#Kayla Randolph
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Real Madrid announced the departure of Petr Cornelie, Adam Hanga, Nigel Williams-Goss and Anthony Randolph.
Along with them, we are saying goodbye to Estelle Chalopin and Hana June, Petr's wife and aughter, to Alexandra, Aylie, Sasha and Dominic Hanga, Adam's wife and children, to Kirstyn Thomas and Naz Alexander, Nigel's wife and son and to Marisela Fernández, Kayla and Julian, Anthony's wife and children. I wish them all the best for the future.
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warningsine · 8 months
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deadlinecom · 2 months
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spacenutspod · 7 months
Although no ghouls or goblins or trick-or-treaters come knocking at the International Space Station’s front hatch, crew members aboard the orbiting facility still like to get in the Halloween spirit. Whether individually or as an entire crew, they dress up in sometimes spooky, sometimes scary, but always creative costumes, often designed from materials available aboard the space station. Please enjoy the following scenes from Halloweens past even as we anticipate the costumes of the future. Left: Wearing a black cape, Expedition 16 NASA astronaut Clayton C. Anderson channels his inner vampire for Halloween 2007. Image credit: courtesy Clayton C. Anderson. Middle: For Halloween 2009, the Expedition 21 crew shows off its costumes. Right: Expedition 21 Flight Engineer NASA astronaut Nicole P. Stott shows off her Halloween costume. Left: Italian Space Agency astronaut Luca S. Parmitano finally gets his wish to fly like Superman during Expedition 37. Right: Who’s that behind the scary mask? None other than NASA astronaut Scott J. Kelly celebrating Halloween in 2015 during his one-year mission. Left: Expedition 53 Commander NASA astronaut Randolph J. “Randy” Bresnik showing off his costume. Middle: Expedition 53 Flight Engineer NASA astronaut Joseph M. Acaba wearing Halloween colors. Right: Expedition 53 European Space Agency astronaut Paolo A. Nespoli showing off his Spiderman skills. Left: Expedition 57 crewmembers in their Halloween best – European Space Agency astronaut and Commander Alexander Gerst, left, and NASA astronaut Serena M. Auñón-Chancellor. Right: Members of Expedition 61, NASA astronaut Christina H. Koch, top left, European Space Agency astronaut Luca S. Parmitano, NASA astronaut Andrew R. “Drew” Morgan, and NASA astronaut Jessica U. Meir, show off their Halloween spirit in 2019. Left: Expedition 66 crewmembers NASA astronaut R. Shane Kimbrough, left, Thomas G. Pesquet of the European Space Agency, Akihiko Hoshide of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, and NASA astronaut Mark T. Vande Hei showing off their Halloween cards. Right: A hand rising from the grave? In October 2021, Crew-3 NASA astronauts Raja J. Chari, Thomas H. Marshburn, Kayla S. Barron, and Matthias J. Maurer of the European Space Agency (ESA), had some undisclosed plans for when they reached the space station just before Halloween. However, bad weather at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida thwarted those super-secret spooky Halloween plans, delaying their launch until Nov. 11. Undeterred, Expedition 66 crewmembers who awaited them aboard the station held their own Halloween shenanigans. ESA astronaut Thomas G. Pesquet posted on social media that “Strange things were happening on ISS for Halloween. Aki rising from the dead (or is it from our observation window?),” referring to fellow crew member Akihiko Hoshide of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. Left: In 2022, Expedition 68 astronauts Koichi Wakata of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, left, and NASA astronauts Francisco “Frank” C. Rubio, Nicole A. Mann, and Josh A. Cassada dressed as popular video game and cartoon characters, using stowage containers in their Halloween costumes and holding improvised trick-or-treat bags. Right: Expedition 70 astronauts Jasmin Moghbeli of NASA, left, Satoshi Furakawa of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, NASA astronaut Loral O’Hara, and European Space Agency astronaut Andreas Mogensen celebrate Halloween 2023. The spookiness continues… Explore More 8 min read 25 Years Ago: STS-95, John Glenn Returns to Space Article 1 day ago 5 min read 25 Years Ago: Launch of Deep Space 1 Technology Demonstration Spacecraft Article 1 week ago 7 min read 30 Years Ago: The STS-58 Spacelab Life Sciences-2 Mission Article 2 weeks ago
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embraced-chaos · 2 years
Muse Bio Bree
Full Name: Bree Taggert Preferred Name/Nickname: Bree Age: 35 D.O.B: July 8th, 1987 Birthplace: Greys Hollow, NY Parents: Mother and Father both deceased Siblings: Erin (younger sister, 31 years old, deceased), Adam (younger brother, 28 years old) Other Relatives: Luke (16-year-old nephew), Kayla (10-year-old niece) Lovers: Matt Flynn Friends: Dana Romano Pets: An black and white old tom cat named Vader Notable Skills: Detective skills: observative, intelligent Abilities: Running, Hand to hand, Strong Hand-Eye Coordination Current Residence: Greys Hollow, NY Gender: Female Affiliation: Randolph County Sheriff's Department Job: Sheriff
Face Claim: Olivia Wilde Hair Color: Brunette Hair Style: Shoulder Length Eyes: Blue Height: 6'1" Weight:151lbs Scars: Left ankle, neck, right wrist, back of both knees, left shoulder blade Tattoos: Dragonfly on her shoulder  (to cover a scar) Piercings: None Medical History: Several broken bones (left arm age 2, right arm age 6), several stitches (shoulder age 7, forehead ages 2 + 5), bullet wound (forearm age 25) Allergies: None Phobias: Dogs Alcohol Use: None Drug Use: None
Positive Traits: Kind, Family oriented, Strong Willed, Motivated Negative traits: Determined, Headstrong, Possible Anger, Keeps to Self Background: From the sleepy forested area of Greys Hollow, New York, Bree spent her childhood years running wild in the woods surrounding her home. However, it wasn't anywhere near a good life. Bree grew up in an unfortunate and abusive home. She got good at disappearing especially when her father had friends over. Bree, her siblings, and her mother took the brunt force of both verbal and physical abuse as her father did as he pleased. Bree's father kept several dogs on chains in the backyard, near a tiny stream. He treated the dogs just as well as his wife and kids. He had abused the animals and purposefully trained them to be aggressive. One day Bree came too close to them and was attacked. The child was rushed to the hospital the be treated, her wounds leaving scars both physically and emotionally. When she came home her father took her out back and shot the dog that attacked her, killing it while telling her "This is all your fault." Her mental scars from the incident grew the event still clear in her mind. Years later as an adult Bree would get a dragonfly tattoo to cover up some of the scars. She is scared of dogs to this day. Not too long after, her father did much worse than just shooting an aggressive dog. Augering with his wife, the night turned for the worse when he pulled a gun.  Taking the argument to its lethal final. Bree slipped out of the house and hid with her younger siblings. She was only 8 years old at the time time. Her brother an infant. They hid, freezing, under the porch while their father shot and killed their mother and then himself. Her brother and sister were sent to live with their grandparents while Bree was shipped off to a cousin out of state. Her grandparents said they couldn't handle her. Her cousin wasn't much of a parent but she did what she thought was best for the girl, giving her as many chances in life as possible. All that to say, Bree was sent to a private boarding school. Bree didn't see her sister Erin or brother Adam much while growing up except for the rare holiday. Because of being raised apart, she didn't have much of a bond with them into adulthood. Still, Bree kept in contact with them whenever she could calling her sister every so often and attending holidays and other important events. But then as life picked up she fell out of contact with her siblings only to be brought back into the family when a gruesome tragedy hit. Erin was murdered. Bree moved from her current home of Philadelphia and went back to the place she never thought she'd return to Her hometown of Grey's Hollow. She took in her niece and nephew. Moved into her sister's home. She didn't want the kids to be suddenly picked up and moved while they were also grieving the loss of their mother.
