#Kanghyun x reader
yakshua · 2 years
little onewe boyfriend scenarios 🦋
ps : harin's is v long teehee
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🍧 hyungu :
i can see him reading a book aloud to u and pausing when he notices you're not replying to the main character's dumb decisions anymore. so he peaks down and sees u asleep on his chest and a soft smile grows on his face, he chuckles and rubs ur back until he falls asleep as well with u in his arms 💭
🍰 giwook :
after a hard day u collapse into his arms on the couch, he puts a lil pout on his lips and brushes the hair out your face, lifts your chin a bit to look into ur eyes and asks u what happened. while u tell him about it, he'd stroke ur hair and give u little encouraging smooches across ur face every time u start speaking quieter or get choked up. he'd just be so incredibly loving 💭
🧁 dongmyeong :
he'd squish ur cheeks together and after gushing for a bit bc how cute u look would cup ur face with his warm hands and litter tiny smooches all around ur face, so everytime u go to a mirror, no matter where u look on yourself, he'd have kissed u there and u'd always be reminded of how much he loves u 💭
🍪 yonghoon :
even though he could just text u, yonghoon thinks it's romantic to send u little heartfelt love letters, and it absolutely is. if he ordered you fruit tea he'd stick a lil note on it saying something like "I remembered your order! the peach is so sweet, it reminds me of you <3" or a lyric from one of his songs that reminds him of u. eg: "when darkness surrounds you, can i wrap you in my arms?" from universe 💭
🍩 harin :
i can see u guys on a amusement park date and he'd let u drag him wherever u wanted, if you saw a cute plushie at a stall he would not stop until he won the game and got it for u. if u were a bit scared of heights, on the ferris wheel, he'd tell u dumb stories from when he was younger to make u laugh, and his arm would never leave from around ur shoulder, regardless if u were scared or not. also he'd give u his jacket on the way home, even if u weren't cold, just to see how oversized and adorbs it looks on u :( and when he drops u off at ur place, you'd take it off to give it back but he'd just tutt at you, slip it back on ur shoulders and say "keep it for a bit, it looks cute on you" and give u a sweet goodbye kiss and drive off leaving you screaming so loud on the inside. Also the jacket would smell like him and AAAAAAAA JU HARIN I HAVE NO WORDS 😖😖😖
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Saying I love you for the first time || Yonghoon
I thought of Yonghoon and the smile he'd have on his face for the first time his s/o says ily and my writer self immediately had to get to work
Pairing: Yonghoon x reader
Genre: fluff so much fluff
♡๑⌓✿ ◍✧* ♡๑⌓✿ ◍✧*♡๑⌓✿ ◍✧* ♡๑⌓✿ ◍♡๑⌓✿
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♡๑⌓✿ ◍✧* ♡๑⌓✿ ◍✧*♡๑⌓✿ ◍✧* ♡๑⌓✿ ◍♡๑⌓✿
Something about today you knew today was the day
The longer you two where together the more you realized how much this man means to you
The way Yonghoon takes care of you is like a love so pure and foreign
The way he'd get you your favorite food even if you didn't ask for it
How he'd stay by your side for any tough moments
When you'd be stressed how he'd sing you a lullaby to calm your nerves
Everything he does for you you try your best to reciprocate back
And as you took the time to be grateful of this name and all his fondness of you
You knew it was the time
It was a peaceful moment between the two of you in comfortable silence together
You went to grab his attention and once you saw his eyes on you that's when you said it
You could see the way his heart melted
The grin on his face you could tell you made him feel on top of the world
Such simple words had his heart just flying
You smiled at him bashfully
He was so starstruck he hadn't even realized he hadn't said it back yet
Suspect him to take your hands and rub the back of them with his thumb
The sweetest I love you you've ever heard
You could feel the genuine happiness you gave him as he said each word
Complete puppy love from this man he'll be on cloud 9 the rest of the day
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luvidzy · 2 years
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☆ pairing: kang hyunggu x reader
☆ genre: fluff
☆ warnings/notes: really cute kanghyun, that’s it; that’s the fic
☆ synopsis: you’re an astronomy major and kanghyun loves the stars (and you)
☆ song playing: regulus by onewe
☆ disclaimer: this is a work of fiction, made only for entertainment purposes and in no way or form should be taken seriously
☆ if you like my writing, please consider donating to my kofi!
The first time you ran into Kanghyun, it was a complete act of destiny. In fact, if you had waited even 5 more minutes to decide to head to the roof of the science building, you would have missed him. Alas, it seemed like the red strings of fate had other plans for the two of you.
You had forced yourself out of bed at what felt like an ungodly hour (it was only 9:30 pm) and made your way to the rooftops with your backpack and your small telescope. It was late September, which meant that you had bundled yourself up in the warmest jacket you could find, even if said jacket had sleeves that went far past your fingertips.
As you burst through the double doors that would take you onto the roof, you were surprised to find that there was somebody else already up here. He was sitting on a blanket, notebook, and pencil in hand as he bobbed his head along with a silent melody. Moving closer, you noticed that he was wearing earbuds, just slightly obscured by his brown hair. 
He didn’t notice as you moved closer until you placed yourself on the ground a few feet from him. The concrete was cold, making you shiver as you swung your backpack off of your shoulder and onto the ground. You could feel the eyes of the boy on you as you began setting up your telescope and pulled out your tablet to begin taking notes.
There were a few minutes of silence, the only sounds filling the roof were those of a pencil scratching on paper, a telescope shifting its position, and the soft ambiance of nature and a college campus. It wasn’t until you shivered once again under the breeze that the man finally spoke up.
“Would you like to sit on my blanket? I can’t help but notice that you’re shivering and I can only imagine how uncomfortable and cold the concrete must be,” his voice was soft, and for a moment you thought that you had imagined it. But when you looked up and saw his soft brown eyes looking at you questioningly through the darkness, you realized that you had indeed heard him and that he was absolutely talking to you.
“Oh, thank you,” you said, before sliding your set up over and placing yourself lightly on the flannel blanket that was sprawled out. You sent him a small smile before you went back to looking into the telescope. The stars you were supposed to be looking for were a bit trickier to find than you were expecting, and you groaned as you looked back at your tablet, searching for where the stars were supposed to be tonight.
