#gaolang x y/n
aloesarchives · 10 months
Kengan Headcanon: Gaolong's reaction to an opponent speaking about you in a unsavory manner
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Warnings: Swearing on my end, reader been ogled at, gender neutral reader/pronouns
Series: Kengan Ashura/ Kengan Omega
Pairing: Gaolong Wongsawat x GN! Reader
Word count: 1988
Pronouns: They/them (reader is referred as partner and (Y/N))
(A/N: Been sitting in my file for a year. Now it's finally finished and posted. Please let me know if there is anything else I need to tag in my warnings.)
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So I already established that in my headcanon of Gaolang that he respects women unironically, actually he respects people in general.
That’s because he’s just GOATED like that and is overall a decent person, especially in the world/universe of Kengan.
But back to the topic, the reason why I want to establish this is he is someone that doesn’t take no shit from anyone. Based on what we learned in Ashura, Gaolang looks down upon those who are cocky and don’t take fighting seriously. Looking more into it, he normally just gets irritated by them due to his calm and collected composure. 
In the world of the sport boxing, it’s no stranger that he will come across people who don’t fall under the definition of sportsmanship. Gaolang has his fair share of opponents that need a little bit of humbling, and he for sure gives it to them during the boxing match. It also doesn’t help his perception of them when they think and openly claim they can clean Gaolang up, making him believe they’re shallow inside and out. But he only does the pre-fight press conference because his manager told him it builds up his good reputation and consistent publicity. Knowing him, he wouldn’t really go to these but he does it for the sake of the sport and the benefits it brings as previously mentioned.
In a normal situation at a pre-fight press conference, he’ll get annoyed by these fighters and let that emotion subside after the press conference is done. He’ll reply nonchalantly to anything that’s thrown at him whether it’s questions or remarks from his opponents that tests the waters. He knows how to handle them and just waits to get into the ring so his fighting can do all the talking for him.
That’s until there was one opponent he had to fight he wouldn’t forget. Gaolang’s title as heavyweight champion was never challenged nor questioned at all. But during that moment in time, Gaolang’s title as champion was being questioned when another boxer was racking up wins left and right. Although this boxer was slightly younger, he was picking up fast and his fights looked impressive. Eventually, this novice boxer was turning heads and getting popular to the point where rumors and speculation about him being the new champion in the heavyweight division. It seemed absurd to think so, but it wasn’t out of the picture. 
Gaolang saw the boxer’s other fights and understood where the praise was coming from. Although Gaolang was confident in his abilities, he still was cautious of the other’s abilities and boxing style. So like always, Gaolang trained like he always does. This wasn’t new to you at all since you have been with Gaolang for quite some time and married for a few years at that point in time.
You thought this opponent was different as he seemed humble and didn’t bark a lot. After turning on the t.v. back in Thailand, you started watching the pre-fight press conference. Again, nothing new to you at all. When the questions from reporters started coming in, both boxers answered them as normal. However, you had a feeling that something was off about the guy. You could tell what it was but your gut had a strange feeling that couldn’t be shaken. 
It was not until the last 15 minutes of the conference that the novice boxer started to bite off more than he can chew. There was one reporter left that triggered a particular answer from him that caught Gaolang’s attention. However, what got a reaction out of him was when the boxer mentioned your name.
“But I will admit though, Gaolang. I’m jealous of you. You’ve got a beautiful and wonderful partner there. I wish I had someone like (Y/N).” 
Gaolang didn’t like where this was going. More so when someone mentions your name that wasn’t friends, family, or King Rama. He knows people like to use your name to throw off Gaolang but he knows how to deal with those who try to use your name to their advantage.
But it doesn’t mean Gaolang doesn’t feel any sort of anger when this happens, especially now.
Gaolang stood up and gave his signature glare to his opponent. He then walked across the stage and stood in the middle. The boxer did the same but he had a stupid shit eating grin plastered on his face.
“What’s with the face, Gaolang? I thought you would agree since you have (Y/N) to yourself, ya’know? Having such a fine person as a partner is something between us two men with good taste could understand.”
“Watch your tongue, (Boxer’s name). (Y/N) is not an object and is not to be ogled at, have some respect.”
But the boxer didn’t know any better and forgot to hold his tongue. The next few things that came out his mouth sent Gaolang’s blood boiling. Then there’s you  who gasped and covered your mouth as you watched what unfolded in front of you on the screen. Deepening his glare more while still keeping his stoic face, he looked down upon the novice boxer.
“Your words against (Y/N) are punishable crimes, and I will deliver the punishment without further question.”
With that, Gaolang turned and walked towards the exit. All chaos breaks out in the conference room. Meanwhile, you were sitting at home with the feeling of disgust and a pinch of fear. You never minded when your name came in the news, but this type of attention was something you feared and the fact a man said on live television with no hesitation was terrifying.
Basically, Gaolang went straight to his hotel room and took a cool shower to calm down.
The anger subsided but the feeling of repulse didn’t.
There are only 3 things that Gaolang shows pride, loyalty and devotion towards: the country of Thailand, King Rama, and you.
And how dare that boxer disrespect you in front of him. The absolute audacity!!!
After Gaolang finishes his shower, he calls you to see if you're okay. Whether it is physically or emotionally, Gaolang needs to make sure you’re doing alright. Gaolang, as always, is respectful towards you in anything. That’s why he has never mentioned you or your relationship to the public unless you allow it. But even then, he wants it to be lowkey af.
Sure, you have calmed down. However, you were a little shaken by this. I mean, I would if a random man said some unsavory things about me on public broadcasting.
Gaolang apologized for letting this happen to you, to which you told him that this isn’t anything too serious and that he should focus more on his upcoming title defense match.
However, this was and IS a serious matter to Gaolang. So the next few days, Gaolang trained with just a little bit more intent than normal.
(Meanwhile, that boxer is getting absolutely slandered for the shit he said on the internet. Those netizens don’t like how he dissed their favorite power couple)
At last, the day of the match that would decide who keeps the title is here. You opt to stay home for this as it would be better for your piece of mind. But you were more worried about Gaolang. Although you  know your husband well, actually that’s the problem. You know how exactly your husband is. Goalang isn’t a hard person to read. He’s rational, calm, loyal, and observant. One thing you notice about Gaolang is how defensive he can get.
