#saw paing x y/n
kengan-daddies · 1 year
It was really funny in the fic "awkward things they do that ruin sex" when Saw Paing would barge in accidentally while reader and Kaolang are doing it. Can you please write a full nsfw fic for that? I wonder if Saw Paing would get embarrassed and apologize loudly or shout out "KAOLANG LETS FIGHT!! also nice cock bro"
LMFAOOOOOO!!!!! I saw this a few days ago and I've been excited to write it ever since, and now we're finally here!!!
Long Awaited Interruption Kaolan Wongsawat X Reader
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Anime : Kengan Ashura Character : Kaolan Wongsawat Warning : Suggested Themes, Humor, Fluff
Long Awaited Interruption Kaolan Wongsawat x Reader
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Long Awaited Interruption Kaolan Wongsawat x Reader
It's been weeks since you and Kaolan last had sex, it was always such a chore to wait for him since he dealt with the prince 24/7, but the time finally came and it was now your chance to embrace one another, to kiss, pulling and tugging clothing off of your forms.
Kaolan was always pent up, seeing as how he spent weeks sometimes even months away from you, but he was always gentle and slow when it came to your pleasure, he wanted you to always feel satisfied. You lay on the bed in your naked glory, your skin glistening in the lamp's soft glow, his hands gently trailing over your waist as he silently worshipped you.
You stared down at him, watching him idolize your body, it was a common sight but you'd never get tired of seeing it, the love and admiration in his eyes for you and you alone. The door suddenly snatched open and you both jumped, scrambling to cover your body.
"GAOLAAAAAN!!!! I HEARD YOU WERE BACK, SO LET'S FIGHT!!!!" He shouted, the usual fire in his eyes as he smashed his fists together. Once he made sure you were fully covered, Kaolan glared over at Saw Paing. "Saw Paing, I'll deal with you later, I'm busy right now." He said as he stood from the bed. Saw looked around him, seeing you bunched up in blankets.
An embarrassed look on your face as you shyly waved at him. He looked over back at Kaolan, his smile widening. "OH!!! GAOLAN!!! YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU WERE HAVING A SLEEPOVER!!! WHY DIDN'T YA INVITE ME!? I'M THE SLEEPOVER PARTY KING!!" He declares as he points his thumb at himself proudly.
Kaolan nearly fell over from the ridiculousness of the whole thing. "No, you dimwit!! I didn't invite you because this isn't a sleepover at all!! Use your brain damn it!! I'm surprised you're not the smartest man in the world considering how well-protected it is." He said annoyed. Saw Paing seemed to think over his words as he looked around the place.
"Hmmmm, not a sleepover eh.... Then what is it?" He asked. Both you and Kaolan looked at him in disbelief. "I'll tell you what it is. It's me getting rid of the cockblock, aka you, Saw Paing." He said before he placed his hands on Saw's shoulder turning him around as he began pushing him out. Saw Paing just looked at him confusedly as he let Kaolan push him out. "Cockblock..... OH, I GET IT NOW!!! YOU GUYS ARE HAVING -"
Kaolan sighed in exasperation as he leaned back on the door, you chuckled as you could still hear Saw's voice through the door. Kaolan rolls his eyes when he hears Saw Paing bidding him farewell and that he had a nice cock. Kaolan rolls his eyes once more as he shook his head in fond annoyance before he walked over to you on the bed. "You do owe him a fight." You said as he pulled the blankets from you. He sighed as he crawled on the bed, his arms wrapping around your waist as he lays his head down in your lap.
"I know, I know. But I'll worry about him later, until then... " he said as he placed sweet kisses over your thighs making you chuckle as you ran your fingers through his hair.
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hxzbinwrites · 8 months
Hey!! Saw that u were taking request <3 I was thinking that an Alestor x wife!reader being a power (but absolutely terrifying) couple would be soooo cool, like maybe they already knew each other from when they were humans, and Alestor is just 10000% a simp for his wifey lol. Hope u like it!
Alastor x Wife! Overlord! Reader | Forgiveness |
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Warnings ⚠️: Cussing, Death, Killing, Mentions of Alastor being a Cannibal, Reader makes STUPID DECISIONS
In the Pride Ring is where all of the sinners and Overlords alike mingle. The uppermost ring of Hell and the closest to Heaven. That’s where some of the most feared and powerful beings live. Two of those entities being Alastor, the Radio Demon, and (Y/n), the Jazz Demon.
Together, they rule their districts with an iron grip. While some Overlords team up, like the Vees, Alastor and (Y/n) were the first to do it. Well, it makes sense really, especially because they were close during their respective times alive on Earth.
Three gunshots were heard that fateful night. One ending a mans life by his hand, one ending the witness’s life by his hand, and one ending his by justice’s hand. No more Bayou Killer, but he took two more lives before he went. Awful, sick man. Good thing he’s in Hell now…
Alastor hissed as his back hit the pavement. His squinted eyes took in his surroundings, he was in Hell. Hmm, no shocker there. What was a shock was seeing the body next to his.
“Ugghh” They groaned, sitting upright on the pavement next to him. They locked eyes. It was (Y/n). Before Alastor could even speak, she pounced on him, pushing him back into the pavement.
“You sick son of a BITCH!! YOU KILLED ME!! SHOT ME LIKE I WAS AN ANIMAL FOR YA NEXT MEAL!!” She yelled, shaking him back and forth by gripping his collar. His collar looked identical to hers, and he tuned out her yelling, he noticed her attire. She was now wearing a black suit with red and white accents, one that looked like a reverse image of his. Except a few details weren’t the same, hers looked more feminine, but also had less harsh edges to it. She looked more elegant while he looked more harsh.
He then looked up to her face, she had red eyes and long, silky black hair, with red underneath. He looked to the top of her head and noticed two fluffy, black ears. They were currently pressed to her scalp, a clear indicator of her unhappiness at the current moment.
Alastor rolled his eyes, feeling no remorse for the doe that whined above him. (Y/n) was a famous musician in Louisiana, particularly in Jazz. Alastor had begged her to come onto his radio show, play some tunes for his devoted fans. She agreed, but that night Alastor didn’t show to the studio. She heard shouting in the woods across the street from the building, stupidly she went to investigate. She saw the oh so famous radio host, and with a bang of a shotgun the other man was dead. Probably in Heaven now. Trying to stay silent, (Y/n) tried to back away before a branch snapped, like a doe her eyes widened before she darted away, only to be shot right in the heart and drop down to the ground. She heard another shot faintly in the distance before she felt the wind brush past her as she fell.
“My dear, I apologize.” Alastor said, gently grabbing (Y/n)‘s hand. “It was never my intention to make you my target. I knew that if word got out about my….hobbies….that my reputation would be ruined. No more radio show.”
“You can apologize for the rest of eternity” She scowled, smacking his hand away before standing up,” You’re a MONSTER. Leave me ALONE. Hopefully someone down here will be nice, but I’m not taking no help from you”. (Y/n) finally walked away, leaving a very annoyed Alastor sitting there.
About 20 years later
Alastor was a feared Overlord now, rising the ranks out of seemingly nowhere. Even with this newfound power and respect, (Y/n) still wanted nothing to do with him. She was famous in her own way. Music was not very abundant in Hell, and she profited off of that. She had little to no competition in the music industry. Becoming an icon of Hell, her name was in everyone’s mouth, making Alastor yesterday’s news, which irked him to no end.
‘I need her.’ Alastor initially thought,’ with someone as influential as her now, having her on my side will make my power increase tenfold.’ But after many times of asking over the years, he just yearned for her admiration. Not only to be on his side, but by his side. He didn’t know where the newfound obsession came from, but Alastor knew he wouldn’t stop until he brought her to him.
Alastor made his way to her huge studio, basically a small turf at this point. Without ever fighting, she’d managed to become a little bit of an Overlord, just not to the extent she could be called one. He made his way up to her penthouse, knowing the way by heart since this is not the first time he’s made a visit for an alliance.
“What Alastor.” (Y/n) asked, not even looking up from her sheet music she was writing.
“Hello my dear!” Alastor said,”lovely to see you again! I just miss you so much darling!”
“Miss me from what?” She said, turning around to meet his eyes,” we were aquatinted when we were alive, and then you killed me. What exactly do you miss me from?”
“I just miss seeing you.” He said in a softer tone,”Please (Y/n), you must realize that your death was an accident. I was never planning to hurt you. I was never planning to do anything to you.”
(Y/n)’s head tipped down, her ears pressed to her scalp,”but you did, Alastor. You killed me.”
“My dear….” He said, getting closer slowly, like she’d dart off at any given moment, just for him to not see her ever again. “My dear, I cannot imagine the pain you’ve gone through. I know it’s been a few years now, but that’s a few years you could’ve still been alive. Found a husband, had a better music career, just lived. I took that from you, and I’m…..I’m sorry.”
“I know Alastor.” She said, hugging him. Even though he hated when people touched him, she did not know this, so he internally decided to let this one time be the exception. “You know I can never fully forgive you….but after all of these years, I think I can at least try to have you in my life….but if you screw up ANY, I’m gonna kill you. I don’t care if you’re an Overlord or whatever the hell you’re doing, I will kill you like you killed me.”
“Hmm, fair enough” He shrugged, breaking off the hug as he sat down in the chair across from hers.
Present Day
“So hold up” Angel said, looking at the two powerful Overlords,”He literally killed you and you were like, ‘oh well, I forgive you’. What the hell (Y/n)?”
(Y/n) was a true Overlord know. Once she let Alastor back into her life, he taught her the ways of toppling Overlords. She didn’t posses near the amount of power that he had, so he did the gruesome part for her. Building her musical empire (and later on having to shoo of Vox who begged her to join his up and coming ‘Television’ idea after Alastor shot him down).
“Oh I’d hardly call it forgiving.” Alastor said,”I get constantly reminded about it every day, multiple times a day. You wonder why it took us 60 years to even get engaged.”
(Y/n) just rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. Alastor smirked, looking over at his wife.
“Well, what else was I supposed to do? The man kept coming by begging me every week for TWENTY YEARS!! Lovesick puppy if you ask me.”
Charlie squealed, hugging onto Vaggie. “Look Vaggie! That could be us one day!!”
“I hope not” Vaggie said,” A freaky cannibalistic overlord and his delusional companion. I’m fine with staying as us.”
“No Vaggie! I meant married! Wouldn’t that be fun!! Married for a long time!! Forever!!”
While Charlie was helping Vaggie stop short circuiting, (Y/n) and Alastor just looked at one another with a knowing glance. Alastor took her hand and kissed her knuckles, smiling up at her.
“Thank you again my dear, for letting me back into your life. I’m eternally sorry for what I did.”
“I know you are Alastor, plus I’d be dead already now regardless.” (Y/n) giggled,”I still don’t know what overcame me that day. I mean, who lets someone back into their life after doing that!! I am glad I did though. It’s like you said in that apology, I have a husband, I have a huge music career, but I’m not living, technically, but it feels like it!!”
Alastor chuckled,”that’s right, my precious doe. Now, I am off to go grab lunch for the both of us! If you excuse me, I shall make a trip down to the Cannibal District, and then over to the grocery store for your food!”
Word Count: 1,560
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pynkfairyheart · 4 months
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pairings: piercer!eren x reader
warnings: smuuuttt 18+, eren is the president of the subby men club, pegging ໒꒰ྀི˶˃ᆺ˂˶꒱ྀི১
a/n: I'm nervy to put this out omggg
pt.2 to Good girl but ofc can be read as a standalone
You heard him before you could see him. The slam of the front door, throw of his keys and heavy sigh alerting you he wasn't in the best mood.
“Baby?” You peeked your head out before walking into the living room, where he sat with his hands over his face, fingers separating wide enough to look at you before he put his arms out.
A telltale sign he had a bad day. Eren was usually the energetic one of your pair, always coming home with a smile on his face before he made you take a break from whatever it was you were doing to ramble on about his day, and happily listen about yours.
However, on bad days he just wanted to be held, quiet for the night as you whispered affirmations in his ear.
“Wanna talk?” Your hands cradled his face as he pulled you close.
“Today was annoying. We had two shipments come in, and of course one of them was wrong. Then one of Mikasa’s clients was being a perv and when I tried to handle it the asshole swung at me, so of course I had to beat his ass, and call the cops. Their asses didn't even help because they tried to accuse me of selling drugs out of the shop. Shit was a fucking mess.” He groaned. Crescent indents formed on your hips as his grip tightened.
“I'm sorry, pa” Your plump lips littered slow soft kisses on his.
“Anything I can do to make your day better?” The tension in his shoulders dissolving as you massaged them.
“Just you- fuck just you being here is perfect, baby” He groaned as your hands traveled down to his biceps, the tension high in his muscles.
He leaned back into the couch, eyes shut as you worked your magic. His body had finally started to relax after the events of the day when he felt you get off of him.
“Where are you-” He opened his eyes, pausing when he saw you down on your knees in front of him, fingers hooked around the waistband of his sweats.
“Y-you don't have to baby. It's okay” He let out a shaky breath.
“I want to. All you have to do is relax. You've been the boss all day. Let me have my turn.” Your thumb grazed the growing bulge under his sweats before pulling both his boxers and pants down in one swift motion.
“Ahh” He whimpered, low eyes watching as you stroked his length a few times before your lips parted, kissing his tip as your tongue swiped up the precum.
“Baby, please” He whined, hips bucking as you swirled your tongue around his frenum piercing.
As badly as you wanted to tease him till he cried, you knew he was due for a break. Allowing your gathered saliva to slide onto his length as you shined his dick, fingers wrapped tightly around his base as you slowly took him in your mouth, getting halfway before letting your hands do the rest as you bobbed your head.
His chest heaving as you took more every time your head came up to lick along his slit.
He was needy. You could tell by the soft whimpers he tried so hard to contain whenever you took him out of your mouth to suck on his balls, tongue circling his ass for a quick second before coming back up to wrap your mouth around him.
“D-don't stop, mommy” He whined as you widened his legs, thumb applying pressure to his aching hole as you took him fully into your mouth.
You couldn't tell if it was the blowjob, the pressure to his puckered hole, or the mixture of the two as he cried and whimpered, thighs tensing as his dick jumped in your mouth, salty cum filling your mouth.
Letting him slide from your mouth with a pop, you kissed along the underside of his dick, tounge running over his veins as you stroked the last few drops of cum from him.
“What do you want baby?” You coaxed him, looking up into his needy eyes while rubbing soothing shapes into his thighs.
“Need you to fuck me, mommy, please” He whined, slowly pumping his dick with a tight grip.
He eagerly followed you to your shared bedroom, patiently spread out on the bed while you fished out your favorite pink confetti strap and a bottle of lube from your closet.
You couldn't help but smile down at him as you situated yourself between his legs. It took weeks of begging him to at least think about allowing you to do this, finally caving when he felt your tongue accidentally graze over his ass one night while giving him head.
Nothing would ever top him fucking you from behind when it came to your sexual encounters but having him needy and whiny under you as he begged you to go faster definitely came second.
Apologizing for the cool sensation of the lube you prepped him, basking in the way his standing dick twitched when your thumb slid in. After coaxing a second orgasm from him just from foreplay you squeezed a large amount of the gooey substance onto the dildo, coating the object before slowly easing into him.
You took care to tease him with slow, deliberate strokes, your fingers tightly wrapped around the base of his dick as you stroked him with the same pace of your thrust. Green eyes staring up at you as he moaned for more.
“Tell me how it feels, baby.” You murmured, watching him squirm.
“Feels- fuck feels so good, mommy” He whimpered, abs tensing as your fingers ghosted over his tip.
“Yeah?” You smirked, free hand gliding up his abs to pinch his tiny pink buds as you increased your pace. His grip tightening on the sheets as he panted your name.
