#Just going to be a large chunk out of my food budget so nothing extra for me this week
cadrenebula · 5 months
Would anyone mind sharing cute things with me tonight? It's been a rough evening. Doesn't matter if it's cute screenshots or pets or plushies. Just something cute.
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despair-tummy · 4 years
some chub Mika.n and Gund.am for a trade
Mikan was more than relieved when her shift at the hospital ended, she was terrified of running into someone she knew back from Hope’s Peak whenever she worked. It especially didn’t help that she tended to work when the hospital was at its busiest. It was her worst nightmare she would stumble into Hiyoko again after all these years, the dancer would surely subject her to an all too familiar round of bullying.
It wasn’t like Mikan intended for it to happen! She blamed all the budget cuts towards the hospital, which meant fewer staff, leading to herself and the others have to take on extra duties. Mikan originally wouldn’t have minded, she loved her job! She liked taking blood samples, x-rays, doing ultrasounds, CTs, and many other duties that came along with her job. Seeing as she was an ultimate she was a bit of a jack of all trades in her medical field, so it only seemed right she takes on the bulk of the duties (that and she was a pushover) to help through these hard times.
However, spending so much time on her feet and working long hours left little time for meal prep. She was simply too sore and tired to cook, so she often ate out or relied on frozen dinners... not to mention Mikan developed a habit of snacking on candy while at home. It was just easier to than preparing an actual meal! Not to mention the her coworkers and grateful patients would often bring in pizza and baked goods for the hospital staff. And with not knowing if you have enough time to microwave some leftovers because you could have to treat the victims of a car accident, you learned to eat when you can and fast.
But of course, the long term effects of a poor diet eventually started to show. Mikan had no idea how the other hospital staff managed to stay so skinny! Meanwhile, she had ballooned out like crazy. Oh, the world must hate her so for giving her such an awful metabolism! She was on her feet all day constantly running samples to the lab, shouldn’t that had burned off all the cupcakes and pizza she had at work?
Judging by her plump figure with a pair of thunder thighs that rubbed together uncontrollably with each step she took (hence why she started wearing leggings to avoid the infamous chub rub), a taut little tummy that especially liked to make its presence known after a big meal or junk food binge in the break room, and had resulted in a few ‘when are you due?’ from her coworkers and patients. The sleeves of her uniform felt so tight from how chunky her arms were, Mikan absolutely hated the idea of having to get a bigger uniform but they felt so uncomfortable. Then there was her face, that second chin was developing steadily and her cheeks had rounded out, making her resemble a hamster with cheeks stuffed to the brim with sunflower seeds.
“Oh, come on.” Mikan groaned, attempting and failing miserably at hailing down a taxi to return home. Of all the days she had to forget her bus pass it was when the weather forecast called for rain! “O-oh, excuse me! Over-“ she was cut off when the taxi she was trying to get zoomed passed her and straight through a puddle, drenching her in dirty rainwater. “here...” she finished all too late.
Her heart raced anxiously as she shivered, how was she going to get home? It was her day off tomorrow and she originally wanted to curl up in bed and take it easy. Mikan sniffled, blinking back tears. What she wouldn’t give for a hot bath right now, or better yet, be magically transported to a warmer place with a comfortable bed with plenty of fluffy blankets. But unfortunately, that wasn’t going to happen, she was stuck in the cold rain trying to desperately get a taxi to notice her.
“Ah, wait!” Mikan cried out, deciding to run towards the car despite seeing one of the passenger doors shut, signalling it was occupied. “C-could we please share? I’m sorry I smell like a wet dog, bu-but I just want to go home! I-I’ll pay for both our fares and-“ She stopped, eyes wide as the passenger window rolled down. Oh no...
It wasn’t the infamous Hiyoko like Mikan feared she would run into one day, but that was only a step below the worst-case scenario, the passenger was still someone she went to school with. She could recognize that scarf and scar tattoo anywhere, it was the ultimate breeder, Gundam Tanaka.
“My, my, Mikan Tsumiki... the ultimate cleric of healing,” he spoke, his gaze locked onto her. “You wish to partake in a journey with me through these unforgiving realms?”
“I-if it’s not too much trouble.” Mikan twirled a choppy lock of hair around her finger anxiously. Sure Mikan always feared running into someone she knew since her weight gain, but staying out in the rain wasn’t an ideal either. And Gundam was never one of her bullies, so surely he wouldn’t point out what a blob she had become.
“Heh, but of course not! It is always an honour to travel with someone of your capabilities.” he grinned. “Now, enter this gateway through this cursed realm!”
Mikan nodded and immediately yanked the taxi door open so hard she nearly fell backwards. She wasted not a single second getting into the cab and out of the cold rain. It wasn’t until she shut the car door and buckled up did she finally get a good look at Gundam after all these years.
At first, his scarf concealed it, but the breeder was sporting a full-on double chin. But that wasn’t all, he took up a big chunk of the cab, leaving barely enough room for the portly nurse. Mikan was practically a twig compared to him. The cab driver up front had his seat as close to the wheel as possible to make room for just how large Gundam was. His gut sat comfortably on top of his pillar-like thighs, nearly obscuring them completely from her view. He was as wide as he was tall, wider even! An absolute blob of a man! Could he even walk?
“It’s been quite a few years, oh great healer,” Gundam said.
“Y-yeah, indeed it has.” Mikan tried not to stare.
“What quests have you been undertaking since our departure from the realm of knowledge?”
“I...been working at the hospital.”
“Working at such an advance castle! You must be quite proud of the healing abilities you possess, I must admit I am rather envious.”
A smile touched her face, even after all these years, she could still understand Gundam and his eccentric manner of speech enough to know he was praising her! Her insides became all warm and fuzzy at his words, it’s been so long since someone actually complimented her abilities as a nurse! Being in the medical field she felt often overworked and under-appreciated.
“Thank- ACHOO!” Mikan sneezed directly into her elbow.
“Hmph, it would appear the storm gods decided to curse you.” Gundam’s thin lips straighten as he unravelled his scarf and offered it to Mikan.
“I couldn’t possibly-“
“There is no need to fear, this garment will not hurt powerful beings such as you and I.” he reassured.
Mikan hesitated for a moment but in the end, accepted the scarf and wrapped it around her. Wow! She didn’t expect it to be so warm and soft!
“We must remove this curse immediately,” Gundam spoke, crossing his fat arms. “Gatekeeper of the realms, take us to the sanctuary immediately!” he ordered at the taxi driver, who remained completely unfazed by his orders. Mikan guessed Gundam took taxis a lot so he must be a known regular.
The drive wasn’t a long one, she guessed ten minutes at the most. The taxi parked in front of what looked like a restaurant establishment.
“Oh... I don’t have enough money on me to eat out and pay for a ride,” she confessed, originally she intended to do up some instant ramen when she got home. “ I’m so SO sorry!”
“I assure you, I have more than enough wealth,” he said, opening the door.
They both unbuckled and exited the car... well one of them did.
“Gundam, are you...” she trailed off, averting her eyes awkwardly.
“This but a mere part of my journey, nothing to dwell over.”
Mikan would beg to differ, but she kept her mouth shut as she tried not to watch Gundam struggle to get out of the taxi, his blubbery body kept him stuck tightly within the car door frame.
“Do...do you need any help?” she asked, feeling her cheeks turn red at the sight.
“Your concern is thoughtful but unneeded, I have faced this trial many times!” Gundam reassured with such confidence for someone who was trying to squirm their way out of a car.
Mikan just stood there and twiddled her thumbs awkwardly as Gundam struggled, she tried not to stare but she always found her eyes would end up lingering on him with every jiggle and bounce of his fatty frame. It was almost comical when he managed to finally get out, Mikan could have sworn she heard an almost cartoony pop, but she didn’t know if that was in real life or in her mind.
“Now, onward!” Gundam commanded and waddled on ahead with Mikan following from behind, trying her hardest not to stare at his massive rump that sagged behind him.
The inside of the building revealed it was an all-day breakfast buffet. Mikan’s mouth watered instantly at the sight of waffles, bacon, sausages, breakfast pastries, eggs and countless fruit varieties.
“Well, I accept all forms of power sources, this one I find I tend to desire the most,” Gundam said as they got a table to set their stuff down. “And it burns deeply with enough dragon fire to help you fully recover from your curse.”
“It is rather to-toasty in here.” Mikan took off Gundam’s scarf, carefully folding it and set it aside.
“Now, let us engage in supply our forms with the healing prophecies from this sanctuary of recovery!” Gundam announced, squeezing himself out of the booth and shuffling to the array of food.
The combination of sweet and savoury smells was hypnotic to Mikan, she lost interest in watching Gundam and wasted no time grabbing a plate and getting her food. Two fluffy blueberry pancakes, six rashers of crispy bacon, four juicy pork sausages and a bowl of fruit.
The irony was not lost on her, Mikan was a nurse. And when most people thought of doctors and nurses they were normally under the impression that they ate extremely healthy. But that was the furthermost from the truth, incredibly their diet consisted of takeout and instant meals. But Mikan supposed the only difference between her and them was an awful metabolism.
After getting a tall glass of orange juice, she returned to the booth. Hopefully, Gundam wouldn’t think she was gross for eating so much, but she had such a long day and-
Her eyes went wide as Gundam set not one, not two, but three plates on the table. One piled high with fried ham, sausages and bacon, another with a stack of buttermilk pancakes that towered high, and the last one dangerously close to overflowing with fried eggs. He drenched everything in a thick layer of butter and drowned it all in enough maple syrup to fill the ocean.
“Now,” he began as he unfolded the napkin to tie around his thick neck. “let the healing ritual begin!”
They both tucked into their meals, the food tasted just as good as it smelled, better even! It immediately warmed Mikan up both inside and out and have it not been for the sound of the downpour outside, she would have completely forgotten about the rain.
“So, um... what have you been up too after graduating?” Mikan asked as she chewed on a chunk of juicy honeydew. Figuring she should try and start a conversation with him.
“I have been expanding my empire of course!” he answered, licking the runny yolk off his lips. “With so many wild and dangerous beasts in the world, my job is far from over and will probably be eternal for as long as I am in this vessel.”
“Ah, glad to know you’re still t-taking good care of animals.” Mikan smiled. “I’ve known how much you care for them.” she nibbled on a piece of bacon. “M-maybe I should get a pet... it gets kinda lonely in my apartment.”
“Be warned, beast ownership is no small task!” he warned sternly.
“O-of course!” she stuttered. “I know it’s not a decision to take lightly! I uh, promise to really think about it and-“
“Please, crease your worrying.” Gundam interrupted. “I must apologize, tis a bit of a curse I have yet to control. I have seen many attempts the quest of taming these creatures but failed and I had to carry on their failed attempt. It is no easy task and required so much of my time and energy. I need to remember you are no mere mortal considering your ability.”
“A...apology accepted.” she gave a small smile.
“Speaking of your abilities, how is your life in this realm?” he asked through a mouthful of sticky syrup covered pancakes.
“I work at the hospital not too far from here,” she said. “we’re rather understaffed at the moment, so I’ve been busy. I don’t mind... kinda.” Mikan sipped her drink. “Umm... it’s just it doesn’t leave much time for anything else if I’m completely honest. I just go straight home after a shift.”
“Ha, I too understand your endless suffering,” he spoke. “We’re in Nemean lion season, I have been summoned to offer my power and influence to try and get through this challenge.”
Nemean lion? Weren’t those some kind of mythical creature? It took a moment to figure out what he was going on about, then it clicked. Gundam was taking about kitten season. The time when most kittens were born to unsprayed cats whether they were outdoor cats (which was a big no according to Gundam) or feral cats. Naturally, this meant a lot more resources being needed from shelters and whatnot.
“You must be busy too, I haven’t been able to cook in awhile unless it’s instant,” she spoke, idly dragging the chunk of blueberry pancakes she speared with her fork through a puddle of syrup. “Probably why I’ve gained weight.”
She said it without even thinking, at first she felt guilty. Gundam has gained so much more than her, would it make him self conscious? But when he chuckled she internally let out a sigh of relief.
“I too understand the circumstances your form is going through,” Gundam said. “I have found myself in a similar position as you.”
“Oh... I hardly notice.” Mikan lied.
“Mikan, you are many things,” he began. “a skilled healer, a dear companion who I regretfully lost contact with, but you were never a good liar.”
“Sorry!” she instinctively blurted out.
“Do not dwell on it, there is nothing worthy of begging for my forgiveness currently,” Gundam reassured. “I am content with my current form, you don’t need to fret so much.”
“Ah... thank you!” Mikan spoke. “Umm, if it means anything. I think you carry it well.”
Eep! Was it weird to say that?! Did it sound too forced? It was true though! Gundam just reminded her of one of those giant stuffed teddy bears at toy stores. He looked so soft just like one, and not to mention he probably felt like one too.
“You as well,” Gundam replied.
Her cheeks flushed a soft pink as she immediately shifted her gaze from Gundam to her plate. Did Gundam see her as one of those giant teddy bears too? She only hoped her blush would eventually fade. All these years and she still wasn’t used to compliments.
As soon as they are their fill and made a few trips back to the buffet, they were comfortably full. And not only that, the rain had stopped.
“It would appear the gods had let their grip on this realm go at long last,” Gundam spoke as they exited the restaurant.
“Yeah, it’s ni-nice and warm,” Mikan said, taking a moment to soak up the warm sunshine.
“Shall we find a gatekeeper and travel back to our kingdoms together?”
“Actually... my place isn’t too far from here.” Mikan began. “It’s not you! I promise! I-I just want to enjoy the sun after all this ra-“
“You don’t need to justify enjoying this enchanted moment if I had a sufficient amount of mana I would have too.” he smiled. “However, I lost contact with you once and I rather not have this be the last time fate has us cross paths. May I offer you a way to summon me?”
“You’re phone number? Sure... I... I would love to see you again.” she smiled as Gundam scribbled his phone number on a scrap of paper.
“I think you are worthy enough to see the newest descendants from the four dark devas of destruction’s family line,” he said.
“I would love to see them.”
“Indeed, perhaps you are worthy enough to take on the quest of owning one?”
Mikan’s eyes lit up. “You...you want to give me one of them?”
“Only if I and the latest generations of the four dark devas think so!” Gundam stated. “It would involve a long series of riddles and gazing into the deepest depths of your mind to see if you are truly ready for such a task.”
“I’m free tomorrow if that works?”
“And the stars perfectly aline.” he grinned, handing her a scrap of paper with his number written down.
“May-maybe we could grab a coffee and work out the details?”
“Very well then, I accept your offer!” Gundam grinned before finally managing to get a taxi. “I look forward to it and any other future endeavours!” he called as the car drove off.
Mikan couldn’t help but smile as she looked down at the paper in her pudgy fingers. She got a number, she actually got a number and something to do on her day off! Her grin grew as she began the walk to her apartment, basking in the warm sunlight.
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genderpunktheo · 4 years
this might be too personal so i completely understand if you don’t want to answer this fully or not answer at all, but i’ve recently been watching videos on ppl’s budgets etc but a lot of them are female american influencers and while it’s interesting and useful to see how they do, i don’t understand how $3000 is an averaged monthly budget. only if you’re comfortable sharing i was wondering what your monthly budget or monthly spending is like as a british student and someone out of that sphere?
Sure, I don’t mind sharing! 
So, as a student my tuition fees are covered by a government loan, I won’t bother including that cause it goes direct from the government to my uni and I never get to even see it. 
I also receive a maintenance loan from the government three times a year - each one is supposed to cover about three months (the last three months are over the summer, we don’t get one for that since we’re not at uni). 
My last payment for this was £1312 which sounds like it would be a lot but that basically covers my rent for the term - in fact, the last term it didn’t even do that, I paid my landlord £1400 which was October, November, December rent so I had to sort out the remainder from my own money. That includes water, electricity etc. (unless we overuse it but we never have so far). Rent is so low because I live in a student house with three other people. 
These maintenance loans are means-tested based on how much your family earns - I get the lowest possible amount because the assumption is that my family earns enough to send me money to make up for it. However, because of various reasons (too private to share), my family aren’t able to do that so I just make do with what I’ve got (at least it pays my rent!! I’m very grateful for that).
In order to pay rent over the summer, I always aim to save £400 for July over the course of the year and then I pay £400 for August and £400 for September by having a summer job. 
Last year I worked for half of July which paid me £556 at the end of August. I then worked full-time hours for the whole of August and got paid £1330 at the end of September for that. 
Once summer rent was paid that then left me with £686, a large chunk of which went on my new camera for YouTube and the remainder I used to help pay for mine and my boyfriend’s anniversary trip to London. The camera was technically for work I suppose but still, I felt incredibly privileged to be in a position where I was able to do that - for the two years before, I would never have been able to make a purchase like that so it was pretty awesome!
So that rather long (sorry) explanation tells you how I sort out rent. As for everything else: 
Most students I know pay for rent out of their loans and then pay for anything else with one of three things: 
They have a really high loan amount and can live entirely off of that 
Their families send them money 
Or (the most common) they have to get a part-time job while at uni
So I’m I guess sort of in the part-time job crowd? But I’m unusual in that rather than working retail or something, I do create content and fund myself as best I can through that. 
I make about £30 a month from Patreon which I am incredibly incredibly grateful for. Sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on how many new and deleted pledges happen that month. 
I also get money from sales of X MARKS THE SPOT which again, varies a great deal. Usually, it’s £70 to £120 a month. 
I do some freelance work here and there. The type I’ve been doing up until now was on sites like UpWork where you write something for a client on the site - usually CVs and things like that, or content for very small websites. I’m starting to get to the point now where I feel more confident pitching to more reputable sites and making a proper go of it but I haven’t got far with that yet. Freelance is the most variable thing I do. In good months I might get £200, in the worst months, I get nothing. 
If you’re wondering whether I get money from YouTube - the answer is no, lmao. I did recently get monetised but so far that has yielded between £3 and £9 a month. You need a total of £80 to get a payout, so I still very much make videos just because I care about it! 
So all of those things together amount to between £100 and £350 a month, after rent payments. Not very much at all - I could definitely have more if I got a more traditional part-time job but I choose to make do with less money because otherwise I wouldn’t have time to make this content and I do feel that what I do is important. 
Because the amount is so varied, I make a big effort to save money during good months so that I don’t run into trouble during the bad months. Sometimes this still falls through and that’s when you’ll see me ask for some help on here - like when some lovely people sorted out for me to get a new binder (thank you!)
What I’m very good at is budgeting food. In my first year of uni I could manage £10-£15 a week during the months when I made the least (I had even less then). Now I live with my boyfriend so we haven’t had to worry so much until he lost his job last month. We spend between £25-£50 a week on food for the two of us depending on how well we’re doing and if we’ve run out of longer-lasting things. 
I have a couple of extra bills per month £10 for Spotify, £4 for a NYT subscription and one I just started - £12 for a stock media site. 
Anything else either goes into savings, pays for new clothes, snacks, occasionally going out with friends or other miscellaneous things. 
I hope this is helpful/interesting! Sorry for rambling so much haha.
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marauders-fanfilm · 5 years
Long Overdue Update
Hey everyone!    First and foremost, I want to issue an apology. I posted an update at the end of 2018 for the backers on Kickstarter & Indiegogo, but neglected to post it to our social media pages, and that’s on me. We are still here, we are still hard at work, and I apologize for neglecting our Social Media lately. I am making a point to rectify this for the future.
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   Yes, the project has taken far longer than any of us anticipated, and while it is not any one person’s fault, I will take responsibility here on behalf of the production. And for that I apologize to all of our backers, our fans, and to our cast and crew. We all want to see this project completed, and our Post Production team have been pouring their hearts into doing so. Unfortunately as we all are working as unpaid volunteers, and we all have other commitments we must prioritize- Day jobs, school, families, etc, and as such our availabilities fluctuate week to week. But our team has been generously donating their nights and weekends to the film, and the results so far have been amazing. That said, if anyone has experience in Visual Effects and really wants to contribute, we’d always be happy to have more hands!
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   Outside of Visual Effects, which is the main thing that has been taking time on this project, the score is almost complete, and is sounding absolutely beautiful. It’s taken a while, as composer Paul Bourque has been quite busy with his own professional music career, but it is going to be worth the wait. There’s also going to be a fair bit more on the Official Score than just what is heard in the film. I truly think you’re all going to love it!   It has come to our attention lately that there have been some questions circulating about the film’s budget and how it was spent. This is absolutely fair, and I’m happy to expand more upon that and what’s been going on lately, though I am going to add a cut here before this post gets any longer! TLDR, we’re still here, still hard at work, and while it has taken longer than any of us anticipated, we truly feel that it will be worth the wait -Aaron Director, The Gathering Storm
    2017 was largely a year of delays and roadblocks, and that slowed things down a lot. Our original VFX Supervisor (a team of one) finally left the project after almost a year of delays, admitting he just didn’t have the free time to commit to the project. We brought on a new team of VFX artists, but after several months, they too left the project, admitting that they just didn’t have the time with their academic workload. This just left our current VFX Supervisor, Martin Bayang, alone, and essentially still stuck at the starting line.
