#Josh Real Shoes
spiderssvinegaroons · 7 months
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serpentineandblack · 7 months
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queens of the Stone Age
photo by Andreas Neumann
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warhead · 2 months
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beturass · 2 years
“When it’s over I’ll buy you some shoes.” + “I love her mind, I love her shoes.”
Forever ago, I wrote a silly story about Josh buying Donna a birthday present.
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anon-sect · 2 months
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Picture source: internet
Tom loved watching the old tv show Once Upon a Time. He had a celebrity crush on the actor Josh Dallas who played Prince Charming or David Nolan on the show. He had since then watched other shows that the actor stared in. It was one of his fantasies to meet the handsome actor in person one day.
Tom then got a bold idea of a way to be close to the actor in person. It was a risky plan, but he definitely wanted to attempt it. He had purchased a TF Ray phone that was quite expensive. He asked his friend Jonathan to help fulfill his fantasy.
"What, you really want me to do that?" Jonathan asked confused and curious at the same time.
"Yes, I want you to turn me into a pair of shoes. Put me in a box along with the TF Ray phone and mail me to Josh Dallas with this note." Tom explained one more time, holding a handwritten note signed by him.
Jonathan didn't know if his best friend was insane or just went plain mad. "Why would you want to do that? You don't know if the guy would wear you or even release you. You could end up as the actor's property forever. You sure you want to do this?"
Tom pondered Jonathan's questions. It really was a risk, but he had a huge crush on the actor. He really wanted to do this despite all the risk that his best friend mentioned. "I know what risk are involved before I even considered doing this. And I want to do. So, will you help me or not?" He responded, showing his stubborn resolve for a reckless course of action. It was scary not knowing what fate would happen to him, but it also excited him at the same time.
Jonathan saw that no amount of questioning would change his mind. Tom was dead set on going through with it. He decided that he would help him achieve his fantasy even if he was totally against the idea. He hit the flash option on the screen of the TF Ray phone. Tom was instantly reduced to a pair of shoes. He picked him up and wrapped him in wrapping paper. He placed the shoes in a box, along with the TF Ray phone, special written note and the instructions how to use the phone. After the box was sealed. He went to the post office to mail the box off. He felt bad for helping his friend achieve his fantasy, not knowing if he would even see him again. But this was what he wanted.
Tom stayed in darkness for what seemed like forever. He could hear voice as he was being shipped out to his favorite actor. He hoped he would reach him soon.
Josh was handed a sealed box when it was delivered to his house by FedEx. There was no return address on the box. When he opened it, he saw a handwritten note on top. He read it: "Mr. Dallas, I loved watching you in Once Upon a Time and your other shows. You are my favorite actor, and I have wanted to meet you in person one day. But I came up with a better idea. What if I could spend a day with you. So, I had myself changed into a pair of shoes for you to wear using the TF Ray phone provided in the box. Wear me, please. One day on your feet will be what I want. sign Tom."
Josh didn't know if it was a practical joke or actually real. He found the TF Ray phone along with instructions on how to use it. He was shocked it was actually the real deal. He unwrapped the shoes in the box. If the phone was real, then perhaps the shoes he was holding is a former human being begging to be on his. He first thought of the moral implications of actually wearing the shoes. But then he would be the only one to know what his shoes really are. Besides just one day would be fine to fulfill this fan's fantasy, what harm could it do.
Tom was so happy to see Josh Dallas holding him. He hoped the actor would at least speak to him, but he didn't. Instead, the actor did what you would normally do with free shoes. He was put on the actor's feet without a single acknowledgement of his human existence.
Josh thought should he talk to the shoes, but that would look very strange talking to a pair of shoes like they were a person. He just hope this one day on his feet would make the fan happy. Yet, he thought the fan was crazy to want to be worn on his feet.
Once Tom was secured with string arms tied up, he saw that maybe it wasn't the brightest idea to consider. The actor's feet crushed his insole face with force as he walked around his house. It was a constant crushing over and over. The pain was beyond his imagination. Even when the actor was just sitting down, the pressure of his feet pressed against his insole face was bad enough. The wiggling of his toes showed that Josh Dallas's feet owned him completely. As the day went on, the actor had a few errands to run. That meant more walking on him. Being shoes for the actor now didn't seem as much fun as he originally imagined. He started to beg for his humanity back. It was just only over an couple of hours and he was ready to not be shoes anymore.
Josh loved the way the shoes comfort his feet. He had never felt shoes that were this good. Even when doing some errands, each step felt so well cushioned. He pondered the thought of keeping the shoes despite knowing what they are. He decided, that maybe one more day of the shoes would be enough.
The next day, the actor went for his morning run, wearing his new shoes. It was so great running in them. It was like he was running on clouds. His feet didn't feel the stress of normal shoes. He would make a decision after his run when he got back to his house.
Tom was in agony as Josh was enjoying his morning run. The sweaty sock began to saturate his insides. A strong foot odor began to develop. His insole face was being molded by the actor's feet. After the previous day, he already developed a strong foot odor of ownership. It was on supposed to be just a day. He began to wonder if the actor would ever release him. He remembered that Jonathan warned him that placing his fate in the actor's hands might not go as planned.
Once Josh got back home, he took the TF Ray phone. He found the revert to normal setting for his new shoes. He honestly loved his new shoes and saw no reason to lose them. He deleted the revert back to normal setting, making his new shoes permanent. Only he would know that his special shoes are a living person. Everyone else would only see normal shoes, even his family would think so. He took the handwritten note that he had hidden and tore it to tiny pieces before throwing it in the trash. With that all done, he could treat the poor fan as nothing but shoes since he volunteered to be the actor's shoes in the first place.
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unplugfromthesource · 26 days
Body Glitter
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✨About: After catching your boyfriend cheating on you at a night club, you come into contact with a man that changes your life all in one night.
🚬Josh Kiszka x reader
🪩Word Count: 4k
🍸Warnings: mentions of sex, drinking, smoking, angst, crying, cursing, yelling (sorry if I missed any 🌝)
🎤Authors Note: I hope everyone enjoys it! It took me a lot of rewriting but it’s here! if the formatting is messy- my apologies🩷
The night almost didn’t feel real. Maybe it was a mix between the undeniable amount of times you saw guys checking you out, or the cheap liquor coursing through your veins, but the second you saw your boyfriend of 2 years cheating on you with some dumb blonde in the sea of people, you lost it. Your, now ex, boyfriend raved on and on about this small nightclub in Nashville called, The Ether, saying they had the best drinks and the best DJ in all of Tennessee. You followed him up on this request, slipping on a silk mini-dress with sheer black tights, bows adorning the back side, and a pair of simple black heels. You let your hair fall into loose curls as you finish up your makeup and walk hand in hand with your boyfriend into The Ether. 
The air felt thick, lights flashed and glitter sparkled as you pushed through the people. You let him lead you to a small bar on the far side of the room, and you smile as you lock eyes with the bartender, tattoos running up both arms and being stopped by a tight-fitting black t-shirt. 
“Can I get a cosmo?” You shout over the thumping music as you lean forward slightly on the bar. All it took was one nod from the man for him to turn around and begin shaking up your drink. The man silently took your boyfriend's order and you followed him back into the crowd of people, drinks in hand. 
It felt routine to you. Dance for a few songs, find a bathroom, fix any slight imperfections, go back, drink, dance, repeat. It went on like this for about 2 hours, time flowing like a river and your body getting freckled with glitter upon each move to the restroom from the other partygoers. 
I smiled to myself in the mirror as I took in my appearance. My hair had been frizzy from dancing, and silver and gold glitter was sprinkled everywhere, my lipstick was nearly gone, and my feet were starting to hurt. I looked behind me in the mirror and watched as another girl fixed up her makeup on her phone camera. I turned without a second thought. 
“Do you have the time?” I said softly as her glazed eyes drifted over to me. 
“It's 12:47,” she said lazily, the alcohol running off her tongue. 
I smiled as a thank you and silently returned to the big warehouse-looking room. As I walked through the crowd the scene unfolded in front of me so quickly I didn’t have time to question if it was happening. There, amongst the group of people and hundreds of other bodies pushed into here, my boyfriend stood happily as he locked faces with some blonde whose extensions were too clear to see. My face grew hot as tears filled my eyes and ran down my cheeks as I turned to leave. I walked quickly, the tears only running faster as I pushed open the metal door and walked out into a back alleyway. Sobs racked through my body as I walked out onto the sidewalk, earning stares I couldn’t bother to care about. 
I felt helpless. The man I loved, the man I saw the rest of my life with, so easily just dropped all we had for a quick fuck. I crouched down on the curb and rested my head on my hands as I debated my next move. Go back and confront him like a psycho bitch or… go home. I sighed as I reached out next to me, going to grab my phone. Fuck he had my phone. I let out a frustrated scream as it all came together; It was nearly 1 am, my boyfriend just cheated on me, I was slightly tipsy, and I had no form of communication. Just as I moved to stand, a pair of black dress shoes with small scruffs on the tips appeared next to me. 
Slowly, I dragged my eyes up his body, taking in his outfit and appearance. He wore semi-tight black suit pants, hugging his hips in all the right spots…it was followed by a black button-down linen shirt, leaving only the bottom buttoned. A triangle pendant hung on his toned chest as it beamed in the light off his tanned skin. My eyes met his and I would be lying if I said he wasn't gorgeous. He had chocolate brown eyes that were ever so slightly sunken in, three white lines dragged out under each eye, soft, plump lips with a cigarette resting between them, well-kept facial hair, and a head full of curls that made out to be a mullet, but not in a Western way. While he didn’t seem to stand that tall, he felt it. The way he dressed in rich clothing, the toned body, the way he so confidently stood over me as the lust spilled off him. 
I locked eyes with him as he took a drag of his cigarette before removing it from his lips and exhaling slowly whilst looking down at you. 
“Why ya crying pretty girl?” he says cooly.
“Why do you care?” I said a bit harsher than I meant to.
“Cause you're too pretty to cry,” he said crouching down next to me and placing the cigarette back into the side of his mouth “And I hate,” he said as he wiped a tear from my cheek “to see pretty girls cry.” 
Silence filled the air as I looked over at him and then back down at my feet. 
“My boyfriend cheated on me,” I said shakily as I felt more tears run down my face at the mere thought “brought me to some club, and then when I came back from the bathroom I caught him sucking faces with some dumb blond…” I say, my breathing heavy as I try to calm myself down in front of this random stranger. 
Silently, he stood. While he didnt appear to be that tall, his demeanor and ego made him stand 6 '5. 
“Come on,” he said coolly as he extended an arm down towards me. I grabbed it without a second thought and stood, holding onto his hand as he began to walk, dragging me along behind him. 
“Where are we going?” I said curiously as I tried to match his pace. 
“To have fun.” 
“What's your name?” 
What a cute name for such a serious-looking man I thought to myself as I walked behind him. 
“Josh what?” 
I smiled at him as he answered my plethora of questions, trying to act annoyed even though we both know he took me out for “fun”
“Are you going to ask me for mine?” 
“What's yours?” He said with a smile as he glanced at me from over his shoulder. 
“y/n. y/n y/l/n.” He nodded slightly in response. Odd I thought to myself. Who picks up a crying girl from the street and just walks with them? A guy named Josh. 
“You do this a lot?” 
“Do what?” he says with a hint of curiosity in his tone.
“Go find random girls to “have fun” with,” I say with a bit of disgust. 
“If you think I'm taking you back to an apartment or house, you're wrong, so don’t think so poorly of me when our night has just started.” 
“I was-” 
“Stop talking” his voice cutting through my words, as my eyes widened at his command. 
“Who the f-” before I could even finish my sentence he turned around quickly, grabbing my wrist. 
“You can either stop talking and trust me, or I can ditch you and let you continue to cry on the side of the street. We both know you don’t want that, do you, pretty girl?” 
I moved to give him an answer but he simply said “That's what I thought” and kept walking. 
I stayed silent as I let him lead me down the streets of Nashville, nightlife still buzzing, lights still flashing, and music still being sung. Finally, we landed at a small bar that seemed to be hosting a singer, for the music could be heard from outside; a complete change of scenery from where I was not even 10 minutes ago. He opened the door for me as I walked inside, taking in the scenery. The lighting was dim and the ceiling was filled with small fairy lights, leaves, and flowers. The tables were made out to look like tree stumps while the stools were made to look like daisies and sunflowers. My eyes landed on the small stage in the far back of the room, where a girl stood singing, laughing as she read the lyrics off the screen. Josh moved from behind me, tilting his head as a single to follow him as he walked up to the small bar and ordered himself a drink, turning to get my order to which I politely replied with “a cosmo please”, my go-to order. 
