#Joshua had a difficult ministry
thinkingonscripture · 2 years
Godly Leadership: A Different Metric for Measuring Success
When considering those called into service by the Lord, success is measured by faithfulness to God, His Word, and the call itself, rather than output or results.
By most standards, successful leaders get good results. Their success is not measured by their output, but their outcomes. If the good results are not there, the leaders are called a failure. This is true in politics, business, sports, academics, nonprofits, etc. Ideally, we like to see leaders who operate by high moral standards AND produce good results. Sadly, there are some leaders who will…
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walkswithmyfather · 8 months
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‭‭Joel‬ ‭2:28‭-‬32‬ ‭(ESV)‬‬. “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. Even on the male and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit. “And I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke. The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be those who escape, as the Lord has said, and among the survivors shall be those whom the Lord calls.”
“Looking Forward” By In Touch Ministries:
“Because God promises a glorious future, Christians can find the strength to wait—even when it’s difficult.”
“More often than not, waiting involves a lot of stress—especially when we don’t know how long it will be until the holding pattern ends. During the wait, we sometimes turn away from God and yearn for a time when things felt easier. But what if we turned towards God and looked forward instead?
The prophet Joel spoke to God’s people during a challenging time when their land had been invaded by locusts. Livelihoods were destroyed by drought and pestilence, and people were starving. Those were days full of destruction, darkness, and utter gloom.
Yet God did not point them back to the good old days. Instead, He pointed them to the future, to Himself. He called them to return to Him and reminded them that a day of vindication and redemption would ultimately come. And while it’s true that “ultimately” could be generations away, there is comfort in knowing His promise of restoration is certain. On that day there will be tremendous rejoicing—vats will overflow and “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (2:32).
By turning our eyes forward towards that certain-yet-far-off day, we too may find the strength to keep waiting.”
[Photo by Joshua Earle at Unsplash].
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albertfinch · 1 year
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"For the Kingdom of God is not in word but in power." (1 Corinthians 4:20)
The sad fact is, much of western Christianity has relegated the Gospel to one of reason -- when it is to be one of resurrection power. Paul tells us in First Corinthians 2:4-5 that any word he spoke had to release the power of God. Otherwise people's faith would be in just words rather than a present-day experience of the power of God.
"And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God." (1 Corinthians 2:4-5)
The wisdom of men will never hold people in difficult times. Experience in the power of God, however, will hold us and propel us through those times. Believers must be discipled and equipped in their Christ identity so they can come to understand their authority and dominion in Christ. Without this understanding it will be impossible for them to advance God’s Kingdom and bear fruit that remains through their Christ calling.
In Joshua 24:31 we are told that succeeding generations failed to follow the Lord because they knew nothing of His power. It is only the power of God -- as revealed in scripture --  working through the faith of the believer -- that holds us sufficiently.
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wolint · 4 months
Judges 18
Recognizing God as the source of life and everything else is encouraged throughout the Bible, while knowledge and wisdom are emphasized. Isaiah, God’s prophet, repeatedly pointed to God as the origin of all we are and all we know. Solomon also acknowledged that the fear of God is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom. When we recognize God as our source, it changes our perspective on work and allows us to appreciate the skills and interests He has given us. In essence, everything comes from God, and acknowledging Him as our ultimate source is essential. So, seek wisdom and understanding from God, for He is the perfect and timely source for all our needs.
The opening verse of our chapter should break our hearts because that disconnection from God is what causes anarchy and wickedness, the type we see all over the world today.
We seek God here, there, and everywhere, without considering what He says in 1 John 4:1, “Dearly loved friends, don’t always believe everything you hear just because someone says it is a message from God: test it first to see if it really is. For there are many false teachers around.” The Lord wants us to test every spirit, decree, prophecy, and seemingly godly promises, especially in today’s manipulation of the scriptures.
We all need and require resources for various things in life, some mundane, bizarre, necessary, or vital, but regardless of what we need and what for, God is our ultimate source.
Do you know the source?
If you’re in ministry, you must know the sources of the resources you’re using for God’s work; otherwise, you will place a gag on yourself in doing God’s work effectively.
The tribe of Dan was “seeking” a place of settlement, forgetting that God had already allocated them their land inheritance in Joshua 19:40-51.
And as usual, when we walk outside of God’s will and plans, things become messier as we progress. The Danites were looking for what they thought was a more suitable source, just like so many of us. But there are no sources outside God, only resources.
Our resources are given to us by God and not because of our ability, talent, or skills. Moses made excuses because he felt inadequate for the job God asked him to do in Exodus 3. It was natural for him to feel that way. He was inadequate all by himself. But God wasn’t asking Moses to work alone. He offered other resources to help (God Himself, Aaron, and the ability to do miracles). God often calls us to tasks that seem too difficult, but He doesn’t ask us to do them alone. God offers us His resources, just as He did for Moses. We should not hide behind our inadequacies, as Moses did, but look beyond ourselves to the great resources available. We make mistakes when we stop or don’t follow the leading of the Holy Spirit; our errors stem from either ignorance or laziness, and we miss out on God’s best for us when we seek someone or something as our “source.”
Do you know your source?
There are so many people, groups, and organizations giving out money and other much-needed resources today, there are more available purses to draw from, enough for many of us to forget that anything man gives is temporary and just a resource.
God didn’t and would not take it lightly when we ignore Him as our source, as seen in Isaiah 31:1, saying “Woe unto him who goes down to Egypt for help, who rely on horses, who trust in the multitude of their chariots and in the great strength of their horsemen, but do not look to the Holy One of Israel or seek help from the Lord.” This phrase carries a weight of warning and consequence and serves as a caution against seeking worldly solutions and resources without turning to God.
Unfortunately, God hasn’t released kingdom resources to so many of us because we have our eyes on everything but God as our source. Everything depends on God!
Do you know your source?
PRAYER: Father, help me to recognize You as my source and acknowledge the godly resources You’ve blessed me with in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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John 3:16
Joshua 21:20-22:34, Psalm 55:1-11, John 3:1-21
The gospel of John has a lot more editorial, it seems, than the rest of the gospel. I never really thought about it, but it does include a lot of analysis. It isn't clear where Jesus's words end and the analysis begins sometimes. I was startled in this passage to see the red letters of my bible end while theological teaching was still going on. The narrator, the disciple whom Jesus loved, added the part beginning with John 3:16, after Jesus talk with Nicodemus, a Jewish leader who was secretly fascinated by Jesus.
I like having this perspective, because if the author of this book is the disciple John, which is traditionally accepted (I think), then there is some valuable insight here as to what the early church thought about Jesus. There is good commentary on what the early church believed was the significance of Jesus's life and ministry. We can use it to affirm the consistency of our beliefs with those of the people who knew Jesus.
Jesus raises the concept of translation with Nicodemus. He says a bunch of cryptic things about being born again of the Holy Spirit, and then when Nicodemus says that he doesn't understand, Jesus replies that this is why he can't talk about heavenly matters, because Nicodemus still doesn't understand the earthly ones.
Sometimes I wish that Jesus would just explain things clearly. And then I remember that he did many times do this. People complain about him talking cryptically, but when the rich man asked what he should do beyond following all the laws of Moses, Jesus told him straight up to sell everything he had. He told tax collectors not to cheat people and those who were struck to turn the other cheek. Jesus did give many very clear instructions. His metaphors and cryptic language generally come when he is trying to explain the kingdom of God. And why would that subject not require many imperfect and confusing metaphors? We use metaphors all the time in hard science to talk about real things. These stories help us see patterns in some greater reality.
I'm not saying that the use of metaphors is indicative that what Jesus is saying is true, but that it is an acceptable method of conveying difficult concepts. One doesn't have to assume that Jesus is just being cryptic for the sake of it.
Besides, we like metaphor and parable. It allows us to project our own biases onto the story. It's Jesus's literal commands which are unsettling for Christians because we find it difficult to justify ignoring them.
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isaiah118 · 2 years
Take the Land - Do NOT Fear
Dear Family,
I have been hearing a particular Bible verse recently—so much so, that it has grabbed my attention. As we have entered into a New Year, it has become clear to me that this verse explains how God is leading RevelationMedia into 2023. 
