#Kanan Jarres
zerohirrotries · 1 year
All I ask for Ahsoka is a few things, please. . .
Tell us when Ahsoka trained Sabine, like in Rebels that never happened? (Kanan Jarres did train her with the darksarber, but no Ahsoka)
Can we at least hear about Hera's child: Jacen Syndulla?
Ezra better be alive, like PLEASE!
Will Zeb and Alexsandr be in it, I would LOVE if they are!
VENTRESS, PLEASE. If Morgan is a Nightsister, how about we finally see Ventress again? That would be crazy cool!! (yeah no this like can not really happen, but so what?)
HAVE SOMEONE REFERENCE PADAWAN JABBA! (Nah, but it would be amazing)
Clone troopers, like Rex? (Not really needed, but would love..)
I mean I have more, but eh. Just a little confused from the start. Like, being a huge Rebels fan and then watching the first 2 episodes and pondering when things happen.
Hopefully it will be clear later on, for now it is cool.
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calebdumes · 4 years
I’m back with more Inquisitor!Kanan that no one asked for! If I keep this up (who am I kidding I probably will) I’ll have to make it a Real Thing™ and post it on AO3. Thanks to all who give it a read! I appreciate you!
Fandom: Star War Rebels
Rating: T (mild violence, vomiting)
Word Count: 1.6k
Kanan was shaking. From cold or fear, it didn't matter, his body was trembling uncontrollably. The binders on his wrist cut into his skin, leaving behind small nicks of blood but he didn't notice it. He was too busy watching the Inquisitor. He was a Pau'an with dark red markings that stood out on his grey, skull like face. His yellow eyes were ringed with red and watched Kanan with a sickening hunger. The darkside dripped off of him in lazy rolls, twisting and curling around Kanan making it hard to breathe. He shook harder. 
Six years. He had been on his own for six years and never once did anything to catch the Empire's eye. But then he had to go and save the life of an ungrateful Devaronian from dying a horrible death under a mountain of rubble. He hadn't even been actively thinking about using the Force, it just happened and that was all it took. One well placed security camera and Kanan's inability to let fate run its course had him in chains bound for certain death. 
He had heard the stories of what happened to the Jedi that survived the Purge. None of it was good. Kanan could only hope for a quick death but from the sinister glint in the Inquisitor's eye, he had a feeling he was in for something, much, much worse.
Kanan felt the transport shuttle jolt as it touched down. His heartbeat thumped loudly in his chest as the other two inquisitors who came from him jumped down from the cockpit. The Pau'an smiled at him, revealing his pointed teeth. No one said a word as the ramp lowered, emitting a cold and biting salty breeze. One of the other inquisitors yanked Kanan to his feet and pushed him out of the shuttle. The inquisitors flanked him as he stumbled down the ramp. He stepped onto the thin walking platform that was suspended above still water that stretched as far as the eye could see. 
The platform ended at a tall dark spire that speared the glassy surface like a dagger. In the sky was the hellist glow of Mustafar. 
With every step Kanan took towards the spire he could feel the darkside tighten its hold on him, weighing him down until he didn't think he'd be able to move at all. The P'aun Inquisitor behind him gave him a forceful push, causing him to falter as the doors to the spire loomed before him. He dug his heels in but the bodies around Kanan were undeniable. 
Kanan lost track of time, the Force moving around him thick and hazy that he couldn't recall entering the Inquisitor's fortress or how he ended up strapped to an interrogation chair. But he did remember the pain. It coursed through him like fire, ripping his skin and muscles down until they were exposed nerves. With every shock his body convulse violently, straining against the metal vices that held him in place. Kanan bit through his tongue trying to hold back his screams. Hot blood filled his mouth, choking him as another round of pain washed over him. 
The Pua'an never asked him any questions - never said a word. He just kept sending bolt after bolt of electricity through Kanan's body until he wasn't even sure he had a body left. Time lost all meaning. He didn't know how long he had been strung up in the chair, at the mercy of the Pua'an, years could have gone by, centuries. When it did stop, Kanan slumped against his restraints, panting, bleeding, and wishing for a death that would never come. Not yet. 
The Inquisition had a new play thing to torture. They wouldn't let him go now that they had him. 
Kanan blinked weakly against the harsh light as a door somewhere out of sight hissed open. Mechanical breathing filled the space and with it a chill that sunk right to the bottom of Kanan's bones. Beside the Pua'an inquisitor stood a masked figure that had Kanan instinctually trying to scramble away, his legs kicking fruitlessly at the metal surface of the chair. 
"What have you brought me, Grand Inquisitor?" the masked figure asked in a deep voice. 
"Depa Billaba's Padawan my lord." the Pua'an responded in a crips Core accent.  
"Ah, the lost Padawan." There was recognition in his tone that made Kanan's skin crawl. "Caleb Dume."
Kanan shook his head, ignoring the spark of pain that flared behind his eyes. No, no that wasn't him. His name was Kanan, Kanan Jarrus - not Caleb. 
"We shall see." the masked man said, his voice echoing in Kanan's mind. He reached his hand out and everything went dark. 
