mofumanju · 6 months
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sleepy-sirin · 1 year
Incarnation (Honkai Star Rail x Child! Herrscher! Reader)
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Summary: In which Y/n, the creation of Will of Honkai, successfully defeated her own creator with the help of her friends. After defeating the Will of Honkai, for using too much of her power she goes into a deep sleep.
Next chapter
A/n: Reader will be based on Jyahnar from GGZ
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Third POV:
They finally did it.
They finally defeated the Will of Honkai.
She finally defeated her own creator.
Back then, Y/n didn't care about humanity when she was born. Her creator simply told her to destroy humanity. Y/n woke up and considered the planet to be a fit world for her to rule, especially the vast blue ocean of the world.
Overseeing humans, Y/n concluded they are not worthy of being her slaves and used her Houkai energy to destroy the sanity of all humans alive at the time and especially whole empires to destroy themselves, ending the culture of mankind and destroying every creation made by man. After 5,000 years making the world in her image, she fell asleep in the pacific ocean
But it all changes when a certain white-haired female convinces her about humanity. She'll never forget the kindness that she receives from her no matter how Y/n almost destroys the Earth.
Y/n asked Kiana to destroy her. After the destruction, Y/n used the last remaining strength to shape a human body, expressing her longing for thousands of years.
When Houkai created her, in addition to genetically engraving the mission of exterminating mankind like other Houkai creatures, it also included other information. That is to let her come to this planet to find the trace of Kiana and to destroy humanity together with Kiana as the Messenger of the Houkai.
At the end of her life, Y/n hopes to become a human in the next life. Kiana didn't want Y/n to die like this and used the power of the saint to completely integrate the core into Y/n's human body. Y/n survived but fell into a deep sleep. Y/n promise Kiana that she will help defeat her own creator, the Will of Honkai, if they are ready to defeat it.
Right now, they all celebrate defeating the Will of Honkai and grief of the death of Seele and Sin Mal for their sacrifice.
Y/n couldn't help but feel sleepy all of a sudden, maybe because she uses too much of her powers. Bronya and Ninti notice you are sleepy and they try to wake you up.
You couldn't help but let the darkness consume you and block everyone who is calling for your name.
Y/n's POV:
Where am I?
Why is it so dark in here?
I look around to see nothing but darkness. Is this how death looks like? Is this how I die when my creator is gone, I disappear too... Maybe I shouldn't rebel the Will of Honkai with the humans if I disappear too.
But I didn't regret it. I only did it for the person that I admire, Kiana Kaslana. She's the reason why I want to save humanity, even though back then I try to persuade Kiana to destroy with humanity with me. Maybe I will get reincarnated as human, and find Kiana like I always do whenever she gets reincarnated.
I see a light above me, is it time for me to wake up now? Am I finally going to be a human? I reach out my hand to the light...
I open my eyes to see a ceiling above me, I sit up on the bed I was in and look through the window to see that I'm in space. I have no recollection sleeping through space since I always sleep in the ocean.
I saw two humans talking not far away from me, a woman who looks awfully familiar to me has bright red hair, and gold-colored eyes. She wears a white toga gown with red along the inside. A tall brown-eyed man with matching brown hair that has a small white streak. He wears a gray and white dress coat with a scarf and black armor on his chest. He also wears glasses, dark brown pants, black shoes, and a black glove on his right hand. The two humans saw that I am awake and walk to my direction.
"It looks like you're finally awake, child." The red-haired woman said.
"We have few questions for you to answer." The brown-haired male said and ask me few questions.
"What's your name?"
"How old are you?"
"I don't know my age."
"Where are you from?"
"Who's your parents?"
"I don't have parents."
The old man was done asking me questions but I knew there's something he wants to ask me in private, so he told the red-haired lady that he wants to talk to me in private. The red-haired woman listen and gave us some privacy.
It was now only the two of us, the brown-haired male ask me with a serious tone in his voice:
"You're a Herrscher, aren't you?"
I smirk at the question he asks, what a smart human he is to figure out who I am.
"Yes, I am a Herrscher. What a smart human you are."
The old man backed away from me and summoned his weapon, ready to engage battle with me.
"You Herrscher shouldn't exist anymore since the Will of Honkai is gone!"
"The Will of Honkai may be gone but you have forgotten that I am the creation of the Will of Honkai! I'm the most powerful Herrscher in the universe!"
