#Kate Whistler x reader
quanticowrites · 8 months
Surf (Kate Whistler x Reader)
•• First Whistler fic! For anon, I hope you enjoy! ••
“Ow! God damn it!”
“If you’d stop moving, this would be less painful!”
“You’re putting too much pressure! It’s going to start bleeding again!”
“I’m certified in this shit, (y/n).” She said, tightening the bandage some more around your waist. “I know what I’m doing.” You winced. Well, you had no one to blame but yourself for getting shot. You’d hesitated because the shooter was so young. Kate leaned back on her knees and sighed. “You never should have been there in the first place.”
“I was doing just fine until-!” You stopped and took a sharp intake of breath through your teeth. Yelling did not help the pain that blossomed from your torso. “Fuck.”
“Don't strain yourself.” She stated, getting off the bed and helping you get leaned up against some pillows at the headboard. “Tennant knew I would object to this. That's why she was sure to get you out there before I could say anything.” She paused as if she wanted you to say something. Maybe tell her she was wrong. Unfortunately…she wasn't. Jane knew how Kate would feel about you going into deep cover, so she rushed you out of the building as fast as possible before Kate’s FBI team could catch wind of her plan. There was a new chain of dry cleaners popping up on the island, but it was a front for a drug ring trying to establish itself here. Jane wanted to nip it in the bud before it could get out of control. So, she put you on the inside. You'd been under for two weeks before this incident. Meaning you had two weeks of Kate ranting to go before she got over it. “Are you going to object?” She asked, crossing her arms. You scoffed.
“No, I'm not. I agreed with Tennant’s decision.” You saw her jaw clench. She wasn't happy about this new revelation.
“You what?”
“I chose to go undercover.”
“Why would you do that?” You blinked. She hadn't been informed of that part?
“Kate, I'm more than capable of taking care of myself. I've been with NCIS just as long as you've been with the FBI.”
“It's not that-.” She huffed. “I just…you couldn't find two minutes to tell me about it?”
“Not really.” You start, already not liking the answer you had to give. “With helping Ernie make the fake background and social media to Tennant running me out of there…my mind was scrambling.” Kate sighed again. But this one seemed more understanding. If that made sense. She gently sat on the other side of the bed. Doing her best not to jostle you.
“FBI Agents go dark in the field all the time.” She started to fidget with her fingers. Picking at her nails and peeling the nail polish off in chunks. “I'm used to that at work. But…I never thought that might happen with you.” She laughed. “I don't know why, you're an agent just like I am. It could happen to us at any moment.”
“Come on, Kate. It's late. Lay down.” You lifted the blanket and Kate sent you a smile before snuggling underneath and curling up close to you. “How about…we have a secret word.” She blinked, her lips twitching upwards.
“Like…for sex?” You laughed, before biting your lip. Laughing that hard did not help the pain from your gunshot wound.
“N-no. Not for s-sex.” You waited until you regained your composure before telling her your actual idea. “For if one of us gets called to go undercover.” You saw her eyes moving through scenes in her mind. She ultimately nodded.
“That sounds like a good idea.”
“I have good ideas.”
“On occasion.”
“I have good ideas all the time!”
“Tell that to the last load of laundry you did.”
“I genuinely thought adding bleach and detergent at the same time would wash both white and regular clothes.”
“Where did you hear that?”
“No one! I just thought of it!” You reached your hand out and held a finger to the tip of her nose. “Anyway, you're getting off-topic. We still gotta pick a word.”
“Alright. Fine.”
“How about…Aristotle?”
“The Philosopher?”
“Okay. Cheetos?”
“They're my favorite junk food.”
“I already knew that.” You moved your finger to her forehead. “Let's pick a word that can be easily moved into a conversation. In case we have to be quick about it.”
“How can you be so smart and so dumb at the same time.”
“It baffles the mind.” You looked her over with a smile. “Come on, that brain of yours can think of something.”
“Then….how about surf?” You nodded. That was a practical word for two agents that worked in Hawaii. Surfing was one of the most popular things to do on the island. It could work.
“That's perfect.”
“Yeah, Kate.” You sighed, feeling the constraints of your bandages. “Your bandage skills aren't perfect though.”
