seokmatthewz · 1 year
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cyancherub · 2 years
For the sequel can the reader be very flustered/embarrassed by things Aki requests? Like when he asked reader to spread herself for him in menthol pt 3, I just love flustering and reader getting shy 🙈
YES ABSOLUTELY we have not even scratched the surface of the things this man wants to do to the reader there will much to be flustered abt KFDSKL!!!
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xthefxrgxttenx · 4 years
@4x0hxnxroll​ said : 🤝 + Beth & Emily
texts the other memes at 3 am: 
Neither girl really does this all too seriously, because Emily puts on a much more serious persona she wishes she had to. And Beth just isn’t funny. And if it does happen, it’s done semi-ironically, or at least so they claim, because, God, who sends each other MEMES at 3 in the morning? Which, to that end, despite not being traditionally funny, Beth is the more likely candidate between the two, especially earlier on until Emily feels able to show her dorkier/nerdier aspects to Beth. And the more Beth grows attached, the less and less ironic (and more and more frequent) the memes become. Such is the way of being a walking fucking paradox. But again, with all that sad, it’s not a hugely integral component of their friendship/relationship. And is more just a “Man, I’m fuckin’ bored, can you believe I’m looking up memes about a fuckin’ llama who kidnapped a child? Help me.’ kind of escape.
tries to convince the other to do an idea that definitely sounds questionable:
Both, but for entirely different reasons. Beth is the more unstable wildchild of the two, digging through her brother’s medicine drawer, using Chris for weed and coke, barhopping, fooling around with strangers etc. And Beth can start to have that Jess-effect on Emily as their relationship progresses, drawing her out of her more cautious bubble and giving her a chance to live a much louder and more adventurous life than she’d have if Beth wasn’t around. Emily, however, has that weird impulsive need to flirt with temptation, and will, entirely on a whim, in a random fit of courage, dare Beth to do something more intimately personal between the two. The kind of adventure that Beth would herself wouldn’t ever be able to initiate. (Like kiss her panties in the living room half naked after texting Sam to come help them.) 
is the designated driver and who always gets wasted:
This depends on the night, to be honest, and often just doesn’t happen at all. Beth can be responsible when she wants. And at times can feel almost COMPELLED to be. So if she knew Emily was gonna be off her face smashed and vulnerable, she’d definitely be a designated driver and stay sober enough to keep her safe. But then, I also kind of feel like once Emily starts to notice how weirdly repressed yet impulsive Beth truly is, she’d actually  want to be a designated driver for Beth once in a while so she can not ONLY get wasted, but also get wasted with SOMEONE WHO CARES. However, absent those exceptions, both girls are likely to just get an uber home because rich and fuck life.
always has to host the impromptu sleepover:
BETH. BETH BETH BETH BETH. BETHBETHBETH. BETHHHH. Emily’s dad is an absolute fucking cunt and while he’s more fond of Beth and Hannah on the surface than their brother, Josh, he’s still a bit of an ABSOLUTE FUCKING CUNT. Emily’s parties are therefore ALWAYS meticulously planned, to make sure her dad isn’t out and that she has MORE than enough time to safely clean up before he gets back. Beth, meanwhile... Sure, Beth’s dad might also be a bit of an absolute fucking cunt, but at least he’s an absolute fucking cunt who DOESN’T FUCKING CARE. Her parents spend more time across the national border than in their home country of Canada. Their house is often vacant, save for Josh and Hannah, who are usually always down for getting shit faced, too. Post-Game, Beth has her own little apartment she lives in that Emily could honestly move into if you needed.
who’s netflix account gets mooched off of:
Actually, in a rare turn of events, its BETH who has her account mooched off of. This is due to Emily’s dad paying for her Netflix and being a lot more strict with what he qualifies as APPROPRIATE for his should-be prodigy of a daughter. Beth’s account, however, is paid for by a dad who could literally give zero shits what Beth watches so long as she stays outta trouble. So Emily can safely watch anything she wants on Beth’s Netflix without being judged or berated by her father. (Though she sometimes has to lie to Hannah and Josh about just exactly WHO is mooching. I mean, come on, when is Beth Freakin’ Washington going to watch CELEBRITY MASTERMIND?) Post-Game, however, might be a different story... (As in, Beth kinda estranges herself from her parents and that sweet free money, and Emily might give Beth her pass and then just blame Beth when Henry wonders who the fuck watched an entire season of Sex and The City overnight.) Once Emily also gets cut off, they find the money for an account between themselves.
