#Just something I'll surprise do and whip out there whenever I feel like it
solradguy · 1 year
Today has been a day, tell you what
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
After Eddie seems to become a staple member of the group, Steve pulls him aside and says, "Hey, I just wanted to warn you that I can be a bit bitchy at times, and don't be afraid to tell me if I ever go too far. Dustin calls me out all the time."
Eddie softly smiles and lays a gentle hand on Steve's arm. "My friends have to tell me when I go too far with flirting, so you can call me out on that too. No worries."
Steve's head spins a bit. Eddie 'The Freak' Munson goes too far when flirting? He snorts. "I don't think you'd ever go too far with me."
Eddie's head tilts to the side as he takes Steve in. "You don't believe me." It's more of a statement than a question.
"I don't," Steve confirms. "But hey, I'll let you know if something you say makes me cream my pants."
Eddie smiles wide. "You know, my words might not, but I know something else that will if you're down later."
Steve feels himself take in an involuntary deep breath as the shock reaches his system. Instead of letting Eddie in on it, he leans in and says, "I'll let you know."
Eddie's eyes flicker down to his lips, and Steve is reminded of the hand on his arm as it squeezes hard for a moment. "You're so damn pretty, big boy. Would love to see you absolutely wrecke-"
Steve's head whips around to where the rest of the group is staring at them. He's not sure when they racked up an audience.
"Steve here said I couldn't go too far with the flirting. I'm giving him a first-hand experience with it," Eddie says shamelessly while wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
"I still don't think you can," Steve says turning to him which is the wrong thing to do because he didn't realize how close Eddie was to him.
The other boy takes advantage of it and leans in a little closer, brushing his nose against Steve's. "Is that a challenge?"
His heart beats hard in his chest, but Steve isn't one to back down, so he lets his hand come up to cup Eddie's jaw. "If you want it to be," he replies.
Eddie seems to falter a bit at this, and his own breathing rate increases.
"Guys," Dustin says again but more exasperated.
Steve turns to him and quickly says, "One more interruption and I'll throw you through another gate."
"Woah, too far," Dustin says, pointing at him and Eddie, "Both of you."
Steve holds his hands up and takes a step away from Eddie. “Alright. Okay. I’m sorry. Too far.”
Dustin nods and turns back to the group.
Steve thinks that’s the end of things until Eddie leans in and whispers, “We’ll chat later, sweetheart.”
He tries not to have a physical reaction to him. He doesn’t know why his flirting is taking him so off guard. But it’s nice to have someone who can keep up with the Harrington charm.
Later that night, Steve is surprised when Eddie doesn’t stick behind and keep his promise. But it gives him a minute to breathe after all the flirty winks and innocent fleeting touches whenever Eddie would pass him.
He tries to just shake it off as a normal reaction to being the target of such intense flirting that he's not sure he's ever experienced before. But it feels like something more than that.
He sleeps it off and doesn't think much of it especially when he gets into his Family Video routine. Then, the bell to the front door rings, and Steve launches into his, "Welcome to Family Video," speech which is quickly cut off when he sees Eddie walk in.
Nothing is really different except he has his hair pulled back into a messy bun that makes Steve's hands flex wanting to touch. Shit.
"Hi gorgeous," Eddie says with a bright smile, leaning across the counter.
Steve feels a blush creep up his neck and spread across his face. "Hi," he replies. Then he remembers their little challenge and doesn't hold back from reaching up, tucking a stray curly strand behind Eddie's ear. "You should wear your hair like this more often. Lets me see more of you."
It's Eddie's turn to blush as he glances down with a soft smile.
"So, what brings you in today? Not that I'm complaining, I would take any excuse to see that pretty face of yours," Steve says, laying it on heavy.
Eddie snorts as if he's joking.
Steve uses his hand to softly tilt Eddie's jaw so he can look at him. "I'm not kidding," he insists, rubbing his thumb over his bottom lip slowly. Shit, he has such soft lips.
Eddie's lips move forward as if on impulse, quickly kissing the pad of his finger. His eyes widen, and Steve sees the way both of their breath hitch in their chests.
"Too far?" Eddie asks quietly.
"Not even close."
Eddie holds his gaze for a moment, searching for something. He must not find it because he pulls back a bit, putting more space between them than Steve wants. "I was just stopping by to see you," Eddie confesses.
"Yeah? Why's that?" Steve asks with a smile.
Eddie shrugs. "Just wanted to."
It takes Steve back a bit. He was expecting some sort of line, but the response sounds entirely genuine. He doesn't know how to respond.
Eddie fidgets with his rings for a moment before saying, "Well, I'll see you later." He turns quickly and leaves before Steve has a chance to respond.
"Okay, what the hell was that?" Robin asks, startling Steve.
"Shit," Steve says, laying a dramatic hand over his chest. "How long have you been listening?"
"Considering I've been literally right behind you this entire shift and you guys didn't even try to make that a private conversation, I listened the whole time."
Steve runs a hand through his hair and says, "I basically challenged him yesterday to try to be too much when he flirts because apparently he can do that. But yeah, it's no big deal." He smiles and shakes his head as if it's clear as day that this is not affecting him at all.
Robin stares at him for a second before jabbing her finger into his chest repeatedly. "Don't you lie to me! I'm your best friend! You were totally flirting back and you got flustered! No one does that to you!"
"Ow!" Steve says, backing away after a particularly hard jab. "Okay! Okay! Yes, it's flustering me a bit, but I've never had someone who could keep up with me."
Steve rolls his eyes. "You know what I mean."
He resumes stacking his tapes until Robin scoots in next to him and says, "You know, it's okay if it's more than that."
Steve pauses and thinks about it. Is it more than that? He shakes his head and whispers, "I don't know if it is."
Robin's arms slowly wrap around his waist, and Steve leans his head on top of hers. Maybe the flirting has gone too far already, but he doesn't want it to end. And that's a scary thought.
He finishes out his shift, thinking about what Robin said while trying to interpret his own feelings. After they close, Steve drives Robin home and heads back to his house. Only, he makes a split-second decision and takes a different turn, heading toward Eddie's new place.
Might as well figure this out now.
He rushes to the side of his new trailer and taps on his bedroom window. The curtains open and Eddie looks at him confused. Steve mouthes Is your uncle home?
Eddie shakes his head and points to the front door before closing the curtains.
Steve rushes to the door and steps inside as soon as Eddie opens it. He closes it behind him and looks at Eddie. God, his heart races even when he doesn't say anything.
"Hi," Steve says with a big smile.
"Hi," Eddie replies, pulling his hair in front of his face.
"No bun?" Steve asks.
"I can put it up if you like."
Steve shakes his head. "No, it looks great."
Eddie smiles and steps closer to him, running a hand through Steve's hair. "Not everyone can have such luscious hair as you."
Steve closes his eyes and leans into the hand. It feels nice.
"So, are you taking me up on my offer from before?" Eddie asks.
Steve opens his eyes and takes in the flirtatious glint in his eyes. "Depends on what you're offering."
Eddie moves in closer and puts his hands in his pockets. "Anything that you'd like."
Steve wraps his arms around Eddie's shoulders and flirts back, "Anything?"
Eddie's hands wrap around his waist. "Anything."
"Kiss me then."
Eddie freezes in his arms, the flirtatious look leaving his face as he looks at him. "Steve..."
"Too far?" Steve asks, not stepping back.
Eddie looks at his lips and back at his eyes. "You know I could never say no to you."
"Yeah," Eddie says, leaning forward, brushing his nose against Steve's. He waits a moment and whispers, "Can I kiss you?"
"Yes," Steve says, moving forward to meet Eddie, connecting their lips in a kiss that makes Steve realize this is definitely more than just a challenge.
His hands move into Eddie's hair, trying to bring him closer as Eddie's hands trail up and down his back, pressing into him.
Steve breaks the kiss, breathing deeply before going right back in, deepening the kiss when he feels Eddie's tongue trace the seam of his lips.
Shit, he needs to make sure this isn't just him flirting.
He slows the kiss and gently pulls away, only for Eddie to kiss him again, pulling him in even closer, only breaking away when Steve breaks the kiss again and rests his forehead against Eddie's.
Eddie squeezes his eyes shut and says, "Please, let me just stay in this a little longer before it has to end."
Steve's heart thuds in his chest as he works up the courage to ask, "Does it have to end?"
Eddie slowly pulls away and looks at him. "Steve, that was too far and we both know it."
"What if it wasn't?" Steve asks.
Eddie looks at him with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and maybe even sorrow. "It was for me."
Oh. Steve steps back a bit and nods, running both his hands through his hair. He pauses and looks at Eddie who looks unbelievably scared. There's no way he thinks that he didn't enjoy that... right? "Eddie-"
"Don't, Steve. It's fine. I won't tell anyone."
Steve shakes his head and steps forward, only for Eddie to step back in fear. "Eddie, you can't seriously think this was just me seeing how flirtatious you can be, right? At least, that's not what it was to me."
"It's not?"
"No," Steve says and steps forward again, "Look, I don't know what changed, but from the first moment you started flirting with me, it's felt like more than a challenge. And yes, maybe it's been less than a full day since then, but I really like you. And I don't want the flirting to be fake anymore."
Eddie takes a second to process what he's saying then asks, "This isn't flirting going way too far, right?"
Steve shakes his head. "No."
Eddie smiles. "So, you're saying that my flirting worked?"
"If you agree to go on a date with me, then yes."
Eddie's face lights up. "I'll say yes if you still promise to tell me if it ever goes too far."
"Like I said, I don't think it ever could."
"And I think it can, my fuzzy wuzzy bear."
Steve's nose scrunches in disgust while Eddie stares at him with a manic smile, waiting to hear his reaction. "Okay! Too far! That was horrible."
"I know," Eddie says with a laugh. "And you still want to go out with me?"
"Yes," Steve says without hesitation, "But please, no more horrible nicknames or I'll find out what's too far for you."
Eddie winks. "I look forward to it."
Steve laughs while shaking his head before he pulls Eddie into another kiss.
And while Eddie never really goes too far with Steve, the kids and Robin chime in often to alert Eddie when they've had enough. But it never seems to stop him.
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dixons-sunshine · 4 months
Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader—Daryl With A Kid Headcannons
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Word count: 733.
A/n: Requests are temporarily closed! I'll open them up again soon, though. Anyways, I hope you like this! (By the way, the child's age isn't mentioned, but it's set around the toddler stage!)
★ Daryl was so amazed that he had a child of his own.
★ When you had first told him you were pregnant all those years ago, his world had turned upside down. However, the first time he held his baby, he knew it was in a good way.
★ As his child grew up, he did everything with them that his own father never did with him, subconsciously healing his inner child by doing so.
★ When I say everything, I mean everything. From teaching them how to ride a bicycle, to teaching them how to swim, to building pillow forts, to colouring or drawing with them. Anything his child felt like doing that day, he would make a reality.
★ Except if he knew it was dangerous for his child. Then it was an automatic no.
★ Daryl was surprisingly good at handling his child's tantrums. His child shared his own temper, so he knew exactly how to curb their tantrums.
★ He loved having his kid sleep in bed with the two of you. With you on one side and him on the other, the both of you keeping your child safe between the two of you.
★ One of his favourite things in the whole world is when the two of you are cuddled up on the couch with your child resting on either of your chests, some old Disney movie playing on the television.
★ He'd be filled with so much love when he looks from the television and see that the both of you fell asleep while resting against/on him. It made him feel valued, like the two of you trusted him enough to keep you safe while you slept.
★ Talks of having another child come up from time to time. Daryl knows how important having a sibling can be and wants that for his kid, but at the same time, he's terrified of having more children. He was terrified of having just one, but he doesn't regret it.
