#Keys Day 8D
rakiah · 5 months
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Thehe! ✨☺️✨
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mysticalsoot · 1 year
Hey uhh...
I sawed that you answered my question with shifting and I'm gonna shift Tommorow or maybe in another day when I wanna escape reality
So...can you give some shifting methods that you tried? And explain them because I slightly know them
From: Danielle
To: you❤️
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And give me an opinion on this photo my friend made with me...
i want to cry. i had half the response written and I fucking clicked discard.
anyways as I was saying;
for starters a method is by no means required. it's simply a tool you can pick up and use as you wish but if you don't want to? don't. all you need is a clear, strong intent, which you can have by simply affirming 'i will wake up in (insert Dr here) in the morning/night/etc'. when and where are good guidelines to follow with intention if it confuses you since no one really says wtf intention is or how to use it. so there!
another good rule of thumb to utilize is law of assumption. as long as you assume and believe you'll wake up there, you're set. believe it as if it's true, as if it's something guaranteed to happen now, or when you intend it to.
last general tip; let yourself doubt, let yourself feel the anger and frustration and accept it. don't avoid it or push it away until it's too much. just let the doubtful and angry thoughts happen if the frustration just gets too much. it happens, even to those who've shifted before (I am not one of those but my sister is and she often gets frustrated and upset when she's in a slump).
so moving along!
I've tried almost every method I've seen but personally I favor the estella, the julia and the hug methods! (I'll explain more about them in a minute). i tend to use guided meditations since they tell me when and what to do and they always start it off with a quick meditation to help clear your mind and body of any tension! alunir is a good resource for guided meditations, but I have a few specific ones by other creators I could happily send links to!
if I don't feel like a guided meditation or a full method like that (or if my headphones are dead), I'll put on a playlist that reminds me of my dr and repeat affirmations. you could do this with the ADHD method where you listen to music that reminds you of your dr, but in 8D. most songs have an 8D version on YouTube. most meditations include some sort of ambient noise as well as subliminals.
if I don't do the playlist option, I'll put on an ambiance video specific to my dr where I'm waking up. if it's my dsmp dr, I'd do a snowy cabin. if it's chaos dr (I live in Brighton there !!), I'd do a beach or a city ambiance. my partner and I live in the heart of Brighton right by the beach. or if it's utopia, I'd do some sort of scifi/futuristic ambiance.
if I'm really lazy, I'll just throw on some subliminals, say a few affirmations, and set my intention.
your key is meditation and intention, if you relax your mind and body, set a clear intent and affirm, you're set.
on to explaining the methods;
estella; i use a very loose version of this method but what I do is I play music and visualize dancing with someone from my Dr and then when the music stops, tell them that I'll see them in the morning and then leave out a door which usually leads to a black void. then I repeat some affirmations and use my 5 senses to affirm that I'm in my Dr.
Julia; from what I remember, you meditate for a minute, relax your body and then you start by visualizing a few things fading away. after that you use I am affirmations. ie. I am shifting, I am pure consciousness, I am more than my physical body.
Hug; the hug method works by visualizing hugging your s/o or whoever you decide you'll wake up beside. usually whilst hugging a pillow. you'll affirm in whatever way you wish along with noting things you notice, their scent, your surroundings, how their shirt feels, etc. meditation prior is also a good idea!!
if you have any questions, let me know!! i wish you the best of luck on your shifting journey!!
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badartxd · 1 year
OK OK SO! for the romance post, do please kindly feed me informations about 13, 16, 18, 24, 25 for Yara my beloved? 8D if you let me, I'll come back and ask more! I was going to be terrible and send the entire list. ALSO also I think i remember seeing a picrew of Yara with an aro badge so can I ask a little more about that and how that plays into her relationship with Zevvo? 8D 8D 8D hope you have a fantastic day friendo!!
Hihihi! I’m super late but hiiii
13. How do they react at being away from each other?
Yearning. Yara is very anxious, given that she’s never left anyone and come back to them being alive and well, and I think that Zevran has his own baggage in that regard as well, not being close to a lot of people throughout his life and all, so I think they’d have letters and gifts galore in the times that they were away. It probably doesn’t help that in Yara’s case, things being off schedule/late freak her out, and she’s very much in the zone of getting worried enough to go off to kill everyone needed herself. Unsubtle, really.
I imagine that during Awakening, Yara would just constantly bemoan the lack of his presence when encountering locked objects.
Yara, kicking open a massive chest: “Ahh, I miss my husband. He’s so good with his hands 😔”
She also keeps just.. buying pretty things, so the Gang in Amaranthine would constantly see her buy herself really pretty, completely uncharacteristic things for ludicrous amount of money. She gathers a bit of a stash of things that were too expensive/large to mail him. Zevran is buried in gifts, but doesn’t have the heart to tell her to stop.
16 Jealous at all?
A little, but not much. Nothing they would want to show, though. I don’t think Zevran is a jealous sort, and Yara herself is confident enough, both in herself and Zevran, to not worry about other people. She’s the “yeah, we are both hot. Look don’t touch 😌” sort. I’m genuinely not certain if they would entertain poly leaning endeavours, but it’s not out of the question, either.
18 Is there any way they disappoint each other?
Answered here
25 Share any headcanons about their relationship
I’m high key struggling with a non specific question lol I’m sorry. I may edit this when I come up with something tho!!
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sammy8d257 · 2 years
hey sammy ...
Could you please make something to cheer me up I've been real lonely and depressed because of the exams 😭
It's ok if you don't want to.
Anon I'm so sorry exam season is treating you so roughly!
As someone who's been through 4 years of college and is currently in a One Year Masters program, I get it
But you got this Anon! I don't know who you are but I believe that you can make it through this exam season!!
And as cheesy as it is to say, things can always get better!
It'll be tough but if you can, try and find the things in your life that make you happy! It doesn't have to be big. Even the smallest things in your life that bring you joy matter
I like the way my laptop's keyboard sounds whenever I hit the keys! It's silly and small but it makes me happy! 8D
And if today is too long, well tomorrow's just a round the corner!
New day new you, amirite? alskdjglskg
But for real, it's rough right now but it won't always be. I don't know when or even how, but it will be. You got this!
I'm rooting for you Anon!
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starrbar · 2 years
Ellen the narehate
The Witch's House: The Diary of Ellen + Made in Abyss spoilers
In the Diary of Ellen manga, there's a scene where for a brief moment, I felt joy for Ellen despite knowing what a horrible person she is.
