#Josh x reader
wonusite · 11 months
Sweet Dreams
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❝ You dream about a beautiful man nearly every time you fall asleep. After getting to know him and everything about him, you see him outside of your dreams—in a museum painting. ❞
PAIRING: joshua hong x female reader
GENRE: vampire au, reincarnation au, angst, smut
WARNINGS: vampire!joshua, human!reader, lucid dreaming, reincarnation, so much yearning, mentions of death, joshua is a brooding mess, protective!minghao, unprotected sex, blood play, biting, creampies
A/N: this has been long overdue, and i hope you guys like it! loosely based off this ask. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
A simple word that holds more power and venerability than any ruler of the middle kingdom. It’s a mystifying concept that follows no rules and simply is; something that can actively be changed but not avoided. Joshua learns this late in his long life—a derailment of his own making. The lesson comes to him in the form of a fiery witch running from her death.
As a creature that’s lived in solitude since he became immortal, it’s not in his nature to be helpful. It’s why he has no interest in saving the witch from the demons that are hunting her. This, however, doesn’t stop the insolent little witch from forcing herself into his sanctuary. He fights her on it, baring his fangs while saying the most despicable and bone chilling threats to her. The young witch isn’t fazed and makes it clear that he doesn’t have a choice in the matter.
In the end, he concedes. Not because she’s powerful enough to make him obey her, but because she reminds Joshua of himself when he was desperately clinging to his own survival. Perhaps that’s the reason he becomes inexplicably drawn to her. Josh almost feels like she’s bewitched him, and the most unusual part of it all is that he doesn’t care even if that is the case.
He seeks her out after he helps her despite knowing that it can’t possibly end well. Their kinds don’t mix, and it’s doubtful that two abominations can share something as sacred and beautiful as love. Fate has never allowed it before, but Joshua is foolish enough to try to defy destiny.
Courting the witch isn’t easy. Then again, anything that involves her never is. The witch is a firm believer in being reverent to the same fates that gave her the powers she wields while Joshua couldn’t care less about the fates that turned him into a monstrosity. This creates a disconnect between them because the witch is firm that she could never love such an irreverent creature.
This hardly deters him. Joshua is relentless in his chase, and after the longest decade of his life he’s finally able to win the witch’s thorn-covered heart.
And so, even just for the briefest moments, they’re allowed to create their own destiny with each other.
Loving someone, loving her, is the most addicting feeling he’s ever felt. The love he feels for the witch surpasses even that of his first love who he was convinced he’d never forget. Being with her is the happiest Joshua has ever felt, and he naively thinks it’ll last forever.
This all comes to an abrupt end when the witch finds out that it’s his fault the demons eradicated her coven. Yes, it was before Josh had met and fell in love with her, but that doesn’t change anything. It was still him who had put her on the brink of death and gotten her family and friends killed. Twisted as it is, he doesn’t regret his actions nor would he change them if he had an opportunity to do so.
And so, the love of his life becomes his most dangerous enemy.
It hurts. More so because she discards him and his love like they never meant anything in the first place.
The witch is cutthroat in her hatred. It’s not long before the children of the moon find his sanctuary and nearly send him to meet his maker. Her hexes nearly incapacitate him, but even all her acts of revenge aren’t enough to satiate the vengeance she seeks.
Slowly, the love they grew to feel for each other becomes wilted and corroded beyond repair.
Years pass, yet the feud never dies. Joshua is almost impressed by her determination to destroy him the same way he almost destroyed her.
Hatred has replaced love by now, and it’s almost impossible for him to believe he ever loved the witch in the first place. A decade passes, then two and three until eventually an entire century goes by with the two of them feeling this burning loathing. Their detrimental feelings and behavior push both Joshua and the witch to make a vow never to love again.
But fate has other plans for them.
As time goes on, they find themselves backed into a corner—together this time. Death has returned for them in the form of faes. Neither one of them is willing to relent and give up their land to the insignificant creatures who claimed to have it first. And so, they help each other one last time.
Fighting against inferior creatures together has always been like dancing for them, and it’s easy to fall back into a love language they created. By the end of their battle, they come out victorious. The two are grateful to each other even if neither of them say it outright.
Joshua feels a familiar ache in his chest the longer he stares at the witch who was once his. Feelings he thought were long gone rush back to the surface as if they’d never left in the first place. Perhaps they never really had. He’s never been one to go against his own desires, and so he reaches out for her, craving her skin against his if even for the last time.
Their embrace is sweet, but the kiss that follows is full of passion, longing, and ardent love that seems to have been buried deep within them the entire time. It’s almost like a dream to have her like this again, and now Joshua doesn’t plan on letting her go.
But once again, fate doesn’t leave him with a choice.
Humans grow more wary of the creatures they share the world with. Many go into hiding, but Joshua makes the mistake of thinking he can blend in with his prey. A hunter of his kind has found him, and as a vampire with no coven, he’s left vulnerable. It’s even worse when the hunter and his clan discover his lover and what she is.
It was a peaceful night when they’re attacked. Escaping death doesn’t seem possible, but as always the witch assured him that she has a solution. His love makes him a promise as she casts a spell that will hide his presence. A promise that she’ll find him and reunite with him in every lifetime. He’s confused by her words, but has no time to question her as the spell takes over and dulls his senses until he’s unconscious.
If he’d known his love was going to sacrifice herself for him, he would’ve taken a million wooden stakes to the heart rather than continue existing in a world without her.
Centuries later, he’s never been able to forget her or what her presence had done to his life. Joshua is left alone in a world that now seems intolerable without his witch in it. Cruel irony reminds him that the solitude he once basked in feels suffocating now. All he’s left with is a gaping hole that constantly reminds him of how he lost his one true love.
Joshua eventually joins a coven, but they offer little comfort. At this point in his immortality, he only sticks around them out of habit. It’s not that he isn’t fond of them—he is, most of the time—but it’s not the same as having his lover by his side.
After going through the eternal test of time, Joshua still yearns for her; craves her as much as the blood that he feeds on. It’s the reason he’s spent the last two centuries looking for the one person who filled his heart with so much love.
And he’ll stop at nothing until he finds her.
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The first time it happened, you thought it was nothing more than a dream.
Which it was, but it felt different—it was different. Never in your life had you dreamt such a beautiful dream that felt so real and almost indistinguishable from reality. The most memorable part was the euphoric feeling it evoked from you.
Well, that’s not exactly right. There was one single element that had left you unable to forget the lucid dream. One that you believed was responsible for your subconscious forcing you into those dreams every time you fell asleep.
Unhealthy as it is, you chase the lucid dreams. Every night, you look forward to your sleep with the hope of once again being wrapped up in one of those lovely dreams. Any free time you’re left with is used to sleep just so you can escape to the ethereal dreamland your mind has created.
The dreams have ensnared you and make you crave and long for them as if you’re under some sort of spell. It’s become a bit of an obsession because even when you’re with other people it’s all you can think about. And yet you’re unable to let go of your obsession in spite of how unhealthy and irrational it is.
The scene in front of you is familiar, but you can’t place where you’ve seen the old castle that looks like it’s straight out of the medieval times. You step forward, feet moving on their own as you walk past the large doors. Servants run along with their head down, and you’re not sure why it makes you feel satisfied that they seem to be terrified of you.
You turn at the sound of a mellifluous voice. Once again, it’s the beautiful man who’d been visiting you in your dreams.
“Shua.” You call affectionately, running to him as he opens his arms for you.
As always, he catches you easily. You wrap your arms around his neck, softly giggling into his hair as he spins you around. “Where have you brought me this time?”
“This is where I live.” He tells you as you pull back to look at his face. “Do you like it?”
You look around again. The feeling of familiarity doesn’t go away as you inspect your surroundings. Joshua gently puts you down, but doesn’t release you from his embrace. His stare is gentle and observant, curious on how you’re going to react to what he’s showing you.
“This is really where you live?” You wonder in awe. “Are you a king or something?”
His pretty laugh makes you look back at him. Your heart leaps up into your throat when you see the fond look he’s giving you. It’s been months of being on the receiving end of his affectionate stare, but you’re not sure you’ll stop feeling bashful when you catch it.
“I am not. Does that disappoint you?”
You shake your head. “No, but it does make me wonder how old you actually are. Older than Dracula?”
All Josh can do is laugh and laugh. You’re not sure what he finds so funny, but as usual you do not get the chance to ask. The familiar pressure on your bones gets more intense with every passing moment. It’s how you know you’re on the verge of being pulled out of your blissful dream. You can’t even open your mouth to say goodbye because you’re abruptly yanked out of your subconscious before you can.
It’s always hard to keep going on with your day normally after you dream about Josh. You can never really function afterwards, not how you usually would.
“—even listening to me?”
You snap back into reality, realizing that Jeonghan has been talking to you this entire time. “Sorry. What were you saying?”
Jeonghan rolls his eyes and gives you an accusatory look that confuses you. His eyebrows are raised as he leans forward. “I was saying that Soonyoung thinks you’re fucking someone.”
“What?” You splutter, suddenly feeling extremely flustered.
“I told him there’s no way that’s true because lately you’ve been holed up in your room sleeping every chance you get!”
You manage to not choke on your spit and give your friend an indignant glare. “Both you and Soonyoung need to worry about your own sex lives.”
The gleam in his eye changes, and you realize too late that you’ve made a mistake. “Wait. Are you actually fucking someone?”
“You know I’m not!” You hiss, starting to feel embarrassed.
Clearly, Jeonghan doesn’t believe you. He stares at you before something seems to click in his head. Your nervous stare and angry pout are telltale signs of deceit. His jaw drops a bit as he lets out an affronted squeak.
“No way. That’s why you’ve been in such a good mood lately!” He says with a conniving laugh. “And here I thought that night cream I recommended is the reason you’ve been glowing lately.”
Maybe the most embarrassing part about this is not that he’s trying to discuss your sex life (or lack thereof) at the local cafe and not wine night, but the fact that this alleged glow has nothing to do with a man—not a real one, anyway. But Jeonghan doesn’t need to know that.
“You would’ve heard me if that was true.”
Jeonghan’s ears slowly turn red as he pouts in disappointment. He really hoped you’d managed to break your three month long dry spell, and he also wanted to be right. It’s almost suspicious that he isn’t because he usually is. You’ve been a little too smiley lately like you have some hidden lover.
“If you say so.” He mutters bitterly.
This would be the point where you’d usually panic since Yoon Jeonghan can never be one to let anything go if he feels like he’s right. You feel at ease though because there’s no way he could ever find out about Josh.
“By the way… you’re definitely going to be gone this weekend, right?” Jeonghan suddenly asks in a tone you recognize all too well.
You try not to gag as you nod. “Yes. I already bought the tickets and Hao is in the city setting up his apartment so I have a place to stay while I’m up there.”
Jeonghan smirks victoriously. He nods, not even trying to hide how pleased he is as he pulls out his phone. Suddenly, he’s very grateful that you and Minghao have such an interest in history. When he’s done sending a message you would definitely call sleazy, he just laughs at your disgusted expression.
“Don’t give me that look. Not all of us have to practice celibacy like you.”
“Whatever.” You scoff with a roll of your eyes. “Just keep it in your room this time. I better not find any stains on the couch when I get back.”
He only laughs at you with a promise that you can’t think of as sincere.
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“Are you playing with your food again?”
The voice sounds distant as Joshua is gently pulled out of the trance he’s used to being in now. He slow blinks, remnants of the beautiful vision still clear in his mind. Junhui’s words don’t bother him like they usually would’ve. Not when he finally feels alive for the first time in centuries. Still, he can’t control the annoyance he feels that his brother thinks this subject is something that can be joked and talked about lightly.
“You and Soonyoung are the only heathens who play with food.” Joshua’s tone is clipped, bordering on that murderous one that pops up any time someone mentions his latest obsession.
Junhui only laughs, head cocking to the side in interest. “I’m curious. Did you really find the grand love of your life, or is it just some girl who happens to look like her?”
“His obsession wouldn’t be so profound if it was a girl who merely looks like her.” Comes a voice from the top of the grand stairs.
They look up to see the oldest and the youngest of the coven coming down the stairs. Soonyoung doesn’t bother to hide his amused smirk while Minghao wears the same impassive expression he had when Joshua met him. His lack of reaction is the reason why he’s often the voice of reason in the coven, but his callous way of speaking never offers any comfort.
“Our brother is looking for the soul of his beloved—a soul that cannot be replicated nor imitated. Even if he’s to find her doppelgänger, he will not love her completely or sincerely.” Minghao says he takes a seat near the burning fireplace.
Soonyoung sits on the other end of the couch before he raises an eyebrow at Josh. He lets out a mocking snicker. “It’s giving stalker.”
As the most recently turned, their youngest has developed a proclivity for imitating the current slang. Joshua understands it (to an extent), but finds it folly. Then again, he doesn’t think its ridiculous when that person uses it.
But of course, that’s different.
Josh doesn’t bother to sneer at him for his snide remark. As a creature who hasn’t found a mate in the entire century he’s been alive, Soonyoung couldn’t possibly understand the ardent need to be close to the person chosen to be your mate.
“You still haven’t answered my question.” Junhui points out, sounding almost bored now. “Have you found her? Your one true love?”
When Joshua smiles, it’s so pretty that even Minghao can’t help but stare. “I have.”
“Are you going to turn her?”
Soonyoung’s question hangs in the air, and as much as Josh wants to hiss at him to mind his own business, he sees how Junhui and Minghao are also looking at him. Turning someone isn’t as simple as it used to be—if it could ever be considered simple. Now there were too many factors and too many risks involved.
“I have to find her physically before I can think of anything else.” Josh sighs deeply.
“Brother.” Minghao says in his serious tone. “Think of your next moves carefully. You’ve found her reincarnation, but she doesn’t remember you, and there’s no guarantee that she ever will.”
For once, the younger ones don’t say anything teasing or goading. They look at him just as solemnly as Minghao is. It’s a harsh truth that Joshua had acknowledged long ago but not fully accepted.
His love doesn’t remember him. This is a fact.
But even if she never does, he doesn’t plan on letting her go. Not again.
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“You’re unhappy.”
The observation is astute, and even though it’s been months, you can’t get used to how easily Josh can see through you. It shouldn’t have the affect on you that it does, but there’s just something about having someone know you so well that makes your heart jerk with emotion. Part of you feels insane for feeling this way because this man is just a figment of your imagination created by your subconscious.
Josh smiles placatingly when he sees your pout. He’s sure that you’re not aware that you do it, which makes it all the more cute in his eyes.
“Work hasn’t been great lately.” You say honestly, only hesitating a moment before telling him the rest. “Also... Jeonghan set me up on this blind date. Which wouldn’t be a big deal, but I haven’t been on a date in forever.”
You’re not sure why it feels like you’re saying something absolutely heart wrenching. If you had to describe it, it’s almost like you’re admitting to cheating or something similar which is fucking insane since Josh isn’t your boyfriend—or real, for that matter.
There’s a shift in his kind eyes. A cold rage settles in the depths of his dark irises that makes you feel like you’re staring an evil creature in the face. Before you can ponder it, the expression is is gone so fast that you almost think you imagined it.
“You don’t have to go.” He finally says, and you wonder if he actually sounds like he’s pleading or if it’s just something your subconscious is hoping for.
A teasing smile stretches your lips. “Yeah? Should I just stay here with you, instead?”
Joshua wishes he could say yes. Stay with me and never leave my side again. The words are on the tip of his tongue, and even though he’s dying to say them, he knows he shouldn’t. In this lifetime and your previous one, he had to be patient when courting you. Clearly some things never changed.
“Don’t look so excited.” You joke when you see him hesitate.
His laugh is pretty and soft. You’re not sure why the sound comforts you in a way that almost feels familiar. As if that’s the one sound that could take away any horrible feeling you’ve ever experienced. The longer you listen to the dulcet sound, the more it makes your heart ache for a reason you can’t understand. It’s a type of yearning that feels deeper than the normalcy of seeing him every day.
“I wish you weren’t a dream.”
Joshua’s laughter dies down and the smile slips off his face at hearing your words. You almost regret saying them, but it’s too late to take them back. Not that you would since they’re the absolute truth. He knows you better than most of your friends do, and it’s hard not to feel this intense affection for him. The crazy part of it all is that you can literally feel how much he adores you too.
“Maybe you’re my dream.” Josh’s smile is full of longing and sadness.
Before you can respond, you’re abruptly pulled out of the dream by the blaring sound of a car horn. You startle awake, bleary vision belatedly registering that you’re now in the city. Minghao looks at you with wide eyes, a startled laugh slipping past his lips. “Are you okay?”
You nod wearily, taking a moment to shake of the intense emotions your dream had left you with. It’s clear that Minghao doesn’t fully believe you, but he doesn’t press the subject and keeps driving toward museum.
Being at the museum doesn’t help you as much as you hope. The artifacts and paintings are intriguing, but your irritating mind only keeps associating everything with Josh. He’s always talked like someone from another time so looking at ancient items and old paintings naturally makes you keep picturing his face.
“For someone who kept begging me to clear my schedule so we could come here, you don’t look very excited.”
You give Minghao a guilty look because you know how busy he is. “Sorry. I’m just kind of distracted.”
“And why is that?”
It’s not that you don’t trust Minghao. You do, but you can’t tell him that you’re infatuated with a man who shows up in your dreams.
“I haven’t been sleeping well.”
Your friend raises an eyebrow at you. As usual Minghao sees right through your half-truth. “You’ve been having nightmares?”
“Not exactly.” You say. The resolve to keep your secret quickly dissolved when Minghao gives you a look that somehow always compels you to do what he wants. “I can’t sleep because I keep dreaming of a guy.”
“A guy?” Minghao raises his eyebrows in a way that reminds you of Jeonghan.
“It’s not like that.” You say, skin heating up in embarrassment. “I don’t even think he’s real. He just keeps appearing in my dreams, and I feel crazy every time I think about him.”
Minghao doesn’t laugh or tell you you’re crazy. Instead he looks at you with a sharpened gaze that looks like it holds a certain amount of concern and something else you can’t discern. If his heart was capable of beating, his heart rate would’ve spiked at the information you told him.
You’re vague in your description (which was impressive because his gift is powerful enough to get people to admit to murder), but it’s enough to have his mind reeling. Is it possible that you’d fallen into the clutches of an incubus? Minghao isn’t overly fond of humans, but you’re different. He can’t let you become the prey of such a lascivious creature.
“I have some tea that’s good for sleeping." He says as normally as he can as you two walk along the museum. “When we get back to my place, I’ll give you some.”
You nod silently, not entirely sure if his teas will help with your lucid dreaming. Even if they did, it’s not like you want to stop seeing this imaginary man that makes you feel more loved than you ever had. But there’s a part of you that knows you can’t keep sleeping with the hopes of seeing Josh again.
The inner turmoil you’re feeling is interrupted when Minghao pulls you to the section he’d been dying to see from the beginning. His laughter immediately makes you come back down to earth. It’s not like your friend never laughs, but this one is full and louder than you’ve ever heard it. You’re not sure why he finds the painting of a duke so funny. Just as you’re about to question him, you see the painting and feel the world around you come to a stop.
It feels like your heart stopped beating and dropped down to your stomach. Your usually quiet mind is reeling, trying to fathom what you’re seeing. There’s no way.
The painting is of a man, but not just any man.
It’s Josh.
Your Josh.
You keep blinking as if another face will appear in the very old painting. If you felt crazy before, the feeling worsens the longer you stare at the oils that form the face you’ve come to memorize and love. The description of the painting says the man born in 1714 was a famous duke notorious for starting a rebellion against the crown.
“So this is the only painting of the Hong Jisoo?” Your friend cackles, but you’re not sure what’s so funny.
It’s good that he’s so distracted by whatever it is he finds so funny because you’re about two seconds away from breaking down. How is it possible that some duke from centuries ago was appearing in your dreams? Is it possible that you’d somehow seen his image before and projected it into your dreams? You don’t remember even reading about him, and it only makes you feel more crazy.
Back at Minghao’s luxury apartment, you can’t stop thinking about that stupid painting of Hong Jisoo. How is it possible for you to dream about a person that was alive centuries ago? It doesn’t make sense, and the more you think about it, the more freaked out you feel.
“Here.” Hao says as he hands you a warm mug of tea. “Drink it to see if it helps. I’ll give you some to take home if you like it.”
You thank him, really hoping this puts an end to your unhealthy dreams.
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“It’s not working!” Josh growls angrily. “There’s something blocking me from seeing her. I’m sure of it.”
Soonyoung and Junhui roll their eyes. Josh has been complaining about not being able to transcend into his true love’s subconscious for the last three hours, and it’s starting to drive them insane. It’s not that they’re not sympathetic, but it was quite literally the only thing the older vampire could talk about. Not to mention the fact that after months of visiting his mate every day, he did nothing to figure out where she was—a total waste in their opinion.
Before Josh can keep repeating the same frustrated things he’s been griping about all morning, they hear the door open and the familiar sound of boots clacking against the marble floor.
“Minghao!” Soonyoung cries when the oldest of the coven walks into the living room. “Finally, you’re back! Jisoo hasn’t stopped whining about his mate since you left! You need to put a stop to him!”
Minghao sets down his suitcases with an exhausted sigh. “What’s going on?”
“He claims there’s a barrier preventing him from entering his mate’s subconscious.” Junhui explains, sending a skeptical look Joshua’s way. “Which is impossible because a mere human isn’t capable of blocking his gift.”
While that is true, there are certain things humans have done for centuries to ward off creatures of the night. However, it is strange that there’s a sudden block to his mate’s subconscious after being left vulnerable for so many months.
“Perhaps your mate has realized that you’re a nefarious creature and not just a figment of her imagination.” Minghao muses as he goes to sit at his usual place by the fire. “If that’s the case, she may have sought out a witch to block her psyche from unsavory visitors.”
The dark look Josh sends his way is amusing to the rest. Maybe it’s cruel to disregard the anguish his brother clearly feels, but being empathetic has never been one of Minghao’s character traits. Even so, some of the humanity he once had still lingers within him.
“However, if you truly wish to find her I can contact Jihoon—”
“No.” Josh snaps immediately. The growl in his voice is menacing as his eyes darken. “I’ll find her on my own.”
The silence that follows is tense until Soonyoung breaks it by insisting on seeing pictures from Minghao’s trip. As always, he obliges to the youngest’s request, tossing his phone over without taking his eyes off Josh.
“If that were possible you would have already found her.”
It’s a frustrating truth. He hadn’t been able to figure out anything that would help him find you because he didn’t want to scare you off. Now he regrets playing the part of a gentleman because it feels like he’s lost you all over again.
“Is this the human you’re always talking about?”
Usually, Josh doesn’t take any interest in humans aside from his meals, but the way Minghao’s sharp gaze switches to an almost fond one intrigues him enough to look at the screen Soonyoung is holding out toward them.
It’s like his heartbeat comes back to life when he sees a video of a beautiful girl staring at one of his old swords.
“Yes. That’s—”
Minghao looks at Josh in surprise. He’s incredulous, but it’s soon replaced by horror when he realizes why his brother is looking at the phone with a predatory gaze.
“You…” Minghao’s icy tone makes the younger ones still. They recognize the murderous intent behind that tone instantly. “You’re the one who’s been invading her dreams.”
Josh snarls at his oldest friend. “You’re the one responsible for the barrier.”
It’s like watching two animals raising their hackles at one another. Except both of them are capable of destroying each other and everything around them without caring.
Junhui is quick to step in, holding a firm hand to Minghao’s chest. “She’s his mate.”
It’s meant to make him see reason, but all it does is anger Minghao.
“A mate that he betrayed time and time again!” His words make them all flinch. “You’re the reason those hunters found her and burned her alive!”
Never has a silence so thick and tense surrounded them before. It’s a low blow to bring up Josh’s greatest pain in such a way, but Minghao is beyond seeing reason at this point.
“Both of you need to calm down.” Soonyoung says as he stands in the middle.
“Do you have feelings for her?” Josh demands, not understanding why the person who had helped him search for his mate’s reincarnation for centuries was suddenly acting this way.
“She’s a pure soul.” Minghao says, sounding a little defeated. “One that doesn’t deserve to become a monster like us.”
It’s tense and silent again, but this time the air feels different. All four of them knew how painful and awful it was to turn. Back then, they had been the unlucky ones to survive an attack when they were meant to be someone’s food. Minghao wouldn’t wish that on anyone, least of all you.
“Let her decide.” Soonyoung breaks the silence, being reasonable for the first time in a long time. He looks to Josh, gaze as serious as ever. “If you really love her, tell her the truth and let her decide what to do.”
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Minghao has always been an enigma. He’s private to the point where you sometimes feel like you don’t know him at all. It’s why you’re so surprised when he invites you over to his main house which is basically synonymous with prohibited. He never invites anyone there, not even Jeonghan who’s known him longer than you have.
Your friend’s home is expectedly opulent and beautiful, but there’s also this ominous air surrounding it. Minghao remains silent as he leads you to the entrance. His somber attitude isn’t exactly uncharacteristic. He’s naturally quiet and serious, but right now he almost seems angry. You can tell his mind is far away, light years away even.
Before you can think to question him, he leads you to the living room and sits you down on one of the couches. His cold hands don’t move from your shoulders even after you’re seated. You look up at him in curiosity because he seems to be contemplating something.
“Don’t be angry with me.” His tone is softer than you’ve ever heard it, and you have to wonder what he’s done for him to plead with you like this. (Xu Minghao does not beg.)
Hands fall from your shoulders as Minghao side steps out of the way. Everything goes in slow motion from then on. He’s stepped out of the way to reveal a man who you recognize very well. Your heart jumps and starts to beat erratically as you take in his ethereal features.
What’s happening feels like a more intense version of what happened at the museum. Minghao’s friend(?) looks exactly like Josh. He even looks at you like Josh does.
The organ in your chest throbs at the sound because it’s so soft and pretty, just like it is in your dreams. He sounds so similar to Josh that you feel insane for wanting to run into this man’s arms like you always do with Josh in your dreams.
Your mind is a beat behind, and it’s only after this stranger called your name that you realize Minghao had apologized to you before he appeared. When you look over to your friend, he’s observing you carefully in a way you can’t understand.
“What’s going on? What is this?” You ask, feeling like you’ve been set up.
There’s a thick silence, and just when you contemplate on getting up to leave, the unknown guy falls to his knees in front of you.
“Please forgive me.”
Your eyes practically pop out of your head at the unsolicited apology. “I– What?”
The silence is uncomfortable, and you can only look back to Minghao for an explanation.
“You’ve seen Jisoo before—in your dreams.” Minghao says slowly as if it pains him to tell you.
“When you told me that a man kept reappearing in your dreams, I thought you were being preyed on by an incubus.” Minghao chuckles bitterly. “But I was a fool not to see that the truth was much worse.”
“Incubus?” You whisper incredulously. “You mean those demons that fuck people while they’re asleep?”
Neither men react to your crude words. They’re looking at you solemnly as if Minghao didn’t just say something completely insane. None of it makes sense nor does it provide you with the explanation you demanded.
“You can’t be serious! Incubuses—“
“Incubi.” Minghao corrects you. He regrets it as soon as he sees the dark look on your face.
“—don’t exist.” You finish through gritted teeth.
“They’re not the only demons running rampant on this earth.” Minghao says as he shares a look with the man who is still kneeling in front of you. “Just look at the monster in front of you and you’ll know what I’m saying is true.”
This Jisoo guy looks nothing like a monster. Not even as he’s giving your friend the most withering glare you’ve ever seen.
“Don’t give me that look. I brought her here so she can know the truth.”
At this point, you don’t know if they’re friends or enemies with the way they’re glowering at each other. And you still don’t know what truth they’re talking about, either.
“Jisoo has been trying to find you for centuries.” Minghao finally says, eyes softening just the tiniest bit when he looks back at you.
You don’t say anything because it all sounds like some crazy lie. Minghao isn’t the type to pull pranks, but there’s no other logical explanation for what’s happening. And yet, it also isn’t possible that he could know what the man from your dreams looked like and somehow find someone who looks exactly like him for his prank.
“We’re vampires.” Jisoo says, voice soft and comforting. “I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true.”
“Prove it.”
Your words come out before you can stop them. It’s not what you meant to say (not right away, anyway), but you don’t try to backtrack. On the off chance that they’re not pulling some elaborate prank, you need to know that you’re not crazy for kind of believing what they’re saying.
Minghao and Jisoo are looking at you with wide eyes, but the challenging look on your face doesn’t waver. They both know you enough to realize you aren’t going to believe them until they prove that they’re not lying.
Jisoo grins, but it seems bitter in a way. “Okay. Just… don’t be scared.”
You raise an eyebrow when his smile stretches further. It’s not until you see four of his teeth elongating into literal fangs that you feel your pulse start to race. His eyes have darkened into an inhuman shade of black that reminds you of a demon. Now you understood what Minghao meant when he called Jisoo a monster.
But that also means…
In a panic, you look to your friend. Much to your horror, he too is bearing those monstrous characteristics now. Dark eyes and fangs that make them look like the monsters they claim to be. It feels like you’re in one of your lucid dreams, and in the back of your mind you hope that’s what this is.
“Did you bring me here to kill me?” You’re surprised that your voice comes out as calm as it does, and even though you’re terrified, you can’t react how you know you should be.
“We would never hurt you.” Jisoo says, features slowly reverting back to normal. “No matter what, I won’t let anyone or anything bring you harm.”
It’s crazy that he’s promising you this with what feels like genuine sincerity, and it’s even crazier that it makes your chest warm with affection. You press your lips together, trying to make sense of how any of this is actually possible.
“You’re the reincarnation of Jisoo’s true love.” Minghao breaks the heavy silence. “He’s been searching for your soul since your untimely death.”
“That’s why you came into my dreams.” You whisper, not sure how to feel about this alleged truth.
“Yes.” Jisoo says, voice soft as ever. “I called myself Josh since it’s a modern name. You can still call me that if you wish.”
You stay silent, trying to deal with the onslaught of emotions you’re feeling without revealing any on your face. It’s hard, but you manage as you look back at your friend. “And you knew about this the entire time?”
“I didn’t know he’d been invading your dreams.” Minghao says honestly. “If I had—”
Minghao cuts his sentence short, and you can tell he’s trying his best to keep his emotions in check. It’s clear that he doesn’t like the idea of you being the reincarnation of Josh’s true love. You don’t understand why he brought you to meet him if that’s the case.
“Minghao.” Josh’s tone takes a threatening tone that you never thought him capable of emitting.
“Tell her.” Minghao says, clearly unfazed by Joshua’s sudden malicious attitude. “She has a right to know the truth before you think you can spend the rest of eternity with her.”
It’s silent for a moment before you see Josh’s shoulders slump. He looks slightly defeated and nervous. Seeing him in distress makes you uncomfortable, and you have to wonder if these are your actual feelings or something beyond your control.
“I first met you five years after I was first turned.” He starts, eyes begging for understanding. “You were running from a clan of demons who murdered your coven.”
The air is tense. You can feel your heart start to throb with hurt that you can’t place. A familiar burning sensation starts to poke at the back of your eyes, but you can’t understand why. “You saved me?”
Minghao clears his throat, eyes threatening.
“Unwillingly.” He admits, head hanging a little lower. “I was content in my solitude, and helping a witch didn’t sound appealing to me.”
“He also didn’t want to help a witch that belonged to the coven he helped exterminate.”
Minghao’s blunt statement makes your blood run cold. There’s a strange feeling that manifests itself in your chest. It’s an odd mixture of resentment, anger, and heartbreak. The feelings are familiar yet foreign. You feel the tears fall from your eyes before you can even think to hold them back. It’s all new information, but something in your bones recognizes the hurt and devastation.
“You killed my family.” The words aren’t yours, but in a strange way it feels like they are. “You almost killed me.”