Tag list:
@stanathanxoox , @nikkiwierden , @malindacath , @havlindzk , @countrygal17a , @memyselfandmaddox , @octobersmog , @mizzezm , @diaryofafan17 , @emmitheacefangirl , @a-sad-excuse-of-everything , @marennnx
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alotofpockets · 1 year
3k celebration | Requests open
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Wow I've just reached 3k followers, which is insane to me. Thank you all so much for your love and support, as always, it means so much to me how you interact with my work. I'm so grateful for each and everyone of you! 💗
To celebrate I am opening my requests again! I look forward to writing your requests :)
Some of you might have noticed already, I'm going to start writing for more people. You can find everyone I write for in my request info. Happy requesting!
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swordedgaes · 6 months
so sad there isn’t any Jane tennant fanfiction I have to write some im not an writer but im going to try
of course gonna have kacy up in there
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
The Third Widow || Welcome Home
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff X Fem! Belova! Reader.
Summary: Y/n Belova is the younger biological sister of Yelena Belova and the adoptive sister of Natasha Romanoff. Saved from Red Room by Melina & Alexei she now must adjust to a new normal. Going to school, recovering, and finding love in the eyes of another troubled teen, Wanda Maximoff. All while General Dreykov has his eyes set on claiming back what he calls his most powerful ‘widow’.
Angst | Dark Themes | Unwanted Medical Injections | Involuntary Medical Procedure | Language Warning | 3.1K | 
Notes: Flashbacks are bold, italic and start with ‘~’ | Written in second person. | 
AC: Time jumps happen a bit in this chapter, you’ll understand why as you read through x
The Third Widow Masterlist
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"We are ready to start, General" the doctor looked up at Dreykov with a surgical mask covering their lips. "Do it." Dreykov replied sternly as your passed out body was hooked up to machines keeping you breathing. "I will see you once it's done" he added before walking out of the room. 
It was hours until you felt your eyes start to open, bright lights made your headache as you looked around the small, confined room, strapped to the bed with your wrists and ankles. You were too drowsy to make sense of anything but the feeling in your gut told you it wasn't good. Dreykov watched from his security camera as you drifted back to sleep, "Welcome home widow" he muttered to himself before turning the camera off. 
Other widows walked by your cell trying not to look into the glass window to get a glimpse of you, Dreykov had told them all about you and how Natasha, Yelena and you were his best weapons and that the three of you would return home very soon. To them you were a god, the one they strived to be better than, the one they were to look up too. Their training had gotten new adjustments, they had to train harder and complete harder missions in order to stay in Dreykov's good books, some failed and were dealt with, never to be seen again. 
A few days later after you were finally unstrapped from the bed and able to sit up right, a guard took you to Dreykov's office, a room you'd seen a few times but never spent more than a few short minutes in there. You weren't scared of him, but you could already tell how angry he was and mentally prepared yourself for anything he would try. 
"Sit" he instructed as he turned off his protected screen. You sat down in the seat across from him as he stood behind his desk, your eyes watching every little movement he made. "You recovered faster than I thought" he said, "How is Yelena Belova?" He asked. The name not having any effect on you as he walked around behind you. "Oh, I am sorry, you probably don't know her" he chuckled, "How about Natasha Romanoff?" Another name that didn't ring a bell for you. "Your silence tells me you don't remember" he circled back to his seat and sat down before reaching into the drawer on the right side of his desk pulling out some photos and placing them in front of you. "Look at them" he instructed, your eyes dropped to the photo of a young girl with dirty blonde hair and green eyes, the name under her photo read 'Yelena Belova'.
"Do you recognise her?" Dreykov asked. 
"No" you looked back up at him. He then took the photo of Yelena and put it to the side, your eyes dropped to the next photo. A redhead with a similar eye color to Yelena, her name reads 'Natasha Romanoff' 
"And her?" Dreykov asked once more. "No" you replied. He showed you the photos of four other people, Melina Vostokoff, Alexei Shostakov, Kate Bishop and Wanda Maximoff. All of which you didn't recognize which pleased Dreykov. 
"Good. You will start training today. You are not to speak or even look at another Widow." He spoke sternly, "You do your training and that is all, do you understand?" he added. "Yes, sir" you replied while looking into his eyes. "Good, now get out of here" he waved you off as a guard waited to take you back to your room.  
