#Kaotic answers
thekaoticfoxi23 · 9 months
More Foxydude
I am assumin gyou are the dame person who asked me for more art, then don't worry, it is coming up!
If you are talking about headcannons, rhe I'd be happy to share for whatever! :D
Oh, and btw Foxydude is now one of my favourite nicknames thank you
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oddity-artist · 2 years
🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻
oooo, uhh, lets see, three random facts?
uhhh uhmm uhh!!
I have more than 50 or 60 nicknames, Some of them being Odd, Oddi, Kaotic, Kao, Artist, Ran, Kris, Cottage Cheese, Cheese, Motorbike, Log, ect...
I also do alot of art related things other than drawing stuff! i animate, i paint, I sculpt, Sometimes i even make cardoard masks for fun!
Aaaaand... I am a proud mother of two guinea pigs! Their names are Hufflepuff and Honey! :]
Now its my turn to ask this question :P
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caswlw · 2 years
ur icebreaker post said u had some ya book recs 👉👈 pls share I’m begging
ah yes !!! so i’m unsure of what ur preferred genres/tropes are so here’s some recs that are assuming u liked icebreaker lol i hope they fit !
omg check, please! by ngozi ukazu: it’s a (graphic novel) rec Easily given considering it’s also gay college hockey and id assume a lot of ppl who read icebreaker have already read check please- but if Miraculously u haven’t- it’s so good! it can be read as a comic online but the physical volumes have some extras worth seeing too imo. i also think that mickey and jaysen so closely resemble a certain 2 characters (not the MCS tho) from it that if u want similar content to icebreaker there’s them! and they share many other topics, like coming out, having a secret relationship for [blank] reasons, familial issues, going to the nhl, and mental health, so if u want a book that is closest to icebreaker then this one is ur best bet
darius the great duology by adib khorram: despite being about a teenage boy visiting family in iran (at least in the first one) and not at all about college hockey, these books are also good in that they have similar content ! i think it does a great job of diving into the MC’s mental health (and similarly how that affects the ppl around him) and the familial content and general disconnect (for a different reason here than in icebreaker) from them are also great! i wouldn’t rec this as romance even tho the MC is also gay just bc that aspect of his character is much more heavily explored in the second book! it’s sadder than icebreaker and again isn’t about hockey (tho soccer is pretty important) but omgcp is the happiest of these so far so it balances out
the field guide to the north american teenager by ben philippe: this is just a normal coming of age story for a teenage boy who moves to texas from canada. honestly had i not fallen for the cover on a random target run i probably wouldn’t have bought and read this but MAN was it worth it !! i love the narration and the MC is a Little annoying but it’s a story about Growth ! and since i was moving to TX soon myself when i read it i felt less alone in my situation too <3 but yeah i have a list of books i file under dude lit (i would probably help define this better in a post on it’s own) which i feel like if u liked how mickey was written this might also be your jam! not a book w a whole lot of romance to follow through tho jsyk
the henna wars by adiba jaigirdar: a book w a non male MC !! just bc most of my “similar to icebreaker” books are about men and i can’t handle sending out recs like that. anyway tho this standalone is about a girl in high school who has a business project and ends up being a rival to a different classmate who essentially chose the same concept for her project. if the rivalry (if u want to call it that) from icebreaker is what pulled you in, then this is your book! it’s wlw and the girls also have a similar plot involving coming out to school + family and keeping up w each other academically/in this project. plus! the MCs have a similar “we come from different worlds” aspect like mickey and jaysen !! if u want more wlw recs too i have a few they just aren’t similar enough to icebreaker for me to have them here lol (also def recommend hani and ishu’s guide to fake dating- which is also a wlw ya novel by jaigirdar)
the darkness outside us by eliot schrefer: now this. this book is Insane. legitimately i bought it off amazon bc i thought the synopsis was good and i was looking for a happy ending in a standalone sci-fi book and this ended up being So Much more. i don’t want to explain too much of the plot as it’s best experienced read w no major info going in, but essentially these two guys are on a spaceship and they have a mission to rescue someone! its marketed as a love story- which it most certainly has (and the relationship btw the MCs reminds me of icebreaker’s like. we are and aren’t rivals bc we’re on the same mission/team- but also in another way we Are bc xyz)- BUT the thing about this book is that it’s So Much More than just gay ppl in space and it genuinely took me on so many rushes of that feeling omg what will happen next that i cannot help but recommend it on this list of ya contemporary books lmao
general recs i always have tho include dread nation by justina ireland, the warcross duology by marie lu, the scythe trilogy by neal shusterman, and ace of spades by faridah àbíké-íyímídé (def my favorite book published in 2021 that i read- tho if ur interested be sure to look up the list of TWs beforehand bc it’s Heavy.) honorable mention to the vicious duology by v.e. schwab bc i wouldn’t say it’s YA. i have to read more of my book list to give more recs that aren’t just a very similar list lol but if u want a better full description/review of any of these just lmk 🤩
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Hey, Ruelle, are you ever going to ask Piama out? I'll be your wingwoman! owo -Kaotic Anon
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Wh-What? Princess Flower Power wants nothing to do with me.