    But with our last update in April of 2018 we began to search for additional artists to help tackle the 350 or so VFX shots of varying complexity in the film. I am proud to say that we now have a team of six incredibly talented artists working on the film, led by Martin, and we are about halfway through the visual effects! I have been personally going through every new shot alongside Martin, and I am THRILLED with how everything looks so far. These amazing artists, who range from a talented High School student to a Visual Effects artist from Game of Thrones, have been working tirelessly to bring the magic to life, and you won’t be disappointed. That said, in the last few months several of our artists have had to leave the project due to a lack of available free time to continue working on it. We still have several active members on our team, and are currently pursuing more. We are working as hard, and as fast, as we possibly can to bring you guys this story, and we really do appreciate your patience.     There have been claims lately that the production was not as transparent as we should have been. While there is nothing nefarious being concealed, these claims aren’t necessarily wrong either. While we’ve tried to keep you all updated of the progress on the project, I have kept some of the individual personal issues behind closed doors, and that may have been a mistake.  I would like to rectify this by offering an explanation to at least some of this:     When we began production back in 2014, I believed the producer we had knew what they were doing. When it became clear that this was not the case (losing one of our key locations just days before filming began), they were replaced by their Associate Producer, who managed to successfully get us through all three rounds of filming. When filming wrapped however, that producer stepped off the project as well, leaving the responsibilities of Producer on me, in addition to my responsibilities as Director. A couple members of the cast stepped up to help, and we couldn’t have gotten this far without them, but they too have careers and personal lives, for the last two years I’ve been doing my best to steer this ship on my own.
   Since then, I have done everything in my power to keep things moving through Post Production. Through multiple editors stepping off the project midway, starting us back at the beginning, before finally reaching picture lock. Through numerous VFX artists delaying for months before admitting they hadn’t completed anything and moving on. Through several days of insert & pickup shoots. Through weekly score and VFX meetings and hundreds of hours of video and audio post-production work, and occasionally when I get a chance, updating our Social Media.. I have given up numerous career opportunities, and more personal social plans than I can count. And none of that is meant to be me looking for sympathy. But when I tell you that we are here, busting our butts working to get this done, and that we’re just as eager to see it completed as any of you, I want you to understand how much I truly mean that.  In Regards to Questions About our Budget:
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It has been brought to my attention that there were some serious questions and rumors circulating regarding the film’s budget, and how funds were allocated. I went back through all of our records, and totaled things up to come up with a total of what the numbers actually ended up being. Filmmaking, especially something like TGS, is expensive. But for anyone with questions, I would like to take a minute to go through the exact numbers: • Equipment Rental: 31.3% Obviously the biggest chunk of the budget, this covered the camera and lens rentals, the steadicam rig rental, the lighting and grip equipment rentals (Dolly tracks, stands, lights, disposables, etc), as well as sound recording equipment through three separate rounds of filming. This ran us more than our Kickstarter estimate, though less than our Indiegogo estimate.
• Transportation: 26.9% This covered everything from truck rentals to haul all of the equipment and set dressings, to shuttle vans for the cast and crew, to gas, to flights to bring back members of the cast who had moved after Principal Photography. While Transpo is usually a significant portion of the budget on major productions, it isn’t on smaller student projects, and this ate a large portion of our budget. But we had locations all over New England, and a significant number of our team were students without their own means of transportation. This was an area where our producers definitely really undershot the budget, unfortunately. • Locations 19.3% Another one of the major factors separating us from other student and fan film  projects. To capture the look and feel of Hogwarts, we shot at a number of incredible locations across New England, from a castle, to several churches, and a museum. But venues like that, often used for Weddings, aren’t cheap. We were prepared for that. What we weren’t prepared for was having to schedule additional days in these venues (I will come back to this).
Production Design, Props, Wardrobe, and Makeup 11.6% Self explanatory, but yes. All of the School Uniforms for our cast and extras. Other costumes for the cast, from their casual clothes to the Professors’ costumes, and more. Props and set dressing. Furniture. All the little stuff you likely won’t notice when it’s there, but are what make the scenes come to life. We managed to stay under budget on this one.
Crafty/Meals 6.3% This is one  of the categories I’ve seen a lot of rumors and accusations circling around, so I feel I need to explain this: Feeding your team on set is standard protocol. When they’re working 12-14 hours a day, there isn’t time for people to grocery shop and meal prep before work, or for people to venture out to grab lunch (nor was there much around many of these locations). Let alone, all of these people were taking time off of work, unpaid, to be there.  A warm meal is the bare minimum we could do. That said, I think there might have been some misconceptions because previous budgets described it simply as crafty, leading some people to believe this part of the budget just accounted for a table of snacks, instead of the reality of this section of the budget covering all food/beverage costs. We actually ended up staying well under budget in this category.
Production 2.4% This one isn’t particularly interesting. Basically miscellaneous. Various little expenses that don’t fall into other categories. Fees, office supplies, legal advice, printing scripts and sides, etc. About what we budgeted on the IGG budget.
Post Production 2.2% While none of our post team are paid, this covers costs like Dropbox, Stock Footage, and the software we purchased for our composer. 
    When we started this project, almost all of us were students. Students with a dream of continuing the world of our favorite franchise, of telling the story we’d always wanted to see told. But we were students nonetheless, still growing, still learning our craft, still making plenty of mistakes along the way. After this project and several years of experience in the field, I can say there were places where we could have trimmed some of the fat. But beyond the basic costs of producing a film like this, the big thing that drove up the budget was just bad luck/human error. I’ve spoken about it before, but during principal photography, there was a power glitch during a footage transfer that corrupted data and lost us several days of filming that we had to go back and reshoot. And unfortunately during the first round of pickups in 2015, an error by our producer cost us the use of one of our main locations, resulting in us needing to bring everyone back and do a second round of pickups: Re-Renting gear and transportation, booking more days at the location (who decided to jack up their price), etc. Because of this, the crowdfunding budget was spent before we finished that third round of filming. I know that statement is going to upset people, but we’re making a point of transparency here, and it’s a significant piece of what I’ve been avoiding making public. Since 2015, I’ve been covering everything since then out of my own pocket. Because while it wasn’t my errors that cost us, the other producers have all left the project, and at the end of the day, this is my project, my baby, that I am determined to see through to completion. Because you, our fans, and our dedicated team all deserve to see it done.     I know the next question following that will be regarding Backer Perks - Don’t worry, they won’t be affected. Most of them are already here in boxes, ready and waiting. However, there are still a couple things remaining, first and foremost the DVDs of the film, which obviously can’t be printed until the project is completed. Because of this, and the fact that the vast majority of backers are receiving DVDs, they’re unfortunately going to have to wait until then to go out. I have been putting money away for the last few years to cover the cost of DVD Printing and Shipping, and it’s all ready and waiting for post to be completed. And I know a lot of you have asked about this - Once we’re at that point, we’ll get in contact with everyone receiving packages to confirm their current address before mailing!    So yes, it’s been a long and difficult journey. It’s taken far longer than any of us planned. We’ve had dozens of team members come and go, but no matter what, we’ve kept working. Because we love this world, we love this project, and we love you guys. None of this would have been possible without you. All of the pieces are starting to come together, and I could not possibly be more excited to share it with all of you.  Until then,  Mischief Managed Aaron
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kyoko0001 · 5 years
私に薬の主人を呼んではいけない Chapter 01
Fai doesn't think the term 'drug lord' is an accurate description for his line of work. Of course, it's hard to explain exactly what it is you do when you find out that your Tinder crush is a officer at the Tokyo police department. Modern Day AU. KuroFai. Mentions of other CLAMP ships here and there. Full list of warnings at the beginning of each chapter.
Chapter 01 available here or click the read more link! 
Fai Fluorite was on his third large, triple chocolate caramel latte with 2 shots of expresso, and he wasn't even half way though his night yet. He had two more clubs to visit and a meeting with his Guatemalan importer to get though before he had to head to the Neko no me Café and start the ovens.
It took every ounce of his self-motivation to eat the grilled cheese his assistant, Syaoran, had so kindly acquired for him. It was easy to ignore the food while he balanced the books of Fenikkusu though. The once familiar task took frustratingly long…
Normally this particular establishment ran smoothly, but with Oruha out on maternity leave he had to spend a maddening amount of time keeping things moving. Don't get him wrong, he was happy for her—she had been trying for a child for so long after all—and he wanted her to have as much time off as she needed.
He would be much happier with her back in her office where she belonged. There was just no substitute for someone who had been running this club for him for the last 8 years. She knew this place better then him naturally.
"Please eat a few more bites Fai-sama." Syaoran was frowning at him from the other side of the ornate cherry wood desk and the blond tugged his cheeks into a too cheery smile as he looked up from his work.
"I swear I'll finish it." His tone was purposefully cheerful, but he didn't quite manage to bring the smile to his eyes.
His assistant didn't look as though he was buying it today, and he wasn't sure if he currently had the energy to tug the muscles in his face any tighter.
Syaoran gave a defeated sigh—He could be such a smart kid sometimes.
Fai had every intention of sticking to his usual diet of pure sugar, caffeine and various other stimulants for the rest of the night. He would probably eat some blueberries at the café… Toyo had mentioned that the last shipment was deliciously ripe.
Keeping his body running when he couldn't sleep more than three or four hours a night was a delicate balancing act. Carbs and fat would make him sluggish and he couldn't afford that so early in the night. He had probably already hit his calorie goal anyways with the sugar packed lattes.
A greasy grilled cheese wasn't going to do him any good. Even if it was from the little dinner across the street and one of his favorite foods.
"Can you go run to the backroom and grab the inventory list for me?" Fai looked back down at the spreadsheet he was updating. Better to keep Syaoran busy then letting him fret over silly things like his lunch.
The teen nodded and pulled the door open just wide enough to slip through. After a year of working as the blonde's assistant he knew when to take a hint, and left quickly to give his boss some space.
The loud sound of the music rushed into the quite office like a tsunami despite his efforts, causing the blond to scowl. As soon as the door swung closed again the noise faded back down to a more tolerable level and Fai stood while grabbing the now cold sandwich off the plate. He had a hot minute before Syaoran would return—but better safe than sorry… Fai headed towards the employee restroom for some extra privacy.
Locking the door, he tore sizable chunks of the sandwich off and tossed them in the toilet. Flushing away the evidence, he sighed and washed the greasy residue off his fingers and dried his hands quickly.
Now to the next line of business.
If he was going to get though the rest of this night, he was going to need a pick me up.
It had been that kind of week unfortunately.
Or rather… That kind of month…
The blond wasn't entirely sure.
Fai pulled his cell phone out of the inner pocket of his dark blue Brioni suit jacket and set it on the sink. Digging a little deeper he found what he was looking for—a dime bag with just enough 'help' to get him though the rest of the night.
Lazily, he tapped some of the powder onto the shining porcelain of the sink. With practiced grace he shaped two identical lines with his visa. The only cash he carried was for the soul purpose snorting his snow, and he made quick work of twirling up his lucky ¥10,000 note.
Two deep breaths later and Fai was tilting his head back and closed his eyes while he sucked in a few deep breaths. What little discomfort he felt was quickly forgotten and the blonde used a damp paper towel to wipe down the side of the sink and slid the baggie back into his inner breast pocket.
He would need to do a lot more to get any sort of rush—but those lines would serve to make him feel a little more human.
He had been doing this on and off for years—and though he was sure his body would thank him for a brake form the illicit substances—he couldn't deal with it now. There were too many things that needed his attention. This shit was way better then caffeine that was for sure.
Once he was feeling a little more like himself, he leaned against the porcelain counter top and unlocked his phone.
The second line of break business was making sure there was nothing urgent that needed his attention. His people had his cell and knew that he was available at all hours should they need him.
No urgent texts, so there was nothing that needed his immediate attention. One of his bouncers had needed a few stiches after breaking up a bar brawl and Fai set a reminder to take care of the doctor bills and send him a card.
Emails for this week's accounting were coming in and he would add them to the books while he waited for Yuukito and Touya to show up for their opening shift this morning…
He added that to his calendar as well and sighed before hitting the home button. Between meeting with the troublesome supplier, one of his managers being out, and trying to get the months end accounting done he was going to lose his mind.
Absentmindedly he opened Tinder and started looking though the messages he had been ignoring for the last few hours. Maybe a good lay would help relax him enough to actually be able to sleep tonight…
Fai didn't have high standards and he had probably slept with half the men in Tokyo by now. Well… Half the gay ones at least. The blonde didn't care what line of work they were in—what they were majoring in—if they were vegan—liked beer or whatever else hipsters drank these days—what exotic vacations they took.
He just wanted them tall, with a strong shoulders, a killer body, and big cock. He didn't do clingy, long term, or batshit ether.
Fai already had money, nice cars, and a big house. He didn't need someone to take care of him—just get him off. As long as their kinks weren't anything too crazy, Fai was usually down to party.
It was nearing 10. Not too late to arrange something if he moved his schedule around. The blond scrolled though his open chats with a frown…
To clingy—To skinny—to short—to nosey…
Honestly with over nine million people in Tokyo the options were pretty shitty.
Back to the drawing board…
Backing out he started to sift through pictures of singles.
He never bothered to read anyone's profile and he sent the same messages to all of his matches.
Currently out on the town.
Would love to meet for a drink if you're not busy?
He made sure to include a few kissy faces and heart eye emojis and switched back to his email. It was Friday night so chances were good someone might take him up on his offer. If he didn't get a response soon, he was going to have to keep an eye out in the next club for a tipsy Mr. Tall dark and handsome that wasn't too far gone to keep his cock up.
He preferred his partners to be sober. They were usually better at actually getting the job done when they weren't too drunk to see strait.
Fai sighed rather loudly as the first responses started trickling in and read though them with disinterest. A few busy—a few too-forward responses including images of rather unimpressive genitalia—and hello!
My shift ends in two hours.
Still going to be out?
What were his chances that the hot one worked late? Fai smirked and sent back a thumbs up.
Where we meeting?
The blonde checked his calendar. He would be at Kyuden.
This club was on the tamer side—it had only opened two years ago and had surprisingly attracted an older crowed. Business men and single 30 something's who had money frequented the joint.
To cater to the more mature taste they usually had live local bands, or comedians preforming. It suited a more distinguished crowed better than thumping music and flashing lights the university students enjoyed. Fai rather liked Kyuden for that reason. Yuto kept it well managed so he didn't have to visit often—but they were looking to remodel the VIP area and Fai needed to approve the budget.
More privet rooms were needed—and more discreet seating.
Fai not only made sure that they had the largest selection of top shelf liquor in all of Tokyo, but at this joint he also staffed an impressive array of ladies to cater to the single gentlemen's needs.
So—like most of his establishments—it was walking the line of not quite legal.
It was far from a gay bar—but it didn't chase that crowd off ether. The could fuck quick in dirty in one of the more privet booths—and Fai could see firsthand the issues with the current layout.
He received a response almost immediately.
See you then.
Fai slipped his phone in his pocket and turned to look in the mirror. He splashed his face with cold water and toweled his hands dry before heading back out to the office. Syaoran—the sweet thing that he was—had returned with not only the ledgers but also what looked to be another coffee for him.
"Thanks, Syao." Fai winked at him and accepted the folder as well as the warm paper cup that smelled like heaven.
"No problem."
Hiring this kid was honestly one of the best decisions he had ever made. Syaoran had started out as one of Fai's 'boys.'
Syaoran was not cut out for moving goods though— but he had needed a job. Fai had taken pity on him and hired the kid as his assistant. It turned out that he was a hard worker and had good taste in coffee, so it worked out for both of them.
He always seemed to know when Fai needed a refill on his latte, a Redbull, or shot of tequila.
The blonde had been though a lot of assistants over the years—that particular skill was a rare talent that Fai greatly appreciated.
Poor thing had made the unfortunate mistake of getting his girlfriend pregnant when they were still in high school, and regrettably, he had been forced to drop out to support them. There little son Tsubasa was too cute and Fai had a soft spot for kids. Syaoran was an honorable little knuckle head—so Fai had also hired his honey to work at his café during the day as a server.
Sakura was ditzy and clumsy, but she made up for that with her kind heart.
The blond sat back down in front of his macbook to focus on what he was supposed to be doing in the first place. His little hit early was doing its job and he powered though the last of the book keeping faster than originally planned.
They had made a profit. He always did—but the numbers were still lower than they had been before Oruha had left a month ago. It wasn't as though the staff had forgotten how to do their jobs—they were simply slacking since there manager was not there to ride them on their duties.
It peeved him… But made him appreciate the hard work of his managers. He wouldn't be able to run his business if it wasn't for their hard work… He couldn't do this for each one of his 22 clubs. Even if he never slept, he wouldn't have enough time to oversee all of the little details.
The blonde made a note to give each one of the managers a bonus. Keeping them happy and right where they were was paramount to making sure no additional responsibilities feel onto his plate.
Fai felt his eyes getting heavy again, his concentration didn't last long. He managed to discreetly excuse himself to the bathroom again and took another bump before he and Syaoran headed out to meet the distributer.
His McLaren 570s was in the parking garage across the street in his reserved spot. Syaoran rode shot gun and Fai put the top down as they pulled out onto the busy street.
Tokyo always had traffic—and after navigating those packed streets for 18 years—he knew the quickest ways to get around town.
They were meeting at one of his warehouses in the industrial district. As soon as they exited downtown, the traffic thankfully died down enough to actually feel some wind in their hair as he cruised the artificially lit streets in a comfortable silence. He pulled up with time to spare and double parked in front of the building.
During the day this place served as a clothing Wearhouse. Fai owned the property and rented it out to some exporter who sold cheap clothing online to rich foreigners. They got the space for cheap and Fai used it after hours for his own needs.
It worked out perfectly as a place to transfer goods, and as far as his intel went, the police had no idea. He switched it up every few weeks whether they were suspicious or not though. He hadn't had a meeting in this particular building in a little over a year.
Two of his enforcers were already waiting for him. Syaoran followed close behind him as they got out of the car and slowly approached Kusanagi and Seshiro. Both were dressed in their usual uniform. Black skin-tight tee and black jeans that served to make their muscles look even more impressive.
Too bad both men were spoken for. Seshiro was currently engaged to one of Fai's managers and Kusanagi had himself a cute little wife at home.
"Evening Sir." The men said in unison and Fai grinned at them.
"Have our guests arrived?"
He didn't expect any trouble. Even outside of Japan the exporters he worked with knew what happened when you crossed him.
If they tried it? Well the night would be a little interesting then now wouldn't it?
"No sir. Fuuma is with them in rout. Traffic." Seshiro returned his smile before opening the door to the Wearhouse.
That was all good and well. Fai could live without being the one fashionably late this time.
The blonde entered with his assistant following close behind him. They made themselves comfortable in one of the offices and waited. Syaoran made some tea and Fai checked his phone.
Kanoe, the manager of Kurōbā had texted him to inform him that one of the bartenders had quite mid shift. They were handling it for now but were going to need to get a decent replacement asap to handle the 4th floor bar.
He had a few promising resumes waiting for a spot, so Fai sent back a text that she needed to set up a meeting with him to go over them to find a suitable replacement. He accepted the meeting request that came in moments later.
Tomorrow at 5pm was early for him… but if she was short staffed, he could do it. Okoku brought in a good amount of money for him and if they had to shut down an entire floor, his pocket book would notice.
Now that that was settled Fai moved on to the next line of business… He opened a text from his step dad praying that it wasn't bad news.
It wasn't that he didn't get along with Taishukuten—not now that he was an adult at least. They just didn't talk unless it was about Ashura. If his stepdad hadn't married Fai's adoptive father, and had simply remained his law partner? Fai would probably avoid him.
After stepping in as a step parent and being put though the ringer by both he and his twin from the time they were first going through the emotional, hormonal, train wreck that was middle school? The feeling of polite annoyance was mutual.
Needless to say—the only time he got a message from the man was when something was wrong.
A picture of his father and… a cat?
They had gone out.
How sweet.
Fai sent back a few hearts. He couldn't tell where they were from the background, but he was glad that Taishakuten had gotten Ashura out of the house. Since the accident his adoptive father had a tendency to stay cooped up in doors more often than not.
Fai saved the photo to his phone and set it as his wall paper. There were too few happy moments in his life recently. He like to have reminders of why he did all of this garbage to begin with.
Tapping the home button, he smiled at the new photo one more time before checking his tinder messages. Nothing else from—oh what was his name?
Well at least his name matched his serious profile picture.
Fai looked through the few photo's the man had attached to his profile and smirked. He hoped Kurogane was as handsome in person as he was in these pictures.
One of him wearing a traditional Hakama was particularly charming. He must be into some sort of martial art—which hopefully meant he was in wonderful shape.
Fai smirked thinking about taking body shots off a well-toned stomach… Maybe this Kuro would be up for some less traditional fun tonight. It might not be the best idea seeing as he would still have work to finish tonight… but it was tempting.
If they clicked Fai thought he might chance an evening off to have some much-needed naughty relaxation in an actual bed. Maybe a ritzy hotel with a jacuzzi and bottle service in the room?
He could tie Kuro-hottie to the headboard and lick whip cream off his most sensitive areas?
"Is something wrong Fai-sama?" Syaoran came back into the office carrying a small tray with two cups of steaming tea—green tea of course—and pulled him out of his fantasies.
"No. I decided to meet someone tonight at Kyuden for a drink." Fai turned the phone so that Syaoran could see the photo of Kuro in his sexy hakama. "Cute ne?"
"If you say so Fai-sama." Syaoran laughed awkwardly and the blonde found himself chuckling.
This poor kid knew way too much about his sex life… Fai was severely allergic to long term commitment but had an obnoxious need for human contact. This caused and interesting predicament that played out in a near constant steam of short flings and one-night stands.
In the last 10 years his longest relationship had lasted a whopping 4 months and ended with him leaving his date at fancy eatery in Paris when they had dropped the L-bomb.