“It was before I fell in love with you.” Josh sounds defeated. “Back then I was only concerned with my own survival, and I was a fool to let it get in the way of my love for you.”
Again, the air becomes tense. It makes Minghao almost regret doing this, but you ultimately have to know the truth. All of it.
“Tell her how you got her killed.”
More tears keep spilling from your eyes, and you can’t fathom the fact that they don’t feel like yours. A gentle hand wipes them away. Through blurry vision you can see Josh looking pained as he gently cradles your face in his large hand.
“I refused to go into hiding after the humans started to become more wary of our existence. Because of that, you and I were attacked by a group of hunters.” Josh feels a pain he hasn’t in centuries just talking about this to you of all people. “You protected me with your magic. I don’t know why you saved a wicked creature like me instead of yourself, but I really wish you hadn’t.”
The tears have stopped now, but Josh’s thumb is still gently caressing your face. His touch is cold yet comforting. You let out a shaky sigh, not sure what to do with all the information you’ve been given.
“This is why Minghao feels that I don’t deserve you, and maybe he’s right. But I’ve always been a selfish creature which is why I can’t give you up. Not in this lifetime or any other.”
Josh says it tenderly, but somehow you feel like you’ve become his prey.
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Sometimes you wonder if letting Josh get so close to you is a mistake. Minghao seems to think it is even if he doesn’t tell you outright. Still, at least he’s supportive of your decision (as much as he can be, anyway). In spite of the fact that you now know the man of your dreams is a dangerous predator, you don’t feel unsafe when you’re with him. There’s also the fact that you can literally see the love he has for you every time you look at him.
Giving into him is the easiest thing you’ve ever done. It feels natural and right, especially since he’s so sweet to you. You feel yourself fall harder every time you’re with him. He knows you better than anyone and treats you like you’re his everything.
Your relationship feels completely surreal and fast paced, but in an odd way it also feels like it’s not fast enough. The feeling has something to do with your past life you’re sure. After all, Josh had been waiting centuries for you to reincarnate.
He must’ve been so lonely.
You suck in a quiet breath as the thought comes to you, one that feels like it came from deep in your subconscious and is not entirely yours. Josh’s eyes snap open at the sound. He’s looking straight at you from where he has his head in your lap.
“What’s wrong, darling?”
Unlike Minghao, Josh doesn’t have the power of coercion, but you’re still unable to lie to him. (Unwilling is a better term, but, details.)
“Did you really not have another lover after I died?” Your question isn’t accusatory, and part of you hopes he says yes. “Like you never even hooked up with someone else in three centuries?”
Josh’s airy laughter makes your chest warm. He brings your intertwined hands to his lips, placing a tender kiss on the back of yours. “If you do not believe me, I shall bring Minghao and have him use his gift on me.”
He’s teasing you, but you also know he’s dead serious. It shouldn’t thrill you so much that he’s willing to do just about anything for you—even subject himself to Minghao who still harbors a bit of a grudge towards him.
“It’s not that I don’t believe you, I just…” You let out a quiet sigh. “You must’ve been really lonely.”
The way you look heartbroken and guilty isn’t satisfying, but it is alleviating somehow. You truly haven’t changed. The beautiful, kind soul he fell in love with remains intact, and he can’t be more grateful for that.
“At first I was. Then I met Minghao and joined his coven. They made it more bearable.”
You bring the hand that’s not attached to Josh’s to his head and run a gentle hand through his hair. “It must’ve been hard.”
Josh only offers you a hum. He can’t deny that it was, but he also doesn’t want to keep making you feel bad with all the details. That would have to be for another time.
“How many dreams did you invade before you finally found me?” You suddenly ask, wondering just how many psyches he had to go through over the course of 300 years.
“None.” His smile is a little bitter. “I’m not a incubus, so I can only enter your subconscious.”
The confused look on your face makes him let out a quiet laugh. It’s so innocent that it’s hilarious. Especially because you don’t remember that the restriction to his gift was your doing.
“Every time I tried to use my gift, I couldn’t. That’s how I knew you hadn’t been reincarnated yet. As soon as you were born I was able to tell, but I still couldn’t get into your psyche until you were ready to let me in—this is all curtesy of you, of course.”
“Yes, you.” He laughs. “Because I can’t dream, you bestowed this gift on me so I would be able to experience a dreamlike state again. Since you didn’t want the bloodthirsty heathen that I was back then to invade the minds of unsuspecting humans, you put all these limitations on my gift.”
His laugh is cute as he reminisces. It makes you smile too until you think of something.
The other day, Josh had mentioned he used to feed off of you in his past life because it tasted different and apparently it was like a kink for both of you. It freaked you out at first, but lately you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it. Honestly, the more the image plagued your mind, the harder it was not to feel turned on by it. You wonder if it would hurt and if you would like the hurt.
“Do you want to feed on me?”
If Josh’s heart was capable of beating, he has no doubt it would’ve been harshly pounding against his rib cage. He slowly gets up, feeling his cock throb and his throat itch.
“You’ve never done it, and I was wondering if it was something you want to do.”
Of course he wanted to do it. Your scent is mouthwatering, and he just knows you taste divine. Up until now he hadn’t brought it up because he didn’t want you to think that’s all he wanted. All you two have done this past month is share some kisses, and that was perfectly fine. If that’s all you were willing to give him he’s gladly take it so long as you let him be part of your life.
Josh swallows thickly as he contemplates his answer. While it sort of sounds like you’re offering, he can’t assume anything. Plus he doesn’t want to seem like the monster Minghao told you he is.
When you see him hesitate, you make a decision that really isn’t all that hard for you. With an enticing smile, you tilt your head the slightest bit and offer your neck to him. “Bite me.”
In a split second, Josh pulls you on his lap so you’re straddling him. You gasp quietly when he sits you directly on his hardening cock. His eyes are dark like on the day he revealed himself to you. In the back of your mind, you know this is a dangerous game you’re playing, but you don’t feel one shred of regret or fear.
“I’ll be gentle.” He promises, voice breathy and needy.
Josh trails gentle kisses up and down your neck with patience that you find impressive. His fangs tease the tender skin as he opens his mouth slightly, and it’s almost like you can feel it throb in anticipation. With one last sweet kiss, Joshua sinks his teeth into your skin until you can feel a stabbing pain.
You gasp out a moan at the feeling. The pain lasts a second before you feel it rapidly fade. It’s replaced by images that invade the forefront of your mind. Memories that you don’t remember rush forward as if they were aching to be freed from the depths of your mind. There’s so many, and in spite of the fact that they pass through your mind quickly, you see every one of them.
When you come back down to reality, Josh is still drinking from you. He groans into your skin, reluctantly pulling away and licking the puncture wound he’s left behind. Josh continues to press kisses along your skin and whispered praises that you can’t help but melt into him.
“Jisoo.” You breathe out softly.
Joshua freezes when he hears what you’ve called him. He pulls back, eyes wide as he takes in the way you’re looking at him. Your gaze has always been full of affection, but now it’s full of ardent love that reminds him of the way you looked at him all those centuries ago.
“I’ve missed you.”
“Y/N…” Josh sounds breathless as if he can’t believe what he’s hearing.
“I’m sorry it took me this long to remember.” You murmur as your bring a hand up to caress his cool cheek. “But I guess it’s only fair since you left me first.”
“It’s my biggest regret.” Josh says honestly, grip tightening on you.
You hum, trailing your thumb over his lips. He opens his mouth the slightest bit so you can touch his fangs just like you used to do once upon a time. Goosebumps cover your skin at the familiarity of it all. The feelings in your chest deepen impossibly as you replay all the memories that slowly keep coming to mind. You thought it would be impossible to love Josh any more than you already did, but once again you were proven wrong.
You let out a shocked squeak when he pulls you closer to him. His face is shoved into the side of your neck that he didn’t bite, breathing in your addicting scent. “I was so afraid that you wouldn’t remember.”
“If you wouldn’t have been such a gentleman and bitten me sooner it wouldn’t have taken me so long.” You laugh, hugging him tighter.
The two of you stay like that until you shift and realize you’re still sitting on his hard cock. In a flash, the hot memory of Josh ravishing you back then goes straight to your cunt. You lick your lips and decide that you both have been waiting long enough to be with each other again.
“I’m impressed you kept your chastity just for me.” You purr into his ear, gently grinding down on his cock. “Such a loyal lover until the end.”
Josh doesn’t hesitate to take you to bed, cock aching to be inside you once again. He’s gentle when he finally gets you naked, eyes full of desire and love. “So fucking pretty.”
A breathy moan escapes you when his cold hands start to caress your body. His lips trails your neck, gently teasing you with his sharp teeth. Your skin heats up at the attention, and you feel like your floating by the time Josh gets his dick out to finally give you what you’ve been wanting.
“I missed you so much.” He groans as his throbbing cock slowly eases past your wet folds.
You moan along with him, hands finding his to lace your fingers together. “Missed you too, my love.”
Josh’s cock twitches inside you when he hears the pet name come out of your pretty little mouth. His leaking tip brushes against your cervix as your legs wrap around his hips. His pace is slow at first, trying to savor the feeling of your hot, tight cunt wrapped around him. He buries his face into your neck, licking and biting at the skin as his thrusts start to get tougher and deeper.
Your moaning is loud, and you’re amazed that he still knows which angels to hit after so much time. It’s like you’re seeing stars when Josh gently bites at your skin. He does it teasingly until you’re begging him to bite you again.
“Stop teasing.” You whine wantonly, hips bucking up to meet his thrusts.
His chuckle is low and has your pussy clamping down on his cock, drenching it in your arousal. You can’t remember the last time you were so turned on. It hasn’t been long, but it already feels like you’re about to come.
“Seeing you fall apart like this is my favorite thing.” You can feel his sinister smirk against your neck. “It’s been too long since I last saw it.”
Josh lets go of one of your hands to bring a thumb to your clit. He starts to rub slow circles on the sensitive nub as his thrusts grow more ravenous. You cry out in pleasure when his thick cock hits your sweet spot roughly. Your back arches in pleasure as you feel your juices start to coat his heavy balls.
“Never letting you go again.” Joshua growls lowly, more to himself than you. “All mine.”
With his possessive declaration, he sinks his fangs into your neck for a second time. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you violently come all over his big cock.
“Fuck!” You cry out, hips moving against his arms he continues to fuck you through your high.
He’s licking at your open would now, sharp thrusts angled just right to have you on the cusp of another orgasm. Joshua pulls back, pink lips painted scarlet with your blood. He looks ravenous, and you think you might actually come again from how hot he looks.
“That’s it, darling.” Josh sounds insatiable. “Cream all over me.”
It’s not long before the sight of you completely fucked out triggers his own orgasm. Thick ropes of cum shoot inside your pulsing walls, painting them white with his seed. His moans are as pretty as you remember, and they mix in with your perfectly as he fucks his cum deeper inside you.
“Fuck me again.” You pant out, still longing for the second orgasm he was coaxing out of you.
Josh’s smirks as he flips you over on your front. “Still as insatiable as ever, darling.”
You look back at him with a laugh. “Like you’re any better. So hurry and fill me up again.”
You’ll never get sick of the feeling of his cold skin on yours as he grips your ass. Josh’s large hands rub and squeeze before you feel his throbbing cock tease your messy cunt. You let out a needy whine, tilting your hips up more to offer yourself to him.
“Such a needy little thing.” Joshua murmurs in that mean but sweet tone only he was capable of having.
“Only for you, my love.” You mewl, pussy throbbing at the thought of him splitting you open again.
As is his style, Josh slowly pushes his fat cock into your hot cunt, making you feel every inch of him. Then, in a split second he shoves the rest in like he can’t wait to be inside you any longer. The jolt of pleasure and slight sting of the stretch was enough to tip you over the edge for a second time.
You muffle your cry of pleasure in the sheets, fingers clinging to the soft cotton as your pussy clenches down on Josh’s cock, making him feel even bigger inside you. He groans from behind you, loving how your juices coat his cock as if you’re claiming it as yours.
“Fuck, sweetheart. Can you do that for me one more time?”
It’s more of a rhetorical question because in the next second his fingers are digging into your hips as he pulls his cock all the way out before shoving it back into your needy pussy with a sharp thrust. You can feel your body tremble as your pussy grips his cock like a vise.
“So fucking tight.” He groans, voice dripping with lust.
“Fuck me!” You moan, pushing back on his cock with insatiable need.
At your desperate demand, Josh sera a brutal pace. He fuck you hard and rough, leaking tip hitting your sweet spot over and over again until all he can hear is lewd squelching and skin slapping. His hips slam against your ass, obsessed with the way your sweet crema coats his cock. You cry out his name as his heavy balls slap against your throbbing clit.
Josh is pounding you into the mattress, cock splitting you open deliciously. You’re so addicted to the feeling that you can’t help but spur him on. “Don’t stop!”
You cry out in ecstasy when he does exactly as you ask. He pounds his cock against the spot inside you that has you seeing stars. Your fingers grips the sheets as you bounce your ass back to meet his thrusts desperately.
“You’re close again, right, baby?” Josh’s voice is teasing. He doesn’t need to ask, though. He knows you are because he knows your body.
You’re moaning and shaking with overwhelming pleasure. All you can do is nod as you bring your hand down between your bodies to rub your aching clit. With all the stimulation from your fingers and his cock, you fall over the edge once again. Your body tenses as you moan out Josh’s name with ecstasy. The excess of your orgasm drips down Josh’s cock, staining it and marking it as yours.
With one last thrust, he shoots his hot cum inside you, moaning your name like a mantra. He sloppily fuck it back into you before pulling you flush against his chest. You two collapse back on the bed with Josh holding you closely as if he thinks you might disappear.
Slowly, you turn around with his cock still inside you. Joshua’s eyes are sparkling as he looks at you. “How are you feeling?”
“Amazing.” You breathe out blissfully. “And not just because you’ve stuffed me full.”
His cock twitches inside of you, and you can’t help but let out an endeared laugh. Your chest is warm as he hugs you closer to him, lips gently skimming over your puncture wound.
He hums against your neck, pulling back to look you in the eyes.
“I was so afraid when I first died.” You confess, feeling him tense. You’re quick to pull him closer and caress his cheek. “Afraid that I’d be reborn and you wouldn’t be there when I was.”
Josh swallows thickly and comes to cup the hand that’s still brushing over his cheek. “I’ll never leave you alone again.”
“I know. Once you turn me, we’ll have the rest of eternity together.”
It all feels too good to be true, but you know that this is reality and not just another one of your sweet dreams.
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taglist: @duolingofanaccount @felix-3002 @junhui-recs @asjkdk @dani41 @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @ohwonwoo
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933 notes · View notes
whatcruelworldisthis · 8 months
scenario with clapton davis
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“wanna make out?” 
clapton’s eyes widened slightly with surprise, but not much due to how delirious he was from fatigue. “yeah.”
you leaned in, connecting lips with the boy.
*after a while*
you parted, eyes fluttering open to check the clock, realizing just how late it was. as you moved your head, he instinctively followed the direction of your lips in mild desperation. “fuck, it’s four,” you said, voice soft and slightly raspy. “we should get to sleep.”
“hmm, I guess you’re right,” he agreed with a slight pout, knowing he’d rather stay and kiss you all night.
195 notes · View notes
age-of-greta · 3 months
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The Sun
The Sun presents a feeling of optimism and fulfillment. It represents the dawn which follows the darkest of nights.
Author’s note: wow hi!!! It’s been a minute! Life has been busy, but I have been thinking of this fic for a while. This one is entirely spontaneous and will have no posting schedule. Just as soon and I can get it written it will be out. I hope you guys enjoy :)
Pairing: Josh x reader and Jake x reader
Warnings: cursing, angst, adult themes, alcoholic consumption, smoking
Word count: 10.1 k
“I can’t fucking stand you! Matter of fact, I hate you!” You scream, your voice raw with emotion.
He lets out a laugh. “Yeah, right back at you Sugar.”
You’re boiling inside. Filled with rage, sadness, and anger. You can’t decide which emotion is the most prominent at the moment. You blink away the hot tears that have formed in your eyes. You feel the sting of them rolling down your cheeks.
“I’m fucking done. We are done. It’s over.” You say, with still a hint of anger, but at least you weren’t screaming this time.
He stares at you for a moment. Blank expression, impossible to read. You think maybe for 0.1 seconds you see a hint of sorrow in his eyes, but with him that would be impossible.
Eventually he scoffs at you. “Fine by me.”
He stays for a few moments with his eyes lingering on you.
“Get the fuck out!” You shout, while tears spill down your face.
Then he’s out the door as fast as it started. Leaving you there in a puddle of your own tears and rage.
Nothing had ever made you feel this way before. You were unsure how you would ever feel normal again. But there was one thing that you were entirely sure of- you fucking hated Jake Kiszka.
Teal is so tacky. It’s one of the tackiest colors to exist, you had decided. That's what you were doing at this very moment staring at a teal handbag that you would like to set on fire. It was sitting on a bar next to an equally tacky girl. You realized how insane you felt, but you needed to do something to distract your mind from the truth. Tonight was your third date with a guy named Aiden. He was fine, there was nothing wrong with him. He was attractive, ambitious, successful, and nice. But a part of you knew you were already so bored with him. You never knew how to pick a good guy. Which is why you tried your best to give Aiden a fair shake. Nonetheless, here you were sitting at a booth only thinking of a teal purse. You had decided to meet for drinks after work. You wore a hot pink blazer with a white tank turtleneck and a matching hot pink skirt, that might have been a little too short for work. You wore white tall boots, with gold jewelry. Your hair was done in loose curls and you had on a full face of makeup. This wasn’t your normal attire to work, but you knew you had a date tonight. Out of the corner of your eye you see Aiden pop in. You breathe in and prepare yourself. He’s in a nice gray suit. He always looks nice.
“Hey! So sorry I’m late. Traffic was awful.” Aiden says, reaching down to hug you.
You hug him back. “Oh no you’re fine! I just got here myself. How was your day?”
He smiles at you. “It was great actually. I had a really big pitch that I think went well for me. But I’m happier now that I’m here with you. How was your day?”
You make sure to smile at that, even if it did make you cringe a little. “Well that’s great. My day was good. Rather mundane I suppose, but work feels like that everyday.”
He chuckles. “You’re right about that. Ready for some drinks? A martini right?”
You nod your head. “Yes please.”
“Great. I’ll be right back. You look beautiful by the way.” He says with a smile before he heads over to the bar.
You take a moment to breathe in a little. Aiden was so nice. You had already decided that you would go on another date with him when he would inevitably ask later. You picked at your nails while you waited for your date and drink. You eyed the door constantly, that wasn’t a good sign. It was somewhat stuffy inside, but maybe that was in your head. You were just finding something to complain about. You had been like that for a while. Anytime a man would show interest you bounced. The truth is you were looking for someone to set your soul on fire. You craved a love so deep, that even the ocean would be jealous.
Instead you got guys like Aiden. Again, nothing wrong with him. But he didn’t ignite you. You knew who was to blame, but you hated to even think of him. So you chose to do this same routine over and over. Dating- then never speaking again. It’s not like you necessarily needed a man in your life, you were perfectly content with your life as is. But you wanted excitement again. Maybe if you gave Aiden a chance he could be that for you. Though you doubted it. You continued to eye the door. It wasn’t really busy, but every now and then someone would walk in. Mostly people in suits off to commence nefarious activities, then wake up and do it all again tomorrow. That life never spoke to you, but here you were smack dab in the middle of it. Funny how life works.
You fiddled around with your nails some more, damn you needed to get them done. You glanced up and thought your eyes were playing tricks on you.
Then he spoke.
Immediately you felt chills run down your spine. There’s a voice you hadn’t heard in years. There’s no way. You creep your head around the corner and see four very familiar faces. Your blood runs cold and your face becomes incredibly pale. Holy shit.
You whip your head back into your booth trying to stay out of their line of sight. What were they doing here? Why were they here? What?
Just then Aiden returns and hands you your martini. He frowns at you when he sees your face. “Hey, is everything okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
You blink a few times and nod your head. “I’m um- I’m fine.”
He sits back down across from you and takes your hand. “Are you sure?”
Just then that voice rings from right behind you. Now it’s closer.
“Oh shit. Well hey Sugar.”
You turn around and Jake is standing over you with a shit eating grin plastered on his face. You’re absolutely shocked and horrified. You try to speak but nothing comes out.
“I thought I heard your voice.” He flicks his eyes over to Aiden and extends his hand. “Hi. Jake Kiszka.”
Aiden gives him a strange look, but eventually extends his hand and says “Aiden.”
Finally you are able to muster up the courage to speak. “Jake.” You say calmly. “What are you doing here?”
He smirks at you. “I could ask you the same thing, Sugar. We were out scouting bars. We just moved here and I’ve got to say, you were the last person I was expecting to see tonight.”
You furrowed your brows while your voice goes up an octave higher. “What? You just moved here? Like from Michigan?”
Then the rest of them make their way over. You see Sam, Danny, and your old friend Josh.
Aiden clears his throat, clearly sensing your tension. “How do you guys know each other?”
Jake flicks his eyes to you and gives a wide smile. “Old friends.”
Aiden huffs a little at that. “Okay. Well looks like you have some catching up to do, with your old friends. I’ll call you tomorrow? I’d love to plan something if you’re free Saturday.”
You look back over at Aiden and nod your head.
He excuses himself and slides out of the booth.
“Bye Aiden! Lovely meeting you!” Jake yells out.
The other three are now approaching the table.
“Holy shit!” Sam exclaims when he sees you.
“Oh, hi Sam.”
Then you’re standing up and Sam hugs you, then Danny’s hugging you. Then you see Josh.
“Hi.” He says, standing there with his arms around his back. “Long time no see.”
You are unsure of what to say to that. “Hi Josh.”
“So, can we join you or what?” Jake asks.
You let out a breath and then motion your hand for them to all sit in your booth.
Jake scoots in right next to you. Immediately you feel the need to down your whole martini so you do.
“Whew. Damn Sugar. You okay?” Jake asks, nudging you.
You nod. “Yeah. Just wasn’t expecting such a-“ You pause. “Reunion.”
Josh smiles at you. “I can tell. Well don’t fret if it’s unpleasant for you. It’s just temporary. We are here with a new label working on an album. They decided to rent a house out to us for the next few months.”
You feel bad all of a sudden. You loved Josh. You and he had been friends for years. That was until you started dating Jake. You see, you and Josh had been friends after meeting in a coffee shop in Detroit. You had grown close with all of them, but Josh was your best friend. You two were practically inseparable. You pretty much did everything together. Then, one night you and Jake hooked up and the rest was history. It was hard on Josh. But you were too enamored by Jake to quit. You both had fallen fast and hard. Taking things way too fast, but it felt euphoric. Jake was like a drug. The highs were so high. But the lows were so low. You and Jake were only together for around 10 months. It was a toxic and crazy relationship. The only thing you and Jake were ever good at was sex. To this day no one made you come as hard as he had. But Jake acted like a selfish child. You two spent more time arguing than anything else. When you had broken up you had cut off all contact with all of them. You couldn’t bear it any longer. Josh had tried to reach out to you, but you ignored it. You wanted to forget Jake had ever existed- and that meant cutting off all people who reminded you of him. Then, you had moved to Nashville and gone on with life. You hadn’t seen or spoken to any of them since the break up.
“No it’s not that it’s unpleasant at all. Just unexpected. I never pegged you guys to settle down in… Nashville.” You said, trying to give a convincing smile.
Jake chimes in. “Settle down? We aren’t necessarily doing that. It’s temporary. I fear domesticity.”
You scoff. “Yep. I know.”
Jake laughs at you. “Good one.”
Josh changes the subject. “So what are you up to these days?”
You shift your gaze to Josh. “Well nothing as exciting as you guys. I work at a marketing firm and I have a Beta fish.”
Josh smiles at you. “That does sound exciting. Marketing huh? I can totally see it.”
You nod. “Congratulations to you all by the way on your success.”
“Thank you! We’ve been trying. It’s been a while since the garage band days.” Sam says.
“Yeah. It seems as if we’ve all grown up.” You say, still trying to push back negative feelings.
“Sam, Josh, you guys wanna go get drinks?” Danny asks, obviously trying to give you and Jake a moment to speak.
They both agree and follow Danny to the bar.
“I’ll take a whiskey on the rocks!” Jake yells to them and Sam gives him a thumbs up.
Then it’s just you two alone again. You turn around to face Jake. He’s still wearing that same smirk.
“You know Sugar, I’m digging the pink. You look good.”
You try not to let those words affect you. “Thanks.” You reply flatly.
“So, Aiden?” Jake asks.
You take a sip of the other martini on the table. “What about him?”
Jake hums. “Doesn’t really scream to me your type.”
“Oh yeah? Well what is my type?” You poke.
“Me.” Jake says and grins ear to ear.
You swig the martini again. “Funny.”
“C’mon Sugar. Lighten up. We’re just two old friends catching up.”
You pinch your face up and look at him. “Oh is that what we are?”
Jake smirks at you. “Okay well you know- ex lovers, future lovers. It’s all the same.”
You roll your eyes at him. He was always so full of charm which drove you crazy.
The other three returned with drinks in hand.
“So what are we getting up to tonight? It feels just like old times now.” Sam says with a bright smile.
You start to shut that down. “Count me out unfortunately. I have to work in the morning.”
It gets a little quiet.
“Well what are you doing this weekend?” Josh asks.
“I have pilates, but other than that I guess I’m free.” You reply.
“Does Aiden know that?” Jake teases.
You roll your eyes again.
“We have a show we’re doing this weekend. Would love if you could come and see us play after all this time.” Josh adds.
You pause for a minute, contemplating your options. But you didn’t want to seem so abrasive to Josh, you really did feel bad for ghosting him the way that you did. “Yeah, that sounds fun. I’ll be there.”
Josh smiles at you. “Great.”
“We can have a pass up front for you. Then I guess maybe uh Jake could text you the details?” Sam says cautiously.
Jake chuckles. “I’m blocked.”
Sam falls quiet, fearing maybe he had stirred something up between the two of you.
You try to lighten the situation. “Oh yeah? How do you know that?”
Jake shrugged. “I’ve reached out here and there. It’s never gone through.”
You clear your throat. “Josh? Do you still have my number? If not I can text you.”
“I’ve still got it.” Josh says lightly.
You half smile. “Great. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to slip out of here. It was truly great seeing you guys.”
“Care if I walk you out?” Josh asks.
You weren’t really expecting that.
“Oh yeah sure.” You reply.
You smile and nod everyone else off and Jake has that same smirk on his face.
“See ya soon Sugar.” Jake says, eyeing you up and down.
“Jake.” Is all you say with a nod.
Then you and Josh are walking out of the bar. It’s definitely awkward and there’s so much to be said, but you’re so unsure where to start.
“I’m just right here.” You say motioning over towards your car. “Thank you for walking me.”
Josh gives you a small smile. “So if I text you are you actually going to respond?”
“Josh I-“ You start.
He holds his hand up to you. “I’m only teasing. I know it was a weird situation.”
There was the sweet and understanding Josh he had always been. “It was. But there was still no excuse for me to do what I did to you.”
Josh shakes his head. “Consider it water under the bridge.”
You give a small sigh of relief. “Thank you.”
“I’ll see you Saturday?” Josh questions.
You nod. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Josh smiles. “Good.”
“Hug?” You say extending your arms out.
Josh obliged and stepped in and hugged you. It felt like comfort. You smiled into his shirt. When you both let each other go. Josh was reciprocating that smile.
“I’m glad I ran into you tonight. Get home safe.”
“Me too. Bye Josh.”
Then he stood outside and watched you pull out, waving you off.
Your head was running a million miles an hour. What just happened? You felt like you wanted to vomit, half bile, half rainbows. All you knew was that now you had to prepare for a Saturday with your ex-boyfriend, old best friend, and their band.
Saturday had rolled around quicker than you had anticipated. You huffed as you threw your pilates bag into your car. In a way you were ready to work out all of the anxiousness and frustration you felt. Your pilates studio wasn’t too far from your townhouse. It was in an upscale little plaza next to a smoothie shop, which you would definitely be taking advantage of after. Once you arrived you checked into your class and rolled out your mat. You took a few deep breaths and adjusted your attire. You wore a rather loud pair of green leggings that fit you like tights, and a white sports bra top. You unlaced your white sneakers, letting your bare feet hit the mat. You felt grounded, drained of negative energy. Pilates was always an outlet for your stress, better that than alcohol.
After an intense session you felt reborn. You rolled up your mat and hit the locker room, splashing cold water on your face. You took your hair down and watched it cascade down your shoulders, it had gotten so long. You dried your face with a clean towel and wiped the sweat from your hairline. You rolled on some deodorant and you were vibrating with excitement at the thought of the peanut butter banana protein smoothie you were about to inhale. After dropping off your items in your car you walked with some pep in your step to the entrance of the smoothie cafe only to be met with confusion.
He saw you through the door as soon as you saw him, his face lighting up with a smile as he got up to meet you at the door.
“Hey Sug. What a pleasant surprise.” He greeted, as you stepped in.
“Are you stalking me?” You ask, half serious.
He lets out a chuckle. “You wish. No, Josh and I are here meeting with our social media manager. She wanted smoothies, but I’ve got to say I was hoping this pilates studio next door was the one you frequented.”
You glance around him and see Josh at the table giving you a wave while a blonde girl scrolled through a laptop.
“So why this smoothie place? Did you search for one closest to a pilates studio?” You ask in an accusatory tone.
“You overestimate me Sug. This was just the closest one to our house.” He replies coolly.
“Closest?” You ask with pinched brows.
“Yeah. Our house is somewhat secluded I guess. It’s a few miles behind that block of townhomes.”
“Motherfucker.” You whisper.
Jake looks at you strangely. “What?”
”Nothing.” You say dismissively.
He cracks that annoyingly perfect smile at you. “Don’t tell me you live close to there?”
You glance up at him, always finding it hard to lie to him “I do.”
”Well I’ll be damned. What does fate have in store for us Sug?” He asks through a smirk.
You scoff at him. He was ridiculous.
“Let me at least buy you a smoothie and you can come join us.” Jake offers.
You make a face at him. “I don’t need you to buy my smoothie Jake.”
He cracks a smile at you and places his hand on your lower back ushering you towards the ordering station. “I know you don’t need me to. But I want to. Y’know good karma and all.”
You scoff. “It would take a lot more than a smoothie to give you good karma.”
He lets out a small laugh. “You’re right.”
You two order and stand by the counter while you’re waiting on all of the smoothies. He had ordered one for him, Josh, and the laptop girl too.
You try to tune Jake out but you can feel his eyes burning into you.
“What?” You ask, looking over at him.
“Ah nothing. I thought pink was your color, but it might be green.” He suggests with a smirk, while nodding his head towards your tight green leggings that are practically painted on you.
You roll your eyes but feel your face flushing red. Thankfully, they call your order number up and you grab your smoothie and Josh’s while Jake waits for whatever else he ordered. You walk towards the booth and are greeted with a smiley Josh. You decide to slide in next to him, the blonde girl barely looks up from her computer.
“Ah I thought that was you. I didn’t know you would be joining us this morning?” Josh questions, almost as if he would believe that you and Jake had planned this.
You lightly laughed at that notion. “Yeah me either. My pilates studio is next door. I come here religiously for these protein shakes.”
“Pilates and protein? What happened to my beer and mac & cheese girl?” He teases with a bright smile.
You huff a laugh, but before you can respond Jake comes buzzing over to the table. “Here ya go Dev.” Jake says, sliding over to the blonde girl who was so wrapped up in her computer. However, that’s not the case anymore.
She flashes a smile to Jake. “Oh thank you Jake.” She says, her voice thick with sweetness.
Oh she likes him. You can tell by the way her eyes light up when she sees him. You get it, you really do. But why is it bothering you?
Josh clears his throat. “Okay, well maybe proper introductions are in order here? Devan this is y/n. We all go way back.”
