#John Murphy whump
Whumptober no. 18 - "Just get it over with." (2k words)
Fandom: The 100
Characters: John Murphy (whumpee) Emori (caretaker)
A tag fic to 5x06, John has reached a breaking point with the pain of the shock collar and he needs Emori to get it off, no matter what.
Read on Ao3
“The Ring’s starting to look pretty good right about now…” Murphy trailed off. He turned back to Emori as an idea came to him. “How much fuel is left in this thing?”
“Not enough. Why? What are you thinking?” Emori asked, wielding the screwdriver in her newly gloved hands, ready to take another jab at removing the collar.
"I've got an idea. If the collar still works after you get it off anyways."
"Do you want it off or do you want it off and still functional? Because one of those options will probably hurt more than the other."
Murphy scrunched his nose, internally debating how much pain it would be worth. Instead of making the choice himself, he replied "dealers choice."
She glared at him, irritated that he would drop such a decision on her. She hated to see him in pain and hated even more to be the one inflicting the pain. "My main priority is getting it off of you, if it works afterwards, fine, but I won't be going out of my way to be gentle with it."
He took a deep breath and tilted his head slightly, lifting his jaw to indicate he was ready for her to try again.
She raised the tool and imitated his deep breath, steadying herself before aiming the tip of the screwdriver at the line around the edge of the protected control panel. "Here we go," she whispered and slotted it in.
Just as before, the collar crackled to life and John instantly reacted, his head thrown back as every muscle in his body clenched. Emori grit her teeth and tried to angle the tool so that it caught the edge of the cover, trying to pry it open when John slipped off the seat, his knees slamming hard into the unforgiving floor of the pod and she quickly pulled away.
As the crackle of the electricity cut off, John fell back against the row of seats. He yelled in frustration and punched the floor before wrapping his arms around his knees and pressing his head against his forearms.
Emori slid off the seat and knelt next to him, “I think I almost had it that time-”
“You think you almost had it??” John raised his head and glared at her with fire in his eyes. They were wet and red.
“I’m sorry, John! I’m trying here-”
“Well, try harder. I just- I can’t do this anymore. Every time the shocks stop and the collar is still there-” His voice cut off with a strangled sob and he dropped his head onto his arms again.
“Please. Just get it over with.”
He slid further down onto the floor, finding an angle where he could lay flat amongst the bolted down seats. He looked up at her with tears slipping out of the corners of his eyes. “Pin me down if you have to, but whatever you do, or whatever I do, don’t stop until it’s done.”
Emori knelt next to him and used her gloved hand to wipe the tears away. “Are you sure about this?” She asked in a whisper.
“Just get it over with.”
Reluctantly, she threw a leg over him and shifted so she straddled his torso. “If you’re ok with it, I need to keep your arms away from me so you don’t try to stop me. Can I kneel on your arms?”
He nodded, scrubbed his hands over his face and took another deep breath before shifting himself underneath her, directing her so her knees pressed down on his upper arms and then wrapping his hands around her boots. “OK. Let’s do this,” he said, closing his eyes.
She leaned down and pressed a kiss against his temple and whispered an apology before moving the screwdriver into position.
As soon as she made contact with the collar again, she felt her own stomach twist as Murphy instantly tensed and started to writhe below her. Flat on the ground, the repetitive tensing of his neck caused his head to rattle against the floor and she was barely able to keep the tool wedged where she needed it. Using her left hand, she directed his head to the side and leaned forward, placing just enough pressure to keep his head in one place while she worked with her right hand. She could feel his grip on her boots, clenched hands digging into leather and his arms trembling from exertion below her knees. She needed to move faster.
The control panel finally popped open and she took a breath she hadn’t consciously been holding. The screwdriver briefly lost contact with the collar as she moved to the next position and Murphy gave a strangled sob when the shocks paused for just a moment.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry John,” she whispered before jamming the screwdriver into the control panel again, frantically identifying everything inside as quickly as possible and then going through the motions to disconnect it. The request to potentially keep it functional sat in the back of her mind, but she needed to act fast. It was already too long, longer than it had taken for Madi to put the jeep into reverse to bring him back into range of the remote and even that had nearly knocked him out.