"If you wanted to call it an early night, I wouldn't be mad. I'll have Kusanagi give you a ride home after we finish up here?" The blonde offered with an innocent smile.
As much as he loved having his assistant to vet his phone calls and get him lattes, he didn't need the poor thing waiting around while he got plowed in a semi-privet booth by his date.
He paid him handsomely—but not enough for that.
"Yeah. The baby has a cold and I know Sakura-chan is exhausted from staying up with him." Fai frowned at that. It was that time of year he supposed… But why hadn't Syaoran mentioned it earlier?
"Why don't you have Sakura take the day off tomorrow too? I'll toss her an extra vacation day, so you guys can all take a day to rest." Fai was always lenient when it came to things like this. Surely Syaoran knew all he needed to do was ask and his boss would send him home?
"Are you sure that's ok Fai-sama?" the brunet didn't like to accept charity—the fact that he didn't out right refuse showed just how stressful having sick baby really was. He couldn't relate—probably would never have children—but he had spent enough time around their little tot at the café to know he was a handful when he felt under the weather.
"Yes." Fai confirmed.
Before his assistant had a chance to say anything further Seshiro knocked on the door of the office. Fai sipped his tea as he entered into the cramped room and closed the door behind himself.
Looking out the large window that overlooked the main floor Fai could see that the new distributer was waiting very patiently for them. He had brought a man and a woman with him—it wasn't unusual—normally distributers were accompanied by bodyguards like Fai's enforcers—but not always.
It was ether a show of faith.
Or over confidence.
Only time would tell.
"Are you ready Sir?" Seshiro didn't seem overly concerned.
Must not have found anything alarming on them during the pat down.
Wordlessly Fai stood, and they made their way out of the office. Fai had pulled a serene, emotionless mask onto his face and walked with Syaoran and Seshiro behind him, head held high, eyes blasé.
This was a well-choreographed dance. He had a reputation to maintain after all. It had taken a few years to prefect this particular act, but it had served him well so far.
He wasn't Fai Fluorite—the friendly neighborhood drug ring leader. He was Fai Fluorite—the slightly off his rocker, smiley psychopath that wouldn't think twice about ordering a hit on you or your entire family if you crossed him.
Once he was just close enough to see the individual hairs on the man's head, he offered a pleasant smile. "Its nice to meet you in person Mr. Reed."
Fei Wang Reed did not seem pleased to see Fai. This meeting was to set boundaries after all—and no one liked to be scolded.
"The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Fluorite." Fai could tell that he was forcing a calm tone as he spoke—he could see the anger in his eyes.
He may have just climbed to the top of the food chain in South America—but he was in Fai's house now.
His guests had to play by the rules.
His rules.
Tokyo was a big market after all. Sure—finding a new supplier for coke would be annoying. The stuff he had gotten from Fei Wang Reed's predecessor had been top grade, and Fai's boys had been able to cut and move the stuff faster than he could import it.
This last shipment? Low quality and full of cheap and slightly hazardous additives.
Since Cocaine was the drug of choice of his most wealthy clientele—he was not happy.
He was a drug lord sure—but he wasn't going to lower his standards and start selling low quality, possibly harmful shit to his customers just because he had gotten ripped off. He had built his business on his integrity after all.
"I'm trust you received my return shipment?" Fai made sure that his face was a perfect expression of disinterest. His tone apathetic.
Fai had sent the cheap shit back, along with an invitation to discuss their future business relationship.
"I apologize for the misunderstanding." Reed offered. He didn't shift under Fai's gaze.
He was a ballsy one alright.
Ballsy enough to send a response stating that they had tried to provide him with a service by sending him 'precut' product so that he would be able to get it to his customers sooner.
"And I trust that you have ensured this shipment is what were accustomed to receiving form your office?" If it wasn't, Fai was going to have to teach him a lesson… He would very much prefer that Fei Wang Reed followed his warnings.
"See for yourself." Reed tilted his head to Kusanagi who held out a small sample baggy to Fai.
He had been doing this a long time—and had picked up a few tricks over the years. The first rule of dealing with someone like Fei Wang Reed was assuming they were trying to off you.
It was pretty much the ultimate goal in the business he was in. Currently Fai was the ring leader of the drug trade in the Tokyo metropolitan aria—taking him out would be a big step up for someone like Reed. The respect he would earn from accomplishing such a task would be more them enough to ensure at least a few years of control.
"Syaoran. Please bring that table over here." The blonde motioned to one of the folding tables that was set up against the far wall. Reeds eyes narrowed—no doubt offended—but the blonde didn't care.
His assistant complied quickly. Fai dumped half the powder on to the table and used his Palladium Visa to slide it into one long line. Fai fished out his lucky ¥10,000 note and made quick work of rolling it up and handing it to Fei Wang Reed.
"Cheers!" Fai chimed.
Reed was glaring daggers at him as he accepted the note. Fai didn't buy for one second that this man didn't sample his own products—so he was ether seriously offended—or about to snort his own poison.
He bent, and Fai watched him finish the line in one go before straitening and tipping his head back—snuffing his nose loudly.
So that was a no on the poison then…
Fai pinched the edges of the dime bag between his index finger and thumb forcing the plastic to pucker open. It smelled fine… looked good… apparently not laced with poison…
Fei Wang Reed had apparently come here in the hopes of saving a client. For now, at least.
"Much better than the last shipment." Fai offered, but Reed continued scowling at him.
He would buy enough from the man to smooth his ego over the next year no doubt. Business was business after all. Nothing soothed a bruised ego like regular orders totaling over 50 thousand dollars.
"I am glad that it is up to your standards." Fei Wang Reed managed to keep his tone even, but the blonde could tell that he was seething.
"Yes. Sorry to drag you all the way out to Tokyo for this meeting. I'm sure you understand the importance that were on the same page however." Fai turned and started to walk towards the entrance of the warehouse. "Fuuma will take you to your hotel room. We should grab dinner before you head home."
Reed didn't answer, and Fai didn't look back to see his look of annoyance as he strolled casually out of the building. Seshiro and Fuuma would be keeping a close eye on him for the remainder of his stay.
Kusanagi and Syaoran followed after him. As soon as the door closed Fai heard his assistant let out the breath he had been holding. Even after 6 months he still wasn't used to the tense situations that came with negotiating price and purity.
Poor kid.
Kusanagi had joined him after he had left the military and was not so easily shaken. He placed a reassuring hand on the teens shoulder as soon as they were out of the building. "Once Fai gets outta here I'll take ya home. Give your nerves a brake."
Fai smiled kindly at both of them and checked the time. "Have a good night you two. I'll see you both soon ok?"
"You heading straight to Kyuden then?" Syaoran grabbed his bag out of the passenger seat of his boss's car. He dug out a small can that he offered to the blond.
Just what he needed—more caffeine.
Fai accepted the red bull. He opened the can and sipped it before answering. "Then to Akai Shiro and finally Neko no me Café."
"Please make sure to go home and rest Fai-sama." Syaoran's face was worried as Fai finished off the last of the energy drink and crumpled the can in between his hands before tossing it in a nearby garbage bin.
"I will."
He wouldn't.
Fai wasn't jittery—he existed in a state of perpetual exhaustion these days. His insomnia didn't seem to think he needed any sleep between working 18-20 hours at a time though. He would probably just go home and toss and turn between short naps.
He refused to admit that his poor diet, lack of exercise, coke habit, and the excessive amounts of caffeine he consumed on a regular basis had anything to do with it.
Hopefully Kuro-handsome would tire him out though.
Fai got into his car and backed out of the parking lot slowly. It was almost midnight and the lateness of the hour did nothing to unclog the constantly overcrowded streets.
The drive was tedious, but Fai didn't mind. He did his best thinking when he was stuck in traffic anyways. He ended up putting the top back up on the Mclaren and blasting the music.
There was a lot for him to think about. The café was doing well for only being open for a year—and a food critic was going to by tomorrow to write an article about them. He had to do the prep work for Toya so he could really wow him or her.
The good press might bring in enough new clients to fund the opening of a second café… Yuuko, his personal attorney and impromptu life coach, had warned him to keep the funds for the Neko no me Café completely separate from the rest of his affairs, as it was the only joint that had nothing shady going on.
He was building his safety net should things go south with his more lucrative clubs.
In reality he was hoping that he could eventually manage his expenses with the café's profits alone and sell off the riskier side of his business to be done with the madness of it all. The novelty had worn off years ago and he was getting to old to deal with the constant power struggles, and import/distribution issues anymore.
It was affecting his mental health drastically.
His family was starting to notice… Ask questions… it was all becoming so terribly complicated.
When he had first dropped out of college to deal, he had resigned himself to the fact that he would probably end up this way. Even the best of them did. It was a hard field to be in… But he couldn't help hoping that maybe there could be more to his life then working 100-hour weeks.
Fai sighed loudly as he pulled in front of Kyuden and tossed the key fob at the bouncer. There was no line outside the door like most of the clubs he owned—Kyuden was slower. There VIP tables were booked up most nights though and even with less foot traffic, Yuto pulled in a nice profit for him.
They sold more skin then booze here.
The blonde pushed the heavy wooden door open and smiled kindly at the hostess who greeted him. She knew who he was. They all did.
"I have someone important meeting me here for a drink soon. His name is Kurogane. I'll be at my usual table." Fai flashed her the profile picture and she gave him a knowing smile and nodded—making a note of his name on her list.
With that taken care of Fai headed in through to the main bar and headed straight up the stairs to the balconied VIP section. Yuto had been behind the bar mixing drinks for an older couple but nodded his acknowledgement before continuing what he was doing.
The most privet booth had been reserved for him when he had announced that he would be stopping by to talk budgets tonight. It worked well for a privet conversation about finances, as well as some hot and haughty alone time with his date.
Hopefully he wasn't shy.
Fai took out his phone and sent a quick message to Kuro-muscles.
I got us a booth.
Let the hostess know you're here to meet me.
she will bring you back.
While he waited Fai ordered a black coffee and stood to refamiliarize himself with the layout of the upper level of the club. There wasn't much unused space to work with… but they could probably move some things around to suit the guests needs better.
As it was—most of the tables had a wonderful view of the stage down below—but no view of the other patrons. That seating was rather limited however… only so much room.
The blond rubbed his temples and checked his phone again.
Be there in 5.
Fai finished of his coffee and double checked his appearance in front facing camera of his phone. The waitress swung by and collected the empty mug and left two drink menus in its place—and he was left watching the entrance of the club impatiently.
True to his word. Kuro-sexy arrived in five-ish minutes.
Dear god was he tall.
Kurogane towered over the hostess who had been just a few inches shorten then himself in her heels. He looked uninterested as she flashed him a flirtatious smile and Fai was left smirking as he followed her though the main bar and up the stairs.
He made himself look busy by checking his phone as they made the rest of the trip to the far end of the VIP section. He could hear his heavy footfalls as they approached but didn't look up from what he was doing just yet.
He didn't want to look thirsty—even if he was.
Kuro-hunk didn't need to know how desperate he was. It would probably be a huge turn off.
"Here you are sir. The waitress will be by shortly to take your order." As they were trained to do, the hostess bowed deeply and Kurogane thanked her before sliding into the circular booth next to the blond, Leaving a respectful amount of space between them.
She left them be, and only then did Fai look up from his phone to flash his most dazzling smile. "Thanks for agreeing to meet me on such short notice."
"Yeah." Kurogane was looking him over carefully and Fai just continued to smile. He knew he was exotic looking compared to your average person here. He had been born overseas after all.
Maybe Kuro-broad had a fetish for blondes?
"Something wrong?" He kept his voice purposefully sweet and tilted his head slightly to the side.
"Not really. You normally dress like that?" The raven-haired man's voice was deep. Wonderfully deep.
Fai glanced down at his outfit. Yes—yes, he did. He was almost always dressed in a three-piece suit.
"Work cloths." He confirmed and Kurogane nodded. Still watching him with piecing crimson eyes.
Fai hadn't noticed his eyes in his profile picture, but they were stunning.
There was another long silence between them and Fai was starting to wonder if something was amiss? Something in his teeth?
He was hot, but for Christ sake. You would think he had sprouted a second head with the way Kurogane was scrutinizing him.
"I don't mean to be rude—" the tanned man finally spoke. "—and don't get me wrong I think you're… You're fucking beautiful. But why the fuck are you, of all people on a hookup app?"
Fai smiled. That was not the first time he had been asked this on a date before. Especially if they saw him pull up in one of his expensive cars—or when he ordered the most expensive menu items.
He made a point not to allude to being well off financially before he met someone the first time. It attracted the wrong crowd.
"Trying to find out what's wrong with me?" the blond gave a mischievous smirk, his nose wrinkling with amusement at the younger man's words.
"Tch. Pretty fucking much." Kurogane finally glanced over the menu and Fai shook his head slowly.
Such a potty mouth.
"I'm an emotional wreck who works 80+ hour weeks and I'm in desperate need of a good orgasm for my sanity." Fai deadpanned, and those crimson eyes locked with his own.
He saw the younger man's ears tinge red at his directness.
Ugh. How freaking cute.
"What about you Kuro-handsome… Why is someone so—" Fai gestured vaguely in the man's general direction and smirked. "—surely you must have gentlemen such as myself—well you know." The blond winked, and the blush spread to the taller man's cheeks.
Oh god. Why was he so cute?
"Same, minus the emotional wreck part. I moved here and I'm working late shifts so it's hard to meet people… And my name is Kurogane." Kuro-proper set the menu aside and the waitress took that as her que to interrupt them for their order.
"Let Yuto know I'll have his recommended scotch. Neat please—" Fai looked at his companion and cooed. "And this handsome gentleman here will have—?"
The red spread further on his cheeks still and he swore he saw Kurogane's eyebrow twitch. "Masumi sake."
The woman nodded politely—used to Fai's flirtatious behavior with his 'guests.' She retreated to retrieve their drinks leaving him to continue to smile at the seemingly grumpy man if front of him.
"So, you just moved to Tokyo?" Fai said to break the silence.
Normally there was a hand down his pants by now and a few hikies on his neck. It seemed as though his companion was ether shy, or unhappy about something.
That was ok—he knew he had a tendency to intimidate people—younger men especially. They could chitchat till Kuro-cutie was comfortable.
"I moved here about a month ago from a smaller town just outside of Tokyo." Kurogane seemed to settle from his earlier embarrassment. He was still handsome even when he wasn't trying to hide his awkwardness, so Fai wouldn't complain.
"I see. And how do you like it so far?" Fai had met more than a few new arrivals to Tokyo since had started whoring his way through Tinder almost two years ago. A few university students—some art enthusiasts—young business man—they all had their reasons.
"I hate it. The rents expensive and there are way too many people. Its dirty and its always loud." Fai blinked a few times.
He wasn't wrong.
The blonde chuckled at that answer though. Kurogane really was no nonsense and Fai liked it.
"So, what brought you to Tokyo then if you dislike it so much?" The blonde had lived here his entire life, so he was used to the hustle and bustle of big city life—he knew it was off putting to some.
"Work. I'm hoping I don't have to stay for long." Well that was that Fai supposed—Tokyo wasn't for everyone—and it meant that Kuro-cranky wasn't looking for love.
"You have an accent. Were you born here?" Kurogane asked when Fai didn't immediately respond to his earlier statement. He was staring at his body again—the blonde's suit was well tailored but in the darkness of the room it would be hard to tell what he had going on under the layers of fabric.
"No. I was born overseas. My father adopted me when I was little. This has been my home for the last 29 years."
A lot had happened in 29 years…
"Shit. How old are you?"
Fai was sure that out of the sparse information that he had included on his profile he had at least provided the fact that he was into boys and his age… that's all the information there was about him…
"I'm 33."
"Damn. I thought that was a typo. You sure as hell don't look 33." It was Fai's turn to laugh uncomfortably.
He was fine with an age gap for something like this. They were both consenting adults—and seemingly attracted to each other. Anyway, he actually preferred his partners younger then himself. He would rather play the roll of sugar daddy vs. sugar baby with the people he dated.
No matter how casual the relationship, or who toped whom.
"I'll take that as a compliment I suppose."
Kurogane's checks flushed again and he scrubbed at his face roughly with both of his hands.
"—I didn't mean— you're fine. I didn't mean to make you think there was anything wrong with that. It ah—just surprised me is all." Those crimson eyes fell to stare at his tanned hands and Fai tried not to grin too widely.
Kuro-shy was adorable. He shouldn't tease him too badly else he may scare him off.
"You've never done anything like this before have you?" the blonde chanced reaching his hand out to place it over the younger mans in an attempt to comfort him.
He didn't flinch at the platonic touch. That was good right?
"This is the first time I've actually met someone off tinder in person." Kurogane admitted.
No wonder he was so nervous.
"Well there is a first time for everything. We aren't going to do anything you don't 100% agree to. We can just have a drink and talk if you want?" Fai really wanted to get his clothes off and ride his dick until he saw stars. But only if Kurogane wanted to pound him till he couldn't walk right.
Fai had enough people trying to get in his pants without having to pressure his date into sex.
"Its not… Fuck. It's not like that ok?" the raven-haired man seemed to get even more flustered and Fai's amusement tuned to confusion.
What the hell was it then?
Tonight was not supposed to be this complicated.
"I'm not some sniffling virgin-" Kurogane locked eyes with Fai and glared hard. "You're just… not what I'm used to. That's not a bad thing I just don't… want to do the wrong thing."
"Oh." Fai said.
Not what he was expecting? What was he expecting then?
"Are you pleasantly surprised or moderately disappointed Kuro-muscle?" Fai offered in a teasing tone as the waitress brought there drinks back to them. Fai thanked her for the both of them and took a nice log sip of his scotch.
"Both. You're hot as fuck but annoying as hell. And my name is Kurogane." His companion sipped his sake and watched Fai with sharp eyes.
"Whaa? Kuro-meanie thinks I'm annoying? I was only concerned for your feelings…" he said a little too loudly in a whining pout.
"Are you some kind of idiot or something? Ku-ro-ga-ne." those red eyes were glaring sharper still and Fai chuckled. They were almost sharp enough to cut paper.
It shouldn't be so much fun to get a rise out of him.
"Kuro-gane. It's not that hard." His eyebrow was twitching now, and Fai had to bite the inside of his cheek to hold back his grin.
"Kuro-pii?" the blond said innocently and sipped his drink again.
"Jesus Christ…" the younger man rubbed at his temple. "Say it with me. Kuro—"
"Kuro—" Fai chimed happily.
"—Gane." He repeated the second half of his name slowly. "Kuro—gane." Spoken with extra emphasis on the 'gane' part.
"Kuro-myuu?" Fai offered. He swore he could see a bit of his dates soul die as those words left his lips.
"Fuck me…." Kurogane was looking at him in disbelief. The blond wasn't sure if he actually thought him incapable of speaking his name properly, or if he knew the older man was pushing his buttons on purpose.
The fact that it was hard to tell was gloriously amusing.
Had no one ever teased this poor guy in his life? Fai was having far too much fun doing it now.
"Gladly." He made sure to keep his expression as neutral as possible while the younger man's face flushed beat red.
"Shut up!" Kuro-bashful huffed and looked away and Fai raised a single, impeccably manicured eyebrow at him. "You're a fucking weirdo you know that! That's what's wrong with you!"
Fai simply sipped his scotch and swished the earthy liquid around in his mouth, before swallowing it.
There was way more wrong with him then they had time to discuss—so he settled for continuing to tease his new friend mercilessly.
"I think I know what you meant by me not being what you expected."
Those red eyes flashed back to look over at him again and the blond gave a devilish smirk.
He thought about what he was going to say next carefully. He wanted to see those tanned cheeks blush dark enough that Kurogane looked like a delectably embarrassed tomato.
"You saw my picture and imagined a shy little blonde foreigner clinging onto you and blushing like a meek little bottom didn't know?" Fai always attracted that type.
He could play innocent if he was feeling it—but he had done things that would make your mother roll in her grave.
Kurogane seemed suddenly petrified by Fai's words as he continued to speak in a singsong tone. "Then you met me and realized I'm older then you and more experienced. I'm definitely not meek—I am not the one who has been blushing tonight—and you start to wonder how things would work out if we had sex right?"
Kurogane remained silent and Fai leaned in close enough to whisper hotly in his ear. "You're totally freaked out that your aroused right now—even though it might mean taking it up the ass from a pretty blond foreigner. Right Kuro-honey?"
"Shut—Shut up." Kuro-manly pushed Fai roughly away and the blond burst into a fit of giggles.
It was so much fun teasing Kurogane that it should be illegal…
"I don't see what's so fucking funny here blondie." The look of pure shame induced hatred was just too much and Fai covered his mouth with one of his hands in an attempt to get himself under control.
"I'm right aren't I?"
"I swear to god blondie if you don't shut the fuck up right now, I'm going to make you regret it."
Fai took another sip of his liquor. The distinct harsh taste helped distract him as he tried to think of what could put his potential lover at ease. When the last of the giggles had wiggled free of his throat, he slid closer to Kuro-baby again, so that their thighs were touching.
"I'm flattered that you think I'm so attractive you would let me fuck you Kuro-sexy." Fai drew out his words seductively and nipped at his junior's neck playfully. "But I have never had any desire to top anyone—definitely not someone as��" Fai sucked slowly on his neck this time. "—impressively tall and broad as yourself."
Kurogane shivered. Fai didn't know if was from sheer arousal or relief at knowing he wouldn't being trying anything too different tonight. Both were likely seeing the massive hard on bulging rather obviously in the man's jeans.
