meoowwxx · 3 years
Your forever is all that I need
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perpetualsunspot · 3 years
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“If I kissed you, I don’t think I’d be able to stop”
“Why would I want you to” Day 1
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ryekiree · 3 years
“...I don’t think I’d be able to stop,” he whispered, the words before them not heard, only the loud beating of her heart inside her chest.
The way his fingers paused a bit as he tucked the strands of her wind-tousled pink hair behind her ear was all it took to make a decision. She drowned into endless midnight pools—hypnotized, unblinking. And when his gaze dropped to the part just beneath her nose, she was screwed.
Sakura grabbed the hems of his unzipped flak jacket down to close the distance between them. His masked lips met hers. It isn’t the first time, though.
She remembered the first time, the night after the Fourth Great Ninja War; the night she was supposed to rest and stay in until Ino took her out of comfort and into the wild unknown; the night she found Kakashi at the same bar and they got candid and talked and cried about the past and the present; the night they may or may not remember (but Kakashi did tell her nothing happened), other than the smell of fabric from clothed lips mixed with alcohol that remained the morning after.
Then the second time with the mission where they went as a couple—to keep up appearances, they had to do it once before the city leader and his wife, once after Kakashi had been away with the city leader, and once at the festival, with the sound of fireworks and trumpets and the wind, and ignoring everything else around them.
Then that one time with the nightmare, her kissing the corner of his masked mouth, while he tucked her to sleep. It surprised him, and his eyes flashed something she hadn’t seen before—a bit of sadness, a bit of hope, a bit of guilt, a bit of yearning.
“Stay,” she had said that time, taking his hand as he stood. And that night, he did, and all at once with this man beside her, her breathing eased and warmth overtook her. That night she dreamed of colors—navy, obsidian, pink and green—all wrapped with a single silver line.
“Kakashi…” Her grip on his flak jacket tightened and before she knew it, Kakashi’s hands were already behind her head, fingers combing through her hair. The rough cloth of his mask brushed against her as he started to deepen the kiss. She flinched, and he felt it. He pulled away, gazing at her. The midnight in his eyes had a slight glimmer—a glint, reflecting some unspoken feelings, of hope, of yearning.
“Tell me to stop if you don’t want to…” he whispered, lowering his forehead onto her. The warm stroke of his thumb on her cheek, the thumb of his other hand dipped on her waist. If this was a romantic movie, she was glad to be a part of it.
Sakura pressed her index finger on his lips. “Don’t stop…” she breathed.
He lifted his hand from her waist, and before she could register any of it, Kakashi held her face with both hands and kissed her. What shocked her more was the softness of his lips brushing, moving against hers. All other thoughts went away as her fingers started to graze his face, memorizing every bit of it through touch—his warm cheeks, the short stubble, the slight dent at the corner of his lips.
He deepened the kiss a second time. She melted as she always had every time.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, as his arms dropped to her waist. His teeth crashed onto hers as they cautiously find their rhythm. Then, in a slight bite of a lip, Sakura pulled away, catching her breath.
She stared at the man in front of her. The details of the mystery that is Hatake Kakashi had been bared.
Then, he smiled. And her heart ricocheted.
It made her wonder how many people had actually seen him under the mask, under the killer instincts, and the authoritative stature; It made her wonder how many people had seen his face, and his smile, and his sparkling white teeth, and that beauty mark under his lips.
“You’re breathing too hard, Sakura.” That smile again.
“You…” Her mind had taken this moment to shut down and not give some words to be said. It probably was her tongue that decided in place of her brain when she blurted out, “You’re beautiful.”
He chuckled. Even his low chuckle… without the mask…
And she felt it all—all at once—if she were looking at a mirror right now, a glow, a glint, a flicker would be there. And that flicker would stay.
Damn it all, she was in love with Hatake Kakashi.
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Day 2 of the KakaSaku Valentine event, with something more suitable to a Whumptober event. 😅
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goldfishlover73 · 3 years
A Promise Valentines Day 1
Title: A Promise
Prompt: “If I kissed you, I don’t think I would be able to stop.”
Summary: “It will change everything.” A warning. A promise. A plea.
Rating: G
“If I kiss you…I don’t think I would be able to stop.” 
It was a warning under her porch light. 
Kakashi walked her home as had become their habit. Fingers brushing three times as they discussed the council meeting. His chest fluttering like 1000 birds. It was like a drug, one he thought couldn’t get any more intense until his pinkie hooked hers as she discussed supplies budgets. She didn’t bat an eye. She didn’t let go. His body heating up in the crisp, night air. When she took a step up to her porch, spinning as his left hand grasped her hip. Her right on his forearm. Had he pulled her? Her left hand was close to her chest, almost hiding under her gray scarf that caused her eyes to sparkle in the porch light. His left ghosted over her cheek. 
“If I kiss you…I won’t stop.” The promise sat thick between them.
 He swallowed, his fingers brushing her cheek.
“It will change everything.” It was a breathy promise, but a promise all the same. Her eyes searched his face as his fingers tingled, cupping her neck. Her green eyes almost hidden behind her pupils. Her mouth opened and closed. She licked her lips, her eyes drifted down to his masked ones before darting back up.
He knew she could feel his heart beat against her skin. He could feel hers against her neck, speeding wildly as he leaned in.
His hand squeezed her hip. His other brushing her hair away from her face. “Its all I think about. You.” He hated how accusatory it sounds. “Kissing you.
“And if I get one small taste.
“It will be the end of me. And I won’t stop there.” She licked her lips again, biting down before they could spread into a smirk. She blinked at him doefully. 
“It will change everything.” A warning. A promise. A plea.
His heart hammered in his chest as he counted the silence between them. Her fingers found their way out of her scarf, trembling as they reached between them. A spark where her skin touched his right above his mask. His mind screamed joyously as her fingers hooked the hem. 
“Well…” She swallowed again, her fingers pulling at the mask. “Can I?” the question was breathy between them. 
“As long as you don’t stop.”
Her fingers pulled the mask, pulled him, down for a searing kiss.
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perpetualsunspot · 3 years
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day two for the kakasaku valentine’s
she feels he’s overthinking it. lol
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meoowwxx · 3 years
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edit: colored ver https://meoowwxx.tumblr.com/post/676432625799479296/your-forever-is-all-that-i-need
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dimigexwrites · 3 years
Second Chances, The Next Morning (KakaSaku Valentines Day)
Part One - The Setup, Part Two - The Date, A03, Fanfiction
@bouncyirwin Here is part three of my oops I wrote a long story instead of a drabble for KakaSaku Valentines Day!
Breathing hard, Kakashi shoved the door to the gymnasium open and glanced at the time on his phone before shoving it into a pocket. He'd woken up late, so his usual, leisurely jog had turned into a flat out run that left him breathless and red faced. Adjusting the bag on his shoulder, Kakashi gathered his composure before hurrying through the second door. He hoped against hope that he might have beaten—
"You're late," Tenzo observed from the shadows of an area that was hidden from Kakashi's field of vision. He didn't give his friend the satisfaction of startling as he dropped his gym bag on one of the benches that dotted the edges.
Kakashi glanced at the clock on the wall, its bright red letters shocking in the gloom of the room, and shrugged. "I'm only a little late," he observed, unzipping his gym bag so he could dig through the contents. Without turning, he continued. "And you wouldn't believe it, there was this wreck on—"
Tenzo's disbelieving snort interrupted the next words. "Or, you stayed out far too late on your date last night."
Rolling his eyes at the insinuation in Tenzo's tone, Kakashi shed his jacket and hung it on one of the hooks on the wall. "I was home and in bed well before midnight."
Laughing, Tenzo clapped Kakashi on the back. "Yeah, but were you sleeping, or were you enjoying some company for the rest of the night?"
"Sleeping," Kakashi answered. He checked his cellphone once before tucking it into the pocket of his sweatpants. "So, what's on our agenda for the day?
"I'm going to need more information than that." Tenzo nodded when Kakashi reached for a jump rope in the jumbled exercise equipment, indicating that he was on the right track for warming up. But, the man didn't let the line of questions stop. "How did last night go?"
Kakashi rolled his wrists to loosen up before starting a series of quick single and double jumps. It didn't take long for his heart rate to rise in response to the movement. While Kakashi didn't particularly enjoy winter training, it kept his body functional for the more enjoyable activities that came when the weather warmed up. Tenzo had harassed Kakashi until he agreed to meet up at least three to five times during the week for exercise. The days varied, but Saturday was a staple because both of the men were typically free.
Once the sweat stood out on Kakashi's forehead and his body felt warm, he let the jump rope slap against the mats on the floor. He reached for his water bottle and took a long drink of the cool liquid. Tenzo watched him with a knowing look of amusement that made Kakashi uncomfortable. Deciding to draw out the other man's suspense, he grinned. "You know I don't kiss and tell."
Tenzo chuckled and shook his head. "Unless something drastic has changed, you don't kiss at all."
"Ha ha, laugh it up," Kakashi answered, aiming a quick jab at his friend's side.
Tenzo danced backward on the balls of his feet, light and elusive as ever. His movements were smooth and efficient; he'd clearly warmed up while waiting for Kakashi. Tenzo's lips pulled into a frown. "Seriously, how was it?"
Dipping his head to hide the stupid smile that tried to work its way onto his face, Kakashi shrugged. "It was fine." He lifted the carefully wound boxing wraps from his bag and started to work on his left hand without meeting Tenzo's gaze. "The dinner was nice, and the event was surprisingly well planned out."
Tenzo hummed in agreement, bouncing lightly on his toes to keep warm. "You're avoiding my question, which only makes me more curious."
"You know what they say about curiosity," Kakashi quipped, completing the second wrap on his right hand with only a little more difficulty than the left. He flexed his fingers, testing the stretch of the material before nodding.
Tenzo rolled his eyes as Kakashi put on the first of his boxing gloves. "Good thing I'm not a cat, then."
The man held up the second glove and helped Kakashi secure it around his wrist once it was in place. Kakashi sighed. "You aren't going to let it go, are you?"
Kakashi walked toward the bags hanging from the ceiling in one corner of the gym. He flexed his hands inside the glove, trying to to think of a way to answer his friend's question without giving anything away. "Sakura was lovely, attentive, and not what I expected. She's matured a lot over the past few years."
Humming with agreement presumably meant to encourage Kakashi to continue, Tenzo moved to the side to watch him work at the speed bag. A few punches in, the man smiled. "So, when will you see her again?"
Kakashi did his best to keep his tempo steady and smooth lest Tenzo read something in the movement that he didn't intend. Warmth spread through Kakashi's muscles as he continued the steady strikes until his body felt loose and light. He slowed, huffing out a breath. "We didn't talk about it."
Moving away a couple of feet, Kakashi made room for Tenzo in front of the bag. The younger man moved through the same punches that he had to warm up. Tenzo was the one of them who actually enjoyed boxing, and he made it look natural. Kakashi couldn't deny that it took the edge off frustration and anger, but he'd much rather be outside rock climbing, hiking, or going for a run. The gym was necessary evil during the colder months, though.
As Tenzo continued working with the bag, Kakashi stretched in preparation for the inevitable spar that would come next. He didn't dread it as much as he thought he would. A light vibration from his pocket made his face scrunch in confusion. He reached for the feeling, then rolled his eyes at the gloves he'd just put on. Catching the velcro closure in his teeth, Kakashi pulled it loose then clamped his upper arm around the glove to pull his hand free.
Kakashi fished his phone from his pocket with some difficulty because of the wraps. He pressed his thumb against the sensor to unlock it and swiped the screen open. A single message notification waited at the top. Frowning, Kakashi opened it. It worked. I thought about you last night. A second text came through almost immediately. Multiple times.
"Are you smiling at your phone?" Tenzo's voice broke through the momentary elation that flooded Kakashi's system. "Oh my god, are you blushing?"
"No," Kakashi forced his face to wipe the emotion away. He wasn't sure how to respond to Sakura's text, so he left it for a time when Tenzo wasn't watching his every move. "It's just hot in here, and I'm ready to get this spar underway."