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kaotical · 5 years
New OC blog
Hey guys! I’m in the process of organizing my accounts. This blog is still under construction, but here! Take it anyways uwu
This will be where all my OCs hang out! It’ll include comics, artwork, references, and maybe even quotes..? Who knows! I haven’t planned that far ahead. As of now, I’m reblogging some of my OC artwork to that account.
At times, I’ll even treat the blog as if it’s shared among all of them, and they’ll go ramble about stuff. From there, you can probably pick up some cool facts about them :^)
Feel free to ask questions there, too! I’m sure they’ll be happy to answer. ...Uh, some of them.
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psyphr7 · 6 years
The Silver Tounged Gemini. A short story that's a work in progress
In the the known universe there is no set destiny. However in this story I will tell you of a young man who has the ability of greatness but is unable to achieve it, simply because he can create a different life for himself simply through words. He is brave but scared, loving yet unemotional and crazy but sain. You still with me I know it's a lot to take in but this is the story of the silver tongued gemini.
Our story begins in the city of Tampa, Fl, it's Tuesday morning in May of 1996. It's early in the morning and at the hospital in the maturity ward there is a boy being born who is able to talk his way into and out of everything. Who is this boy you ask? Well for all intensive purposes let's just call him Psyphr. Psyphr was born on the first day of gemini he has a personality that's different from the rest of the world, from this he faces many hardships growing up.
Chapter 1 - Realizing his gift
Psyphr wasn't a popular child by any means, he always liked playing alone because it was easier than rejection. Though even in his lonliness he still cared for everyone around him. Because of his distant nature he would create worlds in his head worlds that he wanted to be in, worlds were everything worked out alright. In these thoughts he became confused he made it difficult to seperate reality from dreams. As he started talking to people he found a lack common traits while most kids wanted to play with toys and video games, Psyphr preferred to take things apart. So to compensate for what he believes he's lacking he created story to fit in. His story quickly made him friends telling them about times were he has done amazing things in far away places. The worst part was is that without even trying and without the need for proof he could mold his life into one that was interesting for other people which means Psyphr didn't have to worry as much about people leaving him.
Chapter 2 - How these stories ruined his life
Psyphr only got older and as he got old the stories became more true, at least to everyone around him. It was hard to just stop seeing as everyone around him only knew who he was through his lies, but even still he continued making his life more and more interesting with every word he spoke. He could make you believe things that you normally wouldn't, just by replying to him you were caught in his trap and you'd never even know. With this Psyphr was able to start bending the will and lives of those around him giving them a story that they were there for but slowly changing details until the story became different, just like a game of telephone, he could even make those around him actually believe things happened even though they were there. Now I know what your thinking "how can he possibly change another memory" well to be honest even he can't answer that it's like a passive ability in an MMO-RPG where you now it's there but you can't actually control when it's used. Because of all this when Psyphr would date he would make himself seem like someone he's not then because of his lack of true emotional understanding he would be unable to actually help. From this he was left multiple times and even when he found someone who he truly loved he was unable to stop the lies. When he finally had enough and came clean with this girl, who we will call Kaotic, he was surprised to see that she was willing to accept the even though he hurt her for almost 3 years. He was so happy to finally have someone who knew the truth about him but that quickly turned away. His lack of emotional understanding caused him to continue pushing and pushing and now he sits in a limbo hoping that he can still have the chance to fix this because without her he is lost forever.
