#KYMA Bebe
badasmuse · 8 months
“BeBe’s Bodyguard”
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Team Bebe x Reader
Warnings: mentions of blood, mentions of a knife, mentions of a stabbing, cute ending tho, language, lowercase intended (you already know)
Summary: you’re bebe’s bodyguard. what could possibly go wrong?
“sowon and chaeyoung can you two please stop running off?” you ask. it’s not really a question but you’re trying. they’ve been disappearing for the past twenty minutes.
“oops sorry y/n-nim!” sowon says bowing.
you’ve been their bodyguard for a long time. you automatically became close because you’re the only female bodyguard they have. they trusted you immensely.
“just stay in the area. i don’t want anything happening to you.” you say standing behind them as they looked for things.
moments later, the others walked up with the other three bodyguards on duty.
“y/n!!” bada says excitedly. she pulls you into her and steps back. “look at what i bought.”
“i will when we get in the car bada.” you say pushing her items back into her bag. “head count i only see six.”
“i’m behind you!” you hear tatter’s sweet voice say.
“all of you are gonna be on punishment.” you mumble making sure they’re all good before walking towards the mall exit.
you take your place up front next to bada. sad to say, she is the more popular one of the seven, so fans tend to rush after her. they rush all the girls, don’t get me wrong, but recently they’ve been rushing bada a lot more due to her girl crush concept blowing up. so bada now has two guards on her whole the other two guards stand in the middle and at the end of the line.
“y/n,” bada says looking up, “i bought you something too!” she says excitedly.
“that’s sweet bada.” you say pushing her hands back down gently. “show me in the car.” you say again.
you can see a crowd when you get to the door, some people are next to the van. “alright girls, hold onto the person in front of you. don’t step out of line.”
“aye aye captain!”
“lusher..” you groan before grabbing onto bada as your coworker opens the door for you.
“bada! bada you’re so cool!”
“oh my gosh bada unnie you’re so pretty!”
“minah i love you!
“tatter your hair looks so good!”
“lusher unnie we missed you!”
the comments come fast as you hold onto bada’s waist and gently push through the crowd.
you get about three feet from the van when you see them. some fan, maybe a fake fan, comes running right towards bada. since her head is down, bada doesn’t see it. she just feels your grip tighten and being pulled to the other side.
you grab the fan quickly, safely dropping her to the ground. the fan tries to get out of your hold and you feel something scratch at your arm. you ignore it trying to calm her down.
the other guards get the girls in the car, shutting the door before helping you with the person you have pinned.
“y/n you’re bleeding.” one says.
you look at your arm then down at the girl's hand, noticing the knife she has. “oh what the fuck.” you say.
she’s quickly disarmed and you walk to the van getting in with the girls and huffing.
“what’s wrong y/n?” kyma asks.
“she cut me. i can’t see it. is this bad?” you turn your arm towards the girls and they gasp.
“y/n that’s a lot of blood!” lusher exclaims grabbing tissues. “you might need stitches that’s really deep.”
after the situation is over and everyone’s in the van, the girls are quickly brought back to their respective homes and you’re taken to a nearby hospital. doctors told you to take it easy for a few days so you did. you spent a week in your little apartment recovering. of course the girls sent you plenty of messages saying how they missed you. (especially bada. she sent messages back to back like she was bangchan on bubble- but let’s not get into that.)
you were excited to be back at work. you missed the girls and their antics. they didn’t know when you were coming back and they definitely didn’t think it would be today.
it was tuesday, so team bebe were at the studio practicing. you quietly open the door and peak your head in.
“lusher you’re doing it wrong!” bada stresses.
“no i’m not! i’m doing it like everyone else, you're wrong!” she says back.
“do it again from the top.” bada plays the music and watches in the mirror as everyone dances. lusher was right, bada was wrong.
“told you!”
“whatever. let’s keep going.” she grumbles.
“oh bada,” you say stepping in, “that’s not nice. apologize to lusher.”
“y/n!!!” the girls exclaim rubbing towards you. you immediately put your injured arm up then gently let it down around them.
“are you back? we missed you so much!! bada has been mean the whole time you were gone.” kyma speaks up.
you make eye contact with bada as she sulks against the mirror. she turns the other way without saying anything. “why don’t you girls take a break so i can talk to bada.” you whisper. they nod and make their way out the door.
“hi bada.” you say approaching her.
“i was worried.” she says, still looking away.