"Follow along younglings." Master Luminara said. "And do try to stay together." She led a small group of three Jedi younglings through the busy hallways of the Republic Senate building. Species from all over the galaxy roamed the gleaming corridors, running to and fro with data pads in their hands or having hushed conversations as they wandered by. Caleb watched them all with curious eyes. He could already feel the questions bubbling to the forefront of his mind.  
Sammo could too and sent a sharp elbow into his side. "Don't even think about it Dume. We haven't even been assigned a Senator yet."
Caleb stuck out his tongue but his Twi'Lek friend had already turned his attention back on Master Luminara. Nerves ate at his belly. Today they would be assigned a Senator to shadow for five rotations to learn how the Senate worked. Some of the older initiates and Padawans had told stories about how boring it was or how mean some of the Senators were. Caleb tried to brush their tales away but some of the fear still remained. 
No, not  fear. A Jedi didn't fear silly things like meeting Senators. He was just cautious, that's all. And Master Kenobi always said it was wise to have caution.
The graceful Mirialan Master stopped outside of an arched silver doorway and waved her hand over the door chime. The doors parted silently and she ushered the younglings in.
Caleb, pushed behind Sammo and Tai, stood on the tips of his toes to try and see the Senator they were being assigned to. 
"Senator Amidala," Master Luminara said. "These are the younglings who will be shadowing you this week. Sammo Quid, Tai Uzuma, and Caleb Dume."
Caleb darted to the side of Tai to stand in line with the other members of his cohort, smoothing down the folds of his tan tunic.
Senator Amidala was beautiful, with dark hair pulled back away from her kind looking face and held in place with thin golden strips of metal. Her gowns were a deep purple that shimmered like twilight. She stood before them with a warm smile that chased away all the fears Caleb had about this assignment. 
"Hello younglings." she offered kindly. "I look forward to spending-"
"But why?" Caleb whispered. They were in the Senate Chamber, thousands of worlds represented in one echoing room. Chancellor Palpatine stood in the center on a raised dais, calmly listening to two senators arguing with one another.
Senator Amidala smiled down at him. "You certainly like that word don't you?"
Caleb blinked, confused. "What word?"
"Why." She chuckled.  
"He doesn't know when to stop using it." Tai grumbled from the other side of the Senator. 
"Well I think it's a wonderful thing.”
Caleb blushed. "I guess it is kind of annoying."
"There is nothing wrong with asking questions youngling, as long as you are asking the right ones."
"But how will I know if they are the right ones?"
"Now, that is a question I can't answer for you. That one you'll have to figure out on-”
Senator Amidala wrapped him up in a warm hug, placing a gentle kiss on the top of his head. "I'm going to miss having you younglings around!" she said, taking a step back.
Caleb could feel the heat color his cheeks. Sammo's face was more purple than blue. Tia, well Tia was Tia but Caleb could tell that she appreciated the Senator's praise. "I hope to see you around after you pass your trials."
"Maybe so if we ever put an end to this war." a new voice said from the doorway. Senator Amidala's face lit up as she looked at the Master who came to collect them.
"Ani - I mean, Master Skywalker. What are you doing here?"
"I came to get these younglings out of your hair." Master Skywalker smirked. 
Caleb felt his heart stutter in his chest. Master Skywalker! Master Skywalker was going to take them back to the Temple! Maybe he could give him some lightsaber pointers or maybe he could explain how -
Kanan slammed back to the present. Bile climbed up his throat burning the abused flesh. He barely had the energy to turn his head before he retched. Tears and snot ran down his face as he heaved, his mind a swirling mist of polluted memories. Tendrils of the darkside clung to him, unrelenting in their torment. 
The Sith had torn into his mind with calculated anger and vengeance. Ripping into long forgotten memories and tossing them aside until he found what he was looking for. And when he did, Kanan didn't think he'd ever be able to think again. The pain was more than physical, it was more than just a passing moment. It was everything. 
"Leave us." the Sith said. Kanan couldn't stop the whimper that escaped his lips.
"My Lord?”
"I said leave us." 
The Sith reached his hand out yet again and Kanan screamed.  
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dcuniversewhitehawk · 7 years
Anyone get end of Rogue One Vaders feels from this?
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I’m a little late with the mid-week preview, but here’s another peek at the shiny new first chapter of “On the Job”!
“Well, it’s too late now,” Hera sighed. “But you have to go down to the spaceport to work all this out.” She poked him in the chest and he looked down at her finger as if it were a deadly weapon. “Just remember that the whole reason we’re here is because we don’t have a whole lot of ‘fortune’ left. In fact, if we don’t get some ‘fortune’ in the next few days you and I will be looking for day jobs to make our own ‘fortunes.’”
“Would you relax?” Kanan took her hand and smoothed out her fingers. She let her palm open against his and felt the tension in her shoulders unclench. His hand was warm, even through their gloves. When had it become normal to touch like this?
Hera let her hand drop away, but kept up her scowl razor sharp. Undaunted, Kanan smiled down at her with that boyish grin she found so frustrating. She was about to let her smile break through when his eyebrows suddenly pulled together. Kanan’s head snapped up as a low rumble rose from the ground.
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gelasmugcantik-blog · 6 years
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dcuniversewhitehawk · 7 years
<insert desired horror-stricken face here>
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