#Juliana Curi
piononostalgia · 7 months
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« Uýra: A Retomada da Floresta »
dir. Juliana Curi
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theboyandthepeach · 1 month
Y’know what, since the peach is being such a jerk, I’ll just join the hero’s side.
Uh… do you guys need supplies? Because I’ve got some vitamins.
*Owten mails some Vitamins to the main group*
//Don't have a sprite for this one, sorry. I'll just type out their responses
Carmine: "Well, I suppose it's better for nothing."
Juliana: "HELL YEAH"
Florian: " Thank you!"
Terapagod: Now, this will help a lot!
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globalhappenings · 1 year
Zamp (ZAMP3) will have new CEO from January 3, 2023
Zamp (ZAMP3) will have new CEO from January 3, 2023
Zamp: Succession process for the position of CEO of the company ends (Image: Unsplash/Jacky Watt) THE Zamp 🇧🇷ZAMP3), old one BK Brazilreported this Friday (16) that its board of directors unanimously approved the election of Ariel Grunkraut as CEO of the company. With that, Ariel Grunkraut takes the place of Iuri de Araujo Mirandawho filed a resignation today. In parallel, Juliana Improta Cury…
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bitsmag · 1 year
Festival Mix Brasil celebra Toda Forma de Existir
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Evento apresenta sua 30ª  edição em São Paulo Com 119 filmes de 35 países, está dada a largada da 30ª edição do Festival Mix Brasil. Entre os destaques está o filme vencedor do Grand Prix no Festival de Cannes e indicado da Bélgica ao Oscar, Close, de Lukas Dont. O diretor estará presente no festival.  Com muita inovação e interatividade o Mix Brasil traz ainda experiências XR de realidade estendida de países como França, Holanda, Taiwan, China e Chile. Seis espetáculos teatrais inéditos fazem parte da programação, além de apresentações musicais. A cantora Linn da Quebrada será homenageada com o prêmio Ícone Mix. O Show do Gongo será mais uma vez apresentado pela atriz Marisa Orth. A programação será presencial em quase sua totalidade.  O filme brasileiro Três Tigres Tristes, de Gustavo Vinagre, abre os trabalhos na estreia, dia 9 de novembro. O filme venceu o Festival de Berlim ganhando o Teddy como melhor longa.  A experiência XR Projeto Flaneur #Experimento nº 1 vai girar os usuários pelas histórias das minorias LGBTQIA+ no centro de São Paulo.  Na programação internacional estão outros destaques como Algo Que Você Disse Ontem à Noite, vencedor em San Sebastian, Nelly & Nadine, ganhador do Teddy de Melhor Documentário em Berlim, Girl Picture, premiado em Sundance e indicado da Finlândia ao Oscar 2023.  Em tempo:  Winter Boy, novo longa de Christophe Honoré, Túnica Turquesa,  Prêmio Un Certain Regard no Festival de Cannes,  Fogo-Fátuo, exibido na Quinzena dos Realizadores e novo filme do português João Pedro Rodrigues, entre outros. Já entre os nacionais estão Regra 34 de Julia Murat, Vencedor do Leopardo de Ouro no Festival de Locarno;  Uýra - A Retomada da Floresta de Juliana Curi, eleito pelo público  como e melhor documentário no Frameline. A Filha do Palhaço de Pedro Diógenes, prêmio melhor atuação no Cine Ceará; Paloma de Marcelo Gomes, Prêmio Felix no Festival do Rio, Panteras de Breno Baptista, seleção oficial do Queer Lisboa, entre outros. A  programação é gratuita, exceto as sessões do Espaço Itaú Augusta -  valor único de R$ 20 em qualquer sessão.  Com direção de André Fischer, direção executiva de Josi Geller e direção de programação de Cinema de João Federici, o 30º Festival Mix Brasil  ocupa oito  espaços culturais de São Paulo: CineSesc, Espaço Itaú Augusta - Salas 3 e 4, Centro Cultural São Paulo - Salas Lima Barreto e Paulo Emilio, salas do Circuito Spcine, MIS – Museu da Imagem e do Som de São Paulo, Teatro Sérgio Cardoso e Centro Cultural da Diversidade. Mas, o público de outros estados do Brasil não ficará de fora.  