#Jordan tourist spots
travelernight · 4 months
10 Beautiful Places To Visit In Jordan
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shellwanders · 2 years
Co Jordan Fishing, Bangus and Talaba Eatery: Fresh Talaba in Cebu
If you are a fan of oysters, then you should definitely try hunting for the freshest talaba (oysters) that Cebu has to offer. Cebu is known for its rich marine life, and oysters are one of the delicacies that locals and tourists alike love to indulge in. Traveling to Co Jordan Fishing, Bangus and Talaba Eatery for the first time? This detailed and curated travel guide will make it easy for you…
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apollos-olives · 9 months
Wait why couldn’t your brother speak English at the border?
in certain places you can speak certain languages. for example, if you're in a taxi in jordan, you must speak arabic and not english or else the driver will assume you're a stupid tourist and will try scamming you to pay more. if you're in an israeli area, you should speak english and not arabic because you may be attacked for revealing that you are arab. if you're in a palestinian area, you should speak arabic and not english because you would pass as a tourist and palestinians are kinda... well we're wary about tourists, especially white ones.
at the border, you must not speak at all. if you do, be weary about what you say. my brother only knows how to speak english, so we tell him to not speak ever at the border. if we reveal that we are american or have another identity, it could put us in a difficult spot and our palestinian identity might be questioned even further and it would take much longer to leave or enter palestine. it puts the whole family at risk of being held up longer than we have to. same thing at israeli checkpoints. keep your mouth shut and maybe they'll let you in. only speak the languages they want to hear.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 7 months
There is also a border with Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea. And, lest anyone forget, there is a maze of underground tunnels one recently-freed Israeli hostage calls "Lower Gaza" which presents numerous illegal exit opportunities.
As Ari Zivotofsky observes in the Jerusalem Post, a September 19, 2023, episode of the Palestinian television show Emigration claimed that, "in the past 15 years a quarter of a million young Palestinians left for abroad." In 2022, over 15,000 of them who lived abroad (having apparently escaped the "prison") willingly returned to it to celebrate the feast of Eid al-Adha.
This is not how prisons work.
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) has been running a series on "Gaza Before October 7" refuting the "concentration camp" and "open-air prison" claims with pictures and videos. The first two episodes follow Palestinian "influencer" Yousef Alhelou as he travels around Gaza, showing off the top spots for tourists, including a gold market. Subsequent episodes include an Al-Jazeera feature of the economic boom in Gaza, Turkish television reports on the markets of Gaza, and various Arab media outlets covering the many sporting events in Gaza.
Hamas propagandists argue that Gazans are denied goods and services they are entitled to because of Israel's "land, water, and sea blockade," but Israel only blocks weapons from entering Gaza. Even after October 7, Israel has continued to supply electricity, food, and medicine.
What the "pro-Palestine" luminaries will never admit is that Israel has been forced into controlling Gaza's ports by the long history of weapons shipped there. In 2001, two vessels, the Calypso and the Santorini, were seized with weapons destined for Palestinian terrorists, and in 2002, a Palestinian ship called the Karine A was seized with 50 tons of Iranian weapons destined for Gaza. Since then, Israel has acted to prevent further shipments of weapons from reaching Gaza by sea. In 2007, after Hamas took over Gaza completely, Israel imposed an inspections regime and began more aggressively searching ships for smuggled weapons. Food and medicine are not prevented from entering Gaza.
Poor access to healthcare is another complaint about life in the Gaza "open-air prison." In April 2023, the Jerusalem-based anti-Israel activist group B'Tselem faulted Israel for preventing Palestinians from leaving Gaza in order to be treated in Israeli hospitals. But Israel treats plenty of Palestinians. Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh sends his entire family to Israel for medical care. In 2013 his 1-year-old granddaughter was treated in an Israeli hospital; in 2014 his daughter was treated at Tel Aviv's Ichilov Hospital and his mother-in-law was treated at Jerusalem's Augusta Victoria Hospital; in 2021 his niece was treated at Ichilov Hospital. Just this month, it was reported that Haniyeh's grandniece was being treated at the Soroka Medical Center in Beersheva. But why should any Gazans be treated in Israeli hospitals? There are 36 hospitals in Gaza, many of which are run by foreign nations (Indonesia, Turkey, Jordan, European countries) serving a population of around 2 million.
Of course, hospitals in Gaza are dual-purpose buildings, offering both healthcare and camouflage for the entrances to Hamas's elaborate subterranean infrastructure. An IDF spokesman said that "Hamas systematically built the Indonesian Hospital to disguise its underground terror infrastructure." The Al-Shifa hospital, where IDF soldiers found a stash of rifles, ammunition, and ballistic vests, also sits atop a major tunnel junction. IDF soldiers recently found unopened boxes of medicine for Israeli hostages at the Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis.
If Gaza is a prison, Hamas is the jailer.
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freifraufischer · 9 months
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The New Zealand Problem
Sometimes you can see the issue that will light the gymternet on fire a mile away before anyone has even seen the smoke. And sometimes that fire had always existed.
In gymnastics one of the paths to qualification at the Olympics goes to the single highest all around placement at each continental championship from a country that did not qualify a team already. This is fairly straight forward in most places but gets dicey in one corner of the world. The Oceania Gymnastics Union is essentially a continental federation of 2 countries. Yes there are other members (Guam, Tonga, Fiji, Cook Islands, and America Samoa), but there are no elite gymnasts from those countries. Australia qualified a women's team to the Olympics, so by default that means a Kiwi WAG gets an Olympic spot. At least according to FIG. But they aren't the only ones who get to decide who is an Olympian.
I've talked about "No Olympic Tourist" Policies before, and people may have run into them in regard to Sweden and ice skating, but many small to medium sized countries have policies to limit the size of their own Olympic teams for budget reasons. These national Olympic committees (NOC) set criteria that are higher than the general qualification rules for a given sport. Sweden's is often considered the most extreme (you have to show you are in the top eight in the world, meaning you can make an Olympic final and contend for a medal. The reason they're called No Olympic Tourist Policies is because you wont be sent to the Olympics just to be there.