This verse is from Deuteronomy Chapter 1. The Lord God had instructed the Israelites to go into the hill country of the Amorites, Canaan, and possess the land. However, the people asked Moses to send 12 spies into the land first. When the spies returned, 10 of them were afraid and did not believe that they could stand against the might of the Amorites. Their fear spread through the entire camp of the Israelites, and the people—all except Joshua and Caleb—did not trust God.
But Moses had spoken God’s instructions in verse 21:
This verse, Deuteronomy 1:21, is the verse that has come to me multiple times. This morning, while I was pondering it, I realized there are many “giants” before us. There are many practical reasons why it would be prudent for us to retreat and to not “take the land.”
There are many practical reasons why it would be prudent for us to retreat and to not “take the land.”
Inflation is rampant, and many large Christian organizations are having a difficult time financially. At the same time, our culture and its ideology continues to fight against the message of the Gospel. In the coming years, God’s Word is increasingly going to be considered “hate speech.” The ministry of RevelationMedia has now been permanently banned from Facebook, and I am certain that more social media sites will follow.
In a meeting I had just this week with a colleague who owns a Christian animation studio, he told me that many of his clients—yes, Christian ministries—are adjusting their productions so as not to “offend” and be targeted. This is happening more and more. 
Our support comes solely from you, our RevelationMedia family. When we look to take on a new project, we don’t initially have the funds in the bank or any guaranteed income projected to fund the project. When we expand our ministry outreach, we do so in faith and by faith alone.
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So, in many ways, I can understand looking at the obstacles in front of us and concluding “now is not the time to take on the giants and possess new lands.” But God has called us to a task we call “The Great Commission.” He has called us to reach every tribe and every people group. He has called us to reach all for Christ and to usher in His second coming! Now is not the time to retreat—now is the time to “take the land!”
Now is not the time to retreat—now is the time to “take the land!”
In the coming weeks and months, we will be sharing new ministry opportunities that God is bringing our way. These include undertaking new work in Ukraine, publishing more iBIBLE content around the world, and even launching an underground Christian publication in the Middle East!
This week at our headquarters in Richardson, TX, I wrote Deuteronomy 1:21 on a glass wall. It will become our theme for this year as we push forward and do not fear the social, financial, and other giants before us.
What giants are in the way of your taking the land God is leading you to take? Is fear holding you back, or is faith driving you forward? January is a great month for all of us to take inventory of our lives and what God is calling us to. Maybe write Deuteronomy 1:21 on a sticky note or on the bathroom mirror. Let it be a prayer for the new year.
“Our Father, please show us the land you would have us possess for Your kingdom. Help us not to fear and look at the obstacles but to trust and push onward for Christ!”
I know the new year will bring its challenges as we face the many giants this world throws at us, but we will strive to walk by faith and not fear. Thank you so much for taking this journey with us!
Steve Cleary     Founder/CEO    RevelationMedia
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duggardata · 3 years
Anna and Mary Maxwell Might Be Attending [Bible] College.  (Wow!)
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Recently, an eagle–eyed Anon spotted the 2 Youngest Maxwell Girls, Anna (28) and Mary (25), in the absolute last place you'd ever expect—a college campus.  It's all on Facebook... Anna and Mary appear in a photo posted by Appalachian Bible College to its official Facebook Page, along with caption: "The first day of classes. That's something to smile about!"  (Permalink.)
Why Are We So Surprised By This?
Ordinarily, two young women attending college wouldn't be at all shocking, but the Maxwells are not ordinary.  Anna and Mary's Parents, Steve + Teri Maxwell, are openly anti–college.  Steve thinks that state–run education, including higher education, is "a godless, promiscuity–promoting, humanistic environment," and that it traps young people in debt.  He is wary even of Christian colleges, since he believes they cause children to rebel.  He’s proud of his sons' lack of higher education, and praised them for "avoid[ing] the influence and cost of college." Teri is, sadly, just as opposed to college—especially for women.  Back in 1999, she wrote an article speculating that college may undermine a woman's ability to be a good and godly wife.  Her article laments—
"As far as our daughters go, I wonder how many of us developed independent spirits during our college or working days. Has this made it more difficult for us to submit to our husbands in the meek and quiet way we would like?"
Finally...  Anna and Mary's views on this topic seemed to be aligned with their parents, until now. According to Steve + Teri, all of the Maxwell Daughters had planned to be Stay–at–Home–Daughters until marriage.  (See Also.)  (And all 3 Daughters seemed to be doing so, since none had moved out.)  What is more, in 2010, Anna described college as "silly," and said that she thought attending would expose her to unsavory influences, and possibly hold her back from her ultimate goal of "be[ing] a stay–at–home wife and mother."
So, yeah...  This is quite a surprise!  And, while neither Steve + Teri, nor Anna or Mary, has actually confirmed that they’re enrolled at Appalachian Bible College, their appearance on the Facebook Page is definitely suspicious!
Tell Me About Appalachian Bible College.
TL;DR   If you just want to know how conservative and restrictive Appalachian Bible College is, skip down to “Student Life.”
Appalachian Bible College (ABC) is a tiny (~250 Students), insular bible college, located on 150 Acres in rural Mount Hope, West Virginia.  (The Maxwell Family hails from Leavenworth, Kansas, which >800 Miles Away.)  It self–describes as a “non–denominational and fundamental” institution, primarily associated with “Baptist and Bible churches.”  Unlike many so–called “bible colleges,” ABC is nationally and regionally accredited.  (Hurray!)
A lot, lot more information...  After the jump.
ABC requires prospective students to submit an application; transcripts from high school or home school; ACT, SAT, or CLT test scores; and two reference letters, one from a pastor and one from another mentor, e.g., teacher or youth group leader.  A high school diploma or GED is required, unless the student is homeschooled.  In that case, a detailed homeschool transcript is needed, and standardized test scores are “especially important.”
As part of the application, prospective students must attest that they agree w/ the college’s Doctrinal Statement.
ABC offers four degree programs—Bible Certificate (1 Year), Associate of Arts (A.A.) (2 Years), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) (4 Years), and Master of Arts (M.A.).  In addition, it runs an online program for degree–seeking or non–degree seeking students.  (But, Anna and Mary were spotted on–campus, so they don’t seem to be in the online program!)  Anna and Mary haven’t gone to college, so they almost certainly aren’t in the Master’s program.  Let’s just look at the rest...
(Sidenote—Before we go on, just want to point out...  All ABC graduates must, in addition to completing academic requirements, show that they are members of a church and that they possess good Christian character.  If they don’t, they won’t give their diploma!) 
Bible Certificate—ABC describes the one–year program as an “opportunit[y] for you to dig into Scripture and build your life on its unchanging truths.”  The program has two tracks—Bible + General Education and Bible + Ministry.  As the names suggest, both tracks’ core curriculum is the Bible and Bible study.  Both also require three courses in ministry—Foundations of Ministry, Biblical Theology of Missions, and Personal Evangelism & Discipleship.  Where they differ is is what else they require...
For the Bible + General Education Certificate, students must also take four ‘core’ classes—English Composition, Speech, Physical Education, Music, and “Success Seminar”—plus, an elective of their choice.  (This curriculum also mirrors the first–year curriculum of ABC’s A.A. and B.A. Degree Programs, so students can easily continue their studies, should they decide to do so.)
For Bible + Ministry, ‘core’ classes are waived in favor of extra theology.  Students take Principles of Biblical Interpretation, along with classes on Systematic Theology (2 Classes), the New Testament (Survey Class + 2 Classes), and the Old Testament (Survey Class + 2 Classes).
Associate’s Degree (A.A.)—ABC also offers a 2–Year A.A. Degree in Bible + Theology.  (That’s the only major offered.)  For this degree, the curriculum is a 50/50 split between General Education and Bible + Theology courses, plus a few ministry classes and electives.  All students take the following courses—
General Education   English Composition (2 Classes), Speech, Physical Education, Music, Biblical Worldview, and Ethical Issues in Ministry
Bible + Theology   Principles of Biblical Interpretation, Survey of the Old Testament, Survey of the New Testament, Matthew to Acts, Genesis to Deuteronomy, Paul’s Letters (2 Classes), and Doctrine (2 Classes)
Ministry   Theology of Missions, Foundations of Ministry, Evangelism & Discipleship, and Homiletics I (Males) / Bible Teaching (Females)  
Additionally, students must take a history class, a science or sociology class, and an elective.
