#Just needed to get this out
lilybug-02 · 6 months
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My Comic Characters meeting my doggos.
I am an artist. I think. I draw.
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goo-goo-for-goggins · 1 month
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sunandmoonseisai · 1 year
I know it's only my second post on this blog but I felt the need to ramble about wander over yonder.
Specifically, about the relationship between wander and Sylvia.
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I don't usually use words such as "queerplatonic" but I think wander and Sylvia embody this concept really well.
What I mean is that they're not lovers but you can hardly write off their relationship as "just friends". I find it fascinating the way their relationship constantly stretch out the limits of what is conventionally acceptable for platonic friends.
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They share drinks
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They sleep close together
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They casually go to a romantic restaurant together (granted, maybe wander was just here to stalk hater lol)
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Most blatantly, their relationship awake the romantic jealousy of a crazy planet.
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A lot of their moments are very intimate sweet. They also say "I love you" to each other multiple times.
What's more, they constantly put each other first, they're very touchy with each other, I could go on.
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A lot of their moments can be traditionally interpreted as romantic. Does that make them lovers? Of course not. Love is often understanding as a binary between "friends" and "lovers" but wander and Sylvia goes way beyond that. There's nothing to understand other that they love each other and are very comfortable with expressing it regardless of the limits of "Platonic display of affection".
Wander over yonder portray platonic love as it own form, as powerful as romantic love. And I think it's both refreshing and important.
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bisonaari · 5 months
Sometimes I get really sad when I notice that a mutual hasn't interacted in a while. Then I check their blog, and it's because they have moved on.
It's how it's supposed to be. Life goes on.
But I like what we have here so much and I'm so not ready to let Käärijä go that it still makes me sad that people are getting there.
I hope I won't be the last one
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lem0nicle · 29 days
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figuring out how to draw him🤷
im not really sure how to caption this
im feeling a lot more anxiety lately because of the approaching school year and i wanted to get it out??
i headcanon 8 with anxiety, idk why, its probably dumb sorry
also i hope im not bothering you with this
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mud-muffin · 10 months
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flamboyantinsomniac · 20 days
Something something Shadow!JohnWickAU where instead of his dog dying its his cat named Maria
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ladyelain · 2 years
Y’all, I hate to break it to you, but Lucien is not a creep for spending time with the IC, and Elain technically isn’t really in the place to order him to stay away from Velaris. And he would back off immediately, if she told him to, but honestly, Lucien at this point seems closer and more chill around most members of the IC than Elain herself.
I find it so weird whenever this fandom starts acting like Elain had every reason to have Lucien banned from social gatherings. Elain may distance herself from her mate all she wants and nobody needs to ask questions, but Velaris isn’t her domain. She lives under her sister’s roof. Nothing wrong with that, but let’s be real. Lucien has every right to hang around with people who literally pay his bills. When he said he wasn’t always in Velaris to see Elain, he wasn’t joking. He’s got a job and is making friends in the Night Court. Deal with it.
I’m just getting the ick from people gaslighting anyone into believing Lucien’s mere presence undermines Elain’s freedom and joy. Because Lucien’s doing what exactly? Buying her presents? Be for real. Elain can’t deal with his presence because she can’t deal with having a mate. Her fears are valid, but they don’t make Lucien an abuser. Can y’all be normal about their bond? Neither Elain nor Lucien are exactly happy with it atm, but there’s nothing problematic about it. Life is uncomfortable and awkward, let’s face it. You think Lucien isn’t cringing himself?
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dressuprat · 6 months
Reminder that people are allowed to make characters for sos smp (not saying names but. Y'all know who I'm thinking abt 😭) and that fWhip stated the no lore meant no overarching plotline (POSSIBLY with the exception of a naturally evolving one) and that y'all are just ruining sos for yourself and probably the creators by deciding to harass fWhip over it.
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crystalpop · 4 months
FUCK ELON MUSK, he is an overgrown man child who throws a tantrum every time someone criticizes him or calls him out on shit. Just because people noticed and called you out for liking weird shit on your twitter account doesn’t mean you get to throw a tantrum and destroy twitter more than you already have by removing and hiding likes for everyone, wasn’t that already a feature/incentive for buying twitter blue???
By implementing this feature that NOBODY asked for he continues to make it harder and harder for artists and other creators to get the recognition and attention that their posts deserve. Half of the amazing artists that i have found and followed I found while looking through the likes on another artists account who draws/interacts with similar things and fandoms. Half the time I spent on twitter was looking through likes because i could find so many more people through their than the “for you page” and searching the tags. If he really wanted to fix and make twitter a better platform then he would have taken care of the spam and bot problems that have been a huge issue for way over two years now.
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Along with that, how are we going to be able to make sure we are not following or liking accounts that support and like posts with n4zis, zoophilia, racism, homophobic/transphobic, loli shit, pedos, ect. I am now not able to make sure that i am not interacting with and supporting horrible people.
The only people who are truly supporting this update or are benefiting from it are either Elon bootlickers or creeps who are embarrassed or want to hide the weird shit that they like.