New Zealand has had a No Olympic Tourist Policy for decades, and while their criteria is less extreme then Sweden's it works similarly. You have to convince the NZOC that you are within the top 16 in the world (the ability to make a semifinal in athletics or swimming where races are 8 lanes wide). In 2012 Jordan Rae was one of the last gymnasts to qualify at the London Test Event, but NZOC turned down her spot and it passed on to Đỗ Thị Ngân Thương of Vietnam who finished behind her and who went on to compete in London.
In this interview from 2016, Rhythmic gymnast Tanya Moss-Barry who represented New Zealand in Los Angeles describes how initially they believed that New Zealand would send no gymnasts to the Olympics that year. Only a top 8 finish at an event in Tokyo convinced the NZOC to send her, and she believes it was at the expense of equally deserving WAG and MAG gymnasts. They would send only one of them.
It appears that Courtney McGregor was sent to Rio on the basis of her vaulting competitiveness. Which itself suggests that the people making the decisions at the NZOC don't really know much about gymnastics. McGregor came in 4th on vault at the Rio test event and 17th at 2015 Worlds. But as anyone who knows gymnastics knows... vault fields are much smaller than other apparatus and a finish in the teens doesn't mean you are as competitive as one on the other apparatus. But more power to them if they were able to get the Olympic committee to send her on that basis.
So the problem for 2024.
The WAG Olympic Qualification road has handed an Olympic spot to New Zealand by default. There are no other elite gymnasts in the region it can go to and no mechanism for that spot to be reallocated to anyone outside of Oceania. And based on the results from Worlds it is highly doubtful that the NZOC will consider either Madeleine Marshall (93rd in the AA and 110th on beam) or Reece Cobb (102nd in the AA and 56th on beam) to be competitive. Courtney McGregor is making a comeback but without competing elite in years I'm not sure how she makes that case either.
Georgia-Rose Brown recently changed countries from Australia to New Zealand but she almost certainly is banking on making an argument for her competitiveness based on her bars results (she came in 4th and 5th on bars at two World Cups in 2023). Maybe the people making a choice at NZOC wont know that 2023 World Cups aren't evidence of competitiveness. Her best bars result of the entire quad would have put her in 22nd on bars at 2023 Worlds. If she qualifies here is to hoping she can make a case. But it does raise the question of if she knew about the NZOC policy before changing countries or if she saw the automatic NZ WAG qualification spot as an opportunity and didn't realize there was an extra step. I have to believe she went into it knowing though. The NZOC is pretty well known in Kiwi circles.
So what happens to this spot if it goes to a Kiwi and the NZOC turns it down? Well... that's not clear. It could go unfilled. Or FIG could ask the IOC permission to let them revert it to the Worlds AA results as Australia's team means that Oceania already had representation.
Or some smart cookie NCAA gymnast with ties to Guam or Fiji could make a country change REAL soon and find themselves at the Olympics with a relatively easy path.
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calicohyde · 8 months
Jack Hyde All-Character Tournament: Quarterfinals, Seed 4
Milo Bronte (Not Just Us)
Milo is a "demon" - that is, a human who happens to have some demon-like qualities, such as reddish skin, horns, and claws. Unlike a lot of people like him, Milo doesn't bother to alter or hide these aspects of his appearance. He doesn't wear makeup or file down his horns. More relevantly to his story, Milo is also what is known in his futuristic dystopia as a "financial terrorist", i.e. a thief. He robs the rich and gives to the poor, many of whom live in an underground extra-societal community. He doesn't just steal money, though - he also finds and liberates information on the corporations and CEOs that own everything and everyone. He is considered a supervillain due to his "demonic" strength and the severity of his crimes. He has a fun little homoerotic nemesis-ship going with Kenshin Mechado, happily playing the flirtatious Catwoman to Ken's snarky Batman, until such time as he can fully seduce Ken to the right side.
Genre: Political Comedy Designation: Anti-Hero and Love Interest Quick Facts: 8ft tall including the horns, Autistic, tourist chic
Asher Adam (Any Publicity Is Good Publicity)
Asher is the frontman of the punk duo ION. He is forthright and blunt to a fault, in part because he's autistic and in part because he's just kind of a cunt - and proud of it. He is the lead vocalist and guitar player for ION, but he also plays flute and violin, which he and his other band member and brother Jordan sometimes creatively incorporate into their music. Ash is also the primary lyricist for the band. He writes a scathing and very direct track lambasting politician Gwaine Hinata, which quickly makes news and brings Gwaine himself to a show. When he spots Gwaine in the audience, Asher gets off stage to perform the song right in Gwaine's face. Ash has a typical Tragic Backstory. He is a double amputee from surviving a terrible car crash. His right arm and leg were irreparably crushed by debris when he crawled back into the wreckage to rescue Jordan. Now, he uses avant garde fashion prostheses to announce ION's new albums and match his body to the cover art.
Genre: Romantic Comedy Designation: Main Character Quick Facts: trans, gay, Jewish, Alabaman with the accent to prove it
Quarterfinals Poll Masterpost
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
We've noted previously that the Waqf tourist guides to the Temple Mount from the 1920s through 1950 freely admitted that the Dome of the Rock was built on the spot of the two Jewish Temples. Now the updated editions of the Waqf guide explicitly denies any Jewish connection to the Mount.
But a new photo book of the Temple Mount, "The Noble Sanctuary Book," has just been released and it was clearly made with the blessings of the Jordanian government and the Waqf, which granted the photographer Bashar Tabbah access to places not open to the public. The introduction was written by a member of Jordan's royal family.