“i texted you everyday. why were you being mean to my kids?”
bada doesn’t respond. she pouts looking down at the ground. you put your finger under her chin raising her head, “i asked a question.”
her face turns red and she clears her throat, “y/n i like you. oh that is not what i wanted to say.” she says covering her mouth.
“babe it was painfully obvious. that doesn’t answer why you’ve been mean to the kids. did not seeing me everyday throw you off?”
she nods.
“that’s cute. you owe them a big apology. give them the day off then let me take you out.” you say leaning on the mirror.
“you… wanna take me out? okay.” she giggles walking towards the door. she opens it and the six kids fall to the floor.
“h-hi!” they stutter.
you shake your head, “kids.”
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Taglist (open! comment to be added!): @waveartistry @sun-nyy @yngtort @jennamc75 @m0r0s1111 @seungxstar @badasbebe @lil-elliesgf @currentfications
a/n: this was a request! hope you like it! i have frostbite guys🧍🏽frostbite on my thumbs and pinkies, four more requests, and eight things i’m trying to write. idk what i’m going to do. send help. pls.
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forbebeandjam · 4 months
Without You | Bada Lee/BEBE x Fem Reader | MINI SERIES
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Summary: Ready to go to your dance competition there is a sudden outbreak and you are left in a difficult situation…
Word count: 843
A/N: sorry for taking so long on this. I like to plan out my stories. Hope you enjoy and this is of your liking🩵
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It was a cloudy day in the city of Seoul. BEBE was getting ready for competitions. 
"Why are Bada and Y/N late again? We only have two hours to practice," Kyma said as she threw her back in frustration. 
"You know how they are. Always looking for a place to make out," Lusher answered causing Cheche to roll her eyes. After a few minutes, the rain started pouring down when you and Bada came through the door laughing with damp clothes. 
"We're here!" you shouted. 
"Finally! Why are you guys wet?" Tatter said as she handed you her jacket. 
"Yeah, what place did you guys decide to make out today?" Lusher said with a tilted head. 
"Under the weeping willow tree," Bada said earning a hit from your fist. 
"You're not supposed to tell them that!" 
"Oh, please! They already know!" 
"One day the teachers will catch you and you will be in huge trouble," 
"You two are just stupid and nasty!"
"Okay! that's enough. Let's practice," Kyma said breaking you all apart and starting practice. 
"We need to be on the bus at three. For the love of all good things, do not be late!" Tatter said as she waved at you and Bada. 
They walked into Bada's house and looked through clothes and outfits for the competition. you were all packed up and watched your girlfriend run around as she threw clothes into a duffle bag.
"What would I do without you?" you asked making Bada come to a halt. 
"Babe, you're fine. I promised I would look out for you and I will. Always," she said as she placed a kiss on your forehead. 
You now lived with her and her parents After your parents died in a car crash. Bada's parents were usually not home but they were close to your parents so they didn't have a problem with you living with them and caring for you.
"Come here," You said as you pulled her on top of you. She lowered herself to kiss your lips and that was when the make-out session began. 
"Wait... what time is it?" she said when the realization hit her. 
"Shit! We're going to be late again," you said as you saw the time on your phone. So you both stood up and walked to the school. 
"Wow! They are early!" Sowoen said as she ran to hug Bada. 
"It's truly a miracle. Let's go on the bus. The driver went to use the bathroom and he will be right back," Kyma said and you all nodded. 
Bada got situated next to you, resting her head on your shoulder and the girls talked with usual chatter. You looked out of the window and saw how the kids were getting out of school but something was odd. 
"Guys... why aren't there many people walking out?" you asked making everyone turn. 
"Oh, many of them got picked up and went home. Like... a lot of them. It was actually kinda scary how the parents were all panicked and screaming at the teachers," Cheche said as she scrolled through her phone. 
"What do you think is going on?" Lusher asked. 
"I have no clue. I'll ask one of my friends to see," Cheche replied. 
And they waited. Hours passed by with no response. They made it to the competition locations but to their surprise, the was a very small amount of people. 
Bada started growing worried so she approached one of the judges. 
"Do you have any idea of what is going on? Why are there so many people missing?" Bada said. 
"We haven't gotten a clear answer since this morning but apparently there is a virus going around. We have been crazy busy planning all of this but I think it's best if we cancel and you girls should go back home," he said. 
Bada was in awe. She couldn't believe she didn't know of this sooner and she put her girls in danger. 