People can shit talk him all they want, he could give zeros fucks at all. But insult Thailand, King Rama, or god forbid you, that person is gonna get fucking die.
It had been a couple of days since the conference. So you know the initial anger wore off. But still, you only hope Gaolang goes somewhat  easy on him.
But since the controversy at the press conference caused such attention, this match was one of Gaolang’s most anticipated matches yet for any of his titles.
The event started as per usual with any boxing matches, the sponsors, introductions/entrances, anthems, etc. The challenger seems as confident as ever, having barely any nervousness evident on his face. Same goes with Gaolang, but with his classic stoic stare. The match was on its way once the referee explained the rules and the first bell rang.
However, you knew something was wrong right off the bat with him. It wasn't like Gaolang was fighting alright, he’s a man that never half ass anything. But you can tell he wasn’t giving his all at all. You didn’t know why he wasn’t trying at all. This wasn’t like his fight with Kaneda, he put effort into that one. But something was different about this match and you couldn’t tell what.
It seemed like Gaolong was struggling seemingly, the commentators were shocked and questioned that there would be a new heavyweight boxing champion on their hands. Was this the end of Gaolong’s reign as boxing champion?
No, you knew we wouldn’t lose to people like his opponent. He would rather die than give them a win.
The third round came along and around seemed hype about Gaolong’s opponent and he seemingly being the winner. However, Gaolong was not phased by this. In fact, he still kept his calm composed aura like he always does. That’s when you saw that Gaolong was up to something. You didn’t know yet but it was something.
The 3rd match began and that was when everything suddenly changed. It was like a flip of a switch as Gaolong just started boxing the hell out of his opponent. Gaolong had landed more hits than his opponent could dodge. 
It was obvious to the crowd that this round was one-sided. Gaolong outmatched the hell of his opponent in every way he could. And with a finishing blow to the jaw, Gaolong had won by a knockout. The crowd went wild, the commentators losing their minds from the fast yet heavy KO.
Gaolong pulled the ultimate power move by letting his opponent think he had a sliver of hope in beating Gaolong. Only for Gaolong to straight up smash it to the group and pummel it until it was dust. He shattered the man’s hopes and dreams by letting him think he had a chance of getting a win only for Gaolong to show him that he is nowhere near his level.
That Gaolong was miles ahead of this cocky bastard and he made sure his opponent knew that. This loss will forever change his opponent for the rest of his career.
After the Gaolong’s win was finalized, all he wanted to do was go home back to Thailand and be with you. That’s it. He did his press conferences and interviews, but he didn’t care for them. All that mattered was you and he needed to get home to you as soon as possible.
As always, King Rama gives Gaolong a few days to a week off of work when Gaolong brings home a win. Every time Gaolong wins, it’s like an unofficial national holiday is happening. Thailand is bright and festive as ever everything he wins.
Now with Gaolong back home and off from work, he just spends his time with you. Maybe a little training but more so leisure and doing errands or chores with you. You were happy that Gaolong isn’t in a bad mood anymore but Gaolong now knows that people who weaponized you and your name against him just to stir the pot. 
Well, he takes that pot and creates his own fucking food with it because no way in hell will he let someone do that to you. He made it known with that match. Because after that match, his opponents never mentioned your name ever again.
Thai God Guard Dog privileges.
Hope you enjoyed it! Please like or/and reblog it! Have a wonderful day!
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kengan-daddies · 1 year
It was really funny in the fic "awkward things they do that ruin sex" when Saw Paing would barge in accidentally while reader and Kaolang are doing it. Can you please write a full nsfw fic for that? I wonder if Saw Paing would get embarrassed and apologize loudly or shout out "KAOLANG LETS FIGHT!! also nice cock bro"
LMFAOOOOOO!!!!! I saw this a few days ago and I've been excited to write it ever since, and now we're finally here!!!
Long Awaited Interruption Kaolan Wongsawat X Reader
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Anime : Kengan Ashura Character : Kaolan Wongsawat Warning : Suggested Themes, Humor, Fluff
Long Awaited Interruption Kaolan Wongsawat x Reader
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Long Awaited Interruption Kaolan Wongsawat x Reader
It's been weeks since you and Kaolan last had sex, it was always such a chore to wait for him since he dealt with the prince 24/7, but the time finally came and it was now your chance to embrace one another, to kiss, pulling and tugging clothing off of your forms.
Kaolan was always pent up, seeing as how he spent weeks sometimes even months away from you, but he was always gentle and slow when it came to your pleasure, he wanted you to always feel satisfied. You lay on the bed in your naked glory, your skin glistening in the lamp's soft glow, his hands gently trailing over your waist as he silently worshipped you.
You stared down at him, watching him idolize your body, it was a common sight but you'd never get tired of seeing it, the love and admiration in his eyes for you and you alone. The door suddenly snatched open and you both jumped, scrambling to cover your body.
"GAOLAAAAAN!!!! I HEARD YOU WERE BACK, SO LET'S FIGHT!!!!" He shouted, the usual fire in his eyes as he smashed his fists together. Once he made sure you were fully covered, Kaolan glared over at Saw Paing. "Saw Paing, I'll deal with you later, I'm busy right now." He said as he stood from the bed. Saw looked around him, seeing you bunched up in blankets.
An embarrassed look on your face as you shyly waved at him. He looked over back at Kaolan, his smile widening. "OH!!! GAOLAN!!! YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU WERE HAVING A SLEEPOVER!!! WHY DIDN'T YA INVITE ME!? I'M THE SLEEPOVER PARTY KING!!" He declares as he points his thumb at himself proudly.
Kaolan nearly fell over from the ridiculousness of the whole thing. "No, you dimwit!! I didn't invite you because this isn't a sleepover at all!! Use your brain damn it!! I'm surprised you're not the smartest man in the world considering how well-protected it is." He said annoyed. Saw Paing seemed to think over his words as he looked around the place.
"Hmmmm, not a sleepover eh.... Then what is it?" He asked. Both you and Kaolan looked at him in disbelief. "I'll tell you what it is. It's me getting rid of the cockblock, aka you, Saw Paing." He said before he placed his hands on Saw's shoulder turning him around as he began pushing him out. Saw Paing just looked at him confusedly as he let Kaolan push him out. "Cockblock..... OH, I GET IT NOW!!! YOU GUYS ARE HAVING -"
Kaolan sighed in exasperation as he leaned back on the door, you chuckled as you could still hear Saw's voice through the door. Kaolan rolls his eyes when he hears Saw Paing bidding him farewell and that he had a nice cock. Kaolan rolls his eyes once more as he shook his head in fond annoyance before he walked over to you on the bed. "You do owe him a fight." You said as he pulled the blankets from you. He sighed as he crawled on the bed, his arms wrapping around your waist as he lays his head down in your lap.