brings all the snacks and who supplies the movie:
Emily supplies the movie. With two very specific exceptions. Those exceptions being: 1. When its an early premier or pre-release of one of Beth’s dad’s productions. He’s a bit of a narc and LIKES to have any and all eyes he can to appreciate his psychotic masterpieces. And sometimes Beth genuinely likes some of his films and just wants to watch one once in a while. 2. If Beth is super pushy or passionate about a specific movie, Emily will cave but she won’t hide her feelings. If it’s shit she WILL bitch about it. And if it’s REALLY SHIT, she’ll pull the “I wish Jess was here” card. As for snacks... It’s typically Beth because Emily is full anorexic and unlikely to bring anything “snacky” to begin with, and Beth kind of has this weird obsession with eating with people/people watching her eat. So bringing snacks that Emily might wanna eat with her brings Beth a bizarre sense of joy.
is usually the first one to say sorry after a fight:
Beth. Though only if she genuinely sees that she was in the wrong. Both girls are pretty stubborn and guarded like that, but I do feel like Beth would break first, especially later in the relationship when she’s more obsessed. That being said, Emily also has a pretty quiet GUILTY STREAK that sparks up in game. During the pre-order bonus scene she ends up being pretty apologetic/grateful to Matt for handling her “high-maintenance” self, and she is downright terrified and blaming herself in her better Matt endings. And even if this is sometimes rooted in insecurity, I do think she’d be capable of having those moments with Beth as well, provided Beth had shown extensive enough loyalty through a lot of conflict/drama.
is the ‘ mom friend ‘:
Errrrrrr... Kind of see the bit about the designated driver. It’s kind of the same deal, honestly. Beth is repressed mom having a quiet quarter life crisis. Therefore she sometimes takes care of Emily. Emily is a repressed everything who actually does have a soft side beneath that icy fortress, and would feel bad for Beth and wanna let her be a wild child in safety. But then both are also royally fucked up and might just say fuck it all and get wasted and wake up inside each other panties on a park bench one night. That being said, Emily kind of has the encouraging mother role when it comes to Beth’s insecurities, namely her leg and her eating habits. While Beth is sort of Emily’s tough loving mother when Emily is making stupid mistakes like wanting to call Mike at two in the morning when she can’t even stand without using Beth as a crutch. So it really does just sort of depend on the situation and whether one or both of them are going through psychological bullshit at the times.
calls the other at 12 am to wish the other a happy birthday without fail:
I actually don’t know, to be honest. I feel like it would happen, and both would do it almost ritualistically after the first time, but the first time would either be: 1. Emily because she’s actually secretly super organized in life and might genuinely know certain birthdays of certain friends and just do it on impulse one day. Possibly while drunk. Probably while drunk. 2. Beth would do it out of a need to make Emily feel noticed and special once she learns about the true depths of Emily’s insecurities and need for validation and fear that no one would actually give a shit about her birthday if SHE didn’t make a big deal out of it to begin with. Which really it just depends who does it first. I don’t think either is so romantic or sappy to always do it outright. But once it IS done, if at all, then I feel they’d both do in return for the other doing it. LOYALTY & RECIPROCATION.
is the better wingman to the other:
Ummmm... Emily. Definitely Emily. It has to be Emily. Which, that isn’t to say that Emily is a GOOD wingman. It’s to say that Beth honestly COULDN’T wingman for Emily because Beth could never, ever, EVER be able to overcome her own insecurities to willingly guide attention to someone other than herself. Especially when maybe she herself has a small crush on Emily and wants to fuck her and have Emily’s attention all on HER. (It’s definitely not a SMALL crush.) Emily, meanwhile, would probably deflectively (during) or indifferently (early on) wingwoman for Beth because she’s not allowed to be gay and she spends a lot of time hung up on Mike. THAT BEING SAID: Post-Game, I genuinely don’t think Emily would be able to wingman for Beth either.