"Grab your things. We are leaving," Bada said as she rushed to you and grabbed your bags. 
"What? Why?" Lusher said. 
"Yeah, unnie. We struggled to make it in and now you want to leave?" Cheche added in annoyance. 
"Listen, the judges are canceling the competition. We have to go now," Bada said. 
"But that's not fair! What are we going to-"
"Cheche stop it! There are bigger things going on and I have to look out for all of you. Now, let's go," Bada shouted losing her cool. 
"What do you mean?" Tatter said. 
"Apparently there is a virus going around and let's be real. If it wasn't that bad, people wouldn't be running around like crazy. Now, please let's get back home where we can be safe. Please?" the girls didn't say anything but you could see worry painted all over their faces," especially Sowoen and Cheche. 
"Okay. Let's go," Minah said and started walking toward the exit but the bus was long gone. 
"Shit... now what?" Bada gripped her head. 
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pinkyqil · 8 months
Some bebe clips to ease up everything
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cool-fancier · 11 months
A Day Of Rest
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Platonic BEBE x Reader
Synopsis: You planned a pampering, shopping, and karaoke day for you and the girls. Laughter and smiles strengthened your friendship, leaving everyone refreshed and grateful.
Minah, Bada, Lusher, Kyma, Tatter, Cheche, and Soweon have been struggling as an outcome of the Street Woman Fighter competition.  The lengthy hours of rehearsals and intense dancing duties had exhausted them all physically and mentally. You couldn't stand seeing them so tired as their best friend, so you thought it was time for a girls' day out to help them rest and unwind.
You called each of the girls one sunny morning and invited them to join you for a day of pampering and fun. They all agreed excitedly, and you could sense the joy in their voices as they enjoyed the break from the tough competition.
You were the first to arrive at Minah's house, greeted by her tired but bright smile. She'd been practising a difficult choreography , and her body was feeling the strain. "I can't believe you're doing this for us," she said as you hugged her.
"You deserve it," you said back. "We're going to have a great time, and I promise you'll feel refreshed by the end of it."
The entire group soon gathered at Minah's house, and laughing and talking filled the air. Bada, Lusher, Kyma, Tatter, Cheche, and Soweon were all thrilled about the upcoming day. They were aware that they needed a break, and you were determined to give them the best girls' day out they'd ever had.
Your first destination was the nail salon, where you had all made appointments to have your nails done. Each of your friends chose a distinct style, and the salon was buzzing with enthusiasm and relaxation. The nail professionals gave you all with attention, and the girls were speechless about how much they needed it.
Bada, in particular, had picked a design that consisted of her passion for dance, and she couldn't take her eyes away from her nails. "This is exactly what I needed," she murmured, gratefully looking up at you.
You went to a spa for pedicures after leaving the manicure salon. You couldn't help but notice the transformation in the group as you all relaxed in luxurious chairs. Their worn faces had been replaced by smiles and a sense of calmness.  The competition's stress had temporarily vanished replaced by utter peace.
Kyma, who had been experiencing the strain from the competition, sighed blissfully.  "I didn't realise how much I needed this," she confessed. "Thank you for doing all of this Y/N unnie, you're the best."
The rest of the day was spent shopping. You led them around boutiques and stores, encouraging them to choose something they liked. Each of them found  a unique object that made them grin. Sowoen even found a unique set of sunglasses that she couldn't help but try on, causing the entire group to burst out laughing.
The relationship between you and your girls became stronger over the day. The shared pampering and shopping experiences, along with the opportunity to enjoy one other's company without the pressure of competitiveness, provided a genuinely reassuring sense of friendship.
Tatter, who had been struggling with injuries from her dance missions, seemed to have forgotten her pain for the day. "This is exactly what I needed," she exclaimed, her face beaming with delight. "I can't thank you enough for this unnie, it means the world to me."
You all decided to go to a near park after a delicious meal at a cosy restaurant. The weather was shining brightly, and you had brought a picnic basket with of your friends' favourite snacks. The park became a haven of calm, with everyone sitting on a giant blanket, telling stories and eating snacks.
Lusher, who had been pushing herself to the edge during the competition, rested back on her elbows and took in the scenery. "I can't remember the last time I felt this relaxed," she admitted, tears welling up in her eyes.
The day was coming to an end, but you had one more surprise in store for them. You had booked a private room at a karaoke bar, knowing that it was a popular activity among your friends. Their cheeks lit up with enthusiasm the instant they walked into the room and noticed the microphones.
