#jorge supremacy
cove-simp · 2 years
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jarondont · 6 months
Aftermath (odypen fanfic)
TW: mentioned SA and (according to my friend) slightly (and I mean SLIGHTLY) suggestive
[I was pretty proud of this one so I wanted to share :D]
[credit to @dootznbootz for the Water Wife™ headcanon]
The palace halls were deserted this time of night. The two lovers had taken an evening stroll — more like midnight stroll — and were still drenched from the creek. It wasn’t her fault, she insisted — Odysseus started it. Had he never smugly commented about his “godlike looks,” Penelope might have not used her naiad powers and they both would probably still be dry. But no.
That lovable little bighead, she thought to herself, smiling.
“What is it?” he asked from beside her. She snapped out of her thoughts and glanced at him — then, seeing his cocky grin, looked back down. Her cheeks felt hot.
“Oh, nothing. Just thinking about how embarrassed you looked after the creek incident.”
“Did not!”
“Did too.”
“Did not!”
“Quit arguing like a child,” she chuckled.
He pretended to pout, softening his expression like a little pup as he always did to persuade her.
“Don’t make that face at me.”
His grin returned, wider this time. “Why not? Too gorgeous for you?”
She stopped walking and playfully shoved his shoulder into the nearest pillar. Before she could say anything else, he grabbed her arm and pulled her close. For a second, they stayed there, looking into each other’s eyes, barely able to breathe.
She eyed his lips. He eyed hers. She inched her face closer, almost closing the gap between them —
Confused, she pulled back. “What?”
Odysseus was trembling. His breathing was shallow and uneven, his skin pale. “I just … I can’t.”
“Why not?” Penelope’s brows furrowed. “Odysseus, what’s wrong?”
He didn’t respond. His chest was heaving, his eyes flicking wildly from one spot to another — looking at everything but her. And he wouldn’t stop shaking.
“Odysseus. Ody, look at me.”
He did, but his eyes were wild.
“You can tell me if something’s bothering you. Did I do something? Say something?”
“No — no, I …” He trailed off, shaking his head.
“It’s okay, Ody. You can tell me.”
“Ca — ” his breath hitched. “Calypso,” he breathed, barely audible.
“What — ” Suddenly, Penelope understood. She’d heard that word before. Calypso wasn’t a what.
She was a who.
“Another woman?” Penelope took a step back. “Is that what this is about?”
No response. Just more ragged breathing.
“Answer me, Odysseus,” she spat angrily. “Who is this woman you slept with? Why did you choose her over me?”
His eyes widened more, suddenly flicking up to meet hers. “No! No, it’s not like that. She — ”
“What’s going on, Odysseus? What else haven’t you told me? What else are you hiding?”
“Penelope, listen — ” He paused, choking a little as tears formed in his eyes. “I tried to stop her but she — ” Suddenly, he dissolved in tears. “I’m so sorry.”
Penelope’s heart dropped. He didn’t choose Calypso over her — no, the reality was much worse.
She stepped closer again. “Ody, it’s okay — ”
“No. No, it’s not. I’m sorry.”
Reaching out to touch his face, she repeated, “It’s okay — ”
But he jumped away from her hand like it was the point of a sword.
“Don’t touch me.”
She froze, realizing why he said that. “I’m sorry, Ody — ”
His expression softened. “No. I’m sorry. I — ” his voice caught in his throat as his eyes widened again.
“I have to go,” he said, slowly backing away.
“Odysseus — ”
“I’m so sorry.”
And he turned and sprinted away.
“Odysseus? Ody, where are you? Odysseus!”
Penelope ran through the halls, almost tripping and cursing at her dress for being so long. She called her husband’s name over and over again, worry blossoming in her heart like a poisonous flower.
She checked the gardens. Nothing.
She checked the main hall. Nobody in sight.
She checked the courtyard. Completely empty.
Where was he?
Realization struck her — there was only one place left.
Panting, she knocked on the bedroom door. “Ody? Ody, it’s me, are you in there?”
No response. She was about to knock again but then —
Her heart felt like it had been ripped into pieces. Just that one sound made her knees feel week. Odysseus was crying — because of her. Because she decided to do the one thing that made him uncomfortable — touch him.
Although, she thought, Odysseus had never acted like this before. If anything, they both loved curling up on that wedding bed of theirs and losing themselves in love. It made them feel … intertwined. Not just their limbs. But their hearts. Their souls. Like two olive bushes — one tame, one wild — growing from the same stem with their branches wound together so tightly that nothing, not even the wind or rain, could pass through.
Now, it felt as if someone was hacking at the wild branch with an axe, trying to cut him off from his stem and pry him away against his will. That someone was Calypso.
Or maybe — Penelope dreadfully thought — it was herself.
Either way, she could not let him feel like that any longer. She opened the door, stepping inside.
Another sniffle.
She gently closed the door, then followed the sound to behind the bed. Curled up in a corner was the king of Ithaca — shaking, sobbing, choking on his breath with his head against the wall and knees tucked into his chest.
A pained groan escaped his throat as he winced. His eyes were shut tight, his skin dripping with sweat and tears.
Her gut twisted. What was happening to him? “Odysseus. Ody, wake up. Please.”
“Enough, goddess,” he croaked quietly. “Please.”
“What — Odysseus, it’s me —”
“No!” His body twitched as if someone had sent a bolt of lightning through him. His brows furrowed in pain. “You’ve — you’ve hurt me enough. No more — no more games. Please, I beg of you.”
