#Kelly nickels headcanon
nickelsgirls · 11 months
Kelly Nickels x Reader
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A/n: I love Kelly 🫶
Romantic (sfw)
Kelly is always big spoon and while he'll never admit it, it's almost comforting to him that you can feel safe and at home in his arms.
Both you guys love going to the beach, so it's an often occurrence that the two of you are spending late nights and early mornings with beach hair and rosy cheeks.
It's very obvious every time that Kelly comes home because as soon as he's in the door he's got both his arms wrapped around your waist while his chin is pressed up against the place between your neck and shoulder. For a minute, he presses quick kisses over your neck and shoulder while you both talk about your days as you both slightly sway from side to side.
Kelly is a game person on a camping trip? He has a deck of cards. Bored at a family event? He has a ball. Kelly always has something to do no matter what. Is it cause he's bored or has nothing better to do? Honestly, no one knows for sure, but he does always have something to do.
Kelly puts his hat on you when you're at his concerts. You could be just walking around talking to his bandmates and he'll be in the middle of talking to his manager to pause, take his hat off and place it on your head then walk away like nothing happened.
If there are ever cameras around taking pictures, Kelly pulls you over discreetly so both of you are in the picture. And while that's cute, he really does it, so when he's off on tour, he can look back at your old pictures together.
Kelly is such a sucker for a woman who loves music as much as he does. So the two of you just sit in the living room as the record spins in the player, letting out quiet sounds. While the both of you talking almost drown it out completely.
I feel like to impress you in the beginning of your relationship he learned songs that he found out you liked on the bass so he could play it for you. Sometimes you bring it up now, but all he does is deny it, but you loved every second of it.
Also during one of your first official dates as a couple he took you out on his motorcycle during sunset to the beach. The two of you walked down the boardwalk until you reached the sand just admired how the stars sparkled against the water.
Under the sheets (nsfw)
He's definitely sneaky when it comes down to it, whether that be in public or private. Sometimes when you're both laying in bed after the after party had just finished an hour ago. Your tired body pressed into the worn-out hotel mattress, but the only thing that was on your mind was how Kelly was pulling your hips closer and closer into his.
After shows, I feel like he would have a lot of pent-up energy. Like Kelly is grabbing one of your wrists and pulling you into the nearest dressing room. (Even if that means it isn't his)
Kelly is very teasing in the right mood, and in the summertime, when going to carnivals, it does nothing to stop him. Any chance Kelly gets when the ride is too secluded like the ferris wheel, his hand snakes up your pretty little sundress you had on as his skilled fingers danced up your sun kissed thighs and past your panties.
Like I said, on top, Kelly loves games, but what he really likes is the competition to them. Anytime someone mentions a drinking game around Kelly, he's all in like his life depends on it.
Kelly loves cowgirl. It's definitely one of his favorite positions. He loves the way that your eyes roll back as your shaky thighs try to lift your body up again. And when you ask him, it's even better.
"Ke- Kelly, let me get on top." You moaned, trying to string your sentence better together. He smirked at your pitiful attempt to ask him as he pulled out and readjusted against the headboard. "Cmon, show me what you got, pretty girl." he breathed out a laugh, motioning for you to come over.
Like I said before, Kelly isn't scared to try something in a semi public place. You stepped into the warm water as Kelly steeped in and sat down next to you. He smiled as he looked around suspiciously. "What do you see, baby?" He asked in a sarcastic tone. "I don't know, nothing." you said, confused as you raised an eyebrow at him.
"That's right, so we could do anything we wanted." You rolled your eyes at his statement. You felt both his hands on your hips as he slowly coaxed you into his lap. Kelly kissed your chest as his hands ran up and down your sides. "It'll be fun, it's just us, baby," Kelly said, looking up at you.
He likes positions where he can see your face so he knows what feels good for you. But that doesn't mean he won't do doggy. It just means he'll have a mirror in front of you so you can see how good he makes you feel.
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thesmokingguns · 1 year
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Darling Nikki Part 2
Minors DNI 18+
Reader POV
The fog of smoke in the living room poured into the hallway when you opened the door, sucking the air from the room and leaving you with the image of Izzy sitting with his foot on his knee, leaning back in the armchair with a cigarette hanging from his fingers. An ashtray beside him overflowed to signal he had been there for a lot longer than you would have expected. He must have caught a flight sooner than you realized and had stayed up, waiting for you to come home.
“Come here my darling,” he tapped the end of his cigarette, ashes falling into the mountain of cigarette carnage left behind from a night of chain smoking. His eyes taking in the remnants of a nurses costume you had been wearing, your smeared makeup and high heels in hand. Izzy well aware of what you had been up to.
You were frozen to the spot, not having expected to see him. Your eyes turned to the answering machine that wasn’t blinking and you knew he had listened and knew where you had been last night. The anger you had was slowly burning away and you couldn’t look at him because part of you was embarrassed to come home to find him. It made your stomach ache as you worried about what he was thinking about you. Never before had you had a reaction like this to him being here and seeing you in the walk of shame aftermath. He had never been there to see you like you were now, at your lowest.
Izzy could sense your discomfort. He could feel the heaviness of the tension, the silence that was hanging in the air. His eyes on you as he tried to see any physical mark on you from someone else, like he could smell another man on your skin. A shudder ran down your back and you wanted to scrub your skin clean. You wanted him to smell you instead of the skin of someone else who had curled around you all night. But that wasn’t going to happen.
Your tongue licked your upper lip and then touched the spot. Izzy inhaled his cigarette, stubbing it out. His eyes on your lip wondering if you were thinking of someone else kissing you. There was something in his eyes as he looked at you, almost like he wasn’t even sure where to begin.
“I didn’t fuck him. I just spent the night.” It was like a word vomit but you felt like you had to say that and had to tell him. He didn’t need to know all the nitty gritty details but he needed to know what the big picture of your night was last night. When he didn’t answer you, your stomach turned and you had to turn away from him.
Why were you going to cry? You knew last night it was a mistake and yet you had stood in front of the man and let him watch you as you touched yourself. It didn’t matter who you were thinking about. All that mattered is you had acted out of spite and done something that you shouldn’t have done. The tears were cold and wet on your face that burned with embarrassment.
“Hey.” His arms wrapped around your waist and his lips were on your neck, kissing you to calm you down.
How was Izzy being so calm? Izzy who flew off the handle so easily. The man who had one arm swiped all your dinner glasses in a fit of rage and left shards of glass that still came out to cut your feet if you walked barefoot in the kitchen a year later. What had changed in him to make him be able to be the voice of reason?
“Izzy, I am-”
“Why don’t you go shower? We can talk after.” he rubbed your sides and you wiped these tears away wondering if you had ever cried over Izzy like this before. Usually you just reacted to things that happened in your relationship. It always felt like you were trying to get even instead of just feeling your relationship but now, it was like you had realized how exhausting it was trying to keep up being mad when you just wanted to be happy.
He found you twenty minutes later, sobbing into your knees as you started to understand what he had begun to understand with your latest breakup. You two had a special love but you were children playing a game with it. It was time now to grow together or to grow apart.
Izzy toweled you off, realizing that he was seeing you start to understand what he wanted to talk about before you two even had a chance to talk. There was an understanding now in you of what was going to happen and the shift that would be going on in your relationship now. It was all or nothing and you wanted it all
Kelly POV
I avoided a lot of activities on the strip because I was afraid of what was going to happen to me if I ran into Stradlin and his girl. But as Christmas came and went I started to feel safer. So I made the choice to go out for St. Patrick’s Day.
And there she was, wearing a velvet green dress that hugged her body and looking like she was glowing.Her hair tossed over her shoulder as she laughed about something and then, oh fuck she was with Izzy.
The man had his hand on her lower back, and was whispering something in her ear. It was such a simple movement but it was so possessive and I knew I needed to leave the bar before he spotted me.
They were engaged now, no more of the break ups that they had before. Izzy had seemed to iron out whatever the problem was once he slid that damn ring on her finger and every man both groaned in annoyance and sighed in relief that they couldn't sleep with the good looking women. Everyone was safer in the city because of it.
I made it outside, sighing as I lit up a cigarette and took a deep breath. I had escaped them.
“Hello Kelly.”
How did Izzzy get outside before me? He looked at me with a cold recognition. This was a long time coming and I still wasn’t ready for the death that was surely coming. I was the last one to see her other than Izzy and I knew that meant I was the one who would meet the grave. He pushed off against the wall, flicking his cigarette away and the flame sizzled out in the sewer.
“Izzy, long time no see man.” I went to smack his shoulder in the bro gesture but the way that he glared at me made me think twice before I touched him. Of course I hadn't see him in a long time; how was I supposed to react around a man who's now fiance had masturbated with me in my room on Halloween. Really didn’t seem like a great conversation starter.
