#Kerry x Panam x male V
mrssimply · 1 year
13th: Servitude
So, this one was unprompted. Indeed, since I didn't gather enough prompts over Tumblr at the time, I decided to use this event as a motivator to do all the projects I once said I would do and never did. Mainly, I purged "The List", which was that damned list of ideas and concept we all have. Let me tell, you, this event allowed me to strike A LOT of items.
And this is one of them.
This idea was "prompted" by the game itself, by the patch that brought more text interractions between V and their love interests. In one of them, V brags to Panam about knowing Kerry, and Panam says she is a fan. Then, there was also the fact the game never adresses the fact you can have multiple partners without really talking about it. I always wondered what would be Panam and Kerry's reaction to that.
Finaly, I love both Panam and Kerry, I find them both extreemly hot so... Since I have the power of words, I made it happen.
Hope this unusual pairing will make you curious enough to try it, reader. It would make my day to know what you think of this :D!
You can find the prompt list here.
Every fic will be posted on my AO3 Account here.
Oh and since it'll probably be the only Kerry/panam/V fic ever, I made it E-rated.
When V kissed Kerry the first time, Johnny stayed silent until they were back in his flat. Then, he sprawled on the couch, feet up on the table and grinned at V: “So, what are you gonna say to Panam?” he asked, hands behind his head. “Man, can’t wait to see her reaction.”
Unfortunately for Johnny, he never saw the moment it happened because, by a series of events, the secret lasted for a while. Nearly a year.
Said events included: storming the Arasaka Tower, going on a trip across the NUSA to look for a cure without results, coming back to NC at Kerry’s request, getting a very expensive treatment the rocker paid for, recovering while Panam kept the Aldecaldos moving around, and finally, inheriting the Afterlife when he was back on his two feet.
During all this, V lived in a constant low level of guilt and fear. Guilt was obvious, because what he was doing was so wrong, but when it started he’d been dying, knee deep into a megacorp familial drama. Then he was still dying but with a six month extension… V took it as some sort of revenge on life: if he had no time to live, then he would make the most of it. Now that it appeared he had a whole century ahead of him, well, the guilt was back in full force.
Fear was maybe understandable: he feared to lose them both the moment they discovered how he’d betrayed their trust. But while this self-centered concern was maybe common, V also had a very concrete fear of not surviving the event, because both his lovers were a bit crazy when it came to love matters and being cheated on. 
V remembers very well a number of stories Johnny told him about how Kerry thrashed cars and burnt the belongings of his exes, and sometimes even started fights with them Johnny had had to finish for him (with cracked ribs for the cheating guy). There was also the very real threat of Kerry sicking a horde of angry fans on him, since that had happened at least five times already, and twice with media exposure because the exes had been minor celebrities. They never performed ever again after that.
As for Panam, Mitch and Carol took vicious joy in recounting the time Panam discovered her input was seeing three other girls, one in each city they traveled to. They told V how she drove him into the middle of the desert under the pretense of a romantic night, only to leave him there without water but with busted coms. The guy nearly died, apparently, which the Aldecaldos seemed to think was just what he deserved. And finally, V remembers well what she did to the guy who betrayed her thrust and stolen her car… And Nash had only been her business partner. 
So really, as time went on, V went deeper and deeper into his lie and soon, he could see no way out but his death at either of their hands, as dramatic as it sounded.
The day it happens, V isn’t prepared. He is in the middle of a job up north, trudging through the oil field after dealing with the last of Jotaro’s minions. A job he’s getting paid for but V would have done it gratis if the families hadn’t insisted on paying him.
He’s covered in blood and dark smelly dirt when he receives a first text from Panam: “you’re dead to me.”
“Fuck,” he curses out loud, stopping in his tracks as his heart suddenly goes into overdrive. He tries to call her but of course she doesn’t pick up. In the meantime, he receives another text, from Kerry this time.
“Congrats, I think you beat Johnny on the asshole scale.”
Trying to call him doesn’t work either, so V stays in the middle of the waste and sighs, looking up to the sky. The sky’s answer is a downpour. Talk about Karma.
V holes himself in the Afterlife. Kerry’s and Panam’s biometrics are in his smart home system, meaning they can both access it, so it’s the least safe place at the moment. He tells Emmerick very firmly to not let anyone looking like a Eurodyne fan or an Aldecaldos washup in. The bouncer replies that description fits about two thirds of their clientele, but V ignores him and goes to the bar. As always, Claire gives him the silent treatment, since she’s still not forgiven him for going on with the race instead of helping her kill Peter Samson. As he rounds the bar with the intent of pouring his own drink, she gives him a smirk and that stops him in his tracks.
She looks very satisfied with herself.
“What did you do?” he suddenly asks.
She leans against the counter, arms crossed and her face full of a gleeful malice. V expected her to resign when Rogue announced she was trusting the Afterlife to him, since she probably wouldn’t like working for him, but she stayed and he felt too guilty to pry into her reasons for not quitting. He’d naively thought this meant she was on her way to understand why he hadn’t let her go through with her murderous plan.
“Since you were too sick to celebrate your birthday, Kerry decided Christmas was the occasion to do a big party with all your friends. Celebrate your recovery and all that. He asked me if he could rent the place discreetly, and asked about some of your friends. I told him not to forget to invite the Aldecaldos,” Claire explains.