Bachelor’s Degree (B.A.)—Finally, ABC offers a 4–Year B.A. Dual Degree in Bible + Theology and in Ministry.  Each student completes General Education classes.  Beyond that, each student is also a “double major.”  Everyone’s first major is Bible + Theology and everyone’s second major is ministry–focused—but, not everyone has the exact same Ministry Major.  (More on that in a bit...)  As far as curriculum, students must complete the General Education, Bible + Theology, and Ministry courses required for the Associate’s Degree, plus the following additional core classes—
General Education   Health, Psychology, Sociology, Finance, 2 History Classes (History of Western Civilization and American Church History), and 1 Science Class (Earth Science or Biology)
Bible + Theology   Joshua to Esther, Hebrews to Revelation, Isaiah to Malachi, Job to Song of Soloman, Doctrine (2 Additional Classes), and Bible Capstone 
Ministry   World Religion and Cults, and Homiletics II (Men) / Women’s Ministry (Women)
Finally, students must also pick a Ministry Major and complete its mandatory coursework.  At ABC, there are seven ministry majors to pick from—some of which have concentrations.  Here’s the list of Ministry Majors, with additional concentrations or sub–specialties listed in parentheses—
Biblical Counseling  (Youth & Family or Women’s Ministries)
Camping Ministry 
Elementary Education
Missions  (Biblical Languages, Foreign Language / Spanish, International Studies, Nursing, or Teaching English)
Music  (Pedagogy, Performance, or Worship)
Pastoral Ministry  (Biblical Languages or Youth & Family Pastoring)
The Pastor Ministry Major seems to be limited to male students.
Click the links to check out the coursework each Ministry Major requires.
Student Life—
So, yeah...  ABC is not a progressive place.  At all.  They’re upfront about it, though, which is nice.  Their Student Handbook is online, available for all to read.  Here are some highlights...  (All italics are mine, not in original.)
Discipline / Consequences—Students who break the rules face discipline in the form of “a verbal or written Carefrontation, a fine, a work assignment, a temporary room or dorm confinement, a social [or] ... campus restriction,” or “some other determination.”  Egregious offenses may result in the student being “suspended ... , asked to withdraw from the college, or dismissed.”
Dress Code—There’s a detailed Dress Code, with different different activities requiring different standards of dress.  Perhaps surprisingly, pants are allowed for female students for all but the fanciest standard of dress.  (For that, they’ll have to wear skirts or dresses.)  Here are a few of the rules...
“Earrings may be worn by females only,” and “all other body piercing is prohibited.”
ABC students are prohibited from getting new tattoos.  If a student has an old tattoo, they may be required to cover it at all times if the Dean of Students deems it “offensive.” 
Prohibited Activities—ABC says that, “in order to remain above reproach,” students are prohibited from the following “questionable activities”...
Consuming “alcohol as a beverage,” tobacco in any form (including e–cigarettes), or drugs for non–medicinal purposes.  (Penalty for violating this rule is dismissal.)
Serving alcohol to others, even if done in the course of a student’s off–campus employment.
Gossiping, or engaging in “other forms of impure speech.”
Listening to, viewing, or reading “unwholesome” media or literature, or accessing websites “that do not promote godliness.”  (See Prohibited Media and Prohibited Music.)
Attending “commercial movie theaters.”
Prohibited Media—Per the ABC Student Handbook, ABC students shall not consume “any media (including social media) that features vulgar or obscene language, sexual innuendo, nudity, immodest clothing, or ... a blatantly non–Christian message.”  Additionally, students may not—  
Watch movies rated PG–13, R, X, or NC–17, or shows rated TV–MA.
Play video games or use apps rated A, M, or RP.
... and, they’re strongly cautioned to avoid media that promotes “unbiblical definitions of love”; endorses “witchcraft or the occult”; mocks “law or law enforcement”; denigrates “marriage and the traditional family”; or contains “excessive violence.”  Students are urged not to consume media made by people—e.g., actors, producers, directors—“known for their stand against Christian values.”
Prohibited Music—Students are banned from listening to music “that includes God–dishonoring language, anti–biblical messages ... , a prominent resurfacing beat, pulsating and driving or dance rhythms, or sensual overtones in the music itself or in the performance.”  They’re specifically cautioned to avoid...
Rock—Because the “lyrics may be unacceptable” and “[t]he beat of the music may become the most prominent element.”
Country—Because the “lyrics may be unacceptable” and the underlying “music may be connected to a heavy rock beat.”
Folk—As “[e]xistentialism, humanism, or hedonism may be propagated through the lyrics.”
Jazz—Since syncopation may be “extensive[ly] use[d],” and “a sensual performance style may be employed.”
Contemporary Christian—Since “a sensual performance style may be employed,” “a beat may be overly prominent,” and the “lyrics may be theologically incorrect or existential in their emphasis.”
“The Bible restricts sexual activity to marriage between a man and a woman.  Thus, fornication, adultery, incest, sexual abuse of a minor, homosexuality, indecent exposure, sexual harassment, and other such activities are forbidden.” 
“[N]o display of affection through physical contact (including holding hands) on the part of non–married couples, on or off campus.”
Dating students are forbidden from sitting together in class or chapel.
No male–female pair, dating or not, may be alone together in anyone’s home or residence, on– or off–campus.
No male–female pair, dating or not, may socialize off–campus without a chaperone, unless they’ve been at ABC for at least 4 Semesters.
Divorced students “shall not be permitted to date other ... students.”
According to ABC’s Student Handbook, all these rules apply to all students, at all times, on– or off–campus.
All in all, it’s great if Anna and Mary are attending college, even if it’s a super–duper conservative one, like ABC clearly is.  The fact that they’ve possibly left home and are out there, living on their own...  Crazy to even think about, given Steve’s apparent iron grip on his household.  It can only be good from them to venture out on their own, even if it’s just to a slightly less stifling place.
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
04/15/2021 DAB Transcript
Joshua 11:1-12:24, Luke 17:11-37, Psalms 84:1-12, Proverbs 13:5-6
Today is April 15th welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it’s great to be here with you. I guess this would be the dead center of this fourth month of the year. Great to be here with you in the middle of it all. Ready to take the next step forward that will…that…well…will tip us into the downside of the month and we’ll be in the back half. So, let's dive in. We’re reading from the New English Translation this week. Joshua chapters 11 and 12 today.
Alright. So, in the gospel of Luke today we encountered a couple of…of different stories, one in which Jesus explains some very profound things about the kingdom of God. But before we got into that there was a story of 10 men with leprosy who were crying out to Jesus and He tells them to go show themselves to the priest. And on the way they realize that their clean. And, so, they continue on to show themselves to the priest except for one of them. Nine of them continued onto the priest and one of them returned and fell down before Jesus to thank him. That right there is enough. Like that right there gives us plenty to consider about gratefulness and how often…how often the Lord rescues us, and we just keep moving on, like it's owed to us or something. We just keep moving on with a quick thank you, whereas this person returns to Jesus from being declared well. He returns to Jesus and falls before Him to give him gratitude. That's quite a different posture than we carry within ourselves most of the time because God rescues us every day in one way or another if we’re paying attention. But there's a very intriguing feature in this story. He…so…so, this one guy comes back and then I quote from the Bible, “he fell with his face to the ground at Jesus feet and thanked him. Now, he was a Samaritan.” Every year at one point or another…I mean…we find Samaritans showing up in different gospel stories. Like Jesus with the woman at the well. She's a Samaritan. Or the story of a man walking to Jericho from Jerusalem who gets ambushed and beaten up and stripped of his clothes and left for dead and then a priest walks by and the other side, and a…a…a scribe walks by on the other side of the road and then a Samaritan comes along and takes care of this person and pays his medical bills. Or in the story we’re reading right now, the one that returns to Jesus cleansed from leprosy happens to be a Samaritan. What's being communicated here is also quite profound. For a Samaritan to be a hero of a story, that's very very countercultural and unusual in the culture of Jesus time among the Hebrew people. Or for a Samaritan to be the one out of the 10 people who were healed come back, that's…that's social commentary. We just kind of blow by it, like their the Jebusites, the Canaanites, the Hivites and the Samaritans, like they're just other people, but it has no specific resonance with us a lot of the time. So, who are the Samaritans? Why are they not liked very well? Why are they sort of considered outsiders or different, not accepted by Hebrew people? The truth is that we will learn that story, like we’ll learn that story as we continue reading through the Bible, but that story won't begin to actually materialize and make sense until we get to the era of the Kings of Israel. But the time at which we find Samaritans in stories that have meaning, we find those in the Gospels with Jesus ministry. So, kinda gotta tell the story. The story we’re gonna read, but a story that will help us remember when we do read it.
