#Julie Andrés
rphelperblog · 2 years
Princess Diaries Quote Rp Meme
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inspired by @dreammakcr​ - feel free to edit or change pronouns for rp purposes
you look so… young.”
“Just in case I wasn’t enough of a freak already, let’s add a tiara!”
“Because you saw me when I was invisible.”
“As always, this is as good as it’s going to get.”
Wait, wait. No, not you — I don’t even know you!”
This is getting us nowhere! Talk to me!’
“Thank you. And you look so… clean.”
“No matter how many times you press that, it will still go up and down the same way.”
“The student body may be morally bankrupt, but that doesn’t mean they’re blind!” 
“Please don’t crush my soy nuts.”
“Somebody sat on me again.”
If there are no more passengers, I think we should close the door.”
“I have never worn pantyhose, but it sounds very dangerous.” 
“I can’t talk to you right now. I’m late for a meeting with my guidance counselor.”
“Oh no, sweetie, I was in a very important meeting. Send it out for dry cleaning.”
“Sir, you will find that the word fear is not in my vocabulary!”
“Almost, but anyone can see your desires. No one knows what’s in your heart.”
“I’m a girl who loves black and is wearing pink.”
“I would kneel if it weren’t for my knee replacement.”
“A queen is never late. Everyone else is simply early.” 
“A queen is never late. Everyone else is simply early.”
“Just because I didn’t get my fairytale doesn’t mean you shouldn’t.”
“If you hurt my girl, you will answer directly to me, and whatever crimes I commit against you, remember, I have diplomatic immunity in 46 countries, including Puerto Rico.” 
“That Backstreet Boy clone you’ve had a crush on for years?”
“Is your mom dating an undertaker?” 
“Nepotism belongs in the arts, not in plumbing.”
“I can’t be a princess! I’m still waiting for normal body parts to arrive!” 
“I’m late for a meeting with Spain and Portugal!”
Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
“Rapunzel, Rapunzel, with hair so fine. Come out your window, climb down the vine.”
“The feat you ask, dear sir, isn’t easy. And I won’t respond to that line, it’s far too cheesy.”
“Oh, how brave. Most interns don’t even want to fetch my tea.”
“Your Majesty, I would gladly take a bullet for you.”
“We never rush; we hasten.” 
“OK, I look like an asparagus.”
“But a very, very cute asparagus!”
“It’s not appropriate for royalty to jingle.”
“Tell me: How does my mother, or any person for that matter, go into a parent/teacher conference and come out with a date?”
“I look like a moose.”
can you just pretend you have a life for just one moment?” 
“I’m late for a meeting with Spain and Portugal!”
“I don’t want to rule my own country, I just want to pass the tenth grade.”
“Ah, yes, but a very cute moose! Make all the boy moose go ‘WAAAAH!’”
can you drop us off a block from the school? I don’t want to cause a riot with this hearse.”
“This is a non-riot hearse. If it were a hearse, there would be silence in the backseat.”
“You know, most kids shop for a car for their sixteenth birthday, not a country!”
could you try to talk without moving your lips? The press have binoculars.
911, I'd like to report an accident... They put me on hold!”
Is this punishment for driving without a licensed driver in the front seat?”
I am invisible, and I am wet.”
“A princess never chases a chicken.”
“I beg your pardon, ‘Shut up’?”
“Now, what did you want to tell me?”
“Oh, your majesty, in America, it doesn’t always mean to be quiet. Here it could mean ‘wow,’ ‘gee-whiz,’ ‘golly wolly.’”
“I already have braces.”
“I haven’t danced with you since your birthday.”
“No, it’s bigger than orthodontia.”
“Think about it: I just found out that my cable only reaches 12 people.”
did you see what she did to me?!”
“Something that, I think, will have a very big impact upon your life.”
it’s not a championship game. It’s not even a big game. It’s just gym class. Just hit the ball. I don’t want to flunk you in gym class. C’mon, you can do it. Keep your eye on the ball.” 
“The secret is, I still want to.”
“That’s a fact, not a secret.”
“A few moments ago, I realized the only reason I was getting married was because of a law, and that didn’t seem like a good enough reason. So, I won’t be getting married today. My grandmother has ruled without a man at her side for quite some time, and… I think she rocks at it.” 
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all. From now on you’ll be traveling the road between who you think you are and who you can be. The key is to allow yourself to make the journey.” 
“To be a princess, you have to believe that you are a princess. You’ve got to walk the way you think a princess would walk. So, you gotta think tall, you gotta smile and wave, and just have fun.
What I really can't understand is that you ditched me again yesterday when I really needed your help at the greenpeace petition.”
“From now on you’ll be traveling the road between who you think you are and who you can be. The key is to allow yourself to make the journey.”