"I know, I know. But I'll worry about him later, until then... " he said as he placed sweet kisses over your thighs making you chuckle as you ran your fingers through his hair.
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badboysdoitbetter · 4 years
hey dude idk if you remember me but can i please request a regular matchup ? im a female capricorn + INTJ. some of my hobbies are reading, writing, cooking, + making recipes. i’m a GYM + FITNESS BRAT. i love studying astrology + looking @ the stars. i dislike loud people, hypocrites, uncleanliness, + complainers. i like someone who is laid back, loyal, intelligent, + driven. someone who shares some of my interests but also someone who can teach me + introduce me to new things. thank you !!
i normally only do one fandom for a regular matchup, but since this lovely lady helped me out so much with my writing skills, i decided to make an exception for her!
Hunter x Hunter : I ship you with...
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he became interested when he first saw you in the library, sitting alone at a table littered with books.
you were reading, paying no attention to him, but he was enamored with the way your eyes glided through the pages, absorbing everything the book had to offer.
the next time he saw you, he sat down at your table and observed you. he said it was because you were ‘coincidentally’ holding a book that he wanted to read, but from the way he was looking at you, you knew better.
the two of you would spend hours comparing book choices, with him asking you about your pick of the week and telling you about his favorite bible verses.
he wouldn’t understand why he liked spending time with you so much, but one day, when he was telling you about Corinthians, that’s when he realized that what he was feeling for you was love.
love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. it is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
when he finally asked you out, he took you to the beach right as dusk was falling, under the pretense that he wanted to learn about different constellations.
he actually saw you reading a book about astrology and wanted to see your face light up at the stars, the same way it had in the library a few weeks prior.
he’d try to avoid it, but since he knows how much you love to learn new things, he’d eventually teach you all about Nen.
the two of you would spend hours practicing, and i think he’d fall in love with the way you get so passionate about the things you want to get better at.
when he introduces you to the troop, you’re a little bit shy, but they don’t seem to mind you. to this day, you have no idea if they were just tolerating you or if they actually liked you.
honestly, they saw how much their boss cared for you, and decided that if he liked and trusted you, so could they.
with how little people Chrollo has in his life, you can sleep peacefully knowing he’s always looking out for you.
Kengan Ashura : I ship you with...
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this edit is by @aloetech !! she has some really cool content on her page that you should check out sometime !!
i can really see the two of you meeting at the gym. you were kickboxing, while he was taking a break near the weight rack.
with his water bottle to his lips, he observed the room with those beautiful caramel-colored eyes, and even though your back was turned towards him, he could tell that your form was a little bit off.
he came up to and offered his help, and while you were skeptical of his motives at first, once you saw that he was a genuinely nice guy you started opening up to him a little bit more.
the relationship progressed slower than average, just because he’d be off at Kengan matches while you were unable to with him. at the same time, albeit, you both appreciated the time to get to know each other before jumping into anything serious.
you’d send him baked goods in the mail, and he’d smile every time he saw the cute little notes you left with them. (you were definitely more brazen on paper than in person...)
Gao, i can’t believe you’re Ken-gone again, but know i’m thinking about you and your goodies ;) while you aren’t here physically, your love is all i knead
while you’re both very driven people, he knows that he can come home to you and you’ll be there to hang out on the couch and relax after a grueling day.
he appreciates that the two of you are both logical, and wouldn’t hesitate to use it to his advantage when he needs help coming up with strategies in fights.
he knows that, while you’re definitely an independent person, you like to learn about his life. the place he draws the line, however, is that he refuses to introduce you to his ‘friends’, no matter how much you ask.
Saw-Paing would 100% come through the window of your shared apartment, only to find the two of you having sex cooking together.
“LET’S FIGHT GAOLAN—oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, i’m definitely interrupting something, right? i feel like i should go...”
“um, hello—”
“don’t indulge him, (Y/N).”
* signifies the character i think would look the best with you.
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kengan-daddies · 1 year
I Love You So Kaolan Wongsawat
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Anime : Kengan Ashura Character : Kaolan Wongsawat Warning : Mention of bruises, fluff
I Love You So Kaolan Wongsawat
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I Love You So Kaolan Wongsawat
The sun was setting, casting an orange hue over everything it shined upon, dark shadows could be seen, and pink, purple, and yellow clouds drifted across the sky slowly. The inside of your shared room, was also covered in an orange hue with deep dark shadows, the lamp next to your bed was on, helping to even out the lighting. You were sitting up on Kaolan's back dressed in your golden silky robe, while Kaolan wore matching silky pants. You had a vase of warm oil on the bed next to you, your hands covered in oil, smoothing it over his toned back, pressing on his tense muscles, you can feel where the knots were, pressing into them, making Kaolan give a satisfied moan.
It's been like this for a few minutes now, silent with the occasional groan and moan from Kaolan while you'd sometimes giggle in response. His arms were folded under his pillow, his eyes closed as he seemed to be drifting in and out of sleep. He's been extra busy lately, traveling with Prince Rama to and fro from business deals to meetings. He's even had to get into a few fights along the way, all in the name of Prince Rama, earlier that day, you saw the stress in his eyes and his tense shoulders, so you put it upon yourself to get some of the finest oils you could purchase, specifically for tight muscles, something that'll soothe him.
Being his wife also had some perks, since Kaolan was the Village's strongest warrior and the Prince's right-hand man, he was treated like royalty, meaning you got that same treatment, so it didn't take long for you to find the items you needed to help aid your husband in relaxing. You just had to wait until he finally was able to come to bed, it's been months since you both been in the same room together, traveling from Country to Country while you stayed at home, it was lonely but it wasn't something you weren't used to. Once he came home, and you saw his tense shoulders and stressed stare, you knew you had done right by gathering those items.
