#Just recently realised tumblr allows more than 10 images in a post now?
don-dake · 2 years
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To be fooled or forced into having to yum cha with people you don't give a damn about by family…relatable scenario!
《非常保鑣》 (1999) 第五集
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Hey hey hey! Here are this week's newlywed questions! So excited!
Note: Once again, this week’s round focuses on photos! Dialogue is entirely optional, though for some of these, it’d be fun to know the story behind the pictures ;) Tumblr mobile only allows 10 picture uploads (there are 10 questions), so collages are highly encouraged! Otherwise, the non-beta version of Tumblr desktop will allow more than ten.
Have fun!
For MC
Favorite childhood photo of Ethan
What’s your phone wallpaper image?
Contact name and photo for Ethan
Top three photo results when you Google Ethan
First picture of or with him that you uploaded to social media
For Ethan
Favorite childhood photo of your spouse
What’s your phone wallpaper image?
Contact name and photo for your spouse
Top three photo results when you Google your spouse
First picture you ever took of or with your spouse
*Credit to the anon who sent me the first three questions!
Hi Bree! These questions were so fun to answer, I loved it! 🤩 Thank you for sending these to me! 💖
P.S. : Ignore my mediocre editing skills, I tried my best! 😬
So lezz go!
Favorite childhood photo of Ethan
Meera : Ooh! Starting with a bang!
Ethan : No, Meera. Bree said favourite not embarrassing.
Meera : What if the embarrassing one is my favourite?
Ethan (with a snug face) : Fine then, I have ammunitions too.
Meera : You do?
Ethan (nods)
Meera (thinks for a moment) : Fine, so can we call it truce that no embarrassing pictures this round? (extends hand)
Ethan (shakes hand) : Sure Dr. Ramsey-Bose.
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Meera : After the infamous CPR pic, this has to be my favourite. Look at this kid. Isn't he adorable? 🥺 You were always a dog person, no doubt we are soulmates.
Ethan : That's Tito. He was the pet to an elderly couple that lived accross the street from us. He was a very good boy.
What’s your phone wallpaper image?
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Meera : This picture from our wedding is one of my favourite.
Ethan : Mine too.
Contact name and photo for Ethan
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Meera : He didn't allow the 🥵 emoji so I bargained it for the 🔥 one.
Ethan : I neither understand the purpose nor importance of this.
Meera : Try being a millenial to understand babe.
Top three photo results when you Google Ethan
Meera (chuckles) : Remember the first time you did this for the pictagram profile.
Ethan : I said this that day, I'll say it again, the internet is a scary place.
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Ethan : Officially off the market? What even is that?
Meera (not being able to stop laughing) : You look so cute when flustered.
Ethan rolls eyes
Meera : Okay this is the article from when you announced on national television that you are not single. And the rest two are your recent achievements.
Ethan : Yes but how is something from four years back still the top result?
Meera : You did break almost a million hearts that day.
Ethan (a huge grin on his face) : Damn. Bad luck, I am stuck with you.
First picture of or with him that you uploaded to social media
Meera : Oh my my I have to scroll waayyy back for that.
Ethan (looks at Meera's screen as she scrolls) : Howcome there are more pictures of me on your profile than yours?
Meera : Because you are hotter and more famous and that gives me much more likes and followers.
Ethan (shakes head) : Kids these days.
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Meera : So, a little backstory. Dr. Ramsey kissed me infront of the entire hospital on the day of the Gala. But then didn't want to make our relationship public. I agreed because everyone was not in a right mindspace with the hospital closing and losing jobs.
Ethan : We were also figuring things out since we no longer would be working in the same place.
Meera : Then the hospital got saved and everything went back to normal. But he still didn't want to make it public. Next he wanted to take me for a getaway before the hospital opened after the remodeling. So I told him that I had to make it public now.
Ethan : As far as I remember, you ordered.
Meera : Yes I did. You tell me Bree what was I gonna tell my roommates? That I am going away for a romantic getaway with my BOSS? So I had to make it public a week before we left with this post. And all my friends and acquaintances literally roasted us alive in the comments. (facepalms)
Ethan : In my defense, how was I suppose to know that every single person knew?
Meera : You weren't quite subtle about it babe.
Ethan : But at the end it all paid off. (kisses Meera)
Favorite childhood photo of your spouse
Meera : Remember no embarrassing ones.
Ethan : I got you, love.
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(just breaking character here to say this is me lol 🙈)
Meera : Oh my God! How did you even get this?
Ethan : Maa (Meera's mom) sent this.
Meera : This was at my uncle's wedding. I was what? Four.
Ethan : and the cutest four year old.
What’s your phone wallpaper image?
Ethan : One from our Indian Wedding, where she looked like a queen.
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Meera : I LOVE this picture!
Contact name and photo for your spouse
Meera (sighs) : Gonna be something boring for sure.
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Meera : Okay Ramsey, I see you played well. Now what about adding a 🥵 emoji beside the purple heart?
Ethan : I'll delete the picture and the heart if you try to bring me to put one of those faces.
Meera : Okay, okay, I hear you. Better be happy with what you have!
Top three photo results when you Google your spouse
Meera : Am I even famous enough to be Google searched?
Ethan : Ofcourse you are, darling!
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Meera (chuckles) : Yeah I am, after marrying you.
Ethan : That's not true see this one is about you heading the DT.
Meera : And the other ones are about our wedding and honeymoon respectively.
Ethan : Don't worry you will recieve all the recognition and love within a few years, I promise. (kisses her forehead)
Meera : With a husband and mentor like this, ofcourse I will.
First picture you ever took of or with your spouse
Meera : Shit! Why can't I remember this?
Ethan silently pulls out the picture.
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Meera : Oh yes this was in Miami, with Ines!
Ethan : Absolutely correct.
Meera : Now I remember. I was too afraid to ask you for a photo so Ines made you click one of us. And look at you know, my designated photographer for life!
Ethan (grins) : Can't say, I don't enjoy capturing your beauty.
Meera : Aww!
(they kiss)
Phew! Another week done! Thank you Bree for this once again! 💖 @jamespotterthefirst @messrprongs
A/N : I realised after creating the social media post that @gryffindordaughterofathena had used the same photo. But she gave me a green light to post mine so thank you Dri! 🤗
Tagging my usual : @starrystarrytrouble @mm2305 @charisworld @choicesfanaf @potionsprefect @genevievemd  @shanzay44 @little-flowers-on-heaven @schnitzelbutterfingers  @coffeeheartaddict @gryffindordaughterofathena @chemist-ana @adiehardfan @custaroonie @ireneadlerisseggsy @takemyopenheart @natureblooms24 @mainstreetreader @izzyourresidentlawyer @a-crepusculo @quixoticdreamer16 @starryeyedrookie @barbean
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed. Also if you want to sit out only the answers to the newlyweds game then hit me up too. There will be no hard feelings I promise! 💜
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Al Murphy
Website Instagram Tumblr
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The main point of his talk, Al said, was to reassure those who are nearly graduating, were nervous or worried about our degrees or life as an illustrator, as well as how to make the jump between having graduated and having a job. He shared that he was very scared in his final year, “freaking out” and wondering how or when he would get a job or be employed. Al said he now has an agent, that gets him jobs, and this is the best route to go down. Jobs take all sorts of different forms (such as the one below!). Many of his jobs now are editorial, promotional or for advertising, and he mentioned he would love to do more animation but so far his career hasn't taken that turn. 
His work, self-described, is usually character-based and humorous. Every aspect of his brand is bright, colourful and humorous too, including his website and his various social media. One quote from his solo show reads he’s been “described as the Ipswich Town FC of illustration”, in that “he’s been around for a long time but it’s hard to recall any of his major successes”, just an example of the kind of self-deprecating humour he uses in his work and his advertising. Another that also made me laugh was: “having spent ten years living in Berlin and New York he has recently returned to London where he spends his time telling disinterested others that he just spent the last ten years living in Berlin and New York”, which is relevant to our talk, and also funny. 
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My own work rarely ever includes humour. It’s often character-based, however. I have never really thought about including humour in my work as it’s always been based on aesthetics for me, but it’s obvious that humour has a big hand in Al’s projects and how he gets employed for advertising. It could be worth trying this in future; seeing how humour can incorporate itself into my work.
Similar to Al’s work above, painted on a wall, is that of Sha’an D’Anthes. Although probably less about humour and focused more on ‘cute’ and aesthetically pleasing small illustrations, her work is similarly used below.
I have loved Sha’an’s work for years. I love the colourful nature of it - although the below illustrations on the glass are only in white, most of her work is bright and happy, like the first image. Personally I would love for my work to jump off the page in the same way, however the watercolours I mostly work with don't always allow this. I would like to work in more bright, colourful traditional ways and see how it translates. 
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Sha’an posts vlogs on her YouTube channel and documents her process, talking about life as an illustrator. It’s a fascinating insight into her career and I would love to do the same with my practice eventually. 
Al spoke about his influences and how growing up, you don't always realise that something influences you as its happening. I thought this was an interesting reflection as I always find it quite funny to look back on my work from when I was younger and see how very similar it looked to a Disney Princess film! We collect plenty of influences over the years, all of which have an effect on our work.
Murphy’s work itself is very visually appealing; it’s easy to see why companies want to use it for advertising and promotions. It jumps out at you and is expressive and attention-grabbing. 
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He described a few times about working with companies, big and small. Seeing as much of his work is advertising and promotions for companies, he has lots of experience with this. It’s always interesting to hear about working with brands and how the exchange works, especially as it’s likely I’ll experience this for myself after I graduate. I imagine it’s something you get better at through experiencing it for yourself, and you only really learn through doing, but it’s very useful to hear what companies expect from artists and the different ways they communicate it. 
