bison2winquote · 8 days
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“It must be rough working all the time, Mary. I don’t think there’d be anything wrong with it if you just enjoyed a tournament for once!” - Terry Bogard after defeating Blue Mary, The King of Fighters XIV (SNK)
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King Of Fighters - The Yashiro Twins
So this is a newest digital painting of mine featuring Yashiro from King of Fighters and his twing sister (who is not from the game but is a fan character) as they are ready to perform a move I had in mind: the female Yashiro jumps on the air and then the male Yashiro hurls her to the opponent.
I really had lot of fun doing this painting, i took inspiration from the faces of a couple of actors, and Fem Yashiro reminds me of Serph from Digital Devil Saga.
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KOF98 - AtariAge by FranjoGutierrez
Hi, if you want to see the full image, please visit the Neo Geo thread in the great AtariAge Community. Below the link.
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castlewyvern · 1 year
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antiv3nom · 3 months
so turns out i accidentally ordered the portuguese version of volume 5 of the kof14 manga. so. gotta. gotta reorder that.
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1021: (Not) A Coffee Shop Date! (King of Fighters)
12:04 p.m. at Athena's Coffee Shop.........
Leona: (Smiles Softly at Shingo While Sitting in Front of Him in their Table) I must say, you've improved a lot since our last spar, Shingo-Kun.
Shingo: (Smiles Brightly at Leona) Thanks! I think I'm starting to believe that way too. (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth While Smiling Sheepishly) Though, to be completely honest, I... didn't really think I was able to keep up with you at first....
Leona: Perhaps, but your performance today did play a part in increasing your stamina and agility fairly well. (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) However......
Shingo: Hm?
Leona: There are a few things I think you need to work more on....if you don't mind me pointing them out to you that is.
Shingo: (Happily Shakes his Head) Not at all! (Quickly Got his Noteopad and Pen Out of his Pants Pocket) I'm all ears! (Taps the Button on his Pen)
Leona: (Giggles Softly) As prepared as ever I see~ (Simply Nodded Before Getting a Bit Serious) Very well. Firstly, let's go over your primary fighting stance. It doesn't look too bad like last time, but I believe there's still have room for more improvement.
While Shingo begins to listen closely and writes down every critiques and pointers Leona gives him, his three co-workers/gal pals stares at the duo behind the cashier counter in a mid distance.
Athena: (Squeals in Excitement) Oh my ggoodnessss!!~ Are you girls seeing what I'm seeing right now?~
Hinako: (Clasps her Hands Together and Puts Them Beside her Head in a Cute Fashion) They're having a lovely coffee date together, aren't they?~
Malin: Looks like it to me. (Crosses her Arms With a Cheeky Grin on her Face) Did not think a military babe would suit our goofball's style~
Athena: I didn't either. But I've already pictured a hundred different scenarios on how their relationship could play out and they're all romantic!~
Malin: (Turns to her Boss Next to her) Doing another psychic ability of yours, 'Thena?
Athena: (Smiles Sheepishly) Telepathic predictions. I couldn't help myself.....
Malin: (Smirks Teasingly at the Pop Idol) Oh really? Like how you couldn't help yourself by using your psychic vision to peep at the boy's locker room?~
Athena: (Immediately Blushes Bright Red) T-That was one time, Malin, and it was an honest accident!!
Malin: Sure it was!~
Athena: MALIN!~
Hinako: (Shushes Athena and Malin) Girls, we have to maintain level of our voices. They'll hear us!
Athena: (Quickly Clasps her Hands Together in Embarrassment While Whispering) Right! Sorryyy!
Malin: (Rolls her Eyes) Fiiiiine.
Back to Shingo and Leona
Leona: And that....seems to be all the critiques I could think of giving you as of right now. (Smiles Softly) Other than that, keep up the good work in your training
Shingo: (Happily Salutes to Leona) Will do, ma'am! And can I say that you would make a really fine coach one of these days, by the way~ (Playfully Winks at Leona While Finger Gunning at her Direction)
Leona: (Giggles Softly) Funny you mentioned that. I'm actually coaching Iori and Shun'Ei to help have a better control of their powers.
Shingo: (Eyes Widened a Bit in Genuine Surprise) Oh really? That's cool!....I-Iori isn't causing you any trouble, is he?
