kowaindar0u · 6 months
yuichi to kogi when he's about to make a friend and have them over
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sword-brainrot · 3 years
I’m super glad to see you back and that requests are open. ^^ If it isn’t to much to ask, could I maybe get some relationship headcanons for Kogi and Kuwana (separately)? Welcome back and remember to take as much time as you need with requests! Lord knows life can get hectic and creators block can act up. So just be kind to yourself and go with the flow. ^^ 💜
I’m so glad to be back! It’s been a lot of fun writing since coming back. It’s also been super nice to have such kind people, like yourself, rooting for me and letting me it’s okay to take breaks! So thank you so much for the request and such kind words! ❤️
I hope these headcanons makes you smile!
Kogitsunemaru and Kuwana Gou Relationship Headcanons (GN Reader)!
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♡  Kogitsunemaru is a very affectionate and loyal fox. Even before the two of you date and become a thing. He doesn't shy away from physical touch and actually really prefers it. It is the easiest way for him to get across his truest feelings. Every touch is gently and full of love. He does have a bad temper deep inside that he hides away but they would never come out towards you or grab you harshly. He would never be able to forgive himself if he accidentally hurt you.
♡  Kogitsunemaru does have a special spot that just makes him automatically relax, and that's his hair. If you play with his hair or brush it, he is putty in your hands. His eyes will close and he will lean back in your gentle, soothing motions. All his worries slipping away from him as the world begins to just shape around the two of you.
♡  He will also love to do anything with your hair! If you wish to him to wash, brush, or style it! He will feel so honored that you trust him so much to take care of your hair. Kogitsunemaru treasures hair very much. Not just his own. He will often comment how silky his fur is and how he often needs to groom it. In his mind, if you keep your fur(hair) clean and well kempt, you are a very good person in his mind. Also means he often shys away from those that do not take proper care of their fur(hair). 
♡  He enjoys laying on your lap as you softly stroke his fur. That is his favorite spot in the whole world. It's probably the fox part of him that transferred over in his human sword form. Affection like that just fills his heart with joy and he does not care who sees. Kogi will be overjoyed to have your attention and a permanent smile on his face as he enjoys your touch.
♡  The last thing he really enjoys, other than you, is fried tofu. You can very easily have him on the fence about something and wave some fried tofu in front of his face and his brain waves suddenly just stops. He will agree to almost anything as long as you have that in your possession. It is a double edge sword, however. He will be so happy that you made/got that for him and follow anything you say... but it also doesn't last long. He will sneak into the kitchen when no one is looking and start to munch on all the fried tofu in the citadel. It does not last long as long as Kogitsunemaru and Nakigitsune are around. The foxes are ferocious about fried tofu.
♡  It is very easy to tease this poor fox as well. He leaves his heart on his sleeve. The swords will often use it against him. They will mention how someone has the most beautiful eyes in the citadel and just wait until Kogitsunemaru suddenly sighs and goes, "Ah, Nushi-sama."
♡  They all give him a teasing smile and just look at him as he realizes what he just said and blushes. He doesn't talk to them after and avoids them. It's normally Mikazuki...
♡  Your relationship would never be able to keep in secret because Kogitsunemaru is way too much in love with you and lets it slip any chance there is. He is complimenting you to your face and behind your back. He can't help it! You are just perfect to him!
♡  Big fan of petnames! He loves to call you sir, dear, miss, sweetheart, or my beloved.
♡  If you are ever upset/have things on your mind, Kogitsunemaru will offer to dance for you. He will do a traditional dance and may even tell a story through it. Anything to take your mind off whatever is bothering you. He may even tell you the story of how the fox spirit found the sword smith and he came to be since it was a popular folk story told through dance and plays.
♡  If you prefer to be held instead, he would have no problem with that at all. He will often times open his arms to you while he is sitting just in case you want to sit in his lap instead. His arms naturally wrap around you in a very protective manner, no matter where you two are.