Although not from the talk, an article about Murphy in Creative Boom reads “on the one hand, [advertising] has fed and clothed his family and led to award-winning success, while on the other, it has made him question his own morals as he takes the money to help sell brain-melting products to children”. I thought this was a very interesting point as it is always relevant to discuss what we want from our careers and how we feel our talents are best used to affect the world around us. It’s not necessarily something that’s brought up often, especially as commercial illustration is a very popular road to go down and can be the source of quite a lot of money and success. There’s many other paths in illustration, however, and it’s always worth considering which options make you happiest, which ones you can get the most out of, or which ones you can contribute the most to. At the end of the day, I think creating for a living is a great privilege, and if you don’t love what you’re doing, it’s going to be very difficult to do it. 
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Simon Spilsbury
Website Instagram
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A freelance illustrator, Simon Spilsbury’s philosophy is that drawing, and ideas, are central to process. His website says that his work is “spontaneous, energetic, quirky, inherently humorous, adaptable and elegant”. At first, he said that every day there will be a new image, one that’s never been seen before. I thought this was a wonderful thing to start the talk with - a comment on creativity, and how it’s never the same twice. 
He asked us, what sets you apart? In order to be creative, you must make collisions, and take your brain out of its comfort zone. I rarely do this; I’ve always stuck to what I know, especially as everyone says to be successful you need a specific style that people can recognise you by. In Simon’s words, however: “you never know where you're going to end up. If you do, you're not being creative.”
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He stressed that your reaction to a brief only happens once. You should make a starting point, and the rest will follow. Personally this is something I struggle with; I find it really hard to bring myself to start something, as often the size of the task scares me. Usually once I’ve broken it down, it’s not so difficult. 
Simon also had some specific illustration advice, a lot of it on emotion and expression. He advised that if you want to draw someone performing a specific action, you should do it first. The action also informs the rest of the image. If you're drawing somebody pick up a rock, for example, you draw the rock first. 
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Simon’s practice is centred on drawing. Most of his work is sketchy and illustrative in a way only achieved through pen on paper, or digital pen on digital paper. It kind of captures the way that many artists sit down and absently doodle on a page, a bit like a stream of creativity. 
I do most of my work through painting, or through digital software like Procreate. It’s very easy to capture the magic of drawing to Procreate now with very advanced software and plenty of traditional-style brushes. I don't think the emergence of this software changes the creativity that comes alongside drawing and art. Personally, in my head I separate quick, simple sketches on pieces of scrap paper from digital work or painted work as it might take less effort or time. Listening to Simon’s talk reminded me that maybe I shouldn't, seeing as both use lots of creativity. Arguably, quick sketches use more, seeing as they are thought up on the spot and require no planning, brainstorming or practice. 
You must understand what you’re drawing, Simon says, with no preconceived ideas. I liked his approach to illustration - it was inspiring to hear about his version of creativity, especially as I haven't felt that creative in a while. My process has become sort of robotic, always the same, often on a screen and through a computer and rarely just for myself. Although Simon didn't address this directly, his ideas about creativity and leaving your comfort zone really struck home with me. I left wanting to do it much more often. 
Neil Sheakey
Website Instagram
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Neil is a design director at Uniform, in Liverpool, established in 1998, which he described as one of the few companies outside London with a wide variety of creatives. He completed his degree in graphic design at the University of Derby in 2004. He showed us work his company had done with brands like Mitre, Ideal Standard, Innocent and Encona. 
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His personal creative process was broken down into stages: empathy, perspective, direction, creative and action. It’s always interesting to see or hear about other people’s creative processes, seeing how they differ to our own. Neil also introduced something else interesting, his idea of a 360 experience, also in stages. These were to see, hear, touch and feel, his way of trying out whether and how a brand connects to customers.
Most of Neil’s work is digital and for advertising. He placed a big focus on process, which I’ve not thought about for years. My A-Level Fine Art teacher drilled it into us that process is the most important part of a project. You need plenty of ideas and research to back up your work. I do this a lot for university projects, but not very often for personal projects. I would really like to try this for a personal project and are if it makes any difference to how much I like the finished product. 
Neil gave us some useful advice about presenting. If your audience is frowning, it means they are concentrating, which is not a negative reaction. Presenting, he said, means talking about yourself and your ideas comfortably. However, if your idea bombs or does badly, ask questions: why? What can be fixed? How can it be better? I think these questions apply themselves very well to presenting but also to personal work, especially when I have produced something I don’t like (which happens a lot more than I’d prefer).
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Most useful was Neil’s 10 tips. He didn't specify them as such, but they certainly are useful tips.
1. Explore - being creative is all about exploration.  2. Find your voice - something that is always talked about in the community. 3. Collaborate - I’ve learnt a lot about collaborating with others this year; people on my course, my friends, etc. It makes me more creative! 4. Think, do, reflect - always look back on your work and see what you liked, what you didn’t, what you can take forward from it.  5. Craft your portfolio - something I forget about! Having one online means people can always look at it, or stumble upon it. 6. Give 100% - I’ve got worse at this. I find it very difficult to motivate myself, but I’m trying harder, because this is something I love to do! 7. Value your time - I’m bad at time management, but my time is also precious, and it does well to remember that. 8. Look after yourself - one of the most important things, if not the most important one. Being creative for a living can be draining and also a lot of pressure. Looking after yourself is essential. 9. Be yourself - your creativity is what can get you jobs, commissions, etc. It’s important that it’s your own! 10. Enjoy it! - of course. Being creative for a living is fun! I’m not as good at this any more, as my whole life is creative now - when I was still doing exams, it used to be my escape rather than my degree, my hobby and my dream career. Hopefully I can get better at enjoying it and appreciating it.
Other Speakers
Due to illness, I unfortunately missed a couple of the speakers we had visit the university, and another was cancelled to to the COVID-19 pandemic. To fill in the gaps, found and listened to some more talks online. 
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Maria Kalman: The Illustrated Woman This talk was wonderfully random and eccentric. Kalman seemed to really run with the idea of thinking outside the box and almost trusting your first thoughts. She talks of being a dreamy child and dreaming her way though life, all the way until college. Interestingly, Kalman didn’t start drawing until after university. I often worry about where I’m at professionally but I often forget that in the grand scheme of things, I’m still very young. The landscape of illustration is different now than in the 80s, but I still have a lot of my life ahead of me. 
An interesting concept she mentioned was “if you know too much, you’re stymied”. This is the second talk this concept has appeared in: Simon Spilsbury also spoke about not knowing where you're going to end up, as if you do, it isn't creativity. Like I mentioned in his talk, this is something I am very bad at. I prefer knowing which direction I’m headed in and I’m often too nervous about a project and how it will turn out to even start it. This talk, and this point, was a brilliant reminder that you can’t plan everything, and sometimes your first thoughts are your best thoughts. 
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Janet Echelman: Taking Imagination Seriously  This was one of those talks where you think it might have changed your life, or at least your outlook. Janet Echelman went to India for an art show and her paints got lost in shipping. As I was listening to this story my heart dropped -  I couldn't even imagine what I’d have done in this situation - but Echelman took it in her stride. On a walk, she saw the natives weaving nets on the beaches and  sat with them to learn how to do it. Since then, this way of working has become her best and favourite way of working. 
I was fascinated by this. As someone that is sometimes too intimidated to try a new type of paint, or to paint or draw a more difficult perspective of something, I found Echelman’s willingness to open herself up to new ideas inspiring. There have been plenty of obstacles in her creative life, but when those arise she simply found ways to solve them. There are often times when I find a challenge too hard, or too intimidating, to even start it. Deep down I know that if I attempt it, even if I fail, I will have learnt something from the experience, and you can only get better through trial and error. Even so, sometimes the nerves I feel about a new project or challenge can overwhelm this logic.
Echelman has carried out briefs for very important clients but despite this, her talk is still filled with the wonder and joy that sparked her creativity in the first place. She places great importance on how art should make you feel, and how you should strive to create things that make other people feel something too. It even made me tear up at the end.
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Alexa Meade: Your Body is my Canvas  A reoccurring theme with these talks for me is how good these creatives are at simply new ideas. I think the idea of creativity has taken a back seat for me over the years, and I know at A Level and GCSE there was a big focus on technical precision and talent instead of just having a good idea, and running with it. Although my degree places importance on elements of this, in my work it seems to have disappeared. Maybe creativity comes quite easily to me, in that I’m given a brief and instantly have ideas to put down, or maybe I've forgotten about it altogether, and I’ve managed so far to work without much of it. It might be that creativity is different for all of us. This talk still serves as a reminder that we should always be trying to access our creativity in everything we do. 
Meade seems to have creativity down pat, however; if you could describe it, it would be this. Her work is fascinating in that she doesn't paint on canvas, but she actually paints on the subject she is painting. What comes from this is what looks like two dimensional paintings, but is all 3D. These talks are all inspiring, but Meade has taken an idea from the past and made it into a career that nobody else had done before. 
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Jarrett J. Krosoczka: How a Boy Became an Artist  There is something so inspiring about holding art and creativity so close all your life, and Krosoczka’s story is this exactly. It places huge importance on using your imagination: “writing is using your imagination on paper”. It was another wake-up call to be reminded that at the basis of what we do as creatives, we’re always using our imaginations. 
