#KF Season 1
multi-screencap · 1 year
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@local-writer this one is for you!
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pizzabookbuying · 1 year
I actually love that while usually movie/tv versions of book characters end up oversimplifying the character (especially for enemies to lovers ships) Vampire diaries did the exact opposite.
TV Damon said complex, he said yes I do bad things yes I’m morally grey yes I will have a long and investing character arc. Book Damon said oh? Elena doesn’t love me? Fine! YES I MURDERED ALL THOSE PEOPLE! (He did not) YES I KIDNAPPED AND MURDERED MY BROTHER (he did not) btw…Elena…would you like to spend an eternity with me…I like your hair today
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romanceclub-lovers · 5 months
Q&A with Aleksandra Remy!
Abode: Song of Darkness | SCN&KCD&KFS | RC ·
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Dear friends!
We are pleased to present you an article with Aleksandra’s answers to our questions.
We also remind you about Aleksandra’s telegram channel, where she often answers questions from subscribers and gives us a lot of new information: Party at Remy’s ✨
Let's not wait too long... Let's start with questions about the story of “Kali: The Flame of Samsara”!🔱
Question: Will there be a strong reaction from the already chosen favorites in the story to Devi's marriage? Maybe someone will get into a fight?) Christian has a difficult character, this is already clear, and perhaps he will provoke? And, for example, the same Ram is burning with the desire for the lord to see “traces of kisses”...
“He imagined how others, especially the lord, noticed these marks on Devi. And I myself didn’t understand where this sinister pleasure came from...” - Season 1 Episode 7 scene with Ram in his chambers.
Answer: Jealousy, anger - of course. But everyone understands that it is impossible to openly protest, this promises problems or even death, and each hero has responsibility for their family. They need to use circumstances to their advantage through tactics, and not fight with... the ocean?.. elements, against which it is useless to fight alone. Manipulation or secret duels are closer to the truth.
And deliberately making your fiancée’s secret lover jealous, so that he freaks out and stumbles - a very dirty move, it sounds fucking fun, I like it.
From the administration: It seems to us that when Alexandra was writing the answer to this question, lightning began to strike outside the window, and the peals of thunder mixed with her ominous laughter...
Question: When should we expect branches to close? And will it be possible to combine some branches (with consequences) after closing?
Answer: Closing branches will be in the next update, BUT! they can be combined for the time being. However, you should be careful, the characters will notice all your glances/smiles... (no deterioration so far)
Question: Christian gave a tiger, and Devi in a blue robe finally looked like Jasmine from the cartoon “Aladdin” - was that intended? Or is this a coincidence?
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Cartoon "Aladdin" 1992
Answer: Partly. It seems to me that I included Jasmine somewhere in the TK, as a ref. For the hairstyle, probably, but it was one of many, and more or less reflected my idea in the sketch. But in general, everything else is a coincidence, the tiger was chosen as a beautiful detail of the Indian setting and an analogy with the goddess Durga on a tiger. And shades of blue are the color of the Sharma family.
Question: Will we return to the topic of murders in the residence?
Answer: This is part of the cornerstone of the plot. As in KCD and Nile, the plot will be multi-stage. One, two, three... and it's all connected.
Question: Should we hope for flashbacks with favorites in a five-year period of time?
Answer: There will be few of them. The purpose of the time-skip was rather to show the transformation of Devi herself, and already on this basis, her relationship with Li's began to develop differently... in an adult way.
Remember what she said in the first updates? She was youthfully radical on some issues or very shy about any intimacy. But age, power and passion liberate her, force her to think and act in a new way. I will show this through interactions with Li in the past, but they will be few. I don't want to linger.
Question: Will the phenomenon of Devi's glowing eyes be revealed by Ram's touch?
Answer: You will see everything for yourself. As usual, we enter the abyss of events from afar.
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Question: Why does Ram take marriage so lightly? As if it’s just to drink water - “They’re getting married, nothing special,” and the same Kamal is still keeping his distance.
They are so different...
Answer: Ram knows that he will probably be married to someone with whom it is beneficial to form an alliance. This is part of the system, which is useless to go against, and he does not understand for whom and why. Due to his outlook on things, Ram is not sure that he can fall in love with someone at all. The same Amrit had the only hope - his betrothed, his equal. The only one. Ram doesn't have such a person, so he doesn't care - what difference does it make? This one or that one... they all look at him the same way. And Devi is far from the worst option for an arranged marriage. Smart, influential, beautiful, and most importantly busy, she will not have time to hang on to him - that’s how he sees it. Another question is how Ram will feel about marriage if he really falls in love. He had never loved anyone before.
Kamal is a completely different person. He will marry only the one in whom he sees a companion, with whom he wants to walk hand in hand all his life. He does not lose hope of meeting the one, but at the same time, marriage is NOT the primary task for him. All his life Kamal was the head of the family and a kshatriya, a warrior, his past is rich in a variety of events. He is much more interested in business, work, politics. He is not looking for a bride and does not make marriage his goal, relying on chance or fate. And I'm also not ready to marry just anyone, if my wife is the best and most beloved.
But he also has obligations, sooner or later they will take their toll. If Kamal never loves anyone, he will be forced to marry a worthy girl just to continue the family line.
Question: Does Christian have personal motives for marrying Devi or is it only a political component that plays a role?