Dreykov brought the doctor in after you left, "Did it work?" He asked the doctor as he stood holding two files before placing them in front of Dreykov. "Yes, General. The Extremis injection has completely changed the DNA of Y/n, she no longer, legally, is related to Yelena Belova. Her tests show that we were able to successfully enhance her strength and given that she hasn't eaten or drank anything since returning, I am confident her stamina enhancement was also successful" he explained with a proud smirk. 
"She is to start training today. I want you there to take notes, I need everything to work. If she is to on Yelena and Natasha when they come for her, I need her ready" Dreykov said. 
"Yes, General. She will be ready" the doctor replied. 
Meanwhile back home, Yelena was a mess. She and Wanda fought but wouldn't give up on searching for you. Natasha, Melina and Alexei were trying to work out a plan to get you back, but nobody knew where Red Room was, Melina knew that Dreykov would've made it harder to find him again and Natasha agreed that the plan had to thought-out in high detail, if they were ever to find Red Room. Kate did her best on being there for her two friends and help where she could, but she also worried for their own health and tried to distract them just for a while, so they'd focus on eating and drinking.  
The town soon found out about Asya's death and blamed you for it faster than they could read any details that the press released. Asya was dead and you were missing, it was enough evidence for them to blame you for her murder. For Dreykov this was perfect, nobody was going to think of looking for you unless it was the authorities and they would never find out where Red Room was or what Red Room even was. 
You started training differently to the other Widows. The doctor who never mentioned his name only explained the last few tests he needed to run on you. You agreed as you knew you were supposed to.
"Use your mind to stop the guard from shooting you" the Doctor instructed behind a bullet proof window. To anybody that would've sounded crazy and scared you even, but it felt almost normal to you, it didn't faze you and you weren't scared. 
The guard pointed their gun directly at you, your eyes moved from theirs to the barrel of the gun. "Shoot!" The doctor spoke over the speaker. The guard pulled the trigger followed by the sound of a click, another try and another click. 
"Now let them shoot you" the doctor spoke again, this time you looked at the guard in the eyes again as they pulled the trigger. The bullet hits you in the shoulder blade not giving you any feel for pain. "Now pull the bullet out" the Doctor said. Keeping your eyes on the guard, you brought your right hand to your left shoulder with two fingers and dug into the wound pulling the bullet out and dropping it to the floor. "Good, now please take her to medical to be stitched up". 
The guard took you to medical where they cleaned you up and the bullet wound before stitching it up and covering it. "That should heal within 3 days" the doctor noted on your file. "How are you feeling?" he asked looking up at you. "Fine thank you" you replied almost like it was scripted as the doctor noted your response.
"You're not hungry or thirsty?"
"Still, you should at least drink water even if you don't feel the urge to drink" he explains, you returned a soft nod and looked into the distance. "General Dreykov will be happy with today's tests and so should you" he spoke before leaving the room, the guard waited for the nurse to give the okay before returning you to your room. Widows walked by and looked at you as you sat on the uncomfortable bunker that was now your bed, no memory of the months you'd gain from being free were accessible from your mind and with no sense of being besides your name, you sat with your eyes glued to the floor and waited for the only thing you knew that was next, meal call. 
Days went by and for Yelena and the others a sense of emptiness was within, Yelena refused to do anything but look for you, taking Kate and traveling well outside of town for any signs or clues as to where Red Room could've been but nothing. Kate worried for Yelena with each search coming up empty. "Let's try again in the morning, it's getting late, and we need to head back before others worry" she suggested. "Kate Bishop, you can go but I will not. I promised things to her, I can't…I'm not giving up" Yelena replied but Kate wouldn't leave, she stayed for support and hoped that Yelena's fear wasn't true. 
Natasha kept a close eye on Yelena and would follow the two teens from a safe distance whenever they left town. As much as she, Melina and Alexei wanted you back, the reality of that was slim. Melina had broken Dreykov's trust and there was no way she could gain it back; she was surprised he hadn't killed her off already, Alexei as well. 
