgeous all throughout.
I Will Tell You I Love You by lover_of_blue_roses (i think they are also not on tumblr). A sweet Jimercury fic featuring the famous bath video and some sexy times.
Dawn of Aquarius and Blacklight in Zero Gravity by @a-froger-epic. I keep saying that the first fic feels like watching an artsy indie movie - check it out for yourself, if you haven't yet! The ultimate Froger fic, which is painfully realistic and gives you a good glimpse at what life was like for a young gay man in the '60s. The second one is a thrilling Frian fic set in the future - I promise you, you will fall in love with it after the very first chapter.
Calling All Boys and The Way You Love Me Like You Do by @nothingelsematterswrites. The first one is a Deacury/Maylor Tinder AU- did I get you hooked yet? The second one is one of the hottest poly!queen one-shots I've ever read.
Loverboy by @his-majesty-king-mercury. A super sweet Froger story, with plenty of drama- and then a wonderful ending!
Let Your Heart Decide by @pumpkinlilyao3. Only three chapters in, and I'm already in love- another fantastic Froger fic! We love a good friends-to-lovers trope, don't we?
To Tell You When I Find You and Under The Elderberry Tree by @quirkysubject. The first fic is a Froger Titanic AU - do I need to say more? Go, and read it, everybody! Tbh, it's a thousand times better than the actual movie, with flawless characterization as well! The other mentioned fic is a cute Jimercury one-shot, that will make you cry and smile at the same time.
Safe And Sound by Stolentragedies. A fem!queen fic, in a Hunger Games setting? And also full of angst and insanely good characterization? Sign me the fuck up!
this time I know it's for real and Safeword by @freddie-mercurial. I only needed to read the summeries to these to know I will fall in love right away. One is a cute story with single parent!Brian falling for artist!Freddie, and the second is a super steamy, but also very lovely BDSM fic with healthy messages.
The entire I Lay My Life Before You series by @i-lay-my-life-before-queen. I wasn't even all that into a/b/o before I stumbled upon these fics - but these beautiful, compelling stories completely turned me around. We follow Freddie through his fight against Omega discrimination in different settings and versions- and let me tell you, every single story in this series is a touching masterpiece. I would also like to add I Reign With My Left Hand (I Rule With My Right), another fantastic a/b/o story, this time in a poly!queen setting!
hijack my heart; by @sweetestsight (I really hope it's them on tumblr too, if not, I'm sorry for the random tag). This fem!queen fic is just simply brilliant. Badass gangster ladies? Poly!Queen? Mindblowing dialogue? Girls supporting girls? If this was a movie, I would watch the shit out of it.
Don't Turn Around When You Hear Me Tread and Dim The Lights (and sing you songs) by @rhapsodicalfreddie. A secret agents, and a rockstar/groupie AU? And both of them are Frian!? *chef's kiss *
Children of The Land, Love Is Still The Answer by TheHeartOfTheStar AKA the fic that made me fall in love with the OT5 ship, complete with a beautifully written soulmate AU.
Four Men And A Rock And Roll Band and Princes of The Universe by @tikiniki. The mentioned series is what inspired me to write my very first fic. When people mention poly!queen, this writer is the one that immediately comes to my mind (i hope she's doing well!). I didn't realize I would like the second one as much as I did, but it simply blew my mind! Star Wars/Star Trek who?
These are just the ones I can list from the top of my head- but of course there are many more, and let's be real: I'm eternally grateful for all the writers in this fandom! 💕
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Part 17 of Jimercury Kid series
Freddie had known this wouldn’t be easy.
These were his parents after all. They weren’t bad people; model citizens in fact, far more decent than half the folk on the street who had lived in England their entire lives. But they were products of their time; stubbornly devoted to a religion that demonised their only son’s very existence. They loved him; he knew that – what was the saying? Love the sinner but not the sin?
They loved Khaleel too, despite their reservations about the adoption. Freddie couldn’t help but smile as he watched the little boy chattering away to Jer, his little hands balled in the quilt that his grandmother was in the process of making him. She had been working on it for months; it was a beautiful shade of baby blue, embroidered with flora and tiny little birds. Every time they visited, Khaleel would excitedly watch her sew, asking every five seconds when it would be finished so he could take it home. Bomi, though far more reserved than his wife, would prop the boy on his knee and show him old photographs of his Baba when he was a child, and listen to his grandson natter away about what he had gotten up to at school that day. As far as grandparents went, they were exemplary.