Answer: He really liked her on the field, this is the effect of the first impression. He arrived in the country secretly, did not know or see anything, and, moreover, to a post fraught with danger. And then, in the middle of the night, an Indian aristocrat falls into a field nearby, walking without permission and in men's clothing... walking by herself... at night?.. and with a dagger. He remembered her :)
The new meeting only strengthened his confidence and desire to marry her. Is Christian achieving some kind of goal through this marriage? Without doubt. Does he do this solely out of dry calculation? I think not.
Question: Why is it difficult for Kamal to accept the fact that Devi has grown up and despite the fact that he begins to feel for her, he shuns her?
Answer: Kamal has a difficult past, he tries to control himself and not interfere with rash passion in his relationship with Devi. This can ruin everything, confuse everything, and his main task is to put her on her feet, as his deceased friend would have wanted. Moreover, the task that Kamal is performing at the moment goes far beyond simple politics. It helps a woman gain independence, and independence this is a huge step for that time.
Everything is complicated with Devi, because he has known her for a long time, and is not used to looking at her with that look. Kamal wants to know if this is really the one. Giving in to feelings easily is not always a good idea. Kamal is a passionate, sensual man, and he has made many mistakes due to his passionate nature (we are not talking about sex or relationships here). Age has taught him to think first, then do.
Now it’s time for a question about the story of “Kali: Call of Darkness”….
Question: Just hypothetically, could you write a sequel to the story of Kali: Call of Darkness? Somewhere Ratan’s eye twitched and, most likely, yours
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Answer: In some distant hypothetical Universe, the maximum I would dare to do is a couple of episodes on the topic “this is how things are going with your ending,” and then a couple because it won’t fit into one. Maybe one. Or maybe none.
Time for the Song of the Crimson Nile story!
Question: Isman is depicted on the poster of the second season for a reason?
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Answer: There is nothing “just like that”
Question: A question that worries a huge number of players after this update. Amen is clearly not a virgin, but judging by the text, he didn’t love anyone before Eva?
Answer: He didn't love anyone romantically.
Question: Does Seth have a preference - does he prefer necromancy or oneiromancy?
Answer: It's like choosing between beer or wine. It is different, but the heart lies with both. Or choose between your favorite genres of music, between your children, and so on.
The block of questions and answers on stories is completed, but that’s not all...)
Question: How do you cope with such a workload? It’s very difficult to produce five episodes, and also keep an eye on the third story.
Answer: I don’t know, I think I’m used to it (and sleep a little less than other people). I have been gradually increasing my workload for the past two years; in stagnation, it’s hard and uninteresting for me, I’m going crazy. When it’s difficult, it’s very fun and exciting, you learn to do everything faster and better, and over time a lot of things come easier, it’s like a sport. Yes, it’s hard and the gears in my head sometimes creak, and sometimes I curse everything and want to run away from work. But there is no development in comfort, and I am a gambling person. Maybe this is destructive, I’m trying to slow myself down so that the attic doesn’t leak at all.
This is all wrong, probably, and we need to maintain a work/life balance, I’m really on the way to this...
Question: Was it nice to return to an already familiar setting and introduce players more deeply to the entire dozen?
Answer: Double feeling. I seem to already know everything here, and we went through it in the first Kali... but on the other hand, I still have something to say, there are ideas for visuals that will fit only under this setting, and a rich lore that needs to be revealed. Different scenes, decorations, clothes, and even a different prism of perception of the divine - in each story I try to look at this topic from a new angle.
And a big plus is that I didn’t have to waste time and timing on introducing players to the lore and setting. Everyone knows everything, it’s convenient! You can go straight to the plot.
Question: When will you have a full vacation, that is, will you rest until you give up your phone? Of course, we understand everything, the best rest is a change of activity, but still...
Answer: Full-fledged what-what?
In fact, I want to walk the pilgrimage path in Europe in the spring. I’m not kidding, I’ll give up everything for a month and leave... I hope. But it really is in my plans. For a whole month, just walk 800 km, alone with your thoughts and beautiful views around.
Question: What kind of creativity do you like the most from players? Art, processing, poetry? Or are you inspired by everything?
Answer: Artwork, edits, fanfiction, short sketches... a lot of things. I subscribe to the channels of some people from the Fandom, I read their posts and thoughts in order to be on the same wavelength with the players and feel their impact. Among them there are artists, FF authors, and simply active players or thematic channels.
This is very motivating, it helps to look at the story from the reader’s point of view, and not from the developer’s. I remind myself why and for whom I am trying in the first place. It doesn't allow me to be lazy :)
That's all, friends, we thank Alexandra for her answers and you for paying attention to us!
With love, your Abode.
Source: Abobe song of Darkness 👇
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incubiart · 1 year
at the end of episode 1 of season 3, levi goes to chase after belos through the portal leaving the others behind. he could find belos but what he did find was one kf the collector's games with king. after seeing what had happened to everyone he decided to give up on looking for belos, for now, and prioritise his own safety. he eventually gets to the collector and begs to not be turned into a puppet and in return would work for them. the collector, seeing this as an opportunity to bigger his little family, accepts and not only does Leviathan become one of the collector's servants but also a father to the collector hence being called Papa Levi. or papaviathan occasionally!
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sargeantposting · 6 months
INTERVIEW: Logan Sargeant, KF-Junior World Champion (kart360, 2015)
source: kart360 via the wayback machine published: october 1st, 2015 series: karting, 2015
What has the level of support from around the world been like after winning the world title? It is unbelievable. I have gotten so many congratulatory messages about my victory, but the main support is my family. They are always watching even from America and that means so much. They said that they are so proud and can’t wait to see me.