“H-harder, please” He moaned, trembling under you.
Who were you to deny your boy? Changing positions you gave him exactly what he asked. A hand wrapped around his dick as your hips ricochet off of his cheeks. Your name left his lips in whiny muffled cries as he arched back into you. The sound of wet slaps echoed through the room as he cried from pleasure.
“C-can't hold it anymore, mommy” You already knew he was close, his dick twitching with every thrust and stroke.
“I know, baby, let go” Your fingers wrapped tightly around his base, thumb circling his sensitive tip.
“Fuck- nghh” He became a moaning mess, cum spurting on your hands and the sheets as you milked him dry.
Slowly retracting from him, you licked your fingers clean, kissing up his back as you whispered I love you's and praises, before helping him clean up and change the sheets.
With a smile on your face, you climbed into bed next to him.
“Feel better?” You pecked his lips, giggling at the slap earned on your ass, as he deepened the kiss. He truly just needed his frustration fucked out of him to get back to his usual self.
“Almost” He smirked.
“Almost? And what would make you better than this?” You asked, confused by the mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Sit on my face?”
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chrisevansonly · 11 months
12 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐀𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 | 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬
ʚsocial media au
ʚlando norris x female leclerc!sister reader
ʚlooks like your brothers are going to be seeing a lot more of lando…but that doesn’t mean the 6 foot rule is up..
ʚnot requested but i just wanted to do a little something! you can read part one here! <3
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liked by landonorris, arthur_leclerc, lilyhme and 213,000 others
surprise i chopped my hair off!!!! (pls don’t break up w me lando)
see 5,000 comments
username no this is everything
charles_leclerc tres belle mon soleil 🩷
>yn.leclerc merci charlie 🥺🥺
username me waiting to see what lando says 👀
landonorris HELLO
>yn.leclerc hi baby🥰
landonorris WOW BABY WOW
landonorris you’re so beautiful 😭
>arthur_leclerc alright relax romeo, she’s been wooed enough
>leclercpascale arthur soyez gentille avec lando!
leclercpascale c’est si gentille ma belle!😘
>yn.leclerc merci maman!!❤️❤️
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liked by maxfewtrell, yn.leclerc, lorenzotl and 567,000 others
mini getaway with my girl, and yes i beat her playing chess
tagged yn.leclerc
see 17,000 comments
username she’s so beautiful :(
username i love their relationship
username i saw somewhere that lorenzo actually pushed them to be together👀👀👀
>yn.leclerc he did, he loves lando 🥰
>lorenzotl love is a strong word…
>yn.leclerc admit it pls☹️
>lorenzotl okay okay fine…he makes you happy so he’s family
liked by landonorris
yn.leclerc thank you for my little trip i loved it and i LOVE you(i beat you 4 times before you finally won)❤️❤️
>landonorris i love you more (don’t air that out..)😘
username i could sob my eyes out right now
leclercpascale oh j’aime les fleurs!! très magnifique!
>landonorris j'en ai pris pour vous maman leclerc! 😁
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, charles_leclerc, landonorris and 432,000 others
bored waiting for lando to come home, oh yeah i forgot to mention we finally settled into our new house🥰
tagged landonorris
see 20,000 comments
>yn.leclerc it’s on my youtube!! same with makeup🥰
username oh to be her!!!!
username aww her and lando live together now😭
charles_leclerc he needs to be 12 feet away from you at all times
>yn.leclerc char it was 6…..why double it?
>charles_leclerc because you live with him now🙄
landonorris i’m coming home in 5 with your favourite for dinner!❤️
>yn.leclerc and this is why i love and adore you baby😘
username 🥹🥹🥹
arthur_leclerc still not onboard with you moving out. come back now.
>yn.leclerc awww thur it’s okay to miss me…i miss you so much :(
>arthur_leclerc 😪❤️
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liked by yn.leclerc, mclaren, pierregasly and 657,000 others
mon soleil is this your man?
tagged yn.leclerc, landonorris
see 31,000 comments
username CHARLES 😭😭
username there is no way he posted this
username only brothers would post this shit
mclaren that’s one of our papaya boys!😁🧡
liked by landonorris
yn.leclerc CHARLIE!!! CE N’EST PAS GENTIL!!! 😡
>yn.leclerc but yes, yes he’s mine 🥰🥰
username y/n to charles: 😡😤🤬😾 y/n to lando:🥰🩷🌸🫧
landonorris mate….
landonorris this is just how did you even get these
>charles_leclerc never telling🌝🌝
>username the moon emoji😭😭
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liked by carla.brocker, landonorris, yn.leclerc and 233,000 others
mon ange is this your man?
tagged yn.leclerc and lando norris
see 24,000 comments
username NOT ARTHUR TOO😭😭
username oh my fucking god
lorenzotl 🙄🙄🙄
>arthur_leclerc traitor.
yn.leclerc MAMAN!!! @:leclercpascale
>leclercpascale 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
username even pascale is done😭😭
landonorris i’m not even going to attempt to form a sentence or thought
>yn.leclerc i’m sorry my love 🥺
>landonorris it’s okay baby, i have my own revenge planned someday 😏
username the leclerc and norris war is about to begin!!!
liked by landonorris
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liked by mclaren, landonorris, lorenzotl and 435,000 others
my man my man my man (stay hating charles & arthur😚)
tagged landonorris
see 15,000 comments
username he looks so happy
username i love them together
landonorris awww🥹
landonorris i love you forever and ever
>yn.leclerc and ever and ever!!
leclercpascale mes bébés ❤️❤️❤️
liked by yn.leclerc and landonorris
username okay but they’re so cute together
charles_leclerc 🙄🙄
>arthur_leclerc 🙄🙄
username i feel like max finds this hilarious tbh
>maxfewtrell i do💀
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liked by maxfewtrell, yn.leclerc, leclercpascale and 632,000 others
the boys & the princess (aka our babysitter, love you baby)
tagged yn.leclerc and maxfewtrell
see 43,000 comments
username y/n looks SO over it😭
>yn.leclerc i promise i wasn’t, max and lando are just SO annoying when they drink together 😭
username HAHAHAHA y/n outing max and lando
maxfewtrell i’m not that bad…
>yn.leclerc BRO BE SO FOR REAL
charles_leclerc blink twice if you need help soleil
>yn.leclerc 😳😳
username please charles sends me everytime
username poor y/n
yn.leclerc you owe me.
>landonorris thank you baby, i know just the thing😉
username i can’t tell if that a suggestive wink or a normal one…
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liked by landonorris, carla.brocker, arthur_leclerc and 657,000 others
life lately, lots of love, family and oh yeah…lando definitely made it up to me🥰💍
tagged, leclercpascale, charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc and landonorris
see 68,000 comments
username OMG NO WAY😭
username these photos are so cute🥹
alexandrasaintmleux congratulations beautiful❤️
>yn.leclerc thank u lex!!! love you😚
carla.brocker AWW congrats!!!🥺
>yn.leclerc thank you sissy!!🩷🩷
leclercpascale felicitations a vous deux! ❤️❤️
liked by landonorris and yn.leclerc
charles_leclerc fine…i guess lando’s okay..congrats you two❤️
>yn.leclerc thank you charlie🥰
username THIS MADE MY DAY!
arthur_leclerc i guess welcome to the family….still 12 feet apart 😒🖤
>lorenzotl ^^^😁
>landonorris i’ll take it LOL
landonorris i love you forever and ever❤️
>yn.leclerc and ever and ever😘
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pixiesfz · 4 months
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microphone drop j.f x reader
plot: In which Vanessa forgets to tell Jessie she is mic’d up and all she talks about is you
warning: just fluff
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Jessie was in the gym after training when Vanessa caught her.
“Jeff, Jflem, Jessatron, the Jessanator, the-“
“Hi” Jessie cut her friend off before she said random words with ‘jess’ in front of it.
“Whatchu up to?” Vanessa asked and Jessie motioned to the weights next to her “nice, hot your PB yet?”
Jessie crossed her head “no but y/n is helping me at home”
Vanessa smiled at the mention of you, she thought you were good for Jessie. You made her happy and Sinc always says she would never forget how giddy Jessie got after the first Australian friendly and you asked to swap shirts with her.
“How is y/n/n?”
Jessie blushed, “good, really good uhm did I tell you about my plan yet or-“
“No tell me, tell me now”
Even Vanessa forgot she was mic’d.
“Well after international break and before Olympics I was planning on proposing and-“ “what!” Vanessa jumped up in excitement
Jessie looked around nervously “yes?”
“This is huge Jessie” Vanessa smiled at her and she rubbed her already red cheeks “How are you going to do it?”
Jessie sat down next to Vanessa and pulled out her phone, excited to go into detail about this with someone.
“Okay so this is the ring, I saw her look at it before when we were buying a gift for her sister, it kinda gave me the whole idea in the first place but anyway” she rambled before going to her next photo of a FaceTime call with y/n’s parents as they gave a thumbs up.
“Then I got the permission from her parents but she likes to call them her rentals which I don’t get”
“Oh it’s like Australian slang there, parental figures without the ‘pa’” Vanessa explained and Jessie’s eyes widened as she finally got it “How do you know that?”
Jessie nodded before swiping to the next picture of confirmed plane tickets to Australia, your homeland “she thinks we’re going on a spontaneous trip to see her family, which we are but I’m also going to propose to her there” she explained and Vanessa swore she had never seen her captain so happy.
“And then I bought her this dress she always said she wanted but she said it was too cold to wear in London so I got it so she could wear it in Australia” Jessie said, swiping to the next picture as Vanessa realised Jessie had made an album dedicated to the planning of the big event.
“You going to do a speech”
“I want to try, I wrote one but I’m not that great at remembering lines” Jessie said, scratching behind her ear “that’s fine you’re good at thinking on the spot and also knowing y/n she will be saying yes even before your knee hits the ground”
Jessie smiled “I only plan on doing the ‘proposal’ thing once so I want it to be perfect for her”
Vanessa slapped her friend in the shoulder supportively “I’m sure y/n will think it’s perfect no matter what”.
It wasn’t until later when Jessie had finished spotting Vanessa on chest pressed and the social media came over asking for the mic was when her face paled over.
“You were mic’d the entire time?” She asked, her cheeks red as panic now evident on her face.
“Did I forget to tell you?” Vanessa asked as she thought back to their conversation.
“You know you cannot use any of that”.
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lxclerc · 11 months
𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 — 𝐜𝐥𝟏𝟔
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summary... wherein old photos of you and charles resurface and goes viral, forcing you and the man whose heart you broke to cross paths once again request… no faceclaim... christina nadin pairing… charles leclerc x reader warning… none so far
note... this is going to be part of a series that includes both one shots and smau but can be read as a stand alone
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current part (part one) → part two
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charleslec fans found an old instagram account allegedly belonging to charles from (what we believe to be) ages 12 - 20. the account is filled of personal pictures consisting of his supposed ex girlfriend, y/n y/l/n with sweet captions. y/n is a well known motorsport podcaster from monaco.
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username EXCUSE ME?
username this was not in my 2023 bingo card 😭
username you mean to tell me my girl yn dated shARL
username the way that this is probably why she’s had practically the entire grid as guests in her podcast apart from charles
username this is such an invasion of their privacy though like clearly they both didnt want this to be dug up
⤷ username i mean if they didn’t want anyone to see, they should have deleted the account or at the very least put it on private
username okay but these pictures are so 🥹
username i always thought it was weird the way charles and yn never interacted despite both being from monaco and involved the racing world
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liked by lorenzotl and others
charles_lec7 Joyeux anniversaire, mon amour. il y a 16 ans, tu es venu au monde et c'est la meilleure chose qui me soit arrivée. je suis toujours là pour t'écouter parler de n'importe quoi pendant des heures en attendant le coucher du soleil, malgré la plainte d'enzo qui ne veut pas nous conduire 🤣🤣
(happy birthday, my love. 16 years ago, you came into this world and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. i’m always here to listen to you talk about whatever for hours while waiting for sunset despite enzo’s complaint against driving us.)
view all messages… July 7, 2013
yourusername Merci beaucoup, mon ange. Je suis tellement reconnaissante d'avoir passé un autre anniversaire avec toi. Je t'aime plus que les mots ❤️❤️ (thank you so much, my angel. i am so grateful to have spent another birthday with you. i love you more than words.)
⤷ charles_lec7 J'ai hâte de vous souhaiter un joyeux anniversaire 70 fois de plus. (looking forward to greeting you happy birthday 70 more times.)
⤷ username he was going to greet her 70 more happy birthdays because he thought they’d spend the rest of their life together 😭😭
⤷ username i only learned about them today but i am a child of divorce and they are my parents
jules_bianchi Joyeux anniversaire, yn!! Je suis toujours là pour veiller sur toi et Charles quand vous avez besoin de moi. (happy birthday, yn!! i’m always here looking out for you and charles whenever you need me.)
⤷ yourusername merci, jules ❤️ nous t'encourageons toujours (thank you, jules. we’re always rooting for you.)
⤷ username oh my god 🥲🥲🥲
username i ran as fast as i could as soon as i saw the posts and oh my god it’s true 😭
username they’ve 😭😭 been 😭 together 😭😭 since 😭😭 they 😭😭 were 16 😭😭
⤷ username if you scroll even further down, he first greeted her on her 13th birthday where he called her the prettiest girl 🥲
⤷ username i’m about to stab myself
username y’all ever thought that the reason why he probably wanted number 7 is because her birthday is july 7 which is 7/7
⤷ username STOP IT RN
⤷ username his username has 7 in it bc it’s her birthday 🥲
⤷ username someone fucking sedate me
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liked by arthur_leclerc and others
charles_lec7 entrer en 2016 avec la même fille qu'en 2010. mon amour, je te tiendrai la main pour toujours ❤️❤️ (entering 2017 with the same girl from 2010. my love, i’ll hold your hand forever.)
view all comments… January 1, 2016
arthur_leclerc vous êtes tous les deux si ennuyeux 🙄🙄 (you’re both so annoying)
⤷ yourusername arrêtez d'être jaloux (stop being jealous)
lorenzotl Bonne année à vous deux! (happy new year to the both of you!)
⤷ yourusername je t'aime, enzo
yourusername Tu ne m'as pas demandé de sortir avec toi avant 2012 🤔🤔 (you didn’t ask me on a date till 2012 though)
⤷ charles_lec7 Je t'aime depuis bien plus longtemps que tu ne le penses (i love you far longer than you’ve known)
⤷ joris_trouche Malheureusement, je peux le confirmer en tant que personne qui a dû tout écouter. (unfortunately i can confirm this as someone who had to listen to everything)
⤷ yourusername ❤️❤️
yourusername and to many more years to come. Je t'aimerai pour le reste de ma vie (i’ll love you for the rest of my life)
⤷ charles_lec7 as long as i’m with you
username no because they legitimately seem so in love????? like from their words and not just the pictures
⤷ username there’s no way you’re going to tell me that a man who said “i’ve loved you far longer than you’ve known” and a girl who said “i’ll love you for the rest of my life” are no longer in love
username scrolling through this account is like watching their relationship unfold and mature before my eyes
username there’s no way you can tell me that two people so in love, looking forward to the future they plan to have together can just fall out of love and be complete strangers a few years later
⤷ username right!!!! because what do you mean love like this can exist and somehow just fade? what’s the point of love then??????
username the rest of us really be having an existential crisis because of a relationship that ended 6 years ago 😭
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liked by yourusername and others
charles_lec7 10 years from now, i hope it’s still you by my side
view all comments… November 5, 2017
yourusername félicitations, f2 world champion 🎉🥳 (congratulations)
⤷ charles_lec7 Merci, mon amour, je t'aime tellement. (thank you, my love. i love you so much.)