“Celebrate your own style” is among the wisdom in this talk. Krosoczka had a turbulent life but recognises and passes on the importance of good stories, for children specifically. There is a confidence that is threaded throughout his talk and his life, almost like willing something into existence. Again, it’s inspiring to see someone with the confidence to know that whatever happens, it’s always possible to meet your goals and fulfil your dreams. In a creative career it’s easy to let adversity get you down, but it’s also amazing to look back on your life so far and celebrate the achievements you've made. 
What I took away from this talk is a reminder that even if I feel down about my art or my abilities, I always have the tools to get better and develop. I think this is something always worth remembering. 
A few other links to interesting talks/podcasts I found by artists:
Anthony Gormley in Conversation with Iwona Blazwick
Tracey Emin RA on her largest-ever text piece
Building a successful career as an illustrator with Furry Little Peach
RCA Talk with Subject Matter: Women Artists & A Brave New Art World
Béatrice Coron: Stories Cut From Paper
In Summary
All in all I enjoyed the talks. It was inspiring to get a fresh perspective on art, illustration and creativity, especially as we often seek out ideas similar to our own and flock to people that share them. Naturally it was useful and equally as interesting to hear from people established in their fields, how this came to be, and even how they felt - and now feel - about it. 
It was also a bit of a wake up call as I know plenty of people, me included, tend to stay focused on the present and the work they're involved in right now, instead of making plans for the future and looking ahead. I don't think it’s advisable to plan out every aspect of my future, but I rarely think about it. It was interesting, fun and quite daunting to sit on the train on the way home from some of the talks and imagine a career that spans as long as some of our speakers. Maybe one day I’ll give a talk of my own!
One criticism I have with the talks is the lack of diversity. I understand it is difficult to get people in to give talks, but one thing I noticed as soon as we got a list of who was visiting was the lack of women on it. I was hoping to get more of an insight into women in the industry. Instead, this was something I sought out myself; the extra talks I needed were mostly by women. Of course the women giving these talks were equally fascinating and knowledgable.
This concerns other aspects too, not only gender, as it would have been interesting to hear from people from different backgrounds and different ethnicities, as all of the speakers we had visit were very similar in that respect. It’s interesting to hear from anyone in the field, but I’m sure people from different walks of life would have something extra interesting to add to their talk or something different in their story to share. Not only for me, for my own curiosity, but also for other students that come from somewhere different to me, somebody that might appreciate a different insight that they can relate to. It would be easy to feature this in a range of visiting artists.
I felt there could have also bee variety in types of illustration, as the talks I heard were mostly from those in advertising and promotions (of course, the two I missed due to illness may have been different). I know Louise Lockhart, the final talk that was cancelled, is a children’s book illustrator, and gives me all the more reason to be disappointed about missing it! There are so many different ways to use skills and experience in illustration and although advertising is a very common one, it would have been useful to have more variety in this aspect.
Of course, it’s always encouraging and refreshing to hear from established artists and to take away something from a talk. There’s always something you can learn. Even with the extra talks I needed, I felt more and more interested with every one I listened to, and felt encouraged to find and learn more. It strikes me that with platforms like YouTube and Instagram, where we follow and subscribe to fellow artists and creatives, we are doing the same, always wanting to find out more and learn from people around us and people we admire. 
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jungkookienoona · 7 years
The Meme and His Tutor
Part 14: The Time The Tutor Got Her Revenge
Recommended Song: Mommae by Jay Park feat. Ugly Duck
|All Chapters|
After one lot of revenge the week before, you felt the need to get revenge for something else. But you end up realising something while you’re at it.
Genre: Fluff, comedy
Pairing: Jungkook X Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 2731
Length: 14/?
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Okay. This was it. You had gotten your revenge for his meme folder but hadn't yet gotten revenge for him being shirtless. And that day had come. You turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, pushing wet strands of hair out of your face. The towel you had picked out was one that barely went to mid-thigh once wrapped around you. Your cheeks were flushed and water trickled down your neck to gather at your collar bones. Hopefully, this worked.
Skype was already loaded on your laptop and you made sure your towel was securely tucked in at the top to avoid accidentally flashing him. That would be more than embarrassing. Right on time, you heard the ring of an incoming call.
"Hi, Jungkookie" You gave a little wave.
Jungkook did not respond. No, instead he sat there wide-eyed looking like a rabbit in headlights. His cheeks were a dark shade of pink.
"Uh... uuuh... N-n-noona... w-wae? C-clothes... where... where are they?"
You swear you heard the sound of typing or keys clicking.
"I just got out the shower. Do you mind if I turn my laptop around so I can get dressed?"
You made a point of adjusting your towel slightly and tried not to giggle when his jaw fell open.
"Earth to Jungkook!"
He snapped his mouth shut and furiously shook his head making it fluffy. "I-I don't mind."
"Okay, I won't take long."
You leant forward to turn your laptop around.
"I-I-I just remembered J-j-jin-hyung needed my h-h-help with d-dinner. I'll b-be 10 m-m-minutes."
And then he hung up. What was that? Did you do something wrong? Had you gone too far? It was gone dinner time and Jungkook had told you in the past that the members try not to eat dinner later than eight because of suffering from indigestion. You went and got changed into a pair of cotton shorts and a loose t-shirt. The weather had been surprisingly nice for the past couple days and you didn't have college to attend so you wanted to be comfortable.
Your laptop rang just as you emerged from tidying the bathroom. You clicked answer and were greeted by the sight of a flushed and panting Jungkook. A bead of sweat trickled down from his temple.
"Sorry, Noona. It really couldn't wait... I noticed Chubs' blog has had a makeover..."
"Really- wait, why are you all sweaty?" You asked, retaking your seat.
He wiped his hand across his forehead. "The kitchen was hot. Go to the ship blog."
You narrowed your eyes suspiciously but relented when he urged you with a wave of his hand.
"Okay, okay. What did she do- oh...wow."
There, in huge letters was 'The Thigh Power Couple'.
"I wish I had paid more attention to Noona's thighs while you were in Korea. I need to know if we're worthy of this title."
Your eyebrows shot up into your hair, "You just saw me in only a towel!"
His cheeks tinted pink.
"Don't remind me."
"I'm not sending you a picture of my thighs... that would be indecent."
"No! Please don't. I mean...yeah, that would be. I guess you'll just have to visit..."
"About that… I don't have enough money… I'm sorry. I should have told you sooner."
"Noona, I-"
"No, I told you I can't afford to visit-"
"But I've-"
"And when you bring it up it just makes me feel worse for disappointing you." You groaned in frustration and Jungkook gave you a small smile.
"You don't have to worry. I-"
"You're not paying."
"Maybe if I pick up a second job I might be able to visit later in the year. I wouldn't be able to talk as much though-"
"Noona I have already paid for the tickets!"
Silence. You couldn't believe it. He had paid for tickets again. When? And then you remembered last week when he asked when your last exam was. That little shit.
"You what?!"
"It's worth it to see Y/N-chingu."
You felt your heart sink a little. Y/N-chingu. Why did it hurt?
"I mean Noona. You prefer Noona."
Your lips lifted but couldn't help but feel a little sad about him ignoring your words.
"Why do you ignore me?"
"Because I'm being selfish." He smirked. "And like I said, I have to see whether your worthy of being in the thigh power couple."
"I'm going to kill Chubs."
"Noona is mean."
"Noona definitely sounds better than Y/N-chingu."
Jungkook's eyes practically lit up as he beamed at you. Which was rather strange. Usually, he would insist that you were his friend and so you were 'Y/N-chingu'. You don't know why you had taken issue with it recently. Is it... is it possible you wanted to be more than Y/N-chingu?
"I'm still going to kill her. She even made the header..."
Jungkook started laughing. "I didn't notice that."
"How could you not notice your dick right at the top of the screen?"
"I was busy reading the about section."
"The section that calls us assholes."
"I can't believe Noona was focusing on my dick. Is that why you agreed to be my tutor?"
He gave a suggestive eyebrow wiggle and you wished you were there so you could punch him in that overly cocky face of his.
"No! But like your hand is so close to it and it's the header image!"
He chuckled and a warmth rose to your cheeks, "Shall I dance for Noona?"
He started humming Rainism and stood up, pushing his chair back to give him room.
"Sit down! We need to talk about you buying me tickets. Don't think I've forgotten!"
He sat bad down with a pout and crossed his arms cutely.
"Why am I not allowed to pay for you to visit when it's me who wants you to visit?"
"Because I have no way of paying you back!"
He gave you a small smile, "Noona being here is enough. And money isn't a problem for me."
"I know, I know." You muttered. Maybe you shouldn't be so hard on him. You didn't want him to think you were ungrateful for the chance to see him again. "And thank you. I'm sorry for yelling at you."
"It's okay. I shouldn't have gone behind your back but it was the only way."
He was scratching the back of his neck again. Why did he always seem to get nervous when talking to you?
"I guess I just can't believe it still. That you chose a nobody like me to be your tutor. That I get to see you every week and on top of that you pay so much money just to see me in person."
"Noona isn't a nobody. You're important to me."
You could have sworn someone had released a thousand butterflies in your tummy. "I'm important to you?"
"Ye." He ran a hand through his hair leaving it standing on end. "Of course you are."
"Because I taught you a language?"
"Because I'm not just Jungkook of BTS to you."
"You're right, you're so much more than that."
He had the decency to smile shyly. "Thank you, Noona."
"You're my friend."
His smile fell a bit but then returned.
"I know at first you just saw me as BTS's Jungkook. But I can tell by your eyes I'm much more than that to you now."
You choked on air.
"My eyes?!"
"Ye," propped his chin on a hand, "They're pretty and expressive. It makes you easy to read."