A partir de 14 de novembro o Festival disponibiliza uma programação gratuita online. Toda a programação do 30º Festival Mix Brasil de Cultura da Diversidade poderá ser conferida no site mixbrasil.org.br e também através das redes: Facebook: /FestivalMixBrasil Instagram: @FestivalMixBrasil Twitter: @fmixbrasil  Youtube: fmixbrasil.  A programação online estreia a partir de 14 novembro e poderá ser assistida gratuitamente pelas plataformas do Sesc Digital e Spcine Play .  30° Festival Mix Brasil de Cultura da Diversidade De 9 a 20 de novembro Grátis, exceto as sessões do Espaço Itaú Augusta -  valor único de R$ 20 em qualquer sessão. Programação completa: mixbrasil.org.br Locais:  CineSesc - Os ingressos serão disponibilizados na bilheteria do cinema 1h antes do início da sessão. (CINEMA) Espaço Itaú Augusta  (salas 3 e 4) - Os ingressos começam a ser vendidos na bilheteria do cinema 1h antes do início da sessão. (CINEMA) Centro Cultural São Paulo - (Salas Lima Barreto, Paulo Emílio, Adoniran Barbosa, Jardel Filho) - Os ingressos serão disponibilizados na bilheteria do espaço 1h antes do início da sessão. (CINEMA, MÚSICA, SHOW DO GONGO, PERFORMANCE) Teatro Sérgio Cardoso - Os ingressos serão disponibilizados na bilheteria do espaço 1h antes do início da sessão. (Teatro) MIS – Museu da Imagem e do Som - Os ingressos serão disponibilizados na bilheteria do espaço 1h antes do início da sessão. (EXPERIÊNCIA XR) Biblioteca Mário de Andrade - (EXPERIÊNCIA XR, TALKS) Cine Olido – (EXPERIÊNCIA XR). Read the full article
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NewFest 2022 Jury Award Winners Includes Carter Smith’s Swallowed – The Hollywood Reporter
NewFest 2022 Jury Award Winners Includes Carter Smith’s Swallowed – The Hollywood Reporter
Carter Smith’s queer horror Swallowed, starring Jena Malone and Cooper Koch, was awarded the U.S. narrative feature grand jury prize at the 2022 NewFest Festival, which runs through Oct. 25 in New York. Juliana Curi’s documentary UÝRA — The Rising Forest, Maryam Touzani’s drama The Blue Caftan and Nyala Moon’s short How to Not Date While Trans were also awarded jury prizes in the documentary…
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2.4 Infinite sense translation (multihommeauxtranslation)
• A single word
• Any configuration
• Find as many hommeauxtranslations for one single word in as many languages as possible. 
• This procedure was inspired by Juliana Spahr’s introduction to Myung Mi Kim’s Dura:
There is dura as the dense, tough, outermost membranous envelope of the brain and spinal cord, literally “hard mother” as it is from the Arabic, al-’umm al-jalīda or al-jāfiya “the hard mother” and durare, to last, endure, in Italian, and durer, to last, to run, to go on, in French and durar, to last, in Spanish and dura, the feminine hard, stale, tough, stiff in Spanish and Dura as an ancient city in Syria and dura, as the Romanised transcription of the phrase listen up in Korean and Dura as the group of people who live on the hills of Dura Danda, Turlungkot, Kunchha Am Danda of Lamjung District and some adjacent villages of Tanahun District in Nepal and Dura as the language of the Dura and duras as a variety of sorghum of southern Asia and northern Africa and… 
• The following recording was produced during a session of the Atelier d’écriture multilingue that I lead in 2022 at the Maison pour Tous Marie Curie, a community centre by my house in Montpellier. Hanane El Hadifi, Michèle Huguenin, Najat Ouali, Rajaa Taleb, Nawel Taleb Ben Diab and I created the poem collaboratively beginning with the word Manou in Berber, and translating it into as many synonyms and associations as we could in Arabic, French, English and Italian. The poem in five voices was performed at the Maison pour Tous on June 9th, 2022 during the conference What’s the Matter in Translation/Traduction et matérialité. 