"I could perhaps be convinced to bend you the table and make you my bitch—But only if you beg me of course." Fai added as he looked up at Kurogane though heavy lashes.
"You're a fucking bastard you know what?" Fai yelped as he felt a muscular arm slide around his waist and pulled him close so that he was pressed firmly against Kurogane's hot body.
God he was big.
"You're not the first to tell me. It's not a secret." Fai sighed as his date ran a hand all the way up his side—applying just enough pressure to tickle through the layers of fabric—right to his neck, callused fingers brushing the sensitive skin in a surprisingly gentle manner.
Kurogane used his free hand to sip his sake and Fai was suddenly aware of just how horny he really was from just those chaste touches.
He hoped he didn't embarrass himself…
The waitress returned with a tray carrying another neat scotch and Masumi sake. She set both of them on the table—along with a suspicious number of napkins—and pulled the curtain that covered the entrance of the booth closed.
Kurogane looked confused and Fai used the opportunity to crawl into his lap—swinging his leg into position so that he and his date were nose to nose.
Fai didn't want to explain to him why there were privacy curtains on the booths—or that the waitress had closed the curtain because there flirting was probably catching other patron's attention. That would just ruin the mood.
Instead he closed the distance between their lips and kissed him sweetly. Fai would let Kurogane take the lead for how he wanted this to go. If that would make his lover more comfortable, Fai would roll with it. he relaxed into the taller man's chest and simply enjoyed as his senses as took his partner in.
Kuro-koi was warm. His skin felt hot against Fai's chilly fingers as he trailed them up and down his strong arms. He smelled clean—like aftershave and fresh laundry—and his lips were flavored with the sake he had been sipping.
All in all, he was intoxicating.
Kurogane seemed to get the picture and brought one hand up to tangle in the blonde's soft hair and used the other to lift his ass and scooch their bodies even closer, so that the smaller of the two had to crane his neck to keep their lips connected in the heated smooch.
Fai couldn't help the soft sighs he was making as Kuro-chi massaged his scalp and ran his fingers though his short locks while they kissed. The younger seemed to notice his fondness for that particular action and so continued to so even after their kiss broke.
The hand that had previously been on his ass started to loosen Fai's tie and the smaller man was biting his bottom lip while he watched Kurogane pull the decorative fabric fee and let it hang around his shoulders loosely. Next was the vest—but this required two hands—and Fai gave a disappointed whine as the he worked the layers of his clothing free.
Fai shivered from a combination of cool air of the room touching his previously covered skin, and his lover's hot hands ghosting over the sensitive flesh as he slowly worked the buttons of his dress shirt free.
His gaze had stayed transfixed on Kurogane's hands while they finished their task. The blonde considered what those hands would look like rubbing up and down his chest, and over the sensitive skin if his thighs.
An involuntary soft moan escaped his lips and he closed his eyes to picture it further as the younger continued to carefully undo each and every button with care. Fai didn't know it was because his hands were so big that he had a hard time with the little buttons—or if he was savoring the moment.
He didn't care ether way. He was enjoying himself.
Eventually the last button came free and Fai heard Kurogane growl as all three layers of his clothing were push off his small frame at once. Suit coat, vest, and dress shirt sliding to the floor underneath the table, forgotten.
"Shit." Kurogane leaned back and looked down at him. Fai was panting as he was observed though half lidded, hungry crimson eyes.
"Shit." he repeated as those hot hands were hesitantly placed on either side of the blonde's torso—just above the hem of his pants—and Kurogane bit his lip as he slowly ran them up and his naked skin, leaving goose flesh in his wake.
"Thank you?" Fai smiled at him and Kuro-swear at least had the decency to look slightly embarrassed at his language.
"Beautiful." He corrected, and it was Fai's turn to flush.
He had been called beautiful before—usually by woman with perhaps a handful of men offering those words to him—but never in the middle of sex with a Greek god of a man looking at his body like he was thanksgiving dinner.
Fai shuttered and closed his eyes. His entire body was feeling hot—he wasn't used to his skin being this sensitive but the raven haired man's feather light touches were driving him crazy.
He couldn't remember the last time he had had sex this good—and they hadn't even gotten to the actual fucking part yet.
This was not his usual quick and dirty hook up he got off tinder, and he didn't know if that was a good thing or not. Normal there was a few minutes of sloppy kissing before Fai got pushed against a wall, or bent over a table, and fucked hard and fast. Occasionally it ended with him getting sucked off if he needed a little extra help to finish…
No one had ever freaking worshiped his body with hungry eyes like Kurogane was currently doing. He had bent forward and was currently swirling his tongue around one of Fai's nipples while his finger gently massaged the other, alternating between rubbing the areola and pinching the tender skin between his thumb and index finger.
Applying just enough pressure to make Fai squirm his hips in the younger man's lap. He was acutely aware that this was not the most privet of setting and the blond mentally kicked himself for not finding them a better place to continue.
Fai wanted his lover very naked right now. Naked and on top of him—inside of him.
He didn't want to focus all of his attention on being quite—he wanted to scream in pleasure and curse his lover for making him feel so undone.
Not in the middle of his club though—definitely not in front of his employees. To ensure he didn't draw too much attention to himself, Fai was coving his mouth with one of his hands—his other fisting into Kuro-tease's tee-shirt.
All of these sensations were too much but in a wonderfully, overwhelmingly, delicious way that made him want to crawl out of his own skin.
Kind of like when you went to chiropractor—and their adjustments just hurt so fucking right.
Fai tugged particularly hard at Kurogane's tee and the younger stopped his intoxicating little nips and kisses to look at Fai.
"Do you uh… really wanna…?" Kurogane ground his erection against Fai's ass as if to finish the unspoken question and Fai whimpered and nodded his head quickly.
He was sure he was going to die after all of that teasing. He needed release.
"You wanna do it… here? I don't have any lube or a condo—" Fai silenced him with a sloppy kiss.
"Fuck the lube just use spit." Fai ground their hips together and Kurogane growled at the contact.
"And the condom?"
Fai would defiantly prefer it if they didn't use one—but now was not the time to push that issue. While he only ever used protection when his partner requested, he always came prepared.
"Wallet." His words came out in a breathy sigh while he shifted to regain the black leather Dunhill wallet. He retrieved the shiny metal wrapper and handed it to Kurogane before tossing his wallet back on the table.
To his surprise—the taller man set it aside and those hot hands run up his sides again and pulled Fai forward and the taller man kissed his way down the blonde's neck. Every move he made was smooth, paced, thoroughly deliberate, and it was intoxicating.
Kurogane ran those hot hands back down his sides, dragging his nails lightly across the smooth pail skin, then up his back. Massaging small circles in the tight muscles as he went. Fai was left again gripping uselessly onto his cloths and shifting his hips back and forth to create an enticing friction.
Eventually with enough quite whines Kurogane kissed his lips a little more roughly and reached for the blonde's belt. The buckle came loose with a little work and Fai shifted onto his knees so that he was eye level with his lover.
Their position was unfortunately awkward considering their tight quarters and the inconvenience of clothing. Fai didn't want to get completely naked in public like this… that wasn't a good call.
Again, he mentally kicked himself for not planning this better.
Kuro-crafty seemed to be content to make it work and Fai didn't question him when he was presented with three very large fingers. The blonde gave his best sultry look as sucked them with a little more force then needed.
Kurogane watched him with famished eyes—Fai hoped that he was thinking about what it would be like to have him sucking someplace a little more pleasant. His mind wondered back to his earlier musings about whip cream and a little rope and he moaned a little too loudly.
It was a much more—vivid—picture from the taller man's lap.
There was no need for fantasies when he had the real thing in front of him right now though.
Once he had meticulously coated Kurogane's fingers with saliva he closed his eyes and tried to relax as he felt that same hand slide down the back of his slacks. Kurogane probed at his entrance while nipping and kissing his way down Fai's neck and the overwhelming sensation of the hot breath puffing against his skin, and the gentle pressure of those slick fingers made him squirm.
The feeling of wanting to crawl out of his skin was back and his own breath of coming out in airy gasps before there had even been any penetration at all. At this rate he was going to cum—and that was embarrassing.
He wasn't used to someone being able to make his body react this way.
The first finger entered his body smoothly and Fai leaned forward to burry his face in the crook of Kurogane's neck to muffle his moan when he crooked it just right. The blonde swore he could hear a satisfied smirk in the younger man's next low growl.
Fai could only assume what he looked like right now. On his knees hovering above Kurogane's lap—ass out—leaning forward with arms wrapped around strong shoulders.
Sure, he could ruin the picture that his lover seemed so pleased with if he wanted to. That didn't sound like very much fun—so Fai let Kurogane continue to lead their little dance for now and closed his eyes to enjoy the feeling of strong fingers slowly stretching him.
A second finger was added and the taller mans free hand moved to tug down the front of Fai's boxers to free his arousal. His entire body shivered as Kurogane touched his cock just like he had been touching the rest of him.
Who would have thought him such a fucking tease?
Fai loved it.
A little more pressure was applied as Kurogane was smoothly running a closed fist up and down his length while the third finger was added. Fai had taken to kissing and sucking at Kuro-koi's thick neck and bit him rather roughly as he hit that bundle of nerves that threatened to put Fai over the edge.
"I take it—" Kurogane brushed it again while swiping his thumb over the head of the blonde's cock. "—that's the spot?"
"If you keep that up, I'm going to—"
"Do it." Kurogane massaged his prostate with a little more pressure and quickened the pace of his other hand and Fai unwrapped his arms and leaned his weight back so that he could kiss his lover.
"What about?" his eyes flickered down to the painfully obvious hard on in the younger man's jeans.
"Don't worry about that right now. I want to see you cum." Kurogane's voice came out in a low growl that caused Fai to shudder again.
"And is Kuro-sama usually such a gracious lover or do you just like to watch?" Fai leaned back into the raven haired man's touches, encouraging him to increase the pressure a smidge more.
He didn't answer—but Fai could assume from the way those eyes were watched the smaller man's hips moving provocatively—that he may have found a cute kink.
He could defiantly get into this.
Fai sucking in a deep breath though his nose and held it for a moment, in an attempt to get better control of the tingling in his cock. Not yet—this was too good to end yet.
The blonde made a show of using a single finger to tilt Kurogane's chin up, forcing their eyes to meet, before using the other hand to drag up his own torso. As he had expected—those crimson eyes locked in on what he was doing to himself.
Fai left a frustrated pout on his face while he closed his eyes and tiled his head back. With his own hand he traced up his sensitive side, traced over his protruding collar bones, ran them over his own erect nipples.
It felt nice—almost as nice as when Kurogane had done it for him earlier.
It must have looked nice too because he felt the younger man shift below him and sigh. The grip on the blonde's dick was firmer, and he was jerking him off faster now—matching the way he was moving his fingers.
Fai was bracing himself against the tanned man with a hand on his very warm, very broad chest. Said hand fisted in to the fabric, nails digging into his skin as Fai was hit with a sudden waive of pleasure that he wasn't expecting.
He came hard, back arching in an impressive show of flexibility as he covered his breathy gasps with his hand. Streams of sticky, hot cum shot out of him as he felt his member jolt.
Kurogane didn't seem to mind the mess that had spattered his clothing and continued to move his hands as his lover orgasmed.
When the last of pleasurable spasms washed over Fai's body the raven-haired man withdrew his fingers and reached for the napkins the waitress had so kindly provided them and started to wipe away the mess.
The blonde tugged his slacks up a little higher, so he wasn't as exposed, and shifted to sit next to him. Fai sipped his scotch and tried to think just how he was going to pay this little scamp back for that.
He hadn't expected this to take as long as it was—but this wasn't an unpleasant surprise by any means.
Slowly he leaned down to grab his clothing that was currently rumpled by Kurogane's feet and tossed them to the other side of the booth before sliding down to take their place.
"Hey, you don't have to—" Kurogane gave him a surprised look.
"I want to." Fai cut him off and placed his delicate hands on the man's belt buckle—pausing for permission.
Kurogane gave a nod and watched with wrapped interest as Fai turned his attention to the pesky cloths that was hiding his prize. He had popped more than a few belts in his day—and Fai was marveling and the younger man's impressive manhood within seconds.
The blonde licked at the impressive amount of precum that had collected at the head of his dates cock and concluded that Kuro-myuu had been enjoying himself with his earlier teasing. It was the blondes turn to make his partner squirm now though—and given their sizable age difference—he had a lot more experience doing just that.
Swirling his tongue around the head he slid both of his hands up under the hem of the dark shirt that was marring his perfect view of Kuro-love's no doubt impressive stomach.
And what a sight it was.
He was definitely going to need a night to admire this body in all its glory.
Fai took more of his lover into his mouth and sucked hard. Smirking around his cock, the blonde's blue eyes flickered up to see Kurogane's face, and he was not disappointed. Those red eyes were still watching him—only instead of being heavy with hunger—they were half lidded with need.
Fai closed his eyes and relaxed his throat and impressed himself by taking the entirety of his date manhood. Humming softly, he opened his eyes again and felt Kuro-wan twitch when their gaze met again.
Fai felt heat rushing back down between his own legs and he reached a hand down to slide inside of his own boxers.
Leaning his head back the blond applied just enough pressure with his lips to get his first moan. Kurogane raised a hand to tangle into his short locks and watched as Fai swished his tongue over the tip.
"Kuro-chan tastes good." He purred and felt the fingers in his hair tighten uncomfortably.
"It's Kurogane damm—Fuck…" Fai cut him off by sucking hard on the head of his penis and giving him an innocent look before closing his eyes and bobbing his head up and down.
It continued on like that. The older man earned quite a few moans and curses from the younger any time he would glace up or make a show of what he was doing. Fai could feel Kurogane getting close a few times—his cock was twitching with need—and he made sure to switch things up enough to keep this little game going for as long as he could.
He had been in the middle of deep throating his lover when he felt a tug at his hair. His eyes flickered up to see the taller man motion for him to come up with his free hand.
Slightly disappointed at not getting to show off the rest of his oral skills with the big finally, he climbed up from under the table.
He was letting Kuro-handsome be the boss. He had to remember.
Fai settled in the booth next to the raven-haired man and relished in the feeling off Kurogane's hands on his cool cheeks as he kissed him roughly.
"Not that that wasn't fucking amazing…" he let his words trail off and he kissed Fai more insistently. "I just really wanted to fuck you."
"By all means Kuro-chan." Fai cooed.
That had been the ultimate go of all of this hadn't it?
The blonde could tell that his date was much more excited now then he had been at the beginning of their little necking session. His hands moved with fervor as he tugged him into position and Fai found himself on his knees—hands gripping the top of the high back booth while his partner wracked hands over his body and kissed his neck.
He had already cum once tonight, but he was more than ready for round two.
He could here Kurogane opening the condom and adjusted his own clothing so that his lover would have better access to where he needed to be.
Fai held his breath as Kurogane slowly entered him—one of those hot hands on his left hip—the other on his right shoulder.
The blonde winced a little—Kurogane was definitely well endowed and prelubricated condom or no—it would unquestionably be more comfortable if they had come a little better equipped.
His discomfort was quickly forgotten when Kurogane reached around and grabbed his throbbing cock, however. After a few seconds of adjustment time—he set a brutally brilliant rhythm for them that had Fai breathless.
Was it possible to be addicted to a sensation? Because Fai was sure no other feeling in the world was quite like the feeling of Kurogane fucking him in this booth.
They were both exceedingly careful to stay quite—for Fai that meant again covering his mouth with one hand while he tried to hang onto the back of the booth with the other. Between his own muffles sighs and whimpers he could here Kurogane legitimately growling as he thrusted into him and it was honestly the most erotic thing that had ever happened to him.
Fai came shockingly fast and was sure his eyes were rolling into the back of his head from the hot waves of pleaser that were slamming into him with every thrust. Kurgoane followed not long after and the blonde found himself grinning as he came with a stream of curse words whispered under his breath.
Oh yes… this had been just what Fai needed.
Kurogane pulled out carefully and handed Fai a few of the napkins before cleaning himself up. Fai hadn't expected to be pulled back into his dates lap after they had finished—and he especially didn't expect to get a soft kiss on the neck and his drink handed to him.
"You're awfully sweet Kuro-puu." Normally Fai wouldn't tolerate such affections after a hookup—but he was starting to get tired and Kurogane was really very comfortable.
Besides they still had drinks to finish.
"Not really. What do you expect me to do? Zip my jeans and ditch after I just fucked you?" Kurogane sipped his sake and Fai rolled his eyes.
Yes. That is usually how these things went.
"That's normally close to how it goes. If I didn't know any better, I would think you had a crush on me." Fai leaned his head on his dates strong shoulders and yawned.
He was going to need to find somewhere privet to refresh soon.
"Fuck that. You're hot but I can tell your fucking insane."
Fai snorted. Good observation kid.
"You're not wrong there Kuro-woof." Fai tipped his head back and finished off the rest of his drink. He could vaguely here his stepfather scolding him in the back of his mind for not savoring the flavor of such an expensive scotch – but Fai only drank the stuff because he liked how it smelled. Besides the sooner they finished there drinks the sooner he could go top up.
"It's Kurogane you freak." The taller man fallowed suit and knocked back the rest of his drink. "Hey, you know where the bathroom is here? I gotta clean up a bit."
The blonde's eyes flickered to his soiled clothing and frowned. Yeah—that would be for the best.
"Sure. Just a sec ok?" Fai grabbed his own clothing and quickly buttoned up his dress shirt, tucking it in and fixing his belt in an attempt to look a little less sex rumpled. He didn't think he was pulling it off, and draped his vest, tie, and jacket over his arm and stood.
Kurogane watched him lazily and followed him out of the booth. Fai was reminded of his date's glorious height and smirked as he led them though the winding booths, back down the stairs, and past the door that very clearly read 'employees only.'
"Hey, is it ok if were back here?" Kurogane looked around curiously as Fai led him past the store room, back past the brake room, and into the employee bathroom.
"I work here silly." Fai winked at him, holding the door open for the younger man.
"You seriously screwed someone at your job? Your boss is cool with that?" Kurogane entered the room and looked at himself in the mirror. The dried cum on his shirt and pants stood out against his black clothing.
Fai didn't answer as he followed him in and started to fix his own clothing. The lighting was dim enough in the club that no one would notice. The light provided from the street lamps weren't much better, so it wasn't the end of the world.
"What are you doing after this?" Kurogane asked as he used a damp paper towel to try and get some of the evidence washed away.
"Going back to work." Fai made quick work of redressing. This wasn't the first time he had had to salvage a wrinkled outfit—wouldn't be the last.
"Fuck. Good luck with that." Kurogane gave up and tossed the paper towel in the trash and turned to lean against the sink and watch him.
"I take it your nightly excursions are over Kuro-tan?" Fai tightened his tie and pulled out his cell phone.
Ugh. He was starting to regret sending Syaoran home…
The blonde ignored the text messages and emails that had flooded in since his arrival at Kyuden and went to his contacts. Opening up a blank card he handed his phone to his date and smiled.
"If you don't mind Kuro-cutie." Kurogane took his phone and gingerly entered his name and number into his phone and handed it back. "Thank you sir."
The blond stepped close to the taller man and pressed his back against Kurogane's chest. Lifting his phone up above both of there heads he gave a dazzling smile and cooed. "Say Cheeses Kuro-scowl!"
Of course—Kurogane didn't comply and instead of a selfie with two gentlemen smiling happily in a post sex glow—they ended up with one man smiling in a post sex glow, and one glaring so hard one would expect the camera to shatter.
And wasn't that perfect?
"Whaa! Look how cute we are?" Fai teased as he set the photo as Kurogane's contact picture. He also sent it to the younger man, so he would have the blonde's number.
"You are such a fucking weirdo." Kurogane growled at him but checked his phone as soon as the message came though non the less.
"Yes—but I am a hot weirdo." The blonde reminded before turning to lead them both back out to the main room of the club.
Fai tossed his cc on the bar as they passed Yuto and walked Kurogane back out to the street. "I ordered you an Uber."
"you didn't need to do that or pay for the drink you know?" the raven-haired man sighed and glared daggers at him.
"What's the point of seeing and older man if they don't pick up the tab?" The blonde teased and Kurogane gave him a slightly scandalized look.
"Hey! That's not what this was about!" Fai laughed. Kurogane was practically stomping his feet in frustration.
Luckily for the younger man, the cab pulled up and Fai graciously opened the back door for him.
Once the cab had pulled away Fai went back inside—he just had to get though the rest of the night… He could do this.
13 notes · View notes
How to Stock Your Pantry for the Semi-Apocalypse*
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It’s been a rough couple of weeks for many of my friends in the United States, what with the pestilence, the lack of leadership, the hoarding in the supermarkets, and it’s not even the post-Apocalyptic dystopian future we were promised.
However, what’s been slowly creeping into my Facebook feed of late are the first hints of food boredom.
Even those who can afford to order in their favorite Chinese or Mexican, those menus are getting a bit long in the tooth. What once was an “every couple of weeks” guilty pleasure of General Tsao’s chicken, “special” fried rice and a bottle of your favorite twist-off cap Shiraz has lost its charm.
Anyone who follows my Instagram account knows that nothing comes between me, food and cocktails. I’m the guy who when answering the questionnaire at a new doctor’s office warily counters the “how many alcoholic drinks do you have a week” inquiry with a defensive, “Why do you need to know?”
“I hear you like to cook?” I’m often asked when being introduced to new friends and colleagues and my go-to answer is, “Yes, but I prefer to eat.”