‘ the strong must protect the sweet ‘ , who’s the ‘ strong ‘ and who’s the ‘ sweet ‘:
HAVE YOU SEEN THEM?! The bitches protect each other. You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. (Maybe literally.) That’s why they’re both designated drivers or moms at different times. That’s why Beth lets Emily use her netflix or stay over. That’s why Emily would at all want to take care of Beth during wild nights out. That being said, I do think, by literal definition, that Emily is physically stronger than Beth (especially post-game due to muscular dystrophy and her fucked up leg post-mine) while Beth might be sweeter than Emily. at least on the surface. But yeah, it’s again SITUATIONAL, based on whether one needs PROTECTING or one needs to be CARED FOR.
pulls the other up for karaoke to sing a duet together:
Oh. It’s Beth. Let’s be real. No fucking way does Emily do karaoke voluntarily. Meanwhile, Beth is a wildchild, as stated, and more importantly she LOVES noise -- ESPECIALLY MUSIC. Hell, it’s her FAVORITE NOISE, even. (Apart from Emily moaning. AHEM.) So Beth would absolutely drag Emily up for karaoke, even if Emily was bitching about it every frictional heel-scrape of the way. The ONLY example possible where Emily takes Beth on stage is out of SPITE. If Jess or Mike or Matt or Hannah has pissed her off sufficiently, maybe peer-pressured her into it, and Emily wants to HURT them. And depending on the specific atmosphere, Beth might just be up for being Emily’s metaphorical blade.
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huneingkai · 2 years
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a collection of beomgyus i know han is obsessed with ♥♥♥ HAPPY HANRI DAY!
hello han dearly beloved!! i can’t believe it’s already been 2 years since we officially became friends! i am very grateful that we talk so often because we really are on the same wavelength and it’s so hard to find friends that mesh as well as i think we do! it’s been such a joy to clown around with you every single day on twitter (which is a miracle considering we are both perhaps the worst texters on earth KFLDKL) but it never feels like a chore to reply to you because it’s always such a good fun time and i always genuinely enjoy it. not to be sappy but i’m super glad you’re in my life and i cannot wait for us to finally meet so you can tackle another random stranger with blue hair because you cant recognize me immediately KFDSKL i love you sosososoooooososo much thank you for putting up with me messaging u constantly about random shit i am eternally grateful to you and hope we can continue to be close friends for a very long time!! 💗❣💓💕💝❣💝💘💘❣💝💗💞❣💖💞💕💞❣❣💝💞❣❣💞💘
bonus: i couldn’t leave this out and you know it. pls enjoy <3
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hierophvnted · 7 years
For the url meme - lxstvampire and goldexperiencx
@lxstvampire || @goldexperiencx
Send me your URL and I'll tell you
My Opinion on;
Character in general: VANILLA: GOD, you can not tell me this guy wasn’t a damn stripper or some shit I refuse to believe otherwise, and I know you heard it a million times BUT YOU GONNA HEAR IT AGAIN. Other than that, I have mixed feelings about him because I admire his loyalty and extra-ness BUT HE KILLED AVDOL AND IGGY AND THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE ( sad wry ). GIORNO: He’s one of those characters that would end up on a “Who Is The Father?” drama type show cause DAMN BOY HE GOT IT COMPLICATED. I love Gio though, tbh he’s one of my favourite jojo actually fkjsdfkjdslk he’s beauty, he’s grace, he’s gonna muda muda you in the face. 
How they play them: AMAZING FOR BOTH MUSES. You bring out the character’s personalities out in a way where I can actually hear their voices and I just adkjfjsld;kfdskl. Nori still has a bone to pick with Vanilla tho---- and Giorno...you better prepare to be smothered with Nori’s Over Protective Mother Mode ( trademark ) cause you already know you’re his son now 8′) 
The Mun: IM SO GLAD I GOT TO MEET YOU. You’re such a great person to chat with EVEN THOUGH YOU OCCASIONALLY HIT ME WITH THAT ANGST SHIT ( it’s still good tho, please hurt my feelings more often. angst is my fuel ) 
Do I:
RP with them: hell yeah 
Want to RP with them:  always ! 