Chuckling, Tenzo pulled away from the speed bag. "You're a terrible liar. It's fine to say that you had a good time. Hell, it's even okay to say that you slept with her. I'm not judging."
Kakashi shook his head, sobering at the implication. "We didn't have sex. It isn't like that."
"So, it's not physical," Tenzo repeated, nodding toward the boxing ring that predominated the middle of the gym. The pair had the place to themselves today for a change which allowed them to talk freely. As Kakashi followed him through the ropes, Tenzo's grin deepened. "Damn, are you saying she's in love with you already?"
"She doesn't love me," Kakashi laughed, ignoring the flutter of his heart at the impossible thought. Rin's memory soured the fleeting desire almost as soon as it rose. "She's not that stupid."
Tenzo laughed and dipped his head before reaching out to help Kakashi get his glove back on. "You're probably right. She seemed smarter than average."
"Definitely," Kakashi agreed, squaring up against Tenzo with his body turned to the side to present a smaller target. He weighed his opponent with his gaze, wondering why Tenzo wouldn't let the thing with Sakura go. It wasn't like it mattered; they hadn't talked about dating or going out. The night had been fun, sure, but that didn't mean it was going to be anything more. They'd probably never see each other again.
Kakashi brought his hands up in front of his face and shifted his weight over the balls of his feet to make his movement more fluid. He and Tenzo had trained together for years, so he could practically read the moves before they happened. Jab, cross, jab, jab, hook. Kakashi flowed with the strikes, allowing his mind to wander. The implications behind Sakura's text were impossible to ignore, and the thought brought more heat to Kakashi's cheeks. He'd teased her about wanting her to think about him, but he hadn't meant that way. At least, not seriously.
Trying to come up with a reply was difficult. Did Kakashi respond in kind by admitting that he'd thought of Sakura as well? Did that cross a line that he wanted to keep between them? Did he pretend not to understand the subtext of the comment and ask what Sakura meant? Did he write the whole thing off and continue on the same way that he would have done weeks ago? Did he just ignore it to see if she reached out a second time?
Slipping beneath a quick right hook, Kakashi wondered which response Sakura wanted from him. Almost anything he said would make her more curious about him. Kakashi knew that he could have followed Sakura up to her apartment the previous night, and they would have crossed every line that he cared to draw between them. But, she had respected his decision to stop where they were. Did Kakashi continue holding himself away and playing the logical person, or did he give in to the pressure? Did any of it matter? Sakura's text was clearly meant to evoke a response. Multiple times, it taunted, begging him to acknowledge the unresolved sexual tension between them.
Tenzo slipped to the right and Kakashi circled with him, adrenaline burning through his veins. Boxing helped release some of the tension that wound Kakashi's body tight. He could focus on the natural rhythm of the movements without concentrating too hard on the problem with—another soft buzz ripped Kakashi's attention away from everything except wondering what Sakura said next.
Pain snapped through Kakashi's face, sharp and brilliant as a sunburst. He crashed onto the mat below him, head rebounding against the surface. Darkness swallowed the world. Then, Kakashi blinked at the ceiling in confusion with no idea why he was staring up at it.
"Shit, I'm sorry," Tenzo cursed, crouching beside Kakashi's head. "Are you okay?"
Kakashi's ears rang as he looked around the gym, trying to make logical sense of what happened. Tenzo knelt next to him, pulling his gloves off with an urgency that seemed almost comical. Fingers snapped in front of Kakashi's face, fighting to drag him back to semi-coherence but he had a hard time focusing on the noise. "Come on, I didn't hit you that hard."
"You hit me," Kakashi repeated, still in a half daze from the contact. It was so funny that he almost laughed. The sound burbled in his throat as Tenzo pulled him upright, then the room tipped and spun like a top. Nausea bubbled in Kakashi's stomach, hot and dizzying. He fought it down with a grunt that sobered him somewhat. "You hit me."
"Yes, we've covered that." Tenzo snapped his fingers again, drawing Kakashi's attention to them. "How many fingers do you see?"
Kakashi stared at the wavering image for a second, blinking to clear the immediate blurriness in his vision. "Two."
The hand changed shape. "Now, how many?"
"Three," Kakashi answered, continuing to suppress the nausea that flooded his stomach and throat. He squeezed his eyes shut to push the thought away from him. If he didn't think about it, it wouldn't happen.
When Kakashi opened his eyes again, Tenzo had moved back to give him some space. "Do you think you can get up?"
"You're not a prize fighter or anything. I'm fine," Kakashi grumbled, pushing his hands against the mat to try and stand. Even so, he knew that Tenzo's punches were powerful. The man could have gone on to make a career out of it if he'd wanted to. He usually pulled his punches in spars, though.
Kakashi pushed into a standing position, and the room wobbled with him. The ground pitched under his feet when he tried to move. Tenzo bumped against Kakashi's shoulder, supporting him until they reached a corner of the ring where he could cling to the rope for balance. Kakashi closed his eyes against the dizzy sickness in his stomach. "Mostly fine," he amended, sinking onto the stool that Tenzo produced from somewhere.
It took Kakashi a couple of startled seconds to realize that Tenzo had knelt in front of him and started to remove his gloves with familiar ease. "What are you doing," Kakashi asked in confusion.
"You're done for the day" Tenzo pulled the gloves off and laid them aside, starting to work on the hand wraps. The task was made difficult by the similar wraps on the man's hands.
Kakashi pulled away and started unwinding the fabric on his own. "I just need a minute, then we can get back to—"
"I'm ninety-five percent sure you have a concussion." Tenzo finished pulling off his second wrap without bothering to wind them the way that he normally did. Kakashi wondered if it was frustration or worry that sped his friend's fingers through the movement. "I think you should go get checked out."
Kakashi laughed and shook his head, immediately regretting it when the nausea returned. "No, I'm fine. I didn't even lose consciousness. It was just a lucky punch."
Tenzo leveled Kakashi with a flat stare, then rolled his eyes. "It was a left hook that I telegraphed, but you never noticed. And, you were out for at least a few seconds after it."
"Look at you, using knockout punches in a friendly spar," Kakashi teased, trying to organize the thoughts that were crowding in the back of his mind. He didn't feel great, but he didn't feel terrible either. Surely he would have felt something more than a vague pain in the back of his head after a concussion. "You're growing up."
"You didn't even try to block it," Tenzo complained, shaking his head in frustration as he gathered his equipment from the mat and slid through the ropes to the floor. "You were distracted. You know better than that."
Distracted? Kakashi tried to dredge up the moments before the punch, but they refused to come. Sighing, he followed Tenzo from the ring, bobbling only a little when the room pitched under his feet. "I'm sorry," Kakashi mumbled, rubbing his sore jaw.
Tenzo sighed, worry creasing his features. "You really should go see a doctor, just to make sure everything is squared away. If you won't go to the hospital, at least let me get Tsunade to have a look at you."
Kakashi tipped his head to the side, considering the words for a long moment. Tsunade-shishou would. The memory came slowly; the pieces fit back together in a picture that left Kakashi feeling oddly off balance, even more than the concussion. He ran his tongue across his lips, surprised to taste the coppery tang of blood. "I'm not going to the hospital. If it's a concussion, they'll tell me to rest."
"Which you'll undoubtedly ignore." Tenzo threw his equipment into his bag with an overly dramatic eye roll. "Do you think you have a concussion? Or, did it just rattle you?"
Raising one shoulder in a shrug, Kakashi packed up his wraps, gloves, and jump rope. "I mean, isn't that pretty much the same thing?"
Tenzo pulled a black hoodie over his head, then slung his bag across one shoulder. "You know that you got the finger count wrong, right?"
Kakashi blinked at the words, and the soft pain in the back of his mind ramped up to a slightly more noticeable stab. He sighed in defeat. "Okay, fine, I might have a concussion, but the point still stands. All the doctor is going to tell me to do is to get some rest."
"You lost consciousness, briefly, but it still happened. You had double vision, your balance is off, and you're in pain, sick to your stomach, or both." Tenzo ticked off the points on his fingers, and Kakashi studied them to make sure the number matched the reasons.
Kakashi frowned. "How do you know I'm—"
"The way you squeeze your eyes and tense your jaw every few seconds," Tenzo interrupted, with a rueful shake of his head. "You've got a pain tell, old man."
"Hey, woah," Kakashi chuckled, holding up his hands as if deflecting another blow. "Isn't it enough that you already knocked me out once today?"
A grin slid onto Tenzo's lips as he shook his head and threw an arm around Kakashi's shoulders. "Come on, let's get you checked out, then I'll leave you alone for the rest of the day, probably."
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dimigexwrites · 3 years
Second Chances, The Setup (KakaSaku Valentines Day)
This is my take on the matchmaking section of the day one prompt @bouncyirwin. It can also be found on FF and A03.
Kakashi stared down at the paper in his hands as disbelief warred with amusement inside his chest. He read the name again to assure himself that he wasn't imagining things. "This can't be right. There must have been a mistake."
"I don't know why you signed up for that thing in the first place," Tenzo observed, scrolling through his phone with a thumb without looking up. "Honestly, a matchmaking service is about the last thing I would expect you to take part in, even if it does benefit the school."
"Technically, it benefits the Wounded Warriors project and the school," Kakashi pointed out, leveling his best friend with a stare. Then, he sighed. "And, I signed up for it because I lost another bet with Gai. He cares about the charity, so this was his twisted form of punishment."
Tenzo's gaze flicked up from his phone, and he rolled his eyes. "Why do you let him drag you into these stupid things? You act like posturing five year olds instead of department heads at a prestigious university."
Crossing the office, Tenzo snagged the paper from Kakashi's hands. His brown eyes skimmed over the name once, then his brow furrowed. He read it a second time, then burst out laughing. "They matched you with Haruno Sakura? That can't be right, can it? I mean, she's, what, twenty years younger than you?"
Warmth rose in Kakashi's cheeks at the words as anger and embarrassment heated his face. He scribbled a note on the lesson plan in front of him without looking at Tenzo. "It's more like fourteen, but yeah. I'm sure it's just an oversight."
With another chuckle, Tenzo dropped the paper onto Kakashi's desk and slung his bag over one shoulder. "I'm surprised she's taking part, to be honest. The last I heard, she was dating some hotshot Uchiha lawyer, the one everyone was talking about a couple of years ago. I was pretty sure they were engaged, actually."
Kakashi wondered why the man had kept up with Sakura, but he didn't ask. Folding the paper in half, he slid it out of the way. "Maybe she got roped into it like I did. I'll go down to the office and sort it out after my next class."
Years ago, the woman had been a student of Kakashi's. First, she'd be in an advanced placement class through her high school, then later she'd taken two Introduction to Literature classes at Konoha University. He remembered Sakura's vibrant pink hair and whip-quick wit. She'd been one of the few students who actually put effort into their assignments and offered insightful observations during discussions. She would have done well in the English department, but her interests lay in another direction. Last he heard, she'd planned to go to medical school, and that had been five or six years ago.
Shaking his head, Kakashi pushed the memory away as a worry for another time. He was sure that pairing them together for the charity Valentine's Day dinner must have been a mistake. It would be easily corrected when he went and talked to organizers. A small smile played across Tenzo's lips when Kakashi raised his gaze back to the man. "You could just go with it, you know. I mean, it's not often you get the chance to—"
"I could have plenty of chances," Kakashi interrupted, folding the notice and dropping it into the leather messenger bag on his desk along with his notes for the next class. He adjusted the buckle, then stood. "I don't need any help in that area, thank you very much."
"I'm just saying that she's an adult now," Tenzo continued, pushing open the heavy door of the office so they could leave it behind. "There's nothing wrong with going out with her, if you wanted to, I mean."
Kakashi leveled the man with a stare and shook his head. "I'm sure it would make a lovely headline. You know, just before I lost my job."
Laughing, Tenzo shook his head. "It's just dinner, nobody could fault you for that. I'm not suggesting you sleep with her."
