#Kaolan x reader
yandere-writer-momo · 1 month
I forgot to post this. Apologies Kengan fans
Yandere Kengan Imagine:
A Shy Smile
Yandere Kaolan Wongsawat x Fem Reader
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Kaolan had always been as calm as still water. His aspiration in life had been to fight the strongest fighter to the death. So why did he feel his resolve falter when his mind wandered to you? Rama’s adopted sister?
You were a delicate woman with a shy demeanor unlike your eccentric brother. You always gave him soft smiles and shy waves, Kaolan thought you were cute.
Despite his stoic exterior, his heart often raced whenever you were within range. His mind often wandered to places it has never been before. Kaolan knew he had a crush on you, you were his type. The type of girl who would never give him a headache or try to control him. The perfect girl.
Kaolan’s gaze always met yours and you’d always shyly look away from him. He knew you must have a crush on him as well… why else would you always go out of your way to greet him?
Kaolan knew how shy you were, so he’d be the one to ask you out. He would be willing to take the first step and what better way than to ask your brother for your hand? Kaolan was the best fighter in Thailand, there was no way Rama XIII would refuse his request.
Rama merely gave Kaolan a knowing smile. “It seems something, or better yet someone, has caught your eye.”
Kaolan simply hummed in response but Rama nodded his head. “Alright then. I know my darling little sister would be in good hands, so you’re welcome to court her if you’d like.”
And court you he did. Kaolan was nothing short of a gentleman despite his stoic exterior. He would bring you homemade meals and bouquets of flowers. It would have been touching if you weren’t so terrified of him. You couldn’t explain it, but Kaolan scared you.
Perhaps it was how expressionless he presented himself to be on the outside to others but how his eyes were filled with so much emotion… you were so scared you’d drown in Kaolan’s eyes if you stared into them.
How were you to know he’d mistake your shy glances of being a crush when in reality, you were just trying to be polite. You weren’t interested in fighters since you wanted an idyllic life… yet your brother and Kaolan had other plans.
“He’s incredibly smitten with you, my darling sister.” Rama smiled at you. “Why don’t you just accept him? You don’t have to be so skittish, Kaolan doesn’t bite.”
You only meekly nod your head. You couldn’t admit that to your brother since Kaolan was his prized fighter. And you never wanted to upset Rama.
Kaolan’s affection is stiff and awkward but you never voiced your discomfort, nope. You only gave him your signature shy smile. A smile that had sealed your fate from the start… that beautiful, shy smile.
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kengan-daddies · 8 months
Which kengan characters do you think likes to hug? How long do they last? Do they usually initiate the hug or do you? Do they give tight hugs or lose hugs ect? You can pick any characters you want but if you could please include Saw Paing, Raian and Wakatsuki that would be great 🙏 thanks
How He Hugs Cosmo Imai Kaolan Wongsawat Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Saw Paing Yoroizuka Wakatsuki Takeshi
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Anime : Kengan Ashura
Characters : Cosmo Imai Kaolan Wongsawat Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Saw Paing Yoroizuka Wakatsuki Takeshi Warnings : Non, all fluff
How He Hugs Cosmo Imai Kaolan Wongsawat Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Saw Paing Yoroizuka Wakatsuki Takeshi
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How He Hugs Cosmo Imai Kaolan Wongsawat Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Saw Paing Yoroizuka Wakatsuki Takeshi
Cosmos Imai
His hugs are honestly 10/10
They have the right amount of tightness, they're warm and comforting
He'll even give a sweet little giggle as he does
His hugs have different time frames, some long some short but they're always warm, tight, and comforting.
Kaolan Wongsawat
His hugs are 8/10
They aren't that tight but they also aren't that comforting but they are warm
He may or may not give a little lecture about PDA but he'll still give you a hug
They're never very long, always pretty brief but warm and full of love
Ohma Tokita
His hugs are 3/10
They aren't even hugs, it's more like he'll just lean into you uncomfortably but it's also pretty cute how he'd loosely wrap his arms around your waist
His hugs aren't hugs but you feel very protected in his loose grip
The only downfall is that he may fall asleep on you, trapping you in an uncomfortable position.
Raian Kure
His hugs are 1/10
He barely hugs he in fact actually likes to tackle you so hugs are pretty uncommon
His tackles aren't enough to injure you but they are enough to make you wheeze at times
At least he sometimes likes to nuzzle into your neck
Saw Paing Yoroizuka
His hugs are 9/10
They're tight, comforting, and full of love
The only issue is that he'll sometimes scream in your ear or he'll hug you too tightly
He'll always loosen up if you ask him to and he'll lower his voice too
Wakatsuki Takeshi
His hugs are 0/10
Hugs with him are non-existent
He won't even lean into you, too scared that he'll hurt you
You wished that he'd do even a little pinky finger on your shoulder but you understood at least he made up by being the best little spoon
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rotdistressxox · 8 days
Could you do some bath/shower headcanons or scenarios of the kengan boys with their s/o. (Could you please include wakatsuki and agito pls🙏)
OOOOH I've been waiting for this one
Kengan Men: Bathing with their S/O
Content: Fluff, Intimacy
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Ohma Tokita
• This man REEKS Escpecially after training. You have to force him to take a shower, there is no other way.
• He's never gotten used to showering, as he used to just bathe in lakes, rivers, and watering holes.
• Prefers cooler showers because of that. Doesn't mind if it's warm, but If it's too hot then he just takes matters into his own hands and turns it down again.
• He can bathe just fine on his own, but he usually drags you in with him just because he can.
• Just seeing his body with water dripping down his sculpted body is MMMMMMM scrumptious. You never miss out on a chance like this.
• Prefers to face you while showering. You usually do your own separate things instead of being all over eachother like washing his hair and back. But sometimes you have to remind him to do things like wash his under his armpits and put conditioner in his hair.
• And he just likes to look at you (oogle at your body nonchalantly). He can get a little handsy at times, but that's because he's curiously admiring you
Lihito / Ichiro Nakata
• He begs you to take a shower with him, or you seduce him into take a shower with you.
• Likes showers on the warmer side. He does work in cold storage, so it makes sense.
• Most of the time it ends it heavy petting and a make out sesh. Or going a little further. It's one of his favorite places to do it anyways....
• "Wash my back for me?" "Is that even a question?"
• Is good at getting the knots out of your hair with his strong fingers. He just really likes how your hair looks and feels when you put conditioner in it.
• Sometimes he just hugs you and holds you in his arms while swaying gently from side to side. You could just fall asleep because of his body AND the water temperature.
• His hair is extremely fluffy when it dries off. He looks like a pomeranian and it's adorable.
Raian Kure
• Prefers to shower alone. That's just how he is. Until you're in the shower alone and he just barges in or sneaks up on you.
• Likes to use the excuse that he's just saving water by showering with you. Like BOY- your dad is paying the bill.
• His showers are HOT, be warned if you ever want to join him in one. Unless you also take hot showers, you're his soulmate then.
• He takes showers when he's angry or upset at something just to let off steam. Sometimes he just drags you in and then [REDACTED]
• Buys you your own shampoo / conditoner / hair oils / etc in his bathroom for you just incase. Until you guys live together that is
• It's the best to cuddle with him right after he showers cause he smells like coconuts and aloe. You can't get your nose off of him and he appreciates the attention very much
• He doesn't take baths, but if he walks in on you taking one the clothes are coming off and he's diving in.
Gaolang Wongsawat
• Another Alone shower-er. He considers showering together to be intimate and romantic. It has to come naturally, he has to be in the mood, otherwise no dice.
• Has the best hair washes, to keep his long hair silky and clean. You don't need to ask twice to use them, what's his is yours.
• Cold showers. But will turn up the temp when you're in there with him.
• Can take care of himself and also take care of you while showering with him. Your back pressed into his chest. Him slowly and sensually scrubbing your skin with a cloth as he kisses your neck.
• Likes to massage your scalp with shampoo, seeing you sigh in bliss as his fingers gently rub and knead your hair.
• Neither of you have to say a word, just look at eachother passionately and feel the water on your skin. My god this man with wet hair is such a turn on.
• Date Night baths. Reserved only for date nights. No other times will he take a bath.
Saw Paing Yoroizuka
• Is also used to bathing in watering holes / lakes as he did in Burma and his village. So you have to teach him shower etiquette. He prefers baths to showers anyways.
• He's always excited for bath time, and will always ask you to join him for one. Makes a pouty face if you say no.
• Warm baths all the way. Cause he's always all fired up anyways.
• Usually talks your ear off, but in a quieter tone of voice instead of his usual yelling. He usually sits on one side while you sit on the other.
• If he's feeling extra cuddly he'll pull you into his back. Maybe give you a back rub as you tend to your hair.
• Onces he's in, he never wants to leave. Same with showers, so you have to figure how to coerce him to come back out.
• Maybe some sweet talking will do the trick, he's like a puppy when it comes to that stuff.
Kanoh Agito
• It is very rare that you'll ever shower with him. Ever. He is very strict when it comes to his whole shower routine. But when that rare chance comes, it comes.
• If you ever shower with him, that means he's feeling extra vulnerable...and I guess you could say passionate.
• When showering with him, he likes to show his companionship to you by washing your body, shampooing and conditioning your hair. Hell he'll even shave your legs, the man is skilled with a razor.
• Showers, then soaks in the tub for maybe 15 minutes. He likes both pretty hot, not as scalding as Raians though.
• Sometimes gets the hot and cold faucets mixed up. The look on his face when cold water rains down on him is *chefs kiss*
• Don't expect anything else to happen though. Shower time is for showering, and bath time is for bathing
• You come out feeling sleepy and relaxed. Like you just had a day at the spa. You fall asleep as soon as you hit the bed, which Agito finds to be fascinating yet attractive.
Wakatsuki Takeshi
• Will either ask you straight up if you want to shower with him. OR make sure you get the hint that he wants you to join him by walking past you in only a towel.
• Nothing makes him more happy than his s/o, naked, and willing to spend time with him even in the shower.
• Shower temp depends on his mood, but let's you decide anyways.
• Takes every ounce of his will not to put his hands all over you. He absolutely adores your body and wants to worship every inch of it.
• Can't take baths in a normal tub because of his muscle mass / density. As soon as he sits down in one the water rises and the floor is flooded.
• Let's you shave his face for him once you're done with everything else. Sits you on his lap and let's you gently scrape away the stubble. Will not let you shave his goatee though. Attacks you with kisses afterwards.
• Draws messages on the steamy mirror for you. Sometimes they're sweet, sometimes they're dirty.
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gojocumdumpster · 11 months
Spending the day with them Ohma,raian,agito, kaolan
(Not ohma for the people who didn’t know) ⬇️
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Spending the day with Ohma would be like:
Well, at first at first you thought he wasn’t going to spend time with you since he always busy training that’s until you heard. “Get up and put some clothes on”
He ends up taking you to an all you can eat buffet the whole table was full of plates I wonder why. You were still on your 1st plate while he was on his 100 3rd plate.
