forbebeandjam · 4 months
Without You | Bada Lee/BEBE x Fem Reader | MINI SERIES
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Summary: Ready to go to your dance competition there is a sudden outbreak and you are left in a difficult situation…
Word count: 843
A/N: sorry for taking so long on this. I like to plan out my stories. Hope you enjoy and this is of your liking🩵
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It was a cloudy day in the city of Seoul. BEBE was getting ready for competitions. 
"Why are Bada and Y/N late again? We only have two hours to practice," Kyma said as she threw her back in frustration. 
"You know how they are. Always looking for a place to make out," Lusher answered causing Cheche to roll her eyes. After a few minutes, the rain started pouring down when you and Bada came through the door laughing with damp clothes. 
"We're here!" you shouted. 
"Finally! Why are you guys wet?" Tatter said as she handed you her jacket. 
"Yeah, what place did you guys decide to make out today?" Lusher said with a tilted head. 
"Under the weeping willow tree," Bada said earning a hit from your fist. 
"You're not supposed to tell them that!" 
"Oh, please! They already know!" 
"One day the teachers will catch you and you will be in huge trouble," 
"You two are just stupid and nasty!"
"Okay! that's enough. Let's practice," Kyma said breaking you all apart and starting practice. 
"We need to be on the bus at three. For the love of all good things, do not be late!" Tatter said as she waved at you and Bada. 
They walked into Bada's house and looked through clothes and outfits for the competition. you were all packed up and watched your girlfriend run around as she threw clothes into a duffle bag.
"What would I do without you?" you asked making Bada come to a halt. 
"Babe, you're fine. I promised I would look out for you and I will. Always," she said as she placed a kiss on your forehead. 
You now lived with her and her parents After your parents died in a car crash. Bada's parents were usually not home but they were close to your parents so they didn't have a problem with you living with them and caring for you.
"Come here," You said as you pulled her on top of you. She lowered herself to kiss your lips and that was when the make-out session began. 
"Wait... what time is it?" she said when the realization hit her. 
"Shit! We're going to be late again," you said as you saw the time on your phone. So you both stood up and walked to the school. 
"Wow! They are early!" Sowoen said as she ran to hug Bada. 
"It's truly a miracle. Let's go on the bus. The driver went to use the bathroom and he will be right back," Kyma said and you all nodded. 
Bada got situated next to you, resting her head on your shoulder and the girls talked with usual chatter. You looked out of the window and saw how the kids were getting out of school but something was odd. 
"Guys... why aren't there many people walking out?" you asked making everyone turn. 
"Oh, many of them got picked up and went home. Like... a lot of them. It was actually kinda scary how the parents were all panicked and screaming at the teachers," Cheche said as she scrolled through her phone. 
"What do you think is going on?" Lusher asked. 
"I have no clue. I'll ask one of my friends to see," Cheche replied. 
And they waited. Hours passed by with no response. They made it to the competition locations but to their surprise, the was a very small amount of people. 
Bada started growing worried so she approached one of the judges. 
"Do you have any idea of what is going on? Why are there so many people missing?" Bada said. 
"We haven't gotten a clear answer since this morning but apparently there is a virus going around. We have been crazy busy planning all of this but I think it's best if we cancel and you girls should go back home," he said. 
Bada was in awe. She couldn't believe she didn't know of this sooner and she put her girls in danger. 
"Grab your things. We are leaving," Bada said as she rushed to you and grabbed your bags. 
"What? Why?" Lusher said. 
"Yeah, unnie. We struggled to make it in and now you want to leave?" Cheche added in annoyance. 
"Listen, the judges are canceling the competition. We have to go now," Bada said. 
"But that's not fair! What are we going to-"
"Cheche stop it! There are bigger things going on and I have to look out for all of you. Now, let's go," Bada shouted losing her cool. 
"What do you mean?" Tatter said. 
"Apparently there is a virus going around and let's be real. If it wasn't that bad, people wouldn't be running around like crazy. Now, please let's get back home where we can be safe. Please?" the girls didn't say anything but you could see worry painted all over their faces," especially Sowoen and Cheche. 
"Okay. Let's go," Minah said and started walking toward the exit but the bus was long gone. 
"Shit... now what?" Bada gripped her head. 
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pinkyqil · 8 months
What is she teaching her youngest
Two cutiesss
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buuchiu · 8 months
Sowon… 😮‍💨
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badasmuse · 8 months
“BeBe’s Bodyguard”
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Team Bebe x Reader
Warnings: mentions of blood, mentions of a knife, mentions of a stabbing, cute ending tho, language, lowercase intended (you already know)
Summary: you’re bebe’s bodyguard. what could possibly go wrong?
“sowon and chaeyoung can you two please stop running off?” you ask. it’s not really a question but you’re trying. they’ve been disappearing for the past twenty minutes.