"I have a class to get to," Kakashi interrupted, cutting the man short. "And then, I'm going to go get this sorted, end of story."
You should try living a little," Tenzo called as the pair separated in the hallway. Kakashi shook his head and continued like he hadn't heard the words.
"I'm sorry, Hatake-sensei," the brunette behind the computer screen repeated, tapping rapidly on her keyboard. "The results have already been sent out. There's no way we can change them now."
Kakashi blew out a breath to contain his annoyance and tried again. "But, there's been a mistake with my match. This can't be the person who was intended to be matched with me."
"You aren't obligated to go to dinner with them if you don't want to," the woman continued. Soft brown eyes flashed up at Kakashi with a touch more calculation than he liked. He loosened the collar of his shirt with one finger as she smiled. "It's just a silly fundraiser, after all."
"Wrong," A growled word from the back room answered the statement before Kakashi could. A woman stepped into the office, combing her fingers through her long blond hair like it had annoyed her. Then, she tugged at her crop top, trying to make it lie smoothly over her chest. Kakashi looked away as she continued. "It isn't just a silly fundraiser. We worked hard on those matches."
"I'm sure you did." Kakashi made a placating gesture under the woman's scrutiny. She looked at him like she'd treated her hair or clothing: something she'd force back into place if he defied her. "But, I was under the impression that matches would be among faculty or students, not mixed."
Seafoam blue eyes that had to be colored contacts rolled toward the ceiling. "Well, that's your mistake, then." The girl smiled with a vindictive edge. "We were careful in our matches, but some do have a slight age gap. It was unavoidable given the pool of applicants."
"A slight age gap," Kakashi repeated. He let out a measured breath to control the surge of annoyance rushing through him. It wasn't intentional. It's nothing personal, he reminded himself, reining in the frustration.
"Leave him alone, Ino." The brunette behind the desk leveled the blond with a glare before turning back to Kakashi. "I'm sorry for the confusion, Hatake-sensei. But, if you're uncomfortable with the arrangement, you could explain over dinner, perhaps? It's already paid for, after all, and no one says it has to be romantic."
Ino crossed her arms over her chest in a gesture of annoyance. "It's Valentine's Day. It's supposed to be romantic."
"Of course," the girl nodded along with Ino's word, then shrugged. "But, this dinner doesn't have to be romantic. I'm sure your match would understand if you explain things."
Kakashi stared at the paper with Sakura's name for several heartbeats as he considered the options. Sakura had been easy to get along with in his classes, but that was hardly the same thing as sharing dinner. He sighed. "So, how does this work? Do we both agree to come to the event, and then you'll let us know? Am I supposed to ask her?"
Ino moved forward, half pushing the brunette away from the computer. Leaning down, she tapped a series of commands into the keyboard as she answered. "We send out matches, and each person confirms whether or not they're planning to attend. Most people make a good night out of it, even if they aren't happy with their partner."
The challenge in Ino's words made Kakashi chuckle; she'd given him an easy out without meaning to. He started to say that he wouldn't be attending, thank you very much, when a sound from the computer stopped him. Ino flashed a smile at Kakashi. "Sakura-chan has already confirmed that she'll be there, by the way. We're just awaiting your confirmation to send out the final details to each of you."
Something heavy dropped in Kakashi's stomach, leaving a sick feeling in the back of his throat. It would have been easy to refuse the event had Sakura done the same. But, she hadn't. The idea of turning her down now seemed cruel. Sakura accepted, even knowing their age difference and past. She'd always been logical, so she must have realized they could have a friendly dinner and nothing more.
"Fine," Kakashi agreed with a sigh. "We don't have to fall into the romance trap just because it's Valentine's Day. We can eat dinner together, then go our separate ways."
"Spoken like a true romantic," Ino mocked, rolling her eyes again. "Unless you've spoken to your match, you might not want to treat it so lightly. You might think it's a friendly dinner, but what if she thinks it's something more?"
Ino laughed, a deep, rich sound that seemed to fill the office with that. "Good luck with that."
"It'll be fine," Kakashi answered, shoving the paper with Sakura's name back into his bag. "Nothing to worry about."
Ino's amusement followed him from the office.
Staring at the clock on the wall, Kakashi sighed. He needed to finish getting ready so he could make it to the restaurant on time, but he was debating whether or not he could pretend to be afflicted by a sudden illness to get out of the whole arrangement. It wasn't that dinner out didn't sound good, even with company fourteen years his junior, because it did. But, Kakashi was already tired of everything that had to do with Valentine's Day.
The university had been a buzz of stupid, sappy shows of affection for the majority of the day. Pink, white, and red dominated every surface in a shower of roses, teddy bears, candy, and balloons. Kakashi had forcibly removed one young man from his second lecture for trying to record some kind of confession challenge on his phone. Half of the other students had been documenting it as well, and the poor girl who was the object of the poorly thought out display of affection looked embarrassed enough to faint.
Kakashi's remaining classes hadn't gone any better. By the time he'd wrapped up his fifth and final one for the day, he wanted nothing more than a stiff drink and a good book. But, he'd signed up for and promised to attend this twice damned event. Kakashi didn't want to stand Sakura up just because he didn't want to go. Dinner would last maybe an hour or a little bit more, then he could come home and stop worrying about it.
Instead of getting dressed, Kakashi poured himself a half measure of the whiskey that he wanted. It would settle his nerves and make the night less awkward, hopefully. As he was savoring the smoky burn in his throat, Kakashi's phone pinged. Frowning, he picked it up from the bed where he'd thrown it before his shower. A text message from Tenzo flashed on the screen. You need to leave in five minutes if you're going to be on time.
Huffing out a breath, Kakashi threw the annoying device back onto the bed and finished his drink. By the time he carried the glass to the kitchen and rinsed it in the sink, he'd heard the message notification three more times. Kakashi closed his eyes and physically forced himself not to pour a second drink before moving back to the bedroom.
Have you decided what you're going to wear?
Did you remember to get flowers?
Have you left yet?
Stop ignoring me!
The fourth text scrolled across the screen, interrupting Kakashi's ability to read the others. He swiped it away in a fit of annoyance. Tenzo needed a life that revolved around something besides watching Kakash's every move. Besides, this wasn't even a real date; Kakashi didn't need a wingman or a babysitter. Even if it was, Kakashi knew how to get ready for a date without Tenzo's help. He was older and more experienced, after all.
Tossing his towel into the bathroom hamper, Kakashi returned to the closet in his bedroom. He'd been considering what he wanted to wear to the dinner since confirming that he would go. The normal dress pants and button up shirt felt a touch too casual for something like this considering the tickets had been fairly expensive. But, he assumed that most people weren't going to be wearing tuxedos either.
Kakashi settled on a middle ground and selected a white tailored suit with black shirt and tie that he'd purchased years ago. He'd bought it before the conference where he'd been a guest speaker on the influences of Edo period literature because he wanted to make a good impression. In hindsight, hardly anyone cared about the subject and fewer still cared what he looked like. Except for the woman who had propositioned him later that evening, of course.
Chuckling at the memory, Kakashi pulled the suit from the back of his closet. It would be good enough for a fake date with his former student, he supposed.
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goldfishlover73 · 3 years
Love and Letters V-day Day2
Title: Love and Letters
Rating: G
Summary: Sakura is in a Suna bookstore when she hears a familiar voice. And what is this about a letter?
“You’re really foolish aren’t you, my friend?” Sakura ducked back in the shelves of the bookcase at the sound of Gai’s voice.
What is Gai doing in Suna?  She peaked her head over the stacks to see silver hair surfing the tops of the shelves.
“Shes’ not that stupid, Gai.” Kakashi’s deep voice reverberated through the paperbacks. 
“Of course she’s not stupid!” Gai said emphatically, slapping, no doubt, his knee. Or a book. “Only foolish people think that Hatake Kakashi doesn’t deserve love.”
Love? Her hands went to the bag at her side. The letter she wrote to him burned at her hip.
She had sent him countless letters from her time in Suna. Multiple a week since she arrived. It was almost like a diary. 
And he wrote back essays. Their letters had become longer and more nonsensical as time passed. Speaking of nothing and everything but definitely not-
“She doesn’t love me, Gai.” It was a phrase he’d said many times, she could tell by his sigh. 
They were moving up the aisle. She back stepped, surveying any escape routes. For some reason, she didn’t want to be caught. “She’s got so much going for her. She’s smart, she’s beautiful, she…her eyes, Gai.”
Sakura was at the end of the shelves. She could go left or right. She ducked to the right, down the aisle they just left, her face flushed crimson. She wasn’t sure why Kakashi’s words affected her so much. She received letters from him daily and he hadn’t mentioned a woman. 
Or a trip to Suna.
“I know, I know, her eyes, her eyes.” Gai’s chuckle rumbled deep in his chest. “And her beauty is only matched by her brains.”
“I have no idea what she’s talking about half the time.” He confessed. Sakura’s heart twisted painfully. Their last few letters were discussing if it was better to buy dog shampoo or just use dish soap. She threatened him with a dissertation about skin conditions and causations as to why his dogs liked her better than him if he thought about it again. “Sometimes I feel like I need a dictionary.” He said wistfully. When did Kakashi become wistful? And why did her heart sink at his words? 
Gai hummed, “They sell those in the back.” 
“Why are we even here? We aren’t here to read.”
“You can use it to look up ‘delusional.’”
“I’m not-”
“I see the way you look at her.” Kakashi hadn’t looked at her in months. Not since she came to Suna. “And the soft smile she has when you enter a room.” The noise that came out of Kakashi’s throat was like that of a dying cat. “I don’t take you with me for my health.
“Spring is blossoming between the two of you. Do not let it wilt before it even has the chance to bloom.”
Kakashi let out another strangled noise. The sound of a wheelchair hitting the book shelf echoed. The books rumbled but they did not fall. “Go! Find her! Embrace her! Confess your love!”
“Sit down before you destroy your leg again.” Sakura started to backstep towards the door. I don’t want to hear any more of this. 
“It will give us a much better excuse to find Sakura than to be prowling around in bookstores.” Sakura froze at her name. “Why haven’t you sought her out yet?”
Sakura leaned forward, but she thought better of it. She definitely didn’t want to get caught now.
“Because I don’t know if I beat that stupid letter here or not.” He groaned.
She jumped, startling the cashier, who was also listening intently. Letter?! Her hands went to her bag. She hadn’t had any mail today. She almost gasped out loud. But she did yesterday, and it was still in her bag. She hadn’t read it yet. The cogs in her mind started churning that she missed the rest of what Kakashi said.
“It’s like I told you on the way here. You won’t know unless you tell her.” Gai sighed. “Though a drunken letter professing your undying love isn’t what I was going for.”
“It’s your fault! I wouldn’t have written anything like that if you hadn’t gotten out the souchu.”
“Do not blame me for your hearts need to burst forth!” 
Sakura panicked, she could see Gai’s casted leg, then his knee. She exchanged a glance with the cashier, who was pointing at her, looking excited.
“This is your chance to tell her how you feel. To explain to her before she reads the letter.”
“Tell her.”
“Gai, no.”
“Tell me what?” Sakura was just as surprised at her voice as Kakashi, who shoved Gai roughly and jumped back. Gai gripped his wheels and smiled pleasantly. 
“There she is!” He waved. Kakashi looked pale, “I thought that was you I saw in the window!”
Sakura watched with medical awe as Kakashi’s face went from pale to green to crimson to a deep shade of purple all within the span of two minutes. 
“Sa-Sa-Sakura.” He was trembling. She was genuinely afraid he was having some kind of episode.
She leapt into action. “What are you guys doing here?” Her hands were on his forehead and then his wrist before he could turn to glare at Gai.
“We’re here to intercept a letter he wrote to you.”
“Ask what’s in the letter.” Gai cupped his mouth and whispered loudly. Sakura turned to see him wink before pointing towards the door. “I’ll be outside.”
Sakura watched as Gai wheeled himself out, humming softly. 