Leona: I...would be lying if I say that our first session didn't start off rocky at the time...B-But rest assured! He has gotten more cooperative overtime, recently even.
Shingo: ('Sighs in Relief') If you say so. That guy really terrifies me.....
Leona: I can tell. (Frowns a Little in Worry) Your hands would start to shake whenever his name is mentioned. Has he really caused you that much trouble in the past?
Shingo: (Quickly Smiles Sheepishly) Yeah, but I-It's fine! Really. The past's the past, you know? I'm sure I'll get over it. Eventually.
Leona: If you're certain....
'Ringtone Ikari Warrior's Theme (KOF14) Plays'
Leona: (Looks Down at the Screen on her Phone) Hm. It's Ralf. (Picks her Phone up From the Table as She Gets Up From her Seat) Do you mind if I take this in private? It might be important.
Shingo: Not at all. Take as much time as you need
Leona: (Simply Nodded) Thank you. This won't take long, I promise. (Answers the Call While Making her Way Outside) Hello? Leona Heiden is speaking.
Shingo watches the door close as he takes a sip.of his coffee. At least until a simple sound of the word "Hi" starts to starle him enough into almost spilling his hot beverage. As he carefully places his cup back down, turns to his three gal pals standing and smiling right next to his seat.
Shingo: Oh. (Smiles Softly at the Trio) Hey girls. What's up?
Malin: Ohh not much~ (Puts on a Cheeky Smirk on her Face) Just making sure you're well acquainted on your little coffee date with your ladyfriend outside~
Shingo: Oh thank- (Eyes Immediately Widened at the Realization) Waiiiit a minute. You guys think Leona and I dating?
Athena: (Happily Nodded) Yep!~ Or at least we hope you two are~
Hinako: She seems like a really nice girl~
Malin: With a hot, thicc bod to boot~
Shingo/Athena/Hinako: MALIN!
Malin: What!? She's a full package! (Pats Shingo on the Arm) And those muscles of hers are almost as built as yours are, big guy.
Shingo: ('Sigh') Thanks, Malin....But seriously girls, Leona-san and I are just here hanging out, as friends. Nothing more than that.
Hinako: Really? You two seem to enjoy each other's company fairly well.
Shingo: Yeah, definitely. But that doesn't mean we're instantly going to fall head over heels for one another. Leona already has enough in her plate as it is to worry about that kind of stuff.
Athena: (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) That is true.....But have you ever thought of being in a relationship with her before? (Wiggles her Finger at the Blue Boi) Be honest.
Shingo: (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth a Bit Bashfullly) Well, I mean....I guess I did thought about that once we left the gym together....(Sighs Again While Placing his Head on the Palm of his Hand) But then I remembered K' telling me that I'm out of her league.....not entirely wrong.
Malin: ('Scoffs') Oh please. What would a lazy slacker like him know about romance anyways? If there's one person who would have a shot with a girl like that, it would most definitely be you!
Shingo: (Eyes Slowly Starts to Widened) You....really mean that?
Hinako: (Smiles Softly) Of course. You're sweet, earnest, hard working.
Athena: (Happily Hugs Shingo) And the biggest goofball we all know and love~
Malin and Hinako joins in on the hug too.
Shingo: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness as He Accepts the Hugs) Aww you guys~ Thanks. But I still want her and I to be friends for now, you know?
Athena: We understand. Just know that if you ever need any advice on the dating scene, don't be afraid to come to us for help, okay?
Hinako: Us ladies has plenty experience for this sort of stuff, you know?~ (Playfully Winks at Shingo)
Malin: (Shrugs) I don't really care for that romantic crap, but- (Eyes Suddenly Begins to Widened) Shit! Military babe is coming back inside!
Athena: (Eyes Widened as Well) Oh! Well...(Looks Back at Shingo) Let us know if you need anything from a text and we'll help out from there, 'Kay? Loveyoubyeee!~
Before Shingo could say anything, a pink light begins to surround the three girls as they disappear out of sight, causing the goofball to sigh for the third time before Leona comes back to their seat.
Leona: (Seats Back Down at her Seat) Apologies for the delay. Ralf has been taking cooking classes as of late and wanted to know few ingredients for a cake he's making.
Shingo: Oh it's no problem. Did not take your commander for a cook though. When did he started taking classes?
Leona: A few weeks ago. He was terrible at it at first, but he has started to improve overtime.