But he knew it wasn’t the same. There would always be that underlying fact that Khaleel was the child of same-sex parents, a union that neither Bomi nor Jer saw as valid. They knew about Freddie and Jim – they had known from the moment they met the Irishman, call it parent’s intuition – but while they liked Jim, they would never truly see him as Freddie’s husband, or their relationship as anything but sinful. Hoping that they would ever understand was wishful thinking on Freddie’s part.
‘Have you thought any more about what we said?’
The frontman resisted the urge to roll his eyes as his father cornered him in the kitchen, having lured him in there with the excuse of putting the kettle on. ‘Not now, Papa.’
‘You’re going to have to come to a decision eventually.’ Bomi insisted. ‘The boy needs a mother.’
‘He doesn’t “need” anything.’ Freddie snapped back; eyes still focused on the stove as he willed the kettle to boil faster. ‘Khaleel is perfectly happy just the way he is. With his fathers.’
‘Stop being so stubborn. You’re putting your own selfish desires before your child. We’re only thinking of what’s best for Khaleel-’
‘No.’ Freddie whipped round, sizing up the old man like an angry dog, though being mindful to keep his voice down. ‘You���re not doing this for Khaleel. You’re doing it for yourself, to make you feel better. You’d rather I marry a woman and spend my entire life living a lie than face up to the fact that your son is a queer-’
Bomi slapped him. It wasn’t hard (at least not as hard as Bill Reid used to swing) but it took Freddie by surprise and jerked his head to the side, a small pink mark appearing on his cheek that he quickly covered with his hand. Tears filled his eyes, but he forced them back.
‘Don’t you dare use such language in this house.’ Bomi growled, voice dangerously low, finger pointed threateningly at his son’s face. ‘Your mother and I have spent years trying to overlook your behaviour, turning a blind eye to all the rumours and gossip. And this is how you repay us. You had everything going for you, a beautiful woman you could have made your wife, and you threw it all away for-’
‘For what?’ Freddie interrupted, taking his hand away from his face so he could ball it into a fist. ‘For a man who I love to every corner of the Earth? Who’s made me the happiest I’ve ever been in my life? Forgive me for refusing to live by your standards, Papa. Forgive me for being myself.’ A single tear fell from his eye, rolling to his jaw. ‘I love Jim. I will always love Jim, Papa. And if you can’t accept that, then you’ll have to get used to not being part of Khaleel’s life.’
He made a move for the kitchen door, but Bomi grabbed his arm.
‘You will not take my grandson away from me.’
Freddie scoffed, though it was far from humorous. He leaned close to his father until their noses were almost touching. ‘Watch me.’
He tore his arm from Bomi’s grip and threw the door open, being mindful to calm himself down and wipe away his tears as he entered the living room to where Khaleel was sitting with Jer.
‘Come on, darling.’ He said, avoiding his mother’s eyes as he leaned down and took the boy’s hand. ‘Terry’s waiting for us outside.’
‘But Dādī hasn’t finished my blanket.’ Khaleel whined, pulling away in an effort to get back to his grandmother.
‘Now, Khaleel.’ Freddie said firmly, giving his son a look that wasn’t to be argued with. ‘Uncle Phoebe will have your lunch ready soon.’
The child pouted but didn’t protest any further.
‘Don’t forget these.’ Jer set down her knitting needles and picked up the little box of cheese biscuits sitting on the coffee table, handing them to Freddie. ‘You’ll be back next weekend?’
Freddie felt his mouth go dry. He could see his father standing in the kitchen doorway in the corner of his eye, but he refused to look at him.
‘Goodbye, Mama.’ He replied, avoiding her question, and leaned down to kiss her cheek. ‘Say goodbye to Dādī and Dādā, Khaleel.’
It was all he could do to keep himself from bawling like a baby as Khaleel scampered over to kiss his grandmother on the cheek and waved his tiny hand at Bomi before allowing his Baba to tug him out the door.
