#Kōfu Division
aoyama-division · 8 months
Tomi's Thoughts on Kōfu Division
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Reiji Enjouji
Tomi looks at the photo of the idol, a deep frown on his face as he crushes the picture in his hand. "Since my brother left our family household, I've had to... hide my interactions with him less my parents find out. That is one headache I do not need to deal with at the present time. But anyway, during one of our interactions, he revealed to me about a certain idol who almost caused him and his betrothed to wind up dead. Why? ...I don't know the full story, but apparently, this peon caused some confusion at the school they were attending and used Kunio and his friend as, in my brother's words, 'the fall guys'. From the way he spoke, it almost cost him his life."
Tomi opens his hand and looks at the photo again, which is crumpled up. "Now that I take a good look at him, I think I do recognize this peasant from one of the soirees' I attended. I questioned who in their right mind invited this peon, but knowing him, he probably bribed his way onto the guest list. But that's besides the point. The point is, if this fool believes that he can get away harming a member of the Chōten family, whether they live with us or not, he is sorely mistaken. And he will pay for the mistake, I promise you that."
Kei Himeno
Tomi looks at the photo of the novelist, a crease in his eyebrows, as if remembering something. "Strange. Why does this individual look so familiar? Was it at a gala? ...No. Hmm..." Tomi continues looking at the photo, trying to remember where he recalls this young man from. He looks at his name, focusing on it, before a light goes off in his head.
"Ah. Now I recall. 'Kei Himeno'. He was one of the lesser servants who worked under Hino-san. I didn't pay him much attention, but Hino-san spoke highly of him, so I deigned to greet him when I saw him. I didn't notice immediately when he disappeared, but Hino-san stated that he was 'dismissed' by my parents."
This makes Tomi sigh and shake his head. "I can only guess what being 'dismissed' means..."
Ayame Kurokawa
"The only one from this team that I don't have any prior knowledge of. I think he works as an artist or something. My mother mentioned that she may have purchased some jewels from him, but I've never heard of him, so he is beneath my notice."
Diabolik Night
"I'd like to say this team is just another group of peons who were unfortunate enough to be dragged into this D.R.B., but considering I know 2/3 of them, I suppose that puts them on a higher scale than the others. I've nothing against Himeno, and Kurokawa, as stated, is beneath my notice. But Enjouji..."
Tomi takes the still-crumpled up photo of the idol and tosses it into a nearby fireplace, letting the flames turn it into ash.
"...I know I'm not the ideal 'big brother', but I'll play the part just this once for my younger sibling, and dish out some punishment on you for him. You'll see firsthand what happens when you mess with anything that is mine. Do you understand? ...Don't bother answering. Because I promise you, you will when we meet, you worthless peon."
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uenodivision · 1 year
After much consideration (and a bunch of begging and pleading from some of my acquaintances), I've decided to take the leap and create one or two new divisions. Unfortunately, I jumped the gun and came up with too many ideas. I like all of the divisions I've created and I can't possibly pick one over the other, so...
...I'm leaving that decision up to you all. I'll let you decide which divisions should be the ones I create. Simply vote for the two (and only two) that you like the most. At the end of an extended time period, I'll reveal which teams won.
However, don't count on them being released before the year is over, though. I have ideas for them all, but they'll take a while to implement.
So, without further ado, please feel free to click the link up top to the poll and choose the divisions you like the most. And if you need some info on the divisions, simply click the button below:
1nc09n170: A team of secret hackers whose lives and identities are completely shrouded in both mystery and myth. Even the most talented computer specialists, both in and outside of Chuohku, have managed to find next to nothing about these individuals. Some say that they are more than one person. Others say that they are a team, but because of their impressive technology, they are able to change and switch up their appearances with little to no effort, which makes them extremely hard to identify. The only known thing about them is that they all share one goal: to drag Japan forward into the future, whether they are ready or not...
Aoto Gang: A group of thugs based out of Okayama who rules their city and division with an iron fist in a velvet glove. They are fair and just to those who have earned their favor and pardon. But to all those who disappoint them, or have less than amicable intentions for their town, they show no mercy. Their leader is a well-known Banchō, who is well-known throughout all of Japan despite just being an ordinary hoodlum. It's for this reason that Chuohku kidnapped his younger sister, forcing him and his cohorts to enter the D.R.B., which, in hindsight, may not have been their smartest play...
Drive Team 6: This high-speed trio is known throughout all of Japan for being the forerunners in Tokyo's underground racing scene. By day, they are average Japanese citizens just trying to make a living like every other poor fool. When the sun goes down, however, they discard their personas and put on their racing gear, prepared to zoom down the dangerous highways that they call their racetrack. And now that Chuohku has offered them the chance to join the D.R.B. in order to obtain information for each member, they are determined to prove to all of the other teams out there, that the only way to live and win is to be fast!