Shock stuns V and he gapes at her. This was very deliberate on her part! He realizes that, of course, she knows about his two affairs. Being the bartender, she hears everything and V has received both Panam and Kerry here. Weyland and Emmerick probably know, too, hell, maybe half the regulars know about it… But none of them decided to use that against him. Claire did.
“Fuck, are you insane?!” He barks, getting into her face.
“Now you know what losing someone you love feels like!”
V’s face contorts into a series of painful expressions: anger, despair, a profound melancholy. It seems to surprise Claire, for she uncrosses her arms with a confused expression.
V sighs, closes his eyes for a second before turning away from her. A few patrons are looking at them with eager expressions; there is no worse gossip than a bored mercs.
“Take a few days,” V says to Claire and she stiffens, walking past him after a second of hesitation. He catches her wrist.
“I’m not firing you, but I really need to not see your face for a few days. Try to think about what you’ve done in the meantime.”
“I won’t apologize,” she taunts.
“Me neither, Claire. I tried to be a friend to you, and I really hoped you would understand my choice. If you can’t, that’s fine, but what you did is fuckin childish.”
He keeps his tone gentle, tries to convey the honesty of his intentions and maybe for the first time, she gets it. Her gaze trails downard before she wrenches her hand free.
“You’ll get paid leave,” V concludes as she walks away.
He waits until she’s disappeared behind the corner of the entrance before turning back to the mercs at the bar.
“Something on my face?” he snarls, and they all get super invested in the bottom of their drinks.
Shit, he needs to find someone to replace Claire till the end of the week. And then try to deal with the mess she created. He can’t even be mad at her for long: he had it coming.
Two days later, V tried calling either of his… exes so many times he stopped counting. He’s probably been blocked but he can’t help but try. He hired two mercs to try and see if Kerry was in his home, then called Mitch who told him to get lost, then Carol, who replied with a poop emoticon, then the rest of the Aldecaldos, who didn’t pick up. For a hot second, V wished Saul was still alive, he would’ve at least answered V. He sent flowers to Kerry yesterday, and had the same two mercs deliver a whole shipment of components to the Aldecaldos camp. The mercs came back with the packages and bullets in their trucks.
Sighing, he brings his glass of Johnny Silverhand to his lips — the guy filling in for Claire is a fast learner, thank god for small mercies — and lets his head rest against the back of what used to be Rogue’s couch. 
The club is nearly empty as the clock reaches three in the morning, an hour where mercs are out on jobs and clients in bed at home. In the relative silence, V allows himself to experience a moment of despair. What if it’s really the end? 
Distantly, he can hear Johnny’s voice saying something about gonk wannabe mercs in a long suffering voice.
“Fuck,” he whispers, only to be startled by a ping on his holo, the special notification signal he put for Panam’s number.
It’s a picture, that he opens with trepidation only for his lungs to collapse on themselves like he’s been punched. 
The picture is taken from her view, allowing V to see the perfect expanse of her body, the soft slope of her breasts, the curve of her stomach, down to her spread legs. Between them is Kerry, eating her out, both hands gripping her thighs and holding her open for him. He is looking up, mouth pressed against her clit and looking rightly debauched with his hair mussed by her free hand.
The pic brings a lot of confusing emotions to V’s: lust is the first one, powerful and sudden, because this is his ultimate fantasy, the one he barely dared to think about even in his wildest dreams. With how jealous they both can be, he’s always thought he would lose one, if not both. No, he’s always known he would lose both. 
Then comes jealousy, pure and simple, because what he wanted so much is happening without him, and it feels so unfair, which is probably exactly what they wanted him to feel. 
Then comes another strong wave of despair because yeah, they are pissed. He doesn’t know what to do, what to answer, so he just keeps on drinking.
Later, he receives another text, this one is a vocal and he fears listening to it, but he does anyway. It’s them, panting and moaning. He knows just from the way Panam keens that she came a little before because these are the sounds she makes when she is over sensitive. Kerry is close, so close. Another ten seconds of hearing them curse and grunt and Kerry moans out loud, long and nearly painful as his climax hits him. 
V throws the empty glass at the wall and curses out loud, making the few patrons and his new bartender look up at him. He realizes he is standing, breathing like a bull with chaos churning in his head. With a dejected look, he stalks to the backroom to prepare for an excursion in NC’s shadier parts, looking for a fight. 
It’s two more days before he receives another text, this one from Kerry. V dreads opening it but by now, the painful sensation of heartbreak has fully settled in and a little bit more agony is nothing. It’s just a text, this time, and it says “meet us at your place, we wanna talk.”
He sits up on the couch, reading over the text once more to make sure he got it right. His Kiroshis flash with a warning about his BPM, but he doesn’t care. He’s shaking as he replies that he will be there asap.
He stumbles in the dark of the backroom of the Afterlife, having stayed with the light off since he came in to… Meditate. Sulk, Johnny’s voice says, you were sulking. Funny how his conscience now has Johnny’s voice.
When he gets into the flat, he does it warily, he’s still not sure they don’t plan on killing him and burying his corpse in the badland. On the other side of the room, Kerry is sprawled on the couch in his usual attire, complete with the glasses that prevent V from reading his expression. Panam leans against the window to Kerry’s left, one foot against the glass, arms crossed over her chest with a scowl. Both are lit with the dying sun, and seeing them reunited in the same space for the first time is unreal. So close from his deepest wish, and yet, so, so far from how he would have wanted it.