It's the one where she's running in Viola's body and she's just overjoyed to finally, after a couple hundred years, be able to run without trouble and breathe clearly and just... be healthy. Something she always felt that other people take for granted because they don't realize how painful her disease was and how much it limited her. And she's thinking the words to herself in near-disbelief, processing the fact that it's real. She then hugs herself and kisses her shoulder. Not only feeling relief, but pure happiness at finally achieving the one desire she always had. Such a simple thing that should have been hers inherently, but that, in her view, was unfairly kept from her all her life.
With all that said, I'd love to give her the Mitty treatment! >:3 See how she finally loses her mind trapped in a blob body like that. Then Viola's ghost can haunt her or some shit idk.
Or just stick her in a Danganronpa execution hehe. It would work since despair is the key to a witch's death. 8D
Tbh though, I do love the idea of Made in Abyss AUs for Ellen especially. Like, sure, there's the idea of her getting ultra karma by becoming a narehate in the way you really DON'T want to. But on the other hand, what about an AU where she and Viola were genuine friends and Viola ended up essentially in Mitty's position, a sacrifice that gave Ellen a new fluffy narehate body? She would finally be healed from her sickness (says me, idk), but she would be alone without her one true friend.
It just reminds me of that line Nanachi says, "even though I know I didn't receive this body just to lie around and sleep all the time." I think Ellen would live out that ideal whether it's canon her or AU her. Everything she went through just to finally be able to run freely and explore what the world has to offer? She wouldn't spend another full day indoors, that's for sure!
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gslin · 5 months
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lizzieblabbers · 11 months
octobery bery long ????
so remember the vacation entry i promised to post?? well... in my defense, tho, life came in the way and i had to prioritize urgent big girl stuff so i really had no time to sit down in front of my laptop and recall all my province memories
but it's sitting sa drafts na, will not set a date anymore, it'll just... be up
so anyway
october was so long wtf hHASDHADHA
so, october, to put it simply, is challenging yet rewarding. (big words from a big girl lyke me 8D *winks*
as i've mentioned in my previous post, i hadn't really had much time to kool down from the province high because i needed to be the adult that i am as soon as i arrived. it did not help that the professors had already started discussions and of course with those are activities with deadlines that were sooner than i had expected.
now, i really meant it when i said that october was sooooooo looong. or was it because i had too much on my plate that i barely had the time to rest and let time pass by? either way, it was the longest month i had this year because a lot was going on.
first week of october, i had to go somewhere, ALONE, without any idea of what am i gonna do there.
OKAY I HAVE TO STOP HERE its ten pm and i am fucking sleepy (yeah it be like that sometimes) im gonna continue this tomorrow
hi today's the day after tomorrow and wtf am i doing with my life
i have decided not to pursue the vacation post because i felt like i have already said enough about it in my previous entries (albeit trying to tone it down for, well, the said separate entry) and i think it would just be redundant??? idk, im messed up like that
so much has happened this past month that i can't really keep track of everything. october taught me a lot of lessons which i guess i can generally apply to all aspects of my life.
for one, it taught me that life isn't and will never be black and white. there are tons of gray areas existing that we should maybe look at and examine its relevance and how it affects each of us. not saying we should always justify everything, but you know... it wouldn't hurt to have another approach to life
anyhoo why am i getting all wisdom-y word-y here, im not that smart
my october mainly revolved on school and adulting responsibilities, alongside some realizations. as for school, it took me a while to adjust to the new academic year because there has been a lot of necessary changes for a less-stressful semester but all in all i'm fine now and already on the process of hooking myself back up to how i was before the vacay.
as for adulting responsibilities, well... october 2023 is when i first received a salary for doing something!!! yay :D immediately put it in a savings account and stopped myself from buying unnecessary stuff because i really want to practice this until i already have a job (FUCK THIS ADULT THING IS GETTING REALER ANY MINUTE) and as much as possible, save save save because i know im gonna need a lot if i want to sleep peacefully at night
guess that's the highlight of my month? won't dwell too much on the negative shits because (1) i can't really remember them aotm, and (2) i don't want to remember them anymore
in case of a relapse, however, i would definitely head straight here and let out everything i think about
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Fans Show Concern After Two Fourth-Generation Groups’ Scheduled Performances Are Linked To A Homophobic Cult
Celebrities with ties to the church cult have been criticized.
Recently, fans were shocked to learn that OnlyOneOf and Cherry Bullet’s announced festival appearance is linked to a cult.
On September 26, it was announced that OnlyOneOf would be performing at the 2023 Korean Dream Festa For Korea United, something that initially thrilled fans. Also included on the event’s flyer was the FNC Entertainment girl group Cherry Bullet.
As the performance is in a few days, the notice seemed a little late, but there is a reason for this — the two groups were not included initially in the lineup. The original poster shows that B1A4 and H1-KEY were originally listed as performers.
B1A4’s company, WM Entertainment, later shared they were not attending and had no links to the organizations involved, which led fans to research the event.
In the original poster, one of the organizations involved in the event is the Global Peace Foundation, founded by [Hyun Jin Moon] the son of Moon Sun Myung, the founder of the Unification Church.
The Unification Church’s members, also known as Moonies, believe that the founder was the Messiah and have been linked to problematic mass weddings and the assassination of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
“Hello, this is WM Entertainment. We would like to inform you that our artist, B1A4, does not have any events scheduled on October 3, 2023. We are aware of the fan concerns regarding a certain event. However, we hereby confirm that we are not associated with it. Also, please be assured that the company and its artists are not associated with any specific organizations. Thank you.” — WM Entertainment
The Moon Sun Myung was also known for his strong stance against homosexuality, saying that gays would be “eliminated” in a purge. OnlyOneOf, in addition to starring in an upcoming BL series, have had queer storylines in their past releases, making fans worry for their safety.
Fans of the groups have begun trying to spread awareness, with LyOns attempting to reach out to 8D Entertainment regarding OnlyOneOf’s participation. Many also criticized the company for negligence in booking the group to perform at this event.
The group gained infamy in the US a few years ago for including rifles in their service just weeks after a mass shooting.
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onomatopagu-et-cie · 11 months
The Killing Vote (ep. 8 notes, part 1)
The Killing Vote (ep. 1-5 notes) The Killing Vote (ep. 6 & overall notes) The Killing Vote: more on Joohyun, Kwon Seokju & Kim Muchan The Killing Vote (ep. 7 notes) Discussion on symbolism with @mare-sanguis: hands, the ambidextrous angel and serpents (part. 1, part. 2)
I hope you had a nice week-end!!!!