You glossed over the compliment by pouting. "I'm not easy to read!"
His smile grew, "Yes you are. I bet I know more about your feelings than you do just by looking at your eyes."
Your pout remained. You didn't like the thought of being so easy to read.
"Your eyes are readable too."
Instead of being upset like you were he just chuckled. "I don't think so." He scratched his cheek, muffling his next words.
"I can't hear you when you mumble. What did you say?"
"I know you're lying. I can see it in your eyes."
He quickly covered the camera with his hand.
"I'll tell you when you're here."
He moved his hand away, bunny grin present. That was strange.
"I have to wait two weeks?"
"It'll be worth it." The narrowing of your eyes only caused his smile to grow impossibly wider.
"Noona, don't look so worried."
"You're such a little shit that I'm always worried."
That finally wiped the grin off his face.
"What are you worried about?" He looked at you with concern.
"What you're going to do next. If the Korean media find out and misinterpret our relationship. And if that does happen the effect it will have on you and your career."
"Oh," his brows pinched together. "I've been thinking about that lately too. It's a good job Korean media don't pay much attention to sites such as Tumblr."
"It doesn't mean we're safe. I'm sure followers have posted screenshots on Twitter of the ship blog. I'd hate for you be involved in a scandal because of me."
He seemed to think for a moment, hand travelling up to scratch his head as he did his signature thinking pout.
"Mmm... I don't mind if it was Noona. Because I know and Tumblr knows what we are to each other."
"They think we're a couple. Which we're not." You ignored the sinking feeling in your stomach.
"And if there ever was a scandal, it's not just us we have to think about. There's the members too. It can affect the group's reputation."
"'BTS Maknae has Tutor and friend to help teach him English' Yes such a scandal Noona."
You could practically taste the sarcasm dripping from his tone of voice.
"I'm trying to be serious here!"
"Nothing bad is going to happen. Tumblr doesn't actually think we're together. They just want us to be." He trailed off at the end and sighed. "Stop worrying."
"Sorry, Kookie."
He ran a hand through his hair, "It probably makes me too happy to hear you call me Kookie or BunBun."
"Really? You like being called BunBun?"
He suddenly turns bashful, pressing his lips firmly together and nodding. "Uh, ye. You're the only one and it's kinda cute."
You laughed, used to guys not wanting the word 'cute' associated with them. But you were glad to be the only person to call him that, though you had seen the nickname floating around on Tumblr recently.
"Do you like being called cute Kookie? Don't you want to be a manly man?"
"Men can be cute too. It's not just for girls in panda onesies."
"I remember seeing pictures of you in a Pikachu onesie. Does it still fit? Cause I'd love to see it one day. If it's too small can I have it? Buy you a bunny one as a replacement."
And then you heard it. Jungkook squealed. Like a fangirl squeal.
"You would look so adorable!"
He ignored you, "I'm happy I didn't listen to Yoongi hyung and kept it." He suddenly gasped, "Noona! We can have a sleepover in our onesies when you visit! I'll accept a bunny one as payment for flying you out."
"But that's nowhere near the same price range!"
He waved you off, "Does Noona want to stay at a hotel or stay in the dorm? Please say dorm, you can sleep in my room and I'll sleep on the sofa."
"I d-don?t think that's appropriate, Kookie."
He pouted, "But if you're at the dorm we can spend more time together. We can have breakfast and watch movies and Attack on Titan!"
His smile was infectious, but your earlier worries came back, stopping you from joining him in making plans.
"What if I get seen entering and exiting the dorm? Won't that be suspicious?"
He shrugged, "A week of intensive home tutoring."
You guessed that could work. But even so, it wasn't up for you to decide.
"I don't think the decision is up to me. Maybe ask Namjoon-oppa."
He got up and walked over to his door and opened it.
"Hyung! Namjoon-hyung! Noonaga ilju-il dong-an yeogi meomul su iss-eoyo? (Can Noona stay here for a week?)"
You heard footsteps and then you could see a glimpse of Namjoon through the doorway.
"Uijonhada. Geunyeoneun eodieseo jaji anhgess-eoyo? (Depends. Where would she sleep?)"
"Nae bang. Naneun geosil-eseo jalgeoya. (My room. I'll sleep in the living room.)"
"Neo seuseulo haengdong hagessni? (Will you behave yourself?)"
"Hyung~! Noonaneun yeojeonhi onlain sangtaeyo. (Noona is still online.)" He whined-whispered though you could still hear him.
That was strange. What did Namjoon mean?
"Oh, annyeong Y/N!" Namjoon shouted, you could just see his hand wave over Jungkook's head.
"Geureohdan geoya? (Is that a yes?)" The two discussed it for a minute before Jungkook spun around and pointed at you. "Noona can stay!"
Namjoon left, chuckling to himself, and Jungkook ran back to his seat singing "Sleepover with Noona! Sleepover with Noona!"
Your heart rate picked up dramatically. You were going to be in the Bangtan dorm. Oh god. And Jungkook was letting you sleep in his bed... Was this some cruel trick? You silently nibbled on your lip.
"Noona? Why aren't you happy?"
"I must have done something great in a past life to get this kind of treatment."
He chuckled, throwing his head back against the seat. "I said I'll treat you like a queen. This is just the start."
"W-w-what?! Only the beginning?!"
"Ye. You just wait and see."
You couldn't help but let out a humourless laugh.
"If you're treating me like a queen does that mean you'll treat your eventual girlfriend like a goddess?"
"I'll spoil her rotten."
"She'll be very lucky to have a man-child like you by her side." You directed your gaze to your lap. You weren't so sure he could read you quite as well as he said he could. But just to be safe.
"I think I would be the lucky one. Especially if she would accept me."
You didn't dare look back up at the screen to see his face. The thought of him with some girl caused your heart to feel like it had stopped beating and a lump to form in your throat.
"No. Trust me. She would be the lucky one." With a forced smile on your face, you turned your attention back to the screen. He was staring at you with an expression you could only describe as soft.
"Noona, I have so many dat-days planned for us." His voice was low, possibly due to tiredness, but it was comforting. You wished you were there beside him to hear it without the speakers' slight distortion.
There was a beat of silence followed by him trying to hold in a yawn. Your gaze softened and a tiny genuine smile spread across your lips.
"I'll be looking forward to my next visit then. You should go to bed Kookie."
He gave a nod.
"We'll celebrate you finishing college and moving on in life when you get here. Goodnight Noona."
"Goodnight BunBun."
The window disappeared leaving you staring at Tumblr. You went to the ship blog like you did after ending every call nowadays. It had been relatively quiet since the meme war, something you were grateful for.
You were reading the most recent ask when your phone dinged with a Kakao message. It was a selca of him lead down, both arms being used to hold up his phone to take the picture. His hair was slightly messy and the duvet was pulled up enough to hide most of his torso except his shoulders. A few seconds later another message came through 'Soon my Noona shall be sleeping on this bed. SLEEPOVER!' Without Jungkook sat watching you, you let out the squeal you had been suppressing complete with stomping your feet. Since tutoring Jungkook you had found it easier than expected to control the fangirl within you. But she had broken loose. You couldn't help it. He was just so... so... He made you feel so...
Oh god.
You quickly opened your texts and clicked on Chubs.
'I think I love Jungkook. Like a romantic one, not a platonic one.'
You didn't have to wait long for a reply.
'Thank fucking finally.'
A/N: Co-written with @tragicshadows
142 notes · View notes
Need to find an insurance that will cover infertility treatments?
"Need to find an insurance that will cover infertility treatments?
Please can anyone help me. I have AETNA as my insurance provider. But it will not cover any infertility treatments. I really want to have a baby. My clock is ticking 35 So I will appreciate any info. I can get. THANK YOU!""
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How can i get cheap car insurance?
is there anyway i could reduce my insurance costs
Why is my insurance qoutes so high!?
hey all, I am a 17 year old male, live in cumbria. i realise this is a c rated insurance post code, i understand that. what i do not understand is why when i put in qoutes for the exact same car, exact same details all bar the name, my insurance skyrockets. i get qoutes of 3200 on a corsa 1.0 and the like (small, 1.2 or less cars) whereas friends, even 1 of which lives 5 doors away from me, get qoutes of about 2400. why is this? i understand the post code part, but the thing is all my friends being qouted live in the same area, in the same town, same estate in fact, our first four letters of our postcodes are the same, i thought this was what determined the post code factor. im currently a student, ive put down i have held my license for 4 months, i am the registered owner and keeper of the car, i am the policy holder, even added a parent with 30+ years experience on (which by the way only saved me 100) and i got 3200. my friend on the same street got 2400. why is this? also, can anyone recommend a cheap insurance company, as a young driver? eg. under 19 really, because i know car insurance has almost doubled in like 3 years. no wonder people are illegaly driving with this daylight robbery scam called insurance. thanks""
""Cheap car insurance in Highland, CA?""
Um i live in highland ca 92346, im 18 male just got my license 1 month ago, jux bought a 96 honda accord, anniversary edition. 4 doors, 150 k, excellent condition, which car insurance is the lowest for a guy my age?""
Will I considered to drive a car without insurance?
Hi. I been driving without insurance for months because my mom told me to wait until her insurance expired and will add me to her policy in june. My mom add me to her policy a few days ago and my car insurance will only start valid on june 2, 2013. Yesterday, I was pulled over and got a ticket. Will I considered to drive a car without insurance? My mom was very mad at me because I didn't get any ticket for months and not involve in any accidents and now only 10 days until my car insurance valid, I got a ticket. Please help, I don't want to have 2 violation case especially drive without car insurance""
Is Obamacare insurance.?
at Healthcare.gov they will be doing quotes on October 1 so is the Government selling there own version of Insurance
How much does it cost to add a teen driver to an insurance?
