yuitoru · 11 months
Hello! if that's okay I could order some hdcns for cozmez + gklck (but if there are many then only cozmez + kenta and ryoga) where his fem reader is a ray of light who works hard to prepare adorable cupcakes to give to the fans as a token of gratitude for going to support them, It makes me laugh to imagine mc at the end of the show like "thanks youu , come back soon *greetings greetings* :D " jeje XD
that's all hehe I'm glad to see a new blog that write for paralive welcomeeee ^-^
a/n: hii!! yess i already love paralive so much i look forward to the new eps every week kjfirj also i js wanted to say that im not that familiar with the characters not yet introduced in the anime, so ill try my best for ken and ryo from their wiki pagesss imsosorry :((
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ʚ ₊˚✧ ⠀⠀⠀ CUTEST CUPCAKE !!
incl : k.yatonokami , n.yatonokami , k.mikoshiba , r.tosa
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kanata was a silent lover, especially when it came to talking about how much he actually appreciated everything you did for him. but, that didnt mean that he had no shame about your relationship - he just preferred to keep his affection behind doors
so, when you decided to prepare cupcakes to bring along to cozmez's concert for fans, kanata didnt protest in the slightest, but also didnt comment on it at all. however, internally, his stomach was doing flips and his heart was pounding - how could you be so cute??
at the concert, you were stood at the exit queue, handing out the cute cupcakes you had prepared to the fans, a warm smile on your face. kanata watched how happy you looked, talking with each fan and genuinely being glad to be there, as he fell even more in love with you - your selfless nature warming his hardened heart
nayuta was more open with his affection for you; hugging, kissing, and always holding onto you, even in public. he always communicated how much he loved you, not caring if he came off as clingy or needy
when you baked the batches of cupcakes and brought them with you to one of cozmez's concert, nayuta swore that he felt his heart skip a beat. you just looked so goddamn adorable, holding containers full of delicious, decorated cupcakes and handing them to the grateful fans leaving the venue. it had been completely your idea, no input from anyone else - just the goodness of your heart
despite the vast amount of people, all nayuta could hear was your bubbly voice occasionally speaking to a fan or two - "thanks for coming today!", "hope to see you again!", "please, have a cupcake!". nayuta was smitten, but he didnt care - he just loved you so much
kenta was slightly hesitant when you mentioned wanting to make cupcakes as a little thank you for his fans. it wasnt that he was embarrassed, not at all - he just didnt want you to be stressed about making the right amount, or about allergies or dietary concerns for the fans. in his opinion, they didnt deserve your kindness - only him!
but when you kept insisting on making them, with that adorable pout on your face, kenta just couldnt say no to you. he did his best to help you as you made batch by batch by batch of cupcakes, lifting things for you and grabbing ingredients from the convenience store
after the concert, kenta stood with you as you handed each fan a cupcake, trying to keep the scowl off of his face as he watched. they didnt even do anything, and they got a dessert made by you! he swore he wasnt jealous, but the way he clung to you afterwards clearly suggested otherwise...
ryoga often struggled with speaking out, so whenever fans would approach him and thank him for the performance, he would freeze, often making the fan slightly uncomfortable and upset. he hated his inability to speak to others, but he just couldnt help it, as he often scared people away from how he looked
thats why you were practically his voice, speaking for him when he couldnt. the idea of baking cupcakes for fans was yours, but he followed along with it, as it meant that he wouldnt have to speak out. he was used to using violence instead of words, but this gesture meant that he wouldnt have to; a kind show of gratitude
at the end of the concert, he helped hand out the cupcakes, making it quite a comical sight. a big, scary, intimidating man handing out cutely decorated cupcakes to fans almost half his height. it made you laugh on the inside, but you knew that ryoga could be gentle when he wanted to, as he was always with you
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© yuitoru™ — dont copy, plagiarise, repost, modify and/or translate my works.
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alanjeffbrainrot · 3 months
Jeff & The Pack Nest pt. 2
Find it on AO3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To read pt 1
Words: 1.5k ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SFW
A/N: PACK NEST 🗣️ PACK NEST 🗣️ PACK NEST Jeff, north, and Kenta build a pack nest. Jeff and north helping Kenta come out of his shell in their own ways <3
Jeff stood in Alan’s living room, ringing his hands together as he stared at the wall in a slight daze. He comes to when arms wrap around his torso, Alan’s taller frame slotting against his back, the alphas nose running across his scent gland. Jeff tilts his head to the side, offering the man more room. “What time do they get here ?” Alan asks into Jeff’s neck.
“North’s on his way and I told Kenta 6 but I haven’t heard from him” Jeff said quietly, “I just hope he comes at least later tonight, even if he’s not here early.”
Alan hums, “I’m sure he will be.” Alan pulls back enough to spin Jeff around to face him, leaning down to peck his lips. “Are you excited at least ?”
Jeff shyly nods, tipping forward to hide his rapidly reddening cheeks in Alan’s chest. “I just hope the pack likes it” the boy whispers. Despite constant assurance from the alpha since this was originally discussed, Jeff is still incredibly nervous about this whole endeavor.
“We’ll love it baby.” Alan whispers in his ear. They enjoy a moment wrapped in each others arms, the quiet scene being interrupted by the front door opening. North making himself known through as he bounds down the hallway and into the big living room.
“Awe” north coos at the sight in front of him, “Lung as cute as this is you’re not allowed in here right now. Go bother sonic.”
Alan rolls his eyes but detaches himself from Jeff anyways. “I’ll see you in an hour I guess” he says, leaning down to kiss the omega one last time before pulling away. He turns and levels his gaze with north, “be good.” he says simply before walking back down the hallway towards the front door.
He opens it to see Kenta and Kim standing on the porch, wrapped in each other's arms. At the sound of the door opening Kenta jumps back, eyes wide while kim just looks annoyed at the hug being cut short. “Hello Kenta” Alan says warmly, smiling at the man, “umm… kim I’ll go…. I’ll go wait in the car” he finishes, awkwardly pointing towards Kim’s car. Kim nods, the two watching Alan walk away.
As soon as the car door closes kim pulls Kenta back in, laying a small kiss on the taller man’s cheek. “We’ll see you in an hour. Have fun baby.” Kenta let’s out a shaky breath, clinging tighter to kim for a second.
“Are you sure they really want me here ?”
Kim’s heart aches at the question, pulling back to stroke at the man’s cheek. “Yes.” he says simply, “you’re pack, my love. And you always will be.”
Kenta gives him a tight smile, waving the man off and letting himself into the house.
Jeff and north, who have been chatting idly about the plans for tonight, make their way out to the entree way when they hear the door open. “Kenta !” North shouts, bounding over to the man, taking his hand and leading the way to the pack nesting room.
Jeff’s heart warms at the sight. Kenta may be slightly uncomfortable, eyes darting between north and Jeff as they walk, but he hasn’t pulled away yet like he has in the past. Jeff counts that as a win.
The nesting room in Alan’s house had only been used once at this point. Just after joining the X-Hunter pack North had a particularly bad heat, Sonic bringing him to Alan’s house as soon as it broke and the man immediately jumped into action, calling the rest of the pack over and helping with an impromptu pack nest. But in a pack overrun by alphas, there was only so much they could do past providing nesting materials and items that smelled like pack.
North opened the door, the three omegas standing in the doorway just observing the room. The first thing Jeff noticed was the sterile smell, the room having been deep cleaned after it’s one use and not touched since. Jeff’s nose wrinkled, determining that that was the first thing that needed to be changed. In the middle of the room was essentially a pit, two steps down onto a large plush mattress, big enough to fit their entire pack and then some. A projector was mounted on the wall behind it, giving them the ability to watch movies on the big white wall while curled up together.
Since the pack had planned this there were various duffel bags lining the far wall, each containing items from each member of the pack, and a large stack of various blankets, sheets, and pillows that Alan had gotten when he built the room.
“Jeff ?” Kenta said quietly, looking over at the youngest, “how do we….?” He trails off, feeling his hand get squeezed by north. Jeff smiles warmly at the pair, reaching over to squeeze at kentas free hand.
“Just listen to your instincts, Ken. Why don’t we start easy, let’s get some sheets and the first couple blankets on and then we can worry about the rest of it, yeah ?”
North nods enthusiastically, his omega elated over the idea of having a pack omega to listen to, and quickly walking over to the pile of sheets. Jeff leads Kenta further into the room, the man clearly still nervous.
“Kenta !” North says loudly, holding up two sheet options, “white or gray ?”
Kentas eyes widen, looking over at Jeff but the man just nods, “which one ken ?”
“Gray ? I Guess ?” He stammers out, watching the other two trying to gauge whether he made the right decision or not.
All he gets is a proud smile from Jeff and an enthusiastic nod from north. “Cmon” Jeff says, tugging on kentas hand, “let’s help north get things situated.”
The three set to work, quietly getting the base of the nest set up. North and Jeff asking kentas opinions on various items until they see his confidence grow in the process. He didn’t add anything without prompting until they got to the pack specific items, Kenta immediately pulling one of Kim’s hoodies out and weaving it into the side. Jeff pauses when he sees this, his omega chirping at the sight. He looks away before Kenta can catch him but he catches eyes with north, who also has a wide smile on his face after catching the moment.
They continue working quietly, weaving the walls of the nest together with various pack items, each omega choosing a section. Jeff, being the pack omega, was working on the back wall of the nest, where he and Alan would be so they could watch over everyone. Kenta working on the left side and north working on the right.
None of them realized it had been an hour until they hear a soft knock coming from the other side of the door. Jeff opens it slowly to Alan. Not anxious really, but obviously antsy to have the pack together. “Are you guys ready ?” he asks softly, trying to not look past Jeff in case the others didn’t want him to invade yet. Jeff steps out, closing the door softly. “Yeah” he breaths out, “just give them a minute. Ken will probably need a second before people can come in.”
“How’d he do ?” Alan asks sincerely, always worried about the comfortability of their newest pack members.
“Really good” Jeff breathes out, leaning forward and melting into Alan’s chest. The older man wraps his arms around the boy's waist, keeping him close and kissing the top of his head. They stand for a second, soaking in the comfort of each other, neither man noticing the door to the pack room opening until they hear a loud groan from behind them.
“Why do you get your alpha” north whines, “let’s go find everyone else.” North pouts at Kenta, grabbing his hand to pull him towards the living room to find the rest of the pack. A deep chuckle comes from Alan’s chest, reluctantly pulling away. “It’s good to see them getting along” he says, Jeff nodding along with a small smile.
They hear indistinct chatter getting louder as the pack makes their way down the hall, the group stopping in front of Alan and Jeff. “Ground rules” Alan says loudly, getting everyone’s attention, “don’t fuck it up.”
Jeff laughs, hitting Alan on the shoulder before turning back to the pack, “stupid way to put it but yeah, don’t fuck it up” Jeff says shrugging, opening the door and leading the pack inside. Jeff gets in first sitting at the head of the nest and beckoning the other two omegas in. Once they’re settled, the three invite their alphas in first. Alan and Kim both settle down and pull their omegas into their chest while Sonic scrambles in and lays on top of north, using his chest as a pillow. Once the three couples are settled Jeff looks up and nods at the four remaining members.
Charlie and babe settle on the right between north and Sonic and alan and Jeff while Pete and way curl up on the left.
Jeff looks around, feeling an instinctual piece of him settle seeing their pack all together, safe in each other's arms. He feels himself begin to purr, burrowing deeper into Alan’s chest. The alpha kisses the top of his head before leaning down, “are you happy, baby ?” Alan asks into Jeff’s ear and the boy just nods in response.
Want to read more ? Here’s my masterlist
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pit babe ep 7 stray thoughts
- way made him feel undeserving of love….
- so jeff is like that cause he’s plagued by visions..
- ok now i get the peteway posts. oh ways pathetic nature and whiny bitch demeanor have captivated pete body and soul
- oh way might be my little meow meow of the show
- oh god oh fuck i might be a peteway boy
- kim needs to kiss winner to shut him up
- omg person who hurt protagonist was antagonist pikachu surprise face
- scream this is so dramatic. the scheming it’s all coming together (also peep kentakim this is for you le trash prince)
- ok so this is where we find out tony wants to sell babe for bitching
- do they know charlie’s powers also who WAIT IS THIS A NUTHPHOP BALLADnvm just sounded like ambivalent thoughts
- way seems happy i don’t trust this. is he about to break
- oh he is oh no it’s babe. oh i think someone’s gonna ugly cry it can go either way at this point. babe sweeeeep
- oh… maybe i don’t want this babe babe nooooooo nooooooo. oh he’s gonna close his heart off to other people now isn’t he oh fuck noooooooo SOMEONE STOP HIS THOUGHT LROCESS PPLEASE
- i don’t understand ways face here i need subtitles but for facial expressions
- oh poor puppy
- does anyone know if they make the music in house
- this ep might be my fav so far….