“Don’t talk to me.” he spoke shortly and reminded me that I was probably going to die. Something Traci had reminded me every time I started to feel safe in LA, “I know about Halloween, Nickels. And if you so much as breathe the same air as my soon to be wife I’ll kill you.” I watched him walk away, thinking I had got off early with this one until Izzy turned around, “One more thing.” his fist slammed between my eyes making me see stars. Maybe he was trying to knock the image of his girl from my mind. And he hit hard enough that he might have succeeded.
Izzy POV
“Where did you go?” She turned to wrap her arms around me, kissing me firmly on the lips. My hands ran down her body, pulling her close to me. She hadn't seen Kelly I wasn’t going to let her see him and feel reminded about what happened. She had been so guilty for something but it was in the past now and didn't matter. No use in digging it up now.
I wanted to leave an hour ago but the way she laughed and smiled, having so much fun. How was I supposed to leave when she was this happy? I always wanted her this happy.
“I just ran outside for some fresh air.” she gave me a look, grabbing my hand and bringing it to her lips. There was no getting anything past her. She kissed the knuckles and gave me a look that told me that I didn't have to explain to her why I had done it. She knew me better than anyone else.
“I love you, Izzy. You know that, right? Just you.” she was kissing my lips, making me melt into her embrace and I knew that she was my everything.
Forever and always.
I couldn’t wait for our wedding. Halloween would always be our day after it. Our holiday. Our love story. We could pick whoever we wanted to be and we would pick being together no matter what.
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1. Does your character have good aim?
2. What would history remember your character for?
3. Does your character prefer to work in silence or with noise and of what kind?
4. Has your character ever been handcuffed or tied up?
5. Can your character cook?
6. Who did your character look up to as a child?
7. Do any of your characters have depression?
8. Who has the worst luck?
for Dee mofo
ty for the ask Goose <3
1. Does your character have good aim? Dee has pretty good aim! Her dad taught her gun use and safety from a young age. She gets in a she keeps in a safe by her bed once she's 18, and she desperately regrets not bringing it to the Upside Down lmao. I imagine she'll change that for whatever happens in s5. That being said, I think she's probably not as experienced with guns as Nancy is, as she uses hers maybe once a year just to keep herself from getting rusty before.... *gestures at the plot of the show* all that.
2. What would history remember your character for? Idk what she'd be remembered for overall, but i feel like she'd like to be remembered for doing her best to keep everyone safe from the horrors of the Upside Down. and, deep down, she probably wants to be remembered for telling Vecna to fuck himself to his face(i want this to happen but we shall see how the final season goes!). she at least got to do it to the Mind Flayer, so that was something lol
3. Does your character prefer to work in silence or with noise and of what kind? Noise, for sure! Dee almost always has music of some kind playing, be it from headphones when she's around others or on stereo when she's alone. if she's by herself or with VERY certain people(Eddie, eventually Steve and Robin), you can also catch her dancing to whatever she's got playing as she goes about her day.
4. Has your character ever been handcuffed or tied up? She's never been handcuffed by the law! She likes to brag that unlike Danny and Eddie, she's never been flat-out caught doing punk shit(being spotted is another story entirely). As for in other contexts? Probably eventually, lmao. I do headcanon Eddie as a bitchless loser, but i also headcanon that he's probably one of those dudes who, once he finally gets a girlfriend, he wants to try ALL kinds of stuff lmao. it's not off the table but i havent gotten that far yet haha
5. Can your character cook? Dee is a great cook, and makes most of the meals in both her own household(s) and in the Munson household, once she starts spending more time there. She begins bringing the Munson men Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday dinners in the first year she's in Hawkins, and it becomes a tradition going forward. She makes everything save for the turkey/ham(respectively), which are made by her dad.
6. Who did your character look up to as a child? She's always looked up to her brother the most, especially when she was younger. She definitely had a bit of younger sibling idolization going on. She's just always admired his free spirit and his bravery, and later on, once he gets more serious about growing up and not being a menace all the time, she's incredibly proud of him for choosing a career that helps others.
Also, not directly related but close enough in topic to bring up, she does have several posters/magazine clippings in her room of musicians she thinks are hot(not quitethe same as "looking up to them" but FUCK IT WHATEVER LOL). Some of them include Robert Plant, Kelly Nickels, Nikki Sixx, Dave Mustaine, Eddie Van Halen, and Jon Bon Jovi(which Eddie makes fun of her for CONSTANTLY when he finds out).
7. Do any of your characters have depression? I wouldn't necessarily say Dee has depression, but I do think she is a very lonely person when she first moves to Hawkins, and it takes quite a bit for her to open up to others, so that doesn't help much either. Becoming friends with Eddie, and eventually the younger Hawkins group(during her stint working at the arcade) and Steve and Robin(after the events of s3 obvs) helps her come out of her shell quite a bit. Thought, that does obviously change pretty dramatically with Eddie's death.
8. Who has the worst luck? I'd say Dee has pretty shit luck for the fact that she only gets about five months in canon with her and Eddie actually going steady lmao. i always have to hurt my OCs in some way :D
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80s-motel · 3 years
Dating Kelly Nickels would include...
Him spoiling you and buying you everything you can imagine
When you both knew that your relationship was getting serious, he dropped the big question: “Wanna adopt a puppy together?
Yeah, you obviously accepted. The puppy was really cute and playful, so Kelly got quickly attached to it. You loved to see them play in the dog park and the little animal always slept with you two.
He is a good puppy dad, ngl. The puppy also got attached to Kelly and it always waited for him to return home in the door.
The L.A. boys shipping you two in a hardcore way, specially Steve and Tracii
If something goes wrong with your relationship, Tracii is the first to find out. He also is like your love counselor and he turns out to be your best friend, so if you have any problems with Kelly, he will sue the fuck out of him.
Kelly having lots of nicknames for you, but he usually calls you “doll”
You calling him “duckling” since you heard him quacking
Nothing more, just him being a sweet cuddlebug whenever he can
Forehead kisses and soft peaks in your lips for literally anything
Him loving to pinch your cheeks until they become red
And you tickling his neck as your revenge
If you’re sad, he will go with you and do dumb faces until you smile
Then, he would hug you and squish your face and give you kisses
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born-to-lose · 3 years
Can you do a first date headcanon with Kelly Nickels
Again a kinda short one, but I hope you like it!
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Obviously, Kelly is the one to ask you out
For your first date, the two of you go to the cinema
He lets you choose the movie and while he'd preferably watch a comedy or action movie, he'll be fine with anything you pick
You share the snacks you bought (popcorn, nachos - whatever you like)
He'll casually have an arm around you throughout the movie, but won't try to get uncomfortably close
When you get ice cream afterwards, he lets you order first and then takes the same flavor as you
He definitely makes jokes about the ice cream dripping down your chin
While you continue eating, you walk around the city together, talking about random stuff
You make fun of some obscure things you see in store windows and sometimes even go inside and leave without buying anythin
In the end, he'll give you a motorbike ride home and immediately ask you for another date
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would you like to share some songs you associate with your favourite characters and why?
part one (you are here!) | part two
okay, anon, anon, my dear my lovely anon, you've gotta know that giving my most loved their own little soundtrack is one of my favourite things to do - so, buckle up! that said, since at the moment i have a huge transformers themed brainrot, this will be mostly in reference to my crack au in perpetual progress, but hold up for some unrelated special mentions! (i wanted to do them, but then it got too long, sorry ;w;)
let's start with an odd one: i first started plotting the au up with viva la vida on loop - not my usual kind of music and it doesn't have much to do anymore with the au per se, but it's a fun throwback
TARN, he's a fun one to pick music for, because in my mind he has a specific vibe that is a mix of an actually tragic character and the most stupidly comedic villain so his picks are all scattered over the place. anyway, he gets: 1. votre toast je peux vous le rendre (sang by a proper baritone this time!); obvious stand in for the empyrean suite is obvious, i love to imagine he'd listen to it and think he's cool like escamillo (bestie, you are josè at best <3), it plays right in into all of his delusions imho, 2. stars; people who pick the phantom of the opera as thee tarn theatre musical song i will personally fistfight you. THE lawful evil song - also tarn does parallel nice to javert, if you ask me, 3. tu grillo parlante; you're such a learned man / but that kind of violence / you so often speak of / we're feeling it deep inside / its sold in all the shops in the city / you should buy some, too / you'll see that you'll need it - local man preaches shit he's got all wrong, what will he do next? 4. video killed the radio star; man is so anchored to a vision of the world is blind to see how shit's changed, refuses to admits his own faults, 5. grace kelly/bathtube mermaid (i love both, i can't honestly choose); he’s worn himself so thin, a persona after the other, they’re all bleeding into each other - who are you, tarn, beside your desire to please? bonus track: Tarn & Kaon as il gatto e la volpe; second obligatory pinocchio reference but cmon: you won't regret it / we discover new talents and we're never wrong / we'll be able to make the most of your talents [...] you were so lucky to meet us / he's the cat and i'm the fox, we're a company (?) / you can trust us!, if nothing because imagining tarn and kaon as a couple of talent scouts of serial killers amuses me to no end. also it's nickel's nickname for them! except she's forgot it's the cat who's blind and the fox who’s got the limp, so she's got them switched out.