The historical section of the book was written by an American archaeologist, Dr. Robert Schick. And his description indicates that the Temples were indeed on that site - and he brings proof from the Quran:
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There is a little wiggle room there to say that it is possible that the Temples were elsewhere in Jerusalem, and it looks like Schick tried to thread the needle between honesty and the desires of the Jordanians. But his wording "Other verses associated with the Masjid al-Aqsa compound" immediately after the Quranic reference to the Temples makes it clear that the book says that the Quran is referring to the Temples on the Temple Mount.
Before anyone heard of Palestinians, this was not a controversial position. Many Muslim scholars over the centuries knew that the entire reason the Dome of the Rock was built where it was is because it was the site of the Temples and they wanted to build something that would approach the majesty of the originals. However, the official position changed in the 1950s and 60s, culminating in explicit Temple denial by Yasir Arafat at Camp David.
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sunkenhq · 1 year
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⧙  Bar Harbor has been open for a month and a half to tourists when an explosion rocks the island. Another body has been found and the truth of there being something amiss is revealed to residents and tourists alike. Read below to learn what happened to Nancy Elsher.
It is 2 A.M. on the island and all is quiet with residents and tourists settling in for the night. Closer to Main Street, the church bells ring to signal the time before being replaced by the sounds of crashing shore waves once more. Long time resident, Nancy Elsher, known to take late night walks with her dog, nears the church when she hears a strange sound; it sounds like singing, coming from inside the church. Weird. Even weirder, it isn’t singing. In fact, Nancy’s not even sure what language it is that she hears when she gets closer – she only knows that her normally sweet dog is acting more and more oddly with each step they take. She decides to call the police, just in case, but as the phone rings, the chanting stops… 
followed by the explosion deep inside the church that sends Nancy and her dog flying backwards.
The Earth shakes, letting out a wicked groan. Some store fronts are destroyed in the blast and scattered car alarms blare. Nancy opens her eyes where she lays to see the cloaked figure towering above her, expression seemingly gone from it’s features. She only sees it’s jet black eyes staring down at her before her eyes close.
Elsewhere on the island, people either heard the explosion or felt it – even as far as the Acadia National Park on the other side of the island. As they start to investigate it, there’s no way for police or the FBI to hide it now at such a massive scale and some of the first arrivers to the scene besides law enforcement, see not only the destruction of the church tower housing the bells but Nancy Elsher laying dead in the street, exposed. Some who managed to get closer see the symbols etched in her flesh before being shooed away, told to go back to their homes and wait for news. After all, it’s not safe on the street. There could be another explosion and it’s not safe to be near the crime scene area at this time.
In Acadia National Park, the werewolves stir and the hairs on the backs of their necks stand up. Something is coming and they can feel it in the not so subtle change of the air. Their worries come true when one spots a hand reaching out of the water of Jordan Pond; the first time in centuries, mind you. When the winged figure pulls itself out of the water, a mischievous laugh fills the air.
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The first plot has dropped, revealing that the Jordan Pond is a portal to none other than fairies. While some are good, some are also bad and quite mischievous in nature. When the bell tower was destroyed in the explosion, the Jordan Pond portal reawakened once more. The following day, a new ferry brings another group of tourists but officials refuse to allow anyone to leave the island now that the truth of the murder, of the newest one anyway, is out.
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With that, the first plot drop of the group is here. A mini task that should be tagged with sunkenhq.task can be filled out in character, if you'd like them to participate in being a character to discover the body. Otherwise, you can have your characters react in character on the dash !
𝐖𝐇���𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑❜𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐓𝐎 𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐘 𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐑?: Nancy was a longtime resident of Bar Harbor so were they neighbors? Was she nosy and steal their mail? Did they chat daily? Did they meet when coming to the island? You can go as big or as little as you'd like.
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global-visa · 2 months
Top 6 Best Places to Visit in Jordan with Family
Jordan is an interesting combination of beautiful scenery, friendly people, and old-world heritage, making it the perfect place for family holidays. With varied attractions and rich history of culture, Jordan has something to offer the whole family. The best places to visit in Jordan promise incredible adventures, to the beautiful desert scenery of Wadi Rum and the amazing ancient city of Petra. Find the top six locations that offer the ideal balance of relaxation, learning, and adventure, making Jordan an excellent option for an unforgettable family vacation.
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Jordan is a great choice for a family holiday because it is a country rich in culture, history, and beautiful scenery with plenty of family-friendly attractions. There is no shortage of attractions, places to visit in Jordan including the historic ruins of Petra, the beautiful desert vistas of Wadi Rum, the restorative waters of the Dead Sea, and the busy streets of Amman. Make sure you have all the travel paperwork you need before starting this expedition, including a Jordan visa, which is easily obtained online or, for many nations, upon arrival. This guarantees simple and joyful trip while you take in all of Jordan's interesting and varied sights.
Here are the top 6 best places to visit in Jordan with family:
1. Petra:
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Jordan's most famous monument is without a doubt Petra, sometimes known as the "Rose City" because of its beautiful pink sandstone cliffs. Petra is an essential must-visit for families. Situated away in mountainous setting, this ancient Nabatean city provides an original combination of adventure and history. The trip starts with a walk through the Siq, a small canyon surrounded by high cliffs that leads to the beautiful Al-Khazneh (The Treasury). Both kids and adults will find the complex designs and imposing architecture to be attractive.  
2. Wadi Rum:
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The expansive desert region of Wadi Rum, commonly referred to as the Valley of the Moon, offers a singular combination of adventure and natural beauty. This UNESCO World Heritage site is characterised by its huge areas of sandy beach, petroglyphs carved into the rocks, and towering sandstone and granite rock formations. Families can enjoy camel rides to experience the traditional Bedouin way of life, thrilling vehicle drives across the amazing environment, and rock climbing and sandboarding.  