As the two of us are ready to fight, 3 new humans have entered the room and noticed that the old man is literally fighting a "human" child.
"Mr.Yang, what are you doing?!" The pink-haired girl asked in a panic voice.
The red-haired woman came back to the room who looked shocked at the scene she witnessed.
"Everyone stay back! This child is not a human but a dangerous Herrscher!" The old man said.
"Don't you get it? I'm God! I'm beyond your understanding! You can never defeat me!"
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iloveyanderes · 8 months
When there evil and In love with the protagonist>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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noctiferas · 6 months
that one art trend on twt rn
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brchyura · 6 months
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the school au on ggz probably is the funniest thing ever
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shiiryon · 9 months
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Jyahnar's birthday art
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h1mmel · 5 months
kiameihnar short
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self indulgent kiana/jyahnar/mei domestic sillies
“E mi et le… escontina~”
Jyahnar’s voice was soft, and their gentle tone never wavered as they sang the same soothing song they'd sung to their lover a thousand times. It never tired to Kiana’s ears, who listened to their voice with closed eyes and a sleepy smile. She was loathe to admit that Jyahnar’s voice was a bit too soothing, and she was starting to nod off in the other’s arms.
Kiana hadn’t realized they'd stopped singing until Jyahnar spoke to her.
The white-haired girl blinked a couple of times in order to clear the sleep from her eyes. “Mmfh… yeah?”
A soft laugh came from her partner. “You’ve grown weary, love. Please get some rest.”
“I’mma sleep-” Kiana plopped down in Jyahnar’s lap without hesitation, head landing against their thighs with the intent to use them as a pilow. “...right here! Nighty~”
The former Herrscher had no objections, and a gentle smile rose to their face as they watched Kiama begin to drift off again. Jyahnar’s hands softly played with their partner’s hair, sending silver curls spilling through their fingers. The only sounds were that of the waves crashing against the shore in the distance, and Kiana’s soft breaths. They were quite loud; as Kiana had a tendency to snore, but Jyahnar didn’t mind- it was proof that she was alive.
Of course, Jyahnar was breathing too, but it wasn’t the same. Their body was only a mimicry of what it meant to be fully human, a false puppet filled with a fake life breathed into it by Jyahnar’s true form, a beast powerful enough to wipe humanity’s existance out in an instant if they so desired it.
Perhaps, Jyahnar wondered, if it was the flaws in their mimicry of a human’s life that themselves were part of the human experience. Every human they'd met so far was flawed in all sorts of ways. At first, they'd hated that she couldn't become human, to be with Kiana as only a mortal lover could, but it eventually came to be that being with Kiana made them feel more alive than anything else possibly could, human or otherwise.
Meanwhile, Kiana was dozing off amidst much less serious worries. She wondered which girlfriend would be the one to cook dinner tonight, and while no offense to Jyahnar - she loved a good squid stew! - Kiana was really craving for Mei’s ramen noodles right about now and really hoped that was what they’d be having. She was also worried about falling asleep too quickly and not being awake to get a good night kiss from BOTH girlfriends. Kiana also had more important worries, like how she was going to keep secret the kitten she’d bought Mei for her upcoming birthday and was currently keeping smuggled in their apartment, or how she’d accidentally drank the last of the milk without telling anyone and put the empty container back in the fridge to hide the evidence. She was bound to get a scolding for both of those if Mei found out. Hopefully she hadn't noticed the dead mouse under Kiana’s bed yet either, definitely not a fault of the smuggled kitten.
Kiana’s worries eventually turned to a hazy dream as she slept in Jyahnar’s lap. She dreamed of a giant eagle ray flying far above the sea, with wings so large they stretched to fill the horizon in each direction. Kiana herself rode on the beast’s back, listening to the gentle song that it sung to her in Jyahnar’s voice as they sailed through the clouds.
“The mountain's edge, the moon is full Take in a breath, this forest of yours Bask and sleep in the summer grass Your precious face in profile”
The ray spoke in Jyahnar’s voice again after the song had completed.
“I love you, Kiana.”
And that was the last thing Kiana remembered before her sleep became a dreamless rest.
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oathofkaslana · 6 months
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onifunashug7 · 11 months
Tell me you are an Hydro Archon Candidate
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lun0vanyx · 1 year
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Jyahnar will probably not be the Hydro archon so I made a painting to cope
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crrvs · 10 months
do you guys ever have a conversation with someone that just goes
"why do you ship them?"