Her friend and old work partner Dana followed her to New York to help her with the kids and anything else they needed. Also while in town, Bree reconnected with an old friend, Matt Flynn. As the investigation into Erin's death continued, Matt's friend was found guilty but something didn't seem right about all of this. Bree and Matt started an investigation of their own. While working to uncover the truth, bring justice to Bree's sister, and clear Matt's friend's name the duo's relationship grew and a bond was built. They learned they had feelings for each other, but now wasn't the time for it now was it? They continued to fight through the muck to find what happened even trespassing in the home where the murder took place. Nothing was off limits to them in their investigative pursuits.
Finally, they uncovered the true killer and all the facts. The family could move on and her sister be laid to rest. Bree took the kids on horseback to a field at the edge of the property line, a picnic spot Erin loved and took the kids a lot. The large tree was beautiful. It was perfect. They spread her ashes in the wind. It was time to heal. Seeing how well Bree handled the investigation and dug out the truth, the current sheriff, a man in a temporary role that wished to not be in charge, commented on Bree's capabilities and suggested she run for the position herself. Sheriff is an elected position in the community but no one else was willing to run so the spot would surely be hers. She was unsure at first but with a push from Matt and Dana, Bree went for it.
In the present Bree works as Sheriff for the Randolph County Sheriff's office in Gray's Hollow New York. The bureaucracy side of work often gives her a headache, it is not for her, but she lives the detective and investigative work. She has started in a relationship with Matt while Dana still helps her with the kids. It's still a long road ahead of all of them but they'll make it work. Together.
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rmbaloncesto · 4 years
Anthony, Marisela, Kayla and Julian watching Real Madrid vs Atlético ❤️❤️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
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I Still Hear the Voices
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By Kayla Randolph -
The air is quiet. The mosquitoes are buzzing of course and you can hear the tires on the dirt road. And if you listen hard enough, you can hear the lake lapping against the rocky shore. But still, the air is quiet. If you pay too much attention, it might feel like you are suffocating in the stillness. 
So you choose not to.  
The dusty road goes up and over hill after hill, a roller coaster to some, source of sickness to others. The car turns down the long and winding driveway, marked with a painted sign of a loon.  You are here, it seems to say. Welcome back. It never changes. The car gently swerves around an inconvenient tree and makes its way towards the cabin. The rush of unpacking will come soon, but you escape the car quickly to take a moment, just for you. You walk to the top of the makeshift log staircase that leads down to the water. You stand. You listen to the quiet. You are among the trees now. You are the most wild and free version of you among the trees. If someone were to ask you about your stress among the trees, you would answer that it is gone. If someone were to ask you why you are not shaking among the trees, you would answer that your anxiety cannot reach you here. The trees, they are the anchor. There will always be the trees, even when you are not around to see them. 
Rolling into Plevna, Ontario, there is nothing for miles. Yet, there is North of 7. A restaurant. A grocery store. An ice cream shop. A gas station. A phone booth. A post office that became an art gallery. A mini golf course that became a flower shop that became outdoor seating for the ice cream shop. All rolled into a complex too small to fit everything. The ice cream is famous. No one could tell you whether it is because it is truly the best or if it is because people know nothing else. The people you see there, it is as if you all know each other, but choose not to. Your eyes say Oh, perhaps it is you. It is as if you all could speak, but the air is not strong enough to hold your words. 
Hidden among Plevna’s trees, there exists a place held together only by memories. The cabin is small. Rooms are always shared. There are never enough seats. It could be changed, but it never is. For then, it would no longer be the way it is. And the way it is, is why you go. It calls to you. Come, it says. Rest. I will make sure you do not want to go back. One wall is made up only of windows. You see the dark water, rippling in constant motion. The cliffs stand formidably off to the right. And when the sun rises, the entire room is illuminated. The boy who sleeps on the couch is blinded each morning, but yet he returns again each night. A minor inconvenience is insignificant when it allows you the chance to feel that even nature needs you alive today. 
At sunset, the view is loud. Colors flood the sky. Oranges and purples and pinks scream at us. Look at me, they say. Something is ending. When night falls, nothing exists but the darkness. The stars and the moon are the only hint that the world is not yet dead.  It is here, looking at the world out the windows, bundled under a blanket on a couch that is being held up by books, where you feel alive. You fear there exists nowhere else you are. 
The balcony rests comfortably above the sloping descent to the water’s edge. The planks are sticky with sap and the spiders have made webs between the slats of the railing. It is their home when it is not yours. The balcony is often a place for sunny days, reclining in a chair, and getting lost in a book. It is also the place to watch a storm. On a lake such as this, you can watch one head towards you. It starts at the far end of the lake. It encroaches on your little refuge and grows stronger and faster as your heart beats out the seconds.  The rain gets louder and louder. Get ready, it says. Watch out. But you do not. Here you are safe, even when you are not. You stand firm. The balcony holds you. You both become enveloped in rain. Each time, a part of you washed away.