3. Dead Sea:
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Family vacations to the Dead Sea, known for being the lowest point on Earth, are memorable and healing. Swimming is nearly difficult due to water's excessive salinity, yet floating on the surface is an exciting and fun experience for people of all ages. Numerous resorts provide spa treatments that integrate natural materials, and the mineral-rich mud of the Dead Sea is well-known for its therapeutic qualities. Families can explore neighbouring landmarks like the historic stronghold of Masada and the Mujib Biosphere Reserve, as well as relax on the beaches and take mud baths.  
4. Amman:
Jordan's lively capital city of Amman offers a variety of family-friendly attractions while skilfully fusing modern and ancient elements. Roman Theatre and the Amman Citadel, two of the city's historic attractions, offer amazing insights into the rich past of the area. Families can visit the lively souks, or markets, where a sensory feast of bright textiles and the scent of spices awaits them. For younger tourists, Children's Museum in Amman is an excellent place to go because it has interactive exhibits and educational events. In addition, there are many of green areas for outdoor activities and picnics in the city's parks, like King Abdu llah II Park and Al Hussein Public Parks. 
5. Aqaba:
The only seaside city in Jordan, Aqaba, is a sun, sea, and adventure lover's dream come true. Situated on the Red Sea coast, Aqaba is well-known for its bright coral reefs and pristine seas, making it an ideal spot for diving and snorkelling. Water sports for families include windsurfing, jet skiing, and glass-bottom boat cruises that let them see the undersea environment without getting wet. Aqaba is also home to lovely sandy beaches where families may relax and take in the sun while their kids play and construct sandcastles. Family-friendly amenities and activities are available at the city's several resorts and hotels, guaranteeing a relaxing and pleasurable visit. 
6. Jerash:
The remarkably well-preserved Roman remains of Jerash provide an interesting look into antiquity. The city, sometimes called the "Pompeii of the East," is home to imposing temples, huge colonnaded walkways, and a beautiful amphitheatre that is still used for concerts. Families can tour sites like the Cardo Maximus, the Oval Plaza, and the Temple of Artemis while walking through the historic streets and envisioning life in the Roman Empire. Jerash is an interesting and captivating travel destination for families since it combines historical exploration with live entertainment.
A family vacation top places to visit in Jordan finest attractions promises to be an amazing journey full of engaging and educational encounters. Every location, from historic wonders of Petra to peaceful Dead Sea coastline, presents different chances for fun and exploration. There is something for everyone, including the striking scenery of Wadi Rum, the interesting historical sites of Jerash, the beautiful beach town of Aqaba, and the energetic city life of Amman. Jordan is an ideal location to develop enduring family experiences and explore the delights of this amazing country together because of its unique combination of history, culture, and natural beauty.
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yafaiah-raaida-cham · 2 months
Top 6 Best Places to Visit in Jordan with Family
Jordan is an interesting combination of beautiful scenery, friendly people, and old-world heritage, making it the perfect place for family holidays. With varied attractions and rich history of culture, Jordan has something to offer the whole family. The best places to visit in Jordan promise incredible adventures, to the beautiful desert scenery of Wadi Rum and the amazing ancient city of Petra. Find the top six locations that offer the ideal balance of relaxation, learning, and adventure, making Jordan an excellent option for an unforgettable family vacation.
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Jordan is a great choice for a family holiday because it is a country rich in culture, history, and beautiful scenery with plenty of family-friendly attractions. There is no shortage of attractions, places to visit in Jordan including the historic ruins of Petra, the beautiful desert vistas of Wadi Rum, the restorative waters of the Dead Sea, and the busy streets of Amman. Make sure you have all the travel paperwork you need before starting this expedition, including a Jordan visa, which is easily obtained online or, for many nations, upon arrival. This guarantees simple and joyful trip while you take in all of Jordan's interesting and varied sights.
Here are the top 6 best places to visit in Jordan with family:
1. Petra:
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Jordan's most famous monument is without a doubt Petra, sometimes known as the "Rose City" because of its beautiful pink sandstone cliffs. Petra is an essential must-visit for families. Situated away in mountainous setting, this ancient Nabatean city provides an original combination of adventure and history. The trip starts with a walk through the Siq, a small canyon surrounded by high cliffs that leads to the beautiful Al-Khazneh (The Treasury). Both kids and adults will find the complex designs and imposing architecture to be attractive.  
2. Wadi Rum:
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The expansive desert region of Wadi Rum, commonly referred to as the Valley of the Moon, offers a singular combination of adventure and natural beauty. This UNESCO World Heritage site is characterised by its huge areas of sandy beach, petroglyphs carved into the rocks, and towering sandstone and granite rock formations. Families can enjoy camel rides to experience the traditional Bedouin way of life, thrilling vehicle drives across the amazing environment, and rock climbing and sandboarding.  
3. Dead Sea:
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Family vacations to the Dead Sea, known for being the lowest point on Earth, are memorable and healing. Swimming is nearly difficult due to water's excessive salinity, yet floating on the surface is an exciting and fun experience for people of all ages. Numerous resorts provide spa treatments that integrate natural materials, and the mineral-rich mud of the Dead Sea is well-known for its therapeutic qualities. Families can explore neighbouring landmarks like the historic stronghold of Masada and the Mujib Biosphere Reserve, as well as relax on the beaches and take mud baths.  
4. Amman:
Jordan's lively capital city of Amman offers a variety of family-friendly attractions while skilfully fusing modern and ancient elements. Roman Theatre and the Amman Citadel, two of the city's historic attractions, offer amazing insights into the rich past of the area. Families can visit the lively souks, or markets, where a sensory feast of bright textiles and the scent of spices awaits them. For younger tourists, Children's Museum in Amman is an excellent place to go because it has interactive exhibits and educational events. In addition, there are many of green areas for outdoor activities and picnics in the city's parks, like King Abdu llah II Park and Al Hussein Public Parks. 