- is way an omega y’all
- there’s been a shift in babe…. i can’t explain it but something changed in the last 20 min
- babe being an easy cryer is so important to me actually
- ooo surveillance being a theme again lets goooo
- charlie trauma enthusiasts let’s gooooo
- tony is so fucking evil i hope charlie rips his face off
- how wild would it be if winner was an enigma. like he’s not but could you imagine
- actually i need kenta to rip tony’s face off
- does charlie know about his power. does anyone
- babe looking like a wet feral cat i need to lie down
- SCREAM HE JUST FLAT OUT TELLS BABE LIKE THAY?!,!?!?! like i’d be scared to get punched like ???? it’s wild he just flat out says i took your power like wow i thought he’d lie at least a little
- these flashbacks can never be happy can they… always gotta leave you horny and destroyed
- charlie being like “don’t worry i can fix this. if you want i can just kill myself” like broooooo
- scream do you think charlie woke up one day like “damn he smells fine today” skejdjfjejrjr
- “can mama not break up with papa 🥺” “ 😒😑😩 fine”
- honestly i get babe if someone took away my sensory issues id still fuck them. much more enthusiastically then before probably. i get him now liking kissing too like this makes perfect sense to me
- oh way….. oh god this pathetic man nothing can go right for him ever ima creaming
- i also get babe because charlie is so cute id fold immediately like so what you stole my super powers look at your cutie patootie self how could i stay mad
- oh here we go car sex scene- are they talking about booty holes rn is this happening on my screen… good for them
- oh way… i’m so sorry my baby boy im so sorry… honestly he’s stronger than me i would’ve been throwing shit THE BOUQUET
- ok so are the only ones with special powers jeff babe and charlie (and way ??)
- NORTHSONIC these absolute clowns. does he not understand adoption i love him. nosrthdaonic aenwwvehtjrngn l. what are these two talking about. way omega confirmation ????
- sonic get your boy on a leash his poor impulse control and lack of common sense is staggering
- kim kinda right like let him cook oh ew fuck tony for that too
well what an ep
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Thoughts on Pit Babe the Series (major spoilers ahead)
Things I liked
car go vroom vroom 🚗 🚗💨
Charlie being a cinnamon roll soft puppy that melts Babe's walls 🥰 (also shoutout to Pavel's smile because that stole hearts)
Jeff!! Literally my favourite character out of the lot. He's cute, antisocial, saves himself and takes no shit ("I can leave the garage but I won't admit guilt for something I haven't done;" "If he's in a bad mood, why bring it to me?") all while being soft inside. My baby, my king 👑
Alan and Jeff ♥️ Charlie and Babe are cute but these two have a special place in my heart. The looks that were exchanged when Way accuses Jeff of causing Babe's accident (Alan's concern, pain at having to kick Jeff out, how Jeff's trusting gaze turns into hurt and anger at not being believed, the final glare as he walks away from the circle and Alan rushing after him aaaahhh). The way their relationship develops slowly till we get to episode 11 and it all comes rushing together 💞💞
The Hunter X Hunter team being a family
Kenta being morally grey 🩶. With all of Tony's children, you can see to some extent his influence over them but Kenta visibly struggles under it. The way he recognises when Tony is being cruel and wrong but can't stop him, and how he follows orders as far as he can, how he never hurts Pete, how he stays even though he knows that he's being abused. He gets fired because on some level he doesn't really want to hurt other people, he's just never been valued as anything but a weapon. When he stabs Tony and asks him to stop hurting other people? That hit.
KIM. Can we get some applause for him? I loved how principled he was. He's just out here working hard to beat the rival he admires on fair terms and Tony and alpha auctions just have to ruin it.
North and Sonic, the iconic duo ✨ who provide some much needed comic relief when shit gets dark. The series played with the idea of them being a couple and I'm fine either way. Platonic, romantic, idc, I just need them on screen together.
The Pete/Way and Pete/Kenta stuff happening. On one hand, Pete and Way's interactions suggested a romance (drinking together, tender moments, how Pete really sees Way - his sadness, guilt, and general feelings of fucked-up-ness, and how their enigma/enigma pairing echoes Charlie/Babe's alpha/alpha one). But the flashback of Pete and Kenta in the House of Suffering suggests that there's something there (was that an accidental kiss?). There's also the moment when Kenta corners Pete earlier in the series and Pete totally looks at his mouth, hmm. I think I prefer Pete/Way but I'd be down with Pete/Kenta because of the angsttt.
Was really into the AlanJeff sexy music (ifykyk)
Things I didn't like
Charlie's whining. Enough said.
Babe not apologizing for the way he treats Charlie when they're on the outs. Like yeah, he says sorry when Charlie is fake-dead but it shouldn't take that for him to be like "honey, sorry I was a dick."
Winner being Evil. Was hoping the tension between him and Kim would be the fun kind 😉 but Winner is a bully so that's not happening :((
Way's rushed redemption arc. If it wasn't for the sexual assault, he'd be up there with Kenta on the fun morally grey list. What he did to Babe could have been so much worse if he wasn't stopped but the way the storyline frames that as something that he can come back from just because he decided to change is so outta whack. If he stayed dead - S2 suggests otherwise - that would have been fine but he's coming back and like . . I don't know if sacrificing your life makes up for almost raping your best friend (again, we have every reason to believe he would have). Soo no longer attached to Way as a character, which is fine because the way he emotionally isolates Babe was already such a red flag.
About halfway through the series I felt like it should be called Tony's Children or something cause god, where was the racing and the fun group dynamics?? Instead it was kidnapping! Predictions of death! Sexual assault! Human trafficking! I know S2 will have the same dark themes, but I hope it's more balanced.
Although there were definitely parts of this show I wasn't a fan of, it was overall a fun time and I'm looking forward to seeing S2 and (hopefully) lots more AlanJeff. And cars going vroom vroom 🚗💨
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jenyifer · 7 months
Pit Babe Ep 9 initial reaction
I wish the music was better mixed why is it so loud?!
Also another issue I’m having why is it that EVERYONE with powers is Tony’s kid. I have a new idea have someone a spy go in get the list of adult Tony kids band together and kill or sue the fucker?
Anyways this show isn’t for thinking it’s for fun.
Let’s enjoy it
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They are just too cute look at my fave lesbian representation here. They are both lesbian coded in my head don’t say anything diff. Nonbinary rulers they two of them clueless cute and fashionable
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Pete is actually trying to do some good here Babe. Idk what Babe was going to do go up there and get kidnapped? He doesn’t have abilities. He would have just put the kids in more danger. Okay but if Pete is an enigma I won’t mind you know 🙌🏻 but he’s Kenta’s man
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The actor for babe really pulled at my heart with how he cried felt extremely real and raw it’s hard to do sad angry I felt like I could feel all his regrets for good and bad times.
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Ooooo bad buddy apartment is bringing good luck. You tell him Jeff you are Alan’s boy now uwu
Jeff is the sweetest goodest boy we got because Charlie is too chaotic to live. Alan is getting the best of Tony’s kids
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I won’t have forgiven Dean this easily. I also don’t see how racing is of the heart. I was a singer long long time ago now that can use heart. You ever listened to a recording of a song then seen it in concert and the meaning feels different? That is emotion. RM from BTS once talked about how it was a weakness Jungkook has. Jungkook is technically amazing every time but he needed emotion for the song. Idk how you do that with a car though.
But North and Sonic’s outfits10/10 no notes please both come on a date with me. I’ll teach them their ABC’s and how to play the quiet game lmao
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Charlie is so death focused it’s time for him to finally self sacrifice himself for Babe. I mean they have only been hinting at it forever? I do like this setting for the confession. It’s a skate park so still wheels and stuff idk it feels fitting this is where Charlie makes the decision.
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iconic. Perfection. I’d watch their stream.
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Okay soo why would Tony trust Jeff. Jeff runs away all the time. Also Jeff must really feel in debted to Charlie to go along with whatever crazy scheme he’s got when have Charlie’s plans gone right? Never. Gahhhhh Charlie whyyyy
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Awwww I did like this racing scene even tho Charlie lost I liked that babe believed in him. It was very nice.
I guess we are going to have kidnapped Charlie next ep and way is going to torture him 🤷🏻‍♀️
I missed having my other fave good boy Kim in this episode. Surely he has family or something back in Korea wondering where he is. He’s too good to go missing.
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 8 months
I'm so not ready for Pit Babe to be over. This is one thing I love about BL, it's never the shows I expect that grab such a hold of my heart.
Oh my heart.
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The way Babe's hands were shaking as he touched Charlie to make sure he was real...*sob*
Also, can we please stop giving this man head wounds?
Way to understate it Babe.
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"I'm not happy" = "I was utterly devastated and incapable of functioning without you"
There we go! Time for the Kenta flip.
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Being distracted from the plot by how good these two look together:
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Also, I just realized Way is in white for what I think is the first time? Look at our boy getting all lightened up by being with Pete.
There's something about ultimate sunshine boy North calling Tony a dickhead that I can't stop laughing about.
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Holy shit! I mean, I'm not surprised Tony killed kids, I had assumed the ones he deemed useless were sold off for their organs or something, but this is so blatant.
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On the other hand, knowing what we know about the ultra-wealthy...yeah, this tracks.
Although I have to laugh a bit that the first video people will see is Tony just shoving a kid, and then it moves right along to straight up murder. Bit of an escalation there.
Dude, this is on the internet. You are way past containment!
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Uh, yeah, great plan - kidnap another millionaire and a famous racing personality, I'm sure you'll have no problem staying under the radar.
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I am so not normal about how North always puts himself between Sonic and danger.
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Show, if you don't let these boys kiss... *growl*
Kim! My sexy baby! Coming in clutch!
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Lol, alright I give Winner a few points for audacity.
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Dammit, I knew Way was gonna get shot.
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Also, what is it with all of the villains lately who are pulling the "just do what I want, and you will get what you want" move? It didn't work for Jareth, it's not going to work for any of you!!
Omg, Kenta!!
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I have to give so much credit to Garfield, he has been acting his ass off these last few episodes.
Um, can we now stop focusing on sad faces and get Way some medical help?
Equally annoyed that they're doing the death via redemption, and distracted by how pretty Nut is during his dying scene.
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Oh shit, showing Alan like this is what got me.
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Well, this is just rude!
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Though the fact that the funeral setup is just like Charlie's makes it feel oddly like Way is now off faking his death somewhere.
Poor Pavel, the man must have been so dehydrated after filming all this.
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AlanJeff are such a balm for the soul.
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And that tattoo is so sexy.
Damn, the faces these two make. I am weak.
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Yay, our baby is fully where he belongs! Have fun Kim, surrounded by a big group of lovable idiots who will need your constant help.
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Ah yes, can't finish this show without one more locker room railing.
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Also, love that they keep getting more and more specific that Babe is, in fact, the one "taking it", for all those people who cannot see past stereotype.
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Noooo, don't end. I need more fluff.
Ok, we for sure need a special episode, people.
We need:
SonicNorth kisses
Pete & Kenta closure (can be romantic or platonic, either way)
Kim to get a boyfriend
A bunch more group cuteness and shenanigans with zero trauma
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oldsargasso · 7 months
You have had your hands full! Don’t worry I have ENDLESS fanon thoughts so I will do my best to keep your ask box company 😌
Yes the advantage of feeding ourselves is we get to pick the menu!! I am CERTAIN at this point that Garfield and Benz simply pulled this ship out of thin air and made up their own headcanons to fill in for their lack of screentime LMAO. And NO YOU HAVE NOT TOLD ME ABOUT THIS WIP!! HOOKUPS FOLLOWED BY BETRAYAL?? BY TONY’S TOTALLY NORMAL PA?? YES PLEASE. I am basically eagerly awaiting everything you write at this point. AND YES KENTA IS INVESTED! How can his new boyfriend keep his visa if the team’s funding gets cut? Tragic.
This is why Kim is the realest to me. He asked for none of this and just rolled with the punches when most ppl would have either kept their heads down or fucked off. Objectively The Best. (SHFKFKFJJD Try telling Kim that Tony is his new owner—see how that goes down 😆)
(You are so right as always. Kim deserves ppl kneeling at his feet.)
Double offenses against us specifically, I’ll never recover. I’LL NEVER FORGIVE THEM IF WE DON’T EVENTUALLY GET SOME SORT OF FOLLOW-THROUGH! But yes supportive bf Kenta, it’s absolutely canon, he was definitely lurking in the stands somewhere.
Winner is so iconic and I love him… (multiple timelines running in our heads to carry all of the five hundred ships this show has provided)
Please give me ALL of your thoughts about collars, I beg of you, I live for this. Kenta would ABSOLUTELY be wearing his on the regular—he needs that reassuring weight under his shirt (totally normal about it saying “Kim’s” or smth similar on the tag). Like he’s fine with being a dog as long as it means he’s a beloved pet who doesn’t get cast aside! And Winner is ABSOLUTELY the type to bitch about a collar. He prob tried to make fun of Kenta for being collared (gets almost stabbed for it), but also passive aggressively moans about “Where’s MY present?” and then bitches about the collar when he DOES get it. And I’m SCREAMING HE DESERVES TO BE MUZZLED he’d be so cute… And Dean would look SO pretty in his collar (when is he NOT pretty tho lbr). PLEASE feel free to go on about what they look like! Kim can carry the keys to the collars around his neck 😌
I HOPE YOU ENJOY THE FICS! The KentaDean one is basically written just for the two of us. “The system works” LMFAO RESTORATIVE JUSTICE IN ACTION? Dean thinks he’s being SUBTLE but he has the BIGGEST puppydog expression when he wants something, like he emotes SO much in comparison to Kenta and Kim.