“Odysseus! Please! Wake up!” she cried, crouching down and desperately taking his face in her hands. She could feel tears forming in her eyes, clouding her vision. What must he have gone through to get this upset?
His eyes still squeezed shut, he jumped away from her touch. “Get away from me!” he yelled. “Please — leave me alone. Let me — let me have one peaceful night. One. Please —”
“ODYSSEUS, IT’S ME! It’s Penelope! You’re home, remember? You’re safe. Please, come back to me.” She choked, the tears flowing freely down her face now.
His eyes flew open as he jolted awake. At the sight of her, his breath hitched. “Penelope,” he whispered. “It’s you.”
She nodded, smiling through her tears. “Yes, my love. It’s me. You’re home.”
For a second, he was silent, taking in everything about her — her face, her electric blue eyes, now overflowing with tears. She held his gaze, watching him realize that this was Penelope — his loving wife. She’d never hurt him. Never.
Suddenly, he threw his arms around her, dissolving in tears again. She hugged him back, her fingers combing his sweat-soaked hair as sobs racked his body. She fought the urge to cry with him, knowing that she had to be strong for the both of them if she wanted to help him.
“It’s okay,” she whispered into his ear over and over again until he had somewhat calmed down. “You’re okay.”
He waited until the tears stopped flowing, then let go and met her gaze again. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry, Penelope.”
“No, I’m sorry. I made you uncomfortable. I won’t touch you anymore —”
“No!” he exclaimed. “No, please do.” His eyes glinted with longing. “Twenty years I have been starved of your touch. I can’t hold back any longer. I just — it’ll take some time for — for me to get used to it.”
“Take your time, my love. I’ll be right here by your side.”
He nodded, biting his lip as his eyes moistened again. Burying his face into her shoulder, he sat with her in silence.
After a moment, Penelope spoke. “If you ever want to talk about it —”
He shuddered.
“You don’t have to,” she stammered. “Talk about it, I mean. I know it’s hard. I know you’re hurt. But if you do —”
“No, I do. Just — give me a second.”
“Take your time,” she repeated.
A few seconds passed as he steadied his emotions. Separating himself from the embrace, he took a deep breath. He couldn’t meet her eyes.
“It wasn’t just Calypso. Before that … Circe.”
Oh, gods. Penelope felt dizzy.
“But at least I got something out of that. Hermes told me that for her to release my men, I — I had to allow myself into her bed. So I did, reluctantly.” His voice cracked. “It worked. She released my men and sent us on our way to the Underworld. I thought that would be the last of it.”
Penelope started to take his hand in hers, then stopped herself. But Odysseus looked down, then took her hand instead. She smiled at him comfortingly.
“Calypso was a different story.” He swallowed. “After my ship was struck down by Zeus, I washed up on an island. She greeted me, appearing kind at first. She gave me shelter, food, clothing, and company. One day, I told her that I must be on my way. But she —” He hesitated. “She had different plans. ‘I gave you everything I could. It’s time you repay me.’ I agreed. ‘Anything, goddess.’” He paused. “I wish I had known what she had meant.” His voice cracked again as he finally met Penelope’s eyes. “I’m so sorry, my love.”
She shook her head.
“I'm just a man, Penelope. A mortal. I was no match against this goddess. I’m so sorry. Every night, no matter how hard I resisted, she’d — she'd force me into her bed; every night after … her, I’d lie awake thinking of you — of how I betrayed you, even when you were waiting for me for all these years —” He choked, letting out another sob.
She wrapped her arms around him again as he whispered, “I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t be.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t, Ody.”
Silence fell again between the two as he composed himself. Penelope spoke again — “This happened … every night?” she whispered.
He slowly nodded into her shoulder.
“For how long?”
No response.
“Ody —”
“Eight years.”
Now tears fell from her eyes too as his fingers dug into her back, desperately grasping for her affection. The realization that this — being forced to betray his beloved; not the monsters, the gods, or anything else he faced — was the worst he could have ever suffered.
For eight years. Penelope felt sick.
“I’m so sorry,” he kept saying, but she only shook her head.
Her heart shattered. None of this was his fault; why was he apologizing? And this was nothing like the Odysseus she knew. Odysseus was a hero — strong, brave, and cunning. No, this was … broken. A man who had been through far more than he let on; far more than he deserved.
Even heroes need to be consoled sometimes, she figured.
They sat like that for a while, taking comfort in each other. When they finally parted, they both felt different — healed.
All that was in the past now. They had each other now, as they always would. They were safe. They were home.
They were together. And that’s what mattered.
“Penelope?” Odysseus asked.
“Thank you.”
She only smiled.
That night, the two of them fell asleep in each other’s arms — the two olive bushes, intertwined again at last.
Never to be separated again.
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gareleia · 9 months
Эпик - Держи Друзей Близко - перевод
[Одиссей]: Эол, ветров властитель, Мне миг лишь уделите: К родной земле путь преградил Непроходимый шторм Прошу у вас пощады, Ведь нам совсем немного надо: Вы могли бы бурю укратить Чтоб нам попасть домой?
[Эол]: Ха-ха-ха! Я - ветер, что ревёт и хохочет Я раздуваю костёр тёмной ночью Сыграем в игру
[Одиссей]: Игру?
[Эол]: Я знаю точно: Коль победишь - то получишь, что хочешь
[Одиссей]: Идёт!
