#this is about vanessa from the fnaf movie btw
goodwillfidgetspinner · 11 months
people will say its not misogynistic to critique a female character in the same breath they call her a bitch and a whore. people will say its not misogynistic to critique a female character in the same breath they blame her actions on stupidity instead of poor writing. people will say its not misogynistic to critique a female character in the same breath they praise a male character who made the same decision. maybe that's indicative of something, targeted towards a characters gender. if only there was a word for that. who said that
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send-me-a-puffalope · 24 days
just got a hold of the fnaf movie novel and it’s so fascinating the way they characterize vanessa during the police outpost scene. they focus a lot throughout the book on her weird out of place “code switching” but it’s really emphasized here, her continually switching between being afraid and angry. and idk man the implications go crazy.
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“she shrank inward like a victim” is so dhjakfhfjsksfahjsg. trauma responses say what
anyway sorry I know you’ve already read the book but i had thoughts and i thought you’d be ok with them being in your inbox lmao (i hope you’re okay btw. covid is mean. and ap graders also.)
THE LINE "She shrank inward like a victim" MAKES ME CRY LIKE HELLLLL,,,, I'm gonna be so fr, I skipped a lot of this novel except for the Vanessa scenes-- I read specifically just the Vanessa scenes.
The way Vanessa is written in the books is so weird because on one hand, the "switching" between modes thing is definitely intended to be just about Vanessa putting on a facade of like a hardened cop when in actuality she's terrified for Mike and Abby. On the other hand, theres scenes about the specific hues of colors that her eyes change that feels so intentionally written 😭😭😭 though I assume they're probably red herrings. Like the scene with Vanessa and Mike by the river and "Mike watched, mesmerized, as Vanessa's irises deepened noticeably in hue. They went from their usual soft, almost grayish blue ot a deeper indigo. The color shift was so pronounced that it almost looked computer-generated." LIKE SCOTT CAWTHON. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN.
Anyways I started flipping through my copy of the book for this ask EFOASIDJOI man, as rough as some of these pages are, they really do give depth into some of the stuff people tend to not pick up in the movie-- specifically how the bodies of the vandals got cleaned up and stuffed in the suits. Most people don't think about Vanessa having a hand in it due to her reveal being later in the movie but in the novel, when Mike mentions that he can't reach Max, Vanessa's half smile disappears and she replaces it with her cop stare, which was dialed up to eleven (almost quote for quote from the book)
Some other things cause you've got me Vanessa thinking, Vanessa very clearly either knew the kids in the suits or have seen their ghosts because she mentions the Golden Freddy kid being the blond hair boy. Also. All the descriptions of Vanessa regressing back into 'little kid mode" whenever she's scared.
"Vanessa pulled in her shoulders. She didn't look up. "Someone," she said in an almost little-girl voice, "who's trying to help you.""
"The resolve wavered. Little-girl Vanessa reappeared, hunching Vanessa's shoulders. "He'll be coming," she said in a hushed tone."
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valleyfthdolls · 11 months
Movie!Cassidy is an Afton - an entirely speculative theory
A starting note
I do believe our little boy in Golden Freddy is named Cassidy, because Cassidy in the game universe is not confirmed female. Again I remind you all that Scott does not confirm fuck about these games. Fans have a tendency to claim their headcanons or whatever new fanon theories get popular have been confirmed to be canon. This is basically never true. Look at the semi-recent "Gregory is Scott's favorite" ordeal for an idea of how this information is shared in good faith and gets twisted nonetheless. Look at the comments under a fnaf au gacha life video for an idea of how people just straight up lie about that.
Cassidy in the games refers to himself as "he" and "him", we never see his physical appearance enough to make any judgment calls on his gender- any idea of his appearance is totally speculative, just like this theory- and most importantly, Cassidy is not exclusively a girls' name- it's actually a unisex name that started as a masculine one! It derives from the Irish surname Caiside, then became a masculine forename, then as it became anglicized as Cassidy it became unisex. In both modern day and the 80s, it is and was applicable as a boys' name.
Now, with that in mind, on to actual discussion of the Afton theory, and why I think movie Cassidy is one.
They look strikingly similar
Compare, for a moment, the appearances of Vanessa, William, and Cassidy. I'm using pictures of their actors because the pictures of them I could find online SUCKED.
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William: Light skin, straight(?) brown hair, blue eyes. Vanessa: Light skin, straight blonde hair (though it's wavy in this picture, it's definitely straight for Vanessa), blue/maybe green eyes. Cassidy: Light skin, straight blonde hair, blue eyes.
The movie does suggest that Vanessa colors her hair blonde from brown (see: the brown roots), however, when she shows the photo of her childhood self and her father off to Mike, young Vanessa clearly has blonde hair as well.