That’s until he went to the dessert bar and saw the ice cream machine. It was about 9inches long and was leaning to the side. (woah pause😭)
Atleast 20 people stared at you guys mostly ohma like y’all haven’t ate in years.
After that he takes you to his personal gym and you guys work out together.
He studies you a lot when you’re not looking but as soon as you look at him he continues with what he was doing.
He’ll even let you sit on his back while he does push-ups.
You guys left and went home to take a shower Ohma wanted to take a shower with you horny ass
he scrubs your back helps you wash your hair and in return you do the same with him
probably got soap in your eye cause of him
You guys putting on matching Pjs and watch Netflix and sleep….
Bakugo 2.0 however you spell his name
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Spend the day with Raian would be like:
You literally had to beg him to stop training and spend the day with you selfish ass he had a attitude about it but gave in cause he loves you. I think..
He wanted to ask if you wanted to workout with him but he could tell what the answer was gonna be no just by the deadly side eye you gave him 👀
He ends up taking you to a park you guys rode those boats you have to peddle he said “leave it to me”.
Next thing you know you almost got whiplashed from how fast we was peddling
On the trail walk/ride he kept complaining about the bugs
He was at least 2 miles ahead of you trying to run from the mosquitoes
He kept scaring children with that gremlin face
At the end you guys went home showered and he was knocked out.
Agito hot dilf
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Spending the day with Agito would be like:
Now this giant teddy bear may look like he acts like Raian but he’s really not well not with his s/o
You guys end up going to the movies together to watch a horror film
He wore decent clothing and you guys headed out you guys went to watch The new Scream movie which you’re scared of. No worries the dilf is here!
You guys got your drinks and popcorn and went to find your seat it was a tight squeeze for Agito cause he’s to thick.
Thank god y’all sat up high cause he would’ve blocked a lot of people. Last time there someone had a problem and I'm sure the Scream movie came to life..
He didn’t think to much of the movie as he thought of it as a joke.
He had a straight face the whole time and was side eyeing you like “What the hell are you doing”
You griped on his biceps as jumpscares were coming.
He was ready to go the moment he saw someone’s popcorn flying. It took so much for him to not grab you and leave.
You asked him if the movie was good and he was looking at you like:
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You guys went home showered and cuddled.
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Spending the day with Kaolan would be like:
He’s probably the best out them maybe
He texted you ahead of time to get ready
Kaolan🫶🏾: Hey honey, get ready at 7:30pm I want to take you somewhere.
Y/n: Okay!!!!
You were done and ready and looked fabulous he had just texted you that he was outside.
You speed walked out the door and saw a Limo with him holding the door. I wish that was me😤
He took you to a fancy restaurant 5 stars he wanted to take your here because it served some of his home country food.
You guys walked in and you expected to be out there but he has made reservations for a private dinner.
You guys already ordered food and it had just came out after a few minutes. He ordered his favorite meal and you ordered Pad Thai noodles. The bill was at least $432
You guys enjoy your night out and head home to bathe each other and watch TV shows…
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bookwormmedz · 2 years
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kengan-daddies · 8 months
It was really funny in the fic "awkward things they do that ruin sex" when Saw Paing would barge in accidentally while reader and Kaolang are doing it. Can you please write a full nsfw fic for that? I wonder if Saw Paing would get embarrassed and apologize loudly or shout out "KAOLANG LETS FIGHT!! also nice cock bro"
LMFAOOOOOO!!!!! I saw this a few days ago and I've been excited to write it ever since, and now we're finally here!!!
Long Awaited Interruption Kaolan Wongsawat X Reader
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Anime : Kengan Ashura Character : Kaolan Wongsawat Warning : Suggested Themes, Humor, Fluff
Long Awaited Interruption Kaolan Wongsawat x Reader
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Long Awaited Interruption Kaolan Wongsawat x Reader
It's been weeks since you and Kaolan last had sex, it was always such a chore to wait for him since he dealt with the prince 24/7, but the time finally came and it was now your chance to embrace one another, to kiss, pulling and tugging clothing off of your forms.
Kaolan was always pent up, seeing as how he spent weeks sometimes even months away from you, but he was always gentle and slow when it came to your pleasure, he wanted you to always feel satisfied. You lay on the bed in your naked glory, your skin glistening in the lamp's soft glow, his hands gently trailing over your waist as he silently worshipped you.
You stared down at him, watching him idolize your body, it was a common sight but you'd never get tired of seeing it, the love and admiration in his eyes for you and you alone. The door suddenly snatched open and you both jumped, scrambling to cover your body.
"GAOLAAAAAN!!!! I HEARD YOU WERE BACK, SO LET'S FIGHT!!!!" He shouted, the usual fire in his eyes as he smashed his fists together. Once he made sure you were fully covered, Kaolan glared over at Saw Paing. "Saw Paing, I'll deal with you later, I'm busy right now." He said as he stood from the bed. Saw looked around him, seeing you bunched up in blankets.
An embarrassed look on your face as you shyly waved at him. He looked over back at Kaolan, his smile widening. "OH!!! GAOLAN!!! YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU WERE HAVING A SLEEPOVER!!! WHY DIDN'T YA INVITE ME!? I'M THE SLEEPOVER PARTY KING!!" He declares as he points his thumb at himself proudly.
Kaolan nearly fell over from the ridiculousness of the whole thing. "No, you dimwit!! I didn't invite you because this isn't a sleepover at all!! Use your brain damn it!! I'm surprised you're not the smartest man in the world considering how well-protected it is." He said annoyed. Saw Paing seemed to think over his words as he looked around the place.
"Hmmmm, not a sleepover eh.... Then what is it?" He asked. Both you and Kaolan looked at him in disbelief. "I'll tell you what it is. It's me getting rid of the cockblock, aka you, Saw Paing." He said before he placed his hands on Saw's shoulder turning him around as he began pushing him out. Saw Paing just looked at him confusedly as he let Kaolan push him out. "Cockblock..... OH, I GET IT NOW!!! YOU GUYS ARE HAVING -"
Kaolan sighed in exasperation as he leaned back on the door, you chuckled as you could still hear Saw's voice through the door. Kaolan rolls his eyes when he hears Saw Paing bidding him farewell and that he had a nice cock. Kaolan rolls his eyes once more as he shook his head in fond annoyance before he walked over to you on the bed. "You do owe him a fight." You said as he pulled the blankets from you. He sighed as he crawled on the bed, his arms wrapping around your waist as he lays his head down in your lap.
"I know, I know. But I'll worry about him later, until then... " he said as he placed sweet kisses over your thighs making you chuckle as you ran your fingers through his hair.
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kengan-daddies · 9 months
I Love You So Kaolan Wongsawat
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Anime : Kengan Ashura Character : Kaolan Wongsawat Warning : Mention of bruises, fluff
I Love You So Kaolan Wongsawat
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I Love You So Kaolan Wongsawat
The sun was setting, casting an orange hue over everything it shined upon, dark shadows could be seen, and pink, purple, and yellow clouds drifted across the sky slowly. The inside of your shared room, was also covered in an orange hue with deep dark shadows, the lamp next to your bed was on, helping to even out the lighting. You were sitting up on Kaolan's back dressed in your golden silky robe, while Kaolan wore matching silky pants. You had a vase of warm oil on the bed next to you, your hands covered in oil, smoothing it over his toned back, pressing on his tense muscles, you can feel where the knots were, pressing into them, making Kaolan give a satisfied moan.
It's been like this for a few minutes now, silent with the occasional groan and moan from Kaolan while you'd sometimes giggle in response. His arms were folded under his pillow, his eyes closed as he seemed to be drifting in and out of sleep. He's been extra busy lately, traveling with Prince Rama to and fro from business deals to meetings. He's even had to get into a few fights along the way, all in the name of Prince Rama, earlier that day, you saw the stress in his eyes and his tense shoulders, so you put it upon yourself to get some of the finest oils you could purchase, specifically for tight muscles, something that'll soothe him.
Being his wife also had some perks, since Kaolan was the Village's strongest warrior and the Prince's right-hand man, he was treated like royalty, meaning you got that same treatment, so it didn't take long for you to find the items you needed to help aid your husband in relaxing. You just had to wait until he finally was able to come to bed, it's been months since you both been in the same room together, traveling from Country to Country while you stayed at home, it was lonely but it wasn't something you weren't used to. Once he came home, and you saw his tense shoulders and stressed stare, you knew you had done right by gathering those items.
Giving Kaolan a massage was just as enjoyable for you as it was for him, you loved doing the act, knowing that it was helping him to relax, helping him to calm down from a stressful week or in this case, months. The feeling of his toned muscles under your palms, as you'd trace the contours of his muscles, following his light scars, remembering some of them as you did. He was such a warrior, it's like he was born to do so, a guardian of sorts. You always told him that he'd make a great father someday, but he'd always shake it off with a small smile. His excuse? 'I don't think so, I don't nearly have the proper emotions to take care of a child, I'm too harsh and cold, I'm distant and I'm not the most emotional.' He'd always say, you could see his points, however you had faith that he'd make an amazing father, call it intuition if you will.
Your hands curved over his shoulders, the back of his neck, and down his sides, slowly coming towards the middle where you'd go up and down, pressing down hard on the knots in his tense back, you were sure that he was asleep by now, he wasn't making as many groans and moans as he was at first when you found a knot, it was more like a muffled grunt at most now. You smiled tenderly, happy that he drifted off to sleep. You stopped your hands, bending down until your lips were next to his ear. "Kao?... Are you sleeping?" You asked in a low voice. He grumbled in response, not saying anything but enough to confirm that he was drifting in and out of slumber. You softly chuckled as you sat back up, reaching over as you gathered more oil into your hands.
You drizzled it over the middle of his back, making a small puddle in the center. You smoothed your hand through the puddle, going up to his shoulders and over his arms, stopping short of the pillow before you went back to the middle of his back, doing it all over again. Your hands went down his sides, pressing down a little harder, looking for any knots, he gave a hard twitch, making you jump in shock as you pulled back, he gave a grunt, his brows twitching as he cracked his eyes open. "Are you hurt?" You asked him, and he nodded his head. "Yes, I took a pretty nasty blow to my side a while back, He had one hell of a kick force." He explained, you looked down at his sides in worry, your eyes scanning until you found it.
It was faded, but you could still slightly see the red of his bruising. You gently rubbed over it, you saw when his muscle tensed from your gentle touch and you pulled back from it. You stared down at it sadly. "I'm sorry, Kao... I didn't know." You apologized, you didn't mean to hurt him. "What are you apologizing for? You weren't the one to hit me, you were helping me, I should've warned you beforehand, but I guess it slipped my mind." He said softly. You sighed as you gently rubbed his back. "I know, I just wish I was more aware of it, but that's okay, as long as you're relaxed, that's all that matters." You said. He gave a half-hearted chuckle as he shifted till he was on his back. "KAO!!! THE SHEETS!!" You cried, he sighed, as he placed his hands on your hips, keeping you in place.