★ So if you want another kid, he'd never deny you that.
★ Family days are his favourite!
★ Those days where you whip out a deck of Uno cards or some board game you found are some of the absolute best times of his life.
★ Even if your toddler doesn't understand the game and ends up following their own rules. In his opinion, that makes the game even more fun.
★ He knows he doesn't have the best singing voice and he doesn't know any lullabies, but he tries his best.
★ He manages to sing some of his favourite songs from the old world in a tone that closely resembles a lullaby, and that often does the trick.
★ Daryl feels so bad when he raises his voice.
★ After seeing his child cry and run to their room, he instantly feels like the lowest piece of shit on earth. He almost always gets transfered back to those times with his father, and he wonders if he's starting to turn into that bastard.
★ It takes some gentle reassurance from you that he wasn't his dad for him to go up to his child's room and apologize.
★ Cue his surprise and great relief when they run straight into his arms and instantly forgive him.
★ Everything is almost always sorted out by gently addressing the situation, and Daryl always leaves feeling happy, yet frustrated.
★ Happy because his child doesn't hate him and they managed to resolve everything, but frustrated because he realized how easy it was to just sit and talk it out. Not once did he ever feel the urge to hit his kid, so his hatred for his father grew more each time.
★ Whenever he's walking outside with his kid, he loves holding their hand to keep them close.
★ Of course, if the kid didn't like that, he wouldn't push that boundary, but if they didn't mind, Daryl would love to hold their tiny hand in his. It's something his mom used to do with him when he was a toddler and it made him feel safe, so he hoped that his kid felt the same way with him.
★ Daryl loves his child and he always tries his best. That much everyone could see.
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justwonder113 · 1 year
Showering Lee Know with affection
Bang Chan; Changbin; Hyunjin; Han; Felix; Seungmin; IN;
I wanted to make this a drabble but i have literally no control
Summary: You've been waiting for Minho to make a move for ages, so what happens when he actually does?
Warning: Best friends to lovers. Reader feels anxious but nothing over the top. Some cursing. Reader is a bit on the timid side at first but she gets bold. Minho and reader banter with each other. Worried Minho. Reader is whipped for Minho ( who isn't honestly). Not proofread Word count-2470
A/N - I'm thinking to write " showering him with affection" fic with every member. I will try to write and upload Changbin's as soon as I can. Please feel free to interact, I will gladly hear anything you have to say. Requests are open too, so if you want me to write something I'll do my best❤️
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It was one of those days that took your whole energy away, and desperately made you wish you were in bed cocooned in your fluffiest blankets and chill without a care in the world. Thankfully you didn't have that much to do that day, you were just feeling passive. But, unfortunately, you couldn't say the same about your best friend. With comeback being just around the corner he and boys had been working their butts off. You desperately wished there was something you could do to help him in any way, to lessen his burden, but there was so much you could do.
You sighed and looked at your chat with Minho. He had not been on contact for 7 hours now. The last text said that he would text you when he had time but here you were now, still not a word from him.
You looked out the window, the city looked unusually calm but maybe it was because you were feeling bit detached. It was also one of the nights where sleep didn't come so easy. You were feeling sore all over and tired out of your mind but, despite that, you couldn't keep your eyes shut. Maybe it was because you were worried about Minho, maybe it was because you missed him so much you felt like you were missing a part of yourself. It's been days since you last saw him. You knew how busy he could get, especially when he had comback like this, but you couldn't help but worry, more so when you knew how hardworking and perfectionist he was. It wouldn't be a surprise if he, even at this hour, was at the company working his butt off. Sometimes the urge to just smack him was too strong. You both loved and hated these qualities of his-his dedication and sense of responsibility was something to admire yes, but you hated that because of this he owerworked himself to sheer exaustion, you hated that he worked sometimes so hard that he even forgot to eat. In times like this you tried to remind him regularly to take care of himself, also, whenever you could, you tried to bring him food but you could do so much. You were also mad that you had to be so busy you also didn't have time to be as there for him as you wanted. You just had to be loaded with work too.
You sighed yet again and stood up, sulking to yourself wouldn't do much good, so you would at least be productive. Also, maybe if you tired yourself more maybe you would actually be able to sleep at least some hours. You walked to the fridge and started scanning the products, pondering what you could make that would be both nutrtitious and healthy. Knowing your friends they would be mostly eating takeout and junkfood so it would be good if they ate something healthy and homemade. You were sure they woud appreciate it.
You started preparing everything while listening to a true crime podcast your friend recommended earlier. You were getting excited by the second, knowing your gesture would make him happy. The mere thought of seeing him smiling and content filled your heart with joy. Yes, you were whipped for him, but who could be immune to his charms? You felt like you had loved him since forever, you were not sure when you started developing feelings for him, but when you did you fell hard and quickly. Unfortunately for you though, you were a bit of a coward and you chose to stay in the in the comfort zone of friendship, terrified to ruin everything you two had. It was sometimes infuriating, especially when you knew that your feelings toward each other was more than platonic, there was always something more, you knew he felt something for you but neither of you did anything about it. You came in harmony with the fact that you were not initiative person like that, the person who made first moves, okay, but Minho? His lack of action made you withdraw more and it sometimes made you feel like you were deluding yourself.
Sometimes it got tiring tho, waiting and waiting for the other person to at least give you more than a hint that they returned your feelings, something just something! There were even times when you wished he would at least turn you down, so you would have a reason to move on, to stop holding on the moss.
Being this lost in the thought you didn't even realize when your front door opened, you were only startled out of the bones when you felt two strong arms wrap around your waist. Your first instinct was to grab something to use to defend yourself, but as soon as the familiar scent of bodywash and the hint of cologne hit your nose you quickly realized that your intruder was Minho.
With a hand on your chest and scowl adorning your face you turned in his hold to scold him. "What the hell Minho? What happened to knocking?" You couldn't help but scold, why did he have to be stealthy like a cat?
Any hint of anger died the instant you took his image in. The exhaustion was evident on his figure and he was out of breath, had he been running?, his eyes were bloodshot and he had dark eyebags, he looked paler, and maybe even skinnier too. Had he not been eating at all? You carefully started examining him, worry apparent on your eyes. "Have you been taking care of yourself at all? What the hell Minho? What brought you here? Why aren't you at your house sleeping? Did something happen?.." You were ready to throw hundred more questions but he quickly stopped you by putting his hands on your shoulder, the corners of his mouth slightly lifted.
"Breathe princess." His soft voice made you realize that you vere rambling.
"Oh, okay, sorry." You brought all your attention to him now and Minho decided to flick your head now, you quickly rubbed the place "what was that for you asshole?"
"Where the fuck is your phone?"
" I don't know dude! Probably somewhere here why? "
Minho took a deep breath and glared at you. "I thought I would come by and crash at your place, when I saw that you had your lights on so you were awake. I banged on your door for like 10 minutes, no answer. I call like ten times no answer okay Maybe you fell asleep, but I hear man's voice and something about blood? Thankfully I had your spare key on me or else I would've broken your door now. " You felt guiltier by the second, Minho looked really worried too, you had to lighten up the situation.
"Aww you do love me," you started cooing and you wrapped his frigid body into a hug, Minho made a point to be as much like a stick as he could.
"Why are we friends again?" Minho grumbled but he didn't look annoyed anymore, you grinned and started leading him to a table.
"Because I'm amazing, and you love me and I made your favourite" you dramatically gestured at the food which was now ready and looked good as ever.
"Looks good," he muttered out softly as he lightly patted your hair which he knew you didn't appreciate that much, "Still mad tho."
" How about we cuddle after it? I'll even massage your scalp." You suggest knowing this would crack him up.
And it did he gave you one last side eye but gave up, oriented on food. " Okay deal."
You two ate in silence, not really giving a damn that it was the middle of the night and it was not at all healthy, talking calmly about what you two have been up to while you didn't see each other, with Minho sometimes interrupting both you and himself to say again and again that food was delicious and just what he needed. He told you all about their progress in dance rehearsals, in what parts in choreo he had trouble, of course without spoiling you about the album, loving to tease you as always. Second after second you realized just how much you've missed this, just existing together not having to worry about anything. That's what you loved the most being with him, he made you feel so safe and comfortable, even though you two constantly got on each other's nerves, he was your safe space and you tried your best to be his.
After a while you two were snuggled up in your bed, all washed up and content. You slowly scratching his scalp while he basically laid on top of you, with his head on your tummy. You just loved how silky smooth his hair was, but what you loved the most was sleepy Minho. It was whole another level adorable.
"don't you wanna get under the covers so we can actually sleep?" You hummed out and slightly tugged harder at his hair knowing he liked it. He lazily looked up, eyes half closed, feeling a bit dazed.
"Feel lazy." You couldn't help but smile, "come on babe get up, I promise I won't stop scratching your head." You waited for an answer while he stared at you. You pondered for a second, why was he staring at you like that? You had been addressing each other like couple for a while,(manifesting at it's best) so there was nothing new about that. Was there something on your face? You literally washed it minutes ago. "What is it min?" Minho slightly furrowed his eyebrows and hid his face, "you're beautiful"
You were sure you heard him right but you had to make sure. "What? Couldn't hear you pretty boy." He looked at you with a scowl
"Don't make me say it." You grinned at him.
"Pretty please with a cherry on top?" Minho sighed and got up, he leaned in so that his face was in front of you, his presence intervening with yours, you blinked at him slowly awaiting for him.
"You're beautiful" you felt like you couldn't breathe, he looked so deep into your eyes you felt like your soul was naked, you felt so vulnerable. You smirked deciding to challenge him.
"What are you going to do about it?" You were internally screaming, you saw someone say to do this on internet, you couldn't believe you actually had the balls to say it.
Minho looked at you with dark eyes, his face not giving away what he was thinking, you suddenly had the urge to back down, however before you could act on it he decided to lean in and capture your lips in a kiss.
Your whole world was spinning, was this really happening to you? Was the man you had been pining over for years, your best friend, the man of your dreams kissing you like there was no tomorrow?
His lips felt so soft you felt like you could melt. You quickly put your hands around his neck and tried to return the kiss with the same vigor but you doubted it was possible. Minho was kissing you so passionately it almost felt like he was about to devour you, yet, at the same time, he held you like you were the most fragile thing to ever exist, you've never felt more loved and cherished. And most of all you've never felt more alive than this. You were sure you felt every cell in your body ignite and come alive. If someone were to offer you ability to stop time you would freeze this moment so you could relieve it again and again.
"How come we've never done this?" Minho asked after he broke off the kiss. You were amazed how he was able to talk when you felt like you couldn't breathe at all.
" I don't know Min, why haven't you done so before?" You smiled and softly kissed his lips, him chasing after it had you chuckling.
"Must've been a fool, considering I've been in love with you for years" he leaned in again to seal your lips but you willed yourself to break it.
"You love me?"
"I do, I love you." Was it possible to pull a muscle from smiling?
"Say it again" you leaned in now, your fingers carefully fixing his strand of stray hair on his forehead, carefully examining his pretty features, seeing his flushed face had you questioning how would you even look right now.
"I love you" he said your name so tenderly it had you melting yet again. You gave him a wide smile and captured his pretty lips in a kiss again, now feeling shivers run down his body. His hands automatically found their place around your waist, bringing you as close as possible, now you were sat comfortably in his lap, as if it was made just for you. "I'm taking this as a sign you love me back?" God you loved his smile.