[Эол]: Посмотри на этот мешок, В нём заточён навсегда твой шторм Всё, что нужно, - лишь не открыть мешок
[Одиссей]: Слишком просто, в чем подвох?
[Эол и виньоны]: Хо-хо-хо! Держи друзей близко, а врагов - ближе! Уверен, что всем можешь доверять? Чтоб друзья мешок открыли не допусти же! Иногда, нужно жизнь отнять
[Одиссей]: Что?
[Эол]: Ведь награда важнее жалости Дружба не терпит жадности, так Держи друзей близко, а врагов - ближе! Уверен, что всем можешь доверять?
[Перимед]: Капитан, что там?
[Перимед и Элпенор]: И что в мешке том?
[Одиссей]: Там опасность, друзья, Скажу потом
[Виньоны]: Сокровища!
[Одиссей]: Что?
[Виньоны]: Пока!
[Перимед]: Откройте мешок!
[Элпенор]: Нам лишь посмотреть!
[Одиссей]: Нет! НЕ СМЕТЬ! Иначе всем достанется Мешок завязан, так? Вот так он и останется Ведь шторм хочет нас убить Этот слух нужно срочно приструнить
[Перимед и Элпенор]: Есть, сир!
[Эол, виньоны, команда]: Держи друзей близко, а врагов - ближе Уверен, что всем можешь доверять? Они хотят мешок открыть, чтобы правду знать, слышишь? Иногда, лучше всё скрывать Ведь награда важнее жалости Что без Полита стало с ним? Так Держи друзей близко, а врагов - ближе Уверен, что всем можешь доверять?
[Одиссей]: Не спал девять я долгих дней, Лишь бы всем домой вернуться нам поскорей Ведь спор разрешён, мой закрыт мешок, И я ещё ближе к родным!
[Команда]: Пенелопа!
[Одиссей]: О, тебя оставив я был глупцом!
[Команда]: И Телемах!
[Одиссей]: Пришло время мне быть для тебя отцом!
[Пенелопа и Телемах]: Ах, глаза открой же!
[Одиссей]: Веки мои тяжелы, и на сердце камень
[Пенелопа и Телемах]: О, глаза открой же!
[Одиссей]: Я лишь хочу крепко вас прижать К груди руками!
[Пенелопа и Телемах]: Но глаза открой же!
[Одиссей]: Прошла война, но тот же я! Всё тот же я!
[Пенелопа и Телемах]: Ну, глаза открой же!
[Команда]: Глаза открой же…
[Пенелопа]: Проснись! Проснись! Одиссей, они открывают мешок, проснись!
[Одиссей]: Нет!
[Эол, виньоны, команда]: Держи друзей близко, а врагов - ближе! Уверен, что всем можешь доверять? Никому не можешь доверять! Шторм! Полный вперёд!
[Одиссей]: Куда нас теперь несёт?
[Эол]: Открыли с ветром вы мешок, а мы предупреждали! На наш скромный взгляд,
[Эол и виньоны]: Уносит вас к земле великанов
[Команда]: Шторм, шторм
[Одиссей]: Завязывай мешок!
[Эврилох]: Но, Сир, мы проиграли!
[Одиссей]: Остался ветер ещё в нем, он пригодится может нам, Скорей!
[Посейдон]: Одиссей, Царь Итаки! Знаешь, кто я такой?
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sunshinemayhem · 3 months
Different Beast thoughts
boss music
LET'S CUT THE CHARADES (love Jorge's voice.)
Yeah, I know exactly who you are: a siren. WHOOSH
ODYPEN supremacy
"what?" it's the last what apparently. lovely.
we won't take more suffering from you (HE'S FLIPPED IT)
he read her lips LOL
he knows how to get backkkk home
we are a different beast now --sigh he's actually become a monster hasn't he?
spare us (I really love the voice harmoniessss)
I mad a mistake like this, it almost cost my life the foreboding
He is a different beast now. It's not "we" anymore
a man-made monster.
Odysseus, I don't recognize you anymore.