“What are you looking for tonight?” The boy asked, taking one of his earbuds out as he shifted to get a look at your tablet. You scooched it a little closer to him, showing him the list of stars that you were supposed to be observing and the one you were trying to find: Regulus.
The boy smiled happily to himself as he read the words, before looking at your telescope as if waiting for permission. You gave a nod, scooting over so he could come a bit closer and peer into the lens. You could smell a soft scent of cologne coming off of him, and you felt yourself smile as you breathed it in, the scent relaxing your muscles as he fidgeted with the position of the telescope. Finally, he pulled away, grinning.
“There. That should be it.” You raised an eyebrow, before looking into the lens and seeing the brightly shining orb which represented Regulus. You looked at him, your eyes sparkling impossibly through the dark.
“Thank you so much. Are you an astronomy major too?” You asked. He shook his head, chuckling as he moved back to where he had been sitting previously. 
“No, I’m actually a music major. I just really love the stars. It’s a special interest, I guess you could call it. My name is Kanghyun.” He held out his hand and you took it, reveling in the softness of his palm and the blistered tips of his fingers. 
“My name is Y/N. If you’re not an astronomy major, what brings you to the roof on such a cold night?” you asked. Kanghyun motioned down to the notebook that was sitting in his lap, giving you a small smile.
“I’m actually writing a song for my band right now. The stars are my biggest inspiration, so I come up here to write,” he explained. Your eyes widened slightly in excitement at his words.
“That’s really cool! Has your band played around campus? Maybe I’ve heard you guys!” you asked. Kanghyun smiled as he shook his head.
“We haven’t played on campus yet, but we have played a few times at the bar downtown. You should definitely come sometime, the more the merrier,” Kanghyun said, thankful for the night sky that covered the blush resting on his cheeks. You nodded enthusiastically, before turning back to your telescope to begin working on your project. Kanghyun sat beside you, humming melodies and jotting down notes and lyrics. It was a peaceful atmosphere, one that surprised both of you considering you were practically strangers.
Once the moon was high in the sky and the loud noises of the campus below began to dwindle, you and Kanghyun bid goodbye to one another, heading to your respective dorms with a hazy and fuzzy mind.
The second time you met Kanghyun, was on purpose. Your friend, Goeun, had revealed to you that she often saw Kanghyun head to the cafe after their music class. Normally, you wouldn’t have done anything with that info, but you wanted to get Kanghyun’s thoughts on your paper so far, considering he seemed to like the stars.
 So you headed to the cafe on campus and, sure enough, found Kanghyun sitting at a table with his notebook out and headphones in. You tapped him lightly on the shoulder, trying your best to not startle him, before smiling and sitting down across from him.
“Hi! Sorry for bothering you, but I wanted to know if you could read my essay so far? I have to turn it in at the end of the week and I really need a proofreader,” you explained, trying to calm your beating heart before it came right out of your chest,
“Oh, of course!” Kanghyun said, a small smile slipping onto his face as you let out a relieved sigh and slid your laptop over to him so he could read your paper. You watched with fascination as Kanghyun read the lines on your laptop, making you smile when you noticed how his eyebrows furrowed slightly in concentration and he began to bite his lip a little.
Finally, his head shot up and he gave you an approving smile.
“It’s really good, Y/N. I noted some grammatical stuff and where I think the words could flow a little better, but overall, I think that it gets your point across well,” Kanghyun advised. You nodded, listening intently to his notes as he pointed things out to you, making notes on what to fix and what to revise.
You had barely noticed that an hour had gone by until Kanghyun’s phone began to ring. He looked at the caller ID, then the time, before practically jumping out of his chair.
“Oh my gosh, I’m gonna be let to practice. I have to go, I’m so sorry!” Kanghyun explained, rushing to gather his things. You stood up as well, reaching out to take his arm and pause him for a moment. He looked at your hand, then at you, with a look of confusion.
“Can I have your number? In case I need more advice or something?” you asked, avoiding contact as you held your phone out cautiously with the other hand. Kanghyun looked at you, before smiling warmly and nodding. He typed away his phone number, before handing the device back to you and waving a rushed goodbye.
You stood there for a moment, almost in shock that you had actually succeeded in getting the cute music majors number, before shaking yourself out of it and heading back to your own dorm.
The third time you met Kanghyun, it was at the bar in town that he had told you his band played at. You had been texting each other for weeks after you had met at the cafe and finally, Kanghyun had told you (after countless pestering from you) that he and his band were going to be playing and that you should come to watch.
So there you stood amongst the fairly large crowd, a drink in your hand as you waited for the concert to start. A few people around you took to chatting and you gladly joined, before pausing once you heard the crowd begin to lull as the lights on the stage flicker on.
Cheers suddenly erupted from all around as 5 boys walked on stage, the only one you recognized being Kanghyun as he walked to the right side of the stage to get his guitar set up and plugged in. He looked so much different than the Kanghyun you were used to, with his hair all rustled up, his black button-up showing a bit of his chest as a metal chain rested around his neck.
You felt your cheeks heat up as Kanghyun scanned the crowd, making eye contact with you, before smiling gently at you. The singer, a tall boy with brown hair that you think was Yonghoon, was speaking but you were too busy staring in awe at Kanghyun.
As they began the concert, playing a song that you remember being titled Aurora, you couldn’t take your eyes off of the music major boy that was in front of you. He was completely in his element, the shy and introverted persona melting away to reveal a cocky and confident guitarist. His golden skin shined in the light and he would smirk occasionally as he played, taking the breath straight from your lungs.
They played a few more songs, each one more breathtaking than last when finally Kanghyun approached his own microphone with a small smile. He took a moment to catch his breath, basking in the glow and happiness that filled the stage of the bar.
“This next song is something I’ve been working on for a while. It was inspired by a girl that I met recently and I didn’t want to play it until she could be here to listen to it. I hope that she likes it as much as I like her. Here’s Regulus,” Kanghyun said, his eyes lingering on you. You felt yourself freeze as you tried to comprehend what Kanghyun had just said, but your thoughts were quickly interrupted as the song began.