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isakthedragon · 8 years
For Spyro Meme- 1, 3, 5, 6, 13, 17, 24, 27, 29, 35, 39, and 40 :D
Geez, Kaotic! Slow down! :P
1. The most enjoyable home world in any first three Spyro games?
Hmmm... I think I have to go with Dream Weavers from Spyro 1. It's quite a creative world, with equally creative levels. I really love the idea of a dreamscape here. :)
3. Gnorcs or Rhynocs?
Aren't they both from the same spellbook? :P I guess rhynoc, for being a bit more interesting and creative.
5. Sometimes Spyro gets torched, he drowns or fliess off the edge of the world. How your Spyro usually dies?
Probably falling, for a stupid misstep or glide.
6. Would you enjoy playing as an adult Spyro?
I honestly think that would be quite interesting, since he'd be quite a lot bigger and stronger. I hope whatever gameplay he gets stays similar to what we got in the original trilogy.
13. Any personal thoughts about Moneybags?
FUCK MONEYBAGS!!! :P (What? That's not an appropriate answer? Fine.)
He's a necessary evil that made the games better. Especially when you can flame his ass to return gems.
17. Water the colors of shining green, dark purple or bright pink – pick your poison lake.
Purple! (I love purple so much.)
24. Skateboard, glider, tanks, planes … Spyro has seen many tools and vehicles. Did you enjoy any of them particulary or did you just hate one more than the others?
Hmmm... all of them have been quite enjoyable for me. I think probably the skateboard the most. (Fits the rad dragon.)
27. Which one should have their own game: Sheila, Bentley, Agent 9 or Byrd?
Why one, when all of them should!
I guess Agent 9 would probably have the easiest time, since he could just have an FPS game.
Byrd could too. (Perhaps a James Bond game? :P )
Not sure what to do for the other 2 though.
29. Which world itself had the most interesting situation in Spyro 3? For example Frozen Altars had these horrible Snowmen crushing things down and some stupid bear had sold the birds a melting system they couldn’t use…
I think I have to go with Charmed Ridge since it makes a reference to another Forgotten Realm that we never visit (Felinia).
35. The most entertaining/the most stupid game in Dragon Shores?
None of the games were stupid there. :P
I like the Rollercoaster game a lot. And the shooting gallery too.
39. The nicest world in Autumn Plains?
Hmmm... Zypher. It's a very pretty place. (I'm bad at descriptions. :P)
40. Should Spyro have a come-back with the old world system?
Hell Yeah!
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mysticonsheadcanons · 3 years
Prompt #8
Note: The title for this episode is “A Kaotic Return”
Zarya and Queen Goodfey are at Magi-mall together, getting to know each other better as they buy last-minute accessories for the royal ball. Just then, Zarya saw Captain Kaos at the mall. Captain Kaos is about to approach Zarya, but then Queen Goodfey, unaware of Captain Kaos, suggests they leave, as she still has a lot to do in order to get ready for the ball. Zarya leaves, and Captain Kaos has a smirk on his face. Queen Goodfey notices her daughter’s uneasiness and asks if everything is alright, and Zarya says it is.
At the stronghold, Zarya tells the Mysticons about Captain Kaos’s return. Arkayna suggests that they tell Queen Goodfey, but Zarya refuses, as she and Queen Goodfey are just starting to get to know each other, and she doesn’t want Queen Goodfey to worry about her, and doesn’t know how her mom would feel about her being a sky pirate. Zarya suspects that Captain Kaos may do something at the ball, and asks the Mysticons to help make sure nothing happens, while keeping it a secret from her parents. While the others are initially unsure of the secret, when Zarya brings up her doing similar things for them, such as keeping anything dangerous or evil hidden from Citrine when she came for a visit and protecting the date from Oozie Q, the others agree.
The ball is going on, and the Mysticons decide to split up in order to make sure nothing suspicious is going on. Zarya sees Captain Kaos leaving the ball with Kitty, and runs after them without anyone seeing. When they are far enough away, Captain Kaos reveals that Kitty was just an illusion. A fight ensues, but Captain Kaos uses magic in order to defeat Zarya, dragging her onto the ship.