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And notably, her roots are just as blonde, suggesting that blonde was her natural hair color, but that it darkened as she got older, only for her to begin bleaching it back to its original color.
Now, blonde hair and blue/green eyes are both quite rare, but not rare enough that it's a dead ringer for a genetic connection. Hell, the Chica girl has blonde hair and blue eyes. However, Susie in the games has blonde hair and blue eyes, and Cassidy in the games very clearly has brown, and likely dark hair as well.
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This makes the change to blonde with blue eyes very noticeable, and very noteworthy. And it’s a set of traits that he shares with Vanessa, as well as the notable blue eyes with William, as well as appearing to have a similar face shape.
Cassidy is inexplicably special
Cassidy is the first person who shares the image of Afton as Spring Bonnie with Mike when asked about who took Garrett. He seems more aware than anyone else of William, Garrett, William’s crimes, and what they’re doing.
When Mike asks who took Garrett, Cassidy responds by drawing a rabbit in the dirt- Spring Bonnie. (I will come back to this momentarily.) While the other kids believe Spring Bonnie is their friend, Cassidy seems to know the truth. He knows Garrett is dead, and offers Mike the chance to essentially see his ghost in exchange for Abby.
Furthermore, Cassidy doesn’t ever attack Abby, he doesn’t respond when William tells the children to wake up and go after her, and most interestingly-
Look at this image.
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When Abby shows the missing kids what happened to them (in a scene I actually loved, btw, and I will take absolutely no criticism), you can see Jeremy in blue, Gabriel in the top hat, Fritz with the hook hand, Susie with long blonde hair, and… what I believe might actually be Garrett with dark hair and a red shirt. Because one thing is clear- that is not Cassidy.
Cassidy is not being controlled. He is fully aware, and he is angry. Hell, if you listen to his tone when he says “we want Abby,” it’s angry. Forceful. “We. Want. Abby.”
Again, Cassidy knows what is happening. He is angry and vengeful, and he’s the only one. So… why?
Well, honestly, this was my big qualm with the movie. Why was Cassidy special? In my eyes, there are four answers to this. He has a direct connection to William, a direct connection to Fazbear, a direct connection to every missing child that is unique to him, or he was the first or last of the missing kids. These would all set him apart. But we have no reason to believe he has a connection to FE, he was the fourth of the five missing kids as seen in the opening, and it seemed like the five of them were a group of friends. So what makes him special? He obviously knows or has something that sets him apart.
The imagery
Let me rewind now to when Mike first gets his answer about who took Garrett. He finds Cassidy in the woods and asks him for help remembering Garrett’s kidnapper. Cassidy responds by showing Mike a drawing of Spring Bonnie. Again, he knows that Spring Bonnie is evil, but more importantly here, he knows that Spring Bonnie took Garrett. Now, there are three ways he could know. One, process of elimination- the rabbit took him, so it took Garrett too. Two, assuming a relation to Afton, he saw or knew when this happened. Three, it was a matter of association.
Well, I actually doubt it was either of the first two. (You will see why this is not self contradictory in a second.) One, if it was because Spring Bonnie took Cassidy, well, Mike asked about Garrett, not Cassidy. For someone as obviously aware as Cassidy is, this is an obvious logical gap I doubt he’d make.
Two, Vanessa- Afton’s known daughter- didn’t know what happened to Garrett. When Mike asked- "asked"- if she knew, she said "not about Garrett." And while we don't have a clear timeline here (thanks Vanessa for your very ambiguous "in the 80s, kids went missing", we. we know), this was likely Afton's first kill. Meaning Cassidy was even younger then than he was when he died.
So, what do I mean by "it was a matter of association"? And how is this not self contradictory?
Well, assuming Cassidy didn't just. know Afton did it, what might have happened instead actually works even better with the idea that he knew Afton.
Compare the imagery here to that of the photo Vanessa shows Mike.
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Spring Bonnie and the toy plane. If he saw Spring Bonnie and Vanessa with Garrett’s toy, seeing Garrett with that toy, he could assume that Spring Bonnie got it from him. Therefore, Garrett was taken by Spring Bonnie- Vanessa and Cassidy’s dad in the costume.
Their relationship
This one I’ll keep short. We only see Cassidy and William interact once. And it’s a very bizarre scene.
William is struggling, clinging to life, and Cassidy is standing, watching. Someone else said he was crying here, but I didn’t see it. Maybe, maybe not. I’m leaving that there. Either way, William reaches out to Cassidy, seemingly for help, and Cassidy shuts the door on him.
Watching the movie back and realizing Cassidy was never under William’s influence, this scene is… confusing, to say the least. Why would William reach for the help of the one child who was never under his thumb? What is he trying to appeal to? And why does Cassidy get the moment of being the one to shut the door on him?