"I'll prove just how much I love you all right." You slid your hands to his shoulders and started littering tiny little kisses everywhere possible, his lips, his cheeks, his nose, his forehead, his jaw his neck while muttering just how much you liked his every little feature, how you loved how kind, sweet, generous, interesting and overall amazing person he was. Of course you used far more adjectives being sure that every positive one could be used to describe him. You wanted to show him just how much you loved and appreciated him.
You only stopped your actions when your lips felt so numb it felt like they would fall off any second now. "Are you convinced now pretty boy?" You asked loving, satisfied with his dazed expression. Flustered Minho was your favorite Minho, you were sure of it. Pink looked so good on him, it was adorable how his ears flushed followed by his cheeks and neck with your actions. He looked beyond yummy. Minho smiled and layed you both on the bed.
" I don't know princess, I think I need some more kisses just to be sure. " Minho shrugged and winked at you mischeviously.
You rolled your eyes but who were you to deny?
After a while you fell asleep, safely cocooned in his arms feeling safe and content, his arms tightly held you close to him as if he was afraid to let you go even for a second, his hold on you not loosening even for a second, despite him being dead asleep, he was so adorable like this. You were sure your heart had never felt so content, he really was your comfort space.
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dhorrl · 4 months
First Time
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Nothing NSFW, just Deku doing his research before his first time with you 😭 I wrote this for my bot and it’s just so good. I keep reading it over and over it’s so so sweet.
For almost a year now, Izuku has been captivated by you. He has a special notebook dedicated solely to you, where he writes down every little detail about you - your favorite colors, flowers, and snacks. Sometimes when you're not looking, he'll take out the notebook and flip through it, smiling at all the things he's learned about you. And whenever you catch him, he'll blush and quickly close the book, promising to keep it for himself.
Izuku has always been on the shy side, but lately things have been getting more physical between the two of you. What started as innocent kisses and cuddling has turned into intense make-out sessions and heavy petting. However, every time things start to escalate even further, Izuku pulls away in a panic. It's not because he doesn't want it - his throbbing cock and blue balls prove otherwise - but his lack of experience makes him feel unprepared for what comes next. He knows it's your first time too, and he doesn't want to disappoint you or make a mistake that could ruin everything.
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Izuku stood frozen outside Katsuki's door, fist hovering inches from the wood. His heart hammered in his chest. Could he really go through with this? Asking Kacchan, of all people, for sex advice? He squeezed his eyes shut and knocked before he lost his nerve. The door whipped open a second later.
"The fuck do you want, nerd?" Katsuki snapped, crimson eyes narrowing. "This better be important."
"Hey Kacchan..." Izuku swallowed hard, voice shaking slightly. "You've had sex before, right? I was hoping... could I maybe ask you a few questions about it?"
Katsuki blinked, momentarily taken aback. Then he sighed and stepped aside, jerking his head for Izuku to come in. "So, you and what’s-her-face, huh?" He shut the door and crossed his arms. "You sure you're ready for that? You’re gonna get eaten alive."
Izuku perched on the edge of Katsuki's desk chair, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "We've gotten close a few times, but I don't really know what I'm doing," he admitted, face flushing. "I'm worried I'll mess it up somehow."
"Tch, you're overthinking it like always. Sex is supposed to be fun, not some exam you gotta ace." Katsuki tossed a notebook at Izuku. "Here, take notes. First off, talk to 'em. Ask what they like, make 'em comfortable."
Izuku flipped to a blank page and started scribbling, cheeks growing hotter by the second. "Okay, got it. What else?"
"Take it slow at first. Figure out what turns you both on." A faint smirk tugged at Katsuki's lips. "And don't you dare skip the foreplay, Deku."
"Foreplay?" Izuku glanced up, head cocked quizzically.
Katsuki leaned back in his chair. "Yeah, idiot. Kissing, touching - all the stuff that gets you both in the mood before you actually fuck." He watched in amusement as Izuku's hand trembled, pen scratching furiously across the page. "Also, ignore the shit you see in porn. Focus on reactions instead, like reading your opponent in a fight. Well, not an opponent, but... you get it."
"Right, that makes sense..." Izuku nodded, writing as fast as the thoughts registered, muttering under his breath. "Be open and honest, go slow, lots of foreplay, no porn moves. Okay."
"Oh, and condoms! Fucking wrap that shit up, you hear me?? Last thing we need is a mini-Deku toddling around before you're fucking ready." Katsuki watched Izuku write, then shifted slightly, expression sobering. "Look, you're gonna be nervous. That's normal. I was too, my first time."
Izuku's pen stilled. He looked up, green eyes wide with surprise. "You were?"
"'Course I fucking was! Everyone is." Katsuki shrugged, a touch of vulnerability in the set of his jaw. "Point is, don't let the nerves psych you out. If something goes wrong, just laugh it off and keep going. The goal is for you both to feel good."
Izuku met Katsuki's gaze, feeling a swell of gratitude amidst the anxiety churning in his gut. "Thanks, Kacchan. This… helps a lot."
"Whatever." Katsuki waved a hand dismissively, but his eyes held a flicker of warmth. "Just don't come whining to me if you nut in two seconds. Now, fuck off and go get laid already."
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muffinsin · 7 months
I'm so happy you responded :D (and that you write platonic fics , I like romance but platonic is something I'll love forever❤️)
If possible can you do maybe how the sisters would react to their mother adopting a human kid??
Like they come injured and orphaned to work at their castle and alcina is like "this is my child now" and whips her away.
I feel like Cassandra would be the most protective out of the 3 and just carry her with her wherever and bela would make sure she's eating and drinking, maybe teach her to read and write . And Daniela would just play with her all day long while reading her favourite stories .
I love all of your fics and Im sorry if this is too long or just not your cup of tea . Absolutely feel free to ignore this . I hope you have a good day 😊💞
Ofc! :) I try to respond to every inbox noti! (Even if stuff occasionally gets lost in the inbox🙇‍♀️), I can’t blame you at all XD I love writing pretty much all types of things, but platonic is such a sweet and pure type of writing🙌 So happy to hear you like my works! :) Have a good day too hon! This was so cute, I had to pull it to the front of my WIP list🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
Absolutely, this is adorable! Let’s get into it :)
You catch Bela’s eye immediately, from the moment you enter the castle halls
Your heartbeat is far too quick, far too weak for it to be suitable for work
However, she originally assumes you’re an ill maid. Not a child
Her surprise, therefore, is large when she swarms to you to separate you from the group and label you as a reject
Yet, she finds no one on eye level
Not even on cleavage level
She looks down to see you, a child of small size, look up at her with wide, terrified eyes
What? How did you get here?
She crouches down, for once uncaring as she gives up her usually so intimidating posture
Bela finds herself surprised when she sees tears welling in your little eyes, then feels small arms wrap around her
For a moment, she looks like a deer in the headlights
Still, she knows what she must do. And as such she picks you up effortlessly, a not so subtle grimace on her face as you cough nearly into her ear
She brings you to Alcina, who promises to take care of you and the matter of your sudden appearance
Now, when Bela peeled you off her while you were clinging like a koala, she did not expect to find herself as your sister
However, this was exactly what Alcina announced a couple of days later after some careful consideration
Truly, she thought she would take the news worse. Whenever she thought of another sibling, she mentally rolled her eyes
Another one to share Mother’s attention with…
Another to Shepard…
However, Bela feels an instant bond with you. What’s one more younger sibling?
She’s incredibly maternal with you, as she was and still is with her sisters
Bela takes care of you the majority of the day, and you overall spend the most amount of time with her, out of your new sisters
She ensures you eat and is curious to find out what can all sate your appetite
Are you picky? Are you willing to try all out once? Do you like vegetables? Do you prefer meat? Bela is the one to find all of this out first
She has absolutely had to prevent her sisters from feeding you blood in the past, however
She knows enough of humans to know they are not supposed to eat blood, at least
Your eldest sister teaches you to read and write early on, and proves to be surprisingly patient with it
She reads to you and encourages you to try as well, so that in no time you’re capable of reading easy, short stories the two of you have come up with
She has pristine handwriting, and as she teaches you, she ensures at least one of her siblings picks up on this
With Bela, you often pick up fancy words and phrases, which you in time like to repeat to your mama later on, who always praises you for your ever growing vocabulary
Really, Bela is mainly the reason your vocabulary is so vast
However, one thing your sister makes sure of, evidently more than your other sisters, is not to swear in front of you
Aside from your mama, Bela is the one teaching you manners the most
She teaches you early on to use your words to get what you want
With her, you learn the art of subtle things
Such as subtly intimidating people, or, in time, insulting people without having them notice it, even
She teaches you to influence others in order to gain what you want
This, ironically, usually doesn’t work on her
But your mama and Daniela? It works perfectly as an alternative to your puppy eyes
Asides from all these aspects, Bela loves to keep you with her while she works
She often enough pulls you to her lap to cuddle while she fills out paperwork, a warm smile on her face when you show her the drawing you’ve been working on
Your sister and mother share this, it seems
Upon learning she gets a new sibling, she isn’t exactly thrilled
She loves her sisters incredibly much, this is undeniable
But another sibling? She fights for her Mother’s attention so as it is already!
However, upon meeting you properly, you’ve immediately got her wrapped around your little finger the second you walk up to her and give her sickle a curious yank
Immediately, she smirks
Oh, yes, she likes you
Cassandra loves to spend her time with you
Mainly because she knows you’re completely in awe of her, and she loves it
She wants to prove that she can be a role model, too
She’s incredibly protective of you. No one is allowed to get close to you without her there
And even if someone is there, Cassandra makes it perfectly clear that you’re a Dimitrescu and are to be respected as such
So what if your tiny frame and soft cheeks are so damn adorable?
If she catches even a single maid fussing over you, an example is made out of her
Cassandra picks you up whenever she sees you
You’re so tiny to her, and she makes sure to be careful with you. She knows best how fragile humans are
However, not once has she hurt you, even accidentally
Your older sister takes perfect care of you, and you love to spend time with her
Out of all the things Cassandra teaches you, one of them is to stand up for yourself
While Bela teaches you to ask for what you want, your other sister takes a different approach;
She teaches you to take what you want. As her sibling, you’re a Dimitrescu. As such, you are entitled to things
What you aren’t given, you can take
She demonstrates this plenty, and even as you often see her consume blood or even cut the maids and scare them openly, you never find yourself being afraid of her
At first, this catches Cassandra off guard
She was so worried she’d scare you because you’re so young
But being scared of your sister? What a silly thought. Even as she is covered in blood from head to toe, you grin as you urge your little legs to bring you to her and jump up into her arms
Cassandra is the one to teach you how to protect yourself incredibly early on
Because she knows how fragile and weak most humans are, she refuses to let you become such
She play fights with you a lot, and allows you to watch her train
She notices early on that you seem to have taken a liking to watching her train especially
You could giggle and sit in awe for hours as she moves effortlessly
Her hits on the dummy are powerful, and you awe whenever she accidentally slices into it with her sickle
Often, she trains with you, though. Small, easy things. Nothing that could get you injured
You’re taught how to keep your footing and stand your ground even with unsteady, little legs
This in particular comes in handy when your mama attempts to lift you off the floor to put you in the bath, yet you don’t feel like it
Often you pull a concentrated frown as you stick in place as though glued to the floor
Whenever you tell your sister of this, she smirks proudly, which in turn has you feel proud
However, even as Cassandra helps and encourages you with every little thing you want, even she has her limits
You are not to go hunting with her outside of the tiny, secluded area that she knows is safe
Unlike your sisters, you aren’t allowed to venture further into the forest yet
And while you sometimes whine about this, your complains are often shut down when Cassandra agrees to tell you stories of her triumphs
Often you ask her to sit by your side in bed and tell you a bedtime story of how she took down all sorts of prey
Alcina only smiles fondly whenever her middle child adds factors that didn’t quite happen
She never corrects Cassandra, though, and only praises her when you fall asleep midway through her stories
When she does take you hunting, you are to stick close to her side. And you always do. And Cassandra always keeps you safe
There has never been a close call with your older sister right by your side, and so you are often allowed to go with her, a toy bow and a stick for a knife in your hand as you watch her hunt and try to copy her movements
Funnily enough, such moments lead to your success at hunting much, much later in your life
She is in a mix of emotions and thoughts when Alcina tells everyone a new sibling is joining the family
On one hand, she doesn’t want to give up her title as the youngest sister. The baby of the family. The one to get away with everything
She’s grown so very comfortable in her role
Even before she meets you, Daniela is jealous. Why must you take this all from her?
