#Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri review
afabstract · 7 months
Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Episode 9 Review
Ron and Toto crack the complicated case of two murders at Nandan Island, but there seems to be a bigger conspiracy afoot! Read this review of Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Episode 9
Two murders, one remote island, and multiple suspects – Ron Kamonahashi is ready with his forbidden deductions to reveal who the real culprit is, with his sidekick Totomaru, of course. The ninth episode of the anime series “Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions” marks the third part of the observatory murder case and begins with a dark, somber shot of the observatory as rain pours outside. For…
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animereviewsxx · 8 months
Ever since millionaire detective ended I've been craving a new detective anime. I miss you daisuke kambe.
I finally got my wish; Ron Kamonohashi Forbidden Deductions is pretty amazing.
It follows Toto our main guys and the genius former detective Ron.
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There's just something about seeing the light come back into his eyes that's amazingly beautiful.
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animehouse-moe · 8 months
Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective Episode 2: The Case of the Locked-Room Piggy Bank Theft
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With two episodes under its belt, the inner machinations and ideas of Ron as a series are better understood. Its formulaic approach and comedic routines are further exposed, and viewers get to grasp what the season as a whole will look like. And it looks like it's going to be a whole lot of fun, for quite a few different reasons.
Just to get it out of the way, I'll chat about the episode direction to start today. Where the previous episode focuses on three dimensional space through more nuanced depth of field and blur, this episode does so by placing objects in the foreground. It's a simple idea, but decidedly different from the previous episode as it uses something more concrete to create that awareness. Similarly, it has more angled shots compared to the flatter style of the first episode. Coincidentally, the usage of faceless characters appear, which I always think is a fun style since it presents the challenge of expression.
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But lets talk story for this episode, the direction is pretty closely tied to the "gear" that the story's in.
We get exposition on Ron's past, actually. It's a really really cool idea, providing a fancy detective school that Ron attended where he was top of class... before he got kicked out for being attached to a string of suspicious deaths. Even more than that is the stake that Ron raises with the discussion of his past: if he's discovered to be doing detective work, he'll be put to death.
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In concert with the talk of BLUE, we're reminded that Ron does not have his tattoo/mark on his neck during his early days. With his comment of being banned from BLUE, it brings forward the possibility of being a marking in relation to his expulsion. Can't say for sure, but what I am certain of is that we'll explore its origins and meaning at some point.
Let's talk humor though. Crass, heavy handed, and plain silly. Ron delivers in spades with things you'd not expect at all, and pieces you'd see coming from a mile away. This one's definitely the former.
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However, with more of a taste for the humor with this second episode, you can begin to realize how pivotal the humor is to the mysteries. It's able to hide clues in plain sight, covering them up with the excessive comedy expressed largely by Ron. It's a really cool idea that plays to both extremes of the concept incredibly well.
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And that's not all for the humor either, no. Diomeda isn't a bad studio, which is something quite a few people can't seem to agree upon sometimes. Regardless, they are able to deliver expressive and fluid cuts, just like this one. They don't comprise the episode by any means, but they add to the energy a good deal, keeping spirits high and momentum going.
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I think that finally brings me to the formula though. Key pieces like Ron answering his door before Toto can knock, or the waffling of Ron during Toto's attempts at explanation, stuff like Ron laying down next to the dead bodies, and of course things like Ron ordering the suspects to die. They're all pieces of the routine that exist within this detective mystery series.
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But they present a challenge. How can you make something that happens routinely interesting, how do you make it fun. Well, it's a two part answer for which we only have one piece. Subtle differences with heavy handed humor. Bringing intense energy and individuality to these pieces creates an identity, one that you'll associate with Ron. You'll grow accustomed to the introduction and its purpose. And that's where the second part will come in down the road: the shake up. We're only 2 episodes in so we won't see it yet, but the further we get into this series, and the more its behind the scenes scheming goes on, we'll see a changeup in the routine. Like I said though, that's still a ways away though, so I'm more than happy to savor what we have currently.