Since none of them say a thing, he gets closer and stops when he’s right in front of the coffee table standing between him and Kerry, with Panam on the edge of his field of vision. 
Kerry drums his fingers on the back of the couch.
V swallows.
“I fucked up.”
“Yeah,” the rocker replies.
“I’m sorry,” V continued, turning his head to address Panam. She looks to the side, her jaw tightening.
“I should have told you, both of you. There was never a right time ‘cause of the whole relic thing,” he tries to explain, “then I was dying… After that, I don’t know, I just didn’t know how to tell you,” he admits.
Kerry winces, like he always does when V mentions his near death experience, and runs a hand over his mouth before frowning.
“I don’t give a shit about your justifications, V,” Panam intervenes. “I trusted you, we both did, and all this time you were fucking with us!”
“No!” He pleads, turning to her, and if he thought it would sway her, he would fall on his knees, “never, I… I don’t know how to explain this right, it’s just… I really love you, both of you!”
“You’re an asshole,” Panam cries out, but V can tell she hadn’t expected a love confession. He never told her, he told neither, because he was dying, because he felt guilty.
Kerry shifts on the couch.
“Yeah well, that’s great, but you didn’t give us the full disclosure. Didn’t give us a choice to decide if we wanted to be with you or not under the circumstances.”
“I know, I’m sorry, I was scared of losing you. I was selfish, I know. I wanted everything. It’s just… I was dying, there was no time, I just wanted to live everything all at once.”
He knows he can’t put everything on his sickness, it won’t go, but it’s the truth. He wishes he could accuse Johnny, tell them it’s the wires that got crossed while the engram inhabited his mind, but he knows it’s not: it was pure survival instincts, and latent assholeness. 
“You’re lucky, though,” Kerry continues, not looking at him, “We’re very understanding people.”
V refrains from reacting in any way and he can feel the tension as they both wait for him to call them on such a lie. He doesn’t, he’s not stupid.
“We talked it out,” Panam goes on, “We… fuck, maybe it could work.”
This, V didn’t expect. His heart speeds up, hope flaring in his chest.
“Thing is, V, we both care about you and well, at least you picked someone decent to fuck me over,” Kerry intervenes, grinning at Panam who smiles at him sheepishly and will wonders never cease? V can barely believe it as he takes a shuddering breath.
Kerry holds out his hand to the Aldecaldos’ leader and she goes to him, slipping her hand in his. V watches the rocker’s fingers close around her palm as he pulls her in until she stands right next to him. Panam looks a bit starstruck and V remembers she is a fan, too, and maybe this feels a bit like a dream to her as well.
Between the three of them, and despite his questionable maturity on some things, Kerry is the one who’s got the most experience when it comes to relationships: he has tried a lot of things and V knows he’d been in polyamory circles a few times. V was more worried about Panam, who has such difficulties opening up to any partner, and through her bravado, V can tell she is insecure. But Kerry seems to have proved himself trustworthy because she looks relaxed as she lets herself be guided. Kerry really likes her, V realizes, because he’s looking at her like he looked at V in the beginning of their relationship: like she is cuter than she ought to be, like he shouldn’t be getting into this at his age but he’ll do it anyway. His gaze is tender and honest, and Panam looks the same.
“Fuck, thank you, yes, please,” V babbles, taking a step toward them.
He freezes when they both turn their gaze toward him, throwing him a warning look. V raises his hands in a placating gesture. Ok, so, there might be a positive end to this, but he hasn’t reached it yet.
“Now, we can’t reward bad behavior, V,” Kerry declares, stroking Panam’s hip, the patch of naked skin between her pants and her bodysuit. “You’re gonna have to work for it.”
“Anything, please, just give me a chance,” he vows instantly.
Kerry glances at him for a second.
“How long have you been hiding that from us? About a year, right?”
Panam nods and V winces.
“Then let’s say you owe us a year of servitude. Whatever we want, whatever we ask of you.”
Shit, trust Kerry to have such ideas. He feels like herakles being tasked with the twelve impossible tasks.
“Sure,” he answers, like he has any other choice.
“Great,” the rocker cheers with a devious smile. “Then get on your knees, and crawl here.”
V isn’t surprised Kerry elected sex to test V’s willingness to work for forgiveness. It’s a very important part of the rocker’s life, and a way of expressing himself. At nearly ninety, Kerry is still one of the most sexually active men V met. Panam, being a nomad, was raised in an environment were sex was part of daily life: the lack of soundproofing between the tents meant anyone was always more or less aware of who was having sex with whom, even if they tries to stay discreet for the kids. But so far, their sex life had been pretty vanilla, if only due to the fact they didn’t have a lot of time, between V’s recovery and Panam’s duties. 
So his situation is not surprising when it comes to Kerry, it’s a bit more surprising when it comes to Panam but sure, V won’t lie and say he’s not up for it.
After going down on them downstairs, alternating between sucking Kerry’s cock and eating Panam out while they kissed, they went upstairs. There, V was told to undress and get on all four on the bed, which he did. 
“Ever pegged him, Pan?” Kerry asks and V distantly notes that they’re using pet names already and feels a bit cheated, but he can’t really complain. He doesn't hear her reply, but Kerry hums.
“Well, wanna try it? I think he would look good taking it from you.”