⤷ yourusername 💕
⤷ username i think this is the end guys 😔
⤷ username her energy is so different here. she literally sounds more like a friend greeting a friend rather than a girlfriend of 6 years by this point
username how did we go from “looking forward to greet you 70 more times) bc they were so sure they’d grow old together to “10 years from now, i hope it’s still you by my side” where he sounds so uncertain if they’re in each other’s futures???????
⤷ username no fuck that because how the fuck did we go from “i love you more than words” and “i’ll love you for the rest of my life” to a “💕” without even an i love you too???????????
username this is his last post of her 🥲🥲🥲
⤷ username she doesn’t even follow this account anymore
⤷ username he abandoned this account after they broke up 😭😭
username no bc he’s f2 champion here and they were still together but he entered formula 1 single??? what the hell happened
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liked by lissiemackintosh and others
yourusername in another life
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lissiemackintosh gorgeous gorgeous girl
⤷ yourusername no you
madisonbeer 🔥🔥🔥
yourbestfriend un voyage dans le passé ? (a trip down memory lane?)
⤷ yourusername 😵😬
username no bc your love story had me tearing up and now i refresh my feed and see this?
username she wanted to remind charles what he lost 😭
username in another life!!! i would have been your girlllllll
username literally the one that got away
username i simply can’t accept that this is the end of their story like this can’t be it, right?
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taglist: @ncentic @coffeehurricanes @academia-girl00 @nhlfs @livinglifethroughfanfic @sage-butterflyy @chimchimjiminie16 @thatgirlmj @hiraethrhapsody 
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vanteguccir · 6 months
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         𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Y/N drowns amidst so much criticism and negative comments from the media regarding her relationship, but Matt is right by her side to bring her back to the surface and surround her in a lavender haze.
WARNING: Mentions of hate, slightly angst.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism, copy, or "inspiration"! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
A/N²: This fic was written for the Challenge for the writers 2024 made by @annamcdonalds67
   ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
Staring at the ceiling with you
Oh, you don't ever say too much
Y/N lay down next to Matt on the double bed that decorated the room. The soft gloom emanated from the corner lamp, painting the scene with orange tones. Their intertwined fingers on the mattress formed a comforting bond, a silent affirmation of each other's presence there. Together, they observed the ceiling as if they were tracing constellations on the white paint in their minds.
The silence that surrounded them was serene, and their synchronized breathing seemed to compose a soft song. Matt knew that sometimes words were unnecessary. There was no need to try to force empty conversations when each other's presence was enough.
Y/N's thoughts, however, were a whirlwind. The sudden exposure that accompanied her relationship with Matt - which they just had revealed to the public some months before - had left her overwhelmed, despite her boyfriend's advance warnings about what followed him with his career. As someone who preferred a low-key life, being dragged into the spotlight of fame was suddenly a big experience.
While her body was physically in the room, her mind felt the weight of these thoughts slowly crushing her. It was an internal battle to maintain sanity amid the media storm that surrounded them.
And you don't really read into
My melancholia
Matt, on his side, noticed the melancholy in Y/N's eyes and the way her brow was constantly frowning, but he respected her silence. He understood the pressure she faced; the crazed fans who used her words against herself and criticized every second of the videos she made a little appearance or was only mentioned, and his heart burned to be able to help her more, but he knew that trying to interpret her thoughts could only increase her distress, his own mind bringing him the mere memory of the episode from some night's before.
To the soft sound of popcorn crackling in the kitchen next door, Y/N anxiously waited for Matt on the made bed, wrapped in the comfort of the fluffy comforter. Her phone rested in her hands, and she slid her fingers across the screen to access her Instagram feed. A notification caught her attention, a tag on a photo posted by the boy.
With an anticipated smile, Y/N opened the post and found herself among the images of a photo dump posted a few hours ago. Her heart filled with warmth when she saw the picture of them together, the girl didn't know how to explain what she felt when she saw him post so openly about them, having gone through difficult situations in this regard in her previous relationship.
However, her smile faded when she swiped down and was met with an avalanche of comments. Thousands of cruel words and cutting criticisms flooded the massive list. Comments that questioned who she thought she was, insinuations that she wasn't good enough, and that Matt deserved someone better. Every word was a blow to her heart, a confirmation of all the fears and insecurities she had kept hidden inside.
Feeling crushed by the virtual pressure, a wave of anguish enveloped her. Tears began to blur her vision as she struggled to contain her overflowing emotions, not wanting to appear vulnerable in the situation, much less worry Matt.
Her head filled with questions, how could she compete with the unrealistic expectations of those who observed her life through a screen?
Minutes passed in a second for her, the sound of the door opening again echoed softly, Matt's figure entering the room following it, the tempting smell of popcorn floating in the air and a childish smile decorating his face. His smile fell instantly when he saw Y/N holding the phone tightly with one of her hands, tears rolling down her face while her other hand pressed her mouth, forcing away the sobs.
"Hey, hey, babe, what happened?" Matt ran over to her, his tone full of worry, leaving the bucket of popcorn on the bedside table and kneeling next to her on the bed.
Y/N sobs as she tries to explain, showing him the cruel comments that filled her entire screen, the device shaking slightly as a result of her trembling fingers.
Matt felt his heart break when he saw the suffering on Y/N's face and the ridiculous words in front of him. Him mind was divided between helping her or posting something obscene, full of insults, and totally guided from his emotional side.
The boy sighs, closing his eyes and wishing to take the bad things away from his girl before sitting properly next to her, wrapping her in his arms affectionately and bringing her head to his chest, sealing her hair line for long seconds.
"I'm so sorry, petal. I didn't know this was going to happen. I should have thought before posting..." He murmured, gently stroking her back as Y/N clings to him for comfort. "I'll figure it out, I promise."
I been under scrutiny (yeah, oh, yeah)
You handle it beautifully (yeah, oh, yeah)
All this shit is new to me (yeah, oh, yeah)
With that, it was known that Y/N was constantly under the relentless eyes of the fandom and obsessed fanpages, her every move being dissected and analyzed minutely by the voracious eyes of anonymous people. But that was the price to pay for dating a public figure.
While facing this incessant storm of unsolicited attention, she couldn't help but admire how Matt, despite his issues with anxiety and certain unnecessary comments left by people who called themselves fans, handled the problems of notoriety with admirable patience and calm.
He seemed so comfortable on camera alongside his brothers, so skilled at ignoring invasive situations that Y/N often found herself questioning how he did it. However, for her, this was all unfamiliar and intimidating territory, too new.
Although she passionately wanted to quickly adapt to this new lifestyle, as she had no plans to leave Matt, she also found herself racing toward an uncertain direction, trying to keep her sanity and identity intact amid the media chaos that surrounded her.
The couch enveloped them in a comfortable embrace as Y/N and Matt enjoyed the peace of the silent living room, the soft sound of a Disney movie echoing in the background. Matt's arms around Y/N were a sanctuary of calm, warming her body and bringing her a comfort that made her feel like she could sleep any moment. It was one of those rare moments when they could simply exist t the interference of the fast-paced world around them.
Matt, with a sigh of contentment, reached for his phone, curious to see how the car video they had posted a few minutes ago was doing, eager to see what the fans thought of the themes brought up.
Quickly, he opened the YouTube app and scrolled through the comments. Among a flood of compliments and kind words, however, some less favorable comments caught his attention. Some criticized the way he was quieter than usual, while others questioned why he was even part of the videos, as he had nothing to add.
Matt rolled his eyes in a dismissive gesture as he turned the screen of his phone towards Y/N, allowing her to read the comments that filled the space.
"Look at that." Matt said, exasperated. "These people have nothing better to do than criticize anything and everything. Immature teenagers who love to point out only negative things." He muttered, shaking his head in disbelief.
Locking the screen of his phone with a brusque gesture, he left it aside on the couch, refusing to let the negative comments ruin his moment of peace. The boy turned to Y/N again, his smile returning as if nothing had happened and wrapping his arms around her once more.
"Sorry about that, pretty girl." The brunette asked softly against her skin, burying his face in the curve of her shoulder. "Sometimes people just need to spread negativity to feel better about themselves. But let's not let that get to us, hm?" He lifted his head from where it was, smiling small at his girl before pressing small seals on the exposed skin of her shoulders and neck, eliciting loud laughter from the girl.
[...] All they keep asking me (all they keep asking me)
Is if I'm gonna be your bride
The only kind of girl they see (the only kind of girl they see)
Is a one-night or a wife
Post after post from the significant number of fans who adored them together claimed that they were "endgame", as they had been in a relationship for over a year and seemed to be going strong.
But the comments that followed were always like a punch to the gut for Y/N. Some argued that she was Matt's future bride, while others insinuated that she was just a "gold digger", there to take advantage of his fame and money, like a one night stand, before eventually leaving him.
Y/N's feelings fluctuated between anger and sadness. How dare they question her true feelings for Matt? How could they judge their relationship based on unfounded assumptions and speculation? They were only 20 years old, marriage was out of the question at that moment, and they both knew that this kind of thing is something planned and thought out together, never done for the emotion of the moment or to meet the needs of others.
A feeling of helplessness invaded her when she read those things, accompanied by a hint of doubt. Y/N felt deep pain due to the lack of trust and support from Matt's own fans. She had tried so hard to be a positive presence in his life, to love and support him unconditionally, and to make the people who meant the most to him and who brought him to the top really like her.
And now, she was faced with the cruelty of strangers who were ready to judge her without even truly knowing her.
I find it dizzying (yeah, oh, yeah)
They're bringing up my history (yeah, oh, yeah)
But you weren't even listening (yeah, oh, yeah)
Y/N felt constantly dizzy with everything that was happening around her. It was as if she was in the eye of a media hurricane, where waves of curiosity and intrusion were endlessly engulfing her. Even with her social networks private, she found herself inundated by a flood of fanatical fans, eager to discover even the smallest detail of her life.
The triplets' YouTube videos, in which she participated, were constant targets of investigation by fans. Every word, every gesture captured by the camera, was analyzed. And the boys' posts, where she occasionally appeared, were scoured thoroughly for any hint of her personal life.
The simple act of even appearing on a TikTok for a brief second was enough to trigger a new wave of speculation and conspiracy theories from fans. Y/N felt like she was looking over her shoulder every moment.
This growing fear began to affect her willingness to participate in the brothers' videos and appear on their social media. She retreated into the shadows, avoiding the curious eyes that surrounded her.
Meanwhile, Matt scrolled through his social media feed, the cruel and mean comments about Y/N flashed on his phone screen at every moment. "She only wants to hurt him", "She's only with him for the money", "She will run away at the first opportunity". The words penetrated like sharp knives, but he faced them with a calm expression.
He could feel the anger pulsing through his veins. The injustice of these accusations made him want to scream. But he forced himself to remain calm, to take a deep breath and remember what really mattered.
Matt knew Y/N better than he knew himself. He knew she wasn't a gold digger, that she wasn't with him out of interest or for any petty reason. He knew that she genuinely loved him, that they shared the same dreams and fears, joys, and sadness.
So he ignored the negative comments, the people who hid behind anonymous profiles to spread venom and hate. Sometimes, he even had the small pleasure of responding to these accusations with an ironic comment or a joke, knowing that, deep down, none of it mattered.
Because he trusted Y/N. He loved her more than anything in the world, and nothing could shake that unshakable trust he had in her.
[...] Talk your talk and go viral (oh, oh, oh)
I just need this love spiral (oh, oh, oh)
Get it off your chest (woah, woah, woah, woah)
Get it off my desk (get it off my desk)
Talk your talk and go viral (oh, oh, oh)
I just need this love spiral (oh, oh, oh)
Get it off your chest
Get it off my desk
But on the other side, the moments of exhaustion seemed to multiply for Y/N, like a lingering shadow that followed her with every step. Increasingly, she found herself sinking into a sea of ​​cruel comments and venomous speculation from the media and fans.
Until a specific moment, where she finally understood that with Matt, she found the strength to fight it gradually. His arms wrapped around her with comforting warmth. His words of encouragement were like a balm to her soul. He supported her in every way possible, constantly reminding her of how much she was loved and valued and that nothing they said mattered.
Y/N slowly learned to filter the noise of the outside world, to block out the negative voices that tried to invade her mind. She no longer allowed the mean comments to get to her, choosing to ignore, block or mute them, allowing them to get everything they wanted off their chest and go viral using her name, and not giving a damn about it.
It was a gradual process, a journey of self-discovery and self-transformation. Y/N still had her moments of weakness, her doubts and fears, like in that moment. But with Matt by her side, she was able to cover her ears and eyes to them.
I feel the lavender haze creeping up on me
I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say
No deal
The 1950s shit they want from me
I just wanna stay in that lavender haze
And despite all the bad things, being alone at that moment with Matt in their own haven was comforting. A lavender haze enveloped Y/N gently, like a warm lilac hug amidst the darkness of uncertainty, protecting her from external judgments.
In the comfort of their room, with Matt's presence beside her, she felt as if she could close her eyes and simply let herself be carried away by the constant flow of love she felt for the boy.
Despite the whirlwind of thoughts that danced in her mind along with vague memories of all the futile posts from pages that gossip about artists, demanding surreal things from her as if they had just come out of a time machine to the past, there, in that moment, she allowed herself to sink into the depths of this good feeling.
Matt's presence by her side was like a protective shield, pushing away all her fears and insecurities. His eyes, full of tenderness and understanding, met hers from time to time, conveying a silent message that he was there, ready to face any challenge alongside her. And there was nothing in the world that made him want to leave there.
With one smooth movement, Matt turned briefly to reach for the lavender air freshener that rested on the nightstand next to the bed. He activates the device with a delicate touch, releasing a fragrant mist that fills the room with the sweet scent of the flower. The soft, comforting scent envelops Y/N like a hug, calming her agitated mind and bringing an almost instantaneous feeling of serenity.
The mattress moved with Matt's movements, and he slowly turned around, now lying on his side and facing Y/N. His eyes met hers lovingly, and a smile played on his lips as he moved closer until their bodies were mere inches away.
"You still with me, sweetheart?" His voice was as soft as the cotton beneath their bodies, echoing off the walls that were surrounded by silence for long minutes.
"Uhm." Y/N murmured back, imitating him and turning so that she was lying on her side, facing him, the fog in her mind slowly dissipating.
With soft and delicate movements, Matt wrapped the girl in his arms, bringing her closer to his body, laying her head on his chest, the steady beat of his heart calming hers almost automatically.
"They don't matter, you know?"
Y/N felt a comforting warmth spread throughout her entire being upon hearing the brief and almost insignificant words, but that meant the world to her. She snuggled even closer to Matt, feeling his arms tighten around her waist where they held, allowing herself to sink into them like a safe haven from the storms of the outside world.
Matt lowered his head and gently kissed the top of his girl's head, breathing in the soft scent of lavender shampoo that emanated from her strands. Every touch was filled with love and devotion, a silent promise that he was there.
And so, cradled by the soft haze of love that surrounded them, Y/N and Matt surrendered to the present moment, the girl leaving behind all the worries and fears that haunted her, her heart begging to stay there forever.
I just wanna stay in that lavender haze
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nebuladreamerrr · 3 months
Love in words| Kylian Mbappé x Fem Reader
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Summary: Kylian wins your heart with a charming routine of leaving little love notes in French. Unbeknownst to him, you’ve been secretly learning French just to understand his sweet messages
Warnings: English is not my first language. I don't speak Dutch or French, so if there's any mistake, I would appreciate it if you let me know :)))
You couldn't help but smile when you noticed the little envelope next to the breakfast on the counter, certain that your boyfriend had prepared it before leaving for training. It was these small gestures that made you fall more deeply in love with him each day.