Once we got our drinks, Josh led us to sit somewhat close to the stage, bringing me to a booth that was dimly lit with purple lighting and large crystals making up a barrier between the other booths, as if it was our little room. 
“This place is cool.” I say, taking in the scenery around me. 
“Yeah it's pretty neat, been in here a few times but never long enough to enjoy it..” he says while twisting his glass between his fingers. 
I nodded as I looked down at my drink, sipping it here and there, the awkward silence eating me alive. I cleared my throat as I moved to speak, 
“I don’t know what to say..” 
“Do you like karaoke?” He said, looking up to meet my stare. 
“Maybe if I was super drunk” I said with a small laugh as I nursed my drink. 
“What would you sing if you had to do it?” he said with a small smile. 
“Uh… gosh I don’t know, probably like an older song… maybe My Way, Don't Go Breaking My Heart if i’m with friends though?” 
“Mm good songs” I nodded my head in response as conversation began to flow, along with the alcohol. 
After about 45 minutes of talking, I completely forgot about the night I started off having. I felt like I knew everything there was to know about Josh and I feel like he knew everything there was to know about me. Just as I finished my drink he stood, and I smiled as he let me know he’d go get us another round. As I sat waiting for his arrival, I heard a familiar sound. Don’t Go Breaking My Heart. Sneaky Bastard, I thought to myself as he walked back towards our booth with drinks in hand and a smile on his face. 
“What’d you do…” I said with a laugh as he set the drinks down in front of me. He simply shrugged his shoulders as he walked over to my side of the booth, grabbing my arm and leading me towards the small stage. 
“What are you doing?” I said, laughing out loud at the action. 
“Getting you to have fun,” he said as he led me up the stairs and handed me the microphone. 
“No Josh im so shit seriously I'm so bad,” I said as I pushed the microphone back towards him.
“It's fine so am I,” he said with a smile as the lyrics started to pop up on the screen and he began to sing. I sit in disbelief as I watch him sing the lyrics, laughing slightly as he does so, to the very small crowd, barely paying attention. “Ok Mr.Kiszka” I laughed as he moved to wrap an arm around my shoulders as he moved the microphone to sit between the two of us as we sang together. 
Perhaps it was all the martinis I was downing, maybe it was the fact that Josh was undeniably one of the most handsome men I've ever seen or even the way he made me feel better and completely forget about the fact that I had been cheated on like there was no one watching, but for the first time the entire night, I genuinely felt happy. This random man that I just met tonight, made me feel a way I haven’t in a long time. As we finished the song, we made our way back to the booth, finishing our drinks in a rush. I followed him to pay the bill, wrapping my arms around his waist as I watched him and we quickly rushed out the door once he got his card back. 
The walk back towards my apartment felt like a scene from a movie. Both of us equally drunk, stumbled down the street, pausing every few blocks to get our hands on each other. Thankfully I lived right on Broadway so it wasn’t a far walk back to mine. Once we got to my complex, we wasted no time running up the stairs to my apartment, fumbling with the keys, and dropping everything the second we finally got inside. 
I opened the door and Josh made quick work of getting us inside, closing the door, and turning me to face him, forcing himself onto me as our lips connected into a deep and passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, tangling a hand in his curly locks as I slowly walked us backward, breaking the kiss and grabbing his hand, leading him towards my room. I pushed the door open and turned to face him, moving to kiss him once more. 
Our mouths met and his tongue licked at my bottom lip, seeking entrance. The kiss only went deeper as his tongue explored my mouth, his beer from earlier still lingering on his tongue. I turned to us slowly, having his knees hit the bed as I pushed him to sit, slowly lowering myself to sit on my knees before him. I made quick work of undoing his belt, pulling his pants down, and planting soft kisses on the inside of his thighs, then softly on his boxers, earning a soft groan from him. 
“Don’t tease me, pretty girl,” he said with a scruff voice, his eyes piercing into mine as I looked up at him through my lashes. I rubbed a hand over his growing bulge as I moved my hands up to his waistband, painfully slowly pulling down his boxers as he lifted his hips. 
I smiled as I brought my hand up to his cock, rubbing it once over as he let out a shuddered breath. I moved my lips along his thighs, slowly bringing them to his base, licking a stripe his length before wrapping my lips around his tip and sinking my mouth onto him. 
“Oh fuck” he gasped out as I began to bob my head up and down on him. “God you're amazing,” he said, bringing a hand to my hair, making a makeshift ponytail. “Could watch you all day.” I laid down a steady rhythm, his moans filling the air. 
“Faster, faster please baby,” he said between moans. With that, I picked up my pace moving faster than before. Eventually, he began to reach the back of my mouth and I choked back a gag as hard as I could, tears forming in my eyes as I did so. His moans filled the air like music to my ears. Before I could keep going, he pulled at my hair, lifting me off of him. I looked up at him as I tried my best to catch my breath, wiping the back of my hand on my mouth. 
“What's wrong?” I said between breaths.
“Close,” he said with his head tilted back and his breathing equally as heavy as mine “C’mere,” he said, grabbing at my arms to lift me and I stood with ease. He began to plant small kisses along my clothed torso, scrunching the silk fabric up slowly, revealing more of my legs. Carefully, he lifted the dress and I met his hands at my chest, removing it all the way, revealing my bare chest as I stood in my tights and underwear, feeling rather shy as I went to cover my chest with my arms. 
“Fuck..” he said in a growling tone as he took in the sight of my body and I watched as his eyes moved up my chest, looking as I attempted to cover it. 
“Why are you getting all shy on me now, pretty girl?” He said, grabbing my arms gently and moving them down, sliding his hands down my arms and then to my tights, pulling them down softly. 
“Get these off you” he said with a smile as he looked up at me. 
Once they were off completely, I moved to straddle him, doing the same to him and taking off his shirt, running my hands down his body as he leaned forward, kissing down my neck to my chest. He brought one hand to my hips and one to my chest, massaging my breast in his palm while he placed the other in his mouth. I moved my hand to the back of his head as mine moved back slightly. 
“J-josh..” I gasped out as I could feel him smile against my skin. 
He moved his kisses back up along my body to my face, our lips connecting once more like glue. I pulled slightly on his hair, earning a groan from him that got muffled in the mix of me biting at his bottom lip. Heat began to form between my legs and naturally, I moved to grind down on him. I moved my lips down to his neck, biting and sucking hard as I continued to pick up my pace, grinding into him. 
“Fuck, you're soaked,” he said with a slight laugh as I leaned back and let out a pornographic moan as he moved a hand between us and brought it to the outside of my underwear. 
“I need you so bad” I mumbled as I rested my head on his shoulder “Please… please..” 
“Please what?” 
“Fuck please touch me,” I said as I dug my hands into his scalp, pulling on his hair tightly. 
With that, he moved my underwear to the side, brought his fingers to my clit, and began to rub in small circular motions, his touch being feather-light. 
“Fuck Josh please,” I said as I bit down slightly on his shoulder. 
With that, he withdrew his hand and hooked it into the seams of my underwear, and moved back slightly, forcing me to stand, my legs shaky with a mix of the alcohol and the pleasure he was bringing me. He lowered my underwear slowly, as I moved to step out of them and crawl back onto the bed, straddling him once more. 
He smiled as I sat on top of him, leaning down to plant small kisses down his chest and once more his neck. 
“Do you have a condom?” he said as he stretched his neck to the side to give me more access. 
“I’m on the pill,” I said between kisses.
Those words alone earned a groan out of him. With ease, I sat back up, looked down at him with hooded eyes, and slowly lowered myself onto him, my jaw dropping slowly in pleasure. 
He sucked in a sharp breath. “Oh fuuuuuck” I watched as his eyes fluttered shut as I slowly began to pick my hips up before placing them back down onto his and he moved his hands to hold onto my hips. 
I bit my lip as I slowly picked up my pace and placed my hands on either of his shoulders. Gently, he brought one of his hands up to my chest, grabbing and rubbing my breast in his palm as I moved a hand between us as I began to soft rub circles onto my clit, moaning out louder. I felt his hand leave my chest and grab at my wrist, replacing my fingers as I leaned forward and pleaded into his ear. 
“Ple-please don’t stop holy shit” I say as my hair falls off my shoulders in soft waves. 
As our bodies moved in unison, I moved to sit back up, trying to regain some composure before all was lost again. 
“Open your eyes” I let out a small whimper as the words left his lips “Look how good I’m making you feel”. 
I opened my eyes, looking down to where his hand met my body, biting my lip as I watched the way our bodies connected. I wanted more, didn’t want this to end. Ever. 
I felt the pit forming in my stomach, my breathing growing heavier as I felt myself get closer to the edge.
“M’close Josh- don’t stop” I practically screamed out. 
Our moans filled the air till something else joined the mix.
“What the fuck!” 
I’m too deep in to turn around when I realize who it is. My boyfriend. Nothing mattered in the moment, I was so close and I wasn’t going to let some asshole ruin it for me. 
“Who the fuck are you?!” I hear him call out to Josh 
“Fuck she’s so close…. She’s squeezing me so tightly” I open my eyes to look down at him as he smiles at the man standing behind me. 
“J-josh..” Between him telling the man I was still currently dating how I was making him feel and the fact that he hadn’t stopped moving his fingers, my release came fast “i- fuck I’m coming”.
Josh let out a low moan as I stopped moving on him and my body shook with pleasure. He brought his fingers to a halt, now opting to move for me, fucking my cum back into me. 
“Shit m’there too baby…you gonna stay to watch?” I could hear him say with a smile, and then the door slammed shut, followed by the front door. Josh moved quickly, fucking me hard as he came to his finish. 
My name flowed out of his mouth like a mantra as he came, his movements faltering slightly before coming to an end. I slouched slightly as he finished before slowly moving off of him, breathing rapidly matching him. 
He groaned at the loss of contact as I moved to lay down next to him, resting my hands on my stomach. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t know he w-” 
I was cut off by him bringing a hand to mine, rubbing my knuckles softly. 
“It made things 10x hotter” He said with a smile as I turned my head softly to look at him, matching his smile. 
“And for the record,” he said with a sarcastic chuckle “you can do way better than that!” he said with a look written on his face saying “ME!”. 
I laughed at him as I moved to place my head on his chest.
“Well if you find someone, send them my way,” I said with a soft shrug and smile. 
“Oh wait actually,” he said as I sat up slightly to look at him “Do you have your phone?” 
I looked at him confused. Why would he want my phone? 
“no… why?” 
“Fuck” he says sighing a bit “I’ve got the number of someone better for you” he said coolly with a slick smirk. 
“Touche,” I said as I leaned down to kiss his lips. “This will be discussed over coffee in the morning Mr.Josh” I said sternly as my lips hovered above his.
“I look forward to it Ms.y/n” I smiled as he leaned in kissing my lips once more before I pulled back. I pulled at the covers, lifting them over ourselves and moving to lay on my side, back facing him as he wrapped an arm around my stomach, pulling me into his backside. 
“Goodnight pretty girl” he whispered as he kissed my hair and lay his head down next to mine. I hummed out slightly before saying, 
“Goodnight Mr.Kiszka.”
The end.
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mysadblacksoul · 5 months
Backslide - 3/13 of the Clancy album
Grab a coffee and let's start this madness
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Tyler is wearing the same clothes that he wore in Overcompensate MV to I would assume that this MV takes place right after
Let's break down the signs first
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We see the return of Ned Bayou as well as FPA, now standing for Food Petrol Etc.