Download the recording here
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ilovesantodaime · 2 years
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@cine.ninja ---------------------------------------- Uýra Sodoma, Juliana Curi e Martina Sönksen conversam com a Cine NINJA sobre o documentário "Uýra: A Retomada da Floresta"(@uyra.doc), que vem ganhando mundo. O filme teve sua estreia mundial no Frameline 46 – San Francisco International LGBTQ+ Film Festival – onde foi premiado com o Audience Award de Melhor Documentário – e acaba de ser anunciado na programação oficial do festival Outfest, em Los Angeles. Leia a reportagem de Juliana Gusman (@juliana.gusman) para a Cine NINJA em midianinja.org/cineninja ou pelo link nos stories.
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rmvbali · 2 years
Jembrana - 
Seorang Ibu rumah tangga nekat mencuri HP demi memenuhi kebutuhan anaknya, untuk sekolah sistem daring atau online.
Melalui Restorative Justice (RJ), Khusnul, tersangka pencuri sebuah HP akhirnya dibebaskan, Jumat, (15/4/2022) bertempat di Rupatama Polres Jembrana.
Berdasarkan rilis Humas Polres Jembrana, telah melakukan Restorative Justice terhadap kasus pencurian satu unit handphone oleh seorang ibu rumah tangga.
" Pelaku rela mencuri handphone demi anaknya yang masih sekolah menggunakan sistem daring karena pelaku tidak mempunyai handphone," kata Kapolres Jembrana AKBP I Dewa Gde Juliana, melalui Kasat Reskrim Polres Jembrana AKP M Reza Pranata.
Pencurian dilakukan saat pelaku berbelanja di warung milik korban. Karena pelaku melihat handphone milik korban terletak di atas meja warung dan langsung mengambilnya.
Baca juga: Curi 2 Aki Bekas, Komang Duwi Bebas Lewat Restorative Justice
Upaya restorative justice disaksikan Perbekel Desa Pengambengan Kamaruzzaman.
Pelaku mengaku atas kekhilafan saat itu dan pelaku meminta maaf kepada korban dan berjanji tidak akan mengulanginya lagi.
"Korban berbesar hati memaafkan pelaku karena melihat kondisi pelaku yang terpaksa mencuri demi pendidikan seorang anak," ungkapnya.
Kasat Reskrim Polres Jembrana memberikan bantuan kepada pelaku yang diharapkan bisa membantu kondisi pelaku dan keluarganya.
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Nesta tarde de quarta-feira (12/01), participei da reunião virtual da Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Regional com os Diretores dos Escritórios Regionais do Estado de São Paulo. A reunião foi conduzida pelo Secretario Executivo, Dr. Rubens Cury, pela Chefe de Gabinete da SDR, Juliana Ogawa e pela Subsecretária de Convênios, Ivani Vicentini. Na pauta as informações e instruções de como estão as demandas e convênios dos municípios e como podemos apoiar os nossos Prefeitos para que os processos caminhem da melhor forma, com agilidade, para que os benefícios cheguem com rapidez para a população. Seguimos trabalhando ao lado do nosso Governador João Doria do Vice Rodrigo Garcia e com o Secretário Marco Vinholi, por nossa Região do Vale do Ribeira. #NossaRegiaoCadaVezMaisForte #ValedoFuturo #DesenvolvimentoRegionalsp #ValedoRibeira #Municipalismo #FirmecomMarcoVinholi #EscritorioRegionalValedoRibeira #Governosp (em Escritório Regional Do Governo SP) https://www.instagram.com/rogeriopiooficial/p/CYpC86Fueiw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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architectnews · 3 years
Locanda Fasano, Las Barras Punta Del Este
Hotel Fasano Las Piedras, Punta Del Este Building Development, Uruguay Architecture Design
Hotel Fasano Las Piedras in Punta del Este
26 May 2021
Locanda Fasano Luxury Hotel
Design: Estúdio Obra Prima
Location: Las Barras, Punta Del Este, Uruguay
Locanda Fasano, in Punta del Este, is an experience space for guests of the Hotel Fasano, with an extension of 10 suites and apartments built on a single building connected to the iconic Fasano Restaurant.