V curses slowly and turns his head slightly. Panam is looking at him and he approves discreetly to reassure her, if she needs it. She turns back to Kerry with a smile and nods.
“Perfect, got just the thing with me!” Kerry grins and V chuckles. He planned this.
Since no one is objecting to him watching, he does. Kerry brings back a strap and a big black dildo and V’s mouth waters at the same time a thrill passes through him. The thing is huge.
Panam smirks as she takes it in hand, stroking the length once as if to test its texture and hardness. When she nods again, Kerry winks at her and comes closer. Gently, like he nearly never is with V, he kisses Panam. It’s a teasing kiss, brushes of lips against her mouth, fleeting licks of tongues and soft bites. But Panam is as fiery as Kerry is, and soon she is kissing back without restrain, making Kerry hold her closer, tighter. He lets out a small noise of pleasure that goes straight to V’s cock. They might have come earlier but he didn’t and once the feeling of unrealness passed, he’s been very eager to live this through. Kerry is still kissing Panam as he finishes undressing her and she does the same for him. It’s quite the spectacle, one that V enjoys with greedy eyes. He watches Kerry pinch Panam’s nipples through her bodice, watches her fingers run over Kerry’s ass to bring him closer, teasing him like he teases her. Like they’re both teasing V.
Once they’re naked too, Kerry kisses Panam’s neck and slides behind her. He mouths at each knob of her spine as he kneels behind her to put the strap on. She lifts a leg then the other to get into the panties. It’s a pretty thing, it looks comfortable and even has some lacework on the edge. The dildo is standing proudly, snugly fit against her pubes. 
“All set,” Kerry purrs, stroking her ass and even giving her a little slap. She laughs and comes closer to the bed. Seeing her walk like this makes V’s mouth water.
“Want me to prep him?” the rocker asks.
“Let's do it together.”
They do so and it’s a sweet torture. Panam’s fingers trail over his hard dick before sliding behind to his taint while Kerry gets the lube. He even warms it between his fingers before joining the nomad’s pointer over V’s hole. Together, they rub over it, smearing lube over his rim, pushing in teasingly, adding more and more lube as they press inside. 
“Shit,” Panam curses, “this is —”
“Hot, right?” Kerry suggests and V turns once again to watch them. 
Panam’s gaze is stuck on his ass, but Kerry is looking at her with a small smile at the corner of his lips. The merc gets the feeling he was lucky in hindsight, cause apparently Panam’s charms worked on Kerry like they did on V, despite the fact that few women hold his attention. The young fixer hides his satisfied smile against the pillow, and arches his back more.
“C’mon, he can take it, trust me,” Kerry encourages her and V feels two fingers push inside his hole. He clenches and relaxes around them with a small moan that makes her laugh.
“Can I touch you?” The older man asks the nomad.
“Yeah,” she breathes out and V watches as Kerry’s fingers go to play with her breasts, leaning in to suck on one as he pinches the other. As pleasure rises inside of Panam once again, her movements get a bit more forceful, and soon she is adding more lube and a finger. V curses, pushes back against her because he really wants it, now that they started.
He hears Kerry shift until he’s kneeling in front of V. His cock is still soft but that doesn't stop the merc from putting his lips around it to suckle. His partner chuckles, strokes his mouth with a thumb tenderly. 
“Look at you, becoming all slutty for us. You like that?”
V bites Kerry’s thumb softly.
“You can’t imagine how much,” he mumbles, “I only dreamed it so many times.”
Kerry’s eyes sadden for a moment.
“You should have just told us.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
Kerry nods, then his blue eyes flicker to Panam and they seem to have a silent exchange before the rockers sigh.
“The things we do for love,” he mutters and V’s heart soars in his chest because this really sounds like a confession. He smiles, gives Kerry a hopeful look and gets rewarded by a kiss. 
Panam pulls her fingers out and grips V’s cheeks apart, nails digging into his skin and making him moan into Kerry’s mouth.
“I’m really gonna enjoy that,” she confesses and V snorts, looking over his shoulder to wink at her.
“Go wild, I’ll like it,” he tells her and she shuffles closer, gripping his short hair with a hand, forcing his head back.
“Yeah, you will.”
“Shit, Panam…”
She releases him after biting his shoulder, and he hears her uncap the lube once more, and then the squishy sounds of her hand working over the toy. V forces himself to relax and strains for another kiss from Kerry.
The push is exhilarating. It’s too much, but it’s also just right. Panam goes slow, panting and cursing as this obviously turns her on more than she expected. He can feel her getting all tense, like she is resisting the urge to buck into him. 
In and out she goes, something an inch or two, sometimes completely out to lube the dildo once more. When she bottoms out, both her and V moan. Kerry gives them a sharp smile, lust fiery in his eyes.
“Good kittens,” he calls them, all paternal, and V groans again because this is too much. Even in his wildest dream he didn’t dare imagine that. Panam huffs out a laugh and flexes her hips, testing the waters. 
V keens and pushes back, asshole spasming around the toy. 
“Fuck,” Panam moans, snapping her hips forward. She grips V’s waist and does it again, once, twice, a third time and each time, V lets out a guttural noise. 
Panam pulls out completely before getting in again in one long push, making V sag against Kerry’s lap, who pets him gently.
“That’s right, you’re doing great,” he says to Panam, or to V. Both.