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anime-of-the-day · 3 months
Anime of the day: Ron Kamonohashi's Forbidden Deductions
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Alt title: Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri
Released: 2023
After being ejected from the prestigious Detective Training Academy BLUE, Ron—the top student in the school's history—has been living alone. Due to his situation, employment as a detective is prohibited. When police investigator Totomaru approaches Ron for assistance with a criminal case, Ron's life changes dramatically. Ron unwillingly decides to assist Totomaru, and in less than a day, Rons utilizes his extraordinary intuition to identify the guilty party. On the other hand, it seems that Ron has an unexplained condition that has the potential to kill everyone around him.
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ecargmura · 6 months
Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective Episode 13 Review + Final Thoughts - See You In Season 2
This may be the final episode, but it’s a Christmas present! The staff announced a second season! I’m so glad! This show was so fun that it’d be a waste to not have a continuation. Since it’s still in production, the release date has yet to be finalized. Let’s just hope it steps up the story more than the first season. Because it’s the final episode, the opening updates one last time; Mii and her grandfather, the mayor, are added onto the table behind Ron when Toto and Ron meet up.
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I did like how Toto actually did try to solve most of the case this time around; too bad he couldn’t figure out the final step, which was the location of the key murder weapon, the rope. I’m proud of Toto for not relying too much on Ron this time around. 
The episode basically concludes the murder case by exposing the culprit, the mayor. I did predict the mayor and Muroi, so getting the former right made me happy. Though, I didn’t really predict the murder weapon or the motive, so getting into why he did it got me intrigued. It turns out that the mayor was hiding something in the mountains and killed the official as he knew what it was and threatened to expose him. What he was hiding was none other than Spitz’s brother, Shepherd.
The reason Shepherd hid himself for the past eleven years was that he learned crucial information that could’ve gotten him and his loved ones killed, which was why he disappeared without saying anything to Spitz. The villagers, the Mayor and Mii knew he was hiding, so they all did whatever they could to protect him. Throughout those eleven years, Mii developed feelings for Shepherd and they most likely hooked up after the mayor gets arrested. It was really nice seeing Spitz reunited with his long-lost brother, but I am also curious; what did he learn that warranted him into hiding? Was it something that had to do with the M Family?
Ron’s magic eyes almost gotten Toto killed, but I’m glad that he’s not too shaken up over it this time as Shepherd came in last minute with the rope. Back in Episode 6, Ron was so shaken up about how Toto almost got killed, but Toto didn’t mind risking his life. I’m glad that for this case, Ron was able to trust Toto and not get too vulnerable. I make it seem like it’s a good thing he doesn’t care; I promise I’m not!
Another twist happened when Spitz carries out his promise to Ron by infiltrating BLUE’s secret stash but gets caught by Eme Emmerich, the principal of BLUE. I was on edge when he got caught, thinking he’d get killed or exposed, but it turns out that the principal isn’t as strict as she initially seemed. She has a fondness for Ron, which was why she gave Spitz a special message for him to pass onto him. The message says that Ron really isn’t the culprit of the Bloody Field Training incident and that he was framed; the framer was an unknown third party who deleted everything about the case to conceal Ron’s innocence; yep, there’s a mole in BLUE. Not only that, she then tells who the mole belongs to: the House of M, a very notorious crime family; every crime they do is left unsolved. We already did see a hint of what they could do back in the observatory case. They’re clearly terrifying adversaries.
I liked the post-credit scenes with the House of M, mainly Winter Moriarty, making their move. I liked learning why the Moriarty, or mainly Mylo (or Milo) does this. He does this because he wants to see if Ron is worthy to become a member of their family; the reason why Ron got expelled and didn’t get his detective license was because the M Family didn’t want him to become a detective; it makes sense as he has the blood of both Sherlock Holmes and James Moriarty in him. The family seems quite a strict household as they dispose anyone considered a failure; this was why Alice, one of their siblings was disposed of. I’m really anticipating what Winter and Mylo bring to the table next season. Winter hates Ron for being mixed-blood while Mylo is a sinister, palette-swapped version of Ron. Now that Winter is making their move, what sort of crimes will they commit for Ron to solve? Will it be a step up in difficulty or will it be a step down? Given the family’s rumored track record, I expect it to be a step up—no, five steps up in difficulty; if the first season was Normal mode, I expect Season 2 to be on the hardest difficulty.
I honestly can’t wait for Season 2. I’m impatient, so I might read the manga while I wait. I think that I may gain new perspectives on the cases if I read both the original source material and watch the anime when it airs. What are your thoughts on the finale and are you anticipating Season 2 as much as I am?