I was fighting against my laptop (and on top of that, a nasty cold, my room feels like a fridge these days ;;): it had LOTS of problems with its ventilation last week (I have to come up with every little trick like stacking books under for it not to heat up, if someone has tips I’m all ears 8D)! It’s accompanied me for 8+ years so this little guy has sometimes trouble to load internet pages, to say nothing of taking notes and editing screenshots, it took even longer than usual to post, and I wanted to post it at least before the new episode aired haha ;;
I think I’m competing against myself for the word count each time lmao (TKV really is some rabbit hole material, I’m even considering buying a copy of the script if it’s available for sale one day haha), it got even longer, so once again respect for reading through all this 🫡 I have to cut it in parts, so I’ll list what each part is about below!
I think the three parts will be uploaded today!
I wanted to write some notes on criminology and TKV here but I think I’ll leave it for another post/reblog of this one, as it’s not that relevant to the episode compared to the many others in this post and it got already too long _ (´ཀ`」 ∠)_
Tldr: what is everyone cooking in this drama???? I’m losing my marbles, there are too many hints thrown in all directions, they all do some big 4D chess and you don’t expect the audience to overthink every single detail 8D???
Have a nice end of the week ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ 🍂🎃
Part 1
General impressions on the episode Official character profiles Lee Minsu’s tattoo Three pictures missing in Kwon Seokju’s house Choi Jinsu, Min Jiyoung and Lee Minsu « If I were Gaetal… » and a triangulation orchestrated by Kwon Seokju and Lee Minsu
Part 2
Jihoon and Gaetal Jihoon’s name Joohyun, Kim Muchan, Kwon Seokju and the Killing Vote « The moment you perfectly understand… » The Gaetal Kwon Seokju’s departure
Part 3
Joohyun and Gaetal More on Joohyun’s scar and expressions Joomin and the ‘firecracker smell’ Kim Muchan and Gaetal What’s still not addressed (yet) The ‘witness’, chronology of some key events, where the story is going
♦ General impressions on the episode
WHAT AN EPISODE OOF!!!! It keeps getting nerve-wracking haha
All the cast was amazing to watch, but Kim Kwon’s performance as LMS… w o a h, he was in the audience’s seat with us, entertained by the chaos he created, a true clown (even his mother was nonplussed haha) 8D Im Jiyeon who played opposite him as Joohyun dfhjvbfdhvdjhbdfbfvd (and let her live all the way through, no more death flags please ;;)
I have no words whenever there’s a scene involving the MCs’ quatuor or trio (KSJ, KMC, Joohyun & LMS) 🫠🔥
Jihoon was also really great, it was nice to finally see him in action and looking more open/expressive with his feelings!!!!
I loved the scene where Joohyun visited KMC’s home! It was a funny call-back to when KMC witnessed the mess on her apartment’s floor lmao
We finally got a smiling Muchan but………….. at what cost ⚰️
In any case, this cast is really the embodiment of the Spiderman meme lmao
Everybody is going to jail ayyyyyyyyyyy Ngl but the way the drama unfolds makes me think everybody in the cast will be truly involved in TKV in one way or another, since the beginning, the middle or in the end haha
According to this kr tweet (I have yet to find these interviews!), Park Haejin (KMC’s actor) hinted KMC isn’t ‘at first’ Gaetal.
Because there’s not enough context in the tweet, it could also be about KSJ (because it’d align with what we learned) but I believe it’s about KMC since the user implores the scriptwriter not to kill off KSJ — and I agree with them 1000000000% haha — ➾ it’d then make sense KMC isn’t ‘at first’ Gaetal.
Park Sungwoong (KSJ’s actor) said his character won’t assume the role of the villain in the story………. Interesting maneuver me says haha
Oh and also I found in the most random way the nightclub where KMC busted the drug scene (ep. 7) in this MV (I was looking for the new album of Whee In, a Mamamoo member, and curiosity got the better of me haha)!
It’s too bad I couldn’t get the name of the set but you can see the statue a little clearer, so I took a screenshot:
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♦ The Killing Vote’s official character profiles
I didn’t get to read it until now, but SBS uploaded character profiles for the characters in TKV’s section.
Every profile is worded in a way that makes the audience suspicious of the character (a persistent, crazy, and competent lunatic, as Jodan said!), which is an interesting detail!
Here are some excerpts I found interesting to share:
→ Kim Muchan’s profile
On his relationship with KSJ: « KSJ, with whom he was close enough to call ‘hyung’. »
The profile clearly states he manipulated the evidence 8 years ago.
On his guilt and Narae's case: « Even to this day, there are countless sleepless nights where I still ruminate over my decision » ???? That’s what Gaetal said on their first broadcast in ep. 1: « It disturbs me so much that I can’t even fall asleep. »
The page also says he’s now determined to go after the culprit he failed to arrest then because of the wrong choices he made in the past AND the one who truly pulls the strings of TKV (배후 means rear/back/behind but can also mean by ext. mastermind ; this does not necessarily mean the 'true' Gaetal though mmmmh).
→ Joohyun’s profile
KMC and KSJ’s relationship captivates her. This isn’t even subtle, you can’t make that sh*t up lmao:
« 어떤 데이터보다 분석하기 어려운 김무찬과 권석주, 두 사람 사이의 묘한 긴장감이 그녀의 ‘촉’을 자극한다. » ‘The peculiar/intriguing tension in the relationship between KMC & KSJ, who prove to be more challenging to analyze than any other data, stimulates her ‘intuition/nose/sixth sense’.
She was admitted in the Cyber Bureau through special recruitment.
Because of the lack of evidence, the case of her family was closed as a simple drowsy driving and not DUI (and according to the drama, by a repeated drunk driver at that).
Her scar became the stigma reminding her of the injustice she suffered.
There was only one police officer (I wonder who that is… ?) who cared about her story and that’s why she decided to join the police.
Note: I believe the car crash happened in 2013, KMC was 27 at that time!
→ Choi Jinsu’s profile
See the point about CJS & Min Jiyoung below!
→ Jodan’s profile
It says he participated in various hacking defense competitions held by KISA, the NPA and the NIS.
He was a white hacker (even though he stated in the drama he was once arrested so it means it wasn't done within a legitimate context eg. contract mmmmh) and the profile states he sleeps during the day and like KMC, stays awake and works all night.
→ Lee Minsu’s profile
He actually had an artificial defibrillator inserted because suffers from a congenital heart disease (‘선천적 심장질환’).
The quote introducing his character does an interesting wordplay:
« 정의에는 수많은 갈래가 있고, 세상 모두가 인정하는 정의란 不在(부재)하다. » ‘Justice carries within itself various branches, and there’s no such thing as justice universally agreed on in the world.’
부재하다 means ‘be absent/missing’ ; because of denasalization, the ᄆ at the beginning of 무죄 (‘innocence’, part of KSJ’s catchphrase ‘devils deemed innocent’/‘무죄의 악마들’) might sound like a ㅂ, making the two words paronyms (ㅔ and ㅐ might sound similar in practice ; ㅚ and ㅐhave subtly nuanced pronunciations because the first one is a diphthong, but sometimes pronunciations overlap and are not kept distinct).