5. Aqaba:
The only seaside city in Jordan, Aqaba, is a sun, sea, and adventure lover's dream come true. Situated on the Red Sea coast, Aqaba is well-known for its bright coral reefs and pristine seas, making it an ideal spot for diving and snorkelling. Water sports for families include windsurfing, jet skiing, and glass-bottom boat cruises that let them see the undersea environment without getting wet. Aqaba is also home to lovely sandy beaches where families may relax and take in the sun while their kids play and construct sandcastles. Family-friendly amenities and activities are available at the city's several resorts and hotels, guaranteeing a relaxing and pleasurable visit. 
6. Jerash:
The remarkably well-preserved Roman remains of Jerash provide an interesting look into antiquity. The city, sometimes called the "Pompeii of the East," is home to imposing temples, huge colonnaded walkways, and a beautiful amphitheatre that is still used for concerts. Families can tour sites like the Cardo Maximus, the Oval Plaza, and the Temple of Artemis while walking through the historic streets and envisioning life in the Roman Empire. Jerash is an interesting and captivating travel destination for families since it combines historical exploration with live entertainment.
A family vacation top places to visit in Jordan finest attractions promises to be an amazing journey full of engaging and educational encounters. Every location, from historic wonders of Petra to peaceful Dead Sea coastline, presents different chances for fun and exploration. There is something for everyone, including the striking scenery of Wadi Rum, the interesting historical sites of Jerash, the beautiful beach town of Aqaba, and the energetic city life of Amman. Jordan is an ideal location to develop enduring family experiences and explore the delights of this amazing country together because of its unique combination of history, culture, and natural beauty.
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lookategypttrips · 2 months
Unveiling Sharm El Sheikh: The Ultimate Travel Guide
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Explore Egypt’s Premier Red Sea Resort Destination
Sharm El Sheikh, an enchanting resort town on the Red Sea coast, has long been a favorite among tourists seeking both adventure and relaxation. Known for its picturesque beaches, vibrant coral reefs, and luxurious amenities, Sharm El Sheikh offers a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Here’s everything you need to know about planning a trip to this stunning destination.
Where is Sharm El Sheikh Located?
Situated at the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula, Sharm El Sheikh lies along the coast of the Red Sea. This prime location makes it a gateway to some of the most breathtaking underwater environments and desert landscapes. The city is roughly 500 kilometers from Cairo, making it a convenient spot for both international visitors and those traveling from within Egypt.
Top Attractions and Activities in Sharm El Sheikh
Diving and Snorkeling Paradise
The waters surrounding Sharm El Sheikh are teeming with marine life, making it a top destination for diving and snorkeling enthusiasts. The Ras Mohammed National Park is a renowned marine reserve offering spectacular dive sites. Whether you’re a seasoned diver or a beginner, the clear waters and abundant sea life provide an unforgettable experience.
Beautiful Beaches and Resorts
Sharm El Sheikh boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in Egypt. Naama Bay, with its golden sands and clear waters, is perfect for swimming and sunbathing. The bay is also lined with luxurious resorts that offer world-class amenities, ensuring a comfortable and indulgent stay. Many resorts feature private beaches, swimming pools, and fine dining options, catering to all your vacation needs.
Desert Adventures
The surrounding Sinai desert offers plenty of opportunities for adventure. From quad biking and camel riding to jeep safaris, there’s no shortage of ways to explore the rugged terrain. The stunning desert landscapes, combined with the thrill of adventure, make these excursions a must-do for any visitor.
Cultural and Historical Sites
While Sharm El Sheikh is primarily known for its natural beauty and recreational activities, it also offers access to several cultural and historical sites. A visit to St. Catherine’s Monastery, located at the foot of Mount Sinai, provides a fascinating glimpse into the region’s religious history. For a truly unique experience, consider a day trip to the ancient city of Petra in Jordan.
Best Time to Visit Sharm El Sheikh
The ideal time to visit Sharm El Sheikh is during the cooler months from October to April. During this period, the temperatures are more comfortable for outdoor activities and exploring the beaches. While the summer months can be very hot, the sea breeze often makes it bearable for those who don’t mind the heat.
Getting to Sharm El Sheikh
Sharm El Sheikh is accessible via Sharm El Sheikh International Airport, which receives flights from major cities worldwide. Domestic flights from Cairo and other Egyptian cities are also frequent and convenient. Alternatively, there are bus services that connect Sharm El Sheikh with Cairo, offering a scenic route through the Sinai Peninsula.
Practical Travel Tips
Currency and Payments: The local currency is the Egyptian pound (EGP). While credit cards are widely accepted in larger establishments, it’s advisable to carry some cash for smaller transactions.
Language: Arabic is the official language, but English is commonly spoken in tourist areas.
Health and Safety: Stay hydrated and wear sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun. It’s also recommended to have travel insurance and be aware of any travel advisories before your trip.
Why Visit Sharm El Sheikh?
Sharm El Sheikh is more than just a beach destination; it’s a place where adventure meets relaxation, and history intertwines with natural beauty. Whether you’re diving into the clear waters of the Red Sea, exploring the vast desert, or simply enjoying the luxury of your resort, Sharm El Sheikh promises an unforgettable experience.
For more detailed information and to understand exactly Where is Sharm El Sheikh Located in Egypt, be sure to check out our comprehensive travel guide. Start planning your trip today and get ready to discover the many wonders of this incredible destination.
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joeledsouza-12 · 3 months
Top 7 incredible landmarks in Jordan
Jordan, a stunning country located within the coronary heart of the Middle East, is a reservoir of ancient and natural wonders. This very wealthy little country boasts a historical past spanning hundreds of years, in which historic civilizations have left their indelible mark. From the wonderful city of Petra, acknowledged for its exceptional rock-reduce architecture, to the otherworldly panorama of Wadi Rum, Jordan is a land of unparalleled splendor and historical Landmark significance offers a completely unique insight into a city’s numerous historical pasts, making it a must-go-to for tourists searching for journeys and know-how.