The expansion is a project by Estúdio Obra Prima, with headquarters in Uruguay and Brazil, an office that also participated in the execution of the architectural project of Fasano Las Piedras, designed by the architect Isay Weinfeld, in 2010.
Located at the highest point of the project in La Barra region, and inserted in the beautiful local landscape, which reserves one of the most privileged views in the region, the leisure areas of Locanda bring together a solarium, lounge, bar and private pool, designed in an integrated way for the comfort of the guest, enjoy different services in the same place.
The expansion project sought to integrate Locanda Fasano with the rest of the project, both by choosing the materials that make up its architecture – mostly wood and iron – as well as respecting and integrating elements of nature, such as stones and vegetation (In the photos below, images of the project’s interiors).
Hotel Fasano Las Piedras in Punta del Este, Uruguay – Building Information
Architecture and Master Plan:Estúdio Obra Prima
Location: Fasano Las Piedras – Punta del Este Date: 2016 Built area: 2500 sqm Architecture: Carolina Proto – Fernanda Schuch – Juliana Bassani Lamachia Management: Estúdio Obra Prima Construction: Sureste Construcciones S.A. Interior: Carolina Proto – Fernanda Schuch – Juliana Bassani Lamachia Team: Fernando Nieto – Alessandra Vaz – Diego Graziadei – Paula Curi Hallal – Guilherme Milman
Photos: Gustavo Sosa
Hotel Fasano Las Piedras, in Punta del Este images / information received 260521
Location: Las Barras, Punta Del Este, Uruguay
New Uruguay Architecture
Contemporary Uruguay Architectural Projects
Uruguay Architecture Designs – chronological list
South American Buildings
Uruguay Architecture – Selection
Oficinas Prinzi, Montevideo Architects: Cotignola, Staricco, Tobler photograph : Marcos Guiponi
Metropolitan Cathedral South Tower Rehabilitation Design: Estudio / LT _ Arch. Martín López + Arch. Juan Pablo Tuja photo : Daniela Soto, Manuel Machado Metropolitan Cathedral Building
Carrasco International Airport Design: Rafael Vinoly Architects image from Rafael Viñoly Architects Uruguay Airport building
Comments / photos for the Hotel Fasano Las Piedras, in Punta del Este – Uruguay Architecture Intervention page welcome
Website: Uruguay
The post Locanda Fasano, Las Barras Punta Del Este appeared first on e-architect.
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recantodaeducacao · 3 years
Hospital do Coração cria caixa de memórias para levar carinho aos internados com Covid-19 
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O HCor, Hospital do Coração, criou uma caixa de memórias para levar o carinho de familiares e amigos aos internados com Covid-19. As embalagens personalizadas são abastecidas com cartas, fotografias e até pequenos objetos pessoais dos pacientes. Jovita Peternelli,  de 89 anos, está internada há mais de 15 dias e o isolamento social, a distância com amigos e familiares, é uma das partes mais difíceis na hora de enfrentar a doença. Pensando em amenizar esse momento de fragilidade dos pacientes, o HCor resolveu estimular a relação indireta deles com o lado de fora do ambiente hospitalar. A paciente tem recebido cartas, fotos e muitas lembranças carinhosas dos filhos e netos através de uma caixa de memórias enviadas pela família. A filha de Jovita, Silvia Helena, é quem se responsabiliza por organizar as mensagens e entregar para a mãe no hospital. “A primeira carta que chegou do hospital eles colocaram em uma caixinha ‘carinho para você’ e entregaram para ela, que leu a carta feliz. Eu acho que fez muita diferença para ela, porque a todo momento nós estamos pondo mais cartas nessa caixa e toda a família nesses 15 dias têm mandado muitos desejos e votos de melhora. Então, a caixa dela já está repleta e toda hora ela pede para rever”, cota Silvia.