Jake snickers at that. “Yeah, way back.”
You flick a brief look of judgment at Jake, but you notice your heart rate quicken.
“Yes… and this is Devan, she is our newly hired social media coordinator. She’s brilliant. I figured you two might have some common ground with your marketing career?” Josh offers.
Devan meets your eyes. She’s pretty. Moderately short dirty blonde hair with platinum highlights, blue eyes lined perfectly with black eyeliner and encased in black rimmed large eye glasses. You weren’t sure if they were for seeing or fashion, but they looked great on her. She was trendy in a business casual way. Very much a Nashville girl.
You flashed her a smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Devan.”
She offers you a tight lipped smile before averting her eyes back to her computer. “Mhm likewise.”
Oh. You would completely understand her demeanor had she behaved like this the whole time. Work is work. However, she lit up like a Christmas tree for Jake. So you were led to believe that you and her would not be making each other friendship bracelets anytime soon.
“Jake, can you tell me what you think of this filter?” Devan asks in that sickeningly sweet voice again.
Jake glances up at you slightly with a grin and scoots closer to Devan. He brushes his hand with hers as he scrolls on the mousepad and you see her cheeks dust with pink. “Oh wow. Devan this is beautiful. We really are so lucky to have hired you.” He says nudging her shoulder. “Josh, look at this.”
Jake spins the computer around and you glance at the photo. It’s a fucking black and white picture with grain. You now know Jake is trying to put on an act since you’re here.
Josh purses his lips. “Yeah… absolutely. Looks great.”
He has always been so kind.
Your attention is diverted when your phone starts to vibrate on the table.
Aiden Rodgers flashes upon your screen and Jake sees it before you do.
“Sorry guys. I’m going to get out of here and take this call.” You look over directly to Josh. “I’ll see you later?”
Josh gives you a polite smile. “Yeah of course.”
You grab your phone that’s still lighting up the table and glance up at Jake before shuffling out of the booth.
“See you tonight. Do feel free to bring Aiden, Sug.” Jake says with a sly smile.
You make a face at him. Why did he always manage to get under your skin? As you walked off you took a deep breath and answered your phone.
Lunch with Aiden went perfectly well. You had fibbed a little and said that you had a family thing come up for the evening, so Aiden offered lunch. He took you to a cute little patio restaurant where you indulged in a salmon and goat cheese salad with a lemon blueberry mojito. He was funny and charming. But you couldn’t help but let your mind drift elsewhere while he was speaking. You sent Aiden off with a hug and a promise to call him soon. Now you sat in your living room nursing a wine cooler contemplating what you would even wear tonight. What is the attire for attending your rockstar ex-boyfriend’s concert? Part of you wanted to bail on the whole night and not even go, but you couldn’t do that to Josh. Despite all of the shit with Jake, Josh was always there for you. It was about time you showed some reciprocation after all this time.
You groaned and peeled yourself off of your couch. There was a laundry list of things that needed to be done before tonight and you had better get started. Your phone buzzed whilst you were in the middle of an everything shower. When you climbed out you check it immediately to see a text from Josh:
After party tonight at our house. Would love for you to come and you’re more than welcome to stay. Pack a swimsuit!
You felt a swirl of emotions hit you. You missed them and you knew going would be fun. But were you ready to be around Jake for longer than 10 minutes? You dried off and tried to do anything but contemplate how the night might play out. Once you had completed all of your skincare, you threw your hair up to dry in a turban towel and picked through your closet. You fingered through your dresses, business casual blouses, and blazers. Nothing spoke to you. Then, it hit you.
Jake had said he loved you in pink and green, but you still remember the way he trembled when you wore black. You tried to reason with yourself that the sole reason you were choosing your outfit was not based on him, but you were drawing blanks.
Once you applied sultry makeup and put bouncing curls in your hair you were ready to get dressed. You picked up your lingerie-esk black see through cami adorned with lace. It was entirely sheer except for the front. You decided to pair it with a longer silk black skirt with a high slit and black strappy heels. Once, you were dressed, you accessorized and sprayed yourself with a perfume that made you smell like a walking dessert. You might have taken a liquid shot of courage before you got into your Uber to head to the venue.
There was a line of fans outside and you smiled to yourself knowing that their dream was coming to fruition. You clicked your heels on the pavement up towards the box office, carrying your small duffle bag and gave them your name. You were given a lanyard and entrance to the side door where a rather muscular man led you down empty hallways. He smiled and attempted to strike a flirty conversation with you while taking your bag to carry it, but you were already bored of him as he droned on about how important he was. Finally you had made it to a lounge area where you saw Danny rummaging through the fridge with Sam hot on his heels. You laughed to yourself at a memory that had come to mind seeing the scene before you. Josh had always called them tweedle dee and tweedle dumb in the most endearing way. Where there was one the other surely would be in tow.
“Y/n! Hey! You look hot!” Sam yelled, rather loudly as soon as he noticed your presence.
“I believe this is where I leave you ma’am.” Muscles said, sitting your bag down on a chair. “If you require my assistance later or need help getting to your seat, here’s my number.”
You politely accepted his small slip of paper and tried to pretend like you didn’t see his wink.
“You made it!” Josh stated enthusiastically heading your way.
You wrapped him in a warm embrace. “I’m done dodging you.”
He smiled at those words. “Promise?”
”Pinky.” You said, extending your finger out towards him.
This was something you and Josh had done in the past. The most serious of vows, your pinky promises.
You saw his heart swell at your action, happy to have his best friend back. That was short lived when you felt a cloud come into the room. You could sense his eyes on you.
“Want a drink?” Josh asked, nodding towards the small wet bar.
“Just a vodka soda please.”
As one twin left you, another approached. Jake didn’t say a word as he took you in with his eyes. Scanning you up and down no doubtably undressing you with his eyes. You tried not to let that affect you.
He nodded towards you. “Sugar. You look… just wow. Takes me back to a different time.”
Your face slightly reddens at his admission. You expected more of a sleazy conversation from Jake rather than an unintentional trip down memory lane.
The mood shifts entirely when Josh comes back with a vodka soda and two limes.
“You remembered.” You say to Josh with a smile, gesturing towards the extra lime.
“Of course. How could I forget?” He replies with a grin.
Jake clears his throat. “Well glad you could make it. We have a hell of a show tonight and I assume you’ll be at our house later of course for the party?”
You give a quick glance to Josh, who is looking at you hopefully. “Yep. I’ll be there.”
Jake flashes you a mischievous grin. “Excellent. Enjoy yourself tonight Sug.” Then he heads off to converse with one of his technicians.
“Rather brooding isn’t he?” Josh jabs.
You snicker at that. “I’ll say.”
Josh turns towards you and places a hand on your back. “I’m glad you’re here. I’ve missed you.”
A wave of guilt mixed with sentimentality rushes through your veins. You loved Josh. No matter what happened with Jake, he was still that beautiful shining beacon of light for you. It was then you had decided to focus on him rather than concern yourself with whatever Jake may do. “I missed you too Josh, so much.”
“Alright everyone! Openers are about to go on. I need you all dressed and ready to shoot some social media content in ten!”
You glance across the room and see Devan with an iPad in hand. She was wearing a similar stylish business casual outfit like she had previously worn. When she finally looked up from her screen she noticed you immediately and gave a harsh face. It was brief, but you had caught it.
“Devan can we push this back a little? Y/n just got here and I’d like to show her around.” Josh asks.
Devan makes a face a Josh before tapping furiously on her tablet. “Eh sorry no can do Josh. The best I could do is an additional fifteen minutes but that will cut into Danny’s tik tok later. Besides, we need to make sure we are staying somewhat confidential with our filming so that nothing gets leaked.”
You felt a pit form in your stomach. She didn’t want you around and you were intruding on their work.
“Uh Devan she’s basically family.” Sam chimes in. “She wouldn’t dare leak anything.”
“No, it’s fine!” You try to say as nonchalant as possible. “I wanted to catch some of the opening act anyway. You guys go and get dressed and do your thing.”
Josh gives you a sad look, but eventually nods on.
“I’ll call that security guard to come fetch you. Oh! Jake! I need your feedback on something.” Devan says, hurrying over towards Jake who looks at you with raised brows.
“One sec Dev. Gonna walk y/n to her seat.” He says, shuffling past her.
He walks up to you with a pleased smile and sticks his arm out. “Shall we?”
You give him a pointed look and huff before grabbing his arm. “Break a leg.” You say to Josh with a smile.
He gives you a half hearted smile back and nods. You wondered why his mood had seemed to change, but Jake’s voice quickly snapped you out of your thoughts.
You hum. “I supposed. Eager to see how much you’ve all changed.”
Jake chews on his cheeks before he speaks. “I guess we all have… changed quite a bit. Grew up a little.”
You laugh. “Oh, have you? That seems far-fetched for some of you.”
He huffs a laugh back. “You’re talking about Sam right?”
“Oh most definitely.” You snicker, but can’t hide the smile that creeps out. “You didn’t have to walk me, you know. I can manage.”
“And leave that meathead to try and sweep you off your feet? No way Sugar, I’m the only one who can do that. Besides, these halls can be empty. No one around. Private really.” He retorts with a shit eating grin.
There he is. You roll your eyes. “Oh Jake, you really always have been ever so charming.”
“You flatter me. But in all honesty it can be difficult to navigate around backstage. When we first started playing at bigger venues I would get lost just trying to find somewhere to smoke a fucking cigarette.”
“Cigarettes? That’s a nasty little habit.” You say with faux disapproval.
He turns towards you and sets his eyes on yours. “Quite. Sometimes the things that can hurt you the most are what you want more than anything. You crave it.”
You feel your heartbeat quicken at that statement. Your chest starts to blaze with an indescribable feeling, but before you can respond you’re interrupted.
“VIP guest? I’ll usher her over to side stage.” A crew member says approaching you and Jake.
Jake clears his throat and nods at the man. “Yep, thank you.”
Then he turns away and heads in the opposite direction without looking back at you. You felt your brain spinning as you blinked to come back to reality. You were taken to your seat where you were surprisingly close to the stage. You weren’t necessarily in seats, but had a foldout chair side stage on the floor. Your mind drifted to what they might play and if Jake played with as much passion as he used to. When you two had dated you were mesmerized watching him play. His dedication, his intensity, the way his body swayed around that guitar, the facial expressions, the sweat, his…hands. Stop. You couldn’t think that way. That time was over. You have moved on. You were over Jake. Right? You hated him. Didn’t you? You massaged your temples and requested a drink from a crew member. When it arrived you nursed the burning liquid in attempt to suppress whatever in the hell your psyche was feeling. You tried to concentrate on the openers, but before you knew it their set was over and you were left thinking what the next setlist might be. Since you went no contact, you did not go out of your way to search for them or their music. You only know the early days. The early days. Would they play it? Your song? They used to play it all the time. A catchy song written drunkenly by Jake and Josh one night when they were younger, but you were the driven force behind its publication. They played it all the time. It was a great jam song, but no one knew Jake had dedicated it to you. Anxiousness swirled in your stomach as you anticipated the mere minutes before they would take to the stage. You had to admit there was quite a turn out. They had fans and not just casual ones either. A part of you felt proud while another solem that you had missed the build up to this moment.
The lights dimmed and cheering ensued. Then you heard those familiar chords billow through the speaker. It couldn’t be. Your song? They started with your song? Josh’s wailing fills the venue and Jake’s fingers move at lightning speed to match his twin. Highway Tune. Your song.
So sweet. So fine. So nice. Oh my.
Jake used to jokingly say this to you all the time. Your body betrayed you as you swayed to that ever so familiar sound, the build up to the catchiest little riff that has haunted you for years. For a moment Jake’s eyes meet yours and a bright smile appears on his face followed by a wink. He knew what he was doing. The song comes to a close and you hold your breath in anticipation to see if they do it. Danny beats the skin off of his drums, Sam plucks wildly at his bass, Jake strums and struts, you see Josh take a breath and then look at you before the close out.
You were reeling after the last two hours of whatever that was. A rush of conflicting emotions assaults all of your senses as you make your way backstage. Starting off with your song and then you heard a song that made a pit form in your stomach. You’re The One. Was that about you? Timeline wise it would make sense. You wouldn’t dare ask in fear of being embarrassed if it wasn’t about you. But you had a gut feeling that it was.
All of a sudden they all rush back into the green room high off adrenaline.
“So, what did you think?” Danny asks, grabbing a towel to wipe the sweat from his chest.
“You guys were phenomenal. Seriously, I was blown away.”
Danny smiles, clearly pleased with your answer while Sam pulls you into his side for a hug.
“Feels so nostalgic in here huh?”
You let out a small laugh. “Sure does Sammy.”
“Nostalgia for sure Sug.” Jake says, pressing a freshly poured glass of some dark liquid to his lips. His eyes are intense as they study you, trying to see if there’s any falter behind you.
You breath out when you see Josh and take the opportunity to get you out of this weird eye contact that you have with Jake. “Josh! Oh my god, your voice! You were absolutely amazing. So grown up now.”
He smiles sweetly at you. “You’re too kind. It’s been a work in progress for a while.”
“I can tell. I always knew you were talented but I just- wow.”
He blushes slightly at that.
“Yeah yeah enough of the love fest. Can we please go home and start drinking?” Sam says in a faux annoyed tone while sending you a wink.
“Don’t have to ask me twice. Wanna ride with me Sug?” Jake asks looking towards you with raised eyebrows
You swallow thickly at that. “I’ll hang back with Josh. Gotta find my bags anyway.”
“Suit yourself.”
“Josh!” You say in a fit of giggles as he matches your laughs.
“What? It’s true! He absolutely looked like he was snorting steroids.”
You and Josh had left the venue and were headed back to the house. You thought you would be anxious, but neither you nor Josh had shut up or quit laughing. It all felt so natural, just like it once did.
“We’re just around this corner here.” He says, whipping his jeep to the left.
“Josh.” You start. “I have a confession.”
He raises his eyebrows at you. “Yeah?”
“See those trees back there? Just to the right of that little park?”
He quints and nods.
“I live back there.”
His mouth falls open. “No shit?”
You laugh and nod. “I’m so serious! I live in one of those townhomes. That’s why I was so weirded out when I ran into you guys at the smoothie cafe.”
Josh grins and taps the steering wheel. “Hell. Small world. Who would have thought?”
“It’s the universe bringing us back together Joshy.” You say playfully giving his arm a light tap.
His grin turns into a full on smile at that. “I’ll hold you to that.”
When you arrived Josh grabbed your bag and ushered you inside. The house was quite big, definitely bigger than your townhome. There was loud music blasting inside and a slew of bodies which didn’t look familiar to you.
“Wanna take this to my room?” Josh yells over the music.
You nod and grab his hand as he leads you up the stairs.
“Shit it’s loud down there. I’m going to fix that when we get back there. I don’t wear earpieces to protect my ears on stage only to have it ruined at a shitty house party.” Josh says, as he shuts his door.
His room is so very Josh. There’s a white plush king bed in the center, perfectly made. A John Denver poster hangs on a blank wall with a few plants scattered around. But your favorite feature is a small reading nook that Josh has made out of his relatively small windowsill.
“Josh, this is so cute.” You say, running your fingers through his books. You two had always been avid readers and you were delighted to see his new found fame hadn’t changed him.
He gives you a bashful grin. “I guess. I just need a space that’s just for me. Somewhere to escape from the normal insanity that is my life.”
You shrug at him. “Understandable. The reason I chose the townhome I’m in is solely because of a clawfoot tub in my bathroom. I will sit in that thing for hours after a long day at work.”
“You still stay in there long enough to be a mermaid?”
You nod and smile. Josh use to always call you a mermaid because of your extensive baths.
“Ready to head down? I’ve got to kill this music before we get the damn cops called on us.”
You agree and follow him down the stairs. He introduces you to a few dozen people who you couldn’t possibly remember before taking two tequila shots. He throws you a seltzers and a leaves you with a promise to return as soon as he gets the music turned down. You sip on your drink as you can feel the two shots of tequila already working it’s way into your system. You took the time to walk around the house and explore. Careful to avoid any unwanted interactions. You finally found yourself in a small corner of the living room observing some vinyl that was hanging. It seems their collection had almost doubled since you last saw it.
You weren’t alone for long when you felt his presence near you. It was magnetic the way you two had always gravitated towards one another and you knew he was fighting that pull just as much as you had.
“Enjoying yourself Sugar?” Jake asks, leaning in closer than necessary so you can hear him. Immediately you can smell the booze on him. Was he trying to drink away the feelings he felt just like you were?
“Having a splendid time Jacob. Thank you.” You reply, cordially.
He laughs and presses his back up to the wall, observing the party with you. “Why do I always find you in a corner by yourself? You should be out there mingling and mixing.” He teases.
You scoff. “We all aren’t social butterflies like you I suppose.”
Jake turns back and leans in closer to you. “Don’t play coy with me Sug. Don’t forget, I know you. You are very personable. Dare I say charming even?”
You take this opportunity to poke back at him. “Charming? I think I use my charm a little bit differently than you.”
He clicks his tongue and brings his glass up to his lips. “Whatever do you mean?”
“I use my charm simply in a way that any human would; for the purpose of social interaction. Right? You use your charm to try and get panties to drop. So why are you lecturing me? You need to get out there and mix and mingle instead of standing in this corner.”
Jake studies you as you speak and takes a step even closer. He stares directly in your eyes, his slightly red and half-lidded. “Fair, but there’s only one person here that I want to try that charm out with.”
You tried not to flinch at his words, but that hit you like a bullet train. “Yeah?”
He leaned down, bracing himself on the wall. “Yeah.” He whispers into your neck. His hot breath fanning on a sweet spot that caused goosebumps to form everywhere. “And I can only get to her in this corner. Unless of course she would like to accompany me upstairs? We could do a lot of mixing and mingling up there.”
You feel a rush in your chest as Jake’s eyes bounce from your eyes to your lips.
Oh but his lips.
Slightly wet from nursing his drink, but so perfectly plump and pink. You tried to remember how they felt when they used to graze every inch of your skin. That thought alone sent shivers down your spine. You felt frozen in time as your heart was thudding. Maybe it was the alcohol in your system or maybe it was the burning sensation of lust coursing through your veins, but you were going to kiss him. No you were going to fuck him. You didn’t care, all of your inhibitions had long flown out the window. You stared back at him intently and fluttered your eyes tilting your head forward. He leaned in slowly and parted his lips. You followed suit. His nose brushed yours and electricity shot down your spine. This was it.
You both spun around to see Josh heading your way. Jake huffed a few curse words under his breath as you instinctively took a step back.
Josh makes his way over to you and runs his fingers through his hair. “Thank god I found you. That redhead is looking for you. She’s been following me around for the last few minutes. Something about plans you had?”
Your stomach sinks slightly at that and you feel embarrassed that it did. Of course he has little flings or hell even multiple girlfriends.
Jake cocks his head at his twin and narrows his eyes at him. Almost like he cannot believe what he just said. There’s a long pause of silence between the two of them, neither breaking eye contact from the other.
Finally, Jake lets out a huff and glances back at you before walking off.
You were now beyond grateful that Josh cockblocked you.
“Such a sour puss. You ready to go swimming?” Josh asks you with a grin.
You match his. “Absolutely.”
You stared at yourself in the mirror feeling a little self conscious as you took in your body in the black bikini. Jake hadn’t seen your body in a while. Not since you had become more womanly and of course the months of pilates classes. You knew you looked attractive, sure but you still had those voices inside your head criticizing every imperfection. You massaged your temples to get out of your own head and threw on a large Nirvana t-shirt with some leather flip flops before leaving Josh’s bathroom.
“Ready?” He asked you, sitting patiently in his windowsill. “I got us towels.”
You let out a small laugh. “Thank you. Yes, let's go.”
You and Josh descend the stairs and head outside. There’s a decent amount of people there. You don’t scan around looking for Jake, instead keeping your eyes on Josh as he plops your towels down on a chair. He’s wearing light orange swim trunks that match his tan perfectly. It’s just now that you realize how fit he looks. He has really filled out since you last saw him.
You take off your t-shirt and slide off your flip flops, placing them all on the chair. When you glance up your eyes meet Jake’s. He’s staring at you, mouth slightly agape. He’s in the pool, with a fair skinned girl with red hair laughing and straddling him. Her arms are on his shoulders and instantly jealousy creeps down your spine. Why were you jealous? You couldn’t say, but you were. You peeled your eyes away from Jake and headed towards Josh, who was at the cooler fetching you drinks.
“Hot tub?” You ask him walking up behind him.
“Oh yeah sure-“ He turns around and his eyes scan your body. He’s not being nonchalant about it and when he catches himself his face dusts red and he clears his throat. “Yeah hot tub it is.”
You and Josh pad your way to the hot tub, opposite to where Jake and the red head were. You see Sam sitting in there animatedly speaking to Danny. You giggle because you can tell he’s intoxicated.
“Wow wow wow!” Sam whistles wildly at you two approaching. “Josh, you look incredible!”
Josh laughs at his brothers antics while taking your hand to help you climb into the hot tub. The warm water goes from slightly uncomfortable to pleasant the more you sink down in it. You crack your watermelon tequila seltzer and cheers with Josh as you get settled, opting to share a jet together.
“Sammy boy, how much have you had to drink tonight?” Josh pokes.
He throws his hand up at you two. “I lost count. I’m just trying to celebrate! Enjoy the lovely night with lovely people!”
Danny groaned at the end of that sentence and handed Sam a bottle of water. “Drink this.”
“Ah! The gang’s all back together. Where’s Jake? I’m surprised he peeled himself away from you.” Sam giggles. “He was eye fucking you all night on that stage.”
It got quiet.
“He’s in the pool.” Danny offers, bluntly.
Sam cranes his head around to look for his older brother. “Oh. Shit. Is that one Holly or Katie?”
“Holly.” Josh interjects. “Katie is the other one.”
Other one.
Sam sucks in his cheeks and turns towards you. “Sorry. I know that might be awkward for you. It’s nothing serious.”
You let out a laugh. “It’s okay Sam. It doesn't bother me.” You lie. “That was a long time ago.”
“Sam, no one was thinking that. You’re the one making things weird.” Danny says through a laugh.
Sam lets out a breath. “Pshhhhhh. Nope. Come on we all remember how they used to-“
“Sam!” Josh snaps, somewhat abruptly. “Let it be. Can we not traumatize her again?”
You play it off. “It’s fine I promise. But tell me about this house? It’s insane! You guys are living here for how long?”
Josh faces you. “It is. I’m very grateful they gave us such a big place to write this album. We used to go in the smallest cabins in the woods and hold up for weeks. But I think we should be here for at least a good six to nine months.”
You swallow at that. How would you be around them or him for that long? “Wow. Sounds like you guys will be busy then.”
Danny rolls his eyes. “We would be if we could stay on topic.”
You smile at that. “Not much has changed, has it?”
Sam sips his water. “Not even a little bit.”
Eventually the party had died down and the crowd began to disperse. Danny and Sam were on cleanup duty while you and Josh both quickly took a rinse shower and put dry clothes back on. You were done first, so you decided to head back down wearing gray sweat shorts with a white cropped tank. Your hair was slightly damp and had curled up significantly.
“Need any help?” You ask Sam as you see him throwing cups on a trash bag.
“That would be great.” He offers with a big smile.
You get to work and grab a bottle of cleaning solution with paper towels and being spraying and wiping down the sticky surfaces, while Sam finishes picking up trash and begins to sweep.
“You’re too sweet, you know that? I’ve always thought so.”
You giggle at his drunk confessional. “Thank you Sammy. So are you.”
He shrugs. “I guess. I’m sorry if I made you upset earlier. I’m just glad to see that you don’t have an achy Jakey heart.”
You can’t help but laugh at that one. “It’s okay, really. I’m a big girl.”
Sam grins at you. “I know you are. But for what it’s worth, he hasn’t really been the same since- you know. Despite how he acts it really fucked him up. He never said a word to indicate it, but we could all tell. I’m sure you heard that song tonight. He would absolutely kill me for saying all of this to you right now, but I feel like you should know it. If for nothing but closure. Fuck, I know I’m drunk and I’m oversharing here.”
You feel like the wind has been sucked out of you. A pool of emotions you absolutely cannot identify swirl in you. Does Jake have feelings for you? After all this time? That song? Were you right?
You’re interrupted abruptly by Josh climbing down the stairs. “Sammy, why do you have our guest working?”
Sam clears his throat, trying to drop all of the conversation that had just occurred between you two. “She volunteered because she is kind. Unlike a certain diva I know.”
“Please. Jake and I have the next clean up- that was the agreement.”
Sam rolls his eyes. “Yeah yeah. Help me take this trash out.”
Josh gives you a head nod as he grabs two bags of trash and walks with Sam towards the door.
Then you’re left in your own thoughts, absentmindedly putting away things that you have no idea where they go.
“So who are you?”
You whip your head around to see redhead approaching you. She’s still in her neon pink bikini tracking pools of water on the floors Sam had just cleaned.
You try not to narrow your eyes at her as you tell her your name. “Old friend of theirs.”
She takes in what you say. “Hm, old friend? I don’t think I’ve ever heard them talk about you.”
You’re a bit taken back by her nastiness. “And you are?”
“Holly.” She says with a smile. “Jake’s good friend. Thank you for helping clean up and all, but the party’s over. I think we’ll get it from here.”
Okay now you narrow your eyes at her. She doesn’t know you and you have a good inkling she doesn’t know how much of good friends you and Jake used to be. “Appreciate your tip and all, but I’m staying here tonight.”
She makes a face at you. “What are you taking the couch or something?”
“No.” Josh’s voice peaks from behind you. “Not that’s it’s any of your concern, but she’s staying with me.”
She drops a considerable amount of attitude with Josh in the room. “Oh! No, yeah I just didn’t know.”
She heads back outside as Josh scoffs. “Don’t worry about her.”
You flash him a smile. “What? She seems so friendly.”
He nudges your shoulder. “You have no idea.”
You and Josh had decided to go outside to make sure everything else was done before you had retired to bed. You found Jake sitting in a chair with redhead practically on top of him. His eyes found yours when you stepped outside, but you looked away quickly and refused to look back.
“Is Sam making a fucking fire?” Josh asks through a laugh.
Danny walks by and places his hand on Josh’s shoulder. “Indeed he is. Something about old times sake and a card game?”
A smile spreads across your face. “Rummy? That’s what we used to all play when we were high out of our minds.”
“Bingo!” Sam yells from a distance. “And you’re in luck baby because look what I have!” He holds up a sandwich bag full of joints.
You shake your head and smile at Josh. “Oh my god.”
He throws his arm around you. “Are you up for this?”
You think about it for a second. Contemplating being around Jake and redhead even longer. You didn’t want to be a buzzkill though, so you bit your lip and nodded your head.
You all eventually gathered around the table. You seated yourself next to Josh and Sam, trying to steer away from Jake. It was to no use when he sat down directly in front of you. His eyes bore into yours, but again you wouldn’t look at him.
“Wanna shuffle Sug?” Jake asks you, attempting to hand the cards in your direction.
You can see redhead squish her face up at the pet name.
“Sure.” You take the cards and begin to shuffle them around before dealing.
Sam lights up and starts to pass the joints around. You collect your cards and take a joint from Josh, watching him take a drag. You bring the joint to your lips and take a small hit, not wanting to do too much for the night. The smoke fills your lungs and you feel that light sensation rush to your head. You close your eyes and exhale, deciding to take another puff before passing it back to Sam. It’s not long until all of you are red eyed and smiley. The first few games were won by you and Danny, then the cards got tossed to the side stories began to flow. At this point the cotton mouth began to set it.
“Gonna go grab a bottle of water. Want one?” You turn to Josh.
He gives you a smile. “Please.”
You head towards the house and go to the bathroom first, relieving your bladder. You wash your hands and stare at the mirror, trying to fix the slight black smudge under your eyes. You were tired and ready to call it a night. Once you headed back into the kitchen you were startled by a body standing there.
“Fuck! Jake, you scared me.”
He laughs. “Sorry Sugar. Just wanted to come and check on you.”
“I’m fine.”
“You are.” His voice was like velvet. He was always somehow more attractive when he was stoned.
“Careful Jake. Don’t want your friend out there to hear.” You say nonchalantly, grabbing two bottles of water.
Jake gives you a devilish grin and steps closer. Backing you up into the countertops. “Oh come on now Sugar. Just say the words and she’s gone.”
You look up at him, studying that beautiful face. “I’m good actually.”
You shimmy out from underneath him heading back outside to Josh. You let out a deep breath before returning to the group.
“Thanks love.” Josh says, taking the bottle from you.
Jake returns to the group not uttering a word.
“I’m tired.” You announce to Josh.
“Yeah me too.” Redhead states. “Jake can we go to bed babe?”
You glance up at him. He looks at you with raised eyebrows, almost asking you. You avoid his glance and he mutters a “yeah” towards her. It sort of felt like a stab to your gut, but you wouldn’t give it any attention.
“Good night guys!” Redhead yells, toting Jake’s arm all the way inside.
You and Josh helped put the fire out before heading back inside.
“What a damn day.” Josh jokes, handing you toothpaste to put on your toothbrush.
You huff a laugh. “Tell me about it. Also I’m freezing, why is it so cold in here?”
“Daniel insists we keep the house at a crisp 68. Michigan blood isn’t used to this Tennessee heat.”
You snicker. “You would all boil if you came to my place.”
“You’ve adapted well I see.”
You shrug. “I’ve always preferred to be closer to The Sun I guess. Makes me happy.”
Josh smiles at you. “I know what you mean.”
You both brush your teeth side by side. A part of it felt so domestic, like it was something that you two had done every night forever. You chalk it off to being high and climb into bed with your once best friend.
You snuggled down into his plush sheets and both crack a few jokes before drifting off to sleep. Somehow, Josh’s arm found it’s way wrapped around you. You were no longer freezing; you were now warm.
Both inside and out.
Thank you for reading :)
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jae-bummer · 1 year
Gentle Pressure
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Request: 1 & 4 from the prompt list with Joshua!! Maybe something cute?? 💓
1) "Please don't stop touching me."
4) "Okay...so this is new."
Pairing: Seventeen Joshua x Reader
Genre: Fluff
You let out a soft groan as your bedroom light flipped on.
Squinting, you looked over to the figure in the doorway that you couldn't quite focus on. You slung your forearm over your eyes before muttering an unintelligible response.
"Wake up sleepyhead," the familiar voice chuckled, crossing the room to sit on the bed beside you. He gave your shoulder a gentle shake, but you were unmoved.
"Not sleeping," you croaked.
"That sounds suspiciously like something someone who was sleeping would say," he hummed.
Removing your arm from your eyes, you glanced to Joshua, your best friend in the entire world.
"Go away."
"Rude and uncalled for," he muttered, now resorting to flicking your nose.
"Noooo," you moaned, rolling away from him. Your whole face already hurt and that didn't make it any better.
"Sensitive today," he clucked. "What's wrong?"
"Headache," you rasped. Turning back toward him, you winced. His cheerful expression had quickly fallen into one of concern. Reaching upward, you moved to rub a finger over the crease between his brows, but he immediately pulled away.
"Aw.." you complained, your hand still hanging in midair.
"Did you take something?" Joshua asked, springing up and beginning to flutter around the room. "What about ice? That can help with..."
"I took Tylenol," you grumbled slowly. "Tried ice. Drank water. Turned off lights."
You watched Josh's eyes grow in alarm before launching himself toward the door and smacking the switch, once again plunging you into dim lighting.
"Jeonghan even made me this awful ginger drink he said would-"
"Never trust Jeonghan, especially when he's mixing ingredients together," Josh laughed lightly.
"He was just trying to help," you muttered.
"Pfft," Josh laughed. "He could smell your weakness. He can't control himself. His goblin sensitivities take over."