“He’s not a narcissist he’s just oblivious” ahdjfjf OUR BELOVED DUMBASS LOSER… I love the way he was as Tony’s henchman, like “I’m gonna be SUCH a good evil henchman my parents told me I was basically overqualified for this job—you want bodyguards? I’ll GET you bodyguards. I let those guys escape but I TOTALLY foiled their little scooby-doo plot because I am the BEST henchman. I’m SOOO much better than Kenta you know like fuck that guy and his stupid handsome eyes-“ Again it’s like… he gives himself so much affirmation he doesn’t need it from others; it’s just attention he wants. He’s SO interesting! And I love the contrast of Kim’s response to Tony being “Absolutely NOT” while Winner’s is “Absolutely YES” they should fuck about it, for our enjoyment.
I’M PLACING MY BETS ON THE MV COMING OUT THIS FRIDAY (prob late evening for you?). I think they’ll save the more emotional ones for after the fanmeet next week (unless they’re only doing one MV drop a month in which case haha catch me lying deceased on the floor!) 
HOW COULD YOU BREAK MY POOR LITTLE HEART LIKE THIS?? DEAN HAVING SOMETHING WITH KIM (A FRESH START) ONLY TO END UP FEELING LIKE HE’S BEEN REPLACED… AGAIN… WHY DO WE KEEP PUTTING HIM IN SITUATIONSHIPS AND THEN MAKING HIM FEEL REJECTED. I’M HURTING 😭😭😭 I feel like having Kim’s attention would be so fulfilling? Rewarding? That the slight absence of it is like the sun going out. DEVASTATING (and DELICIOUS for me). But Pete just dropping Kenta off like Kim is running a doggy daycare is hilarious dkfjehshf I have this mental image of Pete carrying Kenta by the scruff of his neck?? And Dean is self-destructing while Kim is just. Unfazed about all of it! Dean wants him to be jealous, meanwhile Kim is like. “It’s physically impossible to be jealous of Winner. But if he hurt you, if he forced you, if you hated it, that’s a different conversation.” I just really need someone going to bat for Dean. There’s something to explore about the difference between possessiveness (what Dean wants or thinks he wants) and protectiveness (what Kim will actually provide).
I will send you five million more words about my ideas once you’ve had a chance to read the fic, since it expounds a lot on what I mentioned before and also just my feelings about our doggies. Also I’ve got like, various heat scenarios to talk about as well! 
honestly Garfield and Benz are throwing themselves into this ship with no reservations. I hope they get cast in another show together clearly they deserve to make out on camera like they want 😌
I'm honestly like. mad about that fic lmao I woke up in the middle of the night and wrote a whole bunch of it in my notes app and then when I woke up the next day I CLOSED THE NOTES WITHOUT SAVING. devastated. have to start from scratch. BUT now I'm like. it would probably work better from Kim's POV? but then I'd have to rewrite this which I really like lol :(
When Mr Tony had told Kenta to organise for Kim to be picked up from the airport and taken to the hotel, he definitely hadn't meant for Kenta to do the chauffeuring himself. But finding the loopholes in Tony's orders was how Kenta managed his life these days, so he was waiting in Arrivals in his usual black suit with a printed sign at 6pm the following Tuesday, surrounded by a group of men attired and be-signed much the same. Which was probably why Kim didn't give Kenta a second glance as he walked up. No big deal; Kenta’s used to being overlooked. “K’Kim?” he asks in polite confirmation, although he recognises Kim very well from the photographs he’s studied. Kim gives him a nod. This time he takes a good look at Kenta, sharp eyes sweeping from his carefully styled hair down to his perfectly shined shoes.
anyway then they go to Kim's hotel room and hook up and it starts from there.
Kim in the last few episodes is the BEST. he's just like "time fro breakfast! sure I'll chase down a teenager for a phone. sure I'll come along and beat up Winner in a funky jacket. sure I'll join your racing team and adopt north and sonic as my babies."
I NEED A FOLLOW UP I NEED A SPECIAL EPISODE OR A SEASON TWO. I hope we get something, even tiny crumbs, from the fanmeeting coming up. until it happens I can live in hope lmao.
!!! NOT THE KEYS THAT'S PERFECT!!! oh for sureee Kenta wears his basically all the time. its definitely black leather, right? he has a day collar something like this. or it says return to owner with Kim's details!! and then he has a more substantial collar for when they're at home, with rings for attaching a leash or ties to. yessss Winner. he doesn't care about it but also he should be given presents especially if other people are getting presents! I feel like his collar is red. probably leather as well. spiked!! or maybe something like a martingale collar so it's fine until someone pulls on it. imagine how pretty something like this would be for Dean though! or was thinking like an actual chain necklace/choker so he can wear it all the time and it's all delicate. I'm just imagining them all at the club or whatever, I think Kim deserves to hook his fingers in Kenta's collar while they're sitting drinking and pull him in until he's practically in Kim's lap. or maybe dancing and Kim tugs Dean's shirt down to show off his neck and Kim's claim.
IT WAS SO GOOD as you could probably tell by the insane comment I left. Dean has NO POKER FACE WHATSOEVER he's so easy to read!! how did he get away with any crimes!
the bad guy mv….DELIGHTFUL. even if it was just singing and dancing I love it with every part of my heart.
we keep putting Dean in this situations because he's….so pretty when he cries and is all emotional. BUT LIKE. Kim's not even stopping anything with Dean! in my head he's not even really starting anything with kenta, he's just being supportive and helping the guy integrate into society like a functioning human being. but of course nobody can use their words. Dean alwasy goes from 0-100 INSTANTLY. "It’s physically impossible to be jealous of Winner" LMAOOO. so true. askjfh PAINNNN. Dean definitely thinks he wants possessiveness - I think that's why the polycule works because Kim does offer protectiveness but I think both Winner and Kenat go for possessiveness. Winner because they're HIS things. and Kenta because he's had so little and can't lose any more. Kim is like. "unhealthy! but also…kinda hot." sometimes you just want a dude to go a little bit feral over you. okay.
!!! SEND HEAT RELATED THOUGHTS IMMEDIATELY. we should also talk about designations. I think in the show they're all just. not alphas. but personally I cannot write Winner as anything but an alpha. I tend to go for the other three as betas except for the fics I started early in the show with Kenta as an alpha lol. and I just started messing about with a sci fi au where perhaps Kim's suppressant chip malfunctions and it turns out he's not a beta and now he's about to go into heat in a very cramped ship... but I'm pretty sure I can be convinced any way for these four lol.
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seandwalsh · 1 year
If it’s not too much to ask, could you provide a rundown of Mario and Peach’s relationship throughout the history of the games — any developer insights and supporting material included if applicable? Their interactions have never failed to make me smile; I feel like every moment between them, no matter how simple, elevate my enjoyment of the games.
Do you have a favorite moment? For me, I think the ending of the first Paper Mario is my definitive Mario and Peach moment. Everything from the music to the scenery to how innocent it plays out perfectly encapsulates their relationship.
While other series, like Splatoon or The Legend of Zelda tend to have a greater focus on their worldbuilding and backstory, I think Mario’s greatest strength when it comes to its lore is its rich characters and how their relationships come together. You don’t follow the same main cast in The Legend of Zelda for more than a game or two at a time. With Mario, well - he’s always the same Mario. He’s familiar, and his personality is so strong that he continues to be the Mario we know, no matter the medium. It seems that Mario’s current primary developers, Yoshiaki Koizumi and Kenta Motokura, feel the same way:
"No matter what worlds he takes on, Mario remains Mario. Maybe this is strange but I find that fact very comforting,"
[Source: Yoshiaki Koizumi, Director and Producer of the Super Mario series, CNN Business, September 2020]
“…you can take Mario, or a Mario franchise character, and put them in pretty much any situation and it makes it okay. […] Mario carries it off.”
[Source: Kenta Motokura, Designer and Director of the Super Mario series, GameInformer, June 2017]
“Mario himself is a very strong character, so wherever he is he is strong enough to stand alone and be a good character. And even if he's next to a dinosaur, he's Mario!”
[Source: Kenta Motokura, Designer and Director of the Super Mario series, Metro, June 2017]
That’s not to say that Mario doesn’t have quite in-depth worldbuilding and backstory as well, but I think these characters are greatly understood by the people who work with them while largely being overlooked, misunderstood or written off by fans.
This is why relationships, like the one shared between Mario and Peach, can be such a highlight for players.
Mario and Peach, while not explicitly dating, are absolutely smitten with each other.
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In fact, it seems that Mario instantly fell in love with Peach the moment he saw her, when she kissed him in Super Mario Bros.. Mario was so in love with Princess Peach that, according to the team behind Donkey Kong (Game Boy), it’s what caused Mario to break up with Pauline:
“Apparently the land of mushrooms is somehow in the vicinity of Donkey Kong's stomping ground that appears at the end [of Donkey Kong (Game Boy)]. Around that point, he meets Peach, and probably starts to have a change of heart [about Pauline] (laughs).”
[Source: Shigeru Miyamoto, Producer of Donkey Kong (Game Boy), Game Boy Donkey Kong Wonder Life Special - APE Inc. Official Nintendo Guide, June 1994]
“After that, Mario became famous, so Pauline must have gotten dumped (laughs).”
[Source: Masayuki Kameyama, Director of Donkey Kong (Game Boy), Game Boy Donkey Kong Wonder Life Special - APE Inc. Official Nintendo Guide, June 1994]
Paper Mario in its entirety is certainly a great example of Mario and Peach’s relationship. While the ending where they watch the fireworks is a highlight, the intro also showcases her attempts to spend time with Mario, eagerly awaiting him in the upper parts of the castle and wanting him to accompany her to the balcony.
“Oh! By the way, Princess Peach has been waiting for you.”
[Source: A Green Toad Girl, Staff of Princess Peach’s Castle, Non-player Character in Paper Mario (Nintendo 64), February 2001]
“I think Princess Peach has been looking forward to seeing you since this morning, Mario. She's been restless... hee hee hee... How cute...”
[Source: A Pink Toad Girl, Staff of Princess Peach’s Castle, Non-player Character in Paper Mario (Nintendo 64), February 2001]
“Oh, Mario! You came to the party to see me! You're so sweet! Thank you!♥ I was just resting a bit. It gets tiring, greeting all those guests out there! Nobody will bother us here. Shall we relax and chat, just the two of us? It was a lovely day today, so I'm sure it's comfortable out on the balcony right now. Would you accompany me, Mario?”
[Source: Princess Peach, Ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom, Non-player Character in Paper Mario (Nintendo 64), February 2001]
She gets worried about him while she’s kidnapped:
“I wonder what Mario is doing right now... I wonder if he's hurt... I'm so worried about him!”
[Source: Princess Peach, Ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom, Non-player Character in Paper Mario (Nintendo 64), February 2001]
Later on, we even learn that Princess Peach keeps a photo of Mario beside her bed, which she reacts to with a heart emoticon:
“A photo of Mario.♥”
She even gets embarrassed about it when Twink points it out.
Generally, the game makes an effort to highlight Mario and Peach’s love for each other beyond most other games in the series:
“Do you know of a place called Shooting Star Summit? It's near this castle. It's such a romantic place... It's definitely the best place for a date. Trust me. Maybe you ought to, you know, ask the princess to go there...”
[Source: A Toad, Resident of the Mushroom Kingdom, Non-player Character in Paper Mario (Nintendo 64), February 2001]
“Does Princess Peach have a special man in her life? She's such a lovely lady... Whoever she loves must be very special indeed...”
[Source: A Green Toad, Resident of the Mushroom Kingdom, Non-player Character in Paper Mario (Nintendo 64), February 2001]
Princess Peach has a very specific view of love, which she has actually expressed before in-game:
“Love... How do I explain? Love tells you when you want to be with a person forever. It makes you feel happy just to see that person happy, smiling...having fun. When you love someone, you will do anything to help when he or she is in trouble.”
[Source: Princess Peach, Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, Playable Character in Paper Mario: the Thousand Year Door, October 2004]
It’s pretty clear that when she says this, she’s thinking about Mario, between his obvious outwardly happy nature or his willingness to do anything to help her when she’s in trouble. This is reflected in Peach’s own actions in Super Princess Peach, when she saves Mario from Bowser’s clutches. It’s clear from her actions across various games that Peach would do anything to help Mario, and she’s comforted by him even in times of peril.
From taking Mario on a romantic vacation in Super Mario Sunshine, to talking about how caring he is with her paper counterpart, to her team name with him being “Cutest Couple” in Mario Party 5 and Mario Party 6, it’s clear that these two have a strong, devoted and loving relationship with one-another.
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But when it comes to my personal favorite moment between them, I feel that my answer is quite a controversial one.
My favourite moment between Mario and Peach is the ending of Super Mario Odyssey.
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Now, now. Put your pitchforks away. The main issue with this is that people tend to completely misinterpret the meaning behind this ending, and while I’m not going to go into too much detail here, I think it’s important to understand the intended themes of Super Mario Odyssey.
“[Super Mario Odyssey] is a journey following Mario to save Princess Peach, one of his most [beloved], so we wanted to make this an epic journey.”
[Source: Kenta Motokura, Director of Super Mario Odyssey, Vice, June 2017]
“Mario and Peach's relationship has been a big part of the games for a long [time], and in this game we're getting deeper into it!”