Wanda hated that her and Yelena couldn't be in the same room for long together before the scoffs and mumbled opinions came along. Wanda spent most of the time waiting for you at the shared rock, hoping one day soon you'd come by and sit with her once again. She knew the odds were low but there wasn't much she could do besides hope.
"Wands, come home" Pietro spoke as Wanda sat on the rock. "I will, just a few more minutes" she said, Pietro walked up the rock and started to climb it, "Don't…please" Wanda stopped him, "don't take her spot" she added as her eyes dropped. Pietro got down and walked in front of Wanda. "Wands" he spoke softly, her eyes looking up at him filled with tears, "A few more minutes" he said and sat on the ground to keep Wanda company. "Thank you" she spoke in an almost whisper. The two sat in silence for more than just a few more minutes, Pietro wanting to comfort his sister with a hug as she let her tears flow, "What if we don't find her" she sobbed. 
"Wanda, are you really going to do that to yourself? You don't talk in what ifs" Pietro cocked a brow. "I know…but…you didn't know her, Pietro" Wanda replied with puffy red eyes. 
"I know her well enough to know she touched your heart" 
His words made Wanda's eyes tear even more, "I'm sorry Wands, I didn't mean to make things worse" 
"You didn't" she cried, "I miss her and I'm…I'm so scared for her" 
"Y/n is strong I'm su-"
"Pietro, please…I know what you're going to say but you don't quite understand, and I don't need to hear that she's strong and she'll be fine. I know she's strong, but I know she isn't okay so please, save me the speech" Wanda cut him off trying to hold back on crying even more. Pietro wasn't sure what to say, he barely knew you and only met you in passing and what Wanda had said about you, for the most part he thought you were nice and a little quiet. "We'll go when you're ready" he said, and the twins sat in silence while Wanda held on to the little hope she had. 
Being back in Red Room felt like you never left, at night when you were supposed to be asleep, you had your back turned to the camera and stared at the wall thinking about what you had learned from training that day. Other Widows still took a peep at you as they walked by your room, but you did as told and never made the effort to look at them or acknowledge the one Widow who brought you the 3 meals you ate a day. She tried to make a conversation and introduced herself as Georgia, she asked for your name and age, but you knew all too well that Dreykov would be watching over the camera, so you stayed silent and never looked up at her. 
The next morning you were woken by the one person you were yet to come across, Madame B. "Wake up. General Dreykov needs to see you in his office" she spoke, your eyes needing no time to wake up completely. Madame waited for you just outside your room as you got your self-washed and dressed before she led you to Dreykov's office. 
"The doctor tells me you've passed your test to perfection" Dreykov spoke as you sat in the seat across from his desk. "Yes, sir" you replied while looking blankly at him. "Today is a big day for you. You will be giving your all to me. The other Widows, they need to know that what you did was not acceptable, and they will watch as you complete your program" he explained, you knew what this meant and nodded. 
"Yes, sir. I will do what is expected of me" 
Dreykov smirked at your reply knowing he had complete control over you once again and this time he was going to make sure to never lose you again. "Once you have recovered you will continue your training which will be delivered by Madame B and only when she is confident in your progress, then you will be placed on missions." He stood from his seat and walked to stand behind you. 
"This is your home" he whispered in your ear, "You belong to me. You answer to me" he added. "Yes, sir" you replied looking straight in front of you. "Good, you may take her now" He turned to Madame B who stood tall by the door. "Come now Y/n" she spoke causing you to stand from the seat and walk over to her. "She should recover faster than the others" Dreykov informed the supervisor before the two of you left his office. 
"Get onto the bed" she instructed as a nurse wheeled the bed to you. Once on the bed the nurse strapped you in by your wrists and ankles before taking you to the medical bay. "This is for your own good. You will take you place in the world properly this time after this procedure" she looked down at you as you watched the widows gather to watch from behind a large glass window. "You don't have to do this" you said, "I don't have a family" 
"This is to make sure it starts that way. Now stay still and this will all be over shortly" Madame B replied as she gave the nurse a light nod. You felt the prick of anesthesia being injected into your arm before your eyes draped shut and a mask was placed over your mouth and nose. 