Making his way back toward you, he sunk into the mattress again. Pulling himself toward the middle, he sat crisscross, and furrowed his brows. Looking behind him, he snatched one of your pillows and set it flat against his lap.
Patting it lightly, he nodded to himself. "Let me try to help."
"Would said help involve me moving?" you croaked.
"Unfortunately," he nodded in mock sadness. "But I think it'll be for the greater good."
Heaving a sigh, you shifted your body backward. Targeting him with a questioning expression, he nodded as you leaned back into the pillow and placed your head in his lap.
"Okay..." you hummed, looking up at the underside of his face. "So this is new."
He smiled down at you, causing your chest to stir with something akin to butterflies. This whole moment felt entirely too intimate, and headache aside, you weren't mentally prepared to handle whatever was going on here.
"Tell me if this doesn't help," Joshua cooed, sinking his fingers into your hair. "If it still hurts, I'll stop."
Rubbing gentle circles into your scalp, you tried not to illicit a moan of pleasure. While your headache was still rooted deeply in your skull, this was definitely providing some sort of solace. The pain instantly eased enough for you to close your eyes and exhale softly.
The simple sound caused Josh to shutter to a stop, wary of causing you any discomfort. "Are you okay?"
"Joshua Hong," you ground out. "Please don't stop touching me."
After a beat of silence, your words slammed back into your understanding. Opening your eyes, you could see Josh's ears turning red.
"I mean - I," you stuttered.
"No, no," he said swiftly, beginning to move his hands again. "I get what you meant."
His fingers moved more quickly and erratically than before, causing you to hiss out an "Ouch."
Stopping again, Josh looked down at you with wide eyes. "What did I do?"
"Just," you whispered, reaching up to grab his palms. You moved them around your head slowly. "Gentler. Like you were doing."
"Right, gentle," he said sternly. "Got it."
Allowing yourself to be leisurely pushed into the pillow, it wasn't long until you fell into an easy silence. You could tell Josh had been nervous, but you were unsure if it was centered around his fear of hurting you or simply having you this close.
It felt like you had been friends forever, but as you looked back on it, you had never been very physically affectionate. In general, skinship could be overwhelming for you, so you didn't necessarily seek it out. If it happened, that was fine, but it seemed like Josh never wanted to make you uncomfortable in that way.
But the thing was, he could if he wanted. Glancing up at him, you reckoned with yourself. Joshua was one of the few human beings in this world who felt cozy. As an entire person, he was warm and agreeable and safe. Even though this contact was new for both of you, you had never felt more secure than you did in this moment.
When what he was doing felt this good, it was easy to blur the lines of friendship you had so carefully set up between the two of you. He was the type of boy you fall in love with without meaning to. He was the type of boy you could happily introduce to your mom. He was the type of boy you would gladly file your taxes with and trust with your credit information.
That was Josh. Safe, stable, loving, Josh.
Chewing on your lip, you finally noticed that he was watching you as well.
"Whatcha thinking about?" he said quietly.
"How good this feels," you fibbed. To be fair, it wasn't an outright lie. It did feel amazing. It just wasn't at the forefront of your mind.
"A little bit of pressure helps things loosen up," he hummed. "You'd be surprised how often I do this for the members."
Your stomach sank a little bit at his words. For whatever reason, you had felt special with him doing this for you. It was silly to get hurt over him interacting in the same way with other people he cared about.
"It definitely helps," you whispered, looking away.
After a few moments of silence, you felt him poke your cheek. "Hey."
"Hey," you exhaled, looking up at him again.
Sucking in his lips, he seemed to be warring with himself. Halting his motions, you were surprised when he pulled his hands from your hair. You remained still as he set his palms on his knees and took a deep breath.
The next part felt like it was in slow motion. Before you could even register what was happening, Josh began to lean forward. Arching his back until his face hovered directly above you, he paused. Without saying a word, he placed a small, tender kiss at your hair line.
Your mouth popped open at the small gesture. A feeling of comfort unfurled in your chest and burned brightly. Had he really just done that?
"That...that was also new," you managed, searching his eyes as his gaze remained locked on you.
"I...I thought maybe it would feel good," he said, his voice raspier than it had been only a few minutes ago. "For you. Pressure and all that. Lips are softer than fingers and-"
"Josh," you laughed. "You don't need an excuse to kiss me."
"I don't?" he croaked.
"No," you breathed, admittedly surprised by your own words.
A small, delicate smile played across his lips while his eyes danced mischeviously. "In that case..."
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teewritessmth · 10 months
#Instagram Au (07)
Josh Zerkaa x f! reader
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Liked by lazarbeam, calfreezy and 345,872 others
y/n.y/l/n Always the best dates when there's peace and quiet.
zerkaa I'm genuinely in love with the second pic
behzingagram who won?
---y/n.y/l/n I won but he got sulky so we played 3 more games until he won.
---taliamar average boyfriend experience
koiju Cuties !!
gerome69 good day to bathe with my toaster
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Liked by mrbeast, betasquad, sidemen and 5,453,987 others
zerkaa Probably the biggest video we've dropped till date. We went on a laser tag course with the mrbeast crew, the betasquad and other youtubers. Vid dropping this Sunday.
y/n.y/l/n Had soooo much fun
ajshabeel Goated Vid don't miss the upload
harrypinero Why did I not get invited? This is outrageous!
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Liked by miniminter, yungfilly and 789,567 others
y/n.y/l/n thanks to my good friend @niallhoran for inviting me and Josh to this amazing of a concert !
niallhoran ❤️❤️
zerkaa Ya'll had to be there, great times man.
1dmadeeh Not the post I expected but good lawd
Requested by sweet @aanya0810
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ageofbajabule · 11 months
Come Undone | Josh Kiszka
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Josh Kiszka x Fem Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Oral Sex (F and M Receiving), Teasing, Unprotected Sex, Fluff. (Let me aware if I missed anything.)
Author’s Note: Hey y’all!! I saw those pictures of Josh meeting that fan in Brussels earlier today and saw the hoodie he was wearing under his jacket and all I could think about was him wearing Gray Sweatpants😮‍💨 And well… let’s just say it got the best of me. I hope you all enjoy it🤭 (also this is poorly edited)
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Another leg of the tour done, Josh would be home soon. The weather in Nashville was cold, a little bit of snowfall had happened. Nothing to make the roads bad, but enough to be cold out.
Josh had an arranged ride home, which left you the time to make his favorite dinner. You had your home decorated in Christmas decor, it was your favorite time of the year as it was for Josh. He always made sure to host a big Christmas party at your home that you shared together.
The house smelled of vanilla and sandalwood. You giggled softly as you played a John Denver record, finishing up the last touches to dinner. You pulled out a bottle of wine, along with two glasses. You had the table set up for dinner. After setting the dishes down on the dining table, you poured the glasses with wine.
Eventually you heard the lock click on the door, turning on your heel you’re greeted with Josh’s head poking in. You smiled softly running over to him to help gather his things inside the house.
Once he was safely inside your home he pulled you in for a tight hug, kissing your lips softly.
“I missed you, Mama…” He hummed against your lips caressing your face.
“I missed you more…” You smiled resting your forehead against his.
“Smells good in here.” He grinned softly, rolling his suitcase into the mud room.
“I made your favorite.” You smiled softly, helping him take his jacket and scarf off.
“My favorite meal is right here.” He smirked, pulling you close to him.
“Joshua…” You giggled softly. “Dinner first, then you can have dessert later.” Patting his chest lightly you walked over to the dining table taking a seat across from where he sat down.
Over dinner Josh had rambled on about the European leg of the tour. You enjoyed when he talked about the things he loved, it was joyful to see him so happy and excited.
You watched every single detail of him, the way his nose would scrunch when he smiled and laughed. The way his eyes sparkled every time he looked at you, how his curls rested against his forehead. The little cheek scar, and his god-like jaw structure.
“What is it, mama?” He chuckled softly, as he gathered your dishes walking towards the kitchen.
“I just get lost in you…” You giggled softly, taking over and starting on rinsing the dishes and loading the dishwasher.
“How about… I finish cleaning down here while you unpack and get a shower?” You smiled at him, kissing his lips softly.
“Okay, okay. But, we are watching a movie tonight.” He kissed your hands softly.
“Your choice. I’ve watched enough of my rom-coms while you’ve been gone.” You giggled, as he chuckled softly.
“Director’s choice…” He hummed walking away. You giggled to yourself checking out his ass as he went off.
You could hear his footsteps as he climbed the stairs with his luggage. Hearing him hum along to the record you were playing. Smiling softly to yourself you finished wiping down the counters and table, putting everything back in its rightful place.
After finishing up cleaning you ran upstairs to put on your silk set pajamas then ran back downstairs to make popcorn and gather your glasses of wine for the two of you. You put a log in the fire that was already burning, then turned the tv on, setting it up to whichever streaming platform he wanted.
You grabbed your favorite fleece blanket that Josh had gotten for you a while ago, laying it across your lap as you placed the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. You could hear Josh padding down the stairs. He came around the bend, wearing a white long sleeve and gray fitted sweatpants, his curls still dampened.
You smiled, as you felt your cheeks heat up. Definitely a rosy shade now, you felt like a school girl watching him. You bit your lip softly as you saw the outline of his semi hard dick in his sweatpants. You quickly averted your eyes before he could notice.
He turned the record player off, then made his way over to the couch lifting the blanket to sit beside you. He placed over his and your lap, wrapping an arm around your shoulder pulling you into his side.
You smiled softly, kissing his cheek. Your hand found a natural placement on his thigh, letting it rest there softly.
“So what movie are you picking tonight?” You smiled, grabbing the bowl of popcorn. Eating a few pieces from it.
“How about John Wick?” He grabbed the remote, setting it up. You nodded your head in agreement, as the beginning credits played you rested your head on his shoulder.
He smiled softly, resting his head on top of yours as he ate a handful of popcorn. You then remembered where your hand was placed, inching your pinky closer smirking to yourself as you imagined his cock twitching.
Hearing Josh’s breathing pattern change a little gave the sign that he indeed felt what you were doing. You bit your lip softly, keeping your eyes trained on the television. As you inched your fingers closer you could feel him grow beneath your touch.
“Mama…” His low register tone popping out. You felt a flood of arousal, clenching your thighs together. You worked your hand closer to his inner thigh squeezing softly.
Earning a groan from Josh, you giggled to yourself softly. As you felt his hand move to grab yours, moving it away swiftly.
“Are you just gonna be a tease, or am I gonna have to take care of it myself?” He growled into your ear, causing goosebumps to form on your skin.
“Is my baby all hot and bothered now…” You purred at him.
“The fact I haven’t had you in over a month is driving me insane. And seeing you sit here in your matching silk set, with your tits sitting nicely, it’s been hard not to just take you right here.” He spoke softly in his low register tone still.
“Well perhaps you should do something about it.” You cocked an eyebrow, standing slowly from where you sat putting the bowl of popcorn on the kitchen counter.
You stretched, letting your shirt lift a bit and reveal your tummy. You faked a yawn. “But it’s getting awfully late Josh…” You sighed softly, heading to walk up the stairs.
Hearing the tv make a noise as he shut it off, he was quick on your tail into your bedroom. In an instant he was pressing you up against the wall in your bedroom.
“Awfully late my ass…” He purred against your ear. “How many times have we stayed up till dawn, while I fucked you into the mattress? Or do I need to remind you…”
You bit your lip softly, looking down at his sweatpants seeing him completely hard and straining against the seams. You moved your hand to palm him through his sweats. “Hm… Painfully hard Joshy… Is that all for me?”
“Of course it’s all for you. Do I need to remind you that I'm yours?” He bit your earlobe softly, earning a whimper from you.
“Please…” You whined, slipping your hand into the waistband of his sweatpants. He wasn’t wearing any underwear, not like he normally did in your home. You bit your lip softly, stroking him through his pants earning a groan from him.
“Are you gonna be nice and take care of me?” He whispered against your ear. You nodded eagerly, sinking to your knees in front of him. You pulled his sweatpants down slowly, his cock springing free. The tip was swollen and leaking with precum.
He kicked his sweats away, as you sat on your heels taking him into your hand. You stroked him slowly, licking the precum off the tip. He shuddered moving his hands to push your hair back into a makeshift ponytail.
Slowly you wrapped your lips around him, taking him whole into your mouth making your motions achingly slow for him. Earning another groan from him, he tightened his grip on your hair, earning a hiss from you as you started to pick the pace up, bobbing your head up and down while using your hand to stroke what you couldn’t fit into your mouth.
“Fuck, Y/N…” His head rolled back as you looked up at him. You hummed contently, sending a shock of vibrations through him nearing him closer as you continued to lap your tongue around his length.
“Fuck, if you keep doing that I’m not going to last long.” He pulled away from you, a string of your saliva trailing from your mouth and his cock. You frowned, as he looked down at you.
“Mama, if I don’t have a taste of you right now…” He chuckled softly, picking you up and placing you on the bed softly. You helped him get rid of your clothing, as he stripped himself of one last final piece of clothing.
You smiled softly, resting against the thick duvet beneath you. Josh crawled above you, kissing your lips softly and trailing wet hot kisses down your neck, chest, and abdomen. Your hands found their way into his now dry stated curls.
He nestled between your legs, feeling his breath against where you wanted him so badly. He licked an agonizingly slow stripe, earning a jolt and whine from you. “Don’t tease…”
“You get what I give you, but my baby always gets what she wants? Doesn’t she?” He looked up at you smirking softly, before diving back in with consistent kitty-like licks. Your thighs gently wrapped around his face as he started to eat you out like a starved man. You couldn’t help the whimpers that left your mouth.
Josh then slipped a finger into you, toying with you as he set a pace for himself as he drowned himself in your arousal. “Josh…” His name rolled off your tongue like a mantra. He buried his face into your cunt, his licks becoming stronger pointing his tongue as he sucked on your clit. You gripped his curls tighter in your hands, earning a groan from him.
He started to shake his head fervently as he lapped at you, inserting another digit into you. Pumping them in and out at a strong pace hitting that spot you so desperately wanted him at, making your body arch off of the mattress.
You felt yourself close to coming undone, you started to praise him as you came closer to the edge. He pulled you closer to his face by your hips, earning a yelp from you. He continued to work, flicking his tongue and licking up every inch of you causing the rubberband in you to snap. Your legs shook violently around him, as he basked in your arousal.
Breathing heavily as you came down from your orgasm. He pulled away, crawling on top of you. He smiled at you, you giggled softly seeing the mess you made on his face. “You always taste so sweet…” He pulled your face to his kissing you roughly making you taste yourself.
You were getting impatient with him, wanting him to already be inside of you. “Please Josh… I need you inside of me.” You stroked him slowly, helping line him up with your entrance. He gently pushed into you, the both of you groaning from the contact.
“Like fucking velvet…” He moaned against the shell of your ear, as you wrapped your arms around his back pulling him closer to you. He started to slowly rock his hips into you, his one hand placed on your hip while the other gripped the headboard.
Running your hands up and down his back, feeling his muscles flex beneath your touch as he kept thrusting into you with slow languid strokes. Moans slipped your lips, as he brought his face close to yours, his eyes meeting yours. He kissed your lips passionately, as he continued to pick up the pace feeling him stretch you out making himself home again.
A gasp came out, as Josh picked up the tempo earning a grin from him. He moved back a bit to sit against his heels as he placed your legs over his shoulders, earning him a deeper angle.
“Oh my, right there-“ You moaned, as your hands reached out to grab a hold of his. He smiled softly, kissing your hands as he interlaced them together. He then placed his one hand below your navel, pressing lightly as he thrusted into you.
“You feel me… Right here, mama?” His eyes rolled back, as you clenched around him.
“Yesyesyes….” It rolled off of your tongue, you were drunk off of him. Letting him take what was rightfully his. “Don’t fucking stop…” You let out a pornagraphic moan, that would be sure to wake the neighbors if you had any…
He eventually pulled out of you, tapping your legs softly. “On all fours…” He kissed your lips roughly, before letting you get in the position he had told you.
Once you were settled, he rammed right back into you. Earning a yelp from you, he gripped your hips with his soft strong hands. You felt yourself nearing another orgasm, as your legs started to feel like jello. It had been so long since you and Josh had last been together like this.
“Y/N, you keep doing that I won’t last much longer…” He groaned softly, as his hips slowly faltered.
“Josh… I’m s-so close…” You moaned out gripping the bed sheets.
“I am too baby…” He kept fucking you at a relentless pace, hitting your gspot every time. Making you see stars as he did. Earning nothing but everlasting whines from you.
Josh then grabbed you by the neck pulling your back flush against his chest. “C’mon Mama…make some noise for me while I’m filling your pussy up with my cum.”
Those words sent you seeing white, as you came undone around his cock. You were sure the noises leaving your mouth would make people turn their heads in ways thinking you were being manhandled. Suddenly you felt him twitching as he filled you up with his release.
He pulled out slowly, earning a whine from you. As you turned to lay on your back, he laid down next to you. Pulling you close to him, as you cuddled into him.
“So, perhaps I should wear these sweatpants in the house more often?” He chuckled playing with your hair gently.
“I mean, you could walk around the house naked too… I wouldn’t complain.” You giggled softly.
“You want me to run you a bath?” He kissed your cheek gently.
“No… I just wanna lay here with you.��� You kissed his lips softly.
“I love you…”
“I love you too…” You smiled softly before sleep overcame you. You would deal with cleaning the sheets tomorrow morning, as they were bound to be ruined again anyways.
@lyndszee @fkfearandliveyourlegend @starcatcherry @hi-hi-hello11 @gvfmuse @meetingthestardust @myleftsock @thunderstomp-and-tequila @sinsofstardust @vanillabear27 @dharma-divine33 @holybananafuck @thecoldwind @gretasfallingsky @char289
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dilfenthusiast-union · 2 months
The Suffocation is the Best Part
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Joshua “Josh” Washington x Reader
Another one. Look at that nose. I don’t see enough face sitting happening to it.
Content includes depictions of oral sex (f receiving) face sitting, afab anatomy, brief mention of smothering and weight. Feedback is appreciated!
“Ride.. ride my face.” Josh begs following his climax, chest heaving with shallow breaths.
“I beg your pardon?” you revel, eyebrows furrowing and eyelids widening in harmonious shock at Josh’s demand.
“Seriously. Ride my face, sit on my nose, babe. It’s big for a reason.” he teases, raising his eyebrows suggestively paired with a smirk as he scans your naked form with half lidded eyes.
“What if I suffocate you? Am I not heavy?” You question with concern weighing down your words.
“Babe.. The suffocation is the best part” his smirk grows into a mischievous grin as he wraps his large, veiny hands around your thighs, bringing you to hover over his face. Your thighs quiver in anxiety and anticipation, Josh notices. “Relax, babe. Even if you smother me… honestly, I think that’s a great way to go out” he brings you to sit on his nose before you can make any rebuttals. His pupils dilate as he laps up your juices from your glistening folds, taking in the salty flavours and sticky consistency.
Josh hums in satisfaction, his grip tightening around your thighs. The vibrations of his verbal affirmations send tingles through the entirety of your body, lingering in your stomach. The sensations make you unconsciously rock back and forth on Josh’s face.
The bridge of his nose rubs at your vulva, combined with his tongue lapping at your hypersensitive buds. It sends currents of pleasure through you, rendering you weak.
“Holy shit..” you gasp, mouth agape. Your eyelids squeeze shut and your brows furrow as you reach for the headboard to keep you balanced. “Fuck, god, Josh that feels so good”, you weakly let out. He replies with another vocalisation against your vulva, sending yet another wave of pleasure through you.
As you keep rocking against his tongue and nose, the butterflies your stomach bundle up the more he thrusts his tongue into you. Josh starts using pure strength to have you thrust up and down on his face, the bridge of his nose creating friction that only tightens the coil in your stomach.
Josh starts humming in pleasure at your clit gracefully slamming on his face, giving him a pornographic view of your chest as it bounces with every movement. The vibrations of Josh’s humming sends a final jolt of pleasure through you, as your knuckles turn white from clinging to the headboard. Creamy, sticky cum coats Josh’s mouth as his tongue laps up any remnants.
You collapse on the mattress next to Josh, both of you catching your breath. You glisten with sweat and your muscle fibres ache, especially your quads. Breaking the silent rhythm of heavy breaths, you prop yourself on your elbows and turn to Josh,
“Babe, I don’t think it’s the suffocation that’s the best part.”
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mschimdt · 10 months
A kitten?
mike schmidt x reader
warnings: abby doesnt exist 💀💀, just fluff
you were laying next to mike on your bed, when an idea popped into your head, mike was focused on his phone when who climbed into his lap and kissed his cheek, his attention was on you now
"mike, you know" you said staring down at him "ive wanted a cat for a while, we should get one" you stared down at him, a hopeful look on your face, how could he say no?
"i mean.. we COULD get one" the moment you heard him say that, you got off his lap, jumping up and down
"IM GONNA GO GET READY!!" you said, a huge smile on your face, mike stared at you, almost admiring you
you both got into the car, driving to a random animal shelter near by, you left the car, going inside the animal shelter, you were immediatley greeted with cats and other animals scattered around the shelter
as you walked deeper inside, you stopped for a bit, playing with the cats, until a tiny orange cat caught your eye
a energetic and playfull kitten, "mike come look"
mike walked over to where you were "what is it?" he said, confused "we should get this one" you said carrying the cat ,standing up with it in your hands
you got the cat, and you both left the building happy, once you got home, you immediatley let the cat out of the cage, you notiecd it exploring the new enviroment,
you looked at mike and tols him to"give it a name" "me? how about.. just cheese" he said giggling, it was obviously a joke but you thought the name was cute, especially since the cat did look like a block of orange cheese
after a few days, the cat got used to you and mikes house, it was running around, scratchinf the doors, and climbing onto the kitchen counters when mike caught it "oh no no no buddy" he said as he held the catx lifting it off the counter "you stay down here" he said, dropping 'cheese' back onto the floor, he then noticed one of its cat toys on the ground, he picked it up, it was a little ball that made noise, he threw it across the room, cheese soon chasing after it trying to catch it.
also the exact same day, you and mike were sleeping when cheese climbed onto your bed, you woke up to drink some water ,then you felt pressure on your chest you looked over and thats when you noticed cheese sleeping, curled up in a ball near your neck.
you whisper-shouted "mike! help!"
mike woke up "whats wrong" he said in a sleepy voice, obviously annoyed because you chose to wake him up in the middle of the night
"i need help moving her without waking her up" mike rolled his eyes at you, gently lifting the cat off you careful not to wake it up, he placed it onto his covered stomache and went back to sleep.
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threadandlace · 1 year
vocal rest- repost
Pairing: Josh Kiszka x female reader
Summary: Josh has been placed on vocal rest, something he is VERY displeased about
Word Count: 1.8 k (short and sweet)
Warnings: ☆ smut- NSFW, 18+ content, Minors DNI
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“You’re pissed, aren’t you?” you asked before taking a sip of your drink, waiting for his response. Josh scribbled furiously on the pad of paper before lifting it up to show you. ‘You have no idea’ it said in his sloppy, rushed scroll. You leaned your head back and laughed before continuing, “this is going to be a hard couple of days for you, huh?” He glared at you, eyes sharp, before nodding. He got up and padded to the kitchen. You heard him clink bottles and move things around and you got up to go help him with whatever he was working on. “No alcohol either Josh, come on,” you said, reaching to grab the bottle of tequila from his hand, giggling. He spun and glared at you, clearly irritated at you finding his situation humorous. 
You had both gone to a festival the past week during his break from touring. Josh had overdone it with the yelling and singing along to the various bands. That, in addition to the dehydration he faced (he drank more alcohol than water that weekend) had led to him losing his voice. For most people, this would be no big deal. For a rockstar going back on tour in a week, this was detrimental. Josh’s doctor had put him on a strict regime- no talking and keeping anything that could irritate his vocal chords and throat to a minimum. Smoking, alcohol and sugar were off-limits as an abundance of caution. 
“So basically,” you said, intending to fuel the fire, “I can be as drunk and loud as I want, and you can’t stop me OR partake.” He gave you a grimace. “At least you’re the most theatrical person I know so your face can talk for you. But you’re also a rambling little old man who can’t stand to not hear your voice, so I know this is truly killing you,” you said, patting his shoulder. He rolled his eyes before watching you as you walked towards the fridge. You opened it and paused. “What do we want for dinner?” you asked, turning to face him. Josh’s mouth opened for a second. “Nuh uh, notepad,” you said, pointing to the notepad he had comically been wearing on a string around his neck. 
Josh rolled his eyes and walked over to you, pointing at various things in the fridge. “I’m not going to read your mind Joshua, use your notepad,” you said, clearly feigning annoyance. He turned to look at you, clearly irritated. You laughed hard, taking a few steps back after swinging the fridge door shut. ‘You drank too much wine’ he wrote before showing you. You nodded, “that’s true. Dealing with you being silent and mindreading is not a sober task.” You paused, watching his face contort with irritation “What? Is this really making you that mad? Because you can’t talk?” you said, moving forward and pointing a finger into his chest. He grabbed the notepad and scribbled ‘stop antagonizing me.’ “Never Josh, this is too much fun.” 
In an instant, he grabbed you and pushed you into the kitchen counter. “Oh, feisty huh?” you said, laughing. The whole situation was so funny- a seldom quiet man suddenly rendered silent. He leaned in to kiss you, hard, his hands finding their way to your butt and gripping. “Oh, no way Josh. There’s no way you’re going to have sex with me and stay silent. Impossible,” you said, scoffing at him. ‘Bet I can’ he wrote on his notepad, giving you a smirk. “Challenge accepted. If I make you talk, you owe me dinner,” you said. He nodded, giving you a wide grin. The thing about you was that you were a sore loser, so you simply didn’t lose. This was going to be a very fun night.
You placed both hands on Josh’s face and kissed him hard and passionately. You lifted his shirt off and ran your hands over his chest, playing with the small patch of chest hair that had started to grow during his time off. He tugged at your shirt and you obliged, removing it swiftly. “Let’s relocate before we really get into this,” you said, turning to pull him behind you. He paused- you knew he probably wanted to fuck you over the kitchen counter, but you weren’t about to let him win. You tugged at him, “come on, it’s my call tonight since you can’t tell me otherwise.” He huffed, but complied and followed you to your room. 
Once there, you quickly removed your pants and Josh did the same. You reached out to pull him closer to you as you sat on the bed, letting your hand trail down from his jaw, along his stomach and to his clothed erection. You rubbed your hand up and down it and he let his head fall back, clearly enjoying the sensation. You slid your hands under his underwear, pulling them down. His dick popped up, slapping his stomach. You giggled- clearly the wine you’d drank went straight to your head. 
Josh narrowed his eyes at you, lacing his hand in your hair and slightly pulling you forward, towards his erection. “Oh no, Josh, I’m on vocal rest, too. Gotta be easy on the throat,” you said, leaning back. He let out a growl, clearly unimpressed. “Shhh,” you murmured, “don’t strain yourself baby.” He started to stroke himself, watching you. “I can give you a little help,” you said, pulling yourself forward and leaning over, making deep eye contact with him before letting a stream of spit roll off of your tongue and onto his cock. He watched you before letting his eyes roll back with pleasure, groaning. “Hush,” you said, moving further onto the bed. You propped yourself up on some pillows, “I’ll be making the noise tonight. Or did you forget?”
 You ran your hands up and down your thighs before reaching up to pull your bralette down, letting your breasts spill out over the top. He sucked in a deep breath- you knew he loved the way they sat over the lacy fabric. You leaned your head back, letting your hands rub against your bare breasts and chest. He watched you, entranced, as he slowly stroked himself. 
You slowly let your hands slide down to your thighs, gripping the soft skin the way Josh often did. You palmed yourself over your underwear, “Wow, I’m so wet. I wonder who did that?” you asked, giving him a raised eyebrow. You could hear the response he’d want to give in your head- something to stroke his own ego yet also remind you that you were his. You slowly moved your underwear to the side, brushing your fingers around your cunt. You knew going slow tormented him, and you could tell it was working with how hard he was and the way his face was now completely flushed. He watched you, his eyes begging for more. 
You stroked between your lips with your middle finger, using the wetness to start making small, lazy circles on your clit. You let out some pornographic moans, really amping up the optics as you slipped a finger in, then two. “Fuck Josh, I’m so wet.” He reached out to touch and you snapped at him “no talking, no touching.” He let out a low guttural growl from deep in his throat. “Quit,” you said, before returning to pleasuring yourself. You watched him, his cock leaking precum. “Mmm, wish I could taste that,” you said and his eyes lowered to see what you were looking at. He squeezed it onto his finger before moving towards you, holding it out for you. You leaned in and sucked his finger into your mouth, swirling your tongue against him. He sucked in a quick breath, letting his head loll. 
You pulled back, releasing his finger with a pop. He watched you perched back, taking in the sight. “What do you want, Josh?” you asked, clearly antagonizing him. He lowered his head, looking up at you from beneath his curly hair. “What, baby?” you asked, giving him sweet, puppy-dog eyes. He lurched forward, pushing you back as he flattened himself on top of you. He held a hand over your mouth, silencing you for the first time that night. He leaned in close to your face before uttering the first words he’d said in almost 24 hours- “I need to fuck you.” His voice was hoarse, but still strong, lower in register and volume than he typically spoke. You removed his hand from your mouth, “so do it,” you said, grinning- you had won. 
He shoved inside of you and you both gasped, Josh’s forehead falling to meet yours. He pumped in and out of you with long, deep strokes. His right hand massaged your breasts, pulling on them as he wrestled with the fabric underneath them. “Fuck me harder, Josh,” you commanded. He flipped you over, spreading your ass before slapping it hard. You jumped at the sting and he wasted no time entering you again and fucking you hard. He wrapped his hands in your hair, pulling your head back. He leaned forward and kissed you, giving you a split second of his signature sweetness before he continued to fuck you senseless. 
You let him continue for a moment with his rhythm. “Let me get on top,” you said and he pulled out of you before dropping back onto the bed next to you. You slid over him, reaching down to help guide yourself onto him. You bounced a few times, reaching out to steady yourself with your hands on his chest. You then sat back and let your hips roll on top of him, enjoying your view of him under you. He reached out, placing his thumb onto your clit and circling it. He worked with you, the combination doing wonders. 
“Fuck Josh, I’m going to cum,” you announced, knowing he loved hearing you say it. You leaned forward to look him deep in his eyes as you moaned, cumming hard. You stopped riding him as you came, legs jolting underneath you. He took the break to push you back, getting back on top of you. He pressed his palm into your wet cunt, letting you finish riding your orgasm with the pressure he knew you loved. 
“Your turn,” you said, smiling at him. He grunted as he started to move in and out with deep strokes. His movements got sloppy quickly as he was clearly getting closer to the edge. “Cum for me Josh,” you said, locking eyes with him. That was all it took for him to cum, leaning forward to rest his head in the crook of your neck as he jolted, cumming deep inside you. 
He let his weight fall on you for a moment before rolling off of you, throwing an arm over you. You both laid there for a moment in ecstasy, connected by bare skin and jagged breathing. You rolled onto your side to face him. He looked up at you, his pupils huge with lust and complete relaxation. You reached out, pushing his hair back from his forehead. “You know you owe me dinner, right?” you said before breaking down into laughter. “Fuck off,” he said, his voice cracking with hoarseness. You both erupted in a fit of giggles.