Will she still be mama’s favourite? After all, now you will be the baby of the family
She doesn’t feel ready to become a middle child. She’s not ready to be more mature than she wants to be
Instead, Daniela just wants to keep living her fantasy life with no worries whatsoever
Alcina, of course, notices her youngest- no, second youngest’s- distress even before introducing you
She reassures, nothing will change for Daniela, other than having another sibling. She will still be loved just as much, there is no need being jealous and trying to fight for attention
As such, her feelings of jealousy and annoyance are replaced with adoration when she meets you
You’re so tiny! And so- human
She can’t help but hug you immediately. She’s very careful with you, and grins when you smile up at her
Daniela spoils you endlessly
You know to find her when you want candy (even after or just before dinner!) or a special treat
She can’t ever say no to you. You’re just so cute!
She’s your older sister, but she’s also your partner in crime
It starts by teaching you the ways of one of her most powerful weapon; her trusted puppy eyes
She assures you, those will make all of Mama’s resolves fade away
Whether it’s about getting a new toy or attention, extra time before bed or favours, the puppy eyes come in clutch
While yours are excellent already, Daniela helps you perfect them
Additionally, she is always up for playing games
No matter the time, your sister always jumps at the idea of playing
She especially likes to play chase with you, though, and even makes sure to slow down to ensure you’re able to run a little longer, or at least stand a chance at catching her
She also loves to play hide and seek together
The only problem? Both of you are by far too good at hiding, and not quite as good at seeking
Often, you must convince one of your older sisters to join in and seek
Bela has offered to do this multiple times as a way to ensure you and Daniela stay out of trouble while she gets some work done
Daniela loves playing pretend with you, too
She has so many toys, and she’s willing to share them all with you!
Often, you have sword fights with sticks or race the castle to find the hidden treasure hidden by one of your other sisters
Daniela is incredibly close to you, as are you to her
She loves to cuddle with you, and uses any excuse to be able to do so. You’re so tiny and warm, just like a teddy bear
Often, the two of you curl up in a corner in the library
With snacks, drinks and blankets surrounding you, you love to lean against her as she reads fairytales to you
While Bela also enjoys to read, you fine Daniela’s reading by far more entertaining, though. Mainly for the fact that she brings the characters in the stories to life
She loves to giggle along with you as you read, and often encourages you to try reading a small passage yourself
When you do, she always praises you and makes it a point to tell Alcina how your reading’s improving
You know, as with Bela and Cassandra, you can always count on Daniela
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skyeslittlecorner · 8 months
Tails for All! - Abaddon edition
Other parts: Kings | Gehenna | Tartaros | Hades | Avisos | Nilfheim | Paradise Lost
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A small fluffy ball, slightly elongated towards the top. It looks like a deer, but with black fur instead of brown.
He's glad he has small horns because it makes him look less dangerous. He is even happier with his little tail. It's cute and matches Sailor Moon's uniform more than any nasty weapon. He only wishes you could write on it.
Asmodeus doesn't like his tail because, unlike the other two, he can't hold Dantalian by the tail like on a leash. Dantalian offered to attach barbed wire to his tail. You don't know how this conversation went further.
His tail smells lovely, like almonds. Why? Nobody knows.
The best anti-stress squeeze in all of Hell.
Sensitiveness 10/10. Stand on it. Crush it. Tear out the fur. Set it on fire. The more you abuse it, the better.
He will be honestly surprised when you start stroking and kissing him, but... hey, it's actually nice too!
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A long, feathery tail. The feathers are blurry because they are made of pure flames, you can't see where the feathers end and the fire begins. The whole thing is long up to the feet.
The color of his tail depends on his emotions, in arousal the shades change between red, orange and white when he cums (so usually).
Asmodeus asked Beelzebub to give Phenix a piercing at the base of his tail. Beel could not agree, because he was not his citizen, but under his watchful eye, Asmo did it himself and put a padlock on Phenix, thanks to which his tail does not burn inanimated objects.
Phenix can actually regulate whether his tail will burn someone or not, but he's too excited to consider such things.
Perfect for fighting. Angel feathers smell beautiful when they burn. In addition, severed limbs can be burned to prevent the enemy from bleeding out too quickly.
When not excited, his tail curls up and is much smaller and about the size of Stolas. At least that's what Morax said. No one else can confirm or deny.
Sensitiveness ?/10. How do you want to touch the fire? 
In fact, you saw that a one person can touch Phenix's tail whenever he wants. But Asmo is a mean bastard and all you will hear from him is "try it yourself".
In bed it can only be used as a night lamp. At least until you teach that little bird to keep his emotions in check (good luck).
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Calf-length, very hard, covered with stone-hard skin, with a ball the size of a fist at the end. Morningstar, actually. Dark, gray skin, rough. He actually has patches like a dinosaur. 
The spines are long, sharp and hooked at the tip. They will tear out a piece of meat if they get stuck. 
Can retract spikes. He controls them much better than Phenix controls his flame. When you're dealing with just the ball, it's very nicely slick and in the right shape... wait, that should have been at the end.
When he was younger and Asmodeus told him to shut up, he put his tail in his mouth. Now it's a bit too big. You can lick it too... wait, yes, at the end. Again. Oops. 
Perfect massager. Heavy enough that you can feel it running along your back and shoulders, but not overwhelming.
Sensitiveness 7/10. He loves playing with his tail when you are together. The tip and base are the most sensitive. Play with them, but not too gently, spankings and whips are most desirable.
Rough skin is perfect for grinding. Besides, he'd love to see it.
…well, we know about one more figure from this country. And I have an unhealthy obsession with him. He's so hot he burned a hole in my brain, and he isn't even out yet. We only know his appearance from Love Unholyc, but just let's have some fun, I'll try to fit him something. We'll see how this post ages lol.
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Scorpion tail. As thick as his arms, black as his hair, hard and shiny, with a sting at the end.
At first, his tail is confused with Beel and vice versa. In fact, they are two completely different things. Beel is much more flexible and thinner, while Asmo is larger and harder.
He likes to sit on a chaise-longue-like throne in a brothel-looking hall, hold you in his lap, wrap his deadly tail around you, and watch Dantesque scenes at his feet with his queen by his side. The only thing missing is popcorn.
Like his hair, the tail is wrapped in barbed wire. Normal devils would prefer it had some sort of cover on it. The other kings wondered whether they should really do one to him.
Of course it's poisonous. The only antidote is to drink milk from his horn. If you don't please him, he will sting you to try harder. He likes watching you fight for your life…
...but he will never lose himself enough to do real harm to you. I mean, kill you. He will detoxify you long before you pass out.
By the way, do I need to mention that this poison is the strongest aphrodisiac in hell?
Sensitiveness 4/10. As opposed to being the embodiment of lust, his tail is used for fighting rather than caressing.
Yes, he will try to put his stinger in you. No, this is not a good idea. Of course he knows it, but he loves the horror and outrage on your face.
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punsmaster69 · 8 months
chocolate chips were mixed into the batter per his request, and it's decorated neatly with whipped cream and some fruit.
papyrus delicately set the plate of pancakes in front of flowey with a flourish of his hand and a bow.
my brother never expects a thank you from him, but i notice flowey open his mouth for a second before changing his mind.
apparently motivated by "the prospect of an extra-sugary breakfast" according to toriel, flowey decided to stay the night rather than going home yesterday.
he's surprisingly quiet.
was complaining about a neck pain from sleeping funny and the only comment flowey had was
"You're just old."
after eating, he's gonna go hang out with papyrus. they're already discussing puzzles.
..well. 𝘱𝘢𝘱𝘺𝘳𝘶𝘴 is discussing, flowey is listening. (probably.)
i think frisk's coming over to bug me, judging by the poorly typed texts about some difficult level in a game.
they flopped over defeatedly.
"Saansss hellppp meee."
"you're giving up, huh?"
that snapped something in them. fire returned to their eyes, bolting upright and re-grabbing the controller.
"No way!"
"that's the spirit. get back in there and die a hundred more times."
shushing motion.
"hey, i'll have hope. i believe in you."
putting my hand on their shoulder.
"you'll probably only die around eighty times."
sticking their tongue out at me and shrugging my hand off their shoulder, frisk focused once again.
the hard part? they got past it, but...
are now immediately stuck on a different part.
papyrus came clamoring back into the house with flowey in his arms, grabbed something from his room, and was gone in a flash.
giving frisk a quick pat on the head, i rose from the couch and stepped into the backyard to see what the other two were doing.
"uses magic."
"what're you up to?"
"Updating this board game to have more traps and puzzles."
"and you're outside because...?"
"gotta photosynthesize? i get it."
"I am NOT photosynthesizing!"
"hey, i'm not judging."
"I'm not!"
"like i said, no judgement."
a gentle breeze blew through. i stopped to take in the nice weather.
"it 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀 feel pretty good."
"i'm bringing frisk out."
stepping back into the doorway of the house. i watched the tv screen and waited until they died again to speak.
a shout of surprise from frisk before they whipped around to face me.
"on days like these..."
"kids like you should definitely be outside enjoying the sun."
frisk looked between the tv screen, me, and the window. they resigned with a sigh and turned the game off.
"I'll beat it some other time."
one last time, i stepped into the backyard. running, frisk appeared from around the side of the house a moment later.
wanting to do something more physically intensive than sit around and make puzzles for a board game, frisk invited undyne and monster kid over to play kickball.
they've only popped one ball thus far, so they're doing well.
i think papyrus'll join them before long.
a stray kick sent a ball flying at my skull, so papyrus now has me in a
of bones under the shade of a tree.
flowey would be in the box too, it's just his pot and their altered board game with me. the flower himself is roaming around the yard doing who-knows-what. stretching his roots, i suppose.
"You gotta go home at SOME point, punks. Can't stay here forever."
monster kid and frisk both pouted.
"Papyrus wouldn't mind!!"
"Yeah! Plus the sun's not even fully set yet."
"she's right, kiddos. you really should be getting home."
flowey grumbled impatiently from papyrus' arm. i picked up his pot and offered it towards him.
"you wanna hop in there instead of coiling my brother's arm like a snake?"
"Whenever Frisk quits whining and we can go home I will."
"I'm not whining!"
"That's a hundred percent whining!"
"It's reasoning."
"It's whining."
"Shut up."
flowey used his vines to raise papyrus' arm and make him lift the middle finger.
papyrus covered his hand and shoved his arm back down immediately.
flowey's expression flickered with a look of shock for a second. he let out something like a scoff.
"It's okay. I know it was that meanie head's doing."
"ok. definitely time for you to go home."
i offered my hand to frisk, and paps put flowey back in the pot.
"i know a shortcut."
undyne pat monster kid on the head.
"Come on, I'll walk you."
"Oh! You are home. I do not remember hearing the door-"
i waved.
"I see."
"Greetings, Sans."
with a soft smile.
" 'sup."