Giving Kaolan a massage was just as enjoyable for you as it was for him, you loved doing the act, knowing that it was helping him to relax, helping him to calm down from a stressful week or in this case, months. The feeling of his toned muscles under your palms, as you'd trace the contours of his muscles, following his light scars, remembering some of them as you did. He was such a warrior, it's like he was born to do so, a guardian of sorts. You always told him that he'd make a great father someday, but he'd always shake it off with a small smile. His excuse? 'I don't think so, I don't nearly have the proper emotions to take care of a child, I'm too harsh and cold, I'm distant and I'm not the most emotional.' He'd always say, you could see his points, however you had faith that he'd make an amazing father, call it intuition if you will.
Your hands curved over his shoulders, the back of his neck, and down his sides, slowly coming towards the middle where you'd go up and down, pressing down hard on the knots in his tense back, you were sure that he was asleep by now, he wasn't making as many groans and moans as he was at first when you found a knot, it was more like a muffled grunt at most now. You smiled tenderly, happy that he drifted off to sleep. You stopped your hands, bending down until your lips were next to his ear. "Kao?... Are you sleeping?" You asked in a low voice. He grumbled in response, not saying anything but enough to confirm that he was drifting in and out of slumber. You softly chuckled as you sat back up, reaching over as you gathered more oil into your hands.
You drizzled it over the middle of his back, making a small puddle in the center. You smoothed your hand through the puddle, going up to his shoulders and over his arms, stopping short of the pillow before you went back to the middle of his back, doing it all over again. Your hands went down his sides, pressing down a little harder, looking for any knots, he gave a hard twitch, making you jump in shock as you pulled back, he gave a grunt, his brows twitching as he cracked his eyes open. "Are you hurt?" You asked him, and he nodded his head. "Yes, I took a pretty nasty blow to my side a while back, He had one hell of a kick force." He explained, you looked down at his sides in worry, your eyes scanning until you found it.
It was faded, but you could still slightly see the red of his bruising. You gently rubbed over it, you saw when his muscle tensed from your gentle touch and you pulled back from it. You stared down at it sadly. "I'm sorry, Kao... I didn't know." You apologized, you didn't mean to hurt him. "What are you apologizing for? You weren't the one to hit me, you were helping me, I should've warned you beforehand, but I guess it slipped my mind." He said softly. You sighed as you gently rubbed his back. "I know, I just wish I was more aware of it, but that's okay, as long as you're relaxed, that's all that matters." You said. He gave a half-hearted chuckle as he shifted till he was on his back. "KAO!!! THE SHEETS!!" You cried, he sighed, as he placed his hands on your hips, keeping you in place.
"It's fine, I'll have them replaced." He said tiredly as he rubbed circles on your hips with his thumbs, you gave a defeated sigh, knowing he was right. "You could've at least let me rub off some of the oil before you decided to turn over like that, Kao." You said, as you lay your head down on his chest. He gave a "Hmm" in reply to your words as he wrapped his arms around you. He could hear you fuss at him all day, he just wants to hear your voice, have you in his arms, where he knows you're safe. Your body relaxed against his, as you got comfortable, his heart giving steady beats, calming you. You missed him, you missed having him in bed, having his arms around you, where you know he's relaxed. 'Kao does so much for everyone, he deserves to rest.' You thought, as you snuggled into him.
He opened his eyes, one last time, as he reached over, clicking off the lamp, before he gave a relaxed sigh, you both slowly drifted off to sleep, the room slowly going dark, as the sun completely set over the horizon.
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kengan-daddies · 1 year
I'll Cheer you on, always Kaolan Wongsawat
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Anime : Kengan Ashura Character : Kaolan Wongsawat Warning : Mention of Blood, Injure
I'll Cheer you on Always Kaolan Wongsawat
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I'll Cheer you on Always Kaolan Wongsawat
You were in the crowd, sitting next to Saw Paing in the stands, he was surprisingly quiet, but then again, Kaolan wasn't exactly fighting the strongest guy at the moment. He must've felt insulted, having to fight this little guy, anyone could see that he wasn't a fighter. You'd feel the same, seeing everyone else have a real opponent and then when it's your turn you get this... What a joke.
Earlier, when you were in the changing rooms with Kaolan, you couldn't help but giggle at the slight irritated twitch of his brow. He looked over his shoulder at you once he pulled up his shorts. "What's so funny?" He asked you. You gave him a sweet little smile. "Oh nothing, just you look irritated yet you're trying to hide it, it's just kind of funny you know?" You explained. He turned towards you. "So, my misfortune makes you laugh?" He asked.
You shook your head with a carefree eye roll. "Nooo, your misfortune doesn't make me laugh, it's the fact that this is getting to you, that's what makes me laugh." You explained as you stood up, taking slow steps to him. He watched you for a moment before he sighed. "So you're amused at my irrigation?... Just lovely." He complained. You rolled your eyes at him. 'Such a diva.' You thought you reached over at the bench behind him, picking up his robe. "Listen, instead of seeing this as an 'unfortunate event', try seeing it as a blessing." You said as you adjusted his robe in your hands correctly.
He gave you a questioning gaze. " 'A blessing'?... If anything this is an insult." He said as he held out his arms. You walked behind him, aiding him in putting on his robe, a patient smile on your face as you did, once it was on you smoothed down his shoulders, making sure he looked nice before you hugged him from behind. His hand rested on yours in response. "Think of it like this... Remember when we first met?... You considered that an unfortunate meeting as well remember?... And look at us now. Married for 7 years and going on strong." You said.
Your ear pressed against his back, listening to his faint heartbeat, his back vibrating as he spoke. "Yes, I remember clearly, you were a clumsy sight to see. You fell in front of Prince Rama making him trip and fall, his hand earned a cut from a rock as he caught himself... I wasn't exactly pleased when it happened." He said reminiscing on the past. It was a festival in the village that day. Everyone was happy, dancing, playing, cheering, laughing. It was a joyous day. You were a young adult, hustling and bustling about in the crowd, you always loved the festival, seeing everyone put out their best of everything.
You had just gotten some ice cream, chasing away the heat, you were on your 5th lick, when you suddenly tripped. "OOF!!... OH NO, MY ICE CREAM!!" You cried in vain as you landed on your knees, you crawled forward, trying to salvage what was left of your snack, when something hard kicked into your side, making you and 'it' fall over. "WHOA!!" "OWW!!" You both cried out. You fell on your side, the pain where you were hit was throbbing but not insanely so.