*gives an an actual answer, points out characters' dynamic and explains their lore*
"bruh why would you write an essay I'm not reading allat"
because I did and it's actually so damn annoying, you asked for an explanation...
p.s. the tags are the ships I'm talking about in this context, also I have no idea what Jyahnar & Kiana ship is called so it's just Jyahnar x Kiana
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nararuii01 · 8 months
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sleepy-sirin · 1 year
Incarnation (Honkai Star Rail x Child! Herrscher! Reader)
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Summary: In which Y/n, the creation of Will of Honkai, successfully defeated her own creator with the help of her friends. After defeating the Will of Honkai, for using too much of her power she goes into a deep sleep.
Previous | Next chapter
Chapter 2
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Second POV:
"Jarlio-Vl, we're here." Dan Heng said.
"Brrr. It really is one big snowball." March said, as she hugged herself for some warmth.
"It really is one big snowball." Stelle commented.
"Hey, get your own metaphor!" March said to Stelle.
"*Sigh* Snow as far as the eye can. Which direction should we take?" She asked.
"Based on the coordinates, the target should be up ahead." Dan Heng said.
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's- Wait! Where's Y/n?" March panic, knowing they lost you.
The trio search everywhere for you, only to find you sleeping peacefully through the snow. Dan Heng picked you up and carries you into his arms.
"How come she can sleep at this cold temperature?" March asked.
"Considering what Mr.Yang said, that she's not exactly a human but a herrscher." Stelle stated.
"I'll look after her since Mr.Yang entrusted me, knowing if she ever attack anyone of us." Dan Heng said.
"Remember, we should stay vigilant. We know very little about this world." He said.
"Calm down. Between the four of us, nothing will stand in our way." March said.
"I mean c'mon, Stelle, you've got a Stellaron in your body, I have my special Six-Phased Ice powers, Dan Heng... Uhh, he's got that mysterious past thing going for him... and Y/n being a dangerous herrscher, we don't know if she's in our side or not..." She said.
"So, if people start creating trouble for us, they're gonna regret it!" She said.
"Let's just make sure that we're not the ones creating trouble..." Stelle sweatdropped.
"Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves, hehe... Let's go. Braving the unknown... that's the real spirit of trailblazing!" March said.
The four of them walk away and find what they were looking for. They've encountered some of Fragmentum monsters and fight them off to clear their path. Dan Heng was having a hard time since he was holding you while fighting.
The four of them notice a large snow bump along their way, knowing that someone was hiding underneath the snow, hearing someone shivering.
"Hey, get outta there or you'll shiver to death." March said. The person who was hiding is holding their breath to not make a sound.
"Holding your breath won't help..." She said.
"I got this, March. If someone's got their head stuck in the sand, or the snow in this case... they just need a helping hand." Dan Heng said.
"You idiotic human, are you asking for a death wish." You said, you finally awake from your sleep. The trio looks surprised that your awake now.
"Can you put me down now?" Y/n asked Dan Heng.
Dan Heng complied as he puts you down. You walk behind the person who was hiding in snow, and kick them as hard as you can.
The man finally left the snow he was hiding. He was slightly hurt from the kick you gave him, and you don't give a damn about it.
"Little girl, was that really necessary? Is crawling around in the snow a crime these days? I mean, c'mon, surely it doesn't warrant a kicking?" The man said. The four of them glared at him.
"... But then again how can I blame you? I mean, I caught you off guard. It had to happen, you could even say I deserved it, huh? Besides, I've made a gallant group of new friends as a result, hehe..." He said.
"... Is Captain Gepard around? H-He's an old buddy of mine..." He asked, slightly worried that he would be caught.
"Who?" March asked.
"Wait, you're not Silvermane Guards? Well, why didn't you say so? Turns out we're on the same side after all! Pleasure to meet you, the name's Sampo Koski." Sampo introduce himself.
"I'm Stelle." Stelle introduce herself.
You didn't introduce yourself but told him:
"Call me Herrscher of the Sea, since you don't have the privilege to call my name."
Sampo sweatdropped, knowing that you don't fully trust him to utter your name, he decided to play along with it. Unaware that you spoke of is your real title.
