#Jorge Suarez
Our Life: Ages
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Well, as far as I can tell, this is accurate. So, here y'all go I guess!
The colours coincide with the games btw, and their respective Steps from - 1 to 4. BlueGreen for OLBA, GoldOrange for OLNF.
It doesn't have all the ages, but it has most of the relevant ones presently. I'll probably make another one later with the NF parents and extras too, but I just wanted this one for easy reference atm.
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Thinking ab how Derek's family all know how he feels about the mc, even in step 4 if you play it romantically.
Bc thats not really something they can help with, they just watch their son/brother suffer like that for a decade not knowing how to make it better.
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adventuresofeme-sea · 9 months
Nico: *sneaking in through the window*
Jorge: *turning in his chair and flicking the light on* You want to tell me where you've been all night?
Nico: I was with Derek?
Derek: *turning in his chair* Wanna try again?
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now-and-4ever · 1 month
OLBA Week Day 4 - Family
Hosted by @olba-week-event
Set a year after Step 4
It was almost Father's Day. A car was driving down the highway with one destination in mind: the Suarez family apartment in Prism Vista City. Jorge was in the driver's seat and Nova was in the passenger's seat. Jorge was at peace, enjoying seeing the familiar scenery. Nova was outwardly calm, seeming to admire the sights outside. However, internally, xe was experiencing a storm. Recently xe and Jorge had finally put a label to their relationship. They were officially dating as romantic partners. With that Jorge extended an invitation to meet his family the next time they could all be together. Nova accepted the offer, but now xe had xyr worries.
Nova was thinking, “It'll be fine. Jorge has talked so much about how nice his family is. They'll love you. … But what if they don't? What if his older brother doesn't think I'm good enough? What if his younger brother doesn't think I'm good enough? And his mom! I don't think I could live with myself if I disappointed her!”
“He mentioned a sorta sister. I'm still not sure what a sorta sister is. She'll totally hate me for not understanding that! Oh wait, I think he said she won't be here today.”
Nova snapped out of xyr thoughts. Xe looked around and saw that the car had parked in a covered parking lot. They were there. Xe looked at Jorge. He had a concerned look on his face.
“Are you doing alright?” he asked.
Nova gave him a smile. “Yeah. I guess the ride made me space out.”
Jorge knew Nova well enough to both know there was something else going on and that he didn't need to press the issue right now. The two of them got out of the car, stretched away their stiffness, and made their way into the elevator to reach the door of the Suarez household. Jorge gave it a knock and it swung open right away, courtesy of Derek. Beyond him was the familiar living room. It was decorated with balloons and a banner that said “Welcome Home!” Standing below the banner was the rest of the Suarez family. The whole family repeated the message on the banner in a cheerful shout.
Jorge said with eyes wide, “Wow. You didn't have to do all this just for me.”
“We didn't do it just for you, dummy,” said Nicolas, “Derek had to be welcomed back too.” Derek shot a look at the youngest Suarez.
Irene approached Jorge and Nova as they walked in and Derek closed the door behind them. Gregorio and Nicolas followed behind Irene. She hugged Jorge and said, “It is so good to see you!”
“Hi, Mom, it's good to see you too,” laughed Jorge.
Irene turned to Nova. “You must be Nova! I've heard so much about you! It is nice to finally meet you!” She moved to take hold of Nova's hands, pausing to give xem the chance to consent. Nova let xyr hands be gripped by Irene.
“It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Suarez,” said Nova.
“It's wonderful that one of my sons has found love,” said Gregorio, “It's just too bad I put my bet on Derek being the first. I'll have to remember to bring my wallet next time I see Cliff.”
“What?!” exclaimed Derek. His father's resulting laughter proved it was just a joke. Nova and Jorge both blushed at it. Nicolas tried to hide his own snickering.
“Really, Rio,” said Irene. “You shouldn't tease our sons like that.”
“Sorry, sorry,” said Gregorio, “I am happy to meet Nova. Xe and Junior make a great looking couple.” It was too late. He had fully entered dad mode. Teasing was inevitable.
Derek decided to nip this in the bud. “What are we all doing standing at the door? Let's take some seats.”
Thanks to Derek, decorum was reestablished. Despite any attempts from Nicolas or Gregorio to insert tiny bits of mischief. Together the group caught each other up on what was going on in their lives, played some games, and had a delicious lunch. It was an afternoon filled with fun and joy. Near the end of it Nova took a moment to xemself to relax on the couch while the Suarez family was busy figuring out a puzzle. Jorge walked over to xem.
“Mind if I join you?” asked Jorge. Nova nodded to say it was fine. Jorge sat next to xem. “How are you feeling?”
“Good, I'm doing good,” said Nova.
“That's good to hear,” said Jorge. “You seemed distracted when we got here today.”
“Oh, that,” said Nova. “Nevermind that. I was just overthinking things again. I worried about your family not liking me. But today proved me wrong. I had a lot of fun and they easily accepted me into the fold.”
Jorge smiled. “Yeah. They can be a handful sometimes, but I wouldn't trade them for the world.”
Nova chuckled, “Good thing your older brother and mom knew how to keep your younger brother and dad in line.”
Jorge laughed out loud. “It feels like it's always been that way. Welcome to my family.”
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ravenousgoblin · 1 year
It’s so funny to me playing Derek’s moments in step 2 even if I’m not gonna go down his route, like when you’re swimming with Derek and Nico is like
“I wanna see MC’s swimsuit!!!”
And Derek is like ????
Fuckin golden
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cove-simp · 2 years
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bamb-procrastinates · 10 months
Ok but imagine Jorge and Nicolas babysitting MC's kid/s
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team suarez
(my mc is pictured here with the suarezes)
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bleedingheartquotes · 2 years
Derek: Welcome to our first date! Anita: Thank you, but, uhh ... why are your brothers here? Derek: Moral support. Jorge: You're doing awesome! Nicolas: Great job Derek!! Anita: This is cute. I think we're gonna work out.
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tailsisfluffy · 2 years
More Liz and Jorge adventures, please! I need to see Liz slowly corrupt Jorge into a snarky little brother.
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I may have posted this exact screenshot before but I’m replaying Derek’s route and feeling my feelings so just by the way lol this isn’t like a good thing:
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Jorge gets it!
I love Derek’s parents and obviously they love their kids, but man was this an issue that needed an intervention.
In Step 4, Derek says that he doesn’t think he’s ever been ok, and he also straight up didn’t realize that he could have just been happy instead of pushing himself so hard to be the best for himself and for everyone around him. Why did no one tell him that he could be happy 😭
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adventuresofeme-sea · 9 months
Jorge: It's October, so we must once again draw battle lines between those who like candy corn and those who do not.
Nico: What battle line? Nobody likes candy corn.
Derek: No way, candy corn is delicious!
Jorge: And so, the lines are drawn...
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now-and-4ever · 3 months
Derek dressed as Mario, Jorge dressed as Luigi, Nicolas dressed as Wario. Imagine it.
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ravenousgoblin · 1 year
Yknow after so many playthroughs of Derek’s dlc you’d think I’d stop getting so emotional when Jorge and Nico start going at it but oh lord
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And Liz always like “Jorge is my fave” and he gets so embarrassed but have y’all SEEN when you say you could never pick one and they all get shy and blushy like “awww stoppp mc”
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eltigrealpha · 4 months
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cheeto-mareto · 5 months
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Our Life Beginnings & Always, My beloved edition!
Part 4 - Derek Step 3, His Siblings and Elizabeth Last!
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