Down a steep log staircase there exists a red boathouse. It is home to no boats, only ghosts. Perhaps it will house yours. You sit on the dock. The water is always cold. If you run the length of the dock, you must leap into the water. Only if you run. You cannot hesitate. The brave jump off the upper balcony of the boathouse. The water itself beckons you but the railing warns you. Think, it says. But do not take too long. You are not the brave. You sit on the dock and dangle your feet in the water. They become numb. You wade in the rocks along the shore. You feel safe, even though you are not.
There is the cliff. It goes by no other name. There is no map to the top. There is no map to the bottom. Kayaks are wedged between rocks or haphazardly tied to trees close enough to the  shore. The way up is made only by boot prints.  You might still go back and find yours. The path is never the same. You do not like to climb it. You do not like being so high above the water. You feel out of control. Look, it says. Down. The pull is astounding. You no longer decide your fate. It is the rocks. It is the water.
The lake is strong. Brulé. She is bigger than she looks and deeper than you care to think about. She holds boats and rocks and sunglasses and hats. She holds things you say do not matter when you lose them, but you are lying. You sit in the boat, underneath the calming sun. You feel her rock you gently. You remain comfortable, yet wary of her power. When the boat races through the waves, you sit in the front to feel the wind. It sends chills up your body and your hair whips around your face in a frenzy. I’ve got you, she says. She is wild. And for a minute, so are you.
There still exists that place where you are wild. Where you are okay. Where stress and anxiety are in a car that broke down a million miles away and they cannot reach you. You are left now with only the ability to imagine that place, from miles and miles away. It seems it is you that has broken down. You are an exile from your own refuge. You cannot reach safety. You cannot feel alive. 
You do not feel alive. 
You cannot reach the lake anymore, but that does not mean you are not drowning. 
I would like to thank Joan Didion, for inspiring this essay. I would like to thank her for “Goodbye to All That,” “LA Notebook,” and “On Morality,” and consequently taking me on an emotional journey in each. I would like to thank Carrie Shipers for writing the poem “Dear Joan Didion,” which I stumbled upon in my research and was very glad I did. I would like to thank my Didion discussion group in class, Audrey Iocca, Eitan Miller, Diti Kohli, and Madeline Harrant, for their brainstorming, input, and inspired conversation. I would like to thank Eitan for his inspiration, as well as a brilliant peer review, and for taking a genuine interest in my work. I would like to thank Professor Mary Kovaleski Byrnes for gifting me the courage to feel completely and allow my reader to do the same. And I would like to thank the cabin in Plevna, for standing strong even when I cannot.
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One Mann's Movies Film Review: Bombshell (2020).
One Mann's Movies Film Review: Bombshell (2020). A finely made film, but one which didn't connect 100% with me. 3.5/5.
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Sleazy old Fox.
This is a curious one. I wonder whether the audience reaction to this one will polarize along gender lines as it did for us? For I thought this one was “good, but nothing special”… but the illustrious Mrs Movie Man thought it was excellent and would be MEMORABLE”. (Now, that’s quite a statement for her. Since,as I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, my beloved has a wonderful…
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doubleattitude · 3 years
Radix Dance Convention, Houston, TX: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
Rookie Solo
1st: Blakely Fitzgerald-’I’m A Lady’
2nd: Amelia Abshire-’Jazz Baby’
3rd: Sylvia Newsom-’Get Loose’
4th: Juliette Osamor-’Wonderful World’
Mini Solo
1st: Brynlee Fitzgerald-’Can’t Get It Out’
2nd: Winter Eberts-’Dreamlike’
3rd: Paislyn Schroeder-’Goodbye’
4th: Natalie Gerami-’Evil Twin’
5th: Brantley Meador-’Bubbly Kisses’
5th: Ava Grace Merritt-’Clumsy’
6th: Estelle Newsom-’Champagne Taste’
7th: Aurora Brady-’Hit The Road Jack’
8th: Araceli Estrella-’Diamonds and Pearls’
8th: Quinn Briscoe-’Within Reach’
9th: Zoey Cruz-’Shelter’
9th: Melody Thiel-’Winter Fairy’
10th: Evelin Peterson-’If You Believe’
Junior Solo
1st: Daniela SanGiacomo-’Infinite’
2nd: Haiden Neuville-’Before You Go’
3rd: Maya Ordonez-’For All That’s Lost’
3rd: Campbell Clark-’The Scarlett Effect’
4th: London Barron-’Bones’
4th: Braelyn Schaffer-’New Worlds’
4th: Jisselle Garza-’Waiting Game’
4th: Mia Narvaez-’Who Am I?’
5th: Brooke Vorst-’Girl From Ipanema’
5th: Kinley Bertrand-’Rock With Me’
6th: Nevaeh Joseph-’Brown Skin Girl’
6th: Scarlett Petty-’Stars’
6th: Ellie Randolph-’Swan Song’
7th: Anya Inger-’Size’
8th: Madison Moller-’Incomplete’
8th: Grace Matthews-’Lonely’
8th: Ansley Harris-’Porcelain’
8th: Stella Eberts-’Valley’
9th: Joshua Colburn-’Waiting On The World to Change’
10th: Nina Lykidis-’Caught In The Middle’
10th: Ryleigh Mouret-’When Fire Meets Fate’
Teen Solo
1st: Kiarra Waidelich-’My Mind’
1st: Cambry Bethke-’Winging It’
2nd: Kate Abernathy-’Doomed’
2nd: Rianna Weck-’Dream A Little Dream’
2nd: Kennedy Nichols-’My Love’
2nd: Carley Thinfen-’Self Destruction’
2nd: Avery Cashen-’The Statement’
3rd: Imogene Elias-’Bang Bang’
3rd: Lauren Fuselier-’Godspeed’
3rd: Catalina Salberg-’Over’
4th: Kieran Holmes-’Hear The Bells’
4th: Mariella Saunders-’Until We Break’
5th: Kayla Pierce-’Fiyah Speak’
5th: Jilliam Sims-’Shadow Journal’
5th: Gavin Warfield-’Stereotype’
5th: Charlotte Kautzer-’The Moments You Had’
6th: Maeve McCormack-’Maybe We’ll See’
6th: Claire Schunneman-’Twist, Tug and Tear’
7th: Isabella Umstead-’Bitter Song’
7th: Audrey Lafrance-’Don’t Cry For Me’
7th: Blayklee Balthazar-’Radical Self’
8th: Olivia Spivey-’Can You Feel?’