It was only when they had arrived back at Garden Lodge and Khaleel had been herded into the dining room by Phoebe to have his lunch, that Freddie went into the garden to where Jim was pruning the roses, threw his arms around his husband and sobbed into the crook of his neck.
Oof, yeah this is angsty. I just answered an ask about Freddie's parents, and what I wrote in it coincides with your characterisation, even though this is a fictional setting.
I feel like there could've been two scenarios: One where they accepted and loved their grandchild but did not approve of how he was being raised, as you wrote here beautifully. In the second scenario, it's possible that they didn't accept the child (but were warm towards him because it is a child), since it represents what they don't approve. What I mean to say is that throughout Freddie's life he hid his sexuality from his parents even though they were aware of it. He was never blatant about it, never flaunted it in front of them, at least after he got famous. But here, he is openly raising a child with another man. This is a change in situation that may not have been received well by his parents.
But of course, the first one is as likely as the second, because this is fiction, and we can never know how someone would've reacted to something that never happened. And as I said, you've explored this subject beautifully in this fic.
Jer and Bomi were products of their time, and for them a family constituted of a mother, a father and children. Anything in exception to this is still considered wrong (for example, last year the indian government challenged the petition of a few same-sex couples in the supreme court who wanted marriage equality. The reason which they gave was that indian traditional values define a family as a biological mother, biological father and their children. Anything in violation of this structure cannot have a place in this country. This happened in 2020. Imagine it being a lot worse a century ago when Bomi and Jer were growing up in this country).
Gosh, I went off topic here, haha. But this provides a bit of context to their thinking, and the fact that they probably never accepted their son, not in his life and not after his death.
I loved this part, anon. You truly have a gift of conveying every type of emotion—anger, sadness, happiness, love. You're simply amazing💙
(More drabbles by writer anon)
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a-froger-epic · 4 years
📝 = (semi-)regular updates
❓= will update eventually
🧊 = on ice
✅ = complete
Freddie Mercury/Roger Taylor
Froger - Love & Sex (18+):
Dawn of Aquarius [the epic] ✅ - Roger and Freddie meet in 1969 and change each other's lives. (romance, sexual awakening, coming of age, YA drama, period-typical homophobia, family drama, realism)
Good Company ✅ - collab with @quirkysubject The Queen boys accidentally on purpose watch porn together. (friends to... still friends but with interesting wanking habits, internalised homophobia, pining, humour)
Dreams of Tomorrow 📝- collab with @tikiniki A mad, medieval fantasy adventure with the Queen boys. (troubadour AU, adventure, fantasy, friendship, magic, origin stories, vikings, battles, a donkey called Tootsie)
Dawn of the Living Dead ❓ - It's the zombie apocalypse in 1971. (horror, dark comedy, blood & gore, insanity, friendship)
The Miracle ❓ - A slightly different take on the A/B/O trope. (mpreg, friends to lovers, kid!fic, parenthood, emotional realism, discrimination)
the eye of the beholder ✅ - Roger buys a video camera. (established relationship, script format, humour, light-hearted)
Time Waits for No One ✅ - collab with @bisexualroger Freddie and Roger's relationship through the years. (Christmas themed, sad, life has no happy endings, grief, acceptance, breakup, lovers to friends, death)
Sehnsucht 🧊 - Roger visits Freddie in Munich. They have a past. (Inspired by Dawn of Aquarius, pining, friendship, life has no happy endings, hurt/comfort, but mostly hurt)
Froger - Love:
A Kind of Magical Adventure (and the Spider from Mars) ❓ - collab with @plainxte​ The Doctor Who/Queen crossover nobody asked for! (friends to lovers, there was only one bed, fluffy Christmas space adventure)
The Only Exception ✅ - On a night out, something is rekindled between Roger and Freddie. (drug use, pining, past relationship, the one that got away, some humour)
Foxey ✅ - Freddie gives Roger an impromptu lapdance. (Dawn of Aquarius missing scene, fluff, humour, established relationship)
Secret ✅ - Brian is a good secret keeper. (Inspired by Dawn of Aquarius, handholding, angst and fluff, mostly fluff)
I put a spell on you (because you’re mine) ✅ - A Halloween special. (Dawn of Aquarius missing scene, breakup, angst, humour)
Incidentally Homosexual  ✅ - Roger wants to talk to Freddie about the Kinsey scale and sexuality.  (Dawn of Aquarius missing scene, internalised homophobia, pure fluff, soft boyfriends)
It’s Grim Up North (But There’s Light Up Ahead) ✅ - collab with @pumpkinlilyao3​ One time Roger saves Freddie, and one time Freddie saves Roger. (Friends to lovers, violence, slurs, angst, happy ending)
Promise ✅ - Roger and Freddie prepare for a special event in 2015. (Inspired by Dawn of Aquarius, Freddie lives, growing old together, pure fluff)
Tootsie’s Story ✅ - How Roger rescued a donkey. (Dreams of Tomorrow prequel, fantasy, adventure, troubadour AU, established relationship)
Ooh Love, ooh Loverboy… ✅ - Freddie through Roger's eyes. (established relationship, internal monologue, tooth-rotting fluff)
Romantic Drabbles ❓ - A mixed bag of Froger romance.
