#Katie I swear I have no idea how they-fuck *I start frantically trying to put them back except
its-towarzysz · 2 years
logan are you doing to hit the post limit thru wilbur soot photos again
No? 👉👈
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 years
Starcrossed Losers III (Josh Wheeler xReader)
A/N: Sometimes I wonder like, maybe you guys don’t care about the plot and just wanna see some dorks fall in love? but I have to warn you, I’m planning on making this pretty much a slow burn, probably something I should’ve said since chapter one lmao anyway, please leave some feedback after you’re done reading! we appreciate it lots :)
Words: 1,900
Warnings: Swearing, hands going down ghoulie’s throats, descriptions of violent deaths and blood. 
Previous Chapter // Next chapter
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I had spent the majority of that hour just walking in circles trying to find a solution to our current problem when Angelica came back telling us about the security Eli had put on the place. Not gonna lie, I was impressed. Suddenly, another of those horrible screams echoed to remind us that we’re not alone. And after Angelica mentioned how we could always kill whatever it was the source of the noise, Josh was very reluctant about it.
“We’re not killing anyone. This was the last place where Sam was seen. She’s the only kid I knew who loved the mall.”
“You didn’t know a lot of kids then,” I snort.
Josh stares at me in annoyance but continues his speech anyway.
“What if she’s this Witch?”
“You think she turned into a ghoulie?” Angelica scrunches up her nose.
“You said it yourself, we have no idea what’s going on. If there’s even a chance, I have to help Sam”
“Eye roll, you only like Sam ‘cause she may have touched your dick.”
I snort again, totally amused. Josh’s frown only grows deeper and I raise my hands in defeat.
“My bad. Gonna go and... I don’t know, get snacks or something.”
While I’m walking away I still manage to hear a few sentences of what Josh is saying.
“This is not about getting some handy from some rando. This is love.”
“Is he listening to himself?” I shake my head, “this guy’s crazy...”
Don’t misunderstand. I do believe in love. The thing that I don’t believe is Josh’s speech of true love and loyalty. How can I, when I know that he met Sam for only a few months before the nuke? Do I think it’s impossible to fall in love in such a short notice? Nah, I think it’s totally believable. The thing is... okay, don’t judge. But the thing is that we’re teenagers, right? I mean, hormones are wild right now, you can be crazy in love with someone and still look at Chris Hemsworth and wish he would crush your head with his thighs or... whatever it is that you dream, I definitely don’t think about that. I’m more of a Chris Evans lover.
So yeah, I’m sorry if I don’t fully think that Josh, a seventeen-year-old boy, would have zero attraction to anyone who doesn’t have Sam Dean’s face. We’re all human, for fuck’s sake. I dated a guy while still completely whipped for Alex. And Alex dated several people too. And he had a talent for that, believe me.
Listen to this: don’t fall in love at all. If you wanna feel loved, get tons of friends: mutuals on twitter, tumblr or fucking facebook for that matter. They’ll always tell you pretty things. Or hug your parents. Your siblings. Literally, do anything but fall in love. I know it sounds like this beautiful thing from heaven but love is far from being the solution. 
Crap. I’m sounding like a bitter asshole, aren’t I? I’m sorry. The apocalypse it’s taking a toll on me. Maybe I should take some time away from Glendale, go to a far land and never come back, maybe I should- HOLY FUCK THE WITCH IS HERE
I stand there, terrified of moving in a way that might warn her of my presence. I gather enough courage to walk away, little by little without turning my back to her so I can make sure she hasn’t noticed me. Unfortunately, it also means I can’t see Josh behind me, holding his skate like a shield with one hand, and a long stick with a chord at the end with the other. 
“Don’t freak,” He whispers, and I react the only way anyone would react if a voice talks to their ear when they’re alert: I scream.
The woman stands up and I quickly stand behind Josh’s body. Hey, he’s the one holding the shield! I have nothing. Luckily though, she doesn’t attack us and instead, she walks further into the store.
“Sam!” Josh calls her out.
“You don’t know if that’s Sam!” I hiss.