It doesn’t take much more for them to build a rhythm. The dildo is huge, and he’s making V’s spine tingle every time it brushes against his prostate. He has taken to licking Kerry’s cock, unable to do much more but needing to have something in his mouth because this is driving him crazy. Panam’s hips move so right against him, she really is fucking him good.
After a while, she speeds up, little thrusts that are jarring because it means V gets no reprieve from the sensations. As he moans continuously, Kerry praises him and caresses his hair, his neck, his shoulders, massaging a bit.
Panam’s nails are really digging into his flesh now, leaving angry red trails behind and making V shudder in pleasure.
“Ok, ease up, he’s close,” Kerry interjects and fuck, he’s right, but V was so deep into his head he didn’t realizes.
He makes them shift so that V is practically sitting back on Panam, arms around Kerry’s shoulders. The man kisses him and wraps a hand around V’s cock..
“Alright, finish him,” he tells the woman.
Panam obeys with a little nervous laugh. She starts bucking into V again while Kerry strokes his cock.
“Harder,” Kerry orders and the merc moans, panting against the musician’s cheek.
“Fuck, yes, ok, take it,” Panam babbles, giving her thrusts more power until she is really going wild and V is holding on for dear life. He won’t last.
“Harder,” Kerry repeats and the nomad whines like she is the one getting railed but she complies and V just can’t breathe. He hiccups, emits a strangled noise before tensing and burying his face against Kerry’s neck. The man pulls him back by the hair.
“Let her hear you.”
So he does, he moans out loud, cries out as the orgasm explodes inside him. V curses, tears escaping his eyes pathetically but he can’t care less when this is one of the most intense climaxes he’s ever had.
He shivers as he comes down, pelvis trembling back and forth like he doesn’t know what to do anymore.
“That’s right, look at you,” Kerry whispers against his lips before kissing him for real. V lets him do it, barely able to respond but whining for more when his partner leans back.
“Ok, you can pull out now,” he tells Panam, who does so very slowly but with the state he is in, V feels it down to his feet and shudders again with a confused noise. Still caressing him, Kerry makes him lean on his back.
“Look at what you did to him,” the older man praises and Panam lets out a wild laugh.
“Yeah, I’ve never seen him like that.”
“Power of the prostate, babe.”
“Hm, should test that on you…” she replies before tensing and giving him a worried look, but Kerry just smiles.
“If you want, it would be my pleasure, trust me. In the meantime, let’s get you out of that.”
With bleary eyes, V watches them shift until Panam is on her back, letting Kerry pull the strap off her legs. Then he smiles and teasingly runs a finger up from her cunt to her clit and she moans sweetly. The nomad’s legs spread apart on their own volition and Kerry’s smile turns predatory.
“Want me to take care of you?” He asks. She glances at V, who turns to her and uses the little strength he has to push up and kiss her. She welcomes him with a sigh, he feels her relax as they reconcile through the caresses of their lips and tongues.
When they part, V gives her a soft smile, and mouths another “I’m sorry”. She closes her eyes, exhales long and deep but when she opens her eyes he finds her back. She, who stormed Arasaka with him, who fought side by side with him, who mischievously took him for a ride in a Panzer. Panam smiles at him and gives him one last kiss before turning back to Kerry, who’s watching them with hungry eyes.
“Sure,” she says with a grin, tilting her hips in invitation. 
This is gonna be a great show, V can tell.
You can find the prompt list here.
Every fic will be posted on my AO3 Account here.
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nightcity-scrapbook · 2 months
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(*with rizz*) My husband, our boyfriend and I saw you and wanted to know if you were single
(Shout out to my wife Panam for taking this shot, she said she wants to know too)
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timaeusterrored · 5 months
Vax: *laying in his Northside apartment, thinking no one knows where he is, then gets tackled*
Panam: Think you can hide from us?
Vax: *looks up to find Kerry taking his jacket off* what the fuck is this?
Ker: We made a deal. No rotting in bed alone. I just brought backup this time.
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elvenbeard · 1 year
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House party scenes 2/5: River and Panam and Kerry and V
Simply given the fact that River and Kerry are the two love interests that always stay in Night City after the canon endings of the game, I think River is the one of V's friends that Kerry gets to know first and knows best. I mean, I even wrote that oneshot where they're invited over for dinner at River's, and I think it just becomes a more or less regular occurrence after that. River and Vince got along good from the start, both having an inquisitive nature and good heart under a hard exterior, despite Night City continuing to try its best at teaching them that compassion is futile. Vince is fully supportive of River doing his own thing, helping him out where he can with his P.I. business once it's up and running, and River remains an important contact to Vince's Afterlife operations as well.
Panam's and Vince's relationship is quite different and a lot more complicated than that (and damn, one day I gotta make a long post about it bc yeah, I won't be doing it justice in this context here xD). Like, they have so much in common actually, careful and mistrusting at first, have a hard time opening up to others, but deep down, behind the loud and gritty exterior, they also just wanna connect to others and be loved. Given the circumstances at the time, and adding Vince's misconceptions about the nomads as a whole, he and Panam didn't really develop a deep friendship over the course of the game's events. To Vince it really just was a "You scratch my back if I scratch yours" relationship for a long while, and he assumed Panam thought the same. By the time they reached a point where they could both openly talk to each other finally, the Aldecaldos were about to pack up and leave. They stayed in contact afterwards though and I think only then started to develop a real, deeper, long-distance-online-only-friendship (sidenote: I absolutely love Panam's text messages in game, how you can talk to her about the other main NPCs for example, I wish there was something like that with everyone).