She turned back to Kakashi. His face, what she could see of it, was balmy and pale. His eyes wide and frightful. If she hadn’t known he’d spent the last ten minutes in the bookstore, perusing the aisle talking about letters and love, she would have thought he had been stabbed. And he was looking at her like she had done the stabbing. 
She double checked just to make sure.
The tension was thick as she fretted over her small examination; very aware that his eyes were boring into her. Her body heated as she focused on her breathing. Her mind had released high pitched whining as she realized she hadn’t let go of his wrist.
“So…a letter.” She willed the shakiness out of her voice.
Sakura wanted to know everything and nothing about this letter. She wanted to consume every word, every period, every comma of what this letter could be. 
Was it addressed to her? Was it supposed to be? She wasn’t sure if she wanted to know.
She still hadn’t let go of his wrist.
“It’s not what you think.” He said quickly. His heart racing under her thumb. 
“It’s okay.” She said brightly, looking at the tendons in his wrist. “I won’t open any more of my letters.”
“Sakura, no, I”
 “I’ll let you go through-” Sakura froze as she was silenced by masked lips. Herr brain shut down as she felt them move softly against hers. Her brain came back online. She gasped. As quickly as they were there, they were gone, stealing her breath as they left. She heard a thunk. Blinking, she saw Kakashi’s face crimson again as stumbled back into a shelf, his right hand coming up to his face. Even with the mask she could she his mouth opening and closing before he let out an eep and shoved past her and out the door, tripping over Gai, who barely maneuvered out of the way.
Gai’s eyes were bright as they caught Sakura’s. He turned to look to where Kakashi was still stumbling off before looking back to Sakura with a shit eating grin, tears in his eyes. He took off after him.
His letter, maybe the letter burned against her thigh.
She looked over to where the cashier stood, mouth agape with the same grin as Gai. “Must be some letter.”
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dimigexwrites · 3 years
Second Chances, The Date (KakaSaku Valentines Day)
This is the second chapter for the story that I did for the KakaSaku Valentines Day that @bouncyirwin and Empress Nariko are hosting. This chapter is really long (12k words or so I think), so it's under the cut or it can be found at FF or AO3
As part of the Hearts on Fire fundraiser, the university had booked a popular downtown venue for the evening. Since the majority of the proceeds went toward the Wounded Warrior project, several clubs from the school were taking part in the event to assure its success. Kakashi had assumed that participants' names would be thrown into a hat and drawn at random, but, like everything else, they'd seemed to have put more thought into it. He supposed that he should be thankful to have been paired with someone he knew at least a little bit.
Kakashi arrived at the restaurant only fifteen minutes late after stopping to pick up flowers, typical red roses because this whole date was a farce. When he pulled open the door, the chaotic mix of florals, cheap perfume, and wine flavored the air. A handful of people milled around by the check-in area, either waiting on their dates or waiting to be pointed in the right direction.
As Kakashi started to join the group, a familiar pair of blue eyes settled on him from across the room. Ino pulled away from the desk with a mischievous smile on her face. "Well, well, well, Hatake-sensei, you came after all."
"I said I would come," Kakashi pointed out. "I'm not going to go back on my word."
"Good," Ino purred. Her gaze traveled up and down Kakashi's body in a calculating manner that made him feel like his suit wasn't enough protection from her eyes. "I'm glad to see you put a little bit of effort into this at least."
Warmth bloomed in Kakashi's cheeks under the scrutiny of Ino's assessment. Before he could think of an answer, the brunette from the other day hurried up to them, a paper name tag on her shirt read 'Tenten - Event Support'. The girl caught Ino's arm with frantic energy. "Leave Hatake-sensei alone and come help me. There seems to be some confusion with two of our patrons. He thought that she was going to—"
The conversation faded as Tenten pulled Ino away. Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief; the blonde's stare left him feeling uncomfortable. Something about Ino's look made Kakashi feel like he'd been tested, but he wasn't sure if he'd come up lacking or not. Swallowing, he looked across the room. Dozens of tables filled the space, white table clothes accentuated by the flicker of candles. The overhead lights had been dimmed for the occasion, but Kakashi saw a decent mix of faculty and students in the room. At least he wouldn't be completely out of place.
"Hatake-sensei?" The sound sent a nervous jolt of energy through Kakashi's chest. He told himself that it had had more to do with the atmosphere of the room than the familiar timbre of the voice behind him. "Or, should I call you Kakashi?"
Turning toward the voice, Kakashi offered a smile. Haruno Sakura returned the gesture, her lips a gentle shade of pink that accented the color of her hair. The woman wore a simple back dress that guided his eyes to places they shouldn't go by the way it hugged her body. The neckline left her shoulders bare despite the long sleeves, creating an alluring mix of exposed and covered skin that begged Kakashi to run his fingers over it.
Kakashi swallowed the lump in his throat, focusing on the shining green eyes that were watching him with curiosity and amusement. "Kakashi is fine," he answered, once he was certain that he had control of his voice. Remembering the flowers, Kakashi held them out. "Here, these are for you."
Taking in the deep red of the roses, Sakura inhaled their aroma. "You didn't have to do that," she murmured. Suddenly, Kakashi was thankful that Tenzo had reminded him to pick up flowers on the way..
"I'm pretty sure it's not Valentine's Day without a dozen red roses." Kakashi managed a chuckle as the woman cradled the flowers in the crook of one elbow. Then, he gestured around the room "Do you know how any of this works? The organizers seem a little bit chaotic."
Sakura laughed and grinned toward the pair of women arguing over a laptop near the check-in area. "That's Ino and Tenten for you. Ino, the blond one, loves playing matchmaker and gossip, while Tenten loves people watching. The idea of this event was way more fun for them than actually running it will be."
"It certainly seems that way." Kakashi watched the pair for a moment longer as Tenten clicked through something on the computer and Ino flapped her hands in annoyance. Chuckling, he turned back to Sakura. "I suspected that something was off when we were paired, to be honest."
Sakura quirked one eyebrow upward with a frown. "Why's that?"
The challenging stare surprised Kakashi, as did the hint of a blush on the woman's cheeks. "The pairing just surprised me," he amended, which seemed to soothe Sakura somewhat. "I'm sorry that you didn't get a better date for the evening."
"Who said there was anything wrong with you?" Laughing, Sakura shook her head. "Come on, I know where our table is."
As Kakashi followed Sakura through the room, he tried to avoid the curious stares that turned in their direction. Thankfully, their table was in the back corner, which provided a sense of privacy. A thick, pink piece of parchment held up by a heat shaped clip had their names written across it in fancy script. Sakura laid the flowers to one side of the table, then sank into her seat before Kakashi could offer to pull it out. He settled in the chair across from her, self conscious despite the secluded feeling that the room offered.
Silence reigned for several uncomfortable seconds before Sakura spoke. "So, it's been a while—''
Before the woman could finish her thought, a young man interrupted them with a polite bow. Kakashi was fairly certain that the boy had been in his Introduction to Literature class a couple of semesters ago, which meant he was probably part of the fundraiser. But, Kakashi couldn't be sure. The boy's black suit and white shirt made him look like a waiter, at least.
The young man sat a flute of champagne in front of Sakura, then a second near Kakashi. "The first glass is included with dinner, which will be out shortly," he paused and pulled a sheet of parchment paper similar to the one that had Kakashi and Sakura's name from a folder he carried under one arm. "Until then, here are some questions to help you get to know your date better. Enjoy your evening."
After presenting the paper to Sakura, the man bowed and walked to the next table to repeat his clearly rehearsed speech. The pinkette skimmed over the page in her hand then raised her gaze. When her eyes met Kakashi, they laughed. It sounded almost genuine, if a little strained at the edges.
"This is really awkward," Kakashi allowed, reaching for the champagne. Deciding better of it, he let his hand rest on the table instead. "We don't have to do this whole awkward first date thing. It's perfectly fine to just have dinner and call it a night."
"We absolutely have to do the question and answer section. I wouldn't want all of Ino's hard work to be for nothing." Laughing, Sakura took a drink of her champagne and laid the list on the table. "Okay, first question: what's your favorite color?"
Kakashi rolled his eyes at the question. "How is that supposed to help people find out if they're compatible?"
Swirling the champagne around in her glass, Sakura raised her shoulders in a shrug that made the light play across her skin. "My favorite color is red."
Studying the pale shade of Sakura's lips and hair, then the black of her dress, Kakashi laughed. "I would have guessed that." Sakura inclined her head and looked at him expectantly. Frowning, Kakashi considered for a couple of seconds, then shrugged. "Mine is black."
"Black isn't a color," Sakura pointed out, placing her glass back on the table. A imprint of her lips remained on the side, drawing Kakashi's gaze for a millisecond before she spoke. "Want to try again?"
"Black is definitely a color." Kakashi considered for a moment longer, then shrugged. "Fine, dark grey."
Sakura shook her head at the words, but didn't correct Kakashi this time. She turned her attention to the next question instead. "Okay, would you rather visit the mountains or the beach on vacation?"
Though Kakashi knew the answer almost immediately, he made a show of considering the options. "Definitely the mountains. Give me a secluded cabin away from people for a week or two, and I'm good to go."
"That doesn't surprise me." Sakura tipped her head to the side to study Kakashi though a fall of pink hair. She'd worn it down tonight, the pale tresses curling softly at the ends. "What about a secluded beach, though?"
Kakashi tapped a finger against his lip thoughtfully. "I suppose it depends on the company. But, as long as I have a good book, I could tolerate it. I'm assuming your answer is the beach then?"
A smile played across Sakura's lips as she toyed with one earring, a glimmer of silver dangling from one ear. "I could take either one as long as there aren't too many people around. Huge crowds can be overwhelming." Sakura took another sip of her champagne, then dipped her head. "But, yes, as a general rule, I'm always down for a trip to the beach."
For a minute, Kakashi could imagine it. Sakura laughing at some joke, sunlight reflecting off her sunglasses as she stared at him. Waves crashed in the distance as warm, white sand sparkled behind her. Kakashi blushed and pushed the intrusive thought away. Sakura laughed, but her eyes were on the sheet of questions rather than Kakashi's face. "Oh, this is an easy one for you. Would you rather give up social media entirely, or live as an influencer?"
Reaching for his drink, Kakashi waved a hand to indicate that Sakura could continue. The champagne was dry with rich undertones of fruit, but he couldn't tell which. It tasted good though. Sakura laid the paper on the table and narrowed her eyes at Kakashi. Then, she grinned. "You'd give up social media in a heartbeat, wouldn't you?"
Kakashi shook his head, lying with the easy practice of a university proctor. "Not at all. I'd love to be an influencer."
Laughing, Sakura raised one eyebrow. "There's no way that's true. You don't even have a social media presence, do you?"
For a few seconds, Kakashi didn't speak. Then, he frowned. "How do you know that?"
Deep crimson erupted on Sakura's cheeks as she toyed with a bracelet that Kakashi hadn't noticed on her wrist. "Okay, so this is going to sound weird. But, I may have tried to look you up before coming tonight. Either you don't have social media, or you've hidden it really well."
Warmth opened in Kakashi's chest, a light, fluttery feeling that he knew came from having his ego fed. He suppressed it with some effort. "Are you telling me that you're here because you're stalking me?"
"Dammit, you caught me." Sakura's voice took on a teasing tone as she drained the rest of her champagne. Setting her glass back on the table, she turned to Kakashi with a twinkle in her eye. "The real question is: are you going to turn me in?"
"I haven't decided; I want to hear the rest of your answers, first." Kakashi felt a curious warmth spread through him when Sakura chuckled. He nodded toward her empty glass. "Do you want another?"
Sakura gasped and covered her mouth with one hand. "Are you trying to get me drunk, Professor Hatake?"
"Please, don't call me that." Kakashi cringed at the juxtaposition of his title alongside the playful lilt in Sakura's voice. "I'll be forced to call you Miss Haruno and ask only the bare minimum of personal questions to avoid crossing any lines."