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batsplat · 4 months
It's a thing I already knew but all your beautiful analysis really made obvious (to me) how much of a grudge holder vale is. That man is never letting it go he's gonna hold his grudges into his grave
you know, I do think this is an interesting issue, because I'm not sure this is true of all his grudges. just sticking here with the grudges he accumulated in his capacity as a competitor, rather than just his general approach to life or whatever... how you judge this will kinda depend on how you feel about the 'reconciliation' he's experienced with some of his rivals - and whether you read the whole thing as sincere or not. now, personally I reckon he still dislikes biaggi, but also you are allowed to just dislike people so I'll give him a pass for that. some of the others, I'm a little more convinced by the whole reconciliation schtick
let's get valentino's take:
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interesting that he mentions those three together, isn't it? and like, he's still not messaging biaggi or inviting him to his home - "even with max" kind of tells you all you need to know - but the other two? they said some proper nasty things to each other over the years!! I mean, the casey rivalry, there's some remarks from both sides where quite frankly I think I would struggle just a touch to get over it
I don't know, obviously this could all be pr stuff, but I kind of feel like... y'know, why bother? it's 2022, you're retired, who gives a fuck? sure it's a good look to be all magnanimous, sure it can be a bit of a way of twisting in the knife to the guys left in the cold, but also, who would care if you don't play nice? I think especially with jorge, you surely don't need to do all that, inviting him to your home and dancing with him... (which, again, some of the spats those two had...) and with the casey rivalry, if there's one guy who's still hung up about what happened between the pair of them, it's obviously casey (speaking of blokes who can hold a grudge). maybe this is giving valentino too much credit, but personally I buy it's more or less sincere. there's nothing to really indicate he's still particularly bothered by any of their past disagreements - he's basically going for the 'all's fair in love and motorcycle racing' approach. he knows he was an asshole, he accepts they were assholes too, whatever, that's how these things work. he's generally a fan of drama in rivalries, unsurprisingly, and he was happy enough to contribute his fair share - but he does see it as fundamentally being part of the game
to point out the obvious, check out who he's left out: sete and marc. that's where he can't let go of the grudges... because it's not about the offence itself as much as it is about the betrayal. this is the thing with valentino, right, it's about what kind of bond you had with him. if you weren't his friend in the first place and then piss him off as a rival then, y'know, whatever. obviously he's going to be vicious in trying to get back at you, but also he's really not going to waste his time feeling too aggrieved by it. I mean, think about how all the bullshit between him and casey dropped off sharply post-2012... from valentino's end anyway. think about how jorge and valentino pretty quickly got on again whenever they weren't fighting for supremacy within yamaha. they weren't friends in the first place, then they were enemies for competitive reasons for a while there, then it's over and valentino is basically happy enough to call it bygones
but... if it's a certain kind of bond you had with him and then you wrong him... that little mental list of all his past grievances, all your past transgressions, that's where it comes in. that's where he ices you out. denies you any emotional warmth. ensures that any interaction going forward is conducted entirely on his terms. where even any public 'reconciliation' won't truly be sincere.... or, certainly he's not going to forget what happened. if something else happens... it's like you've always got the potential of triggering this lingering resentment, in a way, where all that past stuff is still primed and ready to be called upon. he certainly doesn't just let it go
or, as he puts it in his autobiography:
Biaggi and I never talk to each other. I mean, we've never had a real conversation, anything that's lasted more than the requisite time to insult each other or put each other down, in the nastiest way possible. In any case, I don't hate him. It's true, we've never been friends, but hatred is something different, and that's too serious a word to describe our relationship. Far too serious. No, we have a reciprocal antipathy. No doubt this is a result of what we do for a living and the fact that we both want to win every single time. And perhaps it's also a function of the fact that we have very different personalities and very different ways of seeing things. Still, I don't think this means we hate each other, as some journalists have written. I think I could feel hatred for someone, but only for someone far worse than anything Biaggi has done. For example, if I were betrayed by a friend, then, yes, I could hate him. But Biaggi will never betray my friendship for the simple reason that we are not, and never have been, friends. Our relationship is very clear: we compete on the track - outside the track, each goes his own way. You could say we detest each other cordially.
... I mean. he said it, not me. and given this book was first published in '05... biaggi can't betray his friendship because they were never friends... I'm not saying he's thinking about sete, but it has to at least be a possibility, right? he's talking about one rivalry here and refusing to even mention the other... and the one he's refusing to mention is the one where he was friends with the other bloke. I don't know, maybe that's reading too much into it! and anyway, even if this passage wasn't really about sete, it's obviously still revealing. "detest each other cordially" is essentially what he was doing with casey and jorge (or from his point of view in any case, not entirely sure they'd agree with that). the grudge comes when he feels let down by you... and then, yes, he'll never let it go
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of course, he's willing to set aside his grievances for a while if there's sufficient motivation for him to do so. in 2009, when he had so definitively won that rivalry with sete, why bother kicking up a fuss? in 2016, quite frankly it was just too much, and it was getting to the point where it was obviously hurting him too. on the one hand there was the media furore that had been going on non-stop since sepang, on the other hand it was also hurting his own approach to racing. there's reports from the time how visibly aggrieved he still was in the first few races of the season, and it took until they got back to europe for him to... y'know, have fun again. it's not sustainable to be walking around with a constant dark cloud over your head and broadcasting burning resentment towards your two main rivals. certainly not for someone like valentino - he needs to be having fun! the slight rapprochement needed to happen, in a way, because otherwise those years would have been even worse for everyone involved. but that doesn't actually translate to forgetting any of those grudges. this is about convenience more than anything else
goes to show, really... most of the time he doesn't take these things personally. I talked about it a bit in this post, how maybe it's also something that changed over time for him: the question of whether he was willing to develop these kinds of bonds in the first place with competitors... because he does possess a certain level of self-awareness in terms of what these kinds of rivalries are like and what they do to interpersonal relationships. ideally, you don't want to be hurt by a friend like that, right? better not to have that kind of emotional attachment with your competitors in the first place. how unfortunate it'd be if all those years after sete the circumstances aligned for him to see a competitor as something like a friend again... because, after all, those are the only people who could betray him. those are the only people where he thinks he could truly hate them
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just-avocado · 7 months
So I stayed up until like four last night writing down the lyrics for the Circe Saga because it’s incredible and Spotify didn’t have lyrics yet but since tumblr doesn’t want me to post pics rn for some reason I’ll just try again later and instead talk about the songs!!! :D
Puppeteer- The intro instrumental lives in my head to rent and so does Eurylochus’s rap part, I need to know what he was going to tell Odysseus he sounded so vulnerable- I swear this guy is climbing up my favorite characters list, I do find it interesting how he wanted to leave the crew behind with Circe when later in Mutiny he confronted Odysseus for “trading the lives of his crew” in order to get home so hopefully that means he had a change and heart and wasn’t just being a hypocrite, I also love how the Circe Saga as a whole but especially Puppeteer and There Are Other Ways really highlight how terrible Odysseus feels about everything he’s done, everyone he’s failed or killed since leaving home, I need to know how he goes from hating himself to embracing all he’s done
Uhh favorite lines!