You, like a few other international drivers have made the move to Europe full time. Not many drivers do this as early as karting. How has the adjustment been and do you attribute this to part of your success? Moving away from home is a very hard thing in your own personal life. You lose all of your best friends. You don’t have your "home" and you have to adapt to a different culture. It is hard to move to a country that speaks a different language than what you know, but racing is so important to me that I stuck through it and kept on going.
Full article:
Last weekend went down in history for American karting, when one of it’s own, Logan Sargeant (Florida), drove to a 1.8-second win over Clément Novalak -- one of his fiercest rivals all season -- in KF-Junior at the 2015 CIK-FIA World Championships in southern Italy. It’s the first World Championship for an American-born driver since Lake Speed did it for the first time in 1978.
Sargeant, at 14 years old and in his final season in Junior competition, moved to Europe permanently three years ago to set his sights on a future Formula 1 career. Starting out with the accomplished Ward Racing in his first season, he has now been with indomitable Ricky Flynn Motorsports for two years.
This season couldn’t have started any better for the Floridian now living in Switzerland, winning the WSK Champions Cup going away and Vice Championship in the WSK Super Master Series (10 points behind Novalak). However, he could not hold that same level of momentum in the CIK-FIA European Championship over the summer. Some tire issues at round one and some driving mistakes he admits himself in round two ultimately led to him skipping the third and final round and taking a break.
With a clear head and a circuit he is known to be fast at, Logan came into the weekend as a top tier favorite in KFJ and he did not break under that pressure. Qualifying second in a field of 97 drivers set the tone right away on Friday that he was ready to compete on the biggest stage in karting.  Over the next two days, he went on to win three of four heat races, a pre-final, and ultimately the World Championship. We caught up with him three days later at his home in Switzerland to chat.
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Logan, you missed the final at last year’s World Championships despite a good overall season. What was the difference at the World Championships this year? The difference was that I went into that weekend more confident than ever because I had such a great test the week before, and I also knew that La Conca was a track I have always been very fast at so I came very prepared for the challenge.
What has the level of support from around the world been like after winning the world title? It is unbelievable. I have gotten so many congratulatory messages about my victory, but the main support is my family. They are always watching even from America and that means so much. They said that they are so proud and can’t wait to see me.
You, like a few other international drivers have made the move to Europe full time. Not many drivers do this as early as karting. How has the adjustment been and do you attribute this to part of your success? Moving away from home is a very hard thing in your own personal life. You lose all of your best friends. You don’t have your "home" and you have to adapt to a different culture. It is hard to move to a country that speaks a different language than what you know, but racing is so important to me that I stuck through it and kept on going.
You have been working with Gary Catt for some time now. For those that don't know, Gary is a former factory Tony Kart driver and one of the most successful British drivers in karting. What has he added to your program? Gary is probably the greatest driver coach I have ever worked with on and off the track. At the track, he keeps me focused, he makes me eat and drink, and of course helps me with the errors I make on track. He has helped bring me far away from when I started with him. Off the track he is a very funny guy and really fun to be with.
What is the role of Gary Catt compared to Ricky Flynn in your karting career and at the track? Well, Gary helps me with my driving and keeping me very concentrated and also managing my racing, opposed to Ricky who sets up my kart and looks at the data with me and Gary. He just makes sure everything with the kart is working properly.
What were the major challenges when you began racing in Europe compared to America? The difference between America and Europe are so big you would never even imagine it. The competition is so much higher, and also the level of grip compared to America is insane. It is a lot more professional in Europe and it is taken much more serious than in America.
At SuperNationals 18 last year, you mentioned to us after you won TaG Junior that you would be participating in TaG Senior in 2015. Can we still hold you to that? I will be competing in Tag Senior for Las Vegas this year and next year I will drive KF in all the same series that I drove in this year. [editors note: ‘OK’ will be the new KF category in 2016]
There you have it. You can see, with his talent, in addition to being surrounded by highly admired people like Gary Catt and Ricky Flynn, this young man has a very bright future in karting and formula cars. And even more notable to our American fans: we'll see the KFJ World Champion in Vegas in his first race in a senior category, trying to back up his TaG Junior victory from a year ago, a victory he holds in high regard.
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gemini-sensei · 2 months
Concept: Meangirl!YasMoon on the cheer team, prior to or during Season 1. At games, in between every cheer set, they're whispering off to the side and roasting the entire audience into oblivion.
After games, amidst all the commotion, Yasmine and Moon always seem to vanish. The other girls on the team are like "hey, where'd they go?" and they're under the bleachers or off in some hallway, making out like there's no tomorrow XD
I can totally see this 👀
Yasmine lives to make Moon laugh and so when they're making fun of the audience, she makes sure to point out the things that she knows will make her giggle. Their arms are linked and they're only really talking to each other in hushed whispers. In some twisted sort of school spirit, they also make fun of the cheerleaders and players from the other school.
Also, the potential for jealous Yasmine is so potent in this because you just know football players and such are always trying to flirt with Moon. She kind of basks in that attention they give her but she just goes along with it until they have to go away and she forgets about them. But Yasmine doesn't forget them. She hates them with a burning passion because that's her girl. All the while she gets the same treatment from guys and just ignores them because she's too busy looking at Moon.