♡  At night he enjoys when you lay your head on his chest so he can stroke your hair as the two of you slowly drift off to sleep but if you want to be held more, he will have you sleep on top of him and just hug you tightly to him as you sleep. He won't let any bad thoughts get to you! His name might mean small but there is a reason they gave him a strong body as a human, and that is to protect the one he loves the most.
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♡  Kuwana is a very quirky person, to say the least. He will say things that will not exactly make sense to you and he will not explain what he means by it. You will have to be very understanding and accepting towards him. He is a very gentle person who thinks everything he says makes total sense. So when he tells you that the soil/earth told him something, you will just have to roll with it.
♡  Unlike Kogitsunemaru, who praises cleanliness, Kuwana is the total opposite of that. It isn't like he wishes to everyone to be covered in dirt (maybe) but you will see him all dirty often. The only time you will see him completely clean will be after a bath and right in the early morning before he goes outside. That will be the only time. Sometimes he will forget to take a bath, so please remind him!
♡  He is a very big workaholic. Mostly with farming. You will not see him most days due to him being so invested in his craft and working hours on end. If you wish to spend time with him, you will have to go find him instead of the other way around. Honestly, even when you get out there, he may not notice you right away. He is constantly tending to the field and talking to the soil. If you offer to help, he will gladly accept your help and teach you everything he knows.
♡  Kuwana is someone who keeps to himself often and doesn't talk much unless talked to first but you will see him overzealous when he begins to explain everything about agriculture and tells you every little detail about any plant or flower you may take interest in. A smile on his face and he will ramble hours on end. He is just so excited that someone is taking interest in his hobby. This is what really gets him to start to open up to you.
♡  As the two of you start to get close, he will make groundless threats towards you if you tease him too much. If you happen to poke him too much to get his attention, he may say something along the lines of; "Ugh... if you happen to wake up tomorrow morning buried up to your neck in the dirt, don't blame me". He would never actually do it but it is just to throw you off your guard. Sometimes small things just happen to get under his skin a little and he jokes it off with a small threat. Don't be scared, he really is like a big teddy bear and would never harm you.
♡  Sometimes, Kuwana will not show up for dinner. If you go searching for him, you will always find him in the field under a tree, fast asleep. Sometimes the sun gets to him too much and he ends up taking a nap after he finishes most of his work. He is a pretty heavy sleeper when he is totally relaxed in nature. Be sure to wake him up gently. He will either wake up rather easily to you and tell you good morning, not even noticing the moon now in the sky. Or, if he is still very tired, might pull you down with him and cuddle with you. Congrats, you are now cuddling with a very tall teddy bear... and also covered in dirt!
♡  Kuwana doesn't mind physical affection that much. He doesn't initiate affection too often but isn't opposite to it either. Most likely he will take you out on a picnic date and hold your hand as the two of you adventure off into the forest.
♡  He is a great cook! Especially with fruits and vegetables. He will learn anything you like to eat and prepare it for you to show that he listens to you even if he doesn't say too much. He will make sure to get it just as you like it so he can see you smile.
♡  If you don't know how to make flower crowns, he will teach you! He will make you a flower crown of all your favorite flowers (or the flowers he thinks match you the most if you don't have a favorite), and he will proudly wear the crown you make, even if you may not think it is the best.
♡  He will show all his brothers after the date with a smile. "Look at what Y/N made me". He will wear it as long as he can because he treasures it a lot.
♡  It is not a surprise that Kuwana is very strong physically but he will not act it. Every touch will be gentle. However, he will easily lift you with ease. Often times putting you on his shoulders when the two of you are alone and hanging out.
♡  He isn't just gentle with you but also with other creatures. He loves animals and will feed them when he has alone time. He also really likes insects. If you are scared of them, he will quickly take them outside so you don't even see them. He doesn't want them to scare you!
♡  Kuwana might not know exactly how to express his feelings towards you because he doesn't give too much verbal affection towards anyone but will subtly compliment you. "The soil says that you are very pretty and the soil would never lie."
♡  He also eats soil, please stop him if you see him trying to eat the dirt.