"We wouldn't want that. Would we, Kakashi?" Sakura tipped her head in that curious way that women had to make their eyes seem more intense as she smiled. Her voice dropped to an almost seductive tone that made Kakashi's heart thump against his ribs in response.
Before Kakashi could think of something to say to the heat in Sakura's voice, a distinctive buzz sounded from his pocket. He jumped, bumping the table hard enough to jostle the water glasses beside the champagne flutes. Mumbling an excuse, Kakashi pulled his phone from his pocket in case it was an emergency. He frowned at Tenzo's texts on the screen.
Well? How's it going? You went, right? Stop ignoring me. I just want to make sure you didn't do something stupid, again.
Huffing, Kakashi put the device face down on the table and glanced over at Sakura. The woman watched him with open curiosity. "Do you need to take that?"
"No, it's fine." Kakashi took another sip of his champagne, and it mixed agreeably with the whiskey in his stomach. Despite Sakura's teasing tone and Tenzo's insistence on being part of the evening, Kakashi felt almost at ease. The horrible day had been mellowed by the pleasant conversation and environment. Shaking his head, Kakashi ignored the phone. "It's not important."
"So, it wasn't your girlfriend wondering why you're standing her up on Valentine's Day?" Sakura delivered the question playfully, but the scrutiny in her gaze suggested that she was worried there might be some truth in the accusation.
Before Kakashi could explain, they were interrupted by the arrival of salads. A different student placed the chilled bowl in front of Sakura, blue eyes sweeping over the woman with an air of dismissal before turning toward Kakashi. "It's nice to see you again, Hatake-sensei," the dark haired woman said, dipping into a bow. Kakashi racked his brain to put a name to the face, but he couldn't manage it. "It's Yumi," the girl offered. "I took your critical writing course last year."
Kakashi's mind was too full of names and faces to have more than a vague memory of the girl, but he made an effort. "How have you been? You were studying psychology, wasn't it?"
Yumi nodded, but the disappointment at not being remembered remained on her face, only partially tempered by Kakashi's guess at her major. "I've been doing well." Her gaze darted to Sakura briefly, then away. "It's so nice to see you supporting this charity. And, I just wanted to say, you look quite handsome all dressed up."
A blush rose on Kakashi's cheeks before he could stop it. Sakura cleared her throat as she reached for her silverware. Yumi glanced over, then smiled with a hint of teeth behind it. "I should get back to work. Enjoy your evening, Hatake-sensei. I'll see you around."
Kakashi frowned at Yumi's back as she walked back toward the kitchen. "Well, that was odd."
"Seriously," Sakura scoffed under her breath. When Kakashi turned to face her, the woman rolled her eyes so hard she looked in danger of hurting herself. Even so, a hint of amusement remained in her voice. "Please tell me you are not that dense."
Picking up his fork, Kakashi pushed around the lettuce in his bowl "What are you talking about?"
"You really don't see it, do you?" The wonder in Sakura's voice warred with the annoyance in the narrowed eyes that watched Kakashi though the flicker of candlelight for several long seconds. Finally, she crossed her legs and sat back, regarding him over her water glass. "You do realize that she was hitting on you? Right in front of me too, like I wasn't even here."
"No, she wasn't." Kakashi's mouth fell open at the blatant accusation in Sakura's words. "She was just being friendly."
Pressing her lips together in a poor attempt to hide a smile, Sakura hummed knowingly. "And how many of your female students are just friendly with you?"
Kakashi's frown deepened as he thought about the interaction with Yumi, and then further back to the playful comments, accidental brushes, and smoldering stares that sometimes happened. He shrugged and tugged at the neck of his shirt. "I mean, I don't think students are any more friendly with me than they are with other professors."
Laughing, Sakura shook her head and put the glass back on the table. She leaned close, voice dropping to a whisper. "So, did you know that half of the girls in my AP English class were making a bet to see who could make out with you first? Or, better yet, who could sleep with you by the end of the year."
Kakashi choked on the spit in his mouth, coughing through the suffocation feeling that clenched his chest. It felt like the ground had dropped out from underneath him. "You were children," he argued, completely at a loss. "You couldn't have honestly believed that I would start a relationship, much less an intimate one, with any of you."
"Most of us were seventeen or eighteen by then," Sakura pointed out, voice cool and unreadable. Kakashi spluttered on the water he'd taken a drink of to clear his throat. Coughing into a napkin, he stared at the woman across from him in shock. She offered a single shoulder shrug. "You weren't that much older."
Most of us were seventeen or eighteen. The phrase lodged itself in Kakashi's mind, but he refused to think about the implications behind it. He rubbed the back of his neck. "It was more than ten years," he pointed out, making a joke of the age difference even though it made him self conscious, especially considering their current situation. "I can't believe you thought I'd date a student."
"It was less thinking that you'd do it, and more hoping that you would." The words hung in the air for a tension filled second, then Sakura shrugged and took a bite of her salad as if the conversation were nothing out of the ordinary.
Kakashi watched the woman, unable to form a coherent thought. He glanced up as one of the makeshift waiters, thankfully a male, walked by with a bottle of champagne. Raising his glass, Kakashi caught the man's attention and held it up for a refill. The waiter poured pale liquid into the glass, then turned to Sakura. Kakashi indicated that the woman could decide on her own as he focused on her face rather than the secrets she'd just spilled out. It was easier that way. Sakura offered her a glass as well.
Once they were alone, the silence felt oppressive. Sakura ate her salad without speaking for a moment, then she broke the ice by nodding toward Kakashi's phone. "So, was the text from your girlfriend?"
"Only if you count Senju-sensei," Kakashi joked, trying to ease the tension of the conversation. "He texts me enough to be an obsessive girlfriend. He's worried that I didn't show up, or I'll say or do something stupid, or who knows what he's stressing about now."
As if on cue, the phone buzzed again. Kakashi sighed and thumbed open the messaging app. Seriously? You didn't stand her up, did you?
"May I?" Sakura reached across the table, and Kakashi handed over the phone without thinking. The pinkette ran her fingers through her hair, then gave the camera a sultry pout. A brilliant flash lit the space around the table for the space of three seconds, then Sakura shook her head and retook the photo. Apparently content with the image, her fingers flew over the keyboard with a familiarity that Kakashi marveled at. Then, she handed the phone back to him. "There, that should take care of him for a little while at least."
Kakashi stared at the message screen in surprise. Sakura had sent a photo to Tenzo that made her look positively stunning. She'd angled her body to capture the most flattering light and somehow managed to look seductive and innocent at the same time. Underneath the image, she'd typed a short message. He's being a perfect gentleman. Stop worrying about us. Xoxo
Blushing for some reason he couldn't explain, Kakashi tucked the phone back into his pocket. He blew out a breath, surprised to feel that the room had gotten warmer the more crowded it became. Raising his champagne, Kakashi took a sip. "Back to your question, though. Do you honestly think I'd sign up for something like if I had a girlfriend? I had no idea that your opinion of me was so low."
"It's not that." Sakura shrugged. The movement made the candlelight dance across her collar bones. "It's more that I'm surprised that you don't have a girlfriend."
Uncomfortable with the direction that the conversation was heading, Kakashi turned it back to Sakura. "What about you? Shouldn't I expect some blindly jealous young man to storm in here and demand to know who gave me the right to take you to dinner?"
Something like sadness entered Sakura's eyes when she shook her head. "First of all, no, because I wouldn't date someone like that. And secondly, I only took part in this because Ino begged me to come. I haven't really made time for dating since my last relationship ended, and that was almost two years ago."
Kakashi raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Wow, it's been a while. I'm sorry to hear that."
"Did you really not see it all over the news?" Bitterness slid into Sakura's voice faster than Kakashi thought possible as she swirled her champagne around in her glass. When he shook his head, she chuckled without a trace of humor. "You must be the only one who hasn't. Uchiha Sasuke is a high profile name."
"Ahhh," Kakashi whistled under his breath. "I'm familiar with the family, of course."
There wasn't a person in Konoha who didn't know who Uchiha Madara was, or recognize the man's law firm which boasted the best defense lawyers that money could buy. They were outrageously expensive and unrivaled in court, Madara especially. Sasuke must have been following in the man's footsteps to be worthy of notice already. Kakashi was surprised the boy was old enough to be out of law school, unless he was older than Sakura.
"He graduated a year before you taught at Konoha High," Sakura interjected as if she could read Kakashi's thoughts. "He finished university early. And, because he had connections in the family business, he made a name for himself quickly."
Kakashi tipped his head, understanding that sort of privilege all too well. He'd been close friends with another Uchiha, once upon a time, though the man hadn't been from the main family as Sasuke seemed to be. Kakashi studied Sakura, trying to read if she wanted to talk about the break up. "So, what happened?"
Sakura shrugged and took a long drink, draining half of the champagne in her glass. "His family was never happy with the match in the first place. They wanted to use his marriage as a political move to secure a more powerful ally like the Hyuga."
Setting the alcohol back on the table, Sakura switched to her water. Kakashi almost praised the technique to avoid a hangover, then decided against it as Sakura toyed with her bracelet. He wondered if the movement was a subconscious sign that she was nervous or uncomfortable. When Sakura's eyes came back up to Kakashi's, the hurt was stronger than before. "And, Sasuke loved his job more than he loved me."
Kakashi sensed that he'd brought up painful memories, but he wasn't sure how to soothe it short of reaching across to squeeze Sakura's hand. "I'm sorry to hear that," he said, instead, keeping his fingers stil. "Some people don't know what they have until they lose it."
Snorting, Sakura shook her head at the words. "He doesn't seem to feel like he's lost anything." Before Kakashi could apologize again, she waved a dismissive hand. "But, it's ancient history. So, what about you? Why isn't there a Mrs. Hatake?"
"Are past relationships on this list?" Kakashi forced a laugh and reached for the paper that held the list of icebreaker questions from earlier. In the back of his mind, over the soft music playing in the background of the restaurant, he heard the scream of tires fighting to grip the road. Then, Kakashi was airborne again, life flashing before his eyes as Rin screamed his name. He felt the physical impact like a punch to the gut even though it was more than twenty years ago.
Warmth seeped into Kakashi's hand, and the memory wavered. The snow slick darkness faded to pale candlelight and green eyes. He stared at Sakura, fighting to suppress the sudden memory for three heartbeats. The woman frowned as she released Kakashi's hand. "Is everything okay?"
Kakashi gave himself a little shake and turned his full attention to the paper in front of him. He couldn't think about that night, not again, not right now. Not trusting his voice, Kakashi nodded. Sakura studied him with an intensity that promised they'd revisit this conversation eventually, but she let it go, for now. Kakashi took a drink of water to wash the ashy taste of failure from his mouth as he read the questions. He frowned, then rolled his eyes. "How could knowing someone's favorite app possibly help you get to know them?"
Sakura laughed and pushed her salad bowl away, snagging the list from Kakashi's hand. "I don't know," she began with the same, cool demeanor that Kakashi had used during lectures hundreds of times. "A person's favorite tiktok can tell you a lot about them."
At Kakashi's presumably blank expression the woman's face turned disbelieving. "You do know that is, right?"
Kakashi's mood soured at the memory of his day. "Is that the silly video app that interrupted half of my classes?"
Smiling in an almost indulgent manner, Sakura turned to the clutch that she'd set on the table with her flowers. Opening it, she pulled out a phone in a glittery pink case that matched her personality perfectly. Sakura swiped across the screen a few times, the grin on her lips growing as she turned the phone around. Kakashi frowned at the dim screen, firmly telling himself that he didn't need glasses no matter what his eye doctor said. The sound was either muted or too quiet to hear over the general buzz of noise in the room, but Kakashi recognized his classroom immediately. He rolled his eyes in annoyance at the recording. "This just happened today. How is it already online?"
Sakura tapped a few more times and pulled up another recording, then laughed. "There's actually several versions of it posted."