➾ This could be a fitting detail to convey the devils find innocence in that void/loopholes of the justice!
This also defines his character pretty well: every single moment of his life further encouraged him to gamble with others’ lives (eg. because of his mother’s excessive indulgence and his family’s lack of proper surveillance, punishment and care when it mattered). As in LMS’s notes, nothing altered the course of his life and everything snowballed. Note: I’m not saying it justifies/excuses his deeds of course, it only provides context and this dude definitely enjoys everything happening in his drama!
Interestingly, the Mu in Muchan is associated to the law (see the previous post for ep. 7!), AND it can also be written with the hanja 無 (무효 uses this hanja and means ‘invalidity/nullity’ ie. state of having no effect, often used about legal effects of a contract or provision for example), 无 & 毋 (없다 which can mean non-existent/lacking).
I said it in a previous post, but the Min in Minsu can be written with 泯 (망하다, be ruined/destroyed, used when JJW says No. 1 Fan ‘destroyed’ the person KSJ loved the most). The two characters are set as opposites.
→ Choi Dohee’s profile
Her introducing quote is also interesting:
« 인간을 지은 건 신이지만, 인간의 악을 재단하는 건 인간이야. » ’Humanity was God’s creation, but Evil is Humanity’s choice.’
Note: tricky to translate because 재단하다 means both judge (ie. make a decision by distinguishing between right and wrong) and cut out (ie. cut a material such as fabric/wood, etc. into a certain shape or size which is also visually fitting), which fits her character to a T since she deliberately manipulates facts to ‘reveal the truth more effectively with a provocative twist/seasoning to it.’ (eg. she deems her work with Joohyun as a win-win situation because both of their contribution were recognized in her eyes: she got awards, Joohyun was promoted).
Her character could parallel KMC’s reckless behavior too.
This aligns with the new episode and her overall behavior in the drama: « 그렇게 개탈과의 공생 관계를 만들기 위해 더욱 과감한 행보를 보이기 시작한다. » ‘This way, she begins to take bolder steps to create a symbiotic relationship with Gaetal.’ Note: 공생 means cooperation, but also mutualism and symbiosis.
→ Joomin’s profile
« I lack words whenever I think about my parents’ murderer who deftly escaped the net of the law in the past. It goes without saying that I too would choose ‘revenge’ over forgiveness. »
(I’m not even trying to think about the consequences if someone harmed Joohyun aaaaaaaaa)
→ Jihoon’s profile
He lost his parents at a young age and lives with his grandmother (where? Nobody seems to know given ep. 8).
Even though his smile is really beautiful, a shadow is always cast on his expression. He has no presence at all at school and willfully doesn’t mix with his peers (he’s an 아싸, something like an introvert in slang, it’s the abbreviation of the loanword ‘outsider’).
And according to the profile, he finds himself smiling before he knows it as he gets closer to the sisters my heart ;;;;;;;
→ Jihoon’s grandmother, Yang Hyejin
She struggles to shoulder all alone the painful story behind the death of Jihoon’s parents.
And gdi the picture they chose for KMC’s profile couldn’t be more red RED (like… TKV’s sign 8D), look in contrast with KSJ (they chose a picture of him wearing the blue prison uniform) & Joohyun (the background is white)!
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♦ Lee Minsu’s tattoo
What’s on LMS’s tattoo? Besides the ‘My Daddy My Hero’, there seems to be some illustration/pattern on the top of the cross?
Because of the lighting in ep. 4, we couldn’t see it clearly:
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(I’m tempted to say it looks like Gaetal’s mask: there’s some white figure/circle with two black dots inside!)
And this doesn’t seem like your average crucified Christ either!
♦ Three missing pictures at Kwon Seokju’s house
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I don’t know if this will be relevant later, but when Joohyun checked KSJ’s house in the present, three frames on the wall were empty.
KSJ’s flashback of moments spent with his daughter (in ep. 6) shows they still had pictures in the past.
The drawing that was removed is not one of the two KSJ kept with him in prison, did someone else take it eg. Jihoon?
♦ Choi Jinsu, Min Jiyoung and Lee Minsu
I have a feeling Choi Jinsu was the one that was supposed to keep an eye on KMC.
In ep. 7, Min Jiyoung asked her assistant: « Keep an eye on KMC. Ask some of my family’s men to spy on him without the chairman finding out. »
In ep. 4, there was this exchange between CJS & KMC:
« — [BWT] is registered at the chairman of Samdo Steel’s address. You know his new wife is an assemblywoman, right? — I’m not interested in politics. »
Joohyun ruled him out of the list of suspects for Gaetal because he was a detective on the case even though he attended every trial and didn’t know KSJ personally (and we know all this doesn’t mean anything!)…
And in ep. 6 (the pictures below), a shot emphasized his expression (in KMC’s direction, no less ; he averted his gaze right after while swallowing even though it was too short for the shots to show it) at the mention of Min Jiyoung’s family running Seorae High School’s Foundation.
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And he drops THIS banger ('He's always been a smart kid') as if he had personal knowledge about it (and it even made turn his team's heads) and he never finished his next sentence. KMC seems to have noticed that.
Note: by this moment in the drama we were shown Narae’s case and how he was by KMC’s side then, which gives us the perhaps mistaken impression he wanted to talk about Narae!
Choi Jinsu also said this to LMS when he was called as Jihoon’s guardian for an interview in ep. 6: « Given the severity of the case, we’re trying to keep this investigation as discreet as possible. When parents get involved, things often get more complicated. You know what I mean. »
Did his family also get tangled with Min Jiyoung’s somehow?
And we've got CJS exchanging glances with MJY in this episode's scene when they arrested LMS (the second set of pictures above!).
At the beginning of ep. 8, the drama also emphasized his reaction to LMS being caught on the CCTV at the funeral for BGC (more on that later).
And here’s some info we get from his official character profile:
— He has 20 years of experience in Violent Crimes (but he was never promoted while staying in KMC's team).
— He is surprisingly good at handling suspects’ interviews ie. he’s listening to their stories well and he’s a « genius » at building a rapport with them (yes, the drama always emphasized how Joohyun was to establish a rapport with KSJ but never brought up that detail about CJS, though he always sounds amicable with people he interviewed so far, which contrasts with KMC’s harsh behavior!).
— He ALWAYS (emphasis on always) uses with KMC the ‘good cop-bad cop’ strategy to progress in investigations.