And that’s why I cook. I wish I could say I find cooking to be this relaxing past-time, where I spend anywhere from 15-minutes to several hours whipping up a quick pasta sauce or creating a complex Indian curry, listening to Adelle or Carly Simon—a glass of Muscadet in hand. But, no. Cooking, for me, is an ordeal and a means to an end.
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Homemade beef pho broth.
But that’s doesn’t mean it can’t be somewhat enjoyable; your food doesn’t have to be predictable or monotonous. And, if you’re going to be confined to your home for three to four weeks, this is where you have to improvise, to grab the whisk by the handle and make the magic happen.
The Basics
First, if you’re entering week three of isolation and it’s time to hit the markets, let’s think smart and make sure your fridge and pantry are stocked with the vitals. If you have food allergies or adopted a lifestyle that has dietary restrictions, please, swap out as needed.
Some of you have been furloughed or lost your jobs, so this is a reasonably priced list offering staples that will last a long time and give days, if not weeks, and in some cases, months of value. Buy what you feel is necessary. As Stephen Casuto, host and creator of one of my favorite cooking shows, Not Another Cooking Show, says, “You, do you.”
“Table salt is disgusting and should only be used for rubbing into the wounds of your enemies.”
The Carbs:
Pasta — enough for at least six meals for two people with leftovers, or three meals for four people (spaghetti/linguini and some kind of tube or macaroni—rotini, fusilli. etc.)
Rice — My old standby is Jasmine rice. Prepared properly it can be used in all kinds of dishes—plain, Mexican, Spanish, Asian, Indian, Italian.
The Vegetables:
Potatoes—Technically, a carb, but, hey. Both waxy (Yuko Golds, Red Bliss or similar) and floury (Idaho, Russet or similar). Keep in a cool, dry drawer, these can last for weeks if stored properly.
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Preparing the base for a Pasta Fagioli soup.
Carrots—Large ones with their greens preferred, but if the hoarders have bought all those, then freakish manicured baby carrots.
Tomatoes—firm, preferably on the vine and not quite ripe yet. Only get about four to six so you will use them and they won’t rot and go to waste. Great for sandwiches, avocado toast, chopped into an omelet.
Onions—Yellow and Red (Yellow for most of the sauteeing and cooking you’re going to do, and red for fresh salads, sandwiches, and salsas)
Garlic—Two to three decent-sized bulbs, stored with the onions and potatoes. (Remember: Warm and humid makes your garlic and onions grow into stinky house plants.)
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The easy and delicious weekday sauce.
Peppers—Depending on what you love or what you can tolerate, get at least two bell peppers or Italian green peppers, maybe a handful of hot red birdseye chillis, or some habaneros. These will add color and sparkle to everything from a salad to some scrambled eggs.
Celery—I’m of two minds when it comes to celery. First, it’s a vital part of mirepoix, that magical combination of onions, carrots, and celery that’s the basis of most Western soups and stews. But, unless you’re on a rabbit diet, people tend to buy it, use less than half a bunch in one minestrone soup then end up chucking the rest away. But, hey, you’re the cook.
Herbs—Get the dried kind out of desperation: bay leaves, oregano, thyme, rosemary. But, always get fresh parsley and basil.
Dried Goods:
Flour—White, all-purpose flour and Cornmeal (making cornbread for breakfast is a simple warm treat. Everyone should be able to cook this from scratch).
Thickeners—Corn starch, potato starch; I recently discovered xanthan gum and if you’re one of those folks taken by “molecular gastronomy” or food as a science project, this is one of the weirder thickening agents on the market.
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Cornbread can be made in less than an hour.
Leavening Agents—Baking soda and baking powder. (Unless you’ve decided you really love baking artisanal bread, you really don’t need yeast).
Salt—Preferably sea salt, or kosher salt. Remember different salts have different salinities, so a “pinch” of pink Himalayan salt is less salty than a similar size “pinch” of Morton’s Table Salt, which, by the way, is disgusting and should only be used for rubbing into the wounds of your enemies. So, get a salt that fits your budget, your health needs, and your personal flavor profile. I prefer sea salts, they have a richness I like and I feel I can control seasoning better.
Pepper—Black peppercorns, of course, but nothing beats having a box or container of white pepper. It’s got a completely different flavor profile than black pepper and adds a wonderful heat to everything from mashed potatoes to cream soups.
Eggs and Dairy
Milk—If you’re lactose intolerant or vegan/vegetarian you can substitute soy milk or your favorite substitute here, but not almond milk because that shit is a ripoff and is killing the planet.
Cream—You will want this for mashed potatoes and to thicken some sauces.
Butter—Always buy Kerrygold Irish Butter, salted and unsalted. It’s the best butter out there. Fight me.
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Making a chicken curry from scratch
Plain Yogurt—I prefer Greek yogurt myself. It’s handy to have around and a great way to add richness to a baked item if you only have low-fat milk or to make a quick fresh fruit breakfast.
Cheese—If you must, get a bag of shredded cheddar and a bag of “parmesan”. Cheeses are personal taste, I love fatty, creamy, stinky cheeses, but, honestly, they don’t last long and they are an extravagance for many people at this time. So, get what you like, but make sure you at least have a nice chunk of quality cheddar or similar cheese around.
Eggs—A dozen, big ones. Free-range if you feel guilty.
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This Singapore-style laksa is easy and quick.
A Bit of the Sweet
Sugar—Processed sugar is evil. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, always have some handy. It’s great to throw a tablespoon into a tomato-based sauce to offset the acidity. And there is nothing like a lovely stack of homemade pancakes covered in melted butter, a sprinkling of sugar and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.
Brown Sugar—Less sweet, a little smokey and great for Asian broths that ask for processed sugar. And, it’s “good” for you because, you know, it’s not processed.
Maple Syrup—For pancakes and French Toast.
Ketchup—Whatever you like. Though raised on American Heinz ketchup, I prefer the British brands that tend to use a little more vinegar, but that is an acquired taste.
Mayonaise—The magical base for so many different dressings and sauces. Yes, I will sit down with a plate of french fries or steak-cut chips and a cup of mayo and just go to town on that. Also, dipping cold, boiled chicken that’s torn into strips and wrapped in chilled, crisp iceberg lettuce into mayo while drinking a dry white wine on a hot summer’s day is one of God’s little miracles.
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Fried halloumi cheese on a run of the mill avocado toast makes it better.
Mustard—Go ahead, buy French’s American Mustard in a squeeze jar. I don’t judge. But, please get some good Dijon Mustard, and some English Mustard, wet or the powder, is really handy to have for extra punch.
Vinegar—Plain old white vinegar if you're on a budget, but red wine, is also good. Italian balsamic if you want to live large, but I find a bottle of Japanese rice wine vinegar is the perfect all-rounder.
Hot sauce—Tobasco and Siraccha are my go-to faves, but you know what you like.
Olive Oil—Get Extra-Virgin and plain. the EVOO is great for both cooking and for finishing dishes and for cold dressings and sauces. Plain olive oil is great for adding flavor to simple fried sauces and dishes.
Vegetable Oil—A good neutral oil is Canola. It won’t kill you.
Prepared Foods
Canned Goods—at least one can of each: chickpeas, black beans, and kidney beans. Also, a can of mushrooms and a couple of cans of diced green chillis. Two to three 24-ounce cans of Italian tomatoes, with our without basil.
Frozen vegetables—A package of corn and a package of peas. One package of mixed vegetables for making quick healthy soups.
Broths and stocks—Beef, chicken, and vegetable. Fish stock for the more adventurous. (If you haven’t had sliced potatoes slow-cooked in fish stock, I totally recommend it, simple and delicious.) I always buy low-sodium because my body is, like, you know, a temple. 🙄
Actually, always try to purchase low sodium processed foods, that gives you, the cook, more power over the seasoning of your meals.
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Thai beef soup with beef balls.
Now, you’re thinking, why is this guy torturing us with pictures of beautiful, exotic home-cooked meals? Why are so many of the “basics” not as exciting as the final products?
That’s because now is the time to get what I’ll call…
The New Basics
You’ve hit the local Vons, or Trader Joe’s, Publix or Wegman’s; you’ve emptied your wallet at Whole Foods and Kroeger, now let’s get some real food. Head down to your local Asian supermarket, or your local South American/Mexican supermarket, because this is where it gets interesting.
The Carbs:
Noodles—From Japanese soba, udon and Hokkaido (ramen) noodles to the long, translucent Vietnamese and Thai rice noodles to the tightly wound, sometimes flavored Chinese noodle nests, most of these keep a long time in a dry cool place and they cook quickly offering alternative tastes and textures.
The Vegetables:
Fresh Ginger Root—it’s ugly and essential, but it can change the flavor of everything from a simple broth to a quick scrambled egg into a culinary adventure. No, don’t peel it with a spoon, that’s silly. Just use a sharp knife on the extraneous knobbly bits and then use a vegetable peeler like a normal person. Honestly, I see the YouTube chefs wrestling with a chunk of ginger and a tablespoon and I just shake my head.
Choy Sum and/or Bak Choy—Definitely hunt these down at the Asian grocer. They stay fresh longer in a good vegetable crisper in your fridge; they’re easy to clean and prepare and cook very quickly.
Chayote—A green, waxy squash that is like a more flavorful cucumber, with a great texture. Add it to all your veggie soups, or saute it with some garlic. Just handy. And keeps in the fridge for a long time.
Soy sauce—Get both kinds, dark soy sauce and light soy sauce. The difference isn’t the color, it’s the viscosity and the flavor. Dark soy sauce is actually somewhat sweet, unctuous and thick and adds deep rich flavors to stews, soups, and sauces. Soy sauce is a nice alternative to just seasoning with salt. Get low sodium, if dietary restrictions are in place, but you don’t really need to use too much, so, I always go with regular.
Chili Oils/Pastes—Much like the fresh peppers, this is all about personal taste. I love spicy food, but I’m not a fan of heat for heat’s sake. So, no a jalapeno margarita where I can’t taste anything or feel my lips is not a great culinary experience. Still, always have these little miracle jars handy, you control the heat by how much or how little you add to the dish you’re preparing. My three faves are traditional Chinese chili garlic sauce, Chiu Chow chili oil, and Calabrian chili oil.
Vinegar — Plain old white vinegar if you’re on a budget, but red wine, is also good. Italian balsamic if you want to live large, but I find a bottle of Japanese rice wine vinegar is the perfect all-rounder.
Fish sauce—Don’t let the name and smell deter you, a spoonful of this elixir in a soup or dressing adds a lovely saltiness and brightness.
Sesame Oil—Plain or toasted. This is for flavor only, really. You can add it to dressings, or add it to vegetable oil when sauteeing, but you can’t cook with it because it burns very quickly; that said, it gives a great depth of flavor to any dish you add it to.
Frozen Foods:
Dumplings—Either factory-made or handmade, Asian dumplings are inexpensive, delicious and easy to prepare. Beef, pork, shrimp, and vegetable or a combination of two or more fillings are always available. Korean dumplings tend to be larger. Wontons are light and mostly shrimp or shrimp and pork. If you’re lucky to have a vibrant Asian community, find the “Mom and Pop” store that makes both noodles and dumplings. Fresh dumplings are usually packed with a light dusting of corn or potato starch so they can be easily frozen.
Asian-style meatballs—OK, now these have a texture that takes a little getting used to, but they are packed with protein and flavor and cook up in seconds in a frying pan or in a soup. Pork, beef, and shrimp are the most popular. I love them and find they really make a noodle soup a quick, but truly satisfying meal.
Canned Goods:
Coconut Milk—From Indian to Thai to Malaysian cuisine, this is mother’s milk. Get a couple of cans.
Peppers—Canned chipotles. Smoked in a flavorful sauce, a little goes a long way here. But you can add these to soups and basic stews to create great depths of heat and flavor.
Okay, now this is by no means a definitive list, but it’s enough I think to give you as many options as you can once you return home and prepare for the next few weeks of personal time.
As you’ve seen, I’ve included links to some of my favorite recipes with the pictures, it’s from these recipes that I reevaluated and changed how I stock my fridge and pantry.
It’s also helped inform my cooking. Bored with cereal and toast, and fried eggs, or scrambled eggs or an omelet with bacon, one morning I created what is now my favorite, flavorful, high protein, yet not too filling breakfast; scrambled eggs and dumplings. It’s my recipe, inspired by other more traditional recipes and the food I had available at the time. It’s what Chef John from the delightful Food Wishes refers to as “that’s just you, cooking.”
The First Recipe
Three eggs, room temperature, well beaten, preferably in a metal bowl with a whisk
One to two scallions or a half/third of a small yellow onion, finely chopped
One chili pepper (in this case, a Thai green chili), finely chopped.
Four to six frozen Asian dumplings depending on what type
2 Tablespoons — Vegetable oil
1 Tablespoon — Sesame oil
Chiu Chow chili oil or Sriracha
Soy Sauce
In a small saucepan bring water to a boil. In a small frying pan add your vegetable oil, the onions, and chilis and some salt and turn on the heat.
You want the onions and chilis to cook slowly and sweat, not burn or brown so keep an eye on them and keep stirring.
Now once the vegetables are cooked and the kitchen smells delicious, add a tablespoon of sesame oil into vegetables and lower the heat.
Now, the water should be at a rolling boil. Add the dumplings. I used Korean pork dumplings this morning. They only take three to five minutes to cook. You will know they are done when they float and spin freely in the water.
Now, turn up the heat of the frying pan and add in the eggs, keep stirring and cook the eggs as you like them. Take the eggs off the heat, the residual heat should finish the cooking.
Meanwhile, the dumplings should be cooked. Strain them and place them in the bottom of a bowl. Then scoop over the eggs, finish with a tablespoon or two of soy sauce and the chili sauce of your choosing.
This is a 15-minute breakfast, tops. I hope this was helpful. It’s a trying time for everyone and many of us are fortunate enough to have a roof over our heads that we can cower under. This is an opportunity for reflection, but also to make the most of your family or companions. For those of you living alone, treat yourself to a culinary feast once in a while.
I say cooking is an ordeal, but it’s also a celebration. A chance to be creative and offer comfort, if not for yourself, for the people you live with and love.
Go break an egg.
*This article is the inspiration for this blog and was previously published on Medium.
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charllieeldridge · 4 years
15 Simple Money Saving Tips Anyone Can Use
Do you want to travel more? Save money to move abroad? Pay down your debt? Have a nest egg so you can start your own business?
Finding the extra cash to do so isn’t always easy. In this article, I’ll share 15 simple money-saving tips to help you keep more cash in your pocket.
We utilized all of the tips in this article when we were saving money to go traveling. In the end, we were able to save enough to set off on our year-long backpacking adventure sooner than we thought. 
Here are my top picks for ways to save money this year. 
First, Create a Spreadsheet
Before you can put any money away, it’s important to figure out your finances and how much money is available for you to save. 
Write down your take-home earnings, and from there, subtract all of your necessary expenses — just the payments you need to make in order to get by.
This is a simple visual way to see all of your payments in one place, and realize how much extra money you have to spend on entertainment, miscellaneous, and of course, savings. 
Here’s an example:
Total Monthly Income: $_________.
Monthly Payments:
Rent / Mortgage
Cell Phone 
Car Insurance 
Credit Card Bill
Cable and Wi-Fi
Total Monthly Payments: $_______.
Monthly Income minus Monthly Payments = $______.
If your balance each month is in the negative, you’ll need to start making some changes, including making more money on the side, picking up an online job, consolidating your payments, and tweaking your lifestyle.
Have a look at budgeting apps such as Mint (free) and Wally (free) to help you realize your money-saving goals. 
Here are 15 easy money-saving tips for you to utilize this year!
1. Say “No” To Dining Out
When it comes to money-saving tips for food, this is by far the easiest one. Have you ever added up the amount of money you spend in a day, week, or month on meals out or coffees?
If you have a Starbucks coffee each morning, that’s roughly $4 every morning.
Going out for lunch during the week will cost around $8 each time for a salad or sandwich.
Do co-workers want to grab some drinks with you after work? That’s about $6 each drink and you’ll probably be hungry after work (and after that beer), so add some finger food for about $10. Don’t forget to add tax and tip! 
*One major bonus of working remotely is that you won’t have to feel guilty for saying “no” to co-workers when they ask you to go out for lunch or drinks.
Theoretically, depending on how often you grab drinks or have coffee, you could spend around $28 + tax and tip in just one day. 
During the weekends, going out for dinner is what many people enjoy doing. Let’s use Earls Restaurants as an example. I’m going to showcase costs based on their menu as the chain has locations in both the USA and Canada.
For dinner, the cheapest appetizer on the menu (apart from bread and fries) is $9.50. The least expensive main dish on the menu is a margarita pizza for $10.50, followed by chicken tacos for $14. Dessert is $5.
On top of that, you’ll want a drink, which is around $5 for a beer. Cocktails are $10+.
A 3-course dinner out at Earls with a beer will cost you $30 minimum (plus tax and tip).
If you spent an evening out during the week, and one on the weekend, you’re going to spend $60+ in one week. In one month, that’s $240 total. That $240 would go much further at the grocery store.
2. Enjoy Dinner Parties
Obviously you’ll still want to have a social life, so I’m not saying give up on seeing your friends and forgo any fun. But, rather than meeting for drinks at a trendy bar, or going out for dinner, why not host a dinner party?
Between all of your friends, you could rotate who hosts each weekend.
Make the dinner party pot-luck style where everyone brings a dish to contribute to the meal. You can find some awesome recipes on Allrecipes.com.
Or, rather than everyone bringing a dish, each week it could be the host’s turn to make the meal.
Opt for an affordable one-pot style dinner (spaghetti bolognese, chicken stew, minestrone soup, beef and bean chili, etc.) or a baked dish such as lasagna, casseroles, grilled chicken with roasted potatoes…get creative! 
Buying booze from the shop rather than a bar is much cheaper. Look for sales at your local liquor store and stock up on beer, wine and spirits. 
Enjoying dinner and game night with friends, or drinks and appetizers is a great way to catch up and save money while doing so.
3. Save On Accommodation Costs
Accommodation eats up a massive chunk of the budget each month. But, it doesn’t have to. If you’re looking to save money on having a roof over your head, you have a few options. 
If you are currently renting, consider downsizing and moving into somewhere smaller and/or more economical.
If you’re in a townhouse, move to a basement suite or a studio apartment. If you’re in a 2-bedroom, switch to a 1-bedroom. Maybe search for a cheaper neighbourhood. There are many ways to downsize your accommodation. 
Rather than renting a 1 bedroom home, can you save money by joining up with someone and having a roommate in a 2-bedroom place? 
If you’re comfortable living in someone’s home, consider looking for house sitting jobs. This is my best money-saving tip for accommodation.
You can house sit/pet sit all around the world, including your home city (in many cases). If you live in one of the popular housesitting destinations (England, Australia, Canada, USA) there are a lot of house sits available). You could move from place to place every couple of weeks, all within the same city. 
A Luxury House Sit in Grenada
By becoming a house sitter, you’ll receive free accommodation and (in our experience) a vehicle for your use. You’ll get to live like a local for free and enjoy the company of a furry friend.
While you’re trying to save money, this is an especially good way to keep cash in the bank. For more about the house sitting company we use and highly recommend, click here. 
4. Use Rewards Credit Cards
If you’re going to spend money, you may as well earn some points while you’re at it. Americans have some great credit cards that offer cash-back and rewards when you purchase groceries. But surprisingly, there are actually some pretty good credit cards for us Canadians as well. 
The Blue Cash Everyday card from American Express offers 3% cash-back on grocery store purchases up to $6,000 / year.
After that, they offer 1% cash-back on groceries at supermarkets in the USA. There are other bonuses such as 2% cash-back at the gas station, 1% on other purchases and no annual fee. Click here to learn more. 
Another great card is the Capital One Savor Cash Rewards Credit Card. You’ll receive unlimited 4% cash-back on dining and entertainment, 2% when shopping at supermarkets, and 1% on other purchases.
You’ll also get a $500 cash bonus after you spend $3,000 in the first 3 months, and there’s no annual fee for the first month. Click here to learn more.
There are many more cards that offer savings on groceries at supermarkets in the United States. Click here to compare.
For Canadians, even though we don’t typically have the best travel credit cards available, there are a few great credit cards for food and grocery purchases.
The American Express Cobalt gives you 5 points for every dollar at grocery stores, cafes, bars, food delivery and restaurants. The points you earn can then be redeemed for travel on any airline. When it comes to food, this is a great credit card.
You’ll also get 2 points for every dollar spent on gas, travel, rideshare (Uber), taxis, but just 1 point for all other purchases.
The only downside to the card is that there’s a $10 monthly fee, and American Express isn’t accepted everywhere (but, you can use it at Safeway, Sobey’s, Whole Foods, Co-op, Metro, FoodBasics and more).
If you prefer Visa, a great card is the Scotia Momentum Visa Infinite which offers 4% back on groceries and gas. 2% cashback at drugstores and recurring bill payments and 1% on other items. The $99 annual fee is waived for the first year. 
Make this the year that your plastic cards start working for you. 
5. Do Some Meal Prep
One of the main reasons that people opt for pricy fast food, or frozen meals is because preparing a healthy meal can take a bit of time. Consider preparing food ahead of time and have it ready to go for the whole week. 
Do you drink smoothies in the morning? Pre-cut all of the fruits and vegetables and have them portioned out into containers for each day, then toss them in the freezer.
