#KI IS SO CUTEEEEE 😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
killuaisaprincess · 1 year
“There! Is that better for my princess?”
Killua looks up with puffed-out cheeks, harrumphing, but he slowly presses his head to Gon’s chest, nuzzling against it, smiling.
“M-maybe a little… s-stupid…”
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killuaisaprincess · 2 years
day 506
“S-stop it, stupid…”
Killua mumbles it so softly, the tips of his cute little ears going red and the bridge of his nose pink. Adorable. Gon pulls his hand away slowly, digging around into his pocket.
“The new JoyStation is coming out. So guess who preordered it?”
Killua gasps, grabbing Gon’s shirt excitedly, looking at him like a kid in a candy store. Gon’s chest gets all warm and fuzzy, seeing Killua happy.
“W-wait… it’s not a special day…”
“Of course it is! It’s day five hundred and six of you agreeing to be mine forever.”
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killuaisaprincess · 2 years
“Why are you here, really?”
Killua puffs out his cheeks, stomping his foot on the ground, and Gon’s heart stops.
Well, this is why he’s here.
Killua’s so cute; he’s sure the guys won’t mind if he skips practice because he has, ah, a “paper cut.”
The little pink pin in Killua’s hair, the way his button nose gets all red in annoyance, his cute little nurse dress…
They guys won’t mind. Actually, Gon’s had to knock a few in the skull a couple of times for looking at Killua.
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killuaisaprincess · 2 years
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It hurts too much to think of a plan…
He thought maybe without Bisky breathing down his neck…
She was going to get supplies for a while.
He still can’t…
The sun is too hot… and… he feels dizzy and…
Killua blankly watches as Gon does pushups with one arm, sighing. He can’t think like this…
Fresh air… or maybe a walk…
He jumps down, a wave of dizziness hitting him as the world tilts dangerously.
A pair of strong arms catch him before he can crumble to the ground.
He can’t even joke about how much better his reflexes have gotten… staring dumbfounded as Gon lowers them to the ground until Killua can feel the harsh sand against his legs.
“Killua, are you okay?”
Gon hovers over him, concern heavy on his brow.
Killua’s throat feels dry, and he shakes his head, trying to clear the black spots dancing across his vision.
“Y-yeah… I just felt a little… dizzy…”
He can feel Gon’s piercing gaze as he puts a firm hand on his shoulder.
“…’m okay…”
Gon glares, but it’s not at Killua as he stands up, tugging his tank top over his head.
“H-huh? G-Gon?”
Gon ignores him, walking over to his bag and grabbing two water bottles, drenching the fabric, pouring the whole thing out onto it, before squeezing harshly, ringing it out, and doing it once more, leaving more of the water soaked into the fabric.
By the time he gets back over, Killua is resting his head in his arms, and Gon gently touches his shoulder, and Killua looks up with glazed-over eyes.
Gon takes his tank top and places it against Killua’s forehead, and Killua shudders.
Gon pauses, looking down at Killua’s hands.
He changes his mind, wrapping it gently around the younger boy's head and tying a knot.
“You’re probably dehydrated. We should rest somewhere.”
“N-no, I’m fine…”
Killua shakes his head; it’s fine! He already feels better. The cold cloth pressed against his head eases the pain… the pain… where even is the pain…?
He doesn’t care how stubborn Gon is; he isn’t going to win this fight!
“Gon, ‘m fine.”
He pants, pressing his hands to his face; the pain... it hurts.
Gon pulls him up into his lap, and Killua can’t protest the motion, breathing heavily.
Gon says, his voice so concerned and gentle, and Killua blearily looks up into those warm eyes, overfilled with worry.
“Bisky will get mad…”
“I don’t care. You’re more important, Killua.”
His chest aches.
No… no, he’s not… they have limited time… he’s not…
“We’ll just go to somewhere she won’t be getting supplies. Like, uhh… AiAi!”