Final Thoughts
This show is honestly one of my Top 5 favorites for this year. I came into this show because I like Amano’s works, but it made me become a bigger fan of the mystery genre. Heck, I recently got some books as a Christmas present and one of them happens to be a mystery book. I feel like watching this show gives you a craving of mysteries.
The characters are so quirky and entertaining; they really beat the generalization that mystery stories have to have serious characters and tone. Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective goes the opposite direction with the characters. Ron is seriously hilarious with his eccentric personality. Toto seems like the quintessential earnest detective, but the way he’s written is perfect as he is the ‘normal’ guy in a world and cast full of weirdos. The other characters were great too. I just wished Amamiya had a bit more screen time, but what the first season gave to us regarding her was enough for me to get a good sense of who she is. My personal favorite besides the main duo happens to be Spitz. He’s not as weird as Ron, but weird enough to be the funny man to Toto’s straight man.
The mysteries were fun, but some of them were hit or miss. My favorite case was the Observatory case where it spans three episodes and did new things like having a second known murder victim and it being a locked-room mystery. My second favorite would be the psychic case that introduced Dr. Usaki; I liked how Ron and Toto had to prove that Torage killed the victim with normal murder methods and not via ESP.  My least favorite of the bunch was definitely the Hand Collector case; I even openly admitted how much I didn’t like the case because it was all over the place. I do admit that the cases do get a bit better as the story progresses, so hopefully nothing like Episode 5 every pops up again.
The music was nice to listen to. I especially liked the opening! You can’t go wrong with UNISON SQUARE GARDEN and the fact that the song they sang for this show was super unexpected. For a show with gruesome murders, you wouldn’t expect an upbeat, jazz and swingy tune, but it fits the quirky nature of the show. I also love how soothing the ending song is. Speaking of the opening, I loved how it updates during or after every important case; I read somewhere that it speculates Ron opening up to the world after keeping himself isolated from cases for five years. I like that theory, so I am believing it too. I can’t wait to see if Diomedia will continue the trend with the next season.
The voice actors are great! This is the first time I heard Yohei Azakami in an anime and I’d love to watch more anime with him. He does a perfect job with Ron’s eccentrics and seriousness. The way he made a gremlin voice when doing the hand puppet and also mimicking the television show jingle was seriously hilarious. He may be a new face, but if he can do that effortlessly, he has a great career ahead of him. Junya Enoki has always been a good voice actor. He was a good choice for Toto as he can do the “good boy” and the straight man aspects of him perfectly. The other characters had perfect voice actors too. What amazes me the most is that the anime staff casted high quality voice actors to voice the minor characters. Like, getting Maaya Uchida, Yui Ishikawa and Sayaka Senbongi as those girls from the Poisoned Latte case was crazy. Even getting Katsuyuki Konishi as Spitz’s brother was crazy too! Mylo and Winter’s voice actors are amazing too. I can’t wait to see who they cast for the second season, whether it be for minor or supporting characters.
While this isn’t the best mystery anime out there, I do recommend giving it a watch if you’re a fan of the genre. I mean, it’s also created by Akira Amano. If you’re a fan of Reborn!, come check out this show and story! Seriously! Also, when are we getting a Reborn! reboot?
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crehador · 6 months
brother crab’s 2023 seasonals in review: fall
most of the fall shows i'm watching are still an ep or two away from being complete but i'm leaving on a trip tomorrow and wanted to get this finished first so here we go
pretty sure none of this will change at this point (though aots and runner-up did just flip like five days ago lol)
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MIGI TO DALI!!! although for the past month or so i was convinced overtake! would take it, migi to dali has been coming to such a stellar climax that it's shot into the lead
overtake! is still exceptional and i've talked a lot about it this season, it's just a beautiful thing in its simplicity, with characters that are so Weird yet Real
migi to dali is EVEN WEIRDER in an astonishingly good way, it was intriguing right from the start and continued to build and build to a payoff that really blew me away
i don't think uniqueness is everything, sometimes a show that feels like i've seen it a hundred times before can still be my favorite thing of a season, it would just feel like home. but migi to dali's uniqueness is definitely a huge part in what makes it so alluring to me, the way it balances psychological suspense and comedy is so excellent and fresh
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and now the sequels! in addition to spyfam, arknights, and dmdp, bpro and hpmi got sequels and hanako-kun got a little tv short
no comment on hpmi it'll get its own post
best sequel probably should go to dead mount death play, the world building is just fantastic to me, and this season definitely feels even stronger than the first (which was already very strong!)