"MY PRINCE, ARE YOU OKAY!? YOU'RE BLEEDING!!" Came a man's voice, your eyes widened as you pulled yourself from your daze, and you looked over, seeing Prince Rama himself getting off the ground, blood on the dirt by his feet, another man stood next to him, he was tall and strong, his hands were gently cradling the Prince's hand as he inspected the wound. The prince waved him off. "I'm fine, Kaolan, no need to fret." He said as he pulled away from him.
You stared on, embarrassed and shocked at the fact that the prince was here... And that you made him trip and get hurt. You were pulled from your thoughts when Prince Rama held his clean hand out to you. "Are you okay, miss? I didn't hurt you, did I?" He asked, you looked up at him and you shook your head. He smiled. "Good, now up on your feet, the ground is no place for a woman to be." He said, you took his hand and he pulled you up.
You busted off your clothes quickly before you straighten up. "Prince Rama, I'm so sorry, please forgive me." You said hastily as you bowed your head. The prince just laughed as he waved you off. "No need for any of that, it's just a little scratch." He said, fanning off your concerns. But the other man, Kaolan, wasn't so lenient about it. " 'Just a little scratch?'... My Prince, your hand has been pierced by a rock!! You need medical attention immediately!!" He said urgently.
You looked over at Kaolan and back over at Prince Rama. "Pierced!? Are you okay, Prince Rama!? You need to see urgent help immediately!!!" You yelled as you stared at him with wide and worried eyes. Prince Rama looked between you both, before he began laughing. "HAHAHAHA!!!! You two act like parents and you don't even know each other!! This is amazing!!" He said joyously. Both you and Kaolan stared at him and before you looked at each other and back at the Prince.
"Come, come!! Let's all go and see a medical professional, and then afterwards we can all go and enjoy the festival together!!!" He said as he placed an arm around your shoulders, pulling you along with him as he walked away. "O-oh!! But Prince Rama, you shouldn't spend the festival with a lady like me, why not with friends and family!?" You spoke quickly and nervously. Prince Rama looked over at you, a smile on his face. "I chose to hang with you, because I like you, your company is simply pleasant." He explained. You stared at him with wide eyes. 'WHAT KIND OF AN EXCUSE IS THAT!?' You thought.
That was 11 years ago, but it felt shorter. Your time with Kaolan and Prince Rama has been very fun indeed, no day was ever the same, especially when Saw Paing was involved. Kaolan sighed. "That day was full of misfortunes, Prince Rama tore open his palm, twice that day, you fell and tripped pretty much the whole day, I nearly twisted my ankle, and Saw Paing decided to come and be a gremlin." He spoke, but he didn't sound annoyed. You chuckled at his complaints. "Yes, but those misfortunes led to our marriage." You said.
He didn't say anything as he gently tightened his hold on your hands. "Yes, that is true... And I don't regret a single misfortune either." He said, as he picked your hand up and he gently kissed it. You smiled as you walked around him, your hand still in his as you came around him. "So, try and not see this as a misfortune, but as a blessing, you never know, you might learn a thing or two from that young man out there, might even become friends." You said.
He stared down at you, the tender gaze in his eyes grew slightly irritated. "As if I'd learn something from him, the only thing he could possibly teach me, is that there is someone more annoying than Saw Paing." He said, as he let your hand go, he walked past you heading to the door. You stared at him before you gave him a mischievous smirk. "I'll be sure to cheer for his success then, since you're oh so confident in your win." He paused, his hand on the handle. He looked over at you. "You wouldn't dare." He said. You placed your hand on your hip. "Try me, go out there with that same mindset, and I will." You said. He grumbled in annoyance. "Your cheers are only reserved for me." He said.
"And Saw Paing." You added. He stared at you for a moment. "Unless he's against me." He said. You rolled your eyes playfully at him. "You have nothing to worry about, I'll always cheer you on, Kao, no matter who your opponent is, whether they're weak or strong, tall or short, handsome or ugly-" "Or sexy?" Kaolan cut you off. You stared at him for a moment before you looked off. "Weeeeeellllll." He gave you an unimpressed stare. You chuckled as you walked over towards him. "I'm kidding I'm kidding!!" You said, reassuring him as you reached up with your hands, cupping his face gently as you pulled him down, giving his cheek a sweet kiss, he smiled in return. "No matter how sexy they are, I'll always cheer you on... Unless it's Ohma Tokita because that man is something else, if we had never worked out, he'd be my third option." You said.
His little smile dropped and he gently pushed your hands off. "I'm done." He said, you laughed at him as he left the room, the door closing behind him slowly. You stood there chuckling to yourself a little longer before you sighed. The door opened again and Kaolan poked his head inside. "Who would be your second option anyway?" He asked. You shrug your shoulders as you simply said. "Saw Paing." He stared at you a little longer before he rolled his eyes. "Of course it would be, come on, I'm about to get called up." He said, as he grabbed your wrist gently pulling you from the room.
You chuckled in your seat, thinking of your interaction in the changing room. Your soul, however, nearly jumped out of your body when Saw Paing suddenly screamed. "GIVE HIM WHAT HE WANTS!!!! GAOOOLAAAANNN!!" He shouted, you placed your hand over your heart as you took a deep breath. 'Scratch that, Saw Paing is now revoked from being the second option to now being the third option.' You thought.
A/N: Never, Saw Paing will always be my first option 💋💕
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kengan-daddies · 1 year
You're my reason Kaolan Wongsawat
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Anime : Kengan Ashura Character : Kaolan Wongsawat Warning : Mention of bruises and death, slight angst
You're My Reason Kaolan Wongsawat
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You're My Reason Kaolan Wongsawat
You were sitting in the hall, a worried look on your face as you stared down at Kaolan's restful and bruised face. Your fingers twirled around one another, deep in thought. 'I know he's fine, he's not dead, but I'm still worried. I can't help but, to be worried... The love of my life is unconscious, he's probably in pain and there's nothing I can do about it.' You thought as you stopped twirling your fingers, opting to grip your clothing instead. Kaneda has been by Kaolan's and your side for the longest time now, you found that sweet of him, and you thanked him from the bottom of your heart.