Eat shit and disappear Elon Musk🖕
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loserboysandlithium · 5 months
I’m gonna be dramatic for a second because my mental health is in shambles and I don’t really care anymore. Feel free to ignore this post. 🖤
I’m constantly finding out that new stranger things writers have blocked me and I genuinely just don’t get it? I’ll see something I like and go to click on the person to follow them and I’m blocked. I just want to say there is one singular person on this app that I don’t “like” and they are not a writer and that’s simply for personal reasons. I’ve never once done anything or said anything to any of these people. I don’t know if it’s because of the weird divide there seems to be (I came in late to the tumblr game so I don’t know nor care about any of that drama) or if it’s because of the friends I’ve made (who I love and adore and wouldn’t change for the world) or the beautiful boy I happen to be dating (marry me). I genuinely have no idea. But I know I’ve never once been mean or rude or said anything to any of these people so I guess it’s all just weird to me. I don’t feel like a fandom should be that way. Or maybe they just don’t like my writing and that’s completely fine too but as a person (writing aside) I know I’ve never done anything to anyone on here so I’m not sure why that requires a block. I don’t and never have sent anon hate. I don’t write anything and never have written anything “minor coded”. I’ve never even written virgin reader (not that I wouldn’t necessarily. I’m just making a point.) I literally don’t even write high school smut because it personally gives me the ick. I’ve never had “beef” with anyone. I’ve never been a bitch to anyone. But ultimately if you don’t like me for no reason I guess there isn’t much I can do about it. This isn’t a “poor me” post. It’s just a “what the fuck?” post. But anyways, sorry for the long ass vent on a Friday morning.
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secretkittywolf · 3 months
Since Cobra Kai season 6 is on its way, I've decided to rewatch it and can we PLEASE talk about this
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First off: Why leopard print? It's hideous
Secondly: The hair? What are you? 35?
Lastly: Putting Tory in this dress makes her look like Robby's mother! It's like Robby couldn't get a date to prom so he asked his mother to go with him!
I also hate their relationship. It was so unnecessary and forced. It only happened because of Sam & Miguel.
I was so happy that they broke up in season 5.
Better as friends than lovers.
Also can we have no relationships please? Just have Miguel, Sam, Robby & Tory all be friends? Please Netflix?
And maybe a Moon, Eli, Dimitri & Yasmine poly
No relationship drama. No "Is Sam & Miguel together or Robby & Tory?" "Robby & Sam again?" "Miguel and Tory?" Just have them be friends!
No. More. Relationship. Drama!!!!
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sunandmoonseisai · 10 months
I've seen a few comments criticizing poppy in the new movie, saying that she doesn't listen to branch's doubts about his brother, cross over his boundaries and only care about herself and the boys band. And I've never seen anyone giving a satisfying rebuttal so let me give it a try
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First off, I think poppy pushed branch to let his brothers back into his life for his own good . When John dory introduced himself as branch's brother, poppy had all sort of reason to think that branch had complicated feelings to sort out with him. Why? Because she literally saw him crying while listening to brozone a few hours ago.
Branch is the kind of person to bury his feelings so to not deal with them. And sometimes, he need to be pushed to get these feelings out. If it wasn't for poppy convincing him, branch wouldn't even try to save Floyd, let alone reconnect with his brothers. Of course, poppy does make it a bit about herself with her "you're so lucky to have siblings I wish I had a sibling" rant but her push is still something he fundamentally needed.
But when branch's doubts seems to be comfirmed and it seems like his brothers are about to abandon him again, poppy doesn't even hesitate to leave everyone for him. I can't understand how one can think that poppy doesn't care about branch's feelings when she respond to his lash out with nothing but compassion.
Lastly, there's the part where poppy try to convince branch to sing with his brothers then say something that can be interpreted as reverse psychology. "I agree with you. I think you can handle it so I think you shouldn't do it". Now this could be interpreted in two different ways. Either poppy is genuinely trying to be understanding, which I think is entirely possible or she's again pushing branch out of his comfort zone which seem to implied by her teasing "prove it". In which case, singing with his brothers was still a positive experience for branch and I think poppy knew it would be an helpful push.
Now, poppy isn't perfect character. She can be insensitive and self-centered and it's the case even in this movie but I think when it come to her relationship with branch, she's a very positive influence on him, pushing him out of his comfort zone and listening to him when he need it and this is the case ever since the first movie.
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shadowcoded · 1 year
seeing a lot of posts related to zukka that are pissing me off lately. either someone downplaying it or trying to tell me how I should ship them.
pls tell me this is not becoming twitter, that is my comfort ship and I refuse to let y'all get your hands in it. just leave them tf alone
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justbackgroundnoise · 2 months
anyone who is still hung up on the Canada drone thing and continues to say Canada should have been kicked out of the Olympics because they have the “upper hand on all of their opponents” must not be people who have ever really played soccer, followed soccer, or are people who really understand how the game actually works. does the drone thing suck and is it so stupid that any coach would even try this? absolutely! but you can do all the prep in the world (in whatever that means) and it can ultimately be for absolutely nothing because soccer is a game of in the moment decisions and big emotions.
A soccer game is 90 minutes and it is unbelievable how much can happen and how much can change within even a fraction of that time frame. A player can get hurt and maybe a team’s star gets subbed out which leaves them without their number one goal scorer, someone gets two yellows or a straight red and a team goes down to ten men which changes how they attack and defend, someone decides they want to cross the ball to change the field of play but they give the ball directly to an opponent who gets a breakaway, a team can adjust their formation fifteen minutes into a match to account for pressure from attackers or a tight midfield that they didn’t anticipate, the goalie spills a ball and the other team scores on a rebound, etc. There is SO much happening and so much changing so quickly in a soccer game that this notion that Canada knows how to beat their opponents now because of “drone spying” is kind of silly. Yes it’s a team sport but players can make choices for themselves on the pitch that affect the game in ways no one but themselves can control or make up for and in this game things happen swiftly and unexpectedly most of the time. that’s just how soccer works.
I’m not making excuses for bad coaching and stupid choices and I’m glad the people directly responsible were penalized for it but don’t assume that because of all of that, the Canadian players have this incredible in depth advantage and can beat every team they play cause….that’s just not it lol
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sundew199 · 1 month
Loneliness is such a weird thing to experience especially when you’re surrounded by friends and family who genuinely love you. But it’s so infuriating to know that and feel like a background character in your own life, like why does my mind do that
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