Para a gerente de saúde mental  do hospital, Sylvia Cury, essa é uma iniciativa simples de humanização e manter esses itens pessoais junto aos pacientes proporciona uma sensação de pertencimento e familiaridade durante a internação. “Isso é importante porque ajuda o paciente a relembrar memórias positivas. É muito bom quando a gente lembra de coisas boas da nossa vida, quando lembramos de situações felizes, porque isso nos motiva a querer melhorar e querer voltar logo para casa. Isso nos dá uma motivação diferente, nos faz mais felizes e quando nós estamos bem, é claro que até a nossa imunidade melhora”, explica Sylvia. Além das caixas de memórias, outra opção adotada por diversos hospitais foram as televisivas, uma iniciativa implantada de forma permanente nos setores de internação, incluindo também as unidades de terapia intensiva. Nas enfermarias, os pacientes que não fazem uso de celulares próprios também contam com intermédio da psicologia. Assim, todos os dias da semana, com data e horário marcado, os pacientes podem conversar e até receber abraços virtuais por meio das video-conferências.
*Com informações da repórter Juliana Tahamtani
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The post Hospital do Coração cria caixa de memórias para levar carinho aos internados com Covid-19  first appeared on Recanto da educação. from WordPress https://ift.tt/2SlkE2B via IFTTT
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theboyandthepeach · 2 months
Okay, Flowerean/Juliette, I’ll try and explain. So Kieham made some deal with an evil peach, now that peach is doing some inexplicable horrors to him, oh and Ms.Brians off to find Turtlegodados. And the puntable three are considering teaming up with goblinpon in order to defeat the evil peach thing.
So yeah that’s what’s been happening recently.
Man, I am amazing with names!
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Florian: That's... a lot of info.
Juliana: The nicknames are fun, though
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group2english · 3 years
By: Valentina Mendez, Gabriela Mora, Danna Valeria Sierra, Sara Rios, Maria Juliana RIco.  
Women’s role has changed over the time, becoming in the present an important figure in society, which happened due to the constant fight women had to face against role stereotypes and gender inequality. But despite the great contributions' women have done, sometimes they are still underestimated within the patriarchal society, therefore some people haven't realized the importance of women in history. Throughout history, women have faced stereotypes and gender inequality among others struggles, this is what allowed things to be different nowadays.  Nevertheless, there are still problems women have to face daily in order to achieve equality.
Previously, the women’s role was totally different from today. Since before it was believed that women functions were to serve their husbands, be a mother and a homemaker. They were considered inferior to the male gender, and for this reason, they were denied to many opportunities.
In World War II, when men were recruited to war, women had the duty to keep their country's economy balanced, so they had to get jobs that had never been allowed for them before. Five million women entered to workforce between 1940-1945, which gave all women the opportunity to participate independently in their country's factories, including the aeronautical industry, which was even impossible that a woman worked there before. (Khan Academy, N.D) These are some examples of how, throughout history, women have gradually faced these stereotypes and achieved their deserved prominence in society.
Another thing that changed over time was that women did not have the right to vote. And it was until 1918 act of representation of the people, in which the vote of women was granted over the age of 30, but actually, it was New Zealand in 1893 the first country that allowed women to vote. This achievement meant a lot to women because it was their opportunity to participate in the democracy of their country, and although it seems insignificant, women had been excluded to vote since ancient Greece age! Also, according to BBC news: “Womens right to vote was only guaranteed for women over 30 years on the condition that their husband or her could accomplish some specific property requirements.” (Castedo, 2016, par 22), finally in the 20th century in 1930 women were guaranteed to vote without having a husband.
Women over the years have had to go through many struggles such as the denial of clothing, divorce, study, among other problems, this has changed over the years, unfortunately some of them got hurt by trying to get rid of the gender stereotypes.