One of Murphy’s knees came up and slammed into the middle of her back and any desire to be careful with the collar went flying out the window. She could feel Murphy unconsciously trying to twist under her, his spasming body trying to throw her weight off of him. “John, please!” She pressed down harder on his head, her forearm nearly covering his whole face and her long fingers clutching the back of his head. She could feel the tension from how tightly his jaw was clenched even through her glove and the thought that maybe he should have had something to bite down on crossed her mind much too late. Leaning forward she pressed more weight on his upper arms with her knees, which in turn brought her face down closer to the crackling collar and she finally spotted it; the little black chip with the shiny silver pins that made it look like a little electronic spider, crouched in the shallow depths of the panel. With a yell of triumph, she slipped the edge of the screwdriver under it and pried it off, sending it skittering across the floor. She heard it hit the wall somewhere near the door.
With that, the electrical current cut off, even with the screwdriver still touching the internals of the collar and Murphy finally went limp beneath her. Emori sighed in relief, removing her arm from his face and putting her knees back on the floor. His eyes were closed.
“John? I got it, it’s done, I got it! I still need to get the lock to release, but it can’t shock you anymore.”
There was no response. Suddenly panicking, she pressed where she could just barely fit her fingers against his throat, between the collar and the underside of his jaw. His pulse was strong, stronger than she expected it to be, but fast, which was less surprising. His body had been under a lot of stress and she could only imagine how much pain he was in. She had only gotten a taste of it back in the cave with a really short shock and even that had made her body ache.
“C’mon John,” she said, gently tapping the side of his face. His eyelids fluttered lightly but otherwise, nothing. “C’mon John, you’re ok. It’s over now, I just need to finish taking it off.”
She changed position, kneeling near his head and slipped her hands under his shoulders to pull him up so his upper body leaned against her, his head cradled against her shoulder. From there she could see the clasp clearer and went to work prying it apart. The fear that maybe she was wrong, that maybe there was still power somehow, crossed her mind and she hesitated for a moment. She grit her teeth, knowing if that was the case, he’d rather she get it over with while he was unconscious rather than waiting till he woke up and putting him through it all over again.
She jammed the tool back into the crevice and let out a gasp of relief when the collar stayed silent and Murphy remained slumped against her. It slipped a couple times and she cursed the collar every time. She had to remind herself it was fine, he wasn’t in danger any more and as it was, the collar was nothing more than a heavy piece of metal jewelry, though half the weight would be the memory of inflicted pain that it carried. It needed to come off, now.
Finally the clasp popped open and it hung loosely around Murphy’s throat. She gently lifted it and choked on a sob as it lifted away from the abused flesh of his throat. Bruises and burns encircled his neck, along with days worth of dirt that had been ground into the wounds.
She dropped the collar to the floor with a heavy thunk and used her teeth to pull her glove off before turning his face towards hers, gently tapping her fingers against his cheek again.
“Ok John, it’s over for real this time. It’s gone,” she whispered, “time to wake up.”
He groaned and his face twisted as he grimaced in pain, his eyes clenching tight before rolling open finally. Tears leaked out as his head lolled against her shoulder, it took a moment for his blue eyes to focus on her. The white parts of his eyes were nearly completely red with blotches.
He swallowed hard and winced at how painful such a simple action was. “Is it over?”
“Yeah, yeah it’s over.” She vaguely nodded her head towards where the offending collar lay on the floor.
“Good,” he said and then coughed harshly. Blood speckled his lip and he managed to lift a hand to wipe it off, staring at the red on his fingertips.
“What the hell?” Emori panicked, shifting so she could get a more straight on look at his face.
“I think-” Murphy cut himself off, sticking his tongue out slightly and poking at it with his fingers. “I think I bit a chunk out of my tongue.”
Emori sighed, half relieved that it wasn’t anything worse but still feeling awful. “Sorry. I should’ve found another glove for you to bite down on.”
She could see his jaw sliding back and forth, trying to find a comfortable place for his tongue to rest. “It’s fine, it’ll heal. Probably would’ve done it eventually anyways if that damn thing stayed on any longer.”
He lifted his head slightly and spotted the collar next to him. He picked it up and let it drop back to the floor with a loud clunk. He stared at it with disdain. “Will it still work?”