Together you both bandaged him up, while Hanafusa stuck an IV in his arm, pumping some painkiller into his system and once he deemed it enough, he pulled the IV out, gave him a bandage, and went about his merry way, leaving you and Kaneda to care for him. Kaneda placed an Ice pack on Kaolan's forehead, and you held it there, your hand as hurting from the cold, but you didn't care. 'As long as he's alright, I'll freeze my hand off a million days.' You thought in determination. Kaneda stared at you from the shelves, he was busy grabbing towels, he gave you a kind smile, seeing the small efforts you put into Kaolan's health.
"Man, seeing you and Kaolan together, reminds me of my parents, hell you guys make me wanna get married." He said with a chuckle. You gave him a kind smile. "I'm sure you will, Kaneda, just give it time, I'm sure any woman would love to be your wife, you're a lovely young man." You said. He blushed at your words as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. "Ahahah!! You're so kind!! Thank you so much, I'll keep your kind words in mind." He said kindly as he slightly bowed to you in thanks. You lightly chuckled at him. "There's no need to thank me, I was only being honest really." You said. The sound of groaning caught both your and Kaneda's attention as you both looked over at Kaolan. "Ugh." You both smiled at him, happy tears in your eyes.
"So you're finally awake huh?" Kaneda asked. Kaolan didn't sit up from his resting place, as he slowly dropped his good arm over his eyes. He seemed upset and your heart went out to him in worry, but what could you say? 'It's okay, you'll get him next time? Don't worry Kao, you did your best?' What could you say, no matter what you say, it wouldn't make the situation any louder. You gently rubbed your hand over his arm, being careful to not hit his bruises. Kaneda walked over to the vending machine, it was silent, the only sound that could be heard was Kaneda putting a coin in the machine, and the thumping of the can. Kaolan suddenly spoke up.
"Suekichi Kaneda." He said, he sounded breathless, Kaneda looked over at him in question as he grabbed the can from the vending machine. You stared down at Kaolan, waiting for him to speak. "I would be... I would've died right?" He asked. Your heart clenched, while Kaneda answered immediately, walking over with the can as he did. "Yes, he had enough time to keep attacking from when the referee stopped the match until he stepped in to break it up." Kaneda simply answered. Your mind raced at that revelation, it hadn't dawned on you that that could've been the outcome, your gut twisted with worry and panic at the thought of it. 'Kaolan could've... died?... They wouldn't've let that happen, right?' You thought.
Kaneda continued to speak. "We have footage from 32 of his previous matches. 8 of those matches he had the opportunity to keep attacking his opponent, just like this one, including the first match from this tournament, makes 9 total. Out of those 9 matches, there were 6 in which he kept attacking. Out of those 6 fighters, 4 of them died." He explained, your eyes widened and fear gripped at your throat. You knew it was a possibility that he could've died, there's already been a fighter who lost his life multiple matches ago before Kaolan's first match. The thought of Kaolan being that close to losing his life, made you want to leave the area... it was too heavy... it was too real. You silently stood up.
Kaneda looked over at you in question, but Kaolan kept his arm over his eyes, you stared down at him a little longer, knowing that he wouldn't stop fighting after this... there was nothing you could say to stop him from doing so... so you walked away. You were angry, you were scared. You'd probably yell at him, maybe even slap him, and you didn't want to do any of that, so you just walked away down the curving hall, your arms around your body as you thought over Kaneda's words. You wanted to leave the building, but you also wanted to sit alone somewhere, maybe even walk around the venue... you didn't know anymore... You saw a bench out in the hall, the cushion looking inviting, and you needed a place to sit for a while.
You sighed as you sat down, seeing no harm in resting in the area for a moment. You sat down, feeling heavy... you almost felt bad for storming off the way you did, but you couldn't help it... you felt hopeless, helpless... You wouldn't be able to stop him, no matter how hard you tried, he'd ignore you, in favor of his passion... and you couldn't be angry with that, he was following his dream... You just wished he'd be more careful at it. You sighed once more. "I wish Saw Paing was here... He always makes me feel better." You said aloud to yourself, but you knew that Saw Paing wasn't in the best of moods right now, he was in a depression, and you didn't know how to comfort him. He was usually so loud, so happy... seeing him like that... made your heart ache.. You couldn't help your friend either it would seem...
The sound of grunting, shuffling and Kaneda's voice could be heard coming down the hall. You looked over, seeing shadows. You already knew it was Kaolan and Kaneda, so you sat there and waited. You watched as Kaolan rounded the wall, he was leaning against it, as he limbed, while Kaneda held his side, in his other hand he held Kaolan's drink.
"I need to find her... I need to make sure she's safe." Kaolan said, your heart fluttered at his words. 'Even when he's injured he was thinking of my safety.' You thought. "I'm sure she's fine, I don't think anyone would even think about touching her." Kaneda reasoned, worried for Kaolan. You smiled at kaneda's words, he was such a sweet man. Kaolan looked up, and he stopped, seeing you, sitting there, safe and sound. He gave a small smile at seeing you, as he seemed to gain speed in his limp. You chuckled at the sight as you stayed seated, seeing Kaneda scrambling in trying to keep up with Kaolan as to make sure that he didn't fall. "There you are... I was worried.... about you." Kaolan said.
As he got close enough to you, he stumbled, his leg giving out under him. You jumped up and you ran towards him, arms outstretched as you reached out to him, ready to catch him. He fell forward into your arms, his weight making you both crumble to the floor. You ran your hands through his hair, while your other hand ran over his back and shoulder, his head laid comfortably against your chest, as his arms wrapped weakly around your waist. "Please... Please don't... Don't leave me." He weakly said, his voice muffled by the clothes on your chest. You chuckled at him. "You silly man... I would never do such a thing... I'm upset, but I'm not angry." You said softly. "I fight... For you... I train... For you... I obtain bruises... For you... It's all for you, (Y/n)... You're my reason." He said, his arms weakly tightening around you.
Tears gathered in your eyes as you held him tighter to you. You knew this, you believed this... and yet... This was the first time he ever spoke of it. You gave a broken chuckle at his words. "I know.... I know Kao...Thank you..." You said. Kaneda stood back, a smile on his face as he observed you two. 'Man, I really hope to find a wife like her someday.' He thought, as he held Kaolan's drink in his hand.
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aloesarchives · 4 years
im sorry to hear abt ur situation! take it easy and don’t feel bad for not being able to write or post as much. that being said, do u think u could squeeze in a fluffy gaolang x fem!reader scenario where the reader is an artist and likes to use him as reference for practice? tysm!