Josh doesn’t listen to me and keeps going, so I keep going as well. We lose her after a few seconds and turn around just to see her standing right in front of our faces.
“Fuck!” I jump so high that in a different context I’d have been embarrassed. But right now I’m just praying to any god ‘please, let me make it to next month’.
“Sam?” asks Josh, and I wanna reply with ‘Stop calling her Sam, can’t you see she’s got curly dark hair, you blind shit?!’
But someone else starts singing behind the witch and when she turns around I can see Angelica standing there and I’m both, thankful and pissed that even a twelve-year-old girl has a way to defend herself and I only got my skates. She cuts her hand and the witch immediately rushes over to attack, leaving us safe. Of course, now it was our turn to chase down the two so Angelica wouldn’t get eaten.
“Angelica!” Josh stops in front of a store and I hear him mumble, “dummy...”
I get there a moment after and I see the woman leaning over a small body. I gasp, covering my eyes and asking with a thin voice, “Is it bad? How much blood is there?”
“Dummy” I hear him say again, this time in a more flat voice.
“Hey, dummies!” And that’s definitely Angelica, and she’s definitely not where I thought she was, so I uncover my eyes and I get to see when she pulls down the metal curtain, trapping the witch inside the shop, “so, is that thing your girly-friend?” 
He steps closer, “Sam? it’s me. It’s Josh.”
I’m about to reply that there is no way in hell that’s Sam when she talks back.
“Josh,” Her voice is weak and dry, “Josh Wheeler?”
Josh softly laughs beside me, nodding at the girl, “Yeah, that’s right.”
“Josh Wheeler?” She stands up and walks towards the curtain, removing the hair from her face and smiles wildly at the boy. Yup, that’s definitely not Sam, “Present.”
“That’s not Sam! That’s not fucking Sam at all!”
Yeah I know, I called it.
The woman repeats his words and smashes the doll’s head against the curtain.
“Wait,” I raise my voice, suddenly recognizing her, “isn’t it...”
“Ms. Crumble?” Josh and I ask in unison.
Yes, she was. Holy shit. Angelica goes off about how this is an amazing discovery ‘cause Crumble is capable of saying more than two words. Then Crumble goes off on how much she hates the new world and decides to walk straight into one of the mannequins. After a while of watching Angelica make goggling eyes at our former teacher, Josh and I decide to move on.
“Look I gotta go.”
“Yeah, me too,” I say, crossing my arms, “I’m not wasting more of my time with any of you”
Angelica tries hard to convince us, but her speech does the opposite effect on me. She says that there’s a mind with functional thoughts in every ghoulie. That our parents aren’t totally gone, and I refuse to believe she’s right.
“Ghoulies aren’t good. And they certainly aren’t people, Angelica. Not anymore.”
I’m one to know, I learned that the hard way with pretty much my whole family. I went to my house after the nuke exploded and boom! My parents were suddenly trying to eat my face. I had to lock them in their room before going over to Grandma’s. And grandma had turned out to be fucking vicious as hell, even for a ghoulie. So I set her on fire along with my uncle, aunt, and her entire house. 
Anyway, I left Glendale to reunite with my sister Katie, more prepared than the last two tries. Part of me prayed for all the precautions to be unnecessary at the end, cause I was tired, and all I wanted was a goddamned break. I just wanted to see my sister. When I had to smash her head with that chair, it felt like I was the one agonizing. 
But I convinced myself it wasn’t Katie anymore. That thing was a monster and I had to get rid of it so my sister could rest. You can understand why then, hearing Angelica say those things kinda made me want to run away and never look back at any of their faces. 
“This isn’t gonna bring your parents back,” replies Josh, “I need to go and find Sam. Soon as I figure out how to get past Eli’s locked and booby-trapped doors.”
“I can get you out,” Says Ms. Crumble, “I have a key.”
She frantically searches through her stuff while talking to some dusty doll heads and I know, I know this has to be a bad dream. I’m not actually here, I probably fell asleep on the couch after eating too much. Crumble says she put the keys on a clapper and she (of course) starts clapping, dropping the doll heads on the process.