I have completed driver ed privately and also have a 4.8 gpa. My parents are with allstate insurance company, I plan on getting my own car and being the primary driver. I was just looking about around how much it would be yearly. I'm not sure if it makes a difference but the car is either going to be jeep or an suv.""
Is my insurance company responsible !?
I recently submitted a claim to my insurance company an it was rejected . At some point during some severe weather something struck our roof causing water to enter . The rain water caused the sheetrock ceiling to crack and start to collapse . We were told by our insurance provider that this was caused by a manufacturer defect . The manufacturer checked the damage and disagrees . I also disagree being that we have lived in the home for four years and this the first appearance of water . what should I do next ? I have already submitted statements from the manufacturer . The insurance company has also declined to renew our policy because of the damage .
Car Insurance question?
So the other day as I was pulling out of the parking lot my car hit this non moving car next to me. The damage is not bad at all(a small dent with some scratches) and I am working with the other owner to get it fixed. I recently found out that they got an estimate from two places and both places are charging about 1000 dollars for their service. Do you think I would be better off paying for it from my pocket without informing my insurance place?(I am a broke college student). Should I get the car insurance involve? If I do get the insurance company involved will my rate go way up(cleaning driving record)? And how does car insurance company work(do they pay for all or partial)? What is my best option? Please Help!! Thank you so much for your time.
I got charged with dui however not convicted. when getting insurance do i need to state a dui on there or not?
I recently got a dui. I cancelled my insurance afterward and I'm just about to get done with the 90 day hard suspension. I am getting a hardship licese in a week. Anyways i need to get car insurance. I have a trial in January in which I hope to get a not guilty verdict by the jury. In the meantime when I look at insurance quote questions, it asks of any infractions in last 36 months. Wondering if I need to put down the dui as an infraction or no. (I am innocent untill provin guilty). I dont know if i dont have to put dui down or not since i have not been convicted. If no great, But if yes could you also let me know that if i do have to put dui down and I am found not guilty in court in january, can i take action to get lower payment or money back""
Lower car insurance?
I was wondering where i could find a class to take driving lessons to lower my car insurance and if that is even possible??
How much roughly would it cost me to put my spanish friend on my insurance for 3 days?
How much roughly would it cost me to put my spanish friend on my insurance for 3 days?
Best health insurance plan available for 2+1 family?
My family is 2+1, I need best health insurance plan in all aspect such as premium, service, facilities etc.. Suggestion needed""
Question about car insurance?
If I drive a car that is on my mom's insurance plan, but I am not on insurance, does that count as driving without insurance. If something were to happen, would I be covered? Wouldn't it be the same as allowing someone to borrow your car?""
How much a car Ins. would pay for a repair?
My sister got hit for a car that was leaving a gas station. She went to get some estimates from a body shop and the first she got was for over $6000 because they want to replace almost all the damaged parts; the other estimate is for around $3500 because they will repaire some parts. This is a new sienna (2004)with few miles. Will Insurance pay for the higher estimate? This accident will increase the future premium if the other ins. do not want to pay for the repair? The accident was not my sister fault and the other driver was not added to the policy of the car that he was driving.
Why might a 19 year old driver be glad that insurance companies pool risk?
Why might a 19 year old driver be glad that insurance companies pool risk?
Getting Car Inspected Late - will insurance go up?
If you let your car inspection sticker in Massachusetts expire before and then you go to get the car inspected late, will the Massachusetts RMV find out that you let it lapse and then hit you with points on your license and/or increased car insurance rates? Would if your car doesn't pass inspection, will that raise your car insurance also?""
Do any one know where to get a business vehicle insurance?
hey anyone i am try and look for a business vehicle insurance for me to have 4 car's and vans on the same insurance so all i do call up and add my staff to the insurance there than can Driver any vehicle on this one insurance. ? please help me out
New York State Car Insurance Question?
A friend of mine had his car parked in front of his house in the street. A drunk driver without a license hit it while it was parked, left the car and ran off on foot. Turns out the person driving was not the owner of the car, he did not steal it, the owner let him borrow it. My friend's insurance company is telling him that they need some kind of acknowledgment by the owner of the car, admitting to wrong doing, before they can process his claim. Does this sound correct?""
""Can I own a car, but be covered under my mom's insurance policy?""
Im 17, and I live in Indiana. Right now I own a car, but the title is in my mom's name, and I am insured as the only driver of that car under her insurance policy. Can ...show more""
Car insurance?
My auto insurance has expired and I'm kinda looking for a new car insurance. I can extend the previous car insurance, but I just want to know about other car insurances as well so that I can make a good choice. I took a look at many car insurance company websites, but it seemed like I need to put all my personal information (not only about my car and my email address but also my home address, phone# etc) to get a quote. I'm worried that maybe they would send me all kinds of junk mail kinda stuff to my house if I put my address on the form to get a quote. Do you know any good ways of getting a quote without telling them my personal info? Any recommendation which car insurance company is good? Btw I've never got into any car accidents so I just need a cheap auto insurance. I drive '83 caddi.""
Do mopeds in California require insurance?
Do mopeds in California require insurance?
I just got my car but it needs a few things for it to be awesome how much will this cost me?
For my graduation present my dad got me a car! Its pretty cool and it runs well but it needs a few things for it to be to my liking, they arent needs just wants that i plan to pay for but i have no idea how much they would all cost. Ok so i can give u a good image in your head its a green Daewoo, Nubria and its year is 2000 so i hope with this info youll know how to answer my question. 1) Air conditioner. if u look at the inside you would see the air conditioner and u would think that if u turn it on it would work but it doesnt so i need to get that fixed especially in a state like ARIZONA where its always hot lol 2) New radio. I need one installed bcuz the one it has in there doesnt have sound and u need a code to use it. 3)Wheels and Rims. It has wheels but no rims and i kinda want new wheels lol whats a good size wheels for this type of car and what kind of rims should i buy is there rims for this type of car with the daewoo symbol? 4) Paint job. Ok so this is important my car is a dark green like spinach leaves lol i like it but it has white scratches all over the left and right side and the roof looks pretty worn out so i want it to be spray painted you know like in pimp my ride lol idk whats a good reasonable price for that but just write down a good estimate. 5) The front bumper. on your left side of the front bumper you know right below the headlites and the grill its broken and it dangals a little. Its perfect on the right side but scratched up quite a bit. So i want to get this old bumper off and install a new one. how do i go about doing that do i have to order the part or what exactly do i do keep in mind it doesnt have insurance yet but if it did could the insurance company do somehing about that? Ok so thats it thanx for reading and i want this answered in numerical order you know just line them up like this. 1) how much it would cost and a description or extra info i might need to know or consider 2) how much it would cost if i want a new modern radio like the one u can take off and put back on. 3) how much it would cost and all the general info 4) how much it would cost and give your opinion on a cool color to consider for this car 5) how much it would cost and how i would go about doing it Feel free to write as much as you need to on this to get the message across and remember exact prices are great but if u want u can give me estimates. thanx again for taking the time to read this. lol""
""Help, I need suggestions for health insurance. Please and thank you. Any ideas?""
My mom got laid off last year and I was on her health insurance. I'm 18 and I attend college. I'm looking for a low cost plan that will cover vision, dental, and regular check ups. Though something without vision is good also. I have no idea where to look. I don't want medicaid. Female, 18, single, no children, no disabilities or medication. Please help.""
How much will my car insurance go up???
i recently totaled my brand new 07 scion tc... i had put 11,000 miles on it and i was paying about 1000 dollars a year in insurance... i did not finance the car but bought it outright... about how much will my insurance company give me and how much will my insurance go up""
What does an approved provider mean to health insurance company?
I want to list myself as an approved provider for speech therapy but I am not a proferred provider for any health insurance plan.
Need to find an insurance that will cover infertility treatments?
Please can anyone help me. I have AETNA as my insurance provider. But it will not cover any infertility treatments. I really want to have a baby. My clock is ticking 35 So I will appreciate any info. I can get. THANK YOU!""
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old?
Hey I will be turning 17 in a month and I was wondering how much car insurance will cost. I Think I will be going under my parents plan. I will either be getting my dads 05 range rover or an 03 nissan 350z. I have geico and live in NY if that helps. About how much would it cost to insure each car?
""Hit another car, they have no insurance?""
I was turning left from a stop sign and hit into another car (checked both ways, had some parked cars blocking view but I inched forward to check before driving.) My car only has minor scrapes, his car has a broken headlight and some bumper damage. However, he told me at the time he has no insurance and wanted me to just give him cash on the street. I told him no, I would not pay anything unless we called the police which he did not want to do since he has no insurance. I am fully insured. We ended up both just leaving and I have his license plate number, name, and phone number. He has my license plate number only. Without insurance, can he try to get any money from me? Just wondering if anything should be expected of this situation...""
What should insurance depreciate previous damage to a car after accident?
My car was rear ended while parked in front of my house and insurance has declared it a total loss. We have been going back and forth on the value of the car and have finally gotten them to a value that we agree with but we disagree with how much they are taking off for previous damage to the car. There was a dent to the left fender and a scrape on the right back door, Farmers is saying it would cost $1100 to repair which is close to some of the estimates I have gotten from body shops. But they are not depreciating that value down for a used car. We were going through Safeco as well and they were taking 40% of the cost to make those repairs and deducting it from the value. Does anyone know what is standard practice for deducting previous damage to a value of a car? Thanks for your help!""