What is my;
Overall Opinion: please follow them if you haven’t already. you won’t be disappointed 8) 
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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carnivigorous · 5 years
ooc. kfdskl;fh; sorry i got to those so late but that’s it for now!
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seokmatthewz · 2 years
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wooyoung ✧ hello teez-mon ep. 8
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seokmatthewz · 2 years
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seokmatthewz · 2 years
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↳ bonus: congratulations on 2nd place, matthew!!
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seokmatthewz · 2 years
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thank you so much for following my silly little blog!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ 
to put it lightly, this has been a very difficult year for me, so i am extremely grateful that making gifs of my favourite kpop boys has offered me a bit of an escape when i need to just think about something else! i really never thought i’d reach this milestone, especially not by the end of this year (though just by a hair), and i am so so so deeply grateful to all of you for seeing my little clown blog and deciding it was worth a follow!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ i am so so overjoyed every time i get a sweet comment on my gifs in the tags, or a cute ask (though i am abysmally bad about answering them at times), and i am especially thankful for my dear friends and mutuals, who i have tagged below the cut! thank you for making my 2022 bearable, and at times absolutely wonderful. i am wishing all of you nothing but the best in the new year, mwah!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ 
love, ur (maybe) favourite woosanjonggi stan, irida!
if there’s a lil ✧ next to your name i’ve written you a lil note below! thank you for all the beautiful content you make!! your presences brighten up my dash immeasurably!! love u all sm, even if we have never spoken (which is likely because i’m horrific at speaking). mwah!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ (also i apologize if i’ve just randomly tagged u and we arent mutuals but that is a hazard of the trade i suppose FKDLSKL) also i am so so so sorry if i missed anyone!! i am stupid you see 
# - g
@20cm, @97chwe, @98linerz, @aethalen, @anyhao, @ashisland,  @berryjaellie ✧, @blueberrysan, @carrotscake, @charmerz, @chenleyah, @chwejongho ✧, @cruellajoong, @dazzlingkai, @dejawoos
h - j
@halahala​, @himeaegyo​, @hongjooong​, @hoyounq​ ✧, @hueningkai​, @hwanswerland​, @hwanwooyoung​, @hwarizon​, @jaeyunsim​, @jeong-yunhoes​, @jeonwonwoo​, @jjongho​, @jonghho​, @jongupseyeliner​, @junjunies​
k - v
@kdongyoung, @kimsmingyu, @kingleedo, @kyungsoosus, @loserline, @lovehui, @minhees, @minzbins, @ortali, @renjvn, @sanchelinz ✧, @sanhwaiting, @secnghwa, @seonghwaminho, @starhwaz, @strhwaberries
w - z
@wabisaba, @wonwooridul, @woodzm, @wookjinz ✧, @wrender ✧, @wriggleygutz ✧, @xuseokgyu, @yuvho ✧
─── ・ 。゚✧: *.☽ .* ✧. 。゚ ・ ───
my dearest fairy friend!!! my wonderful beloved favourite reaction youtuber!! millie my dearest i love u sm!!! it is always a joy to come on here and sometimes be greeted with a silly little hello post that both makes me feel overjoyed and mildly threatened and i wouldnt change it for the world!! thank you for putting up with my whims and my nonsense and for watching things i beg you to watch for me KLFDSKL you are so so kind and sweet and funny despite ur penchant for slandering me and ur taste that baffles me at times. i love u sm and i hope the coming year is fantastic and that you get to eat lots of delicious food and treats!! i adore u madam mwah!!
kaz there is not much i could put here that i haven’t already told you like 8000 times in our dms but i really do love u so dearly. i am so so happy that we were both on this stupid site at the same time so our paths were able to cross and so that we could evolve into the best friends we are today. as you have said before, our souls are always holding hands. i know this year has not been good for you, and i am always wishing you and your family well, as they (especially your mom) have become very dear to me as well. here’s to many more years of being each other’s personal circus clowns, and making fun of pretty men in our twitter dms. i could not ask for a better friend than you, and i cannot overstate how much you mean to me!! love you so so so much, and i hope this year is infinitely better!!