(i delight in thinking that, minus carmen's aria, tarn would absolutely loathe every song i picked for him btw)
meanwhile, DEATHSAURUS, he's a bit harder to choose for, he has less "screen"time in the comics, less fics and meta written about him, so i'm quite going more with my gut feelings and uh, mostly shit i’ve made up myself for his au version, that's it, i’m sorry. one thing i'll say, though, i think i read this fic (by warlordenfilade i think? i don't want to tag in case i'm wrong ;w;) where the author stated that deathsaurus' taste in music would probably be something like space nickleback and YES perfect headcanon, though i've cranked it up to space soad (who are actual soad, tbh, since. human au). this said, deathsaurus would probably like the picks i've got for him much more than tarn does since, musically speaking, i guess we're floating more or less on the same boat (by which i mean, it's absolutely nonsensical): 1. question!; this is more of an early life lingering feeling vibe that he's carrying on from being fresh off the MTO operating lab, seeing the war from the first time face on, raising the ladder to warwold commander and some of the insensitiveness (mental and physical both) he's developed through it. just. deathsaurus weird feelings time, 2. coming undone/right between the eyes; if i ever get to write the human au version of deathsaurus defecting this is going to be the soundtrack, full stop: the fed-upness, the rage, the blowup, it just fits in like a puzzle coming together (heh!), 3. falling away from me/lost in hollywood; if the songs from point two are the defection soundtrack these are the buildup: you’re trapped in a cicle of violence and the people who depend on you are all dying useless deaths, you have to break it but it is also the reality that you’ve known for all your life and shaped you as the person you are now, 4. i would for you; deathsaurus’ terminal “i can fix them” disease <3  bonus track(s): Deathsaurus/Esmeral as enter sandman; they became something horrible together, deathsaurus even has a couple of lines of the song tattoed on his ribcage - it used to be a favourite, you could even call it their own song. what has become of their relationship: should i stay or should i go? (and the obvious no children) Esmeral’s early pov on deathsaurus and tarn’s relationship would instead be something like somebody told me - because the army likes to gossip and i like some silliness in my drama. meanwhile, Deathsaurus’ early pov on tarn as a whole would probably be something like blame it on the girls and he would be right <3 ...and adding to the series of Nickel’s Nicknames, she calls deathsaurus capitan harlock mostly in reference to the italian version of the og opening, but the english one works as well, i suppose.
some misc: if you want to know what both NICKEL and KAON like to listen, put on some Raffaella Carrà; though nickel’s song is donatella or even lamette, tbh they’re both good for her. babylon gives me deathsaurus’ warworld vibes. i can’t point exactly out why; it’s not really in the lyrics. ride the lightning is how deathsaurus’ Thunder Arrow got its name. beside the note i made in the beginning, what actually kickstarted me to think of the whole djd as humans was this reinterpretation of un’emozione da poco (shrugs) and that’s why my version of human tarn looks a bit like Luca Marinelli ig.
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Dating Kelly Nickels Headcanon
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Authors Note: just a little something something I wrote really quick between working on chapters! 😘
Tag List: @slashscowboyboots @that-80s-chick @viralwolf02 @littlemisscare-all
* Dating Kelly would be all goof all love all the time.
* He’s the biggest lovable goof you ever did meet, laughing until your stomach hurt and you couldn’t breath but also cuddling on the sofa under a pile of blankets until the both of you feel asleep clinging onto each other.
* He’s a man that likes to give whether it be flowers, booze, underwear he’d love to see you in, you name it he buys it for you because he loves spoiling his girl.
* One time he tried to teach you to play bass but it just ended up in you both laughing uncontrollably and giving up.
* He likes you to help with his hair and face before he goes on stage often asking if his outfit of choice looks good! Hair and make up often ends up with you in his lap so close to getting down with it but being interrupted by a loud bang on the door declaring it’s show time.
* He’s definitely romantic, sometimes he struggles to get it across though and gets flustered. He often leaves you with happy tears pricking at the corner of your eyes!
* We alllll know Kelly is a freak in the sheets and into several manners of kinks, he particularly enjoys being cuffed up and edged!
* He’s so touchy feely - he’s forever grabbing your ass, boobs thighs and planting kisses onto the sweet spot on your neck making you squirm!
* Yours and his idea of intimacy is giggle at all the goofy shit he does between all the kisses and sweet touches.
* There isn’t anywhere you haven’t fucked when he’s been on tour and you’ve gone out to visit him!
* He’s so vocal during sex and you find it so hot and he knows you find it hot so always makes sure to be as vocal as he can.
* He’s a very selfless lover always making sure he makes you feel good before himself!
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youredirtykels · 7 years
I got randomly overwhelmed with long distance nickels feelings. 
On paper the idea hadn’t sounded so bad. It was what they had done before after all. Kelly in his cabin in colorado. Nick on his boat in Boston. 
They didn’t really discuss it. Neither of them wanted to bring it up while they were at the hotel Kelly booked near the bus depot. (Nick had to give him points for foresight, there was no way they would have made it back to either of their homes.) They didn’t discuss it on the trip back to Boston when Kelly came with Nick. They didn’t discuss it in the few days Kelly stayed on Nick’s boat with him the first few nights when his nightmares were bad. They didn’t discuss it the night before Kelly’s flight. There wasn’t really anything to discuss. It was just delaying the inevitable. Kelly had to return to Colorado. Kelly love his camp. Kelly built his cabin with his own hands. It was a part of him. Nick loved being a cop. He needed the sea and an anchor that could always be drawn up. And Boston, the city he returned to even though it almost killed him. 
It wouldn’t be so bad they reassured each other. It was the same thing they’d been doing for years anyway. 
The first nights apart  Kelly woke up alone in the cabin and in the middle of the night he almost forgot Nick wasn’t still in the desert. He was almost back asleep before he remembered he could call him if he needed to. Nick would be sleeping though, and just the thought that Nick would pick up was enough to put him back to sleep. 
Nick woke up on the boat. Reaching out for Kelly. But finding empty blankets was better than rolling off a cot in the desert. The gentle rocking of his boat put him at ease enough to fall back asleep. 
It wasn’t all bad at first. Good morning texts. Falling asleep with phones clutched in hand. Skype sex. 
When Nick couldn’t sleep Kelly was only a text away. In those moments the time difference was on their side, it was almost a friend. Kelly looked forward to checking his phone in the morning, knowing he would have a message from Nick, and Nick made it through the mornings waiting for Kelly to wake up. They’d kept in touch on the phone before, but now the vibration in his pocket at work spread a warmth through Nick that had nothing to do with the dirty texts Kelly sent him. 
Falling asleep to Kelly talking about the progress he was making at the camp always made Nick happy. He could picture Kelly’s smile when talked about it, and he could picture Kelly with the kids. Kelly loved listening to Nick watch baseball, his yelling in Kelly’s ear made it feel like he was there. And pestering him for his latest crazy theories about his cases, and listening to the long tangents of trivia they inspired. 
Kelly loved knowing what Nick had for breakfast, or that Hagan tried to give him coffee again. Nick laughed when Kelly told him how he’d spilled his coffee while trying to lock his door. Or that he’d burnt the pasta again (honestly Kels it’s just boiling water I don’t know how you mess that up) Because no matter how little the details, hearing them was almost like being there. 
But there were also nights where it was bad. Where a simple joke of come over made Kelly’s insides ache. And his stomach growl. Nick’s dinner had looked really good. Where I really fucking miss you just wasn’t enough. Days where Nick found himself eyeing M&M cookies and thinking he should bring some home for Kelly before realizing he would have to send them across several states to do so. 
It’s sweet that Nick stays up late to talk to Kelly on nights that he doesn’t have to be up late. But Kelly beings to worry Nick isn’t getting enough sleep. Or feels guilty when he knows Nick is waiting up for him but his friends invite him out after work at the camp. Nick always tells him to go even if it means he falls asleep early and misses Kelly when he gets home. Kelly leaves him a nice message telling him he’s glad he got much needed sleep but Nick’s still sad he missed him. The timing just doesn’t seem to work out anymore.