[Source: Kenta Motokura, Director of Super Mario Odyssey, GQ, October 2017]
“I've always thought that Mario carries a bit of a torch for Peach. I think that's true even back in the 2D Mario games. If not, he wouldn't be wasting his time rescuing her over and over again. [As for if Peach feels the same way,] The heart of a woman is a mystery.”
[Source: Yoshiaki Koizumi, Producer of Super Mario Odyssey, GameInformer, June 2017]
It’s clear that Super Mario Odyssey’s story exists to highlight the intricacies of the relationship between Peach and Mario in ways that hadn’t been explored previously. This is why the ending of Super Mario Odyssey is so excellent to me.
“The ending of Super Mario Odyssey is the culmination of an adventure both magnificent and personal. An upbeat song plays in the background while the scene unfolds: the joy of being reunited with someone you've missed, the slight embarrassment that comes with thinking of the one you love, Mario and Bowser's open honesty, and Peach's independence. Through the theme of marriage - which had never been addressed in the series before we see another side of Mario, Peach, and Bowser. The relationship between the three looks like it'll continue for years to come. The odyssey they've embarked on is far from over!”
[Source: Kenta Motokura, Director of Super Mario Odyssey, The Art of Super Mario Odyssey, September 2018]
Mario finally makes his feelings known to Peach, through a proposal, but he does so in the worst possible way. Peach refuses to marry Mario because he was acting immaturely. Mario cannot handle losing control of a bad situation and often makes rash decisions. While the latter is sometimes a positive trait for him, in this instance it’s a flaw which caused him to fight Bowser for Peach’s hand. You can hear Mario grunting while attempting to push Bowser out of the way and get Peach to accept him.
This is not the Mario that Peach knows. It is not the Mario that she loves. Peach had just been kidnapped from her home, dragged around the world and almost forcefully married to a man she’s romantically repulsed by. She was rescued by the man she loves in the nick of time who was finally about to make his move and propose to her, before Bowser barged back in and ruined the moment, and Mario started acting irrationally. She was fed up, and rightfully so.
So she turns down Mario’s proposal, and leaves. Peach does not turn down Mario’s proposal because she doesn’t love him - it’s abundantly clear that she loves him very much - she turns him down because it was the wrong place, at the wrong time, for the wrong reasons.
However, her love for the Mario she knows still rings true. Their relationship is so strong that even after all of that, they quickly recover, as is illuminated through Peach’s forgiveness. She takes a breath and calls out to Mario, inviting him to come home with her. It’s a showcase of the love they share for one-another, one more potent than we’ve seen before anywhere else. A truly well-crafted study of these characters and the intricacies of their interwoven lives.
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fykenta · 7 years
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look at them 😭
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absolutebl · 2 years
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Wait a minute... I’ve seen 'em before? 
BL Actor Guest Cameos! 
I’m choosing only leads or mains or icons showing up in other shows. 
A Man Who Defies the Wold of BL 2 feat Izuka Kenta from the Pornographer (AKA the Novelist) series - I love this one because he’s an iconic character in the Novelist, a college kid seduced and gaslit by an older man, where as in ABL2 he plays the opposite, a seductive older man who messes around with the heart of a younger one. Japan is, as usual, being very trixy. (He ALSO shows up in Ameiro Paradox) 
Kieta Hatsukoi AKA My Love Mix-Up! feat Shirasu Jin from Life Love On The Line - Japan being cheeky again by putting an actor who perviously played a character who could not come to terms with his sexuality, having a real hard time coming to terms with someone else’s sexuality this time around. 
Secret Crush on You feat Saint from Love By Chance & Why R U? (Thailand) - yes he’s got a producer credit, it was still fun to see him pop in and smile. 
Cutie Pie feat BounPrem from Until We Meet Again (+others) - they came, they shilled for marriage equality in Thailand, they conquered. 
What’s Zabb Man feat Bas from 2 Moons (+others) - yes, Thailand’s Star Hunter studio does a lot of crossovers, but I found this one particularly amusing. 
SOTUS S feat Gun (for OffGun) at the time from Puppy Honey (Thailand) - it was just amusing to see OffGun show up in their nascent form. 
Plus and Minus feat Akihiro Kawai & Lance Chiu from See You After Quarantine? (Taiwan) - they even snuck in the name Haru (the fake name that started the romance in SYAQ) but they clearly aren’t playing the same characters. 
Plus and Minus feat Arron Lai & Hank Wang from Be Loved in House I Do (Taiwan) - ostensibly playing different characters but only JUST. 
Nobleman Ryu's Wedding feat Lee Sang from Wish You (Korea) - this was really cheeky since he was previously paired with the same lead, in other words this was a cameo of “the other man”. 
Ocean Likes Me feat Park Bum Jun from Behind Cut (Korea) just looking gorgeous in the background of a crowd scene. I mean, I get it, why not? 
Mark from Bite Me and Love By Chance popping in to play an actor member of the cat tribe in Meow Ears Up, he also showed up in love 
Mechanics as the momentary love interest for Nuea we all actually wanted to see happen. 
About Youth feat Wilson Liu from HIStory 3: MODC & HIStory 4 as a senior student speaking English.
Choco Milk Shake feat Yeon Seung Ho from Long Time No See (Wild Dog) as the one good ex-boyfriend. 
I dithered over Mean and Prem in The Yearbook, but then decided not to bother. Kinda my general feelings about that show. 
BL Character Crossover Cameos! 
Since characters are IP this is a much more dangerous territory. Often you’ll notice they aren’t called by name, or the name is spelled differently than the original. But we ALL KNOW what’s going on here. 
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Why R U? feat TeeFuse, the main characters from Make it Right (Thailand). 
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Why R U? feat TharnType, the main characters from TharnType (Thailand).
Korea also got in on the game and had MaxNat (whose couple originated in WRU?) appear in their remake of Why R U? as a background couple. Very clever.  
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Tan & Dr Bun the leads from Manner of Death (MaxTul) in Triage the series (Thailand) - this is a full on character couple cross over, named (and married) and authorized, and rare to see. It’s because the same author is responsible for both source y-novels. 
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HIStory 3 Make Our Days Count feat Cheng Qing from HIStory Stay Away From Me (Taiwan) - he’s not named, but he is referred to as an idol and he alludes to his secret relationship so I think we can assume he’s the same character. 
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The side dishes from HIStory 3 Make Our Days Count (they got engaged) show up and get married in HIStory 4 Close To You. Which was cute. It’s a bit more than a cameo spanning several episodes, but it was very fun to see. And they play the same characters. 
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Be Loved in House I Do feat Hao Ting from HIStory 3 Make Our Days Count (Taiwan) - I think we can assume from the advice he gives that this is the same character on the, shall we call it, Taiwanese timeline as opposed to... 
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My personal favorite, Hao Ting & Xi Gu (in an alternate timeline and billed only as Taiwanese tourists) from HIStory 3 Make Our Days Count (Taiwan) showing up at the end of Life Love On The Line (Japan) in the only known country cross over of BL characters. I love the irony of this, since apparently took Japan (NOTORIOUS for it’s unhappy and dark BL endings) to give these two an actual happy ever after. 
For once, we all preferred the Japanese ending. 
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And then they did it AGAIN in Plus & Minus. 
And AGAIN in Kisseki: Dear to Me! 
Honestly it feels like, sometimes, Taiwan is constantly trying to apologize for HIStory 3 Make Our Days Count with all these cameos, WHICH THEY SHOULD. 
In Thailand it’s director Cheewin who likes to do this a lot. He’s also very cheeky in Y-Destiny doing a love triangle (sort of) between YoonLay (YYY’s KnottPunn) and PerthLay (My Engineer’s RamKing) as one of the story arcs - making his pair (from YYY) the “winners.” 
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He got ahead of himself by featuring the main couples for Middleman’s Love in Cutie Pie but then JimmyTommy pulled out. So this is a very brief look at a series that never was (in this form?) crossing over. 
Like faux crossover.  
However, TutorYim, also from Cutie Pie, show up very briefly in Jun & Jun as friends of Simon for no apparent reason. 
When Korea goes all on of a trope they really, the same year all their crossover couples started to appear (2023) they also had Love Class original couple show up in Love Class 2. 
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Honorable mention to Ae’s Tote from Thai BL Love By Chance getting a cameo appearance in Taiwanese BL About Youth. 
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post dated Aug 2023, not responsible for studios being cheeky after this date
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beybladefanboy · 2 years
A brief review of every Beyblade Metal Fusion episode
Okay not all of these are brief but most of them are, and only slightly satirical at times, all my ratings are genuine. I just feel the need to be a sassy little bastard sometimes.
Episode 1: Pegasus has Landed! 7/10
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Good introduction to the world of Beyblade, the characters of Gingka, Kenta, Benkei, and Kyoya, and the relationships between them, though it’s absolutely littered with early series weirdness.
Episode 2: Leone’s Roar 7.5/10
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Very basic one one one battle but it’s also the first one on one battle that’s longer than a minute so it’s fine. Kyoya is great and Madoka is introduced well.
Episode 3: The Wolf’s Ambition 8/10
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The way Doji appears and defeats Kyoya, who is the main villain at this point, is a great way of setting Doji up as a major villain this season. Also, the still newbie Kenta battling on Gingka’s level is great to see.
Episode 4: Charge! Bull Power! 7.5/10
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Surprise, Benkei has character now! This episode feels like his true introduction, as we get to really see who he is as a blader and get an honestly really blatant hint that he’s going to be redeemed. Still, it’s cute.
Episode 5: Vengeful Gasher 8/10
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This is a really crappy episode. Oh sorry I meant crabby :P
In all seriousness, this episode mainly hinges on your enjoyment of the disaster known as Tetsuya. And well… you see my rating.
Episode 6: Aquario’s Challenge 8.5/10
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Hikaru’s introduction is one of the best in this season. She slays fools and Kenta and we even get a brief glimpse of her backstory, which is a rarity in Beyblade. For some reason… also Kenta really shines in this episode too, despite his failure.
Episode 7: It’s Our Special Move! Sagittario 8.5/10
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Lots of great moments in this episode: the start of Kenta and Benkei’s wholesome friendship, Kenta’s special move, Benkei officially being part of the crew, Kenta’s first big win in the series. Overall a fun time.
Episode 8: Merci’s Dangerous Trap 7/10
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The Kyoya stuff in this episode is awesome, the Gingka stuff is… a little too weird for me. Not bad, just weird.
Episode 9: Leone’s Counterattack 8/10
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Kyoya goes feral in this episode and I’m honestly living for it, it’s both intimidating and amusing. And heart-breaking the way it affects Benkei.
Episode 10: Heated Battle! Gingka vs Kyoya 8.5/10
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More feral Kyoya, always a plus. This is also the first really intense battle of the series, with stakes that are higher than losing some measly points (and that didn’t involve cheating) so I like it for that.
Episode 11: Chase the Wolf! 8/10
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And so the main story begins. Kyoya’s next up for redemption, and he’s just as slow to the punch as Benkei but that makes the moment where he does fight by Gingka and co’s side really satisfying. Also, the scene where they break a metal door by combining their special moves is the coolest moment so far.
Episode 12: Infiltrate the Dark Nebula’s Castle! 8/10
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The kids act kind of stupid in this episode I’m sorry to say. “Why aren’t we getting anywhere?” Because you’re on a treadmill! That’s Dora level stupidity. At least they also get some cool moments to even it out.
Episode 13: L-Drago Awakens! 9/10
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Ryuga! :D
Do I… need to say anything else? This is an excellent way to introduce a villain. He absolutely slaughters Gingka in the main character’s first (real) loss in the series and makes the previous main villain, Doji, look like a silly wimp in comparison.
Episode 14: Memories of Ryo 7.5/10
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Ignoring what comes later, this is actually a really good episode storywise. It answers all the questions about Gingka and Ryuga that the previous episodes raised and honestly just makes me feel bad for the poor kid.
Episode 15: The Mysterious Hyoma 7/10
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These kids can’t last a few hours in the woods without trying to kill each other (some of which is amusing). Kyoya is the only one in the group with a brain. Hyoma is introduced really well, saving two of the fools from falling to their deaths with superhuman skills so that’s nice.
Episode 16: The Magnificent Aries 7.5/10
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Hyoma is a blader! Who could’ve possibly seen that coming?! :O You know, besides Kyoya, who is once again the biggest brain member of this ragtag group, exposing Hyoma for the liar that he is. Benkei and Kenta’s battles with Hyoma are pretty good.
Episode 17: The Silver Pegasus 6/10
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I don’t know why Gingka went up that mountain. I don’t know why his dad left him a passive aggressive letter to find in that mountain. I get what this episode is going for: getting Gingka out of his funk, but the execution feels kind of off to me. In retrospect, it’s honestly the first hint that Ryo is a garbage bag of a human being.
Episode 18: The Green Hades 7.5/10
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Hyoma being jealous of Gingka’s new friends is amusing, maybe even a bit sympathetic and the Green Hades was a really cool stadium for their battle. The way Gingka wins is also quite clever. It’s not just a Star Blast Attack Ex Machina.
Episode 19: Conquer the Tag-Team Battle! 8.5/10
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This episode is adorable, I won’t accept any slander of it. I know it’s complete filler and the conflict is kinda dumb but Benkei and Kenta are so freaking cute that I honestly don’t care.