however. i'm giving sequel of the season to arknights just for the sasha and eno ep, they put me on the fucking floor with that one
bpro s3 was unfortunately not really my thing, i want tsubasa happier and more well-rested :( but spyfam is adorable as usual, and some more hanako-kun was great (though we need more!)
quickfire thoughts on everything else:
onmyouji was unspectacular but surprisingly fun! and gay. gay as hell. asnm u have not led me astray this time
dog signal is not exactly High Quality but it's... fine and sometimes fun? i'm forever amused by the fact that it's billed as an educational series, and it kind of is! there's actual information about dog training in here. but there's also "guy walks other guy on leash in public for 2 hours" in here. and that was just episode one
kawagoe boys sing is a hot mess and i love it to bits, it starts out so silly that i'm sure it's an insta-drop for many people, but the club dynamics really come together throughout the series in a way i'm enjoying very much
bullbuster... talked about this a lot already, it was fine as an office drama/tiny business vs giant corporation type thing, but fell short on the mecha side of things
bokuame's shit. more on this later
atarashii joushi wa dotennen FREAKING ADORABLE. MORE OF THIS FOREVER
good night world was pretty decent, i overall... liked it, i think? it was very bingeable, so it was nice of them to drop it all at once lol and i liked the general premise and plot and all. but i think the wrap-up just felt a bit, eh, maybe slapdash to me? not Bad, but fell just short of exceptional
hoshikuzu telepath ADORABLE AS WELL as far as cgdct goes i'd say this is one of the better ones, kind of same tier as diy for me, but it's no yuru camp (the gold standard)
s-rank musume had a premise i really liked, and an overarching plot that was less compelling to me. wish we'd seen more of a focus on the family bond rather than like... magic and politics type stuff
watashi no oshi wa akuyaku reijou was a cute fucking yuri, the romance was a delight but as with s-rank musume, the 'plottier' bits were not as compelling to me
kamonohashi ron no kindan suiri feels like a very solid adaptation! makes me even more keen to read katekyo (which has been on my planning list for... fucking forever)
ragna crimson is pretty fun but not that outstanding, but like. really fun actually
shangri-la frontier is also very fun! not terribly high stakes (not really any stakes at all) but hilarious, action-packed in a good way, and probably especially entertaining for anyone who's played mmos before (because some parts are so so so relatable)
undead unluck is SO GROSS but IN A GOOD WAY idk how to explain this so i won't try
and sousou no frieren is anime of the year. no contest. (personally i disqualify my aots shows from winning aoty as well so i can do this. i can do anything i want forever)
as for the music!
we had a queen bee op this season and i will almost always pick queen bee as op/ed of the season when we have one, this is no exception. undead unluck's 01 takes op, and ed of the season goes to kamonohashi ron's lip-sync! just really like the vocals of that one
blorbo of the season MADOKA-CHAN KOUYA ship of the season surprisingly it's a toss up between like. seimei/hiromasa (WHAT YEAR IS IT) and kinjou/aoyama from atarashii joushi. like. momose/shirosaki VERY GOOD but those side bitches... they are in my head
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afabstract · 6 months
Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Season 1 Review
Genius detective Ron Kamonohashi & slow cop Totomaru Isshiki are poles apart, but they make an entertaining in "Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions".
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3.5 out of 5. Sneha Jaiswal (Twitter | Instagram) When a murder case comes their way, most cops/detectives first secure the crime scene and try not to touch anything to ensure any possible shred of evidence is not tampered with. And then there’s Ron Kamonohashi, a genius detective, whose first move is to head straight to the dead body, lie down next to them, practically whisper…
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afabstract · 6 months
Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Episode 13 Review
Ron Kamonohashi and Toto help solve the Yada mystery murder and Spitz too. But can Spitz return the favor?