han idk if you’ll see this in any sort of remotely prompt time frame but it would feel wrong to leave you out of this fkdklfds thank you so much for letting me dm you about rtk all those years ago because if we hadn’t connected then i think i would still be vaguely afraid of you and i would not have gotten the opportunity to know you and have you become one of my best friends. i am so grateful that you make time to talk to me basically every single day even though i know you’re busy being a (future) rich icon!! i love you so so much and i cannot wait for you to finally come here so we can do all the silly things on our silly han in canada bucket list. i am so excited to spend this new year watching even more silly things and torturing you with beomgyu fancams when the comeback happens. i love you so much, and hope your 2023 is perfect!
luna dearest!! ik we don’t really talk outside of the occasional ask or tag clownery but i just wanted to say i appreciate those little interactions a lot!! you are always so fun to have a silly little “fight” with, and you put out so much beautiful content!! i hope this year goes very well for you, ily, mwah!!
my mortal enemy, my worstie, my fucked up little meow meow, paula i think we have like the most unhinged inside jokes of all time. i will take this brief moment of. truce? to thank you for letting me incessantly irritate you in our dms about cowboy junji or limji love killa or any unhinged ooo related nonsense i can think of. we are truly the ones who should be in charge of their concept and i will stand by this forever because 8d doesnt know what theyre doing. i hope we can continue to be worsties for the coming year. 2023 kyujung divorce era! FDKLDFKS
i have to include u in these every time i make them bc u and max are my longest standing mutuals and i always have to give my yearly apology for putting all sorts of random ass men on your dash constantly FKDSKL wren i love you so dearly i cannot explain how wonderful it was to see you and i hope that we can see each other some more next time i am back in the city. you are so funny and kind and great and i am so happy that we continue to be friends even though we do not see each other that much. i hope we can continue to sporadically interact, and have to mention that nct released a song i think is worse than sticker called 2baddies and i dont care if you listen to it but it needs to be said because i forgot to say it yesterday and remembered today FKLDSKLD i love you so much and i hope 2023 brings you only good things MWAH!!
max dearest!! just like with wren i have to include you in these whenever i make them both as an apology but as an acknowledgement of you as one of my oldest tumblr mutuals. i am deeply horrific at communicating, especially over text, and i am always so glad when i get to see you in person, however infrequent that may be. it is so nice that we can always pick up where we left off no matter how much time has passed. i love you very dearly, and really hope we can make that eurovision finale party a reality because it would be such a good time to clown around with my favourite fellow european-canadian friend!! i love you and wish you all the best in the new year!!
my dear historical wifey!!! i cannot explain how amazing it has been getting to know you even more over the course of this year. i cannot believe we got to see ateez together, and there is nobody i would’ve rather gone with than you! thank you for always being kind to me, and listening to me ramble both in person and over text at times. i am so so happy that we ended up living in the same city, and even more happy that we were compatible as irl friends!! i hope we can see even more of each other in the future, and that we can go see ateez all over again when they come back!! please wish your family a happy new year from me!! i love you so much and hope your 2023 is fantastic because you deserve it!!
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seokmatthewz · 1 year
goodnight 2 matthew only
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seokmatthewz · 2 years
bedtime for me
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seokmatthewz · 1 year
🎧 & 👯‍♀️ (zb1 ofc <3)
hehe hello siyuan!!!! <3<3 tysm for sending mmmwah!!! <3
🎧 put one of my kpop playlists on shuffle and share the first song that plays
i do not have any playlists i exist in a state of shuffling 1.5k songs at once KFDSKL but when i hit shuffle on my liked songs, the first song that came up was LP by red velvet!!! a cute lil song i love them sm
👯‍♀️ send w/ a group, and I’ll rant about a favorite friendship
ok. as a noted jakkkungz (matthew nd hanbin) enjoyer that will b my choice i just think theyre SO cute like. idk theres smth thats so brothers abt them like how they kept in close contact even after they both left cube and how hanbin was matthew's first close friend in korea and provided him with comfort while he was so far away from his family in canada 😔😔😔 nd like how matthew's uncle sporadically has little "events" at hanbin's mom's cafe so even their families know each other decently well its just so CUTE to me and then they went on boys planet together and ended up ranking right next to one another if u show me ANY video of them at the finale its guaranteed to make me tear up a little FDSLKFDSLK theyre just so cute and hanbin seems to dote on matthew a lot which is so wholesome they r just so bffs i am perpetually overjoyed tht they got 2 debut together 😔😔😔😔😔 my beloved jakkkungz
kpop ask game!