“I don’t feel protected. You try living for 15 years thinking that you’re one person, and then in five minutes, you find out you’re a princess.”
“I love your eyebrows. We’ll call them Frieda and Kahlo. If Brooke Shields married Groucho Marx, their child would have your eyebrows!”
“I’m taking your charm off of my charm bracelet and it’s going in the dirt!”
“Oh, come on, girls! It’s a ball, not a snake. Back in formation!
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dozydawn · 6 months
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André Laug, 1985.
Model: Julie Pewitt.
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faded-florals · 1 year
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Ain't nobody dope as me I'm dressed so fresh so clean ✨😘👌
Moulin Rouge! The Musical Broadway, June 17th 2023, 2pm
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onenakedfarmer · 6 months
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Currently Playing
With the Orchestra, Harpsichord, and Arrangements of André Previn
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rom-dot-com · 2 years
At this point, I’m expecting the show’s renewal to come in the form of a network exec finally responding to one of us in a DM & just being like “Shut UP, it’s happening, tell all your friends.”
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trevlad-sounds · 6 months
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Saturday 02 December Mixtape 401 “Sad Palms EXCLUSIVE” Ambient, Drone, Experimental Electronic, Electroacoustic, Space music Tuesdays & Saturdays. Support the artists and labels. Don't forget to subscribe or tip so future shows can bloom.
Trevlad Sounds-Welcome in you wonderful listener 00:00
Philippe Blache-Contra Spem Spero 00:31
Antarctic Wastelands, Julia Gjertsen, Snufmumriko, anthéne & Logic Moon-Sculpture 2 (by zarr.) 06:09
TALsounds-Palms 11:56
HHNOI-A Scrambled Anthem 17:25
Halftribe & awakened souls-Upstream 20:51
Lauge-Frazil Ice (Sebby Kowal Recycle) 23:48
Field Lines Cartographer-Golden Hour 27:45
Julie Byrne, Laugh Cry Laugh-'22 35:03
André 3000-That Night In Hawaii When I Turned Into A Panther And Started Making These Low Register Purring Tones That I Couldn't Control … Sh¥t Was Wild 36:43
Listening Center-An Opening, Like a Tunnel 46:17
Peter Bark, Rhucle-Dream Night 54:01
The South Coast Synth Ensemble-By The River 1:02:38
Anenon-Maine Piano 1:06:07
Steven Kemner-Seeping Root (Rinnovare Recycle) 1:06:51
Gallery Six-1 (City Of Dawn Recycle) 1:13:01
sevensy-Grey Winds 1:17:16
Henrik Meierkord-Suddig (Fionnlagh Recycle) 1:22:38
Pepo Galán-Niebla (Powlos Recycle) 1:26:03
Vince Clarke-Red Planet 1:29:36
36-Through The Other Side 1:33:53
Dr Atmo & Ramin-Sadworld-(Mōshonsensu Rework) 1:37:47
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trulyinspiringmovies · 9 months
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The Flash
"The Flash" is a fun movie... if you choose to judge it without its numerous controversies.
Barry Allen is a speedster with the ability to go back in time. Despite the warnings from Bruce Wayne, Barry goes back in time to save his mother from being murdered. This obviously causes his future to change in unintended ways. What he doesn't realize is that changing something in the past affects both the present and the past.