“I don’t know. I gave up on being gentle with it and the control chip went flying,” she gestured towards the door. “It’s over there, I can take a look at it. See what I can do.”
“Ok.” John nodded his head weakly. “Take your time. I think I need a nap.” His eyes were already half lidded, she could tell he was having a hard time keeping them open.”
“That’s fair.” She said, running her hand through his hair again and giving him a gentle squeeze before slowly lowering him to the floor again.
She put her glove back on and picked up the collar and started to move towards where the chip landed when Murphy’s hand suddenly wrapped around hers, stopping her in her tracks.
“Emori,” he said, his eyes barely open but she could see the sparkle in them. “Thanks.”
Her lips quirked into a smile and she squeezed his hand before letting go again. “Just don’t get another one of these.” She waved the collar at him.
“I’ll try not to,” he said before closing his eyes.
He fell asleep fairly quickly, as evidenced by his breath evening out and Emori sat down to fiddle with the collar, attempting to get the infernal thing working again for whatever John’s big plan was.
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~No Mercy for Murphy~
a whumpy music video and compilation of how this guy just constantly gets hurt throughout the entire show (and i love it)
for @whumpadoodle 💙 ty for that amazing song rec (mercy - hurts) which inspired this whole thing
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brucewaynesasshair · 7 months
me: he's my comfort character
the comfort character in question:
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man has not had a moment of peace since day one😭😭
his whump list is longer than a line in a bank at noon💀
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generic-whumperz · 3 months
Rewatching The 100 rn because nonstop ✨whump✨ and people getting annihilated left & right.
I love how dramatic and batshit crazy this show is and how they spared no expense with the insane plot points—apocalyptic wasteland + failing space station + the world ending three times (+ much more), and then traveling to a new planetary system to fuck up is like galactic-level whumping and is unmatched. Conceptually, it's one of the wildest shows I’ve ever watched. It's not my favorite show, but it's one of the most entertaining by far.
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funstyle · 11 months
mutual #1: if u dont think brittany murphy was killed ur smoking some serious aquarium rocks
mutual #2: just got dunkin [glitter gif of a dove that says HAVE A BLESSED thursday ✨]
mutual #3: had to leave the function early cus i chained my boyfriend outside and he started quivering and barking at passersby
mutual #4: [compiled john waters quotes on lana del rey]
mutual #5: [oversharing personal post]
mutual #6: call her charlie brown the way she sucks. on my peanuts
mutual #7: they should make a nine inch nails for straight people
mutual #8: [fandom whump gifset]
mutual #9: hes so wife [pixelated jpeg of stephen malkmus looking a little bit haggard]
mutual #10: accidentally xansplained my girllore to guy at the bar last night 🤩 2 likes and i will shave my eyebrows off
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whumpismybae · 1 year
Do you have any recs for a villain being whumped? Maybe by a higher up or by the good guy as leverage? Thx :3
Hey nonny, you're actually my very first Ask I've ever gotten! :)
Uuh, the villains. Love them. I don't know why they always choose the hottest actors to play the bad guys 😅
Just be warned, some might end in character death...
Who came right to my mind is Billy Russo, played by Ben Barnes. He has a hard time throughout the series, getting in fights, especially with the anti hero Frank Castle, ending up beaten, bloody (1x13), and even shot (2x13).
Well, again with the wonderful Ben Barnes, he plays General Kirigan in Shadow and Bone. Very very (very) slight whump, but some small scenes throughout season 1 and 2. And I love some emotional whump, and this man is pretty sad if you tend to emphasise with the bad guys.
Well, this one is probably one of my favourite Whumpees, BUT, he's not particularly a villain. John Murphy from The 100. He starts off as the typical bad guy douchebag, but has the greatest character arc in my opinion and gets through soo much hurt all the seasons! Beaten (a LOT), stabbed (end of season 1, and beginning of s2, 6x01, 6x08), shot (5x13).
You've probably heard of Loki before, but if not, he also starts off as the villain but tends to get more anti hero. He gets beaten by the Avengers/his brother etc, in the Thor series, Avengers 1 and has some slight whump in the Loki series (but here he's getting into the role of the anti-hero).