Well, it’s obvious to see through Vanessa and the four missing children under his control that he is very clearly abusive to his children. Which isn’t a surprise to most, but anyway. Through the few minutes he and Vanessa are together, he berates her, strangles her, stabs her in the stomach and leaves her for dead, and Mike remarks that William “really messed [her] up”. He similarly berates and insults the missing kids, calling them pathetic and small. At the same time, however, he relies on his children to back him up. Vanessa is supposed to keep Mike from knowing anything and kill him if he gets too close. The animatronics are supposed to kill children and adults alike on his command. He leans on them. They are supposed to back him up.
And this would extend even to the one who he never controlled entirely if Cassidy was his son. His daughter let him down. His victims turned on him. But he still has one child left who hasn’t let him down. One who wasn’t there for him, but should be. Because that is the job of William’s children.
He reaches for Cassidy, the boy shuts the door on his murderer. The man who abused, betrayed, and slaughtered him all while he was meant to be his dad. William’s son is not going to clean up his messes now. He’s going to make him pay for them.
(ENDING DISCLAIMER THAT THIS IS ALL SPECULATION! I know there are many other explanations. This is just the one I like and I wanted to share it!)
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missmahgenta · 6 months
Time to ramble once more about Vanessa and the FNAF movie!
I’m kinda curious to see what other aspects of her character she shares with game Vanessa, aside from the obvious.
-While talking about her abusive father, Game!Vanessa also mentions her fear and dislike of dark basements, which does make me think that they might use that in the movies to show the Sister Location (unlikely af? Yes, but we did see baby’s prototype so who knows)
-We’ve talked about Game!Vanessa having rainbow streaks on her hair, but no one has mentioned her glittery pink journal. Fingers crossed that if we get some flashbacks of Movie!Vanessa’s childhood/teenage years, we see both (I just think it would be neat)
-You cannot convince me that both of these girls have ‘friends’ outside of the animatronics. Maybe they are in good terms with a coworker or two, like Game!Vanessa and Luis, but actual living breathing friends? Nuh huh
-On that note, Game!Vanessa apparently has once ordered chocolates for herself and pretended they were from her made up boyfriend. Girlie wants to have someone in her life and wants to appear as stable and normal as possible. Another reason for Movie!Vanessa getting so attached to Abby and Mike so quickly, she probably feels the same loneliness.
-Back to topic of childhood trauma, wouldn’t be surprised if, should Mrs. Afton be mentioned in the next movie, that her fate would’ve been the same as Game!Vanessa’s mom, who had her daughter turned against her during a brutal divorce and ended up offing herself.
-Game!Vanessa somewhat enjoys cooking, and I hope that Movie!Vanessa does too because Mike doesn’t seems like a good chef (you’re seriously telling me that Abby, a child, would rather eat leftover soup than the grilled cheese her brother made for her? Just how badly did he fuck the sandwich up?)
-Game!Vanessa seems to suffer from severe anxiety and depression. Idk but this makes the scene where Movie!Vanessa yeets Mike’s meds into the river kinda funny, since I’m assuming she suffers from those things as well and maybe takes meds
-Alternatively, she realizes that she probably should take meds after spending some time with the Schmidts and attending therapy
-Btw can we maybe see some therapy sessions like we saw with Game!Vanessa on those CDs next movie or maybe novelisation? They all need it but, you know- (I’ll leave that as a suggestion for a Movie!Vanessa fic)
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twaigsayswhat · 11 months
HCs about the Scream (96) cast seeing FNAF
I've had some time to think abt this, so say the murders never happened and the kids are just a dumb friend group. Btw this is mindless self indulgence. (Stuilly, Tatum/Sidney yk) WARNING FOR POTENTIAL SPOILERS BELOW THE CUT!
Is actually highkey a little nervous to see it. She isn't big on scary movies but wanted to go cause it seemed good and she had a vague idea of the lore (blame Randy and Billy)
Dresses up with Tatum
Sits between Tatum and Billy
gets startled during specific scenes (iykyk) but otherwise enjoys herself.
Her favorite was probably either Max or Vanessa.
Tatum wanted to see this purely because it was a big thing. She doesn't know the lore (And prolly doesn't really care tbh).
She and Sidney dress up and Tatum goes all out. (She's prolly glam rock chica or roxy)
Is next to Sidney with her bag on the seat next to her.
Sits unphased through the suspenseful bits and thinks the movie is goofy. Is moreso glad that Sid liked it.
Thought Vanessa was hot.
Not the biggest FNAF fan but knows all the lore and is so pretentious about it.
Dresses up as either the purple guy (I really feel like he would and I don't know why...) or a security guard.
Is next to Stu with a random person on the other side.