8th: Lauren Dorsett-’Shout’
8th: Sadie Grace Bethke-’Slither’
8th: Reagan Wright-’Unearth’
9th: Alysse Fee-’Distortion’
9th: Isabella Ramirez-’Fly’
9th: Alexia Stewart-’Icon’
9th: Alexis Cravaritis-’The Rose’
10th: Presley Mason-’Cringe’
10th: Dilyn Bray-’Faced’
10th: Ashlee Allen-’Take Flight’
Senior Solo
1st: Sophia Seymour-’Broken’
1st: Morgan Manning-’Change Gonna Come’
2nd: Sam McWilliams-’Back to Black’
3rd: Abigail Reed-’Mountains’
4th: Ava Lafrance-’Expo’
4th: Aidan Aloma-’I Wouldn’t Be’
4th: Lola Coghill-’Lover’
5th: Anna Miller-’50 Ways’
5th: Sloane Ritterbush-’Body Love’
5th: Makaila Teagle-’He Needs Me’
6th: Olyvia Sessing-’The Hill’
7th: Jayde Woodard-’Home With You’
7th: Damaris Salazar-’Unraveling’
8th: Payton Wolff-’Gonna Find Another You’
9th: Kaylie Wood-’The Shift’
10th: Ellie Drotts-’Alternate Perspectives’
10th: Abby Baden-’Between The Sounds’
10th: Joelle Rosales-’Courage to You’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: The Dance Kollective-’Reflection’
2nd: Texas Academy of Dance Arts-’Safe’
3rd: Cypress Dance Project-’Groove Is In The Heart’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: The Dance Kollective-’Both Of Us’
2nd: Dancezone-’Delinquents’
3rd: Texas Academy of Dance Arts-’I Hate To Leave’
3rd: Cypress Dance Project-’More’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: The Dance Kollective-’Alter Ego’
2nd: The Dance Kollective-’Solace’
2nd: Distinction Dance Company-’Who To Love’
3rd: The Dance Kollective-’Ascending’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Masters Upper Level-’Blue Skies’
2nd: The Dance Kollective-’Exhumed’
3rd: Artistic Soul Dance Company-’Sunder;
Mini Group
1st: Cypress Dance Project-’Pause’
2nd: Vdanse Academy-’Buzzin’
3rd: The Dance Kollective-’Shop Around’
Junior Group
1st: The Dance Kollective-’Dreaming’
2nd: Cypress Dance Project-’Vogue’
3rd: The Dance Kollective-’Like Lovers Do’
Teen Group
1st: The Dance Kollective-’Tap Is Life’
2nd: Cypress Dance Project-’To This Day’
3rd: The Dance Kollective-’Bringing It Back’
3rd: The Dance Kollective-’The Heaven Complex’
Senior Group
1st: The Dance Kollective-’Before I Go’
2nd: Masters Upper Level-’Closure’
3rd: Masters Upper Level-’This Is Me Trying’
Rookie Line
1st: Cypress Dance Project-’Bat Dance’
Junior Line
1st: The Dance Kollective-’Handful of Keys’
2nd: Cypress Dance Project-’Plain Jane’
3rd: Distinction Dance Company-’Satisfaction’
Teen Line
1st: Dancezone-’Tantrum’
2nd: The Dance Kollective-’One’
3rd: Distinction Dance Company-’Clout’
3rd: Cypress Dance Project-’Most Human Thing’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Cypress Dance Project-’Give Us Love’
2nd: Dance Connection Center-’Slumber Party’
Teen Extended Line
1st: The Dance Kollective-’Goliath’
2nd: The Dance Kollective-’Boss’
3rd: Cypress Dance Project-’Get Me Bodied’
Teen Production
1st: Dancezone-’Sunday’
High Scores by Performance Division:
Rookie Specialty
Cypress Dance Project-’Bat Dance’
Mini Jazz
Cypress Dance Project-’Pause’
Mini Hip-Hop
Vdanse Academy-’Buzzin’
Mini Contemporary
The Dance Kollective-’Just The Way You Are’
Mini Lyrical
Cypress Dance Project-’We Will Wait’
Mini Specialty
Cypress Dance Project-’The Distance’
Junior Jazz
Cypress Dance Project-’Vogue’
Junior Hip-Hop
Cypress Dance Project-’Plain Jane’
Junior Tap
The Dance Kollective-’Handful of Keys’
Junior Contemporary
The Dance Kollective-’Dreaming’
Junior Lyrical
Distinction Dance Company-’Arms Around You’
Junior Musical Theatre
Cypress Dance Project-’Elle’s Big Day’
Junior Specialty
The Dance Kollective-’Like Lovers Do’
Teen Jazz
The Dance Kollective-’Bringing It Back’
Teen Ballet
Cypress Dance Project-’Hunted’
Teen Hip-Hop
Teen Tap
The Dance Kollective-’Tap Is Life’
Teen Contemporary
The Dance Kollective-’One’
Teen Lyrical
The Dance Kollective-’I Remember Her’
Teen Musical Theatre
Evolve 26-’Girl in the Mirror’
Teen Ballroom
The Dance Kollective-’Boss’
Teen Specialty
Cypress Dance Project-’To This Day’
Senior Jazz
Masters Upper Level-’Cold Hearted Snake’
Senior Contemporary
The Dance Kollective-’Before I Go’
Senior Lyrical
Masters Upper Level-’Closure’
Senior Specialty
Senior Jazz
Masters Upper Level-’Cold Hearted Snake’
Best of Radix:
Cypress Dance Project-’Bat Dance’
The Dance Kollective-’Shop Around’
Vdanse Academy-’Buzzin’
Cypress Dance Project-’Pause’
Distinction Dance Company-’Arms Around You’
Cypress Dance Project-’Vogue’
The Dance Kollective-’Handful of Keys’
The Dance Kollective-’Tap Is Life’
Cypress Dance Project-’To This Day’
Texas Academy of Dance Arts-’Baby Boy’
Distinction Dance Company-’Bassline’
The Dance Kollective-’Before I Go’
Masters Upper Level-’Closure’
Distinction Dance Company-’A Pale’
Texas Academy of Dance Arts-’Echoes of Mine’
Studio Standout:
Cypress Dance Project-’To This Day’
The Dance Kollective-’Before I Go’
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Margot Robbie as Kayla Pospisil in Bombshell (2019), written by Charles Randolph.  Chuck has nine writer credits, from The Life of David Gale (2003) to a tv movie now in production   His other notable credits include Love and Other Drugs (2010).  