Shingo: Cool, cool. (Takes Another Sip of his Coffee) So uhh....Leona-san?
Leona: (Turns her Attention to Shingo While Sipping on her Own Cup of Coffe) Hm?
Shingo: This....(Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth While Shyly Looking Away) Might be the most outlandish question for me to ask, but.....have you ever thought about dating before? Like...ever?
Leona: (Raises an Eyebrow) Dating?
Shingo: Yeah, you know....Like being in a romantic relationship and whatnot. (Chuckles Awkwardly) I mean! Granted, you don't HAVE to answer that question if you really don't want-
Leona: Oh no it's fine. I don't mind you asking me that at all. I usually don't think about it too often and would brush the thought of it off on my mind, entirely. Even still....
Shingo: Hm?
Leona: It....(Starts Blushing and Smiling a Little) would be nice to fall in love with someone, experience a few date activities here and there....maybe even form a stronger connection between one another overtime if it goes successful. (Frowns a Little While Sighing) But given everything I've been through over the years, I doubt there's anyone that would be interested in someone like me....
Shingo: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Shock ) Are you kidding!? Any guy in the world, would be stupid NOT to give someone as great as you a chance in the dating scene!
Leona: (Taken Back by Shingo's Sudden Outburst) Y-You....really mean that?
Shingo: (Quickly Nodded his Head) Absolutely. You're smart, helpful, strong, pretty, cute, and you're really fun to hangout with, 'least I think so anyways....(Immediately Shakes his Head) B-But that's beside the point! The fact of the matter is that...(Stood Up From his Seat and Points at Leona in a Determined Like Manner) YOU Leona Heiden, are the textbook example of a full package!!!
As the sound of customers talking among themselves is still present and the blush slowly begins to show up on the Ikari Warrior's Cheeks, Shingo stood there for a few seconds before his eyes starts to widens and mentally hears a broken glass as he realizes what he just said.
Shingo: (Immediately Sits Back Down While Blushing Bright Red) T-T-THAT WASN'T WHAT I MEANT TO SAY! I-I mean, I did meant what I said about you being great and all, b-but not the full package part! I don't even know where that came from let alone meant it, which I CLEARLY didn'tbytheway! (Clasps his Hands Together and Bows his Head for Forgiveness) Pleasedon'tbemadeatmeeeee!!!
'Heh heh heh'
Shingo slowly brings his head up to face his inevitable fate...only to see Leona laughing wholeheartdly at him, with no trace of malice anywhere near the sound of her voice.
Shingo: (Almost at a Loss For Words) L-...Leona-san?
Leona: (Finally Calms Down her Laughing) My apologies~ (Wipe a Single Tear From Off her Eyes) It's been a while since I've laughed so loudly like this. It felt great.
Shingo: So....does this mean you're....not mad me for what I said?
Leona: (Smiles Softly) Of course not. I was surprised, sure, but I was never mad at you to begin with, Shingo-Kun. If anything..... (Starts Blushing Again While Flipping the Back of Her Haira bit Shyly) lt...actually makes me happy to hear you think so highly of me. So....thanks.
Shingo: Y-Yeah. No problem. (Smiles Sheepishly) What kind 0f friend I would be if I didn't? ('Heh') Can we.....not tell K' about what happened once we get to his place later on today? He's never gonna let me live it down.....(And I really don't want to buy more than five bags of beef jerky on the way to the store.....)
Leona: Don't worry, I won't tell him anything. So long as you keep being the kind,superiorly cuter person you are of course.
Shingo: ('Sighs a Back in Relief') Yeah....I can do that- Wait. Cuter-
A pink light reappears in front of Shingo and Leona's table revealing itself to be Athena, Hinako, and Malin wearing sombreros and holding a few shopping bags in their hands.
Athena: ('Sighs Heavily in Relief') Ohhh thank God we're finally back home....(Turns to Leona Before Happily Waving at Her) Oh hi Leona-Chan!~
Leona: (Simply Nodded to the Pop Idol) Athena. You've been well.
Shingo: Yeah, where did you guys went off too?
Athena: Oh we just went on a few detours and sightseeings here and there.....
Malin: (Points at Athena Next to Her) Little Miss Psycho Pants here kept teleporting us around the globe. (Rolls her Eyes) As per usual....
