#Key Associates
alwaysbewoke · 3 months
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always on time.
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cemeterything · 5 months
i should read temeraire i think
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yankasmiles · 1 year
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smidgen-of-hotboy · 5 months
Something about this episode, Juno reusing an alias (Dahlia Rose) being parallel to Peter reusing one of his (Peter Ransom)... and Peter's homesickness? I'll explode. I'll explode.
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sunny12th · 1 year
been thinking about the rotting blue heart in the House of the Undying that seemed to nearly kill Dany and the Heart of Winter that made Bran cry. Drogon ate the blue heart, saving Dany, and destroying the HotU as a result. Dany also ate a raw stallion heart to give her son (the stallion who mounts the world, the title that actually belongs to Dany/Drogon) strength.
There's some foreshadowing there, right? Dany and Drogon (plus the other dragons/dragon riders maybe) are gonna eat the Heart of Winter? Dany consuming death itself? life eating death, fire melting ice, etc. Obviously the "Heart of Winter" might not be a literal and physical heart.
Bran eating the Heart of Winter through Summer; Summer literally consuming Winter. We see him eat while in Summer's mind in the books, it's an escape from his own nagging hunger. Hunger is for winter, feasting is for summer.
Eating as a celebration of life. I like this visual better than This Character strikes down the Big Bad with a sword. I also like it more than the three dragons simply burning whatever they see in the Heart of Winter. Eating is a celebration of life; I read a post awhile ago about how grrm puts so much Detail into his descriptions of food because of this. because it's all about celebrating life in the face of death, when you know Winter is Coming anyways.
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nilonne · 6 months
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Please watcher, give me the strenght !
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mainlysarcastic · 5 months
The TARDIS being stuck as an old English Police Box but still being able to change the way the police box looks is so funny to me
She can be different variation of the police box but can’t change into anything else
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mikesbasementbeets · 6 months
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Arlene Dahl's Lovescopes - Bobbs-Merrill - 1983 (design by Harry Chester Associates)
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garadinervi · 1 year
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New Order, True Faith Remix, (12" Single), FAC 183R, Factory Records, 1987 [Covet The Cover]. Design by Peter Saville. Photograph by Trevor Key
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shoecrabs · 7 months
It's so wild being someone who related to Jason's Eldest Daughter/Gifted Kid SyndromesTM and Piper's If I'm Different Maybe I'll Finally Be Good Enough, But Being "Different" Makes Me Feel More Lonely on their first read through HoO/tLH (and being scared, confused and angry at how much it called me out since they were the first characters I saw myself in) VS seeing how much hate for their characters were/are getting for being "boring" kids with personality image issues hits different lmao
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goodwillfidgetspinner · 7 months
people will say its not misogynistic to critique a female character in the same breath they call her a bitch and a whore. people will say its not misogynistic to critique a female character in the same breath they blame her actions on stupidity instead of poor writing. people will say its not misogynistic to critique a female character in the same breath they praise a male character who made the same decision. maybe that's indicative of something, targeted towards a characters gender. if only there was a word for that. who said that
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tswwwit · 1 year
Kidnapping being a common way to confess your love in the supernatural world and dipper getting kidnapped while he was just trying to do research in the fearamid library (it has a lot of useful books in there, although surface level information but most of it doesn't exist back in the overworld, and demons barely use it, the demons that do use it really just wants to gain knowledge or read) and then the world goes black and he wakes up clearly still in the fearamid (because he sees that same horrible wallpaper in the background he usually sees in guest rooms) only to see like a mid ranking demon serenading him, he cringes because not only does it have bad singing skills but he doesn't want to see anyone explode right now (who evens kidnap someone and deposit them in the same building? This probably isn't even it's room because only higher ranking demons get guest rooms)
(Sorry for word vomiting
bleeerrghhhghggrh.... hlehrghehehg
Wipes mouth and sorry for vomiting)
(Also sorry for using a lot of these cage thingies)
The funny thing is, kidnapping Dipper and staying in the Fearamid while doing it is like. One of the few ways not to have Bill notice immediately and twig to something being wrong. What with Dipper still Being Around Nearby, and if he isn't responding to Bill's calls or texts or anything, hey! Maybe he's just being huffy about something, he'll calm down soon enough.
Obviously the demon in question didn't think that far ahead, and is in for a very very bad time in short order. Dipper, meanwhile, is likely an old hand at the kidnapping thing at this point to be so blase about it.
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buckttommy · 2 years
I don't think 9-1-1 is in the business of killing off mains but I get the feeling something catastrophic is coming Buck's way and it's not going to be the car incident
#Time is a central theme that unites and binds Buck and Eddie but it is a theme that has been attributed to Eddie for the most part via#dialogue/context/circumstance/etc.#But last night Lev specifically mentions the concept of time in relation to happiness; not to Eddie this time but to Buck#in a way that simply cannot be mistrued or extrapolated or taken to mean or be associated with anyone else#Kind of makes me wonder about Buck's mental/emotional trajectory as well. Last season he clung to Taylor because he was afraid#of being left again. Understandable since he lost three key people in his life within a matter of months.#But they came back. And then Taylor was gone. And Buck's not clinging anymore but he's not happy either#so why the connection between Buck and Time? It's been so effectively established but why establish it at all?#Does he feel like Taylor was his last chance at the life he wanted? Wife. Kids. Happiness#(or at least some approximation of it)#That would put Lev's words into an even greater perspective: how he had this Thing that Buck actively desires and craves and it still#wasn't enough.#This thing that leaves Buck wondering 'if he had it all and it wasn't enough what will be enough?'#The question is: does he have the time to figure it out?#Because Buck might feel like *his* time js running out in the same way all human beings feel like there is never enough time#to heal the way they want to heal / achieve what they want to achieve / be who they want to be...#But Buck is a character trapped within a narrative he has no choice but to dance to#and that narrative is feeling so. Damning these days.#He feels like he doesn't have time but I'm willing to bet he has even less time than he thinks he has.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
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#byler#stranger things#twelvegate#something something time fuckery#something something it seems like lonnie could be both el and will’s dad…#however I think this could be a misdirect…#bc something’s not right…#I feel like if we’re dealing with a time loop in some shape form#apparently Henry doesn’t want Will and el to know each other…#this is what I’ve been saying about byler evidence also low key being willel wondertwin evidence#we’ve always associated Will going missing in s1 and el disappearing in s2#as Mike being able to handle their relationships separately and how that came to a head in s3 then s4#and how they did that to show mike can’t juggle both of their relationships the way he’s attempting to (el romantic/Will platonic)#but I think it’s actually also interesting that Will and el are kept apart for so long…#and then finally when they’re together it’s like all of these memories are surfacing for el…#around March 22nd…#and the fact that what saved her back in 79 was the memory of her birth…#I just think that’s so interesting…#in combination with the repetition of 7/5 test subjects tattoos being the only ones focused on in every flashback#and all the twin imagery#it’s like they’re subconsciously remembering each other#maybe vecna realized the only way this could work is if they didn’t know each other#even to the point of ‘putting them against each other’…#reminds me of that shot of 11 & 12 at the basketball game#but I don’t think it’s going to work…#I think Will and el are too selfless and love each other too much to do what Henry and the audience expects#el is also going to realize that she has even stronger familial love for Will than she ever had romantic feelings for Mike#and you know what this also means??#remember the crazy together scene? ‘they wouldn’t understand..’ ‘eleven would’ 🤯 SHE WOULD!!
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