Your eyes were glued to Kanghyun as the simple melody began, the words ringing clear in your ears as you finally began to piece together that the song was about you. 
Kanghyun had written a song about you.
When the song was finally over, you were beaming. The crowd was going crazy but you were just smiling like an idiot at Kanghyun as the group said their goodbyes and headed off stage. You weaved through the crowd before stumbling upon the group behind the stage, packing away their equipment.
“Y/N?” You looked up as your name was said, your eyes locking with Kanghyun who had stood up from his guitar case, eyebrows furrowed. You looked at him, before rushing forward and pressing your lips to his.
You felt him mumble in surprise, but you didn’t let go as you wrapped your arms around his neck, smiling against his lips when he weaved his hands around your waist to pull you closer.
As you pulled away, eyes sparkling from how happy you were, Kanghyun smiled at you.
“I take it you like the song?” You rolled your eyes, before pulling him back into a kiss. Kanghyun kissed you back, ignoring the way his bandmates whistled and clapped from around him. Right now, in his universe, it was only him and you; his Regulus.
if you liked this, please considering donating to my kofi! reblogs are appreciated!
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ddingbaragi · 2 years
Purple is Definitely Your Colour
Kanghyun x Reader word count: 591 fluff
"Why is everything here purple?" You're fond of the colour purple and Kanghyun wants a new hair colour
A/N: I will start moving my onewe imagines from ao3 here. So expect daily updates for the whole week
“Why is everything here purple?” Kanghyun asked you.
He had decided to visit your house for a movie night, but now you see a frown on his face due to the fact that a lot of your things: throw pillows, outfits, socks, were all purple.
“What can I say? Purple is a pretty colour,” you grinned.
“At least it looks good, it’s you after all.”
Seriously, why is this guy making you blush?
“Anyways, what do you wanna watch?” You asked.
“Maybe something with purple in it?” He teased, making you roll your eyes. You scrolled through your Netflix, ignoring the blonde-haired boy who sat down next to you. You settled on some movie you have said to Kanghyun you wanted to watch. He didn’t mind, he enjoyed whatever you wanted. You settled back on your couch, making Kanghyun lay his head on your lap. You enjoyed patting his fluffy hair. Although it was a bit brittle due to bleach, you just loved playing with it.
“You know, I actually like purple,” Kanghyun hummed.
“It’s a nice colour, very soothing,” he said. “I kinda wanna dye my hair purple.” He got up from your lap and sat next to you.
“Why not now?” You offered. “I think I have some purple hair dye.” You paused the movie and got up, rushing to the bathroom. You had attempted to date your hair purple but it did not end up being visible and you did not want to bleach your hair.
“You should try doing it, it would look good on you,” you said, showing him the dye kit. Kanghyun pursed his lips, contemplating whether or not he should do it. Then again, it wouldn’t be a bad idea. With a smile on his face, he got up and walked towards you.
“Let’s do it.”
“Are we doing this right?”
You two are currently in your bathroom, Kanghyun having a cloth wrapped around his neck as you attempted - keyword: attempted - to dye his hair. Truth be told, Kanghyun was rather nervous. He hoped you actually knew what you were doing.
“Okay, I think I got all of your hair,” you muttered. “So we just need to wait for a bit.”
So the two of you decided to just wait in the bathroom, occasionally chatting and joking, but it was a bit awkward for the two of you to be in the bathroom. Kanghyun can’t go out, he might get some dye on your stuff. And you can’t leave him alone in the bathroom, you would feel bad. 
“Is it time to wash it off?” Kanghyun asked. 
You checked the time on your phone. “I think so.”
You helped Kanghyun bow over your bathtub and washed his hair.
“How does it look so far?” He asked.
“Looks… pretty good.”
“You sound unsure.”
“I’m not sure, I can’t tell.”
You heard a groan coming from the guy.
“If my hair is ruined after this I’m painting your hair as well.”
Finally, you finished everything and dried Kanghyun’s hair.”
“It… It looks good on you!”
Kanghyun checked in a mirror, humming to himself in delight.
“I like it,” he said. “Do you?”
You nodded. “You look good.”
“Better than before?” He joked.
“Yeah, you look more handsome.”
Kanghyun chuckled and approached you, enveloping you in a hug.
“Thanks,” he said.
Although surprised, you smiled and hugged him back.
“We should get back to the movie before it gets late,” he said.
The two of you continued watching, eventually falling asleep on the couch together.
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caught | k.hg
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synopsis: while accidentally working at an illegal hybrid research centre you fall in love with a penguin hybrid, who has no worth to the research team who holds him prisoner.
characters: penguin hybrid!Kanghyun x reader
genre: angst, fluff, hybrid au
warnings: animal abuse, injections, mentions of death, a sad Hyungu:(
song rec: regulus by onewe, the love by hoppipolla
notes: the fact that i want to continue this right now omg i love this fic, and i hope you enjoy it as well!! i actually can’t be asked to edit anything i’m so sorry:’)
you had recently started at a new job. you are an assistant to a researcher in a ‘safe’ hybrid research centre. but you know better, this facility is illegal. hybrid research centres are few and are more for research on how hybrids came to be, not on their bodies and minds. you hated the way the hybrids were treated, you stayed to collect enough evidence on the facility to turn them in. soon you would make your move. inside you found hybrids being subjected to inhumane treatment and conditions. they were experimented on and hurt on a daily basis. the researcher you worked with had a favourite hybrid to experiment on, he was a penguin hybrid named Hyungu. penguin hybrids were extremely rare, they were very pliable and easy to work with. Hyungu was especially gentle. he was shy, kind and incredibly intelligent. the scientist found Hyungu’s pliancy the best for his research, thus you found yourself many times sitting in a room watching Hyungu whimper after a particularly difficult experiment.
later when you were doing a diagnostic on Hyungu you found he had some issues with his blood. the last experiment had been an injection to see if hybrids were immune to certain diseases, however it appeared Hyungu was reacting badly to it. if he wasn’t treated he could die. sitting across from Hyungu while checking his vitals, and blood work made it incredibly difficult to keep a straight face. Hyungu watched you with forlorn eyes, he had long lost any hope of escape. his eyes were blank and sad. hybrids were bred to be human companions, they can sense any changes in a human’s body. you were the only human who had ever been kind to him, he felt your panic for him. “o-okay Hyungu, are you feeling any pain? or sickness?” you asked, your voice shook a little. “yes.” he answered quietly, you exhaled heavily. “what’s wrong? what do you feel?” your voice almost broke, “my chest is tight, and my head hurts.” he mumbled.