Athena: (Immediately Pouts at Malin) How many times do I have say I'm sorry!? I panicked!
Malin: (Glares Back at Athena) Yeah? Well, think and warn us next time you start doing that crap! I nearly threw up in my bags....
Hinako: ('Sighs') Anyways....(Smiles Brightly at the Duo in Front of Her) How is your time together going along?~
Shingo: Pretty good. Nothing too eventful happening on our end.
Leona: Shingo-Kun called me a Full Package.
Shingo's eyes and mouth immediately widened in shock and disbelief.
Athena/Hinako: (Drop Their Bags on the Ground Before Gasping Loudly and Turning Their Heads Directly at Shingo) YOU WHAAAAT!?
Malin: (Smirks Very Devishly at Shingo) You don't say!~
Leona: Really? You seemed very confident when you said it.
Shingo: Well-Yeah, but- I mean- See, the thing is, I-
Malin: Enough chatter! (Pulls a Chair From a Nearby Table and Place it Next to Leona as She Sits Down on it) Give us details, woman!
Athena and Hinako rapidly nodded in agreement as they lean their heads a little closer to the Ikari Warrior member.
Leona: (Taken a Bit Back From the Sudden Request) If...you insist I guess. It all started when I walked back in the shop and.....(Continues to Tell the Girls What Happened)
Shingo: (Slumps his Head Down on the Table in Embarrassment) (What has my life turned into? A misery pile of secrets?)
???????: (Are you quoting Dracula right now?)
Shingo turns his head to see Athena staring at him.
Shingo: (Huh.) (Slumps his Head Back Down) (I guess I am....) (Eyes Starts to Widened Again Before Turning Back to Athena) (Hey, wait a minute. How are you able to read my thoughts right now?)
Athena: (Smiles Brightly) (Psycho powers, silly!~ I've always been able to do this. Plus, your mind is already like an open book sooooo....)
Shingo: (Groans While Slumping his Head Down Yet Again) (Don't remind me.)
Athena: (Gently Rubs her Friend's Back) (If it makes you feel any better, we've got you a few souvenirs from our unexpected trip~)
Shingo: (Quickly Got his Head Up Again) (Really?)
Athena: (We'll give them to you after Leona finish telling us about the "Full Package" situation, 'kay?)
Shingo: (Sighs Heavily in Defeat as He Slumps his Head Down One Final Time) (Fiiiiine, I'll wait and listen....Just...please don't laugh me too loudly....)
Athena: (We'll try~)
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gear-project · 2 years
Annon-Guy: Thoughts on Team Samurai in KOF15? P.S. I get why Darli is there (to represent Sam Sho 2019), but why her instead of Galford or Rimururu? It makes sense that Nakoruru brought in Haohmaru though.
Considering the idea that Team Samurai was practically "already" in KOF14, it's kindof old-hat to say Nakoruru and Haohmaru would be chosen for the team (though they've been in older crossover games frequently as well, including Capcom VS SNK 2).
If it were ME running things, Team Samurai would consist of:
Tachibana Ukyo Ocha-Maro Karakuri Suzuhime
The latter two because they don't show up as often as representatives of SamSho Sen and 6 respectively.
Of course, they need people to recognize their most successful entry, so of course they went with Darli.
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stillness, roots, and texture for freya ?? :vD (for the character design asks !)
stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
shes known to move around a lot hehe.... save for whenever shes nervous and like. intimidated by people. she tends to hop and skip and pace around while talking, gestures with her hands a lot, also tends to fiddle with them. notably really likes carrying around marbles and flipping them around between her fingers, she can do cool tricks with them.... though not really a tic she does have nystagmus and her eyes sometimes shake, in general her eyesight's pretty stilted and she tends to either stare real wide or just get really close to people's faces which can be a little unnerving sometimes hah. her balance is also a bit off because of this and so she may drag her feet around to feel out textures or just like. grant herself more stabilitous posture in general. when in place she does like to shift her weight around from either foot and just wobble around. she doesnt like sitting still for too long.
the last question is very interesting to me.... i do think she like. wears her big green coat so much that it doesnt really affect her much anymore or at least she doest really feel its weight actively. but if shes especially tired or anxious or any other sensation that makes her hyperaware of her surroundings she does kind of just like. sink under it. OH in general she likes hiding her hands within her sleeves, probably extends to her hiding her face in the mane of her coat as well....