Is inches from strangling Stu with every comment he makes throughout the film.
Doesn't get scared at all and thinks the scares are lame. (the only thing that gets him is the scene with Max)
Didn't like how the movie strayed from the lore but isn't against watching it at home to rip on it. (loved the special effects and technical work though)
Is a Mike fan, but in the non thirsty way. Also thinks Vanessa is hot.
He was ready to see this movie from the moment it was announced. Is a fnaf fan, knows the lore because of Billy and Randy. He will say things wrong around Randy to piss him off, but will ask Billy to explain it to him just to watch Billy ramble.
Dresses up as Springtrap. (come on. You know why.)
Is between Billy and Randy.
Will lean over to make comments to Randy throught the film. Let out a loud laugh when MatPat was on screen and cheered at Cory's cameo. Kept making jokes about William Afton and Shaggy, and calling Mike hot.
Thought the movie was great. Keeps saying "I always come back" whenever he enters a room though.
Die hard Doug stan. A Mike fan, but in the thirsty way
This man knows the fucking lore. He was secretly kinda excited for the film to come out. He gave Stu a crash course of the lore the month leading up to the films release.
Dressed up but very lowkey. (shirt with the color of the animatronic) Looked very out of place next to his four overdressed friends/boyfriend, but didn't mind.
Is between Stu and Sidney.
White knuckle grip on Stu's hand during the first half hour from excitement. (his face was fully stoic though)
Liked the movie enough but probably wouldn't watch it again. (He and Stu see it another six times) Thought the animatronics were cool looking though.
Liked Afton (yk why), Mike and Vanessa. (His favorite animatronic is either Bonnie or Foxy and I'll die on that hill.)
Okay thats all, sorry I'm insane.
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aloeverified · 10 months
vanessa should've been more of a villain in the fnaf movie btw. if you even care.
her backstory would've been essentially the same as mike's in the games, where she accidentally caused the death of her brother via animationic — but instead of bullying her little sibling, she simply wasn't paying enough attention as she evan were playing with the animatronic and it malfunctioned and hurt him. this caused her to grow up very fast, blaming herself and her childishness on the reason her brother died.
william essentially went down the same path as in the games, but is upfront about his murders to vanessa after she catches him in the act of killing a child. he then grooms her into being somewhat of an apprentice to him, telling her she's owes it to both him and evan for causing his death. since she was a very depressed and vulnerable child, she agreed to help him cover up his crimes.
in fact, that's the reason she later became a police officer. she covered up her father's tracks, burried missing people reports, and overall turned a blind eye to what he did and placed all the blame on herself.
when she and mike are outside near the lake talking about his brother's disappearance, she begins to sympathize with him and feel horrible about what she knew was soon to come to him. it's then that mike takes a photo from his wallet and shows vanessa a picture of garrett and his toy plane, taken just a day before he was taken.
vanessa instantly recognizes the plane — then the body. he was the same corpse boy she walked in one her dad stuffing into a garbage bag; the dead child that kickstarted her life of helping her father commit sins.
vanessa realizes that although she misses her brother, so does mike. and so would abby if her brother was then killed in the same way as the one she never got to met.
vanessa then decides to try and save mike, attempting to get him to quit and keep abby far away from freddy's. yadayada, rest of the movie is basically the same but vanessa slays harder.
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furry-tronics · 21 days
Guys, am I the only one that it's actually worried about the FNAF 2 movie?
Like, I'm sure that the animatronics will look AMAZING, because they are looking pretty cool and they are making an incredible job.
But I'm worried about the plot being the same one as the first movie, like
"Mike finds about the fnaf 2 pizzeria, Abby insists in going, Mike and Vanessa check on the place, the animatronics are alive somehow, they have to save them" and blah blah.
I just hope to see that the fnaf 2 movie gets better than the first one, I wouldn't like to see it in those memes with "the sequel it's worst than the first one" or stuff like that.
We know Josh Hutcherson is getting the role back again in the second movie, so that means fnaf 2 will take place after fnaf 1... Which is concerning, 'cause in games, fnaf 2's pizzeria is before fnaf 1's (Is this still true btw? I'm not really aware of the theories and stuff that around anymore, I make my own theories and take the ones that make sence, so I might have said a lie lmao, idk if the books said anything about it, I can't read them, i'm broke lol)
I LOVED JOSH HUTCHERSON, AND I'LL LOVE TO SEE HIM AGAIN, but I'm not sure how the plot will go, I didn't read the books from where the movie is inspired, either. (Someone knows where to read 'em? At least the trilogy lol)
Still, I'm excited to see the movie, and scared, too. What y'all think how the plot will go?