the diagnostic was telling, and even though Hyungu was a rare breed the scientists had done horrible tests on him. they had finished with him and had no plans for treatment. so you took matters into your own hands. you found Hyungu in his cell, half asleep in penguin form. he was relatively small in this form, having been bred to be a pet. you tucked him into your backpack, with medicine to treat his sickness that you had stolen from the labs. you knew this was risky, taking a hybrid and medication you would be in a lot of danger before you could turn your evidence in to the local authorities.
yet still here you were with Hyungu tucked in your bag as you tried to walk as calmly as possible to your car. security was alerted almost immediately that a hybrid was missing and they were checking everyone who worked closely with Hyungu. that meant you, as well. turning corners whenever you saw a security person, you found yourself on the ground level near your car. just a few more minutes and you would be able to drive away, the only problem was the security gate. they would certainly check your car when you left, but what they didn’t know is that when you started working there you had a friend of yours outfit your car with a secret compartment to hide the evidence of illegality you found.
quickly you tucked Hyungu and his medicine into the compartment in your car, and started the car. taking a deep breath you drove to the security gate. they were much nicer at the gate, just checking the obvious places in your car before letting you go. when you had gotten to a safer place, you stopped and tucked the tiny penguin Hyungu into your arms. he was warmer than he should have been. he didn’t wake up for the whole drive.
at home you cooked supper and waited for the little penguin to wake up. while you were cooking you felt something nuzzle your leg, looking down you found Hyungu looking up at you, the same forlorn look in his eye but with a spark of hope. you bent down holding out your arms, silently asking if you could pick him up. he waddled into your arms and you lifted him up.
“feel free to switch forms whenever you’d like, but for now i have to start your treatments. it’s just an ingested medicine so there shouldn’t be any needles. it might taste badly but it’ll help you feel better.” you talked to the air, knowing he understood you. picking up the syringe you lifted it to his mouth, “i know you probably don’t want this, and that it probably scares you. but i need you to trust me, it’ll make you feel better i promise.” you whispered, he squeaked up at you, and you take that as a good sign.
after administering the medicine, you felt Hyungu relax. you set him down and let him waddle around your apartment before he changed forms. you had been shocked the first time you had seen him in his human form. Hyungu was by all means the most beautiful man you had ever seen. with almost white blond hair, high cheekbones and sharp intelligent eyes, he was certainly very attractive. “thank you y/n for saving me, and bringing me here. but are you sure? this is really dangerous for you.” his honey like voice was concerned and caring. “i wouldn’t have this any other way.” you answered.
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sayonara-taemin · 3 years
“I like this one.” You muttered to your producer boyfriend Kanghyun, strumming the chords of the guitar.
Hearing no response from him, you looked up at him, only to find him staring at you.
“Kanghyun?” You asked.
He jerked to his senses before placing a kiss on your lips.
“I think I like this one.”
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I Don’t Know (모르겠다고)
A/N: I was listening to 모르겠다고 (Q) and suddenly got inspired for a fic idea. I hid some lyrics in here, see if you can spot them 🤭 I haven’t written angst in a while so enjoy!
“You’re acting like a child, you know?” Hyungu scoffed at you
“Why won’t you just listen to me, you never listen!” you felt your blood boil 
“I”M SORRY FOR WANTING TO SPEND TIME WITH MY BOYFRIEND! IF THAT’S CALLED BEING CLINGY THEN I DON’T WANT A BOYFRIEND” you matched his volume. “You’re ruining my moood” you grabbed your phone from the table and walked out of the dorms. 
Thankfully no one was home except the two of you. He had invited you over to spend some time with you but everytime you tried to talk with him, he got distracted by his phone. 
All you wanted to do was spend time with your boyfriend but your schedules weren’t lining up and everytime you spent time together, it ended up in an argument. 
You would fight about anything and everything. It was tiring, this has been going on for a couple of months and you were tired, he probably was too. Wouldn’t it be better for both of you to just end things, maybe it’ll hurt less than the harsh words thrown around every time. 
When you arrived at home, you planted face-down onto your bed. You didn’t want to cry, but humiliatingly enough, angry tears streamed down your face while you harshly wiped them away. You wouldn’t cry. 
A couple hours later, when your anger subsided you debated whether or not to text Hyungu. You couldn’t find the right words. You didn’t want to apologize first, it was his fault, this time anyways. 
You threw your phone on your bed and rolled over to the other side. You wouldn’t text him. Not after he called you clingy for wanting to spend time with him. 
Morning came but your mood remained the same. You didn’t feel like getting out of bed. You skipped work and stayed in bed.
You doorbell rang and you ignored it. The bell kept ringing so you dragged yourself out of bed to go see who it was. It was Dongmyeong. It wasn’t unusual for him to pop by your house unannouced because he’s been doing that since you were younger, he had best friend privillages after all. 
“I heard you skipped work today and that’s unlike you so I wanted to check up on you to make sure you’re alright and not sick or something.” Dongmyeong smiled at you, walking into your house. 
You both walk to the living room and sit down, “did i wake you?” he asked and you glanced down at your pjs and messy hair. 
“not really, i was already awake. just lying in bed.” you assured him 
It was quiet for a while before Dongmyeong spoke softly, “i heard you had a fight with Hyungu hyung”
You nodded, “do you want to talk about it?” he asked 
You thought for a while before nodding. You explained how you’ve been fighting for a so long now and how tired you are. How both of you keep saying hurtful things. “I always consider our time together as precious as gold but I guess he doesn’t feel the same way” you sighed 
Dongmyeong’s phone rang and you saw it was Hyungu. “You can pick it up” you told him
“Dongmyeong? I heard y/n skipped work today.” you heard Hyungu speak through the phone. His tone was delicate and soft. It sounded as if he was asking Dongmyeong to check up on you. 