It's no secret that there's been a lot of controversy regarding Ezra Miller and their behavior. I just want to clarify that this review will, for the most part, only be reviewing the movie itself in its own vacuum. I will, however, talk about my thoughts on the controversy after I've said my piece. Now that I've established the format of this review, let's get into it. So, I am a fan of the Flash. I remember rushing home from school to watch the CW television show every Tuesday. I was already a fan of "Arrow", so I remember watching the world premiere of "The Flash". I was also a fan of "Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox". When I saw that this movie would be loosely adapting that storyline, I had mixed feelings about it. Then, the initial reviews came flooding in and they were all talking about how this movie was better than The Dark Knight trilogy. The hype started to build within me because of how Warner Brothers was standing by this movie, even with all the behind-the-scenes disasters. I thought that this movie must be worth all the hype. Then I finally watched the movie in theaters and it was just okay. It's not bad, but it's not the best superhero movie ever. It's just average, maybe a little, tiny bit better than average. Ezra Miller's performance was praised by so many people in the industry, but I thought it was fine. There were a few great moments of acting, but it was teetering between good and obnoxious to me at times. The adaptation of "Flashpoint" had some good qualities and some bad qualities. There were a few changes that I thought were creative and other choices that felt uninspired. For example, I thought the connection between the spaghetti analogy and the can of tomatoes was creative, but I thought the final villain reveal was a bit uninspired. I think one of the biggest points of contention for this movie was the CGI. Personally, I thought it was bad, but not too distracting. I just don't really like the backward justification from the director about how the CGI was purposely bad because, from Barry's perspective, there are visual aberrations when going at the speed of light. Other than that, I didn't really care too much for the inclusion of Michael Keaton's Batman. I thought Sasha Calle's Supergirl was fantastic and I'm sad that we won't ever get to see her character explored. That's really all I have to say about the movie. In terms of the controversy, although there's a lot to talk about, I only really want to comment on two of them because they somewhat affected my thoughts on this movie. For starters, I think Ezra Miller's actions have been deplorable. They clearly need mental help and I hope they get it soon. I think a denouncement of Ezra's actions from Warner Brothers would've gone a long way in helping with the controversy, but instead, they never did and instead praised their acting in this film. I think that was a really bad move and I hope they finally come out in the future to address the problems instead of waiting for the drama to die down. The second thing I wanted to touch on was the cameos at the end of the film. That was truly in bad taste. I get that the studio wanted to make the universes all feel connected, but the choices were all the wrong ones. Not only were there a lot of deceased actors who couldn't give their consent to be in this controversy-ridden film, but there was also a cameo from George Reeves, who infamously committed suicide because he thought he couldn't escape his role as Superman. And to put a cherry on top of this shit sundae, all the deceased actors were brought back to life via horrible CGI. The filmmakers also didn't include Grant Gustin at all, who was arguably a more influential Flash than Ezra Miller ever was. The Nicolas Cage cameo was fun for those who knew about the Kevin Smith story, but it wasn't enough to wash the bad taste out of my mouth. All in all, I think this movie is better off forgotten. It really feels indicative of the tumultuous and ugly time that Warner Brothers is going through.
Watched on July 4th, 2023
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nextposition1 · 10 months
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petermot · 1 year
Nieuwe gags van Guust Flater op komst
© Uitgeverij Dupuis Uitgeverij Dupuis wou nieuwe gags van Guust Flater uitgeven, en had zelfs al een auteur: Delaf, pseudoniem van de Canadees Marc Delafontaine, en bekend van Mooie Navels. Maar Isabelle Franquin, de dochter van André Franquin (1924-1997), beweerde dat haar vader het daar niet mee eens zou zijn geweest, en spande een rechtszaak aan tegen Dupuis. Dat had hij inderdaad…
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dailyjournalsblog · 2 years
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atypikal-life · 2 months
Memento mori
Memento mori #Atypikal #Aristote #Blake #Burgart #Cioran #Dante #Descartes #Gide #Kissinger #Marceau #Marx #Mouawad #Nicolas #Nin #Pascal #Péguy #Platon #Reffas #Renard #Schopenhauer #Sénèque #Soljenitsyne #Spinoza #Vasquez #Vian #Vivekananda #Zeh
Hominem te esse memento : Souviens toi que tu es un homme, c’est-à-dire, un simple mortel.Memento mori : Souviens toi que tu es en train de mourir. Le hasard, c’est peut-être le pseudonyme de Dieu, quand il ne veut pas signer.Théophile Gautier Il faut toujours dire ce que l’on voit ; surtout, il faut toujours, ce qui est plus difficile, voir ce que l’on voit.Charles Péguy Fonctionnaire, c’est…
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ruemorinpointcom · 3 months
Cégep de Chicoutimi
Lancement du projet de réfection de la piscine du Cégep Continue reading Cégep de Chicoutimi
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mundillotaurino · 9 months
Les résultats du Mercredi 30 août 2023 : Cuenca, Palencia, Puebla de Don Rodrigo, Sacedon
Photo : Emilio de Justo, toro de Rehuelga à Cuenca ©Prensa Emilio de Justo Cuenca, Mercredi 30 août 6 toros de Rehuelga pourEl Juli : salut et 2 oreillesEmilio de Justo : 2 oreilles et 2 oreillesAndrés Roca Rey : une oreille et silence Palencia, Mercredi 30 août 6 toros de Montalvo pourMiguel Angel Perera : salut et 2 oreillesEl Fandi (qui remplace Daniel Luque) : une oreille et 2…
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brianne777 · 11 months
"And if I shoot him in the forehead or the heart, 
He will only have time to die, 
But time will remain for me to see, 
See the eyes of a man who's dying"
-La Guerra di Piero
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onenakedfarmer · 1 year
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Currently Playing
With the Orchestra, Harpsichord, and Arrangements of André Previn
Original Release: 1963
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rom-dot-com · 2 years
VA fans have done so many gorgeous edits, fics, metas, covers… some even have Kieron’s words permanently inked on their bodies??? After only 10 eps of television??? What a cast. What a crew. What a fandom. What a life.
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