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miistymemorii · 2 years
One Day Off
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pairing: josh kiszka x reader
summary: you are worried about how hard josh has been working, so you convince him to stay in bed all day.
rating: 18+ (MINORS DNI)
warnings: a little angst, snuggly/domestic fluff, p in v smut, oral (m/f recieving), slight fdom, dirty talk, face sitting, cowgirl 
a/n: I finished this at 4 am dear fucking lord
You had always known that Josh Kiszka was a stubborn man. Even when you were just friends, you had been keen to the signs that he was overexerting himself, always trying to do for others like it was his life mission. When you had gotten a cold, he insisted he come over and nurse you back to health, even though you knew he’d most likely get sick himself, which he did. He called you from the road, and you could tell when he sounded exhausted or scratchy in the voice. You would coax him into talking about his problems, which led to him ranting about how he felt like his voice was going, or how he had to perform with migraines, all because he just wanted to make people happy with his gift of music. Countless times it had taken everything in you to get him to open up about his own stresses, and every time you had been more than happy to help in any way possible. He was a giver, a lover, someone willing to give his entire being for the joy of others. You loved him for it, but sometimes you wondered whether or not it would cause him to burn out.
You had picked him up from the airport at 5 am, but he had insisted on going to the studio at 7 with the band to work. You, of course, had insisted that he needed to rest, having just come home from a strong of oversea shows. He had given you a gentle forehead kiss and promised he would be home for dinner. When it turned 7 o’clock, you started dinner, making Josh’s favorite pasta and even baking brownies for after. You waited after the food was all done, but time kept passing. When you glanced at the clock and saw it was almost 10 pm, you heart sunk. You quickly put the food away and got ready for bed, brushing your teeth and even re-showering despite having showered before going to pick Josh up, anything to pass the time and bring the man you love back to you. When you came out of the steamed bathroom, there was no sign of Josh. It was nearing 11 and you knew he’d be upset with himself if you waited up for him, so you tucked yourself into bed, clinging to the edge of his pillow and hoping sleep would come soon enough for you to wake up with Josh in your arms.
Thankfully, sleep did come quickly, and you woke up the next morning to Josh clinging to your side, his face buried against your neck. You smiled and reached over, turning to face him. He was sound asleep, his mouth slightly agape. You sighed happily and reached out to gently stroke his cheek. His nose twitched and his eyebrows furrowed slightly as he started to wake up. His eyes opened barely, his eyes heavy with exhaustion.
“G’morning mama.” He rasped. His arms reached out to envelope you, pulling you even closer to him, your legs slotting against his.
You leaned your face in a little, snuggling your nose against his. “Hi honey. Sleep good?”
He nodded slowly and took a deep breath, his eyes closing again. He started rubbing gentle circles into your back, which almost made you want to fall back asleep.
“What time did you come home baby?” you whispered.
His eyes opened again, this time more so. “I... uh, like around 3, I think.”
You sighed and took his face into your hands. You locked eyes with him and said in a gentle, but firm tone, “I want you to rest today.”
You expected him to put up a fight. He always did, albeit a gentle one, one that made you cave in every time. Instead, he gulped, and he closed his eyes again, shifting his body downward to slow himself where his face was secured snugly into your chest. You giggled lightly, wrapping your arms a little tighter against him. After a while, you could feel him fall back asleep. You let one of your arms slowly fall away from him, reaching behind you to grab your phone, checking the time. It was only 8 am, so you decided to fall back asleep. 
When you woke up again, your arms were empty again. Your eyes shot open, and you sighed loudly, a little disappointed. That feeling went away when you heard the bathroom sink turn on. You sat up a little in bed, a smile forming on your face as you called out for Josh.
The bathroom door opened, and Josh peeked his head out. He had a smear of partially dissolved toothpaste across his bottom lip, which made your chest bloom with adoration. He gave you a goofy smile before nodding his head back towards the bathroom before disappearing into it again. You reached for the tv remote and put on an episode of a show you had started while Josh had been overseas. He emerged a few minutes later, and you were more relieved to see he was still in his pajama pants. He yawned and quickly snuggled himself back under the covers. You lifted your arm up and he secured a spot against your side, humming contently to himself as he inhaled your scent. Your hand mindlessly stroked Josh’s arm for a few more episodes, before he tugged your hand upward in an attempt to get your fingers against his scalp. Your arm wasn’t quite long enough, the awkward angle making you gently shake your wrist out of Josh’s grasp. 
You pat your lap and coo to Josh, “Come over here.”
He obliges, rolling over onto his front and nestling against your abdomen. His arms crept under your oversized night shirt, clinging to your back as you gently wrapped your own legs around his middle. Your fingers found their way into his hair, and as you began to soothingly run your fingers against his scalp, Josh let a soft sigh of relief. Your hands wandered, rubbing at his head, his shoulders, the parts of his upper back you could reach. Your heart sunk a little as you came across knots and tension in his muscles, the painful reminder of just how hard he worked. 
After an hour, you figured Josh had fallen asleep, but suddenly he popped his head up from your stomach. You grinned as you looked down into those baby-cow brown eyes of his, still hooded with exhaustion. 
Your smile turned into a smirk when his hands traveled out from your shirt, tugging at the hem slightly. “Need something?”
“Can you take your top off?” Josh said quietly.
Your hands cradled his face. “Can you ask nicely, hmm?”
Josh gulped, and you caught the slightest movement of his hips grinding down into the bed. “Please can you take your top off?” He said sweetly.
You gently helped him sit back and you removed your top. You expected him to instantly dive against your chest, but he sat back patiently. You noticed a slight slump in his shoulders, and that pang of pity struck you again. Josh’s eyes flickered from your face to your breasts then down to your legs. He began to move to the hem of your panties, but you grabbed his wrists and stopped him. You shook your head at the confused look on his face. Instead, you reached over and grabbed his shoulders, tugging him gently towards the pillows, signaling him to lie down.
Josh, ever the pleaser, followed your guidance and laid on his back, his curls laying softly against the pillow. You straddled him then leaned forward, your nose grazing his. “Let me take care of you today, hmm?”
His breath was quick and heavy against yours, but he nodded, and you gave him a small kiss before moving lower down the bed. Your hands glided over the skin of his chest, down to his tummy, where you leaned down and pressed a kiss to the area right below his belly button. he groaned softly, his hands gripping the bedsheets. You hooked your fingers past the hem of his sweatpants to the hem of his boxers, pulling them down all together. He lifted his hips to help you remove his pants, and you pressed soft kisses against his hips bone, which caused him to release more soft sounds from those beautifully sinful lips you loved so much. You took a moment to pull away from his skin to admire his cock, resting half hard against his thigh.
You noticed a twitch in his thigh. You looked up and saw Josh staring at you with pleading eyes. “Please... touch me, kiss me, let me touch you... anything.” Josh begged. 
You shook your head, shutting him up by wrapping your hand around his cock, stroking him at a painfully slow pace. “Joshy... listen to me. You work so, so hard, and I am always going to be proud of you. But today, just this once, I need you to let go. Let me work for you, hmm? Let me help you relax, even if it’s just for a few hours.”
Josh chuckled, a laugh cut off by your movements around his cock quickening ever-so-slightly, your thumb swiping against the tip. Still, he weakly joked, “A few hours? Hardly sounds like relaxing to me. Not that I mind-”
“Josh, darling?”
“Yes, honey?” he said back in a teasing tone.
“Shut up.” You said with a smirk before immediately diving down and wrapping your lips around his cock. He groaned loudly at the contact, his hands gripping the bedsheets even tighter. You suckled at his tip for a few moments, your hand still keeping a steady pace stroking at him. You and Josh knew each other’s bodies well, and you knew each other’s sexual cues. When you were ready to cum, when you needed more, when you needed less, everything. It made every sexual interaction between the two of you absolute bliss, which was another one of the countless reasons why the two of you knew you were made for each other. It was something you had never had with another partner and something the both of you knew you would never find again. You worked your mouth down his cock, though the both of you knew you could go deeper. You increased the movement of your hand, which caused Josh’s breathy moans to increase into louder groans and whines. Your name tumbled softly past his lips in contrast to the way he groaned when you finally fully took him down your throat, your hand stopping at the base of his cock and squeezing. He let out a strangled shout, his hands flying to the back of your head before quickly pulling back, unsure of his own movements. As your tongue flatted against his cock, your head bobbing up and down, you took your free hand and grabbed his, returning it to the back of your head as a sign that he could hold you there. His fingers tightened in your hair, the slight pull providing a pleasurable sting that only egged you on. You could feel the way his cock was twitching, his body thrashing restlessly from under you as you sped up your movements, your hand abandoning his cock all together to grip his thighs, digging your fingernails in just enough to return the pleasurable pain he was giving you. That’s another thing you loved about sex with Josh: the giving and receiving. It was all the same, you did for him what he did to you and vice versa. 
“Oh my... god...” He breathed out, his voice airy from his heavy breathing. He tugged on your hair once more as the tip of your tongue managed to reach his base. “Please...” He pulled his hand up slightly in an attempt to pull you off his cock, confirming further that he was nearing his orgasm. You hummed against his cock, the vibrations causing his body to thrash upwards, which forced his cock impossibly deeper down your throat. Your hands rubbed up and down his thighs, wordlessly letting you know where he was and that you weren’t going to stop. “Fuck... fuckfuckfuck-” His cries increased in volume before he cut himself off as he came. You took all of it, of course, gripping his legs to keep them from accidentally knocking you off, Josh’s body thrashing wildly at his own climax.
When you finally pulled off of him, the both of you sighed in content. You sat back on your knees, watching as he came down from his high. His chest having, his face flushed his desire, his cock softening but still throbbing. His eyes had been closed, but he finally opened them and looked at you, a smile forming on his face. He extended his hand out to you, and you restraddled him, but not for any sexual reasons. You laid on top of him and he cradled your face, tucking a loose strand of hair out behind your ear. The two of you shared a tender kiss, albeit a short one as you both tried to catch your breath.
“I want to return the favor, my love.” He whispered against your lips. You shook your head and began to protest, but he shushed you. “No... please. I want it. I need it. You... you can come up here, sit on my face all pretty like you always do, hmm? You can completely be in control, move that pretty pussy against my tongue until you make yourself cum. Please...” He kissed your lips once more before hammering the final nail in the coffin that was your horny brain, “Use me. Use me to get off... please.”
And how could you say no to that, especially with the ache between your legs becoming too hard to ignore? You gave him one last kiss before fulfilling his request, shimmying out of your shorts and panties before straddling your knees on the sides of his legs. His tongue was out, anxiously awaiting to make contact with your heat. You gave him the prospect of one last out, telling him he could still say no, that the rest of the day could be spent with the two of you cuddling and eating junk food. But he insisted, not with words, but by the way his hands gripped your thighs and pulled you down against him. You gasped at the contact before your body kicked into autopilot, grinding down against him. His tongue lapped at you slowly, his grip on your thighs loosening as he remembered how little exertion you wanted him to give. Your own hands found solace in the headboard, using it to stabilize yourself as you ground down against his tongue.
“Fuck...” You whispered, your knuckles turning white at how hard you were gripping at the headboard.  You let out a string of pathetic whimpers as Josh’s tongue suckled at your cunt. He didn’t force your movements, instead guided you by catching onto your clit, your hips squirming but holding firm as he viciously sucked on your clit. “Josh... fuck, baby...”
It was his turn to hum against the most sensitive part of you, causing your body to jolt forward. He used his hands to pull you back down against him, completely burying himself against your cunt as your body’s movements became more erratic. Josh loved when you rode his face, and he usually brought you to an orgasm by putting in the most effort, babying you with both his tongue and as many fingers he could stuff inside you from underneath. You felt yourself quickly beginning to unravel, one of your hands threading in his hair as your orgasm washed over you, Josh’s tongue prodding inside your cunt as he lapped at your juices. Your legs shook as you quite literally rode out your orgasm, your chest heaving when you finally began to come down from it. You moved back slightly, hovering over his chest so that you could catch his eye again. He smiled up at you, his tongue dipping across his lower lip to clean up the mess you had left.
“You’re... amazing, you know that?” You said breathily, finally moving off of him.
You had figured that would be the end of it, but as you moved off the bed to fetch a small towel to clean up with, Josh’s hand grabbed at you once again. He yanked you back on top of him, causing you to giggle. His hands roamed your sides as he hummed in content, his eyes raking your body. “I don’t want to be done yet.”
Your eyebrow quirked, a small grin forming on your face. “Is that so? Did you forget the part where I said I didn’t want you to over-exert yourself?”
Josh rolled his eyes playfully then shot back, “I think we both know I’m a bad listener. Besides...” He sucked at his teeth before continuing carefully, “I think... there are ways, we can do it without me over-exerting myself. If... that’s really what you want-”
You kissed him again, “Baby, don’t worry. It’s okay, silly.” You ground down against his cock, which had already begun to recover. “Are you sure you don’t me to just suck you-”
“No, no... please. I want to be inside you. God, you know how abd I fucking want it. How much I love it. I can get what I want and I won’t have to work that hard for it... just like you want.” He flashed one of famous goofy smiles, then added, “Win-win for everyone.”
You shook your head with a chuckle, taking his cock in your hand and pumping him a few times before lifting your hips and sliding down onto him. You both groaned at the contact, your sounds melting together as you both took a moment to relish in the feeling. It hit you had long it had been since the two of you had been able to be like this, and it made you appreciate it even more. You were sure he felt the same, but he was the first to make a move, his thumb rubbing a gentle pattern into your hip as a soft signal to move. You obliged, obviously, and slowly began to ride him. His eyes were squeezed shut; his bottom lip trapped between his teeth as you moved. Your own eyes drifted closed as you focused on the slow, steady rhythm you had set, but they quickly flew open when you felt Josh’s hand make contact with your ass cheek, the smack cutting through the soft sounds the both of you had been making. 
You looked down at him with a quirked eyebrow, stopping your movements which caused him to whine. He gave you an apologetic smile, his cheeks reddening as he considered his action. “Mama, please... I don’t want soft and slow. Exhaust me, wear me out... you know I won’t break. This is what I want... please give it to me.”
The begging always got you, and you fulfilled his wishes, moving your hips quicker against him. He hissed but smiled, His head thrown back. You planted your hands down on his chest as you rode him, the feeling of his cock hitting the most sensitive parts of you quickly overwhelming you. He called out to you with every groan, moan, whine, and cry, which you returned with your own sounds. The symphony of proof of your shared pleasure was also met with the lewd sounds of your sexes moving against each other. It was beautiful, and for a brief moment you allowed your mind to wander, thinking back to all those times Josh had cuddled you, playing with your hair as he went on and on about the beauty of the sexual pleasure the two of you had shared. He was always going on and on with his poetic ramblings about every aspect of the love you had grown together, and you had always appreciated it, but in this moment, you understood what he meant. 
“Oh, fuck, baby... I’m almost there...” Josh groaned. His hands clung to your hips, assisting in your movements. He was restless, though, and he moved his hands to your shoulders, pulling your torso down against him to where your bare chests were touching. 
Your lips sought out his, whining against his mouth as your climaxes neared. Josh was rambling now, a slew of obscenities leaving his lips as he licked at your mouth, desperate for the most affection you could give him. He mumbled something against your lips, to which you gently prompted him to say what he was thinking. He finally managed to slur out, clearly too far pussy-drunk to form full sentences, “Inside.... please?”
You nodded and hummed, diving in for another kiss as the two of you reached your climaxes together. When you started to slow to a stop, a whine left Josh’s mouth, getting caught up against your lips, his hips desperately bucking up into you as he drained himself inside you. You let him stay inside, even after you had stopped moving and the two of you had caught your breaths. 
Josh’s hands went to cradle your face. “My sweet, special girl...” He whispered, making your heart ache a little. He still sounded exhausted, and for a moment your mind went back to why you had insisted on resting today in the first place. He caught onto your worry, of course, and was quick to comfort you. “Thank you, baby, so, so much. You are so fucking amazing, that was so fucking amazing.”
You smiled down at him, tilting your face to kiss the inside of his palm. “Thank you, Joshy, you were too.”
“Pssht, I barely did anything-”
“Untrue, you dork. I just... wanted you to relax. And yeah, the sex was amazing, but I want today just to be a day of peace. You deserve a day of rest, a day free from stress-”
He shook his head, his eyebrows furrowing slightly in worry. “Oh, honey... my sweet girl. Always looking out for me. I promise I won’t leave this bed today. And neither will you. I know...” He let out a deep sigh, “I know I’ve been working a lot. And you know I hate being away from you, and I’m not trying to guilt you...” His eyes searched your face as his mind searched for the right words. 
You didn’t let him answer, because you understood that he understood. You hadn’t exactly had the intentions of getting him to say that he was overworking himself, you had just wanted a day off to rest. It was what he deserved and the both of you knew it, even if his hard-working spirit had made him push any feelings of self-soothing down. After a while you moved off of him, returning to your earlier position where he cuddled up to your side. You spent the day listening to music, watching Josh’s favorite movies, and, of course, making love to each other with as little effort as possible. At the end of the night the two of you laid tangled in each other’s arms, noses touching. 
“Thank you for today, darling.” Josh whispered to you. “I promise I’ll try and take it easier, okay? I could definitely use more days like these.
You nodded, rubbing your nose against his. You gave him one last kiss before whispering back, “Anytime, Josh.”
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pr41sethemoon · 2 years
Babbler | Josh Kiszka x Reader ☾
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//: lol I’ve been watching waaaay too much Amber and Wilde on TikTok. The idea literally came from their videos. ALSO sorry for the delay!
Pairing: Dad!Josh x F!Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: I feel like this is the proper dosage of fluff ♡
|Sorry in advance if any errors|
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It was an early and lazy Friday morning for you and your little family. You laid bundled in bed along with Josh and your 8-month-old daughter who sat in front of you babbling away. She woke up in a cheery mood as usual and you were always thankful you had such a happy baby. Her curly hair fluttering, eyes still looking slightly sleepy. You couldn’t help but chuckle at her efforts to converse back with you as tired as she seemed. She’d been babbling so much these past couple weeks, and you couldn’t wait to get her to try to say mama.
“Mama, say mama” you say it slowly.
Your daughter goes to lean against Josh’s side – cuddling him – and staring at you with her big brown eyes. A small smile on her face as she watched your lips. You stare back at her, just so eager for her to try.
“She wants to talk so bad, Josh.” Your finger stroking her chubby cheek, “Come on sweet pea, say mama” in your baby voice you just can’t help.
You could hear a quiet chuckle come from beside you. Your baby voice always seemed to make Josh chuckle. Eye’s narrowing, you send him a glare as he continued to laugh. “What’s so funny?”
“That obnoxious voice you do.” He says tiredly as he strokes your daughter’s hair.
Your jaw drops as your brows furrow, “It is not obnoxious, she loves when I do that voice!” Looking over to the baby that was slightly tugging on Josh’s shirt. “Isn’t that right?” you nuzzle your nose into her cheek as she giggles.
Josh had propped himself on his elbow to look down at his baby “Mommy being silly, right baby?” She looks up at Josh with an even wider smile as she began to babble to him. He nods as if he could understand her, before planting a kiss to her cheek “I know honey, so say dada.” He encouraged.
You look at Josh like he’d lost his mind for a moment. You couldn’t help but laugh with furrowed brows, “Uh uh. Absolutely not,” You move into your daughters’ line of sight, making Josh laugh more “Say mama, mama sweetheart.”
She looks at you with those big brown as she continued to babble to you. You tilt your head as you watched her ramble on.
“I personally think dada is easier for babies to say.” Josh says softly as he held the toy bunny in front of the baby, making it do a silly dance which made your daughter laugh so much.
Your brows furrow again, “Josh, don’t start.” Giving him a soft nudge only to earn a soft laugh from him. “Mama is the easier way.” You say softly as you sit up straighter.
Josh blows a raspberry as his thick brow arches, “It’s not,” he says as he side eyes you. “Plus, she’s a daddy’s girl, huh pumpkin?” he begins to make kissy faces at her.  She laughs as she grabs his lips.
All you could do is roll your eyes, laughing a little bit at how silly he looked “That is not a valid reason, but whatever you say, Joshua.” You reach over, scooping your baby into your arms. “Tell your daddy he’s being delusional.” You whisper to her as you side eye him.
Josh’s brows furrow slightly, “Yeah right, you just wait Y/N.” He says before planting a kiss to your lips, then one to the baby’s cheek. He throws the blankets off his body to get out of bed “Now, let me get ready for this meeting before Jake blows blood vessel, I’m already kinda late.” He snickers as he scurries into the into the bathroom.
Your eyes slightly widen as your brows raise “Uh yeah, hurry up, I don’t need him blowing up my phone like the last time.”
You would never forget all the phone calls from Jake practically cursing Josh because he was always late. Shaking your head and giggling as you remembered the few times you heard Jake howling on the other line at Josh.
“Right sweet pea, tell dada to hurry so uncle Jake doesn’t blow up the phone.” You bounce the happy baby in your arms.
Eventually, Josh had gotten himself ready to leave. He’d given both you and your baby one last kiss before leaving out the door to go to work. “Okay, I love you.” His lips part from your and then he looks to the sweet baby in your arms. “Be good for mama, my sweet girl, okay?” He says softly before blowing a raspberry to her rosy cheek.
You laugh as an eruption of laughter came from her. You take her little hand, making it give him a wave goodbye “Say see yah later daddy.” He gave a final wave goodbye with a playful pout of his lip before getting into his car and leaving. You turn to look down to the baby in your arms. She had an uncertain look on her face which you’d seen a couple times whenever she saw Josh leave. You lean in to give her a comforting kiss to her cheek, “Don’t worry sweet, he'll be back soon.” You say softly before turning back into house.
The next few days seemed to zoom past you due to your busy schedule at work for the new week. Josh would send photos of him and the baby often to ease you through your day. He would take her everywhere, even to rehearsals to spend some time with her uncles.
Today, he facetimed you from home, just showing your baby and talking about the things they’ve done today, like their trip to grocery store. She was babbling away as she usually does, her face slightly pink from the raspberries and yogurt she was eating. You chuckled at the sight immediately feeling your heart warm, some of the stress easing away from you. Josh and you converse for a bit but not for long. Your lunch was sadly coming to an end, and you had to say your goodbyes. “Okay, I’ll see you when I get home.” You say softly sending one last kiss to the phone and hanging up.
You stayed overtime tonight, coming home more tired than you’d ever been. Shrugging off your jacket but to your surprise upon coming home so late, not only did Josh greet you at the door as he usually did, but your baby was still awake. She clung to him tiredly, Josh chuckles at how wide your eyes were as stared at him.
“I know I know; she was being extra stubborn tonight.” He brings a kiss to your cheek “She wasn’t going to sleep without her mama tonight.” He says softly as his fingers stroke the curls on top of her head.
Immediately, you felt your heart melt “Oh sweet.” You say softly as you stroke her chubby cheeks “Okay, let’s get ready for bed.”
First, you rid yourself of your clothes and take a shower quickly to wash away the stress of work. After, you’d done your nightly routine and dressed into an oversized grey shirt, and some cozy black shorts. Usually, you tried to break your baby from sleeping with you and Josh, but tonight you just wanted to be cuddled up with her.
Your lips tug into a small smile at the sight of her sitting beside Josh with an even bigger - but tired - smile to greet you. “Hey baby.” You say quietly as you get into bed.
Josh smiles tiredly, but suddenly perked up “Oh wait! Sweetheart, tell mommy what you told uncle Sam the other day.”
Your baby was already crawling over to you quickly, trying to get into your arms as she was humming something to you. Your brow arches in confusion, but still smiling “What did you say to uncle Sam?” you ask her as you hold her hands to help her stand in your lap.
Still mumbling, her face was very much determined to tell you something. Then she started saying it, and immediately you felt your heart sink into your stomach. It was so faint, but you knew what she was trying to say.
“Ma-ma” she says softly to you.
She was calling you mama.
You could feel your eyes burning as you pout to Josh who was already laughing at your reaction. She continued to babble the new word to you as you held her close to your chest, planting soft kisses to her head. “My sweet girl, you’re going to make mama cry.” You say as you slightly bounce her.
You quickly side eye Josh, sticking your tongue out teasingly to him “I told you so.”
He simply just snorts before plopping back onto his pillow “Save it, Y/N.” he grumbles slightly “It’s still a work in progress.”
Sure, it wasn’t ‘dada’ like he’d hoped at first, but even so, he was still equally proud of her. Eventually your daughter had fallen asleep cuddled up between you and Josh. You quietly found yourself laughing suddenly, which makes Josh look over to you.
“What?” he whispers.
Your brows furrow slightly, “She called Sam mama?”
He quietly snorts next to you “Oh I wish you’d seen his face; he was so confused.” You could only imagine which made you giggle more.
“He was going to tell you himself, but I didn’t want him to spoil it.” He gives you a knowing look “Sam spoils everything.”
You give him an understanding nod, and brush over the curls that rest on his forehead. Leaning in to plant a kiss to his lips, “Well, I appreciate it.” You purred to him.
You were definitely going to text Sam in the morning to slightly tease him.
(Hey, you made it! Thank you for reading! Have a beautiful rest of your day/evening/night! ♡)
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wonusite · 2 years
Virgin Killer
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❝ You can’t stand the clear line the cute nerd in your calculus class always draws between you two. However, you’re determined to show him that there’s a fine line between love and hate. And if you happen to get him to cross that line, even better. ❞
pairing: joshua hong x reader
warnings: cheerleader!reader, nerd!shua, virgin!shua, he’s kinda cold in this but is lowkey still a soft boi, drinking, teasing, jealousy, reader has a little bit of a corruption kink, loss of virginity, oral sex (f and m receiving), unprotected sex, riding, multiple creampies, overstimulation
read part two
a/n: huge shout out to hoe nonny for being the mastermind behind this fic! minors dni!!
You’re not sure how it happened.
It’s not like Joshua Hong was nice to you. Hell, he didn’t even act civilly towards you half the time. And yet, none of that matters to you. He’s just so cute and kind (to other people) and smart that you can’t help but be attracted to him. Deep down, you’re aware that what you feel is starting to go beyond that of a crush, but your carnal desire is enough to make you disregard the potential consequences of your feelings.
Nothing matters more to you than having that cute little nerd in the way you want.
“What do you mean he’s not coming?” You frown at Jeonghan.
Your friend rolls his eyes. “I don’t know what you were expecting. You know he doesn’t like you.”
“But you promised you would convince him to go!” You stomp your foot petulantly. “You said it would be my birthday gift.”
“I’ll just get you that perfume you’ve been wanting instead.”
You try not to let it bother you, but it’s hard not to. Most people take a liking to you, and yeah, it’s not realistic to expect everyone to like you. But you can’t help the jarring disappointment that eats away at you whenever you think about how much Josh dislikes you. What bothers you the most is that he has no legitimate reason to treat you how he does. All you’ve ever been is nice to him.
It’s pathetic of you to still chase after him despite his blatant disinterest and cold attitude, but you don’t care. You’ve never wanted anything or anyone as badly as you want Joshua Hong.
The very next day, you go to the library with the intent to convince him to go to your party. You know he’ll be at his usual table in the corner of the library, studying diligently like he always does. Josh always sticks to his routine—one of the many traits you love about him. A warm feeling consumes your chest when you find him in the exact spot he’s always at.
“Josh!” You call quietly, smiling brightly when he lifts his head.
Ignoring the way he rolls his eyes, you walk over to him, feeling more determined than ever. He doesn’t look up even as you sit next to him. It’s frustrating yet endearing all at the same time.
“What are you working on?” You peer over him curiously.
“Science stuff.” He says curtly. “Things you wouldn’t know about.”
You ignore his dig and let out a gentle hum. “You’re right. Molecular biology doesn’t really interest me. Data structures are more my thing.”
When he snaps his head up at you in shock, you smirk at him. “Sorry. I guess that’s something you wouldn’t know about.”
In all the time he’s known you, he never knew your major. All he knew was that you were on a cheer scholarship. Honestly, he assumed that you were majoring in something that required no real effort. Josh quickly manages to stifle his curiosity and goes back to his research.
“You’re always studying.” You point out, not wanting to waste any more time. “It’s okay to take a break once in a while.”
Joshua presses his lips together before letting out an irritated sigh. “Unlike you, I can’t rely on looking pretty to get through college. I don’t have time for breaks.”
Your smile doesn’t falter at his words, and it amazes Josh how you never take his biting comments personally. In fact, you somehow take his slight as a compliment. “So, you think I’m pretty?”
Despite you not being the type of girl he likes, Josh can’t deny that you’re very attractive. But that doesn’t mean he wants you for himself.
His lack of response doesn't faze you, as usual. “And I seriously doubt that you don’t have time for a break. All the other biochem majors do. They’re all coming to my party this weekend. You should too.”
He ignores the fact that you’ve invited practically all of his friends. “No, thanks.”
Joshua keeps his focus on studying, and as sexy as he looks, it’s also a bit maddening. How can he not want to party with you when everyone on campus was dying for the opportunity? You weren’t vain, but you knew the affect you had on most people. Plus your parties were nothing short of legendary.
“Why don’t you want to come?” You ask him. An unconscious pout brings down the edges of your lips. “I really want you to be there.”
“We’re not friends.” He reminds you. “Why would I go to your party?”
Vaguely, you think it’s sick that you don’t feel deterred by his coldness. If anything, you only feel more determined to ensnare him and make him yours. Only yours.
“Do you not want to come because it’s my party?” You wonder as you scoot closer to him. A smirk lift your lips when he tenses at the close proximity. “Or is it because you just don’t know how to have fun?”
Josh grits his teeth, but doesn’t answer.
It makes you smirk because you can tell he’s on the verge of snapping. Maybe to the point where he’ll fuck you stupid in the library’s bathroom.
“Come on.” You whine, hooking your hand on his arm. It actually surprises you that you feel a bit of muscle through his sweater. “It’ll be fun. You don’t always have to spend your time studying. There’s more to life than just school.”
The last part of your sentence finally triggers a reaction. Josh can handle you clinging to him for no apparent reason. He can even handle your constant teasing, but to have you imply that he’s a straight up lame is—
“Fine. I’ll go.”
He belatedly realizes you’ve gaslit him into doing what you wanted only after you direct your pleased grin at him. However, it’s so pretty that he can’t really be angry.
Josh actually smiles a little when you stick your pinky out at him. It’s stupid and childish. At least, that’s what he tries to tell himself as you’re looking at him with those alluring eyes of yours. He feels like he doesn’t have control of his own movements as he sticks out his hand to wrap his pinky around your smaller one.
“I promise.”
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It’s crazy for Josh to be doing this. He doesn’t even like you. You’re no friend of his, and you probably will never be. There’s no real explanation as to why he agreed to come (you manipulating him doesn’t really count because you’ve annoyed him more intensely in the past), but it doesn’t matter anymore. He’s here, and he has to see it through.
When he knocks on the door, he’s greeted by a large jock whose name he can’t remember. The guy squints at him like he’s trying to figure out how Josh even knew about the party. Typical. This was just another sign that he shouldn’t have shown up.
“Sorry, bro.” The jock says, not sounding sorry at all. “This is a private party. No invite, no—”
“Gyu!” A familiar voice calls, and Josh hates that the sound of it actually makes him feel relieved. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Josh is the guest of honor!”
He’s actually impressed at how easily you shove the giant football player out of the way. Your thrilled expression makes a strange feeling settle in the pit of his stomach. As always, you look incredible. The dress you’re wearing hugs your figure just right. It makes you look like every man’s fantasy. (Not his, though.)
“You came!” You squeal happily, throwing your arms around him.
The smell of your perfume invades his senses and makes his mind feel fuzzy. Just like in the library, he feels like he has no control over his actions as he wraps his arms around your waist and squeezes you against him.
“How is he the guest of honor if this is your birthday party?” Venom drips from Mingyu’s voice.
You pull back slightly and look over your shoulder with a glare. “He’s the guest of honor because I say he is.”
Your arms are still wrapped around Josh’s neck and his are still wrapped around your waist. Neither of you make a move to let go. Admittedly, part of him doesn’t because of the way you responded to your friend. He’s not sure why it made him feel good, but it did. That feeling doesn’t go away even when you unwrap yourself from him to grab his hand.