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With this insight, we examine the top seven dependable spots that outline Jordan’s charm. These websites aren't just breath taking in their grandeur but also beacons of culture and history, reflecting the difficult fabric of Jordan's beyond and gift. Whether you're a history buff, a nature enthusiast, or a person who enjoys exploring, Jordan's landmarks sincerely are the nature of time and promise an unforgettable adventure. Join us as we find out the stories, legends, and beauty in the back of Jordan's most iconic locations.
Jordan is a rustic country full of wonders that show off its rich records, diverse cultures, and breath-taking natural splendor. Here we discover the pinnacle seven dependable destinations, which can be crucial destinations for all people journeying this top-notch.
Top 7 incredible landmarks in Jordan
1. Written by Petra
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It is a historic city, having already ascended when it became the capital of the Nabataean empire in the 4th century BC. Tucked away on steep slopes, it can be accessed via a small lagoon called Sik that leads visitors to the magnificent Al-Khazneh (Treasury). This huge face carved at once from the sandstone rock is only the beginning of the wonders of Petra. The metropolis is filled with rock-filled tombs, temples, and a notable amphi theater, all showcasing Nabataean ingenuity and inventiveness. Petra’s historical significance and architectural beauty have earned it a place as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The new list includes UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
2. Written by Wadi Rum
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Its breath taking views, which through towering desert mountains, broad purple sand dunes, and historic rock formations bring a surreal and otherworldly charm to this enveloped area are lived in when reality is considered, which is around prehistoric times and is home to Bedouin tribes, with special attention to their traditional way of life. They like to travel. Seekers can explore Wadi Rum on jeep tours, camel rides, or perhaps hot air balloon flights, offering panoramic views of the lovely terrain. The pure splendor and tranquillity of Wadi Rum, "Lawrence of Arabia," "The Martians."," and other films made him a popular film."
3. The Dead Sea:
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The Dead Sea, the lowest factor on Earth's floor, is a herbal marvel renowned for its excessive salinity and mineral-wealthy waters. This hypersaline lake, bordered via Jordan to the east and Israel and Palestine to the west, offers a unique floating revel in because of its dense, buoyant waters. The mineral-laden dust along the seashores is believed to have therapeutic homes, attracting traffic seeking health and wellbeing treatments. The surrounding vicinity is also of excellent historic and spiritual importance, with websites along with the historic castle of Masada and the biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
4. Jerash
Jerash is one of the best-preserved Greco-Roman cities in the world, frequently known as the Pompeii of the East." This ancient city, recognized in antiquity as Gerasa, flourished at some stage in the Roman Empire and showcases amazing examples of Roman urbanism and structure. Visitors can walk through the brilliant ruins, including the Oval Plaza, the Hippodrome, and the grand colonnaded streets. The Temple of Artemis and the South Theatre stand as testaments to the town's grandeur. Every 12 months, Jerash hosts a cultural pageant featuring conventional song, dance, and theatrical performances, bringing the ancient metropolis to life another time.
5. Amman Citadel
The Amman Citadel, perched on one of the seven hills that in the beginning made up the city, gives a charming glimpse into Jordan's prolonged and severe records. The internet site has been occupied because of the Bronze Age and abilities ruins from various civilizations, which include the Romans, Byzantines, and Umayyads. The Jordan Archaeological Museum, placed inside the citadel, houses a brilliant series of artifacts that provide deeper insights into the area's past. The panoramic perspectives of modern-day Amman from the fortress are a bonus, presenting a putting assessment among ancient and contemporary-day landscapes.
6. Aqaba
Aqaba, Jordan's fine coastal town, is positioned on the Red Sea and is famed for its colorful marine lifestyles and coral reefs. This port town combines historic landmarks with current sights, making it a remarkable vacation spot for each rest and journey. Visitors can find out about the ruins of the historical metropolis of Ayla, dive into the crystal-clean waters to find an underwater paradise, or really enjoy the sun on the sandy beaches. Aqaba's strategic area has made it a significant port throughout history, and nowadays it serves as a bustling hub for tourism and change.
7. Mount Nebo
Mount Nebo, a site of incredible non-secular importance, is historically believed to be the region in which Moses regarded the Promised Land earlier than his loss of life. The mountain gives sweeping perspectives of the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and even Jerusalem on a clean day. Pilgrims and tourists alike visit the Memorial Church of Moses, which houses stunning mosaics dating back to the Byzantine period. The serene environment and the historical and religious significance of Mount Nebo make it a profoundly enjoyable destination for traffic.
Exploring the top seven first-rate landmarks in Jordan offers a journey through a land of historic wonders, breath taking landscapes, and a rich cultural and historical past. From the awe-inspiring Petra and the surreal splendor of Wadi Rum to the healing waters of the Dead Sea and the historic treasures of Jerash, each web site affords a completely unique window into Jordan's various records and natural splendor. Visiting the Amman Citadel, diving into the colorful marine life of Aqaba, and experiencing the spiritual importance of Mount Nebo similarly enrich this unforgettable adventure. To embark on this first-rate journey, make sure your Jordan visa is in order, allowing you to absolutely immerse yourself in the captivating attraction of this Middle Eastern gem.