Another "bad guy who will end anyone who comes in their way or hurts their loved ones" type are Damon and Klaus from the Vampire Diaries. Damon was already more of the bad guy from the very start, but Klaus was more like the villain. Well, he ended up in the "misunderstood bad guy" path aswell.
I hope some of these aren't familiar to you and could help you find what you were looking for. Most of my favourites are more like the anti-hero part with a great redemption arc. So except for Billy Russo and kind of Kirigan and Klaus in the beginning they weren't exactly Villains.
But I hope this helps 🥰 Thank you for your question
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ao3feed-the100 · 2 years
Just Get It Over With
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Ymn13ct
by deepwoundsandfadedscars
A tag fic to 5x06, John has reached a breaking point with the pain of the shock collar and he needs Emori to get it off, no matter what.
Words: 2054, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: John Murphy (The 100), Emori (The 100)
Additional Tags: Whumptober 2022, Whump, john murphy whump, Whumptober Prompt, Just Get it Over With, Electrocution, shock collar, Episode Related, hurting a friend to help them
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Ymn13ct
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I need more shows where the enemy/least favorite character gets a beautiful redemption arc
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Soon becomes one of the favorites
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And then becomes the most whumped character in the show
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I need more
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Character tag game
Tagged by @shyaudacity
rules: pick four of your favourite characters from four pieces of media and let your tumblr people decide which one most suits your vibe.
I'll tag: @thatsgonnaleaveamark @whump-captain @set-phasers-to-whump @whumpdoyoumean
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The 100 - 6x03
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kantimplora · 2 years
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whumpythingy · 3 years
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winterswhumpblr · 3 years
Played by Richard Harmon
POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNINGS: Abuse, torture, death, mentions of repeated and *potentially* forced intercourse.
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{A/N: I do not own the above GIF, credits to @inmyownlaine. This list is a long one as Murphy appears in all seven seasons of the show, so it took some time to complete. I believe I’ve gotten everything but do let me know if I missed some things. There are quotes scattered throughout of either something Murphy has said or something someone has said to him that I felt were important in his storyline.} WARNING MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD.
S1.02: Fought, beaten up, bloody, held at knifepoint.
S1.03: Manhandled, shoved.
S1.04: Falsely accused, tripped up, on the ground, beaten up by a large number of people, gagged, tied up, hung by the neck, footing kicked out from beneath him, choking, being strangled, cut down, coughing, bloody, on the ground, shakily gets up, emotional, angry, holding someone at knifepoint, beaten up, held at the edge of a cliff, banished, bloody on the ground, shakily gets up.
S1.10: Found in front of the camp, covered in blood, sickly, cut up, recoils away from touch, shaking, mentions of torture, torn off fingernails shown, sick, throwing up blood, weak, given a virus, he spreads across the camp, weak, hostility towards him, lying on a hammock, gets up to let someone else use the hammock, shakily sits back down, tries to help someone, pushed away, suffocates someone.
S1.11: Fought
S1.12: Holds someone hostage, gets them to make a noose, tries to hang them like he was hung, punched, fought, runs away
S1.13: Re-captured by grounders, tied up, stabbed in the leg, screaming in pain.
S2.01: Limping, held at gunpoint, flinching, limping, laying down, groaning in pain, mentions not wanting to die alone, tying wound, revealing trauma, silently crying, punched, fought, straddled, beaten up.
2.02: Hands tied, limping, manhandled, chained to a wall, locked in a room, mentions torture, flinching, unchained to the wall — still handcuffed, manhandled, limping.
S2.03: Un-cuffed, pushed, used as bait.
S2.04: Running, limping, in pain, stops, pulling Bellamy up using a makeshift rope, holding onto the ‘rope’ on both ends to stop him from falling, pulling, struggling.
S2.05: Grabbed, flinched.
S2.08: Attempted to be used as bait, held at gunpoint, emotional, teary-eyed.
S2.10: Fought, punched, teary-eyed.
S2.12: Held at knifepoint, knocked unconscious, coughing, helped up.
S2.14: Explosion, thrown back, splattered with blood, another explosion, holding his ear.