You woke up back in your room strapped to the bed by your ankles, trying to prop yourself up with the support of your elbows you were lightly pushed back down by Madame B with her hand on your chest. "You can't sit up just yet" she said as you looked at her with a confused look. "The procedure was successful; you should be happy about that. General Dreykov requested it to be done different that how we do it to the other Widows. You will have a scar to remind you of your loyalty to Dreykov and Red Room. You are to stay rested until you are completely healed. I will check on you every few days, until then, Georgia will wait on you hand and foot until we can start training for your mission" she explained without a slight tone change. 
You waited until she left for you to life the covers and see the bandages on your abdomen, tears filled your eyes as the reality sunk in. At 16 years old, not now, not ever will you be able to carry a child and the idea of family meant nothing. This was your home; this is where you belong. You belonged to Dreykov and you are property of the Red Room. 
"It's been a month and none of you have come up with any plan to get her back!" Yelena snapped at the table. "Yelena, we are trying but we have nothing to go on" Melina explained with a hurt in her eyes. "Bullshit! You were able to find us, why can't you just do the same thing?" Yelena argued.
"Lena, it's not that easy" Natasha stepped in, "we all want to find Red Room and bring her back, we do, but we really don't have the first clue as to where Red Room is" 
"Natasha is right. We don't have any ideas" Alexei said. Yelena's frustration only grew bigger by words that disappointed her. "Then we try and draw him out! Bring him out of hiding" she suggested. 
"And how do you suppose we do that?" Melina asked. 
"Kate. We set her up as –"
"No! Yelena, that's not going to happen. I know you're upset and worried, we all are but we will not be giving Dreykov anything in this!" Melina shut her idea down before she could even finish her sentence. "But he already has Y/n!" Yelena argued, "I spoke to Kate already about it and she said –"
"Yelena, I said no!" Melina's tone was stern and the look in her eyes Yelena knew there was no fighting her on the idea. "But he has her!" She broke, tears falling freely from her eyes. "I know sweetheart" Melina placed a comforting arm around her, in anger she shook her off and stood from the dining table "Screw you! All of you!" she spat before storming off to her room. 
"I'll talk to her" Alexei said after a few moments of silence, Melina nodded before looking over to Natasha. "She has an idea" Nat spoke, "we know Dreykov's weakness, young girls who don't have anybody, it might work" she adds. 
"I will not put any other young girl in his control, not again" Melina replied while shaking her head. 
"You wouldn't be" 
"And if something goes wrong? He gains not 1 but 2 and we risk the chance of ever getting Y/n. I will not do that." 
"Maybe we report it to S.H.E.I.L.D" Nat paused as Melina looked at her with a slight tilt of her head, "I've been looking into joining them…make up for the crap I've done" 
"How long has this been any idea of yours?" 
"I've already had a couple of meetings with Nick Fury and so far, it sounds promising. I think they could help, it's worth a try" Natasha explains, "they already know that HYDRA has some kind of agreement with Dreykov"
"Do they know where Red Room is?" Melina asked.
"I don't think so, but it wouldn't hurt to ask" Nat replied. 
"How are you feeling?" Madame B asked as the nurse checked your bandage. "Fine Ma'am" you replied while looking up at her. "Good. Once you are done here, get dressed. We must start your training today" she replied.
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Taglist: @justabrokensunshine | @sayah13 | @nattyolw | @exclusivitymajor | @bibliophilicbi | @when-wolves-howl | @that-one-gay-mosquito | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @foggymoonbanana | @atmnothere | @justyourwritter69 | @wiertarkanah | @marvelfan98 | @jasminebelding | @bluesimps-world | @wandasobsession | @marvel-fan-2021 | @lattayhottay16 | @jowshuaayee | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @capswife | @1tsmydan | @roman0ffsheart | @mrscromanoff | @immadowhateva | @magnificentworldtf | @originaltrashheap | 
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ao3feed-ncishawaii · 5 months
Stay The Night
by WayhaughtFan714 Kate gets hurt on the job and it brings you closer together. Words: 3313, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: NCIS: Hawai'i Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F Characters: Kate Whistler, Reader, Jane Tennant Relationships: Kate Whistler/Original Female Character(s), Kate Whistler x Reader, Kate Whistler / Reader Additional Tags: Lesbian Character, Lesbian Sex, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Smut, Smut via https://ift.tt/J2UMwuy
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ao3feed-supercorp · 2 years
The Clone Wars of 2213
by Randa_Hink
Ava is different she knows she is and maybe running away from Ava Corporation was a bad idea because now she is hiding in a shed behind someone’s house. There is a war, and the meta humans are being captured and killed by U.S Government and Ava Corp is helping them. Ava has all these memories of a life she led but they are fuzzy like through a haze, but she knows what she is, so the memories don’t make sense. But she can’t think of that right now everything hurts.