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Anthony and Kayla Randolph
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warningsine · 8 months
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deadlinecom · 4 months
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by TheTimeTraveler24
The timeline that I base all my fics off for the Riordanverse. Spans from 1926-2011.
May also include timelines for various other works of mine at some point such as When They Came, The Sum of Our Choices, Always Towards the Sun, and Nico di Angelo and the Quest to Save the Stupid Idiots.
This timeline is free for any of you to reference with your stories since it's nice to be able to see when everything happens.
Words: 5334, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan, The Trials of Apollo - Rick Riordan, The Kane Chronicles - Rick Riordan, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, The Demigod Diaries - Rick Riordan, Demigods and Magicians - Rick Riordan
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Grover Underwood, Chiron (Percy Jackson), Clarisse La Rue, Luke Castellan, Dionysus (Percy Jackson), Jason Grace, Thalia Grace, Katie Gardner, Miranda Gardiner, Billie Ng, Meg McCaffrey, Sherman Yang, Ellis Wakefield, Mark (Percy Jackson), Malcolm Pace, Lee Fletcher, Michael Yew, Will Solace, Kayla Knowles, Austin Lake, Zoe Nightshade (James Bond), Phoebe (Percy Jackson), Tyson (Percy Jackson), Charles Beckendorf, Jake Mason, Nyssa Barrera, Leo Valdez, Shane (Percy Jackson), Harley (Percy Jackson), Silena Beauregard, Drew Tanaka, Lacy (Percy Jackson), Piper McLean, Mitchell (Percy Jackson), Valentina Diaz, Connor Stoll, Travis Stoll, Chris Rodriguez, Cecil Markowitz, Julia Feingold, Alice Miyazawa, Castor (Percy Jackson), Pollux (Percy Jackson), Nico di Angelo, Bianca di Angelo, Hazel Levesque, Butch Walker (Percy Jackson), Clovis (Percy Jackson), Ethan Nakamura, Damien White, Damien White (Percy Jackson), Holly Victor, Laurel Victor, Paolo Montes, Chiara Benvenuti, Lou Ellen Blackstone, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Hunter Kowalski, Hemithea | Emmie, Josephine "Jo" (Percy Jackson), Celyn (Percy Jackson), The Hunters of Artemis (Percy Jackson), The Amazons (Percy Jackson), Hylla Ramírez-Arellano, Octavian (Percy Jackson), Michael Kahale, Michael Varus, Dakota (Percy Jackson), Gwendolyn (Percy Jackson), Camp Half-Blood Campers, Camp Jupiter Campers, Campers (Percy Jackson), Sally Jackson (Percy Jackson), Paul Blofis, Estelle Blofis, Zeus (Percy Jackson), Hera (Percy Jackson), Poseidon (Percy Jackson), Demeter (Percy Jackson), Ares (Percy Jackson), Athena (Percy Jackson), Apollo (Percy Jackson), Artemis (Percy Jackson), Hephaestus (Percy Jackson), Aphrodite (Percy Jackson), Hermes (Percy Jackson), Hades (Percy Jackson), Persephone (Percy Jackson), Iris (Percy Jackson), Hypnos (Percy Jackson), Morpheus (Percy Jackson), Nemesis (Percy Jackson), Nike (Percy Jackson), Hebe (Percy Jackson), Tyche (Percy Jackson), Hecate (Percy Jackson), Jupiter (Percy Jackson), Juno (Percy Jackson), Neptune (Percy Jackson), Ceres (Percy Jackson), Mars (Percy Jackson), Minerva (Percy Jackson), Diana (Percy Jackson), Vulcan (Percy Jackson), Venus (Percy Jackson), Mercury (Percy Jackson), Pluto (Percy Jackson), The Olympians (Percy Jackson), Magnus Chase, Blitzen (Magnus Chase), Hearthstone (Magnus Chase), Samirah al-Abbas, Mallory Keen, Halfborn Gunderson, Thomas Jefferson Jr. (Magnus Chase), Odin (Magnus Chase), Gunilla (Magnus Chase), Hunding (Magnus Chase), Helgi (Magnus Chase), Randolph Chase, Jack | Sumarbrander, Loki (Magnus Chase), Frey (Magnus Chase), Freya (Magnus Chase), Thor (Magnus Chase), Manticore | Dr. Thorn (Percy Jackson), Alderman (Magnus Chase), Balder (Magnus Chase), Alex Fierro, Amir Fadlan, Sif (Magnus Chase), Natalie Chase, Frederick Chase, Mrs. Chase (Percy Jackson), Bobby Chase, Matthew Chase, Mrs. O'Leary (Percy Jackson), Mrs. Dodds (Percy Jackson), Mrs. Fierro (Magnus Chase), Mr. Fierro (Magnus Chase), Inge (Magnus Chase), Alabaster Torrington, Andiron (Magnus Chase), Sigyn (Magnus Chase), Norns (Magnus Chase), The Fates (Percy Jackson), Carter Kane, Sadie Kane, Bast (Kane Chronicles), Anubis (Kane Chronicles), Julius Kane, Ruby Kane, Osiris (Kane Chronicles), Isis (Kane Chronicles), Horus (Kane Chronicles), Set (Kane Chronicles), Nephthys (Kane Chronicles), Walt Stone, Jasmine "Jaz" Anderson, Felix (Kane Chronicles), Alyssa (Kane Chronicles), Julian (Kane Chronicles), Bes (Kane Chronicles), Amos Kane, Zia Rashid, Khufu (Kane Chronicles), Michel Desjardins, Vladimir Menshikov, Khaemwaset "Setne" (Kane Chronicles), Iskandar (Kane Chronicles), Mellie (Percy Jackson), Gleeson Hedge, Liz (Kane Chronicles), Emma (Kane Chronicles), Emma Chase, Caroline Chase, Cleo (Kane Chronicles), Sarah Jacobi, Shelby (Kane Chronicles), Hathor (Kane Chronicles), Ammit the Devourer (Kane Chronicles), Ra (Kane Chronicles), Freak (Kane Chronicles), Khonsu (Kane Chronicles), Thoth (Kane Chronicles), Sobek (Kane Chronicles), Tawaret (Kane Chronicles), Babi (Kane Chronicles), Nekhbet (Kane Chronicles), Philip of Macedonia (Kane Chronicles)