Episode 20: Begin! The Survival Battle 7.5/10
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Yay! A wild tournament!
Yikes, a wild Tetsuya!
It hurts itself in confusion!
Yeah, I don’t really have much to say about this episode. It’s fine, a good start to the tournament that’s more important than meets the eye.
Episode 21: Warriors on a Deserted Island 7.5/10
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Yu’s formal introduction is great, you’d never expect anything was off about him :) Also Kyoya and Hyoma have a pretty good battle which leads very nicely into the next episode.
Episode 22: The Fearsome Libra 9/10
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I don’t know how this episode slipped my mind when I made my top five Fusion episodes list. It’s a massive game changer. I mean, it’s what sets Battle Bladers in motion but also Gingka loses to someone who is at this point in the plot, just a random kid. Gingka is not infallible! That’s really bloody important. Also the stuff with Kyoya and Madoka in this episode is top tier. Madoka throws herself into battle for the sake of saving Leone and Kyoya puts his bey over his pride and forfeits the battle to save Leone. It’s a scene that gives me chills just thinking about it again.
Episode 23: The Road to Battle Bladers 7.5/10
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This is really just an establishment episode, setting up Battle Bladers and dropping the bomb that Yu is a member of the Dark Nebula. However, it does this job as well as it needs to and none of it feels like padding.
Episode 24: The Beautiful Eagle 8/10
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In this house we stan mystery eagle boy and eat our vegetables :)
Episode 25: The Sniper Capricorn 9/10
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Yes, I am biased towards Kyoya. Thank you for asking. I can’t help it, he’s hilarious in this episode, every little thing he does in this episode makes me at least chuckle in some way. Also it’s a good introduction for Tobio.
Episode 26: Tsubasa Flies Into the Dark 8/10
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That title is so on the nose when you know what this episode is about oh my lord. I like the way this episode shrouds Tsubasa in further mystery. He also really gets a chance to show his skills, slaying some fools and tying with the nearly undefeated Yu.
Episode 27: Intruders in the Challenge Match 7/10
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This one’s fine. I like all the characters involved and the battles are good, just not exceptional. It’s honestly kind of filler but not bad filler.
Episode 28: Dark Gasher’s Big, Crabby-Crabby Operation 8/10
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Why Tetsuya? Why are you the way that you are? And Benkei, why in the world did you fall for that crap?! Was Tetsuya’s ponytail that cute to you? Tell me, simp!
Okay I will admit this episode is pretty funny but that doesn't change the fact that it sent me spiralling into insanity.
Episode 29: Kenta and Sora 6/10
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I find this episode kind of dry. I’m sorry. I love Kenta, he’s one of my absolute favourite characters in the show, and seeing him teach someone Beyblade is pretty nice. Sora though… I think he’s annoying. This episode is alright, it doesn’t really do anything objectively bad, I’m just not a fan of it.
Episode 30: The Bewitching Pisces 8/10
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Ryutaro is one of the most unique bladers in the series. I don’t think he quite gets the attention he deserves considering how terrifying his abilities are when you think about it.
Episode 31: The Twin Gemios 7.5/10
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Dan and Reiki aren’t all that spectacular and two bladers controlling one bey feels like an idea that’s doomed from the start but it’s nice seeing Kenta beat some fools. 
Episode 32: The Stormy Battle Royal 8.5/10
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I think this is the first battle royale of the series? Unless I’m missing a really small example, this is the first one and it’s epic. There’s so much going on all at once and the outcome is honestly pretty unexpected.
Episode 33: The Oath of the Phoenix 4/10
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(Okay this got really long and heated. Also in this section I discuss abuse, specifically a parent abusing their child, so skip over it if that’s a triggering topic.)
The first half of this episode is fine. I mean it’s Tetsuya being Tetsuya so I can’t exactly hate it (as much as I want to) but the second half… okay, maybe it’s unfair for my opinion on an episode to be based on something a later episode did but it’s not like the Phoenix twist was a retcon or a random addition, it was planned from the start and honestly? That knowledge makes this episode reprehensible to me. I know people will disagree with me but Ryo’s actions are abusive. Gingka may not know in the moment that it’s his father berating him with statements of how he’s not trying hard enough (something that’s painfully familiar to me personally) and even putting him in physical danger and possible risk of death by burning the metal beams but it’s something he finds out later and was always going to find out at some point. That’s the kind of crap that leaves lasting psychological damage, especially on a child. Don’t even get me started on him breaking the point counter. Not only is that incredibly stupid, as Gingka NEEDS to get into Battle Bladers as he’s the only one who can literally save the world from destruction (something Ryo absolutely understands as he’s the one who explains it) and this raises a significant possibility of him not making it but it’s also abusive and just way over the line even if he wasn’t Gingka’s father. So yeah, screw this episode.
Episode 34: Shine, Virgo! 10/10
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The last episode puts a sour taste in my mouth every time I watch it. This episode is the exact opposite. It lifts me up every time I watch it, both because I love Teru and because his story is genuinely inspirational and sweet. They had no need to go this hard with a random background character but I’m ecstatic they did. Gingka and Teru’s battle is also a really good one in general, with Gingka needing to create a new special move in order to defeat him. It’s a damn near perfect episode in my eyes.
Episode 35: L-Drago, on the Move 8.5/10
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This episode consists of Ryuga slaying fools and Tsubasa being a sneaky boi. Of course I love it.
Episode 36: Broken Wings 8/10
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Tsubasa and Ryuga’s battle here is really thrilling, even though it’s obvious Tsubasa won’t win. Gingka and Tobio’s afterward kind of pales in comparison but it’s a neat idea.
Episode 37: Rock Scorpio’s Deadly Poison 5/10
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Like the last Sora episode, I find this one really dull and it has the additional problem of bringing the pacing of the overall story of the season to a screeching halt. This is filler, and really badly placed filler for that matter. If you skip it, the story actually flows better. Again not bad, I just find it boring.
Episode 38: Run, Gingka! 7.5/10
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Gingka makes a really really stupid deicision at the end of this episode, I think even as a kid I was yelling at Gingka for throwing away the opportunity his friends gave him like that. The rest is good though. Hyoma and Kenta in particular have really good battles with Tsubasa.
Episode 39: Clash! The Phoenix Vs The Pegasus 7.5/10
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Okay this one is not as bad as Phoenix’s last display. In fact, it’s a pretty good episode overall. This is a cooler way for Gingka to earn his way into Battle Bladers than just earning three thousand points from some random tournament. And Gingka (seemingly unconsciously) using his friend’s techniques was kinda nice. That moment where they basically reveal the Phoenix twist though is kind of insulting.
Episode 40: Go! Battle Bladers! 8/10
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This is the last time these characters are all happy and having fun for a while… which of course you don’t know on your first watch but still. It’s a fun episode. Gingka finally defeating Yu is satisfying and the mini battles are fine. It’s got some funny moments and the whole thing is light-hearted… for the last time in the season.
Episode 41: The Serpent’s Terror 9/10
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…I mean. What am I sssupposed to sssay about this one that I haven’t talked about before? From the very beginning, there’s this feeling that something is… off about Hyoma’s battle. No one knows who his opponent is, not even the Dark Nebula spy and there’s this uneasy feeling throughout the first part of the battle, even though Hyoma is seemingly in no danger, either confusing the audience or filling them with dread, especially those eagle-eyed viewers that notice the little pieces being chipped off of Aries with each strike. (This is honestly one of my favourite bits of animation in the entire show. It’s very subtle and I didn’t even notice it until my friend pointed it out but it is amazing that they actually show the damage happening before the characters or the audience are even fully aware of it.) Then Reiji shows his true colours… and also speaks for the first time. Did I mention that? Reiji doesn’t say a single word until halfway through this episode, which just adds to the uneasiness as that and his puppet-like movements make him seem less human and more like a monster only created to strike fear into the hearts of his victims… And strike fear he does. Hyoma, who is normally cool-headed and even laid back during battle, is driven to screaming and crying as his bey is cut up piece by piece right in front of him. He’s rendered powerless to stop as Reiji is intentionally drawing out the battle and preventing Aries from losing for the sole purpose of destroying it which is just… sickening. When I describe Reiji’s battling as “torture,” I am absolutely not exaggerating. Some people argue that this battle could’ve been stopped. I argue that they couldn’t because Doji is the one in control. Blader DJ has no control over the matches, he just announces them, and Gingka and the gang would’ve been disqualified if they had intervened, which would’ve had world-ending consequences. They had no choice but to sit and watch their friend be tortured before their eyes. It’s what makes this episode so horrifying and honestly the biggest game changer in the entire series. It shifted the tone completely. The way this episode builds tension and strikes dread and fear into its characters makes it feel like something out of a horror film. And that’s not even including the more plot relevant battle after this one, Ryuga vs Hikaru, which straight up kills a major character on screen and has far reaching consequences later in the series. I could go on forever about this episode.
So if I love this episode this much, why wasn’t it on my top five Metal Fusion episodes?, you may be wondering. Because honestly this episode screws with my anxiety. It messed me up as a kid (though not as much as a certain upcoming episode) and the dread and terror that Hyoma and Hikaru go through is genuinely painful to watch and the only thing keeping myself from spiralling into a panic during this episode is making jokes about some of Reiji’s… odder sounding lines.
Episode 42: The Dragon’s Punishment 8/10
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Okay, I’ll try to make this one shorter than the last one. The horror aspects of that one are carried over into this episode, though it’s not as effective as last episode due to the random cut away from the battle. Overall still a good episode.
Episode 43: The Deck is Stacked 9/10
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This episode doesn’t get nearly enough credit for how great it is. Sure the two battles don’t have much to do with each other but they’re both top tier and do great things for the characters. Kyoya and Benkei’s battle shows how much they’ve grown as bladers and as characters, and even showing a softer side to their relationship. Meanwhile Ryutaro and Gingka’s battle shows someone with the impossible task of defeating Gingka for his right to live, knowing it’s almost guaranteed he will die and the world will be destroyed. He fights brutally, even being willing to set someone he views as a friend on fire in an attempt to survive. He knows the future is doomed but is desperate to live regardless. It’s just… really cool and makes me feel bad for him.
Episode 44: Entrusted Emotions 6.5/10
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Okay this is a tricky one for me, not just because of my past with this episode, although that is somewhat part of it, but because… I honestly don’t know if this is a good episode. Reiji defeating Kenta is terrible writing. It sends a message that you can never overcome anxiety and if you try, it’ll just lead to more pain, something that’s even easier to interpret since the only person who defeated Reiji was the one who was never scared of him. Kenta’s bond with his friends should’ve been enough to overcome his fear, in the eyes of the show’s morals. The fact that it wasn’t weakens the show’s morals. The audience backing Kenta is an insanely sweet moment and Gingka knocking Serpent away was nice but honestly neither of these moments make up for this. If it weren’t for the ending, I would consider this a good episode. The battle is full of so many ups and downs and back and forths that I didn’t know who was going to win when I first watched and rewatched it. It’s thrilling but also terrifying and painful to watch. That is what it’s supposed to do though so from an objective standpoint, that stuff is done well. It’s just… Kenta’s defeat. It kinda kills the whole thing. I don’t think it makes the whole episode bad but it’s a terrible moment. I’d still take it over the episodes Phoenix slaughtered though so that’s why I’m rating it kind of high.
Episode 45: Eagle Counterattacks 8.5/10
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This is just a really good Ryuga battle. They’re good by default if the opponent puts up a fight and Tsubasa’s strategy is so genuinely clever it really feels like it could work. Overall just a really great episode of two great characters clashing.
Episode 46: Libra Disappears 7/10
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Gingka’s super important semi final! …is cut off by a subplot. Admittedly the subplot isn’t actually that bad here. I like seeing Kenta and Hyoma and the cutaways don’t feel as frustrating since Gingka and Reiji’s battle is… pretty unspectacular stakes-wise. The next episode though…
Episode 47: Bonds of Steel 6/10
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Ryo and Doji’s battle looks kind of cool and the bit with the fragment of Sagittario breaking into Dark Wolf was nothing short of spectacular but the battle overall isn’t that great and the way it cuts off Gingka’s semi final still really annoys me. Also, Gingka vs Reiji is garbage. Pure unadulterated, unfiltered garbage. I hate that Gingka doesn’t struggle with it at all compared to Reiji’s previous opponents and like I discussed in Kenta vs Reiji, it feels like it’s teaching a bad moral … but this battle is too hilarious for me to hate. I recorded myself watching this episode (with facecam so it’s not public) and I was cackling the entire time. It’s absolutely ironic entertainment and it’s a terrible reason to give this episode a higher rating but I get more enjoyment out of this episode than I do from the episodes I rated lower or similarly so… sorry, my reviews, my rules.
Episode 48: The Truth About Light and Darkness 3/10
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This is the worst episode of the show. It’s nothing but exposition dumping and abuse apolosing with one fun scene at the end. Even if you don’t hate the Phoenix twist, this episode is just boring, and useless on rewatch. Goodnight episode 48. I refuse to talk about you any longer.
Episode 49: Fierce Battle! Lion Vs Dragon 10/10
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This episode is nothing short of epic. The result of Kyoya’s growth this season is on full display in this battle and seeing him constantly picking himself back up and continuing to fight is inspiring in the same way Teru’s episode was. It’s also a really good lead into the finale and hints that Ryuga may actually have some honour as a blader.