“I remember now. I ate the keys” Crumbles laments, “I needed the iron. Hold on.”
“I was wrong,” I whisper, “every time she opens her mouth I feel like I’m having a stroke”
Josh quietly chuckles beside me, and we share a look of complicity. Glad to see I’m not the only one who doesn’t have a clue of what is happening right now.
Crumble sits on the chair closest to her and in a matter of seconds opens her mouth impossibly wider than any mouth should be allowed to. Then she puts her hand inside.
“Shit, shit, shit...” I cling to Josh’s arm and hold it tight with both hands, “I’m in hell. This is the worst thing I have ever...”
“This is the best thing I have ever seen,” Angelica cuts my comment, “and I once saw a robot kill a monkey in a knife fight in Thailand.”
“I’m never sleeping again,” I can practically feel my soul leaving my body and fleeting to another continent. Crumble pulls out her hand and... it’s another fucking head. How many dolls has she beheaded?
Crumble lets us know that she can’t reach the keys and Angelica offers to help. She says no, then asks Josh to do it instead.
“Are you gonna eat my arm?” His voice is fearful, I can tell he really doesn’t wanna do it.
“I don’t know,” she says, laughing right after saying it.
“Josh?” Inquires Angelica.
I grab him by the shoulders so now he’s looking at me.
“No,” I say, “that’s crazy Josh, you can’t put your arm inside a Ghoulie’s throat!”
“Just a sec,” He looks at me with wide eyes, but takes a deep breath and shakes his head, not really answering to me, “okay.”
“Josh!” I insist, “please, we can find another way to get out, just don’t do it!”
“I have to,” Even if he doesn’t say it, I can complete the phrase with what I know for sure is going through his mind: For Sam.
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joylessholland · 7 years
Live While I Can (Part 2)
(1,432 words)  This is loosely based on  Meghan Trainor - Like I'm Gonna Lose You ft. John Legend 
Warnings: I’M NOT A DOCTOR, Swearing, Sickness, sad Tom 
A/N: This just like Ruin the friendship was never meant to have a part two but now its gonna have three parts. This part is 400 words shorter than the last but if i tried to stretch it out anymore the story would get watered down so sorry. Plz send me questions and requests I’m running out of ideas lol!
Masterlist  Part One  ASK BOX (Requests)   ENJOY!   Part Three
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Opening the closet, you run your hands along the long row of scarves, taking a black one with gold trim you go to the vanity. Letting out a sad sigh as you look in the mirror you see a shell of the women you once were, your eyes are glazed over, your once rosy cheeks not pale and caved in, running your hand over your bald head you gently place the scarf on what was once your hairline and wrap your head in the soft fabric. A sharp pain in your side makes you hiss as you stand, the world goes out of focus as you stumble forward. Taking a deep breath, you walk downstairs to see Tom putting the kettle on. “Good choice” he says when he sees you. Giving a weak smile, you pick up the bowl of pills he laid out for you, popping them in your mouth you take a gulp of water to wash them down grimacing at the feeling. When going to refill you glass the pain returns this time its tenfold, grabbing your side and letting out a loud wince the glass falls to the floor shattering. Rushing to your side Tom hold you as you battle the pain away “It’s back” he asks guiding you to the kitchen table, “No, I woke up this morning saying, hey today I’m gonna drop a cup and break it.” Tom laughs and grabs the broom.
“What do you want for breakfast” he asks sweeping up the mess. “I’m not hungry” you say holding your head in your hands “You have to eat something, can’t the the pills on an empty stomach.” He says kissing your head “It taste like ash in my mouth” you say with a frown “I know, but you have to eat, I’ll make you some…” he says searching the pantry “Pancakes?” he asks giving him a small smile he begins making breakfast. Tessa comes over to you and sits at your feet, she does that a lot lately. It’s been six months since you got the news, six more than expected, six months of chemo and radiation, six months of pills and tests, but also six months of being with Tom. When the chemo started hitting hard he insisted you move in, he took such good care of you. But a part of you hated that he did, he was giving up his life for you, he is young and hot and every day you question why he stays with you, a dying girl dating a movie star. In what world is there a happy ending, but every time you try to talk to Tom he waves it off or gets very defensive.