You can buy 9 buns for $21, love the symbolism
There is a Jim sign omg. Baby is having his own bubblegum business
Of course the Bishops sign with 9 lines marked on it
I could've sworn that the black sign says "Dema Vapes", but looking closely I believe it's "Velma Vapes" lol
What is more, the cones (?) are yellow and I'm pretty sure that the fact that there are 5 of them is not an accident
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They sold him bread that went bad lol. Nah for sure it's not the case since he gives the same bread to a child
But I believe that the scene and the lyrics are closely tied with Stressed Out
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Now the next scene is interesting
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I think that the bad weather is a simple metaphor for feelings of anxiety or fear
We can see that Tyler was contemplating then he was suddenly pulled from his thoughts
This is when the scene changes to normal, right? Exactly on the line It's over my head
Then we move to the scene with the kid
And I really believe that this little lad is personification of Ned
Like he has the same boba eyes lol
No but for real, this is parallel to Chlorine - kid is giving Tyler a cup just like Tyler gave to Ned. Yet he accepts it and drinks whatever is inside and Ned just shudders
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Another interesting thing, that could make my point more valid is that the kid literally asks Is that a stain? You should change / Are you doin' good? / Did you solve all of your problems? like he knows Tyler very well and is in a way looking out for him
It's like he's keeping Ned by him - okat I'll stop
It might be a stretch, but the N kinda looks like a mirrored band symbol, do you also see it?
If 0.75c is equivalent to the cost of one bun than Tyler is being ripped off since he paid $21 for the pack instead of $6.75 lmao
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Something is really wrong with those buns lmao
Then the mood changes again, but this time is even worse. Like his mental health is declining even more and even faster
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The bread is wet, the day is ruined, thanks Mr. Joseph
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You killed it Josh, love your creative mind
*funny music stops*
Now let's talk about the way how the MV is looping itself
I would say that it is a demonstration of the twisted circle that is life
Maybe it's a very basic analysis but I think of all the complicated lore-oriented MVs this one is uncomplicated
What is shown here is how our psyche can play tricks on us and how we can complicate a rather simple situation ourselves
If Tyler hadn't had dark thoughts then nothing would have happened to the bread, so he would have just gone and given it to Josh
This shows how our psyche itself can abolish the situation in which we find ourselves
Looping, on the other hand, shows that as long as we don't do anything about it ourselves, we will be stuck in this fishbowl (see what I did there?)
Maybe it's one big AD to check your mental health and a sign to try to get better
Rat race, place to place, adding weight / Tendencies on repeat, innit? - rat race for sure happened in Dema, and repeat is literaly the loop, innit meand that Clancy is canonicaly British
Benefit from a shoe with no lace - shoe with no lace would make you fall back on the behaviour that you are running from
Take the seat with the crease in it - seat of someone who already tried to change their life, or even who had the same dreams and hopes for better future like Clancy
This could be parallel to When I leave, don’t save my seat/ I’ll be back when it’s all complete from Chlorine
I don't care, you control me / Leading me anywhere - well, all I should say is Dema don't control me and we all know the rest of the story
I don't wanna backslide to where I've started from - he doesn't wanna go back to his back habits as well as doesn't wanna go back to his life before he tried to escape
There's no chance I will shake this again - if he falls back one more time that will be the end of him. His psyche won't take it anymore and his plans will be buried
'Cause I feel the pull, water's over my head - this is parallel to Fall Away And I, I can feel the pull begin. But it also gives me the parallel to Holding On To You MV, the scene with the rope
Strength enough for one more time - like I said, this would be the last attempt to change everything
Reach my hand above the tide - it could indicate that his physical strength is also wearing out
I'll take anything you have / If you could throw me a line - again with the line. But it also can mean that he can endure anything now, he just needs a little helping hand
I should've loved you better - this line can be directed both to himself but also to the person who extends his hand to help. He might not have appreciated both parts before and now regrets it
Do you think that now's the time / You should let go? - This line is like both a request and an apology. As if he wants to say “I'm sorry I treated you badly before but please don't leave me when I need help”
Bad place, on a hundred-dollar bass - this line is also giving me Stressed Out. You can imagine the cheap bass being transported on the bicycle right?
Kinda wishin' that I never did "Saturday" - I think that he doesn't mean the MV irl lol, but the regret of taking part in Bishops' manipulation altogether
Is that a stain? You should change - a play with mentioning Saturday and the lirycs She said that I should change my clothes
Are you doin' good? / Did you solve all of your problems? - like I said before I believe that this is Ned looking out for Clancy, wishing him well
Thanks for asking, in a way, but / Accidentally uncovered a new one yesterday - safe to say that he is not doing better lol
What happened to what I brushed under the rug? - what happened to how well he used to be able to hide his problems and true feelings
I used to be the champion of a world you can't see / Now I'm drowning in logistics - if viewed as a fact that he created this world it now looks like he wants to regain all control over it. Logistics is to take care of the management of planning. And once again we see the mention of drowning
The bridge is acting as an externalization of his myhs and fears that even if he is outside the Dema, the Bishops will still have control over him
The entire song is about both regaining conrol over the world of Dema but also regaining control over himself, his psyche.
The main theme is about not going back to old habits.
The most important thing here is progress and pushing forward.
Because one wrong move can make all the work in vain and we will sink to the very bottom.
Safe to say that I liked it haha
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that-tmblr-blog · 18 days
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Josh felt his phone buzz in his pocket and then his stomach drop to the floor. He didn't have to check the screen to know what it said, but he did anyway. Come to my room. Now. Shit. It was worse than he thought. He picked up his tie from the edge of the bed and looped it back around his neck. If he was going to be dressed down by his boss then he'd at least look like a professional.
He cursed again under his breath as he fumbled his shoes back onto his feet. It had been a bad day, he knew that, but the worst he was expecting was a mild dressing down by text. Now she wanted to see him in person? Perhaps it had been worse than he thought. He felt like a scolded schoolboy waiting outside the headmistress's office to be given an inevitable detention. They still had four days on-site to win back their bid and he was sure he could do it, but a good night's sleep was what he needed for tomorrow, not this. The pit of dread lying deep in his belly grew heavier still.
He had half a mind to ignore her text. Let her walk the two doors down the corridor to his room instead of making another unnecessary power play. But then he remembered using the name of a competitor in place of the client in their presentation and he soon relented — time to swallow his medicine and get this over with.
He left his room and walked down the corridor slowly, enjoying a long quiet moment before knocking on Hannah's hotel room door with a loud "Crack. Crack. Crack."
"Come in!" he heard a breathless voice snap from the other side.
Shit, he thought. She really was spitting mad. "Here we go," he said to himself as he opened the door and decided to take things head-on.
"Listen, I know what you're going to say," he stated.
Hannah's face was already flushed red despite having taken off her work blazer and stripped down to her blouse. Her heels had been discarded roughly to the side and she was pacing back and forth on the carpet as she made fists with her toes through sheer black tights.
"Trust me, you don't," she replied without meeting his gaze.
The rapid retort caught Josh off-guard and he stammered for a second as he thought what to say. "..I…"
"Shut up," she yelled as she doubled over to rest with her palms on the bed and her face close to the floor. "Urghhhh. Just. Listen."
Josh did and stopped in his tracks.
"I'm pregnant," she said, allowing the statement to hang in the air a few seconds longer than it had to before she continued. "and I'm in labour. Now."
She thought the second part abundantly obvious but then felt the need to state it to fill the silent space left in the room if nothing else. Any moron could see she was in labour, whether they knew she was pregnant or not, she assumed he had at least figured that bit out for himself by now.
"I've been having contractions since about four this morning and now, ooooooof, now they're starting to get really… real."
Josh was stunned into a stupefied near-silence. "You mean,"
"Yes, I mean the baby is coming, right now!" She instinctively covered her barely distended belly with her hand and rubbed circles at its base. She quietened her voice and lowered her head just ever so slightly and continued, "and I think I need your help."
Josh, however, was still stuck about four sentences behind and trying to work out how exactly he'd missed her pregnancy. He had been about to say "You're pregnant?" before she answered the more pertinent question. He scrambled to keep up.
"You mean, all day? This whole day you've been?"
"Having contractions? Yes!" she sighed. "I thought somewhere around noon someone was going to notice, I was beginning to crumble before your presentation, but the way you fucked up really took the heat off me."
Josh felt an unjustified point of pride. No wonder she wanted to get back to the hotel so fast.
"Right, but how?" He managed to stumble out.
"Do I really have to explain to you how babies are made?!"
"No, er, I mean no, not that. How can I help? Do you need me to call an ambulance?"
"No. Don't," she said before pausing for a beat. "I can't. There's no way. I can take the time away from work to have a baby right now. It's…it's complicated. "
"Right," Josh replied. "I hear where you're coming from, I do. But… you are in labour…"
"Yes, thank you. I had noticed." She replied with a breathless quip. She gripped hold of the sheets and bowed her head down into her chest with a light groan. It wasn't just Josh that was getting under her skin.
"Ughhhhh, god!" she moaned down into the bed linen as she slowly shifted her hips in long smooth strides as if working through a severe bout of back pain. Josh stood still, unsure what he should do to help. When she could, Hannah caught her breath and continued.
"I'm going to have the baby here," she said. "and then Jenna is going to take care of it until we're finished this trip."
"oh, god, jenna?"
"Yeah," she's through there" Hannah replied, pointing to the adjoining door that linked their two rooms. "I told her to call it early today and have the night off, for obvious reasons…"
"She doesn't know?"
"Oh, no. she knows, about the pregnancy, anyway. Not that I'm in labour, or even close to my due date."
"Wouldn't she be more… helpful?"
"Probably. But there are some things… I mean, given our history…" Hannah stood up straight and for the first time looked slightly embarrassed as she flattened down the wrinkles in her white silk blouse. When she did, Josh could see the well-defined bulge of a belly protruding beneath. How had he been so blind to it before, he wondered. "Besides, the last thing I need right now is my assistant trying to, you know, assist, while I have to give birth. I never thought I'd say this, but I need you Josh. Now!"
"Listen, I get it, I do, But I thin…"
"NO. I MEAN NOW." Hannah screamed as she stumbled forward and reached out her hand. Instinctively he grabbed it and held her upright as she fell onto his shoulder and clamped her fingers tight, digging into his skin with a python-like grip. Josh stood firm and winced only slightly as she leaned her weight down onto him and groaned. He wrapped his left arm around her back.
"Oh, ok, that's it, ok." He attempted to soothe her cries with the calmest and quietest voice he had to hand. "Good, ok, sure, let's do this then."
She continued to hold on to him as an intensely strong contraction built to a crest before beginning to fade back to a dull ache. When it was sufficiently faded she straightened up again and whispered a soft "Thank you".
"I don't think we've got long," she continued. "They're closer together now. And hard. Really, really hard."
... Continues on DA
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lacontroller1991 · 1 year
After Hours (Ernest Lawrence x AFAB!Reader x J. Robert Oppenheimer)
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Main Master List || MISC Master List
Summary: Oppenheimer, finding himself in sexual frustration, runs to Lawrence and reader where Lawrence is more than willing to share reader.
Author's Note 2: So I haven't really posted in a while and this is something new for me, so this is my trial run. I do have stuff planned for whumptober but that'll be next month. - SIDE NOTE I am currently obsessed with Josh Hartnett's interpretation of the character, a forewarning - SIDE SIDE NOTE, THANK YOU TO @arieslost FOR THE KICK ASS NAME
Warnings: SMUT 18+, cuckhold, unprotected sex, oral sex (male receiving), semi Public sex, p in v sex, body shots, pet names, masturbation and language
Word Count: 2.3k
The lab is relatively quiet for a Tuesday night. Not a sound can be heard apart from your pen scratching against the papers and Lawrence lightly tapping his shoe against the floor. When the two of you had met, you were his student, then you became his TA, and now, you’re still his TA but you’re also his. The first couple weeks of your relationship with him, neither of you could keep your hands off each other. Homeworks wouldn’t get graded and more often than not, both of you were extremely tired the next day. Now, it’s much more mellow. The two of you had decided to try and keep it out of the lab, but sometimes that’s easier said than done. Like now.
Setting down the papers, you involuntarily squeeze your legs and let out a frustrated sigh, but Lawrence makes no comment. “Ernie.” If there were any students in the lab, you would strictly refer to him as Dr. Lawrence, but when no one is around? All bets are off the table.
“Yes honey?”
“When can we go home?” Lawrence sets his papers down, adjusting his glasses and looking you over, desperation written all over your face. With a smirk, he kicks his legs up on his desk, readjusting the papers in his lap and clicking his tongue.