"It's fine, I'll have them replaced." He said tiredly as he rubbed circles on your hips with his thumbs, you gave a defeated sigh, knowing he was right. "You could've at least let me rub off some of the oil before you decided to turn over like that, Kao." You said, as you lay your head down on his chest. He gave a "Hmm" in reply to your words as he wrapped his arms around you. He could hear you fuss at him all day, he just wants to hear your voice, have you in his arms, where he knows you're safe. Your body relaxed against his, as you got comfortable, his heart giving steady beats, calming you. You missed him, you missed having him in bed, having his arms around you, where you know he's relaxed. 'Kao does so much for everyone, he deserves to rest.' You thought, as you snuggled into him.
He opened his eyes, one last time, as he reached over, clicking off the lamp, before he gave a relaxed sigh, you both slowly drifted off to sleep, the room slowly going dark, as the sun completely set over the horizon.
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kengan-daddies · 9 months
I'll Cheer you on, always Kaolan Wongsawat
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Anime : Kengan Ashura Character : Kaolan Wongsawat Warning : Mention of Blood, Injure
I'll Cheer you on Always Kaolan Wongsawat
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I'll Cheer you on Always Kaolan Wongsawat
You were in the crowd, sitting next to Saw Paing in the stands, he was surprisingly quiet, but then again, Kaolan wasn't exactly fighting the strongest guy at the moment. He must've felt insulted, having to fight this little guy, anyone could see that he wasn't a fighter. You'd feel the same, seeing everyone else have a real opponent and then when it's your turn you get this... What a joke.
Earlier, when you were in the changing rooms with Kaolan, you couldn't help but giggle at the slight irritated twitch of his brow. He looked over his shoulder at you once he pulled up his shorts. "What's so funny?" He asked you. You gave him a sweet little smile. "Oh nothing, just you look irritated yet you're trying to hide it, it's just kind of funny you know?" You explained. He turned towards you. "So, my misfortune makes you laugh?" He asked.
You shook your head with a carefree eye roll. "Nooo, your misfortune doesn't make me laugh, it's the fact that this is getting to you, that's what makes me laugh." You explained as you stood up, taking slow steps to him. He watched you for a moment before he sighed. "So you're amused at my irrigation?... Just lovely." He complained. You rolled your eyes at him. 'Such a diva.' You thought you reached over at the bench behind him, picking up his robe. "Listen, instead of seeing this as an 'unfortunate event', try seeing it as a blessing." You said as you adjusted his robe in your hands correctly.
He gave you a questioning gaze. " 'A blessing'?... If anything this is an insult." He said as he held out his arms. You walked behind him, aiding him in putting on his robe, a patient smile on your face as you did, once it was on you smoothed down his shoulders, making sure he looked nice before you hugged him from behind. His hand rested on yours in response. "Think of it like this... Remember when we first met?... You considered that an unfortunate meeting as well remember?... And look at us now. Married for 7 years and going on strong." You said.
Your ear pressed against his back, listening to his faint heartbeat, his back vibrating as he spoke. "Yes, I remember clearly, you were a clumsy sight to see. You fell in front of Prince Rama making him trip and fall, his hand earned a cut from a rock as he caught himself... I wasn't exactly pleased when it happened." He said reminiscing on the past. It was a festival in the village that day. Everyone was happy, dancing, playing, cheering, laughing. It was a joyous day. You were a young adult, hustling and bustling about in the crowd, you always loved the festival, seeing everyone put out their best of everything.
You had just gotten some ice cream, chasing away the heat, you were on your 5th lick, when you suddenly tripped. "OOF!!... OH NO, MY ICE CREAM!!" You cried in vain as you landed on your knees, you crawled forward, trying to salvage what was left of your snack, when something hard kicked into your side, making you and 'it' fall over. "WHOA!!" "OWW!!" You both cried out. You fell on your side, the pain where you were hit was throbbing but not insanely so.
"MY PRINCE, ARE YOU OKAY!? YOU'RE BLEEDING!!" Came a man's voice, your eyes widened as you pulled yourself from your daze, and you looked over, seeing Prince Rama himself getting off the ground, blood on the dirt by his feet, another man stood next to him, he was tall and strong, his hands were gently cradling the Prince's hand as he inspected the wound. The prince waved him off. "I'm fine, Kaolan, no need to fret." He said as he pulled away from him.
You stared on, embarrassed and shocked at the fact that the prince was here... And that you made him trip and get hurt. You were pulled from your thoughts when Prince Rama held his clean hand out to you. "Are you okay, miss? I didn't hurt you, did I?" He asked, you looked up at him and you shook your head. He smiled. "Good, now up on your feet, the ground is no place for a woman to be." He said, you took his hand and he pulled you up.
You busted off your clothes quickly before you straighten up. "Prince Rama, I'm so sorry, please forgive me." You said hastily as you bowed your head. The prince just laughed as he waved you off. "No need for any of that, it's just a little scratch." He said, fanning off your concerns. But the other man, Kaolan, wasn't so lenient about it. " 'Just a little scratch?'... My Prince, your hand has been pierced by a rock!! You need medical attention immediately!!" He said urgently.
You looked over at Kaolan and back over at Prince Rama. "Pierced!? Are you okay, Prince Rama!? You need to see urgent help immediately!!!" You yelled as you stared at him with wide and worried eyes. Prince Rama looked between you both, before he began laughing. "HAHAHAHA!!!! You two act like parents and you don't even know each other!! This is amazing!!" He said joyously. Both you and Kaolan stared at him and before you looked at each other and back at the Prince.
"Come, come!! Let's all go and see a medical professional, and then afterwards we can all go and enjoy the festival together!!!" He said as he placed an arm around your shoulders, pulling you along with him as he walked away. "O-oh!! But Prince Rama, you shouldn't spend the festival with a lady like me, why not with friends and family!?" You spoke quickly and nervously. Prince Rama looked over at you, a smile on his face. "I chose to hang with you, because I like you, your company is simply pleasant." He explained. You stared at him with wide eyes. 'WHAT KIND OF AN EXCUSE IS THAT!?' You thought.
That was 11 years ago, but it felt shorter. Your time with Kaolan and Prince Rama has been very fun indeed, no day was ever the same, especially when Saw Paing was involved. Kaolan sighed. "That day was full of misfortunes, Prince Rama tore open his palm, twice that day, you fell and tripped pretty much the whole day, I nearly twisted my ankle, and Saw Paing decided to come and be a gremlin." He spoke, but he didn't sound annoyed. You chuckled at his complaints. "Yes, but those misfortunes led to our marriage." You said.
He didn't say anything as he gently tightened his hold on your hands. "Yes, that is true... And I don't regret a single misfortune either." He said, as he picked your hand up and he gently kissed it. You smiled as you walked around him, your hand still in his as you came around him. "So, try and not see this as a misfortune, but as a blessing, you never know, you might learn a thing or two from that young man out there, might even become friends." You said.
He stared down at you, the tender gaze in his eyes grew slightly irritated. "As if I'd learn something from him, the only thing he could possibly teach me, is that there is someone more annoying than Saw Paing." He said, as he let your hand go, he walked past you heading to the door. You stared at him before you gave him a mischievous smirk. "I'll be sure to cheer for his success then, since you're oh so confident in your win." He paused, his hand on the handle. He looked over at you. "You wouldn't dare." He said. You placed your hand on your hip. "Try me, go out there with that same mindset, and I will." You said. He grumbled in annoyance. "Your cheers are only reserved for me." He said.
"And Saw Paing." You added. He stared at you for a moment. "Unless he's against me." He said. You rolled your eyes playfully at him. "You have nothing to worry about, I'll always cheer you on, Kao, no matter who your opponent is, whether they're weak or strong, tall or short, handsome or ugly-" "Or sexy?" Kaolan cut you off. You stared at him for a moment before you looked off. "Weeeeeellllll." He gave you an unimpressed stare. You chuckled as you walked over towards him. "I'm kidding I'm kidding!!" You said, reassuring him as you reached up with your hands, cupping his face gently as you pulled him down, giving his cheek a sweet kiss, he smiled in return. "No matter how sexy they are, I'll always cheer you on... Unless it's Ohma Tokita because that man is something else, if we had never worked out, he'd be my third option." You said.
His little smile dropped and he gently pushed your hands off. "I'm done." He said, you laughed at him as he left the room, the door closing behind him slowly. You stood there chuckling to yourself a little longer before you sighed. The door opened again and Kaolan poked his head inside. "Who would be your second option anyway?" He asked. You shrug your shoulders as you simply said. "Saw Paing." He stared at you a little longer before he rolled his eyes. "Of course it would be, come on, I'm about to get called up." He said, as he grabbed your wrist gently pulling you from the room.
You chuckled in your seat, thinking of your interaction in the changing room. Your soul, however, nearly jumped out of your body when Saw Paing suddenly screamed. "GIVE HIM WHAT HE WANTS!!!! GAOOOLAAAANNN!!" He shouted, you placed your hand over your heart as you took a deep breath. 'Scratch that, Saw Paing is now revoked from being the second option to now being the third option.' You thought.
A/N: Never, Saw Paing will always be my first option 💋💕
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kengan-daddies · 9 months
You're my reason Kaolan Wongsawat
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Anime : Kengan Ashura Character : Kaolan Wongsawat Warning : Mention of bruises and death, slight angst
You're My Reason Kaolan Wongsawat
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You're My Reason Kaolan Wongsawat
You were sitting in the hall, a worried look on your face as you stared down at Kaolan's restful and bruised face. Your fingers twirled around one another, deep in thought. 'I know he's fine, he's not dead, but I'm still worried. I can't help but, to be worried... The love of my life is unconscious, he's probably in pain and there's nothing I can do about it.' You thought as you stopped twirling your fingers, opting to grip your clothing instead. Kaneda has been by Kaolan's and your side for the longest time now, you found that sweet of him, and you thanked him from the bottom of your heart.
Together you both bandaged him up, while Hanafusa stuck an IV in his arm, pumping some painkiller into his system and once he deemed it enough, he pulled the IV out, gave him a bandage, and went about his merry way, leaving you and Kaneda to care for him. Kaneda placed an Ice pack on Kaolan's forehead, and you held it there, your hand as hurting from the cold, but you didn't care. 'As long as he's alright, I'll freeze my hand off a million days.' You thought in determination. Kaneda stared at you from the shelves, he was busy grabbing towels, he gave you a kind smile, seeing the small efforts you put into Kaolan's health.