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gregmh-blog · 4 months
Uncovering Secret Travel Spots Off the Beaten Path
Uncovering Secret Travel Spots Off the Beaten Path https://ift.tt/ZGhcaN7 Exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations is a rewarding endeavor that allows travelers to discover hidden gems and experience the world in a unique and authentic way. While popular tourist attractions certainly have their appeal, venturing off the typical tourist trail unveils lesser-known destinations brimming with charm, natural beauty, and cultural richness. In this blog, we’ll uncover some secret travel spots off the beaten path that are worth adding to your itinerary. The Faroe Islands, located between Iceland and Norway in the North Atlantic Ocean, boast stunning landscapes characterized by dramatic cliffs, picturesque villages, and cascading waterfalls. With a population of just over 50,000, these remote islands offer solitude and tranquility amidst breathtaking scenery. The ancient city of Petra in Jordan is famous for its elaborate rock-cut architecture and archaeological wonders, yet few travelers venture beyond the iconic Treasury facade. Exploring lesser-known sites within Petra, such as the Monastery and the High Place of Sacrifice, reveals the city’s hidden treasures away from the crowds. The island of Palawan in the Philippines is renowned for its pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters, but hidden within its lush interior lies the enchanting Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park. This UNESCO World Heritage Site features an underground river that winds through a captivating limestone cave system, offering a surreal and unforgettable experience. Tucked away in the heart of South America, the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia is the world’s largest salt flat and a mesmerizing natural wonder. Beyond the popular tourist circuit, remote villages like Colchani and Isla Incahuasi offer a glimpse into traditional Andean culture amidst the otherworldly landscape of shimmering salt. The Scottish Highlands are renowned for their rugged beauty and majestic landscapes, but hidden among the rolling hills and misty lochs are the enchanting Fairy Pools on the Isle of Skye. This series of crystal-clear pools and waterfalls surrounded by lush greenery is a tranquil oasis waiting to be discovered by intrepid travelers. In the heart of the Mediterranean Sea lies the island of Gozo, part of the Maltese archipelago and a hidden gem brimming with history and natural beauty. Away from the crowds of neighboring Malta, Gozo offers secluded beaches, ancient ruins, and charming villages steeped in tradition. In conclusion, uncovering secret travel spots off the beaten path allows travelers to escape the tourist crowds and connect with destinations on a deeper level. Whether it’s exploring remote islands, venturing into hidden caves, or discovering secluded beaches, these lesser-known destinations offer a sense of adventure and discovery that can’t be found in guidebooks or tourist brochures. So pack your bags, embrace the spirit of exploration, and set out to uncover the world’s hidden treasures.   via Greg Harmeling | Travel https://ift.tt/pUd1bW7 June 10, 2024 at 07:11AM
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The Ultimate Guide to When to Visit
Jordan, a captivating nation in the Middle East, boasts ancient cities carved into rock, breathtaking coastlines, and historical treasures waiting to be explored. But to experience Jordan at its finest, timing your trip is crucial. This guide delves into the unique charm of each season, helping you pick the perfect time for your Jordanian adventure.
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Climate Considerations
Jordan's climate varies significantly throughout the year. Here's a breakdown of the key seasons:
* Spring (March-May): Widely considered the ideal time to visit. Enjoy comfortable daytime temperatures (20-30°C) ideal for exploring Petra and other historical sites. Spring also boasts vibrant wildflower blooms, painting the landscape in a kaleidoscope of colors.
* Summer (June-August): Brace yourself for scorching temperatures, often exceeding 40°C, especially in desert regions. While Aqaba Jordan time on the Red Sea offers a reprieve with cooler breezes, intense heat can make extended outdoor activities challenging.
* Autumn (September-November): A welcome respite from summer's heat, autumn offers pleasant temperatures (25-30°C) perfect for outdoor activities. The Red Sea remains warm for swimming and diving, while tourist crowds begin to thin.
* Winter (December-February): Winters can be chilly, with temperatures dropping below freezing at night in some areas. While it's a good time for exploring cities and indoor attractions, some outdoor adventures might be less enjoyable due to the cold.
Aqaba: Your Oasis Awaits 
Aqaba, Jordan's coastal gem, offers a distinct climate compared to the rest of the country. As of today, Aqaba experiences comfortable daytime temperatures, making it an attractive year-round destination. However, for the most enjoyable time for water activities like snorkeling or diving, autumn (September-November) is ideal, with warm sea temperatures and comfortable air.
Picking the Perfect Month
Finding the ideal balance between weather, crowds, and costs can be tricky. Here's a suggestion:
* April: Often considered the sweet spot, April boasts sunny skies and comfortable temperatures (in the 70s-80s°F) perfect for exploration. You might even catch the tail end of the spring wildflowers! Expect slightly more crowds compared to winter, but still manageable before the peak summer rush.
Planning Your Jordanian Escape
Ready to embark on your Jordanian adventure? Here are some helpful tips:
* Peak Season (Spring/Fall): Book accommodations and tours well in advance, especially for popular destinations like Petra. Consider arriving early at tourist hotspots to avoid crowds.
* Off-Pack Season (Summer/Winter): Pack accordingly for the season's demands. During summer, prioritize loose, breathable clothing, while winter necessitates warm layers. Maintain flexibility in your itinerary in case of unexpected weather events.
Unforgettable Journeys with Wonders Travel and Tourism
Wonders Travel and Tourism, your trusted travel partner, is here to craft your dream Jordanian escape. We offer personalized itineraries, expert guidance, and exceptional service to ensure a memorable experience.
Contact Wonders Travel and Tourism today to start planning your Jordanian adventure!
Key factors to consider when choosing the best time to visit Aqaba, Jordan:
* Weather: Aim for comfortable temperatures for your desired activities. Aqaba offers a milder climate compared to inland regions.
* Crowds: If you prefer fewer crowds, consider the shoulder seasons (spring or autumn) over peak summer months.
* Activities: Choose the season that best suits your planned activities. For instance, opt for autumn for pleasant diving conditions.
Remember, Wonders Travel and Tourism is here to guide you every step of the way!
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techflye62 · 4 months
Affordable Car Rentals: Your Guide to Budget-Friendly Wheels
Travelling can be expensive but one area where you can save a lot of money is on car rentals. Whether you are on a business trip or a family vacation finding Cheap car rental Amman can make a world of a difference in your travel budget. In this guide you can learn about the tips and tricks on securing the best deals for your rental cars
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Why should you go for Car rental Amman Jordan airport?