After games, they totally sneak away to makeout with each other away from the rowdy crowd and flirty football players. They giggle the whole time and play with each other's skirts. Moon seriously can't keep her hands still, they have to be on Yasmine in some way, usually on her thighs and up her skirt, but sometimes up her cheer top. If it's been a night with a lot of unwanted flirting from guys, Yasmine is extremely dominant in the makeout session and Moon does not mind one bit. She never intends on making Yas jealous, she's kind of waiting for the moment to make the football players feel dumb for flirting with her, but she loves being laid on a bench, Yasmine on top of her, telling her how she's hers. Moon just loves being submissive to Yasmine and only Yasmine. And Yasmine loves being dominate. And leving hickeys on Moon's neck. And laughing at the dumb pickup lines Moon tells her about after that fire kf jealousy goes out. They're having a great time.
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webanglikethat · 5 days
                          ﹙DEAR RC﹚  
⌞ FINISHED (only first time stats) ⌝
Arcanum ─ high empress, Rob as LI. ♥︎ 
HS 1 ─ demon, high glory, Mimi as LI. ♥︎
HS 2 ─ temper, Lucifer as LI. ♥︎ 
VFV ─ calculating, Alexandre as LI. ♥︎
KCD ─ Independence and Kindness of Godess, Ratan as LI. ♥︎ 
SBTR  ─ passion, Brendon as LI. 
SOS ─ courage, starving, Derek as LI. 
SOL ─ crimson shadow, Gray as LI. 
WP ─ daring, Charles as LI. 
MHS ─ adventure + romance, Ray and David as LI. (played twice for achievements) 
Moonborn ─ diplomacy, gift of the moon, Vincent as LI. 
SINT ─ diplomacy, white magic, high pirate reputation, ship condition 10, Sebastian as LI. 
S10TW ─ vyxen, Benedict as LI. ♥︎
OTI ─ light, high glory, Hodge as LI. ♥︎
THE ONE V1 ─ heart, Evan as LI. ♥︎
KFS ─ passion, freedom, Ram as LI. ♥︎
DALS ─ balancing, Vlad as LI. ♥︎
TDR ─ rebellion, balancing city and rose, Adil as LI. ♥︎
SOTCN ─ honesty, oneiromancy, high renown, Ram or Livius as LI. ♥︎
LSE ─ light path, the rest is quite balanced thanks to the clothes, Chad as LI. 
SOULLESS ─ lust, high mastery, stuck between Vincent and Walter as LI. 
GOE ─ principles, Seonghwa as LI. ♥︎
THE ONE 2 ─ sweetheart, Joel as LI. ♥︎
ABH ─ faith and high reputation, still deciding between LIs. 
HSR ─ voice of god, high adaptability, no one as LI cause they’re all sketchyy!!!
7B ─ foxy, no one as LI yet. 
ET ─ team player, high fame, Daniel as LI. 
Q30 ─ replaying because I messed up in season 2 ☠️
Chasing you ─ never finishing this one because I’m tooo attached to it 🥹
LOW ─ pearl fox, passion, Masamune as LI. 
LFOS ─ balancing earth and star, science and fashion, nobody as LI yet.
HOT ─ compassion, Wyatt as LI (probably). 
THEODORA ─ never finishing this one istg it’s too sad 😭😭
S10TW ─ wallflower, still Benedict as LI because I adore him <3 (FINISHED)
OTI ─ balanced, high glory, Hodge as LI (also, the first time I messed up and accidentally got Brian) ♥︎ FINISHED
THE ONE V1  ─ heart, trying to replay for ALL LIs wish me luck <3
SOL ─ Sepulchral Whisper, I think Leslie!
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what is your absolute favorite ship? And feel free to rant about it!
love getting this ask from someone who i know does not ship this-
let me preface this by saying CAITLIN AND FROST ARE NOT FUCKING SISTERS. supercorp called themselves sisters and no one bought it then. i do not, will not see them as real, tangible siblings- blood-related or otherwise. I hate how they tried to retcon Thomas as being a loving father to both women- go home, later seasons of the arrowverse, you're fucking drunk! Frost was a fucking science experiment to him and nothing fucking more! She was a side effect to a solution for Cait's potential of developing ALS and he treated her as such, CANONICALLY. Icicle was not narratively treated as Thomas' brother so I don't fucking get why they decided to force a sisterhood between the Snow System. Somebody else always labeled their relationship as sisterly before they ever fucking did, and I think canon-wise they both sort of caved to the pressure of trying to be what everyone expected of them. It feels essentially ableist for them to assume that the only relationship two system members can have ought to be familial, like they can't be disconnected from each other, they absolutely have to be family.
And alt-earth doppelgangers aren't treated as siblings/twins! E-2 KF basically hits on E-1 Caity with comments abt how good she looks as a brunette and why is she hiding her titties! Even Savitar, who is from their goddamn timeline just so many years in the future, is not treated as Barry's twin even though he's his double. just, I don't, I don't fucking get it. Them being """"""sisters"""""" just doesn't hold up to how any other physical double of the main cast is treated, the only difference being that they're initially sharing the same body, which is another note for my ableism point. It also feels accidentally autophobic in that regard but that may be projecting cuz girl autism is not the only spectrum i am on. I think it would've made more sense to have the family feelings between Frost and Icicle, but that's a whole ass other rant.
okay so if u havent picked up on it yet,
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Killersnow is the OTP of the Arrowverse. I hyperfixated on them hard the first time I ever watched The Flash. The aspect of them sharing a body and the light autosexuality that comes w being attracted to your physical double, just makes it so rich and interesting! The complexities that come with hearing each other's thoughts and I love thinking about ways they could kiss and touch while still in the same body, I've probably written Caitlin having control of one hand and Frost having control of the other while they're holding hands a dozen times. When it comes to Frost, Caitlin is always so desperate. Desperate to keep her caged and have her erased, then desperate to get her back and feel her again, always. You can't deny that Cait's feelings for Frost, whether you ship them or not, whether you see those feelings as romantic or not, are always so big compared to the other feelings she just loves to distract herself from.