The past few months hadn't been easy. In fact, your relationship hadn't followed a "normal" trajectory at all. Just a year ago, you had left your beloved Netherlands to advance your modeling career. Many saw it as a leap into the unknown, predicting you would return with less than you left with. Fortunately, you proved them wrong. It was at a serene evening event under the moonlight, hosted by a brand to showcase their new perfume, where you first met your current partner.
From the moment you met him, you felt a connection. However, you rarely recount your first conversation because it embarrasses you, despite it being one of Kylian's favorite stories. To Kylian's surprise, you didn't recognize who he was, leading him to initially disbelieve you and playfully ask what profession you thought suited him. Without hesitation, you said "architect," which amused him greatly.
Luckily, it turned into a humorous anecdote, and the following week, the handsome Frenchman seized the opportunity to take you on a date where you could savor authentic French cuisine. It was during this date that your mother called you, causing you embarrassment as you excused yourself briefly to the bathroom to speak with her. Uncertain of how to ensure you didn't return with a negative impression of him, Kylian took a lipstick from your bag and wrote on a napkin, "Meeting you was a nice accident." This gesture deeply touched your heart, and since then, you've cherished that napkin, hoping to one day share it with your future children as a cherished memory.
When your relationship began, you faced a series of challenges. First, Kylian got injured. Although it wasn’t a severe injury, he was quite moody since his whole life revolved around football. Luckily, your arrival in his life cheered him up, and he used that recovery time to get to know you better. However, the main issue in your relationship was the language barrier. After moving to France, your French was not very good, and after some bad experiences with a few French people who got offended when you mispronounced words, you decided to communicate mostly in English. Additionally, Kylian didn’t know any Dutch, so your conversations often felt monotonous or a bit awkward, requiring a translator to express your different points of view.
Kylian was quite concerned when you told him about the "trauma" you developed due to those few rude individuals who belittled your efforts and preferred to ridicule you rather than help you improve. To encourage you, Kylian came up with a plan involving leaving little notes in French to motivate you to learn the language. Of course, he understood that you could easily use your phone to translate them, so the first letter he gave you was on your birthday, hoping you’d understand how much he wanted it to come from you and not from a simple translation app. Therefore, on your birthday, he left this letter along with a bouquet of blue carnations:
“Bonjour à l'amour de ma vie,
J'espère que tu as très bien dormi aujourd'hui comme la princesse que tu es. Tu n'as aucune idée de combien je suis fier d'être ton petit ami et d'avoir comme petite amie une personne si gentille et noble, quelqu'un qui se soucie des autres et qui n'a pas peur de tout risquer pour accomplir de grandes choses.
(Y/N), en seulement vingt-quatre ans, tu as accompli tant de choses, et j'espère que tu es fière de chaque réussite car je ne peux m'empêcher de sourire comme un idiot amoureux quand j'entends ton nom mentionné dans une émission de télévision ou que je vois que tu as posté une nouvelle photo sur ton profil.
Je sais que tu vas me tuer pour avoir tout écrit en français, mais j'espère qu'un jour tu liras et comprendras tout. Je ne veux pas dire que j'espère que tu seras ma femme et la mère de mes enfants parce que je suis sûr que cela arrivera; nous sommes destinés à être ensemble.
Merci de me supporter, et s'il te plaît continue de cuisiner; je ne sais pas ce que je ferais sans ta nourriture. Je t'aime tellement, mon amour, profite de ta journée.
P.S. Please, princess, don’t translate anything, and don’t ask anyone to translate it for you. I love you, my queen."
("Good morning to the love of my life.
I hope you slept very well today like the princess you are. You have no idea how proud I am to be your boyfriend and to have such a gentle, noble person as my girlfriend, someone who cares about others and isn’t afraid to risk everything to achieve great things.
(Y/N), in just twenty-four years, you have accomplished so much, and I hope you are proud of every achievement because I can’t help but smile like a love-struck fool when I hear your name mentioned on a TV show or see that you’ve posted a new picture on your profile.
I know you’re going to kill me for writing this all in French, but I hope that one day you’ll read and understand everything. I don’t want to say I hope you’ll be my wife and the mother of my children because I’m sure it will happen; we’re destined to be together.
Thank you for putting up with me, and please keep cooking; I don’t know what I’d do without your food. I love you so much, my love, enjoy your day.
P.S. Please, princess, don’t translate anything, and don’t ask anyone to translate it for you. I love you, my queen.")
When you read the letter, you couldn't help but feel a bit shocked because you didn't expect to receive a handwritten letter from Kylian, especially not one written in French. Although it frustrated you that you couldn't understand what was written, you were sure it was all kind words. From that moment on, you had a new goal: to decipher everything the letter said.
Your motivation grew with the increase in notes that Kylian left everywhere: in your car, your apartment, and even in your purse. His messages varied—some shorter, some longer—but they all had one common factor: they were all written in French.
“Mon cœur, les gars me taquinent parce que je veux aller voir Vice Versa 2 avec toi. Est-ce bizarre ? » "Sweetheart, the guys are bullying me because I want to see Inside Out 2 with you. Is that weird?"
« Hey, je n'aime pas que tu prêtes plus d'attention à mon frère qu'à moi. Rappelle-toi, j'ai une Coupe du Monde, et lui non. » "Hey, I don’t like that you pay more attention to my brother than to me. Remember, I have a World Cup, and he doesn’t."
« Pendant l'entraînement, je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher de penser à toi et à comment nos enfants vont me taquiner parce que je ne parle pas néerlandais. Pourquoi tout le monde se moque de moi ? » "During training, I couldn’t stop thinking about you and how our kids will bully me because I don’t speak Dutch. Why does everyone make fun of me?"
All of this motivated you to sign up for classes with a private tutor to learn the language. You often surprised her by asking about the meaning of specific words to slowly decipher the meaning of your boyfriend’s letters. When you finally succeeded, you couldn’t feel more satisfied with yourself. So, you decided to write Kylian a letter in French and slip it into his training bag, hoping to surprise him. You also had a little revenge planned.
"My love, I hope training went well, and you had a great time with the guys.
Remember to behave, and there will be a delicious meal for lunch.
Overigens, ik denk dat het tijd is dat jij ook mijn taal leert, dus ik hoop dat je veel plezier hebt. Onthoud, als je opgeeft, zal mijn vader een slechte indruk van je hebben.
Ik hou van je, mijn kleine schildpad.
(By the way, I think it’s time for you to learn my language too, so I hope you have a lot of fun. Remember, if you give up, my father will have a bad impression of you.
I love you, my little turtle.)
P.S. Don’t use the translator either."
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nadiahshaven · 1 year
𝘸𝘦 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯.
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𖦹 summary: you and connie at a party, and he gotta correct your smart mouth.
𖦹 content: connie x f!reader. reader is black-coded. mention of connie being a drug dealer. pieck is a fruit feen. choking. slight nsfw mention. connie fine ass got a thumb ring. cant think of nothing else.
𖦹 word count: 851.
authors note: this was jus sumn i wrote up quick asf bc i wanna update real bad LOL. lmk if yall want an extended smut ver. enjoy!
you knew connie, and you knew he wasn’t the type to let up on you when you acted out. whether it was because you couldn’t watch your mouth, or because you simply forgot who you were dealing with, your dope boy was there to reel you back in every time.
“watch that mouth, ma.”
“keep fuckin’ playin wit’ me, (y/n), and i’ma give ya’ ass exactly what’chu lookin’ fa’.”
never was this more apparent than the night you had the audacity to try and push your luck in front of your best friend.
you and connie got invited to a kickback at his best friend, ony’s house. ony was the easygoing, fun kind of dude that perfectly balanced out connie’s sort of reserved personality. any time connie was out, you knew he was with ony. any time there was a party of any kind, you knew ony was hosting.
the two of you walked into the loud party, scrunching your faces up a bit in unison at the intensity of the bass of future’s ‘march madness’ blasting throughout the house. you kind of expected the volume, due to the fact that you heard the music while you were outside. it didn’t help that everyone was singing the lyrics with their entire chest, either.
pushing through the crowd to get to some sort of rest spot, ony caught you two.
“aye!” he yelled, catching you and connie’s attention.
connie walked you two over, hand on your waist so he wouldn’t lose you, over to the drink table where ony was previously mingling with some other guys.
“you got this shit jumpin’, ony!” you chuckled, voice raised a bit higher over the music.
“it’s what i dooo.” ony shrugged, pearly whites on full display as a smile painted his dark, plump lips. “i’m jus’ that nigga.”
“yea’, yea.” connie intervened. “i can’t wait for the day you throw a jaint and nobody show up fa’ ya’ ass.”
“never gon’ happen.” ony simply said.
before connie could give a very aggressive rebuttal, you peeped your own best friend, pieck, over in the kitchen snacking on fruit that she knew was supposed to go into the punch. you decided it’d be best to leave ony and connie to their madness in favor of making your way over to her, strike up some conversation.
“pieckkk!” you opened your arms, barreling toward her in a hug. due to her scrolling on her phone while eating the fruit, she didn’t notice you were about to tackle her, until you did. she engulfed you back into the same, tight, hug you gave her.
“my heartyy-“ pieck smiled, leaving a quick smack on your plump ass as you two pulled away from the hug, to which you chuckled in response. “bitch, yo’ ass look good as fuck in’nat dress. how connie ain’t act up?”
“girl, i don’t know.” you rolled your eyes. “he choose when to appreciate me.”
pieck snickered, going back to eating the fruit she was almost done with at this point. you and pieck engaged in catching up with each-other. ranging from talking about your relationships, to simply rating people’s fits that you saw around the party.
you didn’t realize how much time passed, and a hand snaked around your waist— which caught you off guard. before you could turn around to flip out, a familiar, silver thumb ring with your initials engraved into it grabbed your eye. it was connie, and by the look in his eye when you turned your head towards him, he was ready to leave.
you ignored it though, given you were in the middle of a conversation with your best friend.
“mami.” connie called you.
“what, connie?” you responded, with a bit more attitude in your voice. he decided to give you this one pass, because he did kind of interrupt you in the middle of a sentence.
“i’m ready to leave.”
“you gon’ have to wait.”
pieck tried to pretend she was minding her business, starting to scroll through nothing on her phone.
“(y/n), i don’t got time for the bullshit. let’s go.” connie put a bit more firmness to his voice. this is where you would usually oblige, but you wanted to see how far you could go in public. he wouldn’t do much in front of all of these people, right?
“like i said,” you mistakenly repeated, with your back still turned to him. “you gon’ have to wai—“
you couldn’t finish your sentence before he grabbed you by your throat from behind you, leaning down to your ear.
“let me have ta’ repeat myself for a third time, and watch how fast i put’cho ass over my shoulder.”
you couldn’t respond, for the simple fact that you knew anything you were gonna say, would not help your case. so, he continued.
“bein’ hardheaded won’t get’chu nowhere except on ya’ knees, ma. now lem’me make sure you hear me loud ‘nd clear when i say this.” his lips were tickling the outside of your ear, making your body hotter than you wanted it to.
“we leavin’.”
continuation -> good girl
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 months
Katie McCabe x Reader
Summary: You and Katie both know who really holds the power
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It was always funny to see the two of you together, going back as far as your childhood.
Katie had always been the more tomboyish of the pair of you, always up to wrestle with the older kids or go careening down the hill on her bike. You were slower in comparison, taking your time and amusing yourself by playing clapping games or making daisy chains.
You shouldn't have worked as well as you did but it must have been fate.
When Katie moved to England, you came with her. There was never any debate about it. Wherever she went, you went.
Football was her passion and you were happy to go along for the ride. She'd found a home at Arsenal and you were more than happy to tag along.
You worked at the local florist, surrounded by flowers everyday. You had beehives at the back of the garden. Your backyard was picture perfect and you grew your own fruits and vegetables.
No one expected someone like you to be engaged to someone like Katie.
"Mate," Leah said as she relaxed back in her seat," Your girl's a dream. I mean, what can't she do?"
Katie tilted her head back so she could peer into the kitchen where you were sectioning out the cake you'd made earlier.
It wasn't often that you two hosted bonding nights but, when you did, everyone came along. Your Pa was a chef so you'd picked up a few things along the way.
Your meals were the stuff of legend between the Arsenal team, with the experience being passed down from older teammates to younger ones as they all sat waiting for the invitation.
"Nothing," Katie replied as you momentarily got distracted by rearranging the bouquet that lived on the windowsill.
"You hit the jackpot," Jen said," I mean, I don't know how you control yourself. If I had a girl like that to come home to everyday, I'd never leave the bed."
"Hey!" Katie said, shoving her friend," She's my fiancée! Not yours!"
Jen laughed, tipping her head back. "I'm just saying! Come on, Katie, you can't say that you've never considered just skipping practice."
Katie winked. "I never said that. I just said to stop fantasising about my girl!"
"So you would stay in bed with her all the time?" Leah teased.
Katie smirked. "You know I would but you know," She shrugged," One of us has to be the breadwinner." She flexed jokingly. "I make enough that she could be my pretty housewife if she really wanted to."
"Real macho, McCabe," Leah said," You're forgetting we once saw you drop a weight on your foot. You're not that smooth."
"I think y/n would disagree with you there." Katie winked. "I'm super smooth. It's why she fell in love with me."
"She fell in love with you because you seduced her, I reckon. All this power is going to your head. Occasional Arsenal captain, Ireland captain and now you're saying you're the man of the house."
"I'm absolutely saying that." Katie flexed again. "I mean, check out these muscles."
"Alright," Jen laughed," Put those guns away before you take someone's eye out."
Admittedly, Katie knew she was talking like she was some kind of hormonal uni boy but she couldn't help herself. She was completely relaxed here, in her own home with her teammates scattered around and you serving everyone cake. She was definitely bigging herself up here but she didn't want to lose face in front of her friends, especially as you breezed back into the room with pre-sliced cake and a pile of plates.
"I hope you're all able to eat this," You said," I know you're meant to be on diets but, surely, you can cheat for the day."
Katie grinned, drunk on the feeling of puffed up pride at everyone's compliments about you. She stood and rested her hand a little too low on your ass to be decent in public.
"Course we can, babe," She said, emboldened by the way you didn't say anything as she squeezed lightly," Everyone loves your baking."
You sent her an unreadable look but allowed her touching, helping everyone get a slice before settling on her lap in the loveseat.
Katie smirked at Jen and Leah, who were sending her similar cocky looks, and she finally moved her hand from your ass to rest splayed out on your hip, dragging you ever closer.
You fed Katie bites of your own slice automatically as she sat manspread on the loveseat, still talking amongst her teammates.
When there was a lull in the conversation, you brought your lips to her ear.
"Vey macho, Katie," You said, watching her throat bob in horror when she realised that you had heard everything," A real man of the house."
"Babe," She murmured back, eyes darting back and forth between everyone to make sure none of them were looking," I-"
"I'm not going to say anything," You said, shutting her up by pressing another forkful of cake into her mouth," I wouldn't want to embarrass you in front of all of the new signings."
"Babe," She said again, shifting a bit uncomfortably as you put more food into her mouth.
"Shh," You said softly," Don't talk just yet." You leaned a bit closer, putting the plate down on your lap so you had a hand free to push Katie's hand to grip your hip harder. "You have your fun showing off for your friends. You do whatever you want but let me make this clear. If you have to be reminded who's really in charge here then I will make sure to remind you. Understand?"
"I understand."
"Good." You smiled and drew away, picking up the plate and nudging Katie's lips with a cake filled fork again. "Open up, baby. I spent a lot of time on this. Make sure to eat your fill."