“Look at all we’ve lost and all we’ve learned, Every single cost is so much more than what we’ve earned” SING IT Eurylochus
Wouldn’t You Like- HEHEHEH I absolutely adore the synthwave-y aspects of the song I’m a huge lover of synthwave vibes as of recent, I would genuinely vibe to the instrumental all day long, Mr. Jalapeño release the instrumental versions pLplzplz 🙏, I’m sure we all know by know that Troy is the real Hermes there’s no other way he can bring THAT much charisma to the role, I’ve seen charisma before but never like that oh my god, I also love his unhinged laugh so much idk how he does it but I want to learn, also when I was writing the lyrics I had to stop for a sec and be like “is this song just Hermes giving his great grandson drugs ooor-“ because that’s 100% something he would do
Favorite lines…
Just the entire “Here in the root of this flower, There lies such a power, To take her on” segment of the song it’s just 👌
Also the part where he’s going OOOhoOhohAhahdph while the ensemble sings his verses his voice is so BEAUTIFUL and POWERFUL oh my GOD
“Don’t thank me friend! You very well may die” I chuckled so loud lmao
And his little “Good luck 😉” he’s so silly he knows shit is going to go down
Done For- okay was the lyric for this song always “I just ate a flower, one that claims your power” cuz I could have sworn it was drains your power but I might just be crazy, also chimera supremacy I love that Jorge was able to find a way to implement it, Jorge and Talya’s voices sound so great together I need more 😭, I also love that this song starts to hint at more depth behind Circe’s actions idk who out here thinks she’s a meh one-note/one-off villain but she’s not!! I’ll make a 50 page PowerPoint on this don’t test me!!
Fav lines…
“You’ve lost.” Okay Odysseus 🤡
“My nymphs are like my daughters, I protect them at all costs, The last time we let strangers live, We faced a heavy loss.” This!! This is what I’m saying she feels like she has no choice other than to hurt people so that the people she loves will stay safe, she’s literally Odysseus further down the line! it’s so fascinating to see a character like this facing off against the main protagonist bc at this point in the story we don’t know what kind of person he will become yet and yet Jorge shows us with Circe Ahdldhnsbdk
There Are Other Ways- Okay I’ll be honest, this song was the last one on my radar not bc I didn’t like it but because I was just looking forward to others so much more and it was also the one I intentionally heard less clips of because I wanted at least one song that I didn’t already know half of the lyrics to 💀 ANYWAY THIS ONE IS THE BEST SONG IN THE CIRCE SAGA CHANGE MY MIND (I’m so sorry Troy I love your voice but this song is simply better) Dude the lyrics go soso hard in this one, I’m such a sucker for one character having like a big emotional moment while another is like singing/backing them up in the background and there’s so much of that here, and the call backs? Both to earlier songs in the saga AND Just A Man, my favorite song Just A Man? Every call back to that song is just so RAW I LOVE IT, I don’t know a ton about Greek mythology outside of Epic so I dont know if Circe and Posideon have this past beef or something but I do find it interesting that it’s only after he is mentioned that Circe decides to help Odysseus but I also think it’s larger due to how he reminds her of herself with how he misses Penelope, UM THE BEAT DROP after the underworld is mentioned for the first time??? CHILLS SHIVERS EVERYTHING dude I love how the entire atmosphere changes so much because yes this could be Odysseus’ only change to make it home safely but it’s also so much more dangerous than the shitty situation they’re already in so there’s not even time for relief or a breath of air like he’s IN it now there’s no going back
Best lyrics omfg…
“There are other roads to the soul~” Talya, Tayla. This is why some of us can’t sing, the universe needs balance and you are the only explanation for that
“Want to save your men from the fire? Show me that you’re willing to burn” 😐 AAAAAH
“But there’s no puppet here” get it puppeteer? Puppet here? I thought it was clever lol
“Back at home, my wife awaits for me, She’s my everything, My Penelope” The yearning in his voice made me feel things
“So I beg you Circe, Grant us mercy, And let us puppets leeeeave~” We have literally never seen Odysseus use this sort of tactic before to get his way but I genuinely think he’s being genuine here, no play, he only wants to see his wife and son again, he’s so close to giving up hope, he’s losing his spirit, he’s searching for any sliver of help even from a women who wants him dead
“I know of a brilliant prophet… Problem is that prophets dead.” Again the cord or piano key I think it was was so AH SO GOOD AH I am foaming at the mouth for when we start getting teasers for the Underworld Saga
“Maybe showing one act of kindness, Leads to kinder souls down the road” someone make an au where Polities and Circe become besties she needs a friend like him but don’t we all, but seriously THIS is what I’m saying!! She is future Odysseus! Only difference being is that she’s so tired of hurting people at this point she decides to take a chance and give help rather than pain in the hopes that it will somehow contribute to a kinder world
“Maybe one day the world, Will need a puppeteer no more” this is her plea for help, she yearns for the day where she won’t need to be a monster in order to protect her nymphs, for Odysseus his plea was for him and his men to leave, they both showed such vulnerability in this song in different ways its ART ITS ART *gun shot*
“I have been in love once before” She even had her own Penelope guys, this is the true reason why she decided to help Odysseus methinks
Okay uhhh I think that’s it ^_^ Circe Saga rules, it might be my fav saga I’ll decide soon
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stqrgir1e · 1 year
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↯ jorge. whore-hey. twenty. she/her. masterlist. rules. avid cod and $uicideboy$ enjoyer. incel stoner living in a hot chicks body. watermelon redbull fanatic. cereal milk zaza supremacy.
inbox is always open for requests and other things!