“Nice to meet you.” Josh smirks at Mingyu as he lets you drag him inside. A deep satisfaction settles in his gut when the jock glares at him.
Josh isn’t used to the attention he’s getting while you guide him through your crowded apartment. It’s new and uncomfortable for him. He’s gone through the majority of his college years unnoticed, and that’s how he liked it.
He notices that you don’t seem fazed by all the attention. It’s not exactly a surprise. As a pretty cheerleader, you’re popular—obviously. In fact, a lot of his own friends have mentioned that they’d do just about anything to date you. He can see that it’s the same for a lot of guys because more than half of them are glaring at him with pure jealousy.
It’s not like he’s a self-deprecating person, but he can’t help but wonder why you were so adamant on pursuing him. Clearly, there’s more than plenty of guys who were eager for your attention, but all you seemed to care about was spending your time with him.
He still can’t believe it.
“What do you like to drink?” You ask once you two enter the kitchen.
“Uh,” he stammers, not ready for the loss of warmth that he feels when you let go of his hand. “Just beer is fine.”
Josh isn’t a heavy drinker, but he feels the urge to get drunk quickly. He naively thinks it’ll help dissolve the nerves that have settled in the pit of his stomach. He’s wrong. The alcohol doesn’t help, especially not when you leave his side for a moment to say greet someone of your friends. You make him promise not to leave, and he reluctantly does.
“I didn’t think you’d actually come.”
Jeonghan is looking at him with a raised eyebrow and a sly smirk. Josh rolls his eyes and focuses on finishing the remainder of his beer. It only makes his friend’s teasing grin widen.
“I...” he lets out a defeated sigh. “Needed a break.”
Instead of teasing him, Jeonghan only hums. “Yeah? Are you sure it’s not because you finally fell for Y/N’s charms?”
“She’s not charming.” Joshua says as he goes to grab another drink.
Jeonghan raises his eyebrows at that. It’s the first time he’s heard anyone say anything of the sort. The strange part is that while Josh does sound sincere, there’s something about his demeanor that says otherwise. Interesting.
“Really? I thought she would be especially charming to you with all that science shit she talks about. Do you—?”
“What do you mean?” Josh cuts him off. “She’s into science?”
His friend looks at him like he’s crazy. “Um, yeah. She’s majoring in computer science.”
Josh feels like his head is spinning, and he knows it’s not because of the alcohol. He hardly has time to think about how he’s never bothered to know such a huge fact about you because in the next second, you’re skipping into the kitchen with a huge smile.
When Joshua isn’t looking, you give Jeonghan a look that silently urges him to get lost. As much as you love your friend, this was possibly the only chance you would have where Josh was actually willing to spend time with you. If there was ever an opportunity to get close with him (in more than one way), it was now. You weren’t going to let anything get in the way of that.
After you watch Jeonghan leave, you look back at Josh to find him already looking at you. It’s different from his usual stare, and it makes a carnal heat crawl up your torso.
“You’re a comp science major?”
Josh almost regrets asking his question when your smile falters. Belatedly, he realizes that any time you’re around him, there’s always an unwavering smile on your face. His heart starts beating irregularly. Did you really like him that much?
“You...” It feels like your throat is suddenly closing in on itself. “You didn’t know that?”
The dejected tone coloring your voice only makes things worse. In the back of Josh’s mind, he thinks it shouldn’t matter if the revelation upset you. But it does. It matters way more than it should, and he can’t stand the guilt that’s biting at his chest.
You convince yourself that the alcohol is making you more emotional than usual. The sinking feeling in your chest definitely has nothing to do with the fact that your feelings have gone beyond a stupid little crush. You’ve known all along how Josh feels about you because he never hid it, and no matter how much it stings, you have to ground yourself so too many of your emotions don’t show.
“Sorry.” He says awkwardly. “I guess we were in the middle of talking about me for the last two years.”
It’s a relief when you laugh. Not only because the sound is honeyed and possibly one of the sweetest he’s ever heard, but because you’re directing that pretty smile at him again.
As the night progresses, Josh doesn’t leave your side. He can’t believe you actually don’t leave him alone despite how many people flock around you and try to steal you away. But you insist on staying by him and listen to him talk about structural biology.
Eventually, you drag him to your room so you two can speak without being interrupted. It’s probably a mistake, but Joshua likes the feeling of your hand wrapped around his a little too much.
You two are sitting on the edge of your bed when you notice something. His hands are big, the biggest you’ve ever seen. It’s crazy how you didn’t notice before when you grabbed them, but now it was all you could think about. Suddenly, you feel like your head is swimming, and you’re not sure if it's because of the liquor you’ve drank or because of the thoughts that were starting to make you aroused.
“Your hands are really big.” You blurt, reaching over to grab the one closest to you.
Josh feels like he can’t breathe when you bring his hand closer to your face. The way you’re inspecting it like you want to eat it makes his dick twitch.
“You’re so pretty.”
Your words actually make him blush. The compliment sounds so sincere, and he can tell it is. Before he can even think to respond, you take one of his fingers into your mouth. All coherent thoughts are abruptly shoved out of his mind as your soft tongue circles around his digit. You look so fucking hot with your pretty lips wrapped around his index finger, and Josh can’t think of anything but you.
His cock is straining against his pants, but he’s too enraptured with the sight in front of him to care. Josh can only imagine how you would feel and look with his dick in your mouth. You abruptly release his finger with a loud pop, and it almost makes him whine.
You keep your eyes on his shimmering eyes as you lean toward him. “So fucking pretty.”
He doesn’t stop you when your hand smooths over his chest and slowly trails down his torso. It feels too good. For a second, he wonders if you know that he’s a virgin. Probably not since the way you’re currently looking at him would suggest otherwise. Would you be so eager if you knew the truth?
Josh’s breath hitches when your hand rubs over his erection. He mentally curses himself for being so pathetic to let just a few praises and promiscuous actions get him riled up enough to let you do this. But you just look so fucking pretty that he can’t help it.
He lets you grip and rub him until your hands move to his belt. That action snaps him out of his daze.
“Way-Wait.” Josh breathes out. “I... I’ve never—”
He can’t finish the sentence, but you know what he’s getting at. It doesn’t exactly come as a shock to you. Every time you ever brought up anything sexual he had grown visibly uncomfortable. Over the years, he’d gotten better at hiding it, but you could still see that it bothered him. That’s why you did your best to not mention anything about sex anymore.
It doesn’t surprise Josh when you abruptly pull away from him. He’s known all along what type of girl you were, and obviously you want a guy that's experienced in this sort of thing. Not someone like him.
“It’s okay.” You say softly. “If you don’t want to do this—with me—it’s okay.”
His eyes seem to sparkle even more now, and you can’t believe this unfairly attractive man has never actually done anything. Those eyes could get anyone to do pretty much anything. You knew it better than anyone because you had been dying for the chance.
Josh is too stunned to say anything. Were you really not going to laugh at him?
“We can go back to the party—”
You’re cut off when he suddenly smashes his lips on yours. The kiss is desperate and messy, but you quickly melt into it. To finally have him like this is more than you ever dreamed of, and you would take anything he gave you.
When he pulls away, his cheeks are flushed and his eyes seem to shine brighter than ever. You feel a jerk in your chest, and you fleetingly have a thought that Joshua had officially ruined all other men for you. It’s crazy to think because you know that he doesn't even like you.
“I...” He swallow thickly. “I want to.”
Your breath hitches slightly. “You... You’re sure?”
All it takes is for him to let out a needy yes for your hands to move and unzip his pants. The best part? He lets you. Once you free his cock from his pants, your jaw goes slack. It’s big and thick and pretty. The prettiest dick you’ve ever seen. You lick your lips and look back up at Josh’s flushed face. The sight has your cunt clenching around nothing.
You were going to absolutely ruin him.
You’re torn between looking at his pretty dick and his even prettier face. Eventually, you decide to alternate between the two. Licking your lips, you gently wrap your hand round his thick cock and give it a gentle squeeze. His soft whimper makes you rub your thighs together. The sensitive reaction he has makes you wonder if he’s ever been touched at all.
Slowly, you stroke up the length of his dick. It’s so hot and heavy in your hand that you can only imagine how it would feel inside you. But you push that thought to the back of your mind as you use his precum as a lubricant.
“Fuck.” Josh grunts as his hips buck up gently into your hand. “I-It feels different when you do it.”
You smile at him, watching his face now as to not miss a single one of his reactions. “Yeah? Is it better?”
“So much better.” He moans, tossing his head back.
You’ve never seen a hotter sight, and it takes everything in you not to start kissing up his long neck. The way he’s responding to the attention you’re giving him is driving you crazy. But it would be even better to see him beg you for once.
Josh snaps his eyes open when the pace of your hand slows dramatically. In spite of the situation, you almost laugh when he furrows his eyebrows and pouts at you petulantly. “Please...”
Don’t stop, he wanted to say.
You seemed to understand what he wanted to say, but you only offered him a teasing smirk. Maybe it’s cruel of you to tease Josh, but hearing him beg you for once was the hottest thing ever. You stop your movements and gently squeeze his cock. It takes you by surprise when Josh buries his face in your neck with a bratty whine. Fuck. Now you can literally feel your underwear sticking to your aching cunt.
“You’ve never done this with anyone else?”
His face is hot against your neck, and you can’t deny the pleasure it gives you. “No.”
“So...” you gently run your thumb along one of the more prominent veins of his cock. “No one has ever sucked your dick before?”
He shakes his head into the crook of your neck, and you just know that he probably has the cutest look on his face. You lick your lips and let out a quiet breath because as bad as you want this, you want to make sure he’s okay with anything you do.
“Will you let me be the first?”
You bite your bottom lip when his cock throbs and he lets out a strangled breath. Josh slowly pulls away from your neck and looks at you with hooded eyes. “Fuck yeah.”
Licking your lips, you release him and sink down to your knees. His cock twitches when you start to get closer, and you can't help but smirk. To think that you’ll be the first person to taste him makes you rub your thighs together in anticipation.
You give his weeping tip a gentle kiss you sensually swirl your tongue around to lick him clean. Josh’s reaction is instant. His broken gasp sounds almost cute, and it makes you wrap your lips around him in order to fully take him in your mouth. You loosen your jaw and let your tongue drag along the thick vein on the underside of his cock.
Every whimper and groan of his spurs you on. It has you wrapping your hand around the base of his cock and stroking what doesn’t fit in your mouth. Your other hand reaches for his balls, rolling them and squeezing gently. Joshua whines before it breaks off into a high-pitched moan. Your movements make him buck his hips up into you.
“Fuh-Fuck. Y/N.”
There’s nothing that compares to Josh moaning your name. It makes you bob your head faster until you feel his cock twitch in your mouth. When he whimpers about how close he is, you moan around him. The vibration sends him over the edge. Hot, thick ropes of his cum paint your mouth, and you happily swallow it all.
You slowly release him, eyes widening slightly when you see that he’s still hard. As you go to stand, you feel yourself being pulled on to Josh’s lap. The quiet squeak you let out is stifled when he messily kissed you. All you can do is kiss him back eagerly, gently suckling and biting his lower lip.
When you pull away, you know you won’t be able to let him leave your house until you’ve had every part of him. So you push him on his back and crawl up his body until your face is hovering right over his. Gently, you grind your clothed cunt on his hot dick, relishing in the way he can’t control his moans and whimpers.
“You know, you’re so mean.” You give him a soft pout that makes his cock throb against you. “Coming to my birthday party without a present.”
Somehow, Josh manages to answer you through the arousal that’s clouding his mind. “I… I’ll get you one. A-Anything you want.”
You raise a teasing eyebrow at him. “Anything?”
Joshua moans when you start to grind into him. He quickly nods, too addicted to the way you’re making him feel.
With a gentle hum, a slow smirk stretches your lips. “Then, will you give me your virginity?”
His large hands grip your hips and press you down harder against him. Joshua looks down, frustrated that you’re still fully clothed. He recalls always wanting to have his first time with someone he truly liked and had a connection with. But now that you’re here, grinding your dripping pussy on him, he doesn’t really care about that. And it was your birthday after all.
“You really want me to fuck you?”
Hearing innocent little Josh say something so crude makes you lick your lips. “I do.”
He’s aware that this probably isn’t the best idea, but at the same time, you look so good that he can’t help but want your pussy wrapped around his cock. And so he sits up and starts to roughly tug your dress off of your body. For someone who’s never done anything sexual, Josh is pretty good at getting you naked. It makes you smirk. This whole time you knew he was an undercover pervert.
You had been right all along.
Joshua feels like he might come from the sight of your naked body alone. Fuck. No wonder every guy on campus was dying to fuck you. He feels an overwhelming sense of satisfaction to think that you only wanted him.
He lets you pull off the remainder of his clothes. Josh groans when you rub your dripping cunt on his twitching cock, coating it in your juices. He’s obsessed with the sight of your pretty pussy rubbing all over him, and he wonders if he’ll ever be able to feel the same about you after you two were done.
“I... I don’t have a—”
“I want it raw.” You moan in his ear, and Joshua lets out a groan of his own.
You yelp out in shock when one of his large hands comes down to slap your ass. He gently kneads the skin before his other roughly grips one of your cheeks. A loud moan tears from your throat when he drags you up and down his cock. He does it so well and so harshly that you wonder if he lied to you before about being a virgin.
Unable to wait any longer you finally sink down on his cock. You both moan at the feeling. Josh’s cock is so long and thick that he’s already touching your sweet spot. Almost like he was made for you. It’s a shame that you know he won’t ever be fully yours.
“Josh.” You moan. “You feel so fucking good.”
He whines at the praise and helps you lift your hips so you can slam back down on his dick. You feel so good, and when you start rolling your hips against his, he starts bucking up into you. The sound of slapping skin fills your room, and if there wasn’t a loud party going on you were sure that your guests would hear how good Josh is fucking you.
“You’re so tight.” He says through a choked moan.
Joshua loves the feeling of your hot cunt clamping down on him. He nearly comes when he glances to where you two are connected and sees your sweet cream coating his reddened cock. Something carnal takes over him and before he realizes it, he’s grabbing your hips and starts helping you bounce on his cock.
You let out loud whine when he gives you a particularly sharp thrust and slams his tip against your sweet spot. Josh is quick to notices and repeats his actions. The way his thick cock is bullying into you and hitting the spongy spot inside you is making your arousal drip down his balls. Your moans can’t be contained, and you barely sound cohesive as you chant out his name.
Josh’s large hands are all over you. They glide up to cup your tits and roughly knead them before they slide down to squeeze your ass. His hips are bucking into you desperately, trying to fuck his cock deeper inside you.
The lewd squelching coming from your sopping cunt filling the room only makes you get tighter around his dick to the point where he starts throbbing wildly. It feels like your head is spinning because he’s splitting you open so deliciously and hitting that spot inside you every time.
“Are you gonna come?” You wonder as you start to gyrate your hips in a circle. “You look so pretty when you come.”
“Fuh-Fuck.” Josh groans. He does want to fill you up. He’s never wanted anything more. “I’m so close. Gonna stuff you full of my cum.”
His words push you over the edge and has you clamping down on him as you come with a loud yell of his name. It triggers Josh’s own orgasm and as you’re riding out your high, you suddenly feel his hot seed spilling into your cunt. He shoots rope after rope into you, angling his hips up to fuck it deeper into your pussy.
Coming has never felt so good. Releasing into his fist is fine, but it doesn’t compare to coming inside your sweet cunt. The way you’re sporadically squeezing him is something Josh is sure he’ll never be able to forget. You’ve probably ruined the pleasure of masturbating because it won’t ever compare to the way you’ve made him feel.
It’s worse because he keeps fucking up into you as his hands grip your ass to guide you up and down his cock until you’re both whimpering from the oversensitivity. Josh isn’t entirely sure how he’s meant to forget about this, or you. He can’t act like this didn’t happen.
You press a gentle kiss to each of Josh’s cheeks as your breathing slowly goes back to normal. His shining eyes have a look that you can’t place, but it makes you grin. “I loved my present.” You murmur. “Thank you for choosing me.”
His heart swells, and he can’t hate it. Because you’re gently caressing his hair like you don’t want to separate from him. It’s weird because he doesn’t want you to.
“Let’s go back.” You say without making an attempt to move. “Soonyoung didn’t believe me when I told him you were here.”
He ignores that you’re close with his friend and nods. Vaguely, Joshua thinks that while he didn’t have his first time with someone he loved, he still doesn’t regret it. Because he did it with you.
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Josh is pretty sure he’s loosing his mind.
Lately, all he’s been thinking about you. The worst part is that he no longer seemed to be a priority for you. It’s crazy to think about because, yeah, he had told you on multiple occasions to leave him alone. And yes, he had also told all your mutual friends to pass along the message. But how could you finally respect his wishes after he gave you his virginity?
It’s maddening because in all the time you had class together, Josh never paid you any attention. Now he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. As embarrassing as it is, he can’t physically stop staring at you. He might look like a creep, but the thing is you don’t actually notice. You’re so into paying attention and taking notes that it seems like you’re in your own world.
Finally, you come to him on a random afternoon while he’s at the library. He hates that you skipping over to him actually brings a smile to his face.
“Hey, Josh.” You say as you bend down to wrap your arms around his neck.
It doesn’t help that you’re wearing the same perfume from the night of your birthday party. That smell makes his cock twitch in his pants, and he can’t believe that even the very smell of you has him getting excited like a teenage boy.
“I haven’t seen you around lately.” Josh tries to be casual as you slip into the chair beside him.
Your frown piques his interest. “Mingyu has been taking up a lot of my time of my time. That idiot lives to make my life a living hell.”
He tries not to feel bitter about the reason you’ve been ignoring him. What does he care if you’re spending time with some dumb jock? It’s not like he cares that you deserve someone who was capable of matching your intelligence who you also happen to have great physical chemistry with. He definitely doesn’t care at all.
Josh’s bitter frown has you tilting your head. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He lies as he returns his attention back to his laptop. “I’m glad you’re having fun with Mingi. You two fit perfectly.”
Anyone might’ve taken offense to the way he purposely disregards your friend’s name and his scathing tone, but it only makes you smirk. You resist the urge to coo and lean closer to him. “Are you jealous, Joshy?”
He doesn’t react, not conspicuously, anyway. The subtle clench of his jaw is enough to rile you up, though. This new development was something that made all the chasing you did worth it.
“There’s no reason for me to be.”
You hum. “So, I guess you won’t care if I call Mingyu so he can fuck me until I can’t walk?”
It’s almost funny the way Joshua stands up and starts to gather his things. But it’s ultimately not because he’s suddenly tugging you out of your seat and dragging you with him. You question him all the way back to his apartment. Josh doesn’t say anything even as he lets you inside. Just as you start to look around, you’re suddenly being pulled in another direction.
You’re barely able to register that it’s Josh’s room before he’s shoving you on his bed. It would’ve pissed you off, but when you look back to see him taking off his clothes, you can’t help but feel excited.
“You think you’re so fucking funny, huh?” He growls once he’s down to his underwear. “Teasing me like you have.”
Josh’s voice has taken on such a deep tone that you could hardly believe it was him who talked. You lick your lips as he crawls on the bed. He roughly pulls off your skirt and tosses it behind his shoulder. It makes your pussy clench around nothing. When you were teasing him earlier, you didn’t expect to bring out such a side of him.
You lick lips in anticipation.
Last time, Josh didn’t get to fully admire you and look at you, but now he has you spread out for him like this, he’s going to fully savor it. He doesn’t hesitate to rip your panties off, groaning at the sight of your glistening pussy. “Do you get this wet for everyone, or is this all for me?”
You would’ve felt embarrassed if you didn’t want him so bad. If Mingyu hadn’t accidentally deleted your presentation materials, you would’ve fucked Josh again sooner. But none of that mattered anymore because you were here now, and he was acting hotter than he ever had.
“Don’t play with me.” You groan. “You know your dick is the only one I want.”
Josh’s cock throbs at your words, and he rewards you by pressing a gentle kiss to your cunt. He licks a long stripe up your slit, stopping to flick your clit repeatedly until you’re crying out for him. The sounds you’re making have him grinding his hard cock into the mattress to try and ease the throbbing in his boxers. He latches his mouth on to the sensitive bud and sucks, hard.
“Josh!” You moan, grinding your cunt into his face.
He smirks against you before releasing it with a pop. Your cute whimpers are something he can listen to forever, and he intends to hear that as often as he can. Joshua takes his time eating you out, indulging himself with your sweet taste. His movements are messy and uncoordinated, but so good.
Before you can reach your high, Josh abruptly pulls away from your aching cunt. He actually smirks when you whine at the loss of stimulation, and you wonder what sort of monster you’ve brought out. But because it’s him, it turns you on.
“Want my cock, baby?”
The pet name actually has you nodded eagerly and clenching around nothing. But because Josh is so fucking mean he only runs his hands over your body and slowly undresses you like if time is frozen. It’s frustrating, but when you go to help him, he harshly slaps your cunt to stop you. It only makes more slick drip out of you.
Josh thinks he might come in his boxers when he leans back and sees your arousal dripping out of you and on to his mattress. He licks his lips, loving how fucked out you already look.
You bite your lip when he finally takes off his underwear and lets you see that pretty cock of his. The way your hungrily eyeing him has Josh gripping your thighs and roughly pulling you toward him. He gently grinds himself between your folds, relishing in the way you buck your hips up into him desperately.
“Look at you, so fucking desperate for me to split you open.”
The way you pout of him makes him feel like he might actually go insane. Josh can’t keep waiting and shoves his dick into you with one hard thrust. You both moan at the feeling, and you can’t believe that you had let anything get in the way of having him fuck you again.
You notice his somewhat hesitant with his thrusts, and you slowly slide your hands down to his hips to guide them. Joshua pauses for a moment before he starts rolling his hips in that same angle that you seem to like. He focuses on your bouncing tits and the mewls and whimpers that are falling from your lips. His tip is hitting against your sweet spot repeatedly until you’re tossing your head back in pleasure.
“You like it when I fuck you there, huh, baby?” Josh says with a teasing smirk. “Let me hear how good I’m making you feel.”
His voice is sickly-sweet, and it doesn’t match the way he’s sharply slamming his cock into you.
“Fuh-Fuck!” You moan. “Don’t stop!”
Your sweet cunt is clamping down on him so tightly that he’s starting to feel some resistance. It only makes him drill into you deeper, determined to have you come undone on him.
The way his thick cock is stretching you out has your mind going blank. Joshua is fucking into your wet cunt until your moans turn into incoherent babbles. His hips are rolling into yours desperately, and you mewl wantonly when you feel his heavy balls slapping against your ass.
“God, you’re so fucking tight.” Josh gasps.
“Oh fuck.” You whine, feeling the coil in your stomach tighten. “I’m gonna—“
Josh groans when he feels your cunt tightly clamp down on his pulsing cock. He looks down and sees his dick is glistening with the arousal dripping from you. He bites his lip, feeling more turned on than ever. By this point he’s thrusting into you sloppily, hips losing their rhythm as hits against your sweet spot.
With one last thrust, you finally break. Joshua groans loudly as your walls spasm around his cock. He loves the sight of you creaming all over him, and that’s all it takes for him to come. Thick, hot ropes of his cum spill into your walls. He surprises you when he starts fucking his cum into you, hitting your spongy spot over and over again with a smirk.
Eventually, he stills and slowly pulls out of you.
You whimper when he spread your lips to watch his cum drip out of you. For a moment you think he’s done until he’s shoving his face into your sloppy cunt, sucking and licking at it like a starved man. You hiss at the overstimulation, but it feels so fucking good.
Joshua pulls away from you with a smirk. Your thighs are quivering, and the sight makes him shove his still-hard cock back inside of you. He throbs inside your hot cunt, stretching you open with every snap of his hips.
“Fuck, you’re dripping.” Josh rasps, as he starts fucking into you like it’s the last time he’ll get to have you like this.
“J-Josh.” You whimper as you arch your back. “S-So fucking good.”
It’s crazy how fast he finds your sweet spot again. He keeps slamming his cock against that spot, and it makes you feel almost dizzy. Joshua seems to notice this because he starts snapping his hips deeper into you. Your eyes roll to the back of your head when you feel the veins of his thick cock dragging along your velvety walls.
The sound you let out when Josh throws one of your legs over his shoulder is so fucking sexy that he can’t help, but moan along with you. All the arousal coating your inner thighs makes a sticky mess and fills his room with lewd squelching sounds.
“Don’t stop!” You plead, bucking your hips upwards to match his thrusts.
Josh watches his cock slip in and out of you with a loud moan. To see your cream covering his cock drives him wild. He picks up the pace, needing to see you come all over his dick again. Your mouth is dropped open in pleasure, and before he can think twice about it, he presses his lips to yours and drinks in every muffled squeal as he angles himself to bury his tip against the sensitive, velvety spot of your walls.
You can only moan as Josh continues to slam his long, veiny cock inside your tight little cunt. He smirks when you groan and drive your nails into his lithe back. Your legs tremble as he keeps thrusting into you, his girth splitting you open all over again.
“You just can’t get enough of my cock, can you, baby?” He tells with a smirk. You can’t respond because he sinks his teeth into your neck as your walls tighten on his throbbing cock.
“Fucking love your cock.” You mewl.
The way his mouth sucks on your neck and nips at your skin is almost too much and makes your head spin. Josh slips his hand down to your wet pussy, circling his fingers against your slippery bud. It only takes a few calculated strokes for you to cream and gush around his cock. Your toes curl as you orgasm with a loud cry of ecstasy.
Joshua groans as he feels his own climax take over him. Your tight cunt continues to milk him until he's forced to stop and pour himself into you. The feeling of his hot seed painting your walls is something that you’ll never get enough of. He sloppily fucks you both through your orgasms until he can no longer handle the overstimulation.
It takes you by surprise when Josh presses a tender kiss to your lips. He only grins at you before he rolls over with you on top of him. Somehow, he manages to keep his cock inside you as he nuzzled into your hair. He lets out a deep breath and gently runs his large hands up and down your back.
“Will you stay?” He asks shyly, and you can’t believe that this is the same guy who was railing you like no one else ever had before.
“Yeah.” You grin. “I might as well get used to being here.”
Joshua doesn’t try to hide his grin. He never thought that this was how things would turn out, but he’s so glad they did. Because now he was never going to let you go.
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taglist: @duolingofanaccount @felix-3002 @junhui-recs
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4K notes · View notes
kenobicoffee · 1 year
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Lavender Haze (by @kenobicoffee) a josh x reader fic (18+ MDNI)
A/N: It’s taken forever, but it’s here! Yay! Lemme know what I can do to get better, and leave a comment if you liked it!
Word Count: 3k, ~20 min read
Outline: You and Josh are getting high and watching music videos when you both get a little bit too turned on. Passionate making out leads to Josh asking very politely to eat you out while sitting on the couch as he jerks himself off to completion.
Trigger Tags: cussing, drug use (weed), period sex, oral - f receiving, masturbation, praise kink, sub Josh if you squint
Vibe Tags: romantic, eye contact, the FLUFFiest of smut, goofy ahh shenanigans, heavy musician vibes, lots of foreplay (patience is a virtue) theatrekid!Josh, poetry💕
“This is officially worse than the blankets,” you said as the soft Tennessee rain pattered away while the last track of an LP faded with a click. Josh sat up from his reclined position on the couch next to you, the warm glow of a lamp forming a halo around his sepia curls.
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean,” he retorted, his buzz accentuating the midwestern drawl. He took another lazy drag of the joint you two had been sharing for the evening, and you shifted to look at him. Your gaze fell on the curve of his profile, and as he exhaled, you wondered for the millionth time what angelic painting he’d fallen out of to bring him here. Just seeing him lie there in the light of the evening made that pit in your stomach travel lower and lower, and you had to look away before your mind wandered too far where it shouldn’t go.
“Oh nothing,” you teased, arms crossed, “Just that I’m always cold at two a.m. when I wake up to find Puck has stolen all my blankets.”
It was this kind of banter that made him feel like home to you, like all of human history and art encapsulated his smile.
“How dare you besmirch the name of Mr. Goodfellow?” His voice had a regal air that might have sounded Shakespearian had his eyes not been half shut. “In this house? Blasphemy!”
“Joshua Michael, you are hogging that joint, and you know it.”
You stretched out your hand as he took one last dramatic pull, making sure to look extra innocent as he exhaled.
“I’m sorry mama,” he grinned, murmuring apologetically. “I’ll be good now, I promise. You want me to put another record on?”
“Absolutely not,” you said, “You’ll scratch it like you did the Bon Iver EP.”
He shrugged amiably and reached for the tv remote, “Guess we’ll do it the old fashioned way then.”
After several slow-motion clicks, he managed to open the Youtube app and a lyric visualizer for a psychedelic pop group began to play. You closed your eyes and breathed in deep, your nervous system beginning to level out for the first time in a week. With a heavy exhale, you started to melt into the cushions.
An arm pushed behind your back and around your midsection, and before you could register, Josh had nestled himself under your arm with his head on your chest. Instinctually you played with his curls, running your nails up the nape of his neck to just below his t-shirt collar. He hummed in approval of your light touch.
Soon, a down-tempo r&b tune was playing, and you felt him pick his head up slightly to look at the screen, “Oh shit, I forgot how incredible this music video is.” Your eyes fluttered open, nearly bothered by the interruption of your meditative state.
Colors and bodies flashed in and out of frame, and the characters leaned closer and closer till they were nearly on top of each other. They swayed and clung to each other's waists while a breathy vocalist sang of a need for touch, a desire to be felt. It was the kind of softcore thing you couldn’t quite pull away from, and you could see he was watching intently too.
“I love your algorithms–they don’t make any fucking sense,” you chimed in, hoping your nonchalant tone would hide how much you secretly enjoyed the mood shift.
Without breaking his focus from the screen, he began to run his fingers on your stomach, mirroring your scratches to his head and neck. “I can’t be defined, babydoll,” he responded, his delivery maddeningly vague. “You know the same production team worked on the video for…”
You lent an ear while he spiraled off on a tangent, seemingly unaware of the amount of lust that was building in you simply from hearing him speak. He was intoxicating, and even as blurry as you were, you couldn’t deny how welcome his touch felt. With every pass of his palm further up your torso, you hoped he’d overreach and graze your breast. And why not? You thought to yourself, What’s so different about tonight?
You surreptitiously shifted your body lower beneath him, the devil on your shoulders’ voice becoming almost unbearable. By the third or fourth song your pulse had quickened not insignificantly, and thoughts of him running his hand underneath your shirt to find your hardening nipples there had replaced all fuzzy exhaustion.
You tried to recall why a nagging feeling in the back of your mind kept steering you away, but it was all turning up blank in the thick cloud of dopamine. Still, you knew it couldn’t be nothing, and decided on compromise: One little kiss, that’s all. He’s not even paying attention. And so you brushed the curls away from his forehand and laid a deep kiss there. He was so warm against your lips it felt nearly impossible to break away, but as you did he quickly lifted his gaze to meet yours.
His lips parted softly as if to say something, then all at once they were on yours, moving with grace and hunger as you tugged gently on each other. He sat up straighter, lips never leaving yours as he balanced his weight on top of you. Your hands pressed firmly into his lower back, willing his pelvis to roll against yours, and you felt that same heat starting to build beneath his boxer briefs too.
You wanted to feel him, to hold his slight waist close to yours and run your fingers down his back till his whole body was covered in chills and desire. He broke temporarily from your lips and sighed as you ran your fingers from the nape of his neck all the way down to his tailbone. His chest pressed against yours and anchored you to the moment—two souls sharing a singular fluttering heartbeat.
His solid hands held your back and you reached to hang your arms around his neck. The movement forced him to burrow his nose into the crook of his neck, and he wasted no time peppering the delicate skin there with the same hungry kisses. You could feel the pressure leaving red welts that you’d have to attend to in the morning. Tonight though, they only served as proof of the affection he felt for you too.