And Frost is so so so overprotective of Caitlin, willing to bust her out of prison and even sabotage her just so Frost can always be there to make sure she is safe. I love how Caitlin learned to utilize Frost as a quick threat, like when she told Barry "doctor's. orders." and flashed Frost's eyes real quick, that just shows how much they have each other's backs, how insane Frost would go for her, how much Caitlin trusts Frost to temporarily give her control of their eyes and know Frost would give them back immediately, how coorindated they have become over the years. AND Cait has to invite Frost into the empty bedroom, which means that when they weren't in seperate bodies FROST USED CAITLIN'S ROOM!!!!!!
of course, the enemies to lovers is strong in this one and given that Caitlin is seemingly immune to the effects of her alters superpowers they are actually able to be in a relationship without risk of frostbite or hypothermia!
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i'm gonna stop myself here but yeah. them:3c
send me asks for this ship game!
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catboyhizashi · 11 months
My freshly collected thoughts about season two of good omens. (Not spoiler free!!)
First off, the negatives bc I need to talk about why I loved this season but before that, oh man.
I think you can really feel a decline in the quality of the dialog. Of course the characters were still fun and the banter works but I just feel like it was much simpler? Not everywhere, but there were some scenes where I did specifically noticed it. I also felt like the pacing was....irritating. The last episode ended up being jam-packed with so many things and some early episodes felt like they were dragged out, without any story happening. I missed some form of look back at the story from season one, it felt a bit disconnected but then again years have passed so it didn't bother me that much. Now the ending. My first reaction was why the hell was it necessary?? My prediction to this season was that through the parallel of Maggie and Nina our sweet sweet ineffable husbands would realize that oh!! they're also in love. I won't go into too much detail about what I thought would happen bc basically none of it came true lmao but I really did think we'd get them a happy although complicated ending. In the last scene, Aziraphale did feel like he regressed right back into his season 1, early season self. I'm not saying his decision and actions feel completely disconnected from his overall character but their arc this season was so sweet, they really showed how much they relied on each other (carved it out for ourselves and everything). And in this context I feel like he wouldn't have abandoned Crowley like that. And I know Aziraphale holds so many complicated feelings towards heaven, they just felt so much closer than that. But alas. The angst is beautifully painful, I have to admit.
Now the good part!
I am so happy we got to see pre-fall Crowley :") (he is never beating the babygirl allegations). Also I cannot believe their meetcute was the creation of our universe 😭. The historical flashbacks own my heart, I was very happy we got so many of them. Especially the Job part, it gave so much more context to their relationship and to me put a lot of what we see even in season one in a new and exciting perspective. They acted so incredibly married the whole season 😔 Crowley taking care of the bookshop, giving him the car, CROWLEY SMILING ABOUT NINA AND MAGGIE ??? he was so adorable. The fact that Aziraphale knows how much it means to Crowley to look after him????? All of these things just made the ending more painful but they were very well done. You also can't analyze this season without talking about the acting. John Hamm was amazing, memory loss Gabriel was so funny I wish he had a little more room to play with this situation but we obviously can't have everything. David and Michael were amazing per usual. Their dynamic is so incredible, the way they use a certain voice for these characters, the little mannerisms and facial expressions I loved in season one absolutely return and are maybe turned up to a 150% and I loved every minute of it. You can really tell that they wanted us to feel how well these two idiots work together, and just how much they care about one another. Their flashbacks and the way they talk to each other still makes me smile, and gives you that sort kf warm feeling. Like it'd be nice to be around them.
To summarize, I'm not completely happy with how this season played out and some of the creative decisions are foggy to me but it got me right back at 2019, being excited and emotional. I missed this show so much, I love these characters so much and I cannot wait to see where season 3 takes us. (BC THERE WILL BE A SEASON 3 STREAM IT PEOPLE STREAM. IT.)
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shrinkthisviolet · 6 months
The Flash had a problem with story arcs after Season 1 didn’t they? Amnesiac Barry could’ve lasted a few episodes. By contrast Iris stuck in the Mirror-Verse was WAY TOO LONG. (Like there were obvious signs she was an imposter - she could cook, she suddenly knew foreign languages, and was more aggressive, etc and nobody either Barry or Joe realized that right away
YEP honestly s3 in general had this problem: the “ooh big bad Savitar” mystery was stretched out too long, throwing in metas of the week to pad the runtime, which got boring real fast…and the actual interesting stuff (Flashpoint, Savitar being a version of Barry, Barry losing his memory, Killer Frost*, Savitar & Iris) was shortchanged. And meanwhile, like you said, Iris is stuck in the Mirrorverse for WAYYY too long…and when her husband gets suspicious, her own father tells him it’s fine!! He doesn’t notice anything wrong!! And in the following season, when Iris is bouncing through time, yet again no one is concerned except in small moments here and there—Joe even plays D&D while his daughter is lost in time!!