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frontproofmedia · 1 year
The King’s Gambit: Undisputed Lightweight Champion Devin Haney to Defend Crown Against Vasiliy Lomachenko May 20
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Published: March 28, 2023
Haney-Lomachenko & PPV undercard fights will be broadcast live starting at 10 p.m. ET/7 p.m. PT   Tickets go on sale Friday, March 31 and will be available to purchase at axs.com
LAS VEGAS (March 28, 2023) — Two of boxing’s pound-for-pound best will battle for lightweight supremacy as Devin “The Dream” Haney defends his undisputed crown against Ukraine’s three-division world champion Vasiliy Lomachenko on Saturday, May 20, at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.   Haney vs. Lomachenko will stream live on Top Rank on ESPN+ PPV, the exclusive digital distributor for the event in the United States, beginning at 10 p.m. ET/7 p.m. PT. The PPV will be priced at $59.99 and additionally be available via cable and satellite pay-per-view providers.   Promoted by Top Rank, in association with Devin Haney Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, tickets starting at $104, plus applicable service charges, go on sale Friday, March 31 at 10 a.m. PT and will be available to purchase at axs.com. “Devin Haney is the sport’s brightest young superstar, and he’s taking on a tremendous challenge against one of this generation’s best pound-for-pound fighters in Vasiliy Lomachenko. This is what boxing is all about,” said Top Rank chairman Bob Arum. “Devin and Loma are sensational boxers, and I’m sure it will be a memorable fight."   Haney (29-0, 15 KOs) will fight in the U.S. for the first time since defeating George Kambosos Jr. in Australia twice last year to capture and retain the undisputed championship. The 24-year-old has been on a unique path since turning pro in Mexico in 2015 when he was 17. He made his stateside debut on the Manny Pacquiao-Timothy Bradley III undercard at MGM Grand Garden Arena in 2016. Following a fourth-round stoppage over then-undefeated Zaur Abdullaev, Haney was awarded the WBC lightweight world championship. He defended that strap against unbeaten contender Alfredo Santiago and former world champions Yuriorkis Gamboa, Jorge Linares and Joseph Diaz Jr. He became the undisputed king last June with a 12-round tour de force in Melbourne in front of more than 40,000 Kambosos supporters.    “Lomachenko is a good fighter and future Hall of Fame candidate,” Haney said. “I take nothing away from him or what he has done in the sport of boxing. Although he didn’t give me a shot when I challenged him in 2019, I won’t be petty. This is the fight the fans really want, and I made it happen. I’ve gotten two times better since the Kambosos rematch, and believe it or not, the better my opponent is, the better I perform. I can’t wait for this fight. I know Lomachenko has an extremely high boxing IQ, and I will show the world on May 20 that I’m the best fighter on the planet. I’m ready to defend my undisputed title in devastating fashion.”   Lomachenko (17-2, 11 KOs) is a two-time Olympic gold medalist who compiled a staggering 396-1 record as an amateur before winning world titles at featherweight, junior lightweight and lightweight. As a lightweight, he knocked out Jorge Linares to capture the WBA and Ring Magazine titles, won the WBO strap against Jose Pedraza, and added the vacant WBC title to his collection with a 12-round decision over Luke Campbell in London. The 35-year-old lost his belts in a close fight against Teofimo Lopez in October 2020 but regained his form with one-sided drubbings over Masayoshi Nakatani and Richard Commey the following year. After a nearly 11-month layoff spent serving with a territorial defense battalion in his native Ukraine, Lomachenko held off unbeaten contender Jamaine Ortiz last October. Lomachenko said, “My goal is to become the undisputed lightweight champion, and Devin Haney is the man with the belts. I respect his boxing IQ and am excited for this challenge.”
(Featured Photo: Mikey Williams/Top Rank via Getty Images)
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chameleon-madrigal · 3 years
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Bitches be like "Let's watch 'Maya and the Three' because Alfred Molina plays a character in it"
It's me, I'm bitches
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cove-simp · 2 years
Remember when I made a post saying I wouldn’t buy the Derek or Baxter DLC? lol
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jarondont · 6 months
Waiting for Love (part 3)
Part 3: Alone
Odysseus was alone. Out of six hundred men — six hundred — he was the lone survivor, floating away to who knows where on his makeshift raft. For ten whole days, he kept coughing up salt water, choking on his tears, and being reminded of his mutinous crew.
Every time he thought of them, he couldn’t help but feel guilty. Guilty for not being able to save them. Guilty for cutting their journey short. Guilty for making their families at home wait for someone who won’t ever come back.
He could only hope that his family wouldn’t experience the same thing.
But underneath all that guilt, he felt … different. He hated to admit it, but he had changed. He thought, deep inside, that his crew deserved their fate. That they deserved to die. Especially Eurylochus.