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
Good King Moggle Mog Good King Mog Lord of all the land (Kupo!) Good King Moggle Mog Good King Mog Rules with iron hand Good King Moggle Mog Good King Mog Leads the brave and true! Good King Moggle Mog Good King Mog Now come along and meet his trusty crew! Kupo! Kupta Kapa will clip your tuft Split your hairs and ruffle your fluff Kupti Koop will throw you for a loop Brave a wall of whiskers to find his troupe Kupli Kipp is sly yet sweet He'll tickle your nose then tickle your feet Jolly Kogi's eye for fun is clear He'll put an arrow straight in your rear! Pukla Puki plays with fire Poms a-burning on her pyre Puksi Piko likes her buddies big To sing a little song and dance a little jig Pukna Pako shivers and shakes She'll stick you in the gut and give you bellyaches And who's behind them, standing tall? Why, the biggest moogle of them all! (Who!? Who!? Whoever could it be!?) Good King Moggle Mog Good King Mog Kind and noble lord (hear, hear!) Nod your noggle nog And mind your gob Or he'll put you to the sword! Good King Moggle Mog Good King Mog His judgment you will dread Good King Moggle Mog Good King Mog What do you decree? What do you decree? What do you decree? Off with their heads! -Fuyu
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Why is she doing this to her? This darn song would sit inside the woman's head for a while now. If she accidentally says something and adds 'kupo' at the end, anyone who heard it would certainly be destroyed on sight.
" Did Moghan put you up to this? " That damned little fluffy abomination that had to be eradicated for awful ideas. The same for their moogles' king. Or were those Gridania? " Please, never sing me this song. You can sing this to kids, but not to me. I sadly do not share an appreciation for... moogle arts. " Next time she sees one, she just might throw them into the horizon.
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swordboiis · 8 years
Hi~ In the anime, we once see a scene with Yagen experimenting on Mutsunokami. Do you have headcanons about what kind of experimentations Yagen do and how he choose and get his test subjects (because Mutsunokami didn't look very willing)? Thank you very much!
Hello! A very interesting request, I’m very happy to share my thoughts/headcanons here and I’m glad someone else noticed that aha.
• I think Yagen would be incredibly interested in learning all about how the human body works, what affects it and all sorts of unusual reactions it can give depending on what its exposed to. • They were originally swords; they didn’t always have these bodies. But now he’s able to understand it and would want to learn everything he could. • Originally it would start of as innocent curiosity but I very strongly believe he would have reached the point where he would want to see the human body react to many harsh and usual circumstances. • Cue the test subjects: naïve sword boys. • I imagine he’d approach those he wants to experiment with an innocent proposition.• “I think I’m close to learning something that could help Aruji sama but I need assistance. Could you please lend me a hand? You just have to do as I say it’s very simple.”• Maybe something along those lines. Hammering in how much it could help the Saniwa and their cause. Maybe saying it could improve battle performance to swords that often have fighting on the mind. • I don’t think he’d be too picky on who his experiments are on but I believe he would avoid using any of his brothers or the older swords (Jiji, Kogi, the dategumi swords etc)• Save them Ichi-nii
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Ajaokuta Steel Company: Dogara’s pains over neglected ‘goldmine’
New Post has been published on https://www.blueprint.ng/ajaokuta-steel-company-dogaras-pains-over-neglected-goldmine/
Ajaokuta Steel Company: Dogara’s pains over neglected ‘goldmine’
Last week, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Yakubu Dogara, led members of the House Committee on Steel Development, on an on-the-spot assessment visit to the Ajaokuta Steel Company in Kogi state. JOSHUA EGBODO writes.
$500m to complete Ajaokuta
Like so many Nigerians, the Speaker, who was accompanied by the Kogi State Governor, Yahaya Bello, on the visit expressed dismay over why and how such investment, which figures released showed that just about $500 million would complete the last phase of the massive factory, to put it to life. Statistics released on the complex suggested that just on take-off if the last phase is completed, about 10,000 Nigerian technicians and engineers would be engaged, and another potential of two million other jobs inherent.
So why has such an investment, akin to a goldmine for the country been left unattended to over the years? Why will government keep paying the over 3,000 staff of the company without commensurate outcome, and not working to get the factory on its feet to even engage more of the teeming unemployed citizens?