Froger - Porn Without Plot (18+):
A is for Amsterdam ✅ - Roger and Freddie walk into a sex shop. (Established relationship, bdsm, sex toys, dom!Roger, sub! Freddie, a bit of fluff and humour too)
B is for Bound ✅ - There's something Freddie would like to do. (Established relationship, bdsm, non-con play, dom!Roger, sub!Freddie)
C is for Control ✅ - There's something Roger would like to do. (Established relationship, mild bdsm dynamics, switching, top!Freddie, fluff)
D is for Discipline ✅ - Freddie turns a game into something a little more serious. (Spanking, bdsm, power dynamics, subspace, referenced cheating, guilt, dom drop)
Right until the ends of the Earth ✅ - Romantic piano sex. (Inspired by Dawn of Aquarius, mild bdsm dynamics, romance)
Tight Squeeze  ✅ - collab with @bambirexwrites fem!Queen; Regina and Freddie go shopping for shorts. Regina has some trouble fitting into them. Freddie helps her feel better. (Established relationship, body worship, semi-public sex)
One Fine Morning  ✅ - Freddie is trapped between two primal urges. (Established relationship, mild omorashi, morning sex)
Smutty Drabbles ❓- A mixed bag of Froger sexytimes.
Froger - Gen/shippy Gen:
Good Times (Better Times) ✅ - How Freddie met Roger, a Dawn of Aquarius prequel. (internal monologue, the Kensington pub, art student Freddie)
that special brew ✅ - That time Freddie accidentally drank marrijuana tea. (humour, Roger being a very sweet friend, light-hearted)
a joke nobody tells ✅ - Newly formed Queen dynamics or: not even Roger knows what is going on in Freddie's head. (group dynamics, insecurities, fear of failure, hurt/comfort)
Ghosts ✅ - Freddie’s arrival in Australia awakens some memories he would rather forget. (angst, referenced past sexual assault, friendship, hurt/comfort)
Including Love ✅ - Freddie and Roger love each other. But perhaps, not in that way. Or do they? (Roger-centric, character study, period-typical attitudes, male friendship, bromance)
Freddie Mercury
that which is good ❓ - Freddie meets Kenny. Two gay men struggling to find themselves, find comfort in each other’s friendship. (Angst, internalised homophobia, male friendship, hurt/comfort) 
Moments ❓ - A collection of moments in Freddie’s life. (Vignettes, angst, fluff, death, life, everything)
with my trust like a child ❓ - collab with @aboutnothingness A look at several of Freddie’s birthdays throughout his life (Hurt/no comfort, hurt/comfort, internal monologue, implied underage, heavy angst)
The God Abandons Antony [Freddie Mercury/Joe Fanelli] 🧊 - collab with @freddieofhearts​ On tour in the US, Freddie meets somebody new. (Internal monologue, angst, euphoria, new love, romance, cheating)
Rapture and Solace ✅ - 1991. (Internal monologue, fear of death, terminal illness, acceptance, background Jimercury)
to the bone (18+) ✅ - A police officer lets Freddie off the hook, in exchange for a favour. (Period-typical homophobia, abuse of power, sexual assault, hurt/no comfort)
Ménage à Deux  ✅ - An exploration of Freddie’s friendship with Barbara Valentin. (Dubcon, recreational drug use)
Naughty ✅ - Freddie's mind wanders while he poses nude for a life drawing class. (Internal monologue, some humour, internalised homophobia)
Don’t You (Walk Away) [Freddie Mercury/Winnie Kirchberger] ✅ - After a fight with Winnie, Freddie contemplates his life in Munich. (Hurt/No Comfort, toxic relationships, angst)
Freddie Love ❓ - Freddie-centric drabble collection.