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miaogo · 11 months
So I saw the movie today (fnaf movie spoilers ahead)
I really enjoyed every single bit of it, that intro (the pixel one) was absolutely beautiful (also what a banger honestly) I really loved the parallels to the games and books:
For example, the guy that got killed by the cupcake (honestly a menace) had a shirt with the "midnight motorist" minigame on it (I was so happy when I noticed that)
Also I'm a firm believer that the Schmidt's are a direct parallel to the Emily's
(I could be severely mistaken with this btw)
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I mean also the "my dad couldn't handle it" (something of those sorts [I watched the movie only twice today so I can't still quote it perfectly]) really parallels the books and also kinda the games.
+ William stopping at Mike's surname? It might be either because he recognised it as the surname of one of his victims or actually knew this was "Henry's" kid.
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The unused animatronics being ones from the books was amazing too.
Also the mattpad cameo? Really unexpected but really liked (it's thanks to him that I got to know this franchise in a more serious way[not counting some mentions I had heard before] .
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Vanessa, I think that she might have been using another name other than her "original"
I mean William changed his so that he could "distance" himself from the missing children
So Vanessa might have done the same to separate from William (as she should honestly)
Also I think it's implied that Vanessa actually did keep in touch with William, since he seems to have told her to keep Mike away from the truth.
Really liked Williams charactization in this movie, he felt like no one could catch him, he was so sure of himself but gets proven wrong and gets to rot away for idk how long (in movie universe+if it's eternity he deserves it)
Also springlock scene (yippee)
Also I loved the animatronics behaving like kids (mostly) , because that's what they actually are , they are" just poor little souls that got forced to take that role"
yes that is a living tombstone reference, i loved their song being in the credits (also the puppets melody too! I hope that if there is a sequel that the puppet is there [maybe it's mike's brother])
Anyway I'm gonna use some things I liked about the movie to characterise my own version of the characters.
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madsselfships · 1 year
Promo time :) ♡
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Hi! Call me maddie or mads! :) I'm a 20 year old bisexual self shipper who is probably a bit too attached to fictional characters. Oops.
I usually just ramble and gush about my f/o's, and sometimes post imagines/scenarios. I do write self insert fanfics as well but i haven't posted any yet. I'm working up to it asgsgdfgjk
Let's be moots! We can totally never shut up about our f/o's together! I interact from @maddestmads I'm also fine with sharing f/o's btw :) oh and i don't have a dni list, i just block whoever makes me uncomfortable.
Anyway, here's my list of f/o's which i am constantly updating lmao
Romantic f/o's ♡
Roxanne Wolf (Fnaf Security Breach)
Vanessa (Fnaf Security Breach/Fnaf Movie)
Eda Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Darius Deamonne (The Owl House)
Catra (Spop)
Blue Diamond (Steven Universe)
Cassandra (Tangled The Series)
Charlie Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel)
Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel)
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
Verosika Mayday (Helluva Boss)
Loona (Helluva Boss)
Optimus Prime (Transformers)
Mirage (Transformers)
Arcee (Transformers)
Platonic f/o's ♡
Glamrock Chica (Fnaf Security Breach)
Montgomery Gator (Fnaf Security Breach)
Sun/Moon/Eclipse (Fnaf Security Breach)
Adora (Spop)
Glimmer (Spop)
Bow (Spop)
Entrapta (Spop)
Scorpia (Spop)
Sans (Undertale)
Papyrus (Undertale)
Undyne (Undertale)
Alphys (Undertale)
Lucifer Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel)
Sir Pentious (Hazbin Hotel)
Pomni (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Ragatha (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Bumblebee (Transformers)
Parental f/o's ♡
Glamrock Freddy (Fnaf Security Breach)
Toshinori Yagi/All Might (My Hero Academia)
John Silver (Treasure Planet)
Toriel (Undertale)
Asgore (Undertale)
Lee (Twd Game)
Kenny (Twd Game)
Hank Anderson (Detroit Become Human)
Rosie (Hazbin Hotel)
Reblogs are appreciated! <3
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doodle17 · 11 months
Just got back from the fnaf movie
Please remember if you reblog go tag with every fnaf spoiler tag you can think of btw!
Was so... godamn...
First of all: absolutely loved how it wasn't overly violent. I'm not a prude, but when it comes to gore and violence, I'm very particular. Everyone who follows me knows I'm not a fan of gore, and luckily this movie had none!
It was still pretty gruesome. Like the guy getting his face eaten by Mr. Cupcake and that one girl who got bitten in half by Freddy. But even then, all you could see was the silhouette and her lower half fall to the floor. And 90% of the other scenes you do see, but they kind of let the sounds of what's happening fill in the gaps as the camera goes somewhere else, like with Mr. Cupcake.
