#Kawaki (kid)
thelavendersunlight-64 · 11 months
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enchantingpeachfury · 4 months
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lazyenemygladiator · 11 months
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Boruto and others cosplaying as the Akatsuki for Halloween 🎃! and look at Sarada over there! Like niece, like uncle.
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cardinal-island · 10 months
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rose-lalondde · 1 year
the difference between the tumblr and twitter reactions to the boruto time skip designs has been so funny omg
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colorfulfoxengineer · 10 months
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fullbarbarianprincess · 4 months
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Late drawings of the Hima & friends arc because I did enjoy some parts
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kia0i · 6 months
Here's the actual main character of Shikana and Kawaki Next Generation Our Lives Were Written In Stone
Rinku Hyuga Uzumaki (Hyumaki)
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Muscular but slim
Brown hair
Fair skin
Hyuga eyes (with a tint of red)
Main outfit
White sweater with cut-off sleeves, pink crop 6 black sweatpants (black sneakers)
Side oufit:
Pink sweater and boker (socks)
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kyriolex · 2 years
Kawaki Academy Arc: Hana Sensei Pt. 2
So Hana-sensei is also back at school. Now that she’s out of the hospital, Anko and Shino explain that the terrorist attack wasn’t random - they were after her student Kae specifically. Hana feels guilty for not noticing, but she puts on a brave face for everyone.
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Kawaki is also back at school. He thinks everything ended too neatly, making the good point that if the assassin actually intended for their last attack on Kae to work, they wouldn’t have strapped explosive tags to their body. So he still attends Academy with Himawari, which makes her smile.
In the classroom, Osuka leads the class to give Hana-sensei a welcome-back surprise. She’ll lead a chant, and Kawaki will pull a rope that will release flower petals into the room. But someone didn’t set up the trap right, so the ball just bounces and spills petals over the floor. But it’s the thought that counts, so she thanks the kids and scoops the petals up in a keepsake box at her desk.
After school, she wanders around trying to remember what happened the day of the attack. She has a massive hole in her memory and doesn’t remember why she was in the building that collapsed. Kawaki spots her wandering around and asks what the hell she’s doing. Seeing him next to the hole triggers memories of Hana fighting as Purple Mask.
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She sprints home, and we get a genuinely creepy scene of her frantically tearing her house apart while experiencing flashbacks of past episodes and an reoccurring image of a bloody kunai. Hana finds a secret room behind her closet filled with weapons, masks, and pictures of the minions from the last episode.  
Then we see a reflection of another Hana in the mirror with blood red hair - her alternate self. Apparently her hair was less about making her design more anime and more about distinguishing her various personalities. 
Now before I say any further: THIS IS NOT HOW DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER WORKS! I know it’s a common trope, but people with DID aren’t naturally violent, and they can’t open up a hotline with their alternate selves via mirrors. 
ANYWAY. Black Hana gets sucked into Flashback Land, where Red Hana explains everything. So years ago, the Minister of Bamboo (the mastermind behind Kae’s attempted assassination) rounded up 50 orphans. He then made them fight to the death in a battle royal, and the survivors became his personal assassination squad.
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Hana couldn’t handle the trauma of murdering all her friends, so she developed an alter ego as a defense mechanism. Red Hana got her hands dirty so Black Hana could live in oblivious peace. 
This makes Black Hana’s ditziness pretty disturbing, because she’s not a naturally forgetful or clumsy person - she’s forced to be that way because she’s always had gaps in her memory, and her body is sleep deprived from living two lives. 
So after the Bamboo Minister wasted 40-some perfectly good orphans, Hana and another operative were sent as sleeper agents to Konoha, posing as father and daughter. Black Hana thought being a teacher was her childhood dream, but Red Hana says her mission was to infiltrate the Academy as a citizen. 
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Which begs the question: Did the Minister look at baby Kae and think - in 10 years I’m going to send this girl to be a foreign exchange student and have my assassin kill her in the school? Or was Hana just there to kill and kidnap kids from powerful families, and he decided Kae would be the first victim? 
Also, HOW OLD IS HANA? She says she came to Konoha a decade ago, and she looks no older than 13, which would make her 23. But she sometimes shows the little eye marks the animators use for not-so-young adults, so...F it, I’m going to say she’s Konohamaru’s age. 
As an additional mindfuck, we see how Hana pulled off her fake suicide bombing. The same guy who brought her to the village as her fake dad just waltzes into her hospital room after the terrorist attack. He tells her to use his body for a fakeout, then plunges a kunai into his chest. The night of the last assassination attempt, Red Hana switched her body out with her fake father’s and exploded the corpse, then snuck back into the hospital as Black Hana.
Black Hana is horrified by her crimes and tries to turn herself in, but Red Hana mentally chains her up. Red Hana poses as the teacher and acts smiley toward the kids. But as the class is distracted chatting about the upcoming field trip, she crushes a butterfly in her fist, dumps it into the petals from the welcome stunt, and throws her keepsake box in the trash. 
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Kawaki watches her bug murder with his mouth agape and decides he no longer ships Hana and Shino-sensei. No, actually he just looks suspicious.
After class, everyone leaves, but Kae runs back because she forgot something. Sensing an opportunity to attack the princess, Red Hana rushes toward the classroom with a kunai. But Black Hana takes over for a split second and stops her by SLICING OPEN HER OWN HAND. 
Kae, Kawaki, and Himawari run into her. Kawaki notices some blood by her feet. Hana keeps her back to them and says “Ahaha, it’s okay, I just tripped and cut myself. I’m so clumsy!”  Meanwhile the front of her clothes are spattered in blood. Kawaki’s suspicion is officially piqued.
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After the kids leave, Red Hana goes back into her mind and traps Black Hana with mental chains, saying she’ll never interfere with her work again.
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enchantingpeachfury · 2 years
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Hinata over the years.
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lazyenemygladiator · 4 months
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cardinal-island · 10 months
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Adoptive brothers.
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colorfulfoxengineer · 10 months
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Team Sarada.
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simplywarriors · 2 years
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(ignore boruto) look at this dad and son
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sasusakucore · 2 years
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The uchiha family, uzumaki family and yamanaka family look so amazing. I really like how sarada is the biggest sasusaku shipper out there, sakura looking gorgeous and sasuke looking at his wife and daughter lovingly, boruto being a naruhina shipper, Naruto giving hinata a gift and hinata looking cute, himawari and kawaki's sibling bond, saiino flirting with each other and inojin having typical reaction of a kid who sees their parents flirting.
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