"Man, seeing you and Kaolan together, reminds me of my parents, hell you guys make me wanna get married." He said with a chuckle. You gave him a kind smile. "I'm sure you will, Kaneda, just give it time, I'm sure any woman would love to be your wife, you're a lovely young man." You said. He blushed at your words as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. "Ahahah!! You're so kind!! Thank you so much, I'll keep your kind words in mind." He said kindly as he slightly bowed to you in thanks. You lightly chuckled at him. "There's no need to thank me, I was only being honest really." You said. The sound of groaning caught both your and Kaneda's attention as you both looked over at Kaolan. "Ugh." You both smiled at him, happy tears in your eyes.
"So you're finally awake huh?" Kaneda asked. Kaolan didn't sit up from his resting place, as he slowly dropped his good arm over his eyes. He seemed upset and your heart went out to him in worry, but what could you say? 'It's okay, you'll get him next time? Don't worry Kao, you did your best?' What could you say, no matter what you say, it wouldn't make the situation any louder. You gently rubbed your hand over his arm, being careful to not hit his bruises. Kaneda walked over to the vending machine, it was silent, the only sound that could be heard was Kaneda putting a coin in the machine, and the thumping of the can. Kaolan suddenly spoke up.
"Suekichi Kaneda." He said, he sounded breathless, Kaneda looked over at him in question as he grabbed the can from the vending machine. You stared down at Kaolan, waiting for him to speak. "I would be... I would've died right?" He asked. Your heart clenched, while Kaneda answered immediately, walking over with the can as he did. "Yes, he had enough time to keep attacking from when the referee stopped the match until he stepped in to break it up." Kaneda simply answered. Your mind raced at that revelation, it hadn't dawned on you that that could've been the outcome, your gut twisted with worry and panic at the thought of it. 'Kaolan could've... died?... They wouldn't've let that happen, right?' You thought.
Kaneda continued to speak. "We have footage from 32 of his previous matches. 8 of those matches he had the opportunity to keep attacking his opponent, just like this one, including the first match from this tournament, makes 9 total. Out of those 9 matches, there were 6 in which he kept attacking. Out of those 6 fighters, 4 of them died." He explained, your eyes widened and fear gripped at your throat. You knew it was a possibility that he could've died, there's already been a fighter who lost his life multiple matches ago before Kaolan's first match. The thought of Kaolan being that close to losing his life, made you want to leave the area... it was too heavy... it was too real. You silently stood up.
Kaneda looked over at you in question, but Kaolan kept his arm over his eyes, you stared down at him a little longer, knowing that he wouldn't stop fighting after this... there was nothing you could say to stop him from doing so... so you walked away. You were angry, you were scared. You'd probably yell at him, maybe even slap him, and you didn't want to do any of that, so you just walked away down the curving hall, your arms around your body as you thought over Kaneda's words. You wanted to leave the building, but you also wanted to sit alone somewhere, maybe even walk around the venue... you didn't know anymore... You saw a bench out in the hall, the cushion looking inviting, and you needed a place to sit for a while.
You sighed as you sat down, seeing no harm in resting in the area for a moment. You sat down, feeling heavy... you almost felt bad for storming off the way you did, but you couldn't help it... you felt hopeless, helpless... You wouldn't be able to stop him, no matter how hard you tried, he'd ignore you, in favor of his passion... and you couldn't be angry with that, he was following his dream... You just wished he'd be more careful at it. You sighed once more. "I wish Saw Paing was here... He always makes me feel better." You said aloud to yourself, but you knew that Saw Paing wasn't in the best of moods right now, he was in a depression, and you didn't know how to comfort him. He was usually so loud, so happy... seeing him like that... made your heart ache.. You couldn't help your friend either it would seem...
The sound of grunting, shuffling and Kaneda's voice could be heard coming down the hall. You looked over, seeing shadows. You already knew it was Kaolan and Kaneda, so you sat there and waited. You watched as Kaolan rounded the wall, he was leaning against it, as he limbed, while Kaneda held his side, in his other hand he held Kaolan's drink.
"I need to find her... I need to make sure she's safe." Kaolan said, your heart fluttered at his words. 'Even when he's injured he was thinking of my safety.' You thought. "I'm sure she's fine, I don't think anyone would even think about touching her." Kaneda reasoned, worried for Kaolan. You smiled at kaneda's words, he was such a sweet man. Kaolan looked up, and he stopped, seeing you, sitting there, safe and sound. He gave a small smile at seeing you, as he seemed to gain speed in his limp. You chuckled at the sight as you stayed seated, seeing Kaneda scrambling in trying to keep up with Kaolan as to make sure that he didn't fall. "There you are... I was worried.... about you." Kaolan said.
As he got close enough to you, he stumbled, his leg giving out under him. You jumped up and you ran towards him, arms outstretched as you reached out to him, ready to catch him. He fell forward into your arms, his weight making you both crumble to the floor. You ran your hands through his hair, while your other hand ran over his back and shoulder, his head laid comfortably against your chest, as his arms wrapped weakly around your waist. "Please... Please don't... Don't leave me." He weakly said, his voice muffled by the clothes on your chest. You chuckled at him. "You silly man... I would never do such a thing... I'm upset, but I'm not angry." You said softly. "I fight... For you... I train... For you... I obtain bruises... For you... It's all for you, (Y/n)... You're my reason." He said, his arms weakly tightening around you.
Tears gathered in your eyes as you held him tighter to you. You knew this, you believed this... and yet... This was the first time he ever spoke of it. You gave a broken chuckle at his words. "I know.... I know Kao...Thank you..." You said. Kaneda stood back, a smile on his face as he observed you two. 'Man, I really hope to find a wife like her someday.' He thought, as he held Kaolan's drink in his hand.
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rotdistressxox · 3 months
Headcanons: Kengan Men Falling in Love with you / Confessing
P.S. Gaolangs' is a little long I know...sorrryyyy
Ohma Tokita
• Had no idea what the hell love was. He's rarely experienced attraction, but love ?
• Meets you, immediately gets a smile on his face because he appeared behind you and saw how cute you looked when you got startled by him.
• You were working for Kazuo when you two met. Right before the Annihilation tournament.
• At first, he'd be the one teasing you because of how jittery you were around him. But that changed as soon as you got to know him.
• Ohma was a good looking, strong willed, yet thoughtful man. You admired him with all his flaws included. You fell in love when you two accidentally made eyecontact after he had one a fight. He gave you a smirk and all you could do was feel the heat rise to your face.
• What's this? His heart beats faster when he's near you, he wants to be with you 24/7. Can see a future with you?
• Kazuo tells him it's love.
• Yup it's love.
• Niko, a passionate lover of women, failed to elaborate what love was to him. So he goes to Kazuo for answers.
• Is very conflicted on what to do. He doesn't want to picture a life without you, but also confused about what you think of him.
• He confesses first, albeit in his own unique way. Aka you and him were teasing eachother and he accidentally admits that he wants a future with you.
• You, feeling the same way, ask him to close his eyes. He obliged, and you took that chance to kiss his bruised cheek. Also admitting that you felt the same way
• Never been happier in his life. Now its his turn.
• "Can I do something?" You nod. He pulls you in by your waist and kisses your lips as best as he can.
• Not bad for his first kiss, not bad at all.
Lihito / Ichiro Nakata
• Love at first sight kinda guy. Can't help it
• Sees you and is immediately head over heels, face first in the ground, on his knees pleading in love with you
• One sided, you hardly know this dude and are taken aback by his strong advances.
• He doesn't give up on you, takes every chance to flirt ask you out, compliment you
• He eventually notices that he's not as attracted to other women anymore, seems like he's got his sights set on you.
• You can't help but also fall in love with him after a while. He's such a dork. Always excited to see you, always thinking of you. You can't help but sigh and accept your feelings
• You see him change his approach to flirting, instead of coming off strong he comes off more sincere.
• You accept when he asks you out on a date
• End of the date. It seems he's planned this whole thing out very thoughtfully. You had a genuinely good time and felt your heart skip a beat when he looks at you with a smile
• He confesses first, but he knows what he's doing this time. Holding your hand with a blush on his face, he lists everything he admires about you.
• You interrupt him, ready to cry at how well that pulled on your heart strings. You confess as well.
• There's a moment of soft silence between the both of you.
• He picks you up and spins you around while joyously laughing. You hug him back as he spins you. Nothing in your life ever felt quite as right as this.
Raian Kure
• Enemies/Rivals to Lovers.
• You were a family friend of the Kures and Erioh had offered to train you. Both you and Raian were in your mid-teens
• You two couldn't STAND eachother. Constant bickering over who was the better fighter. He threw insults and you threw them back
• Sometimes your insults were so good they impressed him. He caught himself smiling sometimes when you two had a screaming match. Damn, you were good.
• You developed feelings first, maybe a year after you two met.
• As you two got older, Erioh saw the bond between you and hounded Raian to make you his S/O.
• Erioh made him realize his feelings.
• Raian got noticeably more protective of you while also getting on your nerves. It confused you at first.
• The whole family knew about your dynamic with Raian at this point, even Karura supported you guys getting together
• After several years, you two were adults and STILL weren't together
• As you two were bickering while sparring as per usual, one thing lead to another and-
• "I love you, you fucking idiot" "I love you too you shit sniffing douchebag"
• You had him pinned down, both panting as you finished your thoughts to eachother. Starring at eachother while sweating
• Grabs the back of your head and smashes his lips onto yours. One kiss turned into a rough makeout session, the two of you fighting for who got to be on top. It lasted an hour before the both of you said anything to eachother. Afterall, you guys had years of romantic tension.
• With his lips swollen, neck covered in bite marks, he gives you a teethy smile. "About fuckin' time we said something, huh?"
Gaolang Wongsawat
• You write and run an extremely popular article/blog about the latest and greatest fights and fighters.
• You're well respected among the community, let's say that.
• You hear about the Thai God of War, it piqued your interest so you book a flight to Thailand to see the heavy weight boxing championship.
• King Rama spots and instantly recognizes you. Calls one of the security guards to bring you over to the Royal Suite viewing area.
• Wants you to meet Gaolang and exchange numbers so you can write an article about him. Something about it bringing more tourists. I mean, that was your plan in the first place.
• After the fight is over, King Rama escorts you to the locker room. And there he is, sitting on a bench with a towel over his shoulders. Sweating, but not harmed like his opponent. You have to tell yourself not to stare too much.
• King Rama introduces you, Gaolang nods and agrees to meeting up at the palace so you can interview his properly. Long story short, you have his number now.
• A day after, you and him stroll in the royal gardens. You scribble things down in your notepad about him, but half of the time you're admiring how handsome he looks.
• Of course you catch feelings first.
• His voice makes you weak in the knees, and the way he says your name makes you wanna turn into a puddle.
• The interview was a success, the two of you say your goodbyes.
• You text him a thank you, and he responds with "It was a lovely experience chatting with you. I hope to read your article soon". Major butterflies as you slide down in you plane seat.