He could’ve stayed content to hold you like that forever, but the building heat between you two was so saccharine, you felt you owed it to whatever hedonistic god to indulge yourself. Without hesitating, you slipped the neck of his t-shirt up over his curls and discarded it to the side.
The smile that met you was nothing short of a sunbeam. You could tell he hadn’t been sure what tonight held either, but every time you took initiative like this he knew it gave him permission to worship you like the goddess he always claimed you were.
He pulled himself to a seated position on the ground in front of you. You followed him forward while he settled on his knees, hands running up and down your body. They found the hem of your t-shirt and slipped seamlessly beneath to find your breasts. He held you steady as he rubbed your nipples in small, gentle circles.
You felt your back start to arch slightly at the pressure, and just as your kisses were gaining speed he reached a hand up to your chin and held you there, the other continuing its rhythm on your breast.
“God, you’re perfect in this light,” his words were breathy and sincere, and you wished with everything in you to swallow them whole and feel the light rush out through your pores. He set his lips to your jaw, inching further down your throat till he was nearly below your neckline.
“Help me out?” he breathed between quick kisses, never one to let clothing keep him at bay. You acquiesced immediately, pulling the edge of your t-shirt up over your head and out of mind.
Goosebumps covered your naked form, and you shivered. Noticing them, he paused his procession to run his palms up and down your arms. You grinned at him, jaw trembling slightly, “Sssee? Always making me cold.”
“You’re like poetry.” His voice was deeper now, deeper than you’d heard it in a while. His hazy eyes followed an invisible trail he mapped along your sternum, and the goosebumps multiplied. You saw the notch in his brow furrow as he began searching for something to say.
“I would not paint — a picture —
I'd rather be the One
It's bright impossibility
To dwell — delicious — on —”
“And wonder how the fingers feel
Whose rare — celestial — stir —
Evokes so sweet a torment —
Such sumptuous — Despair —”
“Oh Joshua,” was all you could breathe out in response, your chin jutting forward, crease on your forehead betraying how desperately you needed him. Your cheeks burned as he crashed back into you for a full and hungry kiss, his tongue reaching for more. Feeling your reaction, his hand traveled back down to your waistband.
Finally, like a ghost in the mirror, you recalled why you’d been so hesitant earlier. A millisecond to spare, you shot your hand down and caught his wrist. You could see a dart of panic in his eyes–he was afraid he’d upset you.
“Is this ok?”
“Yeah, yes, It’s just—” more color returned to your cheeks, and the words started to bubble over, “If you take off my pants it’ll get messy: it’s like, day four of my cycle. I totally spaced, baby, I’m sorry.” Your words were exasperated as you mentally kicked yourself for letting your brain fog this badly.
He pulled back to look you in the eye, faux sternness furrowing his brow, “Hey love?” You raised an eyebrow in answer to his sudden shift, “Full transparency: I couldn’t care less if you’re on your period, let alone what day.”
“Are you… are you sure?” Now your own brow was knit, skeptical of his sincerity. It wasn’t that you doubted him, simply that you needed confirmation. Your pulse quickened slightly and you focused your waning attention into his velvet brown eyes, searching for any apprehension he might have hidden for your sake. To your great surprise and relief, you could find none.
“I mean, god knows I’ve come face to face with a bodily fluid or two,” he flashed a devilish grin that spanned his entire face.
You quirked a small grin back, trying to feign indifference even while your heart was beating out of your chest, “Well, sure. I mean… really?”
“Really,” he continued, batting his eyelashes,“Maroon makes my eyes pop.”
“You’re a mess,” you said with a giggle.
“I will be.” He gave your waist a reassuring squeeze as he shifted his weight off his knees. “I’ll wear it like a badge of honor, '' he promised solemnly.
You thought about protesting once more just to check, but before you had a chance, his palms had slipped behind your lower back and he was pulling you towards himself. Your body shifted till you hung just barely off the edge of the couch, his hands effortlessly tugging your sweats and underwear off in a single tug.
“Theeeeere she is,” he exclaimed softly, a low hum building in his tone. With the shift in your weight came an equal one in mentality, and you felt your anxieties start to lift. It had been a while since you’d let him take full control, and the pure indulgence of it all was bringing a fire to your core the likes of which you hadn’t felt in months.
Slow and methodical, he parted your knees, gracing them with the backs of his fingers first, then tenderly running his hands along your thighs as he hummed softly, mostly to himself.
“Mmmm, it's like–what’s the new Hozier song?” He searched his hazy brain for the lyrics while he continued to run his hands along your skin, seemingly unaware of the tizzy he’d put you in. “I’d tell them put me back in, coach! Yeah, that’s the one…”
He tittered on as if speaking from an entirely different point of view, his words seemingly unaware of his thumb which was rubbing itself up and down your inner thigh. He swooped ever closer to your clit until he graciously pressed there in gentle circles.
“Take me to church!” He crooned, a lopsided grin washing over his face before bending to land soft kisses on each thigh. With a final glance up at you and the ghost of smirk that suggested he might be more coherent than he was letting on, his lips graciously smoothed over your sensitive clit. His tongue licked up your vulva to encompass all of you in smooth, wet pleasure.
“Oh god,'' you tried not to shout, although the work he’d done up to this point made you feel nearly ready to burst in record-time.
“Mhmm” he murmured into you. You could feel his lips smiling: he loved talking you through your pleasure. The rumblings always went straight through your center like electricity and gave you the deepest orgasms, which in turn fueled his.
He continued his sucking and tonguing, sometimes soft and light, then all at once more firm and deliberate. His lips were like waves crashing again and again to a steady unheard beat. As you found a common tempo your breath deepened with every exhale, and you released a sigh of your own. The melody, though quiet at first, shortly matched his in pitch and intensity.
He’d hum and you’d moan an echo to him, signaling your bliss in an ebb and flow of sounds shared between you; a language only you two could understand. His murmuring became groans and gasps as he came up for air, the temperature difference shocking your soaking cunt and exciting you even more. With each wave you ran your fingers through his curls, guiding his nose to press into you at the perfect angle, eliciting delicious moans which spurred the two of you on even more.
He clung to your hips as you began to roll yours into him, and he pressed his tongue greedily inside you, sending you dangerously close to the edge. “Baby, you’re doing so, so good, it might be soon,” you warned as you cupped his cheek in one hand, the other still pressing behind his neck to hold him in place.
He groaned and broke away with a smack, eyes half shut with the pleasureful haze filling both of your minds. “Hold on mama, I’ll get you there, I promise. Just gotta get these off,” he said, running his right palm down your calf to his boxer briefs. He hooked his thumb under the band at his waist while the other hand stayed anchored firmly on your knee.
The brief pause had pulled your mind temporarily out of the clouds, and you looked down to see that the arc of his cock was indeed reaching a fever pitch too strong to be ignored any longer.
“Oh god, baby I- I’m sorry I wasn’t even thinking, let m–” but as you went to sit forward the hand planted on your knee jumped up to your abdomen, pressing you back into the couch with a soft thud.
“Why are you saying sorry?” He stared directly into your eyes and continued pulling his boxer briefs off slow and deliberately. The question was as much a command to relax as it was an invitation to watch.
“If I needed your help, believe me baby, I’d ask.” His hand was on his cock now, already wet with so much precum, and the stare he was attempting faltered slightly as his fingers graced the tip.
“I’m not above begging–you know that,” he said, his voice gruff, erring a half step lower every time he reached the base of his cock. You felt your breath hitch, eyes flitting between his beautiful stare and his hand that continued stroking up and down.
“I bet you’d like that a lot, wouldn’t you?” His tone was darker, fueled by the eye contact, when suddenly—“Sicko!” he cried, his character voice nearly making you choke. You both erupted into bubbling laughter, and you shook your head slightly, brushing a rogue curl out of his eyes–He lets the intrusive thoughts win every time.
“Oh my god. Babe, you’re literally eating me out on my period,” you responded, dropping your hand firmly on the scruff of his neck again. He jumped slightly with the force of your grasp, and you could see his cock twitch the slightest bit more. You leaned in to match his energy, and with the darkest voice you could muster, confessed, “the sicko is you, darling.”
“Oh, right,” he said, a hazy smile floating back onto his face. His eyes closed as he lowered back down, “Right… fair point.”
His lips returned to your cunt, the promise of sweet release spurring him on to the finale. His movement was steady but desperate, and the smooth and consistent wake of your hips was shortly replaced by a more sporadic, forceful tide that pushed into him with vigor. He took it in stride, moaning as his own wake of pleasure began building in him.
You could tell he was moving his own hips at a quicken pace, as if imagining his cock was pushing deep inside you while he lapped at your drenched center. He spread his knees further apart, arching his back in order to bring himself closer to orgasm. His body was practically writhing underneath you, just the taste of you bringing him closer and closer.
The image of him completely at your mercy made every neuron in your brain fire simultaneously, and you moaned with a finality that let him know it was time.
Without warning his lips moved to encircle only your clit, and the focused sucking there sent you so dangerously close you nearly sobbed as you cried out, “Baby, come with me–on me, please.”
With a final cry you felt him oblige you, and he let out a long moan as you found yourself crashing into your orgasm. The release sent fireworks to your psyche, and he let you take over with your fingers the way you liked in the midst of it. He stood and watched you writhing with all the pleasure he’d given you, and with a final groan he joined you in ecstasy.
His head thrown back, he pumped himself onto your pussy, his mess joining your own and adding to the pleasure you were currently riding yourself through. Placing his free hand to your side, he knelt down closer and rubbed the sensitive head of his dripping cock in the folds of your vulva, spreading around his cum till both your sensitivities had become nearly too much to handle. Even then, he continued rubbing the shaft of his cock on your throbbing cunt till you gasped slightly from over stimulation.
His forehead met yours wordlessly, and you stayed there for a moment, breathing heavy from exertion. He sighed as he let his body flop down next to you, temples still touching. You ran your fingers up and down his arms, body still stuttering in the afterglow. The exhaustion was setting in, and you had to force yourself to open your eyelids to look at him–you needed to kiss him one more time before you fell asleep. He too had his eyes closed, a bleary smile playing across his face as if he were replaying pictures of you in his mind. You kissed him softly on his nose, still slightly wet and rosy, and his eyes fluttered open. As your pulses returned to their normal pace, he grabbed a blanket to clean you both up.
“We can wash it,” he said reassuringly, noticing your slightly reluctant side eye. Blanket in tow, he cupped his hand gently around your pussy and worked softly to make you feel as clean as possible. Once he was satisfied with his work, he tossed the blanket away to pull you in closer.
“You are entirely too good to me,” you whispered, the siren song of sleep finally taking its toll.
“You are entirely too good, momma,” he whispered back, and you both slipped away as the rain sang you into the deep blue.
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age-of-greta · 2 months
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The Sun
The Sun presents a feeling of optimism and fulfillment. It represents the dawn which follows the darkest of nights.
Author’s note: hi!! Welcome back to The Sun! Sorry it’s been a while, life is busy and I try to write when I can. I hope you enjoy this ~spicy~ chapter
Pairing: Josh x reader & Jake x reader
Warnings: cursing, alcohol consumption, smutttttttt, minors DNI
Word count: 8.3k
“I’m actually so depressed that you’re leaving me for a week.” You groaned, as you plopped down on his bed.
“I know. I’m not sure how you’re going to survive without me.” Josh said, throwing a pair of socks into his bag.
You huffed and folded your arms. Josh was about to leave you for a whole entire week. Well, really just five days, but close enough. He was going to meet with a vocal coach to prepare him for the sound of their new album. You were really bummed about it. You and Josh had spent virtually everyday together for weeks. He was your best friend and the thought of him leaving to go to LA made you feel sick. You wondered if he would be going to lavish parties with other people in the industry. Would he meet other people? Other girls? That’s completely normal worries to have about your best friend, right?
“What time is your flight tomorrow again?” You ask, picking at the ends of your hair.
“8:45 am.”
“And we’re still getting breakfast before I take you to the airport?”
Josh chuckles. “I hope so.”
“Okay.” You respond.
Josh closes his bag and sits down next to you. “I wish I didn’t have to go either. But it’s only a few days and I’ll call you as much as I can.”
You smile at him. “I know. I’m being such a baby about this.”
He smiles back and places his hand on your knee. “I think it’s sweet.”
Your eyes meet his and you feel a strange feeling brewing.
“Hey Josh, do you need this?”
You remove your eyes and see Jake standing in the doorway holding a neck pillow. He makes a face when sees you and Josh.
“Oh, yeah. Thanks.” Josh responds, getting up and grabbing the pillow from Jake.
“Didn’t know you were here Sug.” Jake says, crossing his arms.
You nod. “I’m taking Josh to the airport in the morning.”
Jake bites his lip. “Hm, okay.”
He glances you over once more before heading back down the hallway.
“Alright, I think I’m finally packed.” Josh throws all of his bags by the door and turns back to you. “Wanna order Chinese?”
“Oh yes please. I’m starving.” You say dramatically.
“Okay. You mind asking everyone else if they want anything? I’m going to throw all of this in the car and make a phone call real quick.”
You salute him. “Yes sir. Can do.”
Josh drags his bags down the stairs while you wonder around the halls looking for the other three.
“Danny?” You knock on his door. No response. “Sam?” You yell down the hallway. Nothing. You huff heading downstairs, but it’s also a ghost town. Finally, you open the back door and see Jake sitting by the fire pit reading. You glance around, still not seeing anyone else before deciding to head over and approach him. “Um, hey have you seen Sam or Danny?”
Jake glances up at you and slides his sunglasses off his nose. “They’re gone.”
“Oh.” You state. “Josh and I are ordering Chinese food and we wanted to see if anyone else wanted anything.”
He closes his book and turns to face you. “You can sit, you know.”
You glance down at the chair next to Jake and decide to take a seat. “What are you reading?”
Jake grins at you. “The Hobbit.”
You let out a laugh. “Again?!”
He nods his head. “Yeah. It’s one of the greatest novels of all time.”
“You and your Tolkien.” You huff. “It is one of the best books I’ve ever read though.”
Jake looks at you incredulously. “You read it?”
You nod. “And The Lord of the Rings trilogy.”
You shrug. “Not super long ago.”
You didn’t want to tell him you had read all of those novels to try and feel closer to him. But once you started reading them, you had actually enjoyed them quite a bit.
“You’re full of surprises Sugar. Always keeping me on my toes.” Jake says, still smiling largely at you.
Josh walks outside and sits next to you. “So what’s the verdict?”
You clear your throat. “Sam and Danny aren’t here.”
Josh raises his eyebrows. “Oh lovely. Jake, what do you want?”
Jake stretches out a little. His shirt rises ever so slightly and reveals a small sliver of his stomach. You try not to look but fail. “I’m good.”
Josh makes a face at him. “You love Chinese food.”
Jake shrugs. “I’ll be out later.”
“Mhm.” Josh nods. “Holly or Katie?”
Jake shoots his twin a foul look.
Josh throws his hands up then faces you. “Okay. Wanna go get this order started.”
“Yep.” You say coolly, getting up to follow Josh.
As you walk away you glance back at Jake. He’s looking at you, like he wants to say something. But he doesn’t say anything, so neither do you.
“This is so freaking good.” You say, plopping chopsticks full of noodles into your mouth.
Josh smiles at you while chewing. “I told you. I have the best recommendations.”
You were both sprawled out on his bed watching an old western film that you had never seen before, but Josh definitely had.
“Josh?” You say, timidly turning towards him.
He glances over to you. “Hm?”
You purse your lips in contemplation before speaking. “I really have enjoyed spending so much time with you. You’re my best friend.”
He bites back what appears to be the beginning of a grimace before smiling back softly at you. “I have too. I love you, you know.”
You grin at him. “I know.”
He bites his lip. “Do you?”
You stare at him and give him a soft smile. Unsure as to where he might be going with this. Josh lets out a bated breath and reaches close to your face, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. For some reason your heart is pounding. It’s getting louder, but it’s not your heart. You jolt when you realize someone is beating on Josh’s door.
“Oh what the fuck.” He mutters, pinching the bridge of his nose.
He groans and opens the door to see Sam standing there. “What?” Josh bites.
Sam furrows his brows at Josh and then glances over to you. “Sorry to disturb you… I just wanted to come by and wish you well on your travels before I went out tonight. If I’m successful, I won’t be home this evening.”
Sam gives Josh a wink and Josh clears his throat. “Yes, well thank you Sam. Good luck to you as well.”
He grins at his brother and shifts his eyes to you. “Will we be seeing you at all this week?”
You shrug. “I’m not sure. I’ve got a busy work week ahead and I really need to hang some shelves in my bathroom.”
“I told you I’ll do that for you when I get back. You're not the greatest at making things level.” Josh pokes.
Sam fake gasps and nudges his brother. “What a gentleman. If you get bored after work or are looking for trouble, you know where to find us.” Sam says with a wink.
You huff a laugh. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Well, I don't want to hold you guys up any longer. Good luck Josh. Love you guys!” Then Sam is waltzing away to get into God knows what.
Josh closes his door and lets out a chuckle. “He’s going to be the death of me one day.”
You shake your head. “He loves you.”
He smiles at you. “He’s a little shit.”
“Can’t argue with you there.” You say, smiling back at him.
Josh rejoins you on the bed, picking up his container of rice and scooting ever so closer to you than he was before.
After you both had finished eating you had cleaned up and longued about before getting ready for bed. You grabbed your micellar water and doused it on a cotton pad to remove your mascara. You smiled when you glanced at the place it had lived in Josh’s bathroom. In fact, you had a whole shelf full of your small toiletries that you needed when you stayed over. After completing a quick version of your nightly routine you slid in bed next to Josh, adjusting your pillow just how you liked it.
“I need to get you softer pillows for when you stay over huh?” Josh laughs.
“I don’t know how you sleep on these flat things.” You say, fluffing up the pillow.
“Believe it or not, sleeping on flatter pillows is better for singers. It helps even out the breath in your sleep, leaving better airflow for your vocal chords.”
You make a slightly surprised face at him. “Wait, really?”
He turns and smirks at you. “I have no idea. I just made all of that up. Flat pillows are better though.”
You playfully smacked his chest, leaving your hand there. “Josh! I totally bought that. I think I would believe anything you said to me. That’s a dangerous quality to have. You should start a cult.”
He scooted closer to you. “Yeah? Would you be a member?”
You grinned at him. “Oh, I’d be your biggest fan. Give me that Kool-Aid, no questions asked.”
He snickered at that. “Good to know. Loyalty is of utmost importance when embarking on such a journey.”
You absentmindedly fidgeted with his necklaces. “Loyalty is everything. But I would need to know what my leader thinks the meaning of life is?”
He puts his arm out while you nuzzle yourself into it. This was somewhat of a new position. But you two were best friends, so testing the waters was platonic of course. This is what you told yourself as you took in his scent in an anything but innocent way. “The meaning of life?”
Josh pondered for a minute, lightly tracing circles on your arm. “To be happy and to be with people you love. Where there is love, we must live on. Where there is not love, we must provide it.”
You fluttered your eyes closed, feeling sleep sinking in. “I like that. You’re very poetic.”
He turns his head towards you and places a small kiss on your forehead. “Goodnight sleepy girl.”
You groggily woke up the next morning at an ungodly hour. Josh still had his arm lightly across you. You gently lifted it up, smiling at his soft snores and scooted out underneath him. You quietly crept to the bathroom doing a small routine before slinking down the stairs. You wanted to make Josh some coffee and surprise him with cooked breakfast before he headed off this morning. You tried to remain quiet through the house, not wanting to disturb anyone. Then you remembered you were probably the only two here. That wasn’t the case when you turned the corner and saw Jake sitting at the kitchen island. He was in a pair of very worn navy sweatpants with a steaming cup of coffee sitting next to the same book from earlier. He had made significant progress through the pages since you last saw him. It was early. Did he just make it back from whatever he did last night? You tried not to make any sound, but your heart sunk when you realized the sweatpants he was wearing were a gift from you.
“Morning.” You said lightly as you entered the kitchen.
Jake glanced up at you, almost surprised to see you. “Good morning.”
You began to clink around with the mugs, trying to act entirely normal.
“Sleep well?” Jake asked from behind you.
You nod your head, placing two stone mugs on the counter. “I did. How was your… night?”
Jake shrugged. “Got a lot of work done in the studio. Then came back and crashed.”
The studio. He was there. Not at someone else’s house. That made you feel relieved and it ate you alive simultaneously that you even cared.
“I don’t remember you being an early riser.” You poked, pressing buttons on the fancy coffee machine.
He half smiled at you. “I’m full of surprises too Sug.”
You met his eyes and couldn’t help but grin back at him. “I’ve changed a bit.” He offers, in a quieter tone, his expression too serious to read.
You swallow hard, trying to figure out what to say. Trying to figure out just what he meant.
Your thoughts are plundered by the soft padding of Josh making his way into the kitchen. “Morning.” He says through a long stretch and yawn. He eyes Jake. “Why are you up?”
“Wanted to get a jump start on my day I suppose.” Jake responds to his twin, rather flatly.
Josh turns to you and smiles. “Is that my coffee?”
You let out a small laugh and nod.
“You’re my absolute favorite person, you know that?” Josh gushes as he heads over to you and wraps you in a hug while grabbing his coffee.
You giggle at him. “So sappy Joshy.”
He plants a kiss on your head dramatically. “Ah, just for you.”
Jake clears his throat.
You're transported back to reality for a moment and realize how cozy you and Josh are. To you, this felt normal. Natural even. But you could see how it might look to Jake.
“Anyway, I had planned on making you breakfast before your big trip. But it appears you only have Ritz crackers and margarita mix.”
Josh laughs. “Now that is a meal. Don’t sweat it, let me go get everything ready and we’ll stop somewhere before you drop me off.”
Josh grabs his mug and darts off towards the stairs, leaving you and Jake in silence. You take a few sips of your coffee, leaning against the countertops. Jake has resumed reading his book while absentmindedly tapping his fingers on the counter. You had come to learn this was something he did when he had a particular riff stuck in his head.
Finally, you broke the silence. “Better go get ready.”
He glanced over at you. “Sure.”
You couldn’t help but notice the bite in his tone.
It was too early for any normal breakfast place to be open so you and Josh settled at a Dunkin Donuts close to the airport.
“Pink frosted sprinkled donuts are my spirit animal I think.” You joked, biting into your sweet treat.
Josh smiled at you. “That donut is an embodiment of you.”
“Philosophical Joshua. I have a confession though…”
He raises an eyebrow at you. “Do tell.”
“Pink frosted sprinkle donut. Right? But what’s the flavor? It doesn’t taste like artificial strawberry or like medicine, bubblegum or cotton candy. The taste is simply… pink.”
Josh cackles and claps at your revelation. “Oh my god. You finally get it now babe.”
Babe? That was new. It made a warmness flutter in your chest.
You tried not to sound bashful. “Yeah, I think I do.”
Josh smiled at you as he licked chocolate frosting from his thumb and sighed. “We should head over soon.”
You frowned. “You’re probably right.”
He grins. “That’s typically the case.”
You fake roll your eyes. “Can it.”
You put your car in reverse and drive the short distance to the drop off at the airport. Josh is lightly humming to a Joe Cocker song that had come on shuffle. Somehow during the short ride his hand found it’s way on yours. You tried not to think too much on it, but it felt nice. What the fuck was happening to you?
The bustle of the airport was still chaotic even at this ungodly hour.
“Fuck.” Josh muttered.
“Hey, be safe okay? Keep me updated on when you land and all that.” You say.
“Yes ma’am. Thank you for taking me. I really appreciate everything.”
You softly smile at him. “Of course.”
“Well.” He groans. “Better go before that whistle starts blowing.”.
He leans over and grips you in a tight hug before grabbing his carry-on and opening the door.
“It’s not really a goodbye. Just a farewell for now.” Josh offers with a bright smile, standing at the door.
“Okay people move along!” One of the traffic officers yell accompanied by a whistle.
“See? Told ya. These fuckin whistles.” Josh scoffs.
You laugh at him. “Be safe! Come back in one piece please.”
He winks at you. “I’ll try.”
A dreadfully boring Wednesday had rolled around. The week had already been long, you had been in the office the past three days. It was now nearing dark and you were so excited to throw some frozen orange chicken in the air fryer and make a lazy version of stirfry as soon as you had gotten home. Traffic had been brutal and you were on the final stretch, finally making that turn towards your townhome. You parked your car and grabbed your work tote, thankful that you only had one more day to work this week until you had three days off. Subsequently, you were so excited to see Josh again. You two had kept in touch of course calling and texting, but you were both also busy. You unlocked your door and kicked your black heels off at the door. You threw your tote bag and baby blue blazer down on the table. You know you shouldn’t cook dinner in your work attire, but your stomach is too empty for you to care. You tied an apron around your waist, trying to hide the white bodysuit and baby blue slacks from any stains. Then you got to work taking out your frozen vegetables and putting them in the skillet with oil. You put on a Dire Straits album and swayed around your kitchen as you let your mind wander. It was liberating doing such a mundane task after a long day. A knock at your door disrupted your thoughts. You made at face and glanced at your phone. No texts from anyone and you weren’t expecting company. You wiped your hand on a dish towel and felt ready to let whoever was on the other side of that door that they needed to go. But when you opened the door you were taken aback slightly. It was Jake. He had a toolbox on hand.
“Good evening Sugar.” He smirked.
You furrowed your brows at him. “Jake, what are you doing?”
He shrugged. “Sam had mentioned something about some bathroom shelves.”
You pursed your lips together. “I can hang them.”
He laughed and stepped by you into your house. “As if. Come on let me do this for you Sugs. Friends remember?”
You huffed a little. “Okay. Well, um I’m cooking dinner. Orange chicken stirfry. Would you like some?”
He smiled at you. “Absolutely. Nice place you got here. Want to direct me to where you would like these shelves?”
You had lit a scented candle. Why? You don’t know. For some reason you were nervous. You could hear Jake with a drill in your bathroom as you anxiously tapped your fingers as you plated the food. You took two plates and sat it on your kitchen table, then grabbed two wine glasses and your favorite bottle of moscato. You placed everything down, took your apron off, and smoothed your hair before heading towards your bathroom. He was just finishing hanging the first shelf. His brows pinched up in concentration, while he had a drill bit hanging out of his mouth. He had always been a perfectionist.
“Looks good.” You say, standing in the doorway crossing your arms.
He pops the drill bit out of his mouth and turns to give you a smile. “Yeah?”
You nod. “Dinner’s ready.”
You turn back heading towards the kitchen and hear Jake picking up. He joins you just a few minutes after and takes a seat across from you while you scroll on your phone.
“Oh Sug, this smells great.” He says with a smirk.
You place your phone down and force a laugh. “Thanks. Most of it is frozen though. I rarely have time to cook anything else. Wine?”
“Please.” He says, tipping his glass towards you.
You uncork the bottle and pour the chilled wine half way full in each glass.
“It’s my favorite. Not too sweet, not too bitter.”
Jake swirls the wine around in the glass and brings it to his nose before taking a sip. “Wow okay, yeah. You have good taste.”
You shrug and try to act like that’s not a huge compliment coming from him as you poke around your plate with your fork.
“So, tell me all about you. What’s new?” Jake asks, taking a bite of food.
You hum. “Nothing too exciting. I work a lot. I occasionally go out and I enjoy going to the park to read.”
“Enthralling stuff there honey. But let’s cut the boring shit here. That’s not us. What’s really been going on? Have you dated anyone seriously since me?”
You can’t help but smile at his bluntness. “No, not seriously anyway. Have you?”
“No.” He responds with a grin.
You take a sip of your wine. “That doesn’t surprise me.”
He raises an eyebrow at you but keeps that grin on his face. “How come?”
“Well Jake, you’re not exactly relationship material.”
He cocked his head to the side. “Maybe not for most. But I was for you.”
You felt your cheeks grow pink. Fuck. Why did he affect you like this? Play it cool. “Right.”
“Despite everything. I always thought about you. Wondered about how you were, what you were doing, who you were with. Sometimes I would think I would look out into the crowd at a show and see you there.” He admitted, flicking his gaze towards the table as he talked.
The wine had made you feel warm inside, at least you told yourself that was the reason. “I’ve been fine. Building my career, working on myself, loving myself.” You paused, finding those honey brown eyes. “But of course I had thought about you too. From time to time.”
He smiled at your acknowledgment. “Well hot damn. After all of this time, look at us huh? Who would’ve thought we’d end up here?”
You shook your head and laughed. “Not me.”
After you two had wrapped up dinner and finished the whole entire bottle of wine you had changed into lounge clothes and migrated to your couch, spending hours talking and giggling. At some point Jake’s hand found its way to rest on your calf as you sat criss cross facing him while he leaned towards you.
“So moral of the story, that’s why Sam no longer drinks kombucha before shows.”
You giggled at his stories as he tried to fill you in on every major detail that had happened since you two had last been together.
“God you really have lived an adventure huh?” You ask, twisting the ends of your hair.
He nods. “And I hope it’s only getting started. It’s been so surreal and being here in Nashville makes me want to stay. There’s so many different people and the weather. Oh the weather.”
You nod your head. “That’s what did it for me. I don’t think I would survive a full Michigan winter again.”
He placed his hand on your hip and began to tickle you. “Nope. You’re too warm blooded now.”
You leaned back in a fit of laughter. “Jake! Stopppp!”
He continued and leaned over you. “Mhm I know all your spots Sugar.”
He finally stops and you brush your hair out of your face. He’s essentially on top of you, in between your legs. “You’re such a little shit. You know that?” You say lightheartedly.
He leans closer to you, the tip of his hair tickling your collarbones. “Now that’s not nice to say darlin. Do I need to remind you how sweet I can be too?”
Your heart is thumping in your chest as you two make fierce eye contact with each other. The wine has you feeling giddy. But, you’re saved by the bell as your phone begins to ring loudly on the coffee table. It jolts you from your thoughts and your position. You reach over and grab your phone seeing “Josh” pop up on your screen along with a silly picture of you two.
“One sec.” You say to Jake, who clearly seems disappointed. You run to your room and close the door.
His chipper voice rings back at you. “Hey there, pretty lady. It’s been an insanely busy day, I’ve just now got a five minute break to have my own thoughts. What have you been up to today?”
You clear your throat, trying not to sound as flustered as you feel. “Oh you know, same old same old. Just a long day of working. I made stir fry for dinner.”
He sighs into the phone. “Now that sounds good. I’ve been living mostly on takeout and party foods.”
You huff a laugh. “Party foods? Oh poor you.”
He returns your laugh. “I know it’s rough out here. Hey listen they’re about to call back for me. It was good to hear your voice. I’ll give you a call tomorrow?”
“You better. Have fun, be safe.”
You collected yourself and cleared your throat before heading back into your living area. You found Jake in the kitchen cleaning up after dinner.
“Everything okay?” He asked, rinsing a plate.
“Mhm. Yeah yeah, just checking in. Hey you don’t have to clean up. I can do it.” You offer, stepping in to help.
He shakes his head. “No, I got it. I’m going to finish up and I’ll be out of your hair. I know you have work tomorrow.”
You nod, trying to decipher if you were relieved or disappointed.
“Care if I come back by tomorrow to put that other shelf in?” He asks with a soft smile.
“Sure. I can make dinner again.”
And you did. He had come over again Thursday night, installed your shelf, and you two had made pizzas together. A flood of nostalgia flooded you as you two had rolled the dough out. Jake put a dab of flour on your cheek and you returned the favor with pizza sauce. This was a date you two had before, but this time there was no arguing. In fact, the night had gone quite pleasantly. You had watched a movie and Jake went home after. He kept his hands, mostly to himself- which surprised you. You had woken up on Friday morning in a haze. The past two days had felt surreal with Jake. Part of you had believed maybe you had hallucinated the whole thing, but when you saw how perfectly your shelves were hung you smiled to yourself. Josh would be home Sunday morning, but all you could think about is if Jake would try to come by again. You checked your phone. Nothing but a Snapchat from Josh. In the past two days you had unblocked Jake and even shared a text or two. You decided to try and push him out of your mind and switched it up today, going for a hot yoga class. This was a little further of a drive than your pilates studio, but the drive cleared your mind. After yoga you felt energized and grabbed a coffee to get you through the rest of the day. You decided to stop at a shopping plaza to treat yourself. While gandering at all the pretty little things you felt your phone vibrating in your purse.