Episode 50 and Episode 51: The Furious Final Battle! and Blader’s Spirit 9.5/10
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These episodes are definitely Beyblade’s best finale episode, and not just because it’s the most iconic. It honestly just is that good. This is the only season where Gingka felt like he had significant importance to the story or a character arc and I think it’s concluded quite nicely here. And I will forever love the shift from defeating Ryuga to saving him from the dark power. I love stuff like that, especially here where the dark power is basically a representation of humanity’s greed, hatred, and anger. Just, good stuff.
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toukawings · 2 years
for the bingo, thoughts on Yuki and maybe Kenta too if you want??
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YUKI - i love him!! my smart son. i was honestly really interested in how they were gonna use yuki's cool astrological knowledge when he first appeared. my thoughts on yuki changed a bit when i learned that he was an ancestor, but nonetheless, i still appreciate his character. i do wish that there was a little more elaborated for him; he seemed to kind of pop up conveniently to explain the phenomenon and had a dislike of kyoya (which was honestly pretty funny. kyoya was a major asshole this whole arc). i also really like yuki's design; but i do think he does kind of work better as a dynamic instead of a whole character because we never..really see him again afterwards- also, i think anubis is cool as fuck
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his relationship with kenta seemed more defined than the rest of them, kenta was looking to become a legendary blader that the team could depend on; which .. boom! yuki was right there. i feel like he was kind of a placement for kenta to look up to and explain everything going on. a trait i really like in yuki is his determination, even though he would fail, and i liked seeing that dynamic with him and gingka + ryuga! i wish that there was more.. elaboration with yuki but overall i think he's really cool and definitely goes on my "fictional children i'd adopt" list
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KENTAA... AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHUH!!! i have so much to say about him. he's literally my baby boy. my TOP son. for starters, the second kenta showed up, i knew i'd love him. i really liked the main character approach they were going for him, it led to a really nice introduction to the rest of the characters and we got to see kenta grow in the process!! kenta's growth is so insane to me, he literally is just baby boy in the start and he's a strong but still kind kid at the end of it. kenta's got a lot of really great characteristics and is overall a really nice and sweet kid for his age and plays fair, and knows what is right. he's also really good at seeing good things in people (cough ryuga) and i really loved seeing kenta become more independent and determined to become stronger.
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kenta's journey in believing in himself and being stronger with his friends is such a great arc. he learns how to fend for himself and take control of his situation and detach from gingka a bit, which helps him depend more on himself and have more belief in himself which is really great for him. his goal to become a legendary blader was both courageous but also kind of sad? like if he didn't become one, then he wasn't useful - which was proved wrong eventually but it honestly was a relief seeing kenta move away from that goal for a bit. i think my favorite scene of kenta is when he's crying to ryuga about how he's not some big strong guy but he needs to be and it broke my heart so much tbh but showed something that needed to be spoken out about kenta and how low his confidence was. he grew stronger by being with ryuga and could eventually regroup with the rest of his team, and it's a character arc he really needed and i personally don't wanna change at all. they did his character really well and is able to be a standalone character tbh
i do think too that it's cute how the second any mean character sees kenta they like him immediately. like kenta just has that kind of charm. in conclusion,
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amenomiko · 3 years
IkeSen Lords to their Son and their Daughter
Situation 1 : I want to get married.
Son: Father, I want to get married *blush blush*
Nobu: Hooh who could it be?
Son: With mother because she is beautiful >///w///<
Nobu: *Throws a piece of konpeito*
MC: H E Y.
Daughter: Papa, I want to get married!
Nobu: No.
Daughter: With you, when I grow up~~ *pouts*
Nobu: ....Not a bad deal 😏.
MC: .....*sighs*
Son: Father, I want to get married!
Hideyoshi: Hooh? Now, now are you really ready to take a bride? Don't take marriage as a play, dear son. I will be disappointed in you if you break any women's heart.
MC: Says the one who always bro-zoned someone :v.
Hideyoshi: *COUGH COUGH*
Daughter: Daddy! I want to get married--
MC: Oh wow he really asked the "5 Wives 1 Husband question" ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ.
Son: Pops! I want to get married! *Whispers* She got a nice booty 😏
Masamune: Approved 😏👌✨.
Daughter: Daddy! I want to get married!
Masamune: Oh? With who? Hahaha I'm curious who is this bold young man, proposing my daughter. Hahahaha.
MC: If you laugh from your heart, at least put that sword away (-"-;).
Son: Father! I want to get married.
Mitsuhide: Ah, the time has come it seems.
Son: And she looks beautiful like mother.
Mitsuhide: Are you sure that woman is not a spy who imitates your mother's beauty 😏?
Son: I've made a thorough investigation, Father. Rest assured.
Both: Hmhmhmhmhm 😏😏😏😏😏✨✨✨✨
MC: ಠ_ಠ.........
Daughter: Daddy! I want to get married!
Mitsuhide: ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)..... my. With who, may I ask? *Hands instantly reloaded gun powder into his Tanegashima*.
Daughter: Oh, it was Tenya from the clan in nearby hometown. Aaaah~ he is sooo handsome 💕💕💕💕💕
Mitsuhide: Thank you for the information, dearest daughter. Now MC, I suddenly received an important mission ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)
MC: No one receives this "mission" and no one is going out today, not from this room, unless you need to shit, or pee, or eat, or drink, so SIT. DOWN ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ.
Son: Father, I want to get married.
Ieyasu: K.
Daughter: Daddy, I want to get married!
Ieyasu: *Clicks his tongue* Hhhhaaaa? Repeat that again?
Daughter: I- I want to get married?
Ieyasu: No.
Daughter: But he is the son of your fellow lords; it is Lord Mitsunari's Son..!
Ieyasu: ......What in the family tree of Wasabi that you choose a MINI BABY CARROT to be YOUR HUSBAND?????
Daughter: Waaaahhh Daddy you are evil 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭!!!!
MC: Oh for the love of- *sighs*
Son: Father, I want to get married!
Mitsunari: Really?? I'm proud of you..! Now, tell me more about your soon-to-be bride
Daughter: Father, I want to get married!
Mitsunari: Eh- y-you want to get married..? I see. Well, as long as you are happy.
Daughter: Yay!! I love you!! *Kiss his cheek and walks out from the room happily* 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Mitsunari: ....MC... Our daughter has grown up it seems. Ahahaha I should feel happy but you see, she will always be my baby daughter.
Mitsunari: I see, I see, you are sad and happy too, right? There there :(´◦ω◦`):.
Son: Father, I want to get married.
Kenshin: Hn.
Daughter: Father, I want to get married..!
Kenshin: ..................*Pulls out his sword*
Daughter: He is the supplier of the best sake, and is a middleman for any alcoholic drink from the nanbans too,
Kenshin: *Pauses*
Shingen: He is considering.
Yukimura: He is considering indeed.
Yoshimoto: Deeply.
Sasuke: Could be the thinking of "How do I get the good sake but my daughter didn't have to marry him." Kind of thorough plan.
Son: Father, I want to get married. She is an angel, who has made its way to my heart, ever since the day I met her. Ah, such a love at first sight ✨✨✨✨✨.
Shingen: I'm proud of you. You have fallen in love like me, just how I've fallen in love with your mother, whom I think a Goddess that were descended from heaven, for someone like me ✨✨✨✨✨.
MC: ........If they were animated, there will be roses that grow out of nowhere 😑.
Daughter: Daddy, I want to get married!
Shingen: Oho? With me?
Daughter: Nope! With Kenta-kun from the nearby town! Hehehehe he is so cute~~~!
Shingen: *Breaks the dango stick in his hand, while his face has a menacing smile* I see. Cute, hm?
MC: It's only a childhood crush, Honey. Please.
Son: Father! I want to get married! W-well, I've made a decision since it can't be helped it you see? She is adorable, can be a dummy too. And I hate it if someone else have her. Hmh.
Yukimura: Adorable and a dummy? Looks like she can get along with your mother. Hahahaha!
MC: *Suddenly have all the strength in the world and lifts and aims Yukimura's spear to his head* 1... 2... OwO
Daughter: Daddy! I want to get married with Uncle Sasuke!
Yukimura: Eh-- why? I thought you always say you want to marry me? *Chuckles*
Daughter: Nah, I realize how a dummy you can be, Daddy. Not romantic and funny like Uncle Sasuke at all. Hmf..!
Yukimura: Wh- wha?? D-dummy??
Daughter: And lame too, if I could add another word 😒.
Yukimura: HNGH OAO--
Son: Father, I want to get married. It's Lord Ieyasu's daughter. She is adorable, a tsundere, she bang bang into the room of my heart, and I megusta whenever she called me "Baka" ✨✨✨✨✨
Sasuke: I am so proud of you, mini me. Though you are not mini anymore. *Wipes tears with his expressionless face*
Daughter: Papa! I want to get married!
Sasuke: Murphy's Law- Who could it be? Ah, I know. It is me, right? You always say that you wanted to get married with me ever since you were small-
Daughter: Nah, I realize that you resembles nobita from Doraemon so I will pass. Hehehe~~ anyway, It's Kenshin-sama's son..! Aaah, they really look alike..! So dazzling and handsome 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Sasuke: Double Triple XXXXXXXXXXXXL of Murphy's Law --
MC: *Has been laughing non-stop from her daughter's description to her father just now* 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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myrulia · 4 years
An Oiran's Sacrifice - Kokushibou x Oiran!Reader
Oiran (花魁) was a specific category of high ranking courtesan in Japanese history. Divided into a number of ranks within this category, oiran were considered – both in social terms and in the entertainment they provided – to be above common prostitutes, known as yūjo (遊女, lit. 'woman of pleasure')
Warnings: Strong language, prostitution
Word count: 3758
Next chapter
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`` Why must you do this to yourself? ``
`` For my family. ``
`` Family means nothing if you are working as a self degrading prostitute. ``
`` It is what I must do if I wish to live. ``
It was yet another late evening, alone in your compact minka, yet it never was a bother, for this was how you usually spent your nights. Due to your poor living style, your father was driven to thievery. It was the only way to keep the two of you somewhat fed, clothes on your back, and a roof over your heads. Your living style has helped you become more grateful of any small blessing that came along your way. Even the smallest fortune would put a smile on your face because it ended the little sorrow in your heart at the realization of your poverty.
``[Y/N],`` You heard a voice beckon to you. The voice you knew all too well at this time of night that originated from the only person who would even dare leave do commit such crimes. `` Coming father. ``
Getting up slowly from your dimly candle lit chabudai, you scurried your way to the wooden door of your minka, letting inside the only other family member you had, your father. Watching how he takes slow strides inside the bleak, wooden-paneled small space of your home, you mentally cursed yourself for ever allowing yourself to come to terms with your reality. Deep down you hated how the man in front of you risked his life nearly every night just to make sure the two of you were fed, yet, it is not like you could do much to change your misfortune, for it is your depressing reality.
`` Miracles do happen [Y/N]. I promise you, with this, we can finally turn our life around, and leave this dreadful place. `` Being intrigued by your father's words, you eyed the gleaming object in his hands that you unfortunately recognized. `` Father, why? From the Suzuki family no less? They will have our heads if we are to be caught..! ``
Your worry was bothersome to your father. He knew just as much as you what the consequences are if he was ever to be caught. It wasn't easy for the male to successfully loot the expensive statue in hand, so you didn't doubt he'd do his best to hide any evidence of his caper. You couldn't help but worry of your future, because the Suzuki family was the most wealthiest family in your little mountain-side village. Known for being ruthless to anyone that disrupts their peace and fortune, the Suzukis will not tolerate such thievery inflicted upon them, which is why your worry only increased even more because you did love your father of course, and to see his head served on a silver platter was gut wrenching.
`` [Y/N], rest assured that we will not be caught. We will use this to escape this little village and live somewhere safer, maybe in the forest like your mother always wanted. We can live a peaceful life without relying on thievery. Please, my beautiful blessing of a daughter, place your trust into me. `` You merely sighed at your father's declaration. You knew he'd pull the mother card on you just to persuade your emotions even more to agree with his actions. Obviously you do not, because at the end of the day stealing is bad and punishable by death, so the constant worry always lingered in your heart.
`` I do not care if we are the lesser fortunate of our village, I just want to you to stop stealing. I already have a job- ``
`` That barely pays you enough. This is why I do what I must to keep us alive. I am ending this conversation here, I do not want to hear another word from you [Y/N]. Now, please get your much needed rest, you are developing eye bags. `` With those somewhat encouraging words to actually get some rest, you trudge your way to your comfortable futon, which wasn't too much of a distance because everything was set in the same confinded room of your one room house.
Your father blew out the warm colored candle before getting comfortable in the similar futon next to you, letting out a small groan as his muscles seemed to relax. Letting a small sigh escape your lips, you turned over so that you were laying on your side. Whilst closing your eyes, you finally allowed yourself to escape into a somewhat peaceful slumber, since you strongly believed you were in the clear from being beheaded in public since your father managed to get away unscathed.