• Another texts appears as soon as you land- " Will you coming back to Thailand for any other fights? "
• Is this what you thought it was? You responded with a "maybe, it depends"
• Things escalated from there, weeks later you've booked another flight back to Thailand to see him fight again. And then again just to see him. Soon he was paying for your flights. You stayed for weeks on end.
• It started more as a fling, he felt attracted to you the more you texted him.
• He is a certified yearner. Every second you weren't around he was thinking about you.
• It was your last day in Thailand before heading back. He had taken you to a private beach to spend the remainder of your time together. You both were in the water as the sun set in the distance.
• He held you up against him while your legs wrapped around his hips. Holding onto your thighs tightly while your arms were secured around his neck.
• "You mean everything, stay here with me. I don't think I can bear the thought of you leaving again" he mumbled into your lips breathlessly.
Yoroizuka Saw Paing
• You are an aspiring artist looking to explore the villages in Japan. Hoping to capture the essence of them and learn their cultures.
• You heard of The Village of Dawn in Kyushu, and ventured out into the mountains.
• You found it with the power of sheer will, it was actually pretty easy since you started to hear something like battle cries coming from within the forest.
• The people were quick to accept you, they honored your cause and learning the culture. The Chief lead you around, showing you various traditions.
• "SHAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" A voice boomed, almost shaking you off your feet. The Chief chases after you as you go off in the direction of the voice
• There he was, harshly swinging his head into plates of pure stone. You had never seen anything quite like it. The Chief introduces him as Yoroizuka Saw Paing, the villages' representative fighter.
• Saw Paing turns around with an unyielding smile, and a big red spot where he'd headbutt. You knew from the start that he'd most likely be the subject of your painting.
• He is overjoyed to see a person from the outside care about his village and people. Thinks what you're doing is awesome.
• You eventually get used to his loud voice and personality as you follow him around, sketching his various poses and facial features.
• He catches feelings first. He's never gotten this much attention from a someone before.
• "Hey (Reader) watch this!" "(Reader) look what I can do!" Saw really likes showing off for you, like a lot.
• Keeps you in the back of his mind when training, and it only makes him smile more.
• He is so dumb, but so lovable. Just thinking about his big dumbness in general makes you kick your feet and squeal into a pillow
• It's the day of one of his fights, he vows to fight for his village and for you.
• He hears you cheering him on, and that only fires him up more.
• Of course he wins. He leaps out of the ring and runs straight to you, sweeping you off your feet. Infront of the whole crowd, he kisses your lips with a fiery passion of what was to be expected of the strongest Lethwei fighter the world had seen.
Kanoh Agito
• Has never experienced attraction or love for anybody or anything (besides hot baths)
• Katahara Metsudo hired you as a body guard, that's when he met you. It was rare for him to hire bodyguards, as that wasn't his usual way of finding protection.
• Didn't think much of you at first, like he did with all the other people he meets unless they impress him in some way.
• If you're a woman, he'd expect you to be more 'fragile'. He hasn't really seen a female fighter before.
• Either way, you unknowingly prove yourself to him by saving Sayaka from assailants. Your moves were swift and precise, and you were able to defeat them without leaving a huge mess.
• Not only that, but you showed no fear when it came to him. The other body guards remained wary and cautious around him, while you didnt seem to care.
• You treated him like a human. Which was new coming from someone he didn't consider family.
• As a man of few words, he felt like he could have real conversations with someone. He opens up about his past, like the human Gu ritual.
• He gets his first hug ever from you. And he, awkwardly, tries to return it.
• For a few days, he thinks about what happened between the two of you. He tells Metsudo about how he feels around you. Metsudo laughs "Well then, tell (Reader) everything you told me"
• He avoids you for a while, which leaves you a bit conflicted and hurt because you really did care about him.
• He finally pulls you aside and repeats what he said to Metsudo. "I have a...strong regard for you"
• You laugh and he gets confused. "So you're saying you love me then?" You tilt your head.
• Love. That's the word. Love. He nods while humming. You smile at him, you never really considered him as a love interest. But that could definitely change. "Then say it, say it with no fear. There's nothing holding you back"
• Now that he had the words, he breathed deeply and looked you in the eyes. "I...love you"
Wakatsuki Takeshi
• The two of you met at the training gym most Kengan fighters frequented. You were new so he kept a close eye on you.
• You asked him for a spot on the squat rack, which he happily obliged. You were clearly experienced and didn't seem to need a spot with how easily you lifted without failing.
• From then on, it was small conversations here and there. Small greetings then going on with training.
• He garnered a very small crush because of how dedicated you were to coming and working on yourself.
• Honestly, he started getting distracted. Even when he was bench pressing 1000 pounds he zoned out while looking at you.
• Dropped a weight on Okubos foot while watching you practice striking a punching bag.
• He wanted to get to know you more, so he asked for you to be his part time Gym buddy. Of course he couldn't replace Okubo, he'd be heart broken.
• You couldn't keep up with him when it came to weights, but he could definitely jog with you and teach techniques when it came to fighting.
• Lihito and Okubo watch him closely as his usual mature and tough personality clearly was absent when he was with you. "You leaving us bro?" "Don't tell us you're in love!"
• Wakatsuki didn't care what the others thought. No one had ever made him feel this way, especially at his age.
• Asks you out on a date. You had such a deep admiration of him, so you accept. You could definitely see yourself with him.
• One date lead to another, then another, then another. People thought you were official, but nothing had ever been said between you two about becoming a thing.
• He was so nervous, way more nervous then when a fight was about to start. He almost sweat through his nice dress shirt while you sat accross from him, talking about whatever. Today was the day he wanted to ask you the question.
• He'd completely crushed and bent the silverware in his grip like it was tin.
• Quite literally shaking, he loosened his collar and bit the bullet. "I knew from the first day I saw you that I couldn't love anyone else the way I love you" he swallowed. "Please, be mine"
• Your heart lept out of your chest. His golden-brown eyes looking into yours, pleading for a response.
• "Of course I will" You placed your hand on his.
• His shoulders visibly untensed. He took your hand in a gentle hold and kissed your knuckles repeatedly, his way of thanking you.
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kengan-daddies · 8 months
I saw someone else write something similar but I'd love to hear your take on this prompt; "awkward things kengan characters do that ruin the mood during sex" You can pick any characters you want but please include Wakatsuki if you can.
LOL!!! This is gonna be fun.
How He Kills the Mood Cosmo Imai Jun Sekibiyashi Kanoh Agito Kaolan Wongsawat Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi
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Anime : Kengan Ashura
Characters : Cosmo Imai Jun Sekibiyashi Kanoh Agito Kaolan Wongsawat Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi
Warning : Mention of - slapping, spitting, spanking, choking, biting, degradation, hair pulling, scratching, oral, breeding, gentle sex, bruising
How He Kills the Mood Cosmo Imai Jun Sekibiyashi Kanoh Agito Kaolan Wongsawat Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi
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How He Kills the Mood Cosmo Imai Jun Sekibiyashi Kanoh Agito Kaolan Wongsawat Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi
Cosmo Imai
Playing too much and then getting distracted until he pretty much loses his hard-on.
He'll be too busy playing around, fake punches to your pussy, playing with your breasts like it's jello, squishing your thighs, and acting like his hands are little people as they bounce up and down. You'll keep on trying to get his attention, you'll stroke his cock, get him back focused, play with your clit, and help him guide his fingers into your pussy, but no matter how much you try, some days are more difficult than others to keep his attention and then before you know it, he's lost his hard-on and he's busy exploring your body, playing and goofing off.
He doesn't always do that, some days he's very focused especially when he's pent up or just having a major adrenaline rush.
Jun Sekibayashi
Calling out wrestling moves while he plows you.
Jun is an older man and he's more practiced in the act, he knows how to please you and how to get focus on the matter at hand, but he'll sometimes mess with you, shouting out weird ass wrestling moves that either actually exist or just some random bullshit that he made up at the moment, you'll bust out laughing at the random shouts as he'll pretend to drop an elbow on your back, or when he slaps your ass.
He'll yell out some weird shit when he getting ready to thrust in, making you roll your eyes in annoyed fondness. It was weird and it didn't always ruin the mood, but most of the time it did. It wasn't a normal occurrence, he was usually more in the mood but sometimes he liked to dick around.
Kanoh Agito
Asking weird-ass question
Agito is a sweetheart, he really is, he enjoys the act as a whole, but he also doesn't understand some things and he'll ask you questions like you knew the damn answer to them. "Why does the clitoris, when stimulated, make you cum?"... "Why does your vagina clench when you're feeling pleasured?".... "Why are the nipples stimulus for pleasure?"... "Do all women have this thing call, 'A G-spot'?". You'd roll your eyes, head propped up on your hand as you lay on your stomach, legs gap as you feel him picking around back there.
"Why does my cock pulse?"... "Why is semen white?"... "I understand sex, but I don't understand why certain things work the way they do." ... It was an eye-rolling experience, you wished that he'd ask these questions when ya'll weren't in the middle of the damn act. Kanoh wasn't unknowledgeable when it came to sex, he knew the basics of it all, but he just couldn't comprehend certain things was all.
He didn't always flood you with questions, sometimes he'd get down and dirty with the deed and will be focused on you and himself, but he gets his days when he does.
Kaolan Wongsawat
Having Saw Paing bust in
Kaolan had no issues in the bedroom, he was perfect, ready for the task at hand, prepared to pleasure you and himself, but the only issue is his added package, Saw Paing Yoroizuka. Honestly, if you knew that a monthly check-in was regular for him, you would've made the most of it every time you had sex. And what makes it worst, and that it's random monthly check-ins. He never does it on the same day, it's always random as hell and totally unexpected, but it's extremely rare when it's during sex, but that was the only mood killer surrounding Kaolan.
Having Saw bust in, asking for a fight at the top of his damn lungs will always scare the mood out of you, you'd be too paranoid that he'd come back in again, so Kaolan will be forced to have blue balls.
Kiryu Setsuna
Shouting Ohma's fucking name like he's actually here, like what the fuck?
He'd always have you in doggy style, face down and silent, not wanting you to ruin the illusion that he was under as he'd call Ohma's name over and over again or he'd have you plow him from behind with a strap-on if you're a woman and with your own dick if you were a male. But he'd always be shouting and screaming Ohma's name like the man was actually here.
It was already a mood killer the moment he comes in with his big ass Ohma plushy, like where the fuck did he even get that shit from, the man's origin is unknown and he's already got a damn plush? It makes it worst when he has the toy facing him, wether you're in doggy style or you're behind him.
Ohma Tokita
Honestly, just him taking it as a challenge to see who can either cum the fastest or who can last the longest.
He didn't always do it, he was usually pretty chill, hitting it from the back real good, having you gushing pussy juice and slobbering everywhere while you be dick-drunk off him, but somedays he'd just transform on your ass.