So, right now we have just…like we’re in the book of Joshua. So, we've crossed the Jordan River and all of the people of the lands are attacking Israel left and right and building coalitions and just trying to push them back across the Jordan River. They just keep winning. And, so, now they have defeated the land and we will continue to watch them settle the land and then there will be a period after this once things are settled that we will enter a time known as the time of the judges and we will read about the judges and that is a time of kind of decline. And we’ll watch all that, we’ll see all this happen. And then the people decide they want a King. This is not what God wants. He is their king. He is their portion, God in the midst of them all. But they still want a king and they’re…they’re adamant about it, right? And, so, they get a king, his name is Saul. We’re gonna learn a lot about ourselves with Saul. Then another king arises, his name is David. We’ll find all kinds of interaction between Saul and David and David becoming King. And there’s all kinds of stuff for us to learn about ourselves there too. David then has a son. His name is Solomon. Solomon, king Solomon brings Israel…the Israel…the ancient Israel that we’re reading about in the Scriptures, he brings them to the apex of their civilization where they look like the chosen people in the promised land. It looks like that for a brief moment but then Solomon dies, and he has a son in his name is Rehoboam. Rehoboam essentially promises to be much more difficult of a king, much harder with much more requirements on the people than his father had been. So, 10 of the tribes, right? We’re traveling along with the 12 tribes of Israel. 10 of the tribes rebel against King Rehoboam and abandon king Rehoboam declaring their own king and their own king's name will be Jeroboam. Jeroboam will lead those 10 northern tribes into idolatry. We’ll see all that unfold before our eyes. But that is a split in the kingdom. And, so, the northern 10 tribes that abandon Rehoboam they become known as the kingdom of Israel, whereas the tribes including the city of Jerusalem, this is the kingdom of Judah. So, this one people who are brothers and sisters, like literally family, divide themselves into two different nations. In the north King Jeroboam leads the people into idolatry. It's sort of a hybrid. They have a lot of the same Hebrew customs. They believe in the God that saved them from Egypt. It just looks more like a golden calf then. And they would call it Yahweh. And it's just have kind of like a real hybrid sort of messed up mingling of traditions. So, the people in the South in the kingdom of Judah. They have Jerusalem. They have all of the clergy, right, the Sanhedrin there and God's temple in Jerusalem. And, so, they look at what's going on in the north as apostasy or heresy, like they're not worshiping God correctly. And, so, they begin to kinda look down upon them. Eventually a capital city to rival Jerusalem is made in the northern kingdom and the capital city to rival Jerusalem was known as Samaria, which is now where we begin to find the word Samaritan. But what happens as will see from the narrative in the Bible, what happens is that the Assyrian Empire eventually invades and is successful at conquering the northern kingdom of Israel. So, the Assyrian Empire defeats those 10 tribes. And as was the case in empire building at that time the people were deported. They were taken into exile. They were moved into another part of the Empire, another conquered part of the Empire. They were moved into live in in a new part of the Empire and the emptied out land of the northern kingdom of Israel was repopulated with other conquered people. So, they’re just moving people around so that as the generations pass, people forget what was their ancestral homeland and they just become people of the Empire, Assyrians, they’re just assimilated. That's actually what happens with the 10 northern tribes. After they’re conquered, they disappear. They are never cohesive tribes ever again. They have never been cohesive tribes ever again. They were assimilated into the Assyrian Empire and then began to just disappear, just as disappear into the people. Okay. So, the northern tribes have been moved out, new people have been moved in, there’s a remnant of old northern tribes then still in the land and it's all mixed up, and finally they send to the Empire and say, “you gotta send a priest or something to this land. We don't know how to worship the gods of the land. And, so, we keep getting eaten up by animals. And, so, a priest of God comes back to the northern kingdom, and now there's all of these new people who worship all of these different gods and being taught how to worship Yahweh. But the’re being taught how to worship Yahweh in a way that was considered a perverted way in the first place. And the capital city is Samaria, and so you have Samaritans, Samaritans who are trying to worship the one true God but have very, very different ways of doing it and very different customs then people in Jerusalem. And, so, they’re kind of looked down on. They’re not really worshipers of God. So, like they’re looked down on religiously but they’re also a mixed people, not God's chosen pure people. So, they just live in this land. And, so, they’re considered untrustworthy, maybe dirty, maybe lazy, the kinds of stereotypes that you see being attached to people around the world who are being systematically marginalized and looked down upon. So, for these people who are looked at in this way to show up in the Gospels as respectable, upstanding…like people who end up doing the things that weren't done. For example, the priest in the story of the man who was beaten on the side of the road, right? He's the clergy and he didn't help, or the scribe didn't help. And there's ways to explain this. Like, Jewish custom is they thought he was dead, and you shouldn’t touch a dead body, or you become unclean. And, so, of course they moved to the other side of the road. That's not really the point in Jesus’ story. Like He doesn't…He doesn't give them that out. He just says they move aside on the other side of the road and then…then the Samaritan comes along and pays the guy’s medical bills and nurses him back to health. For that to be happening is a bit of social commentary about who it is we’re looking down on and why we might be looking down on them. So, there's plenty there that still…like, there's plenty there to apply to our lives in the modern world. We leave that story, and the Pharisees ask Jesus specifically when the kingdom of God is coming. And who doesn't want the answer to that question right? We would like the answer to that question ourselves, right? When is that gonna happen? And that's where this really disruptive answer comes in that is like a bombshell, like a mic drop. Like it should be disruptive until this very day. It should…I mean the implications are huge. Jesus’ answer to the question, “when is the kingdom of God coming” is this, and I quote Jesus, “the kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed nor will they say look, here it is or there. For indeed the kingdom of God is in your midst.” In other words, this kingdom you are waiting for, this one that you're looking for a Messiah to come and lead you into with a military overthrow of the Roman Empire, they’re going to push the Romans into the sea and take this land back over, this idea that that's what's going to happen in order to reestablish the kingdom of God, that's not gonna happen. The kingdom of God is already happening. So, this is in the Bible. So, we can go read this every day but functionally this is rarely how we see things. Usually we are looking through the same type of lens that the ancient Hebrew people were looking at when they were considering whether or not Jesus was the Messiah. They’re looking for something in particular. So, we…we are looking for something in particular that is very similar to what they were looking for. We want Jesus to come and invade the earth beat up the bad guys and throw the evil out and establish the kingdom of God, when what Jesus is saying is it’s already underway. Are you not seeing this? Are you not hearing this? It's already happening. You’re invited to participate. That changes the dynamic considerably from a person waiting for something to happen to a person participating in what is already happening. That would…I mean…if we’re waiting for…waiting for Jesus to do whatever Jesus is going to do and we just wait our whole lives then didn’t we miss participating in what He was doing? And that's the kind of clarion call here. We’re…we’re not waiting to get busy the harvest is already ripe. The laborers are few. And then the disciples, they…they ask at the end of this discourse, they ask Jesus, “like, where is this gonna happen? Like, essentially, like how can we know this? Where is this gonna be?” And then Jesus says something really interesting, “where the dead body is there the vultures will gather.” In other words, you could see the signs if you were looking for them. You would be able to…like in this case, you’ll be able to smell it. So, that's interesting because that’s another sense. We see Jesus talking about eyes to see and ears to hear. And now “where where the dead body is there the vultures will gather.” Like you can you can see the signs or maybe…maybe a better way to say it is you can sense what's going on if you're paying attention, if that is what you want to see or hear, if that is what you are looking for. If you seek you will find. How much of today would change if we understood that the kingdom is underway? It is within us it is among us all. All we need is eyes to see and ears to hear. How would that change our lives if we stopped waiting for something to happen and understood that it is happening. And we can sense what's happening when we look for the movement of love in this world because God is love. And Jesus told us we will be known by our love. This is what we need eyes to see and ears to hear and a nose to smell. This is what we need to sense. This is where the kingdom is at work. So, all of the divisiveness that's all over the place, all the fighting and rhetoric that has just permeated societies for…well…definitely for the last few years, but it's always been going on, but it seems like things have amped up several notches. All of that. We keep looking for the kingdom in those things, and it can't be found there. That's not eyes to see or ears to hear. That's the wrong fight. The true battle is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbor as if they were us as ourselves.