— The character profile also highlights how he always follows KMC « wherever he goes » ; it also associates this expression to his character when it says he’s admirative of Muchan: « 무찬바라기 ». Note: it comes from the Korean word for sunflower, 해바라기: « when you add 바라기 at the end of a specific word, you mean that you admire something or try to follow that specific word like a sunflower that admires and tries to follow the sun. »
— Thanks to that (him following KMC all the time), police officer in every fiber of his being, he lately receives indifference/unfrendliness from his wife and child.
— For 8 years (after Narae’s case) he travelled with KMC around the country and went to great lengths to bring KMC back to the « central stage » (ie. probably hard-working to go up from the South to Seoul, which got KMC his bad reputation and also probably why CJS never got promoted according to his record when Jodan checked his background).
And this could explain a whole lot how:
He caught KMC at the forensics by night (because he perhaps followed him) in Narae's case ;
(a reach but) he insisted on KSJ murdering Narae's lead while coincidentally Min Jiyoung was trying to shift the attention off her son by uploading the video smearing KSJ’s reputation ;
This behavior that could naturally be explained because he’s also a father (so the case could’ve moved him viscerally) at first glance doesn’t align at all with how he usually works according to his character sheet nor with his sympathy for KMC (a previous scene expressly tells us CJS knew about KMC’s close relationship with KSJ, which was supposedly something a few knew about). Something might’ve made him change his habits.
He attended every single trial for KSJ’s case (and probably Narae’s) by KMC’s side while he’s not personally acquainted to KSJ (but the accused was related to Min Jiyoung) ;
BWT’s lawyer was probably made aware of the existence of the bunny plush (and KMC’s plan to fabricate evidence) through CJS and could take care of it in advance ;
For 8 years he continued to keep an eye on follow KMC after he was highly likely disciplined for this case (so that he doesn’t cause trouble for Min Jiyoung’s son nor her once more if we cross it with her discussion with her son). But it could also be out of guilt for KMC (if he’s involved in whatever is happening right now).
This scene in ep. 8 where he looked deeply disturbed by the camera footage displaying a person clad in black halting to hold their chest in pain (which LMS did in front of his mother once in ep. 5) and walked away. KMC also noticed and immediately called a colleague to look for a rope in plastic.
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In ep. 2, Choi Jinsu randomly admitted to having not slept at all recently and wished to go home: « Let’s call it a night and head home. I haven’t been getting much sleep in the past 10 days. »
You would naturally believe it’s because of the special investigation on the Killing Vote, they must always stay on alert day and night and it must be really nerve-wracking. However he said so while taking a glance in KMC’s direction: has he perhaps tailed KMC for 10 days on Min Jiyoung/LMS’s orders? Mentioning 10 days is also kinda specific, unless he’s a man of details that always keeps track on time or has a specific date in mind. KMC also looked back in his direction.
In ep. 5, LMS bids goodbye to his mother in a hurry, at night: « Right. I have to be somewhere. I totally forgot. (…) I’ll see you later. » We don’t know where he went. ➾ If Choi Jinsu has something to do with this, does he report to him on KMC’s activities (which includes day and night since he works with him and follows him)?
Note: it must be indirectly, through someone else, that LMS (or MJY) gets his information, eg. Min Jiyoung, her assistant or the Commissioner, because CJS only recognized Lee Yunseong when he adopted his new identity (and face apparently) as Lee Minsu in ep. 2 (he went back to SK only a year ago!).
Did LMS then learn the extent of KSJ and KMC’s relationship through CJS … ?
In ep. 8, Choi Jinsu says he’ll stop by KMC’s at night after he learned he had the same dream again.
In any case, it’s not clear if CJS works for Min Jiyoung/LMS without trying to deceive them: he could go along with their plan to get around their vigilance and double-cross them with KMC.
He seems really admirative and caring for KMC, so things might be more complex.
(More on what CJS could possibly witness while keeping an eye on KMC in the upcoming points!)
♦ « If I were Gaetal… » and a triangulation orchestrated by Kwon Seokju and Lee Minsu
Definitely not missing those parallels between KMC and LMS:
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This strongly feeds into the superposition of the two characters when it comes to KSJ and the subsequent indirect communication between the three: what is about LMS is also about KMC, and vice versa:
— What would be considered a ‘love letter’ in LMS’s point of view from KSJ, who was convinced KMC was Gaetal/No. 1 Fan all these years until recently, could be considered a ‘love letter’ to KMC in KSJ’s point of view.
It’s highlighted once again later in the episode with Joohyun’s comment:
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Note: KMC is still withholding the extent of his relationship with KSJ to Joohyun!
— Wanting to see 'LMS' from KSJ’s point of view could mean he wanted to see KMC for this same reason. The end of the episode even emphasizes this line once again as KMC is thinking about the case at home and this specific sentence is played to KMC's surprise ;
— Also, KSJ’s words: « I wanted to see you because I wanted to say goodbye. There’s not much time left. (…) I wasted a long time in prison, because of one wrong decision. I realized too late that I didn’t have enough time to make up for that mistake. That is why I decided to meet you. »
Note: If KMC's wrong decision was to lead recklessly Narae's case as his character profile stated, KSJ's was BWT's murder (whether he regrets the act itself is another question, but at least he must be regretting murdering the wrong person).
Specifically sound addressed to KMC even though he’s looking at LMS, which leaves the latter perplexed (more on it below!). You also get this shot of KMC fully focused on KSJ when KSJ says these words:
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The episode also concludes with KSJ’s evasion and KMC realizing he’s truly involved with Gaetal!
Was this 'lack of time' about KSJ’s imminent escape? Is this about something else (eg. his health, putting an end to KMC’s guilt by taking full responsibility, or something urgent about Narae’s case that’s about to be finished, like the statute of limitations for example?)?
The next part is puzzling (« I realized too late that I didn’t have enough time to make up for that mistake. »), like please explain good sir????
This is also a parallel to LMS’s conversation with his mother in ep. 5:
« — You know that detective, Kim Muchan. He’s a really funny guy. It seems impossible to kill him. He’s like a cockroach. (…) — You better stay away from those vermin. If he messes with you once again, I’ll kill him for real. How dare he try to get in my son’s way? (…) — Right. I have to be somewhere. I totally forgot. — Where are you going? You should quit school too [this line also emphasizes 이제, now]. You should get in shape first. Stop playing around. — This is the only time I can play around. »
Note: Will there be an upcoming surgery for his heart? Is his diagnosis getting worse/fatal these days, which is why his mother asks him to relax as much as possible?