What is the best medical insurance for unemployed or self employed?
What is the best medical insurance for unemployed or self employed?
Car insurance question?
I have a question, and I am not sure if this question is applicable to this email, but I guess it's worth the shot. First off a little background, I am 18, but I don't have my name listed under my parents' car insurance, I got into an accident upon receiving a 1st offense citation for following too closely. My court date isn't until a month later and because of the accident my parents want to put my name under, but at the same time they would like to change insurance companys, are they allowed to change insurances and put my name under before the court is settled or do we have to wait until the court is settled? All I know is that All I have to do is pay the fine, but won't allow me and require me at court.""
Minnesota car insurance rates increas with a speeding ticket?
Can car insurance rates increase after a speeding violation as a Minnesota resident if the violation takes place in Florida in a Florida registered vehicle?
Cooperative young drivers insurance car modification?
Hi, I am looking forward to install a tuning box/chip tuning into my car, it is a under the hood performance modification and doesnt show anything on the exterior. Thanks!""
Is it worth it to pay $300 a month for health insurance when you qualify for medi-cal?
My kids qualify for healthy families and we are paying for their insurance anyways. We now need a new car, and were trying to figure out if we should switch to healthy families and buy a new car or keep their insurance through my husbands work?""
Poll: how much do you pay for car insurance?
Poll: how much do you pay for car insurance?
How much will my insurance go up with getting 4 points on my license?
I live in Pennsylvania. I got a speeding ticket today going 17 miles over the speed limit. I looked it up online, and I think this will put 4 points on my license. I have Nationwide insurance, and I'm 24 years old. How much will this most likely raise my insurance and for how long? This is my first time getting any points on my license. I have gotten 2 previous speeding tickets without acquiring points. One was 5 years ago and the other was 2 years ago out of state (in New Jersey). I don't remember how much over the speed limit I went on those occasions. Thanks for any help!""
I'm in college with no health or dental insurance... What are my options?
My parents don't have any health insurance either, so being on one of their plans isn't an option. I'm kind of stressed out because I have asthma and my wisdom teeth are starting to really bother me, but I don't make nearly enough money to take care of either problem. As of today what are my options for affordable health/dental care until I graduate and can afford life?""
Car insurance question?
I just turned 16 and got my driving permit. I would be using my grandmothers car and she has erie insurance. My question is.. Am I allowed to practice driving on the car even without getting insurance? She insists that I'm not allowed to unless I get insurance but everyone else I know does it without. She thinks that I am going to get in a crash because I can't keep my room clean. (wtf?)
Car insurance question?
I just turned 16 and got my driving permit. I would be using my grandmothers car and she has erie insurance. My question is.. Am I allowed to practice driving on the car even without getting insurance? She insists that I'm not allowed to unless I get insurance but everyone else I know does it without. She thinks that I am going to get in a crash because I can't keep my room clean. (wtf?)
What company will insure my toyota supra twin turbo?
In perth, wa. Youngest driver 19 years old""
Would it be cheaper to insure honda civic or honda accord?
I'm talking about general prices for each of them, I'm thinking accord is cheaper because its cheaper and non sporty and a family sedan can anyone tell me how much they pay for their inusrances?""
What is The Cheapest Auto Insurance for A Beginner?
Tell me a word which explain Insurance in a single line?
I need a good tagline for Insurance
Short Term Car Insurance in California?
I moved from California to Japan about a year ago, and naturally, I canceled my US car insurance. Soon I will be visiting the USA for about 24 days, and I'd like to be able to drive during that time. I've made arrangements to borrow a car from my parents, so that part's fine- my question is, how do I go about getting insured for this temporary period? (In case it matters, I am 28 years old, not financially dependent on my parents and am a worker not a student)""
Car Insurance/Registration?
I have tried cancelling my car insurance twice, They keep telling me that if my car is registered with no insurance I will get fined because they have to immediatly notify the state of MIchigan when someone cancels.Apparently even if the car isn't being driven and isn't parked on the street I will get penalized for having a car registered with no insurance. Its not like I registered it without insurance(which i cant do anyway) But I cannot afford insurance right now and I dont plan on driving the car AT ALL,( its down anyway). Is this true what they are telling me or are they just trying to persuade me into keeping the insurance? And if this is true and I do cancel my registration will I have to pay the registration fee all over again?""
Will my insurance cover all my mole removals?
I know my insurance covers mole removal, but I have quite a few on my face and neck that I want removed. I'm talking to a dermatologist next week. I was just curious if they would cover multiple at a time. I'm talking like 20-30.""
Best choice of car for 18yr old male FOR INSURANCE?
Im looking for a first car, but being a 18yr old male, all the insurance companies just look at that, deem me a Boy racer and whack an extra 600 average to my insurance! (I know this as i did the research.) So im actully asking 2 questions 1) What is the best cheap/cheapest car to run? 2) What is the best insurer to buy from? I dont really mind what sort of car i drive, so long as its not pink.""
""As a first time driver at 29 in the UK, how can I get my insurance at a reasonable price?""
I am a 29 year old male - I have recently just passed my test and I would like to start driving, but even on a 1.2 t reg corsa worth 500 I get quoted 2700 at the very best for 3rd party only! I have tried changing details etc etc. 1, I have never had a conviction or made any insurance claim in my life 2, I live in M24 postcode 3, I have a good credit rating 4, I have no parents who drive or know anyone who will front for me, nor do I feel comfortable doing that. Can you insurance experts help? Or even at the very least explain why I am being quoted 4x the vehicle value? Thanks for your time""
I'm thinking about changing car insurance. Does Geico provide good customer service?
Their quote to me was amazingly cheap and that makes me a little nervous. You get what you pay for is what I have always heard. Anyone had their insurance through Geico? Good or bad experiences, please.""
""How much does a car insurance quote cost?If u get one u wont get emails from them,and stuff in the mail,will u""
How much does a car insurance quote cost?If u get one u wont get emails from them,and stuff in the mail,will u""
At what age does your car insurance rate go down?
I am 22, I own a new truck, and my insurance is really expensive. what age does the rate go down? I am waiting for the next school semester to start so I can get my good student discount.. thanks.""
Need to find an insurance that will cover infertility treatments?
Please can anyone help me. I have AETNA as my insurance provider. But it will not cover any infertility treatments. I really want to have a baby. My clock is ticking 35 So I will appreciate any info. I can get. THANK YOU!""
Car Insurance Question?
Okay, can your car insurance go up if you get a ticket, a lawyer fixes it, and you get no points on your license? In other words, do you have to get points on your license for your insurance payment to go up?""
""Where can u get the cheapest car insurance quote on the net or by phone, or any means nessesary?""
Where can u get the cheapest car insurance quote on the net or by phone, or any means nessesary?""
What is the average cost of health insurance?
I'm doing homework and I need some help. What would be the average cost of health insurance for a 27 year old? The monthly cost would be the most helpful.
Anyone who has state farm car insurance?
i'm going to be 17 soon and i'm planning on getting my permit. i live with my aunt so if i get my license i would most likely be under her name for insurance. the problem is that shes worried that if i do get into a huge car accident, then theres a chance that we would lose our house. but i really need to drive because i need to work and my aunt is working too so it would be hard for her to drive me to work. she also said that car insurance for teens is really expensive and i know that that's true. what should i do? by the way she has state farm insurance and i would need to get a car to drive if i get my license because my aunt only has one car right now. but im definitely not going to get a new car, probably a used compact car like honda, mitsubishi, or hyundai because i know that the age of your car and the type of car you drive effects how much your insurance will cost. any advice on what i should do?""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance if im 18?
93 prelude
Cost of ticket for driving without insurance?
im 16 and i need to get to work tomorow...my stepmom has to work so the only way to get to work is taking my dad's 2007 toyota tundra. if i get pulled over about how much will the ticket cost? i have my liscense just not insurance. i also live in texas
How much would you estimate a 16 year old driver would pay for insurance on a G35 coupe?
I'm currently 15 and, when I get my first car, would really like an Infiniti G35. I can find them in my set price range (>15000), but my parents are worried about the cost of insurance. My parents are covered .9under USAA currently with two vehicles. I have a 3.9 GPA, play sports, and, if given the opportunity, could use my natural wit and charisma to impress someone into lowering the price (I'm not sure if this is even a possibility, I'm just saying that if it is, I could do it). I wouldn't be getting the car until after my initial 6 months of restricted driving is finished. Once again, I'm not sure if this affects anything, but maybe you'd like to know. I appreciate any input.""
Health Insurance for Self employed with Maternity coverage?
I am self employed and want to purchase health insurance for myself. I need to find insurance with maternity coverage. I have looked on several online insurance quote websites, but have been unable to find maternity coverage. I live in Texas by the way. Does anyone out there have some info for me?""
Insurance for a 16 year old in California?
i was wondering how much insurance would be for me. I was looking for a 92 Camaro or a 98 Camaro, v6 or v8. i also have a 3.29 GPA. i am 16. and also is it cheaper if the cars are older? thanks.""
Motorcycle insurance company for temporary 1 month policy plz help?
hi does anyone know a cheap insurance company that would issue 1 month insurance for my motorcycle , my bike is a kawasaki zx9-r ninja, and i have 11 month no claims, im going to spain for 2 months next month , thats why i only need 1 months cover for uk use plz help""
How much does your credit rating affect your car insurance premium?
The CSR from my company just told me that continuous coverage is much more of a discount than a good credit rating gives you. So, overall, about what percent do folks in the know think that the credit rating matters?""