Women used to be denied many things such as clothes, and especially when the wanted to wearing pants. One of the greatest examples that can be shown is about Luisa Capetillo since she did not care about what men said and went out to the streets of Puerto Rico using pants even though she could not, and she got arrested since pants were not allowed for women. (Castedo, 2016).  Later on, the use of pants for women was normalized until the 19th century, and nowadays women have a bunch of different clothes that can wear. (Encyclopedia britannica, nd)
Besides, the women's study right was achieved since the enactment of Title IX in 1972 federal law, where it was guaranteed the right of education free from sex discrimination. At the present, one of the objectives educations have is to close the gender gap, to reduce discrimination against women. One of the most famous feminine educational warriors is Malala, who supports the importance of education for both genders. (Christine, nd)
Some women that deserved to be the center of attention at their time are; Marie Curie founded the new science of radioactivity. Rosa Parks challenged the racial segregation that existed in parts of the United States. Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in history to travel into space and the only one to do so alone. Amelia Earhart was the first female pilot to cross the Atlantic Ocean alone. They and many other women demonstrated their great importance throughout history. (Lara Gomez 2018)
Divorce was something that was not allowed before for women; however, the problem was that the majority of the women that wanted the divorce was due to the domestic violence, because as the BBC news magazine says: "They had to face physical abuse or adultery, or even both at the same time and they couldn't avoid to be forced to have sexual relations, and rape was considered as something irrelevant”. (Castedo, 2016, par 33) This means that women could not get divorced since men were the ones who administered their family actions and woman's economy. Fortunately, in 1973 with the matrimonial causes act of the year it was allowed the possibility of women's petition to divorce without having to prove any objective failing. (Oxley ,2017)
Nevertheless, although women have achieved lots of important things such as the guarantee of their rights, the cultural stereotypes created by men got to the point of establishing what things were for women and what were not, and this is a constant struggle that we still face.
Seeing the world from a woman's perspective is almost impossible; Society constantly gives its opinion about woman's body, criticizing that if they are very skinny they look sick, but if they are overweight, they compare them with a cow. People advice women to "Get ready, but do not overdo it so they don't think you are needy" and if they do not, they will comment that they are neglected. Wearing loose-fitting clothing has masculine features, but on the other hand wearing tight-fitting clothing puts you at risk of harassment. A daily example is the dress code that schools have, since while for a girl showing her shoulders is inappropriate, a boy can easily take off his shirt. It is the same situation; the difference is gender and social reaction. So, instead of judging women, society should be judging the popular mentality about them.
In addition, sometimes women get carried away by internalized misogyny, in which they compete with each other. The beginning of misogyny between women started at the beginning of history, where women were taught that in order to feel part of the society they had to search for a husband, but if they could not, their only alternative was to become a nun. This later became a woman’s competition to get the attention from men, persuading them with their physical aspect, which has been promoted by the Beauty industry because they support the definition of love as the physical aspect, in which women started to care more about their physical aspects than other things, beginning a constant war of looks that judge the appearance of others. (Massis, 2019).