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kengan-daddies · 1 year
Which kengan characters do you think likes to hug? How long do they last? Do they usually initiate the hug or do you? Do they give tight hugs or lose hugs ect? You can pick any characters you want but if you could please include Saw Paing, Raian and Wakatsuki that would be great 🙏 thanks
How He Hugs Cosmo Imai Kaolan Wongsawat Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Saw Paing Yoroizuka Wakatsuki Takeshi
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Anime : Kengan Ashura
Characters : Cosmo Imai Kaolan Wongsawat Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Saw Paing Yoroizuka Wakatsuki Takeshi Warnings : Non, all fluff
How He Hugs Cosmo Imai Kaolan Wongsawat Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Saw Paing Yoroizuka Wakatsuki Takeshi
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How He Hugs Cosmo Imai Kaolan Wongsawat Ohma Tokita Raian Kure Saw Paing Yoroizuka Wakatsuki Takeshi
Cosmos Imai
His hugs are honestly 10/10
They have the right amount of tightness, they're warm and comforting
He'll even give a sweet little giggle as he does
His hugs have different time frames, some long some short but they're always warm, tight, and comforting.
Kaolan Wongsawat
His hugs are 8/10
They aren't that tight but they also aren't that comforting but they are warm
He may or may not give a little lecture about PDA but he'll still give you a hug
They're never very long, always pretty brief but warm and full of love
Ohma Tokita
His hugs are 3/10
They aren't even hugs, it's more like he'll just lean into you uncomfortably but it's also pretty cute how he'd loosely wrap his arms around your waist
His hugs aren't hugs but you feel very protected in his loose grip
The only downfall is that he may fall asleep on you, trapping you in an uncomfortable position.
Raian Kure
His hugs are 1/10
He barely hugs he in fact actually likes to tackle you so hugs are pretty uncommon
His tackles aren't enough to injure you but they are enough to make you wheeze at times
At least he sometimes likes to nuzzle into your neck
Saw Paing Yoroizuka
His hugs are 9/10
They're tight, comforting, and full of love
The only issue is that he'll sometimes scream in your ear or he'll hug you too tightly
He'll always loosen up if you ask him to and he'll lower his voice too
Wakatsuki Takeshi
His hugs are 0/10
Hugs with him are non-existent
He won't even lean into you, too scared that he'll hurt you
You wished that he'd do even a little pinky finger on your shoulder but you understood at least he made up by being the best little spoon
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footygirl114 · 8 months
Celos (Alexia Putellas X Reader)
Hi, bet no one saw part 3 coming so soon! But well here it is, this slow burn build up is quite fun for me 😂😂
Links to Part 1 and Part 2
Your phone ringing the following afternoon interrupted your pacing of your living room. You had snuck out of Alexia’s apartment just as the sun was rising, it was easy considering hat you had slept on the couch not wanting to leave her alone, but also not wanting to cross any lines. You had left a note on the counter with a simple message of thank you, see you on Monday.
The panic set in as soon as you got into the elevator and once you made it to your apartment you immediately changed and went on a long run, and then hit the gym. You tried to tire yourself out and when you go got back to your apartment mid morning, you decided to deep clean your apartment. When that was completed, you had resorted to pacing your apartment. 
The working out and cleaning was able silence your thoughts, but as soon as you stopped the thoughts came back. You couldn’t stop thinking about Alexia. You were thinking about what could have happened to her, why you couldn’t protect her, and most of all how you were going to face her again without wanting to be close to her. You had to get the thoughts under control so you could work tomorrow and put back on the professional face to keep Alexia safe. 
When the phone rang, it startled you but also shook you out of the deep spiral you were in. Looking at the caller ID you immediately straightened up and answered the phone with a “Hi Michelle.” 
“Y/N, what the hell happened last night? I saw the news reports today and have been waiting for your call to update me.” Michelle immediately started in on you, her tone of voice made you aware that she was pissed off at you. 
You took a deep breathe and said “Michelle, I am sorry, I just needed the morning to decompress after last night.” 
The sigh she realises down the line makes you think she understands it but when she says “Y/N, you owe me more than that” you know she sees right through you. 
“Michelle, I did something stupid” You tell her, as you move to sit on the couch behind you. 
“Y/N” she says softly. 
Placing the phone on speaker and on the table in front of you run your hands through your hair and tell her what happened finishing with “I let her out of my sight Michelle, I let my guard down and I couldn’t protect her and she got hurt.” 
“She got hurt?” she asks you. 
“Well technically, she wasn’t the one who got hurt” you tell her, using the reminder to press your fingers around your sore face. 
“Y/N” she says with a slight warning in her voice.
You shrug as you say “I took a punch when I stepped in and neutralised the two attackers.” 
“Wait you didn’t say there was two?!” she asks you. 
You chuckle and reply “It wasn’t hard Michelle, they weren’t trained, the one just got a lucky punch before I could avoid it.” 
“I hope you can hear me rolling my eyes at you.”
You chuckle and say “I can.” 
“Can we circle back to how you think you didn’t protect her?” she asks softly. 
Leaning back against the back of the couch you cover your eyes and say “Michelle, did you miss the part where she was being harassed by two guys?” 
“No I didn’t, but you told me she wasn’t the one who got hurt. What I am hearing is that you protected her, you took the brunt of the anger and violence and she remained safe with not a hair on her head out of place.” Michelle firmly says. 
“But it shouldn’t have happened, I should have protected her.” You say again. 
“Did you check the surroundings of the room?” 
“Was there security guards on the doors?” 
“Have you ever followed a client into the bathroom under these circumstances?” 
“Exactly Y/N. You did everything right and you protected her exactly like you were trained to do. Now as your boss I am proud of you, and I am glad you work for me. But as your friend, want to tell me whats really going on?” she asks you. 
Groaning you stand up and start to pace again as you say “Michelle, I almost crossed a line with her. I have never let myself get this close to a client before and I am trying to draw the line but I cant Michelle. There is something about her that I am just drawn to.” 
“Y/N, sit down I can hear you pacing.” 
Immediately you sit down and place your head in your hands on your knees as you start “I’m sorry-“
“No, shut up Y/N. It’s my turn to talk and you will listen to me.” She says sternly. 
When you do not respond she takes it as silence and continues “You are the best employee I have, and I know that you are the most professional person out there. I know you have a past and you have seen some horrible things, and you have done some things you regret. But the one thing that I know is that you will do whatever it takes to protect your clients no matter what. Thats why I know you will do whatever it takes to keep her safe.” 
“Thank you Michelle.” you tell her softly. 
“Now that the boss of me is out of the way, I am just going to say, Y/N whatever happens, do not shy away from anything. Do not hide from your feelings and just embrace it for once, It’s time to finally do something for you.” 
“I will try Michelle, thank you.” 
“I have to go, but next time send me a text at least when you take a punch.” she chuckles. 
Chuckling back you say “Of course I can do that.” 
You finish off the conversation and when you hang up you feel a bit lighter but also a bit more confused. You know you need to take a step back and keep things professional but you also want to make sure that you try to do what Michelle said. 
On Monday morning you are waiting out front of the building leaning on the SUV waiting to take Alexia to training. When she walks out you have a second to admire her, the sun hitting the blonde in her hair in the right light, as she looks down at her phone. When she looks up and meets your eyes you are glad you have sunglasses on. She smiles brightly at you and you have to pinch your palm to remind yourself of the line. 
“Buen Dia Ms. Putellas” you tell her with a nod and you move to open the back door for her. 
“Hola Y/N” she says and moves towards you, she places her hand on yours on the door and she says quietly to you “I missed you.” 
You nod and have to look away as you say “we should go Ms. Putellas.”
She looks at you for a moment and silently climbs into the backseat. You close the door behind you and walk around the back of the car taking a deep breath to calm your mind and remind yourself to keep this professional. When you get into the car she’s looking out the window you are glad you cant see the hurt in her eyes. 
The rest of the week goes much the same why, you keep your professional persona on and are able to not respond to any of her flirting. Luckily she didn’t have anything going on this week and with a midweek game there was little time to spend with her since you were driving her to and from the field. 
On Saturday there was a lunch time game, which meant you were waiting for Alexia outside leaning on the car early Saturday morning. When the departure time came and went and she hadn’t come out to the car yet, you got worried. As you walk back in the lobby and move to get into her private elevator, you keep thinking about what could have happen for her to be late. 
Chewing your lip your mind goes to worst case scenario and you know have your self convinced she went out last night without you and has been kidnapped. When the doors open you immediately move off them and ask loudly “Alexia, are you here?” 
As you move into her apartment and down the hallway you are met with the sight of a half naked Alexia with her track suit pants on, but only a sports bra on top, she has a toothbrush hanging out of her mouth and her hair is a mess. She waves at you and moves to the bathroom to spit the toothpaste out and she yells out “I am so sorry my alarm didn’t go off.” 
You move closer and lean on the door way to her bedroom where the place is a mess, there is clothes everywhere and with a raised eyebrow you ask her “did Hurricane Alexia hit last night?” 
She chuckles and moves past you to her dresser to grab a hairbrush as she says “I cant find my warm up top” and she moves back by you to the bathroom to brush her hair. 
Chuckling you move into her room asking “the blue and red one?” 
“Yes” she says from the bathroom without looking your way. 
You move slightly and pick up her bed spread off the floor and pull out the shirt she’s looking for, you hang it on your finger and turn to her asking “this the one you’re looking for?” 
She turns and walks out of the bathroom with a smile and says “si, you’re a life saver.” 
She moves towards you and you move the shirt behind your back and say “I quite enjoy the view without the shirt on.” 
“Y/N come on, we’re going to be late” she says as she moves closer to you with a smile. 
You shake your head and say “We have some time, you are always ridiculously early Ale.” 
She moves even closer and stands right in front of you and asks “I guess I could just warm up in the sports bra” 
“No, thats not acceptable for the queen of football” you smirk at her and move one hand from behind your back to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear.
She reaches a hand out to place one on your hip as she says “It would make for a good show” she places her other hand on your shoulder. She uses the momentum to pull you closer and she presses a kiss to your cheek and moves to your ear whispering “or I could put on this warm up shirt” as she pulls back with the shirt and pulls it over her head before you can realise she was distracting you. 
You stand there staring at her in disbelief as she moves and packs the rest of her stuff. Shaking your head you chuckle and say “you cheater.” 
“All is fair in love and war Y/N” she says and leaves the room chuckling. 
You shake your head following her out the door, you watch her gather her stuff and then head to the elevator. You follow her down as she has a firm smirk on her face the whole way. When you get outside you open her door and watch her in the car. 
You get into the front seat and before you can put your sunglasses on you meet her eyes in the rearview mirror and say “for the record, I prefer you without the shirt on” and you finish with a wink and then place your sunglasses on. 
She chuckles in the back and says “I will keep that in mind.”
A few hours later you had watched her score 2 goals in Barca’s 5-0 win, and you were now stood in the back of the media availability post game. She was sitting upfront beside the coach fielding questions from the media. There is one media person who has taken an extra dirty approach to asking Alexia questions. You keep an eye on her and when the time is up you move closer to Alexia to ensure she gets out safely. 
Before you can reach her the flirty media person beats you to her. You stay back, moving to stand behind Alexia, knowing not to interrupt, but you have to watch as the very good looking media person places her hand on Alexia’s forearm with a flirty smile. You watch as the media girls eyes light up and track down Alexia’s face, locking on her lips. 
You take a step closer and can see her hand rubbing circles on Alexia’s forearm. Your blood is starting to boil but when you hear Alexia laugh back it hurts more than you thought it would. 
Moving closer you look around and see the room is clearing out and Alexia’s coach is calling her over. As she moves away from the media girl she says “I will see you at the restaurant tonight at 7 then?”
The media girl smiles and says “It’s date.” 
Alexia moves towards her coach and doesn’t notice you behind her as those two words have broken your heart in two. You stand there watching as the media girl watches Alexia’s exit from the room. You continue standing there as the room clears out and all you can do is keep pinching your palm to prevent yourself from doing something stupid like punching the media girl. 
When you shake your self out of it you move to get the car and when Alexia comes out she’s talking on the phone in Catalan. You open the door for her and then continue to stay silent as you hope in the front seat you drive her home. She remains on the phone the whole time, and you park outside your building, she moves to open the door but you haven’t gotten out yet. 
She pauses her conversation and looks at you with a raised eyebrow “you getting out?” 
Shaking your head you tell her “I need to get gas.” 
She nods and says “okay I will be going out at 630.” 
You nod. 
“You okay Y/N?” she asks. 
You still haven’t looked at her but you shift the car into park and you say “I will be ready to drive you to your date, but first I need to get gas, and you should finish your phone call.” 
She takes the hint and closes the door, standing on the sidewalk she watches you drive away. You watch her in the rearview mirror and can’t help but wish it was this morning when you were winking at her in the mirror. 
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runningfrom2am · 9 months
cold nights // part four
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summary: all the stars aligned, and it was you.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 2.9k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: tribute!reader and mentor!coriolanus, r is very sweet (too kind for this world. literally.), sunshine x grumpy trope kinda, he falls first, violence typical for the source material, r is very smart (as she should), district twelve!reader.
a/n: this is your reminder to reblog and comment on fics you like!! it helps us writers out a TON the girlies who get it get it. thanks!!
series masterlist // playlist
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"I just have to ask you a few questions... is that okay?" Coriolanus asks, sitting across from you at the small table you find yourself chained to.
"Please." You nod, grinning at him. You were so tired, the bags under your eyes were evidence enough of that. Screw getting you food- Coryo is worried if you don't sleep you'll be all but useless in the games, even if all he needs you to do is run and hide.
"It's just so people can get to know you a bit better. Okay, so..." He looks down at the sheet in front of him, tapping the pencil against the table as he tries to focus on reading. "First, nice and easy, what is your full name?"
"Y/N M/N L/N."
"Great... Okay, and where are you from?"
"District Twelve, born and raised."
"How old are you?"
"Seventeen. I'll be eighteen next week." You smile.
"Oh, really?" He asks, pausing mid-sentence as he starts writing it down.
"Yeah." You smile. "Hopefully I'll live to see the day."
"You will." He tries to be reassuring as he scribbles the finished answer on his sheet. God, you got unlucky. Not that his eighteenth was a big celebration like some of his classmates, but Tigris made him a cake with ingredients she'd been saving up for and she refit his school uniform for him. You wouldn't even have that- you would be spending the day fighting for your life, if you even made it that long.
"And who is in your family unit?" He reads directly from the slip as he forces himself to move on.
"Well, there's me, my brother, he's fifteen, and then my ma and pa." You nod. "Well, my pa isn't home much. Lots of work in the mines; usually has sixteen-hour days. I hardly ever see him." You admit, sadness laced into your tone. "Saw him, I mean."
"My father died in Twelve." Coryo says, catching you off guard. He doesn't even fully understand why he felt the need to tell you this. "About ten years ago, it was rebels."
"I remember that." You reply quietly, recalling the lockdown placed on the District after the murder of a peacekeeper general. "He was the general. Crassus Snow, I assume?"
Everyone was forced into their homes at gunpoint, and in search of the responsible parties everyone you knew had their home destroyed by peacekeepers. Yourself included. Your bed was torn apart, and your mattress shredded for any hidden weapons or plans. Since then, you have shared a bed with your brother. A new mattress was hard to make, and your ma never got the free time or materials again.
Up until this week, that was the scariest day of your life. Just before the peacekeepers kicked in your door, your mother had grabbed the two of you and shoved you into an opening under the floorboards- a crawlspace made from a faulty foundation. You were in there for what felt like hours, listening to shouting and your home being ruined as you held onto each other with a hand pressed over your brother's mouth to keep him from crying too loud. Your mother's cries that day never seemed to end.