The birthday get-together is the first time they see each other in person since the Raffen attack on the camp, and yet it's not nearly as awkward as either of them would have feared. Panam is accepted as part of the group right away, probably a bit awestruck still by Kerry just being there and talking to her like normal. She can finally put faces to all the names Vince always talks about, too, River and Judy and Takemura, and so on. If she's ever stranded in NC for whatever reason, Vince's home is her home and safe place, the same way she's offered it to him with the Aldecaldos camp numerous times.
And finally, I wrote before about how Kerry and Vince have this little routine of making up all kinds of batshit stories of their first meeting when people they don't care about ask about it. V's friends though get to hear the real story, even though it's probably even crazier than anything they could come up with.
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jasakime · 1 year
My early cyberpunk experience
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vincentmatthews · 1 year
V: So Pamdamn~♡
Panam: It's Panam
V: But, Damn-Pam, you're thicc~♡
Panam: *holds gun to V's face, cocking it* I will use this-
V: *not a thought behind those eyes* :3
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cp77nyexchange · 8 months
24 Hours Left for Sign Ups!
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24 hour warning! Sign ups will close exactly one day from now (Oct. 26th 9pm UTC), so if you haven't gotten to signing up yet, now is the time!
Also for those who signed up last year, a reminder that your sign up form was emailed back to you so if you still have it and you want to offer/request the same things, you can just copy-paste your previous details!
Here's the sign up form. The rules. 💜
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mtreebeardiles · 1 year
Chasing Storms, pt 16 & 17
Part 16 here
Part 17/Epilogue here
To be continued in Starting Fires
It was raining the next morning. 
A rare enough event out here, surrounded by dust and rocks and the sort of hardy plants that could handle an overabundance of sunlight and a lack of moisture, and Kerry found himself wondering how long it would last. All morning? All day? Would it sizzle in the air once the clouds had moved away, steam in the return of sunlight? Was it less toxic, less prone to causing irritation than the sort of rain they got back in the city?
Hard to imagine, and he knew he was only focusing on these questions he had no real interest in to avoid thinking about anything else. 
A shift on the cot beside him and his fingers resumed their motions on the expanse of bared back beneath them. Let his eyes flutter shut when V snuggled closer, felt his warm breath against his neck in rhythm with the rise and fall of his chest, and decided he was…grateful. Grateful that his partner had gotten any sleep at all after his revelations, after his stunted attempts to explain himself. 
As if he owed Kerry any explanation. 
He could see it, he guessed. Could trace V's logic, knowing as he did the way Kerry felt about Johnny, their history, the things they'd shared. Maybe didn't have the whole story, maybe only really had whatever he'd gleaned from Johnny's engram, but he knew enough. 
Knew enough to know he'd loved him, to know at least a little how it must've felt to lose him. 
"I lost him long before that tower went down, V."
"I know."
Kerry bit at his lip, holding back a laugh as his eyes stung. Hadn't thought he'd have much left to give, after last night.  Couldn't remember the last time he'd cried like that, hard and messy and embarrassing if he hadn't been so caught up in the moment. Not that V would've judged him any -- then or now. So maybe that was why it was easy to let go again, to stop fighting it, though he did try to keep it down for V's sake. 
"Hey," he replied, voice thick, and he swallowed hard. 
V didn't say anything, just shifted against him until he could cup his cheek with one hand. 
"D'you wanna talk about it?" he whispered, and this time Kerry did laugh. Because the fact was? They hadn't talked much, last night. Kerry couldn't find his words, couldn't translate all the things he'd been feeling into something coherent, and V, V was never one to push. Had just held him close and let him get it out, that inarticulate grief, wave after wave, kept him steady through the torrent. 
"I don't know what to say," he admitted, reaching up to swipe at his eyes. "I don't know how to say… to even begin…" He shook his head, biting his lip again and taking a deep, shuddering breath. "I'm just… I'm so fucking angry, V. I'm so angry with him. And I have been for such a long time, and it never seems to make a damn difference, whether he's there or not." 
Fresh tears hot down his cheeks and V patiently wiped them away, rough pad of his thumb somehow soothing against his skin. Familiar. Grounding. 
Freely given, no games or gimmicks, the way love should've been, the way Johnny could never have managed even if he had admitted to some sort of non-platonic feeling for him. 
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the-archangel · 1 year
Oh Yeah
Thanks https://www.tumblr.com/timaeusterrored for the inspiration!
Your bits intact - but quite a long way down!
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sakasamurai707 · 11 months
Oh boy I can’t sleep so here’s some Cyberpunk Relationship Headcanons!
Kerry x Male!V
-Kerry genuinely sung the ‘I love you, bitch. I’ll never stop loving you, bitch’ song to V on their three month anniversary, complete with the guitar. V had no idea what to say, and didn’t understand the reference.
-Kerry sleeps starfish style and with his mouth open. V has had to close his mouth because he drools in the night.
-Kerry swore he would never have an animal in his mansion before Nibbles came to be. After he met nibbles, Kerry bought him a throne style cat bed.
-Kerry doesn’t understand that not every kiss has to be with tongue. V has genuinely bitten his tongue because he just wanted a quick smooch before a gig.