Need to find an insurance that will cover infertility treatments?
Please can anyone help me. I have AETNA as my insurance provider. But it will not cover any infertility treatments. I really want to have a baby. My clock is ticking 35 So I will appreciate any info. I can get. THANK YOU!
Insurance company won't cover me because my wife is pregnant?
I'm on a 90 day waiting period to get insurance by my employer, so I tried to get a short term one to be covered in the meantime one but they wont cover me because my wife is pregnant. can they do this what are options... i'm in Illinois. Thank you""
How much does your insurance go up after a ticket?
I got to experience how effed up and corrupted California's judiciary system is today. I go to check if I'm eligible for traffic school at my courthouse because it never said I wasn't when I paid online and I find out that I'm not. I never got any notice or anything and the people who helped me said its not they're responsibility to tell me if I can go to traffic school or not. Government workers who get paid way to much dont have the time to give me a heads up on if I can go or not I guess. Its my responsibility to but this area is foreign to me, I dont know anything about these laws and everything that goes with it. So I lost out on a non-refundable 60 dollars for no reason. I had to pay online because I would have missed a whole day of classes I had. That was more important then wasting my time at the courthouse. What I want to know is, how much is my insurance going to go up because of this ticket? Its at about 650 right now""
Insurance on a car lease?
My insurance guy gave me below basic coverage on a lease which requires something like 100,000/300,000/100,000 but he did basic full coverage(something cheaper like 10/20/10) In the contract it states i must have 100/300/100 as the requirement but the insurance guy who does insurance for a lot of people says lower coverage should work. I just added it on and it's fine, so the insurance (progressive) sent me a letter saying I have to pay extra for adding a 3rd vehicle but nothing about the coverage amount. Will they later require I add more coverage? I don't see why I need 300k on a car that costs only 40 grand. people drive around with PIP 10/20/10 and that's good enough for the state. I have an excellent driving record with 0 accidents and have been driving for about 10 years. I realize I have ****ty insurance but insurance is a huge rip off so I want to spend as little as possible and deal with accidents out of my own pocket.""
""If you're 17 and you're borrowing your parent's insured car, do you have to have your own insurance?""
I am 17 and recently got my license and while my parents are deciding whether to get me a car or not, they are letting me borrow theirs. Both of their names are added to the insurance of the car, does my name have to be added too? Or can I simply drive their car on their insurance?""
Car insurance question.?
I'm working on transferring my current car insurance to Geico and am filling out the electronic form to get a quote. My car is brand new, and I have had it for like eight months. I don't know much car insurance; in the electronic form, what coverage do I pick for full insurance instead of liability? Thanks.""
Why the heck does car insurance make you pay more...?
when you call to file a claim? Like, why do they raise your rates when you call them to use their services that you're already paying for? Someone pryed the emblem off my friends car and he said if he claimed it on insurance his rates would raise just because he claims it. What's up with that?""
Does having a commercial drivers license affect my insurance rates?
I don't drive commercially for a living, so I'm wondering if having my CDL (which I do have) would affect my auto insurance rates positively or negatively. I have my CDL because I drive a bus every once in a while for the university where I work. Thanks for any help you can give.""
Motorbike Insurance Help!!! Please!!?
Im 16 and live in Ireland and have a provisional A1 license and im getting a road legal motorbike soon. I rang up quinn direct yesterday and got an insurance price for a 1999 Honda Rebel 125, Fully Comp. Bikes worth 1500. they quoted me 1685.70 and got the same quote from AON and there quote was 2575.. could anybody please tell me how much dearer it would be to get insured on lets say a honda cbr125 or aprilia rs125?? or maybe a honda nsr 125? i know the insurance will go up quite dramatically but would anyone have a rough estimate??""
Does it cost more to insure a house with a pool?
We are thinking of buying a house with a pool but we heard that it costs a lot for home owners insurance.Is that true? How much more compared to a home without one (approximately). Thanks
How much would it cost me to get motor bike insurance?
I am thinking of getting a motor bike since the cost of insuring a car is just too high. I'm 18 and male and was wondering roughly how much I could expect to pay for insurance on a 125cc if I do my CBT. Oh and I live in the Uk... which will hike the price up a bit
What to do when car insurance refuses to cover an accident?
My boyfriend crashed his friend's car recently. He had permission to drive it but happened to get into an accident. His friend has insurance for the car and my boyfriend has his own insurance, but neither ones' insurance will cover the car. He thinks his options are limited to only taking over the car payments or going to court (the friend's insurance says it should be reported as stolen if he doesn't pay up). Shouldn't the friend's insurance be extended to cover my boyfriend as a temporary driver? Aren't there other options?""
Why can't I change my health insurance plan?
I tried calling my health insurance this morning to change to a better plan (Blue Shield) and they won't let me. Why is this? They aren't the ones paying the monthly payment, copays etc.""
Am I paying too much for insurance?
So both me and my wife share vehicle... We are insured through aaa with 500 deductible. We pay quarterly and it cost about 360 until our last statement came which was 435 (it went up). The car is a Chevy hhr 2006 with about 125k mileage on it. We only travel about 8 miles per day to work. Both of us are late twenties, she was involved in a hit and run a year ago (someone hit her costing 3000 in damages) while I got a speeding ticket for $185 2 months ago (those are our only two incidents in past 3 years)... Both of us have good credit, we are not homeowners as yet. Both of us has been on the policy for 2 years now and she has been the only owner (it's in her name). Are we over paying?""
Need to find an insurance that will cover infertility treatments?
Please can anyone help me. I have AETNA as my insurance provider. But it will not cover any infertility treatments. I really want to have a baby. My clock is ticking 35 So I will appreciate any info. I can get. THANK YOU!""
I'm wondering how much other 24 ish year olds pay on car insurance?
I've been riding a bike for years... by motorbike insurance is now 150 a year, I just put what i thought was a normal car into a qoute and it was 130 a month... Is that high? Any idea what might be the biggest effect on that? So answers: I'd like to know what people pay on things + any advice on types of car or things to do to get it down.""
Registering and Insuring a vehicle in a new state?
I have recently moved to Virginia, however I have my car registration and insurance in California and my license in California. Do I need to change all three, if I still have an address in California?""
What's the insurance price for a 10 ft boat?
I would like to know how much The insurance would cost for a 10 ft fiberglass fishing boat? Anyone can give me an estimate? Thanks
Car Insurance Question?
Okay, can your car insurance go up if you get a ticket, a lawyer fixes it, and you get no points on your license? In other words, do you have to get points on your license for your insurance payment to go up?""
""Adding a driver to car insurance, average cost?""
if you add another driver to your insurance like your brother, or sister or son, who is a new driver, and your insurance costs $350 for six months already. how much do you think would be additional cost to this insurance as a result of this change? if you can share ur experience it would be nice. i know it all depends on the history of the new driver, but say the new driver did not have any accidents or anything. i need to get a general impression... Thanks in advance.""
Why doesn't insurance coverage increase along with premiums?
Suppose you have 100 / 300 / 100 car insurance coverage. Suppose you were paying $50 per month in 1990. Suppose you are now paying $75 per month in 2010. If the premiums go up because of inflation then shouldn't the coverage? It costs more to fix a car in 2010 than it did in 1990. Is it correct to say the insurance company's average risk is the same, but their maximum risk has gone down? Having to pay out $100,000 maximum today is less than $100,000 maximum in 1990. What do you think?""
How much more will my insurance cost go up with a careless driving ticket?
I'm 16 and totaled a 18,000$ car and the insurance company will probably have to dish out at least 30,000$ in costs for hospital bills and so on. I know I wasn't driving safe and now i'm paying for it so don't heckle me. I have Triple A insurance if that matters, I might go to another company idk.""
""So I am 19 years old and received my first speeding ticket, will it increase my insurance?""
I've asked this before and want to clarify. Some people told me the first ticket is a freebee and my insurance won't go up. Others have told me yes, my insurance will go up. I am in the state of California, I have Allstate insurance, and I'm on an insurance plan with my mom. I've been driving for a little over a year. Thanks everyone!""
Insurance cost for Dump Truck?
Without knowing a lot of information right now except it would be in the 1990's year range what would the APPROX. cost of monthly insurance be for a dump truck? We are in Ontario, Canada.""
How does car insurance work?
I got my driver's license last January when I turned 16. Our family only drives one car. My dad has insurance for our car under his name. Do I need insurance under MY name to drive the car too?
What 500cc/600cc sports bikes are good for the A2 licence & cheap to insure for an 19 year old with no clams?
i had in mind the Suzuki GSXR 600 Honda CBR 600 Honda CBR 500 Kawasaki ER6F Triumph Daytona 675 Are these bikes worth restricting to 33bhp? and are there any other good ones
Cheapest car to insure for a first time driver?
Does anyone know what type of car is cheapest to insure for a first time female driver? and how much on average would you say it would cost to insure a 17 year old female?
What does insurance mean?
Well I'm 16 and I don't know what insurance means : so I heard that louis' bum has insurance? What does that mean
Can an Auto Insurance company force you to use aftermarket parts for repair in Connecticut?
I had tire tread fly into my car on the highway. Tore the bumper and smashed the condenser. The insurance company has after market parts on the estimate, but I want to sell this car someday and want OEM. I'm pretty sure I am out of luck, but just wanted to make sure as this is my first time dealing with an incident. Thanks.""
How much will my car insurance go up if I'm a minor and got into a wreck?
I have State Farm insurance in Texas, how much do you think my rates will go up if I hit somebody, and I'm a minor who's driven for a year? **The man who I hit MIGHT need his bumper replaced, and it was my first accident.""