Jesus, there’s plenty here…plenty of context here, plenty to consider here, plenty to examine here about our own lives and postures and motivations and what it is our expectations are. So, we invite Your Holy Spirit to reprioritize and continue to transform and rearrange us that our lives align with what You're doing in this world. And we can know…we don’t have to be confused about that. We have to simply be open to love and forgiveness and patience and kindness and all of the fruits of the spirit. These things, beginning to blossom and bloom in our lives create a harvest so that our lives…we’re not confused about what we’re doing. We know exactly what we’re doing. We’re revealing Your kingdom through our love as we become living sacrifices and allow Your life to touch this world through us. Come Holy Spirit. Help us to realize what an invitation this is. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
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And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement there are a number of numbers that you can use depending on where you are the world or you can just hit the Hotline button in the app, the little red button up at the top and share from there no matter where you are in the world. But If you prefer to use the telephone than in the Americas, you can dial 877-942-4253. If you are in the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 or if you are in Australia or that part of the world 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi, my name is Alec and I'm in Fort Worth TX. I've been listening to the Daily Audio Bible for many years. I've never called in even though I listen to the prayers and…and pray for as many people as I can. And you guys are such a close family to me even…even though I've never spoken with you guys. I'm calling in today with a very special prayer request. My wife has been…my wife Jessie has been battling cancer for two years and we are to where the doctors have run out of treatment options and…and…and don't give us a good prognosis. And…and…so…so, we need supernatural healing for my sweet wife. She is just an amazing lady. She’s an amazing servant of the Lord. She always underestimates how much she understands but her heart knows of God and just absolutely loves people. And I just…I pray that the Lord will have mercy and hear our request to let her stay here for a longer period of time. We just celebrated our 39th anniversary and our 40th since our first date. And I'd like to be able to spend many more years loving my wife and just being able to…to have her with our grandkids and…and helping them develop in the Lord. So, please pray for Jesse. Please ask for…ask for Him to…to reconsider His wishes. Thank you, guys for listening. Thank you, guys for praying. God bless you all.
Good morning Daily Audio Bible my name is Tyrone I'm just asking prayer for my wife. My wife is not a believer and it's been a struggle just to share witness. She's attended churches and heard the word and really, she's just a little confused when it comes to salvation. I'm just asking for your prayer that my wife be saved, my wife can allow the Holy Spirit to speak to her heart and allow her to be able to accept the good news, the best news. Just asking you guys to pray for that and…and for my marriage. I know at times it gets trying where sometimes I just want to give up. But I just pray that you just pray for unity and for us to keep strong regardless of what circumstances or feelings we have. Just be in agreement with me, with my marriage, that it'll flourish and that our testimony would touch many other lives out here all across the United states and the world. Thank you.
Hey everyone, this is Nobody Gets Left Behind in Colorado. Just wanted to pray for our brother James in Fort Worth. Today is Saturday the 10th of April. I just heard your…I heard your message about your daughter Ryan who passed away in January of 2020. This was just such a touching story and I want you to know that I'm praying for you and it's so beautiful to see the beauty that's made from the ashes. So, thank you for sharing that story. I did just want to speak a little bit about what's been heavy on my heart lately. And it's been my mom and she's 65 years old and she OD'd last week. It broke my heart. I had so much hope for her and she was just very hard to deal with and here comes God to rescue the day and to save the day and I get to take my dad out of the nursing home this weekend and he's always wanted to go to Royal Gorge so we…God made the opportunity for us to take him to Royal Gorge this weekend. So, I'm just overwhelmed with God's love for us and how He makes really good things from bad things. And…I just…I wanted to share that and tell everybody I love you guys and I pray for you and I hear you and I'm just so thankful to be part of this Global Campfire.
Hi this is Paul from Ohio and every day almost I decide before I listen that I'm gonna call and keep praying for a Christian partner in my life, a wife who I can love like Christ loved the church and a path and a purpose. I'm 61 years old and still looking for God's purpose for me. He's given me so many gifts. I want to use them for Him. But then I always hear another prayer request or another praise request that changes my trajectory. I can't remember his name but this morning I heard a prayer, I heard a testimony that affected me deeply. A man who lost his child years ago to asthma and is thanking God because without her…her loss he would not be as close with God as he is now. He knows…knows not thinks or believes…he knows that she is with the Lord. I want that kind of faith. I want to feel that peace, joy, security, courage. I want that. Everything else will come, I know it. I seek the faith of that man for having that type of outlook on life despite the fact that his daughter is no longer with him. Anyway, every time I start, and I have a direction that direction seems to be changed.
Hi, DAB I'm Allison I'm coming in on the 11th of April after listening to DAB. I'm from Somerset in England and I work for a mental health charity in the UK. I work on a…a missional support helpline. I wanted to ask prayer or give prayer for some of the people that are struggling with their mental health tonight. Lord You know who they are, You know their needs and their problems. I'm so…I'm so honored Lord as I know…I know You've helped me with my own struggles. And if it were not for You Jesus I would not be here today. Jesus as You've helped me and continue to do so may You also help people who need You in their life struggle and their suffering and their day-to-day situations. They may not know You yet but I'm praying You can soon be part of their solution to gain an understanding of what may help. Give them some hope and light Lord. Thank you, Brian so much for the opportunity to ask the DAB family for prayer. I have gained so much in my spirituality and walk with Jesus that I feel more confident in prayer now and I'm more able to appreciate my faith more. I'm stronger in the knowledge, in my knowledge. I don't have to face struggles alone. I love you DAB family. Love you lots. Thank you so much. Thank You Lord. Thank You for giving this to me. Bye.