Odysseus hadn’t wanted to fight him — he had thought of him as a brother. And how had he repaid him? By doing the one thing he had told him not to do — eat Helios’s cattle. It was his own fault he was dead.
Or was it?
What if it Eurylochus and the rest of the crew wasn’t to blame? What if the person to blame … was Odysseus? What if he had become who Poseidon had wanted him to? What if he had become ruthless?
What if he had become a monster?
So Odysseus pondered, drifting along on his raft, watching an island in the distance slowly draw nearer. He hoped he’d find some food there, or shelter, or even just a little company.
Hope — that was all he could do now.
The second Odysseus washed up on shore, his makeshift raft splintered apart, the pieces drifting back into the wine dark sea.
There goes my only way home, he thought to himself, his heart sinking.
He wandered along the shoreline for a while, trying to find some sign of civilization. Eventually, he came across a small hut where a fire burned inside.
“Hello?” he prompted.
No response.
He took another step forward, cautious. Still no response. So he looked around, thinking he’d find something useful.
And he noticed a scroll of papyrus sitting on a desk.
His mind was suddenly flooded with thoughts of his family, of his kingdom. How he longed to go back to them, to see them once again. It’d be a while before he got to do that.
But in the meantime, he could write to them. He knew they’d probably never see his letters, but it was the only way he could feel somewhat connected to them while he was away. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be away for much longer.
He started to write.
Dearest love of mine, I know I promised I’d be home soon. I know I broke that promise. But I am still trying. Still fighting. If it wasn’t for my mutinous crew, I’d be in your arms right now. They opened the bag. Then they slaughtered the sun god’s sacred cattle. We were thrown off course, and my entire crew was struck down by the son of Cronus’s lightning. Only I was spared — I and Eurylochus. Eurylochus, whom I treated as close as a brother — I was betrayed by him. Do something for me, Penelope. Tell Ctimene I’m sorry. Tell her that as much as I didn’t want to fight her husband, I was left without a choice. It was either me or him. Tell her I’m so very sorry. As for yourself, my love — wait a little longer. My journey is not over yet, but I will get back to you. I promise. I will get back — even if it means I have to fight the entire world. Wait for me, Penelope.
He finished his letter, his lips forming a slight smile as he brushed his thumb over his beloved’s name.
A clatter snapped Odysseus out of his thoughts. He whipped his head around to see a woman — a gorgeous one at that — standing behind him, a look of surprise on her godlike face.
Surprise that quickly transformed into a smile.
Odysseus’s hands began to tremble. His gut twisted. He knew that smile — he’d seen it on Circe’s face before.
And he didn’t like it.
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hypmic-writings · 3 years
Hi, hope you are alright.
I've been following your work for a while and I really love it, as well as being extremely inspiring. It made me very happy to see the orders opened.
For the request, I would like to know if it is possible for you to write about Ramuda, Sasara and Kuko dancing samba with their s/o.
I loved the request about MTC with a Brazilian and even more that you liked samba! I would particularly recommend "Deixa Acontecer" from the Grupo Revelação, it's so cute. Before I'm belive Seu Jorge Supremacy.
Thanks for listening! (🇧🇷 ˃̵ ᴗ ˂̵ 🇧🇷)و
━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
Pairing: Ramuda Amemura x reader; Kuko Harai x reader; Sasara Nurude x reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
A/N: This one was fun to do! It’s kind of hilarious trying to imagine any of the boys dancing, but that made it all the more entertaining! Hope this is along the lines of what you wanted~
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
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Ramuda Amemura
when you first tell Ramuda you want to teach him how to Samba, his eyes are lighting up with curiousity and excitement
he loves learning more about your culture and this is just another way that he can learn more about you
I can also imagine him loving to go out to clubs and dance if only to meet other people and make connections and contacts
so he’s never opposed to learning a new dance that might be helpful for him later on
you pull up some songs and play them for him and he gets into it right away
he likes the rhythms and he’ll say that the beat is pretty consistent so it must be easy to dance to
but of course, it’s incredibly difficult and he learns that the hard way
Ramuda’s not a bad dancer and even though he’s on the shorter side, he’s going to demand that he lead
which he’ll try for about a minute before realizing that he has no idea what he’s doing
he doesn’t step on your feet or anything, it’s more that he’s super stiff and is trying to do it exactly the way that you told him too
so if he’s ever off beat or messes up a step, he’s going to demand that you start it over from the top
and then you’ll have to take over as lead and show him exactly what to do
he actually picks up on it pretty quickly and it only takes a few sessions for him to learn how to dance properly
Ramuda is a perfectionist and will refuse to ever dance the samba properly out in public in front of other people until he’s perfected the dance and can lead you properly
if you show him some videos of other people dancing samba, he’ll instantly become enamored by the clothes that they women wear when they dance 
and I can imagine him using the styles as inspiration (never appropriation) for some of his clothing designs
and of course, he’ll want you to buy some of the clothes so that he can wear them with you and properly dance in them
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Kuko Harai
when Kuko goes to dance, he doesn’t give a single care about whether or not he’s good at it
he usually thinks dancing is lame, but as soon as someone says ‘I bet you can’t dance’ Kuko is tearing it up on the dance floor
so when you mention that you want to teach him how to dance samba, he’s already down to learn
you show him a few videos at first, and he waves them away, saying that it’ll be easy and that there’s nothing he can’t learn
“That doesn’t look so hard! I bet I’ll learn it in no time!”