*you may ask, “Lavi, wtf do you mean KF was shortchanged, she got the whole season too?” Well, anon, I say this because KF is incoherent as a character, and the problems start here!
Because…okay. There are two possibilities here. Either KF is Caitlin, or she’s someone else. The first was what they were going with in s3, the second was established later. So let’s ask ourselves:
If it’s the first one: why is she so willing to kill all her friends? Why doesn’t she care about them suddenly? Cisco included?
If it’s the second one: why is she allied with Savitar? He’s promising to get rid of her powers…aka get rid of her, to restore Caitlin!
Also, why didn’t Caitlin talk to…idk, Harry? Sure, he knew KF was Zoom’s lieutenant, but he spent all of s2 learning that the Team we’re not their E2 selves!! Cisco had a whole arc about it!!
Though ofc given that the whole Team also reacted poorly to her powers, acting like she’d suddenly turn evil…maybe Harry would too 💀 who knows (and the writers did not help this notion by legitimately making her turn evil for no reason)
Also…Savitar & Iris is self-explanatory. We’re told he cares about her, loves her desperately like Barry does, and yet he’s willing to kill her just to exist?? That doesn’t sound like Barry Allen ✋ he would jeopardize his own existence for her
(Savitar in general was boring pre-reveal, and I’ll die on that hill)
TL;DR: Yeah the Flash in general had a weird pacing problem where some arcs were too long, others were too short, and I’m convinced sometimes they just did not realize the magic they had when they had it (or, in the case of Savitar, until it was too late to do much with it).
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kitkatt0430 · 10 months
Caitlin Snow for the blorbo bingo?
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Caitlin Snow. How can she be in every single season of the show and still be so under-utilized? Somehow the show runners found a way.
I think after season 1, they really just didn't know what to do with Caitlin. Season 2 it's not too noticeable/bad. She does get to grieve Ronnie some, but we start to see the problem of the show throwing love interests at her in hopes that one of them sticks - obviously Jay, being secretly Zoom, was not gonna be the winner. Next contestant in S3 is Julian. When Caitlin isn't having her Killer Frost arc, she's in the second most lackluster romantic arc she's shoved into over the course of the show. The one-sided thing with Julian. It's close to being a no-sided thing, tbh. Like, I really think Julian may have just been mistaking platonic feelings for romantic - it happens. (The most lackluster is with whoever it was she briefly dated in S8 before fake!evil!Ronnie showed up and she dropped him immediately because he didn't contribute anything to the plot.)
At least Danielle put her foot down on love interests after S3 that because... we really didn't need Caitlin/Ralph S4 and thankfully we did not get that. But S4 was kinda where Caitlin's story stops. S5 through S8, the focus is so much heavier on Frost that Caitlin just kinda fades to the background in comparison.
And then S9 was the perfect opportunity to give Caitlin one final plot, to really put some emphasis back on her importance as an OG Team Flash character and... she's barely in there because she 'dies' to make room for Khione.
All her big story arcs wind up being about other people, tbh. Her S1 arc is about Ronnie. Her s2 arc is about Jay/Zoom. Her S3 arc was about her until S4 retconned Killer Frost. S4 was about Killer Frost again. S5... KF. S6... also KF. S8 starts with her talking about being ready to really take charge of her life again. And then her arcs are largely about dating, Killer Frost, and Ronnie. -_-
Honestly, between Caitlin and Iris, I'm not sure either of our OG Team Flash ladies ever got any truly good writing and development on this show.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Boy. Very interesting that it's been mum on 2po's blog since he got caught lying about me again on main with receipts.
AND he hasn't even tried to spin one of his ratings "in context" (always decontextualized). Probably waiting to see how bad Walker gets eaten alive tonight before he tries to figure out how to pretend those numbers can work for him.
And it definitely must be *very* awkward that a six page interview with the new head of television formerly overseeing tyler perry stuff, working under a president from old TBS, basically turned into a readout of my blog for the last several months, repeating everything I've said that 2po thought he could theorize past.
Walker will cost too much for proposed licensing, doesn't have co-production/licensing support, its ratings are already flatlined and it's about to get crushed tonight, it's several eps behind in filming from multiple shutdowns, I'm not even sure Walker's gonna get to finish it's own season at this rate.
Dude's talking about narrowing their base licensing fee to 1 million dollars for dramas unless they bring in high viewership (18-49, you clods). There's no way for Walker as a 4 year old show with its costs to make that work. And no manner to negotiate more out of Nexstar, because, why? Out of their good graces?
AA, AAH, TW remain safe. KF is negotiable for a lot of reasons we discussed. Everything else this year just put a skull and crossbones over the slot until the new shows start up after holiday.
y'all really should have been paying attention when I was talking about atlanta and old vestiges of original TBS in motion. And Gray. And Peachtree. I literally said privileged white assholes are gonna assume this doesn't impact them, and the people it's gonna fuck up the worst are the most oblivious.
Congratulations, eat our TBS shit.
8 ball. corner pocket.