"It's a small world." You say after a solid few moments of silence, and Coryo can see it in the way you're staring at his paper that you're not reading it. You're zoned out completely. "I'm sorry that happened to you. It must have been scary."
"The war was hard on all of us." He responds. "What... what do you remember?" He had never heard anything about it besides the bare bones of what happened, he had never considered that the people of Twelve would remember it as well. And judging by the look on your face, it wasn't a good memory.
"I was about six, maybe seven, and I was playing with my brother, and I didn't hear anything but my ma must have because she grabbed us and hid us under the floorboards so fast I could have got whiplash. Peacekeepers came into our home, tore the whole thing to shreds, hurt my ma, then took off. Onto the next house. I didn't find out until a while later that rebels killed the peacekeeper general, they were looking for any evidence of conspiracy, I guess. The people who did it."
"Sounds like it was scarier for you than for me."
"But I want you to know," You speak so quickly you almost cut him off. "My parents had nothing to do with it. My pa is an honest, good man. All he ever wanted was to keep us safe. We're not rebels, I promise you that."
Coriolanus almost wishes you were, so he wouldn't be so hurt by what his people were putting you through. "I know. I wouldn't blame you for that."
"Thank you." You whisper, picking at your nails now as you look down at your shaky hands.
Coryo clears his throat, forcing himself to look away from you. "Uh..." He chuckles at the next question, making you look up at him again. "Are you married?"
"No." You reply, having almost completely forgotten about the worksheet in front of him. "I'm not."
"It's just... I just, I have to ask." He says, clearing his throat as he writes it down.
"Of course." You nod in understanding.
"Boyfriend?" He asks, and as you squint at the sheet you can see it's not there, and he quickly covers the next lines with his palm, cheeks flushing pink.
"Yes." You giggle as he snaps his head up to look at you.
"You do?" He asks, voice catching as his curls fall back onto his forehead from the sudden movement.
"Yes, what is so wrong in that?" You raise an eyebrow at him, trying not to laugh.
"No, no, I mean, of course you do, you're beautiful, I just, you never mentioned-"
"Relax, Coriolanus. I'm kidding." You smile at the panic in his tone. "No, I don't have a boyfriend."
"Oh, right. Thanks, it's just for, yeah..." He mumbles, pretending to write something down behind his cupped hand so you couldn't see.
You shake your head at him while he's not paying attention, smiling to yourself.
"So, uh, do you have a job?"
"Not formally, but my ma is a seamstress. I help her lots with that. Fixing people's work clothes, stuff like that." You answer, getting back on topic.
"Did you make your dress?" He asks.
"Now I know that question's not on that form of yours." You laugh. "But yes, my ma made it for me when I was five. It's been my favourite ever since."
He looked the parts of it over that he could see above the table. It was well worn down, but well cared for. Similar to a lot of his own clothing.
"It used to be this big, flowing thing. Too big for a five year old- I would step on the bottom of it, just tore it right up." You recall. "So we trimmed the bottom, and as I grew, it grew right with me. I stitched up the bottom when I was old enough to enter the reaping, so now it's got shorts instead. But I still love it, lots of good memories held in the pockets of this old thing."
Shorts instead. So it's easier to run in. The thought haunts Coryo for a moment. The idea that you, at twelve years old, decided this is what you would want to run in, to die in, and took the liberty of sewing up the crotch in it yourself. Every stitch possibly sealing your fate.
"It's nice. I like it." He responds.
"Thank you." You smile, nodding proudly to yourself as you look down at the fabric. "It's real comfy, too."
"It looks it. Not very... restricting." He chooses his words wisely. No wonder you had kept it so many years. It still fit, so why not? Especially when it looked so good on you. The typically plain, neutral tone of the fabric complimented your skin tone so well. Even in bad lighting, it seemed as though you were glowing where the cloth met your skin. Glowing everywhere, now that he thought about it. Maybe you just lit up every room you walked into. Maybe it wasn't the clothing that was made just for you and hugged your form so flawlessly, maybe it was just you.
"Yes, it is not." You agree. "Now, our time is limited. Next question." You interrupt his thoughts, gesturing to the sheet of paper in between you.
"Yes, sorry." Coryo chuckles, shaking the distraction from his head. "Any hobbies?
"I did know that." He smiles to himself. "Anything else?"
"Well..." You think about it for a moment, chewing your lip. "I have a cat, and I like to play with him and take care of him, does that count?"
"I'll count it." He nods, quickly jotting it down. "What's your cat's name?" He asks, purely out of curiosity.
"Tybalt." You giggle.
"Tybalt?" Coryo tilts his head at you and you nod, bottom lip drawn between your teeth.
He nods slightly, prompting you to explain. "He's named after a character from Romeo and Juliet."
"That's your favourite, I remember."
"Good king of cats, nothing but one of your nine lives." You quote. "Mercutio calls Tybalt the king of the cats, so I named him after that."
"That's clever. Very funny."
"Thank you. I thought so." You smile proudly, watching him write down your cats name in his notes. "What is this for, if I can ask?"
"Uh, there's going to be an interview you'll have to do the night before the games. It'll be aired live on Capitol television, and people will be able to send in donations so I can send you things in the arena. Just like I told you." Coryo explains.
"An interview?" You ask. "What does that entail?"
"Well, I'm not sure yet." He answers honestly. "But we'll pass this sheet onto the host, Lucky, if you remember him, and he can ask you questions about your family, your life, any of this stuff. I think really whatever we want, though, so if there's anything in particular you want to say or talk about I can write that down for you."
"Oh, I'm really not sure." You reply. "Nothing in particular, but if you need me to talk I can talk about books for hours on end." You smile.
"Could you do a monologue?" He suggests. He had discussed this with Tigris before, and he was hoping you would, but knowing you, you would be dropping quotes in your interview anyway so you might as well commit to it and display how smart you are with something well-planned.
"Maybe, if you could find me a copy of Romeo and Juliet." You smile. "I think I know it, but it would be nice to have a refresher. Just to make sure I get it right. Would be awfully embarrassing if I made a mistake."
Coryo nods, quickly writing that down in the margins of the page. Considering he had never even heard of this book, it may be hard, but he would certainly try for you. "That would be great. Your goodbye was very moving, although quite confusing for most, but it had people talking about you and that's what we want."
"Okay. I'll practice."
"Thank you." Coryo smiles. "And I just have one more question on here to fill out... Do you have any special skills that you think will be helpful in the games?"
Your smile fades slightly and you just shake your head.
"That's okay. We'll figure it out."
That night, Coryo came to see you again. You were curled up with his blanket, draped half over yourself and half over Jessup as he lay next to you. It was a small blanket, obviously meant for a child, but it helped anyway. Maybe it was just a placebo, but for you, that was more than enough.
As you got up, hearing him call your name in a familiar tone, you draped the blanket more fully over Jessup before making your way over to the bars of the enclosure. "Good evening, Coryo. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I brought you some things." He whispers, digging in his bag.
"How kind." You smile, watching as he pulls things out, handing you a napkin with some bread wrapped inside and tucking whatever else he brought under his arm to give to you after you've eaten. "Can you sit for a few minutes?"
"Of course." He nods, sitting down with you as you cross your legs and unfold the fabric carefully as not to drop what's inside. "I was hoping to talk to you anyway."
"Let's talk; it is not day." You smile, leaning toward him more.
"Should I be asking what that's from?" He jokes, but is surprised when you shrug.
"You could, but I wouldn't want to bore you." You giggle, shaking your head. "Take a guess, though. I believe you'd know it."
He smiles, watching as you take a bite out of the bread. "Romeo and Juliet?"
"Yes." You nod in confirmation, covering your mouth while you speak. "You're a real fan, now, aren't you?"
"I guess so." He chuckles. "The fact that I've never read it is unimportant."
"Completely irrelevant." You agree with a quiet laugh. His smile fades as his eyes land on something behind you, and you turn to follow his gaze over your shoulder. "What are you looking at?" You whisper, looking back at him again.
"Are you sharing everything I bring you with Jessup?" He asks, voice stern as his brow furrows at the question.
"I try to." You nod, taking another bite. "He's not well. I think something bit him the first night we were here."
"You can't." Coryo insists. Of course, he wants you to win, and you handing over every bit of sustenance or help you receive is only lessening your odds. Making Jessup stronger and you only weaker. "I know you're a good person, but once you get in that arena you won't have any friends. Not even him." Coryo explains, strategically skipping over the part where it makes him ill to see you sleeping with your head on the boy's shoulder and sharing the blanket that he gifted to you.
"Oh..." You say, so quietly he can hardly hear. "But-"
"Y/N." He cuts you off, a serious look on his face. "If you keep feeding him, keep helping him, and it comes down to you and him in the end, who do you think will win in that fight? If you had all the same nutrients and sleep, who do you think will win?"
"I- well..." You stutter, looking back at your friend. "It won't come to that. I think we both know that."
"We have to assume it will." He pleads, eyes now locked on yours. "Don't make it easier for him."
"Coryo, he's got a family, siblings, his ma to get home to. They need him." You protest, leaning closer so no one else could properly hear.
"So do you." He reminds you. The look of guilt that crosses your face indicates to him that even though you had your own family, something about Jessup makes you willing to give that up for him to get home. "What about Tybalt? He'll never know what happened to his own mother. Or your brother losing his sister. Y/N, please..."
Your eyes widen at the mention of your cat and your brother in particular. Clearly, Coryo is so desperate for you to listen that he's pulling strings he shouldn't. To make you hurt. To make you pay attention.
Tears fill your eyes as you speak. "I know." Your voice cracks, and the pit in Coryo's stomach tells him he's gone too far. "I'm sorry, I just- I don't want to be afraid anymore. It's selfish of me, I know, but I won't last long and I know that so I just want to get it over with." You cry quietly, reaching up to wipe your eyes on your wrist. You hadn't been so candid with him before, he almost doesn't recognize you without a smile on your face.
"Hey, no, don't be sorry. It's not selfish." He whispers, without hesitation reaching through the bars and resting his hand on your knee. Your skin is cold to the touch, even for him after he had just walked all the way here in the same air. "But it'll be over soon, and I'll get you home. I'll do everything I can."
You sniff and nod, hesitating before placing your hand over his. "I promise I'll do my best in the interview. I want you to win your prize."
Coryo's mouth gets dry at the insinuation. You didn't think you could win, you won't even consider it even with all the encouragement he tries to feed you every day, but you want him to win. "That's not important." He says, shocking himself with the sentiment. The Plinth Prize is his only hope at a viable future, at saving his family. But right now, he doesn't even care.
You don't respond right away, just sliding your hand under his to hold it. His skin on yours feels warm, comforting, the same way it did when he held it when you were first dumped in the zoo. You don't know if it's more comforting to you or him.
"I'm sorry to cry at you, I just sometimes realize what's going to happen to me and spiral over the possibilities and no matter how hard I try to accept it..." You shake your head, looking down at your hands. "I'm still fearful." Your voice drops below a whisper.
"Then don't accept it." Coryo grasps your hand tighter, leaning closer to you and looking at you through the bars. "Fight. Try to win."
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taglist: @soulessjourney, @keziahcore, @that-veela-girl, @motorsport, @dreamyysouls, @rockstarbfs, @Lanadelrey3, @rawrmameh, @3zae-zae3, @babyspice6, @pastel0rchid, @maysileeewrites, @articxari, @Urfavpouge, @Multivitaminfy, @baybieruth, @kitscutie, @annaelise, @serrendiipty, @fratboyharrysgf0201, @totallynotkaibiased, @stelleduarte, @klplynn, @secretsicanthideanymore, @bejeweledreverie, @fals3-g0d, @drewsandsebastianswife, @niicole-87, @queenofshinigamis, @innercreationflower, @nallasstuff, @spring-goddess1, @baybieruth, @lovelyxtom, @throughgoeshxmilton, @enwonie, @scorpiolystoned, @iovemoonyy, @kodzuvk, @soupasoup, @eedwardss, @thatmarvelchick19, @wearemadeofstardust0, @regulusblackcore, @kbakery , @qardasngan, @omgsuperstarg, @kuroosbby001, @puredreamagination,
if your user has a strikethrough i wasn't able to tag you! i'm so sorry!
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fandomlit · 2 months
the right to jealousy (draco malfoy x reader)
requested by anon "Hiii if it's not too late I saw you were looking for Harry potter requests!! If you write for Draco please do prompts 1, 31, 36, and 20 where he's jealous but doesn't want to admit it to reader and then just kisses her? If you don't write for Draco just ignore.. thank if you do!"
warning swearing, aggressive verbal argument
o hey i do writing prompts,, those used in this imagine will be in bold
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gif cred belongs to @draco-fuckingmalfoy
"where have you been?"
you jumped, not expecting to hear a voice so late at night when entering the slytherin common room. placing a hand on your heart, you looked around with an annoyed expression to see draco malfoy sitting in one of the chairs, not even looking at you.
"why do you care?" you sighed, not forgetting how he had brushed you off earlier that day when you tried to talk to him in potions. draco had been rather crass with you lately; ignoring you in lessons, seemingly fuming every time he caught your eye, and making sneering comments at you when you managed to get him to say something. you were getting fed up with it; a week of sass from the guy you were crushing on had you grumpy in every lesson.
he finally looked up at you from the paper he'd been reading, leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest. "i am a prefect, you know."
you rolled your eyes. "how could i ever forget.." you started to make your way to the girls dormitories when you heard his footsteps approaching behind you.
"i asked where you've been."
you turned around to find him much closer than you'd expected, his jaw clenched and his expression positively livid. if you weren't so mad and confused with him, you would've found his anger achingly attractive. "what do you care, draco? you seem to take no interest in where i am any other hour of the day!"
"i don't care!" he spoke defiantly, but his own fury betrayed him. "i couldn't care less if you were out there with potter or whoever the hell in the middle of the night. but as your prefect, i ought to know!"
you blinked in surprise at the accusation of you being with someone. "what does it matter if i was with someone not, draco? do you just think of me as some common lass who sneaks out to get her-" the realization dawned on you mid sentence, and you watched carefully as draco's jaw clenched, as if he were biting back another shout amidst your working mind. "are you jealous?"
"oh come on, i see the way you've been looking at him," draco accused, dodging your question. "looking at him like everyone else does--like potter owns the castle and everyone in it. like he's some hero to our ranks. and i've seen the way he's been looking at you, too." before you could ask what the could possibly mean, he crossed his arms again and spat, "so was it him that was worth sneaking out for?"
you scoffed at him, shaking your head. "you're mad! you're deluding yourself into thinking i was out with someone because you're looking for something to be upset about!"
"i've said it once and i'll say it again: i don't care."
"everything about you right now screams otherwise," you scoffed again.
"just tell me who you were with and this is all over!" he spat, opening his arms in a frustrated manner. "i am a prefect, y/n, you have to tell me."
"get a new excuse!" you demanded. he just glared at you and you glared right back into his darkened grey eyes. you let your words ring for a moment before you asked again with less ferocity, "draco, are you jealous?"
"you're slow today," he spoke quickly and ferociously, taking your face in his hands and practically crushing your lips to his. despite the quickness and pent up aggression in the kiss, it was desperately satisfying to let go of the argument to throw your arms around his shoulders, letting days worth of tension melt into his mouth.
after a few quick, hot moments, the kisses turned slower and longer as the anger that began the exchange simmered, and all that was left was the passion that underlined everything between the two of you. when you both pulled apart, draco surged forward one last time for a long, hard kiss before he finally opened his eyes. you were slower to open yours as he dragged his hands your arms to slip to your waist, his face still only a mere inch from yours.
"better than whoever you were with?" he asked lowly, giving you a cocky half-smirk despite his hot breaths still hitting your lips.
you rolled your eyes but your former anger didn't resurface. "considering i was just at a private astronomy lesson with professor sinistra, definitely." the admission made him close his eyes for a moment. "yeah, feel a little stupid now?"