Each morning, grab out the container, add the liquid of your choice, and blend it up. Cutting up the produce is the time-consuming part. Have it ready to go and you’ll be able to eat healthier and save money by not opting to buy breakfast on the fly.
On Sundays, create meals for the whole week. When we lived in Canada, I used to do this and it saved us buying meals out when there was “nothing to eat” in the fridge. 
Frozen fruit ready for the blender
The best idea is to make a large batch of food – stews, soups, chilis, and sauces freeze well – and make a variety of them so you’re never bored with eating the same food.
Or, portion out meals into containers for the week. Make a large pot of rice, add cooked chicken and a side of vegetables to each container and you’re ready to go. Change them up with various types of vegetables, and maybe mix between couscous, quinoa, pasta and rice. 
Things like casseroles and lasagna also freeze well.
Having ready-made meals in the fridge and freezer will stop you from ordering in pizza, or grabbing some fast food on the way home. Making food at home is much more economical and is one of the best money-saving tips.
6. Share Your Clothes
If you have a friend who is the same size as you, this is an excellent way to enjoy two wardrobes for the price of one! It’ll save you going out and shopping for the latest items — and most likely, purchasing things you don’t actually need.
When you “have nothing to wear”, you can call up your friend and do some weekend shopping in their closet. Clothes are expensive and most of us own way too many. Rather than buying something new, consider borrowing. 
But, if you must purchase an item and your friend doesn’t have something you can borrow, buy clothing at the second-hand store, opt for outlets, or check out the sales rack. 
7. Ditch The Car
Depending on where you live and your lifestyle, you could quite easily sell your car and get around by foot, bike, or public transport.
For couples who own two cars, sell one of them and share the second. Cars are the biggest money guzzlers – petrol, insurance, parking and maintenance, it’s never-ending! 
Sell your car and put that money towards your next trip or paying down some debt. Walking and cycling are great ways to get exercise, while public transport options are also very affordable and practical.
When it comes to the best money-saving tips, selling your car and opting for a transit pass is always at the top.
Not only will you be able to put the money from the sale of your vehicle in your bank account, but your monthly transportation budget will be very minimal going forward. 
8. Cut Back On Beauty
This one applies to both women and men. While women tend to spend more money, men are starting to put an emphasis on grooming as well. 
Go into your bathroom and have a look at all the products you own. Make-up, lotions, perfumes, body wash, hair styling products, beard oils, etc.
Depending on which brands you’ve purchased, if you tallied up the cost, you’ll probably find it’s quite high.
Do you actually need all of those items? Could you get by with a cheaper brand? Could you do without 5 different types of hair products and just use 1? 
Cut back on your spending on body and beauty products this year and keep more cash in your pocket.
Although those items are pricey, when it comes to money-saving tips on beauty, my biggest suggestion is to limit your time at the hair salon and spa. Or better yet, don’t go at all.
For women, a simple cut is often around $50+, while colouring or highlighting your hair will easily add another $85+ to the bill. But, you also need to tip on top of that.
Each time you visit the hair salon, you’ll spend around $125 (if you have your hair coloured). Most women do this every 2 months or so, meaning you’ll spend $750 in a year on your hair. 
$750 is a round trip flight from New York to Bangkok.
$750 is 15 nights of accommodation (at $50/night). 
$750 is a 5-day cruise.
$750 is a lot of groceries!
If you simply must colour your hair, purchase dye from the drugstore. If you need to cut your hair, you can learn to do it yourself, have a friend come by to cut it for you or opt for a cheaper salon to get it cut — less frequently.
Cancel all pedicures, manicures, facials, and spa treatments if you want to save money this year. It’s amazing how much money you can save just by changing your beauty regime. 
9. Automate Your Savings 
One of the hardest things about saving money is physically transferring the money to a savings account.
A top money-saving tip is to set up automated savings. Simply contact your bank and have them set your account to transfer $X to your savings account each month (or week, or bi-weekly). Or, you can request a certain percentage be transferred into savings.
At the start of this money-saving tips blog post, I mentioned going through your finances to see how much money you have left over after paying the necessities.
Let’s say you have $300 left. You’ll probably want $100 for entertainment in the month (meals out, movies, booze, etc.) and $100 for miscellaneous (toiletries, gifts, medicine, etc.), which leaves you $100 each month that you can transfer to your savings account. 
At the end of the year, you’ll have $1,200 in savings! But, if you had to manually transfer that money, odds are you would probably end up spending it instead. Automate your savings, it’s one of my best money-saving tips. 
10. Use Cash (for entertainment)
Using your credit card to pay your bills, buy groceries and all other items is what I recommend. But, if you’re budgeting yourself $100 / month for entertainment, then I suggest using cash. 
We personally did this when we were trying to come up with $40,000 for a year of travel, and it’s amazing how well it works.
Basically, you have $100 in your wallet (we did $50), and that’s all. No other cash in your wallet. When that $100 is gone, so is the paid entertainment for the month.
You’ll have to get creative and enjoy free entertainment such as watching movies at home, going outdoors, hiking, or having friends over for dinner and games. 
Being able to actually see the cash leave your wallet (rather than just swiping your debit card) really makes you decide whether or not you truly need that item you’re about to buy. And if you only have a set amount for the month, you may decide to save it for a special night out. 
Consider using cash for your entertainment budget
11. Cancel & Consolidate
Take all of your utility bills and lay them out on the table. Evaluate each of them and decide if you can cancel any of your accounts, or at least, cut back.
Do you have the best cable package? Maybe consider purchasing a Netflix subscription (or something similar) instead for $8 / month.
When it comes to your cell phone bill, do you need that much data, talk-time, texts? For Wi-Fi, can you downgrade your plan to a slower speed (but one that will still stream shows)?
Can you cancel your landline at home? 
Is there a better car/life/health insurance plan you can be on? 
Could you switch to a gas water heater, rather than electric?
This is one of the top money-saving tips for those of you at home who are trying to save money. Bills seem to stack up and unless you contact your provider to either get a discount or cut back on the plan you’re currently on, you’ll continue to overspend on utilities each month. 
12. Cancel Your Gym Membership
This one is huge! So many people make “going to the gym” one of their New Year’s Resolutions, but, most people stop going after a couple of months.
Depending on which gym you go to, you’ll probably spend around $50 / month. And, when you sign up, oftentimes you’re locked into a year’s worth of payments.
Rather than shell out $600+ each year, start working out at home. 
There are endless FREE yoga and workout classes on YouTube and Skillshare. All you need is a mat and maybe a few weights.
Rather than joining the gym so you can run on a treadmill, go for an actual run, outside. Go hiking, walking, or cycling —mall of which are free ways to get exercise. 
Doing yoga at home rather than in a studio is a great way to save money
Another option is to join the local recreation center. They’re usually very affordable and you can utilize all of the amenities (swimming pool, squash courts, running tracks, etc.). Plus, many cities have parks with climbing walls, skateboard bowls, ice-skating rinks and running tracks that you can use for free. 
Get fit for free this year. 
13. Quit Your Habits
I’m not here to give any lectures, but if you are a smoker, vaper, gambler, or heavy drinker, it’s time to quit — or at the very least, cut back…way back. The cost of cigarettes varies depending on which state or province you live in, but on average, they are around $8 a pack.
If you smoke a pack every 2 days, that’s $1,460 that you’re literally burning away each year. 
The cost of alcohol is also very high. Either quit drinking, cut back, or purchase a cheaper brand of booze. You’ll be amazed at the amount of money you will save each month. Money that can be put towards a trip, or creating a better lifestyle for yourself. 
14. Give DIY Gifts
When you think about money saving tips, cutting back on gift-giving probably isn’t at the top. But, if you consider how many birthday, wedding, baby, anniversary, Christmas, or travel gifts you’ve purchased this year (and did the math), you’ll probably be surprised at how much you spent. 
Rather than purchasing presents for friends and family who are celebrating, make them something. A handmade gift is much more thoughtful anyway.
Check out Pinterest for some excellent DIY gift ideas. Or, better yet, give the gift of time. Spend time together doing an activity and create memories that will last much longer than that handbag you bought. 
15. Forgo Fees
This is a good one. When you’re out and need to hit up the ATM to get some cash, only go to the ATM at your bank. Each time you utilize another bank’s machine, you’ll pay a fee. Usually, it’s about $5 per withdrawal.
When you use your credit card, make sure you pay off the balance, or at the very least, the minimum amount due, or interest (at a high rate) will start accruing.
If you pay your bills late, there will be a penalty added.
If you have a chequing account with a monthly fee that’s waived if you keep “x” amount of dollars in the account, make sure you don’t go below that amount. 
All of these little fees, penalties, and interest costs can really add up over a month. If you do miss a payment, or you accidentally dip below the required amount of cash in your account, contact your bank or service provider and ask them to (please) remove the fee. They usually will. 
16. Bonus! Order Groceries Online
Going into the grocery store can be a pain. Not to mention, once you’re there, there are tempting items to buy — especially near the check-out counter.
These days, it’s definitely becoming more mainstream to simply purchase your groceries online and have them delivered to your door. 
Not only will you save money due to impulse purchases, and on gas for your car, but ordering online is usually much cheaper than buying in-store — especially for health foods. Compare prices of items like almond butter, coconut oil, hemp hearts, nuts, beans, canned fish, etc. on websites like Amazon before going into the grocery store. 
Save even more money by signing up for Thrive Market. This platform is the Whole Foods for people who aren’t rich! Organic, non-GMO, healthy foods are available at a fraction of the cost, delivered right to your house. You can even order frozen meats and seafood, and as a bonus, shipping on items over $49 is free. Click here for details. 
Finally, another company which is located in both the United States and Canada is Instacart. Basically, you log-in to an app and order your groceries from the local supermarket. Personal shoppers will then collect the items on your list and you either pick them up at the store or have them delivered to you.
Same day delivery is possible, even within 1 hour. You can purchase 1 month or 1-year memberships and enjoy unlimited deliveries. Exclusive discounts are available for Instacart members. Click here for details. 
Your time is valuable. Save time and money and consider ordering online. This is one of the best ways to save money on groceries.
Did These Money-Saving Tips Help?
I hope that the above 16 money-saving ideas gave you some new and useful ways to keep more money in your pocket this year. When you’re saving for a trip, wanting to work for yourself, or simply need to pay down some debt, every penny counts. 
My final tip is to make a realistic goal for yourself, one that will allow you to still enjoy your life while putting money away.
If you have a whiteboard, write down how much money you want in your savings account at the end of the year. Focus on that amount, and utilize the above steps to help you realize your money-saving goal.
As always, please feel free to comment down below with your best money-saving tips, or email us with comments and suggestions. 
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  The post 15 Simple Money Saving Tips Anyone Can Use appeared first on Goats On The Road.
15 Simple Money Saving Tips Anyone Can Use published first on https://travelaspire.weebly.com/
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smittyaquatics · 5 years
Okay, the final budget is in and I spent $93 of my $100 dollar budget.  I love coming in under budget, not by much this time, but at least I didn’t break the bank.  Let’s talk about my kitchen for a second.  I have one of the dumbest kitchen setups I’ve seen.  Okay, I’ve seen worse, but mine was not designed for anyone with stuff.  I have two 30 inch bottom cabinets, one larger upper cabinet and two tiny upper cabinets.  That’s was it when we moved in.  Very quickly did we realize that really wasn’t going to cut it.  We’ve tired a variety of furniture to help us with storage.  The first being a kitchen cart, which helped, but we had zero pantry space.  Finally we put down some money on the red cabinet, and it has totally worked out much better for us.  So let’s get into the stuff that was working in my kitchen for part 1.
The Old:
DIY Pan Rack
I had some really good organization to start with, it just needed to take it to the next level.  So with no cabinets, we had to think more vertically than horizontally.  Our first DIY project in our home was this pot rack.  It was made with some copper and galvanized piping and S-hooks.  It was one of those cheap things that my husband and I could cobble together with our limited (well my limited) skills.   I don’t think it cost us more than $20 at the time and it has stood up well for the last ten years.
Lots of Storage, in a small space.
These great Ikea bars were fairly inexpensive and do a great job keeping our pots organized.  Prior to this we’d drilled holes and were using cup hooks to hold our lids, it wasn’t pretty, and the cup hooks kept coming out of the wall.  I love how clean this makes everything.  I even had room to slip my cook book holder over the top and I can still access the lids under neath.  We also ditched the old knife block in favor of prep space and used a magnetic holder, again from Ikea.  We also opted for a crock for all of our utensils right next to the stove for easy access.  Some simple magnets also help us to hang the strainer and my bag sealer right on the microwave.
Cutting Station
One trick I learned was to put the things you need in the space you are going to use them.  I have one good chunk of counter for chopping, food prep, everything basically.  To make it more usable I started storing our cutting boards in a magazine rack, and some of our knives that didn’t fit onto the magnetic holder.  It works great for food prep and keeps things neat and easy to put away.
Hidden storage is also helpful.  I used to keep all my measuring cups and spoons in a drawer, inevitably they would get lost, get mixed up, get jammed in the drawer.  So a quick and easy way to fix that is to install some Command hooks.  I love it, I can tell right away what I’m missing.  It also took a big mess out of the only two drawers I have in my entire kitchen.
Another thing I learned was that storing food in glass jars looks better and it saves a lot of space.  I’ve been keeping baking essentials in these Ikea jars for a few years.  I like that they are clear.  Previously I had a stainless steel canisters set, which was nice, but hard to find more canisters when my baking supplies grew.  And I frequently found I’d run out of something only when I went to use it.  Nothing like needing to run to the store to pick up flour or sugar halfway through a recipe.  We also keep our dog and cat food in the kitchen, and these Ikea recycling bins work great.  They are large enough for big bags of food, and easy to get in and out of.  I also like how they stack up.  I used to keep a big box in the cupboard, but it couldn’t take a whole bag of food.  So either we got small bags, which is more expensive or we had a random bag of food sitting out.  Did I mention our cats love dog food.  Yeah, not fun.
Lazy susans are another great way to keep items in a tight space, and easy to access.  I put our oils, some vinegar and salt and pepper on this one.  It makes grabbing things easy.  I’ve also seen them in cupboards and refrigerators.  It’s nice because with a simple turn, all the stuff in the back of the cabinet is now in the front.  In the cabinet we added some extra storage by added a simple shelf from Ikea for our plates.  We used to have this entire shelf filled up with plates, now it’s only half.
Like I said we had some really great organization going on, we just needed a little help.  Part 2 will go over what I did over three days of my vacation.
Kitchen Organization Tips Part 1 Okay, the final budget is in and I spent $93 of my $100 dollar budget.  I love coming in under budget, not by much this time, but at least I didn't break the bank. 
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gaiatheorist · 5 years
“Brexit boxes.”
It has started, the media and social media ‘stockpiling’ articles are creeping in. Last week, I saw a couple of articles that made me shake my head sadly, get a bit indignant, and then remember that I have several boxes of ‘spare’ food upstairs. I keep trying to convince myself it’s not ‘really’ hoarding, just a reluctance to throw away usable food. It is hoarding. During the uncertainty of 17 months waiting to see if I was disabled-enough for PIP, I was on a very limited budget, and I was ‘saving’ more food than I was eating. Counter-productive, because low blood sugar has a tendency to exacerbate the fatigue elements of my disability, and it can’t have done my mental health much good. (There have been a couple of articles in the Guardian about how unfit-for-purpose DWP’s processes for people with poor mental health are, I have the double-whammy of fluctuating mental health, and physical brain injuries, nobody knows which box to tick, because I don’t align with an either/or.) 
Yes, some of it will be click-bait scaremongering. I was indignant when I read the article about the company selling ‘Emergency ration packs’ for £300, you really wouldn’t want to live on the vacuum-sealed ‘meals ready to eat’ in anything but an emergency, they’re not particularly palatable. “More money than sense.”, I thought, and moved on to the next article, chuntering at the thought that some people would be able to click ‘buy now’, throw the £300 at the box, and then probably leave it, gathering dust, unused. The next article I read provoked a fairly similar response, ordinary people, buying a few extra items in each grocery-shop. Fine, Brenda, you go ahead and buy your favourite brand of baked beans, in case the supply is interrupted, heavens forbid you should have to change brands. Which is what you’ll end up doing once you’ve eaten your stockpiled ones, you mad cow. Indignant, again, it’s the ‘Brits abroad’ thing, taking their own tea-bags on holiday, because they might not like the taste of ‘foreign’ ones. 
Good grief, there’s wintry weather forecast for the end of this month, as well (funny how that happens in winter, isn’t it?) bread and milk, it’s always bread and milk that runs out, because Brenda buys twice as much at the first hint of snow. Milk sandwiches all round, because bread and milk are probably the most perishable of food-stuffs. (I have a bag of powdered milk for emergencies, like the days when I’m too disabled to make it to the corner shop without falling over. I also have a bit of a jagged fingernail, it ripped as I was trying to get the lid off my multi-vitamins, Alanis has nothing on me.) The bread and milk will run out, like it always does when it snows, and the panicky-types will pop up on Fakebook, adding to the bread-pocalypse by sharing photographs of empty shelves, or directing people to which shops have bread. “Tesco have bread, but they’re only allowing two loaves per person!” and the like. Brenda, are you going to eat two loaves of bread? The Walking Dead could have been inspired by bread-obsessed British people during snow-storms.
When the bread and milk runs out, which it will, there’s a fair chance of the doom-mongers deciding to ramp up the stockpiling in general. Evolution-wise, that’s probably a throw-back, winter, and the ‘hungry gap’ where nothing much is growing does lend itself to that siege mentality. Brenda sticking a couple of extra multi-packs of brand-X beans in her Ocado delivery isn’t really going to have much of an impact on supplies, it’s the rural areas that will be hit. If Tarquin and Jocasta snaffle up all of the beans in the ‘quaint’ village shop, and take them home in their 4x4, to put them with the other beans, that’s no-beans left for single-parent Tracey, or pensioner Doris. I poke fun at this village (which is a town), for being ‘out in the sticks’, in reality, I’m about 3 miles from a motorway, and, ironically, the local council’s massive grit-store. The main road will (eventually) be gritted, so Tesco will only have a couple of days of “What, no bread?”. For the people who can get there. My physical capabilities fluctuate, a combination of Arthritis, Raynaud’s and Vertigo make going out in deep snow, or ice “A no from me.” I also live half-way up a hill, good for flooding-avoidance, less good for snow and ice, there is no flat route by road to most of this housing estate, and a large proportion of the village/town, when the roads are icy, we’re cut off. The supermarket I use for my online grocery order and delivery is on the other side of the motorway, the delivery vans will be able to get out onto the main road, but I’d estimate that at least 50% of the village will be inaccessible by road if we have a big freeze.   
It’ll either snow, or it won’t, and the roads will either be a problem, or they won’t. Winter IS coming, but my heating works for the first time in ages, and I have a large collection of jumpers and blankets. (I’ve also set off a batch of home-brew cider. Priorities, and the stack of apple juice I was accumulating on top of my fridge probably was both a fire hazard, and a collapse-risk.)
My ‘Brexit boxes’ aren’t the surplus dried beans and rice I accumulated during the precarious PIP assessment process. (Eye-roll at my Work-Coach, who doesn’t cook or shop, and thought I meant baked beans, when I told her I was sick of the sight of beans. I don’t buy baked beans, I don’t like them enough to shell out the extra money on fancy ones with no gluten, onion-powder, vinegar, or artificial sweeteners in them, my digestive tract is a tyrant.) My Brexit boxes contain compost, seeds, plant-pots, and a bloody poly-tunnel. I’m fairly certain I’ll invent some new swear-words, when I try to assemble a 3m x 2m x 1.75m poly-tunnel on my own, with one functional hand, and brain injuries. I’ve already done the first dig-over of my vegetable plots, the ex father-in-law would have conniptions if he saw the lumpen sods I’ve left for the birds and frost to break up. (Very set in his ways, that one, my ‘instinctive’ gardening methods were always at odds with his regimented by-the-book ones.) 
It’s not a ‘dig for victory’ project, and I’ve found it very hard not to rip the faces off well-meaning individuals with their platitudes of “It’s good that you have a hobby!” Full disclosure, buried in amongst all of this waffle, I’ve spent chunks of the last 2 years not particularly caring whether I lived or died. I was never at risk of starvation, but I was hideously malnourished, ironic, given that I’m now as heavy as I was full-term pregnant. “Any hobbies, any pets?” I know where you’re going with that line of questioning, medics and professionals. ‘Caring responsibilities’, some of us stay alive because other things will die if we don’t. I do have a few interests that ‘spark joy’, war on slugs and blackbirds isn’t one of them, but, if I didn’t tend to the plants, they would die, and that would be my fault. Last year, three pumpkins saved my life.
This year, I’ll be ramping up my planting, I probably have 40+ different kinds of seeds, and I’m steadily planning what will go where. Brexit is likely to hit supply-lines, so, whatever fruit and vegetables we can’t grow domestically will be less-available, and more expensive. I don’t fancy rickets or scurvy on top of my plethora of other ailments. My son and I managed to eat reasonably well last year, there was an odd sense of accomplishment when he asked if there was any parsley in the herb-cupboard, and I replied “Probably, but I can pick you some fresh from the garden.” (Glossing over the time when he asked if there was any red wine he could use in a sauce, and I admitted to having a bottle hidden in my bedroom, bedroom-wine is bad.) There’s no “I’m alright, Jack.” angle to this, both of my neighbours have small children, I’m going to plant extra crops, ‘just in case’, it won’t cost me anything extra, the seeds are already purchased, and I deliberately went several sizes bigger than I needed with the poly-tunnel. I’m certainly no Mother Theresa, and it’s hardly a community garden project, but the nice-neighbours can bring their little ones to pick peas, tomatoes, strawberries and such. The other neighbours are more likely to have boxes of courgettes left on their doorstep at 3am, until they stop messing with my bin, and hogging my drive. 