Even when you see their bodies later on in the parts and services, the end results of what happened earlier aren't even that bad! Tbh it's almost too dark to even see anything
I loved that! It made it perfectly fine for me to watch and not squirm uncomfortably or feel sick. It actually shocked me! Most gore just makes me roll my eyes and want to gag but this stuff literally made me say "WOAH that's MESSED UP" (enthusiastically) out loud a few times!
Also the parts with the animatronics playing with Abby.... GOD that really filled a void in me that I never knew I had... Watching them play and build a fort and be goofy... Really made me smile so hard!... Uh, as if they didn't kill a bunch of dudes earlier.... Hmm..
All the little references made me point at the screen and squeal! That MatPat cameo my goodness! It made me laugh too lol, which I was pretty surprised about! I wasn't expecting to laugh, smile and cry in a scary movie but here we are!
Every Balloon Boy jumpscare got me, because even though it was, as all those video game critics say, "a cheap spook with a loud noise" I can guarantee a lot of other people did too
I think I was pretty pleased with how they did the springlocks. The reveal... The way Abby said "They can see you now." As they turn to William... Their real Killer... HOT DAMNNNNN AND THEN HE SAYS THE FUCKING LINE AND PUTS ON THE HEAD JUST- CHILLS DUDE (I should probably mention how loud this movie made me btw)
And that part legitimately made my eyes water too! When they dragged him away, the music and him twitching... All I could think was "JUSTICE!"
And I love that they made William a horrible father from what we saw when he talked with Vanessa. It always irks me the wrong way when people try to portray him as a sad parent who lost his daughter and that's why he did what he did. Like- no. He wasn't okay in the head you guys, he was NOT a good father, EVER. I'm sorry but no, he literally neglected, emotionally, and possibly, physically abused his kids.
And I love what they did with characters too! I like how the movie just did its own thing that to me, felt like What fnaf REALLY is.
I never like fnaf lore as it is now. I like when the premise was simply: "guy kills kids, hides their bodies in suits, ghosts posses the animatronics, and want to take revenge but don't remember their killer, so they kill anyone they think is him." Before all that sci-fi stuff got involved. And the Movie is just that! "guy kills kids, hides their bodies in suits, ghosts posses the animatronics, and want to take revenge but don't remember their killer, so they kill anyone they think is him."!! It was awesome!
And I like how it explains that there's the possibility that while the kids posses them, they also have somewhat minds of their own. At least that's what I got from some stuff revealed. There's ways been a part of me that thought the animtronics themselves had minds of their own, so to see that it could be a possibility (in the movies canon at least) was really cool!
Also... Living tombstone fnaf 1 song :) in end credits!
And to end this off, sadly there wasn't a post credit scene sadly (unless you count that CoryxKensin getting jumpscared by the BB toy after the fancy credits)
But!!!! Did anyone else notice the fnaf 2 music box playing in the end credits? And the one noise that says the letters and stuff during the secret fnaf 2 minigames...?
I mean, Matthew did say he signed for 2 more movies... So who's to say we won't get a Fnaf 2 movie based off the evidence of what we heard there, huh? Just a little thought I decided to leave here before we end things off :)
FORGOT TO MENTION that both me and Cherri SCREAMED the lyrics for the fnaf song at the end lol,and two girls next to us started recording us lol (not in a mean way we all talked and ranted for a good 3 minutes afterward it was fun!)
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indiehorrorgamemovie · 11 months
isthefnafmovieout reviews the fnaf movie (SPOILERS)
Pre-movie thoughts (written 10/25):
I get to see it a day early! YAY!
I might have hyped this movie up in my brain a little too much, because I'm SUPER anxious.
The polarizing reviews i was seeing throughout the day were definitely a little nerve wracking! Lots of good and bad reviews, lots of weird contridicting statements. I saw lots of people complaining about the lore being "wrong" or whatever but... Eh. It has already been established that this movie won't have the same lore as the games, so I won't mind any lore changes. They're like the Silver Eyes books, in their own seperate canon but with similarities to the games.
Overall Im keeping my hopes reasonably high. Horror films and video game adaptations tend to get a bad wrap from even the fairest critics. I'm a die-heard fnaf fan, have been for all 9 years of its existence. If Dawko loves it then I will love it I think 🫡
Okay, now with that out of the way...
Spoiler free review, posted on my letterboxd:
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Post-movie thoughts (written 10/26):
The way they incorporated Mike's dream sequences into the narrative was really interesting, how he tries to use his dreams to find out who took his brother. He and Abby were really sweet :) I like how their relationship drives the plot along, with how they befriend Abby but only as a front because they want her to "be like them," and how Mike is caught up in the past and realizes that he needs to focus on protecting Abby, not bringing his brother back. Its surprisingly emotional, i really resonated with their story. Josh Hutcherson and Piper Rubio both did well!