2.16: Rowing a boat, bitten by a sea creature, groaning in pain, emotional, witnessed a traumatic event, groaning, hunched over, bleeding arm, clutching his arm, emotional, weak, walks away, dizzy, falls to the ground, angry, left behind, wakes up on the ground, bandaged and bleeding arm, finds sanctuary, watched a man kill himself.
S3.01: Panicked, tries opening the door to the sanctuary, the door won’t open, going insane trapped alone, filming himself, crying, angry, crying, tries to kill himself with a gun, can’t pull the trigger, crying, doors to the sanctuary open, sees Jaha, weak, tries to punch Jaha, collapses into his arms, unconscious, carried bridal style, wakes up, leaves, teary-eyed.
S3.05: Uses himself as bait, dry blood on him, covering himself in animal blood, held at knifepoint, forced onto his knees, forced to stand, still at knifepoint, taken.
S3.06: Coughing, tied up, interrogated, begging, bloody, injured, whipped, crying out.
S3.07: Tortured, tied up, bloody, (flashbacks from last episode showing him crying out and being whipped), weak, covered in injuries, choked, pulling at the rope binding his hands, removing the rope, running, trapped, fighting his captor, thrown to the ground, crying out, choking, coughing, knocked out, found unconscious, gagged, bound, waking up, held at gunpoint, flinching away from gunshots, witnessed someone shot, untied, witnessed death.
S3.09: Pushed down a couple of steps, in a fetal position, arms protecting his head, struggling to get up, holding his side, held at sword point, pushed against a pillar, watches someone slit someone else’s neck, witnessed death.
S3.10: Chained to a wall, dog collar, collar removed, pushed, watches torture, dog collared again, collar tugged, implied forced sexual activity (needing to sleep with the Heda so she doesn’t kill him).
S3.12: Lightly touched from behind, flinches, talks a little bit about what he’s been through whilst with the new Heda, betrayed, held at sword point, teary-eyed, arrested, manhandled, yelling.
S3.13: Flashbacks to his time on the Ark, watches someone get tortured, turns away, hears the person screaming, (flashback: slapped, instigated, forced trauma reveal, slapped, spits blood, grabbed, pushed against a wall, thrown across the room, punched, thrown over a table, pushed against a wall, choked, bent over his knees), persuades Indra to stop torturing Pike.
S3.14: Held at knifepoint, teary-eyed, “I can’t do this”.
S3.15: Shocking people with an electric baton, on the ground, being choked, tackles someone, on the ground, panting, “thank you”.
S3.16: Watches Abby slice open Heda’s chest, forced to manually pump Heda’s heart.
S4.03: Steals food and medicine, mentions of why his father was floated, sad, comforted by Emori.
S4.04: Shot at, running.
S4.06: Shoved, yelled at, insulted, punched, “the darkness can kiss my worthless ass”.
S4.07: Fought, tied someone up.
S4.08: Gun pulled on him, locked up, hands bound, yelling, emotional, trying to cut his hand ties, crying, begging, “I love her”.
S4.09: Sad, “I’m sorry for doing this to you, Raven”, teary-eyed.
S4.11: Grabbed from behind, choked out, unconscious.
S4.12: Fought, angry, emotional.
S4.13: Gasping for breath, unconscious.
S5.01: Mentions of some sort of conflict happening within their time trapped in space, sparring with Bellamy, sad, “tell me you’re not worthless and I’ll let you go” mentions break up with Emori.
S5.03: Insulted, “useless”, stays behind with Raven.
S5.04: Bonding scenes with Raven, “I’ll do it”.
S5.05: Bound, gagged, shock collar, held at knifepoint, running away, chased, chocked by the collar, teary-eyed.
S5.06: Trying to remove his collar, shocked, angry, shocked, lacerations on his neck, bruising.
S5.08: Tied, emotional, teary-eyed, gagged, forced on his knees, taken as prisoners.
S5.09 Grabbed, chokehold, pushed against a tree, causes a fight to break out.
S5.11: Held at gunpoint, flinches.
S5.12: Blasted back by the impact.
S5.13: Shot at, shot, cries out in pain, being helped to walk, needing a break, resting against a tree, groaning, teary-eyed, emotional, helped to walk, screaming, weak.