Rising, Kakashi moved his seat closer to Sakura so that he wouldn't need to stretch across the table to see her phone. Sakura shifted closer, showing him a second and third video of the confession. The final one had been taken from across the classroom, but it was more complete than the others. Kakashi's cheeks heated as he watched himself grab the phone from the boy trying to make the video then round on the class. He couldn't remember what he said, but he hadn't been patient with them.
Sakura touched another button on the screen, and a list of comments came up. She pointed at one. Damn, if my teacher looked like that, I'd never miss class. Scroll. He likes playing rough, me too. Scroll. Why can't my teachers look like that? Scroll. Where do I sign up for this class? Scroll. Silver fox. Scroll. I know this wasn't the point of this video, but hello Daddy.
There were no words to justify Kakashi's horror at the spectacle unfolding before him. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Sakura burst out laughing, and her eyes caught the soft yellow of the candlelight. "Do you really expect me to believe that you don't know that you're a good looking man? Or why so many of your classes have a higher percentage of female to male students?
Kakashi frowned at the woman sitting just a foot away from him instead of the other side of the table. He was close enough to smell the rich, complex scent of the perfume that Sakura had worn and to notice a smudge of black liner in the corner of her left eye. Her gaze held a challenge that made Kakashi shake his head. "I think you're imagining things."
"Well, it certainly looks like things are heating up over here." A voice crooned, interrupting the tension at the table. Kakashi and Sakura startled apart though there was no reason to do so. Ino grinned at the pair and waved with her hand. "Get back together. We're taking pictures of all the happy couples to commemorate the fundraiser."
Kakashi shook his head, running a self conscious hand through his hair. "We aren't a couple."
"It's a turn of phrase," Ino huffed, lifting the camera. "You're two people paired together through the fundraiser; it's pretty much the same thing."
Kakashi opened his mouth to argue, then Sakura's fingers brushed along the side of his thigh to stop the words. His entire body jolted in response as she smiled. "Just let her have the photo, and she'll move on."
The woman's voice hardened on the final words, drawing a laugh from Ino. "She's right, you know. Now, get back together."
Feeling like an awkward teenager at a middle school dance, Kakashi leaned in toward Sakura. She shifted in front of his shoulder, bringing their faces close enough that he felt the warmth of her skin almost touching his. Kakashi blinked in the brilliant flash that came next. Ino stared down at the screen, then shook her head. "That one was terrible. Come on, Hatake-sensei, try smiling. You're out with a beautiful woman, after all."
Putting his best effort into the smile, Kakashi looked at the camera. This time, after his vision cleared after the blinding light, Ino nodded. "That one is much better. You two actually look happy," she purred. "Enjoy the rest of your evening, lovelies. Dinner should be out soon, and I'll send someone to refill your glasses."
Before Kakashi could point out that their glasses were half full, Ino pulled away from the table to take photos at the next one. He sighed and took a sip of water. "How in the world did the two of you become friends?"
Sakura chuckled under her breath as she tucked her phone back into her purse. "She and I went to school together."
"It kind of seems like you went to school with everyone," Kakashi observed, continuing to nurse his water as two more glasses of champagne appeared at the table.
"Yourself included," Sakura teased with the banter that seemed to come so easy to her. When Kakashi rolled his eyes, she shrugged. "I mean, I kind of did. This town really isn't that big, you know?"
As Kakashi watched Sakura look around the crowded room, he ran the math backward in his head. She was somewhere in her mid twenties by now, a far cry from the girl that he'd known at eighteen. Even so, nothing erased the fourteen year age difference between them; it might as well have been a lifetime. Sakura's company was pleasant, and she was beautiful as Ino said, but that was where things ended. Kakashi couldn't let himself think beyond that. He washed the thoughts away with another pull of the alcohol he hadn't wanted in the first place.
Unaware of the thoughts spinning through Kakashi's mind, Sakura flashed a mischievous grin. "You didn't know you were Tik Tok famous?"
Kakashi's mind did a full stop at the idea of being recognized on the app, much less having multiple people know who he was. His earlier horror flooded back in. "Please tell me you're joking."
Sakura's musical laughter made Kakashi's heart sink. She shrugged one shoulder. "I mean, I follow the tags for Konoha University, and you've popped up on my feed quite a few times."
The words almost made sense. Kakashi knew the technical definitions of each term, but the context was wrong. It took his mind a moment to remember the more modern meaning of tags and feeds, and when he did, he quirked one eyebrow toward the ceiling. "So, you really are stalking me?"
"Just a little," Sakura teased, turning to meet Kakashi's gaze with an expression that made his heart flutter uncomfortably. Her tongue slid across her lips with exaggerated slowness that might have only been his imagination, then she smiled. "I mean, I have to keep up with what's happening with Professor Hot-ake."
Kakashi choked on his water, almost spraying the particles across the table. He coughed into his elbow to clear the obstruction so he could draw breath as Sakura laughed and patted him lightly on the back. "I didn't come up with that, by the way. That would be one of your undergrads," she clarified, then grinned. "Though, I imagine most of them hate me right now for being lucky enough to get paired with you tonight."
An uncomfortable doubt settled in Kakashi's stomach. Even though he wasn't sure that he wanted to know the answer, Kakashi couldn't help but ask. "Was it luck though?" His gaze settled on Ino as she swooped toward another table with her camera. "Or, was it fixed?"
Sakura's brilliant green eyes widened as she followed Kakashi's gaze to catch the meaning of his words. Color bloomed in her cheeks. "You know, for someone who claims to be unaware of how you affect people, you certainly have a high opinion of yourself."
"I mean, you did claim to stalk me," Kakashi answered, hoping to invite some levity into the situation. Even so, ice slid along his veins when Sakura didn't answer. "It just seems a little convenient considering some of the things you said about the bet in high school and the tiktok stuff."
Kakashi stopped himself short of mentioning the brush of Sakura's fingers on his thigh when Ino appeared for the picture. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck the way he did when he was nervous. "Sakura, I don't want you to get the wrong idea about this. I came because it was for a good cause and I'd already committed to it, but this isn't a date. It's just a friendly dinner."
"But, what if I don't want it to be just a friendly dinner," Sakura countered before Kakashi could add anything else. The woman blew out a breath to collect herself before continuing. "I didn't sign up for this because I thought I'd get paired with you. Honestly, it never crossed my mind that you would be here. I only joined because Ino begged me to."
Running a hand through her hair, Sakura's eyes darted away from Kakashi's. The blush on her cheeks deepened toward crimson. "I'm glad that I got your name, though."
Warmth echoed on Kakashi's cheeks at the confession, but he forced himself not to read more into the words than there was. "Why? Because you want to win some bet you made in high school? Because you want to brag to get likes on an app? Because—"
"Because I've had a crush on you for years," Sakura interrupted, ears flaming to match her cheeks. "And, you seem like a genuinely good man. I mean, you're really hot, but so was Sasuke. I want something different, someone who isn't caught up in his looks or his name, someone who," the woman trailed off, unable to articulate her words.
"You don't even know me," Kakashi pointed out, his voice growing soft on the admission. Because I've had a crush on you for years. The words repeated over and over in the back of his mind, but he quashed the sound. "You have this idea of me that you created when you were seventeen years old. That is not reality."
To Kakashi's surprise, Sakura nodded along with the words. "You're right. But, you'd never let me get close enough to know you better, and this was a chance for me to do that. So, yeah, I'm glad we were matched together, though I'm sorry you feel differently."
"I was your teacher." Kakashi dropped his voice, though he doubted that anyone else was listening to their conversation. "Going from that to something more, I just don't see how that could ever work. I never thought about you like that."
"You taught one of my classes, eight years ago. Then, I took another two classes with you seven years ago." Sakura crossed her arms over her chest like she was preparing for an argument. "That was how we met, yes. But, it doesn't mean that things couldn't change between us."
Before Kakashi could come up with an answer, their dinners arrived. As the salads were whisked away, he eyed the steak and vegetables with a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. In light of conversation, Kakashi wasn't sure he could eat a single bite of food, no matter how appetizing it looked. Even so, he nodded his thanks to the girl that brought their dinner before turning back to Sakura. Once they were alone, Kakashi forced himself to speak. "I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression."
"You didn't, though." Sakura lifted her champagne and finished the rest of her second glass before thumping it back to the table. The alcohol seemed to lend some courage to her. "You can spout all the excuses you want, but your eyes tell me a different story. There is nothing wrong with finding me attractive now, or wanting to get to know me more. I'm not a student in your program, and it's been years since I was."
Kakashi chuckled, not bothering to deny the truth that he was attracted to Sakura. Of course he was; she was gorgeous, but that wasn't the point. "And, what would your parents say? Your friends? The damn school board would crucify me if they knew. It's a question of ethical behavior on the part of a professor."
"Actually, I looked into that." Sakura had the decency to blush on the confession, but she continued before Kakashi could laugh it away. "Konoha University only has rules against faculty entering relationships with students that they directly advise. Since you're a professor in the undergrad department, and I'm a student of the medical school, there would be no conflict if we started dating."
The spill of words left Kakashi dumbfounded. It wasn't just because he was shocked that Sakura had researched the specifics of their situation, though he was. It was that she thought the two of them had enough in common to do so. Kakashi didn't kid himself; he knew that he'd turned heads occasionally, but Sakura could have had any man she wanted. None of this made any sense. "I don't even know what to say," he answered, feeling at a loss.
"Say that you'll stop being so resistant and just enjoy the rest of the evening, please?" Sakura offered a tremulous smile as she tucked one curl behind her ear. "If you don't like me, I can accept that. If you don't think I'm attractive, I can accept that too. But, don't write me off without even trying to get to know me."
Kakashi sighed, feeling the old ache of almost betrayal in his chest. The passage of time hadn't erased the pain, and every woman that Kakashi touched paid the price for the mistakes that he'd made at nineteen. He pushed the image to the back of his mind. "You are absolutely stunning. No man in his right mind would turn you down."
"Except," Sakura prompted, hearing the hesitation in Kakashi's voice. When he couldn't find an answer, she managed a weak laugh. "It's complicated?"
"Something like that," Kakashi allowed, bringing his gaze back up to Sakura's for the first time in several minutes. Spots of color shone in her cheeks, while her eyes had grown more vivid and intense.
Nodding to herself, Sakura reached past Kakashi and picked up the paper with first date questions scrawled across it. As if the previous conversation had never happened, the woman read the next one. "Okay, what's your most unique feature? I'll start." She captured her lip between her teeth in a thoughtful expression for approximately three seconds, then grinned. "My hair is naturally this shade of pink. I don't have to dye it to achieve this color."
Raising one eyebrow, Kakashi dipped his head. "Normally, I would say you're making that up, but I was born with silver hair. It's never changed, so I guess we're both unique that way."
Sakura hummed at the response, then took a drink of water. To Kakashi's surprise, she moved on rather than commenting on the revelation. "Okay, your turn. Name a silly fear that you have."
As Kakashi mulled over the question, Sakura pushed the food around on her plate then took a bite of the steamed vegetables. She caught him watching and smiled, as if the past ten minutes hadn't happened. And, maybe for her, they hadn't; it had been a stumbling block that they'd climbed over and moved on. Kakashi wasn't sure if he felt the same.
After several awkward minutes of silent consideration, Kakashi shrugged. "This is going to sound dumb, but I have a recurring nightmare of coming to class without my notes and not being able to explain the text we're discussing in class. Then all of my students laugh at me, decide literature is a wasted class, and leave."
"Has that ever happened?" Sakura tipped her head to the side as she waited for an answer. Her hair slid away from the pale column of her neck, and Kakashi stared at the bit of exposed skin for a millisecond. Then, he shook his head by way of answer, not trusting his voice.
"I think you could probably fake your way through anything." Sakura tapped her fingers on the white table cloth, then nodded sharply. "I'm scared of fireflies."
Kakashi couldn't stop the eyebrow that crept upward in confusion. "What? Why?"
Delicate shoulders raised in a shrug. "They're creepy, and they're everywhere in the summer with their little flashing butts. Then, they crawl all over you, and just, ugh," a shiver raced through Sakura's body at the thought, and Kakashi had to stifle a laugh. He held out his hand for the questions then skimmed over them. If she wasn't going to make fun of him for being afraid to forget how to do his job, who was he to tease her about bugs?