Nights where Nick was at the office late on a case and Kelly had to go to bed early to be at the camp in the mornings. Times where Nick was out at the bar with people from work, or Kelly was at dinner with friends from camp.  Days where simply missing each other turns into frustration. Where Nick finds himself staring longingly at the photos on his walls and Kelly clutches his pillow just a little tighter in his sleep. Nick googling airline tickets for the next flight to Colorado and sighing defeatedly. Kelly out on his deck with a joint he’d rather be sharing, asking siri how far it is to Boston and getting in an argument with his phone when it tells him the miles. 
A week here, a weekend there. It sucks. It leaves them wondering how they’d ever thought it was okay before. How they’d gotten by for years with only phone calls and monthly sidewinder visits. The truth is they hadn’t. The emptiness Kelly feels when Nick hangs up the phone is the same he used to feel heading back to Colorado after a weekend with the team. They’re just aware of what it means now. 
Those weeks together somehow make it worse. A tease at what they could have. But there is still a safety net. Kelly has his cabin. Nick has his boat. As much as they want a life together, they still love their lives apart. Neither wants to give theirs up, although they both would if the other asked, but they don’t want to ask it either. Boston and the Fiddler are a part of Nick that Kelly loves. Just like the woods and the camp are a part of Kelly that Nick loves. 
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nickelsgirls · 11 months
Marshall=💋 | Kc=🖤
Smut=📼 | Fluff=♡ | Angst=📓
L.A. Guns
Kelly Nickels
Romantic & Under The Sheets -♡📼💋🖤
Mötley Crüe
Mick Mars
Under The Sheets -📼🖤💋
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thesmokingguns · 3 years
Vous parlez français?
Word Count: 2015
Summary/Request: “Younger Kelly has a girlfriend, and she discovers that he can speak in French, she thinks it’s incredibly sexy and he teases her about it. She gets frustrated and goes into their bedroom and starts to get herself off and he overhears her and goes in and goes down on her, while speaking french.”
A/N: I wrote this for @littlemisscare-all scare-all and she wanted the give a shout-out “this fic is dedicated to @that-80s-chick and @styles94bolan89 and all the members of the quack cult.”
You guys come up with the best ideas and I love the energy you bring! If you want to support me please like, reblog and message me or Buy me a coffee :)
Thank you for interacting with me and making writing fun!
Warning: Sexual content, dirty talk. Please be 18+
Tag List: @thenobodies-inc , @littlemisscare-all @agroupiewhore , @ayablackwood
“C’est bien ici. J'écris de la musique toute la journée et la joue la nuit.” (It’s fine here. I write music all day and play at night) Kelly was standing with his back to you as you walked into the apartment. Listening as he spoke French over the phone to someone you froze. The groceries that you held in your hand seemed to be forgotten as you set the things down to listen.
You loved when Kelly spoke French. Even though you had only found out about a week ago he was fluent you’d ask him to speak to you in the language, always dragging him into the bedroom or whatever space you could find after listening to him say everything in the other language. It drove you absolutely wild hearing him speak.
He entertained your fetish with his language, loving how a movement of his tongue and a few words you didn’t understand could turn you stupid. You had turned so helplessly horny at Kelly speaking the language, like he had turned on a switch in you that made you squeeze your thighs together so you didn’t leak out. He would watch with a twinkle in his eyes as you squirmed at his voice, waiting for you to pounce on him.
“Mon petit canard vient de rentrer. Je me rappellerai bientôt. Au revoir.” (my little duck just got home. I will call again soon. Goodbye.”)You bit your lip as you saw him turn to look at you, knowing you had been eavesdropping on the conversation you didn’t understand. “Are you going to stand there with our groceries or put them away?” He teased you knowing you had gotten caught up in listening agajn.
Pouting you moved into the kitchen with him, starting to put away the food from the grocery store run you had made. Your mind thinking back to the words you overheard and had no meaning other than making you very wet.
“Can you speak French well I put away the groceries? You can hand me stuff and tell me the word for it.” You asked your boyfriend. Kelly rolled his eyes at you, thinking that you had lost your mind, “C’mon, please. You know how much I like it.” Putting on your begging face you gave him your best pout to try to sway him to do your bidding.
“You want me to talk about the fruit you bought? If I say les pommes you’re going to get wet over the apples.” he teased but he also wasn’t wrong. You could already feel the way your belly was tightening in need. “How about you speak some french to me? Tu parles français? (You speak French?)” The way he was looking at you with amusement in his eyes didn't help the situation. Kelly could get mean when he was teasing you and you saw that was coming, “Pourquoi es-tu si excitée par mon français ?(Why do you get so turned on by my french?) Laisseriez-vous un homme au hasard vous baiser s'il parlait français ?( Would you let a random man fuck you if he was speaking French?)” he was reaching for his cigarettes on the counter chuckling at you.
“Don’t laugh at what turns me on. That’s so rude.” you arranged the fruit in the bowl, watching as he leaned against the counter. He seemed so at ease, so sure of himself, it was part of what turned you on.how confident Kelly was in who he was.
“Everything turns you on. I can’t even speak without you dragging me to the bedroom.” Shaking your head you gave him a look letting him know that he had annoyed you. But Kelly had turned away, his back to you cleaning up a few dishes in the sink so he didn’t see the look that you were giving him before you left the room.
You shut the door behind you, frustrated at Kelly teasing you. He didn’t do it to be a jackass but maybe he was right about you asking him to speak French so much when you couldn't say anything back to him.
Pulling off the dress you were wearing you tossed it in the hamper, climbing into bed in just your underwear you laid back. Horny and frustrated that your boyfriends wouldn’t indulge you. All you wanted was him to speak a little French to you. The way that he rolled out the words in such a deep tone. A groan of appreciation for the man's voice escaped your lips, your hand sliding over your stomach. Letting your hand slide over the mound covered in silky fabric. You had already gotten so wet that the panties you were wearing needed to be peeled off, the sticky wetness between your legs begging for you to touch it.
If Kelly wasn’t going to take care of you then you would have to take care of yourself. You lifted your butt off the bed, sliding the panties off your legs. Almost embarrassed as you laid back, bending your legs and spreading them. You rested your hand over yourself, running your middle finger over the slickness.Your other hand tugging a nipple taunt, a soft sigh of satisfaction escaping your lips.
Your left hand slid two fingers over your clit rubbing in counterclock motion, pressing against the ball of nerves as your hips pushed up needy for more.The groan of pleasure came out of your mouth again. Your right hand slid down over your body feeling the slickness of your pussy, asking to be filled. Two of your fingers slid into your greedy body, sliding into your wetness; another moan left the back of your throat as your head rolled back on the pillow.
Pants of pleasure were leaving your mouth as you worked your own body thinking of the way Kelly’s mouth looked as he talked. The way he puckered his lips, his tongue sliding to wet his lips to get more words out. The image of him making your body need him more, the slippery sweetness sliding around your fingers and down your ass and thighs as you thought of your boyfriend.
“Est-ce que tu es mauvais ici?” (Are you being bad in here?) the door opened and you blushed. Kelly had heard you moaning and had caught you in a vulnerable position. Your legs were spread wide, your hand spread over your clit as you two fingers stayed inside of your body, frozen in embarrassment that he had walked in on you.
Kelly licked his lips, taking in the sight of you spread out before him like his own personal buffet. Walking over to the bed slowly he shook his head at you making your blush deepen. He reached out a hand for you to give him something.
“Regarde toi! Je parle un peu français et tu te mouilles.” (look at you! I speak a little French and you get wet.” Kelly tsked at you, walking into the bedroom and kicking the door closed behind him.
The sight of him was just working you up more. You wanted him between your legs fucking you, whispering all sorts of things in your ear as his cock filled you. Bouncing on him with your juices flowing over his cock. Your hips bounced up at the idea of him between them working your body. It was like every part of your body wasn’t yours anymore, every inch wanted Kelly and was reacting to the idea.
“Donne- toi ta main.” (Give me your hand.) You looked confused, not sure what he was saying to you but loving how the words vibrated through your body. You could feel the way your pussy squeezed around your own fingers, your horny brain not letting you think. He held his hand out still and moved the hand off your clit to give it to him, “Non, l’autre.” His head moved to motion to the hand between your legs
A blush was on your face as you realized what he wanted. You slid out your two fingers from your core, strings of your cum attached from the tips of your fingers to the wetness of your mound. You watched Kelly, licking his lip as he grabbed your wrist, thinking you were moving too slow, bringing your hand to his mouth. His tongue darted out swiping over teh wetness of your fingers, giving a groan of satisfaction as he tasted you on your own fingers. He moved his mouth over them, sucking each digit clean of your wetness.
“Il est temps que mes doigts te remplissent.” (Time for my fingers to fill you) he shifted so he was between your legs, pushing your thighs a little further apart. You bucked up against him, watching the way a smile slid out on the side of his face. “Tu es une pute, mon petit canard.” (you are a whore, my little duck) the man spit on your pussy, his fingers using it as lubrication as he rubbed your clit. A strangled moan came out of your mouth.