Bold of you to assume she wouldn’t be getting them there, Gon… she might be trying to get with all the guys there…
But he doesn’t have the strength to voice that, whimpering, and closing his eyes.
“Killua! Hey… it’s okay…”
Gon presses his fingers comfortingly against his backbone, rubbing circles there.
“You’re okay. What hurts…?”
It’s just his hands, just… but sometimes when he so much as brushes them against something, everything will burn. Like he’s being dipped in molten lava. He can’t even breathe; it hurts so much.
“I’m sorry.”
Killua shakes his head.
“I got you. I got you.”
♡⃛ ───────⠀♡⃛
It’s all a blur. He doesn’t know… what’s happening…
Killua can hear some girls giggling, and he narrows his eyebrows, pouting and nuzzling his head closer to Gon’s bare chest until his long eyelashes flutter against his skin. Stay away from his Gon!
His Gon…
He closes his eyes, biting on his tongue. No… no…
Gon isn’t his…
Gon shuffles up the staircase faster, pressing Killua closer to his warmth.
“We’re almost there. Hang on, Killua…”
Stupid Gon… why do you have to sound so concerned for him… it’s easier when you hurt him... It’s so much easier to destroy his hands.
♡⃛ ───────⠀♡⃛
He misses Gon’s contact as soon as Gon puts him down on the bed gently, and Killua sinks into the mattress, curling up on his side and wrapping his arms around his stomach.
Gon removes his wet shirt from Killua’s forehead, gently touching his shoulder.
“I’m going to get you an actual towel, okay?”
Killua doesn’t say anything; he just curls up further, staring blankly at the pink dresser near the bed.
He isn’t even sure how much time passes before he can feel something cool slip near his head, draping over his ear and as much of his forehead as Gon can get with the angle.
“Killua, I’m going to take a shower. Do you want to take one too?”
Killua shakes his head.
“N-no, I took one the other day. You were busy training.”
He can hear Gon shift on his feet and practically hear the gears in his head turning.
“Okay. If there’s anything you need. Anything at all. You can ask me, Killua.”
Killua doesn’t say anything, shutting his eyes, listening to the creaking of the floor as Gon slowly turns away.
It comes out as a shy, meek whisper.
“Yeah, Killua?”
He grips the edges of his overshirt, relishing in the sharp pain as a distraction, whimpering slightly.
“Can you get me some chocolate?”
He fully expects Gon to laugh or scold him for wanting to spend all their money on chocolate.
“Of course, Killua.”
Gon brushes a strand of hair behind his ear, and Killua can feel his skin burning, his heart racing.
“I’ll take you out to get a chocolate milkshake, okay? I’m sure they have them here!”
Stupid. Gon… why are you being so considerate…?
♡⃛ ───────⠀♡⃛
Killua keeps putting the headband off and on his head, biting his lip, sighing indecisively. Each action makes pain shoot all the way from the tip of his fingers to his elbow.
He can’t change his clothes, so he wants to wear something cute…
He places the blue headband back on his head, playing carefully with the big blue ribbon on the side.
“Eh? That’s cute!”
Killua jumps slightly at Gon’s voice, his cheeks flushing red.
Gon walks closer, a towel wrapped around his neck, his hair still semi-dripping wet onto his tank top.
“When did you get it?”
“Bisky got it for me as a joke…”
Killua grabs a strand of his hair, playing with it shyly, looking to the side.
“I kinda like it, though…”
“You should! You look super cute! You should wear it all the time!”
Killua stops fiddling with his hair, frozen solid, his whole chest burning, his face on fire, and his ears burning.
He can’t say anything, stammering cutely, squeaking as Gon picks him up suddenly. He wraps his arms around Gon’s neck so tightly it hurts, loosening his grip slowly.
“Let’s go! I owe you some chocolate remember?”
♡⃛ ───────⠀♡⃛
“Come on, sweetheart, wouldn’t you rather spend time in a real prince's arms instead of some… beefcake…”
The twink of a guy says, staring at Gon in disgust.