— You could even say everything LMS wanted to be in KSJ’s eyes was what KMC was tacitly described as in ep. 3 ie. KSJ agreeing to the entirety of Joohyun’s description of ‘Gaetal’ corresponding with KMC:
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Note: if you rewatch this scene, you can see KSJ react at the mention of a ‘fan’, then looking in KMC’s direction (who pointedly avoids eye contact by the way).
— All of this is happening when all the characters involved from both sides of the room know this meeting is staged for everyone to watch:
I loved that shot btw, KMC and Joohyun look like ghosts (perhaps privy to something we don’t know yet)!
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-> KMC and Joohyun organized the meeting between the two so that they’d gain a confession from LMS ; unlike KMC and KSJ (and highly likely LMS too if he wiretapped them), Joohyun ignores the hidden meaning behind the ‘No. 1 Fan’. KMC was also gauging KSJ’s reactions (another sign he still couldn’t shake the bad feeling he had in the episode).
-> As for KSJ, dude was busy haha: He now has to face LMS’s fascination for him as he only did through letters until now (under the false impression it was KMC). He wanted to coax LMS into confessing he was No. 1 Fan in front of KMC & Joohyun (to shift the Gaetal suspicions off himself at the same time). Note: However, I think it’s likely he did that half-heartedly because he caught on that the suspicions came back and it’s not like he wouldn’t expect this meeting wouldn’t be revealing!
And whatever he wanted to communicate to KMC (and Joohyun) in cryptic ways!
This behavior triggered LMS’s reactions (see below!). It’s also interesting that LMS displayed strong emotions out loud while KSJ remained absolutely impassive with a frozen expression on the surface throughout most of their exchange (until he snapped).
-> Yes, even LMS becomes gradually aware of it: at first, he was wholeheartedly ecstatic at his undreamt of meeting with KSJ.
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Look at this dude here living the Dream and twirling hair, you can see whole galaxies in his eyes lmao
But the elation sank once he saw the pleasure was not truly reciprocated by KSJ (I can’t believe I’m writing this lmao) and that’s from that point on he started to glance sideways to his left in the direction of the interrogation room’s glass panel ie. where KMC (and Joohyun) stands.
He did it whenever KMC might come to mind in his exchange with KSJ, which suggests he hinted at KMC in his answers:
1) « I enjoyed reading your replies too. » and a 'love letter'
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After being accused by KSJ of being No. 1 Fan, LMS glanced in KMC’s direction and retorted ad hominem: « I enjoyed reading your replies too. I was worried you might hate me, but you showed me you completely understood me. I was worried you might hate me, but you showed me you completely understood me. It meant we were finally communicating properly, which reassured me. ».
He realized he was being used and decided to play with something he figured not even KMC would know the truth about: the letters. It could also be to show off to KMC he shared a correspondence with KSJ he was not privy to! He carries on that later with the 'love letter' and when he says « I felt like I was the only one putting effort into our relationship, so it wasn’t fun anymore. »
(More on the reference of the 'love letter' and what it possibly means at the end of Part 3!)
KSJ deflects LMS's accusation by stating he never wrote replies in the first place (the last pictures of the first column).
Which provokes LMS even more as he teasingly glances in KMC’s direction to deem them as ‘love letters’ (I’m so sorry it’s screenshot-heavy lmao, I just loved the acting here!!!!).
Notice how KSJ withdrew his hands from the desk (to put them underneath and fall back in his chair) broke contact/physically retreated as soon as LMS claimed these replies (love letters right lmao) were addressed to him:
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Not to mention how LMS does the same later, when KSJ asks him if he’s Gaetal and LMS realizes the purpose of his arrestation (the camera also emphasizes the movement of his hands being dragged down along the table). It’s worth mentioning that LMS decides next to rile KSJ up by threatening KMC (more on it below!).
For what it’s worth, KMC, first leaning on the desk, adopted a similar posture once KSJ asked him if he meant what he said in ep. 7 (and you can see KSJ is clenching his jaw at the lack of a verbal answer).
2— « There’s not much time left? »
When KSJ says he wanted to meet LMS because there’s not much time left, LMS looks a little confounded and directs his gaze to the glass:
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3— « Are you Gaetal? » and not No. 1 Fan
When KSJ asks if LMS is Gaetal, this bursts LMS’s bubble and he explodes in laughter as realization dawned on him: KSJ is not there for him.
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4— « If I were Gaetal, who would be the target today? Don’t you want to know? »
LMS bitterly laughs to himself and decides now to taunt KSJ at the mere suggestion of harming KMC: he finally introduces KMC to their conversation even without having to name him, the (almost rhetorical) question is deliberately left open.
He even went out of his way to make a little detour and showingly drag his feet right in front of the glass (facing KMC & Joohyun) to get his point across. It’s the only moment KSJ looked not in control and troubled, and tried to gauge LMS.
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And he loses it the moment LMS’s eyes train the slightest to the left:
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5— « Ring, ring! »
And finally, when KMC stops KSJ, LMS regains his composure as he sees the former arrive and laughs at them when the vote is up (ngl the third to last picture would make great meme material out of context haha, it has the same vibes as that Real Housewives cat meme):
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After this episode, you can better appreciate this scene in ep. 6 (first two pictures):
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But at the same time, what KSJ says next becomes even more unclear, ep. 8 might add another layer to it (three next pictures):
— Is some part of his speech an act? His anger and regret sounded real, but he could’ve used them to redirect KMC’s (and everyone watching) suspicions off him.
— KSJ specifically says he wished KMC were Gaetal, not No. 1 Fan, if this detail will be relevant later.
— If he was honest, why would he wish for Gaetal when he’s supposedly Gaetal himself……………. ? Is he involved in the Killing Vote in a different way from Gaetal’s?
This scene between Joomin and KMC in ep. 4 can also be further appreciated (last two pictures).
That's all for the first part, part 2 is next!
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watchfuleyeleans · 2 years
what's your favorite hobby? are there any you wanna pick up?
im sort of like a hobby machine lmaoooo like i enjoy reading, watching things, drawing, and some videogames even if sometimes i get fed up w them. rn im leaning more towards drawing. im not super great at it but its relaxing to just draw some anime ppl snogging or something after having to press wee adobe photoshop keys the whole day
as for hobbies id like to pick up... hmmmm there are many i consider to be cool af, like shite related to drinks (NOT JUST CONSUMING THEM LMAO that im already proficient in 8D) and historical stuff like archives and antiques??? history is feckin excellent don't let anybody tell ye its lame
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tonkiturbo · 2 years
Eggy drinks crossword clue
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#Eggy drinks crossword clue Patch#
In graduate school, I studied and wrote about anti- MENDICANT (specifically, anti-fraternal) literature of the fourteenth century (it's true), so that word was an oddly nostalgic piece of cake ( 14D: Beggar). Of course I knew who President TAFT was, but it wasn't until after much crosswording that I realized that the family was an Ohio political dynasty. short for "RITardando"), MRE ( 68D: Field ration, for short), ALETA ( 104D: Prince Valiant's love) and the TAFTS ( 58D: Ohio political dynasty). AGIO was a huge WTF?! to me the first time I saw it - now, a gimme ( 8D: Currency exchange premium). 56D: Really angry group? ( HOT CROSS BUNCH)Īs is true on many days, today was a good day to have some Basic crosswordese under your belt.16D: Hit below the belt? ( MAKE A BAD PUNCH).117A: Instruction #1 for roofers? ( GET A LOAD OF THATCH) - this and PATCH.