Bada, who was known for her loud voice, was the first to reach for a microphone. The girls joined in as she sang out a song, and the room filled with laughter and music. They sang their hearts out, forgetting all the competition's stress and worries.
Kyma, who is recognised for her dynamic stage presence, had everyone in stitches with her hilarious performance. The karaoke session was the ideal way to cap off the day, allowing the others to let loose and have a good time.
As the night drew to a the end, you took each of the girls to their houses. They all appeared to be more comfortable and revitalised, with a fresh lightness in their steps.
Sowoen gave you a warm hug. "I have no words for how thankful I am for today. It was exactly what we needed unnie."
Lusher agreed, saying, "You're an amazing friend, and we're lucky to have you in our lives."
You said your goodbyes with hugs and smiles, happy and grateful that you could bring some joy and relaxation into the lives of your dear friends. It had been a day of fun, a connection, and relaxation —a day that everyone will remember fondly.
You couldn't help but smile as you drove back home. Your friends had earned a break and it was enjoyable to see them happy and comfortable. The friendship between you had become even deeper, and everyone will cherish the memories of this girls' day out. It was a good day, and you knew you'd always be there for your pals, no matter what difficulties they encountered.
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taruusmoon · 9 months
Im never gonna get tired of this part from cockiness choreo.
Also adding 8th Bebe member x Minah doing this part of the choreo to my next works but if someone want to do it 🤩
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murc0ck · 10 months
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moonniu · 11 months
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Cockiness (Love It) - BEBE - 231031
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badaseyebags · 5 months
send in your boba order + your favourite bebe member and i’ll give you a cute photo of them
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or coffee order for those who don’t like boba <3
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vamps4bada · 11 months
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cr. backintheriver on ig
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sparksinsirius · 1 year
Lusher frowns walking through the halls. There's barely anyone here. She scowls coming to a realization that the popular crew must be of doing one of their petty dumb pranks again.
Almost all the doors to the classrooms are locked. Lusher is becoming a little irritated. Maybe going home is the better option here. Of course, the front of the school is locked.
Lusher takes a deep breath. This better not go on for the entire day and night. She has a race around 7 p.m. The gym isn't locked. She narrows her eyes while standing in front of the gym, there's a chance there are more petty tricks.
Amateurs. Lusher saw the bucket right away. She's honestly surprised that some of the popular girls set it up correctly. Lusher has been racing since she was 13. She knows how to dodge certain areas and be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary.
Meanwhile, Soweon is walking through the academy to her secret spot. It's not so secret anymore. The whole place is thrashed and all the mic stands look like they've been kicked down. She walks faster to make sure no lyric sheets got ripped up.
Only 2 got ripped up but they're unimportant. Soweon doesn't know why she kept those 2 specific lyric sheets. They're from her horrid mother and they just remind Soweon of the daughter she was built to be. She's so glad she's not that girl.
Suddenly the broadcast system is turned on. Soweon sighs not fully fazed by the fact that some popular girls tricked her into coming into school when today is actually a break day. Soweon hears the plural form of outcast.
That means there's more than just her at this school. She doesn't plan to socialize anytime soon. She puts on the instrumental version of parents ft. Chloe Noone and starts to sing Chole's part. She always gets lost in the singing and this time is no different.
Bada is so done with the bullshit all these popular crazy girls are trying to pull. She could be napping right now. She frowns for a moment because she hears music that's not coming from her phone and she can hear it even with earbuds in.
Her jaw goes slack. The girl singing is incredible. Bada smiles and leaves a note before softly closing the door to the room she stumbled into. She starts to wonder if it would be worth it to dance to the girl's beautiful singing voice.
The elevators open to the 3rd floor which is where the canteen is. Bada smells something amazing and her feet move on her own. Someone with faded ginger hair is bringing dishes out on one of those carts. She grins. "Good thing I know how to cook. Those popular girls should've thought this through."
Kyma hums. "I guess it's a good thing they didn't." She puts out her joint and stands up to throw it away. She tilts her head at the tall girl in glasses when she walks back to the table. "There's something about you that's familiar."
The said tall girl is about to answer but Kyma takes notice that the tall girl is looking past. Kyma becomes curious when she sees the way the tall girl is looking at the girl with blue and orange hair. The blue and orange haired girl is looking at the tall girl in the same way but there's something shy in her expression.