"Okay, what's an unusual or unexpected talent you have?" Kakashi asked, cutting his steak now that the tension had started to fade. He needed something to soften the blow of drinking alcohol without having eaten enough food during the day.
For a couple of moments, Sakura frowned in thought before coming up with a response. "I've trained in muay thai for years, and I'm actually really good at it."
Kakashi fought to reconcile the idea of the not quite five foot tall woman being a martial arts master. For the briefest of moments, he wondered what it might be like to be manhandled by someone so much smaller than him, then blushed. Coughing to cover up the thought, he found his answer. This one was easy. "I have a photographic memory. If you show me something once, I can memorize it with no problem."
"That sounds exhausting." Sakura shook her head as if the idea was too much to consider.
Kakashi cut his eyes at Sakura and grinned. "Muay thai is much less exhausting," he quipped.
Sakura snorted and dipped her head at the comment. "Touche. Let me see that."
As the woman's eyes roamed over the questions, Kakashi took a moment to appreciate that despite his misgivings, the fundraiser had been well thought out. The restaurant was upscale and decorated for the event without being garish. The food and drinks were planned out which meant the patrons didn't have to make decisions about what to order. Then, the candlelight and soft music, along with the champagne, helped lower inhibitions while creating the ideal romantic setting. Finally, the questions had done their job of shrinking the distance between the couples. Maybe Ino and Tenten weren't so bad at planning after all.
"Name something that most people assume about you, but they're wrong." Sakura handed the paper back to Kakashi so he could pick the next question, but he didn't look at it. He was too busy considering the current one to figure out what to ask next. He had that exact scenario come up more times than he cared to remember.
Shrugging, Kakashi drained his second glass of champagne. "A lot of people think I'm arrogant, though I guess aloof and unaffected might be a better term? Standoffish, maybe? I don't know how to explain it exactly, but it happens a lot."
"Wait, you aren't?" Sakura's grin gave the lie to her words, but Kakashi felt an echo on insecurity at the laughter. She nudged his knee with hers. "I'm kidding. Why would someone think that? You've always seemed pretty genuine and open to me."
Kakashi managed a half smile. "So, you remember when I said that you had this ideal me in your head who wasn't real? Well, that's part of it. As a teacher, I have to come across that way. At least, we're supposed to."
"So, you're saying that the person you are in class is drastically different from who you are outside of it?" Sakura frowned as she considered the implications, then continued. "You come across as an intelligent, deep thinker who probably cares too much. There's a playfulness about you, probably because you worry that the other comes on too strong, so you try to balance it."
Kakashi's cheeks warmed at the alarmingly accurate description. "Wait a minute. Did you say you were a medical student, or a psychology major?"
"Definitely medical, but they overlap a little." Sakura let go of the analysis as quickly as it had come on. "Everyone thinks I'm a little girl who is afraid to get her hands dirty or do anything for herself because of the way I look."
"Do you beat them up when they say that," Kakashi teased, given the recent martial arts revelation. "I'm pretty sure that people would pay good money to see that."
As much as Kakashi hated to admit it, his first impression of Sakura hadn't been that different from what she described. The bright pink haired girl with brilliant green eyes had looked high maintenance when she walked into his classroom all those years ago. She'd been smart, funny, and presumably used to getting her way because of her looks. As he'd gotten to know her better, he hadn't revised his opinion so much as not thought about it. It left Kakashi with the uncomfortable realization that he might stereotype people too quickly.
"I've actually won a few bouts in the ring, but I need to be careful with my hands if I want to be a doctor." Sakura shrugged with an almost embarrassed expression at the admission. "When my undergrad advisor found me covered in bruises after a bad one, she threatened to call the police on my boyfriend at the time."
Sakura chuckled at the memory, but Kakash saw nothing funny about it. He watched her, uncomfortable thoughts running through his mind. "So, what caused you to take up fighting in the first place?"
Taking a bite of her meal, Sakura shrugged. "It's not important."
The nonchalant way that Sakura delivered the words made Kakashi think it might be the most important thing that she'd said all evening. There was a story behind what led the woman to train the way she did, but she wasn't ready to talk about it yet. At least, not with him. Kakashi couldn't blame her, he wasn't ready to talk about Rin either.
Even so, Kakashi was surprised to find that he wanted to know the rest of Sakura's story. Had she taken up fighting because someone had abused her in the past? A parent or boyfriend, maybe? There had been no signs of it when he'd known her, but things like that could be easily hidden. Kakashi watched Sakura avoid the question with deft, easy answers and false smiles. A splinter of hurt had buried itself inside the woman, and Kakashi wasn't sure that she'd dealt with it. He wondered if her ex had known that, or if he'd been the one who put it there.
Nodding, Kakashi let the subject drop. He didn't want to force Sakura into talking about something she wasn't ready for. Kakashi pushed his plate away, surprised that he'd eaten as much as he had with all the questions and answers. Sakura had finished as well and gone back to nursing her alcohol. Kakashi watched her, worried that he'd upset her with the question about what made her want to take up fighting.
Before the question could leave Kakashi's lips, a waiter appeared to collect their plates and empty glasses. He watched the man work with surprising efficiency and wondered just how much money the fundraiser had saved by using students instead of restaurant staff. The kids moved around with a surprising sense of urgency, removing plates and glasses or refilling them. Kakashi and Sakura's waters had been filled, and their third flutes of champagne still waited on the table.
Several waiters moved around the room distributing dessert at the tables. As a young man placed a single plate between Kakashi and Sakura, he felt his eyebrows creep upward. It held a large slice of chocolate cake with chocolate sauce, sliced strawberries, and whipped cream around the edges. The waiter placed two forks beside the dessert and bowed before moving on. The obvious intent was for the couples to share. Kakashi chuckled under his breath. Had he thought that this event was well thought out? Who would expect people who were practically strangers to share a single dessert?
Sakura must have seen Kakashi's expression, because she rolled her eyes. "Ino is a hopeless romantic. I'm sure she thought everyone would be happily buzzed and half in love by this point. She didn't think it through."
Kakashi inclined his head in agreement. "Yeah, it certainly seems that way. You're welcome to the cake, if you want it."
The pinkette reached toward the cake, then paused as if expecting a trap. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I don't really care for sweets," Kakashi explained. He was sure the excuse sounded like a fit of gallantry, but it wasn't. Kakashi would have been perfectly happy if there was no dessert. He vastly preferred savory flavors.
Studying Kakashi through narrowed eyes, Sakura pulled the dessert closer to herself. She waited for a couple of moments before reaching for one of the full, red strawberries along the side. Kakashi eyed the fruit with a dubious expression as she raised it toward him by the stem. "Come on, just one little bite. You might like it."
Kakashi chuckled and shook his head. "I don't hate fruit, but I don't want any. It's not a personal challenge."
As soon as the words left his mouth, Kakashi got the uncomfortable feeling that Sakura might view him that way. The aloofness that he'd always treated his students with made him inaccessible in the way that she wanted; I've had a crush on you for years. The thrill of the chase was one of the reasons that Sakura was interested in him, Kakashi understood that. His subconscious found it amusing. And, so what if that's what it is? People play hard to get all the time. Kakashi knew the argument was rational, but he wasn't trying to encourage Sakura. At least, not really.
Sakura accepted the reasoning without argument and turned the berry around in her hands to take a bite. She savored the sweetness with a quiet sound of pleasure in the back of her throat, then smiled when she noticed Kakashi watching her. Licking a stray bit of chocolate that had been drizzled over the fruit, she shrugged. "I don't think you're a challenge, at least not in the traditional sense of trying to win something. It's more because you won't let anyone get close to you, and I want to know why."
Kakashi laughed, but he didn't have an answer for Sakura. There were too many things to explain over a single dinner, and he wasn't sure he wanted to. The woman seemed undaunted as she speared a piece of cake on the end of her fork. "So, I guess the real question is if you hold yourself away from people because you're a classic Byronic hero, or more of a tragic hero?"
The sudden change in topic left Kakashi dumbfounded for approximately five seconds, then he burst out laughing. "Okay, how much research did that line take?"
"Hey, i took literature classes." Sakura argued around her next bite, pointing her fork at Kakashi like a knife. Even so, her face flamed crimson in the soft light of the candle.
Kakashi took a sip of water to clear the crackle of laughter from his throat before facing the woman beside him. "You took two Introduction to Literature courses, which I taught, and I know for a fact that we never delved into heroic archetypes."
"I can learn things without your help," Sakura shot back as the color on her cheeks deepened.
Inclining his head, Kakashi made a soothing gesture. He wasn't sure whether to feel flattered or embarrassed that Sakura had done some research before their "date". He settled somewhere in the middle with a smile. "You've missed some important classifications," he suggested, returning to Sakura's earlier question. "It's possible that I don't fit into either of those types."
"Well, you're not an antihero no matter how many people think you're arrogant." Sakura brought her gaze up with a softness that made Kakashi's heart skip a beat. Unlike so many girls her age, she had the maturity to hear what hadn't said, as well as what he had. She saw that the judgment of arrogance bothered him. Before Kakashi could dwell on that, Sakura continued. "Those people are either jealous or intimidated, and it's easier to write you off as arrogant than to get to know you."
"Is that what you're doing," Kakashi asked, strangely aware of the soft buzz of alcohol in the back of his mind. "Getting to know me?"
Sakura held Kakashi's gaze for a long moment, curiosity and something much warmer sparking inside her eyes. He refused to put a name to the hungry expression. "I'd like to," she confided in the soft, intimate bubble the halo of light made around their table. "If you'll let me."
Head swimming, Kakashi blew out a breath and chuckled. It was time to diffuse the situation with some humor. "You've left out the possibility that I'm not the hero type at all. Maybe I'm just a grumpy, old man."
"Everyone's a hero to someone," Sakura countered, with a sharp bite behind the words. Kakashi wanted to know what brought that tone to her voice, but before he could ask, she continued. "Besides, you aren't that old anyway. I've done my research. I'm twenty-five, so that would make you thirty-nine, give or take a year."
Having the numbers stated so blatantly made Kakashi uncomfortable, but Sakura breezed past them. "It made a massive difference seven years ago, but it's hardly remarkable now. I'm not some moon-eyed teenager. I've experienced life and seen how the world works."
"How so?" Genuine curiosity surged inside Kakashi at the sheer confidence that Sakura displayed when laying out the reasons that the gap between them didn't matter.
Sakura reached for her third glass of champagne and considered the question. "I learned that love isn't enough to make a relationship work, neither is physical attraction. I learned how to get myself out of tough spots without relying on anyone else. And, I've learned that some battles aren't worth fighting, and some are."
Green eyes flashed up to catch Kakashi's, leaving no doubt in his mind that Sakura had lumped him into the latter category. Kakashi blushed. He wasn't sure why the insinuation surprised him, but it did. Sakura reached out, almost brushing Kakashi's hand, she stopped her fingers just short of connecting with the skin. "If you don't feel any chemistry between us, I can accept that. But, if you won't even allow the idea because you're scared of what someone might say, I've badly misjudged you."
The words left Kakashi speechless. Sakura's face took on an earnestness that stole his breath, so he turned away to buy some time. Ino stood on the other side of the room with a group of boys and girls that must have been around the same age as Sakura. The blond grinned up at a cell phone camera while making a peace sign. He sat with the comparison for a heartbeat, then brought his gaze back to Sakura. "You don't act like other girls your age, or seem to think like they do."
The pinkette laughed with a touch of sadness. "I used to, but life screws everyone over at different times. Mine just came earlier than theirs." Sakura eyed Kakashi over her next bite of cake. "I think the same thing happened to you."
An uncomfortable lump rose in Kakashi's throat that water wouldn't wash away. The memory of Rin was still as strong in his mind as it had been on the night that he lost her. Kakashi exhaled and shook his head. "I don't want to talk about that."