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dhmclips · 5 years
Having a Will
A Good General by Bishop Dag Heward-Mills
Chapter 37  A Good General Can Achieve Greatness Beyond Ordinary Men through Foreknowledge
Foreknowledge is to see and know about evils that lie ahead. Knowing what is going to happen takes away your enemy’s ability to surprise you.  Jesus Christ knew that He would be arrested, tortured, manhandled and killed.  Talking about this reality did not mean that he had no faith.  It did not mean that He was not a man of God or a man of faith.  He was a man of wisdom because He knew and accepted what was to happen. Today, there are many Christians who do not accept the fact that they will die.  They do not accept realities that God shows us.  People die all around them but they think, “It can never be me.”  They will rebuke and curse you if you suggest things that God has determined.  Many pastors do not set in order what should happen if they are to die.  The ability to act on the foreknowledge of your certain death makes you greater than the ordinary. To know in advance, to prepare yourself, to be ready for enemy, will transform every military commander into a deadly fighting machine.  “A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished” (Proverbs 22:3). Victory Secrets by Bishop Dag Heward-Mills 
Victory Secret No.31 The Secret of the Five Realities 5. If you truly understand death, sorrow, crying, pain and curses you will prepare for death on a daily basis. People who have the wisdom of God will have written wills, oral wills and spoken declarations about what to do whenever death strikes. I know people who rejected the need to make wills There is no need to reject the reality of death, sorrow, crying, pain and curses on earth. Without accepting these realities, you will leave your family and church in great difficulty. The Art of Following by Bishop Dag Heward-Mills 
  12. THE ART OF FOLLOWING MOSES IS THE ART OF HAVING A SUCCESSOR. And Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom; for Moses had laid his hands upon him: and the children of Israel hearkened unto him, and did as the Lord commanded Moses. Deuteronomy 34:9 I once spoke a millionaire who said that only ten percent of millionaires like him had wills. I was shocked at the statistic. Many people leave the future of their lives and ministries to chance. They say to themselves, “Everything will work out in the end.” Somehow, it is difficult to comprehend that life can suddenly go on without us. And yet, death is one of the surest things that will happen. A Good General by  Bishop Dag Heward-Mills
Chapter 38  It Is Essential for Victory That Generals Are Unconstrained by People Around
Mark Antony Constrained by Cleopatra Mark Antony was a famous Roman general who assisted Julius Caesar until his death.  After Julius Caesar was assassinated, Mark Antony fought zealously to bring the killers of Julius Caesar to justice.  Unfortunately for Mark Antony, Julius Caesar did not intend for him to become his successor.   Julius Caesar had written a will and given his wealth, his name and position to his nephew, Octavian.   This surprise in Julius Caesar’s Will, put Mark Antony in great difficulty.  He was the natural successor, having been the right hand man of Julius Caesar.  But Julius Caesar’s Will did not give Mark Anthony the right to become his successor. Mark Antony would now have to step aside for this young nephew called Octavian to rule the Roman Empire.  This was difficult for Mark Antony and eventually there was conflict between Mark Antony and Octavian.  After several years and much conflict, the showdown between Mark Antony and Octavian took place at the battle of Actium.  Mark Antony was defeated in this battle and Octavian became the supreme leader of Rome and his name was changed to Augustus Caesar.  This is the Caesar who was alive when Jesus was born. Chapter 47  A Good General Knows That Death Can Happen But Does Not Throw Himself at Death A good general knows that death can happen.A good general knows about the reality of death. You can die in the midst of the battle!  Your friends and associates can die fighting by your side!  Your spouse can die!  Your children can die! What are your plans in the event of death?What are your plans for and in the event of someone else’s death?   Most people do not like to think about the possibility of their deaths.Death is part of life. What type of escape plan do you have in the event of death? What will happen to your church if you die?  Have you thought it through?What will happen to your family if you die? A good general prepares for the reality of death.   Preparing for death is done only by mature people who face realities as good soldiers.  If you ignore the reality that death can happen, you open yourself up to a very deep crisis. A good general must prepare for death.  Escape plans come into play when the worst is happening or has happened.  Most people do not want to think of the worst possible scenario.  When death strikes what are your options?
A Good General Has a Will A good general must have a will because he is conscious of how possible death is. Through your will, you will continue to fight even though you are dead.  
Do you have a will?
Julius Caesar’s Will 
Julius Caesar, Rome’s most famous general, died suddenly from an assassination by his close friends and senators.  Upon his death, there was confusion in Rome.  But Julius Caesar continued to fight in Rome through his Will.  Mark Antony, his closest friend and associate, assumed that he would succeed Julius Caesar.  But Julius Caesar had other plans.  And through his Will, he implemented those plans even though he was dead.
After the funeral of Julius Caesar, and to everyone’s surprise, Julius Caesar’s Will was produced.  Julius Caesar had surprisingly named a successor and his successor was not Mark Antony but rather an unknown nephew called Octavian.  In his Will, Julius Caesar left all his wealth to Octavian.  He also left his name “Caesar” to be inherited by this young man called Octavian.  Julius Caesar’s Will shocked everyone in Rome and opened the door for the young Octavian to arrive on the scene and claim his position. His name was later changed from Octavian to Augustus Caesar. The history of the world was changed because Julius Caesar made a Will.  It was during the time of Augustus Caesar that Jesus was born.
A good general makes a Will. 
A good general knows that death is a reality you will have to deal with.
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Declassified Cold War–era spy satellite film shows that the melting of hundreds of Himalayan glaciers has sped up in recent decades.
An analysis of 650 of the largest glaciers in the mountain range revealed that the total ice mass in 2000 was 87 percent of the 1975 mass. By 2016, the total ice mass had shrunk to only 72 percent of the 1975 total. The data show that the glaciers are receding twice as fast now as they were at the end of the 20th century, report Joshua Maurer, a glaciologist at Columbia University, and colleagues June 19 in Science Advances.
The primary cause for that acceleration, the researchers found, was warming: Temperatures in the region have increased by an average 1 degree Celsius from 2000 to 2016.
Meltwater from Himalayan glaciers are a source of freshwater to hundreds of millions of people each year. However, recent studies examining changes in glacier mass from 2000 to 2016 have shown that this store of freshwater is shrinking, threatening future water security in the region (SN Online: 5/29/19).
To project future glacier melt, scientists need to understand what has been driving the ice loss. In addition to warming, changes in precipitation and deposits of tiny pollutant particles called black carbon onto the surface of the ice have been implicated in speeding up melting. Such particles can darken the ice’s surfaceand reduce its albedo effect, or the reflection of incoming radiation from the sun back into space (SN Online: 5/19/14). As a result, the ice absorbs more heat and melts more quickly.
Some glaciers are melting faster than others, making it difficult to determine long-term trends for the whole region. So Maurer and his colleagues turned to the declassified spy data to get the big picture.
In the 1970s and 1980s, U.S. intelligence agencies used 20 KH-9 military satellites to collect reconnaissance data around the globe. The satellites took thousands of photographs, including of glaciers in the Himalayas, and then ejected the film capsules, which parachuted to Earth. After the images were declassified in 2011, scientists with the U.S. Geological Survey scanned them and made them publicly available.
Those photographs can be used to make stereoscopic images, in which two images of the same scene, taken from slightly different angles, are combined to create a 3-D image. Maurer and his colleagues devised a computer program to automate this time-consuming process and create three-dimensional digital snapshots of elevation across much of the Himalaya region. The team then did the same with data collected beginning in 1999 by a joint NASA-Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry satellite called Terra.
By analyzing elevation changes over time, the researchers were then able to calculate loss of mass for each glacier. Using 1975 as a starting point, the team determined how much mass was lost by 2000, and then by 2016. The average rate of ice loss, they found, was about 0.43 meters of water per year per glacier from 2000 to 2016 — twice as fast as the rate calculated for the period from 1975 to 2000, about 0.22 meters of water per year.
An increase of between 0.4 degrees and 1.4 degrees Celsius for 2000 to 2016, relative to 1975 to 2000, would be necessary to accelerate warming in that way, the team found. That’s consistent with observed air temperatures measured at stations around the Himalaya region, which are on average 1 degree Celsius higher today compared with the two decades at the end of the 20th century.
“We did know already quite well the mass balance rates of the last two decades, but going this far back for the entire region is great,” says Walter Immerzeel, a mountain hydrologist at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. That, he says, reveals the “particularly interesting” point that the ice mass loss has nearly doubled from 2000 to 2016, relative to 1975 to 2000.
Previous studies, including one in Nature in 2017 coauthored by Immerzeel, have also implicated temperature increases in the region as the main culprit behind Himalayan melting, rather than precipitation or albedo changes.
That said, there’s still a lot that scientists don’t know about how temperature, precipitation and changes in albedo all interact to promote melting in the mountains, says glaciologist Patrick Wagnon of the Institute of Research for Development in Grenoble, France, also a coauthor on the 2017 Nature study. “There are a lot of uncertainties, and it’s much more complex than what’s shown here,” Wagnon says.