Anyone know anything about Alliance for Affordable Services ...its a health benefits program ??
I got a call about this program, and met with the representative today..everything sounds good..but I'm trying to do some research online about customer reviews and can't find ...show more""
On an application for car insurance does having the use of other vehicles increase or decrease the quote?
I'm filling in an insurance comparison and it asks if I have the use of other vehicles, I can drive my dad's but does it make it more or less expensive?""
Insurance/car question?
The title of my car is in my parents name but my husband and i are the primary drivers and we get in a wreck would we be held responsible because we are the ones with the insurance or would my parents be because they are the ones on the title??
Insurance nightmare help?
tommorow im leaving for florida in my grandmothers car. i just discovered the car hasnt had a proof of insurance for over a year. if i cannot find a proof of insurance i cannot begin my 1300 mile trip to florida. does anyone have any ideas on some way we can get a proof of insurance between now and tomorow at 9 am?
How much is insurance on 2003 lexus IS300?
wondering how much i might be paying a month if im getting a more expensive car..?
Any reason for a sudden hike in insurance quote prices?
Hello i've been looking through insurance quotes as i have my renewal coming up, i was possibly thinking of getting a different car so been fishing around, especially on my current insurers website for quotes. A couple of days ago i was getting nice quotes i was happy with for all the cars i was searching including my own. However tonight the majority of the quotes i am getting have increased by 600-700? All my details are exactly the same, its actually made me quite depressed as i have no idea how this has happened. Would anyone know why this may be?""
Car insurance cover ?
I have Allstate's car insurance (full cover =liability +collision+medical.......) Some time I go out of county but still in USA.Please let me know if my car insurance automaticcaly covers the car rented ?-Liability only or-Liability and collision+comprehensive Thank you
Are the following cars high on insurance?
Is the supra MK4, 240sx s13 and s14 high on insurance? please help I would like to get one of them for a first car but I need to know if there high on insurance.""
How to get dirt cheap Car & Medical Insurance ??
Looking for a CAR with in $ 500, Car Insurance & Medical Insurance for 1 Male of 31 years, 1 Female of 26 years & a Child of 2 years. Should cover Medical. Vision & Dental not reqired. Looking for real dirt cheap insurance for Car, Family""
""Accountant, Insurance, and Cars, please answer?
How do I get an accountant? what things will he need to work with and how do I go about getting one? Liability insurance? How do I get it? And how much will it be for gardening roughly? Van insurance? What details will I need to get this insurance? How do I go about paying tax within a self employed company?
Need to find an insurance that will cover infertility treatments?
Please can anyone help me. I have AETNA as my insurance provider. But it will not cover any infertility treatments. I really want to have a baby. My clock is ticking 35 So I will appreciate any info. I can get. THANK YOU!""
0 notes
brendagilliam2 · 7 years
10 tips for a killer design portfolio
As a creative professional you live and die by the quality of your design portfolio. It sums you and your work up and is the first port of call for anyone looking to hire or commission you. It needs to show the breadth of your output, your skills and experience, how you generate and execute ideas, basically your whole creative process.
Get Adobe Portfolio free with Creative Cloud
When done well, a creative’s portfolio should impress and surprise the viewer, demonstrating how you and your work will be an invaluable asset to the viewer, whether that be as a full time member of staff or on a freelance basis.
There are lots of varying opinions on exactly what a design portfolio should contain (especially what format it should take) but there are some golden rules and theories that will set you in good stead when putting yours together. 
Read on for my 10 top tips for creating a killer portfolio, gleamed from over a decade’s industry experience as a commissioning designer and art editor, not to mention my own experience of preparing portfolios and attending interviews. I’ll also showcase some portfolio examples from fellow designers that I think work particularly well.
01. All killer, no filler
This should really be common sense, but you’d be surprised how often it isn’t followed. Only ever show your very best work in your portfolio and if you aren’t 100 per cent happy with the outcome then don’t feature it. 
It’s fine to show a creative journey through your work but people don’t want to see way back to your college years (unless of course you’re a recent graduate) and the old adage that ‘you’re only as good as your last job’ should spring to mind.
It’s often hard to self-edit, but it’s important to be quite ruthless when selecting the work to ensure that all of it is up to scratch and of a standard that you’re happy with.
02. Start and end with key pieces
Photographer Valerie Phillips makes a lasting impression on her landing page through the use of full window imagery that cycles though different images as you hover over the sections
This is something that I learned quite early on: to begin with a really strong killer piece that will grab people’s attention, and then finish on a similarly striking talking point that will leave them wanting more. 
It’s easy to see how this can apply to a traditional print portfolio, but the same thinking can be applied to an iPad folio or indeed a simple PDF attachment in an email.
03. Leave them wanting more
As mentioned above, its important to leave the viewer wanting more, especially on initial application as you don’t want to arrive at a meeting or interview with nothing left to talk about. 
Also, remember not to overdo it in certain areas of your portfolio. If you’ve done some infographic work then feature a few key pieces and then show something different, the last thing you want is to bore someone with 100 examples of the same kind of work.
04. Get an online portfolio
There is simply no excuse for not having an online portfolio in this day and age, even if you are predominantly a print designer. You don’t have to know any code to take advantage of the features that sites like Cargo Collective and SquareSpace offer, not to mention an abundance of ready made and beautifully designed Tumblr and WordPress themes. Not forgetting the social portfolio platform behemoths, Adobe Portfolio and Behance.
Cargo is a great platform enabling creatives to quickly set up an online portfolio and customise it by editing the CSS or HTML
If you do wish to edit the look and feel of some of these sites then most allow you to edit the HTML or CSS directly and it only takes a conversation with a code savvy friend to learn the (very) basics. Or failing that, Google is always your friend.
05. Let the work speak for itself
Don’t be tempted to over-embellish your online portfolio (or printed portfolio for that matter). Allow the work to do the talking by making projects easy to view in large formats.
I spoke to Rob Gonzalez from the UK based design studio SAWDUST and asked him why they chose to design their portfolio site the way they did:
“The idea was essentially to make viewing work as easy and accessible as possible. We wanted all of our projects on one page at the same time, which would allow anyone commissioning us to easily be able to scan projects until finding the desired reference.”
SAWDUST’s slick portfolio site has proved to be a great calling card for the cutting edge design outfit
SAWDUST’s site is a great example of a clean and concise online portfolio that’s easily navigable and puts the work at the forefront. I can speak from experience and say that on more then one occasion I’ve ended up not commissioning someone because the user journey was too convoluted or it took too long to load the images.
06. Curate for the job you want
If sending out a PDF sampler or curating your portfolio for an interview, always make a bespoke selection of work each time that’s tailored to that specific client. 
Although it may be the thing that you’re most proud of, a potential corporate client probably isn’t interested in the experimental fashion shoot you’ve just worked on. This applies to whole selections of work on websites as well; only show the kind of work that you want to get commissioned for or hired to create.
07. Self initiated work
I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve heard fellow creatives state how important self initiated work is to their practice. Potential employers are also interested in seeing you flex your creative muscles and express your individual voice, to the point that I actually saw it specifically stated as a requirement on a job ad.
Colour and the Kids use their bluff alongside their main portfolio site to showcase personal and work in progress pieces
Including self initiated work helps the employer to see where your passions lie and the kind of work that you’d choose to do if not restricted by a tight client brief. Also, unless you’re at a senior/art director level then it’s sometimes hard to tell how integral a role someone played within the creation of a large project, and whether or not they were working to strict guidelines and design systems.
08. Show your working
Along with seeing self initiated projects, its can also be valuable to show your working and the journey you went through to realise the outcome to a given brief. This may be the journey from marque creation to implementation within a branding project or the craft based process behind an analogue piece of work.
Kyle Wilkinson showcases behind the scenes shots on his portfolio site, giving an insight into his creative process
I asked Kyle Wilkinson, who often works with real world materials, why he thinks it’s important to show the process behind his stunning images.
“Showing things going off behind the scenes when creating your work gives an instant understanding to the viewer on how it was made, as well as the depth and level of your capabilities as a designer.” 
“And unlike showing your working in a maths lesson, demonstrating your techniques and craft can be beneficial – as the image style may not be quite what a potential client is looking for, but they now know you are equipped with the skillset they’re after that you could apply to their brief.”
09. Choose the right format
To iPad or not to iPad. The general consensus is that the traditional print portfolio is redundant when attending interviews, and that displaying work on an iPad is a much easier, convenient and contemporary way to display your work.
My personal advice would be to take both, but perhaps a box folio for actual printed matter is preferable to the traditional leather flip book. There’s nothing wrong with a PDF on an iPad or indeed a keynote presentation, but when dealing with print I think wherever possible it’s nice to see the actual pieces and feel the tactility of the product.
It makes sense that printing out digital projects is a pretty pointless activity, and photoshoots and illustration both look great on iPad, but if you’ve been working with different paper stocks and finishes it’s nice to see those pieces in the flesh. Ultimately use your common sense and choose the best format to display the kind of work that you produce.
10. Be confident and tell your story
Finally, the key to any portfolio presentation is the ability to deliver and talk confidently about the work within it. There’s nothing worse than going through someones portfolio who has little or nothing to say about their work. 
Ensure that all the pieces that you include are ones that you’re very proud of and can talk confidently and enthusiastically about in a meeting, explaining the back story and journey you went through to get there. Go get em!
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The post 10 tips for a killer design portfolio appeared first on Brenda Gilliam.
from Brenda Gilliam https://brendagilliam.com/10-tips-for-a-killer-design-portfolio/
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