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tv-gh0st · 11 months
Damnit i made a new au
guess what time it is
time for
✨My own Links meet au!✨
and the zeldas meet up to!
ive got an idea for story but jts a little bit to much like Lu for my liking so i am currently editing it and will be posted hopefully soon!!
zeldas will also get designs to ima be focusing on this whole au to actually cas aprently my hiatus is over ill be working on other aus from time to time but theres alot to do for this and i am bery exited!! ill be making a master post once i post some more stuff im really exited!!
bellow the cut is my current designs for Links(no full body drawings yet cas there are 14 links ad 15 zeldas i need to draw and i am not dealinf with that shit today)
Before the split
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skyward sword Link
20 years old
first chosen hero
forged the master sword
dating Sun(his zelda)
always looks like hes gonna fall asleep
very expressive
Minish cap
17 years old
can be small like minish
the smith kf the group
Social anxiety
lets the minish do his hair!
Fallen hero Timeline
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four swords
Four swords adventure
18 years old
the colors sre very separated
others only think hes a little crazy talking to himself
Links awakening
17 years old
keeps a flower in memory of Marin
learned how to braid his hair from her to and keeps it like that
has alot of shit
A link to the past
a link between worlds
triforce heros
technicly a prince cas of fabel(Zelda and his sister)
bunn boi
his colors blended much easier
the legends of zelda
links adventures
16 years old
also alot of items
gets lost easily especially with the weird geographical part of the merge
very curious
Child timeline
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twilight princess
19 yo
has a wolf tail and wont explain why or how he got it
can control when he comes wolfie usually but sometimes when they move around he just is wolfie and cant become hylian
big brother energy
Babys litterly any one whos younger then him even if its just by a year(Wild and Time do count cas of there weird ages)
Hyrule Warriors
23 years old
did cry over his scarf once
big brother energy aswell but in a funner "you were supposed to watch over the,! But no one was put to watch over me!" Kinda vibe
knew wind and mask before but they didnt know him its weirddddddd
mentioned minda and marin and others lost thrre shit
Age of calamity
17 years old
gravitates twords Warriors
Might have acidently been the start of a new split in the timeline no one actually knows where age sits exept hes on the child timeline
Breath of the wild
Tears of the kingdom
keeps the arm and the sages idc how totk ends
physically hes like 20 ish chronologically hes 121 mentally hes like 17 years old
can cook wonderfully
eats randome shit for fun
is a lik shit
is very loyal but definitely took alot to get that loyal
is extremely weirded out bt Age
Adult timeline
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Wind waker
Phantome Hourglass
14 years old
has tetras bandanna
thinks the green heros tunic is dorky as fuck snd hates the hat
has tried to shoot every link out of a cannon that hes had the opportunity to with wavering success
is gonna fo bat shit crazy/ good way
Spirit tracks
15 years old
very done with ur shit at all times
i dont think he knows what color is(wears alot of fucking grey)
Likes wind tolerates the others
is gonna go bat shit crazy/ bad way
And ofcourse Time and Mask
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Ocarina of time
18 years old
mentally 9-10 years old
doesnt actually know how to read
from adult timeline
friends with Malon
socially akward mess
Ocarina of Time
Majoras Mask
11 years old
tired of everyones shit
in denial of all this timeline merging stuff
Thats all the Links!
Master post here!(coming soon) Zeldas prt 1 here! Zeldas prt 2(Coming soon)
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ultrahpfan5blog · 1 year
The Flash Season 5 - Retrospective Review
Well, I finally made it to the Eric Wallace era in my rewatch. The Flash season 5 is in the rearview, but there are still 3 seasons left in the rewatch. I probably won't be caught up until like a month into the new season. In any case, season 5 rewatch was interesting. To me, season 5 is filled with a lot of faults. There are issues with the character arcs with almost every arc. In spite of that though, I quite enjoyed season 5 as a whole. Its definitely a significant uptick from season 4 because it is at least never boring to me.
I think what season 5 got right was tone. The Flash traditionally has always been the strongest when leaning into emotions. Season 3 struggled a bit with the doom and gloom tone, and season 4 especially struggled with the oscillating tone with trying to humorous and then also having some pretty dark elements. Season 5 gets the balance right, being closer to what seasons 1 and 2 were in tone. And a big part of that was the refocus on bonds between family, blood or otherwise. This season felt like the entire Flash family was very much united and at ease with each throughout the season. Obviously the center of the show was the introduction to Nora and her relationships with both Barry and Iris. The WestAllen family dynamic is one of the strongest aspects of the season. It isn't without its issues from a writing POV, but it certainly gives a lot of emotional drama and there are some good arcs for each of the characters and their relationships. Even the side characters have emotional arcs. Caitlin/KF also has a refocus on her family, with both her mother and her father coming back into the mix. Ralph feels more integrated into the team Flash dynamic as compared to season 4, Joe and Cecile have an arc of becoming a working couple together, and Cisco too has a self reflective arc about what he wants with life and about finding love. These arcs largely play to casts strengths and so they are more emotionally involving then they might otherwise be. Even the Cicada storyline is a family based storyline and there is a bit of a mirror reflection between Orlin and Grace with Barry and Nora. I also think the new Wells worked fairly well as he had his own active storyline where he investigated Nora and discovered the Thawne secret.