It's basically everything I expected, and I liked it! I think it's story was good, with its focus on childhood innocence.
Vanessa is great too! Different from her game counterpart, but thats okay! And the twist that she's actually William aftons daughter? Holy shit I gasped like I was watching a soap. Thats so interesting!! I loved how she just FELT suspicious. I know it's very different from the game lore, but I expected the movie to be, and I liked what they did! I got chills when Vanessa showed the picture of her and William to Mike and you could see her holding the plane that Mike's brother used to have.... my dad thought that was the creepiest part. Speaking of william btw...
Matthew Lillard, man. wow. What a great William Afton. They do some subtle implications that hes William in the beginning and if i didnt know it was him already i would've been surprised. He hams it up like he did with Stu Macher and it's great! I wish he was in it a little more, and they expanded a little more on Williams character through Vanessa, but yeah, he was good! I hope to see more of him in any sequels!
I wish the animatronics showed up a little more, thats probably my biggest critique or whatever. But they are so well made and cute. I liked how they befriended Abby, and that they rlly honed in on the animatronics being possessed by kids and that their violence is from William Aftons influence. I wish they went more into depth about how William influenced them though, and why it's all the pictures drawn of what happened that control their vision of what happened. What we did get from them though was so cool! Jim Henson did so well with these guys, they're so cute yet can be so scary.
The kills were pretty tame on the surface, as I expected, but some of the implications were quite disturbing to a point where it didn't rlly take away from it for me. Especially Max's, it gave me a "Ada in the laser room in the re4 seperate ways remake" vibes. Same with the security guards death to the faz-trap in the beginning.
There were some pacing issues, theyve definitely cut some things i wouldve liked to see, there was some goofiness (that fort making scene made me laugh so hard im sorry, it was cute though), and some story elements that needed a touch more expanding upon, but this movie was still really fun! For non-fans, honestly i dont know how they'reresponding as a whole besides those really weird reviews im seeing on rotten tomatoes and such, but I saw it with my dad, who knew very little going into it, and he liked it, especially the story with the missing kids! For fans... well, If you like fnaf, are are willing to forgive some lore changes for the sake of telling a coherent story, then you'll love it!
Also why was Matpat there lol. isthefnafmovieout, out. See you on the flipside.
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reluctanttrabbit · 1 year
fnaf movie crack theory: the reason vanessa is in the movie and in this timeline is because the ballpit in freddy's is ACTUALLY the ballpit from into the pit. yknow the one that can time travel. and now vanessa is posing as a cop in this timeline so she can kill more kids
(im joking about all of this btw)
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winstonwolf24 · 11 months
Hello I finally watched the FNaF movie and wow
___________________________________BTW SPOILERS FOR THE FNAF MOVIE
So I have a theory
Mike is an Afton
Now before the movie I was in the camp that Mike (played by Josh Hutcherson) was and is the son of William Afton. Need some evidence
- In the scene where Mike was in the councilors Office with "Steve raglin" he begins to read Mike's file and when he begins to read his last name of Schmit he pauses then begins to glare at Mike as if to try and see any resemblance to himself.
-Motive: now why would William Afton try to kidnap Garrett? Well Garrett might be Mike's half brother and Mike's mum remarried explaining why Mike's Parents hesitantacy to talk about Garret Kidnaping with either Mike or Abby. Because Mike's mum ex kidnapped her. This can also explain why their dad left after she died, he could not stand to look at the son of the man that took his child.
-Now Doesn't William Afton have Vanessa? Yes he does Vanessa is Mike's sister, she probably doesn't know, but Afton certainly did.
-I believe why Afton killed and or kidnapped Garrett was for petty revenge. "Look at my ex with the perfect family. Let see them learn what is like to be broken and break up this family.
-Also Vanessa could be a Sammy parallel from the Silver Eyes. Even the premise of protagonist siblings being kidnapped by William Afton, by a very young age and main protagonist was traumatised. Just some stuff to chew on. 😁
BTW I edited the post because I accidentally spelled Garrett, Garayt like a idiot so I fixed that now
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makiruz · 1 year
Rewatching the FNAF trailer, not quite frame by frame but close, I am now 100% sure that Vanessa is full of shit (either lying or wrong) about the animatronics wanting to kill Abby, there's a scene of Foxy standing in front of Abby in what looks like protective stance, and this could be deceptive editing, but it looks like he's trying to protect Abby from Mike. Not to mention Abby hanging out with Golden Freddy (I think that's him)
Also, this movie is gonna take place over 5 nights, no? It's called Five Nights at Freddy's, it should take five nights.
Let's see, what else? I'm in the "Mike is Michael Afton and William is his dad, he just forgot" train, we'll see in October.