Your heartbeat picked up and you felt a rush go through you as you answered.
“Good morning Sugar. Do you have any plans later?”
You decided to play it cool. “Nothing too concrete. Why?”
“Great. I’ll pick you up later. Before you ask, wear whatever you want. You look good in anything. I’m about to head to the studio, but be ready by 8.”
You glanced at the black lacy matching set you had in your hands. This would do.
7:58. You stared at the clock on your wall, tapping your fingers absentmindedly on your couch as you waited for Jake. You felt unusually nervous, as if you hadn’t been on a date with him before. Was this a date? Who in the hell knew. Your feelings were scattered everywhere. But the one thing you knew was that Jake had sunk his claws right into you again. Everything inside of you was screaming no while also simultaneously screaming yes. You had decided on a casual little orange dress that complimented your tan perfectly with platform sandals and gold jewelry. You put loose curls in your hair and did an ample amount of makeup. You felt summery and pretty. You hoped Jake would think so as well.
A knock on your door at 8 pm sharp jolted you from your thoughts.
“Hello gorgeous.” Jake said, stepping in and handed you a small bouquet of red roses.
“Do friends buy each other flowers?” You ask, trying to play off that this was the first time he had ever gotten you flowers.
He smirked at you. “They can. Ready to go?”
You two had ended up at a stylish little cocktail garden across town. Jake had reserved a table on the rooftop, pretty hidden from the rest of the crowd. You both selected different specialty cocktails and ordered a quite large charcuterie board.
“This place is cute.” You said sipping your drink and surveying your surroundings.
He flashed you a smile. “I thought you might think so. Very ‘Nashville.’”
You laugh. “Jake, baby, not every place with neon signs is distinctly Nashville.”
You feel your blood run cold as you just realized you had let that word slip out. Fuck these drinks were strong.
Of course he had noticed it too and bit down on his straw giving you a sly smile with those eyes. “Sure, but the fake flowers on the wall and shitty country music makes it feel that way.”
You hold your hands up in defense. “Hey I know you love your dingy little hole in the walls. But time and place for everything. At least enjoy the oxygen that isn’t littered with cigarette smoke.”
He raises an eyebrow at you. “Since when is cigarette smoke a problem for you?”
You grab your straw and perhaps suggestively take a sip while locking eyes with him. “Time and place for everything Jake.”
When the charcuterie board arrived you both had picked at the selections while continuing to drink. You giggled and laughed and then giggled some more. You were smitten with him yet again. You weren’t dumb, you knew it wouldn’t last. The hell would come. But for now, you allowed yourself to keep your head in the clouds.
“I don’t think I can drive Sugs. Care if we Uber back?” Jake asks, finishing off drink number-hell you had lost count.
“That’s a smart idea. Gonna go to the bathroom before we leave.” You slightly slurred.
The walk to the bathroom proved a little off-kilter. You were on the cusp of tipsy and your brain was swirling with bad decisions.
You glanced at yourself in the mirror, lightly rolling on lipgloss and fluffing your hair before making your way back out. Jake had already taken care of the tab and was waiting for you out front.
“Uber should be here in about 15 minutes.”
You nodded and followed him into a crowded elevator. You two had to squeeze in, which meant you were pressed into each other. Jake glanced down at you with a certain look in his eye that made your mouth water. His hand snaked around your waist, his fingers pressing into your hip. A spot that he knew would rile you up. You bit your lip and held your breath. You didn’t dare breathe again until you were at the bottom.
“That elevator was pretty cramped huh?” You played, stepping outside of the building.
He shrugged, matching your walking pace up the sidewalk. “I didn’t mind it.”
You lightly shoved him. “I’m sure you didn’t.”
He smirked at you. “Don’t start something you can’t finish.”
You shoved him again, slightly harder. “Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it?”
He signed. “You’re done Sugs.” He scooped you up and tickled at your side.
“Jake!” You giggled out through laughter. “Put me down! Jake I swear!”
He continued. “Or what Sugs?”
“Jacob Thomas!”
He laughed. “Okay fine. Fine. No need for government names.”
He placed you down and you braced up against the concrete wall and you fixed your hair that had gone wild. “You don’t play fair.”
He stepped up closer to you and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. “There. Perfect as always.”
His eyes searched for yours, his gaze intensely switching to your lips. Fuck it. You pushed yourself up on your tiptoes and kissed him, hard. There was zero protest from him as his hands immediately found your waist. Warmth flooded your senses and you felt entirely weightless. You lightly bit his bottom lip which caused a small groan to leave his mouth.
“Now who’s not playing fair?” He growled into your ear as his fingers found that spot on your hip.
The intense session was interrupted by Jake’s phone buzzing. He cleared his throat. “Uber’s here.”
You nodded and took his hand as he led you into the car. Neither one of you spoke the whole entire ride home. Jake kept his hand firmly planted on your upper thigh while both of you took stolen glances at one another.
“Thanks.” Jake said, tossing a stack of bills at the driver.
He guided you up to the door, standing close as you fidgeted with your keys.
Finally, once inside and the door was closed. His lips were on yours again. His hands running wildly up and down your body, your hands in his hair as you two shuffled through your house. Somehow you two had made your way into the kitchen.
“Fuck, you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this.” He panted in between kisses.
He backed you up against the counter, his eyes glaring into yours. Then his rough hands run under your thighs as he lifts you and places you on the counter. Neither one of you had dared to speak yet. Then Jake broke the silence.
“So pretty.” He spat, as his hands ran up under your dress.
You were impossibly turned on. Anticipation sat in your throat like a softball.
You bit your lip as his hands hooked around your panties. He pulled them down and scooted you closer to him. He bunched up your dress right to the very beginning of your thighs.
“So fucking pretty.” He stated again.
You squirmed under his touch as he raked his fingertips around your inner thighs.
“Jake, stop teasing.” You said, though it came out more as a beg.
He smiled at you, then craned his head down and kissed you on your sweetest spot.
A jolt ran through your body.
“So needy. My pretty girl, so needy for me.” He says with a smirk. “Let’s see how wet you are, Sugar.”
He takes one finger and slides it in between you, just grazing. You slightly buck your hips, desperate for some sort of friction. Desperate for that feeling that only Jake had given you.
“Whew, fuck Sugar.” Jake says, taking that same finger and popping it in his mouth. “So sweet, just like I remember. So wet for me.”
You huff out at him. You’re beyond ready to beg, but he can’t have that satisfaction. You have to play the game right back. “As if you’re not about to bulge out of your pants right now. Face it Jake, you’ve never had better.”
He grips your thighs. “You’re right about that. You drive me crazy Sugar. Especially when that pretty mouth says such filthy things.”
“Jake.” You say looking down at him, batting your eyelashes. “Can you just shut up and fuck me?”
His mouth falls open slightly at that and he stares up at you completely enamored.
You use this as an opportunity to tease him. You slide back and open your legs a little more.
“What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” You say with as much sex in your voice that you could muster.
Jake takes in a deep breath and then a devilish smirk appears on his face. “No.” He starts. “But it’s about to.”
He licks a stripe up your thigh whilst holding eye contact with you. Then, he smiles before burying his face in between your legs.
You arch your back and tilt your head backwards as soft moans escape your lips. Jake shimmys your dress up even further, then slides his fingers into you.
“Fuck.” You whined, which only egged him on further.
“Yeah come on baby. Give me all of those pretty little sounds.” He begged.
His fingers worked expertly with his mouth. Like he had your body etched into his mind and he knew how to make you unraveled. Just as you were right there, white hot- he stopped. You unclenched your eyes and looked down at him in shock. He smirked back up at you and lightly bit your thigh.
“Come on Sugs. What’s the rush? Let’s take this to your room.”
You scoffed at him, hopping off the counter and pulling your panties back up. You were bewildered, but you knew him edging you was a sick little kink of his. You followed him into your bedroom where your lips connected once more. You unbuttoned his shirt while he kicked off his shoes. You pushed him back onto the bed where he raised up on his elbows and watched you intently. You slowly began to pull at the sleeves on your dress and dropped it to the floor, leaving you just in the black lacy little number you had just bought.
“God damn.” Jake barely whispered as he watched you with full blown lust.
“Oh this little thing?” You teased running your hands over the lace.
He swallowed hard. “Fuck. You are so fucking hot. I- Get over here please.”
You laughed. “I thought there was no rush?”
You turned around walking towards your dresser, giving him a nice show of your plump ass.
“Oh my god.” He all but groaned. You could sense him twitching over there, just itching to get his hands on you.
You struck a match and lit a small candle. “That’s better isn’t it?”
He nodded.
You walked over to him, slowly. His eyes were trained on you. You straddled his lap and his hands immediately found your hips, the whole entire time you stared into each other’s eyes. So much unspoken. So much unsaid. He leaned in and kissed you with fervor. His hands immediately gripping at the flesh of your ass. You were the first to slip out your tongue, but were met eagerly with his. You worked quickly to undo his belt and pants. He managed to shimmy them off while never breaking the kiss. You both leaned by entirely, you slowly grinded down onto his boxers causing him to almost lose it right there. You would start and get him worked up, then stop. Playing his own game right back at him. This earned you a swift smack on your ass. “You little tease.”
You sat up, fully shifting your lower half on top of him. “What’s wrong Jakey? Can dish it out but can’t take it?”
He let out a laugh. “We gonna play these games all night or are you going to let me fuck you? I can ruin that pretty makeup by having you in tears, begging me to let you come. Or I can fuck you so hard you won’t be able to think straight. Both are equally intriguing to me. Your choice baby.”
You tilted your head to the side. “Still think you’re up for the task? Can you even make me come, Jake?”
In a swift motion he flipped you over, him now on top of you. He pinned your hands above your head, holding them there. “Such a little brat. I could think of a better way to put that mouth to use. Looks like you chose the hard way.”
Excitement bubbled in your chest. No one ever got you this worked up, it was only him.
He released your hands and ripped your panties off of you. He pulled the fabric apart until it ripped.
He didn’t flinch. “I’ll buy you one hundred more of these, especially if I can take them off of you like this.”
He grabbed your hands again, tying them up in the now ripped lace fabric. He slides down next to you, his fingers finding your center to begin work. After a few seconds you’re already squirming.
“Thought you were clever huh Sug? Asking me if I still can make you come?”
You flutter your eyes closed, trying to recenter yourself. Jake slapped your core. “Eh uh. Eyes on me.”
You pry your eyes open to watch him, trying your best to act like you weren’t on fire inside.
He kissed below your navel, making your shutter. “Did you miss me?”
You refused to answer that.
“Mhm I think you did. Do you touch yourself and think of me?” He asked, in a sickeningly sweet voice as he continued his descent.
“No.” You say, calmly.
He nips at your thigh. “It’s okay if you do. Sometimes I find myself thinking of you, late at night.”
You huffed as he continued to tease you.
“Not as sweet as the real thing though.” He made contact making an obscene slurping sound that made you twitch.
Then he stopped again coming back up to kiss you.
“Taste that? That’s you. My sweet girl.”
“You’ve made your point. Just fucking touch me.” You all but whined.
He chuckled at you. “So demanding.”
He unties your hands while freeing himself from his boxers. Then he flips you around and spreads your knees wider. You arch your back, silently begging for him to enter you.
“Fuck. Now there’s a view I would never get tired of.”
He slides himself all around you, still trying to tease you, but you could tell he was faultering. Slowly, he sunk into you. A moan left both of your mouths. He took his time but finally pushed himself all the way in.
“Ah fuck. Fuck baby.” He cooed.
He reached down and pulled you up, so you were flushed with him. Then reached down and rubbed at your bundles of nerves, sending you almost right over the edge.
“Jake- fuck don’t stop.” You whined.
He bit at your jaw. “Who fucks you like this? Who is the only person who will ever fuck you like this?”
“You! It’s you.” You barely spit out.
That warmness spread all over your body and you were about to explode. You squeezed him with everything you had.
“That’s right. You’re such a good girl Sugar. Fuck.” He grunted.
“Jake I’m- I’m.”
He removed his hand. “I know. I wanna see your face when you come for me.”
He unclasped your bra, tossing it to the side and flipped you over on your back.
“Fucking gorgeous.”
His hands massaged your breasts before lightly biting at your hardened nipples.
You were now in the home stretch, both of you struggling to hold on. Jake hooked your leg up over his shoulder and started to pound into you.
You could see the sweat beginning to trickle on him as his hair stuck to his face and neck. He guided your hand down to your sweet spot and guided you. “Almost there baby. Eyes on me.”
You locked eyes with him and that’s all it took. That wave came crashing down, completely washing you away with it. Jake was right behind you and you could feel him release into you. You gripped his shoulders while his mouth found yours, swallowing all of your sounds.
“Shit.” Jake groaned, rolling off of you. Both of you absolutely spent. Sweat, sex, and panting still filled the air. You reached over and grabbed a pack of American Spirits from your bedside table, they were old but necessary. You flicked a lighter and lit it while Jake looked at you with a smirk.
You shrugged and met his eyes. “Time and place for everything. Remember?”
Light filtered in through your blinds the next morning gently waking you. You turned to your side. Empty. Should have figured. Fuck, you were sore. You groaned as you stretched out making your way to the bathroom. You jumped in the shower to wash off the smell of sex and nicotine then brushed your teeth. You couldn’t tell if you were slightly hungover or slightly sad. Of course he left, that’s what he does. Coffee. You needed coffee badly. You tossed a giant band tee on and some cotton underwear and combed through your hair before padding out into your living room. Also empty. The refrigerator was embarrassingly barren. Leftover pizza, expired creamer, and strawberries. You needed to go to the grocery store, badly. You snickered at the thought of Josh seeing your refrigerator like this. He would playfully scold you and force you to Publix. You missed him. A loud noise crashed through your apartment and you jolted out of your thoughts.
“Jake? What the fuck! You scared me!” You clutched your chest.
Jake had bounded through the door with a coffee carrier and brown paper bags. A sight you never thought you would see.
“Don’t look so surprised to see me Sugs. Did you think I would have just up and left.” He asked with a smirk.
You can’t help but let out a small laugh. “Well yeah.”
He shakes his head at you. “I stole your keys so I could let myself back in. Had to Uber to get my car and then I got us breakfast. Hope you like breakfast burritos and coffee that’s a little too sweet.”
A smile twisted up on your lips. That was thoughtful?
“I do. Thank you.” You say, walking over to the counter to grab a coffee. You took a sip, it wasn’t your normal complicated vanilla latte. But it would do.
You both had plopped down at your table, somewhere you had found yourselves often the past few days and ate breakfast together.
“So, Danny and I have a meeting today. Some sort of podcast thing, but I’ll be free after. Care to go out again?” Jake asks, wiping his mouth with a napkin.
You bite your lip. “Josh comes back tomorrow.”
He shakes his head. “Uh huh.”
“Jake, he can’t know- about any of this really. He would freak out.” You say cautiously.
He gives you a sly smile. “S’okay Sugar. I’ll be your dirty little secret.”
You tap his arm. “I’m serious.”
He sighs at you and holds up a hand. “Fine. Scout’s honor.”
“Then yes, we can go out again tonight. But it can’t be a repeat of last night, I have to pick him up from the airport and do not want to be hungover.” You say, standing your ground.
Jake shrugs. “I dunno, maybe it could just be a little bit of a repeat from last night.”
You crack a smile and shake your head at him. What in the hell had you gotten yourself into again.
“I am so happy to see you!” Josh says, climbing into your car and squeezing your shoulders with a hug.
You smile at him. “I missed you too. I can’t wait to hear about all of your adventures.”
He huffs. “I have so many to share. Can I run by my place and shower and then come over? I am craving a home cooked meal so badly.”
You click your blink and laugh. “Well yes, but I don’t have much to cook. You would be appalled at the state of my refrigerator right now.”
“Hey, you have to take care of yourself. Change of plans; I’ll call in Chinese tonight and pick it up on my way over. First thing in the morning we are going grocery shopping.” He says in a caring tone.
“Deal.” You agree.
After dropping Josh off you had decided to tidy up a bit before he came over. You had already done a sweep of your house, making sure there were no remnants of Jake lying around anywhere. You had spent last night together again in a similar fashion to the night before. The last thing you wanted was for Josh to know that.
“These egg rolls are fresh today.” Josh said, stepping into your house.
“Oh I can tell it smells good.” You took the bags from Josh and placed them on the counter.
“Can you turn on that documentary we were watching last week? I’ll be right back, my bladder is about to explode.”
You chuckled and set out all of the food on your coffee table then started searching for whatever you two had previously watched. Once it was queued up you grabbed and extra blanket and waited for Josh. A few moments later he came walking into your living room.
You turned around and made a face at him. “What?”
He pointed behind him. “You hung your bathroom shelves?”
“Oh-uh yeah. It wasn’t too hard actually.” You tried to say as nonchalantly as possible.
He made a face at you. “Where did you get the tools?”
You shrugged. “I borrowed them from a neighbor. Come on, I'm starving and this food is going to get cold!”
He chewed on his cheek and eventually joined you on the couch. You hated lying to him, but the alternative would be worse.
That night you two had ended up asleep on the couch. You were wrapped in Josh’s arms, but his twin was the one occupying your mind.
Thank you for reading!!! <3
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sunshinevanfleet · 1 year
flower - j. kiszka
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pairing: josh x reader
a/n: helloooo i'm back with my first josh piece since i came back from hiatus <3 promise i'm planning on updating oh, what a sin here soon, but i wanted to post some josh content because i've been neglecting him lately. so, josh girlies come get y'all's food <3 this one does contain some smoking of the devil's lettuce so if that's not something you're into, then this one isn't for you. also, idk why i can't write anything under 2k words here lately i guess i'm dedicated to setting the scene for my porn. anyways, hope u cuties enjoy! ok love ya.
genre: smut (18+ ONLY, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT), fluff
word count: 2.8k
summary: the reader and josh spend the morning smoking and spending time together. they find an interesting way to enjoy their high.
warnings: marijuana usage, swearing, explicit sex scenes, oral (f receiving), non-penetrative unprotected sex, etc.
A hum settled in your throat as you sat in the sunroom, legs crossed beneath you as you rested on the large cushion in the corner. Pillows surrounded you, cradling your form as you relaxed in the hazy room. Plumes of smoke billowed around your face, the room reeking of weed, sandalwood incense, and the numerous potted flowers surrounding you. A dreamlike state had overtaken you, your head swimming deliciously as you reveled in your high; Josh had gone back inside, grabbing a pre-roll out of the little baggie on the kitchen counter. He had always been able to smoke you under the table, but you gave it your best shot. Safe to say, you were on cloud nine. 
“Should I open a window out here?” Josh waved his hand in front of his face as he joined you, the unlit joint resting between his lips. He leaned over your perch in the corner, his shirt brushing against your face as he reached for the window above you to open it. You giggled, watching his shirt ride up to reveal a sliver of his lower stomach above his sweatpants. Reaching up, you trailed one finger over the soft skin. Goosebumps bloomed, and he swatted your hand away.
“Sorry,” you mumbled halfheartedly, still grinning like an idiot. “Couldn’t help myself.”
“All right, silly goose,” he laughed, “Whose idea was it to hotbox the sunroom anyway?”
“Yours,” you sighed. You closed your eyes and laid back on the cushion, feeling your boyfriend settle onto the plush area beside you after a moment. “Dunno how we even managed that, anyway. This room’s huge.”
You heard the smile in his voice, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Then came the click of the lighter again, and you smelled another cloud of pungent smoke floating past your face. Then, the subtle breeze of Josh waving his hand through the air. Blindly, you reached for him, fingers skirting past the plants on the windowsill above you, and finding solace in the feeling of his skin against your fingertips. You brushed over the back of his neck, hand entangling in his curls. He sighed contentedly.
“Lay with me, will you?” you asked quietly. You finally forced your eyes open, blinking through the fog around you to eye your boyfriend. The early afternoon sunlight framed his face, shining across the planes of his gorgeous face. You admired his side-profile, watching as his lips curled around the joint and took a long pull. He put it out in the ashtray, his freehand resting on your bare shin. Though his palm was warm, the touch sent a shiver up your spine.
“Your wish is my command,” he said, then leaned down to settle into the cushions next to you. You turned to face him, your other hand curling beside its counterpart in his hair. You stared at him, admiring every miniscule detail of his being. From the tiny bump in his nose, to the growth patterns of his facial hair, to each microscopic pore on his face, you wanted to memorize him. You wanted to burn the sight of him into your mind forever, yours alone to keep. No one else would ever be in this moment with him; he was completely, entirely yours. You brushed one hand over his soft face, leaning in to press your lips against his. The touch was feather-light, barely even there as you laid there. He met your mouth with an exact match in delicacy, his breath mingling with yours. 
“I love being close to you,” you whispered, blinking at the intensity in his gaze. You imagined your own expression matched his, blissed out by his presence in front of you. Your skin flushed as you felt his eyes examining you as closely as you had been him. You wanted to close your eyes, bashful, but you couldn’t force yourself to look away from him.
Josh smiled, dazzling you momentarily. “You’re so pretty, flower,” he brushed the back of his hand over your cheek. You moved one of your hands to grasp his, holding his soft hand against you. You pulled it to your lips, kissing his hand, his fingers, his palm. “Prettier than the sun, the moon, all the stars in the sky.”
You grinned at his words, your face flushing even more. Closing your eyes, you pressed his hand to your forehead, trying to hide your face. 
“Oh, don’t get all shy on me now,” he giggled, peeling your hands away from your face. He began to pepper kisses all over your face, soft lips tickling your skin. You burst into laughter, his mustache tickling you as you struggled against him. 
“You’re tickling me,” you breathed, writhing beneath him.
“Am I?” He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, still kissing you. You squirmed, running your fingers through his curls as your chest shook with laughter. He moved his hands again, trailing down your sides to poke at your ribs and elicit squeals from you. You were both thrashing on the cushions, pillows flying across the room as you tried to fight him off.
“You’re killing me!” Your stomach ached from the laughter; he was holding you down easily, his arm muscles flexing deliciously as he pinned you to the floor and continued his onslaught with his mouth. You wiggled desperately, your hands pinned above your head by one of his. It always surprised you just how easily he could overpower you.
“Oh, I’m not done yet…” A mischievous glint flickered behind those honey brown irises, and you knew you were in for it. He was practically straddling you at this point, holding you down so there was no possible escape. His free hand slowly slithered down your side; you were still giggling, shifting beneath him to try and break free. You hissed as his hand trailed over your lower stomach, and found its destination. The inside of your thighs, where he had quickly found out you were extremely ticklish. You screamed with laughter, bucking your hips and jerking to try and get out of his grip.
He was still amused by this, but underneath that there was a darker look in his eyes. 
“Hmm, okay,” he gasped after a second, “Ah, I think that’s enough…” You shifted beneath him, managing to twist your body so that your legs were now wrapped around his hips. But he no longer seemed as playful, instead his face was slightly pink and he leaned back on his haunches. 
“What’s wrong?” Propping yourself up on your elbows, you eyed him carefully. You still had your legs hooked around him, and you tried to use your thighs to pull him in. Then, you felt it.
“Oh,” you said, eyes widening as a small smile tugged at your lips. 
He flushed a deeper shade of crimson, pulling away from you. 
“Who’s getting shy now?” you said, amused.
“Hey, don’t tease,” he whined, wrinkling up his nose. He was so cute, sitting there blushing. You wanted to ravish him.
“I’m sorry, baby,” you soothed. 
Leaning up, you snaked an arm around his neck and pulled him back down against you. His skin burned against yours–coupled with the sun filtering in around you, you felt like you were on fire. Lips brushing his, you rolled your hips up against him. He was half-hard, though you could feel him stiffening as you kissed him, tongue darting out to greet his. He moaned softly against you. 
“Need you,” he muttered, already panting by the time the two of you parted for breath. “Need to taste you…”
You sighed at the thought, watching him with hungry eyes as his hands trailed down your sides and found the waistband of your shorts. His eyes skirted down your body, sweeping over the thin t-shirt covering your bare chest, your exposed midriff, his sights finally landing on the shorts that he was dragging down with agonizing patience. Finally, he dragged them over your ankles and threw them to the side. His touch trailed back up your legs, hands massaging and squeezing the flesh as he made his way back towards your center. His fingers pressed into the skin of your thighs, pushing them open to expose your slick center to the air. You gasped as you felt the cold air, sending a shiver up your spine.
“This okay?” he asked, looking up at you with those saccharine eyes. He trailed open-mouthed kisses down your calf, slowly making his way to your inner thigh. 
You nodded. 
“Need to hear you, flower,” he breathed against your skin. “Tell me what you want.”
“Josh, please,” you sighed, chest heaving with the effort of not pouncing on him. “Please, I want your mouth on me…”
His lips parted into that dazzling smile. The sight of him between your legs was intoxicating; that smile, his curls shining gold in the light, the unwavering eye contact. A flutter shot through your stomach down to your center. His tongue darted out for a second to moisten his lips, and then he gave you exactly what you were craving. 
A moan erupted out of you immediately; his lips wrapped around your clit, suckling softly. One of your hands found his hair, the other gripping one of the pillows below you. As he swirled his tongue around the bundle of nerves, your eyelids began to flutter.
“Oh my…” you breathed, unable to even form a sentence as he continued his steady pace. One of his arms circled around your hips to pin you down; the other joined his mouth, prodding at your needy entrance. He coated the digits in your arousal, before inserting them into you slowly. Another breathy moan broke through the air around you.
You forced your eyes open to look down at him; his eyes held your gaze as he devoured you relentlessly. White hot pleasure pulled in your lower belly, coiling up at an unprecedented speed; at this rate, you would be cumming in less than a minute. Your toes curled as he massaged his fingers inside of you, hitting your sweet spot. Your entire lower body clenched around him, your hand pulling at his curls with desperation. 
“You like when I hit that little spot, don’t you, pretty girl?” He watched you intently. “So pretty writhing and moaning like that baby… I could just eat you up…” He circled his tongue around your clit, flicking the sensitive spot without any hesitation.
“Josh–” you gasped, your hips jerking beneath his strong grasp on your waist. “Shit, I’m gonna cum…”
He grinned, tongue licking your juices from his lips. He continued the slow thrusting of his fingers into you, keeping you right on the edge. “You want to cum, flower?”
You nodded, unable to speak as he entranced you with his movements. The sight of his fingers entering you steadily, his chin and mouth dripping with your arousal, the want in his eyes. A tremble shot through your thighs. You were so, so close…
“Please, baby,” your words were barely audible. Nothing more than a whisper as you shook under his ministrations.
There was that smile again. He could never deprive you of anything you wanted, especially not something that you were so desperate for. No, he was eager to please you. Anything for his precious flower.
He removed his fingers, now using both of his hands to pin your legs wide open. The muscles ached dully, but that was the last thing on your mind as his mouth reattached to your clit. He licked and sucked it with renewed vigor, sending electricity shooting through your entire body. You screamed in pleasure, your voice cracking as you held onto his golden locks to ground you. It felt like you were flying, your entire body seizing and shaking as you came. The muscles in your abdomen and legs tightened so much that it almost hurt. You cried out his name, and felt him smirk against your center. He enjoyed every second of your undivided attention, was content to worship your body for hours and hours if only to hear the sound of you crying out for him. He reveled in it, bathed in it, burned it into his mind as best as he could. 
As you came down from your climax, he pulled away. One of his thumbs replaced his mouth, drawing slow circles over your clit. You jerked at the feeling; he placed a lazy kiss against your thigh, reddened by his hand holding you down. 
“You okay, flower?”
“Mmhmm,” you nodded, in a dreamlike state as you let your head fall back and closed your eyes. Your chest heaved as you struggled to catch your breath. “You’re too good at that…”
He laughed, the sound like music to your ears. 
“You always make me feel so good, Joshy,” you continued, humming gently as he moved to lay down beside you. “I love you so much…”
“I love you, flower.”
You turned on your side again, brushing your hand over his face. His lips had become raw and swollen, practically glowing red in the sunlight. You traced your finger over them, admiring their plump shape. God, he was too good.
Gently, you reached for the waistband of his sweats and pulled at them.
“Take these off.”
He obeyed instantly, kicking his sweats off along with his underwear. He flushed pink as you hooked a leg around him, and used your hand to grasp his length. A tiny moan filled the space between you. A smile graced your lips. You pressed your hand on one side of his cock as you brought it to your slick center, and began to grind against him. Your fluids slicked along the underside of him, the head of his cock nudging your sensitive clit. You breathed in unison, pleasure blooming through both of you even without his cock inside of you.
He hummed his satisfaction, pressing his face into your neck. “I could cum like this…” he admitted, his cock twitching against you.
“Do you want to?” You breathed, still rutting your hips against him. “Wanna cum all over me, Joshy? All over my hand and my pussy, hmmm?”
“Ahh–” his hips jerked against you. His length pulsed again, and you moaned into his ear. You loved making him melt, loved that you could have this effect on him without him even being inside of you. 
“Tell me what you want, honey,” you cooed. You began to stroke him as you rolled your hips into him. You were getting close again, too, the feeling of his cockhead dragging against your center was delicious. 
“Ah, Y/N, wanna cum just like this…”
You nodded, your free hand petting his hair as you continued your movements. You felt the muscles in his stomach clenching and releasing as you grinded against him. His breaths came shakily in your ear. His fingers found your waist, digging into the skin as he began to rut against you needily. Your combined voices were a chorus of moans through the quiet room as you both chased your release. Closing your eyes, you let yourself be taken by the sensation of having him close to you, the pleasure blooming through your body as the both of you held onto one another. 
“Are you there, baby? I’m so close,” you sighed. This seemed to invigorate him.
“Yes, flower, I’m there. Just need you with me… Need you close to me…”
“I’m close to you Joshy, I’m here,” you breathed against him, finding his lips and pressing yours against him softly, slowly. Your mouths moved together tentatively, contrasting with the desperate rocking of your hips against one another. He swallowed your moans as you tensed against him. Your orgasm overtook you, each wave rolling over you more intense than the last one. 
He groaned, then came your name in that beautiful voice as he found his own release. Sticky ropes of cum coated your hand and your center, mixing with your own release. You both continued rutting against each other, slowing your movements until finally you were both still.
“I love you so much,” Josh whispered. He kissed your head, stopping to breathe in the scent of your shampoo. A contented sigh left his lips as you shifted, him laying on his back and you letting your head rest on his chest. The steady thrum of his heart comforted you. The sound, coupled with the weed, and your physical exhaustion made you want a nap desperately.
“I love you, Josh,” you yawned. He brushed your hair out of your face, glancing down at your tired expression. A smile played on his lips, and he kissed your head again. “Can we take a nap?” you asked hopefully.
“You don’t wanna clean up first?” Josh inquired. 
“No,” you mumbled, fighting back another yawn. “Just wanna sleep…”
“Okay, flower… Nap time it is.”
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christinaanime · 1 year
" If you love me for me"
Summary: After Chris's parents divorced his father married another women. At start Chris wasn't very happy, but when he got to knew his new step sister better, they became good friends. And that's why he asked his best friend Joshie to let her go with them to logde. What happens when things starts to get complicated. Will they be able to survive until dawn.
Warning: gore, blood, violence, strong agnst, character death, smut, swearing, kissing, make out, cannibalism
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Josh Washington x Chris stepsister!Fem!Reader
1. Chapter : COMING SOON
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