Kyma's attention soon turns to a girl with slight chubby cheeks and glasses resting on her head. She grins. "You smoke? It's something she asks most people she meets for the first time. The girl with chubby cheeks hums. "You can make many designs with weed." Kyma is a little dumbfounded.
a/n: disclaimer!! i do not perceive any of the bebe girls this way in real life. This is an AU for a reason. Anyways i hope you enjoyed pt.1 and this is only just the beginning. The popular girls might be some other crews from SWF2... stay tuned for me! <3
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badagirl · 10 months
look at them…. i luv them
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forbebeandjam · 4 months
Without You | Bada Lee/ BEBE x Fem Reader | MINI SERIES
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Summary: you find a way to run away but you’re too scared to notice anything else…
Word Count: 1k
A/N: I wanna go back home. I’m sad as shit… anyway!! I hope you enjoy this part!!😊
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While someone was screaming frantically, Bada was in a panic state trying to find a way to get the girls back home. She looked around trying to find any type of transportation ignoring the screams. 
"Bada, someone needs our help. We need to help them," you said as you tried to run back into the building but she held your arm tightly when she saw someone walk out of the building 
"I don't... I don't want to die... Please," the woman said as she walked towards you. Bada pulled you back and you all started walking backwards. Sowoen was already shedding tears and the others were shocked to see the woman. 
Her eyes were a pale white color and her skin was almost gray. She gasped for air and Bada kept pushing you guys back. Suddenly, the woman collapsed on the floor and she was long gone. 
"Bada... we need to get out of here now," Tatter said as she walked down the parking lot. 
"Look. There is a van right there. Maybe we can find the keys to it inside," Kyma ran to the van followed by the other girls. But she couldn't open the door. It was locked. 
She cursed under her breath. You all felt helpless and scared. You held Sowoen in your arms while she cried. 
"Can you look at any news on social media? anything?" Minah asked. 
"Let me check," Bada said finally pulling out her phone. She scrolled and scrolled trying to find something but the news didn't explain anything and just told everyone to stay home. 
She remembered she followed a very strange guy that would explain scientific abnormalities so she went to his page. 
 "As you can see, I am covered head to toe. I needed to come to see what this is. The new virus that is attacking thousands by the second. According to this video, their eyes turn white and the skin loses all color until their last breath. It is not recommended to go out or be six feet near anyone who has a cough, fever, or vomiting since this new disease can kill you in a matter of minutes cutting off your airways and attacking your brain..." Bada kept listening to the video and looked around. 
"Watch around for people. We don't want to be too close to anyone right now," the tall girl said and you started looking around. 
"...they call this virus COVID-24 since it has the same symptoms but kills faster attacking several parts of your body," Bada finally cut off the video when she saw the dead body in the video. 
"Holy shit. We have to get home now," she said. 
"Girls! Please help! We need to get home!" one of the judges said but he was already coughing. Bada's eyes widened. She held your arm and Cheche's as she pulled you back. The man was short of breath and he struggled to run. 
"Shit... move," You said and grabbed a rock that was on the floor. You threw it at the window of the van and unlocked the doors. You yelled at everyone to get in and they followed. 
Luckily, you found the keys in the glove compartment and started the car quickly driving off. Bada was in the passenger seat next to you and the rest of the girls were all in the back trying to calm down from the adrenaline rush. 
The two youngest ones were in the back holding each other. 
"Bada, it says here that many are on lockdown and the sick are in quarantine. The doctors are giving them antibiotics which helps a lot," Lusher said as she looked through her phone. 
"I have a lot of those at home. We need to find them," Kyma said. 
"It's just a two-hour drive but the roads are clear so I'll go faster. We'll be there soon. For now, please try to calm down, okay?" you said and the girls nodded. 
A few thirty minutes in, you looked at the rearview mirror to notice Cheche and Sowoen sleeping against each other. Minah and Lusher were listening to music, while Tatter and Kyma looked out of the window.  Your girlfriend rested her head on her palm and she seemed to be asleep. 
You were gripping the steering wheel tightly. You were scared. You had no one to lose so you could just imagine how the girls were feeling, not knowing how their families were doing. You swallowed hard and put your eyes on the road again. 
You felt a tear threaten to escape your eye but you held back. You promised you would never let anyone see you cry and no one ever has. Not when you broke your arm, not when you lost your dog, not even when your parents died. 
