#Just some redesigns for funsies.... :p
beehunterkisser · 27 days
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OLLY! (and the equinox band)
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 2 months
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Cherri Bomb Redesign (Bonus!)
Surprise!! It’s her!
I refuse to believe Cherri doesn’t have bunch of scars or injuries from using explosives and fire all the fucking time. There is no goddamn way. Also shes like running and jumping all over the place constantly she’d definitely have a running blade like 90% of the time. (Don’t walk on running blades you will probably trip) Her pant leg is ripped to look cool and also just for easy access to her leg.
I wanted this to be kind of sloppy with the colours; show how a lot of sinners dont have just a select few sins and note how often people participate in almost all of them. Ik it may not be the most pleasing colour palette to look at but that’s kind of the intention. Jumbled colours and asymmetry is really just Cherri’s thing in my head. I wanted it to look like she made or thrifted her clothes as well or like just stole them.
The bomb and cherry in her hair are supposed to kind of look like those hair bobble things that fucking HURT when you snapped them but they were cute so I feel like utilising hair bobbles is something I need to do much more
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You could kill a man with these I swear to god.
Her tattoos and stuff are just basic cherries and vines and the little bomb and the bisexual symbol thing. Also bellybutton piercing is some I’ve only ever done once on an OC I have named Angela/Angie which is… kind of ironic?
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You even get a little redraw for funsies! This was done for my friend helping me with my rewrite ideas so this is like the least I can do as repayment. You can see heaven up in the corner too :3
I don’t actually have a bunch to say about Cherri’s redesign, I want her to just be this “Oh wow! Thats definitely an outfit!” kind of design cause I love those. Oh and she definitely did the raccoon tail masking bits with craft tape.
I told my friend the dumbass stick figure on her arm is put there because I was thinking of her asking Angel to draw on her and she’d get it tattooed and he cannot draw at all so he just did a stick figure and was like “this is so cool.” and it was not cool at all/j
I wouldve added more stickers to her running blade and stuff but her colour palette is already VERY full so this is the price to pay. Still not sure if I’ll continue doing these but we shall see!! The next design post is likely going to be the lineup and some side by side comparison things ;P 📺
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Super excited for all your wips! 👀👀
How do you render your drawings they look so cool!
*SWEATS* Mamser, I literally have no idea what I even do while I make art—
My rendering isn't that grand nor complex (and I don't think there is any rendering. They're mostly all just flats with barely any shading or lightning with this cartoony-anime mixed style), compared to other authors who also draw their character portraits for their IF's.
It's simple and workable, like my artstyle, and I don't think it'll get more complicated than that! If it works for me, then it works.
I don't have any big brain wisdom I can impart on you or for any other budding artists, because I'm no professional and is merely self taught, but I may have some personal ones:
Steal like an artist. Find something in someone else's artstyle that you really like and adapt that to your own! Artstyles are a personal mishmash of the artists you look up to, and not all are the same even if you and someone else may have the same artistic idols. This is different from tracing, however. I DO NOT encourage tracing over someone else's work and claiming it as your own. That is stealing, you utter criminal, and I will dropkick you if you do that.
Practice. Old wisdom, but it works and it's true. You don't become Bob Ross or Leonardo Da Vinci in a day after all. It's a struggle and it'll be frustrating, but I promise once you learn to draw the thing you finally want to draw, the high from reaching that achievement is absolutely real and so, so worth it.
References. If you think you can draw a sitting position freestyle from your brain, you're wrong, because when you look at a reference of that then at your sketch, you're gonna see a lot of mistakes in the anatomy, poses, perspective etc,. So, please, stockpile your references for every possible thing that you'll be drawing, because you'll absolutely need them.
Have fun. As artists we tend to compare our work to those who we think are better in the craft, when in reality we all are just trying to get better in what we do. Look, it doesn't matter if a 3 year old can recreate Mona Lisa in perfect detail, if you enjoy doing your work then that's already enough. I prefer to see "better" artists as inspirations to try and achieve more, not as some unachievable pedestal. You can achieve that too! May not be as quick as the rest, but you will get there in your own pace. Art is a journey, not a race. Take your time, learn what you want to learn, and have fun!
Experiment. You gotta if you wanna find out what stuff sticks with you and what doesn't. It also helps you find out a technique you might like for sketching, lineart, coloring etc., or if you just wanna get the hang of something first! OR if you wanna try out a new artstyle! Art is a science, in a way. A wonderful alchemy of color, wrist pains, and shrimp posture!