Kelly’s fingers did things to you that you didn’t think was possible. The way they moved in a turning pattern inside of you, turning towards your belly button inside of you, curling and rubbing inside of you at the spot that had your legs shaking. He kept his eyes on your pussy, his fingers swirling inside of you well, his other hand rested on top of your stomach, his thumb lazily playing your clit in time with the movements of his fingers.
He kept pulling his fingers out, scissoring ner your entrance and watching the way your wetness was sticky strands around him. He loved seeing how wet and excited you got from him. As much as he teased you about liking him speaking French so much he loved knowing he could make your body react like this.
"Veux-tu que je te baise avec ma langue?” (do you want me to fuck you with my tongue?) His eyes were on you and you knew that he was asking you a question. You couldn’t respond between the strangled moans of pleasure and cried out. Luckily for you he took this as confirmation you did want his tongue to work for you.
Kelly wrapped his arms around your thighs, pulling you forward and licking his lips with wicked glee. Keeping your legs open and. It was hard not squeezing his head between your thighs and riding his face to have your orgasm. Kelly seemed to notice the way your legs were butterflying and slid his hands up to hold them up. His tongue sliding up, doing a lap around your drizzling cunt, kissing your clitoris like it was the start and finish line.
“Tu as le goût du paradis.” (you taste like heaven) He was hungrily licking you, his tongue dipping into your body, exploring the intimate part of you, lapping at your greedy little cunt as he purred out compliments in French.
You gripped his hair, hand sliding into the black locks and fisting your boyfriend's head. Pushing your hips up to get his tongue deeper into you, rolling your hips so that you could make his tongue explore all the hidden spots. You moaned loudly, pushing your thighs against his hands as your orgasm came through you. Kelly’s hands would leave bruises on your soft thighs from the pressure of holding you in place.
He looked up at you, eyes peeking out between your legs before sitting up, wiping your wetness from his mouth and chin with a Cheshire Cat-like grin splitting across his face.
“Vas-tu mieux maintenant, mon petit canard?” (all better now, my little duck) His wicked grin knowing he was just starting you all up again.
“You must still be hungry.” You said giving him a death look. Kelly kisses your inner thigh, sending you another one of his looks.
“J’ai toujours faim de toi.” (I am always hungry for you) You felt his mouth dip lower and gripped the sheets knowing you were in for a long afternoon.
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thesmokingguns · 3 years
Phone Tag
Word count: 3512
Requested: “My idea was that the reader thought Kelly was cheating on her on tour, and when he comes home, he finds her really upset and comforts her and assures her that he only loves her”
Requested by @littlemisscare-all
A/N: I just want to thank @littlemisscare-all for the request and letting me message her about questions I had. Kelly Nickels is a new character I’m writing and she was patient with my questions and so helpful. This is a little longer than my usual one shots so I hope you like it. I have three requests I need to write on top of my regular stuff I want to put out so feel free to make a request but I’m going to say the time might be up to a week now. I also have a tag list you can be added to by just messaging me or filling out the form. Please let me know what you think ❤️
Tag List: @thenobodies-inc , @littlemisscare-all , @agroupiewhore, @ayablackwood
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Ring, Ring, Ring
The constant sound of the phone trying to connect with room 828 was filling my head. The high pitched sound bouncing around your mind as you wished he’d  pick up. After another minute of the phone going unanswered you hung up, wiping my sweat filled palms on the denim dress hastily.
You could see your fingers trembling, the anxiety of the situation coming out in physical ailment as your trembling hands started to get numb. You shook out your hands, flexing them, cracking them, pushing them together, anything to just calm yourself down enough to feel them again. Your heart was beating so fast that it felt like it had turned on its engine and got lodged in your throat when it pressed the gas. You couldn’t swallow down the pounding so you tried instead to take a gulp of air. Breathing in through your nose and out of your mouth. In through your nose and out through your mouth. Even though you felt like you were not getting enough air when you breathed through your nose you continued anyway trying to calm your body that seemed to be fighting you.  You were trying anything to try and stop the full fledged anxiety attack from coming on.
You stepped back into the store, trying not to make eye contact with your friend and coworker as you started to fold the sweaters  on the front side table. Your hands needed to stay busy as you tried to avert your eyes from anyone, tears pooling in them. You couldn’t think about the situation or you’d start crying. But fuck, it had been almost a week since You had heard from your boyfriend. Your hand went to my pocket, pulling out the ripped out notebook paper Kelly had given you with the name, date, room number and phone number for each hotel. He was supposed to be in Phoenix in room 828 at the Hilton Hotel. Which you had already called seven times throughout the day without any response.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Your coworker touched your shoulder and you let out a sob, hands flying to your face. The feeling of someone touching you after the last month of being alone was too much. You broke feeling the loneliness blanketing over you, covering you. Your coworker was leading you to the breakroom, thankful no one was in the shop to see you have a complete mental breakdown.
He had promised you that you would talk every day; he had seen the nervous look in your eyes when the guys talked about the tour. All the girls that would be throwing themselves at the band. They were all about the three fundamentals: sex, drugs and rock n roll. How were you going to compete with something you weren't there to see?
“Jesus Fucking Christ, where the fuck is that paper?” Kelly was tearing apart the tour bus looking for a yellow piece of legal paper that you had written down all the numbers to call you on. He had lost it a week ago after he had drunkenly started a shot game with Phil that night and that had proved to be a horrible mistake.
When he had woken up, on the kitchen floor of the tour bus, a hangover so bad he wanted to fling himself into the highway all he could think about was calling the person that he loved and telling her about his night. The sound of her voice coaxing the hangover out of him and filling him up with the love she had for him. He had pushed himself off the floor, grabbing his cigarettes from his jacket and digging in the inside pocket for the list of numbers, but the paper was gone.
It had been six days since he had lost the numbers and as much as he tried to remember a phone number he couldn’t even think of one. He had expected a phone call to explain everything but the problem was that phone call had never come. This was just another layer of frustration that Kelly couldn't figure out. For the first few weeks of the tour he had gotten the calls at the hotel but a night before he lost the number the call hadn’t come in.
So now, being the very logical, even headed, and not complete maniac that he was, Kelly was tearing apart every single part of the tour bus. Ripping open trash bags, pulling apart beds, and crawling under the table that had a weird sticky substance underneath. As he pushed half drank beer cans aside he saw the flap of yellow sticking out. His heart leapt to his throat as he snatched up the paper, flipping it over and groaning audibly. The paper had gotten saturated. One number was partially visible with only a couple numbers melting together.
Walking off the tour bus he headed over to the payphone, setting a handful of change on the metal bottom as he started to dial different combinations of the number hoping that he could finally reach his girlfriend. Hoping that her lack of calls to him didn’t mean they had broken up or what if she had met someone else? She did have that fucking girlfriend who didn’t like him. What if she had gone out to The Roxy and met someone else?
He gripped the paper so hard in his hand as the phone rang and he thought of you with someone else. He needed to talk to you,
You were walking home, unable to work as your mind went a million miles a minute. Your heart thumping so loudly that your own thoughts were muted and just scenarios were popping in your head. Images of Kelly with his arm around another girl, disheveled hotel rooms with discarded clothes, his lips worshiping someone else's body. You stopped on the sidewalk closing your eyes, fists tightening as you told yourself not to scratch your arms. It was all in your head. This was all in your head and not real.
Another shaky step towards your apartment. Your eyes were on the payphone at the end of the block and you figured you could try one more time to call the hotel. Maybe when you heard his voice it would put out the fire of your mind. He could calm your anxiety, easing you from the panic attacks it caused and draw you in with the safety of his voice. He must have known how crazy you were going and when he finally talked to you he would have a logical explanation for why he had disappeared.
As you convinced yourself that he was going to answer this time, you could feel the burning bile in your gut start to be put out as the rational part of your mind tried to make a little room for you to have hope. The way your hands trembled as you took out a dime, sliding it into the slot and dialing the number, let you know that the temporary band aid your rational side had put on your anxiety wasn’t going to stick for very long. If Kelly didn’t answer it was going to be ripped off and you’d be left with the exposed wound that you would need to deal with..
“Hello?” your heart caught in your throat, and you could feel your eyes widening as you heard a voice answer the phone on the other end, “Hello, is anyone there?” The very female voice that was answering the phone was not your boyfriend.
“Kelly?” his name left your lips, almost a whimper. All of the worst situations that you imagined could be happening in your head seemed to come to life now. It wasn’t just in your head, a woman was answering his hotel phone.
“Ohhhh, they’re in the shower. If you call back in an hour-” you hung up the phone. It took you four tries before you could get the receiver on the cradle because the shaking in your hand was running through your entire body now. You tried to crack your fingers, a weak attempt to get some control of the motions of your body.