Relationships: Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson & Tyson, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Tyson & Grover Underwood, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Tyson, Luke Castellan & Annabeth Chase & Thalia Grace, Luke Castellan & Annabeth Chase, Luke Castellan & Thalia Grace, Annabeth Chase & Thalia Grace, Nico di Angelo & Percy Jackson, Bianca di Angelo & Nico di Angelo, Annabeth Chase & Thalia Grace & Grover Underwood, Annabeth Chase & Thalia Grace & Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, Luke Castellan & Annabeth Chase & Thalia Grace & Grover Underwood, Connor Stoll & Travis Stoll, Jason Grace/Piper McLean, Jason Grace & Piper McLean, Jason Grace & Leo Valdez, Piper McLean & Leo Valdez, Jason Grace & Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Calypso/Leo Valdez, Calypso & Leo Valdez, Jason Grace & Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase & Piper McLean, Jason Grace & Thalia Grace, Nico di Angelo & Jason Grace, Hazel Levesque/Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque & Frank Zhang, Percy Jackson & Hazel Levesque & Frank Zhang, Percy Jackson & Hazel Levesque, Percy Jackson & Frank Zhang, Percy Jackson & Leo Valdez, Calypso & Percy Jackson, Rachel Elizabeth Dare & Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase & Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Annabeth Chase & Hazel Levesque, Annabeth Chase & Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque & Leo Valdez, Gleeson Hedge & Everyone, Annabeth Chase & Jason Grace & Percy J. & Hazel Levesque & Piper McLean & Leo Valdez & Frank Zhang, Nico di Angelo & Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Nico di Angelo & Gleeson Hedge & Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Hylla Ramírez-Arellano & Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Nico di Angelo & Will Solace, Lou Ellen Blackstone & Cecil Markowitz, Lou Ellen Blackstone & Will Solace, Cecil Markowitz & Will Solace, Lou Ellen Blackstone & Nico di Angelo, Nico di Angelo & Cecil Markowitz, Kayla Knowles & Will Solace, Kayla Knowles & Austin Lake, Austin Lake & Will Solace, Apollo & Kayla Knowles & Austin Lake & Will Solace, Nico di Angelo & Kayla Knowles, Nico di Angelo & Austin Lake, Apollo & Meg McCaffrey, Apollo & Leo Valdez, Apollo & Calypso & Leo Valdez, Hemithea | Emmie/Josephine "Jo", Carter Kane & Sadie Kane, Carter Kane/Zia Rashid, Anubis/Sadie Kane/Walt Stone, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Carter Kane & Sadie Kane, Percy Jackson & Carter Kane, Annabeth Chase & Sadie Kane, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Sadie Kane, Percy Jackson & Sadie Kane, Annabeth Chase & Carter Kane, Blitzen & Magnus Chase & Hearthstone, Blitzen & Magnus Chase, Magnus Chase & Hearthstone, Blitzen & Hearthstone, Samirah al-Abbas & Magnus Chase, Halfborn Gunderson/Mallory Keen, Thomas Jefferson Jr. & Mallory Keen, Magnus Chase & Alex Fierro & Halfborn Gunderson & Thomas Jefferson Jr. & Mallory Keen, Samirah al-Abbas/Amir Fadlan, Samirah al-Abbas & Alex Fierro, Magnus Chase & Alex Fierro, Magnus Chase/Alex Fierro, Annabeth Chase & Magnus Chase, Annabeth Chase & Magnus Chase & Alex Fierro & Percy Jackson, Sally Jackson/Poseidon (Percy Jackson), Athena/Frederick Chase, Apollo/Naomi Solace, Apollo/Darren Knowles, Apollo/Latricia Lake, Beryl Grace/Zeus, Beryl Grace/Jupiter, Mars/Emily Zhang, Aphrodite/Tristan McLean, Hephaestus/Esperanza Valdez, Maria di Angelo/Hades, Pluto/Marie Levesque, Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson, Julius Kane/Ruby Kane, Paul Blofis/Sally Jackson, Estelle Blofis & Percy Jackson, Natalie Chase/Frey (Magnus Chase), Freya & Blitzen, Silena Beauregard & Clarisse la Rue, Silena Beauregard/Charles Beckendorf, Clarisse La Rue/Chris Rodriguez
Additional Tags: Book 1: The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson), Book 2: The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson), Book 3: The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson), Book 4: The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson), Book 5: The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson), Book 1: The Lost Hero (Heroes of Olympus), Book 2: The Son of Neptune (Heroes of Olympus), Book 3: The Mark of Athena (Heroes of Olympus), Book 4: The House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus), Book 5: The Blood of Olympus (Heroes of Olympus), Book 1: The Hidden Oracle (Trials of Apollo), Book 2: The Dark Prophecy (Trials of Apollo), Book 3: The Burning Maze (Trials of Apollo), Book 4: The Tyrant's Tomb (Trials of Apollo), Book 5: The Tower of Nero (Trials of Apollo), Book 1: The Red Pyramid (Kane Chronicles), Book 2: The Throne of Fire (Kane Chronicles), Book 3: The Serpent's Shadow (Kane Chronicles), Book 1: The Sword of Summer (Magnus Chase), Book 2: The Hammer of Thor (Magnus Chase), Book 3: The Ship of the Dead (Magnus Chase), Pre-The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson), Post-The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson), Pre-The Lost Hero (Heroes of Olympus), Post-The Blood of Olympus (Heroes of Olympus), Pre-The Red Pyramid (Kane Chronicles), Post-The Serpent's Shadow (Kane Chronicles), Pre-The Sword of Summer (Magnus Chase), Post-The Ship of the Dead (Magnus Chase), Book Series: Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book Series: The Heroes of Olympus, Book Series: The Trials of Apollo, Book Series: The Kane Chronicles, Book Series: Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, Canon Compliant, Canon Timeline, Timelines, Alternate Timelines, Rick Riordan Demigod Universe | Riordanverse
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ao3feed-fierrochase · 4 years
Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/Trials of Apollo/Kane Chronicles/Magnus Chase Timelines
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2DDCruy
by TheTimeTraveler24
The timeline that I base all my fics off for the Riordanverse. Spans from 1926-2011.