“Sure Kuko...whatever you say”
he loves the way the outfits look as well, and he’ll definitely ask you a hundred different questions about samba before the two of you even get close to dancing
so once the two of you find an empty space, you start to teach him some moves and he goes along with it
Kuko is rather...intense and all of his dance moves are intense as well
he definitely ends up hurting you in some way, either by stepping on your foot, accidentally elbowing you in the stomach, or straight up kicking your knee when he tries to practice his kicks
the two of you end up having to take many breaks as you struggle to keep up with Kuko’s chaotic energy
and even though you’re the teacher and you’re the one leading him through the dance moves
he’s the one that’s sucking up all your energy and really making you work for it
but from Kuko’s point of view, he’s having the time of his life
because you keep touching him to pose him in the right position and praising him when he does anything correctly
so he’s going to enjoy the lessons, ask for more, and will always be bragging about how well he’s doing
to which you just rub your temples and sigh because...he’s just not really good, but he’s trying really hard and he’s obviously enjoying it
and you just have to shrug and agree to keep teaching him
 because at the end of the day as long as he’s having fun learning how to dance samba, that’s all that really matters to you
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Sasara Nurude
Sasara is curious about what samba is when you tell him that you love to listen and dance to it
he’ll watch you dance for a few minutes until he’s breaking out into a grin and I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the one that asked to be taught how to dance the samba
you happily oblige and pull up a handful of videos to show him
Sasara is in awe watching the people dance, and he’s eager to learn, even though he already knows he’ll never be quite that good
I headcanon that music is something Sasara likes to really listen to and connect with so if you show him music that means a lot to you from a part of your culture, he’s going to get excited
you pull him up and push away the couch, making space so that the two of you can start dancing
but unfortunately it doesn’t take either of you long to realize that Sasara isn’t a very good dancer 
he stumbles over his feet a lot and even when he remembers the dance moves, he always tries to add little flourishes that throw off the timing
he doesn’t take it seriously though, so any mistakes he makes are made with a smile and a shrug
“Sasara, you’re totally off beat on this one!”
“Oh really? I didn’t even notice! Let’s take it from the top again, shall we?”
unbeknownst to you, Sasara doesn’t really want to try all that hard because he knows that he’ll never be as good at dancing the samba as you are
and so he thinks that it’s better for him just to enjoy it rather than try to become any good at it
because then he’ll constantly be comparing himself to you and he doesn’t want that either
so he’s happy to follow your lead as you walk him through the steps of samba with a smile on your face
and he’s going to continuously crack jokes about his own lack of dancing prowess and praise your skill
if you own a dress/outfit that you wear when you dance the samba, don’t be surprised if you come home one day to find Sasara wearing it and dancing samba around the room
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This Week in White Privilege (21 July 2017)
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Because OF COURSE it was in fuckin’ Florida.
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Right... ‘cause the fuckin’ flowers were the real danger.
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volfoss · 3 years
Erina for the ask meme!! ^^
Sexuality Headcanon: Also bi!
Gender Headcanon: Transfem erina supremacy actually <3
A ship I have with said character: Her and Jonathan are so so so cute <333
A BROTP I have with said character: Her and Speedwagon are genuinely so so good together
A NOTP I have with said character: Her and Dio (haven't seen anyone do it) but after what he did to her (and Jorge Joestar's entire plot)
A random headcanon: I think she has a rocking chair in her room!!
General Opinion over said character: i love her so much and i think she deserved so much more
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In which yours truly takes the leads from the five Verdi operas from late 1849 through 1853 and makes them fight.
The title is because “upstairs downstairs” probably doesn’t mean the meaning I’m giving it, but it’s a very specific Vibe that most of these operas have. and then there’s Trovatore, which is kinda just There and does not have that Vibe at all.
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Violetta knows what’s UP
Walter, meanwhile, is a douche (canon)
good job killing the Tenor Fuckboys straightaway, di Luna, but minus points for also killing Luisa my sweet child
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Violetta is going AFTER people. an unexpectedly strong contender.
di Luna is also a strong contender, albeit less unexpectedly.
wrong Rodolfo to die from hypothermia lolz
glad to see Rigoletto found a Nicer Tenor
the Luisa Miller dads ignoring canon and working together nice
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of COURSE the Germonts got into a fight
Gilda, Federica, and Violetta is an iconic team
Manrico v. Maddalena? I would have liked to see that fight
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the chain of Fight Supremacy is building: Federica beats Manrico beats Maddalena. ergo, I expect Federica and Maddalena to get into a fight and for Federica to win
Stiffelio what the fuck are you doing
Alfredo cannot do ANYTHING right lolz
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a lot of this is basically canon
given the events of last round, I am not surprised about the murder there
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y’all need to stop being mean to Rigoletto
Azucena whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
that was a sad round
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rip Federica
when did Gilda and Giorgio become a thing???
Maddalena is at the bottom of the Fight Supremacy Pile. see, Sparafucile and Maddalena cannot work without each other. @madmozarteanfelinefantasy​
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the parent-child vibes in this round are completely canon
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a) Stiffelio snapped
b) it would be Very Funny if Violetta and Giorgio were the last two and Violetta killed Giorgio
c) how could Azucena NOT make a fire (well it’s a good thing she didn’t)
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rip Leonora and Rigoletto also Violetta is Vibing
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rip to mezzo solidarity also how is everyone from Traviata still alive also Jorg what the fuck did you do that for
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booooooooooooooooooo I don’t like how this is turning out
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