Fūrinkazan: These young high-school athletes are known throughout the entire city of Kōfu. And when you realize that this city used to be the stronghold of the great Japanese warlord, Takeda Shingen, then their team name makes sense. No matter what sport they participate in, they all strive to be four things: wind, trees, fire, and mountains. Separately, they are already dangerous. But together, they make an unstoppable force that no one can defeat, whether it's in sports or rapping. And upon hearing that their rivals, the Aoto Gang, have joined the D.R.B., that was all the reason they needed to sign up, themselves!
Maid in Bliss: These three young women are all daughters of one of the most feared generals who ever stepped on the battlefield during WW III. And although an injury sadly put an end to his career as a soldier, that didn't stop him from passing on his gifts to his offspring. Though they may be maids out in the open who are very good at their jobs, they also have a reputation for being quite merciless and bloodthirsty, especially when it comes to those who dare insult their family. It's because of this that one must wonder whether Chuohku knew what they were doing when they decided to abduct their father in hopes that it would force the three of them to join the D.R.B. to rescue him...
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kofu-division · 8 months
As the night had come to veil over the city of Kōfu, the self-proclaimed “Beast Tamer” dancer had finally returned to the glorious manor of his newly adoptive family after his usual ‘nightly’ activities, suddenly he got informed by the servant that they had brought in the package sent to the mansion with his name addressed as its receiver.
Taken by surprise, Ayame rushed back to his room and found a small box wrapped by a beautiful piece of cloth peacefully laying on his desk with a note submitted along.
“Happy Birthday! —From Nara Division
P.S. We personally had no idea about the beauty cosmetics of sorts but somehow the ‘friend’ of Chishio-San recommended this to us”
And by peeling off the wrapping cloth and removing the box’s lid, the young man was greeted by the sight of a set of multicolor lip sticks with its cute design of some residents in the famous ‘Alice in Wonderland’ placed inside, but that wasn’t all he found there.
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There was one other thing that he couldn’t take his eyes off —It’s a Joker card which somehow reminds him of a certain someone that he never forgot from his mind…
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Picking it up with the wild beats in his own chest, though he felt a bit of disappointment when he found out that this mysterious card wasn’t sent by a certain someone he desired to be, what had been written there still caught his attention nonetheless.
“Yoo-hoo babyboy who has some hots for a certain clown up North ;)
Weeelll, you can consider this as a surprise gift from some random godmother that never really existed★
Here you go~ Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo! The phone number of some random guy in Sapporo: 0X-XXXX-XXXX
P.S. This is for the case he had never changed his numbers from this past two years,
May the luck be with you then.”
"uh..cute"-said Ayame to himself looking at the lipsticks,he taked one at stood infront the dressing table, the dancer apply it on his lips and smiled at his reflect with red lips,them he decided left the gift on his dressing table with the rest of his makeup
Smiling yet, Ayame sit in his bed with the joker card beetwen his fingers looking at it
Although he was a bit dissapointed because that card not was from the person he desire Ayame stared at it looking at the image of the Joker...when he remember
The sound of music as the purple haired stop his seductive dance,the people who look at him fascinated and entraced starting to applaud, that he accepts with a shy blush and a smile when notices someone approaching to him
The dancer blinked looking that strange person dressed up as a clown or magician,the magician not say nothing but he give someone to the dancer
A flower,a red rose
-"a flower could looked beautiful on you"-they magician said in a joking tone as the dancer, although a bit confused accepts the flower looking at it,when he raise the look the magician had walked away
Ayame looked at the flower again this time feeling his hear beating
Ayame out from his memories and to the sight of the card-"a joker uh?,that actually fits"-he giggled without realize how his smile was most happy and glowing
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naradivision · 6 months
-"Excuse me but...are you Asahi san?"-the pink haired saw how a youngman with glasses over segmentary eyes and green hair entered to Harumatsuya
Asahi nodded happily-"yeah! Nice to meet you"-said him with a joy smile. Then he looks at the green haired noticing how he looks familiar
Kei lows the look to hide the blush in his face when he give something to Asahi
Curious,he opens it and his eyes glowed to the sight of a box of several type of sweet cookies,all still warm
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Kei raise his eyes, strangely shy and nervious considering his serious and calm persona
-"i did them by myself...i just wanted give you this gift, happy birthday Asahi san"-Kei said looking at Asahi,almost feeling the strong beats of his own heart
“Oh, hi! Nice to meet you too, Himeno-san!”