"Excellent. I'll remember the names. I never thought I'd run into friends from the same line of work out here in this frozen wasteland. *sigh* Business is bad these days, but fear not. Sampo Koski isn't interested in hoarding. There's more than enough treasure to go around, so let's get rich together! Hahaha." Sampo said.
"Say, why don't we join forces? I have reliable intel the main strength of the Silvermane Guards is being deployed to the front line. This is a golden opportunity..." He said.
"What business are you talking about?" Stelle asked, still wary of Sampo.
"Come now, friends. I can understand the mistrust, but there's no need for the charade. Then again, I know the rules, vigilance is the name of the game in our profession. It's my fault for letting my enthusiasm and sincerity get the better of me..." Sampo said.
"Anyway, a meeting like this has to have been written in the stars. Ask me anything you like, I won't skimp on the details. Still, make it snappy, you're never more than ten feet from a Silvermane Guards..." He said.
"Is there a settlement nearby?" Stelle asked.
"Settlement? What a literary turn of phrase. Why, there's only one place in this world where the living still reside, our beloved Belobog! The further away you get, the dicier things become." Sampo said.
While the two of them continue their conversation, you get bored listening to them and decide to go to sleep again, not caring about the conversation they have. Dan Heng and March 7th notice that you fell asleep again.
"*sigh* She fell asleep again." March said.
"Looks like she got bored listening to their conversation." Dan Heng said, he carries you into his arms again.
"Aww, she looks so innocent when she sleeps. How come you get to carry her but I don't?" March pouts.
"Mr.Yang told me to look after her and you will probably drop her somewhere." Dan Heng stated.
"No I won't!" March argue.
Some time later, Stelle and Sampo are done talking to each other.
"By the way, why don't just take us to the city? We don't really know the way." March said.
"The city? Already? I haven't even started trading yet. Showing you the way is easy enough, missy, but it would cost-" Sampo was about to continue but Dan Heng gave him a hard glare.
"...B-But it would be my pleasure! "Kindness" is Sampo Koski's middle name. Follow me, friends, and keep quiet. We don't want to be spotted by the guards." He stutters.
Sampo guided them the path where Belobog is, and started a conversation. Sometime later they were stopped by the Silvermane Guards.
"...Who are they?" Dan Heng asked.
"Uh, you remember the Silvermane Guards I mentioned? That's them..." Sampo explained.
"Help me, old friends! I don't wanna be caught!" Sampo cowers in fear.
"It's the suspect and his accomplices! Arrest them!" A soldier said.
"It's now or never! Over to you, dear friends!" Sampo said, as he runs away from them.
"Hey! Where do you think you're- and he's gone." March deadpanned. She summons her bow and arrow ready to fight the soldiers.
Stelle, March 7th, and Dan Heng, they all fight the soldiers one by one. Dan Heng managed to avoid you getting hit while fighting off the soldier. The soldier on the other hand didn't want to accidentally hit you while you were sleeping.
When March 7th uses her burst on the soldiers but only to be blocked by someone.
He is a tall, stout man with a fair skin, blue eyes and blond hair. Gepard is dressed in thick white clothing with blue and gold trimmings and gold garments, alongside a breastplate and armor for his left hand which appears to have a blue, crystalline design.
"I, Gepard Landau, Captain of the Silvermane Guards, order you to relinquish your futile resistance." Gepard said.
"Grr, that Sampo cheated us all. Wait till I get my hands on him..." March muttered.
"Suspect! Relinquish your resistance!" A soldier said.
"Ugh, so I'm a criminal, huh? Forget Sampo, wait until I get my hands on YOU!" March said.
Dan Heng put you down and placed you away from the fight, so you wouldn't get hurt. From all the fighting they have been doing for an hour, they felt the ground began shaking and out of nowhere some blue tentacles appeared, only to wrap it on Gepard and his soldiers, squeezing them tightly.
The trio felt a dark aura around and turn where it was coming from. It was coming from you, who was woken up with their fight and feeling pissed for disturbing your dream.
"Isn't it rude to fight here when someone is enjoying their dream, hmm~?"
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hoyotournament · 4 months
Prelims, Round 1: Jingliu vs Jyahnar
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noctiferas · 6 months
got hit w the sudden urge 2 draw but I've been drawing my ocs nonstop and now I have artblock sos @_@
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imharehunter · 8 months
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