He'll just suddenly go picking up speed, muttering to himself, talking about some crazy shit with his imaginary dead-ass father figure, and honestly the moment you hear that muttering, you already knew what time it was, he was gonna be on that bullshit. You'd roll your eyes, preparing yourself to either enjoy it or just have a quicky. He'd either start giving deeper, longer, harder thrusts or he'd give shorter faster ones. You preferred the deeper, longer, harder ones because you were guaranteed to cum, but the quick ones were just as good... only when you were already close.
Raian Kure
Just being a damn brute of an asshole
You're already prepared for a rough time because that's just who he was and you honestly loved it, but sometimes, he just does too much. The name-calling is cool. Degradation. The hair pulling, scratching, slapping, and choking are also accepted. Masochist. Spitting, biting, and licking was also welcomed. Claiming. Pumping you full of cum was always a guaranteed result so that was already a given. Breeding. That was all a package deal.
But sometimes, he'd get a little too rough. The name-calling would get ridiculous. "Fish-smelling bitch, hairline damn near close to the back of your neck, saggy titty bitch, neck wrinkle game strong today." The 'abuse' would be too rough. Slapping you so hard you feel like your asscheek busted, pulling your hair so hard you hear it rip, the scratching a little too deep for your liking, and the choking almost fucking murderous. The spitting was just downright disrespectful, the biting so deep you think he has watched some damn Baki and was trying to pull a Pickle, and the licking was okay honestly.
Honestly, if he already fucks up with the name-calling, then he is already done for the day because you knew for damn sure that your hairline is not that damn bad, and your neck isn't wrinkly and your titties ain't that saggy.
Rei Mikazuchi
Just being too much of a bitch to handle pussy.
He could usually do pretty good, he was pretty normal, aside from the part that somedays he was more needy and whiny than others, and the moment he enters you and god forbid the moment he sees your pussy he cums on the spot, it was rare but it wasn't nearly exotic enough to where it was uncommon.
Most days he's okay, but he's had too many moments when he's been like that. On days like those you'd just give him a lap dance and call it a day because he'll cum in his pants and then he'll go to sleep.
Saw Paing
Literally screaming your ear drums out or just thrusting too damn hard till it hurts.
Saw was usually pretty tamed during sex surprisingly, he'd usually be more relaxed and quiet, but sometimes he'd get a little too excited. Screaming so loud your ears ring or just thrusting so hard till it just hurts too much.
You'd have to try and calm him down, and most times it worked but somedays he'd just be too railed up, you'd have to push him off and either finish him off orally or tell him to beat his damn meat because you only got one pussy bitch.
Seishu Akoya
Literally just too rough at times
Akoya could be chill when having sex, he can be relaxed and sensual. he knows how to please you, he knows how to give you pleasure, but somedays, he can just be too rough. His grip on your waist is so tight till it feels like his damn fingers are gonna bust the skin, he'd press down on your back so hard you think he gonna literally break it, his chokes are a little too extreme you think your neck is gonna snap from his grip.
Honestly, he was a ride-or-die type of motherfucker, you can never tell when he's gonna be too rough or just right, but one thing will always be sure, he had some good dick game.
Sen Hatsumi
Literally just too damn lazy or not serious enough.
Usually, he knew what to do, if you wanted to get pleasured in ways unimaginable, than Sen was your man, but he was just too damn lazy. However, he wasn't always that lazy, he had the work and the skills, he knew what he was doing, and sometimes he'd do all the work, but most times, you'd have to do it yourself. You have to rub your own clit, finger yourself, get yourself ready, ride him, even pull your own damn hair, it was a shame really. Or he just wasn't serious enough to actually focus on the task at hand.
He'd be too busy focusing on something, his dick barely getting hard enough to actually do anything with it, at least his eating game was always strong.
Wakatsuki Takeshi
Too scared to do anything
Sex was extremely rare with him, and understandably so, but whenever you do have sex, it is always so slow. It was never quick, rough, exciting.. nothing. You loved the man, he was sweet,, but he was just too slow. His fingering was heaven-sent, his fingers so damn thick, but it was slow, his foreplay was yawn-worthy, even a damn sloth would've been climbed down a tree and back up again. It was a strange yet pleasurable thing.
His foreplay was so gentle that sometimes you'd actually go to sleep, you'd feel bad when you'd wake up in an hour or two, but he'd sometimes be sleep too or he'd be off training somewhere. Most days you'd have to take the lead, but he wouldn't touch you on those days, leaving you wanting more, at least the dick was good.
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kengan-daddies · 8 months
There was a funny OPM fic where different characters accidentally saw the readers "silicone meat" in the shower and the difference reactions they would have. Can you please write this but for kengan Ashura characters?
LMFAOOOOO!!! Okay, now this is an interesting ask.
The 'Silicone Meat' Incident
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Adam Dudley
He's lowkey upset about it.
He feels like he's being replaced by some fake shit.
And don't let it be bigger than his own dick, he'd be furious.
Cosmo Imai
He's happy-go-lucky about it and he's curious
He wants to see how you use it and how it works
it's silicone so he wants to see how you'd get pleasure from something so soft.
Jun Sekibayashi
He'll tease you with it.
He'll compare it to his own dick size and would make a whole scene with it.
He'd want to use it to give you anal stretches.
Kanoh Agito
He won't know how to respond to it.
He'll want to do research on it.
He would want you to take him shopping so he can see more different types.
Kiryu Setsuna
This fool would steal it.
He'd use it on himself and would refuse to give it back.
He'll use it till it just breaks and then he'll give it back.
Kaolan Wongsawat
He'll be a blushing mess.
He'd get something to pick it up and would hand it to you like it's a pad or something.
He'd be curious as to why you'd need it when you had him.
Ohma Tokita
He wouldn't care.
He would throw it on your bed and would tell you to keep up with your shit.
if he sees it again he'll throw it away.
Raian Kure
He'd be a total dick about it and he'll show everyone in the Kure household.
He'd be like the bully in an elementary class and he'd hold it high above his head.
He would totally use it during sex.
Rei Mikazuchi
He wouldn't know how to react to such an object.
He'd wonder if he was enough for you.
He would go out of his way to purchase you all types of toys to help satisfy you from now on.
Saw Paing Yoroizuka
He would probably play with it like it's a toy.
Wave it around like it's some kind of weapon.
He'd probably even ask if you would want to show Kaolan this too.
Seishu Akoya
He'd throw it away.
He would claim that it's tainted and that it wasn't good for you.
He would forever check for another one.
Sen Hatsumi
He'd get freaky with it real quick.
He'll buy you all kinds of toys.
He'll be so excited to get extreme in the bedroom.
Wakatsuki Takeshi
He wouldn't mind.
He would figure that you wouldn't be satisfied with his grandpa speed thrusts.
He would even offer to buy you another one if it ever broke.
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kengan-daddies · 8 months
Which kengan characters do you think have a high or average or low libido? Anyone with a libido level thats unexpected for that character!?
Ooooh!! A libido question, these are always fun yet hard to answer, especially for Kengan characters seeing as how they all have pretty high testosterone levels, but there are a few that I can pick out pretty easily, so let's give it a whirl!!
His Libido Level Cosmo Imai Jun Sekibayashi Kaolan Wongsawat Konah Agito Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Yoroizuka Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi
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Anime : Kengan Ashura
Characters : Cosmo ImaiJun Sekibayashi Kaolan Wongsawat Konah Agito Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Yoroizuka Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi
Warning : Mention of breeding kink, Periods, Dominance, older girlfriend
His Libido Cosmo ImaiJun Sekibayashi Kaolan Wongsawat Konah Agito Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Yoroizuka Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi
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His Libido Cosmo ImaiJun Sekibayashi Kaolan Wongsawat Konah Agito Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Yoroizuka Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi
Cosmo Imai
Quite a bit actually, he's young so he's always pretty ready to have some good sex, and if you're older than him then he'll be even more excited. He's usually ready to try new things so the mention of a new position, toy, clothing, etc is enough to get him in the mood.
Jun Sekibayashi
He's got a normal amount, he's an older man so his libido is pretty slow and it's random when he can go three rounds. He'd either do one round or he'd do three.
Kaolan Wongsawat
He's got a reasonable amount, but he's so disciplined that it's almost like it's low but he can go a decent amount of rounds. He's usually busy with the prince so even if he wasn't disciplined it would still be almost non existent.
Konah Agito
His libido is practically non-existent, he knows what sex is, he knows the importance of it but he doesn't understand the concept of just having sex just to have it. He'll have sex when he deems it fit to do so. You're more angsty than usual, you're just about to either start or end your period, or he needs to express his dominance.
Kiryu Setsuna
It's extremely high, it's off the charts when Ohma is involved in some form of way. It doesn't take much for him to get a raging boner just from the thought of Ohma, so he'll keep you pretty busy.
Ohma Tokita
It's pretty low actually. He doesn't care to lay around and have sex, too busy trying to get stronger, better, and faster to lay around and have sex, but when he does he can go a round or two.
Raian Kure
It's off the chart, mainly when he's got no jobs, nothing to train for, and no Ohma to mess with, then he'll be constantly prodding you to have sex, and it can be anywhere. He's even worse if you've yet to get pregnant
Rei Mikazuchi
It's pretty high, he's a heartless romantic and he's always determined to express his love for you in any way possible, and if that means through constant sex because it speaks more than his mouth ever could then so be it.
Saw Paing Yoroizuka
It's surprisingly pretty tamed, it's not crazy high or low, he has sex with you when the moment is right, one of you is horny, or he's got an adrenaline rush, other than that he's too busy protecting the Village, bugging Kaolan for a match or he's training.
Seishu Akoya
His is strange, he either has a very high libido, or he just ain't got one. It depends on what's going on honestly. If he feels the need to express himself through sex then he will, if he's having an adrenaline rush then he will, if he's trying to distract himself from his killer impulse then he will. It's never constant though simply because he's always off fighting for 'Justice'.
Sen Hatsumi
It's pretty high, he loves sex since it speaks in so many different languages. It can be used to express anger, love, hate, frustration, comfort, it can be whatever you both want it just depends on the mood, and he's usually in a pretty laid-back mood, so his sex is always either lazy, comforting, or full of love.
Wakatsuki Takeshi
He barely even has one, his libido is so low, simply because he's mastered the art of ignoring his sexual urges. He's the master of meditation, he wants to always be in control of his strength, and having sex is the easiest way for him to lose that control so it's extremely rare when he can let loose and just have sex.
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kengan-daddies · 9 months
For Kengan Ashura, I was thinking Saw Paing x Reader. I was thinking where Saw Paing was training in his private gym and Reader and Saw Paing are in established relationship and when Saw Paing was finished, he saw the Reader intimately his poses and he thinks it is super hot. 18*
Sexy Training Saw Paing Yoroizuka
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Anime : Kengan Ashura Character : Saw Paing Yoroizuka Warning : Dry Humping, Bodily Fluids, Slight Hair Pulling, Cum Shot In Shorts.
Left, right, left, right, elbow!! Left, Right, Left, uppercut!! Liver Punch!! Inner Knee kick!!