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jeremystrele · 6 years
DIY: 6 Chic Ways to Use Marble Contact Paper
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Nothing says luxury quite like marble. We eschewed it for a brief moment in the design world because it was associated with gaudiness, but marble is making its comeback in a big way. Today’s homes use marble to add a touch of opulence without sacrificing a minimalist color palette and clean lines. The only problem with marble? Its price point. But don’t give up on this metamorphic rock just because it seems like it will take a major chunk out of your wallet. Thanks to marble contact paper, you can bring the sleek look of marble into your home for next to nothing.
All you need is your own roll of contact paper and a little DIY know-how. Here are six chic ways to create your own marble furniture and accessories.
Add a luxe tray to your coffee table with this quick and easy marble contact paper DIY. Image: Burkatron
1. DIY marble contact paper tray
Start working on your marbling skills with this straightforward project from Burkatron. All you need is a slab of wood, a roll of marble contact paper and a craft knife. The wood doesn’t need to be nice, either. Fiberboard works well, since you’re covering it with your contact paper anyway. Measure and cut your contact paper to fit your wood piece, wrap it like a present and you’re done! You can make a small tray like the one pictured or go large-scale to bring up the impact level. If you want to step things up even further, add handles or brackets onto the sides.
Your greenery will thrive in these posh planters. Image: Fall for DIY
2. DIY marble contact paper planters
Your plants deserve somewhere nice to live, don’t you think? But if you’re on a tight budget or just not confident that your plants will survive the winter, you might not be willing to invest in expensive homes for your green things. Don’t worry. Fall for DIY has you covered with these pretty planters. Start saving your cylindrical packaging (think jars and cans). Then wrap them neatly in contact paper and cut off the excess, and you’ve got a high-class, low-cost place for your plants to thrive. The finished products in this DIY get an extra touch of glam from the metal rings present on the top and bottom of almost all food cans. Look for cans with smooth edges, rather than ribbed ones, to get a cleaner finish.
Even furniture can get an upgrade with marble contact paper. Image: Splendor Styling
3. DIY marble contact paper table
Now that you’ve gotten your feet wet with marble contact paper, it’s time to move on to something bigger. Splendor Styling‘s DIY shows you how to neatly wrap a side table in marble paper, and it includes a makeover for the table legs as well. This serves as inspiration to get you started, but don’t limit yourself. You could wrap a coffee table, small stool and more. Whatever furniture in your home is in need of an upgrade, your trusty roll of contact paper is waiting.
Create a glamorous but lightweight marble clock with this quick DIY. Image: Twine & Table
4. DIY marble contact paper clock
Analog clocks have moved out of the realm of utility and into the realm of decor. So why not have some fun with a hyper-minimalist clockface? Twine & Table combines a clock kit, pre-drilled clock face and (you guessed it) contact paper to create a sleek, modern clock that adds a luxe touch to any wall. You can customize the size of your clock face to your space. A smaller face might work well in a bathroom, while a larger one could serve as the centerpiece over your mantel. Twine & Table notes that you should make sure you buy a clock kit that matches the thickness of the clock face you choose.
This DIY is ideal for renters who want to minimize the number of holes they put in their walls. Because this wood-based clock is significantly lighter than an actual marble clock, it can be hung from a single nail or sturdy stick-on hook.
Upgrade your thrift store find with some spray paint and contact paper. Image: Belle Vie
5. DIY marble contact paper bar cart
You bought your bar cart and all of the essentials with which to fill it. But it still isn’t giving your space the glamorous feel you’d hoped for. Fear not! Your trusty roll of contact paper can come in handy yet again. Whether your bar cart has block-style shelves or glass shelves, you can DIY a chic upgrade.
If you’re still on the hunt for the perfect bar cart, keep this DIY in mind while you look. Some metallic spray paint and marble contact paper can help you transform that thrift store find into the envy of all your friends.
Give your lamp a new lease on life with a marble makeover. Image: Homey Oh My
6. DIY marble contact paper lamp
Lighting is key in creating the right feel in any room. You can’t ditch a lamp without throwing off the whole light scheme of the space. Fortunately, with this DIY from Homey Oh My, you can keep any cylindrical lamp while matching it to your changing tastes.
To accomplish this look, simply roll your marble contact paper around the base of the lamp. This gives your lamp an instant upgrade and doesn’t sacrifice any of your room’s precious light sources. And, as the DIYer points out, if you get sick of the marble, you can always swap it out for new contact paper in whatever pattern or print you’re most loving that season.
Are you a fan of marble? Do you think you’ll try any of these affordable, easy ways to bring it into your home? Let us know in the comments!
The post DIY: 6 Chic Ways to Use Marble Contact Paper appeared first on Freshome.com.
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owensrhodes · 6 years
DIY: 6 Chic Ways to Use Marble Contact Paper
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Nothing says luxury quite like marble. We eschewed it for a brief moment in the design world because it was associated with gaudiness, but marble is making its comeback in a big way. Today’s homes use marble to add a touch of opulence without sacrificing a minimalist color palette and clean lines. The only problem with marble? Its price point. But don’t give up on this metamorphic rock just because it seems like it will take a major chunk out of your wallet. Thanks to marble contact paper, you can bring the sleek look of marble into your home for next to nothing.
All you need is your own roll of contact paper and a little DIY know-how. Here are six chic ways to create your own marble furniture and accessories.
Add a luxe tray to your coffee table with this quick and easy marble contact paper DIY. Image: Burkatron
1. DIY marble contact paper tray
Start working on your marbling skills with this straightforward project from Burkatron. All you need is a slab of wood, a roll of marble contact paper and a craft knife. The wood doesn’t need to be nice, either. Fiberboard works well, since you’re covering it with your contact paper anyway. Measure and cut your contact paper to fit your wood piece, wrap it like a present and you’re done! You can make a small tray like the one pictured or go large-scale to bring up the impact level. If you want to step things up even further, add handles or brackets onto the sides.
Your greenery will thrive in these posh planters. Image: Fall for DIY
2. DIY marble contact paper planters
Your plants deserve somewhere nice to live, don’t you think? But if you’re on a tight budget or just not confident that your plants will survive the winter, you might not be willing to invest in expensive homes for your green things. Don’t worry. Fall for DIY has you covered with these pretty planters. Start saving your cylindrical packaging (think jars and cans). Then wrap them neatly in contact paper and cut off the excess, and you’ve got a high-class, low-cost place for your plants to thrive. The finished products in this DIY get an extra touch of glam from the metal rings present on the top and bottom of almost all food cans. Look for cans with smooth edges, rather than ribbed ones, to get a cleaner finish.
Even furniture can get an upgrade with marble contact paper. Image: Splendor Styling
3. DIY marble contact paper table
Now that you’ve gotten your feet wet with marble contact paper, it’s time to move on to something bigger. Splendor Styling‘s DIY shows you how to neatly wrap a side table in marble paper, and it includes a makeover for the table legs as well. This serves as inspiration to get you started, but don’t limit yourself. You could wrap a coffee table, small stool and more. Whatever furniture in your home is in need of an upgrade, your trusty roll of contact paper is waiting.
Create a glamorous but lightweight marble clock with this quick DIY. Image: Twine & Table
4. DIY marble contact paper clock
Analog clocks have moved out of the realm of utility and into the realm of decor. So why not have some fun with a hyper-minimalist clockface? Twine & Table combines a clock kit, pre-drilled clock face and (you guessed it) contact paper to create a sleek, modern clock that adds a luxe touch to any wall. You can customize the size of your clock face to your space. A smaller face might work well in a bathroom, while a larger one could serve as the centerpiece over your mantel. Twine & Table notes that you should make sure you buy a clock kit that matches the thickness of the clock face you choose.
This DIY is ideal for renters who want to minimize the number of holes they put in their walls. Because this wood-based clock is significantly lighter than an actual marble clock, it can be hung from a single nail or sturdy stick-on hook.
Upgrade your thrift store find with some spray paint and contact paper. Image: Belle Vie
5. DIY marble contact paper bar cart
You bought your bar cart and all of the essentials with which to fill it. But it still isn’t giving your space the glamorous feel you’d hoped for. Fear not! Your trusty roll of contact paper can come in handy yet again. Whether your bar cart has block-style shelves or glass shelves, you can DIY a chic upgrade.
If you’re still on the hunt for the perfect bar cart, keep this DIY in mind while you look. Some metallic spray paint and marble contact paper can help you transform that thrift store find into the envy of all your friends.
Give your lamp a new lease on life with a marble makeover. Image: Homey Oh My
6. DIY marble contact paper lamp
Lighting is key in creating the right feel in any room. You can’t ditch a lamp without throwing off the whole light scheme of the space. Fortunately, with this DIY from Homey Oh My, you can keep any cylindrical lamp while matching it to your changing tastes.
To accomplish this look, simply roll your marble contact paper around the base of the lamp. This gives your lamp an instant upgrade and doesn’t sacrifice any of your room’s precious light sources. And, as the DIYer points out, if you get sick of the marble, you can always swap it out for new contact paper in whatever pattern or print you’re most loving that season.
Are you a fan of marble? Do you think you’ll try any of these affordable, easy ways to bring it into your home? Let us know in the comments!
The post DIY: 6 Chic Ways to Use Marble Contact Paper appeared first on Freshome.com.
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the-coconut-asado · 6 years
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I am going to tell a story about good and bad service and it’s going to take me a few paragraphs before you get to the recipes. Buckle up and pour yourself a cocktail.
Back in eighties New York no smart restaurant or bar staff line-up was complete without a generous dollop of sass. I liked the honesty of the ‘take it or fuck you’ service culture, often accompanied by a smile and a shrug. Now, on a bad day, (and most days in New York are good), you get a thin veil of courtesy, dipped in the nail polish of smug contempt.
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Now, I have been to some great bars in Manhattan with sizzlingly good service. Dan the mixologist at Attaboy for example, a speakeasy in Chinatown, left me schoolgirl-dizzy with delight from what in retrospect were a few vaudeville tricks delivered with precision-charm. First there is the theatre of the entrance: a bashed-up door to an old tenement building on the edge of Chinatown, leading to a tiny corridor of a bar. Dan glided over and asked me what kind of things I liked to drink, what I wanted from life and if I watched The Crown on Netflix (I may have imagined at least two thirds of that). He then decided that a Kingsman Negroni would set my world alight. Damn! he was right, and I was almost teary when we had to leave to make our dinner booking.
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Some other bar experiences have not been so serendipidous. Take the rooftop bar at a new budget-yet-hipster-with-no-coffee-in-your-room boutique on the Lower East Side. Staying there last summer, I tried to book myself and a friend in for a drink on my first evening. I got sizzlingly good booking service (see above) by way of reply: “Absolutely no need for you to book Mrs Bentley! As a guest you get automatic access with a plus one!”
If you thought this was sorted, then you would be wrong.
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My mate Mel and I rocked up to the rooftop pretty early on that stiflingly hot summer evening. The bouncer at the door had that combination of faultless good manners and computer-says-no attitude that sets your teeth on auto-grind. Yes, he said, we were free to go to the back indoor bar, but the outside bar (let’s face it the ONLY bar anyone wanted to go to) was full.
We squinted through the doorway. It really didn’t look that full.
“We want our guests to experience the pleasant ambience in the bar, so we like to keep numbers down” he whispered. I forgot to mention he was a soft talker, straight out of the Seinfeld playbook.
While he held us at bay with his lullaby tones, the fedora-topped host was pretending to ignore us, using the same body language as the Beverly Hills sourface in Pretty Woman.
I fixed a smile on my face and continued: “If we go into the back bar, will you tell us when space comes free?’
“I’m afraid I can’t do that” the bouncer whispered in downsized Matt Damon-like tones: ‘We let people in on a first come first served basis. Unless you booked’.
‘I tried to book, I was told that I didn’t need to as I am a guest.’
‘If you haven’t booked you need to wait in the back bar.’
‘In that case we’ll wait here”, Mel chipped in.
‘I’m afraid you can’t wait here ladies, you’re blocking the walkway’ – ah! the host had finally decided to notice us.
“I think we will wait though’ I replied, still smiling winningly, with an only faintly discernible tick in my cheek.
This was a dance and we decided to settle into the rhythm. The host went back to studying her fingernails and the bouncer intensified the low voice so that we could only hear every third word. He seemed to be saying " You do have entry to the bar, but not if it is full.”
“But it’s not full!!”
“It’s our policy and there’s nothing I can do. I am triste for you.”
I could have sworn he said triste, or he may have said ‘piste’ which is what Mel and I should have been by now. And the French flavour of superiority he had adopted made me angry. Don't worry mate, I thought, I can play this game till les vaches come home.
The stand-off continued. The two of us refusing to move, the gatekeepers refusing to meet our gaze. And all the while we could glimpse the seductive but disappearing sunset on the terrace. Then, quite suddenly, balance of power shifted in our favour. Three socialites – a good two decades younger and well hipper than us, I’ll leave it there  -  swanned past us. They had clearly booked. And they were clearly the right demographic. I sashayed over to the host.
“I’m confused. I see those ladies booked and you let them in. And yet no one has left the outside bar. Should I have gone medieval with the booking service when they said I could bowl up as a hotel guest,and insist they should make a reservation for me? Or maybe I should just be younger?’
Busted. For a split second her insouciant mask slipped and she grimaced. And then she let us in. And the sunset, the view, and the heady aroma of NYC jeunesse d'ore was worth it - for a couple of hours at least. I haven’t been back. 
But before you get ‘triste’ that the world really is only for the young, the hip and the restless, then leave the bars and head for the food and drink festivals – where even my 92 year old auntie pictured here (who by the way is hip enough to use Whatsapp to great sarcastic advantage) gets great service.  
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The artisanal food markets around the City such as the weekend Smorgasburg – which I have followed from Brooklyn Bridge to a Williamsburg car park to its most recent leafily affluent home in Prospect Park – give you great views (mostly), superiority-free service and delicious food and drink. It also gave me the inspiration for my Gingerbread Ice cream Sandwich, which I am sharing for you here. 
The best bars also serve amazing bar food. And while, Kingsman Negroni aside, I have rarely remembered a good cocktail,  I can snap-recall great food I have eaten with it. Here are a couple of food combinations I love in a bar-snackable format. Chin-chin.
Freaky Beets
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If Kale is the food currency of New York, then beetroot is the bitcoin, i.e it’s both alternative and hyped. If you want clean food that is also unctuous and delicious then whip this up the next time you need a superfood boost to carbon-neutralise your alcohol intake. Small plates are also the perfect bar food. This one is a mash up of some Ottolenghi inspiration and a great little recipe I spied in Olive Magazine. Serves 4 as an appetizer.
Four red raw beetroot and 2 raw golden beets, topped, peeled and cut into chunks (use non latex gloves to stop you getting your hands stained);
2 tsp. chilli flakes
2 large carrots, cut into chunks
Tblspn cumin
2 tbpn. Olive oil
Kosher salt and black pepper
2 tbsp. sherry vinegar
1 tsp honey.
3 tsp hazelnuts
3 tbsp. greek yoghurt.
Juice of ½ a lemon.
1 250g pouch ready to eat freekah.
A few basil leaves.
How to make
Heat the oven to 200C (or 190C Fan).
Pop the hazelnuts onto a baking sheet and roast for 5-10 mins until they are slightly browned and the skins peel off easily by rubbing a little. Chop and set aside.
Toss the chunks of beetroot and carrot with the chilli flakes, cumin, oil and seasoning, spread out in a shallow baking pan and roast for 40 mins.
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Take the beets out and toss in the sherry and honey, then return to the oven for a further 5 minutes.
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Mix the Greek yoghurt with the lemon juice, then season to taste.Warm the freekah through with a little water in a small saucepan.
Toss the warm beets and carrots with the freekeh in a serving bowl. Drizzle over the yoghurt dressing, then scatter with the hazelnuts and torn basil. Season again and drizzle with a little more oil, then serve.
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Chilli fried squid with smashed borlotti beans
This takes literally 20 minutes from start to finish. To be eaten lingering over a glass of wine with a special someone that you don’t want to be seen stuffing your face in front of. Serves 2
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1 400g can borlotti beans
A few leaves of sage, chopped finely
1 sprig rosemary. Needles chopped finely
1 long red chilli
1 tsp red wine vinegar
Generous glug of olive oil.
½ tsp chilli flakes
2 garlic cloves, chopped
2 anchovy fillets, chopped
Extra virgin olive oil
6 small squid, cleaned, trimmed, flattened and scored,  and suckers separated
Parsely to serve.
How to make:
Prepare the squid, rub some oil over it, season, and leave to one side on a plate.
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Put the olive oil into a sturdy pot on a low heat, add the garlic and cook very slowly for five minutes. Add the sage, rosemary, chopped chilli, vinegar and anchovy fillets. Stir for a minute or two to combine, then add the borlotti beans and the chopped tomatoes. Continue to cook on a low heat for about 15-20 mins until the flavor combine and you have a thick consistency. Mash the beans a bit with a fork (but not too much, you stil want discernible beans on display in the finished dish).
Heat a frying pan, and when searing hot throw in the squid and chilli flakes and fry for 30 seconds to a minute until you have browned charred bits of squid but not yet overcooked or rubbery.
Fill a couple of pasta bowls with the beans, add the quid on top and garnish with chopped parsley. Drizzle a little olive oil over the squid and season again before serving.
Gingerbread ice cream sandwich
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I had one of these on a scorchio day at the Smorgasboard in Prospect Park. Been wanting to recreate it ever since. My recipe leans heavily on The Violet Bakery for their chewy, treacly ginger nut, coupled with a non-churn ridiculously easy and foolproof ice cream inspired by the legend that is Mary Berry. Makes 6-8 sandwiches.
For the ginger nuts:
210g plain flour
11/2 tsp ground cinnamon
11/2 tsp. ground ginger
¼ tsp ground cardamom
¼ tso. Ground coriander
1 tsp bicarbonate soda
125g unsalted butter
100g dark muscovado sugar
100g treacle11/2 tsp boiling water
Caster sugar for dusting
 For the ice cream:
4 large eggs, separated
100g caster sugar
300ml double cream
100g stem ginger, chopped into small pieces
2 tbsp syrup from the jar
30g chopped crystallized ginger
 How to make
First, make the ice cream.
Whisk the egg whites in a large bowl until stiff peaks form.Slowly whisk in the caster sugar, and continue to whisk until the mixture is stiff ang glossy.
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Whisk the cream in a separate bowl until you have soft peaks. Fold the cream,egg yolks, and the stem ginger, syrup and crystallised ginger into the meringue mixture until well combined (don’t be heavy handed with this stage). Pour into a plastic container and freeze for two hours.
While the ice cream is freezing, make the ginger snaps.
Preheat the oven to 180C (170C fan). Line a baking sheet with baking parchment.
Measure all the dry ingredients (except for the muscovado sugar) into a bowl and mix well.
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Beat the butter, brown sugar and treacle with an nelectric whisk until light and fluffy. Add the boiling water, then the dry ingredients and mix until combined.
Put some caster sugar in a small bowl. Scoop small spoons of mix, roll into a ball and then roll in the caster sugar, then place on the baking sheet and press slightly in the middle (these biscuits will spread a lot so don’t press down too hard). Repeat with the rest of the mix.
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Pop into the oven and bake for 15 mins. The biscuits will still be softish when you take them out of the oven but they will harden as they cool down.
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When the ginger nuts are completely cold and the ice cream firm but scoopable, Sandwich a scoop of ice cream between two ginger nuts and wrap in baking parchment before putting upright into a loaf tin. Repeat with you other biscuits, so they all fit snigly into the tin, then return to the freezer until you are ready to eat them. You can also serve this up as scoops of ice cream, on its own with ginger snaps on the side. 
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adaniellelife · 6 years
As soon as we moved into our ‘forever house’ the first thing I knew I wanted, scrap that, needed to change was the kitchen, this wasn’t just a case of not suiting my style, it was basically only using up a fraction of the space, and it felt really small and old-fashioned. While the house might be old, I’d always wanted a large kitchen, where I could bake without feel cramp, and that would be the heart of the home, I wanted the kitchen to be more than just somewhere to cook, I actually wanted to create a room I wanted to spend time in, and I’m so happy to say that’s what we’ve achieved. 
It is strange looking back on the before pictures, I really don’t recognise that space, everything from the colour of the cabinets to the cream walls made it look dirty and tired, and it didn’t really highlight the amazing old features of the house, the gorgeous light that comes in from the garden or take full advantage of the large space available. 
The Kitchen Design
When it came to the design of the kitchen I had a fairly good idea what I was after, I knew that I wanted blue cabinets, white tops and copper accents, but I definitely felt like I needed help on the layout and specifications, as all I knew for sure is that I wanted an island, larder cupboards, as well as big drawers for my plates and pans, and a gorgeous big ceramic sink. When it came to the rest I certainly needed a little expert kitchen design help and the team at Magnet in Canterbury were amazing, the lovely Lyn came out to the house, she measured up, sat down with me and discussed what I would be using the kitchen for, what I liked about the current kitchen, which was basically nothing except the Aga, and my dream features I’d love to see in my new kitchen. She also brought samples of the doors and worktop that I had expressed interest in, so I could actually see them in my kitchen, against the red tiles which were keeping, as well as with the beams, the light and the Aga, which actually inspired the colour of the kitchen units.