Just as quickly as you fell asleep, you found yourself waking up to the bright light of the sunrise that glistened through the only window of your home. Yawning, you covered your mouth while slipping out of the warm fabrics of your futon, peeling open your eyes slowly. From how quickly you woke up, you felt as though it was going to be a rather long day. Truth be told you wish you had the urge to sleep longer, for you did not wish to face the day with a guilty conscience lingering over your head as a constant reminder of what your father does in the wake of the night.
`` Father, we have lots to do today, please wake up. `` Expecting to hear a soft groan in return, you turn your head to the now empty futon before you. Shock was all that was found on your face, because your usual routine was to wake up your father and start the day by finding any food to buy from the market place, but that is not the case today. Your father was gone.
`` Father? FATHER?! ``
Worry took over your emotions just as fast as your shock did. The man who was usually still in bed was no longer there so obviously you'd do your best to look all over for him. Getting out of your futon just as speedily as you woke up, you slipped on your geta shoes and bolted out of your living space and onto the busy street of your village. It was all too sickening when you tried to make sense of the situation, but only one solution came to mind. That solution only seemed to make more sense as you ran through the people-covered streets, pulling up your kimono just a bit so it'd be easier to run around until a loud boisterous voice was heard from the townsquare that confirmed every suspicion you had.
`` This pitiful man chose to steal from me! How sad that his life must end like this. It is only fair that death is his punishment for taking a precious family artifact right? `` The cheers of those in the audience caused a ringing in your ears. That was your father they were wishing death upon, and yet nobody seemed to care. As long as their own heads were on their shoulders, they were fine.
Pushing past the multiple men and women in front of you, you managed to escape from the crowd, yet to your disapproval, you were now directly in front of the cause of all the commotion, Suzuki Kenta. Your act of boldness triggered all eyes to be on you, but you could care less. You did not want to lose yet another family member in the arms of selfish people. So, bowing down quickly, you mustered up the confidence to beckon out to the head of the Suzuki family. `` Suzuki-san, as this pitiful mans daughter, I beseech of you to please, spare his life. He knew it was wrong yet it was only to save us both from the misfortune inflicted upon us!! Please, I beg of you..! ``
In your desperate plea, your eyes became bloodshot since tears were welling up on your bottom eyelid. Now looking up from your bowing stance, Suzuki Kenta had prominent veins on his face that showed his distasteful attitude towards your cry of desperation. It was obvious the angered male did not want an interruption, especially from a poor female no less, so obvious agitation was expected.
`` This woman.. really believes she can save this scum of a man... how cute. `` Kenta took slow strides to your smaller, still beneath him, form. You could practically feel him looming over you in utter disgust for ever believing you could persuade such a powerful man himself. Deep down you had a feeling that both your heads would be severed off, or hanged and humiliated publicly for your foolish actions. Who would believe this is how you unfortunately came to your end. Desperately trying to save your thieving father, knowing what he did was wrong? Bitter. The Bitter truth always hurts.
`` Look at me. ``
And as just as quick as he said his order, you gave in and risen your head from the ground, your cheeks being stained by hot tears rolling down your face, looking even more pathetic than what you had wished. Although if it was going to save your father's life, then so be it. If you were going to look like the dirt that everybody walked on, then that is what you will do. Sacrifices like these were common you, especially saving your own fathers life multiple times before this so this was nothing new.
`` You are just as pitiful as your father. You wish to save this low life man who had the audacity to steal from me? `` Kenta snarled in distaste. You had no choice but to stay silent, for there was a blade in the male's hand that he could use any second to take your life, and if you wanted to live, you needed to be careful and word your sentences just as carefully. `` I apologize on his behalf, I wish to make it up to you Sakimi-san. ``
`` Clever girl.. I have taken rather a liking to you. You are smart and you know your place, I will respect that. `` Letting out a relieved sigh, you eye the weapon in his hand before averting your gaze back to his twisted and still somewhat agrivated face. Kenta looked as if he was contemplating something in his head, all the while his bodyguards made your bloodied father watch everything unfold before him without a say in anything.
`` You do have quite the beautiful face, and a body that compliments you oh so well. I will give you two options Miss Fujisaki, you either return the stolen item and watch your father die here and now, or, you become an oiran for my lovely son. Pick wisely, and immediately. I expect an answer now. ``
Murmers were heard from the crowd who also stayed to watch the commotion unravel before them. Of course everyone knew all too well what the life of a low ranking oiran is, and knowing that the options given were supposed to be a punishment, you were going to be no more than a yujo, working as a sex slave for Sakimi's sex hungry son. But, if it meant saving your father's life, then so be it. `` I will accept the life as an oiran.. Sakimi-san.. ``
`` Perfect! I didn't want to get this perfectly good suit dirty so gentlemen, let the scum go. `` Just as quickly as Kenta snapped his fingers, the bodyguards let your father go. Seeing his bloodied and beaten to a pulp body ignited a fire in your heart as he tried his best to make his way over to you. `` Father please save your energy, we'll get you some help.. `` you addressed as he pulled you into a tight embrace.
`` Oh do not worry! My men will get him the help he needs in due time, for now please allow yourself to be escorted to my estate for further details of your new living space. ``
`` I thought I was an oiran, do I not have the decision of going back home. ``
`` My lotus, please do not talk ba- ``
`` You will be nothing more than a yujo. Your face is sweet but your tongue is bitter, and so as a punishment you will be completely submissive for my son. ``
Your eyes practically doubled in size. The fact that Kenta believes you are so willing to not at least have a shred of your dignity left is beyond anything you ever thought of. After being publicly humiliated, you'd at least expect for him to understand how you felt, but at the end of the day, selfish rich people know no boundaries. Sighing once more with your father in your arms, you slowly stand on both your dusty legs, all the while helping your father keep his balance. ''Fine then..'' was all you said.
You found yourself now following the Sakimi bodyguards, for they were escorting you to the one and only Sakimi estate. It was rather large and sat on an even larger hill, so the trail up the grand staircase was a bit of a hike for the beaten man that you loved so dearly. During the entire walk it truly allowed you to comprehend your reality for the rest of your life. You were going to be a oiran, the lowest ranking form of oiran no less. It had your blood boiling with how easily you are so willing to save your father from death time and time again.
Since the small little hike would end soon, you took the chance to take in your surroundings. It wasn't like your previous way of living in the village, but a more extravagant way of living. There were statues with small-scale ponds in front of them that had different colored koi fish inside. The afternoon brightness of the sun reflected upon the water, but that was not the only thing because you could catch a glimpse of your dirtier form from your bow of respect from earlier. Looking back you realize the man who you will be working for deserved now ounce of respect, for your body was yours, even if you were to be a yujo you'd still keep your dignity.
Other than that, in your barely noticeable reflection, even under all the small specs of dirt and filth, your face resembled your mother. You pretty much looked like a copy and paste version of the woman so it was no surprise that you had her beautiful features. Above all that it still saddened you that from above, she'd be watching her daughter become a self degrading prostitute if it meant saving her dear father from execution. A reality, that was so tart to even look at in the eyes of others.
`` Ahem.. Fujisaki, ``you heard a feminine voice call out to you. It was shocking so your head whipped to the side to whoever called out to you. To your misfortune, it was the head oiran of the Sakimi estate. Lowering your head out of respect, you partially gripped your father's shirt out of nervousness because it would be the start of a new chapter in your life that you never wanted to reach. `` Now that I have your attention, let me look at you. ``
Before you knew it your father was ripped from your arms by the same bodyguards who held him at knife point. Your face of worry was noticed by those around you, so to direct your attention the head oiran, who you had yet to introduce herself to you, held your face in her amazingly soft hands. `` Ignore them, they're going to patch him up and send him home. You, my beautiful underling, will be coming with me and my ladies. ``
Her boldness wasn't shocking, so following her didn't make you as uncomfortable as you perceived it would be. The beautiful woman who held your wrist as you finally entered the large minka, had started speaking so quickly that your mind took a bit to process. `` I am the head oiran known as the tayu and you are my precious little yujo. I'm Sakura, over there is Jade, that's Blossom, and there is Waterlily. You will address us by our oiran names only and the same goes for you. You will no longer be "Fujisaki," but rather a lovely name, Lotus. ``
The irony in that moment made you want to cringe. You only permitted your father to call you such a thing, but now that it is what others shall be addressing you, it caused an obvious look of discomfort to be plastered on your face. Just as suddenly as Sakura stopped talking, she just as suddenly dragged you to another, more secluded, area of the minka. Inside the room she pulled you in looked like an oversized closet, easily bigger than your one room home.
`` In here is where you shall prepare yourself to look proper, right now you look like actual filth, so please, make yourself look presentable for Master. ``
Before you could utter out a single word, Sakura left you, alone in a pretty large room without any guidance. During the time your mother was with you, the both of you would pass men with many different beautiful women surrounding him. Despite being too young to fully understand their jobs, your mother simply said, `` They are called oirans my dear, beautiful women for service. ``
With that in mind, you remembered how the others look and tried your best to copy their image. Grabbing a nearby hakuhodo, you dipped the end into the white power and began gently stroking your face, turning your fair skin milky white. It was a longer process than anticipated so once you were done you had to message your muscles because making sure the powerdy substance stayed on your face took the longest. You felt embarrassed to call for help, so you being you decided to do everything yourself. Grabbing what you perceived to be an eyeliner pencil, you tried to keep your hand steady as you basically used yourself as a canvas of art.
Unfortunately it was another long process because a few strokes were a bit wobbly, but finally perfecting the look made you feel a sense of pride that you could do such things yourself. Grabbing one more brush, you dabbed the end into a red power and brushed lightly where the end of your eye starts and stopped just about before your hair line. Moving onto the multiple shades of lipsticks, you grabbed a bright red and began applying the shade onto your lips. `` I look ridiculous, don't I mother? ``
Your tilted your head up to imagine her soft laughter at how content you are with your actions. You still felt pride in the fact that you were able to successfully look like a professional oiran without help from the tayu. Smiling gently to yourself, you got up from the plush chair to look for your new kimono that'd you'd be working in starting from that point on. When you came to no prevail, you sighed once more while scampering your way to the wooden sliding door. `` Sakura-san? ``
`` Yes my underling? `` Was all the beautiful woman said from a little ways away. Telling by the gentleness of her voice, she wasn't too busy at the moment so you scurried over to her as quickly as you could.
`` If you are not busy at the moment Sakura-san.. may you help me with my kimono?``
`` Of course not my little lotus, come with me. ``
Following behind her yet again, she leads the both of you into the dressing rooms where you originated from. Her movements were fluid and as gracefully as she could, pulled out each layer of kimono you'd be wearing for the one they called "master." Placing each layer onto a nearby chair, she faces you with a softer expression while holding your face in her hands once more, like earlier. `` For a fresh underling, your make-up is more professional than most. I must admit that I am proud of you my Lotus, so please hurry and get dressed so I can give you a proper tour of the Sakimi estate. ``
And with that, Sakura left, leaving you to your disposal of getting dressed. Unfortunately she hadn't told you the order of each layer, so it was more like a ball game to see if you actually got it correct. From your eyes, it seemed like everything was a test to see just how much you knew about an oirans job. In contrast, you were a clever one, so it wasn't too tough to memorize the oirans you passed as a child, remembering each layer and how they dress accordingly.
Yet again, another long process which you figured out all on your own.
Looking in the mirror, you no longer recognized your mothers features on your own face. In your eyes, you saw another person entirely, that was no longer you. To everyone else you'd be known as Lotus, not [Y/N] Fujisaki. It was the future you brought upon yourself, so keeping your chin raised high, you took slow strides out of the dressing room and looked for Sakura who was supposed to give you a proper tour, but to no avail, you did not see the woman from earlier.
And so, you took it upon yourself to look around until you found yourself on the engawa that wrapped around the entire minka. The evening breeze hitting your face as you looked down at the small forest beside, taking in the sunset cascading down upon you. You hadn't expected for the entire day to simply rush by. It felt like just yesterday you were waiting for your father to return from his capers almost every night, but no longer shall he steal, owing to the fact that you'd make money as a yujo.
This was your life, and you had no say in how it was to go for the rest of your days.
`` Ohhh..~ She is a pretty one Kokushibou-dono~ I want her as my next meal. ``
Kokushibou, who wasn't listening to the Upper Moon Two, eyed a woman who had changed entirely since the last time he had seen her. His confusion didn't go unnoticed due to the Upper Moon One usually having a stoic expression. `` You seem to have taken a liking to her? How pitiful she is nothing but a prostitute n- ``
Before the demon could finish his sentence, one swift movement of Kokushibou's blade had his head off in seconds.
`` Silence, Douma. ``
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oldsargasso · 6 months
"Dean smiling is like a little gift because he does smile but sometimes it's so sweet and pretty it can't be anyting other than a present just for Winner." AGH???? MY HEART???? PLZ… DEAN'S SMILE IS A GIFT OH MY GOD.
ONLY SO TONY COULD EXPENSE IT DKFGSDFGDFG I'M SHRIEKING. Kenta the tax write-off 😭 (In another universe, Tony is that boss who pays his employees with UAC gift cards.) And yeah I think Kenta has a very skewed understanding of money! He doesn't know what a living wage is or how much groceries cost. He could make do in a 4sqm or less apartment but wouldn't blink at paying 5x the average market price for it because he just. Doesn’t know any better, and his negotiating tactics have always been “throw money at it” or “knife time.”