“oops sorry y/n-nim!” sowon says bowing.
you’ve been their bodyguard for a long time. you automatically became close because you’re the only female bodyguard they have. they trusted you immensely.
“just stay in the area. i don’t want anything happening to you.” you say standing behind them as they looked for things.
moments later, the others walked up with the other three bodyguards on duty.
“y/n!!” bada says excitedly. she pulls you into her and steps back. “look at what i bought.”
“i will when we get in the car bada.” you say pushing her items back into her bag. “head count i only see six.”
“i’m behind you!” you hear tatter’s sweet voice say.
“all of you are gonna be on punishment.” you mumble making sure they’re all good before walking towards the mall exit.
you take your place up front next to bada. sad to say, she is the more popular one of the seven, so fans tend to rush after her. they rush all the girls, don’t get me wrong, but recently they’ve been rushing bada a lot more due to her girl crush concept blowing up. so bada now has two guards on her whole the other two guards stand in the middle and at the end of the line.
“y/n,” bada says looking up, “i bought you something too!” she says excitedly.
“that’s sweet bada.” you say pushing her hands back down gently. “show me in the car.” you say again.
you can see a crowd when you get to the door, some people are next to the van. “alright girls, hold onto the person in front of you. don’t step out of line.”
“aye aye captain!”
“lusher..” you groan before grabbing onto bada as your coworker opens the door for you.
“bada! bada you’re so cool!”
“oh my gosh bada unnie you’re so pretty!”
“minah i love you!
“tatter your hair looks so good!”
“lusher unnie we missed you!”
the comments come fast as you hold onto bada’s waist and gently push through the crowd.
you get about three feet from the van when you see them. some fan, maybe a fake fan, comes running right towards bada. since her head is down, bada doesn’t see it. she just feels your grip tighten and being pulled to the other side.
you grab the fan quickly, safely dropping her to the ground. the fan tries to get out of your hold and you feel something scratch at your arm. you ignore it trying to calm her down.
the other guards get the girls in the car, shutting the door before helping you with the person you have pinned.
“y/n you’re bleeding.” one says.
you look at your arm then down at the girl's hand, noticing the knife she has. “oh what the fuck.” you say.
she’s quickly disarmed and you walk to the van getting in with the girls and huffing.
“what’s wrong y/n?” kyma asks.
“she cut me. i can’t see it. is this bad?” you turn your arm towards the girls and they gasp.
“y/n that’s a lot of blood!” lusher exclaims grabbing tissues. “you might need stitches that’s really deep.”
after the situation is over and everyone’s in the van, the girls are quickly brought back to their respective homes and you’re taken to a nearby hospital. doctors told you to take it easy for a few days so you did. you spent a week in your little apartment recovering. of course the girls sent you plenty of messages saying how they missed you. (especially bada. she sent messages back to back like she was bangchan on bubble- but let’s not get into that.)
you were excited to be back at work. you missed the girls and their antics. they didn’t know when you were coming back and they definitely didn’t think it would be today.
it was tuesday, so team bebe were at the studio practicing. you quietly open the door and peak your head in.
“lusher you’re doing it wrong!” bada stresses.
“no i’m not! i’m doing it like everyone else, you're wrong!” she says back.
“do it again from the top.” bada plays the music and watches in the mirror as everyone dances. lusher was right, bada was wrong.
“told you!”
“whatever. let’s keep going.” she grumbles.
“oh bada,” you say stepping in, “that’s not nice. apologize to lusher.”
“y/n!!!” the girls exclaim rubbing towards you. you immediately put your injured arm up then gently let it down around them.
“are you back? we missed you so much!! bada has been mean the whole time you were gone.” kyma speaks up.
you make eye contact with bada as she sulks against the mirror. she turns the other way without saying anything. “why don’t you girls take a break so i can talk to bada.” you whisper. they nod and make their way out the door.
“hi bada.” you say approaching her.
“i was worried.” she says, still looking away.
“i texted you everyday. why were you being mean to my kids?”
bada doesn’t respond. she pouts looking down at the ground. you put your finger under her chin raising her head, “i asked a question.”
her face turns red and she clears her throat, “y/n i like you. oh that is not what i wanted to say.” she says covering her mouth.
“babe it was painfully obvious. that doesn’t answer why you’ve been mean to the kids. did not seeing me everyday throw you off?”
she nods.
“that’s cute. you owe them a big apology. give them the day off then let me take you out.” you say leaning on the mirror.
“you… wanna take me out? okay.” she giggles walking towards the door. she opens it and the six kids fall to the floor.
“h-hi!” they stutter.
you shake your head, “kids.”