The home visit really helped me make a lot of decisions, I went for a different cabinet design than I thought, as they were a near perfect colour match with the Aga, they looked better against the red tiles, and I just felt that the barely-there shaker style just really worked with the farmhouse touches of the kitchen, while the colour and light worktops added the contemporary feel that I was looking for. 
The design process was easy, I didn’t really have to do much except chat about what I wanted, while Lyn went away and put together the plan using all my ideas, as well as her expert knowledge on the practicalities on where things could actually go, as we had a few challenges such as low ceilings, beams, extra doors and windows, the well, yep I have a well in my kitchen, as well as the fact we weren’t able to move the water supply, that all had to be considered in the design plan. 
The turn around was quick, we went in to see Lyn at the Magnet Canterbury showroom a week later, she showed us our plan on the computer as well as point out the finer details on the display kitchens, such as the size of the island, the drawer options, the handles, and the larder set up, and we also had to pick out the sink, taps, and worktops that we wanted. You know the fun bits. 
My Magnet Kitchen
Magnet wasn’t the only place we looked, we went everywhere, but when it comes to designing a kitchen you have to go with who looks after you the best, offers the right products for your kitchen, and who can do it within your budget, and for us, that was definitely Magnet, and I’m so pleased with how my Dunham Sky kitchen came together. 
The major aspect of my kitchen has to be the island, which is the centrepiece for the main room. Not only does it offer a ton of storage, we have three cupboards, six drawers and a bookcase, it also houses our new induction hob to complement the Aga, and our Zanussi oven, which I’m obsessed with as it has a pyrolytic cleaning, which basically translates into never having to clean the oven again, and I love it. I know we have the Aga, which is great for cooking meat and baking cakes, but when you just want to throw in a pizza this beauty is amazing, it heats up really quickly and even has a pizza setting for a delicious crispy base. 
I also love that we were able to make the island big enough to have a breakfast bar at the end, as this is basically where we hang out, eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and everything in between, as well as somewhere for me to work outside of my office, as well as shoot a flatlay or two.
As the island is pretty large a major chunk of our budget went on the worktop as I wanted white marble quartz to add a contemporary touch against the brickwork, tiles and beams, as well as create a statement as it’s the first thing you see when you enter the room. I’m not going to lie, this is where most of the budget went, but just look at it, so gorgeous, and really allows the blue cabinets to shine. We also placed the quartz around the Aga, which was a major undertaking for the installers, as there are three pieces around the Aga and it wasn’t an easy job to fit with the Aga fitted in place and the uneven brickwork around it, but they did an excellent job as you can’t even really see the joins. 
One thing to note when opting for quartz you will have to wait a week at least for it to be installed as the quartz is all made to measure, someone comes out to measure up and do a template and then they go away to cut it before returning to install, and in my case cut it down slightly to fit it in because getting behind the Aga was a little tricky. But I can’t recommend the quartz worktop enough from Magnet the quality is amazing, the installation was immaculate and it really just adds something extra special to the kitchen. 
My Kitchen: Magnet – Dunham Sky with Square Copper Handles // White Marble Quartz Worktop // White Marble Laminate Worktop // Zanussi – Induction Hob // Zanussi – Pyrolytic Electric Oven // Franke Modena Ceramic Sink // Franke Eiger Silk Steel Tap // 
The Scullery
Now if money was no object I’d say always opt for quartz everywhere, this stuff is tough and a dream to clean, however, with the extra building work we needed to do to get the dream kitchen we decided to do something complementary in the scullery with this gorgeous marble-effect premium laminate, which when the quartz installers came back thought was the real-deal, and save a little money, and you know what I don’t regret it as I love that the scullery has a contrast to the main room. 
Another thing you have to consider when getting laminate is that you can’t have all sinks, so a Belfast sink isn’t going to work as they use the quartz or wood top to create a draining board and that’s not possible on laminate, however, I had my heart set on this white Franke Modena 1.5 bowl ceramic sink, I just love its rounded edges so it didn’t matter. But do note that with most ceramic sinks they do take up more of the cupboard below so if you need all your storage you might want to choose a different sink. 
I also moved the sink slightly more into the centre of the scullery, to take full advantage of the window, which looks stunning now we’ve had the shutters installed from Thomas Sanderson, and meant that I could get my dishwasher and washing machine either side of it to allow room for an extra larder cupboard at the end. 
I was worried that by not having wall units I wouldn’t have enough storage, but I kept forgetting the island, so the scullery is nice and minimal in its design with two larder cupboards either end for food, a corner unit, and a slim cupboard, as well as the unit under the sink. It doesn’t sound a lot but the corner unit really can fit a lot in it as that’s where I keep all my appliances that I didn’t want sitting on the top like my food processor, coffee machine, blender and Nutribullet, as well as pans, Tupperware and all my baking supplies. 
The major change to this space was also the reopening of the door and well as the discovery of a small window behind one of the wall units, which has really helped to open up the tiny room and I think, along with the white paint, the simple marble-effect splashback and the copper fisherman pendant lights from Iconic Lights it has made this room look really smart and contemporary – I think the only thing left to do in here is to add a few corner shelves to place more of my crockery on display, as I have a lot of it!!!
My Kitchen Details: Iconic Lights – Copper Fisherman Wall Lights & Pendants (c/o) // Tefal – Kettle & Toaster (c/o) // Desenio – Wall Art (c/o) // Cult Furniture – Hairpin Stools with Copper Legs (c/o) // Dulux – Timeless White Paint // Cath Kidston – Disney Cups // Cambridge Satchel Company – Cambridge Candle (c/o) // Ikea – Glass Vases // Le Creuset – Kettle & Storage // Orla Kiely – Storage Jars // Thomas Sanderson – Shutters // 
Vintage Touches
There were three things that survived the kitchen refurb – the floor tiles, not only are they are amazing I think I cried when I heard how much it would cost to replace them, the Aga, another beauty that just needed a little love and a professional clean and service, and these wall tiles from the 1950s that the previous owner had installed. 
I’m kind of obsessed with tiles and I did consider getting tiles for the scullery, I decided against as I didn’t want it to look cluttered, so instead I decided to keep these vintage beauties and make a feature of them by framing them with two reclaimed oak floating shelves to display my pretty things on, namely gorgeous tea sets, my favourite plants and candles. We also made the area into a spot for Falcon as well by placing his dog bed underneath and he loves it as he is right in the middle of all the action, near the scullery, close to the Aga for the warmth and can see what’s going on at the island. 
What do you think of my new kitchen? 
You can probably tell I’m a little happy with how the kitchen has turned out, it really is everything I wanted and more, and it’s already become the focal point of the house. There are so many other things I want to share about the kitchen, like all the copper details from my Tefal toaster and kettle to the Iconic Lights, the vintage dresser, my love of plants, as well as tips on what to consider when you are planning your kitchen, but that will all come in future posts with more pictures from the kitchen, as I was feeling like this post was getting a little long. 
Would love to hear what you think of the kitchen from before to now – leave me a comment below or get in touch on social, either on Twitter @FashionNBarbie or on my Instagram @FashionistaBarbie.
My New Kitchen Reveal - Before And After Pictures - Featuring @magnetuk @cultfurniture @Iconic_Lights @tefaluk @tsblinds & @Zanussi_UK #KitchenRefit #Magnetkitchen #30plusblogs As soon as we moved into our 'forever house' the first thing I knew I wanted, scrap that, needed to change was the kitchen, this wasn't just a case of not suiting my style, it was basically only using up a fraction of the space, and it felt really small and old-fashioned.
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Before Surgery
After Surgery
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When you have lap band surgery, it is for life!  The lap band will change the way you eat and digest, FOREVER!  It doesn’t go away once you have finished losing weight.  In some ways this is great and other ways it is a pain in the…stomach!  In the past two years I have actually managed to gain about thirty pounds back (more on this in another post).  In this post I will go through some my challenges with eating at restaurants with a lap band (some of these experiences are not to pleasant).  This is a great article if you are interested in getting a lap band ( for more information on lap band you might enjoy this book,The Big Book on Lap Band ).
My lap band surgery was almost eight years ago!  It took me about two years to understand my ability to digest. There were significant mistakes!  There are still mistakes!  There is still pain!  What is the first thing you do when you enter a restaurant? Do you scope out the dining area and find the best place to sit?  Enjoy the decor the restaurant has to offer?  Glance through the menu to estimate your budget? No me,  I immediately determining where the bathroom is located.  Sounds weird, I know.  However, you never know when you might have to expel a stuck piece of food or a buildup of extra stomach fluid.  If this happens, it is a mad dash to the restroom.  Although, I do this a lot less now,  I still have to run to the bathroom for, well let’s just call it “pain relief”, but now it only happens occasionally.   Not a pretty sight, but this is my life now! 
When I am on my way to the restaurant, even before we walk through the door searching for the restroom sign, I have to think about my body and how it will react to food on this specific day and time.  I have what I call my good days and I have bad days.  On my good days I can eat a steak!  Yet, I have many more days that I can barely eat a bowl of soup.  Pain!  Yes, physical pain is a part of my life now! I hate pain!  This is why I created my own internal checklist.  I say internal, because you can’t see this checklist and no one knows I have this checklist, except me.
Here is my mental checklist:
Do I feel full?  Hungry? Full, but hungry?
When I feel full it could be for many reasons, but the number one reason is I already ate and I am still digesting my last meal.  With the lap band, it will take a lot longer for food to digest, you feel full longer, and in return eat less causing weight loss.  If I feel full, I will not be able to eat much.  The worst is when I feel full, but I am hungry!  When I feel like this I inevitably order a large entrée and then I am in pain and running to the already located restroom. However, if I don’t feel full, I can usually tolerate more food and a larger entrée. Just to be honest… I am always hungry!  This is just one of the feelings I have grown accustomed to with my lap band.  I can feel full, but am always hungry!
When was the last time I had a bowel movement?
Yes, bowel movements play a role in how much pain I have.  If I eat and have a large amount in my colon, it is quite painful.  
Can I feel the port?  
If I can feel the port, internally, it usually means I will not be able to eat well.  I am not sure why I can feel my port, but if I can, I usually will not be able to eat much.
Have I had enough liquids to drink?
Dehydration can cause inflammation of the esophagus, which in turn reduces the amount and size of what I can eat.
What is my mood?  
When I am happy, I seem able to eat pain-free.  When I am depressed, angry, stressed or have anxiety I tend to have more pain when I eat.
After I check my mental list, I generally have a good idea of what food my body will tolerate.  
I have, what I consider, food envy.  I search the menu, searching for an entrée I will never order.  I will never order a juicy hamburger, a rack of ribs, or a large salad.  I look around the dining room, watching people eat.  Wondering what it would be like to eat normal again.  There is nothing as beautiful as someone taking a huge bite of a big juicy hamburger.  Well, to me it is!  Let’s get back on track…So, what do I order?  I order soup…I eat a lot of soup!  Soup is, usually (again, there are no definite with eating and lap band), a good choice.  No matter how I feel, soup usually goes down well, as long as it doesn’t have many chunks of vegetables or meat.  I tend to stay away from restaurants that do not have soup. However, when I am at a restaurant to do a review, I always try to order something off the menu, and this is difficult at times!
Bad habits are formed through out the years, to make life more bearable.  For people with lap band, we have what we call slider foods. These are called slider foods for a reason!  They are easily digested, even though they have little to no nutritional value.   They literally, slide through the small opening in your stomach!  These foods include chips, all the fried appetizers (fried mushrooms, cheese curds, onion rings), cookies, pie, and some cakes.  I have also discovered that red wine also helps with the digestion.  I can’t tell you why, but with a glass of wind, most foods go down easier (milk also helps, but why chose the healthier version of the two?).  If I am really hungry and not full I know that these will make me feel full, so I order these foods a lot…thus my weight gain in the past two year!
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Finally, when I am full, I am done!  It can be with one bite, two bites, or the entire plate.  It all depends on my checklist and the way I eat!  If I am stressed, anxious, or irritated it limits the amount of food I need to feel full.  I am do not fully understand the “why”, but I understand the pain.  If I eat too fast, take large bites, or not chew enough, I will inevitably be running to the restroom.  If that happens, I may or may not continue eating.  I, HATE when the waitress or waiter sees my plate full and continually ask, “Is everything okay?”, “Would you like something else?”, “Do you need a box?”.  Oh, I know, they are just doing their job, but for me it is a sign of failure.  I failed to eat, I will be even more hungry and I will probably go home and eat some slider food, that I shouldn’t eat, to feel satisfied.  There is no such thing as permanent weight loss for some of us (insert sad face).
I make these experiences a triumph by making the food the least important part of my dining experience.  Going to local, independently owned, restaurants gives me the most enjoyment in dining.  In general, the decor is more inviting and makes you feel more comfortable.  The food is made from fresh, local,  ingredients and have more flavor.  When you can only eat a small amount, the flavor is really important!  In addition, locally owned business are more likely to be able to change a menu item to meet your dietary needs, giving you a more palatable meal.  The patrons are from the area and are more than willing to share information about the area and you get the inside scoop on fun adventures! Not to mention the feeling of delight in helping local businesses.   
  Being a restaurant reviewer with lap band has its challenges, but I love food and love eating at locally owned restaurants.  My lap band will not keep me from the happiness I feel after a well made, freshly prepared, meal at a local restaurant!  I look forward to sharing my triumphs and challenges at local restaurants throughout the world! Please join my blog at Witte’s World Blog
We all have food challenges!  What are your food challenges?  How do you make these challenges triumphs?  
Hunger – Challenge to Triumph – Restaurant Dining after Lapband Surgery This post contains affiliate links. When you have lap band surgery, it is for life!  The lap band will change the way you eat and digest, FOREVER!  
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donatellosgirl36 · 7 years
Bound, Chapter 3 - Food and Furniture
Summary: The arrival of a long lost friend brings back memories and emotions for the turtles, especially Donnie. Lives and futures hang in the balance. This is the first chapter of a series, I developed long ago. Hope you love it! Rated T mainly for violence.
Disclaimer: By the way I don’t own the turtles, because I’m still very broke.
Donnie woke to a foot nudging his shell. “Donnie, get up man.” It was Mikey. Donnie just tried to ignore him. But Mikey’s voice came even more insistent than before. “Donnie, you need to get up before Master Splinter finds you there.” Realization hit Don like a mattress truck. His eyes popped open and he sat bolt upright. He’d fallen asleep on the floor of his alcove. Mikey was leaning over him trying to be quiet. Donnie glanced to the bed, where Sarah was fast asleep. He quickly moved out of the alcove and into the larger main room.
“Thanks Mikey. I must have been more tired than I thought.”
“No prob, dude.  But Master Splinter wants us to train for a few hours, it’s already midday.” Donnie rubbed his stiff neck. He shot a glance at the sleeping figure in his bed, wondering if it was wise to leave her alone. “She’ll be fine, man. Nothing’ll happen while she’s in the lair.”
Donnie nodded. “Yeah, I know.” He followed his brother to the dojo.
Practice had not been much fun for any of them.  Even the usual push-himself-to-the-brink Leo was still very tired. The four brothers settled on the floor with bottles of water. Splinter had left them to meditate some time ago. “So, we should do something about the sleeping arrangements.” Leo mused.
“Yeah, we can’t have Donnie fallin’ asleep on the floor all the time.” Raph jeered.
Donnie rolled his eyes, it didn’t matter that it was an accident. Raph would tease anyway. He rubbed the crick in his neck again. “Well, it would be nice for Sarah anyways, if she had her own space.”
“We could clean up that chamber on the other side of the living room.” Raph suggested.
“You mean the one we use for storage sometimes?” Leo asked.
“Yeah, it stays dry most of the time.” Raph explained. “And it’s a bit separated, so she’d have a little more privacy.”
“Or at least, she wouldn’t be woken up by Leo’s snoring.” Mikey cut in with a snicker. Raph and Donnie chuckled, as Raph elbowed his now brooding brother.
“Well, in any case. I think it’s a good idea. You guys up for a furniture hunt tonight?” Donnie suggested.
They all nodded but their conversation was cut short as Sarah stepped into the doorway. “Hey, guys. I’ve made you some dinner.”
Mikey frowned. “You didn’t have to do that, dudette. I would have made dinner. It’s kinda been my thing over the last few years.”
“Yes, I gathered that from the cupboard. But I’m here now and I’m going to pull my weight as much as I can. Besides I’ve learned a few things in ten years. I’ve got some pretty mad cooking skills myself.” Sarah winked conspiratorially. “You might just like it.”
Raph jabbed a finger at Mikey. “If it ain’t round and starts with a P, Mikey don’t know how to cook it.”
Donnie rose and stepped up beside Sarah. “I for one am more than willing and ready to try someone else’s cooking.” His brothers laughed as they rose to the follow Sarah into the kitchen.
The wonderful aroma met them long before they crossed the threshold. As they filed in, they each took notice of how clean and pristine the kitchen was. In fact, none of them had ever seen it so clean. Sarah had woken shortly after Donnie had left her bedside and finding them all at training, she had decided to make herself useful. Indeed, the entire living space looked much cleaner.
“Dudette, you have truly been busy.” Mikey spoke of the large dish of lasagna, the garlic bread and an apple pie that sat ready on the large round table.
“How in the world did you make this from what we had?” Raph sniffed the food wondering just how fresh those apples could be.
Sarah chuckled. “Believe me, I didn’t have a great deal to work with. But with a little practice you can make almost anything from something.” Donnie grinned and pulled a chair out for her.
Splinter graced the doorway. Usually he didn’t care for what the turtles ate. But that was mostly because the only thing they ate was pizza, and one could only stand so much. He usually preferred his sushi, but the aroma that filled the lair was a little too enticing. “I think I too would like to try this new dish.” The boys made room and Leo pulled up another chair.
They each took a chunk of the hearty lasagna. It was Donnie that took the first bite and within a few moments it was gone. The others followed suite and within mere minutes the entire lasagna was gone along with the garlic bread.
“Where did you find apples?” Leo cut the pie into six even sections.
“Well, it wasn’t fresh apples. I found a can of pie filling way in the back. It looked like it had been forgotten a while ago.”
Mikey piped up at the pie filling. “Oh yeah, I had got that a while back. I thought it might make an awesome pizza topping.”
Sarah chuckled. “Maybe so, Mikey. In any case, you boys are seriously lacking some real food. I should go grocery shopping.”
The turtles exchanged worried glances. “Sarah, you can’t. It’s too dangerous. What if Shinju’s men caught you up there?” Raph insisted.
“Besides we don’t exactly have a budget for groceries.” Mikey pointed out.
Leo was more concerned for her safety. “You can’t just go wandering around up top by yourself until we’ve done something about that mobster.”
Sarah set her jaw and was about to protest, when Donnie’s voice of reason broke through. “Leo’s right, you can’t go alone but that doesn’t mean you can’t go. One of us will just go with you.”  Sarah nodded her agreement and relaxed back into the crook of Donnie’s arm.
That settled Leo rose from the table. “Come on fellas we have to go on patrol. And don’t we have some errands to run too?”
The boys rose and began to clean off the table. Sarah waved a hand at them. “Just leave it guys. I’ve got plenty of time on my hands.”
“You know, it will be nice to have an extra pair of hands around.” Raph chuckled.
Sarah followed them out to the entrance. Donnie paused and looked down at her, the feeling of trepidation rose in him once again at the thought of leaving her behind. Sarah smiled softly and rose up on her tiptoes to place a gentle kiss on his lips. Donnie trembled as he thought he might melt into a puddle of green goo right there. As quickly as the moment had happened, it was gone and Splinter had joined them from the kitchen.
Donnie felt himself blush even though he had done nothing wrong. “We’ll be back soon.” And with that he made a speedy exit.
Little did Donnie know, but it was Sarah’s trepidation he had felt. “Master, does it always feel this way when they leave?”
The old rat sighed. “Yes, I’m afraid so. I am too advanced in age now to do much to assist them. But I suppose every father worries about his children no matter their age.” Sarah winced a little at his words. She wrapped her arms around herself. She had only just now found her family again, if she were to lose them… Splinter’s voice broke into her thoughts and his warm hand touched her arm. “Do not worry too much child, they are highly skilled ninjas after all.”
It was well after midnight when the turtles returned. Donnie found Sarah curled up asleep in his bed once again. Part of him wanted to curl up next to her, but he knew there was more to be done before he could sleep. He returned to the chamber beside the living room. Mikey was moving boxes as his brothers brought in the “new” furniture. They had found a brand new queen size mattress behind a department store. The only thing wrong with it was a rip in the fabric on one side, which Leo was quick to point out that it wouldn’t make a difference once it had a sheet on.  Raph had spotted the bedframe and small dresser near an apartment complex which was frequented by traveling nurses. The frame too was almost new except for a few small scratches. Mikey was certain Sarah wouldn’t mind. Donnie wished he could give her something in a little better shape, but when you’re shopping free you take what you can get. Donnie went to get the dresser as Leo and Raph put the mattress on the bedframe. Mikey had moved all the boxes to another chamber and now returned with an arm full of sheets. The sheets too were worn thin with use.
It was nearly one by the time they had finished the room. Rather than wake Sarah, Donnie decided to test out the new bed for the night and move her in in the morning. As he fell asleep with the sound of Leo’s snoring echoing off the walls, he considered how great a door would be on the small chamber.
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