May also include timelines for various other works of mine at some point such as When They Came, The Sum of Our Choices, Always Towards the Sun, and Nico di Angelo and the Quest to Save the Stupid Idiots.
This timeline is free for any of you to reference with your stories since it's nice to be able to see when everything happens.
Words: 5334, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan, The Trials of Apollo - Rick Riordan, The Kane Chronicles - Rick Riordan, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, The Demigod Diaries - Rick Riordan, Demigods and Magicians - Rick Riordan
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Grover Underwood, Chiron (Percy Jackson), Clarisse La Rue, Luke Castellan, Dionysus (Percy Jackson), Jason Grace, Thalia Grace, Katie Gardner, Miranda Gardiner, Billie Ng, Meg McCaffrey, Sherman Yang, Ellis Wakefield, Mark (Percy Jackson), Malcolm Pace, Lee Fletcher, Michael Yew, Will Solace, Kayla Knowles, Austin Lake, Zoe Nightshade (James Bond), Phoebe (Percy Jackson), Tyson (Percy Jackson), Charles Beckendorf, Jake Mason, Nyssa Barrera, Leo Valdez, Shane (Percy Jackson), Harley (Percy Jackson), Silena Beauregard, Drew Tanaka, Lacy (Percy Jackson), Piper McLean, Mitchell (Percy Jackson), Valentina Diaz, Connor Stoll, Travis Stoll, Chris Rodriguez, Cecil Markowitz, Julia Feingold, Alice Miyazawa, Castor (Percy Jackson), Pollux (Percy Jackson), Nico di Angelo, Bianca di Angelo, Hazel Levesque, Butch Walker (Percy Jackson), Clovis (Percy Jackson), Ethan Nakamura, Damien White, Damien White (Percy Jackson), Holly Victor, Laurel Victor, Paolo Montes, Chiara Benvenuti, Lou Ellen Blackstone, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Hunter Kowalski, Hemithea | Emmie, Josephine "Jo" (Percy Jackson), Celyn (Percy Jackson), The Hunters of Artemis (Percy Jackson), The Amazons (Percy Jackson), Hylla Ramírez-Arellano, Octavian (Percy Jackson), Michael Kahale, Michael Varus, Dakota (Percy Jackson), Gwendolyn (Percy Jackson), Camp Half-Blood Campers, Camp Jupiter Campers, Campers (Percy Jackson), Sally Jackson (Percy Jackson), Paul Blofis, Estelle Blofis, Zeus (Percy Jackson), Hera (Percy Jackson), Poseidon (Percy Jackson), Demeter (Percy Jackson), Ares (Percy Jackson), Athena (Percy Jackson), Apollo (Percy Jackson), Artemis (Percy Jackson), Hephaestus (Percy Jackson), Aphrodite (Percy Jackson), Hermes (Percy Jackson), Hades (Percy Jackson), Persephone (Percy Jackson), Iris (Percy Jackson), Hypnos (Percy Jackson), Morpheus (Percy Jackson), Nemesis (Percy Jackson), Nike (Percy Jackson), Hebe (Percy Jackson), Tyche (Percy Jackson), Hecate (Percy Jackson), Jupiter (Percy Jackson), Juno (Percy Jackson), Neptune (Percy Jackson), Ceres (Percy Jackson), Mars (Percy Jackson), Minerva (Percy Jackson), Diana (Percy Jackson), Vulcan (Percy Jackson), Venus (Percy Jackson), Mercury (Percy Jackson), Pluto (Percy Jackson), The Olympians (Percy Jackson), Magnus Chase, Blitzen (Magnus Chase), Hearthstone (Magnus Chase), Samirah al-Abbas, Mallory Keen, Halfborn Gunderson, Thomas Jefferson Jr. (Magnus Chase), Odin (Magnus Chase), Gunilla (Magnus Chase), Hunding (Magnus Chase), Helgi (Magnus Chase), Randolph Chase, Jack | Sumarbrander, Loki (Magnus Chase), Frey (Magnus Chase), Freya (Magnus Chase), Thor (Magnus Chase), Manticore | Dr. Thorn (Percy Jackson), Alderman (Magnus Chase), Balder (Magnus Chase), Alex Fierro, Amir Fadlan, Sif (Magnus Chase), Natalie Chase, Frederick Chase, Mrs. Chase (Percy Jackson), Bobby Chase, Matthew Chase, Mrs. O'Leary (Percy Jackson), Mrs. Dodds (Percy Jackson), Mrs. Fierro (Magnus Chase), Mr. Fierro (Magnus Chase), Inge (Magnus Chase), Alabaster Torrington, Andiron (Magnus Chase), Sigyn (Magnus Chase), Norns (Magnus Chase), The Fates (Percy Jackson), Carter Kane, Sadie Kane, Bast (Kane Chronicles), Anubis (Kane Chronicles), Julius Kane, Ruby Kane, Osiris (Kane Chronicles), Isis (Kane Chronicles), Horus (Kane Chronicles), Set (Kane Chronicles), Nephthys (Kane Chronicles), Walt Stone, Jasmine "Jaz" Anderson, Felix (Kane Chronicles), Alyssa (Kane Chronicles), Julian (Kane Chronicles), Bes (Kane Chronicles), Amos Kane, Zia Rashid, Khufu (Kane Chronicles), Michel Desjardins, Vladimir Menshikov, Khaemwaset "Setne" (Kane Chronicles), Iskandar (Kane Chronicles), Mellie (Percy Jackson), Gleeson Hedge, Liz (Kane Chronicles), Emma (Kane Chronicles), Emma Chase, Caroline Chase, Cleo (Kane Chronicles), Sarah Jacobi, Shelby (Kane Chronicles), Hathor (Kane Chronicles), Ammit the Devourer (Kane Chronicles), Ra (Kane Chronicles), Freak (Kane Chronicles), Khonsu (Kane Chronicles), Thoth (Kane Chronicles), Sobek (Kane Chronicles), Tawaret (Kane Chronicles), Babi (Kane Chronicles), Nekhbet (Kane Chronicles), Philip of Macedonia (Kane Chronicles)