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Taglist (open! comment to be added!): @waveartistry @sun-nyy @yngtort @jennamc75 @m0r0s1111 @seungxstar @badasbebe @lil-elliesgf @currentfications
a/n: this was a request! hope you like it! i have frostbite guys🧍🏽frostbite on my thumbs and pinkies, four more requests, and eight things i’m trying to write. idk what i’m going to do. send help. pls.
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rgfriend · 7 years
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Gfriend for Celuv TV, *I'm Celuv*🌸 🌟Today🌟17🌟10🌟25🌟
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gfriendicons · 7 years
icons da sowon em fansigns com coisinhas na cabeça por favor bebe
aqui baby
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idolsasotherthings · 7 years
Gfriend as South Park characters
Sowon: Stan Marsh
Yerin: Tweak
Eunha: Bebe Stevens
Yuju: Big Gay Al
SinB: Eric Cartman
Umji: Wendy Testaburger
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glow4eva · 4 years
oi, bebe, pode fazer icons da eunha e da sowon (wonha) do gfriend? as duas juntas, por favor
oi amor, eu tô tentando postar desde q vc pediu e simplesmente não vai. já enviei até os do bangtan e foram certinhos, mas n sei oq está acontecendo com esses, tô triste :(
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forbebeandjam · 5 months
She’s So Cute! | Sowoen x Fem Reader | Fluff
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Summary: Your secret crush has been secretly crushing on you…
Word Count: 1.1k
No warnings☺️
A/N: is anyone here Sowoen biased?? I know that’s probably not how you spell her name but that’s how she has it when I followed her on insta so it’s stuck with me🙂‍↕️ I love this little bean🥰 enjoyyyy
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Your eyes followed her every move. It's been three years that you have been obsessing over cutie Sowoen.
How can you not like her? She had a cute round face and pretty doll eyes. Her lips are full and her cheeks carry a natural blush.
She is also an amazing dancer and well, your eyes just gravitated towards her.
"Oh! Look! She is dancing to my favorite song," you said as you hid behind your best friend.
She made a mistake and you giggled as she smiled sheepishly.
"She's so cute!" You shook your friend's shoulders.
"Why don't you just tell her that instead of aggressively shaking my shoulders?" She said and brushed you off.
"I can't possibly tell her that! She's too cute and I'm just her silly classmate. She probably doesn't even know I exist," you said and slouched in your desk.
"Hey, dork! I told you to go get me a snack!" You heard a voice and a hand hit your head.
"I don't have money," you replied as you rubbed your head.
"Well, borrow. I want my snack," the girl said as she grabbed your face. You winced in pain.
"Why don't you get it yourself?" You heard a deep voice and knew exactly who it came from.
"Sowoen, go back to your little dancing party and stay out of my business," she said and laughed.
"Well, seems like I'm going to have to call my sister after all. She's a senior you see. Her name is Bada and she will absolutely destroy you," she spoke as she approached the girl and pushed her shoulder.
"Sorry, Sowoen. I'll just leave," the girl said as she let go of your face.
You rubbed the spot where her fingers had been digging into your skin when you felt a hand lift your chin and there it was.
The most beautiful face looking right at you. Her eyes filled with concern and they hypnotized you as they widened making them look bigger than they already were.
"Are you okay? Did she hurt you?" She said and you melted.
"I... I'm okay now. Thanks," you said, and as you were about to walk away she held onto your hand and dragged you with her.
She took you to the cafeteria and asked for some ice. She placed the bag on your face and you were just quietly admiring her face.
"Why do you let her treat you like this?" She said and you looked up at her in confusion.
"You- you've been watching me?" You asked in disbelief.
"Yeah. Ever since I saw you at the talent show I've been wanting to talk to you but I thought you were too cool to even notice me," she said and you scoffed.
"What was that for?" She said with a small laugh.
"Well, to be honest, I'm flattered. I have been crush- observing your dance for a while and I never thought you'd want to talk to me," you said. You looked at each other and laughed.
"Well, I'll pretend I didn't hear your slip up and you tell me when you feel more comfortable. In the meantime, let's go back to class. I promise I won't let those bullies mess with you anymore," she said and held your hand.
You grabbed it and she pulled you up. Wrapping her arm around your shoulders, she guided you back to the classroom with casual chatter and laughter about random things.
(A few months later)
"Sowoen! It's been a week now. Please stop ignoring me!" You said as you chased her out of the school building. You held onto her arm and she turned to you.
"I've been waiting patiently and I've done everything to make you feel comfortable enough to confess and then when I take the initiative you tell me I'm your best friend?" She said and you became startled. Her cute persona was gone and she looked angry but even then she was the most beautiful person in your eyes.
(Flashback to the previous week)
Eunwoo approached your table. He had never talked to you before but you could see he would always look at you.