"Thank you for bringing them back. I hope they were not much trouble."
i glanced at flowey, who seemed to be thinking about something.
"they're good kids. shouldn't worry about 'em so much."
"I know... still, I am glad to hear that they have been behaving."
"Do not let me hold you from getting home yourself."
i glanced again to where flowey was, but he and frisk went into their room.
gently, i lifted her hand to my face to replicate kissing the top of it. (with my lack of lips and all.)
" 'night, tori."
before disappearing, and flopping onto my bed.
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clovcherry · 2 years
@myschevious i loved the idea!!!!
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you're all mine (NSFW)
pairing: shu yamino x gn!reader
t/w: noncon if u squint, dubcon, spitplay, dacryphilia, kinda mean dom!shu, sub!reader, stalking , university au??, obsessive behaviour, occ shu 💀, implied noncon somnophilia, implied noncon drug taking, creampies, belly bulge, oral, unprotected sex
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he saw you as a perfect individual, the way you presented yourself never failed to amaze him. the moment he saw you walk into the room, he was starstruck.
how could you be so gorgeous? he would sneak a few glances at you during lectures and sometimes you'd catch his gaze on you, you would shoot him that smile which made his heart skip a beat. whenever you did that, he would whip his head around with his cheeks all flushed.
he had never felt this way about someone before, you were just the one. he never really believed in love at first sight but the moment he had laid his eyes on you, he knew you were the one.
"hey," shu was snapped out his thoughts when he turned towards the voice, it was you.
he thought for a moment before returning the greeting.
you shot him a grin, "we're partners for this project!"
"ah, okay, we can discuss about it after this," he said with a smile, despite his calm facade, his heart was pounding against his chest.
"I'll see you after this!"
he was waiting for you patiently outside the lecture hall you were in. you finally stepped out looking drained of energy but the moment you saw him your mood immediately brightened up.
you greeted him again before leaving campus with him to his place to start on your project.
"you have a whole set up?!" you gasped, looking at the sorcerer who was nervously rubbing his neck.
"sorry, I forgot you took comp science," you giggled a little before plopping down on the floor infront of his bed and pulling out your laptop to begin your work with shu.
"I've already planned out everything, I'll do the research of this and you'll do this," you started guiding him on what you had prepared, but shu was barely listening to what you were saying. you just looked so breathtaking without even trying.
"shu? are you listening?" you voiced out, looking at him slightly concerned.
"uh, yeah," he quickly looked back at his laptop, clearly trying to avoid eye contact.
"you weren't listening were you?"
"yeah okay sorry, could you repeat it," he chuckled nervously.
you just nodded with a laugh before repeating what you said.
after that, the two of you started hanging out more. you got to learn more about shu and he got to learn more about you!
you never noticed how shu would remember the slightest details about you, like how you prefer to have your coffee or even your favourite colour. sometimes he would even make mental notes to himself that you preferred this over that.
you found yourself feeling even more attracted to the sorcerer as time passes, he was funny, cute and really intelligent. he always made sure you were comfortable and never failed to show up when you needed his help.
going over to his place became a weekly event, studying with him was amazing! he would teach you anything you struggled with and you would do the same if he needed help. sometimes you two would get really sidetracked and start doing stupid things, like one time, you both tried pilk. you almost threw up after drinking it while he was laughing his ass off at you gagging. sometimes after he served you tea, you'd feel oddly really tired, and he was the sweetest friend! he told you to just take a nap and he would wake you up when you needed to go home. whenever you woke up, you'd feel a little sore but much more refreshed. but for some reasons, when you take a shower everytime after coming back from taking a nap at his place, you noticed some kind of white fluid leaking out of your private area. of course you trusted shu too much and just brushed it off as something else.
he drove to your favourite restaurant, intending to surprise you with your favourite dish take out. he did not expect you to be there. and you weren't alone, there was another person sitting directly infront of you. shu felt his blood boiling just at the meer sight of you laughing away with this mysterious other.
after all he's done for you? after all you've been through together? you're out on some date with another person? how could you do this to him?
his fingers were digging into his palm as the sorcerer resisted the urge to storm into the restaurant and ruin your silly little date. however, he had a better plan in mind. he walked back to his car and got in, patiently waiting for you to come out with your "friend".
fifteen minutes had passed. there you were, walking out happily with your little friend who held the door open for you. shu got out of his car, briskly walking towards you.
"shu! why are you-" you couldn't even finish your sentence before he grabbed you by your wrist and pulled you towards his car.
"shu, where are you taking me?!" you asked, you could hear your friend yelling at shu.
he remained silent, you turned around, bidding goodbye to your friend who looked absolutely heartbroken.
you both got into his car. there was a moment of silence before shu spoke, "who was that?" he seemed extremely upset.
"they're a friend of mine from high-school, we just decided to have a mini reunion and catch up a little.." you explained, feeling a little worried of what he would say.
afterwards, the whole ride was filled with an awkward silence.
"why are we at your place?"
you both walked into his house, you made sure to politely greet his sister who happened to be in the living room. you trailed behind him like a lost puppy.
you were surprised with how upset shu seemed, but you weren't gonna lie, it was pretty hot seeing him like this. reaching to his room, he held the door open for you, you mumbled a quick thank you and walked into the room.
before you knew it, your back fell flat against the familiar cushion of his bed. shu- no it wasn't shu anymore. he wasn't the shu you knew, the shu you've spent countless hours with.
you let out scream only to have your half-scream cut off by shu smashing his lips against yours. you've been dreaming of this moment, touching yourself to shu but this wasn't like what you had wanted at all. he was like a complete stranger.
"s-shu?" your chin was held at his fingertips, his lips now centimetres away from yours. you were beyond flustered.
"I didn't like that," he started, his face was incredibly red. he moved his hand towards your shirt, removing it seeing as you had no response towards that.
"i-i want to be the only one you do that with," he mumbled, his face still in a dark shade of red, clearly embarrassed. he continued to strip off more articles of clothing till you were both completely naked.
he noticed that you were already aroused, he pinned you against the bed, your wrists in his large hands. he was kissing you again but this time a bit more confident.
he moved downwards, he was at eyelevel with your sex. he had watched countless AVs imagining the actress was you, he couldn't believe this was really coming true. he stuck out his tongue, using kitty licks against your heat, moans of approval from you made him even more confident. he stuck a two fingers into your hole, pushing it in and out.
you were approaching your climax when he suddenly stopped, "n-no! please! i-i wanna cum," you cried, he smirked, "not so soon," he said before getting ontop of you once again.
he was so near you again, his sweet scent filled your senses. you looked down and boy were you surprised by the grith he was packing. he rubbed his tip against your hole before sliding himself into you. you let out a moan of pleasure, the stretch was a little painful but he was slow with it.
"g-god you feel so good," he groaned as he bottomed out inside of you. his hand caressing your stomach that seems to have the imprint of his cock. he grabbed his phone that was resting on the bed, "p-please move" you whined before noticing that he had his phone in his hand, he pressed the record button.
"w-wait are you recording this?!" your face was flushed, the embarrassment creeped up onto you.
"why? you seem to be enjoying this."
you shook your head frantically, trying to keep at least a little bit of your dignity. he let out a chuckle before pulling himself out completely.
"if that's what you want," he shrugged, his phone still recording.
"w-wait no! p-please, 'm sorry..." tears were brimming your eyes, you felt humiliated, it felt as if you had already thrown away what was left of your dignity.
"you're really sorry?" he cocked an eyebrow, in which you responded with a nod.
he pushed himself back into your heat, letting out a groan when he felt your velvety walls clamp down on him. he started pistoning into you, you were a mess, your cheeks were in a crimson shade of red, your eyes all puffy from crying, but it felt heavenly.
"open your mouth."
you obliged, holding your mouth open for him as you felt a warm glob of his spit shoot into your mouth, his camera angled at your face as you swallowed it nervously.
"do you feel good," he asked, caressing your cheek as you nodded frantically. "use your words," he instructed.
"y-yes, i-i feel good," you whimpered, your eyes rolling back into your head as you felt him press against your prostate. "who's making you feel good?" he asked again.
"its- ah! you! shu- ngh! shu yamino!" you struggled to get your words out, you could barely think straight while shu was enjoying himself, knowing he was the one who was fucking you stupid.
your moans were getting louder, completely forgetting the fact that his family could probably hear you getting destroyed by shu. he grabbed cheeks, pulling you towards him, kissing you passionately to shut you up.
he pulled away from you, he let out a blissful groan before cumming together with you, you creamed all over his cock and he filled you up to the brim.
taking a brief moment to catch his breath, he quickly pulled out of you, he moved to his table, he was looking for something.
he came back to you, you were still panting and coming down from your high. in his hand he held a permanent marker.
no way
you thought to yourself. the felt tip of the pen grazed your skin as he wrote something below your belly button. he stood up again, this time with his phone in his hand, "cheese," he said with a smile. and there it was, a picture of you with his cum leaking out of your abused hole with the writings of "shu's cumdump" pointing towards your leaking hole.
he was going to treasure that image forever.
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andr0medafallen · 2 years
Little Trouble
A/N: Republish...ment? of a fic I wrote for @alwritey-aphrodite 's birthday in August. Ilysm! Oh, and today is my birthday I guess, so yeah.
Pairing: Santiago Garcia x reader
Warnings: Fluff, taking songs so far out of context so that they're no longer depressing, confessed love and carnival vibes
Description: I'll tell you that I love you, I'll scream it twice. You ask over the music, "Did I hear that right?"
Word Count: .8k
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“You have something on your face,” Santi remarks, sliding his thumb along the corner of your mouth. Your lips part in surprise when he sticks the finger in his mouth, gently sucking off sugar residue and whipped cream.
Luckily, you’re able to make a quick recovery, scrunching your nose as you exclaim, “Ew, Santi, you’re awful!’ You say it with a smile though, and he smiles back with a cheeky and objectively unapologetic shrug as you steal an extra bite of the funnel cake you’re sharing just to spite him.
You’d finally convinced him to go to the fair with you, abandoning his dive bars and angst for some good old fashioned child-like joy. It had taken ages of tolerating Pope’s excuses before he had finally caved, right in time for the event. The sun is shining; Summer is not doing its job of turning into Autumn, the days long and hot. You don’t mind, though, because you’re here, and Santi is here, and a myriad of nearly broken rides and fried food is here, so you truly can’t find any room in your heart to complain about the sun or any UV damage you may be earning.
“You know you love me,” Santi jests, turning towards you with a grin.
You do. But you’re not sure that he knows, and you’re even less sure he feels as unplatonic as you do, so you opt instead to lean in and whisper conspiratorially, “Three carts down they’re selling hard lemonade.”
“Then we have to stage a heist,” Santi responds, echoing your enthusiasm as if it’s the easiest thing in the world. 
“You’re right! I have a plan. I’ll give them rectangular green pieces of paper, and they’ll be so scared that they give us all of their wares,” you joke, reaching into your bag for your wallet.
Santi grabs your arm, stopping you. “It’s a good plan, but it’s not gonna work.”
“What?! Why ever not?” You tease in your best Bonnie Parker impression.
“I’m more experienced at heisting than you, it’s gotta be me.”
You snort, shoving Santi’s arm. “You’re awful.”
“C’mon, Trouble, we’ve got a heist to plan.” Santi hooks his arm with yours and leads you to the cart.
It's like that the whole day. You and Santi parroting off of each other's energy and laughter until the sun finally sets and you both have your fair share of liquid courage in you. You can’t bear the thought of leaving yet, though. Whenever you’re with Santi, all you can do is wish that time would stand still. You could spend eternity wrapped in his gaze, his smile, his obnoxious arrogance that has somehow become your favorite thing in the world.