A jolly beam was blazing brightly on Asahi’s face as usual as he was greeting the green-haired novelist from another division, however, he then paused a little like he had recognized something.
“Ehhh— Could you perhaps be that one novelist from Kōfu? Hmm, right! At that time we have sent you a cool bag on your birthday. Hehe~ Guess this make we’re now even!”
Cheerfully laughing but completely failing to notice the small blush on Kei’s face, the oblivious wagashi artist told him to wait there for a bit before he disappeared into his shop and soon popped out with another box in his hands.
“Here, please take this as my thanks☆ I had these freshly baked in the morning since my granny happens to like cookies as well~”
Tempted by his own curiosity, Kei decided to take some look and found that inside the box he just got were fully packed with a lot of pink cookies in the shape of cherry blossom flowers.
“Bye-bye and thanks for your hospitality! Hope you enjoy my little treat~”
—Not so long after Asahi got back to his room
Right inside his own room, in front of him stood couples stacks of sweet-colored bookshelves filled with various collections of his favorite manga and light novels.
“Hmmmm~ Himeno-san’s MC name is ‘Briar Rose’, isn’t it? Thinking about that, I think I might have seen his name somewhere before…”
Asahi tried to rack his fuzzy remembrance as he trailed his finger on each book spine until a piece of memories had suddenly crossed his mind.
“Ah, it was from that one booth I saw in the Book Fair!” Asahi remembered out loud.
“I don’t even know what his books are about though —But, somehow I recalled both YuuYu and Saigo-san said they aren’t for me? Geez, those two really need to chill out sometimes. Besides, who they think they are to decide about my taste huh?”
—Thank you for the gift!
But for goodness’s sake, I pray my son and that old man can manage to keep him away from Kei’s work lmao
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roppongi-division · 7 months
Kai's Thoughts on Kōfu Division
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Reiji Enjouji
"Despite him being an idol, I don't fully know Reiji, a.k.a. 'Tenshi' all that well. I've produced some of his songs and offered him some advice as far as his music goes, but that's about the extent of our relationship. Truthfully, and I say this as nicely as I possibly can, there's something about this young man that I don't like. He seems charming in public, but I've observed how he'll often manipulate people to do what he wants, or simply because he can. That's why I don't bother dealing with people like him. I produce your music, but that's it. Anything else, I want nothing to do with."
Kei Himeno
"'Briar Rose', if I'm not mistaken. I've read some of his works. Many of them revolve around romances, most of which are dark or about fantasy. Truthfully, they're not what I'd normally read, but some of them are interesting. Other than that, I don't know much about him. He seems focused and serious, but... well, one shouldn't judge a book by its cover, as they say."
Ayame Kurokawa
"He's probably the only one from this team that I know very well, and that's cause my wife often hires him to perform with her. I'm not sure how they met, but she introduced him to me as her partner, so I created a routine for him and Mireya to dance too. Surprisingly, it was well-received. My wife invited him back, but from what I know, he does dancing only as a side job, preferring to paint. I've not seen any of his paintings, but I'll have to look them up when I get the chance."
Diabolik Love
"I have to admit, aside from Ayame, this team doesn't exactly feel me with the best of intentions. And the team name isn't exactly helping. I don't fully know what their intentions or reasons are for entering this tournament. But regardless, if we have to face them, then we shall."
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aoyama-division · 8 months
Karada's Thoughts on Kōfu Division
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Reiji Enjouji
"I know next to nothing about this guy. Tomi says he's some idol or something. Sheesh, what's with all of the so-called pretty boys who know how to sing and dance coming out of the woodwork lately? Get a real job, you copycats!
Kei Himeno
"I don't know this guy either. Tomi says, besides being a novelist, which is a boring-as-hell job, he used to serve his family or something. ...I'll admit, that's kind of a shock considering how young he looks. How old was he when he got hired to work for Tomi's family?"
Ayame Kurokawa
"I... I think I remember this guy, though at the time I thought he was a 'she'. Don't judge me, okay?! I don't get all of these girly-looking men that are appearing lately. It's hard to know which is which! Anyway, I was coming back from the gym and I saw him dancing on the street corner or something. He looked hot and I was going to talk to him, till I saw another guy taking him away. ...Honestly, I'm kinda glad he did, otherwise I'd embarrassed myself!"
Diabolik Night
"So these guys are another new team, huh? Nothing really at all interesting about them, though. Tomi says he's got a bone to pick with the leader, though. Apparently, he messed with his younger brother or something. Peh, all I have to say is, I hate to be you, pal!"