With a rental car you can explore destinations at your own pace without being tied to public transportation.
When you have your own vehicle, you can have a lot of comfort especially when you're traveling with friends or family.
Some tourist spots are not easily or reachable by the public transport better rental car provides you with direct access to all these places.
Planning ahead
Prices are likely to be completely low when you book rental car well ahead of your trip. Last-minute bookings can be more expensive.
You can use online comparison tools to compare the prices from different rental companies.
If your travel dates are flexible, you can often find cheaper rates by just adjusting our pickup and drop off times
Choosing the right car
You should go for small economy car if you don't need a lot of space. These cars are generally cheaper to rent and more fuel efficient.
Additional features like GPS child seats and original drivers can add on to the cost. You need to consider whether you really need these extras.
Some rental companies require you to return the car with full tank of gas while others offer full to empty policies, so you need to choose the one that suits your trip best to avoid any extra charges
Hidden costs to watch out for
If you return the car late it can result in hefty fees. So, you have to ensure that you return it on time.
Some rentals also come with a mileage limit exceeding the limit can result in extra charges
If you don't return the car with an agreed amount of fuel you could face high fuel charges.
Above all you need to know that rental includes a bit of research and planning, but the savings can be major. By booking in advance and comparing prices you can ensure that you get the best possible deal. So, whether you are traveling for business or pleasure a budget friendly rental car can make your trip more enjoyable and least stressful.
For more details visit our website https://www.direct-jo.com/
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travel-to-jordan · 4 months
What you need to know if you want to dive in Jordan
Most visitors base their scuba diving in Jordan out of the ancient port city of Aqaba. This city dates back over 4000 years and, at one time, was the gateway to Egypt, India, Arabia, and China. Surrounded by mountainous deserts, Aqaba is not far from other famous Jordan attractions like the Valley of Wadi Rum and the ancient city of Petra. Thousands of tourists flock here yearly to see these famous archaeological sites. Still, the actual main attraction is the pristine coral reefs found underwater in the well-protected Marine Park’s warm, tropical waters. The 20 named dive sites in Aqaba are mostly easy and relaxing, offering various underwater encounters like coral gardens, pinnacles, and the famous Cedar Pride wreck. Jordan diving conditions are calm, clear, and warm year-round. The best time to dive in Jordan is April to November when air temperatures are milder than the hot summers.
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Why Go Scuba Diving In Aqaba?
Year-round mild weather: The water temperature in Aqaba is about 26° C in summers and drops to nothing below 20° C in winters.
Ease of access: The prominent diving sites in Aqaba can easily be accessed by road. Located not very far off from these sites are a number of hotels & resorts.
Massive coral & marine life: The destination is home to 500 species of corals, 1200 species of fish, and over 1000 types of mollusks & other crustaceans.
Diversity: Both soft and hard corals can be found here. The sites too vary in shape and inhabitants; from slopes to drop-offs and canyons to flat bottoms.
Attractions at sea-bed: In addition to beautiful corals, divers will come across a tank and a Lebanese freighter at the bottom of the waters of the Red Sea.
1. Cedar Pride Wreck
One of the most popular sites for scuba diving in Aqaba is actually an artificial reef that came into existence after Cedar Pride – a Lebanese freighter – sunk in the Red Sea in 1985. Diving to witness the shipwreck, lying at a depth of 26 m, is something that divers with all levels of experience can enjoy. Lucky ones might even come across a couple of Giant Napoleon Wrasse or a majestic sea turtle.  Level: Beginner to Advanced
2. Japanese Garden
This is one of the most interesting dive sites in Aqaba. Not far from the site of the Cedar Pride Wreck lies the Japanese Garden that is known for its picturesque coral. A shallow dive in the waters here offers an opportunity to spot the Little Dragon Fish. Level: Beginner
3. Black Rock
What makes Black Rock such an amazing site for scuba-diving is the fact that it is located at a private beach club. The corals range from shallow ones too those over 40 m deep. And the Ornate Ghost Pipefish is something to look out for. Level: Beginner to Advanced
4. Seven Sisters
The Seven Sisters diving site is, without a doubt, one of the most popular sites for scuba diving in Aqaba. In addition to the huge coral formations that it boasts of, there is an American army tank lying at the seabed that the divers love exploring. And the Warty Frogfish and other marine animals that are present here only add to the delight of these scuba-divers. Level: Beginner
5. Paradise
Paradise is one most exciting Aqaba dive sites. Ashraf’s Grotto is another name given to this site. It can be reached by a short boat ride. The wonderful multi-coloured corals and a variety of fish makes it a great spot for underwater photography. Going deeper will bring you to a small wall and a cave which home to several rare marine species.
Level: Beginner to Advanced
6. Blue Coral
Blue Coral is a diving spot near Aqaba that can be reached only from the Tala Bay shore. The marine life has settled around the jetty with delicate coral growth. This spot is also known for its variety in sea creatures that include fish, turtles, sea horses, stingrays, and nudibranchs.  Level: Beginner to Advanced
7. Kiwi Reef
Kiwi Reef is home to a large variety of marine life. It is known for its wide coral growth. The initially you would see a lot of grass but as you dive deeper the sea unfolds its secrets to you. Stingray, octopus, turtles, and nudibranchs are found here. There are several other sea creatures that you may spot. This is also counted among the best spots for underwater photography.  Level: Open Water Diver and above
Planning for the trip?
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Do you want to experience the luxury tours of Jordan like never before? Then look no further than YOLO Jordan Tours and Travel. We offer the best Jordan travel packages that will allow you to discover the enchanting hidden gems of this incredible country. From the historical sites of Amman to the breathtaking desert landscape of Wadi Rum, our expert guides will offer customized journey planning to let you experience an adventure you will never forget!
Click here to book your trip today!
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