#Eggy drinks crossword clue Patch#
98A: Hidden help for one who's trying to quit smoking? ( PATCH ON THE BACK).68A: What kind, decent people wear? ( MENSCH FASHION).38A: Exceptional soldier on his only tour? ( ONE-HITCH WONDER).23A: Problem for a crane operator? ( NO-WINCH SITUATION) - one small issue: "operator" in the clue when OPER.Luckily for me, SARA LEE ( 51A: Food giant based in Downers Grove, Ill.) and HELOISE ( 40D: Hint offerer) eventually helped me corral this section. Coincidentally, the non-bird TERNE crossed the birdy WREN ( 41D: Follower of Christopher or Carolina), which I also had some trouble getting. I know TERN as a shorebird common to North American crossword grids. Also, if you replace the "U" in "ENURE" with a "T" and then anagram it, you get the one word (besides RIN) I had *no* clue about today: TERNE. And the most common clue for RIN - RIN Tin Tin - is a dog. And here I thought someone had found an interesting new clue for that damned animated dog. Sadly, the stupid is a RIN, not a REN, and so, today, INURE was the correct way to go. I had ENURE for 66A: Get used (to), which is *a* correct answer to the clue (that exact clue has been used for ENURE before). I noticed an error when checking over my grid. Very undemanding grid (just seven theme answers) allows for a generally interesting and mostly smooth overall quality to the grid. a wooden block built into a masonry wall so that joinery structure can be nailed to it.An easyish, non- OGREISH puzzle ( 84D: Beastly), with hardly any sticking points.a wooden pin pushed or driven into a surface.The solution to the Eggy drinks crossword clue should be:īelow, you’ll find any key word(s) defined that may help you understand the clue or the answer better. You’ll want to cross-reference the length of the answers below with the required length in the crossword puzzle you are working on for the correct answer. This clue last appeared Jin the Eugene Sheffer Crossword. You will find that as you play more of these games that you will end up familiar with a lot of the clues that come up! Eggy drinks Crossword Clue AnswersĪ clue can have multiple answers, and we have provided all answers that we’re aware of for Eggy drinks. There’s nothing to be ashamed of if you struggle on a crossword clue! These puzzles cover many different subjects, and it’s hard to be an expert on everything. We have all of the available answers for Eggy drinks crossword clue if you need some help! Of course, sometimes the crossword clue totally stumps us, whether it’s because we are unfamiliar with the subject matter entirely or we just are drawing a blank. Crosswords can be an excellent way to stimulate your brain, pass the time, and challenge yourself all at once.
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greentrickster · 2 years
Emmet high-key doesn’t get why Ingo’s so calm and tolerant around Melli when the two first arrive, and it’s verrrrry annoying to him that he doesn’t. Like, the guy is a total pain, and talks down to Ingo all the time, so it should be easy to just dislike him and leave it at that.
Except. There are obvious signs that Melli and Ingo have interacted a lot. The guy can read Ingo’s facial expressions with surprising accuracy, they have moments of conversation and argument that Emmet can tell they’ve had many times before and are basically rote at this point, they’ll back each other up or side together from time to time when talking about Hisui or certain things regarding pokemon, battles, wardens, and nobles, and just.
Even after Melli’s break-down they aren’t exactly friends.
And they argue a lot.
But they get along and understand each other quite well.
Then one of the days that Melli’s with them on the subway, not long after Melli’s had his breakdown, Emmet and Ingo get defeated by a pair of trainers that day who are excited to win, and worked well together... but who are arguing about which of them’s going to win their next battle against each other even before they’ve left the car. And Emmet has an Epiphany.
Emmet: (looking between Melli and Ingo) Oh. Oh! I get it - you two are RIVALS! 8D 8D 8D
Melli: ...what?
Ingo: (considering) ...hm, I suppose we are.
Emmet: Wonderful! I’m verrrry happy you were able to find one, Ingo, congratulations!
Melli: No, really, what’s going on?
Ingo: (very seriously) You have been a very good rival, Melli. I will do my best to be the same as long as our cars continue this aligned track.
Melli: ??!???!?
Elesa and Ingo eventually explain about trainer rivalries, and Melli is kind of annoyed but also has to admit, yeah, kinda fits. And they end up as much friends as rivals by the time he goes home, which Melli finds kind of weird, but also nice.
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sylphscope · 3 years
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Pokecember Day 18: Fairy-type Pokemon
Hey there, trainer!! Are you breaking into an evil team’s lair? Need some top security rooms unlocked? Did you forget your acro bike in Mauville City? Your rival stole your house keys? WELL, have WE got a DEAL for YOU!! 8D
...Annnnnnd type number 18!! It’s an ad for the classiest locksmith, with a tiny skeptical Togetic in the corner, wooooo
I really like the dumb effect that the halftone gives it, but it does also kinda make my eyes bleed, so I’ve attached my original clear version below the cut. XD
Anyway, yeah! Thanks for bearing with me through my partial Pokecember challenge, all! I hope you enjoyed some of them! I was very late with most of them, and it was sorta stressful sometimes, but I still had a lot of fun, and I even rediscovered some art supplies I’d forgotten about. =D Thank you for being so patient and supportive, and thanks for all your lovely comments, too. <3 Keep taking care out there in the new year!! Make sure you keep your keys in a safe place.