"no," he was quick to answer, grey gaze immediately locking with yours again. "now that you're mine.." you raised your eyebrows at him but didn't interrupt, "i have the right to feel whatever the hell kind of jealousy i want."
"so you admit it, then?"
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love-belle · 1 year
you are in love !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which he finally realises that she's the one he has loved all along.
for when you realise that it's always been them. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
real life // charles leclerc x fem!reader
warnings - language, car crash (not detailed), mention of someone being high (not relevant to the story)
author's note - hello!!! i really hope you like this, i enjoyed writing this so much, charles' pov was definitely interesting. i hope you like this <3 i love you, thank you for reading.
≡;- ꒰ °real life ꒱
the first time charles leclerc thought he was in love, he didn't even know what love was. which, of course, made sense, considering he was seven years old.
he just knew that it was when two people really liked each other.
coincidentally, he also knew he liked the girl that sat next to him in class, the one who was always colouring in pretty flowers or leaves or clouds. he liked having her around.
she was sweet, she didn't talk much which was okay seeing he also didn't, she brought pretty colours to school everyday and she shared them with charles.
so yeah, it was natural that he liked her.
and because he liked her, he noticed that she liked flowers.
everyday, without fail, she would walk into the class with a pretty flower tucked in her hair, sometimes in her pocket or sometimes in her hand.
and on days where charles just wasn't in the best mood, the flower became his. it just sat on his desk, the bright colour a striking contrast against the plain desks that brightened up his mood, had him telling everyone that she ("my best friend, y/n,") got him ("she got me, me, a flower,") a flower ("it's my favourite flowers now, the most favourite!"). it was what made it all worth it, for a seven year old kid, at least.
sure, just the sight of it was enough to make charles smile for the rest of the day.
but the thought that y/n got it for him was enough to make him happy for this lifetime.
≡;- ꒰ °real life ꒱
the second time he thought he was in love with his best friend, he almost lost an eye.
that was a bit dramatic but to be fair, her high heel did come quite close to his eye and in her defense, he shouldn't have ruined her date.
"i cannot believe you, charles marc hervé perceval leclerc!" y/n exclaimed as she picked up her one black high heel from the floor and moved towards the living room, charles following after her like a scolded puppy, the rest of his family following him. "like — what was the reason?"
"y/n — " charles opened his mouth to explain but shut it, seeing her and noting that she was ready to throw her other shoe at him. he looked at his mom for help, his eyes pleading for her to intervene but pascale just shook her head, looking at him with a disapproving look.
"tu es incroyable," y/n muttered, glaring at him as she flopped down on the couch, inhaling sharply, "can you believe him, maman?" ( you are unbelievable // mom )
"charles," pascale started in a resigned tone, sitting down next to y/n and putting a reassuring arm around the girl she considered her daughter, "pourquoi ferais-tu ça?" ( why would you do that? )
"je ne savais même pas qu'elle serait là!" charles exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. "and please, the date was not ruined. not until you saw me in the back and threw a fit over it." ( i didn't even know she would be there )
arthur stifled a laugh, getting a warning look from charles, pascale and y/n. he cleared his throat, and pointed back at his brother.
"you're mad at him, not me," he said, shuffling away from the group only to be stopped by lorenzo who gave him a look and pushed him to sit on the armchair., making him groan. "i hate every second of this."
"you were wearing a fake moustache and a wig!" y/n yelled at him, moving to stand up but pascale held her back, rubbing her back soothingly. "et je me suis tordu la cheville à cause de toi!" ( and i twisted my ankle because of you )
"that was your own doing," charles pointed at her, though he could feel like heart twisting with guilt. he honestly did not mean for that to happen. collateral damage, he guessed. at least she wouldn't go on another date with what's-his-name again anytime soon.
"how did that even happen?" arthur asked, looking between his brother and y/n, equally amused and confused.
"she chased him out of the restaurant and ended up falling on the sidewalk," lorenzo explained, his expression mirroring arthur's. "it was certainly a sight to see."
"je vous déteste tous les trois," y/n mumbled, looking at pascale with a defeated look on her face. "puis-je avoir une de vos robes d'été? celui ci est déchiré?" (can i have one of your sundresses? this one's torn )
"of course, ange," pascale smiled, standing up and pulling her out of the room with her, not before throwing a stern look in charles' direction. ( angel )
the room was very silent after they both left, leaving the leclerc brothers alone. it was all silent, perfectly quiet for a minute before arthur burst out laughing and lorenzo followed after him, their laughter echoing.
"i hate you," charles rolled his eyes, falling down on the couch and leaning his head back. "none of this is funny."
"it's a little bit funny," lorenzo replied, still chuckling as he sat on one of the empty armchairs around the coffee table.
"not for you, of course," arthur added, wiping his eyes as his body shook for laughter, "for us, it's hilarious."
"va te faire foutre," charles muttered, narrowing his eyes at his siblings. "how am i ever supposed to come back from this?" ( fuck you )
"well, for one, you can start with telling her that you're sorry," lorenzo started, looking up at the ceiling, "for crashing her date and for letting your jealousy ruin her night. that'd work."
"yeah — what?" charles asked, his face scrunched up in confusion as he looked at lorenzo. "why would i have been jealous? and please, the night was already ruined way before i got there. i did her a favour, getting her out of there."
"and breaking her ankle in the process."
"shut up."
"so, you weren't jealous about the fact that she was on a date? not with you? with someone who was not you? with someone else? with someone whose name was not — "
"i know what going on a date with not-me includes, thank you," charles snapped, glaring at nothing in particular as his mind raced with the possibilities.
why had he crashed her date? it wasn't as if she hadn't gone on dates before, she had. of course, she had.
but that's all they were, just dates to her. dinner, small talk, a few jokes and then back at home, she'd be laying next to charles, telling him all the things she hated about her date. his one guy couldn't stop talking about his yacht, this one thought having a mercedes automatically got you a girlfriend, this girl was high the entire time, this dude was the captain of the football team and that's was his entire personality.
and that's how charles knew, knew that those dates meant nothing to her. they were just dates. those people weren't laying next to her, hearing her talk about stars and how much she wanted to travel, how do flowers grow from pollen. they didn't know that she liked to fiddle with her rings when she was nervous or the fact that she had a small scar right above her lips. they didn't know that she loved it when people complimented her but she never knew how to respond, always opting for a 'thanks! you too! haha!' they didn't know any of that.
but he did.
he had assumed that this date was just another of those dates and by eleven, they'd be talking shit about that dude while eating chocolate and watching a trashy romcom. that was their routine, that was their thing. it was theirs. just theirs.
but then he noticed the way she talked about that guy, the way he had helped her with their psychology project, the way he had asked if she wanted to grab coffee around the weekend. he noticed the way she was actually looking forward to this.
it wasn't as if she wasn't excited for her past dates, she was but this time, it was different.
this time it looked like she really wanted to go on that date and for the first time, charles was afraid that she wouldn't be by his side at eleven, talking shit about that dude while eating chocolate and watching a trashy romcom.
and suddenly, time had stopped for him and it was almost comical, just like the movies, the way his mind became a mess, clusters of all the things they did, shared laughs, holding hands while walking on the pier, holding the other person close, leaning against each other, making flower crowns, saying 'i love you' out of the blue and on top of this mess, his mind just went 'y/n! y/n! y/n!' and that was it.
the next thing charles knew, he was dodging his best friend's high heel.
"there are other ways to tell her that you like her," arthur's voice brought charles back to their living room, his heart racing as his closed his eyes, a soft 'fuck' leaving his mouth. "start with not wearing an obnoxious wig and a fake moustache."
"i — i don't like her," charles protested weakly, as if he was trying to convince himself. "she's my — she's my best friend."
"we know she is," lorenzo leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. "but with the way you look at her, it's nothing short of love."
that word made him feel like a bucket of ice cold water had been thrown at him and it hit him like a block of ice, with the bucket.
do i love her? is it love? is it just like — likeness, whatever? it wasn't love? can it be love? will it ever be love? why isn't it love? i wish it could be love — oh.
≡;- ꒰ °real life ꒱
the third time, the thought of being in love crossed his mind — not that it ever left him, it had just been mere hours since the high-heel-almost-lost-an-eye incident.
he was in since room, a random show playing on his laptop that laid open in front of him but he couldn't bring himself to pay any attention to it. he couldn't even bring himself to close it, his eyes glued to the time.
he hadn't seen her since their argument and he couldn't blame her for not wanting to see him, he had ruined her night after all. it just felt weird having her over at his house — which was her second home, but not with him.
charles sighed, pausing the show as his eyes locked in on the time at the bottom of the screen, making his frown deepen.
he thought about what his brothers had said, he thought really hard.
he liked y/n. of course, he did. she was his best friend, after all. but when it came to liking her romantically, charles wasn't sure where he stood.
it was no secret that y/n was beautiful, she was. but more than that, it was her nature, her personality, the way she made people feel at ease around her, comfortable. that's what drew people to her.
that's what drew him.
he could be himself around her, he could be charles.
he didn't have to pretend to be the boy that everyone saw on screen, the confident look that was etched on his face, the way he never seemed to back down.
he didn't have to keep the pretendence up while with her.
he could be loud, he could be vulnerable, he could let down his guard, he could ask for help, he could just let out all of his worries.
he could be at ease and he knew that this whole thing was a two way street.
that was them, y/n and charles.
best friends, even if it weirdly pained him to say it now.
he looked away from the screen, a sharp exhale leaving him as minutes trickled by and there was still no sign of y/n.
a small polaroid stuck to the wall opposite him caught his eye and as it registered in his mind what it was, a small smile stretched across his lips subconsciously.
to everyone, it was just a normal photo. just two people — could potentially be mistaken as a couple, side by side with beaming smiles on their faces. the girl was leaning her head on the boy's shoulder while the boy had his arm around her shoulders, pulling her even closer to him. that's all it was, just a normal photograph.
but to them, to y/n and charles, it was everything. they had known the exact situation, the exact circumstances in that photograph, what they had felt when it was taken and how it had felt.
charles had felt his heart skip multiple beats when y/n leaned her head on his shoulder, looking up at him for just a moment, as if to ask if it was okay — it was. he had felt the way her breath hitched as soon as he placed an arm around her shoulders, squeezing softly before pulling her even closer.
he had felt it.
he had felt the way none of them did anything to move away, even after the photo was taken and lorenzo exclaimed that it was beautiful ("i took it, of-fucking-course it's pretty.") they just stayed there, just for a moment too long before they moved away reluctantly.
charles snapped out of this trance, staring at the photograph as a knock resonated throughout the room and he had to stop himself to grinning.
he said nothing, choosing to stay silent as he quickly closed the laptop and laid down, his heat beating against his rib cage so fast that he could hear his heart beat in his ears.
it was silent for a moment and he wondered if he should tell her to come in, tell her that it was okay but before he could even get the first syllable out, the knob twisted and the sharp light of the hallway made its way into the dimly lit room.
the door closed quickly, a soft whisper of 'sorry' making its way towards him that had him smiling against his pillow. footsteps could be heard as walked towards the other side of the bed and quietly got in, choosing to maintain a small distance between charles and her.
no one said a thing, their soft breathing was the only sound in the room and for a moment, charles thought that she fell asleep or that she was still mad at him and wasn't going to talk.
he was about to turn around, sighing softly before he heard her move, the sound of the sheets rustling before she began to speak.
"this one was a complete asshole, like — i was about to..."
yeah, he could fall in love with her.
≡;- ꒰ °real life ꒱
the fourth time it happened, it had been during a race. well — whatever was left of it.
it was not the perfect weather and since five a.m., y/n had her phone open in front of her, looking through the hourly weather forecast.
"you know it's not gonna change, right?" charles had laughed at her from across the table. "why are you worrying? je vais bien, je reviendrai. ( i'll be okay, i'll be back )
"promets-moi?" y/n had asked, looking at him all serious, no hint of laughter or amusement in her eyes and charles sighed, knowing that she was worrying herself to death every single time he was out on the track, arthur was out on the track. ( promise me? )
he couldn't imagine what it was like on the other side of the radio, clinging to any sliver of hope, desperately waiting for anything, any response from the other side.
he couldn't imagine doing it regularly, having your whole world stop while silence continued to answer your pleas.
"je promets, ange." ( i promise, angel )
y/n had said nothing, moving towards his side of the table and hugging him, her head in the crook of his neck as she held onto him, not wanting to let go even for a second.
and when she eventually did, he reminded her, that he was going to come back to her, come back home and they were going to watch that damn movie they had been putting off for weeks now.
he would come back and they would go on with their lives until the next race weekend came and the cycle would repeat itself. but in that moment, they just had to get through that one race.
and then, it happened.
y/n wasn't even sure she was breathing. one moment she had been hearing charles' voice through the headphones and the next, a sickening crash of metal on metal and the screech and the noises and everything and then it was nothing.
just blank, just a void, just one whole minute of silence that seemed to last for an eternity.
in that one minute, y/n's world stopped.
the entire garage held its breath, voices asking charles to confirm that he was okay, that he was fine, that he was okay.
he had to be.
he was okay, he was okay, he was okay, he was okay, he was okay, he was okay, he was okay, he was okay, he was —
"i'm okay."
y/n could finally breath again. her lungs seemed to cave in on her as she took a deep breath and looked down, the floor become a mosaic as tears filled her eyes. she didn't hear people heaving a sigh of relief, she didn't hear one of the interns telling her to wait for him by the medical centre — seeing charles had always requested for her whenever he got hurt and at this point, everyone knew that as soon as something, god forbid, if something happened, y/n had to be at the medical centre.
she didn't remember the trip there, only registering carlos hugging her before she was off to where charles was and before she even knew it, he was in front of her and he was okay.
he was okay.
"hey, cheríe," charles smiled at her, a slight wince leaving him as he struggled to sit up in the bed and y/n was moving towards him immediately, helping him sit up straight. "have you been crying?"
y/n shook her head, sitting on the chair next to his bed and looking down, trying her harded to keep the tears at bag.
"hey, hey, hey," charles cupped her face, forcing her to look at him and y/n closed her eyes, tears finally slipping out and falling down her cheeks. "i promised, didn't i? i told you i would come back, to you. i always would."
"i was so scared," y/n admitted, her voice choked up as she let out a sob, the sound muffled against the back of her hand. "when you didn't reply, i was so — i didn't know what to — i — "
"mon amour, breath," charles pulled her closer, leaning forward until their foreheads connected. he could feel the way her hands were shaking, the way she looked so scared, like she lost him.
she almost did.
"when i was in the car," charles began, their foreheads still touching and he could feel her inhale as he spoke, "with the radio disconnected, the thing i could thing of the promise i made to you. that i would come back to you, i would come home and we would watch that damn movie. i wasn't thinking that i was literally in the middle of a track which had several cars going around at dangerous speeds or the fact that i could be hurt, i was just thinking about you."
"i don't know if that's cute or stupid," y/n mumbled, making charles chuckle before he continued, leaning back slightly just so he could look at her.
"every time i get in that car, i make a promise to myself that if i finish this race, i would tell you how i feel. i would tell you everything and every single time, i break it. and this time, when there was a possibility that i wouldn't be able to ever, ever tell you that — "
"don't say that," y/n looked at him, her eyes bloodshot as she shook her head. "no, no, no, no, no. you will always come home, you will always come back to me. you promise me that."
"listen to me," charles pleaded, taking her hand in his as he intertwined his fingers with hers. he brought her hand to his mouth, placing a soft kiss on the back of it. "please."
y/n said nothing but nodded, her hold on his hand tightening.