Moreover, patriarchy have also been supported by some women, for example, some women still continue doing housework without asking their children to help, unless it is a girl, but at the same time even though they have a professional work outside the home, woman’s still continue to assume the majority of the domestic responsibilities. Also, women usually tend to protect more their daughters because they considered them more vulnerable than men which makes women more insecure about their outside environment because they feel unsafe, otherwise sons have more liberty to choose where to go and with whom, which strengthens their autonomy.  (Daros, 2014)
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For last one of the biggest struggles women still face are the significant wage gabs between men and women persist nowadays, the gender wage gap it is the difference in earnings between women and men, and according to the statistics experts have realized that women earn less than men.  In the census Bureau data from 2018, women in average have earned 82 cents for every 1 dollar earned by men, this calculation demonstrates the earnings of a woman working full time, although this can vary depending on the race and ethnicity, one example happens in united states, where women teachers earn less than men teachers.  Some of the reasons that caused the gender wage gap are: First the differences in industries or jobs worked, which usually are based on gender norms and expectations, so “women's jobs” that are those were more female workforces like home health aides, child care workers etc tend to offer lower pay but on the other hand, “men's jobs” like building construction gain more. This is caused by the constant division between genders establishing what they should or not do even before they are adults, in fact human beings are categorized since they are born. Second: the gender-based pay discrimination, which has been illegal since 1963 but some people still do it, where employees fear retaliation. Summarizing, structural sexism often influences in which jobs are made by each gender, creating a wage gap between men and women. (Bleweis, 2020)
Gender inequality started due to the sexist and patriarchy mentality the society had, where it was taught that women were only useful for housework and for being a mother and wife. However, after many years of fight, many achievements were acquired, like women's right to vote or to study, but this would not have been possible without some of the woman´s work mentioned above, such as Marie Curie or Rosa Parks. Because they and many other womans demonstrated their importance in society, which nowadays allowed the aspiration of gender equality. Despite this, the struggle women are still facing is against the misogyny created by the criticism about a woman’s physical aspect. Nevertheless, as women could fight against biggest problems, this new struggle will disappear with the value of respect between women.
Oxley, J. (December 13 of 2017). Divorce and women's rights, a history. Website from:..,https://vardags.com/family-law/divorce-and-womens-rights-a-history#:~:text=This%20came%20in%201937%2C%20with,or%20desertion%20to%20be%20demonstrated.
Christine, A. (nd) .The history of women in education. Website from: https://www.hepg.org/her-home/issues/harvard-educational-review-volume-67-issue-4/herarticle/the-history-of-women-in-education_202
Encyclopaedia Britannica. (nd) .When did women start wearing pants? Website from: https://www.britannica.com/story/when-did-women-start-wearing-pants
Bleiweis, R. (March 24 of 2020). Quick facts about the gender wage gap. Website..from:https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/women/reports/2020/03/24/482141/quick-facts-gender-wage-gap/#:~:text=The%20gender%20wage%20gap%20is%20more%20than%20just%20a%20few%20cents&text=Collectively%2C%20more%20than%2055%20million,their%20male%20counterparts%20in%202019.
Massis, D. (March 8 of 2019). We have all rejected women: men, homosexuals and women themselves, because culture is against this human truth that is vulnerability". Website from: https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-47473762
Daros, W. (2014). The postmodern women and sexism. Website from: http://www.scielo.org.co/pdf/frcn/v56n162/v56n162a05.pdf
Khan academy, (nd) American women and worldwide II. Website from: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/us-history/rise-to-world-power/us-wwii/a/american-women-and-world-war-ii#:~:text=Women%20in%20the%20war,captured%20as%20prisoners%20of%20war.
Castedo, A. (November 24 of 2016). 7 things women couldn’t do 100 years ago. Website from: https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-38007110
|Gómez, L. (2018) Fifteen women who have marked and changed history. Website from:..https://www.lavanguardia.com/vida/20180307/441317420277/mujeres-importantes-historia.html  
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rafaelnacif · 4 years
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Juliana Gomes e @rafaelnacifdetoledopiza na Festa de Alfabetização do Curso Marly Cury. #saberlereescrever #alfabetizacaoinfantil #letramento #1985 (em Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFXYq_lH0T-/?igshid=ji8xjwfbzpx6
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ilovesantodaime · 2 years
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@cine.ninja ---------------------------------------- Uýra Sodoma, Juliana Curi e Martina Sönksen conversam com a Cine NINJA sobre o documentário "Uýra: A Retomada da Floresta"(@uyra.doc), que vem ganhando mundo. O filme teve sua estreia mundial no Frameline 46 – San Francisco International LGBTQ+ Film Festival – onde foi premiado com o Audience Award de Melhor Documentário – e acaba de ser anunciado na programação oficial do festival Outfest, em Los Angeles. Leia a reportagem de Juliana Gusman (@juliana.gusman) para a Cine NINJA em midianinja.org/cineninja ou pelo link nos stories. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf5oAEbg9nt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brasilsa · 4 years
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