At the ball, the other Mysticons realize that Zarya is gone. They begin searching the palace for Zarya, getting Queen Goodfey’s attention. When she’s nowhere to be found, Em suggests calling Zarya. Arkayna calls Zarya’s phone, and Captain Kaos answers, saying that she’s tied up at the moment before hanging up. The others make a plan to find Zarya when Queen Goodfey approaches and demands to know what’s going on.
The Mysticons and Queen Goodfey search for Zarya, with Queen Goodfey riding Archer. They decide to check the Island first, as that’s where Captain Kaos took Zarya, Kitty, and Kasey the first time. Queen Goodfey scolds the girls for keeping it a secret, and Piper reveals that Zarya didn’t want her to worry, and didn’t know how Queen Goodfey would react to her being a sky pirate. When they are almost at the island, Raylanna and the other moon elves approach. Raylanna reveals that she searched the island after the Pink Skulls were captured (she found out about the Island while on the quest with the Pink Skulls), but they weren’t there. Em guesses that Captain Kaos took Zarya and the Pink Skulls to Zarya’s old village, but no one knows where it is. Using their phones and what Queen Goodfey, who heard about the attack, knows about Captain Kaos’ attack, they learn where the village is and go there.
Meanwhile, Zarya finds herself in what used to be a building in her old village with the rest of the Pink Skulls. Kitty reveals that Captain Kaos attacked just as they returned from the Astral Plane, and as they weren’t expecting any threats, they were caught off guard. Captain Kaos reveal his plan to cast a spell that will permanently brainwash them, and is finishing the preparations to do so. Zarya and the Pink Skulls manage to get free by working together to untie their ropes while Captain Kaos’ back is turned, stopping when he turns around. They do manage to escape the one ruined building, but Captain Kaos sees them leave and chase after them, summoning crab-like creatures to help with the chase.
Zarya and the Pink Skulls run through the ruins, but as it looks much different than the village, don’t know where they’re going. They decide to head to the forest, as the coverage may prevent Captain Kaos from seeing them through the air, and they believe that they can outrun Captain Kaos through the forest. Right before they get deep in the words, Captain Kaos throws something that trips Kasey, and captures him. Kitty tells the other Pink Skulls to run as she and Zarya save Kasey, but the Pink Skulls refuse and join the fight, During the fight, the other Mysticons, the moon elves, and Queen Goodfey arrive and help defeat Captain Kaos. Queen Goodfey, seeing how the Pink Skulls are friends with the Mysticons, decide to trust them and offers to help them find a new life if they want. The Pink Skulls politely refuse, saying how they’re happy flying the seven skies. Queen Goodfey also thanks the moon elves for their help in saving her daughter. They all go back to the palace for the night, with the Pink Skulls taking the moon elves back home in the morning.
At the palace, they see that the ball has ended, and offer to help clean up. Queen Goodfey talks to Zarya, apologizing for what happened, saying that if she knew about Captain Kaos, she would have made sure he never got into the palace. Zarya shrugs it off, saying that it was her choice not to tell. Queen Goodfey asks Zarya to promise to tell if someone is putting her in danger, as even though Zarya is a Mysticon, she still is her daughter. Zarya promises to be honest with her from now on, and they hug.
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kaoticacrylic-blog · 6 years
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KAOTIC ACRYLIC Any idea what this will be? First correct answer might receive for free? https://www.instagram.com/p/BpOYkrtB76f/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1l06vvny6y2i2
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blue ;P
Blue - Integrityi would hope so xD
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thekaoticfoxi23 · 9 months
Your art it's amazing, I want more
Thanks so much! :D
My art does take a bit to make since especially recenntly I have been very busy but I am very excited to keep more coming!
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kaotickarma · 11 years
hey you yeah you you're awesome okay okay
You're awesome too. :)
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atomi-cat · 6 years
Joe, get ready for MENSE AMOUNTS OF SOMETHING CALLED 'NO SLEEP' AND 'NIGHT TERRORS' ...you have been warned.
Joe: “…Okay.”
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Most definitely watch One Punch Man. You will not be disappointed (hopefully). It is beautiful.
2 points for yes so far!
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i would recommend it i haven't watched it yet but i enjoyed the manga
i’ve been seeing so many silly gifs of hot robot man and his buff egg senpai
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Water: I think you’re cool.
hhhhh omg no i’m not….thank you! :’’D
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