Ron and Toto waste no time getting down to business in the season finale of the anime series “Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions.” The two of them, along with Spitz Feier, are in the remote village of Yada, where a government official is found murdered under mysterious circumstances. Episode 13 begins with Toto explaining what really happened with the victim, with the help of Ron.…
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afabstract · 6 months
Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Episode 12 Review
Spitz Feier seeks Ron's services in finding his missing older brother, so the two of them, along with Toto, set out to a mysterious village to pursue the cold case. Read Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Episode 12 Review.
The purple haired Spitz Feier is back. First introduced in the Benizome Hot Spring Murder case, which was spread over episode 3 & 4 of “Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions,” Spitz is shown to stalk Toto because he wants Ron to find his missing brother. The genius detective agrees to help Spitz on one condition: he must retrieve the file involving the incident that got Ron banned from detective…
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afabstract · 6 months
Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Episode 10 Review
Toto has a new journalist fan, and Ron seems to have found a new calling as a barista, but a murder in his cafe brings out the genius detective again. Read this quick review of Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Episode 10.
Totomaru Isshiki is beginning to get famous! Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Episode 10 begins with a journalist coming around Totomaru’s office, requesting that she do a feature piece on him since he solved quite a few complicated cases with lighting speed. Though flattered, Toto gets completely anxious over being interviewed since he cannot reveal it was his genius partner Ron…
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afabstract · 7 months
Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Episode 8 Review
Ron Kamonohashi and Toto are yet to find out who killed the photographer at the Observatory when another murder takes place! Read our review of "Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions" Episode 8.
Ron Kamonohashi and Toto are still on Nandan Island, where a photographer has been shot dead, and John Grizzy, a reputed professor from the detective school BLUE, zeroes in on Ron as the primary suspect. Everybody except Toto is convinced of Ron’s guilt, but when a second murder occurs, the duo find themselves in a race against time to nab the real culprit. For a plot overview, read – Ron…
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afabstract · 7 months
Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Episode 7 Review
Ron and Toto head to an island to watch a meteor shower and unwind, but for the genius detective, a case is never far behind. Check out our brief review of "Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions" Episode 7.
Toto takes Ron Kamonohashi along for a brief trip to a place called Nandan Island, where they have been invited to view a meteor shower at the Island’s observatory. However, the detectives have been asked to come as a precautionary measure due to a past tragedy at the location. For a plot overview, read – Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Episode 1 Review Titled “The Case of the…
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afabstract · 7 months
Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Episode 6 Review
A man dies on live television after a psychic writes "death" on a board. Can Ron Kamonohashi prove it was murder and not supernatural powers? Read our review of "Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions" Episode 6.
“Lies, Truth, or Something Supernatural!” That’s the title of Ron’s new favorite television show, where a psychic named Torage attempts to prove the authenticity of his mind-control claims when a young neurosurgeon challenges him. Ron and his rookie detective partner, Isshiki Tototmaru, watch the broadcast live, where an audience member appears to die after Torage writes “Death” on a card. The…
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afabstract · 8 months
Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Episode 5 Review
There's a new detective in town that might give serious competition to Ron Kamonohashi! Read our quick review of Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Episode 5.
Rookie detective Isshiki Totomaru and his unofficial boss/partner Ron Kamonohashi are back from their hot-spring vacation, which involved solving a mysterious murder, befriending the eccentric Spitz Feier, and now new adventures await the duo. For a plot overview, read – Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Episode 1 Review Titled “The Case of the Hand Collector,” episode 5 of the anime…
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afabstract · 8 months
Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Episode 4 Review
Will Ron and Toto crack the Case of the Benizome Hot Spring Murder? Read our quick review of Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Episode 4.
Genius Ron Kamonohashi and his rookie detective partner, Isshiki Tototmaru, are on a brief vacation at a hot springs when the sudden death of a woman unexpectedly raises the possibility of a new murder case for the duo. Episode three of the anime series “Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions” (original title: “Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri”) ended with a cliffhanger and viewers are yet to know…
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afabstract · 8 months
Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Episode 3 Review
Read this quick review of Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions Episode 3.
Episode three of the anime series “Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions” begins with discussions at BLUE over Ron’s status as a detective. Episode two explained that BLUE is the world’s top detective training academy, which issues its students a detective license that grants them permission from police agencies all over the world to help solve cases. While Ron was undoubtedly the most…
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