I also think the humor is a lot more consistent this season than it was in season 4. In season 4, it felt like the cast and writers were overdoing due to the criticisms of season 3 being too dark. Season 5 feels like the humor and heart were more smartly balanced with emotion. Certainly the Elseworlds crossover was one of the funniest crossovers because it really utilized the comedic chops of Grant, Melissa, and Stephen quite well. There are some pretty strong episodes. The show celebrated its 100th episode in this season with 'The Past is Prologue' which was an excellent episode apart from the ending result of the Cicada fight. The scenes with Barry, Thawne, and Nora are excellently acted and play a key role in the finale of the season. It was actually pretty clever. The Time loop episode 'Cause and XS' was also pretty good. The show embraces its goofy roots with 'King Shark vs. Gorrilla Grodd' which was a blast, with surprisingly decent effects for a show of its budget. I feel the finale was quite strong and emotionally moving, with a nice tease for COIE. There aren't any episodes that I particularly disliked this season, despite my issues with certain character arcs.
There are definitely some big issues with the season and the various character arcs. Starting with Nora, who has the most major character arc. While the character is overall likeable, there is an inconsistency in how she is portrayed. While she is a late 20's adult, the characterization often feels like that of someone in their late teens, early 20's. That is sometimes a little grating. She is also shown to be impossibly naive at times. Iris benefits greatly from having moved out of team Flash leader role, even though she is nominally called that a few times. But this season does feel like Barry is back in the role of leader of team Flash as he should be. Its good to see Iris being more of a journalist and establishing the CCC. However, she does have moments towards the end of the season where she again throws Barry leaving her to go into the speed force in his face and not understanding Barry's distrust for Thawne, which makes her seem a bit callous. Cisco's self reflection arc, although well acted, feels out of character for him. I didn't really buy him deciding to let go of his powers because the show didn't really convince me, in this season or the next couple, that he wanted to let go of the team Flash life. I think this story arc was partially because Carlos was thinking of leaving so they made this as a contingency plan but it didn't really work. I liked seeing Caitlin's KF origins gets explored with the re-emergence of Thomas/Icicle but what should have been a multi season arc is wrapped up in 2 episodes. And there is a tease for Caitlin's mother which never panned out to anything. Sherloque has this random romance with Renee Adler which is extremely throwaway. The character also didn't quite have the bonds with team Flash that previous Wells' did. The show struggled at times on what to do with Ralph. I think Sherloque filled the shoes of what Ralph may have otherwise been doing. So it does feel like he is in the background for large parts of the season. He is involved in the beginning, when investigating the identity of Cicada, and towards the end, when he figures out the connection between Thawne and the dagger. In between there are episodes like 'Goldfaced' where he is prominent but there aren't too many of those. Then the show also got into this bad habit of having Cecile constantly promoting realizations due to her abilities. It gets a bit annoying. Joe is absent for about half the season due to Jesse's back injury and he is missed. Barry's character is largely consistent and more matured this season. He does feel like a dad. There are times where it does feel like he cedes the lead character role to Nora this season.
I think the biggest issue with this season though is Cicada. On paper and in theory, a meta human serial killer is a great idea. It makes perfect sense to flip the threat. The idea of Cicada being an uncle who is going after metas due to what happened to his niece is also a good idea. However, the show unfortunately didn't execute the character well. For one thing, the dagger becomes an OP device and it renders team Flash consistently useless against Cicada, barring KF. So again there is a sense of repetition of Cicada constantly beating them and getting away. The show oversells the character by saying that none of the heroes across the multiverse could stop Cicada, which became quite silly given that the dagger is only supposed to work on dark matter. Then there is a Cicada II/Grace, who is not given any depth at all because she really only turns up for the last third of the season. Unfortunately, both Chris Klein as Cicada/Orlin and Sarah Carter as adult Grace/Cicada II, ham it up way too much. The background villain, Thawne, ends up being more compelling, but that is not surprising given that Thawne has been the best villain in the show's history so far.
But overall, despite my criticisms, I think the season overall retains a pretty strong emotional core and at the center of that is Jessica Parker Kennedy, who was just inspired casting to play Barry and Iris' daughter. We saw teases of her in the previous season, but here she is an absolute delight and she looks so much like what Grant and Candice's daughter would look like. Its quite funny to think that she's older to both of them but she definitely doesn't come off that way in the show. Grant and Candice both get to play more matured and emotional roles as parents this season and the WestAllen family dynamic is key to the success of the season. As always, Carlos, Danielle Panabaker, Hartley, and Jesse bring a lot of heart and humor to the table. Tom Cavanaugh now delivers his fourth iteration of Wells, and despite an unnecessary french accent, is great as always and his is at ease when playing Thawne. Its his signature role. Danielle Nicolet blends into the team and is likable. Overall, season 5 is like a 7/10.
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dotthings · 1 year
Some further information, according to "sources say" in this THR article about Berlanti's new deal, CW Nexstar expects to have "fewer than 5" scripted originals per season going forward. Like some of us have already been pointing out, they have to be profitable, and the overspending era is over. Fewer shows, made more economically. Not ending the scripted originals. So if THR's "sources" are correct, less than 5 scripted shows total starting 2023-2024.
shows still around from the 2022-2023 slate: 6 WB: AA, AAH, KF, TW (spn), S&L (dc), GK (dc) 2 Paramount: Walker and Windy
And from everything I've read, CW isn't going to keep all its eggs in just the WB and CBS basket, and those studios are about to divest their remaining percentage shares. Just throwing out some numbers here, say CW keeps 2 from the existing WB/CBS slate, plus 2 (?) new shows from other studios. That's keeping 2 out of 8. Or 3 existing slate? and 1 new show?
Either way. The survival rate from the 8 remaining is going to be very lean.
May the odds be ever in your favor.
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