S6.01: Arm in a sling, sad, groaning, removes sling, attacked by a swarm of insects, running, shoved, grabbed, attacked, almost repeatedly stabbed by a knife, repeatedly cut, groaning in pain, being held.
S6.02: Being patched up, “I’m getting used to patching you up, Murphy”, angry, chained up, cuffed, bloody bandages shown, mentions previous traumas caused by Clarke, wincing, yelling, telling himself he’s okay, hiding with guns from his friends, punched repeatedly, trying to hold Bellamy back, punched, beaten up, thrown over shoulder into water, shoved under the surface, suffocating, drowning, saved, pulled from the water, coughing, unconscious, black veins shown all over his body, “his pulse is too weak.”
S6.03: Seizing, not breathing, black veins shown, “he’s already dead”, bitten by snake, venom removing the black veins, coughing, unconscious on the table, wakes up screaming, panicked, “I died”, panicked, trembling, being comforted by Emori, drinkings, healing cuts shown on his arms, self reflecting, sad, teary-eyed, looking upset, “it’s not your fault, man.”
S6.05: Looks upset, drinking, finds out “Clarke’s” real identity.
S6.06: Tired, trying to sleep, sleeping, kicked awake, upset, fake capture and is tied up, yelling, pacing, teary-eyed, crying, grabbed, pushed, conflict, “shut up Murphy.”
S6.08: Asks Emori to become immortal with him, upset, grabbed, scalpel to throat, sliced upper thigh, screaming in pain, groaning, weak, pale, faints, groaning in pain, crying, screaming, captured.
S6.10: Emotional, slapped, “I know you’re scared to die,” tied up at stake, about to be burned, un-tied from stake.
S6.12: Crying, emotional, “I’m proud of you, Murphy.”
S6.13: Unexpectedly kissed by another man, “that was….interesting,” sliced wrist, blood spilling into a cup.
S7.01: Drink shoved out of his hands, emotional.
S7.03: Worried for someone, yelling, concerned, vomiting, concerned, upset.
S7.05: Concerned for someone, locked up, punched, tied up.
S7.06: Concern for someone.
S7.07: Sleeping, forced to play chess with the enemy, pushed onto the table, held down, sharp chess piece held against neck.
S7.09: Upset, concern for someone, held at gun point, hit by gun, holding chest, crying, “it was mine!”, held at gun point, gun to temple, protecting Emori from gun shots.
S7.10: Upset, yelling, helping Madi through a panic attack, helping others.
S7.12: “I’m proud of you, Murphy”, held at gun point, taken captive.
S7.13: Restrained, untied, captive, held at gun point, reunion with Emori.
S7.14: Sad, “I miss him too,” trying to open the locked door, gets it open, running to protect Emori, explosion, thrown from impact.
S7.15: Ringing ears, shaking the dust off, yelling, trying to find Emori, dizzy, yelling, more rubble falling on them, trying to save Emori, pulling rubble off of her, pulling Emori out of the rubble, concern, calming her down, comforting her, putting pressure on her wound, upset, emotional, crying, emotional, frustrated, breaking the floor with a hammer, “she’s not breathing”, rooted in place, frantically hammering the ground, wheeling Emori into the portal.
S7.16: Yelling, emotional, scared, yelling, emotional, relieved, giving blood for Emori, yelling, frantic, crying, grieving, shaking, temporarily united, “two minds, one body, you’ll die too,” pushed, yelled at, calming Emori down, dancing with Emori, taken to heaven, comes back to Earth with the rest of the main characters to live out the rest of their days together.
{A/N: There it is! A completed whump list for Murphy from The 100. I cannot believe I finally finished this list, for one of my all-time favourite characters!! There is honestly too much crap this poor dude sifts through within the course of the seven seasons so some things might have slipped out of my line of sight. Do feel free to comment and let me know of those moments, if there are any. Otherwise…enjoy:)}
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whumperfect · 4 years
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The 100
I couldn’t include everything in ten gifs there was so much whump!!
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geminihurt · 5 years
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Whumptober Day 10 - Unconscious
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mildlyconcerning · 5 years
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John Murphy being Angsty™ and self-loathing // The 100
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