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seokmatthewz · 2 years
hello gabi!!! thank u for sending <3<3
✦ my first bias: seunghwan!!
✦ my current bias(es): rakwon, junmin, and junseok r my little dudes <3
✦ my album and/or era ranking (or favorite of each): era ranking wld def be monochrome >>>>>>> attitude i did not like miss attitude fklsdkfl
✦ how i got into them: i watched their survival show when it was airing!!! i will watch any survival show they are so horribly entertaining and this one had a weird stupid format so u bet i was there fkdskdf
✦ which member would be my best friend: rakwon is my bestie. he has like. loser boy energy i love him so dearly fdlskdskfl
✦ something i associate with them (or with a bias/any member): god they performed this one AWFUL song on their survival show i cant remember what it was called but my friend who i watched it with will always bring it up and then i think about it nonstop for a week and feel deeply haunted by it KFDSKL
send me a kpop group!!
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seokmatthewz · 2 years
my gifs arent showing up on the dash again always a joy KFDSKL
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seokmatthewz · 2 years
leaves ooo and weeekly on ur doorstep
millie the only person who ever asks me abt ggs <3 it worries me tht people may think i am one of those bgs only people KLDSKL tysm <3<3<3
favorite member / bias line: junhyung and wookjin <3 my beloved catboys who i adore so dearly
which member I’d fight (& why): wookjin . just look at him. what man in ooo asks more to be fought. also sungho but just for the bubble messages that haunt me to this day KFDSKL
favorite song(s): god.....so many.....angel, designer, gaslighting, picasso, boss, suit dance, dora maar....the list goes on they r so iconic
favorite thing about the group: theyre just so insanely talented. their discography (with like. one exception) is SO unmatched and each of the members are so talented individually too as well as as a group. like not to sound bitchy or anything but there are definitely kpop groups who couldn't pull off each of their members having a solo but ooo...they r just out here. i love them sm
something i’d like to see from them: a light concept i am beggingkdsklsd. there is only so much thinly veiled horny (and not thinly veiled at all horny) that a girl can take sometimes KLFDSKL i desperately want them to do another song like angel like not a bright concept exactly but something less like. sexy or sensual and instead more fun!!
favorite member / bias line: soeun and jimin my beloved wives!!! and jiyoon was a bias of mine too before she left </3 i am forever a weeekly 02 line enthusiast
which member I’d fight (& why): none of them i cannot picture fighting any of my girlies. perpetually we r in a group hug
favorite song(s): holiday party, tag me, la luna, airplane mode, lucky, and after school are all so beloved 2 me!! they make so much good music i want a comeback so bad fksklf
favorite thing about the group: i just like them a lot idk tbh !! it is rare for me to get like Very into a girl group (mostly because ggs i like historically have a tendency to disband or become inactive and it feels like a curse at this point KLDSKL) but they always impress me!! like soeun and soojin are such insanely good dancers for example like their cover of naughty by irene and seulgi is SO iconic and i feel like their vocals are so underrated....theyre definitely my favourite 4th gen gg theyre just very close 2 my heart
something i’d like to see from them: admittedly i wasn't the biggest ven para fan like she grew on me but i would rlly like a return to their original concept!! i have never been a girl crush concept enthusiast and i feel like weeekly just pull off the like cute sweet fun high energy gg concept SO well. i would love for them to do a rlly fun summer song next year!! but at this point i will take any comeback pls come back my girlies i miss u fklskld
send me a kpop group!!
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