When you see a band playing at the center pavilion, colorful lights shining on their instruments—banjo, and fiddle, and harmonica (the cornbread of the musical world)---It takes you about three seconds of contemplation before you grab Santi’s hand, dragging him to the center of the grassy dance floor. 
You’ve danced with Santi before, but not like this. That was all grinding in a crowded room, sweating and laughing as you gave the boys something to write home about. Tonight feels different. Like your heart is exposed, bared to him, and all he needs to do is reach out; To embrace or break it. Lights are strung above the two of you, but their shine doesn’t nearly match the sparkle in his eyes even as he tells you that the music isn’t even that good, spoken in your ear to be heard over the din of the crowd, his warm breath a gentle caress.
“I love you,” you say. You have to yell it over the noise so that Santi is able to hear you, and you do. You don’t know what has possessed you, and you face floods with heat. You nervously look into those big brown eyes, which are doing whatever sort of mental math they feel is necessary to understand the weight of what you have just told him.
It’s Santi who drags you off this time, managing to find a hidden little corner filled with honeysuckle and vines, where the music is that much quieter and the lights more dim.
“What?” He says it like he wants to be sure. Like he’s asking for a pinkie promise that you’ve never wanted to give more.
“I love you,” you breathe. “Do you want me to say it again? I love you, I love you, I love yo—”
He cuts you off, pulling you in by the waist and pressing his soft lips against yours. The kiss is filled with yearning; With the absolution of a promise made to the man who you’ve loved in every past life you might have had. When the two of you break away, Santi leans his forehead against yours as you catch your breath.
“You’re such an asshole,” He says with a smile.
You return it, leaning your head into the crux of his shoulder. “Say it back.”
“I love you.”
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gyoobies · 2 years
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Pairing: Jungwoo x Fem Reader
Genre: fluff, Smut, strangers to fuck buddies to lovers
Warnings:  🛑Minors DNI, unprotected sex (Bag before you shag) 
Summary: Jungwoo has been head over heels for you pretty much since the day you walked into the perfume shop, but you just didn't feel the same way in the beginning. You realize that you want more than a fuck buddy when you find yourself thinking about more than just your needs. Jungwoo had successfully made you fall for him and it only took months of hooking up for him to do it.
The header is poo (I'll make a better one later ...maybe) but a heaux is tired it's 3 in the morning.
You don’t know when you'd started to fall, but one thing you couldn't deny was that you had definitely fallen. You laid in your bed, staring at your ceiling, thoughts of Jungwoo running through your mind. Despite you being the more dominant one in the bedroom, Jungwoo still viewed you as his baby. Whenever he'd address you it was never "Yes Mistress, Mommy, Master, nothing anywhere close to that, but it was something about the way he'd respond with "yes my baby" or "yes my love" while crawling on his hands and knees to where you sat, legs open and waiting that would leave you dripping and wanting to ride that pretty face of his for hours. You’d hated it in the beginning, the terms were too endearing for the arrangement you had, in your opinion. Over time you grew fond of them and now whenever he says them, it’s like a jolt to your heart and pussy.
Even if you were edging him to within a breath of passing out from the constant build-up and subsequent denial.
"Can you hold it once more for me?"
A whimpered  "Yes my love." 
Would leave more than your heart fluttering. To your surprise, those heart flutters were a lot more common these days. The roles of your arrangement should have been almost evenly matched as you both considered yourselves to be a switch, but since your sexual relationship started, there hadn't been any switching. In the beginning you didn't care, you were selfish, only getting off mattered to you, but lately you'd started to think more of his needs too. You assumed it didn't bother Jungwoo as he was more sub leaning and he had never complained, but you also didn't want him to think you couldn't or wouldn't sub for him just because you were more dom leaning. You weren't exactly sure what kind of Dom he would be, and trying to find things he may want to use on you proved to be a challenge, so you got a little bit of everything. Silk scarves, rope, fluffy handcuffs, paddles, crop whips, a belt, anal beads, plugs, and a few vibrators. Most things you already had, and what you didn't have you received only a few days after ordering.
It had been about a week since you'd last been with Jungwoo, and you had to admit, you missed him, and the thought of giving him control was making you restless. That morning you decided to be a bit softer in how you interacted with him during the day, hoping that he would pick up on the shift and take the lead. You started with a fairly neutral "good morning" text, foregoing your usual "Hello beautiful."
Then in the late afternoon you sent him an "I miss you, call me when you're free text." You felt a little embarrassed by how clingy you were coming off, but you knew he wouldn't think so because you were basically just copying his behaviors. You really hoped he would pick up on the behavior switch, but you really didn't know how you'd be able to tell if he was getting it. Lucky for you Jungwoo was practically an expert on your behaviors so the change was picked up on almost immediately,  but he decided to wait to respond. He was enjoying the thought of you being eager for his attention, and he wanted to see just how far you'd go for it. 
2 hours had passed, and Jungwoo was almost about to break and respond to you until he heard his phone chime. He thought he was going to explode when he saw your message.
"Are you going to make me beg? That's so mean."
Just as he began to type a response, you sent another message.
"If you won't take care of me, I'll do it myself."
Taking a moment to get his thoughts together, Jungwoo went to the bathroom and pulled up your contact, hitting the call button the moment your name appeared on the screen.
You felt your heart speed up when your phone began to vibrate in your hands. You hesitated a bit before answering, and when you did, you felt like you were going to melt.
"Hi my love. I miss you too,” he purred.  “But if you touch that pretty pussy of yours without my permission I’ll be forced to punish my baby. I don't want to do that, but I will if I have to."
You let out a soft whimper at his statement, and the sound sent shockwaves through Jungwoo's body causing him to let out a sigh.
"Be good for me and as soon as I'm done helping Jaehyun I'll take care of you."
You agreed, promised not to touch yourself, to be a good girl and wait for him. You ended the call only to realize that you didn't know exactly how long you'd be waiting, so you decided to ask and hoped he didn't think you were being impatient.
Jungwoo had just finished helping Jaehyun build his new bookshelves and move them to the spots he wanted, when he noticed your message. He was a bit surprised by what he was reading.
"I forgot to ask, when do you think you'll be home?"
He needed clarification before he let his mind and his heart run off into the sunset. He had made it clear how he felt about you months ago, but was content with having you with no labels as long as he was the only one. So, to see you being so needy and clingy, was giving him hope that you’d officially be his soon. He responded the best way he could without directly asking if you meant your place.
"Home? Well I do need to shower now, but I assumed I'd go straight to your place once I was done here, and shower there."
He really didn't want to get his hopes up, but he couldn't help getting excited at the thought of you saying your place was his home, and for a brief moment he felt stupid for being so wrapped around your finger that he had to scoff at himself. You were satisfied with being monogamous fuck buddies, and even though he loved it, he really just wanted to love you, to be able to stay over and not just take a shower and head home after sex, to hold your hand in public, and just be mushy, but he knew that would be overstepping with your current arrangement. 
When his screen lit up he was almost too anxious to open your text, despite believing he already knew the answer.
"I am talking about my place. So when do you think you'll be home?"
Texting dots appeared as he read your message for the second time.
"Let yourself in if you'll get here late, just in case I'm asleep." Followed by the code to your apartment. 
You were calling your place his home and gave him the key code so he could let himself in. He was two seconds away from floating into space.
"Gross bro just go to her already. You've been smiling at your phone for like 5 minutes now." Said Jaehyun with a frown plastered on his face. "It's honestly sad how whipped you are."
It had been almost an hour since your last message to Jungwoo, and instead of waiting for a response you decided to take a shower to relax. You were headed toward your bathroom when you heard the beep of the buttons to your apartment lock. The minute he stepped through the door and your eyes met, you knew it was time to give him the title he wanted, but never once pressed you for. 
"There's my needy baby." He glanced at the towel in your hand. "Mind if your lover joins you?" He asked as he moved in, wrapping his arms around you.
"Boyfriend." You stated bluntly. "I don't mind if my boyfriend joins me."
Jungwoo had pushed any and all thoughts of having anything more than amazing hookups, and occasional hangouts with you, out of his mind, but to hear you call him your boyfriend, he probably could have done an entire cheer routine in that moment but he knew now wasn't the time. He was your dom today, so as much as his heart fluttered, as weak as his knees were feeling, he said nothing, only pulled you closer before picking you up and carrying you to the bathroom. 
Perched on the edge of the vanity, you watched as Jungwoo turned on the shower and began to remove his shirt, then his pants, leaving only his underwear. You hopped down to make it easier to remove your clothes, but were stopped by his firm grip.
"No." He said sternly as he looked into your eyes.
"You've waited for me all day, let me do the work, let me take care of my girlfriend." 
 Up and over your head, Jungwoo pulled off your shirt. When you locked eyes with him as he reached around to unhook your bra, all the feelings you'd been holding in for so long came bubbling to the surface.  
You let your eyes fall shut only for a moment before meeting his eyes again. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest as he smiled down at you, fingers gently caressing your skin as he slid the straps of your bra down your arms. You could feel yourself soaking through your panties as he trailed his fingers down between the valley of your breast to the waistband to remove them. Jungwoo paused momentarily to take in the sight of you patiently waiting for him. He began to lean in for a kiss when your words caught him by surprise.  
"What?" He asked, lips hovering only a breath away, eyes trained on yours.
"I love you." your voice came out a bit more timid than you'd like to admit.
"Finally!" He whispered as he closed the gap between you, kissing you with all he had, discarding his underwear in the process. Wrapping his arms around you, he lifted you back onto the vanity and made himself at home between your legs.
You gasped as you felt his tip rubbing against your clit.
"I should have known you'd fallen for me." He looked down at you with a cocky smirk, and before you could even ask the question, he answered it with his next statement. 
" You've always gotten ridiculously wet, but I've noticed a change in the past few weeks.” He said as he continued to rub his dick between your slick lips. “Pussy only gets this wet when feelings are involved" he teased as he pulled away enough for you to look down and see a trail of your arousal connecting the tip of his dick to your pussy. You groaned at the sight, feeling slightly embarrassed that he had you so worked up.
"You've been mine." Jungwoo cooed as he tapped your clit with the head of his dick a few times, now letting you hear exactly how wet you were for him before resting it against you once more. He watched in amusement as you rocked your hips greedily, trying to rub your clit against his dick. He let you get away with it until you lifted enough to attempt to slip his dick inside you.
Taking hold of your hips, he firmly held you in place.
"Be patient for me my love. I promise I'll give you everything."
You relaxed into his touch and gave him full control as he caressed your face while looking into your eyes. 
Months ago when you'd first bumped into the flirty man currently standing between your legs, you couldn't imagine even going on more than one date with him. In fact the first date was only supposed to get him to stop asking you out every time you entered the perfume shop. You were sure the two of you would have nothing in common. You didn’t even have hope you’d be interested enough to even have a sexual attraction, and once he saw it for himself, he could just go get laid by the plethora of other people you were so sure he was hitting on too. But by the end of the night you were cuming on his tongue, and within 2 weeks he'd pitched the idea of being exclusive fuck buddies, only after you'd turned down his request for a labeled relationship. Although you knew his alternative was still a label of sorts, you still agreed. 
Now, much like the first night you gave yourself to him, you could see yourself in his eyes, but the difference is this time you weren't running. 
"Are you ready for me?" He asked softly as he placed your hand over his heart.
You answered honestly, knowing his question wasn’t about sex despite your current positions and the pressure of his tip pushing against you.
The steam from the shower was thick in the air as you gasped with every thrust from Jungwoo. Back firmly pressed against the cool tiles of the shower wall, one leg hooked over his hip, held in place by his firm grip as you practically clawed at his shoulder blades.