And there's other people, no idea who they are, but I assume they're there so people can die and there's stakes. And I hope MatPat is between the Employees of the Month, they're YouTubers apparently
Overall, it looks really good and I'm excited.
Oh! And of course! Springtrap, fairly sure he hasn't spring-trapped yet, and I think that's gonna be the climax, you know the minigames from FNAF 3? And that's what the animatronics are doing, btw, protecting Abby from him
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goosters06 · 11 months
FNAF movie spoilers!!(its totally worth the watch btw if you can handle gore/jumpscares)
Okay. So the movie finally confirmed MULTIPLE things I had theorized
1. Mike Schmit =/= Michael Afton
2. Vanessa IS an Afton
Even if it's an AU and not canon to the games, this is still massive for the implications it carries.
They seem to have a sequel planned, and I'm hoping for more Afton lore.
Maybe some stuff about the bite?
Maybe, MAYBE, Michael Afton recognition?
Maybe a proper explanation for Glitchtrap(probably not tho)
Excited to see where this franchise goes from here!!!
Also I'm a massive Abby enjoyer.
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doomzday-zone · 8 days
It's like the thing with William Afton is that he kinda sees his kids as an. Extension of him. His pride and joy and when Davie died he was kinda like, well fuck me that was Thing Number 3 I cared about next to Thing 1 The Springbonnie Suit and Thing 2 The Springbonnie Suit again. Hell maybe his kids isn't even the top ten things he genuinely cares about but to an extent it hurt him in some way. Maybe a bruised ego idfk
I would believe that grief can lead you to doing Nutso things like starting to kill children because what if he killed Charlie out of jealousy, Henry has a kid, I don't. I fucking hate Micheal and David/Evan was the only one that mattered, even though he was being a bit of a helicopter parent to Davie anyways.
Killed Charlie, thought it was fun, does it again, found out some shit about Remnant/Agony and the idea that he could probably bring lil Davie back it was a one two combo for him to just go Insane. I say the thing about Evan/Davie because of the "I will put you back together again" line from FNAF 4
I mean there was also that part in the movie where Vanessa just has a picture of her dad in the suit and her holding Mike's lil bro bro's airplane so that was like. A sick twisted way of him keeping Garrett's toy like a hunting trophy and giving his daughter a "gift" because she's useful to him or something. Btw the Springbonnie suit matters above all else to him I think this is just canon
This man is a sick sick individual but he only really "cares" about his children when they're there to. Feed his big fat ego
That's kinda my take on how much he would remotely care about his kids
I'm sorry it's 2am and if I misconstrued something i wanted to share my own two cents on the topic of Will and his kids. And his murderyness.
Also i've been sending you a few things on anon so I'm just calling myself Ballpit anon as an indicator jdkwjdjw
first YEA def springbonnie is EXTREMELY important to William, people say springbonnie is an extension of him but its more like it literally just IS him. its the vessel in which he expresses himself, a second skin if you will. William afton and springbonnie r intrinsically tied to each other,,
second ermmmm yea im. im not interested in debating whether or not he does care about his kids or if hes capable of loving them r whatever etc etc. i think its obvious he does its just the WAY he does and how people want to protray that thats off and wrong to me. no matter what your opinion of him is you CANNOT put 'normal' principles and whatever onto him it just doesn't fucking work, he doesn't operate on Normal Citizen logic he operates on William Afton logic its just that shrimple to me.
i agree that he thinks of his kids as an extension of him, and most of his thing w even is an egotistical thing. idk how..... i feel about the charlie thing ............ just yet. ik in the books they made william an obsessive over henry and in that context it makes sense but as ive said before: i haven't read them. and i have yet to see where in the game text that he specifically has a weird thing with henry, at least in the same sense, yknow what i mean.
yea im not saying that like, grief cannot push you to do smth that drastic. like at all. im.just saying most people DONT. like as a guy whose unfortunately had quite a few child deaths in the family like, me or my relatives never became child murderers yknow ?!?! hsjshsbdb and besides that i just dont think it was that big of a motivation for william specifically, or else we wouldve gotten more of that part of him in the text ya know. like from what we know his grief, at least in the fandom typical sense isnt that relevant.
and the way its phrased in fnaf 4 too, i will put you back together. not i will heal you r smth, he sees people as objects, akin to machines. im just saying this doesn't SOUND like the average father sad that his human son died, this is like smth youd say to a toy that broke. in THIS CONTEXT, the way most ppl say he cares abt his kids is wrong to me. anyways
also the hating michael thing...... where exactly does this come from............ squints,,, i have onions i could share abt this but ill save it.
but anyways yea, this is basically what i was saying minus a couple of ur points. i think the evan thing is mostly a matter of ego than anything when looking at the games. i thumbs up 👍
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