"Hey, I- I wanted to know i-if you wanted t-to go out with m-me," he said softly as he stuttered. He's always been shy and a lot of girls like him but never really ask him anything. Of course, you were interested in him so you didn't know what to say.
Your mind was purely on Sowoen and her only. Besides, you didn't know how to turn anyone down. You never had to do it before and you never thought you'd have to.
"Y/N, Let's go! I'll buy you lunch today," said Sowoen as she stood at the door. She saved you. You sighed in relief and gave the boy in front of you a small smile.
"Sorry Eunwoo. I have to go," you said as you tried to make your way to Sowoen.
"Did you just reject the cutest boy in the class? Something is wrong with you," said one of your classmates.
"Why does something have to be wrong with her? She just doesn't like him. Besides, she doesn't need to date anyone, right Y/N?" She said as she threw her arm over your shoulders.
"Are you two dating or something?" Said the girl. Your eyes widened at her words and Sowoen was looking at you with eagerness. You couldn't possibly say yes to that and make Sowoen uncomfortable.
"No! That's nonsense. We are just best friends. Let's go," you said and her demeanor changed but for the sake of time you just ignored it and went to lunch.
She's been ignoring you ever since and you didn't know why.
(End of flashback)
"Oh! You were confessing!? Sowoen, that's not how you confess your feelings to someone!" You said as you punched her arm. She flinched and glared at you.
"You're making fun of me? This isn't funny, Y/N. I've never asked anyone out and Bada told me that is how she gets girls to like her," she said as she pouted.
You started laughing and she was about to walk away but you grabbed her hands and tried to compose yourself.
"Do you really like me?" You asked as you smiled still holding back your laughter.
"So much," she said and you took the opportunity to peck her lips.
"I like you too. I like you so much," you said as she looked at you with her big eyes. She looked shocked.
"Oh gosh! You're so cute!" You said as you pinched her cheek and intertwined your hands.
"Let's go. I want you to meet my mom," you said as you dragged her with me.
"Wait! That means you're my girlfriend now! Stop hanging around Eunwoo," she said and you chuckled.
"Okay, baby. I've only had eyes for you for three years anyways," you said and she giggled as she wrapped her arm around your shoulders.
Thank you for reading 🩵
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pinkyqil · 8 months
Sowoen had her first teaching dance class am so proud of her
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forbebeandjam · 5 months
I present to you, ME being a certified YAPPER when it come to BEBE 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
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P.S. I’m so getting it even if it means imma be broke when in need to buy a plane ticket 🤡 thank you for coming to my TED talk 🫡
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forbebeandjam · 6 months
⋆ ✮ Master List ✮⋆
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R- Request | OG- Original work | C- Collaboration
STEP | Bada Lee x Fem reader | 21+ OG
My Sleepy Head Pt. 1 | Minah Lee x Fem Reader | fluff OG
My Sleepy Head Pt. 2 | Minah Lee x Fem Reader | 21+ OG
Kiss & Makeup | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | fluff OG
She’s So Cute! | Sowon x Fem reader | fluff OG
Bites & Nibbles | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | smutty fluff R
The Perfect Stalker | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | 21+ R
Baby Mine | Bada Lee g!p x Fem Reader | smutty fluff R
Without You | Bada Lee/ BEBE x Fem Reader | MINI SERIES R
Fantasy | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | 21+ R
Poker Face Lover | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | fluff R
Sweet & Bitter | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | fluff, smut, angst R
Wants or Needs | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | +21 R
Nxde | Bada Lee g!p x Fem Reader | +21 R
Late Night Needs | Bada Lee g!p x Fem Reader | +21 R
Secret Pain | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | fluff, angst
Burn it down | Emma Huch x Fem Reader | Fluff OG
Fear | Audrey Lane x Fem reader | Fluff R
Only You | Kirsten Dodgen x Fem Reader | 21+ OG
Amnesia | Audrey Lane x Fem Reader | Angst OG
Yours Truly | Audrey Lane x Fem Reader | +21
CROSS OVERS & others
Lure | Kirsten x Bada x Fem Reader | 21+ R
Teach me | Yeni Cho x Fem Reader | smutty fluff OG
More work coming soon. Thank you for your patience 🫶🩷
P.S. do not copy my work plz! I’m more than happy to help with your own work but I work too hard on mine so please be respectful of others work!!
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gfriendicons · 7 years
oi anjo, vc pode fazer metadinhas das fotos mais recentes da yerin com a sinb? e se não for muito incomodo, pode fazer da sowon com a sinb também? muito obrigada ♡
aqui bebe
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gfriendicons · 7 years
faz headers ou locks dicionary sowon + yuju pfvr amore
aqui bebe
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gfriendicons · 7 years
header do cabelo da sowon por favor
aqui, bebe!!
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