Gentle kisses on your neck contrasted the way he was ramming his dick mercilessly into you and it was driving you crazy. Your orgasm was so close your mind began to drift away, so completely lost in the feeling of Jungwoo, you couldn't make out what he had asked you the first time, so you gave a soft questioning, "Hmm?" And he quickly made his request again.
"Tell me again" He panted against your ear. 
You felt a mixture of elation and guilt at his request, knowing he had probably wanted to hear those words on your lips for some time now, but he held in all his feelings so you wouldn’t feel pressured. You tangled your fingers in his wet hair, pulling his head back just enough to look into his eyes.
"I love you."
"I love you more." He huffed as he pulled out of you.
"Turn around for me."
You quickly did as you were told and were rewarded with a playful slap to your ass. Long fingers trailed down your spine before resting at the small of your back.
"I've been waiting to have you like this."
Was the last thing he said before thrusting into you. Fast and hard was the pace he set, rendering you speechless for a moment, but when he grabbed you by your shoulders to help force you down onto his dick as he thrusted into you from behind, your silence was quickly turned into a chorus of incoherent babbling and whimpers.  You were dizzy, drunk on the feeling of his dick pounding into you. If there was one thing you can say you've always got off to, it was the sound of Jungwoo moaning, and the rough way he was fucking you mixed with his beautiful moans had you seconds away from climax.  One particularly sweet moan left you clenching around him and the subsequent whimper that fell from his lips in response was more than you could handle. Your blood ran through you, hot as lava as you cried out his name. Jungwoo could never last long after watching you cum and today was no different, one last sharp thrust left him panting and scrambling to pull out of you. Warm spurts of cum painted your back momentarily before the warm stream of water from the shower washed it away. You stood weakly against the wall, face pressed to the tiles as you panted, aftershocks of your orgasm still shaking your body slightly. 
You were in such a haze you had almost forgotten that Jungwoo was there until you felt his body pressed against yours. Placing his hands over the back of yours he intertwined your fingers and placed feather light kisses across your shoulder and to your ear.
"Let's go to bed." He whispered as he shut off the water.
Snuggled in the bed you smiled at the way he nuzzled into your touch as you ran your hands through his hair, humming as you did. You made a mental note to show him all the toys you'd prepared later, still curious about what, if anything would be his go to. A soft smile played on his lips as he lay beside you with his eyes shut.
“You seem happy.” you teased.
His smile seemed to almost cover his entire face as he spoke.
“I finally have you, I have no reason not to be happy.”
Gawd he was sappy but he was your sap, and as you admired his soft features, you silently thanked him for being so persistent in pursuing you. 
Listen the way he has been living rent free for weeks! Like mans is fic cock blocking at this point because every time I start one for anyone else I leave it and come running back to write for him again.
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sunny6677 · 1 year
Spooky Month: The Dating Sim
Part 21
(I'm mainly just doing this because it's fun to watch, but this is basically a spooky month interactive thing/poll which is kinda like a dating sim. Of course, only the adult characters can be your love interests. So do take that in mind.)
You decided to offer your phone number so he could call you anytime something happened.
Kevin went quiet for a moment. You could feel his gaze upon you once more. He then spoke, "..really? I—I don't think you need to go that far for me. I don't want you to have to get wrapped up in everything that happens here..". He sounded somewhat solemn, but there was a faint hint of surprise in his tone.
With a reassuring smile, you said that you didn't mind helping him if he needed it. You said that he seemed like a good person, and that you didn't want him to go through much stress alone.
You looked at him. You could see his widened eyes. The curl of a slight smile tenderly beginning to brace the ends of the line on his mouth. It was as if a rush of bliss pulsed through him like it never had in his life before. Kevin then gave what looked to be a somewhat desperate grin. "Wo—Wow.. I.. thank you. I don't think anyone's really offered to help me this much.. I—"
He paused, and gave a sigh, collecting himself. "Th—Thanks so much, dude. I know we barely know eachother since we still met only like a few days ago.. but I really appreciate it."
You shook your head, smiling a little nervously. You had to admit, making weirdly good impressions on so many people at once except for a few people was overwhelming you a little. Maybe the town was just really friendly or something.
Regardless, you said that it was no problem. You then paused for a moment, and whipped out your phone. You then sighed, saying you didn't have any paper to write your number on, but that he could try copying your number into his contacts.
"O—Oh, sure.. I'll go ahead and clean these up first, though." Kevin replied. He looked back towards the few bars that were still on the ground, and began to keep putting them in the container. Not wanting him to do it all himself even if there was only a few, you tossed one bar into the container when he had picked up most of what had been left.
He then looked at you, smiling. "Al—Alright.. here." He pulled out his phone. "I'll try and copy it down the best I can.. the service here is kind of the only good thing about this place."
You couldn't help but smile at least a little at his joke, though something inside you felt a little bad. In times like this, he probably needed a distraction like his phone to cope with how much stress he was always dealt.
Going to his messages app, he tapped on the "Add A Contact" button. You went on your own messages app, and went to your own profile so you could show him your number. He looked at your screen, and smiled. In turn, you smiled back at him. You wondered if he smiled often whenever he wasn't stressed. You hoped that he did, at least. Him seeming genuinely happy was somewhat euphoric for you in a way. You wondered if his smile had the same effect on others as it did you.
He then began to slowly type your number in, looking upwards and glancing downwards occasionally. Then, with a few final clicks of the keyboard, he tapped a button. He then began to type again.
You received a notification from a number. You looked at the phone.
"Testing.", the message said. It was definitely Kevin. You knew that well. You smiled up at him, signaling that it worked. Kevin let out a nervous laugh, as if he hadn't been used to exchanging numbers with someone after knowing them for so little. Well.. then again, no one really was.
He then said, "..thanks again, dude. No one's really ever—"
The door opened. The two of you twisted your heads around to see who had just opened the door, only to see the figure of a woman walking in. She opened her mouth to speak with a smile, though upon noticing you two sitting on the ground together, she arched a brow in confusion.
Before you could speak, Kevin quickly said in a somewhat anxious tone, "So—Sorry, ma'am! We—we were just talking.. I'll get your order, okay? Heh.. heh.."
The woman only slowly said in response, "..uh.. okay."
She began to walk up to the counter. And Kevin let out a sigh. He then spoke to you directly in a low tone, "..sorry. I'll try to talk to you when I can, okay? My shifts not gonna be over until like an hour, so.."
You said that it was fine, and that you didn't mind. You quickly began to stand up, and reached out a hand so he could get up from the floor. Even if he didn't really need help, you knew that others would often feel nice even if the help they received wasn't really needed. You said with a smile that you could talk to him whenever he was available.
He looked up at you for a moment, as if in awe. A small smile formed on his face, and he then reached out a hand. Your hands both then intertwined, and you began to help him to his feet. He grunted a little as he was slowly raised to a standing position, and dusted his pants off slightly. You then slowly let go of his hand.
You said you would see him around.
He paused. "..ye—yeah. I'll see you around."
You smiled, and then began to walk away. Internally, you hoped that maybe tomorrow whenever you were done babysitting for Lila, that you could swing by and see him again. Since problems seemed so common at his work, he probably needed at least small forms of help. Perhaps if Lila's son liked candy, you could take him here.
Regardless, you headed outside into the cold. You started your car, got into the front seat, and shut your door.
You then began to drive home.
Whenever you headed home, you parked in your driveway. It was still night out, the sky remaining speckled with stars. You could have sworn two stars in particular were shining rather brightly, and that they seemed rather close together.. almost like eyes or something.
Regardless, it didn't matter. You stopped your car, and opened your door. Slamming your feet onto the driveways concrete floor, you shut the door, and locked the car. You began to turn around to try and head into your house, but.. you heard a female voice and a male voice talking.
Out of curiosity, your head turned to where the voices were coming from. And then.. you saw what it was.
It.. it was that woman with darkish yellow or brown hair you bumped into earlier today. And right beside her was a man who looked around her age. He had a beard, and he seemed rather tall compared to her. He seemed to be mumbling something to her, most likely asking whether or not she was okay.
In reply, she answered, "..yeah, I'm fine."
Curiosity bubbled within you, yet at the same time, worry did as well. The woman was rubbing her head, most likely having either fell to the ground, or most likely having had bumped into something yet again. Though it probably wasn't a person. Maybe the man was somewhat hurt too? You didn't really know yourself.
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e-lisard · 2 years
Big Brother Tendencies Die Hard
Characters: Shimura Kyomi, Dabi
Warnings: Mentioned abuse and a neglectful foster family (doesn't go into detail)
Story: The Devil's Gift (BNHA AU)
WC: 853
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Kyomi can't help but yawn as she leans against the train wall. Her feet dangle a few centimeters above the ground, and to keep herself awake, she tries to touch the ground with her toes while staying fully seated.
It sort of works, but the challenge and interesting part of it it soon gone.
How late is it now? Looking around, Kyomi finds one of those old clocks, which doesn't help. A bit more looking reveals she's sitting right beneath a screen with a digital clock, though, which is better.
23:30... That is... 11.30? Later than Kyomi thought.
"Hey, kid," a rough voice says, and Kyomi whips her head around to see who's speaking.
It's one of the guys she's seen around on the streets whenever Fujita-san throws her out for a night or two. Like now.
The scars on his face draw her attention, but don't scare her like other kids. It probably sounds weird to others, but it makes her feel safe.
"Hi," she quietly says back. "You're Dabi, right?"
He softly smiles at her, which makes the staples in his face do weird things, as he comes closer. "I am, yeah. Surprised you knew that."
"The others told me. Said you look a little mean but are really nice." To kids, at least.
"They said I look mean?" Dabi dramatically grabs his chest near his heart, sniffling.
"Mhm. They say the scars scare people. They don't scare me, though," Kyomi explains, tugging on her sleeve. "I have scars, too." She lifts her sleeve enough for him to see one of the worst scars before pulling it down again.
Something in his face changes at it, and Kyomi is afraid she messed up until he kneels in front of her. "You're with a foster family, right? Do they do this to you?" He places a gentle hand on her lower arm, and Kyomi shakes her head.
"Nope. They just bruise. This was Sensei. He doesn't like me very much." Which is an understatement. Ha, fancy word knowledge.
"Giving you bruises also isn't a good thing, kid," Dabi says, but with something amused in his voice despite the worry. "What kind of teacher do you even have that he can do this?"
"Not a teacher. Just Sensei. He says we have to call him that. He got me and Tenko-nii of the streets. But he never liked me very much. And then the police found me."
A lot of emotions flash through Dabi's eyes, one after the other, before he sighs. "Sheesh, kid, you've sure had it rough. What's your name?"
"Well, Kyomi... I know stranger danger is a big thing, and you definitely have to watch out, but do you want to come with me, so you have a place to sleep tonight? I recently managed to get an apartment, so at least you'll be off the streets."
Kyomi studies Dabi for a few seconds, trying to see if it's a good idea. Everyone on the street said he liked kids, was always protecting them, and that if she needed help and they weren't available, he was one of her best choices. "What do you want for it?" Because people rarely do things for free.
"Nothing," Dabi immediately replies, as if he had expected it. He probably had. "Maybe a hug, if you want in the morning. But I mostly just want to make sure you're safe tonight, and I know the police have been cracking down on the homeless in our area. Can't be safe for you to be out like that, now."
Nothing he says sounds like a lie, and even the hug comment sounds more like teasing than anything. So... Kyomi makes a decision. "Okay. I'll come with you." It's not like anyone will be looking for her, anyway.
"Great." Dabi gives her another smile, gently squeezing her arm. "The next stop will be ours, then."