Your thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a sudden, intense nausea that rushes through your body. Running to the bathroom you make it to the toilet and begin violently vomiting, knocking on the door Tom asks if you’re alright. Instead of answering you sit silently on the floor of the bathroom wiping your mouth as you begin to sod. The sound of Tom’s concerned call from the other side of the door get more and more desperate the longer you go without responding. Defeated on the floor you silently sod, heart breaking, body shaking the door bursts open. “Don’t fucking scare me like that” Tom says flushing the toilet. Reaching for you he tries to pick you up, swatting away his arms he pleads for you to take his hand but you won’t. Sitting down defeated “Please talk to me, love” his voice soft and full of worry “W-why are you doing this?” you ask through a sod “I do it because I love you, you know that, don’t you”
“I’m dying, Tom, you’re wasting time with me” scooting farther away from him as if your dangerous. “Don’t say that, you are not going to die [Y/N], you’re not leaving me” he says grabbing you and pulling you close “You could be with anyone you wanted, any beautiful woman you wanted.” You cry into his chest “I don’t want any other girl, I want you, as for beauty you’re the most beautiful woman in the whole world.” He stands and holds out a hand “Come on lets, get you cleaned up and fed.”
 Getting home from chemotherapy feeling like dry husk of person, everything hurt your arms, your legs, even your fucking hair. Laying on the couch you fall into a fitful sleep full of nightmares. Your head was pounding, you’ve never felt pain this intense you had it all stabbing, shooting, burning, aching pain everywhere in your body. In the kitchen you can’t hear someone rustling around, you try to call out but you mouth won’t form words, you try to move but your limbs are stiff and cold. As panic sets in silent tear escape your eyes, you need help but you couldn’t get it. Barking, wild frantic barking, claws on tile, more barking, then the loud ringing when through tears you see Tom standing above you shaking you.
Someone was holding your hand, whoever is was, was crying. Where were you, how did you get there. If you open your eyes all will be reveled so why did you want to keep them close, you wanted to keep them closed because the second you open your eyes you’d be you again you’d be the girl in so much pain, you didn’t want to fight anymore, you’re so weak and frail. For a moment the grip on your hand tightens and the person connected says “Please come back to me, I need you, please” it was Tom he sounded exhausted. What were you thinking, you couldn’t go not now, not ever, and somehow somewhere deep inside a power awakened and you felt as though you could do anything. “Maybe you should kiss her, then she’ll wake up” you joke out of the side of your mouth your voice hoarse. Tom laughs into your hand and places a kiss on your lips when he pulls away you open your eyes “My handsome prince” you say with a smile “Tessa’s the real hero though.” caressing your cheek he presses the call nurse button. “How long have I been out?” you ask as Tom kisses your hand “Day and a half” “When was the last time you slept” you ask rubbing his arm “I can’t when I close my eye all I see is…” he turns his head and wipes a tear away.
The door next to you open and Tom walks in with Tessa. After a lot of back and forth you finally got him to get out of the house today, after the accident Tom was in full on protector mode. Monitoring your food intake, your levels, how often you had pain, it came from a good place but you needed some time for yourself. “Hey, babe hope you’re hungry” you say placing two plates on the table. “Hey, what’s all this” he says kissing your cheek “You’ve been taking care of me for so long the least I can do is make you dinner.” You say sitting across from him “I got you something” he says handing you a bag “Tommy” you say smiling and opening the package. Inside is a beautiful lavender scarf with a beautiful design. “It’s gorgeous, Tom” pulling the pin from the scarf your wearing you wrap the new one around your pale head “Just like you” he says picking up his fork.