“Yea, I’m at her place right now” he looked over at you 
“oh” he suddenly went quiet, “Hyung? hello?” Dongmyeong asked 
“it’s nothing. i’ll call you later” Hyungu hung up the phone
Dongmyeong slipped his phone back inot this pocket. “Listen, as your best friend and Hyungu hyungs, I’ll give you a piece of advice: talk it out. You’re both probably misunderstanding each other.” 
Dongmyeong had to go after a while for practice and you decided to get dressed. You won’t just sit around feeling glum all day long. You took a shower and got dressed in nice clothes. You put on black skinny jeans and a cropped beige sweater. You curled the ends of your hair slightly and sprayed a flowery perfume. 
You decided to go on a walk to clear your mind. As you ordered some coffee, Hyungu walked into the shop. He didn’t seem to be doing well, you on the other hand, looked perfectly fine. He ordered some coffee and sat down at the corner seat. 
You didn’t want to fight here so you got your coffee and walked out. Hyungu seemed to notice you and walked out to follow you. 
“y/n” you heard him call for you. You both walked to a bench and sat down. Both of you started talking at the same time. “you can go first” you told him 
You sipped your coffee listening to what he had to say, “you keep misunderstanding me again and again. i never meant to be on my phone while you were talking to me. i just got an idea for a song lyric so i was texting the director to see what he thought of it. i’m sorry. i didn’t mean for it to turn out like this and i didn’t mean to say those hurtful things. i don’t want to lose you” he said out of breath rambling on and on trying to explain himself
It was your turn to speak, “don’t you see what’s happening? we keep fighting. it’s not just about last time, it’s everytime. i think it’s best if we break up. we’re only hurting ourselves by continuing to see each other even after things have gone south. our relationship wasn’t meant for forever and our flame is gone. i’m tired and i’m sure you are too. i can’t keep fighting like this. only bad memories will rmain if we keep going. i’m saying this because i still love you and i don’t want either of us to get hurt anymore.” you stand up and face him one last time, “it was fun meeting you and i’ll be sure to think back at the time we spent together with a smile and i’ll think about you from time to time but please don’t contact me anymore.” you mustured up a sad smile, tears falling against your wishes. 
You walk away, your hands trembling. You couldn’t belive your words. This was for the best, wasn’t it? Then why did it hurt so much? Hyungu couldn’t belive his ears, you had broken up with him. He wanted to run to you but his legs wouldn’t move. He had been doing horrible in the one night that you left him, how was he supposed to live the rest of his life without you? 
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minghaocouture · 4 years
Fight Me?
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Request: @yukine-smx​  Hi! Can you please write a fluff oneshot for Kanghyun from Onewe? Thank you 💕
Pairing: Kang Hyungu x Reader Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Non-Idol Au Warning: Hospitals, sickness WC: 1.2K
A/N: I’ve been want to use this prompt for ages! So when I got this request I figured I might as well use it for Hyungu! I could totally see him doing something like this. I hope you enjoy!
This sucked.
The beeping of your heart monitor echoed through the room. When you had come to the hospital after passing out at work, you had expected them to say "oh you're just overworking yourself! Go home and get some rest, drink fluids" all that crap. But nooooo, here you were laying in an uncomfortable hospital bed, and you felt terrible. It wasn't just because of the sickness, but because of your own thoughts. You were upset with yourself for getting sick during the busiest time of year, you had bills to pay and those bills would only get worse the longer you were in this hospital. 
Needless to say you were in quite a sour mood, well when you were awake at least. This was your second day in the hospital and you had spent quite a bit of time sleeping. When you weren't sleeping you were staring blankly up at the tv screen, barely paying attention to the reruns of Supernatural. 
The sound of the door opening distracted you from the current monster hunt playing out on the screen, and you watched one of your nurses, Hyungu, enter the room. He wasn't the most talkative nurse you'd ever had, especially not this weekend. The day nurse, Dongmyeong, he could practically talk your ear off, Hyungu though was a lot more soft spoken around you. Always making sure you were feeling alright and bringing you more water if you needed any. Though, you were a bit surprised to see him while the sun was still up.
Unfortunately for him, you were in a worse mood than normal that day. After all, you hadn't seemed to be getting any better and the little tube shoved in your nose to help you breathe was getting on your last nerve. So when he stepped closer and asked how you were doing you instantly responded with.
"Fight me." You weren't sure why that was your response, but it seemed like the proper thing to say. At least to your irritated and sick clouded brain. To your surprise, a small smile flashed across his face and he moved forward to adjust your pillows to help you get a little more comfortable.
"Maybe later." 
The next day was full of pills and boredom, you were coughing a lot more than you had been previously. So the doctors had tried to give you something for that, and it seemed to be working. The only issue was that it tasted absolutely terrible, and you had to take it three times a day until the coughing settled down. 
So come nine pm, in comes Hyungu once again. His bleached blonde hair framed his face nicely, and if you were being honest with yourself...he was pretty cute. The only thing that sucked was that he was here to give you more of the absolutely disgusting medicine, so you were less than happy to see him. 
Taking the disgusting liquid caused a new round of coughs to escape your throat, not from your sickness but from the taste of the nasty stuff. So once again spoke, doing your best to get the words out between your coughs.
"Fight me."
Just as he did yesterday, Hyungu smiled softly at you, helping you sit up more as you coughed. Once the fit had passed he handed you a fresh glass of water, watching as you slowly gulped it down. The liquid burning as it hits the irritated insides of your throat. Once you finished the glass, he took it back and refilled it before setting it on your dinner tray. 
"I won't fight you," he began. You felt your eyebrows furrow as you stared up at him. Now even more irritated with your sickened state. "because I know you would win." 
It had been almost a solid week in the hospital before you were let out, and you were certain that your bank account would regret this sickness for the next few decades. As your mother helped you pack up the things you had brought with you, you heard the door to your room open once more. Turning, you were surprised to see Hyungu entering with a...starbucks cup in his hand. 
His soft smile plastered onto his face once more, and you were grateful that now you at least looked like a normal human. Instead of the sick gremlin you had been for the past week. 