roots: Is your OC’s look inspired by any specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/or inspiration for their look?
hmm honestly its an amalgamation of a bunch of things? when writing about it textually i frame it as like. alt 2000s/2010s type clothing, specifically that of a very costume-y almost 'amateur cosplay' style texturing, but from a doylist perspective in terms of what i was collecting when i first came up with her design.... it was mostly just trying to come up with an outfit for an ice skater that wasnt too "frilly" nor "skintight" and instead referenced around more contemporary costuming, combined with a light focus on other winter sport type clothing like those big loose ski pants with geometric patterns on them or floppy coats made out of fur....
for some very specific references. i based her character concept and part of her outfit off kula kof. i completely stole the idea and mechanism for the retractable ice skates off her kof14 design hah. solely because at the time i was playing a lot of kof and trying to find a third main and i played kula for a bit and i thought her animations and moves were sick. so i just transmitted her ice themed weirdgirl swag to freya....
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freya having stuff like fingerless gloves and a faux-mesh upper portion of her shirt is also loosely meant to like. harken her to metal subcultures because Yeah thats a very important trait of hers! the green part of her fit i also imagine is like. kind of latex-y. do with that what you will
texture: Does your OC favor any specific kinds of cloth or textures? Is there anything they can’t wear or don’t like? What sort of fabrics do they prefer?
hmm id say she isnt particularly sensitive to any kind of fabric so much as she just like. likes to keep up some pretense of variety in there. like shes very picky about matching fabrics and doesnt like "repeating" materials in an outfit too much because she thinks it looks boring that way.... like theres a reason her main outfit consists of like. thick furry coat leather boots rubbery mantle etc.
design asks + list of characters. send me more!
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hagaishi-sama · 1 year
Watch "The Last - A KOF14 CV" on YouTube
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y4mmyb0y · 2 years
dude either sol and k' are like based on the same shit or snk saw sol in gg1 and was like this is cool and then daisuke saw k' in kof14 and was like this is cool. guys with fire powers who are weird genetically enhanced freaks that wear some kind of clothing to keep their power under control and they hate trying hard and fight without technique and rely on raw power
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extremeeastfgc · 2 years
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🕹🎮👑🔥💣🔪 Many Toys Studio MS Leona Heidern 1/6 KOF SNK Licensed
SNK全球正版授权雕像--莉安娜·哈迪兰 工作室:MANY TOYS Studio 产品名:莉安娜·哈迪兰 产品比例:1:6 样品尺寸:H:47cm,W:43cm,L:26cm
#LeonaHeidern #レオナハイデルン #Leona #レオナ #KOF #KOF14 #SNK #KOFXlV #thekingoffightersxv #ザキングオブファイターズXlV #thekingoffighters14 #ザキングオブファイターズ14 #fgc #fgcbr #fightinggames #kof #fightinggamecommunity #fgcbrasil #格闘ゲーム #格ゲー #jogosdeluta #エスエヌケイ #FIGURE #フィギュア
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bison2winquote · 22 days
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Now, Andy! Next time join up with me! I won’t let you get away!
- Mai Shiranui to Andy Bogard, The King of Fighters XIV (SNK)
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atelierpenny · 2 years
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shiki looks like such shit i love him. look at his kof14 lookin ass model
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roddypii · 2 years
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This is my friend Wilker as K’ and me as Rock Howard from The King of Fighters XIV. K’ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wilker.god/ Rock instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roddypii/
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gear-project · 1 year
Annon-Guy: What're your thoughts on Sylvie Paula Paula and Nadj coming out in Season 2 of KOF15? Sylvie's new Gothic look is bizarre.
I don't traditionally follow KOF news like other people do, but I'm aware of the characters ever since their KOF14 debut.
An old friend of mine is a fan of Sylvie (I think she's an oddball, personally... but some girls are like that, I suppose...).
My favorite KOF characters are mostly K', Terry, Zhe Prime, Ryo, Kula, and some of the NESTS bosses.
Speaking of KOF though, did I mention some Guilty Gear voice actors lend their talents in KOF as well?
I'm still eager to find out about the next Garou (Fatal Fury) game that is said to be in the works... though, if I had my 'druthers'... I want a new DLC update for Samurai Shodown.
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20210325 八神庵
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