Panam x Male! V
-Panam is allergic to pollen, but due to being in the badlands, she never knew until V brought her organic flowers. She sneezed for a week straight before realizing.
-V and Panam like racing, but V is terrible at driving. He once accidentally crashed her car into a pile of cacti.
-V and Saul sometimes have family dinner together, and Saul asks really personal questions about the relationship every time. (Example: ‘sooo…have you two screwed yet?’)
-when V can’t sleep, Panam takes him out to look at the stars. The first time she did, he cried, since he’d never seen them before due to the city lights.
….”if we don’t fix this chip thing, V, I’ll be looking up at those. You’ll be the prettiest star out there.”
Judy x Fem! V
-Judy loves telling V about her ocean and fish hyperfixation. Sometimes, she wishes she could afford to go to a real aquarium. V swears if she gets the money, she’ll take her on a date there.
-Judy and V have made braindances before, all to be kept in Judy’s “private folder.”
-V doesn’t understand why Judy is so emotional sometimes, but she’ll awkwardly hug her or kiss her when she starts crying.
-Judy’s favorite movie to watch with V is Ponyo. Judy knows the song by heart and sings it during the credits.
River x Fem! V
-Both River and V really want the other to quit their jobs, so sometimes they jokingly leave resignation papers on each other’s desks. V doesn’t really have a ‘boss,’ so River just leaves a sticky note that says “quit.”
-River really likes iguanas, so when V hatched hers, he cuddled with it more than her for a week straight. V had to deal with it being in between them in bed.
-Joss and V talk a lot, to the point where V will show up at his house just to completely ignore him and talk to his sister. River just ends up standing behind them awkwardly.
-River does the ‘broke boyfriend stance’ every time they’re in a store. Johnny makes fun of him for it.
-River and V are really cuddly, to the point River can’t fall asleep correctly without her beside them.
Bonus!!!! Johnny x GN! V
-Johnny has tried to convince V to kiss the mirror to see if it feels like an actual kiss. (It doesn’t.)
-V has a habit of telling Johnny ‘I love you’ out loud. They said it in front of Hanako right before the relic malfunction, and Hanako looked at them and said
-V eventually figures out how to get Johnny a new body and repair the chip. (In my heart I’m delusional.) Once they did, they didn’t let go of each other for weeks. They had the worst honeymoon phase.
-Johnny excessively jokes about soul killer. V does not find it amusing.
Bonus Bonus!!!! Takemura x GN! V
-Takemura cooks most of their meals after V revealed they mainly eat frozen tv dinners instead of real food. He’s Also really insistent that they drink water and shower.
-Takemura once brutally cried after seeing the full effects of the Relic Malfunctions, comparing it to when his Arasaka implants got revoked.
-Takemura didn’t know how to hug someone, so he accidentally nearly choked V.
-he also didn’t know how to kiss, so he just…opened his mouth.
-Takemura doesn’t understand sarcasm, so he takes whatever V says to its fullest meaning.
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mrssimply · 2 years
Fic Advent Calendar
Hi Tumblr! 
For Xmas this years, I decided to participate to the Cyberpunk 2077 NY Exchange (and I can only encourage you to join!) but I also decided to do a fic advent calendar!
I’ll publish one fic(let) per day from the 1st of december to the 25th.
Some of my dear friends in the fandom already gave me some prompts, but I still need 15 prompts :D
I’m counting on you!
I’m taking the prompts now so that I have time to prepare the fic advent calendar. Since I tend to struggle keeping things short, and that this event should remain fun for me as well, I’m starting now but publication will start on tumblr (crossposted on AO3) on december the 1st. I’ll try to keep each fic at 2k words (I said that last time, too, and we all know how that worked, but I have hope - and also less time ahah).
So you, dear tumblr user, you can prompt me!
How to do so? You can put your prompt into my ask box, and do it anonymously or not. Before that, though, please read the information below, which will help you know what to prompt.
I have very few triggers, so you can prompt about everything you want, be wild! I’ll reserve the right to dismiss a prompt if I feel it’s triggering for me, or for a large part of the reader base. Since it’s an event linked to the end of the year celebrations, I want to keep it “friendly”.
You can prompt:
A situation you would like to see
A sentence
A trope or a kink
An AU/Crossover
Using a picture, a video, a snippet from something
Whatever you fancy, really
It can be sad, it can be NSFW, it can be kinky. Please specify if you want it to be SFW or not: if not specified, I’ll follow the story and it might end up being spicy. I won’t write anything graphic gore-wise, but the sex can be pretty explicit, be warned. My goals will be to deliver “happy feels” so if it’s angsty, expect something with a happy/hopeful ending. 
With your prompt, please specify the relationship you would like to see. Below are the only ships I’ll write for. Please note that I don’t write fem!V:
If you don’t care for any relationship, you can just specify which characters you would like to see appear in your prompt. Keep in mind that if the prompt calls for it, I might still turn it into a relationship situation. Please specify if the relationship should absolutely stay platonic (as in, it would trigger you if it turned into a romantic/sexual relationship).
And for those who wants to know the kind of things I write, here is the link to the last time I took prompts.
Edit: you can find the list of prompts for the advent calendar here.
I'm not taking any more prompts.
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Cyberpunk 2077 Barbie Dream Closet Virtual Photography for Charity Extravaganza
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Do you play on console? Are you afraid of modded clothes or posing with AMM/PMU? Do you just want to support some charities?