"I'm glad you're feeling better." He said, extending his hand out to pass the coffee to you. During your time in bed, you had mentioned how badly you had been craving your favorite coffee, and to your surprise, that was exactly what he had brought you. You were shocked that he had remembered something you had complained about in passing.
"I have to get back to my other patients now but, I hope you get home safe. Stay healthy." He was gone almost as quickly as he arrived.
"Well he was a sweet boy!" Your mother cooed, pulling your duffel bag over her shoulder as she had refused to let you carry the time. Saying that you had been in bed for so long that you needed to build up your strength again first. You tried to argue with her but she absolutely refused to listen. 
Taking another sip of your coffee, the two of you exited the room and made your way down to the lobby. Just as you were about to exit the building you glanced down at the cup, noticing something written in black sharpie on the little cardboard holder.
"Fight me? xxx-xxx-xxxx - Hyungu"
"Did....did I just seduce someone with drool and bad lungs??" You muttered to yourself staring at the cup in utter awe. 
"I hope you weren't waiting too long!" 
"No, I actually just got here myself." 
The lobby of the theater was almost empty, as it usually was at noon on Wednesdays. No one went to the movies that early, especially not during a week day! Well, no one but you and Hyungu that is. But that's how life worked when you were dating a graveyard shift nurse.
Taking his hand in yours, you dragged him behind you to the snack counter to get popcorn.
"Fight me to see who pays for the popcorn?" You questioned, raising a brow impishly at the taller male. He laughed at your proposition and shook his head.
"I would, but I know you'll win." He retorted, putting an arm around your shoulder and pulling you close so that he could press a light kiss to your forehead. This caused you to pout childishly, even crossing your arms for dramatic effect. 
The action seemed to work and he looked confused, a small innocent look on his face as he tilted his head. Questioning you even without words. You almost couldn't hold back your laughter as you spoke up.
"You missed. Now I get to fight you." Before he could respond, you grabbed his collar and pulled him to your level. Pressing your lips firmly against his. 
Looking back on it, you were glad that you got sick. If you had never spent that week in the hospital then you would have never found someone that you would fight the world for. But now you had Hyungu in your life and you would take down the sun, stars, and the moon if it meant he would give you that small shy smile.
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winterviolet1 · 2 years
ONEWE REACTION: Their being cute/hot for their S/o
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"Your so cute and sweet Yongie" YongHoon chuckle softly as his cheeks turns a slight red.
"Y/n stop teasing me, your making me shy!"
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"Your look so sexy hun." Harin was button up his shirt when he heard that. Looking at the mirror to see his s/o, Harin smile softly before turning to face his lover.
"Your the sexy one here love"
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All I can say for this guy. He is a proud man cause he loves being called cute an is adored by his s/o.
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Kanghyun is one of the guys on the handsome/sexy side. "Babe have you seen...Oh my what do we have here~" Kanghyun s/o other said as they can into the room to see a shirtless Kanghyun looking through his closet to find a shirt to wear.
"Don't you get any ideas there love" Kanghyun said in a teasing tone since he could feel his lover eyes on him.
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The world's most cutest and beautiful man. Cya hates when his s/o calls him cute tho they know he is one.
"Y/n stop calling me cute!!" He pouts as his s/o chuckled softly and gave him a light kiss on his lip.
"but you are cute, your my cutie"
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gratefulgirlie · 3 years
Ok so recently I watched Julie and The Phantoms and I love that show so much. So right now I wanna summon all the onewe writers, if you need inspo for a fic, this is it. Basically imagine an au based on the story of Julie and the Phantoms, where onewe dies right before a really important gig many years ago (this could be in their MAS 0094 days) and then get summoned as ghosts in the present day when the reader finds their demo cd and plays it. They then discover that they can be seen and heard again when they perform with the reader and decide to add the reader to their band.
If anyone actually writes this, I love you very much, you own my heart.
(If anyone reads this and has no idea what Julie and the phantoms is or who onewe are, please listen to their music, they have too many bangers!!!!)
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lady-talks · 4 years
Onewe Reaction: you kissing their cheek
Request: Onewe Reaction- you kissing their cheek
Sugar Coated Masterlist
Onewe Masterlist
Yonghoon: The moment he felt your lips against his cheek he blushed and cried out. You backed away, startled. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you closer, hugging you tightly. You embraced his squealing figure and smiled as he slowly swung you back and forth. You just stayed there for a while, holding him. Then it was time for the concert to begin. He smiled the whole way through and when he got off stage the first thing he did was repay the favor.
“I love you. Thank you.” He’d whisper.
“Love you too.”
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Harin: Long days were long days. He’d been practicing hard and extremely stressed. Even though you’d only started dating a few weeks ago, you felt the need to have compassion on him. You came over with food and asked if he wanted to watch any movies. He nodded and you both sat down on the couch and started eating. Harin was still eating when you finished up. You looked over at him, he was more relaxed than earlier and he didn’t look so tired. He noticed your staring and gave you the side eye. You quickly kissed his cheek before turning and watching the movie again. When you looked at him again he was smiling and poking around his noodles with his chopsticks.
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Dongmyeong: A late night followed a long day of practice. All he wanted to do was sleep, but when he tried a nightmare rocked his world. He got out of bed and went to the kitchen to pace around. You noticed his side of the bed was icy cold and you had no one to cuddle with. Upon hearing his muffled foot falls, you tracked them to the kitchen and found a distraught Dongmyeong. He stopped and stared at you for a while. You picked out some quiet music and began to play it on your phone. Placing your phone on the counter you gesture for him to take your hands. He came closer, grasped your hands, leaned his forehead against yours, and began to dance. You slow danced for a while, feeling his hot breath against your cheek, his warm hands clutching yours, you successfully calmed his nerves. You tilted your head and kissed his cheek.
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Kanghyun: You went out for coffee one morning. He sat and talked with you for a while, excited to share his day off with you. He told about all the things he’d planned, the places he wanted to eat, and filled you in on his upcoming schedule. You stood up and went to get your drinks. Returning to the table you put the warm cups of coffee on the table and bent down to kiss his cheek. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea because the entire rest of the day he’d just be staring at you with adoration in his eyes. It wasn’t until you ended up cuddling on the sofa and watching Disney movies that he finally stopped staring.