I do think there may have been limits from Tony in terms of what Kenta was allowed to spend on himself—for instance, the blazers he wears are of varying quality, the one he wears to the auction, in front of clients, is the nicest, but one of them looks closer to off-the-rack quality, and he only has like. Three shirts, whereas Tony basically has a different custom three-piece suit in every episode. But like Kenta does not look at the price of food when he's ordering at a restaurant (god forbid he make Tony look poor in front of a client) and barely even glances at the check when he's signing it, much to Kim and Dean's horror. He very quickly learns to ask the question "Is that expensive?" when they're out together, until he gets the hang of it.
Yes, let him work with his hands!! BUT GOD THE TINY HANDS HE USED TO HOLD I'M HURTING!!
Yeah sorry I deal with the bookkeeping at work so I am. Not going to be the person to dissuade you from this line of thought! THERE ARE SO MANY QUESTIONS! What happens to everything after Tony dies! How much of it was even on the books! Do you think he ever put things in Kenta’s name without his knowledge, just to keep any consequences away from himself.
But oh gosh Kenta absolutely DOES try to figure out their favorite baked goods without asking (he probably spent so much energy trying to navigate Tony's moods based on nonverbal cues, and it takes him a long time to just be able to ask what people want without feeling like he’s navigating a minefield ☹️)
YES I DO THINK THEY MAKE HIM A BIRTHDAY CAKE??? They ask Pete for his bday, which there's a good chance that Kenta grew up not knowing his bday and Pete had to make one up for him and do his best to gift him something with limited resources. But he wasn't given kitchen access, so this would be Kenta's first birthday cake 😭 (Kenta’s first bday post-Tony passes by unnoticed because Pete has his hands full and it doesn’t occur to anyone that Kenta would simply Never Mention his bday, until one day someone is asking about horoscopes or smth)
As violent as Kim can be when he wants to, it's his tenderness that's truly powerful 🥺 Kenta DOES DESERVE SOFT LITTLE KISSES WHEN HE'S BEING TIED DOWN!!!
Great minds 🤝 Winner thinks his own dirty talk is GREAT and he has the evidence of Dean always getting turned on by it to back himself up LOL. (In all seriousness, I would GLADLY spreadsheet their kinks jkgsdfgdfg)
Kenta 🥺 He'll see it eventually!! Maybe once that happens they can finally (MAYBE) convince him to wear like. Cute lacy briefs or smth. (the bra that deep in my heart I wish to see him wear would take a lot more convincing on their part but by god do those tits deserve to be showcased and worshipped)
Not gonna pretend that I'm NOT physically affected by Kenta's lethal brutality god WHATEVER WHATEVER MOVING ON Winner being soft and caring is gonna be the death of me. The character development… my heart 🥺 From angry, half-satisfying parking lot blowjobs, to Winner looking after Kenta, taking care of him, and Kenta letting him do it. I’M UNWELL.
Kim is the only one with his shit together, of COURSE he is better at laundry. (Also I need him pressing at least one of them crotch first up against the shaking washing machine. for my sanity)
also screaming screaming screaming GOD KIM IS SO… COMPELLING he could probably read the dictionary and make it sound like a command. Goodness. He’s so!!!
[for my future reference this is polycule thread 2]
not Tony with the gift cards 💀 he so would.
I love the idea of Kenta learning the actual value of things. actually I wonder…obviously WE think Winner has a rich family. and Kim is making money from racing. but he stays living in the little serviced apartment - was that confirmed that he got that as part of Red Racing deal or did we just assume that. and we see him driving a nice car. hold on I gotta go rewatch that scene and check. okay so its…a white car. they don't show a badge or anything, there's like a split second of the steering wheel and I THINK it's a toyota (which would make sense since sponsor) ANYWAY. Kim is making decent money I think.
BUT Dean is not? he's not doing the higher level racing (assume prize money jumps considerably given Babe's financial status) and we see him working in a kitchen when he's exiled. that scene lives in my head constantly for so many reasons. anyway all that to say I think Kim would probably also not think too much about spending money on a nice restaurant (he's drinking at the fancy bar spying on Tony and pays for Babe's drink) but Dean for sure would be like. doing the calculation those of us without money constantly do - "this dinner could pay for three days rent" or whatever. and I think that, once he shares that, it would really help Kenta conceptualise how it works. but maybe more like "this knife is worth the same as the jeans Kim picked out for me last week". but it would be hard if like Winner just never cares about what things costs, and Dean really cares - even though the others are like "WE ARE PAYING" - and Kim spend a lot on what he cares about and hardly anything on things he doesn't. also if he did work at Way's car emporium like I think you suggested (until the sales trauma kicks in) Kenta would be like "cars cost this much! :)" and the others have to be like. "well…yes. but also mostly no."
but yes let's talk about Kenta's wardrobe. personal unshakeable headcanon is Kim (and Dean) taking him shopping and being like "you can wear whatever you want!" and Kenta's just happy with his usual all black mostly-comfortable clothes. but sometimes he's just hanging around the house and ~accidentally puts on someone else's jacket. maybe it's colourful, maybe it's not, but it smells like them and it's warm and cosy. it only works with the oversized jackets obviously. but eventually all their wardrobes meld a little bit. semi-related but Kim for sure approves certain people's date night outfits before they're allowed out.
lmao we are KINDRED SPIRITS. give us a special episode where it's just Tony succession planning. I think he kept Babe in the will. but omg yessss Tony dies and a year later a lawyer turns up to Kenta like "and here is your share of Tony's estate. and here is the trial date, you should get a lawyer" wait Kenta definitely goes to prison for killing Tony right? [I typed a whole bunch of stuff but I've taken it out, it's depressing in a real life kinda way and that's not what we're here for] anyway Kenta gets off with a slap on the wrist: time already served plus extenuating circumstances plus Winner's family paid for a vicious lawyer.
it's definitely Sonic and North asking about birthdates so they can do compatibility charts. SHUT UPPPP Pete giving Kenta a birthdy and a little celebration as best he can. do you think he gave Kenta his own birthday so they could share.
don't get me started on a kink spreadsheet!! I used to use one to track all my wips lol I love a spreadsheet.
god yesss give Kenta a pretty bra for his glorious tits it's what he deserves. I think they go shopping and they walk past a lingerie store and Kenta slows for like half a step to look a bit longer and Kim clocks it immediately. it's just the two of them which is lucky because Winner would make a joke about it (and even though it was just for fun Kenta would still feel too shamed) and Dean sometimes jumps he gun between the initial formation of an idea and the full execution of that idea. but Kim is patient. maybe he's like "oh, let's go in here" and lets Kenta hover around while Kim buys something pretty for himself. then it's like. Kim isn't a worse person for wearing it and being enjoyed in it. Kenta wouldn't be either…
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Ep. 1
a/n: this is a mini-series that are based off of your asks and once i,,,,, finish,,,, my seijoh phase, i will also do this for the other schools but pls take these offerings in the meantime as i work on the next part of my manager!seijoh and the time traveler au 
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
anon request: 
Wow, your series of Seijoh managers is so cute.🥺👉👈 After starting to read, I can only think about Oikawa and y / n on a Saturday night seeing mean girls, painting nails, taking care of the skin and the another day Oiks rubbing the face of everyone who spends much more time with his dear businessman LMAOO Anyway, congratulations on your work 💕💕 seriously, I LOVE this series omg-
Tumblr media
yep lets start the pilot
so basically, oikawa was being oikawa again
what might i mean, you ask
well, he was starting to work much harder than before since this was his last ever inter-high and his last ever chance on beating ushiwaka 
even though they finally have the team assembled avengers assemble! with kyo back on the team, he still felt lacking and wanted to use every single free time to work on becoming better
yall fun fact about me, oikawa is actually my favorite character bc of how hard he works and the pain i have in that once scene during the karasuno match when he slammed into the tables and was struggling to get up bc of his knee----NO IM SOBBING AGAIN
iwa noticed him doing this again so he sent you out to drag him out and distract him from this 
‘cmon oikawa-san-’
‘no, the only thing you have to do is spend time with me bc i miss you and i want to have that movie you kept talking about’
bahahaha he is so whipped that a single ‘i miss you’ from you will literally make him break his back and bend for you
it was successful and you were in your room, your parents understanding oikawa and his antics since youve complained about it before, and he was sitting on your floor while looking through movies
‘y/n-chan, do you have no alien movies in here? or barbie?’
you laughed from your spot on your bed and shook your head
‘no, oikawa-san. natsu took all my barbie movies and i get scared of alien movies’
he pouted but continued to look until his eyes literally lit up
it was like god took a picture of him and you saw the flash
he shrieked but you shrugged
‘meh. katsuki, natsu’s boyfriend, gave it to natsu as a joke but he gave it to me instead bc he cannot stand regina george’
you reasoned while picking out nail polish colors and looking through the ingredients of your face masks
omg hes so loud but i am too so we compatible
ugh i hate my logic
then later,
as the movie played, you were arguing with oikawa as he refused to wear the unicorn and wanted the panda one, which was your favorite
you sucked in a sharp breath before relenting bc you wanted oikawa to be relaxed per request of your beloved senpai
‘fine. but i get to paint your nails’
he nodded eagerly and you handed him the packet, to which he simply stared at it
‘y/n-chan, can you,,,, put it on me?’
he sheepishly asked and you gave him a confused and bewildered look
‘oikawa-san, have you never put these on yourself?’
he shook his head, cheeks flushing and eyes focusing on the blue blanket
‘my sister always put it on for me. or iwa-chan’
‘IWA-?! wHAT-?!’
but you nodded anyways and he made you sit on his lap to put it on
‘um, oikawa-san, this position-’
he smiled at you, a gentle and real smile, not the ones for his fangirls
‘nuh uh, its fine, y/n-chan. oikawa-san loves you so he likes you right here’
he mumbled, blushing and wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you closer making you giggle and nod
‘okay. close your eyes then, oikawa-san’
he excitedly nodded, expecting a kiss from you but you flicked his forehead making his eyes fly open and wince at the pain
‘so perverted, oikawa-san. pervert-oikawa-san’
you scolded and he pouted
he said something but you didnt listen, instead placing the mask on his face and smoothing it out
his fringe was about to touch the wet material so you hastily grabbed a clip and held his hair up
he looked so cute that you couldnt help but reach over and snap a picture of him
‘ara ara gomen did y/n-chan just take a picture of oikawa-san?’
he teased but you shook your head
‘no. what are you talking about?’
he did the same thing to you and now you were both painting each other’s nails, ofc staying loyal to your school mint green and baby blue on the ring fingernail
lmao dont blast me for not being exact w the school colors but it looks mint green to me
he finished yours first and omg?? hes so??? good?? like what???
you were holding his large hands with your small fingers and his heart started thumping really fast at the simple touch 
‘thank you,,,,, y/n-chan’
you looked up to him with large eyes, still unfamiliar with the softness of his voice
it was such a contrast compared to his usually loud and obnoxious, mocking tone
‘oikawa-san is not a really good captain since he burdens and bothers everyone but you always fix it all and keep everyone together. so, sorry for everything’
he mumbled and the eye holes from the mask let you see his sad eyes, genuinely sad about himself
you made the last paint stroke and capped the nail polish before leaning forwards, hands on his thigh so you could be closer
oikawa ofc freaked out because wow youre so much prettier up close and he doesnt?? deserve you??
your eyes blazed with anger and he stuttered your name but you cut him off
but he cut you off, placing a chaste kiss on your exposed nose
yall really thought it was the,,,, speaking function part of your face
nahnahnah that is only for the doggie
oop what
 you stopped, flustered at the sudden action but oikawa smiled
‘i love you, y/n. i really love you so give me a chance, okay? i will wait, no matter how long it takes but,,,, let me catch up and for now, think about me, okay?’
you tilted your head to the side, confused
she is deadass naive like bls protect her
‘a chance for what? you want to catch up for what? youre already good, oikawa-san’
then he laughed
so much more different than the ones he let out in public
it was so,,,, beautiful
you found yourself grinning with him and he calmed down, brushing away the stray hairs that is in danger of getting stuck on your mask
‘come on, y/n-chan. lets go take this off’
he stood up and offered his hand which you took
after the moisturizing and final touch-ups for your skin, you finally settled on the blanket fort and dozed off, the movie still playing but you were too comfortable in oikawa’s arms that you didnt even notice the credits rolling
the next day, you didnt feel the need to mention it at all
but oikawa did and it was still truly an accident
iwa heard about him staying late again and you having to drag him out of there and he was hitting him and kicking him again
you were so used to this that you were just writing down your notes at the corner, oblivious to oikawa’s crying
finally, he had enough of it
um, sire what did you just say
that was completely taken out of context and everyone, omg, especially iwa and kyo just froze
‘what,,, did you just say?’
iwa asked in a dangerously low voice and you shrugged
‘you told me to distract him, iwa-san, so i did. he was happy and satisfied and thats all that matters, right?’
you shot them a smile and oiks had such a smug smile when iwa looked at him and he was about to hit him when kyo just came out of nowhere and YEETED the smile off of his face
oikawa screamed
just a wittle blurb about this bc i totally love this :( and he totally needs more love and some of my readers love oikawa and want oikawa manager content so here it is!!! feast on these crumbs!!!!
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