The punching bag that was being attacked by Saw Paing, it was holding strong under his assault. Sweat shined on his skin, his muscles flexing with each fast practiced shot. He's been training in his private at-home gym for the past 3 hours now, a determined fire in his eye as he jumped back from the punching bag, his arms up in his signature stance. He huffed and puffed, as his glare sharped in challenge.
'That guy, Rei Mikazuchi... He was quick, but his hits lacked strength, they weren't enough to make me fall, but they were enough to build up on... They were fast small hits, but they were quick enough to build up damage... My chin... of all the things to take me out, it was my damn chin... I'll need to up my game... Gain speed, while also maintaining the same strength in my hits, make my guard stronger, and make my skull even tougher.' He thought as the punching bag before him, morphed into Rei Mikazuchi. He bared his teeth, as he tightened his muscles before he gave a hard right hook. "HYAH!!!"
... The door opened and out came Saw Paing, he was wiping off his neck with the towel draped around his neck while in his other hand, he held a bottle of cold water. 'If I want to get stronger, I'll first have to win against Kaolan and Rei, only then will I know that I've truly gotten stronger.' He thought as he walked down the hall. He was going to enter the bathroom, but the sound of grunts could be heard from down the hall leading towards the living room. "Huh... That sounds like (Y/n)... I wonder what she's up to... I should probably check it out, she might be trying to move heavy furniture... again." He said as he gave a sweet-hearted eye roll as he walked down the hall.
He turned the corner, and he stopped, his eyes slightly widened when he saw you in the center of the living room. You were wearing your running shorts and sports bra, you've built up a light sweat and you were throwing quick and sharp punches into the air, all while in his fighting style. He gave a wide smile as his eyes gleamed in excitement. "YEAH!! YOU GOT IT BABE!!" He shouted, you nearly squealed as you turned around your eyes wide before you relaxed. "Saw!! You scared me!!" You said as you gasped for air.
He chuckled happily as he walked towards you. "Sorry about that, babe!! I'm just so excited that you're using my fighting style!! IT GET'S ME FIRE, FIRED UP!!!" He shouted. You shook your head as you smiled. "When are you never fired up?" You asked as you walked over to him, grabbing the bottle from his hand as you took a gulp from it. He didn't mind as he pulled the towel from around his neck, and gently rubbed the sweat off of your forehead, neck, and chest. "Damn babe, you'd make for a sexy Burmese fighter, ya know?" He said. You smiled sheepishly as you gulped your mouthful of water.
"You think so?" You asked him as you placed the bottle down. He smiled as he threw the towel away carelessly as he placed his hands on your waist pulling you tight against him. "Hell yeah, I do. Just seeing you take on my stance is enough to get me hot for you." He said as he pulled you tighter against him, you smirked when you felt his hard cock through his shorts rub against your stomach. "Damn babe, if that's all it takes for you to get in the mood, then I'll always get in your stance." You said as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"I'll always be down for that." He said as he leaned down, capturing your lips against his. You gave a surprised moan at the intense kiss, his kisses were usually more soft before gradually getting heated. 'Damn, he really is fired up this time.' You thought as you parted your lips for him, his tongue immediately entered your mouth, curling his tongue against yours, your saliva mixing, the sweat on your bodies making your grips slightly slippery, but you both didn't mind it. Saliva trailed down the corner of your mouth, trailing down your neck. His hands on your waist trailed up till his hands cupped the underside of your breasts, his hands squeezed your breasts tight enough to make you moan before he loosened his grip and he did it again.
Your lungs weren't as big as his, resulting in you pulling away from the kiss, but he didn't mind as he kissed down your cheek to your neck, his hands slipping under your sports bra, his fingers grazing over your nipples making you give a light moan. Your arms around his neck slipped down over his shoulders and down his arms until one of your hands grabbed his cock through his shorts making him groan as he licked up your neck. You squeezed his cock, before you gave it some hard strokes making his knees slightly buck. He pushed his hands up, taking your bra with it, your raised your arms up, allowing him to slip it off of you as he tossed it to the floor.
He smiled. "Your breasts are always so nice to look at." He said as he placed his hands on the small of your back, trailing them down over your ass, giving it a nice squeeze before he went down to your under thighs. "Jump." He said. You placed your hands on his shoulders, doing as he said, he caught you and you wrapped your legs around his waist. He walked you both into the kitchen, placing you down on the dining table, you laid back on the hard surface, your legs unwrapping from around his waist. He leaned over, one of his hands on your waist while the other lay next to your head. He stuck his tongue out, flattening it over your nipple with a harsh lick, the tip of his tongue flicked it before he closed his lips around it.
Your fingers combed into his hair as you relaxed back on the table, one of your legs raised up, wrapping around his waist as you arched up, rubbing your clothed pussy against his cock, he gave a shocked grunt and you chuckled. "Gotta be aware of your surroundings babe... Expect the unexpecting." You said. He smirked as he pulled back from your breast, a string of saliva connected to his lips from your nipple as he spoke. "I guess I should up my game then huh?" He said as he rutted his hips hard into you. You gave a shocked moan as your clit was stimulated by his hard cock. He chuckled. "Who's unaware now." He said cockily as he flicked his tongue over your other nipple.
You whined at the assault, the rutting of his hips into your clit, the flicking of his tongue, you felt almost overwhelmed but it felt too good. Your hips backed back up into his, dry humping each other, your arms wrapped around his neck and the back of his head as you whined in pleasure, your humps gaining speed and pressure as your clit was being stimulated pleasurably. He grunted at the hardness of your humps, his cock twitched as precum leaked, soaking his shorts and your shorts as he applied his own pressure, the tip of his cock trapped in between your hip bones, he pulled back from your nipple as he lays his head in the crook of your neck.
His arms went under your back, holding you tight against him as he grinds down quicker against you. You moaned out, the pressure building up inside of you, as your orgasm was coming down on you. The pulsing of his cock added to the pleasure, his cock twitching as his own end was approaching, but your own came before his. You wrapped your legs around his waist, helping you to grind up into him faster as your pussy twitched and pulsed, convulsing as your orgasm came crashing down on you, your head snapped back, making a thump as it hit the table. You cried out in pleasure as you came. He grunted in response as he felt you pulling his hair.
His ruts became uneven as he chased his own end, pressing down, squeezing the tip of his cock in between your shifting hips, the underside of his cock rubbing against the bone of your pelvis, the vein in his cock, pulsing as his hips jerked choppily as he grunted loudly, his cock twitching as he came hard, his cum oozing through the fabric of his shorts, leaking onto your shorts and down to the table below you both. You whined at the overstimulation of his jerking hips, he rutted a few more times before he finally slowed down to a stop. You both lay there, huffing and puffing, the sweat that you both wiped off earlier, has built back up, but you both didn't care.
Your hands gently combed through his hair your other hand gently rubbing his back and neck, his breathing was calming down, as he cuddled into the corner of your neck. You sighed. "Alright big boy, time to get up, my back is starting to hurt and I feel yucky as hell." You said as you gave his back a few hard pats. He groaned as he tightened his hold around your waist. You groaned in annoyance as you hit the back of your heel hard into his back. He grunted before he pulled back, loosening his arms from around you as he sat up.
You sat up as well, pushing back as you did while he stood up straight. "Ughh, that was intense, I'm tired." He said as he rolled his shoulders back. You smiled as you pulled your legs from around him, jumping from the table. "You can sleep after we've had a nice shower, I feel gross and once I've taken a shower, I don't want your sweaty ass in the bed with me." You said as you tapped his chest a few times before you walked on towards the showers. He stood there a bit longer before he rubbed his hands down his face. A wide smile graced his face before he gave a loud roar.
"OH YEAAAAH!!!!" He shouted. You rolled your eyes as you got the shower ready for you both.