In the shower. If he was taking a shower at 4pm what was he washing off of himself? Who was the girl who had answered the phone? Had he not answered because he had been so busy with her all day? You dry heaved in front of the payphone, sucking in air when nothing came out. You wanted to go home and hide, burying yourself under blankets until the weight of the sadness lifted. Not that you were sure it was ever going to lift because you had just caught him cheating on you.
It was a miracle that you made it to the apartment. You dropped your keys twice, your hands not working how they were supposed to. Your grip on them slipping and letting them fall through your fingers. Had you let Kelly fall through your fingers?
You hissed out a curse, shouldering into your apartment and locking the door behind you. You were off of work tomorrow so you could stay holed up inside the apartment for at least twenty four hours before anyone would think to call. That gave you time to wallow in your emotions and feel everything you needed to feel.
Looking around at the space it dawned on you that you would need to leave. Separate your things and get out of the city before he comes back to it. Which didn’t give you enough time at all because he would be back in two days for the LA show at the Whisky a Go Go, Where were you going to live? Maybe you could find a roommate or you could always stay with your best friend. She would let you in. There was so much to do and so much to figure out but you needed to lay down and figure it out from the comfort of the bed.
On the way to the bed you tripped over the phone you had kept beside it for the past few days hoping for Kelly to finally call you. You looked at the phone hanging off the hook, knowing if anyone called you they would just get the busy signal but you didn’t hang it back up. Kelly was too busy in some hotel room with a strange girl and he hadn’t bothered to call you in a week anyway. You needed to just get in bed and mourn your relationship. You’d move out tomorrow and start a new life without him.
Kelly hung up the phone, looking at his apartment phone number that the girl at the shop had just given to him. He had missed you by twenty minutes and from what he had just heard you were in bad shape.He sucked in his bottom lip as he dialed the home number. He would explain everything to you as soon as he had you on the phone. He could already picture you asking him if he had at least won the drinking game.
“What the fuck?” He looked at the phone when he got the busy signal. It had to be the right number. He had repeated the number twice to make sure that he got the correct number and now he was getting a busy signal. He dialed again, getting the same alert sound. Then again. And again. He stopped after constantly calling for ten minutes to take a breath. He was going to need to have a beer and try again.
He tried calling twenty minutes later, an hour, three hours, and before he went on stage for the show. His mind was thinking of how you could be on the phone for that long. He frowned as he grabbed his bass going over to the band's manager. He needed to get home sooner than the tour bus would take him.
You got out of the shower, wrapping your sweater around you over your nightgown. Your eyes skimmed the apartment where you had spent the last four hours cleaning like a maniac and separating everything. Your records were in a milkcrate by the door, along with a trash bag of all your clothes. Things like pots and pans didn’t seem worth fighting over. You would leave those for him. Even though you weren’t even sure if Kelly knew how to fry an egg.
Twirling a piece of hair around your finger you tried to calm the uneasy feeling filling you. He had been the one who hadn't answered your calls or called you. He was the one who had a girl answer the phone in his room. He wanted you to leave but he didn’t want to see the hurt he caused by telling you it was over. Your friends had all warned you about dating a rockstar so it wasn’t like you could expect much sympathy from them. But you had been with Kelly for over a year and hadn’t seen it coming. It felt like you were blindsided. To love someone so much had really just opened you up to the pain you were feeling now.
Moving to the bedroom you looked around the room, the pit of your stomach turning in sadness as you thought about this being the final time you sleep in this bed. The tears boiling up and tumbling down your face as you sat on his side, touching the pillow that he slept on. You could smell his aftershave and scent on his pillow just making you cry even harder. The feeling in the pit of your stomach growing as you missed someone who was gone.
Over your tears you didn’t hear the sound of the front door opening. You were wrapped around a pillow mind racing in a thick fog of all the reasons you weren’t good enough. Why couldn't he love you? Could anyone love you?
“Y/N, baby, what’s wrong?” Arms were wrapped around you. You were being pulled onto a lap, hair pushed away from your tear stained face.
“K-Kelly?” It comes out weekly, almost afraid you’re hallucinating arms wrapped around you, fingers touching your tears, pushing the puddles that gathered on your skin with an expert flick of a thumb.
“Yeah, baby, I’m here. What happened? Why are you so upset? Who do I need to fight?” He was trying to defuse the situation with humor to drag you out of your hysterics. But he was the one that had gotten you to this place.
Sitting up you pushed yourself off his lap, a frown forming on his face from this action. You could feel the way your hands were starting to go numb as you wiped your tears, knowing there was going to be a confrontation with him.
“I called you for a week, Kelly. I called all the numbers multiple times a day and you didn’t answer. You didn’t call me back.” The way he frowned at this didn’t go unnoticed by you. You took it as a sign of his guilt. He had been ignoring you on purpose. “And I called this afternoon and a girl answered from your hotel room.” He stood up suddenly shaking his head.
“No, no, no.” You rolled your eyes at his weak attempt to lie about the fact you had spoken to a girl that was in his room, “Oh fuck, we didn’t even check into the hotel today. I was on the tour bus looking for the list of numbers you had written down for me.” He was digging into his leather jacket pocket looking for the yellow paper. You were trying to process what he was saying.
“But they said you were in the shower when I asked for you.” You said with a frown, trying to process what he was saying. It would be easy to believe him, tryst him blindly and forget all the drama but there were so many things that just weren’t adding up. He produced the yellow list holding it up with the missing pieces and wet pen running into a blurred mix of ink.
“Call the hotel now. I’m obviously here with you. Maybe they heard you wrong?” He knew you needed real proof. He looked at the phone on the floor that was off the receiver, “I tried to call you today. I guess this explains the busy signal.” He moved to hang it back up.
“I called you and you didn’t answer all week and you didn’t even call me once.” You pointed out. “You’re on tour with all your horny band members and I’ve been out with you all before.” You didn’t want to ask him because you knew that he would answer you honestly. He couldn’t lie to you, even on little things he was always 100% honest. Which you had found out one night when you tried on a new dress and asked how you looked and he had told you the dress looked like a rejected extra from a Cyndi Lauper music video.
“I lost the phone numbers when I was drinking with Phil one night. It took me a week to find them on the bus.” He confessed. That story seemed pretty on par for who they were, “And are you asking if I was stupid enough to cheat on you?” At the words you went white, gripping the sheets. Kelly took in your reaction and knew that’s exactly what you were thinking had happened. “Listen, Y/N.” He moved over to the bed gripping your face in his hands, stroking your cheeks with his thumbs and giving him a soft smile, “I love you. Just you. And I wouldn’t do anything to ever lose your love. I spent a week trying to find a paper just so I could hear your voice. I was waiting for you to call all week, baby. Why didn’t you call me?” The soft way he spoke was melting the ice in your veins, calming you with the right touches and bringing you to the current situation happening in real life and not just in your head.
“I called you so much. I called all the hotels that you told me to call. But you never answered me.” You pointed to a crumpled up ball on the nightstand. Watching him grab it and smooth out the page of numbers.
“Oh shit.” He rubbed his chin and looked up at you with an almost embarrassed look. You knew exactly what that look was. He had made a mistake, “So, um, these hotels are out of order. I must have copied them backwards because this one.” He pointed at the last hotel you had called today. “Should have been here.” He pointed a few up and you sighed in relief. The tears still came flowing out but this time in relief, “I’m an idiot. I’m sorry, baby.” He reached out, folding you to him. Your body was relaxed, allowing him to calm you with his back rubs and head kisses. Comforting you by holding you in his arms and reminding you that he loved you with his touch.
“I’m sewing my name and our telephone number into all your clothes tomorrow.” You muttered after a little while. He chuckled, kissing the top of your head.
“Next time, just come on tour with us. That way we never have to worry about playing phone tag.” You nodded your head listening to his heart beat. “We’re going to have to spend tomorrow morning unpacking your stuff. But I do respect your commitment to cut ties so thoroughly that you organized the records.” He got the laugh out of you that he was looking for. You sat up, shrugging your shoulders.
“I was just looking for an excuse to steal your Bowie records.” You teased him. He scoffed, pulling you to lay down beside him.
“I flew back here to be with you, Y/N. The least you could do is not threaten to steal my records.” Kelly pulled you close to him. “Do you feel better now that I’m back?” The concern in his voice warmed you to the core. You nodded your head at him. “Now you know you’re stuck with me and how wrapped around your finger I am.” You sighed out softly, eyes heavy as you felt like you could finally get some sleep after having a week of anxiety dreams and panic attacks preventing you from getting more than a tossing turning sleep for the week.
“Maybe next time send me a postcard to let me know you love me.” You said through a sleepy haze.