Also thank you for showing excitement for my WIPs, anon! I'm trying me best to work on all of them. You get a mwah from me. 😭💙💙💙
Free art from L? How scandalous! This is also just an excuse for me to ramble about my other characters amongst my 200+ bucket of them.
Some of these are old, but I just wanna share 'em for the funsies.
And, yes, the light blue haired, dark blue eyed lady in black and glasses and guy in a green parka with a resting bitch face are Carmen and Everest, Ophelia's older siblings. I also have Weylyn's older siblings, Bleddyn and Riekka, but I plan on reworking their design first. Why do I have so many redesign plans for so many characters.
1. Random character I drew for Religions Class last semester. I loved her design, so I kept her. No name yet, sadly 😭
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2. Rival Agent Team in The Company. No names yet, though purple haired gal is named Agent Carrion. All of the designs and colors were from picrews, I just changed whatever was needed to suit my own preferences.
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3. Lucian and Louise Dagohoy doing a clothes swap (2020). They're siblings I love dearly. They'll show up in an IF soon. I have big plans for them.
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4. Carmen and Everest. Had this for months now, and I had no idea when to show it. Might refine their design a bit when I have the time.
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5. Mint. Yes, her name is Mint. Not a Familiar, but a different kind of Fae entirely. Did this on my phone in 2019(?). I was bored at the time, and wanted to do a simple doodle, so I drew Mint about to eat a carrot.
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6. - 7. MSPaint doodles from 2021, during a boring class if I remember. First one's Quentin the Monarch Fae king because it's been a while since I drew that man, then Louise. She's usually drawn happy all the time, but I wanted to make her sad, so I did. Not that hard to draw on MSPaint, really. Great for lineless practice because there are no layers.
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8. - 10. Raphael, Gabriel and Michael Zealon. A pair of twins and an older brother. They have the old designs of High Court Angels (this was 2021), and their conversation was based on a tweet I saw on Twitter. Don't ask why. I'm too sleep deprived to answer.
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And if you're wondering what art program I use, I either use MSPaint (when I'm bored) or FireAlpaca (for most of my works). The drawing tablet I use is a Huion H430p. It's smaller compared to the normal drawing tablet (H640p) of Huion, and it's as big as a standard notebook.
I would add 20 more art if I were on my laptop right now (and also because most of my art is stored there), but that'll be all for now.
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skarmorydraws · 5 years
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Since a bunch of people around these parts were posting redesigns of Godzilla and company I decided to get started on my own takes on the bunch, since I’ve been meaning to do that for some time now and I absolutely loved KOTM. I know a lot of these were for a contest on @grimchild​ and I’d have subbed this to said contest if I had the time, but sadly I missed the deadline. :( Anyway, I’m working on more of these things as well and hopefully I should be able to post a Godzilla-verse of my own on dA like a fair few other artists are doing these days; gotta take the time to sketch and color everyone first though, so it’ll be a while... ;u;
My Godzilla design has a mix of Showa and Legendary traits going on overall with the plates of the Millennium version (but gray like Showa rather than purple as in Millennium). His having reptilian traits but also gills made taxonomic placement a bit difficult, since he definitely looks most like a terrestrial crocodilian if you take the gills away. Ultimately though I decided to make him a temnospondyl a la Prionosuchus, but so heavily derived that he hardly resembles an amphibian and looks more convergently reptilian. Temnospondyls did have osteoderms after all, they lived before the dinosaurs, and many grew enormous - and at least one species even had a dorsal sail that could be mutated to something like his back spikes. To this end the head combines traits of not only the Legendary and Showa versions but also Shin Godzilla too, which is somewhat salamander-like, and the overall look is akin to Japanese giant salamanders and a bit of large predatory frogs. Just for the funsies, I like to call him Kerojira (Frogzilla). :P
Anguirus is a sebecid, since I needed something with the right mix of a long tail, scaly armored skin, four plantigrade legs, and that long toothy snout. A terrestrial crocodile fit the bill quite nicely, and with those fangs and the armored shell I decided to specifically reference Kaprosuchus and Armadillosuchus as inspiration. He has a new power here, the ability to shed the spikes on his tail (modified scales) and fling them like HTTYD’s Deadly Nadder, but otherwise he’s the same tough and gruff but protective beastie he’s always been. And yes, he does the rolling attack from Final Wars, too. ;)
More on the way! I have plans for Rodan and Mothra, and then I’ll take it from there. :D
Godzilla and Anguirus (c) Toho
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