"i knew that as soon as i got out of there, i had to tell you that — that — " he hesitated for a minute, wondering if he really was about to risk their friendship. take a chance on the person he wished to have forever in his life. risk lose his person, the one who always got him, the one who was his everything. " — that you're more than just my best friend."
charles heard nothing after that and he refused to look at her fear of her looking at him like he was completely mad. it was silent for a couple minutes, the only noise being the annoying beep of the machines and the chatter from outside as well as the crowd and the cars and a lot other things but the only thing that charles could focus on was the fact that y/n had yet to say something.
he sighed, gently pulling his hand out of her grasp and began to do the damage control, his mind racing on factors he could blame it whole confession at.
"that was just the painkillers talking and i think i'm going crazy, can you please call the doc — "
he was interrupted by her kissing him, her hands on his cheeks as she pulled him towards her and a surprise noise left charles' mouth and as soon as his brain caught up, he was kissing her back. he kissed her like it would the last time, tilting his head so that he could deepen the kiss. he could hear her say 'i love you' in between kisses, the words repeated like a prayer, a promise between. this was everything, the way she kissed like there was no tomorrow, the way she was in charge of the kiss, the way she sighed into his mouth and he swallowed the sound.
it was everything.
he almost thought that they'd never pull away and he was sure that they would've have, if not for the annoying beeping that filled the room, making them break away from each other and look at the cardiograph on the side of the bed.
the graph went up and down rapidly, which was no surprise to charles because he could feel the way his heart thudded in his chest.
the neon green line spluttered as it went up and came down, and charles reckoned it was exactly the way his heart did whenever she existed.
exactly the same way their heartbeats spelt 'i love you.'
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pinkthrone445 · 4 months
-Welcome Home- Part 2
Part 1
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:soft, fluf, friends to lovers(?)
Warnings:I don't think so
Summary:You come back home after many years and your mom's friend welcomes you like if time never passed.
Thick, soft thighs squeezing the side of your body, her hips pressing down on your crotch, the heat coming from her and that gentle rubbing she generated, your hands squeezing her skin and her lips bitting you. Her delicate necklaces hitting your chin and her heavy breathing caressing your skin. And those little whimpers... Fuck, you were fucked.
How were you supposed to sleep with what had happened? How were you supposed to sleep with the redhead lying next to you in your t-shirt and only her underwear underneath?
Her bare soft thick legs next to you... Fuuuuuck
If you opened your eyes you could see her next to you and how the sheet hugged her hips and ass, but if you closed your eyes you couldn't stop remembering the perfection of a woman she was and how good she looked sitting on your hips. Either way you were fucked.
You also couldn't go to sleep on the couch because she was right, it was very uncomfortable, plus you couldn't leave her alone and give her the wrong idea that you didn't want to be with her. Although, come to think of it, maybe you had already given her that impression when you sent her to sleep without explaining why.
Fuck a thousand times.
The next morning as soon as you saw the first rays of sunshine picking through the window, you got out of bed leaving the redhead alone. Your father was in the kitchen preparing breakfast as he was used to getting up very early, silently and tiredly you hugged him and he kissed your forehead
-"Hello baby. Are you okay? You look tired" - He asked worriedly, and you smiled as you sat down at the table nodding
-"Yes dad, just a little bit worried about the new job, that's all" - You responded and smiled like a toddler when your father handed you a plate of your favorite breakfast plus a glass of juice and a bowl of fruit-"Thank you Pa" - You responded and took a swig of juice just as you heard the redhead talking behind you while she came down the stairs, you started choking and cough nervously
-"Damm Gerald, that smells amazing, even if I feel like I want to puke, my stomach is having a fight for a taste of your breakfast" - Melissa was wearing her sunglasses as she normally did when she was hungover, she was also still wearing your nightshirt but with pants underneath this time and she had a ponytail. The redhead crouched down in front of you and kissed your forehead and stole a piece of fruit from your plate, the shirt opened a little giving you a rich view of her breasts-"Good morning sweetheart" - She murmured, smiling
The sight of her breasts made you literally salivate, even more than the hearty breakfast you had on your plate. Images from the night before flooded your head, her body grinding and her groans flooded your ears. How could she act so normal? You thought she would be angry about your rejection or embarrassed about it, but maybe she didn't remember anything because of how drunk she was...
The sound of your father clearing his throat brought you back to reality and you blushed for staring at the redhead's breasts
-"I-I left a painkiller and a glass of water in the counter for you, I figure you would be hungover" - You muttered and looked back at your plate
-"You're too sweet" - Mel kissed your forehead again and went for the pill.
-"Melissa... We are going a few days to the beach to celebrate that (Y/N) is back with us... Do you want to go? You are one of her closest friends and also my wife best friend, I'm sure they want you there, don't you baby?" - Your father commented to the redhead and you nodded smiling a little forcefully because you couldn't get your memory off what had happened a few hours ago.
By the next day, the bags were packed and the plane tickets bought. Thanks to fate or thanks to your mother, you ended up sitting next to the redhead.
While the trip wasn't that long, Mel had taken pills to calm her down as planes made her nervous, so as soon as you all got on the plane, she fell asleep leaning on your shoulder. You carefully bent down and closed the window a little so that the light wouldn't disturb her, then put on a movie to enjoy on the flight.
The redhead let out small sighs as if she was dreaming, delicately you took her hand giving her little caresses that calmed her little whimpers quickly. Unconsciously and asleep, she squeezed your hand tighter, making sure you didn't let go, thing that made you smile. Taking advantage of the fact that she was asleep, you observed all her features with patience and care.
When did you start seeing her this way? When your eyes for her had changed? When and why? Why have you never felt this way about someone before? You'd been in love before, but not in this way, it was something familiar and completely new at the same time.
Why did your hands tremble with desire to caress her cheek, to touch her, to feel her? Why did you feel so much desire and wanting for her? Why was it so easy for you to end relationships with other people, but now you couldn't control the feelings you had for her? Why did that kiss, instead of calming your cravings, stoke an uncontrollable fire inside you, a fire that was consuming you from the inside out? When did you had fall in love with her?..
Your fingers contour the silhouette of her knuckles, her skin was so soft and always smelled good, you contoured some veins that stood out on her white skin, almost as white as the skin on her thighs, those veins were like path, like a map to her heart. Her skin had some very slight age spots and some freckles, like the ones that you could see in her face if you were lucky to be close enough...
If you risk it all and kiss her, she would kiss you back? Or she would still see you as a stupid teen like when she met you at your 19? Even though it had been more than 15 years since that, would you still be a child in her eyes? What would happen if you risk it all?...
You don't know if you could keep ignoring what you were feeling for her much longer. You always felt a certain attraction to her, but before it was easier to ignore it, because the age difference was so big and she was married, you were sure she wouldn't have payed attention to you. But now, now that you were older and no lover was on the way, now that you had come back after 8 years and those feelings haven't diminished a bit, instead they grew and surfaced much stronger than when you were younger, you weren't quite sure you could hide them for much longer. Much less hide them from her who knew you better than anyone else.
All these years that had passed between you and yet it seemed that at no time had you been separated from each other. The way she kept grabbing your attention even though you were in a room with thousands of people. Hasn't she noticed? Has she noticed your gaze on her? Has she noticed the feelings behind your eyes? Has she noticed them and decided to ignore them? Or she haven't noticed them at all?
Why, even though you've been in love before, has it never felt like this? Should you take the risk? Should you take a chance and tell her how you felt? Tell her that even if you were thousands of miles away from her, the green of the Northern Lights at night only reminded you of the green of her eyes, that neither the beauty of the Northern Lights could compare to the beauty of her eyes nor could it capture your attention as she did.
Maybe you should tell her how the red of dawn only reminded you of the red of her hair and lips, that the heat generated by the sun on your skin was nothing compared to the heat your heart felt when she was close to you.
Tell her how whenever and wherever you were, she was your everything, your first though and the reason of your dreams...
You wanted to tell her everything, but words weren't enough to express everything that you felt for her. And also, you were scared if you tell her everything and she didn't reciprocarte, you would lose her forever.
Why love was so hard and scary? Wasn't there some way to skip all of this and get to the part where you'd gotten around all the awkward chatter and problems and were finally together?...
The pilot, warning that the plane would begin the descent and that you should please put on your seatbelts, took you out of your thoughts. You delicately stopped holding the redhead's hand and put on your belt and then did the same with her, drowsy, the redhead opened her eyes and smiled softly at you
-"Thank you" - she whispered and stretched
-"We are landing" - You answered
-"Oh no, I woke up earlier... Can you hold my hand while we land?" - She asked and you nodded
-"Always" - You took her hand tightly and she sighed at peace.
When the plane landed and you got home, your parents took the master bedroom for them, your sister and her boyfriend other room and Mel and you ended sharing the last room.
You had big plans for the week you would have on vacation, you wanted to make the most of everything before you had to start working at the hospital, plus it was pride month so you had to celebrate.
On the first day you all decided to go to the beach together.
There were people listening music, some playing, others tanning and some swimming. You could taste the salt of the ocean in the air and the sun provided a comfortable embrace. Your father placed an umbrella in the sand and some beach chairs, you put a towel on the floor and sat there. After everyone had a snack, you and Mel went to the sea to enjoy the warm water. You buried your feet in the wet sand and let the water get your knees wet, the redhead stood next to you smiling and took off her beach robe leaving her only in a bikini, you did your best not to look at her body
-"Happy Pride kiddo, I'm proud of you" - she whispered and you smiled finally looking at her, she was using a very colorful swimsuit, like a rainbow, thing that surprise you, since she always used her signature red one-"I'm an ally, I'm using this to support my favorite girl" - she told you and you laughed, she called herself an "ally" when she could easily be the one running the whole pride parade-"I also convinced everyone to use a pride pin on their clothes or bags, you're welcome" - she said proudly
-"Ohh that was the reason, thank you Mel" - You smiled to her and she took your hand pulling you deeper to the water.
You spend the whole day getting wet and playing with each other in the beach (I know what you are thinking dirty minded).
More days and activities passed and everywhere the redhead stayed with you. One of the last days of vacation, when you went out to buy something to eat, you found out that there would be a party for Pride Month, something you couldn't miss, and it wasn't very hard to make the redhead tag along.
You and the eldest dressed in your best dresses and made colorful and extravagant makeup, and then went to the party venue. The atmosphere was safe and fun, many couples dancing or drinking or talking, it was a cool well decorated place.
I'm no time, you and Mel started drinking and talking with other people, having fun and dancing the night away.
People treated you like if they had known you from many years and a group of queer people invited you to play games with them
-"For this game, you and your partner tell us a story, each of you have to say a sentence, it can be a real story or a made up one, you have to trick us, and by the end, we have to guess if it is true or not, if we guess correctly and you loose, you have to make out, if you won, you can choose a punishment for us"-One of them explained and Mel and you nodded. No matter how much you explained to others that the two of you were just friends, they made you play together since the game was in pairs and you were the only ones who were playing who had not gone with a romantic partner to the party
The game started and everyone played their turn in pairs until it was Mel and you's turn
-"... So we started running away from this men yelling behind us for stealing some oranges from his tree..."-Mel continued with the story where you had stayed
-"...But I tripped because I had my shoelaces lose..."-you said
-"... And she face planted on the concrete of the sidewalk..."-Mel said
-"... I broke my nose in two and it started bleeding so much..."-You added
-"... I stoped to help her and when I turned to pick her up, turns out... "-she made a pause for you to continue
-"The 'man' that was following and yelling at us, wasn't a man..."-you made a dramatic pause
-"... It was a parrot that kept repeating 'don't touch my oranges'!"-Mel finished the story and everyone start laughing you included
-"Come on! That can't be true! How the heck she didn't realized that it was a parrot?" - one of them said thinking about if it was true or not
-"Yeah, besides she has a really pretty nose to be broken in the past" - other said
-"Well, final word?" - Mel asked
-"It's false" - they decided and you both denied since it was true
-"They took me to the hospital and everything, and turns out the orange that we stole, was very bitter to eat, so that wasn't even worth it the broken nose" - You said and they laughed more.
You assigned the punishment to the appropriate people and continued to play. After a few more drinks and other rounds, it was your turn again. Even though Mel was an amazing liar and you had an amazing connection to follow each other's lies, thanks to the practice you had when you lied to your mom, it seemed like she was having a hard time to follow you this time, you didn't understand if it was on purpose or because of the alcohol, but she was making really easy to notice that you two were lying
-"... And then while she was helping babysit the little kid..." - You said
-"...My brother Tony came to visit us..."-she said and everyone frowned
-"They are lying, she said earlier that by that time her brother Tony was in jail" - They quickly said and you frowned too-"now they have to kiss!" - one of them yelled
-"Kiss! KISS! KISS!" - They all start to tell and you laughed grabbing the redhead face
-"What a punishment" - You said sarcastic before connecting your lips with her, her hands immediately took your waist and lifted you up a little drawing you to her lap without breaking the kiss, by the surprise of the movement you let out a small squeak which the redhead took advantage of to claim your mouth with her tongue, easily dominating you. Your hands went to her hair playing with her soft curls and your nails scratched the nape of her neck a little, earning a groan from her. Thank to the alcohol, you had no remorse or thoughts at that moment, you were only thinking about her and her heat next to you. Your hips starting grinding unconsciously against her lap and she bit your lip a little bit harsh. You were running out of air but it didn't matter if you kept kissing her until you passed out. She broke the kiss delicately and rested her forehead on yours, breathing fast and agitated almost as much as you
-"Woooow, what a kiss! Are you sure you are only friends?" - one of them asked and you blushed, you had forgotten they were there. You tried to lift from her lap, but she kept you there giving little massages on your waist the rest of the game.
When it was later and almost everyone was drunk or asleep in some couch, you and Mel came out of the party room to walk on the beach, she was carrying her shoes and yours in her hand, and her free hand was grabbing yours. As the moon began to set and the sun to appear, the effects of the alcohol began to wear out
-"Mel..."-you whispered still walking by her side grabbing her hand, she hummed to let you keep going-"Are you still drunk?..."-you asked
-"No... Just tipsy... You?" - she asked and looked at you
-"Same... You are still grabbing my hand" - You commented
-"Yeah... I like having you close" - she squeezed your hand
-"Mel?" - You asked again and she nodded-"I love you" - You said and she smiled
-"I love you too kiddo, and I missed you... I always have fun with you" - she answered
-"Yeah fun... What do you mean when you tell me you love me? What am I to you?" - You asked-"Because I really really love you..."-you said shy
-"You are so special to me and I really love you too" - she said and you stoped walking
-"Mel... do you really love me like the way that I'm telling you that I love you? Because the two times that you had actually showed me that you had any interest for me, was when you were drunk... And if you tell me that you don't love me in that way, I'll understand, okay? But I need to know what is this"-You asked looking the sand
-"Only when I'm drunk? I've been showing my interest for you from years now. When I kick out some girl that was interest in you because they were not good enough for you? That was because I thought the only right one for you was me. The times that I waited awake so I could call you while you were living on a different time zone? That was because I was craving for at least hearing your voice. The many times I send you letters with my perfume on it, it was so you though of me at least 20% of how much I thought of you... I... I love you, but I could only get the strength to tell you when I was drunk, because I was scared to lose you if you didn't felt the same"-she said with honestly
-"I've loved you for years but I was scared too..."-you laughed a little and she signed at peace, kissing your forehead - "What does this means now?"-You asked again
-"I don't know, but whatever we decide, let's hope your mother doesn't kill us both when she finds out... Let's keep walking on the sand while we figure this out, I don't want today to end" - she said and you nodded without letting her hand go-"Happy pride to us..."-she said and started walking
-"Happy pride Mel..."-you smiled
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