The above and many more questions, according to pundits may have spurred the Speaker into action. And true to such postulations, Dogara, visibly pained and disappointed did not conceal his pains. He said after the tour of facilities in the company that “any patriotic Nigerian who visits this complex will shed tears, and any foreigner who comes here, even if he did not say anything, he will leave with a very bad impression of Nigeria”.
 Mired in concession hiccoups
The company, which at a point was concessioned to an Indian company, was reportedly taken backward, with attempts by the concessioner to even remove some of the equipment. But for the reported vigilance and resistance of the Ajaokuta locals, the story would have been different today.
So, when the idea of another possible concession came up, Dogara, who said the country had in the past make such concessions to “assets strippers”, noted that the parliament will resist any move to again, concession the Ajaokuta Steel Company Limited.
The Speaker, who insisted that making another concession of the company was tantamount to mortgaging the future of Nigeria, also said it was a collective shame to all leaders that the project is yet to be completed after so many years. Also, he disclosed that the House will consult with stakeholders to work out ways to source for the $500 million needed to complete the last phase of the project.
According to him, except the political will was lacking, getting the funds to complete the company shouldn’t be an issue.
Ample avenues to source $500m
He stated, however, that the government of President Muhammadu Buahri has shown direction by first ending an arbitration case in foreign jurisdiction, Hon. Dogara disclosed that there are many ways through which the $500 million can be sourced, including the Sovereign Wealth Fund, Excess Crude Account and recovered financial crimes loot.
Further, he stated that the House will hold another sectoral debate, during which members will engage relevant agencies, including the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) whose chairman, Ibrahim Magu, will be expected to brief the House how much it has recovered from corruption proceeds, and whether part of such can be applied to complete the project.
“We are not here because of Kogi State, we are here because of Nigeria, the Speaker stated, as he explained that his determination to ensure that the steel company is revived is borne out of the promises that the company holds for Nigeria’s teeming population in the form of power and gas development, economic boost, thousands of jobs creation, development of manufacturing sector, development of infrastructure, investor appeal, among others, as he though conceded that only the daily administrative running and management the company can be concessioned after completion, asto him, government is not a good manager of businesses.
“Imagine if this plant had been completed in 1986, where Nigeria would be at the moment. We have no reason not to complete that plant. You cannot concession your future, it is never done. I’m yet to see a nation that even concessions its bedrock and still succeeded.
If you see one, just tell me. And that’s why previous attempts to concession it were not possible. “We keep repeating the same things and expecting to get different results. That’s the definition of stupidity and since we are not stupid, we will not repeat it.
We can make Nigeria proud so that every black man in the world can beat his chest. Anyone who plans to outsource the completion of this plant will definitely run into problems with us”, he submitted.
Empowering youths through
Ajaokuta Earlier at a brief reception by Gov Bello, he explained that the members were in the state over “a major promise to the country that is located here in Kogi State, which is the Ajaokuta Steel Company Ltd. We all know the benefits of steel development.
You cannot be an industrialised nation without developing the steel sector. Of course, I’ve seen the resolution that was passed and adopted by the Kogi State House of Assembly but I feel that this is just not a Kogi issue, this is a Nigerian issue in view of the major promise that this sector holds for Nigeria” Like many others, including the Minister of State for Steel Development, Bawa Bwari, Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Steel Develooment, Lawal Idrisu, Speaker of the Kogi State House of Assembly, Prince Kolawole Mathew, Governor Bello commended Dogara for partnering with President Buhari to ensure that the idle Ajaokuta Steel Company is revived and put into use again.
“What you and the House of Representatives members are doing is giving the younger generation their future. We are simply taking our destiny in our hands, not only will posterity be kind to you, God almighty will also be pleased with you”, Bello stated. Interest groups may have understood the concerns of the Speaker, as a visit to the complex will naturally anger any genuinely concerned Nigerian.
To many, the power of appropriation is constitutionally in the hands of the parliament. But will Dogara work the talk as promised Nigerians after the tour? That, they say only time will tell.
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