“I don’t know hon, I have all these papers to grade and the less you help, the longer it’s going to take.” His comment irks you but you know he’s right. Picking up the papers again, you try to scan them over as quickly as you can, oblivious to the quantum physicist walking into the room, Lawrence on the other hand notices instantly. “Well, look who’s here.” His voice tears your already frail concentration away as you focus on Oppenheimer, jacket tossed on one of the chairs. 
“I’m tired of her playing games.” He crashes on the seat next to you and takes out his pipe, lighting it up while you and Lawrence share a brief look in confusion. You don’t really know what Oppie is going on about, but from what you understand from Ernest, it’s about a woman named Jean.
“What did she do this time?”
“She calls me, says she wants me, I go over, she kicks me out. She got me worked up for nothing,” Robert complains as Lawrence raises an eyebrow, taking a brief look at you but your eyes are raking down his body. You and Lawrence have spoken, rather in depth, on your mutual attraction towards the Quantum Theorist. Lawrence’s attraction is more on an intellectual level while yours is more on a sensual level. 
“Anything we can do to help?” You offer quietly, repositioning yourself towards Oppenheimer and fixing your blouse. Oppenheimer’s cold blue eyes fixate briefly on your bosom before shaking his head, focusing on his pipe.
“Not unless you have a way to relieve my tension.” Your eyes flick to Ernest silently asking if you can, only to receive a slight nod of his head, his eyes returning to his papers.
“Well, I can,” you comment, setting your own papers down on Lawrence’s desk before pulling the pipe out of Oppie’s hands and sliding onto his lap, your legs resting comfortably on either side of his hips.
“Uh- Lawrence?” Oppenheimer’s eyes flick behind you and try to find Ernest’s only to find them still focused on the papers and not really caring.
“Go ahead and enjoy yourself Robert. She’s really skilled.” It’s all the convincing Oppie needs before his eyes focus on your face, your hips slowly rocking against his. 
“I- um- not really sure if you should be- doing this,” he swallows, trying to keep his eyes on your face as your hands trace down his chest. 
“Why not? Daddy said it was ok.” You can hear Lawrence snort in amusement as Robert nods, leaning back in the seat, his hands falling to your hips as he begins to take control. Leaning down, you press your lips against his neck, gently sucking on the supple skin right below his ear, causing his eyes to flutter close.
“Dear- ar-,” he lets out a little moan as your hand moves between yours and his body, gently grazing against his hardon.
“Wow, so Oppie can shut up.” Lawrence’s comment stifles a laugh out of you as you lean back, removing your shirt and bra, discarding them onto the floor of the Rad Lab. Oppenheimer’s eyes instantly fall to your breasts, his hands reading up and gently running the pads of his thumbs against your nipples, causing you to let out a soft moan. Looking up from his paper, Lawrence watches you with a smirk before returning to his work, ignoring the way his cock begins to press against his slacks.
“Are you sure it’s okay if I take her?” Oppenheimer asks as you continue to undress yourself, leaving you in nothing except your stockings, knowing just how much Lawrence likes them on you.
“I’m not in control of her, you have to ask her yourself.” A wave of arousal goes between your legs, because no, Lawrence IS in control of you. For him to suggest otherwise is his way of foreplay.
“Well?” Oppie’s question breaks you out of your thoughts as you drop yourself back on his lap, immediately feeling the length of Oppenheimer’s cock. 
“Yes, Dr. Oppenheimer.” You can visibly see the way Oppie’s pupils dilate before he’s picking you up and placing your back on the desk, one of his hands shoving down his suspenders and pants to his thighs, letting his cock spring free. 
Looking up from his papers, Lawrence watches the way Oppenheimer begins to guide his member towards your heat. 
“You might want to go in at a slight angle, it gets the job done much faster.” 
“Who said I want to get it done fast?” Oppenheimer retorts, his eyes focused on Lawrence behind him and not the way you’re touching yourself underneath him. Lawrence though, sees your deft hand rubbing tight circles against your clit. 
“If you don’t get it done sooner rather than later, she’s gonna lose interest.” Lawrence’s comment has Oppie’s head turning right back to you causing his dick to twitch at the sight. “Besides,” Lawrence slaps the papers on his desk, making his way over to you and Oppie before sitting down on the edge of his desk, “I would still like to have a turn with her.”
“Are you going to watch?” You ask with a small smile causing him to smile back. 
“Yes sweetheart, now why don’t you show Oppie just how nice you feel.” Lawrence smirks, his eyes watching your body intensely as Oppenheimer begins to push the head of his cock in, grunting as he meets resistance. You, on the other hand, let out a moan at the feeling of his cock stretching you out. “How does he feel honey?”
“So good,” you moan out, wiggling your hips and looking up to the physicist above you, “you can move.” Oppie nods his head, his hips starting a steady pace, trying to not look to Lawrence for approval. Leaning over you, Oppenheimer places a tentative kiss on your nipple before taking it between his teeth causing you to let out a sharp gasp of surprise. Picking up his pace, sweat begins to trickle on his forehead as your moans get louder, your nails scratching at his biceps while your hips cant up. 
Feeling the beginning of your orgasm, you reach one hand down between your bodies and begin to rub your clit, eyes fluttering close and chasing the feeling, barely registering the fact that Lawrence is commanding Oppie on what to do. “I’m close.” “We know baby girl, just hold on a little longer.” Oppenheimer comments, his hips thrusting wildly as he chases his own orgasm while he looks to Lawrence, “where?”
“She likes it on her tits. But make sure she cums first.” Oppenheimer nods his head, trying to keep his pace as best as possible so that you can cum. “Come on honey, cum for Robert,” Lawrence whispers in your ear while petting your hair in soothing strokes, sending you toppling over the edge.
“Oh fuck,” you let out a long moan as Oppenheimer continues to thrust into you, helping you ride out your high before slipping out of you and jerking off, hot ropes of his cum landing on your stomach and tits. Both you and Oppenheimer breathe heavily for a minute before you sit up, his cum dripping off your body and onto the floor, while Lawrence smiles like a proud parent.
“Good job Oppie,” Lawrence claps Oppie on the shoulder before his hands unbutton his slacks and push them down, taking a seat at his desk chair, “but let me show you how it’s done.” His focus shifts to you, a lustful look in his eyes. “Well kitten?”
You raise a brow as a smirk forms on your face. “Yes Dr. Lawrence?”
“Why don’t you show me and Dr. Oppenheimer what that pretty little mouth of yours can do,” Lawrence comments as you nod your head, walking over to him before sinking to your knees in between his strong thighs. Judging by how hard he is and how much he’s already leaking, you’re thoroughly shocked he didn’t pull you off of Oppenheimer and just have his way with you. Despite Lawrence being a gentleman to all those who he crosses paths with, he sure loves to manhandle you. Wasting no time, you immediately grab ahold of his member and run your tongue along the thick vein on the underside. If Lawrence felt any sort of pleasure he’s not making it known. Normally, he makes all sorts of noises but you suppose it’s probably Oppie being in the room and Lawrence’s need to establish himself as an alpha male, which you will tease him about later.
Looking up through your lashes, you place a tender kiss to the head of his cock and you can barely see his breath hitch. Wrapping your lips around the head of his cock, your tongue collects the precum that has leaked causing Lawrence’s hand to weave into your hair.
“Think you can take a little more honey?” You nod in response, relaxing your throat as much as possible before his hand starts guiding you up and down on his cock. Reaching up with the hand that’s not wrapped around his member, you gently roll his balls in your hands, aware of the way Oppenheimer watches like there’s nothing else in the world. “You’re doing such a good job honey, just like that,” Lawrence tosses his head back, eyes screwed shut and mouth open in ecstasy as his hips lightly thrust into your mouth. Twisting your hand around his cock, you moan softly causing his hips to briefly falter. Picking up your pace, the sound of you gagging around your lover’s cock echoes in the lab, that and fapping? Looking over briefly, you can make out Oppenheimer’s hand pumping his own cock up and down as if he was watching his own personal porn, in which case, he is.
“Fuck honey, don’t stop.” You can tell that Lawrence is close by the way his hand flexes in your hair. Nodding your head, you take him as deep as you possibly can, your own moans sending vibrations around his cock before it twitches in your mouth. Lawrence lets out a small grunt as he holds your head still around his cock while your hand continues to rub the base of his cock, trying to help him ride out his high as you hear another grunt, this time a little further away. After coming down from his high, Lawrence gently pulls your face off his cock with a lopsided smile. “Now are you going to swallow?” You tilt your head back and swallow his load, loving the way both men have their eyes on you. “Ain’t she a beaut Robert?”
“Yes she is. Wish I had someone so… obedient.” Lawrence chuckles, tucking himself back in before leaning down and kissing you, deciding to ignore the taste of himself on your lips. Standing up to his full height, Lawrence offers you a hand and pulls you up, placing his jacket around your shoulders.
“Well, that was fun,” you comment as Lawrence pulls you into his side, being slightly more possessive now that the sexual tension is dissipating. Oppenheimer immediately picks up on it.
“Right, well, I should get going. Thank you both for that. It was much needed.” You move to respond but Lawrence’s hand grips onto you just a little tighter.
“You’re welcome. We’ll see you tomorrow.” Robert nods his head and dips out of the room, closing the door and leaving you and Lawrence there alone. Turning in his grasp, you reach up and fix his glasses while he kisses the palm of your hand.
“What was with the sudden possessiveness?” He scoffs before picking you up and placing you on his desk, slotting himself between your legs and kneeling on the floor.
“Because, even though we both like him, you belong to me and he needs to know that. Now, let me take care of you, okay?” He presses a kiss to your inner thigh, causing your eyes to flutter shut.
“Sounds good to me.”
Author's Note 3: Thank you to a few certain people who made me confident enough to post this, I could not have done it without you guys <3
Tagging just in case: @floralcyanide @arieslost @darkmoviesquotespizza @cranesbathtowel @madlittlecriminal
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Spoilers for DnP Incohearent!!!!
I’m having so much fun trying to solve these that I made a list to keep track! Message if you can help me fill in any I’m missing or if I’ve got any wrong!!!
Also lmk if you see any I’ve missed!! I’m going to keep updating this and have it unrebloggable but you can reblog this post to have a link to it!
These are all gathered from this post and this post so check the notes on those first to try to solve them then look here if you need answers!
Sow march cheer ray = so much cherry
Wee nay urn for uke oye yer tub = we’ve never fucked on youtube?
Ta fold in fig = the golden pig
Feed hay hid eho = vday video
Tat he won ape hit morse him he = daddy want a bit more simmy
Watt ken ice hay = what can I say
North key bus teabag king = naughty busty baking
Fool tie enter nit hobo / fall tie mint her nepo moe / fault aye mint earn are ohm owe/ foul thyme inch hermit hole mold = full time internet homo
Cumin mile aid deed or = come in my ladydoor
Hum hay zinc tan = amazingdan
Elven ower fug sedge own = eleven hour fuck session
An berry moth ribeye adam stir = and every month we buy a hamster
March rest array = Manchester eye
Cyst herding yell = sister daniel
Add a ding teps = editing tips
Cop dubai khaki luna = topped by kakuna
Late eat tore = ladydoor
Half tugger etch two eggs cyst = have the courage to exist
Perish she end wink = Parisian twink
Coal ten big/ goal then pick = golden pig
Cyst ordain yell = sister daniel
Train youth inks = try new things
Gay mean moss/ gain ink mass = gamingmas
Soften need = soft and neat
A wools lied = owl slide
Topper bought them hill = top or bottom Phil
Coat fit firenze = golf with friends???
Few ours pig meow fits = viewers pick my outfits
Read less tar = red lester
Eye eight soup igloo = I ate super glue
Insight youth era too walls = inside you there are two wolves
Mine amy stan = my name is Dan
Clap hella = glabella
Hiss teeth rent = hits different
Eel eyes apron kay kiss = Eliza pancakes
See pram haze ink bra jet = super amazing project
Feels lie yawn = phils lion
Fuel ease snot dawn fair = Phil is not on fire
Jaw shush ear son = josh hutcherson
Ball bull him tour food = bauble in your foot?