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kengan-daddies · 9 months
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Adam Dudley
I Love Ya, just the Way Ya Are, Baby Adam Dudley x Chubby Fem Reader - Requested ✩☻
The 'Silicone Meat' Incident - Requested ★☻
Cosmo Imai
How I say 'I'm Sorry.' Cosmo Imai Raian Kure Saw Paing Yoroizuka Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ❀☻
How He Kills the Mood Cosmo Imai Jun Sekibiyashi Kanoh Agito Kaolan Wongsawat Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ✩☻
How He Hugs Cosmo Imai Kaolan Wongsawat Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Saw Paing Yoroizuka Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ❀☻
His Libido Cosmo ImaiJun Sekibayashi Kaolan Wongsawat Konah Agito Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Yoroizuka Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ★
The 'Silicone Meat' Incident - Requested ★☻
Jun Sekibiyashi
How He Kills the Mood Cosmo Imai Jun Sekibiyashi Kanoh Agito Kaolan Wongsawat Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested✩☻
His Libido Cosmo ImaiJun Sekibayashi Kaolan Wongsawat Konah Agito Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Yoroizuka Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ★
The 'Silicone Meat' Incident - Requested ★☻
Kanoh Agito
Love Life With Kanoh Agito - Requested ❀
How He Kills the Mood Cosmo Imai Jun Sekibiyashi Kanoh Agito Kaolan Wongsawat Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ✩☻
His Libido Cosmo ImaiJun Sekibayashi Kaolan Wongsawat Konah Agito Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Yoroizuka Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ★
The 'Silicone Meat' Incident - Requested ★☻
Kiryu Setsuna
How He Kills the Mood Cosmo Imai Jun Sekibiyashi Kanoh Agito Kaolan Wongsawat Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ✩
His Libido Cosmo ImaiJun Sekibayashi Kaolan Wongsawat Konah Agito Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Yoroizuka Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ★
The 'Silicone Meat' Incident - Requested ★☻
Kaolan Wongsawat
I Love You So Kaolan Wongsawat ❀
I'll Cheer you on Always Kaolan Wongsawat❀☻✢✱
You're My Reason Kaolan Wongsawat ❀∆
How He Kills the Mood Cosmo Imai Jun Sekibiyashi Kanoh Agito Kaolan Wongsawat Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ✩
How He Hugs Cosmo Imai Kaolan Wongsawat Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Saw Paing Yoroizuka Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested❀☻
His Libido Cosmo ImaiJun Sekibayashi Kaolan Wongsawat Konah Agito Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Yoroizuka Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ★
Long Awaited Interruption Kaolan Wongsawat x Reader - Requested ★☻❀
The 'Silicone Meat' Incident - Requested ★☻
Ohma Tokita
I Wanna Dominate You Ohma Tokita - Requested ✩
Morning Pleasures Ohma Tokita ✩
My Byzantine Romance: Ohma Tokita x (F) Reader ✝︎✱∆❀❖
Oh Ohma Tokita, You're Full of Surprises ✪
How He Kills the Mood Cosmo Imai Jun Sekibiyashi Kanoh Agito Kaolan Wongsawat Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ✩☻
How He Hugs Cosmo Imai Kaolan Wongsawat Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Saw Paing Yoroizuka Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ❀☻
His Libido Cosmo ImaiJun Sekibayashi Kaolan Wongsawat Konah Agito Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Yoroizuka Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ★
Don't Leave Me Ohma Tokita - Requested ✩∆
The 'Silicone Meat' Incident - Requested ★☻
Raian Kure
Fatal Love✢★
Whether You Like it or Not Raian Kure ✢✪✱
You and Me Raian Kure✩✝︎✱
How I say 'I'm Sorry.' Cosmo Imai Raian Kure Saw Paing Yoroizuka Wakatsuki Takeshi ❀☻- Requested
How He Kills the Mood Cosmo Imai Jun Sekibiyashi Kanoh Agito Kaolan Wongsawat Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ✩☻
How He Hugs Cosmo Imai Kaolan Wongsawat Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Saw Paing Yoroizuka Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ❀☻
His Libido Cosmo ImaiJun Sekibayashi Kaolan Wongsawat Konah Agito Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Yoroizuka Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested★
The 'Silicone Meat' Incident - Requested ★☻
Raian Kure x Reader - Proposal - Requested ❀
Rei Mikazuchi
The Moral of the Story Rei Mikazuchi ∆
I Don't Love You Rei Mikazuchi ∆✱✢★
Love is what You Make It Rei Mikazuchi - Requested ∆✪✱
How He Kills the Mood Cosmo Imai Jun Sekibiyashi Kanoh Agito Kaolan Wongsawat Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ✩☻
His Libido Cosmo ImaiJun Sekibayashi Kaolan Wongsawat Konah Agito Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Yoroizuka Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ★
Gradual Quest for Love Rei Mikazuchi - Requested ❀
The 'Silicone Meat' Incident - Requested ★☻
Saw Paing Yoroizuka
Adrenaline Rush with Yoroizuka Saw Paing✩
Just a quickie Yoroizuka Saw Paing ✩
My Breath is Fleeting Saw Paing Yoroizuka - Requested✩✢☻
Morning Shower Sex - Yoroizuka Saw Paing✩
Only You Saw Paing✪☻✢
Sexy Training Saw Paing Yoroizuka - Requested ✩☻
How I say 'I'm Sorry.' Cosmo Imai Raian Kure Saw Paing Yoroizuka Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ❀☻
How He Kills the Mood Cosmo Imai Jun Sekibiyashi Kanoh Agito Kaolan Wongsawat Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ✩☻
How He Hugs Cosmo Imai Kaolan Wongsawat Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Saw Paing Yoroizuka Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ❀☻
His Libido Cosmo ImaiJun Sekibayashi Kaolan Wongsawat Konah Agito Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Yoroizuka Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi -Requested ★
Our Beginning Child! Saw Paing Yoroizuka x Child! Fem Reader - Requested ✪✱
Can you take it? Saw Paing Yoroizuka x Reader - Requested✩
The 'Silicone Meat' Incident - Requested ★☻
Seishu Akoya
How He Kills the Mood Cosmo Imai Jun Sekibiyashi Kanoh Agito Kaolan Wongsawat Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - requested ✩
His Libido Cosmo ImaiJun Sekibayashi Kaolan Wongsawat Konah Agito Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Yoroizuka Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ★
The 'Silicone Meat' Incident - Requested ★☻
Sen Hatsumi
Hi, My Name Is Sen Hatsumi x Wife Reader - Requested☻✢
How He Kills the Mood Cosmo Imai Jun Sekibiyashi Kanoh Agito Kaolan Wongsawat Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - requested ✩☻
His Libido Cosmo ImaiJun Sekibayashi Kaolan Wongsawat Konah Agito Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Yoroizuka Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ★
The 'Silicone Meat' Incident - Requested ★☻
Wakatsuki Takeshi
Can I Control it or Will I Lose it? / I Love your Strength Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ✩
How I say 'I'm Sorry.' Cosmo Imai Raian Kure Saw Paing Yoroizuka Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ❀☻
How He Kills the Mood Cosmo Imai Jun Sekibiyashi Kanoh Agito Kaolan Wongsawat Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ✩☻
How He Hugs Cosmo Imai Kaolan Wongsawat Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Saw Paing Yoroizuka Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ❀☻
His Libido Cosmo ImaiJun Sekibayashi Kaolan Wongsawat Konah Agito Kiryu Setsuna Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Rei Mikazuchi Saw Paing Yoroizuka Seishu Akoya Sen Hatsumi Wakatsuki Takeshi - Requested ★
The 'Silicone Meat' Incident - Requested ★☻
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Baki Hanma
Dating a Cougar Baki Hanma x Older Girlfriend!! Reader ★❖
I'm Your Baby Baki Hanma x Older Girlfriend!! Reader ✩✱❖
The Boy Next Door Baki Hanma X Motherly! Older Female Reader✱❀☻❖ Ch. 3 Updated
Yujiro Hanma
The Life of a Family Boyfriend Yujiro Hanma x Strong Girlfriend!! Reader ☻❀❖
I know, but I Don't Care Boyfriend! Yujiro Hanma x Strong! Girlfriend! Reader ☻✩❖
The First Wife of Yujiro Hanma, (Y/N) Hanma ❀ ✪✱
Let's Sex It Out Ohma Tokita x Girlfriend Reader x Raian Kure - Requested ✩✢☻
Walked in On Ohma Tokita x Girlfriend Reader x Raian Kure - Requested ✩✢☻
133 notes · View notes
kengan-daddies · 9 months
Only You Saw Paing
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Anime : Kengan Ashura Pairing: Saw Paing x (F) Reader Warnings: mention of blood and bruises
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You stood out in the hall with Saw Paing, he was covered in bruises, blood pouring from his wounds. His face was covered in blood too, but he didn't seem fazed in the slightest as he bounced on his toes, pumping his fists into the air as he spoke excitedly about his match with the fisherman.
You stared up at Saw with a look of worry, admiration and love. He was your stronger half, your bigger half, your louder half. He was the love of your life, your sweet husband going on for 10 years now. You sighed. "Saw, you need to go to the infirmary, you should let Hanafusa check you for any internal injuries, your bones may be the hardest but that doesn't mean your organs are." You spoke in an even tone.
He stared down at you, his honey colored eye always full of fire and love, a confident smile on his face. "AH COME ON HUN!!! I'M MORE THEN FINE!! I DON'T NEED TO GO SEE THE DOC!! I'VE NEVER FELT BETTEEEEERRRRR!!!!" He shouted towards the sky as he flexed his arms and tightened his fists. You gave him an unimpressed look as you placed your hand on you hip. He seem to notice your stare, and he calmed down, his arms coming down to his sides as he stepped closer to you. "Listen, (y/n), I'm fine, but if it makes you feel better, I'll go and give the doc a visit." he spoke. You stared at him a little longer before you gave him a smile and he smiled in return.
"Good, I want you to always be at your top peak, Saw, no matter how strong you get, I'll always worry for you." You spoke as you gently reached up to grab his head, brining your foreheads together, he stared into your eyes, the ever raging fire in his eyes softening some as his blazing love for you grew stronger in them. "With you by my side, I'm already 100% stronger then before." He said, as he gently rubbed his thumb against your cheek. Your heart fluttered and your stomach did flips.
You felt like a child again, back when Saw first ask for your courtship. You could still see him, a young teenage Saw, hope and fire in his eyes as he stood on the outside of your parents fruit stand, a full crate of fresh apples slammed on the wooden stand aggressively, as he shouted. "WILL YOU ALLOW ME YOUR HAND IN COURTSHIP, (Y/N)!?" He shouted. Your heart fluttered and your eyes widen. Saw Paing, the strongest boy in your age, the loudest boy in your age, the sweetest boy in your age. The boy with all the girls after him, came and asked you?
You felt special, but you weren't going to make it easy on him, you never did. "No." You said, a small smile on your face, he never lost his confident smile as the fire only seem to burn brighter. "THEN I'LL ASK YOU EVERYDAY UNTIL YOU AGREE!!!" He shouted his promise. You gave him a small nod. "And I'll just keep on denying you."
'We were so young, just children, who knew nothing of the world.' You thought, your forehead still pressed to Saw's, he gave a chuckle and you opened your eyes. His eyes were gentle, sweet and full of love, but they never lost their fire. "What are you thinking about?" He asked you. You smiled. "Oh nothing, just thinking of the past is all." You said in a fond voice. "Congradulations, Saw Paing." Came Kaolan's voice. You both looked over, seeing the man walking towards you both.
Saw smile widen and the fire in his eyes grew bright again as he turned towards Kaolan. "GAOLAAAAAANNNNN!!!! I WON!!! DID YOU SEE THAT!?" He asked... more like shouted. Kaolan's face didn't change much, aside from the annoyed sigh he gave. "Of course I saw, why else would I be congratulating you?" He said, but Saw didn't seem to care. "WHEN WE HAVE OUR ROUND, I'LL BE SURE TO WIIIN!! SO DON'T YOU LOSE OUT THERE GAOLAN!!!" He shouted as he curled his fist in determination. Kaolan scoffed at him.
"Hmph, as if, I don't plan on losing, not now, not ever." He said, confidence in his voice. "OH YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!!! I'M SO FIRED UP!!! LET'S HAVE A ROUND RIGHT NOW, GAOLAN!!!" He shouted as he took a fighting stance. You shook your head as you stepped forward, placing you hand on his shoulder, he looked back at you in question as he slowly dropped his stance. "OH NO YOU'RE NOT!!! You still have a doctor's appointment to make." You scolded. He smiled at you. "Ooops!! I forgot about that!!" He said. You shook your head and you gave a tired sigh. "Without me, you'd probably be dead by now." You said, he gave a chuckled at your words and you smiled.
"Come on, ya big oaf, let's go." You said as you patted his back. He looked back at Kaolan. "Ya hear that, Gaolan? I've got a doctor's appointment, but once I'm done, WE'LL HAVE OUR MATCH!!!" He shouted. Kaolan sighed. "We'll have our match in the ring, you moron." he said. Saw chuckled at him. "HELL YEEEEAAAAHHHH!!! COME ON HUN!!! LET'S GOOOO!!!" "Hey, wait a minute, don't run!!" "THE SOONER WE GET THIS DONE THE SOONER ME AND GAOLONG CAN FIGGGGGHHHHHHTTTTT!!!!" He shouted over you as he ran off towards the doctor's office.
You and Kaolan stood there for a moment, staring after where Saw ran off to. "He's going in the wrong direction." Gaolan said. You gave an annoyed sigh. "Yeah, I know." You said. You both stood there a little longer before the sound of running came and you both stared on in shock as Saw can running around the corner. "HAHAHAH!!! I REMEBER THE DOCTOR IS THIS WAAAAAY GAOOOLAAAAAANNNN!" He shouted as he ran past you both.
"Why did he address me in that?" Kaolan asked, you shook your head. "I guess so you'd know that he remembered." You spoke. You both looked at one another before you sighed. "Only Saw." "Only Saw paing." You both said, before you both began following after him, at a much slower pace.
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