Sure thing, Anon! Sorry if it's not as much as I usually write but I hope you enjoy.
Warning: Narrator(aka me) swearing
Having artists block is goddamn terrible. It's been like this for a month and you couldn't take it anymore. No matter how hard you tried to get inspiration, it either was an unfinished project or it wasn't enough to satisfy your artistic nature. The thing about you is you're a well-known artist that does digital but mostly traditional art. You always carry around a sketchbook where ever you go when the thought of drawing comes to mind. Besides doing commissions, you could draw something of your own free will without it looking like a bad art restoration project.
 But once you’re you know once you start drawing, you'll finish at least 3 art projects in a span of 3-4days. Now you just need something to get you going, but what should it be?
While you're sitting on the couch with your sketchbook in hand and chewing your pencil/pen, the clicking of the door snapped you out of the whirlpool of thoughts.
Gaolang's home from work
Upon announcing his return, Gaolang makes his way to the living room. Placing down your stuff on the table, you greeted your beloved with a kiss while taking his blazer to be stem later.
“How's work, Gao?”
“The same as usually, nothing too eventful.”
You nod your head and went to grab your stuff from the table. While walking back, the most random but inspirational epiphany came to your mind. Why not use Gaolang as one of your projects? You always used him as a reference and he doesn't mind it as long it wasn't time consuming. You used old videos of Gaolang’s fights for reference for most of your art work and one note you can make out was that he was beautiful in them. Then again, why wouldn’t he be beautiful? Anyway, your brain went into ultra instinct mode and straight started planning out the art piece. You practically spaced out so hard that Gaolang has been calling out your name for the past minute or so. Once your brain calmed down, you were faced directly with the Thai God of War and his chest.
“(Y/N), is everything okay?”
You looked up to make eye contact towards him with soft eyes.
“Yeah, I’m fine Gao...”
He raised an eyebrow at your answer indicating that he know there’s more behind your behavior. You sigh as you were there was no point in getting pass him.
“Umm, Gaolang, if it possible if I come watch you train tomorrow? I promise I won’t get in the way of your training since one of your boxing matches is coming up soon.”
Gaolang was going to ask why but after seeing the way your hand grasp your sketchbook, he put two and two together and understood what you were going to say to him. He nods his head before going into your shared bedroom to shower and change into more comfortable clothes.
As the next day rolls in, you’re sitting on a wall bench while watching Gaolang practice and train. Although his primary martial art is boxing, he still does Muay Thai training as it would be foolish to forget it. While sketching, you would occasionally stop yourself and watch his movements and strikes. It was almost mesmerizing to see, from fluid clean kicks to the firm precise strikes. It was beautiful. It was also the way Gaolang’s sweat marbled his muscles and the clear focus in his eyes was something for sore eyes. Besides getting sidetrack, you admitted from time and time again that Muay Thai is a gorgeous Martial Art and sport. After all, being the Thai God of War’s girlfriend made you appreciate the art even more. 
By the time he was finished, you already had the sketch completed. Now, it just needs color and the outlining. It took some time but it was worth it, it was finally down. It wasn’t bad either too. You drew Gaolang in one of Muay Thai’s traditional poses and in the background was a roaring tiger that was surrounded by wisps of fire. It was a pretty awesome the more you looked at it. Not a lot of bright colors but the wisps of the flames are an eye catcher. You’ll probably hang it somewhere around the apartment since it looked nice. You asked Gaolang for his opinion, and he said it looks good while kissing your forehead to look at the painting. In return, you hugged his side, slightly snuggling him. 
As you stayed like that with Gaolang, you can for sure know your artist block was gone(for now) as other ideas start to spur up in your creative brain. Most of them involved you and Gaolang together. Those heavenly depictions/mythical peaked your interest, along with the domestic ones as well.
Maybe one about your wedding in the near future but that’s on you to decide
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badboysdoitbetter · 5 years
— typical | sc
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pairing: saw paing yoroizuka x reader
fandom: kengan ashura
genre: fluff, crack(ish); lovers!AU
tags/warnings: saw paing being a dumbass, you’re trying your best, like one suggestive comment
word count: 1.0k
synopsis: you love your boyfriend, you do, but sometimes he’s so wreckless you begin to wonder how long you can put up with him...
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Saw Paing, while the love of your life, was the most exhausting person in all of Myanmar.
You came to watch a match? “YEAH, BABY!”
You decided to try a new position in bed? “I’M ALL FIRED UP!”
Hell, you put on a dress he thought looked hot on you. “OH MY GOD, WOOHOO!”
The two of you had been together for years, and while you were the perpetually calm, stable one in the relationship, Saw Paing was undoubtedly the fire. Life with him was never boring, and when you got the news that he was participating in the Kengan matches, it got even more interesting.
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“Is this seat taken?” Your question was directed at a tan-skinned man, whose eyes were half-lidded. He opened his mouth to reply, but paused as he noticed the clothes your wearing; a traditional Burmese eingyi and htamein.
“No, please go ahead.”
Quietly, you sat down, not taking your eyes off of the match in front of you. In the arena, your boyfriend was screaming, drowning out the sound of the announcer’s voice.
Typical Saw Paing, you smiled to yourself, your eyes filled with pride. “Are you the owner of a company?” Huh?
The brown-eyed man had spoken to you again.
“Oh, no.” Your timidity shined as you stuttered through your answer. In all honesty, you were a little surprised he’d start a conversation with you at all. “Are you a fighter, sir?”
“Yes, under the orders of my leader.” You took in his words while he waited for a reply.
Turning to watch the match that had already started, you whispered to him, not wanting to withdraw your gaze from the fight.
“That’s kind of you.”
“You’d put your life on the line for your country. It’s a very admirable thing to do—” Glancing at him, your voice went up at the end of your statement, subtly asking him to introduce himself.
“Gaolang Wongsawat, and you?”
“(Y/N) (L/N), it’s a pleasure to meet you.” While you turned your eyes back to the match, Gaolang studied your face.
You were pretty, that much was obvious, with voluminous hair and an award-winning smile, but what he noticed were your eyes.
They were, for lack of a better term, sparkling. Filled with pride, they beamed as you focused solely on the match in front of you. In a sense, he thought, they looked loving. The only thing he couldn’t figure out, despite his above-average ability to observe, was who the love was directed towards.