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aoyama-division · 8 months
Luis's Thoughts on Kōfu Division
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Reiji Enjouji
Luis scowls at the photo of Reiji, similar to Tomi. "I first encountered this man when he walked into my restaurant one day. At first, I didn't pay him no attention. I assumed he was just a customer like everyone else. ...That was until I noticed the fear in Aoba-san's, who had stopped by for lunch, eyes. They were filled with trepidation and fear. Apparently, while he was leaving, this man caught sight of Aoba and me talking, and intervened himself into the conversation. That was already enough to upset me, but when I noticed him speaking in a way I didn't like to Aoba, I decided to get involved and told him to leave my restaurant and never come back. He could tell how serious I was and decided to do the smart thing and vacate himself."
"It was later that Aoba informed me that he and that man, whom I later found out was named 'Reiji Enjouji', used to date. But he turned out to be an abusive, control-freak." Luis shakes his head. "I swear, men like him are a dime a dozen. They think just because they have looks, that equates to power, and that they can do anything they damn well please. He'll learn just how wrong he is if we ever should meet again."
Kei Himeno
"Like Karada mentioned, I know next to nothing about this young man. Tomi claims that he used to be a servant to his family. Ha, I'm surprised. Considering how many 'servants' his family has, I'm surprised he can remember even one of their names, especially a former one. ...You're probably thinking, 'But Luis, can't the same be said for you?' Well, the difference is, I was mainly raised by my servants and maids. I spent more time talking to them then my own parents. So yes, I can remember each one of my family's servants, even the ones no longer with us."
Ayame Kurokawa
"And lastly, we have Kurokawa-san. He comes to my restaurant a lot more than his teammates do. Apparently, he works as an artist, but I'm not entirely sure what that entails. ...Oh well. As long as he's hospitable and isn't here to cause trouble, then he's free to come and eat here all that he wishes."
Diabolik Night
"'Diabolik Night'. ...These team names are getting stranger and stranger by the day. I mean, I know 'Jet Set Trio' isn't any better, but still. But anyway, I don't mind this team so much, save for the leader. Plus, it seems that Tomi has a bone to pick with him as well. Apparently, that bastardo did something to his younger brother. Is this fool intentionally trying to piss everyone off? I don't know which of us will be facing this guy, but for his sake, he better pray it's not me."
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roppongi-division · 7 months
Mireya's Thoughts on Kōfu Division
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Reiji Enjouji
"Like my husband, I don't fully know much about Reiji, either. He has volunteered to perform here at Gypsy's Palace before, and I took him up on it. The turnout was alright, but nothing really to scream about. My husband says he's surprisingly good, but still has a long way to go before becoming a superstar. I'm liable to agree."
Kei Himeno
"I'm not entirely big on romantic novels. The reason is due to the fact that the endings are almost always the same. They're much like the soap operas you see on T.V., only there are no pictures involved. So, unlike my husband, this young man's work isn't exactly my cup of tea, unfortunately."
Ayame Kurokawa
"Ayame is a close acquaintance of mine whom I met one day while he was performing here in Roppongi. I heard the sound of Arabian music being played and I looked and saw him dancing to the music; he was quite good, I must add. When he was finished, I introduced myself and we got to talking. He's quite an interesting figure, one that I see a lot of myself in. Now whenever he is free, I often hire him to come perform with me at my club. I'm glad to know of him."
Diabolik Love
"Though he isn't the leader, Ayame's put together quite the interesting team. Like my husband stated, I don't fully know their reasons for entering, however. It appears they may or may not have a grudge to settle with one of the other divisions. Whomever they are, I hope they are prepared to face them... the same goes for us, as well."
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roppongi-division · 7 months
Zakari's Thoughts on Kōfu Division
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Reiji Enjouji
"Don't really know this guy. He's just another idol that my dad worked with. I wonder how many of these guys have are there in Japan. ...And how many of them are only famous thanks to my dad's epic producing skills?
Kei Himeno
"He's an author, like Gentaro-san? My dad showed me some of his books, but I didn't particularly care for them. Unlike Gentaro's, they lacked that certain... spark that you'd normally find in his books. I mean, if you're into romance, then more power to you, but... I don't know. They're not really my thing."
Ayame Kurokawa
"My mom introduced him to me. Apparently, he's a dancer like her. I've seen them performing together in Gypsy's Palace, and I have to admit, he's really good! Not as good as my mom, but I don't think anyone is as good as her. But yeah, he's probably the coolest one out of this team."
Diabolik Love
"'Diabolik Love?' Sounds... sinister-like. I wonder what their deal is. ...Oh well, I'm sure we'll find out in the D.R.B. I'm looking forward to seeing what they've got."
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