“Maybe I’ll train carrier ducks to send messages. Or learn how to do smoke signals.” A smile slipped out as you cuddled closer letting him lull you to sleep with his soft touches and soft mutters. He loved you, you could feel it. And that was all you needed
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thesmokingguns · 3 years
Bad Day, Worse Night
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Word Count: 2051
Summary: You’re having a bad day and just want to come home and stay in bed all night but your boyfriend is on a mission to cheer you up and turn your bad day into a good night. But he doesn’t have the best of luck. 
A/N: I wasn’t going to post today after dropping a bunch of stuff yesterday but kind of like writing Kelly Nickels so I had to write this piece today. I know you’re all probably getting tired of this but I want to thank everyone for engaging in the posts. Let me know if there are any characters you prefer me writing for or if you want something more specific please feel free to request HERE. Thanks everyone!
Tag List: @thenobodies-inc​ , @littlemisscare-all​ , @that-80s-chick​ @ayablackwood
It’s not letting me tag the following people. Please check your settings on Tumblr, thank you!
@agroupiewhore , @ayablackwood
Part One: Bad Day
The door burst open with a crash so loud Kelly looked up from the couch where he was picking at his bass. When the door slammed shut with a louder slam, his eyebrow shot up. You stormed past him into the bedroom slamming another door making the beer he had on the table shake from the force. If he didn’t reach out it would have spilled all over the coffee table.
“Love, by slamming the doors are you trying to tell me something?” He called from the couch. Instead of a response he heard muffled screaming coming from the room. “Take that as a yes.” He muttered to himself as he moved to the bedroom, opening the door that was just slammed.
“Go away.” You mumbled into the pillow. Kelly sat down beside you on the bed, pushing your hair behind your ear. You were so mad about the day that you had at work and just needed to calm down.
It had been one of those days where if it could go wrong it had. Everyone had been screaming at you all day, from customers to the manager it seemed everyone had a bone to pick with you. It felt like you had gone through a boxing match with your emotions and you were holding on by a tiny string. A string that was frazzled, tired, and ready to break at the slightest provocation.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked, rubbing your back. You shifted, laying your head on his lap, his fingers working through your hair. His touch calming you down and make you take a mental step back from the ledge you were about to fall off of.
“I hate the world.” You muttered curling into him and sighing out a deep breath. You heard your boyfriend scoff at this.
“How can you hate the world when I am your world?” Kelly countered. The smile tugging at your lips let him know that he was on the right track to putting you in a good mood. “We can’t go about wallowing in misery. The first option is we go take a bath, drink whiskey, invite some people over and have a party or you can get dolled up and I’ll take you out so that you don’t retreat into yourself like a hermit.” You thought for a second about his offer. Not really wanting to be around anyone.
“I pick C. I stay here in my moody bubble and wallow in my self pity feeling sorry for myself.” You told him, kicking off your heels and reaching for the blanket so you could stay in bed all day. He stood up, letting your head fall to the place he was just sitting and a whiny sound came out of your mouth. “Kelly, come back and rub my hair. That was so nice.” You propped your head up on your hands, looking as he opened the closet door, flipping through some hangers.
“Here. Get dressed.” He threw you a dress that you recognized, it was one of his favorites, smirking as you hit your head against the mattress. “Hey, Y/N stop being dramatic.” You threw a pillow at him as he left wishing it was a lamp and could do more damage. You’d show him dramatic if he wanted to be like that.
Kelly had picked out a short silky dress for you that was skin tight and showed off all the parts of you that he liked to touch. Instead of giving him the satisfaction of being a little sleaze doll for him you pulled on a pair of combat boots and grabbed your leather jacket. You were going to be as comfortable as possible.
“I’m going to get so drunk you’re going to have to carry me home or bail me out of jail. It will be a fun game of which one happens first” You warned, watching the way that he smirked at you. His arm wrapped around your waist pulling you to him and planting a kiss on your lips. The feeling of his lips melting some of your anger.
“Will you get drunk enough to let me take you out to the alley?” He flirted his hand sliding down your curves to your bare thighs and back up trying to creep back up. You smacked his hand away shaking your head annoyed. He always had a one track mind.
“Get your mind out of the gutter, Kels.” You shook your head taking a step away from him and trying on one of his hats that were hanging by the front door. Thinking of how he had mentioned the alley you thought of how to change his mind to staying in and letting you wallow, “You know, whenever you’re in a bad mood-“
“I’m a ray of fucking sunshine. I’m never in a bad mood.” He interrupted earning him a glare from you as he took the hat off your head and put it on his own head.
“Ray of fucking sunshine, my ass.” You snorted. But your mind was on how you wanted to stay home. Maybe order a pizza and eat it in the bathtub or eat it well crying on the couch watching a movie. Maybe you could convince him to stay home with you if you played your cards right and used his weakness against him..
Taking a step forward you ran a finger down his chest, making sure you kept eye contact and held his attention. You let your tongue slip out wetting your bottom lip, watching his eyes follow the simple motion. You let your arms slip around his neck pushing your body into his, loving how he couldn’t stop his hands from skimming your body.
“When you’re in a bad mood I always cheer you up by going down on my knees. Maybe you can return the favor?” You asked, batting your eyelashes. He definitely was reconsidering going out now. You could see the hesitation to move as he tried to process what you were saying to him.
“Giving me a blowjob will cheer you up?” He asked, tilting his head slightly. “Because if that’s the case we have plenty of time to-“ you threw up your hands shaking your head as you took a step away from him.
“Let’s just go.” You said moving to open the door. Kelly slid his arm around you, practically dragging you outside and into the fading sunshine. Part of you wondered if you should ask where you were going, the other part was just hoping there would be drinks. The sooner you left the sooner you could go home.
Part Two: Bad Night
It had been about two hours since you had been dragged out of your apartment after having a miserable day at work. Your head was throbbing and you were thinking about how you could be wrapped in blankets on the couch watching the VHS of Beetlejuice you had bought last week. Maybe be halfway through a pizza and on your second bottle of wine.
Instead you were at The Roxy, packed in the upstairs bar where people kept bumping into you and where you had lost Kelly at least a half hour before when he had gone to the bathroom. You had managed to get drunk but instead of bringing out the laughter and dancing that your boyfriend had been hoping it would bring out you were just getting more upset.
You slammed back another shot of whiskey, tapping two fingers on the bar to signal you needed another. If Kelly didn’t appear after the next shot you were going to go home. You felt like you were on the brink of tears. They were burning, ready to fall if you could just get back home. The overwhelming feeling of a bad day setting you on the path for the worst mood to break open.
“Hey beautiful, are you here alone?”
“Fuck off.” You didn’t even bother to look at the man who had slid into the free spot next to you. You were not in the mood to have strangers talk to you or flirt with you.
“Aw, why are you being rude to me? Bad night?” You slammed back the last shot. Time to go. Standing up, ignoring the man you felt the hand on your arm. You turned expecting to see Kelly but some stranger was holding onto you. It had been a bad day and now a bad night. You slammed your head forward headbutting the guy who had tried to talk to you at the bar. He broke contact with you, you could feel his blood drip onto you as you turned to walk out of the club, your body shaking in annoyance.
Bad day turns into a bad night, who saw that one coming? You lit a cigarette, sucking on the filter and sighing out a cloud of smoke. You just wanted to get home and into your bed, away from everyone. You were mad at Kelly for dragging you out and vanishing. You were mad about work. You were mad about that fucking weird guy grabbing you at the bar. You were mad that you were… crying.
The stream of tears coming out, burning as your mascara poured down your face.  Wiping furiously with the leather sleeve of your jacket, you depended on muscle memory to get you home. It was aggravating to be so upset and crying because of it. Pushing open the door to a dark apartment you headed straight into the bathroom, filling the claw foot tub with hot water. You needed to wash off this day and have a little bit of a fresh start.
Kelly threw the front door open, eyes wild as he looked around the apartment. A glow from the bathroom had him nearly sprinting across the apartment opening the door and freezing when he saw you. Your hair was pulled up, face a mess of mascara lines from tears and someone else’s blood, a bruise from where your head met a face, naked with an arm crossed over your breasts, the other arm resting in it and holding a cigarette.
“What the fuck?” Kelly rushed towards the tub. His hands checking you for any other injury, “Where are you bleeding from? Are you okay?” He was touching you everywhere but you were so numb, everything overwhelming you that it was like you were outside your body watching it happen. “Y/N? Y/N, please, say something.” Your eyes snapped up watching him, the concern for you swimming in his eyes.
“Who goes to the bathroom for a half hour?” The guilty look he gave you had you shaking your head, taking a drag of your cigarette, “Just leave me alone. It’s been a bad 24 hours.” You drew your legs up, resting your chin on your knees.