“Feeling better” Tom asks rubbing your arm as you snuggle deeper into his chest “A little” you lied, actually you felt like shit but you couldn’t let Tom know. After dinner you had energy and didn’t wanna crash so you asked Tom if he wanted to snuggle up and watch something on TV but half way through the second Harry Potter movie you felt tired and nauseous but he was having such a good time you knew this because every five minutes he would say “This is nice” and kiss your head. He was so peaceful and warm you didn’t want to move but when the third movie ended he kissed your head one last time and asked if you were ready for bed. Nodding you stood a little too quickly and the world begins to spin and that hellish ringing returns. Putting your hand to your head you try to take a step but the world falls out from under you and you tip forward. A pair of strong hand grad your shoulders steading you “You al’right, love” Tom asks walking with you hand and hand to the bedroom “Just stood too fast” gripping the handrail for dear life!
Here are some beautiful KITTENS: @midtownvaledictorian@letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked@tiemeupspidey @captain-katie-xx@panicatttckiss@champagneholland@seilamigliorcosacheabbiamaivisto@mendes-holland @maggie-starz @natalie-kn@vaeyron@wonderyoung @ging3r-fall@louisnholland@little-weirdo-13@calumminter@sunshiineandmoonliight @m-snop@tomhstories @rosieeemma @societalreject @bibs-fortuna  @antisocialoutcast12 @jadabelle @las-civus@oceantostars @tiemeupspidey @dr-tardis-who@hazelgracewatersaugustus @jessica-moon9 @sophietanda @yasstoeverygirloutthere @beccaaahh5711 @emptyy-skyy
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joylessholland · 7 years
Just A Guy I Like (Part 3/?)
(1,293 words)
Warnings: Swearing, I think i used the “F” word (not fuck the other one) like once (YES LOLA THE DRAG QUEEN IS LOLA FROM KINKY BOOT AND I QUOTE THE MOVIE, BITE ME BITCH)
A/N: Hi this part is later than i thought it was gonna be up so sorry but put that in the past cuz the next part was so much fun to write!!! IDK if i”ll do more than four parts it is still unknown to me! If you want more lemme know!
part one, part two,  Masterlist
THIS IS THE SONG LOLA SING (i’ll add a link when its time for the song too) SONG LINK  there might be an add not my song or vid!
The last week with Tom was amazing, he was so sweet and funny and when the two of you were together there was endless smiles. Your feelings for him got stronger every day and you think his did to, but one thing about him has been a huge road block in your relationship, his sweet face was still buried deep in the closet. Of course, you were supportive of his choice to take thing slow but you weren’t going back into that dark cesspool of self-hate people call the closet for any man no matter how sexy!
           Three knocks came at the front door and you flung it open “We paid rent you fat asshole, oh sorry Tom” you say shyly as he walks in “Well good-morning to you too” he snickered unpacking a breakfast from a brown paper bag “What’s all this” you ask sitting at the tiny table “This is a celebratory…” he checks his watch “Brunch” he finally says “What are we celebrating exactly” you asks dipping your finger in a cup of maple syrup “I came out to my mum and dad last night” his voice raises you off the chair “Oh, Tommy that’s amazing,” you pull him into a tight embrace “I couldn’t have done it without you!” he whispers into your ear “I’m so proud of you” you smoosh his face like grandma “Alright, Alright, They took it well thanks for asking” he laughed pulling your hand down “Where’s Maggie I brought her some”  “I don’t think she came home last night, Some people go to church on Sunday Mags and I usually get SHITFACED and do stupid shit” you giggle “SO you have no idea where she is” he ask a bit of concern in his tone “Well she could either be sleeping at a friend’s house, or she could be in Mexico being a drug maul for the cartel, either one she’ll be home for diner” you say buttering your toast “Let’s go out tonight, to a club” a long silence come after your statement, Tom never wanted to go out because in public a famous actor is heavily watched  and if he slipped up he could be outed in a second “You know I hate going out, I feel like I have to be so straight out there, and you don’t help every time we’re out together you do cute shit” he huffed “What can I say I’m just so naturally charming and beautiful, come on, I know this great little club in west Hollywood, come on, Please.” You stick out your bottom lip. He stares at you for a long moment before finally agree to a few drinks and a dance “I’ll pick you up hear at seven?” he asked “Pick me up in the alley it won’t be a long drive!” “Good plan.”