"I don't need to know who you were before." Sakura spoke with enough authority that Kakashi almost believed his past didn't matter. "I only care about the person you are now, and that isn't a grumpy old man."
Kakashi laughed, the tension of the moment evaporating like a soap bubble. "I mean, I kind-of am. I'd much rather be at home reading a book by the fire than pretty much anything else."
"So, let's go home." Sakura's voice dropped to a low, seductive purr that made Kakashi's body twitch in response, despite his best effort to the contrary. As the date started to wind down, the invitation in her words became more obvious. Kakashi found himself wanting to be swayed by the woman's arguments about why it wouldn't be wrong to go home with her. As if she could read his mind, Sakura leaned closer. "I bet I could change your opinion."
"I'm sure you could," Kakashi answered. His head spun, and his throat was tight. Kami-sama, it had been a long time since he felt the curious combination of excitement and nausea that signaled butterflies in his stomach. He centered himself in reality, however. "But, there's something else that you should know about me. I'm old fashioned when it comes to relationships, especially so by your standards, I imagine."
Sakura frowned for a moment, dissecting the words. Then, she asked what Kakashi expected. "How old fashioned are we talking?"
"Old fashioned enough not to sleep with someone on a first date," Kakashi clarified, finishing off his water and pushing the glass away. "Especially after they've been drinking."
Something unreadable flitted through Sakura's eyes, but Kakashi couldn't figure out if it was respect or disappointment. Then, the woman grinned. "Bold of you to assume that was an invitation to sleep with me. I was going to make you some warm milk and tuck you in, old man."
Kakashi burst out laughing, a deep rumble in his chest that left behind a warm sensation. Sakura's eyes sparkled, and he suddenly knew that he'd do anything in his power to capture that look of pure pleasure on her face a second time. He wanted to make her repeat it in other circumstances, to be the one she reserved the look for.
Warmth settled comfortably behind Kakashi's cheek bones. "Would that make you my nurse, then?"
The burst of crimson on Sakura's face was worth the flush on Kakashi's. She stumbled over her words trying to respond, then her eyes grew dangerous. "I mean, I didn't know you were into roleplaying, but if that's how you want to—"
"Okay, you win." Kakashi loosened his collar a second time, worried that the blaze from his face might be strong enough to heat the entire room. He forced himself not to dwell on the image that Sakura had given him. If he thought about her in a nurse's outfit for too long, it might violate his personal morals and ethics, not to mention undermine the rules they'd just been talking about.
Sakura caught her lower lip between her teeth in a way that did nothing to help Kakashi regain his composure. "Amateur," she teased.
"Alright love birds, listen up! You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here," Ino's voice came over the loudspeaker, drawing groans and complaints from the patrons. "Our time limit here is coming to a close. So, if you're still getting to know your partner, or they turned out to be a flop, join us for drinks at the Blue Room Bar. It's just down the street, and it's open until three!"
A cheer went through the room, underscoring Kakashi's realization that most of the people who'd taken part in this charity were younger than he'd expected. "Someone will be coming by to collect payments for additional alcohol purchased. We hope you all had an amazing night! From everyone here at Hearts of Fire, thanks for supporting us and the Wounded Warrior Project!"
Kakashi blinked as the lights in the room came back to full brightness, drawing groans from the crowd. The buzz of voices grew more prominent as chairs moved back from tables or people wrapped up their date. Sakura snagged another couple of bites of the dessert before pushing the plate away. Kakashi marveled at the idea that the time had passed as quickly as it had twenty. He pulled out his wallet, and Sakura paused in the middle of opening her purse. "What are you doing," she asked.
Kakashi set his credit card on the table and gave her a questioning stare. "I assumed it was obvious, but I'm paying for our drinks."
A waiter took Kakashi's card and swiped it through a square reader on his phone without really looking at them. After a few seconds, the boy handed it back and moved to the next table. One pink eyebrow arched prettily. "Aren't you worried that everyone is going to talk about how you paid to get me drunk on our first date, Professor Hatake?"
"Let them talk," Kakashi chuckled, fighting to keep a blush off his face at the sultry heat in Sakura's voice. "I'm going to order you an uber, as well."
"I take it the bar scene isn't really your thing?" Sakura closed her clutch as Kakashi shook his head. He couldn't imagine anything more torturous than spending the evening in a loud club surrounded by drunk people. Sakura nodded as if she understood. "It's not mine either, but I don't need an Uber. My apartment is just a couple blocks away."
Sakura pushed her chair back as the words left her mouth. She stood and tucked her clutch under one arm, then she lifted the roses from the side of the table. Kakashi followed, reluctant to let the evening end quite so soon. "Well then, may I walk you home at least?"
"It wouldn't be very old fashioned of you if you didn't," Sakura teased, waiting as another couple filed out of the room in front of her.
Kakashi chuckled and tipped his head. He'd considered offering to give her a ride home, but he wasn't going to drive tonight, even though he didn't feel buzzed from the alcohol he'd had. "I'd rather walk anyway," Kakashi confided. "It's a good night for it."
Sakura nodded in agreement as they moved toward the door with the few remaining couples. A swirl of blond slid between Kakashi and Sakura, wrapping itself around the woman. Kakashi stepped back to give Ino space from rubbing against him in her effort to reach her friend. The girl hooked an arm through Sakura's, pulling her around.
"Come on, forehead, aren't you going to come to the club with me," Ino whined in a sing-songy voice that grated on Kakashi's nerves as soon as it left the girl's mouth. "I've been working on this fundraiser for weeks. Now that it's time to let loose, I need my wingman." Seafoam blue eyes slid over Kakashi. "You can bring Teach if you really want to."
Bristling at the dismissive nickname, Kakashi moved further away to give the women more space. Sakura shook her head as something Ino said, and the blonde glanced in his direction. A soft hiss drew Ino's attention back to Sakura, and the pinkette's cheeks flushed. Kakashi wondered if the expression came from embarrassment or the alcohol they'd drank, though he supposed it hadn't been that much in hindsight. Though, any amount was enough to keep him from behind the wheel.
The conversation grew more animated, Ino tapping one foot against the ground in annoyance as Sakrua gestured with her hands. Kakashi stood a respectful distance away and forced himself not to try and read their lips. The room was almost empty enough for the voices to carry, but not quite. The space gave Kakashi time to make a plan for walking Sakura home, one that did not include sleeping with her if the opportunity arose. And, Kakashi was fairly certain that it would.
After a couple of minutes, Sakura approached Kakashi with a small smile. Ino watched him with a calculating glance over the woman's shoulder, but she didn't speak. She didn't need to, her eyes spoke volumes. Sakura touched Kakashi's forearm. "Are you ready?"
Nodding, Kakashi tipped his head to let Ino know that he understood her unspoken threat, then pushed the door open. A breeze whipped at Sakura's hair as they stepped into the chilly February air. Kakashi glanced back toward the door, half expecting to see Ino staring out the window at them, but they were alone. "So, is she angry because you're going home?"
Sakura shook her head as she turned to the left and started walking down the street. Kakashi matched stride easily, thankful to leave the noise behind them. "Not really, she knows that I'm busy tomorrow. I mean, she's annoyed, but she'll get over it soon. Ino is pretty enough to find someone else to occupy her attention tonight."
"So are you," Kakashi complimented. He felt a surge of pleasure in the step that Sakura missed, then the way she hurried to catch up to him before he continued. "No one would blame you for going out with your friends tonight."
"Tsunade-shishou would." Sakura shook her head, then crossed her arms over her chest as a chill ran through her body. Kakashi wondered if it was the cool night air, or the memory of Tenzo's adoptive aunt that left her shivering. Tsunade was notoriously difficult to please, but she was one of the best advisors in the medical program. Sakura either had the worst luck, or the best at getting the woman to oversee her training.
Humming in agreement, Kakashi slid an arm out of his jacket, then the other. He swept it over Sakura with an easy movement that startled her into stopping. The evening had gotten cold enough that the woman needed something besides a dress that left her shoulders bare. A slight smile twisted Kakashi's lips as Sakura struggled to hold the jacket shut with her free hand. "Would you like me to carry something?"
After a moment of consideration, Sakura held out the flowers. Taking them in one fist, Kakashi waited until the woman had settled the jacket more comfortably on herself before moving again. "Thanks," she murmured as they walked. After a short distance, Sakura cleared her throat and glanced over at Kakashi. "And, for the record, I'd rather be walking home with you than going out to drink with my friends."
"That's a poorly advised choice on your part." Kakashi bumped lightly against Sakura's side when they stopped to wait for a crossing light. "I'm not nearly as fun as your friends would be, I'm sure."
The woman gazed up through the street lights, the red and green from the traffic signals flashing across her , Sakura smiled. "Or, this is the best decision I've made in a while. It's all a matter of perspective."
Undeniable warmth opened in Kakashi's chest as the light changed color. Sakura caught his hand and dragged him forward with the tiniest amount of pressure. He wasn't sure how to respond to her statement, so he said nothing. After passing several buildings, Sakura turned toward one. "This is me."
The woman mounted the first two steps in front of the building without letting go of Kakashi's hand. His feet remained resolutely on the sidewalk, and the pressure pulled Sakura back toward him without any effort. She huffed out a breath and stared up at him with more than a hint of frustration. "You meant it, didn't you?"
Kakashi inclined his head, drinking in the details of Sakura's body wrapped in the silvery white of his jacket like a cloak. The chill had raised color on her cheeks and the tip of her nose, but it only made her more vivid against the backdrop of her apartment building . "I did," Kakashi answered, reluctance slowing his words. He exhaled in a slow stream, forcing himself not to pull her closer. "I do."
"I don't want the night to end here," Sakura whispered, tightening her hold on Kakashi. She glanced behind her at the door leading into the apartment building. "Why don't we just go upstairs and hang out for a little while. It's still early."
Kakashi chuckled and followed the woman's gaze. He brought his eyes back to Sakura's, dropping his voice. "Because, we both know where that would lead."
"Rules are made to be broken, you know that, right?" Sakura frowned at Kakashi, and the challenge in her gaze promised an unforgettable evening if he'd go back on his word. The hand that had been holding the jacket closed came to rest on the center of Kakashi's chest. Her fingers curled against the soft fabric of his shirt as she tipped her chin upward. It was a clear invitation for him to close the distance between them.
When Kakashi didn't kiss her, Sakura's eyes fluttered open. "Are you too old fashioned to kiss on the first date, too?"
"No," Kakashi breathed. He lifted Sakura's hand to press a feather light kiss to the skin. "But, if I kissed you, I don't think I'd be able to stop."
True to the words, Kakashi placed a second kiss on the inside of Sakura's wrist as he turned her hand over with his. He trailed his lips toward her forearm when her sleeve slid up from the angle. The soft, breathless gasp that left Sakura's throat was as intoxicating as it was dangerous. With her standing on the stairs, they were almost equal height. It made it difficult for Kakashi to think about anything except for how close her mouth was.
"You're a tease," Sakura whined. Her hand returned to Kakashi's shirt, pulling him through the space between them. Electricity jolted through his body when her lips brushed his chin instead of his mouth.
"Come upstairs with me," Sakura repeated; voice tight and breathless. "Just for a little while. You don't have to stay all night."
Kakashi's resolve wavered and he leaned close enough to brush his lip against Sakura's ear. When he spoke, the heat of his breath left her shivering. "Happy Valentine's Day, and goodnight, Sakura."
Pulling away took all of Kakashi's self control, but he made himself do it. His heart pounded a staccato inside his chest that he couldn't deny. He offered the roses that he'd carried home for Sakura, and she stared at him with the most beautiful expression of longing and annoyance that he'd ever seen.
Sighing, Sakura took the flowers and shook her head as Kakashi turned away. He almost missed the words she said next. "You can't stop me from thinking about you tonight," she purred.
Kakashi closed his eyes for two seconds, self control warring with the desire to throw caution to the wind. The former won, however, and he winked over his shoulder at the woman behind him. "I'm counting on it."
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