“Thank you.” He whispered.
“My pleasure.” You grinned back.
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Cya: He was practicing at home, dancing along to the song. You came in and were overwhelmed with the adorableness in front of you. You tapped his shoulder and when he looked up you pecked his cheek. He stopped for a moment, caught in a fit of giggles.
“Why are you laughing at me?” Your cheeks flush.
“You’re so cute!”he whines when you playful smack his shoulder.
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Dear reader,
Oh my hecka goodness, this request made my heart flutter. Thank you so much for requesting. For anyone else looking to request my rules are right here. Thanks once again. Love you.
- the author
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theluckyshadow · 4 years
Could you do Onewe and Oneus reaction to you having chronic pain? Xx stay safe
As someone who suffers constant pain- nerve damage don’t ask how because idk either- I’m happy to write this. Sorry tho I wasn’t sure how to make it proper reactions so I hope this will do.
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(1) Worrying over you: Leedo, Seoho, Dongmyeong
(2) Asking questions: Cya, Harin, Xion
(3) Checks up on you: Kanghyun, Keonhee, Hwanwoong
(4) Knows when you hurt more or less: Yonghoon, Ravn
(1) It’s not worrying to the point of annoyance he just doesn’t like seeing you in pain and wants to make sure you aren’t hurting.
(2) The questions can vary from being about the pain specifically to your medication (if any) to how you rest. They’d like to know what’s up so they can help you as much as possible.
(3) The check ups are mostly during when it hurts the most. They offer anything you need depending on the pain if they can do something. Ie you want medicine and cuddles they got you.
(4) He knows you so well he’s picked up how to tell when you are in the most and least amount of pain. It’s super helpful especially if the pain acts up in public he can help you out.
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Accidently confessing to them in conversation || ONEWE
My inactivity has been strong I'm sorry y'all :(( just gotta respect the Hussle that is having jobs. I'm trying to write more though! Got a lot of ideas that living rent free just gotta put them into a post and not leave them doing laps in my brain. I also already wrote an entire accidental confession fic for cya you can check my master list its Give Me The Honor!
Pairing: ONEWE x reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: minor swearing, very cheesey, not proof read
Gif credits to rightful owners ✨
So everything was going great
Hanging out at the studio
Initially he invited you over to see if you could help him out on how he should sing their upcoming cover
Kanghyun was out so he couldn't run through it with him
So he asked you
Listening to his voice it's so easy to get lost in it
A love song that made your heart skip a beat when he'd look at you
Your heart was turning into putty
"So how did you like it? Anything I should change? Should I sing lower? Higher?"
"You don't have to change anything really,, your voice is always so romantic. So romantic it has me ready to confess to the boy I like"
You said which quickly regretted as you saw both panic and curiousity in Yonghoon eyes
"You like someone?" Your eyes went wide
He hadn't picked up the courage yet to confess to you so here's his make or break moment
If you didn't like him he'd have his feelings fade away but he just wanted to know if you're friendship could turn into more like he'd hope
With confirmation he's the one you like
You'll never see that man smile more in his life I guarantee you.
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Never have you wished for him to be asleep more in your life
You swear your heart dropped when you found out he heard you
He was laying peacefully at the dorm getting ready to take a nap
He had almost fallen asleep
But then you came in the room and he didn't see who was walking in but he heard your voice
You had come over to drop off food for the members after finding out they hadn't had dinner yet due to being so busy
You saw Harin laying there peacefully getting ready to wake up the tall boy
But he looked so peaceful you didn't know if you should to tell him foods ready
You quietly said to yourself walking up to him
"You're lucky I have a crush on you or else I would be waking you up right now to eat food"
You said with a chuckle ruffling his hair lightly
Your jaw dropped as you saw Harins grin with closed eyes
"I like you too, thank you for being so considerate of my attempt at sleeping. can I still have some food?"
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You and Kanghyun were trying to work on lyrics for a song
Trying to think of cure lyrics for a love song
You decided to mess around and look at pickup lines telling them to Kanghyun for lyric inspo
"If I could rearrange the alphabet to put u and i together I would" you said nudging his shoulder
"Gosh these pick up lines are so bad at this point you're telling me them just to flirt with me"
"Well how else am I gonna win you over?" You didn't realize how flirty that sounded until you saw the redness on his face, ears burning
"Did you just confess? Or are we joking around?" He said with a undetectable tone
"Whichever way you'd like to take it" No going back now
"Well I'll go with the first option and ask you on a date?"
"Sounds like a plan"
Intertwining hands you both felt warm inside
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Hanging out your outfits matched eachother without even planning
"We look like a couple!" He said with a giggle
You giggled omg and tried your best to say "Hopefully we can be to" under your breath as quiet as possible
But he still heard
"Wait for real? Please don't joke with me on this" he said with a small whine
Really turned into Casper (the friendly ghost) there realizing he heard you
All you could do was nod
He couldn't help but laugh
"if you like me so much you should pay for my coffee"
You couldn't even be mad or say no
Because his smile was just so bright
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Self promo for my other fic!!
Same situation basically <3
Go to my master list and go to onewe and read Give Me The Honor!
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luvidzy · 3 years
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➽──❥ Yonghoon
Red Tulips and Hibiscus 
➽──❥ Harin
Beat of the Drum
➽──❥ Kanghyun
➽──❥ Dongmyeong
None yet
➽──❥ Cya
Neighborhood Spiderman
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creambunnie · 4 years
Spring Together 🌸
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ONEWE - Kanghyun ( Kang Hyungu ) , fluff
enjoy ~~
you looked up the tree admiringly as the wind blew lightly on the pink cherry blossoms.
you giggled when a petal dropped on your forehead. you picked it up carefully and adored the beautiful flower.
the beautiful pink flower reminded you of your cute boyfriend, Kang Hyungu🌸 .
you kept the small petal in the book on your lap before scanning the area , looking for your boyfriend's bright blonde hair but he was nowhere to be seen.
you pouted as you opened your book, turning to the last page you stopped at .
instead of wasting time on the park bench, you indulged yourself into your fantasy world.