“No way, idiottttt!”
Killua sticks his tongue out.
Gon is his prince!
Not his…
“Stay away from Killua!”
Gon glowers, his eyes glaring holes into the guy's chest, as he stomps away, ignoring the gasp heard.
W-why is Gon so angry…?
No. It’s not…
♡⃛ ───────⠀♡⃛
“You sure like chocolate, huh?”
Killua stops sipping from his straw, the sparkle in his eyes and small cute grin pausing for a pout.
“So, what, stupid Gon!?”
“It’s cute.”
Killua almost chokes, staring suspiciously.
“…’m not gonna share.”
Nope. Gon doesn’t need any chocolate. Nor a sip from the milkshake. He already has the sweetest thing here.
“We should probably get back before Bisky hurts me…”
Killua freezes, pulling away from the milkshake, sadness flashing in his eyes that makes Gon’s heart hurt.
“Yeah. She’s going to beat you up for sure, idiot.”
Killua swings his legs back and forth.
“Gon…? T-thank you… …’ve missed hanging out together.” Without Bisky…
Gon has to physically restrain himself from pulling Killua into his arms, smiling.
“Sure! Killua, you know you can ask me for anything, okay…?”
You don’t have to just be in pain.
Killua tilts his head down timidly, glancing over.
“C-Can you… carry me back…?”
Killua knows it’s his hands that are injured, but…
“Of course.”
Gon doesn’t even mind; he’s selfish; he outshines all the lights in the little room once Killua asks, beaming.
He likes carrying Killua too. His heart soars when Killua nuzzles just a little closer to him, no one gets that but him.
“Up we go!”
He scoops Killua up before he’s ready, and Killua gasps.
“W-w-wait, my milkshake!”
♡⃛ ───────⠀♡⃛
Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.
Gon plops down onto the rock next to Killua with a groan, and Killua stares at him.
“She got you good.”
“Owie… yeah…”
“I-I know what can make it better…”
Gon looks over expectingly.
Killua shyly stares down into his lap, the tips of his ears pink.
Before Gon can even register what has happened, soft lips meet his cheek for just a moment, and Killua wraps both his arms around Gon’s arm, hiding his face in Gon’s chest.
Gon looks down at Killua, shell-shocked, his whole face going red.
He feels so giddy…
He puts his hand under Killua's legs and the other around his shoulder, jumping up, and Killua looks up, his face also bright red, eyes wide.
“Alright! I’m going to work super hard today!”
Gon grins down at Killua, who slolwy smiles back softly.
“O-o-okay, then get to work, y-y-you brats!”
Bisky blows her nose into a handkerchief, her attitude about killing them switching on a dime as she smiles.
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killuaisaprincess · 2 years
World is Mine
“I’m sorry, love. You’re my princess; I should be treating you as such. Forgive me?”
Gon apologizes, kissing the pulse point of his wrist.
Killua looks up, wrapping his arms around Gon’s neck, and Gon bends down and tilts Killua’s chin up with his free hand; he doesn’t smash their lips together, leaning down and giving Killua a small peck first before leading with a passionate kiss, and Killua’s dark eyelashes flutter over his eyes, and he melts, his body so warm, but in a gentle way. Gon pulls him closer, and Killua doesn’t want it to end.
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killuaisaprincess · 2 years
hold me in your arms like a prison
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He peeks his head out, looking upward at Gon, his pout hidden.
Gon smiles softly and bends over, putting an arm under Killua’s butt, lifting him off the floor, and Killua squeaks, wrapping his arms around Gon’s neck.
“Don’t worry! You really are a cutie pie, aren’t you? I’ll still visit her! She knows, trust me, Killua, it’s okay.”
He leans down, colliding his forehead with Killua’s, nuzzling their noses together.
Killua’s face is past red at this point, and he looks to the side once Gon pulls away.
“Mm-mm o-okay…”
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killuaisaprincess · 2 years
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