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joshuajmadrid · 3 years
I Am No Longer A Slave
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Did you know that the Bible calls up captives and slaves? A part of the Messiah’s mission included freeing the captives, according to Isaiah 61:1. Jesus read from this Book in Luke chapter 4:18-19. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.” During His ministry, did He free them from the Romans? How can we all be captives? What makes us all blind? Why do we need to be set at liberty in the first place? These definitions imply we aren’t supposed to be here. These definitions are pointing out that this world is a prison. Are we captives? I am no longer a slave. Who is left among you that saw this house in her first glory? and how do ye see it now? is it not in your eyes in comparison of it as nothing? Yet now be strong, O Zerubbabel, saith the LORD; and be strong, O Joshua, son of Josedech, the high priest; and be strong, all ye people of the land, saith the LORD, and work: for I am with you, saith the LORD of hosts: According to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt, so my spirit remaineth among you: fear ye not. For thus saith the LORD of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts. The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts. The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts. – Haggai 2:3-9. What was this first house? Why does the LORD God say that He is the Beginning and the End? Why does it ask, “how do we see it now?” What is the Biblical meaning of a house or a temple? What are our bodies? When the Heavens and the earth shake, what will become of all of us? These are all questions that we need to find the answers to. The good thing is that the Bible provides the answers to life’s most difficult questions. We just need to know how and where to begin. It all begins in the Beginning. Are we slaves? Are we captives? I am no longer a slave. Top I Am no longer a slave Secrets at other moments I became pretty impatient to find out when these dim many years would conclude, And that i should once again be an iron pan, and placed on bricks. I had been so weak, and it absolutely was so very long considering that I had enjoyed the heat of a fire, Website page 186 flooring; and as she walked back and forth, from the efficiency of her culinary obligations, she talked apparently I’ve regarded my Buddy JJP before you decide to For numerous, many years and sometimes I questioned myself the concern that “what And exactly how will I do respond In the event the shoe are going to be on another foot ” with reference to hearing about JP what I used to be hearing about Other people from JP ??? Something similar to this starts to eclipse out the only real true aim of our attention, affection, and adoration; Jesus. The thing is it as their Perspective commences to alter. They expand colder in direction of the brethren. God just isn't the things they idolize any more, but some perspective. I have seen it through the years in discernment ministries, exactly where the blogger could are already proper with regards to the doctrine plus the factors they built, but there was no adore, no heat, no longing for the salvation in the missing, and even the fellowship with the saints. Whether or not We've every one of these other items correct, and that is the target, we must have Jesus and His Really like sitting to the throne of our hearts, or the orbit might be all off. That's the important as we approach the really conclude. It had been a relationship with Him that saved us, and that’s what lead us, Which’s what's going to see us by into
the end line! We have to not lose sight of Him. For they which might be these types of serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their unique belly; and by good words and truthful speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. Rom sixteen They are all enemies of mine in addition. This details from [REDACTED] arrived to some degree outside of nowhere and wasn't Formerly possessed by Jacob. It truly is curious that among the primary items of proof for substantiating his Jewish background arrived from a girl not a lot more than a year in the past which he didn't know of Beforehand. Encouraging to the Body of Christ every time a brother functions in this type of Christ-like way, as to be anxious only with what his Lord Sometime after the former Moriel Australia administrator handed absent and Moriel was in the process of replacing her Jacob said they were convening an unexpected emergency Assembly to debate some difficulty with lacking resources. He reported that close to $100K were embezzled by this girl (whose name I ignore). He reported there was no oversight of the Australia branch given that they didn’t feel that A lot was staying donated. I am no longer a slave I’m grateful for the Lord that you simply and Some others are being spared from this soul ensnaring leaven and utter legal corruption. Nonetheless, it is actually even worse than my video confirmed. We now have a first-hand witness who suggests Jacob and Charles admitted to her which they certainly despatched the terroristic veiled death menace.
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meekspaceng · 3 years
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Spiritual Gems: (10 min.)
Numbers 33:54​—How was land distributed to the tribes of Israel? (it-1 359 ¶2)
After the casting of the lot had determined the geographic location of a tribe, it would then be necessary to determine the extent of its territory on the basis of the second factor: its proportionate size. “You must apportion the land to yourselves as a possession by lot according to your families. To the populous one you should increase his inheritance, and to the sparse one you should reduce his inheritance. To where the lot will come out for him, there it will become his.” (Nu 33:54) The decision of the lot as to the basic geographic location would stand, but adjustment could be made as to the size of the inheritance. Thus, when Judah’s territory was found to be too large, its land area was reduced by assigning portions of it to the tribe of Simeon.​—Jos 19:9.
What spiritual gems from this week’s Bible reading would you like to share regarding Jehovah, the field ministry, or something else?
If in chapter 32 verse 16 we see how the tribe of Gad was willing to cooperate in order to support their brothers and Jehovah bless them, right now Jehovah gives us suggestions and tells us how we can support and cooperate with his organization, if I do this It will allow the congregation to stay together in good spirits even in difficult times like the ones we are going through right now with the pandemic and if I do this I will receive the peace and blessing that Jehovah gives us.
In chapter 32 verse 6 when the sons of Reuben and Gad wanted to stay in the land of Jazed and Gilead among the things that Moses used to make them reason was to ask questions and so they could reach a conclusion after these questions they decided to go but that their families will stay, we too can imitate Moses helping our students to reason through questions so they can make good decisions.
In chapter 32 verse 12 Joshua and Caleb are mentioned as two men who followed Jehovah with all their hearts as that generation of Israelites did not have the courage or the faith so they never entered the land of promise Joshua and Caleb instead if They entered together with a new generation and we, although we are imperfect like Joshua and Caleb, can serve Jehovah with all our hearts and he can strengthen us to encourage us in his ways and enter the new world.
In the chapter of numbers 33, when reading all the stages of the journey that the people of Israel made through the desert, I learn that despite the occasions when they complained about what seemed to be an irremediable lack, Jehovah always provided them with food and water. And at times He did it miraculously all the time. Jehovah helped them keep in mind the abundance they would enjoy in the promised land.
There in numbers 33: 9 Moses recalled the occasion when two spies gave a bad report after having studied the promised land and that causes discouragement among others, well that reminds us how beautiful it is to exert a positive influence through our speech and avoid discouraging others by striving in a way that edifies others.
Numbers chapter 33 verse 3 and verse 4 tells us about when the Israelites left Egypt it is said that they left with confidence in Jehovah and that the Egyptians could see the difference between the true God and the false gods of Egypt, a We teach us that Jehovah is a protective God and that he is a powerful God who can help us today in our problems and as well as what it means to have confidence to come out with raised hands or to be victorious today we can be victorious because we have the help of Jehovah.
Also there in numbers 32:16 after the tribe receives Moses 'advice it mentions there the principle that they later came back with a decision, which indicates that they took the time to meditate on Moses' advice and recommendation, then I It shows that it is very important that also when I receive advice I do not deny it the first time or reject it but rather take the time to meditate on the advice I receive from the Bible from an elder in my family to be successful.
In numbers 32:25 it mentions that the sons of Gad and Reuben made a promise and we can say that they were faithful to it because Joshua 4:12 confirms that they kept it, we have also made some promises such as when we got married or in our dedication Like them, if we are faithful to our promises, we will receive Jehovah's approval.
Numbers 33:55 Jehovah is very clear in the instructions he gave the nation when telling them the consequences they will receive if they do not drive out your enemies, in the same way Jehovah clearly warns us of the results if we do not obey the laws and principles regarding to the people with whom we interact.
The 33rd chapter of numbers mentions about 40 places where the Israelites camped maybe sometimes they were somewhere comfortable AND they were tempted to think that leaving there would be a change that would only harm them in our case maybe we have made it difficult to accept some change within the organization but the example of the Israelites teaches us that if we are patient and make an effort to adapt we will surely see the blessings of Jehovah.
In chapter 32 verse 2 thanks to the fact that Moses obeyed to keep a record of the stages of the trip in order, now we can understand what that journey was, even confirm that the word of God is faithful when giving these details, now we also have to make records as of our preaching activity and if we make them accurate these will allow the organization to see the increase in the world work.
Like in chapter 32 we see how Moses reminded the tribe of Gad that their ancestors fell victim to Satan and made bad decisions, they paid attention to this with a good attitude and were able to correct their way of thinking, today we find examples in the Bible admonitions that help us to prove what we ourselves are and not make the same mistakes as them, that is why it is very important to always pay attention.
And throughout the 33rd chapter of numbers at least 40 places are mentioned where the Israelites had to camp on their way to the promised land but Jehovah was always with them, directing them by means of a cloud during the day and a pillar of fire during the night, well we are taught that we can be sure that Jehovah will always be with us if we allow ourselves to be guided by him.
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albertfinch · 3 years
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Scripture Of The Day - December 30, 2021
"For the Kingdom of God is not in word but in power." (1 Corinthians 4:20)
The sad fact is, much of western Christianity has relegated the Gospel to one of reason -- when it is to be one of resurrection power. Paul tells us in First Corinthians 2:4-5 that any word he spoke had to release the power of God. Otherwise, people's faith would be in just words rather than a present-day experience of the power of God.