Relationships: Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson & Tyson, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Tyson & Grover Underwood, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Tyson, Luke Castellan & Annabeth Chase & Thalia Grace, Luke Castellan & Annabeth Chase, Luke Castellan & Thalia Grace, Annabeth Chase & Thalia Grace, Nico di Angelo & Percy Jackson, Bianca di Angelo & Nico di Angelo, Annabeth Chase & Thalia Grace & Grover Underwood, Annabeth Chase & Thalia Grace & Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, Luke Castellan & Annabeth Chase & Thalia Grace & Grover Underwood, Connor Stoll & Travis Stoll, Jason Grace/Piper McLean, Jason Grace & Piper McLean, Jason Grace & Leo Valdez, Piper McLean & Leo Valdez, Jason Grace & Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Calypso/Leo Valdez, Calypso & Leo Valdez, Jason Grace & Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase & Piper McLean, Jason Grace & Thalia Grace, Nico di Angelo & Jason Grace, Hazel Levesque/Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque & Frank Zhang, Percy Jackson & Hazel Levesque & Frank Zhang, Percy Jackson & Hazel Levesque, Percy Jackson & Frank Zhang, Percy Jackson & Leo Valdez, Calypso & Percy Jackson, Rachel Elizabeth Dare & Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase & Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Annabeth Chase & Hazel Levesque, Annabeth Chase & Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque & Leo Valdez, Gleeson Hedge & Everyone, Annabeth Chase & Jason Grace & Percy J. & Hazel Levesque & Piper McLean & Leo Valdez & Frank Zhang, Nico di Angelo & Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Nico di Angelo & Gleeson Hedge & Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Hylla Ramírez-Arellano & Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Nico di Angelo & Will Solace, Lou Ellen Blackstone & Cecil Markowitz, Lou Ellen Blackstone & Will Solace, Cecil Markowitz & Will Solace, Lou Ellen Blackstone & Nico di Angelo, Nico di Angelo & Cecil Markowitz, Kayla Knowles & Will Solace, Kayla Knowles & Austin Lake, Austin Lake & Will Solace, Apollo & Kayla Knowles & Austin Lake & Will Solace, Nico di Angelo & Kayla Knowles, Nico di Angelo & Austin Lake, Apollo & Meg McCaffrey, Apollo & Leo Valdez, Apollo & Calypso & Leo Valdez, Hemithea | Emmie/Josephine "Jo", Carter Kane & Sadie Kane, Carter Kane/Zia Rashid, Anubis/Sadie Kane/Walt Stone, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Carter Kane & Sadie Kane, Percy Jackson & Carter Kane, Annabeth Chase & Sadie Kane, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Sadie Kane, Percy Jackson & Sadie Kane, Annabeth Chase & Carter Kane, Blitzen & Magnus Chase & Hearthstone, Blitzen & Magnus Chase, Magnus Chase & Hearthstone, Blitzen & Hearthstone, Samirah al-Abbas & Magnus Chase, Halfborn Gunderson/Mallory Keen, Thomas Jefferson Jr. & Mallory Keen, Magnus Chase & Alex Fierro & Halfborn Gunderson & Thomas Jefferson Jr. & Mallory Keen, Samirah al-Abbas/Amir Fadlan, Samirah al-Abbas & Alex Fierro, Magnus Chase & Alex Fierro, Magnus Chase/Alex Fierro, Annabeth Chase & Magnus Chase, Annabeth Chase & Magnus Chase & Alex Fierro & Percy Jackson, Sally Jackson/Poseidon (Percy Jackson), Athena/Frederick Chase, Apollo/Naomi Solace, Apollo/Darren Knowles, Apollo/Latricia Lake, Beryl Grace/Zeus, Beryl Grace/Jupiter, Mars/Emily Zhang, Aphrodite/Tristan McLean, Hephaestus/Esperanza Valdez, Maria di Angelo/Hades, Pluto/Marie Levesque, Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson, Julius Kane/Ruby Kane, Paul Blofis/Sally Jackson, Estelle Blofis & Percy Jackson, Natalie Chase/Frey (Magnus Chase), Freya & Blitzen, Silena Beauregard & Clarisse la Rue, Silena Beauregard/Charles Beckendorf, Clarisse La Rue/Chris Rodriguez
Additional Tags: Book 1: The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson), Book 2: The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson), Book 3: The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson), Book 4: The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson), Book 5: The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson), Book 1: The Lost Hero (Heroes of Olympus), Book 2: The Son of Neptune (Heroes of Olympus), Book 3: The Mark of Athena (Heroes of Olympus), Book 4: The House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus), Book 5: The Blood of Olympus (Heroes of Olympus), Book 1: The Hidden Oracle (Trials of Apollo), Book 2: The Dark Prophecy (Trials of Apollo), Book 3: The Burning Maze (Trials of Apollo), Book 4: The Tyrant's Tomb (Trials of Apollo), Book 5: The Tower of Nero (Trials of Apollo), Book 1: The Red Pyramid (Kane Chronicles), Book 2: The Throne of Fire (Kane Chronicles), Book 3: The Serpent's Shadow (Kane Chronicles), Book 1: The Sword of Summer (Magnus Chase), Book 2: The Hammer of Thor (Magnus Chase), Book 3: The Ship of the Dead (Magnus Chase), Pre-The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson), Post-The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson), Pre-The Lost Hero (Heroes of Olympus), Post-The Blood of Olympus (Heroes of Olympus), Pre-The Red Pyramid (Kane Chronicles), Post-The Serpent's Shadow (Kane Chronicles), Pre-The Sword of Summer (Magnus Chase), Post-The Ship of the Dead (Magnus Chase), Book Series: Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book Series: The Heroes of Olympus, Book Series: The Trials of Apollo, Book Series: The Kane Chronicles, Book Series: Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, Canon Compliant, Canon Timeline, Timelines, Alternate Timelines, Rick Riordan Demigod Universe | Riordanverse
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