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“You idiot!” Your shouts resonated through the halls, “You’re hurt, Saw Paing! You’re reckless, constantly endangering yourself, with no regard for what the hell it does to other people. You need to go to the hospital.”
“Come on, (Y/N)! It’s no big deal, see—” Wincing, Saw Paing attempted for stand up to prove that he was alright, but as he rose from the floor, all you could hear was the deafening sound of bones cracking, “It’s no big deal.”
“Di-Did all that voluntarily head trauma do something to your brain? No big deal, huh? Well then, I guess it’s ‘no big deal’ that you’ll be sleeping on the couch tonight!”
“But (Y/N)…” Dejection sounded through the quiet hall, “Please?” Sighing, you held your ground.
“Until you go see a doctor, I hope you enjoy sleeping without me.”
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Wandering the halls, you aimlessly searched for a place to go, not wanting to go back into yours and Saw Paing’s shared room until you’d cooled off a bit. Looking around, you saw an open set of double doors from the corner of your eye, with the scent of food to follow.
finally, a place to eat! I wonder if they’ll have nangyi thoke or mohinga… Wow, I didn’t even realize how much I missed home—
“Oof,” You involuntarily let out a breath of air as you hit a hard surface in front of you… Albeit, you were pretty confident that walls didn’t have arms to catch you when you fall.
Looking up, brown eyes that had grown familiar stared back at you.
“Gaolang?” He quickly set you back onto your feet.
“Why’re you in such a rush?”
“I-I don’t wanna trouble you…” His brown eyes bore into your own. “Ok, it’s just,” You sighed, composing yourself, “It’s my boyfriend. He keeps hurting himself, and when I try to talk to him about it, he doesn’t even listen! I care about him so much, Gaolang, and I don’t understand how he can’t see it—”
“(Y/N)!” Heaving, you heard someone fall and as you turned around, Saw Paing was getting up off the floor and sprinting towards you as fast as he could manage.
The minute he saw your frame near one of the corner tables in the cafeteria, he was knocking over food trays, tables, and even people.
“Gaolang? What are you—never mind, not important right now. (Y/N), I went to the doctor like you asked… Turns out I have a fractured spine, three broken ribs, a bruised femur, and ADHD, but I went! Will you sleep with me now?”
Mouth gaping, you turned to see Gaolang’s reaction. A look of shock was (rightfully) etched into his face.
Could you have phrased that any worse?
“He’s the boyfriend?” In all the time you’d known him, the way he spoke at that moment was the first time you’d seen Gaolang display any real emotion.
“Hey! What do you mean by that, Gaolang?” Saw Paing pulled you to his side, wrapping his muscular arm around your waist, squeezing it lightly.
“Nothing! It’s just, the two of you are so… different.”
“Hey! You got a problem with that or something?”
“No, Saw Paing, I—”
“(Y/N), let’s get out of here… I’m sleepy.” Not waiting for an answer, he pulled you away, but not before you sent an appreciative smile towards Gaolang, silently thanking him for listening to your rambles.
Typical Saw Paing.
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badboysdoitbetter · 5 years
— happy birthday | sc
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pairing: gaolang wongsawat x reader
fandom: kengan ashura
genre: fluff; domestic!AU, lovers!AU
tags/warnings: a gross amount of fluff
word count: 0.7k
synopsis: knowing how busy gaolang can be, you aren’t expecting anything extravagant for your birthday. fortunately for you, your boyfriend plans on exceeding your expectations...
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Gaolang Wongsawat was a man who could do it all. Being Rama the Thirteenth's guardian, along with your boyfriend, came with some challenges, but somehow, unbeknownst to you, he made it work.
With the Kengan matches right around the corner, you wouldn't have held it against him if he forgot about your birthday, but of course, he made it perfect.
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It started as a normal day. You woke up, feeling a little chipper than usual, and after a few hits of your snooze button, you finally had enough energy to start the day.
The first thing you noticed as you exited yours and Gaolang's shared bedroom, was said man standing in front of the stove... cooking?
"You're normally at work by now, Gao. What's up?" Curiously, you tried to peek above his shoulder, but his 6'1" frame wouldn't allow it. So, you settled on wrapping your arms around him instead.
"I wanted to stay home today. Leader Rama let me." The simplicity of his statement didn't hide the true meaning. You may not have been as observant as Gaolang, but you weren't stupid. He had stayed home to spend time with you on your birthday.
Smiling, you unraveled yourself from his muscular torso, preparing the table for breakfast.
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Later, after you both had eaten and bathed, the real festivities began.
It was no secret that Gaolang was an amazing boyfriend, but he surprised you that day.
It turns out, while you'd been out and about, gathering things to prepare a special birthday dinner, complete with all the best Thai dishes you could think of, he'd gotten all your friends to come around, attempted to bake a cake, went out and bought a cake after his attempt failed, and planned an entire birthday party without you knowing!
Needless to say, walking into your now anime-themed apartment was the best kind of surprise you could have hoped for.
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As you mingled with your friends, most of which had come from all over Asia, you couldn't help but let your eyes wander to Gaolang.
He stood in the corner, a little uncomfortable being around dozens of people who he didn't know, but still putting up with them, because it made you happy.
He did all of this for you.
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Eventually, people began to trickle out until it was just the two of you again.
Sitting on the couch, your smaller frame blanked right in between Gaolang's legs as you watched whatever was on TV, you closed your eyes, enjoying the serenity of the moment.
"Gao?" You softly spoke, shifting a little bit to face him.
His loving brown orbs gazed upon you, and although he didn't say anything, you could tell he was listening.
"Thank you for today. I know it wasn't exactly your cup of tea, but I appreciate you putting up with my friends for today..."
"Happy birthday, (Y/N)." Holding you tightly with one arm, he pulled a small box out of his pocket, placing it in your hands. When you opened it, you gasped.
In your hand was a silver necklace with two boxing glove pendants, and engraved into the wrist strap, in tiny cursive handwriting that you could tell Gaolang had written and inscribed himself, were the words I love you.
Clutching it tightly, you felt his lips brush the back of your neck, planting a soft kiss right on your shoulder.
"I love you too, Gao."
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The two of you sat peacefully, and right when you began to dose off into sleep, you heard a window of your (high-rise!) apartment open.
Not opening your eyes, you felt Gaolang shift, heard a lamp smash against something, a shout, a thump, and finally, silence again.
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