But leaving you alone was the last thing he planned on doing. Kelly was stripping, easing himself behind you in the tub. His arms wrapping around you and dragging you back against him. He grabbed a washcloth filling it in the water before starting to wipe the makeup and blood from your face. With each gentle movement of the washcloth you could feel your bad day starting to fade. The way Kelly rubbed your shoulders, kissing them after they were clean started to crack your anger.
“How are you, Love? Any better?” His hands tucking a strand of hair away from your face. His fingers feeling like they were soft kisses on your skin.
“I’m still a little grumpy.” You admitted.
“Well you’re always a little bit grumpy so that seems fine. As long as you’re back to your normal amount.” Sinking back against him, you felt thankful for him being here with you. This is exactly what you had needed.
“Hey Kelly, I love you.”
“I love you more. Sorry for doing coke in the bathroom.” You rolled your eyes at his confession snuggling into his arms. The way he was stroking you arms and laying kisses on the back of your neck made you aware it might have been a bad day but Kelly wasn’t going to let you go to bed in a bad mood.
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thesmokingguns · 3 years
What are these?
Word count:912
FT: Kelly Nickels (present day) X You
Summary: Cassette tapes feel like a relic of the past but your packrat boyfriend keeps all the relics he has collected. Almost 60 years of stuff in a garage, half of it you don’t think has a purpose. Trying to find something you find all his tapes and a battle of the ages starts.
A/N: This feels like a crackfic but I was talking to my parents a few weeks ago about things that I just couldn comprehend. Like how an operator would know when and how much money you needed to add into a payphone or making a phone call and not using an area code or how I understood what a cassette was but I don’t think I ever used one. Then the wonderful @littlemisscare-all. Was talking about about a fic with present day Kelly and I wrote this. I hope you like it 
Tag List: @thenobodies-inc , @littlemisscare-all , @that-80s-chick @agroupiewhore , @ayablackwood
The garage was like a very dangerous game of Tetris thanks to your boyfriend being the biggest pack rat in the world. A yelp escaped your lips as you slipped, a box tumbling down along with you, spilling out in the driveway. If Kelly hadn’t saved every scrap of paper from the 80s on maybe you guys would have found the old photo albums that you had been looking for where he could prove to you that he had done the stuff he said.
“What are these?” you looked around at the spilled content of the box. PIcking up the clear item with ribbon wrapped inside. You stacked them back into the cardboard box moving to carry it into the house.
Kelly was digging through the closet, wondering why you had so many dresses when you seemed to only wear yoga pants and a bad attitude most days. As he was cursing your existence you walked in dropping the box onto the bed.
“Do you have a video camera? I want to watch these old tapes.” his eyes tore from the closet to where you were digging through the box. There was no way he was going to let you watch any tapes that you found laying around. Though he probably did look good in them.
He froze when he saw you holding up the object that you were wanting to watch on a video camera, his eyebrows furrowing together.
“That is a tape cassette. You know, to listen to music on.`` The blank look on your face made him realize you had no idea what it was. “You’re kidding me right? This is one of your bad jokes where you just try to make me feel old. Even though you’re turning thirty this year.” the way you grimaced at the reminder of your age made him smile.
“Bold calling me old when you’ll be 60 at the start of the new year.” his smile faltered, narrowing his eyes at you, “So this has music on it? Does it sound different like a record does or is like a CD?” you asked, flipping over the cassette.  
Kelly shook his head, digging into the box and pulling out a square metal box with foam headphones. You tried to remember the last time you used headphones with the band over your head or even with wires. He opened the back, tsking when he saw the spot didn’t have batteries. He grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the room and into the kitchen where he was digging through the junk drawer putting batteries into the back. He put the cassette tape into the device moving to put it over your ears.
He held up the walkman hitting the play button. You chuckled as music played through the shitty headphones, your hands going to hold them over your ears. It didn’t have the crackle of a record or lightweight easy portability of a CD.
“Skip this song.” you yelled out. The music fast forwarded and you were halfway through the next song, “The tape is messed up. It skipped the first half of the song.” The tape slid back to the ending of the first song, “Are you messing with me on purpose? Do you just need to find the groove of something?” Kelly gave you a look of frustration.
“You have to just fast forward and rewind until you find the song,” he explained. You pulled the headphones off, shaking your head as you handed him the headphones back. Kelly gave you a look, “Say it. Say your mean comment. If you hold it in, it gets twice as mean.” biting your lip you took in a breath, turning to him.
“Kelly, those are the most useless things and you’ve been carrying them around for my entire life, maybe longer. Why wouldn't you just listen to a record or buy a CD or you know, just have a music account like everyone else in this century!” you asked, throwing your hands up in the air.
“You’re the one who digs around in the garage and wants to play with all the things. Also want to point out that you collect records and you used to call the Vinyls with an S!” the way your cheeks turned pink in embarrassment at the memory let him know that he was winning this round.
“You want to play dirty, Kels? How about you getting an Instagram? Hashtag Am I doing this right? Heart emoji, beer emoji, pirate flag emoji, how about just adding another seven emojis to make it an even ten? That's what all the kids are doing.” The smirk he was giving you as he set the walkman down, going over to you and wrapping you in his arms.
“Oof, heart broken emoji, grandpa emoji, white flag emoji...I have seven more to use right?” he teased, laying a kiss on the side of your lips. You were melting in his arms.
“How about kissy face emoji? Red Lips emoji, bed, eggplant, peach, two water emoji?” his eyebrows raised as you headed back to the bedroom, stopping when you saw the box of cassettes there, “But first, these are going in the trash.” His mouth fell open, and he grabbed the box from you.
“I’ll put them away, ma chere. No need to throw away things.” You rolled your eyes watching him walk back into the garage. He was your packrat and you loved him,
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born-to-lose · 3 years
Blurb week
First blurb weekend of 2021! This time, we're starting on Friday, January 29 at 8am CET and it will end on Friday, February 5 at 12am CET!
You can request blurbs and headcanons (you can send more than one and even before it officially starts). Most of these are only some kind of concept, but I'll probably turn a few ideas into full length fics/one-shots at some point, so watch out for a tag!
If you want to use something from a prompt list, please specify which one you took it from (e.g. "#8 from prompt list 14"); you can find all the prompt lists on my blog here.
I write for Guns N' Roses (classic lineup only), Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody cast, Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora, Mötley Crüe, Hanoi Rocks, Kelly Nickels, Johnny Thunders, Stiv Bators, Richard Hell, Davy Vain, Joey Ramone and Eddie Van Halen. If you want me to write for someone else, I can give that a shot too, but please give me some background info to help me get their character right.
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born-to-lose · 3 years
Headcanon weekend
I know I just closed my requests, but I'm opening them again for headcanons (or concepts, whatever you call it) from May 14 to May 16!! Of course you can already send them in, I'll just start posting them on Friday. This is just to get me into writing again because I haven't written regularly in a while and I need to practice a bit before I work on your fic requests. Most of you know the drill by now as this is similar to the blurb weekends I used to host (which will hopefully come back this summer too).
I normally write for Guns N' Roses (classic lineup), Hanoi Rocks, Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora, Mötley Crüe, Johnny Thunders, Stiv Bators, Richard Hell, Davy Vain, Kelly Nickels, Joey Ramone, Eddie Van Halen and Santa Cruz. If you want me to write for someone else, I can give that a shot too, but please give me some background info or reference videos. I probably know them but not well enough to actually write for them without a little help.
Tagging some people who showed interest yesterday ❤ @slip-slip-slip-of-stephens-nips @rocknrollcrue @smokeandmirrorz @doctorginsberg
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born-to-lose · 4 years
Blurb weekend!
Since the last blurb weekend seemed to be pretty successful, I thought I'd do another one! Again, we're starting on Friday, October 30 at 12am CET and it will end on Monday, November 2 at 12am CET!
You can request blurbs and headcanons (and of course you can always send in fic requests, I'll just work on them separately and post them some other time).
If you want to use something from a prompt list, please specify which one you took it from (e.g. "nr. 8 from 200 Dialogue Prompts by dresupi"); all prompt lists on my blog are tagged #prompts.
Most of these are only some kind of concept, but I'll probably turn a few ideas into full length fics/one-shots at some point, so watch out for a tag!
I write for Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody cast, Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora, Guns N' Roses (classic lineup only), Mötley Crüe and Kelly Nickels. If you want me to write for someone else, I can give that a shot too, but please give me some background info to help me get their character right.
Tagging some people who participated/showed interest last time for promotion purposes ❤
@themarchoftherainbowqueen @losers-yurio @jeblum @drummah-in-a-rocknroll-band @thelooksthatcrue @ubernoxa @reigns420 @imacrowcawcaw @harley-m-rose @transeliot @warriorteam1924 @white-lightning-625
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