Sure eck = shrek
High ate dust = hiatus
Add a dink deps = editing tips
Ga hay shoom air age = gay shoe marriage
Pope eat plate aim = poppy playtime
Eat aches stu = it takes two
Goo gal few ed = google feud
Baze ick lee eye meg ay = basically I’m gay
Ko min yout ti ew = coming out to you
Ender knit subvert grew oop = internet support group
Phylis turn yar a sheen yes = PHIL LESTER YOU’RE A GENIUS
With Audi intern yet wean ed brr wood halve mat = without the internet we never would have met
Gum ban yins drool I’ve = companions through life
Reed sons wide answer flail = reasons why dans a fail
Ewan dam ah some are reed = you and Dan are so married
Denver sis fill/ Denver cis full = Dan vs Phil
Or lawn huffing = all or nothing
Dunk rye core raft = don’t cry craft
Mortal jester roam and thick/ Morph adjust row antic = more than just romantic
So wall how debris poll light = swallow to be polite???
Oar hinge art = orange heart
Foray virgo em = forever home
Chai reel loop/ share real oob = cherry lube
Cad boyd anne = cat boy dan
Far turf ill lip = father philip
Tess lit hen ink = the slittening
Forth house indie rolled or touches = four thousand year old tortoises
Hey moth swish roundup floating = a month without uploading
Jam march let pet tea an farms = Je mange les petit enfants
Day lion howl tour = Dalien Howlter
Ima let all kit = I’m a little kit
Feel pearl lays shell ter = Phil plays shelter
Fewer blue key app ending = viewer spooky happenings
Hell low iam tour reel = hello I am Toriel
Laugh tuh gey mile kuh = left to get milk
Villas eek wreck why vuh = Phil’s secret wife
Footy strain gin said dent = ___ strange incident????
Snow core play sum = snokoplasm
Nope puts cereal sleeping mage innit = no but seriously imagine it
Tear rip pulling flu hence = terrible influence
Jeff why eye aisle hike vague liner = fyi I like vagina
Eggs intense all cry cis = existential crisis
List of contributors
@fletthewreck @dandp @deadandphilgames @manchesterau @thephouseplants @awrfhi @jonsaremembers @rachosaurusrex @dapgolf @dan-whoell @dnphobe @dreamingalto @steveandscraggy @phanbeats @danandfuckingjonlmao @pepper-pastry @yonpote @un-interactive-introvert @spaniel-trowel @sisterdanieldyke @queerdnp @morganadelacour @amid-fandoms @spectral-kitkat @goingpheral @angelzonearth @wdapteo @2009phan @dansevilpianotea
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gracev0609 · 2 months
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Need You Close Pt 4.
Josh Kiszka X Danny Wagner
A @lipstickitty / gracev0609 collaboration
WC: 3k+
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI, Slash Fic, Explicit Sex, Deep Emotions, Progressing in Their Relationship
Danny wrapped his arms around Josh's smaller frame, bringing his face level to his ear,” So, tonight? Eight-ish?”
Josh giggled,” Heavy on the ish, you know my ass is never on time.”
Butterflies forming in his stomach at the realization that tonight will be their first real date.
How does one date someone they've known almost all their lives? Josh thought as Danny placed a kiss on the top of his head, unwrapping himself and walking away back towards his drum kit.
Shortly after eight, the boys sat at the table across from one another for dinner, nerves swirling through each of them though neither could explain why. Josh reached across the table to grip Danny’s hand, both a little sweaty from the nerves. Danny squeezed his hand and placed a little kiss to the top of it, meeting Josh’s gaze.
“Everything okay?” Danny asked softly, eyes concerned. Their fingers still laced together over the tabletop.
“I-I’m just nervous, I guess. I don’t know how to be on a first date with a guy I’ve known since I was ten.”
Danny giggled loudly before leaning in whispering,” Wanna know a secret?” His large brown eyes playfully scanning back and forth,” I don't know how to either… Maybe we just pretend that this isn't our first, but maybe our fiftieth.”
Josh erupts in giggles, fidgeting with his shirt feeling the discomfort melt away,” You're right. I know you and you know me, and not that much is different.”
“Exactly! So,” Danny threw his thumb up over his shoulder pointing at the bar,’ I'm gonna go get us some tequila shots and some limes and we can get loose.”
Tilting his head back Josh cackles,’ Oh man, that's a dangerous game Daniel!”
Not long after they're biting down on the lime after their third shot of tequila. The boys are laughing and touching and finally becoming comfortable. Things are getting easy, after all they were best friends first. As the liquor keeps flowing Danny notices Josh just staring at him as he talks on and on about the special ordered drum head he got for his snare, stopping mid sentence Danny grins. Josh's eyes are wide, the dim lighting and making his pupils sparkle. There was love radiating from his gaze.
“Hey Josh?”
“I really love you.” Danny grins, taking a sip of his ice water watching Josh's cheeks pinken.
“I really love you too.”
The rest of the meal goes much more smoothly, the nerves and uneasiness completely erased. Conversation and drinks flowing endlessly, near constant giggles escaping each of them.
Danny reaches across the table once more to take Josh’s hand in his own, “You wanna get out of here?”
Josh feigns a scandalized gasp, “On the first date?!” He can’t contain his laughter any longer, cackling loudly, “Yeah, I do. Your place or mine?” He asks with a smirk.
“My bed is bigger.” Danny giggles, Josh can’t help but to laugh with him, agreeing wholeheartedly.
Once the check is paid they exit the restaurant hand in hand making their way back out to Danny’s car where he opens Josh’s door for him first.
“Such a gentleman.” Josh giggles, cheeks blushing pink.
“On occasion.” Danny teases back once he’s settled in his seat as well. He drives them home safely, their fingers laced together the whole way.
Following Danny up his walkway to his front door Josh couldn't help but admire Danny from behind. His tall frame starting narrow at his slender waist flowing outwards to his broad shoulders. Josh smiled to himself, realizing that this magnificent man in front of him was all his.
Stepping into Danny's house they quickly shed their shoes and jackets.
Josh laughed, unfastening the button of his pants,” Should I leave these at the door too?”
Danny beamed, hands grasping at Josh's hips, slowly pulling them down his body,” Might as well, you don't need ‘em in here anyway.”
Once partially undressed Josh reached for Danny's button, quickly slipping it out of the closure and dragging the zipper down. Impatiently Danny ripped the fabric down his legs stepping out of the denim. Grabbing Josh's hand leading him to the bedroom he watched smirking as Josh climbed up into Danny's massive bed. He looked so cute sitting in the middle, plush blue comforter piling high around him. Briefly Danny imagined what his home would look like if Josh was moved in. How he could wake up to Josh in the center of his bed every morning.
“Come on Danny, get in here. I wanna do more than just look at you.” Josh grinned, leaning back into the pillows, stretching his legs out straight. He flexes his hips slightly drawing Danny's attention to the bulge forming in his underwear.
Quickly Danny clambered into the bed, crawling over Josh's body, his face hovering over his. Leaning down he connected their lips, swiping his tongue across Josh's bottom lip he swore he could taste the citrusy tang from the lime slices.
Almost immediately Josh was moaning into Danny's mouth, his hands searching for him, needing to ground himself as he got lost in their makeout.
His arms wound around Danny’s back, Josh pressed his body fully against his, needing him as close as possible. With Danny overtop of him and their mouths moving together so perfectly, Josh knew there was nowhere else he’d rather be.
Danny’s hands cupped Josh’s cheeks gently keeping him in place. Slowly one of his hands began moving down Josh’s body, his fingertips tickling the skin of his neck as they trailed downward. They mapped out the full expanse of Josh’s torso, feeling every inch of his smooth skin and the muscles beneath.
Needing friction and not able to wait any longer for it, Josh’s hips began pushing up into Danny’s, grinding slowly wanting to take his time.
Finally Danny had to break the kiss for a breath of air, the hand still holding Josh’s cheek stroking it softly. “My love…” he whispered, forehead pressed against Josh’s while they both panted breathlessly.
Josh felt himself fully melt at that, wanting to hear it over and over again.
That warm fuzzy feeling of love blossomed in his chest as he fought with himself, wanting to beg Danny to say it again.
“Are you okay? You have a funny look on your face.” Danny asked, concern written in his features.
“Yeah. Um.. I - ah, can you call me that again?”
Danny's brows furrowed, before he broke out in a smile,” Of course I can. My love.’
Josh tangled his fingers into the curls at the nape of Danny's neck, pulling him down his lips peppering kisses along the sensitive skin of his jaw. Resisting the urge to smile as he feels the vibration of Danny's little moan underneath his lips. Moments later Danny gives in, pressing his hips to Josh's, the friction deliciously sweet. They consume each other as they get lost in it all, their bodies growing warm and their breath getting shallow at that familiar burning in the pit of their stomachs.
Josh gripped at the waistband of Danny’s boxers, snapping it against his hip. “Off…” he mumbled against Danny’s lips.
Through giggles, Danny removed his hands from Josh’s body long enough to remove the final layers between them before claiming his lips again.
Pulling back, chest heaving, Danny just gazed down at Josh for a moment, taking in how beautiful he looks like this.
“You’re gorgeous, Danny.” Josh’s eyes full of so much love and admiration stare up at him, thumbs caressing Danny’s sharp features. “I need you… please?” His voice sounded small, a little shaky.
“Of course, love, I’m gonna take care of you. What do you need?”
“Inside me. Please, need to feel you.” Josh begged.
Danny reached over to the bedside table, pulling open the top drawer and retrieving the lube stashed away in there.
Popping the cap open, Danny coated his fingers liberally before letting his middle finger slip inside Josh’s tight walls. Josh sighed happily at the feeling, nowhere near full enough but Danny’s fingers always felt so nice.
Danny took his time stretching him out, leaving him squirming on the bed begging for more.
“Shhhh, I got you.” He shushed, slowly removing his fingers and reaching for the lube once again.” My love, tell me what you need. Another finger or my cock?”
He sighed, his voice a little thick from his arousal,” Your cock, need to feel you. God, I need you to be inside of me.”
Danny squirted some more lube into his palm before thoroughly coating his shaft in it, applying the excess left on his hand to Josh's entrance. Danny's clean hand came up to push his legs further apart as his other grasped his cock in his hand gently rubbing it up and down against his fluttering hole.
“Damnit Daniel stop fuckin teasing me!” He cried, throwing his head back against Danny's pillow.
Gently Danny pushed his hips forward, his slick tip entering his boyfriend. Slowly he nudged forward until the thick head of his cock was enveloped by his tight walls. Pausing, Danny let Josh adjust, knowing he was too impatient to be stretched properly. Danny hung his head down, curls covering his face, his jaw clenched. His body screams at him to bury himself in to the hilt, but his better judgment knows he'd never push Josh that hard.
“You're so fuckin tight baby. Please, love, can I keep going?”
“Yeah Danny, please,do I need to feel more of you. You fill me up so good!” Josh whines, his hand finding his hardness resting on his stomach, slowly he teases himself. Danny watches entranced as his fingers glide up and down his length, teasing the swollen head of his cock. His fingers run through the pearlescent bead forming at his slit. Josh's eyes flutter when his thumb runs over his slit back and forth. Letting his cock fall back against his stomachs his hand comes down to touch his balls, squeezing and massaging them making his cock twitch.
“Are you gonna fuck me now Danny?” Josh smiles, noticing that Danny has stopped moving, preferring to watch Josh touch himself instead.
Slowly Daniel rolls his hips, in and out. Softly at first, gently increasing speed and pressure until grunts and gasps and slick slapping sounds are ringing out in his bedroom.
Josh cries out each time Danny rocks his hips against his prostate, the pleasure almost too much and also not enough. Danny’s firm grip on his waist locks him in place, preventing his body from sliding up the bed with the force of his thrusts.
“Does it feel good, baby?” Danny groans out, one hand sliding from Josh’s waist up to his neck, gently resting over his throat.
Josh nods frantically, “So-so good. You’re so fucking deep, oh my god!” It comes out as a whine more than anything else, Danny’s got him cock drunk already and they’ve barely even started.
“You’re so tight wrapped around me, love. Wanna stay right. Here. Forever.” Daniel punctuates his words with sharp, perfectly timed thrusts making Josh’s eyes flutter.
“Kiss me?” Josh begs, panting, looking up at Danny with his big brown eyes and pouty pink lips.
“I’ll kiss you, sweet boy. I’ll kiss you as much as you want.” Danny leans down and captures Josh’s lips with his own, swiping his tongue across Josh’s bottom lip prompting him to let him in. His tongue explores Josh’s mouth, tasting him thoroughly, both of them moaning freely into the other’s mouth and swallowing down each sound greedily.