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gslin · 5 months
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snackpointcharlie · 2 years
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In a world that's rapidly splintering, Snackpoint Charlie is your audio Krazy Glue. Music from elsewhere and beyond that really ties the room together, every first and third Wednesday from 10pm to midnight on WGXC 90.7 FM and served up as a podcast with a danged smile NOW at https://wavefarm.org/wf/archive/bksvv4
Snackpoint Charlie - Transmission 099 - 2022.09.21 PLAYLIST https://wavefarm.org/wf/archive/bksvv4
1) Hugo Randulv - “1” from RADIO ARKTIS (SAMLADE LJUD FRÅN DEN NORRA POLCIRKELN) [COLLECTED SOUNDS FROM THE ARCTIC CIRCLE] https://discreetmusicgbg.bandcamp.com/album/hugo-randulv-radio-arktis-samlade-ljud-fr-n-den-norra-polcirkeln https://daily.bandcamp.com/scene-report/gothenburg-underground-scene-report
2) Stone Tapes - “Owera Camila” from BRASILIA CASACÁJÁ SESSIONS https://www.joyfulnoiserecordings.com/products/2022-artist-in-residence
(underbed throughout:) Pinchas Gurevich - “farkchicadas” Pat Methane - “Yugo To Be Kidding” from NEBULOUS GAS ERUPTION
3) Wau Wau Collectif - “Xale (Toubab Dialaw Kids Rhyme)” from MARIAGE https://wauwaucollectif.bandcamp.com/album/mariage
4) Yao Bobby & Simon Grab - “Every Day” from WUM https://lavalavarecords.bandcamp.com/
5) Peter Jefferies and Victoria Singh - “The Space Between” from CECI N'EST PAS UNE FRITE https://almosthalloweentimerecords.bandcamp.com
6) Catherine Graindorge featuring Iggy Pop - “Mud I” from THE DICTATOR https://catherinegraindorge.bandcamp.com/album/the-dictator
7) Fairuz - “Something is Happening” from KIFAK INTA https://wewantsounds.bandcamp.com/merch/fairuz-kifak-inta-lp-deluxe-edition-black-vinyl
8) Karen & Peter - “En Hiver” from AGGRO DOLCE https://cruelnaturerecordings.bandcamp.com
9) Al-Qasar - “Ya Malak (feat. Jello Biafra)” from WHO ARE WE? https://alqasar.bandcamp.com/album/who-are-we
10) Vieux Farka Touré & Khruangbin - “Savanne” from ALI https://khruangbin.bandcamp.com/album/ali
11) Ali Farka Toure - “Tulumba” from NIAFUNKÉ https://www.discogs.com/release/13724217-Ali-Farka-Toure-Niafunk%C3%A9
12) Kaja - “Hanja Miis” from KULDSEST LÄANEST https://www.discogs.com/release/2094671-Kaja-Kuldsest-L%C3%A4%C3%A4nest
13) Bogdan Jankowski - “Radio II” from HIMALAYA AND KARAKORAM • VOICES FROM THE MOUNTAINS • 1971–2003 https://saamleng.bandcamp.com/album/himalaya-and-karakoram-voices-from-the-mountains-1971-2003
14) Primary Mini-Band - “最后の時 (地獄のワルツ) [Last Time (Hell Waltz)]” from KIMAMANAHIBI https://www.discogs.com/master/1600043-Primary-Mini-Band-Kimamanahibi-%E3%81%8D%E3%81%BE%E3%81%BE%E3%81%AA%E3%81%B2%E3%81%B3 https://aquariumdrunkard.com/2022/09/12/first-last-japanese-private-press-vol-6/
15) Allen Ravenstine - “The Longing of Boat Key” from CROSSING DAYLIGHT https://allenravenstine22.bandcamp.com/album/crossing-daylight
16) Z’ev - “(Untitled excerpt from LIGHTNING MUSIC)” from N.A.M.E. GALLERY, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 03.01.86 https://www.discogs.com/release/672129-ZEV-NAME-Gallery-Chicago-Illinois-030186
17) Mirt - “Distant Music from Kathmandu” from SONGS AND PRAYERS FROM THE KATHMANDU VALLEY https://saamleng.bandcamp.com/album/songs-and-prayers-from-the-kathmandu-valley
18) Karen Constance - “?” from ?????? https://bloodstereo.bandcamp.com/album/- https://foxydigitalis.zone/2022/03/24/constance-nyoukis/
19) Yara Asmar - “We Put Her in a Box and Never Spoke of it Again” from HOME RECORDINGS 2018 - 2021 https://yaraasmar.bandcamp.com/album/home-recordings-2018-2021 https://yaraasmar.com/
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Sunday 23 April 1837
8 10
11 35
Slept in the K.C. as since the 11th Rainy morning F40 ½° at 9 ½ and breakfast – sat talking to A- till after 11 and then reading Stewards’ advice to purchasers of horses (came yesterday) till near 12 – then wrote to Messrs. Gray – mended and made pens for evening meaning to write my packet to the Stuarts etc – copying business letters into Business Letter book etc till 1 ¾ - sealed my letter to ‘Messrs. Gray solicitors York’ and sent it this evening –A- and I off to church at 2 5 – stopt a minute or 2 at the school – Mr. Wilkinson passed us – did all the duty – preached 18 minutes from 2 Tim. ii.8   1 20 hour at Cliff Hill – Mr. S. Washington came – sure there will not be water enough to turn 5 pair of stones – says the wheel would have had 20 horse power had there been 32ft. of fall (diameter = 32 ft. breast = 5ft.) but now that there are only about 28ft. of fall the power will not exceed 17 horse power at full power  - 5 pair of stone will take 20 horse power – there will not be water enough or not more than enough for 15 horse power and if this is all taken for the mill there will be nothing left for the coal – they have more water at Walkerclough mill than there is here – and yet that wheel only working 7 or 8 horse power – but he owned there was bad management about the wheel – But look said he at the mills in the dale above (Shibden dale above) sure I shall not have water enough – home at 5 40 – A- had observed so little time ago that the wine went fast – measured height in the decanter of the contents in the white decanter left by A- at Luncheon – the key is always kept by George or Oddy – the former had had no opportunity of drinking wine this afternoon O- was left at home – Query – had she the key of the cupboard or not? we found more than a full glass of white wine gone – we had not noticed the port – wrote the last 15 lines till 5 50 – wrote and sent by John Booth (Frank was just gone) note to ‘Mr. James Holt High Roydes’ asking him to come tomorrow and bring the written agreement for his engine – if he cannot possibly come tomorrow to come on Tuesday – answer he will come between 9 and 10 am tomorrow – dinner at 6 ¾ - tea in the north parlour and read the newspaper there till 10 – A- asleep on the hearth rug, her sofa not done – (the hair has been re-curled – very bad – from Greenwood – worth about 8d. per lb instead of 1/6 or 1/8) meant to have written letters this evening but somehow it is not too late without sitting up all night – better go to bed and try the event of getting up early – Good day for the country – Gentle rain almost all the day – very little intermission – surely the grass will spring by and by – F38° now at 10 ¼ pm – stood above ½ hour looking into Mr. Harpers’ paper (calculations) respecting the water wheel – 2 acres of men  3ft. deep will contain about 5 ¾ hour’s consumption of water – I think of sending for AG- and being off building the mill if I can -
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