Send me your request and if you use modded items and I'll let you know if I can do it or not. If I can, then send me a screenshot via ask or DM of your donation receipt and all the info listed under "what I need from you." Also, if you prefer chatting over Tumblr DM or Discord. I won't get started until I see proof of your donation 😅
Charities to support
Palestinian Children's Relief Fund
World Central Kitchen
Red Crescent
Brazil Foundation
America Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Ukrainian Red Cross
National Bailout #FreeBlackMamas
Jewish Women International Mother's Day Project
This will probably be an ongoing campaign.
Turnaround time will try to be within a week depending on volume and complexity of the request. I work a full time job so only have time for this stuff after work and on weekends.
Check my tags for my OCs listed in the pinned post for examples. I'm not super good or using Otis and a bajillion tools and mods, hence why this is for charity!
Charity tiers
Each tier is per one OC. Donate to more than one charity and I'll bump you up in the queue!
If you donate in multiples of 18 I'll also bump you up in the queue cause like, you know, Jewish tzedakah tradition.
$10 - two portraits in one outfit and one action photo of your OC
$18 - same as the above plus one non-explicit shippy photo
$25- four portraits in two outfits, two action, one non-explicit shippy photo
$36 - four portraits in two outfits, three action, two non-explicit shippy photos
$50+ - whatever the hell you want within my skillset, priority turnaround, and my admiration and gratitude <3
Charities to support (again)
Palestinian Children's Relief Fund
World Central Kitchen
Red Crescent
Brazil Foundation
America Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Ukrainian Red Cross
National Bailout #FreeBlackMamas
Jewish Women International
Some notes and rules
I use VTK vanilla so only fem v with default breast size (I'm lazy I'm sorry, again this is why I'm doing it for charity and not being paid directly). Specify if you use another complexion. I use Ava's with abs, no moles.
UV Male is fine. I use FrauBlume's skin.
No body rigs
Minimal customization mods please (recolors, more body or face meshes, and VTK or UV overlays are fine)
For shippy pics: only canon (lore not strictly game only) sexuality pairings: Judy x fem v, Kerry x fem or masc, Johnny x fem or masc, Panam x masc v, etc (I'm sorry it's just what I'm comfortable with, do not come here with discourse bc I do not care. This is for charity.)
All VP is final, no redos: I'll provide unedited versions and my own edits in a Google Drive folder. You're free to do whatever you want with them. Specify if you want them private, otherwise I will pick a few to share to continue promoting the charity drive/as a VP portfolio thing or whatever.
I have the right to deny any request I'm not comfortable with and I will provide alternative suggestions (e.g. outfits that cover customization options I can't do, more portrait or action photos if I can't do the shippy photos, NPC portraits, environment, etc)
What I need from you
1. Your CC values, preferably written down (Skin: 01, Eyes: 02 etc) but screenshots of the color palettes OR an NPV file OR an ACU preset file (please provide the written down CC values just in case ACU wants to crash)
2. If your OC has any signature colors or color themes they wear, as well as any other special requests such as "they dress practical" or "they are a total slut". Any additional personality info will be great too. You may specify clothing items/mods or leave it up to me for a surprise!
2. If you use arm cyberware
3. If your OC uses modded appearance items this will also increase turnaround time. Please provide either the files or link the mods and tell me what you use. *This may or may not work out depending on my own install. Have a mostly vanilla OC backup or other request available.*
3. If you want combat poses: any signature weapons they use (if they use iconics it may be a little while before I could get to combat poses depending on if it's masc or fem), how they fight (stealth, melee, run and gun, etc)
4. If you want non-explicit shippy poses: obv the NPC. Also only canon sexualities (no Judy x Masc V, Panam x Fem V, Kerry is bi so that's fine, obv side NPCs are fine their sexuality isn't quite established depending on who). These might have a longer turnaround time. If you use an NPC+ file link to the mod or provide the file.
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
‘V is a dumbass’ group chat featuring Kerry Eurodyne, Panam Palmer, River Ward, and Judy Álvarez
RW: Has anyone seen V in the last like, 24 hours?
JÁ: They were with Panam last
PP: They said they were going to Kerry’s-
KE: *image sent*
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vole-mon-amour · 5 months
Playing as male V is funny 'cause Panam be like, "Do you want me to come visit you?"
And I realise that I haven't even met Kerry yet, so I have to ignore her until the Kerry option pops up. Sigh. Romancing him as female/trans V is forever in my heart.
If I could romance Kerry as Johnny, I would. No need for that Kerry x male V nonsense.
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findyourrp · 8 months
Hello, I am a 27M writer looking for someone over 18 to write Cyberpunk 2077 with me because I’m on a kick again.
I will be writing my Male!V and he’ll be trans.
I’d be open to the following ships (though i’ll naturally lean more towards MxM ones):
Johnny Silverhand x V
Kerry Eurodyne x V
Jackie Welles x V (maybe an AU where he doesn’t d1e? we can work something out.)
Panam Palmer x V (double points if Panam is also trans. love a good t4t couple.)
Many others just give me ideas! (won’t do stuff like Judy x V though because that’s erasing her sexuality.)
Any sort of plots welcome (nothing too dark), smut isn’t a requirement we can fade to black if you’re not comfortable writing it! Discord only.
Like this post and I’ll reach out!
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ranarun · 3 years
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+ CDPR, pls, just let us romance Johnny
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