Josh locks his legs around Danny’s hips, effectively putting a stop to his thrusting, instead choosing to just grind into Josh’s sweet spot making his back arch off the mattress.
Josh separates their lips just barely, pressing his forehead to Daniel’s, “I love you so fuckin’ much, you know that, right?” He pants, warm breaths fanning over Danny’s lips.
“I know, my love. I love you too, so much.” The hand at Josh’s throat moves to cradle his cheek instead, thumb stroking over his flushed, sweat dampened skin.
Emotions swirl in their chests, the raw emotional need to be as close to one another as possible. Hands gripping and pulling, teeth gnashing as they consume one another. Josh pulls Danny's hips closer with his legs, his hips barely rocking but his tip is still nudging his prostate exactly the way he needs. Panting Danny rests his forehead on Josh's once again, humid sticky breaths cling to their cheeks. Their bodies so close together, Danny's taut skin of his stomach rubbing delicious friction against Josh's cock that's trapped between them.
Josh stares up at him, their eyes locked,” Danny?”
“Yes baby?”
“ ‘M gonna cum soon. Want your pretty cock to make a mess inside me. Can you, can you fill me up?”
His eyes sparkle with lust and love, Danny knew he'd give Josh anything he ever wanted.
Josh's legs loosen around his hips and he's able to drive himself into the spot he loves so much with ease. Immediately whines and cries flow from Josh's pretty pink lips. Danny watches as his eyes roll back, his jaw falls slack and his cheeks redden even more.
“Good boy, mmhmm cum so pretty for me my love that's it.” Danny coos as he feels Josh's release hot and slick against his belly. The silky smooth glide of his cum slicked cock against Danny's skin sends jolts of pleasure up Josh's spine. His hands grip hard onto Danny's muscular biceps as he continues to pound into him.
“Almost there baby, doing so good for me.” Danny grunts as he gets closer and closer. The man below him doesn't respond, fucked out babbling and nonsensical cries leave his lips. His hips stutter as he feels his orgasm rip through him, groaning as he pulses pumping his boyfriend full. Through his haze he feels more wet heat on his stomach, Josh whining as his hips jolt, a second orgasm ravaging his body. Danny can't help but give a few more weak thrusts, fucking his cum deep inside his love all while praising him.
His hands wrap under the smaller man below him, scooping him up and holding him so close,” I love you, I love you, I love you.”
A fucked out grin appears on Josh's face, as his eyes flutter closed and he places a few small kisses to Danny's sweat soaked chest.
Once Danny's breathing calms down he pulls out and tells a barely coherent Josh that he's going to grab a rag to clean them up with. Stiffly Danny makes his way to the bathroom, grabbing a wash rag from the linen closet and turning the water on, letting it heat up. As Danny waits for the water coming from the sink faucet to turn hot he admires his own reflection in the mirror. His hair is fucked from Josh's hands being tangled in it, his cheeks are ruddy and pink, his lips puffy and kiss swollen. His gaze travels down, his tummy wet and glazed with cum. He smirks to himself observing how much Josh had to give him. Once the water is hot enough he quietly cleans himself off before returning to his love who hasn't moved an inch, exhaustion setting in.
Tenderly Daniel cleans up his lover as he can barely stay awake. He tosses the towels into the dirty hamper before climbing into bed.He pulls Josh's body into his, tangling their bare bodies together as sleep takes them for the night.
Josh's eyes opened first, a beam of sun illuminating his face as he laid on Dannys chest. Groggily he lifted his head causing Danny to stir awake.
“Good morning my love,” Danny greeted, his voice laced with sleep.
Josh beamed, his eyes crinkling, full smile on display,” Morning baby.”
“You want coffee?” Danny asked, his hands skirting down Josh's bare back.
Josh rolls off of him, sitting up on the edge of the bed,” Please, in the largest mug you have.” He rises from the bed, from void of clothing and he frowns as he remembers he didn't pack a bag. Turning to face Danny as he pulls a pair of sweatpants from his drawer,” Can I borrow some clothes? I wasn't expecting to stay on our first date, but obviously I was wrong.’
He laughs pulling a second pair of pants out and tossing them to his love before grabbing him a soft tee shirt too. Graciously Josh put on the clothes, the soft worn fabric bringing a smile to his face. Giggling as he looks at himself in the mirror, shirt hanging off of his body, pant legs pooling at his feet.
They make their way to his kitchen, eager for their cup of coffee. Danny makes their coffees exactly the way they like them and they sit down to enjoy their beverages. Danny finds himself unable to tear his eyes away from Josh, his small frame being swallowed up by the much too large borrowed clothing. He can’t stop himself from imagining what it would be like if Josh moved in, every morning spent just like this- domestic bliss.
He fidgets in his seat, a little anxious to ask the question he’s about to ask but knowing with absolute certainty that it’s what he wants. “So, I’ve been thinking…” he trails off, clearing his throat nervously.
“About what?” Josh giggles, meeting Danny’s gaze with a big grin.
“Would you- feel free to say no if you think it’s too soon, but- would you want to move in with me?” Danny looks down at his lap anxiously after he spits out his question, a little afraid he may have just ruined everything.
Josh is silent for a moment, his eyes growing a little glossy with tears threatening to spill over, but the grin has never left his face.
“I know it’s kinda soon, but we’ve known each other forever, and I kinda just… don’t want you to leave. I wanna wake up with you in my clothes, in my bed. I’ve never been so sure about anything. I love you so much.” Danny rambles on, unable to stop talking.
Josh cuts him off by crashing their lips together, his hands cradling Danny’s face as a couple happy tears slip down his cheeks. “I’d love to.” Josh’s words come out as a soft whisper, his forehead pressed against Danny’s. Once again warmth flooded his chest, knowing that as long as he was with Danny he was home.
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stardustcatcher · 2 years
Pretty Boy
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Pairing: Josh Kiszka x Reader
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: SMUT (18+ minors DNI), swearing, needy subby-ish josh, dry humping, praise, fluff, josh being a lil sad (bc that indeed needs a warning), biting? like once, a lot of pet names cause i'm a slut for that, uhh i don't think there's anything else but let me know if i missed anything.
AN: babby posts writing?!? it's a christmas miracle! this has been in my drafts for literally ever but i kinda revised it and decided why the fuck not. idk if i'm really happy with it but i wanted to get something posted and i'm deep in josh land so this is what happened. heavily inspired by the need i have for josh to be in my lap. it's not my best and it's short but i hope you all enjoy it anyway :)
this is also my first time writing in second person and it wasn't as hard as i thought so maybe all my fics will be like that from now on, but with my inconsistency, who knows  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You were sitting on the couch, glass of wine in hand reading your favorite book for the umpteenth time when you heard the front door slam. The jingling of keys were heard as they were set on the little hook by the door and you peeked over to where your beautiful lover stood, toeing off his shoes with a heavy sigh. Josh looked absolutely drained, hair disheveled, cheeks flushed, and shoulders tight with an unknown tension. Nevertheless, the sight of him made you smile. He’d been so busy recently, putting the finishing touches on the band’s newest album, and it felt like he hadn’t been home in ages. 
Josh trudged over to where you sat on the couch, his lips pursed in a slight pout as he bent down to kiss your forehead, then your nose, and then planted a chaste peck on your lips. “Hey, mama,” he said with a smile, though it didn’t reach his eyes and it seemed forced. 
“Hi, baby. How was work?” you asked, handing him the glass of wine knowing that he could probably use it. He sighed with a roll of his eyes and took a gulp of the red in the glass. 
“Don’t wanna talk about work,” he shook his head, running a hand down his tired face. You nodded, knowing that wasn’t true. Josh always said he didn’t want to talk about what was bothering him, but in fifteen minutes or less, he’d be venting. 
“Okay, we don’t have to talk. But come sit with me, I miss you,” you shut your book, laying it on the coffee table before patting the space beside you. Josh flopped down on the cushion, sinking into the softness before you cuddled up to his side, head on his chest and arm thrown around his waist. His hand made its way into your hair, smoothing it over and pressing his fingers lightly into your scalp. His lips left a kiss on your temple as you listened to the song of his heartbeat, his body heat warming you up. 
“How was your day? Hope it was better than mine,” he whispered, lips on your forehead. 
“Boring without you,” you answered. “I put those shelves up in the bedroom, did the laundry, and cleaned up the kitchen. Just stuff that needed to get done,” you shrugged and felt his chest rumble with a small laugh. 
“What a pretty little homemaker you are,” he chuckled.
“Shut up,” you laughed along with him, shoving his side playfully. “I’m happy you're home.”
“I’m happy to be home,” he replied with a hum. “Today was just not my day. Sam was extra late today and cranky, we found out that one of the takes for a song we recorded was almost completely unusable, Jake was being an ass, I didn’t get to eat lunch, and just to top it all off, I got a fucking flat tire on the way home,” Josh ranted, face becoming redder with each inconvenience he recalled. 
“I’m sorry, my love,” you pouted at him, genuinely upset that he had such a bad day. Josh was the sweetest, kindest man you’d ever met. He deserved nothing but the most wonderful days. “I can’t do much but would a cuddle help?” you asked hopefully, pushing yourself away from him and opening your arms welcomingly. Josh smiled, the first real one you’d seen, his pearly white perfect teeth on display, looking just a little bit happier at the suggestion. 
“A cuddle always helps,” he grinned. You readjusted yourself in your seat, lifting the blanket up with one hand and patting your lap with the other. 
Josh got up before plopping himself down in your lap, straddling you with a leg on the side of each hip. His head burrowed into your neck as you laid the blanket back over the both of you. Your left hand moved to his curls, raking your fingers through them while your right hand slid under the back of his shirt, nails training up and down his spine. He wrapped himself around you like a koala, inhaling the scent of your shampoo and body wash, taking slow deep breaths and calming himself. 
With his incessant need for constant physical touch, you’d found out early in your relationship that this was the ideal position for Josh to get what he needed to ground himself and calm down. Everyone needed to be held sometimes, and he was no exception. His arm tenderly wrapped around your waist as he gave you a squeeze, his breath warm and soothing against your neck. “Is there anything else on your mind, lover?” you asked, leaning your cheek against his head as you continued to rub his back. 
“Just miss you, I guess,” he mumbled into your skin. “Feels like forever since we’ve been like this. Miss holding you, being held by you. Miss your kisses, touching you, loving on you. Just miss you.”
“I miss you too, Josh,” you sighed, feeling tears well in your eyes at the thought of him feeling so starved for attention and affection and love. “But we’re here now, and you’re off for the next few days, aren’t you?”
He nodded, hair tickling your face. “Yeah, wanna spend them just like this,” he hummed, completely and utterly content. 
After a few moments he lifted his head, moving to rest his forehead against yours. His lips gently pressed into yours  and he melted against you even more, your hands moving to hold his hips. Your lips melded together as he poured all his love into you with a kiss that said I love you, I miss you, I need you. 
Josh deepened the kiss as his mouth parted, a tiny high pitched whine escaping his throat. His hands moved from behind you to tug at the bottom of your shirt. “Want it off,” he muttered against your lips. You smiled before pulling back, tugging your shirt off carelessly and tossing it behind you as he did the same with his own. He groaned at the sight of your naked chest and you could feel him grow hard in his pants from where he sat in your lap. “You’re so beautiful, mama,” Josh whispered before reconnecting your lips, his tongue immediately tangling with yours in a sloppy kiss. You swallowed the wanton moans and sighs that left him, gulping them down greedily as his hips began to move against you on their own accord. “Fuck,” he shuddered when his hips caught a particularly good spot.
“Feel good, sweet boy?” you asked, caressing his cheek with your thumb. His face was flushed and his eyes were clazed over with lust and love and pleasure. “It’s been so long, you must be real pent up, huh?”
“Yeah,” his breath hitched and eyes clenched shut as he ground his covered c ock against your lower stomach. “I had plans, y’know. Soon as I got home, was gonna make you cum on my tongue, then my fingers. Then I was going to fuck you, slow and sweet, just like you deserve.”
“We can still do all that, baby,” you kissed his neck, sucking and biting in all the places you knew drove him crazy. “But you deserve this, and you look so fucking pretty like this, Joshua.”
He keened high in his throat, the noise needy as his hands grappled at your sides, squeezing the soft flesh. “Say that again, please?”