Hyungu mumbled under his breath in panic as he looked at the time . 5.30pm .
he knew he had a book date with you at 5pm but he didn't notice the time as he was working on his new song.
Hyungu quickly packed his own book and things before rushing out.
Hyungu wanted to text you but his actions were interrupted when his neighbour called his name.
"Hyungu hyung ! can you help me with the guitar part for my song? i have to submit my demo to my music teacher tomorrow for my project. please please this is so important to me.". Giwook, Hyungu's kid neighbour, begged.
Hyungu hesitated for a bit. he didn't want you to wait longer but he also didn't want Giwook to flop his music class.
Hyungu bit his lips and decided to help Giwook first. he didn't think it was going to take that long anyways.
you yawned a little as you closed your almost finished book.
you rubbed your arms to gain some warmth. it was getting a bit darker and the weather was chillier than earlier.
"hmm Hyungu is quite late today..." you mumbled as you yawned again. your eyes were getting heavier. the windy weather was so calming, you started dozing off.
your head nodded a few times before leaning all the way to the left.
you almost fell down sideways on the bench when a hand gently caught your head.
the sudden contact woke you up. you rubbed your eyes before looking up only to be greeted by none other than your boyfriend.
Hyungu gave you an apologetic smile as he sat beside you. he grabbed your hand into his and squeezed it gently.
"i'm so sorry. i know i'm very late. i'm sorry,, ahh you even fell asleep waiting for me!". Hyungu started babbling as he overthinks things.
you put your index finger on your lips, asking him to just be quiet before putting your head on his shoulder.
"i'm still sleepy...". you whispered as you dozed back to dreamland.
Hyungu blinked at your actions, confused for a while before chuckling lightly. he took your hand and left a peck on it before rubbing it with his thumb softly.
as you rested your eyes, Hyungu took out his book and read some pages as he listened to your calm breathing.
after about half an hour, you finally woke up from your nap. you stretched cutely and let out a sigh of satisfaction as you felt refreshed.
Hyungu chuckled at your actions before squishing your cheeks together and leaning in to give your lips a peck.
you cringed at his cheesy move and stood up from the bench quickly.
"let's go eat something!". you suggested.
Hyungu smiled and nodded as he kept his book.
"after naptime, of course it's snack time, right?". Hyungu teased.
you only rolled your eyes playfully and pulled Hyungu up.
"let's go eat~~~ i wanna try some cherry blossom-themed macarons!!!". you chirped as you interwined your fingers with his long ones.
Hyungu only hummed and swayed your hands together gently.
the two of you finally arrived at the cafe that was selling the macarons you wanted to try out.
after ordering , the both of you settled on a table by the window.
"babe.. i still haven't told you the reason i was late...". Hyungu started.
you nodded, encouraging Hyungu to continue.
"i know we had the date today but i really didn't realise the time, and when i was rushing out, giwook asked for a bit of help. i can't say no to him too.. i'm so sorry for making you wait long...". Hyungu explained and held his head down.
you chuckled as you ruffled his sad-looking head.
"it's okay Hyungu,, but next time just inform me okay! i was worried >.< ".
Hyungu gave a small smile and nodded cutely.
your order finally came.
you ordered some cherry blossom themed macarons together with a blueberry cheesecake one and more flavours.
Hyungu ordered some too, including a classic blueberry one and a classic lavender one because, you guessed it, they're purple.
you found it cute that Hyungu even chooses food according to his favourite colour. too cute.
your cafe date was filled with soft giggles as you and Hyungu shared your thoughts about the books each of you were reading.
it may sound boring to others but it was your favourite.
you loved listening to Hyungu's soothing voice sharing about his book, especially if the book was really interesting and amazed him .
Hyungu would have sparkles in his eyes and a big smile plastered on his handsome face.
you enjoyed his loving gaze too when you were sharing about your book.
Hyungu would always unconciously pout slightly and nod as he listened to you attentively. his hands would find yours and rub them softly.
the cafe date was refreshing.
you and Hyungu decided to walk around the town for a bit to spend more time together and enjoy each other's presence.
your height difference with Hyungu was not that great.
your height was just nice for you to lean on his broad shoulder as you wrapped your arms around his arm and strolled along the almost empty streets together.
"beautiful isn't it ? the sky? ". Hyungu asked softly.
you hummed in response as you looked up the starry sky.
"i'm so happy i could witness such a beautiful night with you, Hyungu.". you confessed.
Hyungu chuckled at your cute words and gently pulled his arm out of your grip only to wrap his arm around your shoulders.
Hyungu pulled you closer and pecked the top of your head.
"i hope we could witness more of such beautiful spring nights together in the future, love,".
a/n : heres a fluff for our flowerboy, Kanghyun🌸 hope you guys enjoyed this ~~
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morning love | k.hg
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Synopsis: classes are starting up again, your first class starts earlier than you’d like. thank goodness it’s online… right?
Genre: fluff, established relationship, university au
Characters: Kanghyun x reader
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff
Song rec: Orbit by onewe, star by onewe
Notes: this is for my friend who started class early in the morning :’o good luck bestie<3
Early morning classes can be a pain, unless you’re a morning person or you’re genuinely excited about the class. But who’s normally excited about class? Not you this particular morning. Getting out of bed was a particular problem this morning, curled up next to your boyfriend under the warm covers. Hyungu was unusually cuddly this morning and your early morning class was really getting in the way of your cuddles.
Okay so maybe you were a little late to your class because you were warm, and… well Hyungu’s cuddles were few and far between in the mornings. When you finally rolled out of bed and sat down at your desk for class, you were ten minutes late and Hyungu was trying to get you to come back. He tried to get you to come back, calling for you and stretching his arms out for you.
It was really difficult to stay in class, and pay attention when you’re boyfriend was being so cute and sleepy. But you were paying a lot of money to be here and learn… Hyungu was pouting at you now, it was his day off and he wants cuddles and your professor seems to be depriving him of his s/o. he got up, wrapped in the blanket, Hyungu wrapped his arms around your shoulders. Thank goodness your camera was off because your face would have been so embarrassed. Once class was finally over, you made yourself comfortable next to him. The rest of your day was spent curled up next to Hyungu, ‘making up for leaving him’ with snuggles.
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