"And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God." (1 Corinthians 2:4-5)
The wisdom of men will never hold people in difficult times. Experience in the power of God, however, will hold us and propel us through those times. People must be discipled and equipped with the resurrection power of God (our identity in Christ) and not just good teaching. In Joshua 24:31 we are told that succeeding generations failed to follow the Lord because they knew nothing of His power. It is only the power of God -- as revealed in scripture -- working through the faith of the believer -- that holds us sufficiently.
ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY http://afministry.ning.com/
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wolint · 1 year
1 Thessalonians 5:24
God doesn’t, will not and never failed, and His word does not fail, what He does for one, He will do for another again and again.
The same God who did all the wonderful things in the bible did all the miracles in your life before, healed you before, delivered you before, saved and helped you before is still the same God and He is able and will do it again and again.
God can and will do it again
He says He will not change in Malachi 3:6.
The Lord’s faithfulness in fulfilling His will never change.
Nothing can be added to God, and nothing can be taken from Him. Who He is today is who He always was and will be.
What He is today, He shall always be!
You may have been trying to do so many things yourself but haven’t succeeded so far but according to Philippians 2:13, God is the only one that works everything out for His pleasure.
Nobody can see, know or understand what we’re going through, we don’t even know the extent of what we’re facing but God knows and sees, and He will do what He does best, again and again. God does everything His covenant demands He does according to Psalm 25:14.
Joshua 3:9 says God will always keep His word.
Did anything ever happen in the past that God didn’t deliver you from? Did you cry to the Lord about it, and He didn’t answer?
Think of all the other times the Lord delivered you, even when you didn’t ask for help because you were unaware, or you didn’t think He would do anything He had done before again. He will do it again.
As busy people and Christians, we sow seeds, but get tired of expecting and waiting to reap the fruits of our labour, yet we are encouraged not to give up according to Galatians 6:9, sometimes, the problems we face seem overwhelming when the road ahead becomes a step that we feel like giving up- hey! Stop, think! God can and will do it again. Don’t give up yet! In fact, don’t give up at all.
Remember who saw you through it last time?
God did!
Who delivered you last time?
Who healed you last time?
The God who did it before is still on the throne, He can do it again, He will do it again, He’s not failed before and will not fail you now or in the future.
God told Joshua in Joshua 6:20 and the children of Israel to march around the walls of Jericho seven times for seven days. They did as they were instructed, not giving up, not complaining, not doubting and the rest as they say is history.
What walls do you want to see come down? It might be a difficult or broken relationship with a family member or friend. It might be a battle against besetting sin. It might be a massive barrier in ministry. Whatever it is, you may be thinking it’s never going to change, it’s impossible to get out of, too difficult to solve or maybe God can’t do this one.
Never forget that God has promised us all things forever. Never forget the mountains he has already moved for you — and believe that He will do it again.
PRAYER: Thank you Lord for never failing or changing and promising to do again and again things that will glorify you in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Women of light international prayer ministries.
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covid19updater · 4 years
COVID19 Updates: 03/26/2021
Ukraine: NEW: Ukraine reports 18,132 new coronavirus cases, by far the biggest one-day increase on record
UK:  Covid: What might a third wave look like? LINK
Italy:  Ilaria Pappa, 31 years old school teacher from Italy, died of thromboembolism 10 days after receiving the Astrazeneca injection.  Another blood clot death from the "safe and effective" AZ:
US:  Redfield, the former CDC chief under Trump, tells @cnn that he thinks it's most likely that the coronavirus originated in the lab in Wuhan, as opposed to a nearby market, and started spreading as early as *September.* "It's only an opinion; I'm allowed to have opinions now."  “I do not believe this somehow came from a bat to a human,” former CDC Director Dr. Redfield tells @drsanjaygupta. “Normally, when a pathogen goes from a zoonot to human, it takes a while for it to figure out how to become more & more efficient in human to human transmission.” LINK
Poland: COVID update: Daily caseload sets new record for 3rd day in a row - New cases: 35,143 - Positivity rate: 33.3% (-1) - In hospital: 27,779 (+661) - On ventilator: 2,730 (+110) - New deaths: 443
Germany:  3rd coronavirus wave in Germany could be worse than the first two and daily cases could reach as high as 100,000 a day if the spread is not curbed, RKI says - REU
Germany:  Germany Likely To Class France As High Corona Region On Friday, Bringing Stricter Quarantine Requirement - FAZ
Mexico:  Researchers in Mexico have made a nose-only Covid mask, which they say reduces the risk of infection of coronavirus during eating and talking. (Wait, what?)
Denmark:  #BREAKING Denmark extends pause of AstraZeneca vaccine for three weeks
UK:  @uniofleicester  PHOSP study on #LongCovid in hospitalised patients Over 5 months: 71% not fully recovered 20% had a new disability,  This is a v important paper. Since Mar 2020, ~330K people have been discharged alive from hospital after Covid in England. That's potentially 67,000 people with a new disability; 125,000 people severely affected post Covid and almost 240,000 not fully recovered by 5 months.
Europe:  Pandemic rages in Eastern Europe leaving hospitals struggling to cope LINK
Arizona:  Doctor Joshua LaBaer from ASU Biodesign says that S Gene dropouts (possible UK Variant) continues to increase exponentially in Arizona, at least in their sample sequencing.
Tanzania:  New Variant found to have undergone an insane number of mutations (the most in any variant seen yet).  This new VOI, temporarily designated A.VOI.V2, has 31 amino acid substitutions (11 in spike) and three deletions (all in spike). The spike mutations include three substitutions in the receptor-binding domain (R346K, T478R and E484K);
Chile: Chile reports 7,626 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase on record
Hungary:  NEW: Hungary reports 11,265 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase so far, and a record 275 new deaths
India:  NEW: India reports 59,084 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase since October
Canada:  COVID-19 variant cases are increasing rapidly in several parts of Canada and longer-range forecasts show that stronger public health restrictions will be required to counter the spread of the disease, health officials said on Friday.
UK:  UK cases up nearly 30% today on last week's number. That's the biggest increase in terms of percentage since the first week of January.  6,187 new cases (people positive) reported, giving a total of 4,325,315. 70 new deaths reported, giving a total of 126,515.
Sweden:  NEW: Sweden reports 7,706 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase since December
Arizona:  CORONAVIRUS: Ducey lifts remaining COVID-19 restrictions in Arizona, but not all Valley businesses will comply LINK
France:  France reports 41,869 new COVID-19 cases, straining hospital system
Spain:  Worrying data just in from #Spain An 84% rise in new #Covid19 cases there this evening with 7,586 new infections vs 4,118 last Friday. #Madrid does look to be driving much of the increase. Cases there up again and now a 7-day infection rate of 241/100k
RUMINT (France):  In France they are reporting that the variant from the Brittany region of France has now been detected in Paris. Remember, this is the variant that can't be detected in the usual way the virus is collected for PCR tests (nasopharyngeal). Instead the samples have to be taken from the lungs.
Brazil:  Mayor of Rio de Janeiro implored residents to stay at home, as Rio enters a partial Covid lockdown and faced what he called “the most difficult moment of our lives”. On Friday, as Brazil’s most famous city began a 10-day shutdown designed to slow the spread of Covid;  “We need to open our eyes & realize that this isn’t a joke. People are dying. If everything carries on like this and nothing is done, God alone knows what might happen,” Mayor Paes warned. “Nobody knows the limits of this disease or how many new variants might appear”;
Kenya:  Kenya’s President Kenyatta called for halt to all movement in Nairobi & 4 other counties Friday, as the Covid-19 outbreak reached worst ever stage. Kenyatta announced new LD curbs, including stricter curfew, suspension of in-person schooling & closing of bars in Nairobi;
UK:  In England, more than 40.6K people have been likely infected with covid while being treated in hospital for another reason, raising concerns about the NHS’s inability to protect them. 1 in 5 hospitals report at least a fifth of all patients, caught covid while an inpatient;
Canada:  COVID-19 cases surging as modelling suggests holiday gatherings could spell more trouble LINK
India:  NEW: India reports 62,276 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase since October
Brazil:  BREAKING: Brazil reports 3,650 new coronavirus deaths, by far the deadliest day on record
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yhwhrulz · 4 years
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