“You like being called pretty, baby?” you whispered into his ear as his head dropped to your shoulder, his hips grinding faster against you now. “You wanna be my pretty good boy?”
“Yes,” he groaned, biting lightly at the junction of your neck and shoulder. “Gonna be so good for you, promise.”
“You already are, baby,” you said, and he was. Josh was the prettiest thing you’d ever seen, all the time. When he was on stage performing for thousands, when he was concentrating with his tongue poking between his lips, when he was sitting as still as he possibly could while getting his rhinestones applied, but he was especially pretty like this when he was sat on your lap, grinding his hips back and forth feverishly chasing that high that was building in the pit of his stomach. You kissed his bare shoulder, loving the feeling of his naked chest pressed against yours, how his hips rutted into you without care, how his neck and chest and ears were all blushed pretty pink. Your hands held his hips firmly, helping guide his movements, to grind him down on you just a little bit harder. “You’re always so good for me, Josh. So good to me. No one has ever loved me like you do, cared for me like you do, fucked me like to do, made me cum like you do. My best boy, the sweetest boy in the world, and you’re all mine. Aren’t you?”
“All yours, all fucking yours,” he gasped and lifted his head and threw it back, an expression of pure bliss etched onto his god-like face. 
“God, I’m the luckiest woman in the world. Do you know how many people would kill to see you like this and I get it all the time, anytime I want,” you mouthed at his collar bones and moved one hand from his hip to cup the bulge in his pants. “You’re so hard, pretty boy. This must hurt. You wanna cum?”
“So bad,” he nodded, his back arching while he ground into the palm of your hand. You could almost feel him throb through his pants. 
“Go ahead, cum for me,” you leaned up to capture his lips once more. “Just like this. I wanna see it.”
“But my pants,” he whined but didn’t stop or slow his movements. 
“I don’t care, and I don’t think you do either. Now c’mon, make a mess, pretty boy.”
A broken moan clawed from the deep within his chest as his hips stuttered against you and a warm wet spot blossomed on the front of his pants, darkening the fabric. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he cried before slowing the movement of his hips gradually, riding out his high. 
When it finally died down, he slumped forward and pressed a row of kisses across your shoulder, breaths coming out in heavy pants. “Feel better?” you asked, hand tangling in his hair once more. 
“So much,” he smiled with an airy, fucked out giggle. “Thank you, darling. I needed that so bad, you have no idea.”
“Anything for my pretty boy,” you ran a hand over his warm face before tapping his hip. “Now get up and I’ll run us a bath, then we can order-in dinner. How does that sound?”
“Like heaven.”
taglist: @peachpitpearls @alexxavicry @spark-my-nature
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seenoversundown · 8 days
Amongst The Stars: Chapter Nine
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Josh x Quinn (Nonbinary OC) Warnings: The Kiss, Tears, Jake being brother of the year, Anxious thoughts, self-doubt, minimizing your own pain, Josh is kind of in a tailspin for a little bit - so anything that goes along with those big catastrophic feelings. Word Count: 3.3k Summary: Josh has always loved love,  and he's finally found it. Buuuut, he can't exactly tell anyone. Join him as he navigates the ins and outs of his sweet, secret romance. Author's Note: This chapter… I’m sorry. Josh is in his feelings and it put me in MY feelings. Just stick with me for a bit, I hate making these characters sad, but we’ve only got a little longer before they stop hurting each other and just cave. 
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“But it's not real And you don't exist And I can't recall the last time I was kissed It hits me in the car And it feels like the end of a movie I've seen before Before”  Ceilings -  Lizzy McAlpine 
It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the feeling of Quinn’s arms wrapped around me, to get lost in the feeling of their lips first brushing against mine. We’re so close together that it's easy to allow myself to move just a little closer and kiss them again. It's easy to pretend that they want this.. And for a second, I live in bliss, knowing that they’re kissing me with as much fervor as I’m kissing them. It didn’t last long before I felt one of their hands snake between us, open palm landing on my chest. They gently shove me back, face full of bewildered anger. 
I watch as their brows furrow together and their eyes dart back and forth, trying to process what happened. 
“Is this—” they stop, their mouth opening and closing as they choose their following words. “Is this why you offered to help? So you could try and pick me up?”  “What? No! No, absolutely not,” I rush out, “I don't know why I did that. I swear it wasn't intentional.”  “So you go around… unintentionally… kissing people on the mouth?!” They laughed humorlessly, “That's just a thing you do in your spare time?” 
I sigh and run a hand through my hair before responding. 
“No, that came out wrong. I didn't mean for it to happen; I got caught up.”  “You got caught up in a thank-you hug? A thank-you peck? Do you realize how that sounds?” “I'm usually better at speaking than this,” I try to joke.  “Are you sure about that?”  “No… not really.” there's a long beat of silence where we’re just staring at each other.  “Okay, well, I need you to leave now,” they finally grit out, “We’ve done enough.”  I slowly nod my head and turn to leave, then hear them call out “Thanks for the help, but please don't contact me for a while.”  “Of course, Quinn,” I whisper defeatedly, walking out the door, “anything you want.” 
I hop in my truck feeling utterly bewildered. I know that I kissed them a second time, but Quinn literally started it. They kissed me first and now they’re acting like I caused all of this. Shut up, Josh. Can’t you see that they’re hurt and confused? Give them a little time to come to terms with it. 
As I slide my key into the lock on the door to our apartment, I finally allow myself to break down. Fat tears roll down my face as I walk through the door.  Why did I do that? 
I take my shoes off and practically rocket-launch myself onto the couch, not caring to take my jacket off. More tears fall as I play back the last few hours in my head. I think of how much fun we had throughout the day, joking and laughing as I helped Quinn move and unpack their boxes. I think about how my heart fluttered ardently the longer I was in their presence. I think about how we’d flash each other secret smiles over the day. 
How could I betray their trust? How could I think that this is what they wanted? How could I think that I was what they wanted? 
I let out a defeated groan and flop onto my back, pulling one of the throw blankets that Jake insists make it “look like we have our shit together” over top of me. I pull out my phone and click into my text thread with Quinn. My fingers hover over the keyboard as I remember their voice telling me not to contact them. I’m so stupid. 
I’ll be better by the time Jake comes home. He doesn't deserve to see me like this. It's not his job to pick up the pieces for his older brother. 
I stretch out on the couch and let my eyes drift closed. Tears still stream down my face as I continue recounting every last detail. It plays like a slideshow, and the very second I get to the end of it, my brain loops it right back to the beginning of the day. 
Picking Quinn up from their roommate’s house, helping them box everything up, Craig coming in and causing a scene, taking boxes to the truck, moving the boxes to their new home, unpacking them, Kiss, “Don't contact me for a while,” rinse and repeat. 
The worst part about the situation is that I caused it myself because I'm impulsive and reckless. I can't even blame Quinn for being upset with me because I know how my actions look. It does seem like I only offered to help in an attempt to pick them up. 
I can feel my emotions lulling me to sleep, and I quickly open my eyes and fumble for the remote.
I’ll put a movie on, so Jake will assume I just couldn't hang for movie night. He doesn't need to know that I can't physically make it to my bedroom. 
I shuffle through streaming services and ultimately decide on the Pirates of the Caribbean series. They're Jake’s favorites, so there’s an added layer of protection — he’ll hopefully get too distracted by Kiera Knightly to notice my lumpy form sticking out of the couch cushions. I select the first one in the series, then lay back down, covering my head in the blanket, and let sleep take me. 
I wake in a cold sweat several hours later to the sound of Jake’s key turning in the lock, and I can feel a fresh wave of sadness hit me. 
Don't cry. Pretend to be asleep. Give Jake peace.  Don't cry. Pretend to be asleep. Give Jake peace. 
The more I think about it, the harder it is to keep the tears from falling, so I try my hardest to stay silent. Perhaps he won't notice my body shaking with sobs if he can't hear them coming out. 
I listen as he hangs his keys up and slides his well-worn pair of Vans off his feet by the front door. 
Keep quiet. Keep quiet. Keep quiet. 
“Josh,” he hollers out, noticing I left the TV on.  
Keep quiet. Keep quiet. Keep quiet. 
I hear his socked feet walk over to the coffee table, and he watches a bit of the movie before shutting the TV off, not noticing me on the couch. 
“Josh,” He pads through the apartment, opening my bedroom door, “You're kind of freaking me out.” 
My resolve breaks at the concerned timbre of his voice, and I suck in a shuddering sob. He jogs back to the living room as another wave of emotions hits me. I feel the couch dip as he sits beside me, then slowly uncovers my head. 
“Oh, Bubba,” he squeaks, wiping the tears from my cheeks.  “I’m s-sor—” I cut my own apology off with a soft wail. 
He pulls me into a bone-crushing hug, gently rubbing his hand up and down my spine. 
“What happened?”  “I- I—” I suck in a snotty breath, trying to find the words to explain. “No, it's okay. You don't have to talk right now,” he runs a hand through my hair.
“Here, let's get this jacket off you and get you in the bath.” 
I cry harder because Jake knows exactly what I need and is helping me willingly. He’s giving me his time and energy even after he worked an entire shift. 
He stands up from the couch and offers me a hand, practically dragging me to a standing position, before disappearing down the hallway and starting the bathtub. I walk over to the coat rack and finally hang my jacket up after sleeping in it for hours. 
I take a second to wipe my eyes on the cuff of my long-sleeved white t-shirt and compose myself before following Jake back to the bathroom. As I enter the room, I see that Jake has already set out a fresh towel, and he’s fiddling with the tap while adding a healthy amount of Dr. Teal’s Ashwagandha bubble bath into the tub. 
“I picked the one for ‘calming your mind,’” he says, turning to meet my gaze, “it seems like you could use it.” 
He shrugs and goes back to fiddling with the tap, somehow knowing the exact combination of hot and cold water that I love.  I walk over to him and place my hand on his shoulder, gently squeezing. 
“Thank you, Jake,” I start, clearing my throat because it’s rough with disuse, “I love you a lot.”  “Don't worry about it, bub,” He pats my hand on his shoulder and turns to leave the bathroom, “I’ll be in the living room when you're ready.” 
He closes the door, and I strip out of my clothes. 
I pull my phone from the pocket of my discarded pants and hit shuffle on my music library, hoping the background noise is enough to distract me while I rot in the tub. 
I walk out of the bathroom, feeling like half of a human being again. 
Far cry better than how I felt earlier, I think as I walk into the living room. 
Jake sits on the couch, a glass of scotch in hand, in his trusty sweatpants and his usual half-buttoned flannel. He’s added his wire-rimmed reading glasses to his ensemble. 
“Thank you again,” I say, voice still thick with tears. He softly smiles at me, moving to stand.  “You don't have to thank me. What kind of brother would I be if I let your sorry ass have a mental breakdown all alone,” he says in a joking manner, but I can see the concern etched all over his face.  “Pretty shitty one, if you ask me,” I laugh, but it sounds hollow even to my ears. He lets out a small sigh and makes his way to the kitchen. I take a seat next to the one he just vacated on the couch, and that's when I finally notice that he’s taken all but two of our blankets and made a giant pallet on the floor. Just like when we were little. Stop it, Josh. You can't cry because your brother is being kind to you. It's his job to be kind to you. 
I pull one of the free blankets over my lap and finally notice that Jake has been sitting here in silence, with Stardust queued up and ready to start whenever I got out of the tub. I pull at the collar of my shirt, trying to do anything I possibly can to dislodge the emotions that sit there.   Sometimes, it's just hard to believe how much Jake loves and respects me. I’ll remember this for the rest of my life, and I hope I don’t ever have to repay his love and kindness, but I’ll be ready if I do. 
My sappy thoughts are interrupted by Jake waltzing back into the room, a mug of hot chocolate, I guess by the smell of it, in each hand. He reaches over and hands one to me with a conspiratorial look. 
“There’s rum in this,” I state, more so than I ask.  “What better way to drown your sorrows?” “You make a fine point, Kiddo,” I take the first sip of my drink and let it warm me from the inside out. 
Jake sits beside me on the couch, pulling his blanket over his legs, and sighs when the hot chocolate hits his lips. He reaches out for the remote on the coffee table and presses play. 
He gives me precisely 30 seconds before he turns to examine me. 