Freddie Mercury/Brian May
As it Began ✅ - Freddie goes to write his dissertation at Brian's house. (Smile Era, boys with a crush, friendship, first kiss, angst, hurt/comfort)
Blacklight in Zero Gravity (18+)  ❓ - It's 2029, Freddie Mercury is working as a stripper and one night, the mysterious Brian May walks into his life. (Modern AU, sex & drugs, pining, humour, angst, fluff, romance, morally grey characters, smut)
Click! ✅ - Freddie meets a guy he just can’t get off his mind at work. (Modern AU, photographer!Freddie, model!Brian, social media, humour, meet cute)
the sun and moon and stars are you ✅ - Freddie and Brian are expecting, and getting ready for a Halloween party. (trans!Freddie AU, pregnancy, humour, fluff)
The Sound of Your Fear ✅ - Brian and Freddie stay in a very creepy hotel. (Ghost story, terror, haunted house, platonic/pre-slash Maycury)
Dreams of Tomorrow (18+) [Maycury, Froger, Joger] 📝 - collab with @tikiniki​ A mad, medieval fantasy adventure with the Queen boys. (troubadour AU, adventure, fantasy, friendship, magic, origin stories, vikings, battles, a donkey called Tootsie)
Freddie Mercury/Jim Hutton
Maybe I’m Amazed ✅ - Freddie is upset about an argument with Jim, who surprises him. (Angst, hurt/comfort, romance and fluff)
Interlude ✅ - Freddie has a great time at his 39th birthday party - for the most part. (Angst, non-consentual drug use, hopeful ending)
Sticks and Stones ✅ - Freddie reads a headline she wishes she hadn’t seen. (Fem!Jimercury, body image, fluff, happy ending)
Other Ships
Dawn of the Living Dead (18+) [Poly!Queen & Froger] ❓ - It's the zombie apocalypse in 1971. (horror, dark comedy, blood & gore, insanity, friendship, smut)
Kneel Down by Your Side and Pray [Maylor & Johnica] 🧊 - collab with @quirkysubject @tikiniki and @plainxte In a dystopian world where slavery is the norm, four young men struggle with their circumstances. (Dystopian AU, violence, blood & gore, sexual abuse, angst, friendship, hurt/no comfort, pining)
Sacrifice (18+) [Maylor] ✅ - Roger is being sacrificed to the God of Fertility. (Fantasy AU, humour, Monty Python-esque, technically non-con but not angsty, satire)
Colour Me Surprised [Joger] ✅ - Roger helps John with his make-up. (Yearning, gay panic)
a bona cackle [OMC/OMC, background Froger] ✅ - Dawn of Aquarius spin-off ficlet. A phone conversation in Polari. (Period-typical attitudes, queer history)
and the rest is history ✅ - The day John Deacon auditioned for Queen. 
lazing on a sunny afternoon  ✅ - A short, sweet fem!Queen ficlet.
The Sound and the Fury ✅ - collab with @quirkysubject​ Roger is struggling when the past catches up with him. Brian is a good friend. (hurt/comfort, friendship, angst)
Not Like Other Groups ✅ - Queen escape from an angry gang of skinheads by means of a car chase. (humour, friendship, action)
Maple Leaves ✅ - John struggles with Freddie’s illness. (heavy angst, death, grief)
Interview With A Queen “Groupie” - I interviewed a lady who knew the Queen boys back when she was at Ealing Art School. Yes, really.
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