             “I don’t know about this” Tom said “We’re here already and I do not want to waste an outfit” giving in, he exits the car pulling his hood up another part of your plan to make sure no one knows who he is till your inside. The line is long but it’s no matter you called a friend, passing the line you saunter up to the larger door man. “Lines back that way” he said pulling his sunglasses down “Your new aren’t you” “Yup” his monotone voice means you’re not gonna have any fun toying with this one “I’m a friend of Lola” the large man tenses “Mr. Quinn” “Last time I checked” the man moves aside “Enjoy your evening boys” “Thanks Sweetheart” you pat his large chest as you walk by.
             Inside the club queens of all shapes and sizes walk the floor some with trays of drinks, some dancing, some prepping the stage. “Drinks?” you ask tom who has shed his hoodie and is marveling at the shimmering lights, the small stage, all the fancy gays wearing body glitter “Uh, sure” you walk to the bar and order four shot taking them you hear music start to play “She about to go on lets go” you pull him along to the dance floor where everyone is gathering in front of the stage “Who” he laughs “Lola” “Oh, your friend”  your response in drown out by the crowds cheers as a beautiful Queen walks on stage clad in thigh high red leather boot, a matching red dress, her chocolate skin shining with glitter and gloss. Her boots click against the hard stage as she puts her hand up, the crown stops. “Ladies, Gentlemen, those of you who are yet to make up your mind. I am Lola, my club is a place where anyone and everyone is…SEXY” (SONG TIME) the crowd cheers as she begins to sings the beat picks up as dancers arrive on stage. Tom pulls you close as the music booms and the two of you begin to dance. The vodka has kicked in now and your both having an amazing time. Tom suddenly stops dancing to the beat when he sees a man with a camera snapping pictures of him dancing, when their gazes meet the man give him a sinister smirk and begins to push past the crowd. Tom grabs your arm and pulls you along as he chases the man outside “What wrong?” you ask waving to Lola on stage before you exit the club
             A car is pulled up in front of the club a small man sitting inside “Check your email ya fa-“ “There are like forty drunk drag queen outside I wouldn’t finish that sentence” you snap as Tom lunges toward the car, it speeds off. “Tom come back” you shout as he chases the car “Me running after shots this should be fun” you mumble to yourself as you run to Tom who is frantically flipping through his phone “What’s wrong” you put a hand on his arm and he shrugs it off “This is what’s wrong” he shoves his phone in your face you quickly read the email,
           ‘Give me five thousand dollars within twenty-four hours or I send this picture to every news outlet I can’
“Tom,” you start “I knew we shouldn’t have gone out tonight” he growls “Let’s go” “Tom, just calm down” you try “CALM DOWN, you want me to calm…“ he shout hitting his car “I’m about to get outed to the world and you want me to calm down!” his voice cracks as he is on the verge of tears. “Tom all he has is a picture of you dancing at a night club” you speak slowly “A drag club in West Fucking Hollywood” he shout “Look, your proud and that’s great but I’m not ready to be…” “to be a faggot like me, I get it” you turn and walk away tears clouding your vision “Vin, that’s not what I meant just please get in the car, I’ll take you home” he pleads “I’ll find my own way thanks” you try so hard to be strong when inside you feel like falling to the ground sobbing “Please” he tries again “Fuck off, Tom” you yell turning to look at him as a tear escapes you eye and falls down your face “Fine, have it your way” he barks angrily getting in his car and driving off. You enter an alley all your tears breaking free you reach into your pocket “Fuck” you forgot your phone in his car, you kick trash can. Were you really going to have to get on a bus, you couldn’t go back into the club like this and you really weren’t in the partying mood. Walking down the alley a man comes out from behind a corner, turning you see one behind you as well. “Why tonight”
if you missed the song it like really good so like just saying
 Here are some beautiful KITTENS: @midtownvaledictorian @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @tiemeupspidey @captain-katie-xx  @panicatttckiss @champagneholland @seilamigliorcosacheabbiamaivisto @mendes-holland @maggie-starz @natalie-kn  @vaeyron @wonderyoung @ging3r-fall @louisnholland @little-weirdo-13 @calumminter @sunshiineandmoonliight @m-snop @tomhstories
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