“Wanna talk about it?”  I let my head fall back against the couch and groan ”I fucked up,” I cut myself off there, knowing that Jake won't let me leave it at that.  “That much is obvious,” Jake says as he reaches over to pat my knee, “but I’m gonna need more details.” 
I swipe one hand over my face, rubbing my eyes. 
“Okay, so hypothetically speaking, I may have accidentally kissed someone who I wasn’t supposed to..”  I peek over at Jake, trying to gauge his reaction.  “Okay,” he raises an eyebrow, beckoning me to continue.  “And I really, really, really liked this person.”  “FaceTime date that I interrupted? Quinn?”  “Why do you remember EVERYTHING?” I ask with a slight chuckle. “Gotta keep tabs on my idiot brothers,” he shrugs, “but I suppose it didn't go well?”  “You could say that,” I grimace, “basically ended with them telling me to leave them alone indefinitely.” 
Jake sits and thinks for a moment. I can see him weighing his options and trying to decide how he wants to tackle this. 
“You know, I’m not the best at relationships myself. So, I won't waste your time on advice. But, what I will say,” Jake stops to clear his throat, placing one hand on the back of his neck, "is that I can see the love and care that radiates from you day in and day out. I can see how everyone wants to be around you, hoping they can get just a little bit of the light you give out. Just give your person time, and I'm sure they’ll recognize it too.” 
My throat tightens again. 
“I don't know. They seemed pretty adamant about not wanting to see me.” “You're pretty good at changing people's minds, so don't count yourself out yet.” 
I nod my head, refusing to speak because I know that I'll lose the hold that I currently have on my tears. I set my drink on the coffee table and pull him into a crushing hug. 
“You mean so much to me. I love you.” “Okay, sappy. Pull it together.” "I’m trying, but you’re being exceptionally nice to me and it’s making me more emotional,” I let out a watery laugh into his shoulder. “Bub, you’re always a little bit emotional. That’s how we all know you’re human and not some Sunshine Powered Robot.” 
He pulls out of my grasp and pinches my arm, 
“Now get your ass on the pallet,” he points to the forgotten about make-shift bed, “we’re having a sleepover like when we were little.”
My heart tugs at that, knowing that he also thought about our younger years. I try to ignore the fact that he’s likely only doing this because he’s afraid I’ll go rogue if he leaves me alone.  To be fair, it’s a reasonable fear to him to have. If I could sink into the couch cushions and sleep for a year, I’d do it in a heartbeat. But that’s not really a feeling you can voice out loud without getting a few.. looks. 
I hop down from the couch and stretch out on the blankets Jake laid out, and I feel him drop down to the pallet after he clicks the lights off. 
“Want me to restart it?” Jake asks, nodding to the now halfway finished movie. “No, I’m just gonna go to sleep.”
Jake hums in acknowledgement and flops out on his back. We lay in silence and I let the soft background noise lull me to a state of comfort for the first time today. Just as I’m on the precipice of sleep, I feel Jake shift beside me. 
“Hey Bub,” he starts. “Mhm,” I reply, eyes still closed.  “I know you’re hurting. But I know that it’ll work out. And if it doesn’t work out on its own, I know you’ll make it work out. You’re resilient.”“Jake,” I groan, “Please stop being nice to me.” “Not being nice, just honest.”
He is right, I am resilient, I do make things work for myself if the universe won’t make them work. I breathe a massive sigh, but eventually drift off to sleep with hope in my heart from Jake’s words. 
I wake in the morning to the smell of bacon and my stomach growls. 
Yeah, dummy. You didn’t eat last night. 
I stand up from the makeshift bed and stretch my limbs.
Getting a little bit too old to sleep on the floor like that, I think as one of my knees pops in protest. 
I make my way into the kitchen with hopes that Jake will part with one piece of his bacon. When I round the corner, I see that Jake hasn’t just prepared himself breakfast, but he’s prepared an entire spread. 
“Feeding an army?” I joke, as I walk up to our cabinet and grab a coffee mug down.  Jake jumps at my words and sets his phone down.  “Fuck, you scared me,” he chuckles, “No, I just assumed you didn’t eat yesterday and didn’t know what you’d want. So, there’s an array.” ”It’s like 7:30 in the morning, Jake. You got off at 2 and then stayed up with me. Why are you already awake?” “I don’t require as much beauty sleep as you do.” “You say that, but maybe you should try. Could be the reason you don't have a girlfriend.” “Oh, hush it and come grab a plate.”
I pile a plate high with various items. Pancakes, bacon, fresh fruit that Jake apparently had time to cut up.  Wouldn’t be shocked if he actually went to the farmers market this morning. He’s such a mother. 
I begin shoveling food into my mouth, not even bothering to sit down. I glance back at Jake, and find him on his phone again. 
”Who could you possibly be texting this early?” ”The boys,” he waves a hand as if to say no one important.  “Wait,” I say, popping a few grapes into my mouth, “Do you all have a group chat without me in it?” ”Joshua, where are your manners?” He chides. “Don’t try to distract me,” I say around my mouthful, “Do you have a group chat without me?”  “Not one that we use regularly,” he rolls his eyes as if I’m the stupidest person in the world.  “Do you use it to talk shit about me?” I puff my bottom lip out in an exaggerated pout.  “No, but we’re about to start if you don’t stop pouting at me.” ”I had the worst day of my life yesterday, and you’re talking shit about me in a separate group chat?” ”I’m glad to see your not annoying at all sense of humor is still intact,” he peers up at me from behind his reading glasses, “it was kind of touch and go last night.”
I bark out a laugh. 
“No, really, I was just texting them to see if one of them could open the bar today.” “I don’t need to be on a watchlist or anything, Jake. You don’t have to have them open.” “I know you don’t,” he scoffs, “but I still want to be around if you need me. 
My heart tugs again. He’s putting his work day on hold because he wants to make sure I don’t need him. 
“You’re, uh. You’re—“ I start, then stop, “I’m glad the universe stuck us together.”  “I know that you’re emotionally distressed right now, so I’ll forgive the lack of flowery language.” “Oh shut it. I love you a lot. And I’m really thankful that you are my brother.”
I smile at him from across the table and tuck back into my plate. 
“Oh,” he starts, “I also already texted your boss and said there was a family emergency, so you’re off work for the next few days.”  “Thank you, I absolutely would have accidentally no-showed.”  “I know, but that’s what I’m here for,” he responds as he reaches out to pat my arm. 
For the gazillionth time since last night, I can’t help but think of how lucky I am to have Jake. 
I’ll pay him back for this one day, I swear it. 
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mikexfaisty · 3 months
The Outsiders 6/19/24 Matinee Thoughts
Lots of swings!! Henry was on for Brill, Victor on for Darrel, Josh on for Ponyboy, and Jordan on for Two-Bit. Renni was also out but they just cut Steve. So Ace had his lines. Milena came on as an extra greaser girl in scenes where they had to move a bunch of the sets/wood; Drive-in, Run, run brother, etc. Sarah Grace was also not in the rumble so there could be an even amount of greasers vs socs.
The woman who Pony sits next to was so embarrassed. She kept her face in her hands when Josh tried to engage with her. 
Ace/Tilly almost got hit by the grease they throw in Grease Got a Hold.
People couldn’t handle when Pony spit in Bob’s face. It's always a funny moment to see the audience reaction because they love it lmao. The last time I saw the show a guy cheered when Johnny stabbed Bob but there was none of that today lol. 
I’m giving a shoutout to Jordan because he always looks like he’s having so much fun up there! A real fun Two-Bit. He screams pretty loud when the socs attack him and I was sad. 
Also giving a shoutout to Joshua as Dallas because why not he's always fucking amazing.
Nobody talks about Two-Bit and Ace under the bench at the drive-in more often. Dally always pushes Two-bit’s shoe away when he goes to sit with Cherry and they always look annoyed lol. 
Kevin/Tripp laughed so loud when Dally is trying to leave the stage after Cherry throws her drink at him.
Post rumble victory hug for Pony and Darrel are always welcomed!! 
And speaking of Curtis brother hugs, Soda really kept Pony in tight embrace after Johnny’s death. Like really holding him close and they stayed like that for a decent amount of time before Pony breaks away. Soda looks so sad and devastated. 
Everyone (even Milena!) except Jason and Sky were at the stage door. They are all so sweet and take the time to sign everything they can. I can tell they were tired though and about half of them came out and immediately said “wow it’s hot today”. 
Kevin loves teasing Dan and it’s so funny. Kevin was happy because he got the big sharpies that Dan likes because it’s waterproof and only Dan gets it but he got it today. 
I took my friend to see it for first time and she cried from Stay Gold to the end of the show and she loved it and wants to see it again when she's up in September. Success!
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ventismacchiato · 3 months
skibidi gyatt rizz only in ohio duke dennis did you pray today livvy dunne rizzing up baby gronk sussy imposter pibby glitch in real life sigma alpha omega male grindset andrew tate goon cave freddy fazbear colleen ballinger smurf cat vs strawberry elephant blud dawg shmlawg ishowspeed a whole bunch of turbulence ambatukam bro really thinks he's carti literally hitting the griddy the ocky way kai cenat fanum tax garten of banban no edging in class not the mosquito again bussing axel in harlem whopper whopper whopper whopper 1 2 buckle my shoe goofy ahh aiden ross sin city monday left me broken quirked up white boy busting it down sexual style goated with the sauce john pork if you actually ready this plz say "i got a level 10 GYAT!!!" grimace shake kiki do you love me huggy wuggy nathaniel b lightskin stare biggest bird omar the referee amogus uncanny wholesome reddit chungus keanu reeves pizza tower zesty poggers kumalala savesta quandale dingle glizzy rose toy ankha zone thug shaker morbin time dj khaled sisyphus oceangate shadow wizard money gang ayo the pizza here PLUH nair butthole waxing t-pose ugandan knuckles family guy funny moments compilation with subway surfers gameplay at the bottom nickeh30 ratio uwu delulu opium bird cg5 mewing fortnite battle pass all my fellas gta 6 backrooms gigachad based cringe kino redpilled no nut november pokénut november foot fetish F in the chat i love lean looksmaxxing gassy social credit bing chilling xbox live mrbeast kid named finger better caul saul i am a surgeon hit or miss i guess they never miss huh i like ya cut g ice spice gooning fr we go gym kevin james josh hutcherson coffin of andy and leyley metal pipe falling
i hate how i skimmed thru it and recognized most of the references 😭😭
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angelofverdum · 6 months
Station 19 7x04
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Are my eyes deceiving or did I just watch a good episode of Station 19? It was so depressing I loved it.
It gagged me so bad that I had to look up the writers and see if they had written other episodes for the show. Mellow Brown wrote 6x05 and this is Sybil Azur's first episode for Station. mmm hello? Why would you hide the talent?
I don't know if it is the best episode but top 3 for sure.
I said it before and I'll say it again this cast is so talented. The storylines are usually so dumb that they can't actually tap into their acting bag.
Barrett's performance has been amazing. Like the pain? Damn. Vic is always joking around and having shitty storylines but I want to know more about this Vic, like what is happening to you, mama?
I'm not Ross' biggest fan, but Merle Dandridge for sure can command a scene. I think that was one of the most difficult calls they've had ever in the show and she had the responsibility to make the audience feel that and she delivered.
I loved this episode so much that Andy was one of my favorite characters, and my relationship with her is complicated.
Some told me that they exchanged Jack for Beckett and hey I'm still bitter about how he bullied Maya but Josh Randall is an actor for real. Grey would get an aneurysm before delivering a scene like Josh did with Boris. (I know Grey's a good guy)
Theo finally did something good. I know he will probably be around but I hope not.
The pacing was perfect too.
Maya and carina are so beautiful together. The scene were Carina needs more diapers and she stops Maya, and comunicate clearly what she needs and Maya complied. Oh I need this in my life.
Every interaction was perfect.
Now, in the most userious way.
You don't understand how loud I gasped when they showed that Carina and Maya were on the same side of the bed. Half of the bed was empty, lmao Carina was all up in Maya's space. Love that for them.
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I don't understand why they are wearing those shoes inside the house. I'm Latina and we used flip-flops inside the house around here, is this an American thing?
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Also, Maya couldn't let her baby cry for 3 seconds, and she thought she was going to be the strict parent.
Also, Carina was tired of Maya. She was let's go right now. And the way she opened her arms like it would be a physical fight. I'm sure she can take Maya but not in a fight.
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