Bada didn't know why you wouldn't cry but she often got worried for you. 
You jumped at the sudden touch and realized Bada was now holding your hand tightly. 
"It will all be okay, baby. Don't worry," she said and you smiled. The warmth of her touch made you feel better. It made you feel like, indeed, everything would be okay. 
That was until you felt the car make storage noises and you had to pull over for the car to completely stop. You looked at the dashboard and noticed there was no gas in the tank. 
"This cannot be happening..." you said as you pulled out your phone. It was dead. 
"Does anyone have battery on their phones?" you asked looking back. 
"We all do. We just have no signal. I tried calling and texting my parents but nothing went through. What should we do now?" 
"I don't know... maybe just rest. It's getting dark. Do we have tape or something to cover the window?" Bada asked. You shrugged and you both got out of the car to look in the trunk. There you found a roll of tape, a screwdriver, and a hammer. 
Bada used the tape to cover the broken window and took the tools in self-defense. 
"Better safe than sorry, right?" she said. You got in the van, locked all the doors, and all of you got ready to sleep. You kept an eye out for any dangers as Bada lay her head on your shoulder in deep slumber. 
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pinkyqil · 8 months
Duo we never knew we needed
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ricetomeatyou · 10 months
Our Mates pt. 5
Team bebe A/B/O AU (swf2 no mention but people maybe yes)
Alpha!Bada / Alpha!Lusher / Omega!Tatter
Minah is concerned
Kyma found the trio
Sowoen and Cheche are just confused
The trio have a sleepover
Tatter basked in the scents around her and nuzzled into Lusher's neck. Bada then laid her head on the shoulder opposite of Tatter, taking in the pair’s scents. The omega had long stopped crying, waiting for any of the two others to initiate conversation, too shy to tell them what got her so upset, afraid of further upsetting the two.
Bada, with a heavy chest, spoke softly and combed her fingers through the blonde's hair. “Baby, we're sorry, we're not upset at you.” She moved closer to the girl. “We didn't mean for you to cry, sorry if we made you feel bad about yourself. You didn't do anything wrong.” Lusher followed up and kissed Tatter’s head. Bada wrapped her arms and legs around Lusher and Tatter, her long limbs encompassing the original two and enveloping them in a warm, coffee scented hug.
Kyma and Minah got Sowoen and Cheche and lead them to the car, Kyma returning inside to get the three unofficial mates. She approached as the three were starting to get up from their little cuddle session, Tatter clinging to Bada’s arm and Lusher leading them out towards where Kyma came from. The beta then turned around, letting the trio follow her to the rest of the group.
They split up and took a taxi home after Minah had a chat with Tatter, Lusher, and Bada, the trio however, headed to the omega's house. After making it through the door and locking it, the alphas sat on a chair as Tatter instructed them to. The omega ran around the house, gathering a plethora of pillows and blankets, the alphas watched, fascinated by what's happening. After gathering what looked like too many pillows and such, the shortest woman began to place them in a particular way on the floor after making sure it was cushioned and soft to lay on. Bada and Lusher looked at each other, silently agreeing that the omega is building a nest for the three of them to stay in. They offered help but it seemed like the girl was too focused and did not hear them well. Once the nest was finished, the omega looked so proud of herself, a big smile on her face, she then offered the alphas to change into more comfortable clothes. Luckily, Tatter had a few oversized clothes the two could wear.
Lusher was dressed in shorts and a sweater, she came out with a big grin, looking at the pair waiting for her, both the omega and older alpha were blushing a bit as they looked at her. Tatter was wearing an oversized shirt and shorts, the shirt almost reaching the upper part of her thighs and her shorts ending a bit after the hem of the shirt, to say they were going crazy wouldn't describe what went through the older two’s minds. Bada wore a shirt and some pajama bottoms, slightly rolling up the sleeves because in her words, it was hot, to the other two, she looked more cute, Bada had worn her glasses that she had in her bag and it made her look more endearing than ever.
Tatter beckoned the alphas to lay in the nest, while they didn't know what to do, nor did Bada know how to not destroy the nest with her height, they eventually settled with Bada spooning Tatter and Lusher facing the pair, with Tatter nuzzling Lusher's neck and Bada and Lusher's arms reaching the other alpha.
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taruusmoon · 11 months
Ok can we talk about how pretty Minah is? Like bro wtf 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
video credit: rowsuer (twt)
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ssivinee · 1 year
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