Words: 3625, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), NCIS: Hawai'i, Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi, Other
Characters: Sara Lance, Ava Sharpe, Nora Darhk, Ray Palmer, Earth-X Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers, Nate Heywood, Zari Tomaz | Zari 1.0, Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015), Lucy Tara, Kate Whistler, Laurel Lance
Relationships: Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Nora Darhk/Ray Palmer, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Sara Lance & Ava Sharpe, Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen, Nate Heywood/Zari Tomaz | Zari 1.0, Lucy Tara & Kate Whistler
Additional Tags: War, Metahumans, Clones, Kryptonian Kara Danvers, Kryptonians (DCU), Metahuman Laurel Lance, Metahuman Reader (DCU), Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Lesbian Lena Luthor, Protective Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers & Lena Luthor Friendship, Protective Sara Lance, Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe-centric, Protective Ava Sharpe, Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe Angst, Jealous Ava Sharpe, Protective Alex Danvers, Oblivious Ray Palmer, Violence, Gun Violence, Aftermath of Violence, Shooting Guns, Shooting, Central City, The DEO | Department of Extra-Normal Operations, Argo City (DCU), Evil Project Cadmus (DCU), Alternate Universe
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/q0DyXur via IFTTT https://ift.tt/q0DyXur
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ao3feed-ncishawaii · 6 months
Maybe This Was A Good Idea After All
by WayhaughtFan714 You and Kate try something new in the bedroom. Words: 2557, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: NCIS: Hawai'i Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F Characters: Kate Whistler, Reader Relationships: Kate Whistler / Reader, Kate Whistler x Reader Additional Tags: Reader-Insert via https://ift.tt/qsodzgf
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ao3feed-ncishawaii · 12 days
pins in my nerves
by reefcovery ''two ncis teams, twelve people total, eight people missing in the span of fourty-eight hours. - - - oc + main series + hawai'i this was originally written to fit the requirements of my composition class, but im too proud of this to not post it Words: 1538, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: NCIS (TV 2003), NCIS: Hawai'i Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Jessica Knight, Jimmy Palmer, Nick Torres, Alden Parker, Timothy McGee, Jane Tennant, Jesse Boone, Kai Holman, Kate Whistler, Lucy Tara, Original Characters, Kasie Hines Additional Tags: Tags Are Hard, jesmer and kacy implied, oc x canon implied, originally written to fit class requirements so the reader is assumed to know nothing about ncis, teen rating because some less than canon-typical violence but i do still mention dead bodies, shoutout to my comp teacher for letting me write this, tags may get updated, warning for implied abduction there is no graphic detail only states they go missing via https://ift.tt/kHVdtqB
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ao3feed-ncishawaii · 3 months
Snowed In
by WayhaughtFan714 You and Kate go on your honeymoon. Words: 2704, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: NCIS: Hawai'i Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F Characters: Kate Whistler Relationships: Kate Whistler x Reader, Kate Whistler/Reader Additional Tags: Reader-Insert via https://ift.tt/pRr5Z0Q
0 notes
ao3feed-ncishawaii · 3 months
Snowed In
by WayhaughtFan714 You and Kate go on your honeymoon. Words: 2704, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: NCIS: Hawai'i Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F Characters: Kate Whistler Relationships: Kate Whistler x Reader, Kate Whistler/Reader Additional Tags: Reader-Insert via https://ift.tt/aOlGz5s
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ao3feed-ncishawaii · 6 months
Maybe This Was A Good Idea After All
by WayhaughtFan714 You and Kate try something new in the bedroom. Words: 2557, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: NCIS: Hawai'i Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F Characters: Kate Whistler, Reader Relationships: Kate Whistler / Reader, Kate Whistler x Reader Additional Tags: Reader-Insert via https://ift.tt/rD6oWMN
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