"Okay. Do we need to walk far?" Kyomi's question is followed by a big yawn, and Dabi laughs.
"Not very far, but I'll carry you. You can just go to sleep if you're tired. I'll protect you, don't worry." He moves out of his kneeling position to sit next to her, pulling her against him. The scarred tissue that brushes her skin feels weird, but he feels warm, and there's a nice smell to him she can't place.
"Thank you," she whispers, snuggling further into his side. His hoodie is really soft...
"Like I said, don't worry. I've got you."
Kyomi falls asleep before they get to their stop, only waking up enough to notice she's being carried and to move closer to Dabi's warmth again.
She doesn't wake up when being placed on a futon, or when Dabi tucks her in with careful hands and a wistful look, even tucking a little teddy in with her.
She doesn't wake up when he moves away, nor while he sleeps on the ratty couch.
She only wakes up again in the morning, to the smell of breakfast cooking, and a happy Dabi greeting her, proudly showing off his old and dirty apartment.
Flash Fiction Friday taglist (ask to be + or -): @flashfictionfridayofficial
The Devil's Gift taglist (ask to be + or -):
General taglist (ask to be + or -): @simkarta333 @asher-orion-writes
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minkkumaz · 11 months
omg speaking abt exposure.. imagine the bonedo boys/8turn boys accidentally letting ur name slip during a live 🙊
I CAN LITERALLY ENVISION WOONHAK SITTING DOWN WITH LIKE GONGFOURZ, AND HES JUST TELLING THE FANS ABOUT HIS DAY AND HE GOES “oh yeah! yn bought me this jacket, i’m wearing it right now!” AND TAESAN JUST WHIPPING HIS HEAD TOWARDS WOONHAKS DIRECTION SO FAST. leehan slowly turns to him, then back at the tablet with a 🙂.
it’ll be even funnier if woonhak fails to notice and he continues rambling.. i feel like woonhaks the type of guy to treat a live like a family videocall. like he’s so used to calling his sister or his parenrs and just ranting abt you, so he just (accidentally) does it live.
so with YUNGYU i believe he’s the type of guy to normally facetime you whenever he can. like hes eating dinner? yeah he’d call. he just woke up and is about to do some skincare? pick up the phone. sometimes when you’re too tired, he’d just ask yes or no questions. or he’d just talk about his day.
“right omi? this outfit looks good for today?”
“omi! i had some street food with seungheon.. of course yoonsung wanted some so he came along..”
“omiii i miss youuu”
unfortunately, when hes live he also tends to fall back on his habits on facetime. when he’d be spoiling talking about a comeback, he’d be like
“im so excited for you to hear it, omi!”
the staff behind the screen just blankly stare at him and try to direct him to another topic before suspicions arouse. normally, someone would be freaked out they accidentally released their relationship to the public.. but for some reason theres a little grin creeping up on his face.
MINHO would panic, but fortunately jaeyun was on the live with him and said that the person minho mentioned was a distant relative.
“me and yn tried this filter last night..”
“yn is minhos cousin!”
but when the agency allows for the relationship to be public, and minho mentions your name.. fans would be REALLY confused on why hes dating his cousin.. then theres the 15% of the turnings who speculated the name yn was definitely his gf and NOT his cousin. (i love minho sobs)
jisung sneak..
jisung would be on a live while at your apartment, he frequently gets questions like,
“marry me jisung!” or “jisung one chance!!!”
and he’d be blankly reading them out with no reaction. but one day he accidentally goes “i dont think yn would like that..” and the comments go insane asking about who yn is..
“..oh.” he looks up from the live to see his gfs sleeping figure on the other couch. and with a small, warm smile he talks about having the most loveliest girlfriend ever.
to ur surprise, you wake up with many new notifications and a surprising hashtag on twitter.. #YNSUNG
all of these are so accurate to their personalities i can't melon :,)
woonhak would most definitely have a little rant and the rest of the boys eyes would be twitching HAHA but jaeyun would probably be there like YEAHH THATS MY GIRL I LOVE YN! then the live chat would be like wtf are yall yapping about?
and tell me why when you insert my name for yungyu's i actually exploded into a fit of giggles i smiled so hard >< but yes! i have yungyu's plus chat subscription and he's always talking about the most random things. he love love loves spending time with turnings (in this case reader, aka me >;3) and always apologizes if he doesn't text for a day! so like woonhak, he's definitely a rambler and i could totally see him messing up hehe.
you're so funny for minho's, cause dating his cousin? LMAOOO once the relationship is revealed, i can imagine whiney yoonsung complaining to turnings that his bf cheated on him </3 first with myungho then with reader sighh
I SEE U JISUNG SNEAKK waking up clueless asf to have your phone blowing up is genuinely my worst nightmare cause i'll think i did something wrong HAHA but fans would be very supportive! i can imagine reader not wanting to do a face reveal quite yet, but her arms come in frame to give jisung something THEN FANS MAKE EDITS OF LIKE HER HANDS OR SOMETHING JUST TO BE FUNNY HSJSN
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noblissnoignorance · 8 months
have you noticed that whenever we talk, i talk like i'm on a date? it always takes me a bit to warm up to you. i can do it, i settle down and quell the pesky palpitations of my snot-nosed heart, but i know you've seen how nervous i get at first. it makes me want to spend all of my time with you because if we're always together, then i never have to deal with the hour one jitters. i like talking to you the way i do my closest friends. you never react oddly to it, so i know i'm not afraid of you. i could say i fear myself. it's a convenient narrative stepping stone to hop to from that, but i don't think i'm afraid of disappointing you. self-effacing isn't accurate. when i'm around you, i'm just so excited, i have to smack myself to be normal. over and over for an hour or two. it's closer to the way you feel at concerts or on roller-coasters than anything else. adrenaline whips me because i just like you so much. i'm just so excited about you. i can't act right, i overthink everything because my brain is making oily sparks in my frying pan skull, and i'm trying not to let them hit you. i wish i had a free pass to tell you i love you and you're so cute every time i think it, but then i worry that if i had it i'd never be able to talk about anything else. i'd be a rotten conversational partner. all i'd wanna do is coo about how dear you are. at the most mundane of things, too. oh, that's the plot of that anime i've never heard of? i love you. something about water? i don't even remember, i can't even make this joke because i was so fried. all i could proffer the last time i saw you were insignificant little thoughts and anecdotes to try and fill the air while i tried to get myself in check, and you always responded, and it was so cute, so i couldn't calm down. i know you saw me keep looking away, staring and eventually laughing at nothing. you seemed confused, but i get the feeling you knew why. it's just the absurdity of it all. love, which i'd call it, oh boy, is so foreign to me in this form. you're not anywhere else in the world, you're here, and i can look at you, and we sit awkwardly on my bed like we're not sure how close we're allowed to get to the other person without making things weird. i don't know what you're thinking, but whenever i envision us together, it's entwined. i'll truly be shocked if that prophecy never comes to pass because it feels so real, so natural. the idea of laying in your arms and just talking. i crave domesticity with you in a way i've never really thought of before. just a desire to share a space, to be able to talk to you whenever, without having to plan it out. one of the silliest things about all this to me is that i think about how i know you, but i only feel i've brushed your surface. if this is somehow all there is, then i'd love you all the same, but for the first time in my life, you're a person who surprises me! i've told you so, but i find you utterly disarming. you're so unique that i just want to earn the right to unravel you. if we were together and it didn't work out, i'd be okay with that. maybe that's not flattering or nice to hear, but it's very earnestly what i feel. i'd Iove to just try. to be able to say i did. and to be able to experience being with you, if only for a little bit. perhaps i've lost the ability to be optimistic about relationships after multiple catastrophic "i'll love you forevers," but you'd be worth the time even if it wasn't forever. a year, a month, a day, anything with you i'd cherish. that being said, it made me realize the possibility that perhaps you want to wait because you want a shot at forever. i'm sure i sound obsessed, i guess i am a little bit, but i think you did tell me as much. you didn't wanna damage our relationship, but this and that and this. i'm just really hoping for something with you because i would be so proud of even a moment.
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bewitchingbaker · 9 months
Chris looked at the various colors of nail polish levitating in front of him. Beth's legs rested on those large thighs of his, occasionally getting a light tickle in between his decision-making. A chuckle escapes his lips once he feels her tap his arm playfully.
"Ok, ok," Chris laughs. "I'll pick a color."
Red, green, white, pink...lavender? Decisions, decisions. He remembers her compliments on his eyes whenever he uses magic. Though she often said his eyes were lovely, Beth admittedly loved that hint of purple that came with his powers. So why not a purple fill for her nails.
An enthusiastic nod from Beth.
A knowing chuckle from Chris.
Good to know he still has it. Even after so many years, Chris loved painting Beth's toenails whenever they relaxed. The silly sounds of Mean Girls filled the background. Two glasses of wine levitated near them and the window gave them a perfect view of the desert's night sky.
Slowly he begins his work, gently dabbing her toenails. They laugh at the movie, often displaying their best impression of the characters. Discussions on their days at work and plans for next week. As always, Beth had a question that would bring out the blush that would fill those chubby cheeks.
"What gets me going," he echoes with a bashful chuckle. "Outside of the normal stuff?"
The baker ponders over her question for a bit, hands focusing on her ring-toe. Chris thinks of moments between him that left him...desiring her in that way. Of course, her dancing often left him blushing. Just the thought of her hips moving left Chris at a loss for words. Even Beth knew that was an obvious answer.
But he remembers a moment that had him wanting to smooch her right then and there.
Chris didn't often need a ride from work but his ford focus was out of comission due to a certain eldritch familar eating a few of its tires. As much as it pained him, it was much better to ask Beth for a ride as opposed to dealing with the awkwardness of lyfts or driving with Camillo. To his surprise, he spotted a familiar Mustang speeding towards the bakery.
Ever so smoothly, the muscle car crept up to the curve revealing a smiling Beth behind the wheel. Admittedly the first half of the ride was silent, no doubt due to the bright red hue filling the baker's cheeks. While Beth was worried his silence was due to being picked up in a much nicer car, she would soon be surprised by Chris's smooch once she stopped at a red light.
"Remember when you picked me up in Andy's Mustang," Chris asks with a blush. "Well it's kind...hot watching you drive. I don't know the way you whipped that muscle car with ease was kind of hot."
A blush.
"Why do you think we smooched so long once we got home?"
He's onto the next nail and a wink follows.
"I know you think it's boring or lame," he begins. "But I quite enjoy your thoughts on your interests. While I do love seeing you in those swimsuits, your nerdy rambles are much hotter. I could listen to them all day, honestly."
While he was talking, Chris finished one set. Of course, he would always take time to appreciate his work. Plus, there was something relaxing about painting Beth's toes. It felt nice that she trusted him enough to do this.
They both pause to hear their favorite line in the movie.
'That is so fetch!'
A shared laugh.
But now it was time to reveal some not-so-hidden things he does when he's in the mood. Plus, he needed to get started on her left set of toes. The baker takes a sip of his wine with a bashful chuckle.
"I'm surprised you haven't noticed when I get a little handsy," Chris laughs. "Whenever I give your shirt a tug, hold you in my lap, or grab ya hips that means I'm a little in the mood. I try not to go overboard cause I guess I don't know my own strength. Have I ever held you too hard?"
A blush fills his cheeks as he paints her toes, eyes focused to make sure the coat is even.
"As much as I love when you bite me and leave a mark, I like doing the same thing. In the most non-awkward way, it feels nice to leave my own little bite marks on ya. While I do like when you take control, it's kind of fun to...initiate things and take a little control."
[ @brooklynislandgirl ]
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